• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 19: Pleasure Doing Business

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Everfree Forest

“I knew it! It’s a moogle!”

Sora exclaimed with excitement, not only because he managed to find it, but what it also meant in the long run, if he assumed his hunch was correct. However this only ended up startling the little guy as he whipped around with stick and started swinging it wildly.

“B-back off, kupo!! I mean it! You beasts will not make a meal out of me, kupo!” Sora had to back pedal from the ‘attack’ as he attempted to calm it down.

“Whoa whoa WHOA! Buddy, relax! I’m not here to-OW!” His muzzle got swiped from the flying stick “That’s it” he grabbed the stick with his mouth and ripped it out of the moogles paws and spitting it to the side “Knock it off!”

The moogle flew back and covered its head “NO Please! I taste horrible! I’m poisonous! You… You’ll get the runs I swear!”

“I said knock it off! No one’s going to eat you!” Sora was getting pretty annoyed by this misunderstanding.

The moogle’s antenna suddenly sprang up and it stopped shivering in fear, but now had a look of confusion. “You… You can speak, kupo?”

Sora sighed “Yes, I can speak and no I’m not going to eat you. Can you stop being scared now-gah!” Now the moogle was latching onto his face. Hugging it with all his might.


Sora sat back on his haunches as he tried to pry the moogle off with his forelegs. “Let… Go… Of my face.” He finally ripped the creature off his face just to see it was already making a sniveling yet relieved face.

“Oh, my apologies, sir. You see, I have been stuck out here in this creepy forest for so long now. So many strange and scary creatures running about I swear, it could make an old man like myself lose a few more years I tell you, kupo.”

Sora had to take a moment to look at that moogle again. this guy is old? Moogles get old? “Right well uh, I’ve actually come here to get you out of this forest before anything-” a yellow and pink blur rushed right passed Sora and snatched up the moogle faster then Sora could react “bad…. Happens…” he turned to his left to see a rather shocked yet familiar Manticore staring past him, he followed the gaze to find the origins of the yellow and pink flash, Little Fluttershy.

The Pegasus was in the air hugging and nuzzling against the moogle “Ooooh, aren’t you just the cutest thing” she giggled “Where did you come from little one? Oh I love that little pom pom on your head, it looks so fluffy.”

Sora decided to answer her question “Uuuh, Fluttershy, that’s who we are looking for, he’s a moogle, he’s from another world like me. Also he’s-”

Suddenly Sora was caught off guard from the “new” voice the Moogle had. “Hello, ma’am! Nice to meet you, thank you for rescuing me, kupo! This place is too scary for little old me” the moogle covered his eyes with his paws and shivered like a scared little kid. Not only that but his voice sounded near childish as well, utterly different than the slightly more gruff one he gave Sora before.

Sora tilted his head, “Ok, what?”


10 minutes later

“You want to set up a Moogle shop in Equestria?” After some explaining and short introductions the moogle had introduced himself as Mogson a merchant looking for a place to set up shop.

“Yup, yup, Mister! I heard from the grapevine that Heartless started showing up in this world, kupo.” Mogson replied in a very innocent and youthful voice.

Sora just looked at the moogle with confusion. Why is he talking like that? I thought he was an old man.

Fluttershy shivered at the mention of heartless and started looking around. “W-why would you want t-to set up a shop in a world with heartless in it?”

“Well as far as I’ve known, Fluttershy, a good way for to get Munny is from defeating heartless.” Sora replied

“M-money?” Fluttershy looked over at Sora with a bewildered look. “Why would heartless have bits on them?

Sora shook his head “No, not bits, Munny, here let me show you” Sora reached into one of his saddle bags and dug around inside it until he pulled out something and held it in front of himself for all to see. “Fluttershy, you ever recall seeing these whenever we’re fighting heartless or after a good fight?

“Oh my, yes actually. They always seem to float towards you when you get close to them though, Sora” Fluttershy was recalling a few snippets in her memory about it.

Thank you, Draw Sora smiled at that. “Well basically this is “Munny, which is spelled M U N N Y, by the way. It’s basically the currency of other worlds right now.

