• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Super Late Halloween Special: Show Stopper

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Greetings reader, In light of the holiday spirit, we have decided to take this particular chapter out of chronological order and bring you it now. You might get an early sneak peek at some things yet to be mentioned in the story. Though, don’t expect I’d ruin all the fun that easily and give you too much of a look at them.

Happy Halloween from yours truly,

Mr. Curious Writer


Day of Nightmare Night

In the quaint little town of Ponyville, the citizens and even some of the guard were getting into the Holiday Spirit. Spooky decorations were strung up everywhere, pumpkins were carved out into unique jack o'lanterns, stages and games were getting set up near the town square, and you could see the occasional filly or colt who wanted to wear their costume early.

Sora and Mogson had been getting into the festivities by decorating their house and Mogson’s store with all manner of spooky decorations. “This Nightmare Night doesn’t seem all that different from Halloween you know?” The Moogle said as he was setting up a string of paper bats and jack o’lantern cutouts. “Kinda makes me a little homesick.”

“You celebrated Halloween, Mogson?” Sora turned from his task of carving out the pumpkins, he was in his human form to make his job easier. The pumpkins had simple generic faces, Sora wasn’t an artist and he wasn’t about to ruin things by pushing it any farther then he needed to. So there was a happy looking one, a sad one, and one that looked like it was trying to scare you, yet it only made it look cute in a way.

“Who hasn’t kid? I trick-or-treated too when I was a little tyke.”

“That’s not what I meant, I mean do you still celebrate it now. No offense but when you’re not trying to sell stuff, you can be a bit of a grump.” Sora returned to his pumpkins as he carved out the jagged mouth on the “scary” one.

“You know, I’m getting the feeling that you believe I’m anti social when I’m not behind the counter.” Mogson glared at the boy.

“Or when there are girls around.” Sora replied without missing a beat.

Mogson snorted “Rude.” Sora only shrugged “In anycase, I do enjoy the holidays. I’m not a grouchy hermit.” He then held his head up high. “I always have the best candy to give to the little tykes every year.”

“Self proclaimed I’m sure.” Sora replied as he was working on one of the eyes now. This earned him another glare from the moogle.

“Just you wait! I have special candy straight from Twilight town. Nothing gains admiration from kids quite like New candy!” Mogson spoke proudly as he flew behind the stall counter and struggled with his tiny wings to lift up a crate marked “Special Delivery” on the side of it.

“Wow, you're really going all out for this if your shipping candy from another world… and giving it away for free.” Sora gazed at the crate as Mogson carried it over toward the front door. He smiled, “Guess you really are in the holiday spirit.”

“What’s this about about candy?” A familiar voice called from behind, one Sora confirmed as Spike but what he got when he turned to face him was a another Jack o’lantern… however he didn’t recall carving that one, and it was larger the the other ones he’d worked on. Suddenly the pumpkin rose to it’s purple feet that appeared below it and two stubby arms popped out of horizontally opposite sides of it. Finally the stem part popped open to reveal that adorable dragon head with a smile on its face.

“Spike? NIce costume there, I actually thought you were an extra pumpkin we had.” Sora got up and made his way over to the dragon.

“You really think so? I made it all by myself too! When Twilight and I were looking for pumpkins, I found this one that was about my size, so I carved it out and-”

Sora took a knee to reach Spike’s level but then held his hand up. “Hold on, hold on… Carve? Spike, is that an actual pumpkin?”

“Of course, I’m going for the most realistic costume, and how much more realistic can you get then the actual thing itself!” He immediately demonstrated by “turtling” his head and limbs back into the pumpkin, masterfully using his costume to disguise himself as but a simple halloween decoration.

Sora tilted his head “Well, you got me there, and Nightmare Night is tonight so you don’t have to worry about your costume rotting for today.”

“Yeah, I’m definitely gonna outdo that bony guy I saw earlier today!” Spikes head popped up and wore a more determined look on it.

“Bony guy?” Sora raised an eyebrow

“Yeah, there is this really super tall, super thin guy who looks like if he was your skeleton, but super tall and stuff, he was wearing this black suit with thin white stripes too.”

Sora just stared at him in disbelief Wait? Jack? Jack is here in Equestria? No way! He then shook his head. “Spike? Do you know where this guy is right now?”

Spike was confused as to why Sora was getting so excited but complied anyway. “Uh, yeah, Twilight spoke with him, he sounded like he was lost and stumbled onto our town. Twilight took him over to the Town Hall to help him out. We think he bumped his head or something while in his costume, cuz he seems to think he actually is a walking talking skeleton. Personally I think it’s just a Minotaur or something that got an experienced unicorn to transform him for the holiday.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet.” Sora looked away. “Mogson, I’m taking off, you got everything covered?!”

“What? Going to go get your costume from Rarity or something? Fine, fine, it’s better this way anyway, I only needed you for the pumpkin carving. Decorating only requires one mind anyway.” Mogson waved him off.

Man, he is really getting into this Sora thought, before reaching into his pocket, pulling out another clear bead and biting into it. Huh… no pain this time… am I getting used to this now? He then booked it down the street toward town hall.


Town Hall

Sometime later

The trip to town hall was a relatively short one as citizens would stop what they were doing to watch the Keyblade wielder using flowmotion to practically fly though the more condensed neighborhood blocks and land right in front of the doors. By the time he reached them the doors had already swung open and he was knocked onto his back with his attackers now lying on top of him, crumpled and tangled in their own limbs. “Ooof! Twilight? Mayor? What was that for?” He struggled to sit up before Twilight grabbed his face with her hooves.

