• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Spike Adventures: An Unexpected Trip

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Sora’s House, Training Room


Spike was really into it today. He was in a combat simulation and was making proper use of both his sword and his dragon abilities. This time Merlin had decided to kick it up a notch and enchanted the training dummies as well, now Spike was facing more “life like” adversaries that attacked him with training weapons as well. He was outnumbered three to one, but was still able to duck and weave out of the majority of their attacks. He would string up short combo strikes when he would get the chance, but sometimes he got too impatient and rushed in when he should have been backing off. However, whenever that happened he would bail himself out by breathing a wide burst of fire around him, stalling his foes just long enough to get himself out of that situation and back on track. That was something Merlin suggested after observing Spike’s previous training session.

Merlin had come to understand that Spike was a rather capable young lad, he just needed to have a more calm mind as not to rush in and get himself into pointless danger. Teaching him a way to fix that mistake was a start, but not a solution capable of ending the issue outright. As he continued to observe the simulation he contemplated a new method that would be a bit more help. More life experience would be a good direction, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it.

As he watched Spike roll into a flaming Spike ball and crash into one of the dummies, a thought occurred to the wizard. Perhaps he needed to take him somewhere, but where? As he contemplated taking a short trip to find such a place he pulled out his watch. It would seem it was still morning, but an hour had already passed. It was a good time to give the young drake a break to allow them to discuss the matter. At this moment SpIke had just finished a leaping strike that ended up with him decapitating the dummy with his sword, only for the head to float back and reattach itself, due to Merlin’s magic.

“Alright Spike, let’s take a breather shall we?” Merlin said as he made the dummies revert to their lifeless positions on the training floor. “You are making wonderful progress, my boy.”

Spike had finally lowered his guard as well as his blade and noticed that he was panting, he really gave this session his all. He wiped the sweat off his brow with his arm. “Thank you, sir.”

“Now then, how about we take a step outside for some fresh air. I’m in the mood for a spot of tea anyway.” Merlin commented before he suddenly froze up, as if… as if he could sense something.

Suddenly, everything around the two started to become warped and distorted as the house began to shake. “What?! What’s going-”

“Just a moment Spike!” In a puff of smoke Merlin had reverted to his original human form and was making a few gestures with his hands, before they were both engulfed in their own auras. “So, that’s your game is it?” Merlin replied ominously, “I don’t know who you are, but you won’t have your way so easily, good sir!” The auras turned brighter and brighter, so bright that Spike had to shield his eyes at that point. It was then that he had a strange feeling in his gut before he whited out and lost consciousness.



When Spike finally came to, he felt a little nauseous. “Uuuuugh, what happened?” He mumbled as he slowly got to his feet. He noticed after taking a look around that he was still in the training room. However, Merlin was nowhere to be seen. “Mr. Merlin?” He called out, but when no answer was forthcoming, he decided to head out to find him. When he did so he noticed Merlin was still in his human form as he last remembered, but was now standing in the living room with a magical aura emanating from his outstretched hand and a look of concentration on his face.

“Fascinating, to think they would go to such lengths.” Merlin spoke to himself as Spike approached.

“Uuuh, Mr. Merlin?” Spike called out to the wizard.

“Hm? Oh, Spike! Glad to see you’re awake lad. I was afraid you would be out for awhile there after experiencing an interplanetary mass trans-warp so abruptly like that.” Merlin said to the dragon as he cut off his aura and turned to face him.

“Uh, inter-what now?” Spike wasn’t getting it.

“Ah, yes, nevermind that. Perhaps it will be simpler if I start from the beginning.” He cleared his throat. “But first, since you are awake, do you mind checking on those three for me?” He gestured to the couch causing Spike to notice the crusaders had somehow gotten caught up in… whatever it was that was actually going on at the moment. All three of them seemed unconscious and were each lying on a separate seat cushion. “It would appear they are no worse for wear, I can assume they were already unconscious before our little trip.”

“Trip?” Spike asked as he made his way over to the girls and started to shake them awake.

Applebloom was the first. “Mmm, huh?” Followed by Sweetie bell and then finally Scootaloo who took a bit more effort to bring her out of her “nap”.

“Zzzz… Not yet. 5 more minutes…” Scootaloo said in her sleep. Spike simply rolled his eyes before pulling the couch cushion out from under her. That got her up for sure.


“Rise and shine Scoots, we don't have time to sleep.” Spike said

Applebloom yawned before looking around. “Why are we in Sora’s house?” She said as she waited for her memory to collect itself.

“Ah, that would be me.” Merlin said as he approached them. “When I checked outside I noticed the three of you sleeping inside Mogson’s stall. So I brought you in here instead.”

The three fillies looked at him. Now they were fully awake and staring wide eyed at the wizard.

Then Scootaloo spoke. “What is that thing and why does it sound like the old guy?”

Spike facepalmed. It’s true, they’d never seen Merlin’s true form till today, but had they forgotten about the whole human thing? Thankfully, Sweetie Belle proved him wrong by simply asking. “Mr. Merlin?”

The old wizard nodded before he huffed as he looked over at Scootaloo. “Yes, this is what I actually am. A very old human. I was certain seeing Sora’s human form would have eased you all into seeing me revert to my true form as well.

Scootaloo sheepishly rubbed the back of her head and laughed nervously.

Before the atmosphere could become any more awkward Merlin decided to change the subject. “But that is for a later time. The reason I’m like this is far more pressing at the moment.”

“What do you mean, Mr. Merlin?” Sweetie asked.