This was when Mogson decided to cut in “He’s right, kupo! I am merchant looking for a place to start my own business. Then I hear rumors about some new world closed off to the rest of the universe now appearing all of a sudden. Now I know full well that means that heartless will definitely want to go to that world and do bad things, and people of that world would fight back and start collecting those wonderful yellow pieces clueless as to what they are, kupo!”

“So you want to want to sell them things for this… Munny?” Sora had by then given the piece of Munny to Fluttershy for her to look at.

“Yes, ma’am!” Mogson gave a salute “of course I won’t just sell any old thing, I sell what’s now most important for your people!”

“What’s most important?” Fluttershy tilted her head

Sora continued “Basically moogle shops sell goods like weapons, accessories, ethers, potions and such to aid in battle. They can also also synthesize even more powerful versions of those things if you keep to collecting materials that heartless would drop.”

“Oh. That sounds very interesting, if not a little dangerous” Fluttershy seemed pretty fine with the idea, however hearing the word “weapons” didn’t sit right with her.

“Wow mister, you sure do know a lot about the moogle shop” Mogson seemed to suddenly act all huffy when Sora was explaining things to Fluttershy before he could “I thought the people here never knew about this stuff.”

This time Fluttershy was the one to answer with a bright smile on her face. “Oh that’s because he’s from another world too! He’s very strong too and wields the keyblade”

“The keyblade?” The moogle looked back at Fluttershy for a moment before looking at the stallion he was glaring at again before shaking his head “Impossible, I think I’d know about a 4 legged Keyblade wielder. Those guys aren’t exactly everywhere nowadays, kupo.” He nodded before seeing flash of light blind him for a moment making reel back in shock, “Whoa!” Only reel even farther in greater form or surprise until he bumped against Fluttershy’s side. “WHAAAAAAAT?!”

There in Sora’s mouth was the Kingdom Key and a somewhat smug look on the Stallion’s face. Heh, that should bring you down a peg.

“Wait! I know that keyblade!” Mogson suddenly flew up to Sora’s face making the boy backpedal from how quick the moogle recovered. He watched the moogle reach into his bag and pull out photos. Then he started flipping through them He then stopped on one in particular “Ah! There it is!” He then pulled said photo out of the stack, then showed it to Sora. It was the picture Sora in his true form along with Donald and Goofy running into battle with their weapons out, from the looks of in the background, it was somewhere in Radiant Garden. “You’re Sora, aren’t you?!”

Sora looked up at him “Uh, yeah, how’d you get that pictu-”

“Oh it makes sense now, kupo” Mogson himself in the head. “I heard rumors that you got some kind of magic clothes that changes how you look! I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re here I guess.

“Hold on, hold on!” Sora raised a hoof toward the moogle. “How’d you get that picture and how do you know me so well?”

Now Mogson was tilting his head slightly “How do I- You’re a keyblade wielder, How can I not know about you!”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy was curious as well as she landed next to Sora. The manticore wasn’t sure what this was all about and opted laying down and taking a breather ignoring the impending lecture he had no care for.

The Moogle cleared his throat “Ok, think of it as a business standpoint, kupo. Moogle shops sell things that aid those that go into combat, more specifically, if it happens to deal with exterminating the heartless. We get are wandering travelers, adventurers, and the occasional refugee who needs supplies just to get from point A to point B. Standard business that makes things stable on our end”

Sora was already in his thinking pose again as he listened to the story. “However, The real bread and butter are Keyblade wielders, kupo!” Mogson spun around in place and somehow was holding a makeshift Kingdom Key from out of nowhere.

“Why is that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Simple ma’am” he smiled then started swinging into the air like he was fighting some invisible foe. “Keyblade wielders Actively look for heartless, or at the very least exterminate on sight!” After making a thrusting motion he then flew over to them holding a paw to the side of his mouth. “Rumor has it that since their keyblades completely destroys those black devils that even more money than normal tends to come out as well.” Mogson then backs off putting his “weapon” away then pulls out a bottle “And when their wallets are lined full of Munny who do they go to for all their heartless fighting needs, kupo?”