“Sora! I’m so glad you’re here, th-th-that pony, it isn’t a pony, It-it-it-it’s”!

The mayor eloquently finished what was on Twilight’s mind for her. “A Walking Skeleton! A Monster!”

The moment he managed to get up and Twilight finally let go of his face, the two girls hid behind him. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” He said calmly as he stepped into the building. No sooner than had he gotten one foot through the doorway did he manage to get a good look at the so called monster looking around the area. Tall. Thin. Nothing but bones and a suit. That’s him alright. “Jack! It really is you!”

The tall figure turned to face Sora, his face changing from a look of pondering to that of joy. “Ah Sora! Is that you?” He only needed a few steps to meet up with the boy before walking around him. “I must say, you look a lot more… alive than you usually do?” He then peered at Sora’s mouth. “And your fangs are nowhere to be seen, nor that rather fetching pumpkin eyepatch you had going for you.” He crossed his arms and used one hand to rub the chin area of his skull, looking at Sora with a scrutinizing gaze.

Sora could only laugh. “This is what I really look like jack, my clothes change what I look like when I enter certain worlds. Remember how my outfit suddenly changed when we went over to Christmas town?”

A lightbulb clicked in Jack’s head. “Ah, I see! A rather useful garment. If I had such clothing perhaps it would be of great use in next year’s Halloween planning.” Before he could go deeper into his brainstorming, he turned to ask. “So I take it in this world you’re free to be who you really are?”

Sora chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “Actually… not quite…. Some things happened when I first entered this world and-” A flash of light engulfed Sora, the light’s height diminished and broadened until finally it dissipated and in front of Jack was a spiky haired pony wearing a smaller version of Sora’s jacket and necklace as he rubbed his mane with his hoof. “And now I’m stuck in this form.”

Jack was taken aback by this. “My word, a most peculiar predicament. Trapped in an adorable little horse body?”

“Pony actually.” A third voice said from behind Sora. Both of them looked to see Twilight’s head peek out to correct Jack, but the moment the Pumpkin King laid eye sockets on her, her head zipped back behind cover along with an adorable “Eep!” that could give Fluttershy’s a run for its bits.

Sora could only shake his head. “Jack, what exactly did you do get them so jittery about you? From what he heard before I got here they thought you were just another resident of a nearby town wearing a magical disguise.”

Jack took a moment to ponder that question as his bony finger scratched the top of his skull. “That’s something I’m not quite sure of myself, during the exchange of information I hadn’t yet told them where I came from, not that I wasn’t going to tell them mind you.” He then took off his head and used this ability to look at himself for a moment. “Ah, I thought I took care of that.” Using this new perspective he straightened out a wrinkle in his suit before putting it back on. “Perhaps it was my attire, when I arrived here I took a bit of a tumble and I’m still finding dirt, wrinkles and such.”

Sora blinked. “Were you checking your clothes during the conversation?”

Jack blinked but nodded. “Why yes, I was, in fact it was just moments before they started screaming and running out the door. Which by the way were wonderful screams. They sounded rather… innocent?... Naive?... What would be the right term?”

“Well case closed there.” Sora sighed before looking back at the doorway. “You guys can come back in now. I promise, nothing dangerous will happen.” At first there was no response, before finally two familiar snouts peeked into view, then a wary eye from each of them as well.

“Twilight, Ms. Mayor, allow me to properly introduce my friend Jack Skellington, from Halloween Town.”

At this Jack gave a simple bow. “Charmed, ladies. You may also refer to me as the Pumpkin King if you’d like.”

…..Both Twilight and the Mayor looked on at the two for a few seconds, before looking back at each other. Twilight’s memory did recall Sora talking about having adventures with this Jack fellow before, so she eventually broke the silence. “Sora… you certainly have... a wide range of friends.”

Sora just gave a big grin, sitting on his haunches with his hooves behind his head. “Yeah, it’s awesome, right?” As both Twilight and the Mayor entered, the questions and explanations began. However, one big question on Sora’s mind interrupted everyone’s conversation. “Jack, how did you even get to Equestria? Do you have a gummi ship now?

Jack simply shook his head. “Afraid not, Sora. I came here through a strange door from that place again.”

“Strange door?” Sora tilted his head for a moment then folded his forelegs and thought about it. Then a flash image from his memory reminded him. “Oh, you mean the doors on those trees right? The ones that take you to other holidays?” After seeing Jack nodding he then gave him a smirk. “Jack, you weren’t trying to take over another holiday again were you?”

“Of course not! I learned my lesson from before and Halloween is my true calling. However I admit that I have been visiting the other holidays to look for more out of the box ideas for next year’s Halloween. I already have everything set up for this year, and since everyone in town has rehearsed their part down to a T, it gave me some extra free time to do more research. However on my way back to those doors a thought occurred to me,” Jack held up a bony finger, “what if there is more to it.”

“More to what?” Twilight asked. She and the Mayor were still a little skittish of Jack, but they were a lot better than earlier. So when he looked at her, Twilight merely stiffened under his gaze.

“Why more to those doors in the Hinterlands than just the Holiday lands I’ve discovered of course! There were many more trees just like the ones holding these doors, so who’s to say that there weren’t even more doors further in just waiting to be found! So that’s just what I did. After some walking, I came across another ring of trees with doors on them. The most fascinating thing about each of the doors is that they is they had some depiction relating to ho-oh yes, uh ponies I believe you called yourselves.” At her nod he continued. “So you could imagine my excitement of exploring unknown Holidays.”

Sora blinked. “Wait, so you got here through one of those doors?”