“Oh I get it” Sora opened his eyes and hammered one hoof on top of the other. Coming from my experiences, It’s always a breath of relief to find a moogle shop. So I usually tend to splurge on items and synthesize as much as I can.” He then looked up at Mogson. “So that’s like a jackpot for you.”

Mogson nodded “Exactly! You keyblade wielders would spend so much just on potions alone that it could make an old business man retire early, kupo.” There his gruff voice returned for a moment, until he noticed Fluttershy picking up on it and clearing his throat again and that innocent youthful voice was back. “So anyway, we Moogles like to keep a look out for you guys, you’re very good business.” He then sagged a little “Man, I heard there used to be so many of you guys back then too, Now you’re about as rare as finding a unicorn”

Sora snorted, trying to hide the growing smile on his face. Fluttershy meanwhile was confused yet again at what Mogson just said, before it immediately clicked in her head. “Oh but Unicorns aren’t rare here. In fact I’m friends with two of them.”

“Say What?” Mogson looked at the two of them. “Now that I think about it” he flew around them. “You’re both ponies… well he’s disguised as one I know that much” he looked over to Sora who smiled and shrugged. The moogle then turned to Fluttershy “And you have wings and can fly… So then you’re a Pegasus?” When she nodded she placed a paw under his chin. “Pretty small for one, Cuter too.” Fluttershy couldn’t stop her face from turning red after being called cute.

“Well, that’s because she’s a pony. A pony Pegasus” Sora pointed out.

Mogson had to take a moment to soak it all in. “Wow… this world is an interesting one I’ll give you that. Well, so long as they’re good business I suppose it won’t matter.”

Sora thought about it. “I’m sure the guards might be collecting money materials from the heartless back in Ponyville, that mi-”

“Ponyville?... For real?”

Sora sighed “Yeah, I know and it’s not the only town name to get that kind of treatment. As I was saying. I’m sure the guards in town are probably collecting them, and if not, they would now if you’re willing to open your shop up for them as well.”

“Well there’s no reason not to. Anyone willing to buy is welcome in my book.” Mogson gave a curt nod. “Oh, but since this is a new world, I’ll have to pitch my wares I suppose… and I still need a place to sell my wares. My ride here was sort of a one ticket trip, hehe… I at least managed to probably stash my wares, and I still have access to the mognet for future restocking plans… I’m just… sorta…”

“Oh my, that’s right, you’re not from this world. That’s unfortunate, you have no place to go then.” Fluttershy went and gave Mogson another hug… and that crafty old coot was just eating up the attention. For some reason it was really bugging Sora when he would act all young and innocent like that. However, when Fluttershy then stared at him with those big sad eyes, He gave a heavy sigh and gave it some thought for her sake and to be able to buy some potions in the future.

“Hmm… Well, Apparently my house should be done some time today… I guess, until you get things settled… you can stay at my place for a while.” He scratched the back of his head and looked away. Immediately the response was Fluttershy rushing over to hug him this time as well. “Hrrk!”

“He can?! Oh thank you so much Sora, you’re so kind!” Although no one could see it since it was hidden by the hug, Fluttershy’s gem flashed even brighter for a moment.

Sora wasn’t sure how to take this kind of hug, he was used to the “Vigorous” hugs Pinkie always gave him, but this one wasn’t as lung crushing. In absence of that, it actually gave him a moment to really appreciate the meaning of the gesture and he smiled and hugged back “Coming from the Element of Kindness? That must be saying something.”


Town Hall

Half an hour later

After bidding Alex their manticore friend farewell, Sora, Fluttershy, and Mogson had finally exited the forest and went to go speak with the mayor.

During the trip through Ponyville Sora was able to pick up on a few things about Mogson, the old timer seemed to put on the cute and cuddly act whenever there were mares around. He also didn’t seem to be afraid to use it to his advantage as he was sometimes given free snacks from those of the opposite gender. This is the moogle that will be living with me for awhile? He shook his head and walked up to the double doors pushing them open revealing the Mayor inside on the opposite end of the building, reading a parchment.

“Hey, Mayor! I completed a request! Also, I have someone you’d like to meet!”

The mayor lifted her head away from the paper and looked over toward Sora, “Oh, hello Sora! I see you’ve brought along Fluttershy and-” She looked at flying Moogle between Sora and Fluttershy as he was munching on a strawberry a pony gave him earlier. “Oh my, what an adorable creature.”

Sora didn’t even have to look back to know that Mogson was definitely putting on some kind of act for the mayor as well for her to think that. “Uh, yeah, well, he is basically what this “Lyra pony was speaking of in the request” he made his way up to her and pulled out the request for her to take. “He’s actually a creature known as a moogle and he wants to set up a shop in town.”

This was a surprise to the mayor as she accepted the request paper. “Really now? And what is it that he sells?” she noticed the Moogle fly over to them.

“Basically he comes from where I’m from” It was sorta true, but he still wasn’t allowed to tell the civilians who he really was just yet.

“Hello, Mayor lady!” Mogson decided to take it from here. Thankfully before they left the forest Sora managed to make sure he keeps the outer world under wraps out of request for the princesses. “I’m Mogson and like he said, I’m here to set up a moogle shop!”

Sora backed up and headed over to Fluttershy “Well, this might take awhile for those two. I still need to show him to the new home… kind of funny since I haven’t seen the inside of it yet either” he chuckled, only seeing the construction work outside Twilight’s window last night. And again that morning. “If you want you can head back home, sorry you had to get in all that mess, but I really did appreciate your help back there.”

Fluttershy shook her head “Oh no, please don’t be, I just wanted to help the poor thing out of the forest… and help you too.” she had smile on her face but it soon disappeared as memories of the previous fight returned to her mind that smile vanished “I just wish I was more helpful”

She suddenly felt something pat her head. “You know Fluttershy, you’ve been rather negative about yourself, but you’ve done so much already it makes me wonder why you think that”

She couldn’t look up at him “H-how can I not? When those heartless appeared, All I did was hide behind you… All I have been doing was hide behind my friends. I… I don’t want to fight, and… I know I wouldn’t make for a great fighter anyway. I just wish I was useful.” When she finally did look up she noticed Sora’s face was not inch away from her. What came out of her at that moment was the most adorable “eep” he ever heard as she backpedaled with a red face a few steps.

Sora had a stern look on her face. “Alright, none of that, You’re very helpful and you should know it, Fluttershy” his frown then turned into a smile.

“H-huh? What d-do you mean? I haven’t fought anything or-”

“Check it” Sora sat back and lifted up his undershirt showing the bandage from beneath. “Remember that?”

How could she not, She was the one that put those on him, she nodded.

“You really know how to take care of others. Don’t ask me to bandage you, I’ll somehow turn you into a mummy” he laughed which was infectious since it got her to giggle as well.

Fluttershy “Well, I take care of animals, that includes nursing them back to health too… So I guess it’s not all to different from taking care of ponies”

“Well it makes me glad to have you with us, You care about others. Another example: Remember the first day we met and you went to the forest. Then you ran into the heartless for the first time.

Fluttershy wished she could forget that, but nodded anyway.

“When I got there I saw you shielding spike from them, despite not being able to fight.”

She She opened her mouth to speak but closed it after a moment. She nodded her head once again before speaking “I couldn’t let him get hurt”

“Exactly, that’s who you are. You’d never want anyone to get hurt, and would do your best to help those that are.” He pulled his undershirt back down and stood back up. “I feel better knowing you’re around that’s for sure”

Fluttershy did not see that coming, so her face is a pretty could indication of that.

Sora couldn’t help but laugh “What’s with that face? It shouldn’t be surprising, I did say you had your own way of fighting, remember?” A flash of that childish looking grin as he spoke with sincerity “Your kindness to help.”

Surprised again by his words, but this time Fluttershy couldn’t help keep that smile from growing on her face. Whether or not she believed it, Sora did, and so did her friends.