“Precisely, a rather splendid looking one depicting a moon and some ominous looking pony with cat eyes and a jagged toothed smile. Simply splendid design if you ask me, like a home away from home.“ Jack then looked out the window. “A little tame, but the spirit of Halloween is still there, I can feel it.”

“Uh actually, Mr. Skellington, was it?” The Mayor interjected… and jumped a little when he turned in her direction. “We don’t celebrate this “Halloween” you speak of. Rather this night we celebrate Nightmare Night.”

“Nightmare Night?” Jack asked, his curiosity evident from his expression, before he would look outside again. “Of course, I did go through a new door so this has to be a holiday all on its own. But the similarities are rather striking.” He watched two colts dressed in costume pass by the city hall.

“Yeah I know the feeling, they even trick or treat too.” Sora trotted up next to him and stared out the window.

“I see, well I’ve come here to research, so I would definitely love to know more of this Nightmare Night.”

“O-oh, uh, splendid then!” The Mayor perked up. “We would also be more than happy to have another of Sora’s distinguished guests in our town on this day, and Twilight here is friends with Princess Luna as well.”

“I see, I’m not sure what being friends with royalty has to do with the holiday, but I am more then grateful for such hospitality.” Jack gave a polite bow.

Twilight and Sora simply smiled before the purple mare spoke up. “Well, if you don’t mind a trip to the library I can set everything up for you to meet her and point out a few books that you could read about it. Right this way, Mr. Skellington.” She then turned and trotted her way out of the building, followed by the two boys.

“Oh please, you can just call me Jack.”


Path to the Library


The walk to the library felt longer than usual as Twilight did her best to explain everything she could off the top of her head about the holiday, which was basically what everypony knew about it. Jack had been listening rather intently, as was Sora, though seeing as he had already learned about it before he would tune in and out every now and then. Halfway through their walk they managed to run into Spike who was on his way over to Town Hall in order to see what had gotten Sora all riled up when he left. Greetings and introductions were exchanged and Spike ended up sending off a letter to the Princesses at Twilight’s request.

“So you really are nothing but bones?” Spike looked at Jack with amazement.

“Bones in a suit, it would be rather unbecoming of me if I just walked around in the nude.” Jack stated.

“Well what’s wrong with that?” Spike asked, not understanding the situation.

Twilight… knew all too well what that meant as her cheeks heated up immediately. Sora simply tried to pretend that something over on his right was the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. It was moments like these where after her time in the 100 Acre Wood Twilight would suddenly feel more comfortable with her adventure chic outfit and a skirt or pants. “Ahem, how about we leave that question unanswered for now. I’ll explain it to you later Spike.”


Lightning struck behind the group causing the ponies and dragon of the group to jump and yell before whipping their head back. The saw Jack looking behind himself as well searching for something, before then looking up. “Well, what odd weather you have here in Equestria, that small cloud seems to be our culprit considering it’s the only one around for miles… and flying rather low to the ground I might add.”

When the 3 looked up to see the cloud, their bewilderment quickly changed to annoyance for Twilight and Spike, and a cocky smirk from Sora as they called out in unison. “Rainbow Dash!”

Laughter could be heard above them before they saw a blue pegasus roll off the side of the cloud holding her sides. She dropped a few feet before her wings caught her in the air and she hovered down to their level. “HAHAHAHA! You guys should’ve heard your screams! It was hilarious!”

“Very funny Rainbow.” Twilight deadpanned.

“You know I’m gonna have to get you back for that now.” Sora said with a determined look on his face.

“You can try Spiky.” Rainbow pointed a hoof at him with the same look on her face. That was when she finally noticed the tall thin guy next to them. “And what are you suppose to be?”

“Ah yes, of course. Hello I am Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King at your service.” He held out his bony hand toward the pegasus, to which she looked at suspiciously before slowly holding out her hoof to shake it. The guy sounded way too formal for her, probably right up Rarity’s alley, which reminded her tha- suddenly his hand popped off when she grabbed it.

“Wha?” It then immediately came to life and started crawling up her foreleg. “EEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” She frantically shook her foreleg to get it off, but even once she did the brief memory of it quickly crawling up to her face scared her stiff. “W-w-w-what just h-happened?”

Sora just laughed and rolled around on the floor. Her face was priceless. Spike was doing much the same, but his round costume just made him roll around in a circle as his stubby limbs struggled to get him back to his feet. Twilight just gave a smirk of her own back at Rainbow. “Gee Rainbow, you should’ve heard the scream YOU made. It was hilarious.”

This got her a glare from the weather pony before said glare turned to a look of fear and fake bravado toward the tall bone man in front of her, who was currently picking up his hand that had obediently crawled to him and attached it back to his wrist. “W-w-who is this guy?”

“I believe he’s already told you.” Sora stated causing Rainbow to glare at him for his wisecrack. Having been fused with Sora, she could easily tell when he was just being a smart aleck with her. Sora laughed some more before finally speaking. “Rainbow, this is my friend. You remember from my stories about Jack from Halloween Town? Not the pirate.”

It took a few moments before Rainbow nodded as her brain pulled up that bit of memory. “Wait, that’s the guy?!” She whipped her head back towards Jack who simply smiled and bowed.

“Master of screams, at your service.”

Rainbow seemed to be thinking of something. “Sora said that you run preparations and even perform on your holiday, uuuh, Halloween right?”

“That is correct.” The moment he answered Rainbow was up in his face.

“You’re perfect then!” She exclaimed, confusing him and the others.

“Perfect for what exactly?” Twilight asked.

“Oh right! I just came from Zecora’s since I was gonna help her and Luna give a frightful show for everyone here in town-”

“Wait, what? I didn’t hear about this?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at the absurdity of not being informed of everything.

“Well duh! It was gonna be a surprise the whole town. A whole spooky spectacular with creepy vibes and scares of all kinds. But when I went over to Zecora’s place, there was a note saying that she left due to something she called “urgent” then a buncha rhymes about how she’s sorry and she’ll make it up next year and yadda yadda, you get the point.” Rainbow circled her hoof to indicate she just skimmed it for what she considered were important parts.

“So then what happens to the show now?” Sora asked.

“He happens!” Rainbow pointed to Jack who was now putting two and two together.

“Well this is a first.” He said as he scratched his chin.

“Rainbow you can’t just ask him to do that, he doesn’t even know what this Holiday is about!” Twilight stomped her hoof at her friend’s rudeness.

Sora turned to Jack. “It’s basically halloween, but a little bit on the softer side. Twilight and Luna can give you a crash course on the lore if you need it.”

“Sora!” Twilight whipped back at the stallion. “You can’t just push this issue on your friend!”

“Actually, he’s liking the idea.” Sora pointed up to Jack who seemed to be smiling, plotting something.

“Indeed, if you need assistance, I’d be more than happy to help.” Jack struck a triumphant pose. “I love a good challenge!” He then turned to Twilight. “Let us meet with this Luna posthaste, Twilight.” And just like that he was already on the move. “Preparations and rehearsals must be made! Gather your friends! The more help the better!” He didn’t give any of them any time to say anything.

“W-wuh!? Wait! You still don’t know where the Library is!” Twilight ran after him.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Spike struggled and barely managed to get to his feet and “waddled” after the two of them.

Sora watched them go when suddenly a red gem floated in front of him. “Hm?” It was shaped like a lightning bolt. He turned to Rainbow who had a big grin on her face.

“You heard him, we gotta get moving, chop chop!” He was afraid her face was gonna break if that smile got any bigger”

…He just chuckled and shook his head. “Right…” He took the gem.




The Library was packed now. The girls were all gathered, along with the Crusaders. Even Granny Smith was there, though no one was sure how exactly other than her claim that she was following the “whippersnappers” all they way there. Things got even more interesting when Princess Luna finally arrived via chariot. “Greetings, I came as soon as I received the letter. So, Zecora will not be able to make it this year for Nightmare Night?”

“I’m afraid not Princess.” Twilight bowed to her as well as the other ponies in the room, Sora barely remembering to do it, while Spike’s bow ended up with him tipping over and unintentionally rolling away. Jack, out of politeness, gave a bow as well. “However, we may have come up with a last second solution.” She said as she rose up again with a nervous smile on her face.

“Oh? Pray tell, what would that be?” Luna raised an eyebrow before looking over in Jack’s direction. “I assume it would involve this gentlecolt that stands before us.”

Jack gave yet another bow to introduce himself. “Indeed so, your majesty. My name is Jack Skellington, Pumpkin King and event planner for my Holiday, known as Halloween.”

“Hall-oh-ween?” Luna sounded out the word. “I’m afraid I am not familiar with such a holiday.”

Sora waved it off. “We expected as much your highness, he’s actually a friend of mine from another world. He comes from Halloween Town. my home world and most other worlds I’ve been to celebrate it, but his town is where the holiday gets it’s… I guess you would call it it’s energy and Spirit from as it sends out to us on that day.

“That was... rather informative, Sora?” Twilight looked at Sora with wide eyes as well as a few other of the girls. “You’re pretty well cultured with other worlds.”

Sora smiled. “Well when you’ve been world hopping as much as I have you tend to pick things up… but mostly that explanation came from Merlin. Somehow he KNEW this very discussion was going to happen and stuffed this note in my bag.” He pulled out a folded up piece of paper, when it was unraveled Merlin’s handwriting could be seen on it.

“How does he do that?” Rainbow looked at the paper suspiciously.

Sora put the paper away once everyone got a good look at it. “Anyways, Jack here would be the perfect guy to set up an event for you here since Zecora couldn’t make it.”

Luna looked at Jack curiously. “Do you know anything about this Holiday, Sir Jack?”

“Oh please, just Jack is fine your majesty,” he then nodded, “and I believe I’ve been given the gist of the holiday, we’re actually here so that you and Twilight can give me the lore of it as well. I believe I may be able to rehash an older preformance I directed in my town from years ago, and it should go perfectly with a few changes here and there.” He then looked over at everyone else in the room. “And you all can help out!”

“Yeah!” The Crusaders were jumping around excitedly as they cheered together. “We get to be in a show!”

“Oh not just any show, young ones. A True Spectacular!” Jack thrusted out his arms to emphasize it.

“Well you certainly are… Ambitious.” Luna replied with a concerned look. “Are you sure you’ll be able to come up with something on such short notice?”

“If Santa can do it, why can’t I?”

“What?” Luna asked she had vague memories of the name from Sora’s story telling.

“Long story, I’ll explain it to you later if you’re interested.” Sora waved it off.

“I don’t suppose ya happen ta have a part even fer’ little old me, feller?” Granny Smith stepped forward, if not a little shaky on her hooves.

“Oh definitely, I have the perfect spot for you madame. However, my question is where to find the right outfits for you all on such short notice.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “I believe I can handle that, I do have a long line of costumes prepared for potential customers that could not find the time to make their own. Perhaps there are costumes in there that would suit your needs. And of course I still have my friend’s own costumes waiting as well.”

“Ah, splendid madame.” Jack politely nodded to her. “If the costumes are taken care of, all that leaves is to learn a little history and perform rehearsals.”

“Speaking of friends, has anyone seen Fluttershy?” Sora brought up as he looked around.