Fluttershy looked up to see Sora staring at something below her neck, “W-what is it?” she looked down to immediately see what the reason, her element was glowing brightly.

“What’s going on?... Is it preparing to fuse?” Sora lifted his hoof to grab at it, but was nearly knocked to the ground when Mogson flew up to them

“Whoa! What’s with your necklace?! It’s all glowy and stu-huh?” The glowing immediately vanished a little after Fluttershy was startled by Mogson’s sudden entrance into the conversation. “Aaawww, Where’d the glow go?”

After regaining his balance Sora glared at Mogson for a moment for his rude interruption before looking back at the gem. With Fluttershy’s permission he tapped it a few times with his hoof, but no effect… He sighed “Well, no good it would seem. Guess whatever triggered it is gone now.” he looked up to the owner “Any ideas on what it could be?”

She only shook her head with look of regret “Sorry, Sora”

“Hey, hey, none of that” he placed a hoof on her shoulder. “We’ll figure it out next time, no point crying over it ok?” When she nodded he looked her in the eyes “Good, then enough with the sad face, alright. I like the happy one better” he shared a smile with her to get her going. It worked, after a second she gave a small one in return but it was enough to satisfy him “Much better”

“Helloooo, I’m still here you know? What was with the glowy effects?” Mogson butted in, much to Sora’s annoyance.

“Ahem, sorry to interrupt you three-” the Mayor decided to trot up to them to bring them back on other important issues “As much as I too am curious about that light show, I would like to take care of some things if you don’t mind.” She looked over at Sora “Sora, seeing as you have completed this request and that I can confirm that, I’ll be sending your pay over first thing in the morning.”

Sora nodded and smiled “Sweet!”

She then gazed at Mogson, “As for you… if what you’re saying is true, it would seem Sora and the guards would make the most of your wares. However, I’m sure the citizens probably picked some up every now and then as well… So I can approve of your Moogle shop placed here in Ponyville. I have some paper’s I’d like you to sign first of course.”

“O-oh, right those” Mogson was a bit embarrassed he momentarily forgot the whole reason he was here. “Um sure, no problem” he then turned to Sora and Fluttershy. “You two mind sticking around for a bit? I’m still new here and all.”

“Oh um, sure, Mogson. I’ll help guide you around after you're done here” Fluttershy said happily before looking at Sora for his answer.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, the front doors swung open with a slam that made everyone nearly jump out of their fur. When they all looked in that direction. Rarity was standing there huffing and and scanning the room until she locked eyes on her target.

“Aha! Found you!” her horn started glowing and Sora was now covered in the same colored aura and lifted from the ground.

“Oh boy”

“My sincerest apologies, darling, but there is no time to lose, it’s an emergency!” Rarity was already turning around and running out the door as Sora helplessly was pulled along.

“Ok, this is kinda weird” was all Fluttershy heard from Sora before he was levitated outside and right behind Rarity. This left the others in silence as they stared out the doorway at the retreating forms in bewilderment.

It took a short while of silence before anyone said anything, Mogson being the one to speak. “Uuuh… What just happened?”


10 minutes later

“Ok, Rarity! I can’t keep guessing forever.” through the whole ride Sora had been trying to get information from the fashionista on what the “emergency” was, which thankfully wasn’t heartless related. It was his first question. The more he asked, the more he lost his sense of urgency of the situation and assumed it wasn’t anything dangerous at all.

However Rarity would keep saying the same thing over and over again that it was lightly getting on his nerves. “You’ll see! I promise!”

‘You’ve been saying that ever since you grabbed me What co-huh?” when he looked ahead he could see her true destination. “Hey isn’t that your house?”

“Home and Fashion Boutique to be precise, dear.” the door glowed the same purple aura and swung open as rarity slowed to a trot with Sora in tow as they went inside. Once they were inside she gracefully set him back down on his hooves but purposely faced him towards the door they just passed.