The mares sighed in unison before Rarity spoke. “Again? I made a special costume just for her.”

“Again… I don’t get it, Rainbow and I told her to come here. Where would she be?” Sora asked.

The girls looked at Rainbow with unamused looks.

“...What?!” She replied as she backed up alittle.

Applejack spoke. “Sora, did ya mention Nightmare Night when speakin’ with Flutters?”

“Uuh, yeah, wanted her to at least know what was going on.” Sora couldn’t pick up what this was all about.

The girls stares at rainbow intensified as Twilight spoke. “Really, Rainbow? You were with him the whole time yet never mentioned anything to him when you found her?”

Rainbow looked away rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish grin. “W-well, you know how I get distracted and stuff and-”

“You fused didn’t you?” Twilight deadpanned and the other girls replied.



“Yuppers, Twily.”

Twilight just glared at her. “Rainbow, fusing is not some sort of toy! It is a tool to aid us in fighting the heartless and not just some power you can use whenever you want!” She then pointed at Sora causing him to flinch in response. “And you! You’re the Keyblade Bearer! Shouldn’t you show more restraint and set a good example for future bearers?”

Sora seemed to don the same sheepish pose and expression as Rainbow now. “W-well, it was useful this time?”

“How?! Rainbow could’ve handled finding the girls herself, the fuse was utterly unnecessary!” Twilight replied.

“I uh, think we’re getting off topic here, um, why wouldn’t Fluttershy be here if I told her what we were doing tonight?” Sora tried to change the subject.

On reminder of their friend their looks softened a little as Rarity answered. “Sora, dear… Fluttershy isn’t exactly the most… enthusiastic pony about this holiday. Honestly she’d skip the night entirely if we let her.”

“She’s scared of Nightmare night?” Sora pieced it together. “I guess I can’t say I’m surprised, but she’d be missing on all the fun.”

“We agree with ya sugarcube, and we’d like nothin’ more than ta go over to her home and convince her, but it seems like we have sumthin’ bigger ta deal with right now.” Applejack gestured to Luna and Jack.

“Oh.. Right…” Sora was a little bummed by this, he was hoping to spend this holiday with all of his Equestrian friends, but the absence of his first one kinda dampered his mood a bit…. He then had an idea. “Jack, is my part really complicated?”

Jack thought for a moment. “Not particularly, especially with this world’s strange magic involving music. It’s the choreography and entrances that has me concerned.”

“Could you work on the song until I get back, then the we can deal with the acting part?”

“I don’t see why not, we would need to construct the song to cater to denizens of this town anyway after all.”

“Great!” He then turned to Rarity. “Rarity, you mind if I grab my costume for myself?”

“Uh- Well, I don’t see why not? It’s in the lobby hung up with the rest of the costumes, dear.” The moment she finished the sentence, Sora was already out the door.

“Thanks a bunch, be back soon!” He dashed down the road.


Time moves on and the holiday begins at Sundown

Ponyville, Nightmare Night Statue

The night kicked off well, ponies all over town enjoying the holiday with food, drink, games, dancing and socializing. Even the guard were sent special armor to up the “spooky” factor and took the roll of undead guards looking for naughty little foals to take with them to Tartarus, It definitely kept any potential pranksters on their toes. (Save for Rainbow, she got a free pass for that night) and was a welcomed addition to the spooky festivities since, oddly enough, they got well into character.

Of course like every Nightmare Night, the mayor called for all the young ones that were still new to the holiday or just wanted to enjoy the experience to be sent over toward the statue of Nightmare Moon. This time however, even the parents and older ponies were allowed to join when the mayor claimed that this year’s event was far different than the others.

As they arrived escorted by the undead guards, some of them were questioning about where Zecora was or why there was nothing there other than the statue. The guards said nothing and simply stared at the statue, however the moment it’s eyes started glowing the guards simply bowed towards it, causing the citizens to gaze back at the statue.

And boy did they ever regret that, as rising from behind the statue was a tall, thin, bipedal creature wearing a striped suit. It was Jack, however they didn’t know him so that just gave them all a rather uneasy feeling as he spoke. “Greetings and salutations my most valued guests on this night of nights.” He casually stepped around the statue and gave a bow. “I bring tidings from another town in another world that would find this particular night most welcoming to my kind.”

“W-wait, then y-you’re like, one of those aliens, like that Sora guy?” One of the ponies, who was dressed as a superhero, stiffened up when the bone man approached him.

Jack simply nodded. “Indeed, Jack Skellington is the name,” he stood back and by some amazing parlour trick pulled out a small jack o’lantern with a look of horror carved into it from out of nowhere onto his palm with a flick and twirl of his bony wrist, “Pumpkin King,” he then immediately crushed it into pieces and let said pieces fall as they may onto the ground and even on a few of the little ones that immediately backed away from the display, “and master of terror.” He nonchalantly shook the hand free of any pulpy debris left behind on it, before turning toward the ponies. “My empty dead heart goes out to your usual host Zecora as she could not make it this year. However, I am a firm believer that the show MUST GO ON! Therefore, I have decided on a little… cultural exchange from my town to yours, since our most favorite holiday holds several similarities to this one.”

“No offense Mr. uh… Skelly-ton sir,” a little filly dressed as a tree spoke up, “but what does someone from another world know about nightmare night?” Jack looked toward the girl and leaned down to her level. Her legs locked up and her pupils turned into pinpricks as all she could do was stare up at his hollow eye sockets.

“Very astute of you, my dear. You would have been right. Since I just arrived on this world I indeed should know very little of it. However, is this not a world that holds the magic of friendship as an important force in life?” He stood back up and turned away thrusting his hands out to the heavens.

Off hiding in the trees, Luna and Twilight nodded as their horns started glowing, that was their cue to start the show.

“So that’s exactly what I did!” Jack spoke again. His audience were confused at first when suddenly by the statue, something started rising from the ground, a hoof… two hooves, they then pushed off against the ground so that their owner could rise from the earth. Out popped it’s head, a spiky haired vampire-like Stallion with a menacing looking jack o’ lantern eyepatch, as it pulled itself out of the hole it made spreading it’s bat wings from his gothic styled jacket. And he wasn’t alone. Far behind him other hooves dug out of the ground from around the statue, showing up as others seemed to appear from out of the forest or even up above the night sky. “I made friends.”

Ghosts and ghouls started surrounding the guests as the guards turned to join the surrounding creeps and freaks while the Vampire Stallion stepped forth and stood alongside Jack. the visitors were now bunched together, the older ponies hiding the children behind their own shaking legs.

And then it began.

Voices from the crowd around them started to sing, in a low tone, yet giving off an unsettling feeling in their stomachs

“Colts and Fillies of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?”

Both jack and the Vampire stallion stepped forward offering their hoof and bony hand to them as they sang.

“If you’re looking for a fright
Be our guest on Nightmare’s Night”

Then the ghouls sang the the chorus inching ever closer towards the group.

“This is Nightmare Night, dark queen full of spite
Ponies flee and hide from her sight”

Suddenly a pink happy looking ghost pony appeared from the the middle of the guests thrusting her arms out singing while scaring the group into scattering towards the circle of monsters and ghouls that surround them so.

“Here comes Nightmare Moon, guiding you into your doom.
If you're careless, she'll lead you to your tomb.”

The monsters didn’t have to do much to get the group to flee from them as they continued to sing. They simply reached out or even pounced only to fail and cackle at their fleeing prey.

“It's her time, hold your candy tight
Pray you live through Nightmare’s Night”

At this point most of the visitors were huddled toward the statue looking in all directions except behind them, or at least they were until a tall shadow was seen looming over them. When they turned Jack was standing on the head of the statue with a sinister smile on his face. He then hunched down, placing a hand on the statue and holding the other hand out in a claw like position as if he was ready to pounce on them. His voice changing into a far darker yet shrieking voice.

She rises from the night just over your head,
Teeth ground sharp as you lie in your bed”

He made a fast dramatic motion like he was about to jump them, causing the group to unwittingly back up until the one in the back bumps into something which caused the rest to bump into him and each other. When they looked back they noticed that stallion again, his eye aglow and his grin giving them an uncomfortable view of his fangs.

“But on this night her power does rise
To gobble up ponies and bring their DEMISE!”

As he shouted the last word the group scattered, fleeing in terror but could only run in circles avoiding the other ghouls of the night who simply sang the chorus.

“This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!”

A rather large zombie looking Stallion approached, his size scaring the guests stiff and causing them to back peddle. He said nothing, for the jack o’ lantern on it’s back handled that as it suddenly sprouted arms and legs then stood on the Stallion’s back. The scary face carved in it then started to move and speak in a young yet creepy voice.

“On this night, where we thrive
Your only goal is to survive”

The pumpkin cackled as the zom-pony hobbled towards the group causing them to back pedal enough for Jack to land in between them, arms spread wide with a menacing grin on his face as he picked up where the pumpkin left off, though the guests didn’t stay very long for his singing.

“On this night, don't we love it now?
Everypony's waiting for the next surprise”

On both sides of the fleeing group the pink ghost pony, and now a frankenstein’s monster like mare with a stetson caught up with them and using their fear lead them in another direction as they sang a duet.

“Over there in the bush, waiting for an ambush
Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll-”

As they reached said bush a rainbow maned Were-Pegasus popped out, clawed hooves out stretched, yellow fangs bared as she yelled causing all their legs to lock up in fright.

“Scream! This is Nightmare Night
Your fears are her delight”
Aren't you scared?”

As the beast slowly crept toward them singing it’s lines, the group went for a retreat only to be stopped when an old green witch pony on a broomstick swooped down from above causing them all to duck as she picked up the song while circling them.

Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take the chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night”

As the Witch finally flew away they thought they had a moment's reprieve only to be reminded of the Were-Pegasus behind them as it growled out the next line.

“Everypony scream, everypony scream”

The beast was then joined by the Ghost, Franken-mare and Witch as they all held sinister looking smiles and sang in unison.

“trapped within a poisoned dream”

As the song continued an ominous dark cloud started moving about the fiends and touching some of the guests on their hooves making them jump.

“She moves on the prowl to have pony on her plate
Wear a disguise to avoid this fate”

At one point the cloud would stop and form up on a group of the guests that decided to huddle together. It then started take shape of a large, sinister looking alicorn, with sharp teeth bared.

“But when she does catch you in her sight
Offer her candy lest she eat you tonight”

The ponies didn’t hesitate to dump out their candy toward the cloud, and when the ominous mist went over and took them the ponies saw that as a chance to flee while she was distracted. The cloud then shot into the air and swirled before it dissipated rapidly to reveal Nightmare Moon in all her terror, her wings spread out as the moon rested right behind her. She then sang in an ominous echo for all to hear.

“For I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright”

She then proceeded to fly above them while circling the scene, causing more dread to fill the ponies below as the ghouls sang the chorus.

“This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!”

Over on the other end of the area more ponies were still running about to keep away from the monsters. Somehow two of the young ones, one with a tiara on her head and the other with a spoon on her flank, ended up crashing into each other. After a few moments of being in a daze they caught a glimpse of three little undead fillies creeping slowly toward them, their faces devoid of emotion.