“Ok Rarity, we’re in your… house boutique, now what?-” When Sora turned around he was rather shocked at what he saw. “Whoa” In front of his view was Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the two of them were wearing outfits that Sora thought he’d never see on them, before.

Starting With Rainbow Dash, her’s was a dark blue Jacket open zipper Jacket somewhat like Sora’s, but without the pauldron like cloth on his shoulder, and longer sleeves reaching just above her hooves, the trims on the sleeves were a gold lightning design wrapping around the edge, the bottom of the jacket reached to just before touching her hind legs.

The back of the Jacket had a rather fierce design depicting a rainbow lightning bolt striking the bottom of jacket and sparks of individual colors of the rainbow flying off and away from the impact site of the bolt. These Designs seem to be made of many different gems as it glittered in the light. To finish off the outfit on the collar, either side of the zipper teeth were rubies in the shape of miniature versions Rainbow’s Element dangling there just like the yellow straps on Sora’s hoodie. Her White undershirt although not as flashy, seemed to compliment the Jacket for its simplicity compared to it.

Finally, Applejack. Her outfit seemed to keep to a theme to match her personality, hat, and lifestyle. Starting with the red neckerchief around her neck it seemed to hold green vine like curls that trailed near the edges of it. A green and white plaid long sleeved cuffed shirt, the back of it was of an entirely different design that resembled closely to a saddle that reached all to just before her tail, but had fringes that came off it and covered the upper parts of her flank. The plaid shirt however did not reach as far as it ended where a pleather edge wrapped around the stomach and looked like it connected to the saddle like back part of the outfit.

To add to this ensemble, She wore shoes on her hind hooves, they seem to be the same material as the saddle part of AJ’s shirt, as they looked more like boots… well the kind of boots for ponies anyway. The bottoms seem to be encased ins some sort of metal, a green strap buckled around the ankle part and at the front was the zipper that reached from the buckle all the way up to the top. The top edge seemed to extend upward away from the top of the zipper as it wrapped around the leg. It definitely looked like boots resembling those a cowboy would wear, but with those metal plating on the bottom they’d do a lot more damage than them if she ever decided to buck something.

Sora must have taken to long to respond for Rainbow’s case since she decided to speak there. “Yo, don’t just stand there with your mouth open, Spiky. How do we look?

Shaking out of his stupor he looked at them again before smiling. “Wow, you guys, really look good in those, like amazing.”

Applejack for a moment seemed to not know how to react to Sora’s response, pulling her hat over her face when she felt her face heat up.

Rainbow expected it, yet for some reason, hearing it from Sora seemed to make her hesitate from bragging. She bragged anyway though “Y-yeah, of course I look amazing. No surprise there.” Although she tried to keep a confident look on her face, she felt a thumping in her chest.

It was at this moment that Rarity proudly trotted past Sora before turning to face him. “Thanks to you Sora a new form of fashion as opened up for me, darling. With so many possibilities. These are two outfits that will belong in a new line of fashion I’ve named personally.”

“Say Hello, to Adventure Chic!”

Author's Note:

Hey guys!

So here's another Chapter for ya. Sorry that it's not as long my average chapter size, this chapter and the next are what I would like to consider as "setting up the dominoes" if you get what I mean. "Setting up for what?" you might ask? Well... how about this:

Place your bets! Place your bets people! Who's gonna level up next! Your intuition is on the line! Can you get inside my head and win this contest?!..... I dunno, :ajsmug: but it sure is fun and interesting to hear your theories and guesses.

Alright, moving on. So yeah! Ponyville's getting a Moogle Shop. Isn't that awesome. But will that be all I wonder.... I mean a smart business would know when and where to 'franchise' after all, am I right? Either way, Mogson seems like he's gonna make things interesting for Equestria. Items, Synthesis, you name it.

Business and goods are always a good way to bring a "closed off" world to the rest of them, don't ya think? :twilightsmile:

:pinkiegasp: : Ooooh, An alternate agenda? How fun!

Indeed! Either way, things may start off small, but it can only grow from here!

Next Chapter: Who say you can't kick flank and look good doing it?

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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