“Sweet young faces everywhere
We’ll distort them with a good scare”

At the word scare some sort of magic altered their faces to make them look like ravenous little zombies. The two fillies nearly wet themselves as they screamed and ran in terror. Those three undead ponies seemed to enjoy that moment more then one would expect they would. Landing in front of those two screaming girls was the spiky haired vamp-pony again, causing them to skid to a stop.

“That's our job, but we don’t bite
That’s reserved for the queen of fright”

Upon his words, those girls took off once again. Jack proceeded to stand up tall from his position and sing out loud.

On this Night”
“Don't we love it now?”

The ghouls joined in with him from all over the area.

“Everypony's waiting for the next surprise”

As they sang the visitors were once again reminded of the “star” of this holiday as her shadow was cast over them before diving toward them.

“Nightmare Moon might slip into your room,
And scream like a banshee
Make you jump out of your skin!”

Nightmare Moon landed and gave a menacing shriek that caused the group to scream in response and try to get away, but at this point the monsters had finally enclosed all the guests, laughs and growls coming from all around as they continued.

“Here comes Nightmare Moon, everypony scream
Won’t you please make way for a very special gal”

This had the group return their gaze on Nightmare Moon who simply held her head high and casually strolled through them, easily making the group part in an attempt to keep their distance from her. Her wings tucked in and a dark grin formed on her face.

“Nightmare Moon is queen of the darkened sky
Everypony kneel to the Lunar Queen now

As they continued singing she finally stopped dead ahead of the group.

“This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night
Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night! Nightmare Night!”

Once again the three undead fillies appeared from three different positions as they weaved passed the terrified guests till they were at the forefront between them and the dark Alicorn, where they alone sang the final verse

“All your fears make her strong
Please take heed to Nightmare’s song”

That was when her wings stretched out and a swirling wind surrounded her as well as some dark mist, and even bats flying around her. She gazed upon the starry sky and laughed maniacally, striking fear in the hearts of the guests as the monsters all around them chanted

“La, la, la, la-la la, la, la, la-la la, la, la, la-la la, la-la la, Wheeeeeee!”

The song ended with sinister laughter from all directions as the guest finally noticed an opening of escape as some of the ghouls seemed to have moved to the side showing a complete view of Ponyville. None of the ponies bothered to question it and high tailed it out of there.

Jack stood in front of the statue and was soon joined by the vamp-pony stallion. “Hahaha! That went splendidly everyone! Good work to you all!” He cheered all the monsters for their hard work. Meanwhile in the woods, Twilight who was in hiding finally released the magic she was holding with a sigh of relief. Immediately all the monsters, as well as “Nightmare Moon” seemed to have immediately transform into… far less scarier versions of themselves, some even just down right cute. In mere seconds they were now guards and ponies in costumes once again.

“Gotta say Jack, for such short notice, you really handled this event well.” The Vamp-Stallion spoke with Sora’s voice, his appearance didn’t seem to have changed.

“I must agree.” Nightmare Moon, now Princess Luna, trotted her way over to the two. “This was a most unique experience.” She looked back at Ponyville. “I only hope we didn’t go too far in our acting.” She spoke with concern.

“It’s ok Princess, It was all in good fun and in time they’ll figure that out as well.” Sora tried to lessen her fears. “Being scared on this holiday is part of the fun after all.”

“Yes, I do recall learning that lesson last time I celebrated this night here.” Luna then smiled. “Very well, I trust your judgement on this dear Sora and Jack.“ She gave a slight bow of her head toward them before turning to everyone else in the opening. “Thank you all, everypony for your hard work in making this event possible. I can safely say that it was a complete success!” Cheers were heard all around. Once they calmed down she continued. “With tonight’s event concluded, I wish you all a wonderful Nightmare Night. Please, enjoy the rest of the holiday! You are dismissed!” Upon hearing those words ponies bowed to her before laughing and chatting as they made their way back to town, leaving behind Sora, Jack, Luna, the girls, Granny, the crusaders, Spike, and even Big Mac.

“That was the best!” Pinkie was bouncing in place once again, no longer a pink transparent spirit but now in white make up and ghost like cloth wrapped around her.

“Yeah hahaha, It’s like a show AND a Prank!” Rainbow replied hoof bumping the Pink Mare. She was in a cute wolf costume. “Can we do this again next year?!” She looked pleadingly at Jack and Luna. “We can even get Zecora involved in it as well!”

Both the Princess and Pumpkin King looked at the pegasus, then to each other. The Princess spoke. “As wonderful as that sounds, I feel that it should be Sir Jack’s decision. He is not obligated to do so, in fact I must apologize that a guest from another world had to get involved in our affairs.” She then gave a more apologetic looking bow towards Jack.

“Oh come now Princess, creating “Scare-taculars” such as this is as easy as breathing… Well not that I breathe anyway, but you get my gist.” He bowed in return. “I would be more than happy to help with next year’s Nightmare Night, if you’ll have me. And please, just Jack is fine.” He reminded her. This made the princess smile in response.

“Soooo, that’s a yes right?” Rainbow popped up in between them.


Fluttershy’s Cottage

Earlier that Night

Fluttershy had no intention to join the festivities of this particular night. Her doors and windows were locked, the animals within her home all huddled with her in the living room ready to weather through the whole Holiday. Whenever there was a knock on her door she would call out “No one’s Home! No Candy Here! Go somewhere else please!” then hide under Mr. Bear. It went quiet for a short while before there was another knock on her door. She gave her usual line and proceeded to take Angel and hide under their big furry bear friend and wait it out. Only this time her “locked” door opened. Of course this got her and her animal friends to tense up, some of them taking a defensive stance, Angel included... until the being behind the door spoke.

“Hey Fluttershy, it’s me, Sora.”

Upon his voice the tense atmosphere dissipated and most of the animals relaxed. Since he would visit Fluttershy at her home often the animals there got used to him as well over time. Fluttershy crawled out from under the bear. “Sora? Oh uh, o-one moment.” She quickly made her way over to the open door, but as it swung open she was in for a shock for instead of Sora there was some Vampony version of him standing at the doorway smiling, with his fangs shining in the moonlight. She gave a timid “Eep!” before bolting behind her table in fear.

“Oh, no wait! It’s still me, Flutters! It’s just a costume, see?!” Sora immediately pulled the fake fangs from his mouth to prove it. When Fluttershy finally decided to take another look. She was relieved to find he was speaking the truth and slowly crawled out of her hiding space.

“Uh, um, I’m glad, but why are you here? S-shouldn’t you, well, be having fun tonight?”

“Of course, but first we have to help with an event. Even so I did manage to get some trick or treating in!” He then pulled out a sack of candy. “Pinkie and I have been hitting the good houses first. They put out a lot of candy!” Sora beamed.

Fluttershy smiled a little, but only because her friend looked so happy. “Oh! Are you… here for candy? I’m so sorry, I’m afraid I don’t have any-”

“No, no, the others told me how you’re not much of a fan of Nightmare Night so I didn’t expect you to be accepting trick or treaters anyway.”

“Oh! Uh then… Why are you here?” She was really hoping he wouldn’t say-

“Well I originally came here to ask if you wanted to join us for Nightmare Night,”

He said it! He went out and said the one thing she didn’t want to hear! Now she had to think of someway to politely decline her friend’s wishes. It always made her feel bad, but since this time it was Sora… it felt even worse.

“but I can see now that you really don’t want to go, so I won’t ask.”

Oh Thank Celestia! She yelled in her mind... yet she felt something linger within her, a small sense of disappointment. She was unsure why, though.

“But I didn’t want you to miss EVERYTHING about Hallowe-er I mean Nightmare Night! So, I decided to share with you one of the best experiences about it!”

Fluttershy started to shrink in on herself, afraid of what he meant by that. “A-and, what would that be?”

Sora just flashed that grin of his and with a hoof, gestured toward his fat sack. “Candy!”

… She blinked for a moment. Was that it? Nothing about dragging her out into that spooky night? Or making her join some sort of Scary game, or enter some haunted house? Just… candy? “Really?”

He nodded. “Yup! Nothing scary about candy!” He pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it to her which she timidly accepted.

“O-oh.. Thank you, b-but I wouldn’t want to take any of your candy like that.”

He nodded. “I know, you’re very kind Fluttershy and you’d never take from anyone without a very good reason. That’s why THIS-” he once again gestured to the sack “isn’t my candy.”

“What?! Then-”

“It’s OUR Candy!”

Fluttershy had nothing to respond to that… Instead, she just started to giggle at the silliness of her friend’s logic. And that goofy face he was making wasn’t helping her stop. In time Sora joined in the laughter as well and it took a good while before the two of them finally calmed down. “Well, if you really don’t mind… sharing candy always makes it taste sweeter.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more!” His ears perked. “Oh, right! I have to get going soon to help with the event!” He pushed the sack to her. “Don’t start eating it without me, ok?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “I promise… Oh! Did you make your offering as well?”

“Offering?” Sora was about to turn to leave but was stopped by the odd question.

“Why offering some of the candy to Nightmare Night of course!” Fluttershy said matter of factly.

Sora rubbed the back of his neck. Sharing was one thing, but giving his hard earned candy away was a different story. “Uuuh, don’t you think it be fine if we kept it this time? I mean I am helping Luna and the others with the performance-”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, no! You must offer her candy, so she won’t gobble you up in anger!”

“Uh, Fluttershy I’m pretty sure that we don’t have to-” Immediately the shy pegasus pounced onto him with fear in her eyes. “Please! I don’t want my dear friend to be eaten! Please!”

….. Sora was at a loss for words.


At the Statue

20 minutes before the guests arrived

Luna stood there with a confused expression as Sora shoved a small bag full of candy towards her with a rather exasperated look on his face. “Uh, thanks?”

Sora only mumbled. “The things I do for my friends.”

Author's Note:

................ *looks at the chapter*....... 10 days off from it's intended holiday.... a more then a few days of writers block.... and I ended up rewriting lyrics.... *lies down and rolls over* When I said in Chapter 3 I would avoid musicals at all costs. Did I do ok? Was this chapter atleast enjoyable for you guys... I certainly hope so.

So moving on, I have NOW decided to alter that two week post thing alittle. A friend of mine says that to avoid writers block it's best to take the time work on writing something else... and I do have another story I need to keep up. So here's how it will work everyone. I am going to take an extra week to post these things, just so I can use that extra week to work on my other story. I feel that this works better for me. So from here on out, wait 3 weeks for the next chapter. I hope none of your are too bummed about this. I promised to finish this story and I WILL. that much is certain. But when I look at it. this story getting closer toward the end and the sequel will only appear after I've played KH3. It's a long way off but I can see the path towards the final chapter now... Kind of feels weird when you think about it.

In anycase, I hope you all enjoyed this, rather delayed, moment of Holiday fun. Form here on out, I'm not gonna sweat it too much about posting holiday specials on the holidays, we'll get to them when we get to them.

Next Chapter: The Search for Pooh

As Always I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones

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