To which he replied swiftly. “Well first, do the three of you remember anything before passing out and waking up here?

“The last… Hmm.” Applebloom looked to the other girls. Now that they started thinking about they all felt like they had forgotten something. They all huddled and started thinking back. “Let’s see… we were runnin’ the shop…”

Sweetie Belle continued. “Mogson locked himself up in that synthesizer room cuz he had some brand new idea and wanted to be alone to think about it.”

“So it’s safe to assume we won’t be seeing him for a bit then.” Spike rolled his eyes.

Scootaloo was next. “And then….. and then… we started training with our struggle bats… but… something happened.” She folded her forelegs and was trying to recover the more recent part of her memories…. “Somepony showed up.”

“A pony?” Merlin asked.

“No, not a pony in the sense of the word, uh… I think Sora would say… a person?”

“Yeah! I remember! It wasn’t a pony but some tall hooded guy!” Sweetie jumped in.

“And they walked on two legs to ah’ think.” Applebloom nodded.

“Were they a human?” Merlin asked.

“We don’t know.” The girls said as they shook their heads.

“He was wearin’ this raggedy lookin’ cloak so we couldn’t even see his face.” Applebloom continued.

“Yeah, everything about him was screaming “Creep” all over from how I saw it.” Scootaloo added.

“So, what did this individual want?” Merlin asked

“I think… he said… he wanted to shop?” Sweetie answered as she tapped her chin with her hoof.

“Oh yeah, I remember that.” Scootaloo joined in. “So we took him over to the shop and he bought some potions, some ethers, and a tent.”

“He just came to shop?” Spike asked. “That’s it?”

“No, he also chatted with us too. He heard you training Spike and he asked if there was anyone there, so we told them about you training.” Sweetie answered.

Merlin stroked his beard. “Anything else you remember?”

Applebloom nodded. “Y-yeah… Ah’ remember when he went to grab his stuff, his hand was actually a claw… kinda like Spike’s.” She turned to the purple dragon.

Spike held out his claw and flexed it a few times. “So does that mean he’s a dragon?”

Applebloom shrugged. “Ah’ guess, we never bothered to ask him. We just wanted him ta’ buy his stuff and get out of here, but- hmmm… somethin’… somethin’ happened.” She was really trying to remember.

“Don't’ overexert yourself.” Merlin stated. “It’ll come to you.”

The three girls nodded and tried to think back again. Sweetie continued. “I remember, he asked how much it all costed… but…”

Scootaloo picked up after that. “But then I noticed something strange happening and called out to the others.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“It was Ponyville, it was turning all wonky and weird.” Scootaloo replied.

“Wonky and weird?” Merlin asked, still stroking his beard.

“Yeah! And then…. I woke up on the couch… I think….” She said.

Merlin then turned to Sweetie Belle when she interjected. “No, something else happened before that…” She rubbed her head and tried to think on what it was. That’s when it clicked for Applebloom.

“Oh Yeah! Ah’ remember! That guy did it! He was the one that knocked us out.” She stomped her hoof. “He held his claw out to us and then… some magicky thing, or somethin’, and then we got all sleepy really quickly!” Applebloom hopped off the couch. “It was him fer’ sure!”

Merlin stared at the little fillies as he contemplated what they’d told him. “Hmm, so we have our culprit it seems. But their purpose for all of this remains a mystery.”

“So then why don’t we go look for this guy and find out for ourselves?” Scootaloo jumped off the couch. “And if he won’t cooperate, we just give him a kick to the flank.” She kicked the air with her hind hoof.

“I’m afraid the “kicking flank” part is beyond our abilities at the moment, young Scootaloo.” Merlin shook his head.

“Huh? Why not?”

“Because we have been transported elsewhere via teleportation.” Merlin replied to her.

Scootaloo cocked an eyebrow and looked around. “To where? Inside Sora’s house? Big deal, we just step back outside and crack some skulls.” She said as she summoned her struggle bat.

This was when Sweetie bopped her friend on the head with her own bat. “Weren't you paying attention? Merlin was the one who brought us here, not a teleportation…. Wait, does that mean-” Sweetie Belle turned back to the wizard as he nodded.

“Precisely Sweetie Belle, as you surmised, this mystery figure tried to teleport us and this whole building somewhere. Where? I’m not entirely sure. However I managed to respond fast enough to alter the destination, so I at least know where we are.” He said as he started walking toward the front door while Spike and the girls followed.

“And where is that?” Spike asked.

At this question Merlin opened the door to reveal a garden filled with all sorts of rather amazing looking hedgework of creatures playing various instruments, but at the center was the most impressive looking one of them all as it looked like a kind of fantasy castle on top of a hill. When Spike and the girls stepped out to get a better look around, they noticed the garden was within what they guessed was castle walls. “Welcome to Disney Castle.”

There was a moment of hesitation, but soon Spike and girls ended up wandering outside of Sora’s house to get a good look at their surroundings, utter astonishment and confusion on their faces. More “oohs” and “ahs” ensued the farther out they stepped. “Wow, whoever does the garden work here really is creative” Scootaloo said as she stepped up to one of the various hedges that were shaped like animal musicians.

“It’s nice and all, but the Princesses have a bigger one.” Sweetie Belle stated as she started to trot about.

Applebloom rolled her eyes as she walked past her towards another direction. “Ah don’t think it’s a competition between the two Sweetie Belle.”

“Wow… we’re really on another world?” Spike was standing in front of the hedgework shaped like some kind of grand fantasy castle and studied it for a moment. “I remember Sora telling me about this place when he told me stories of his adventures. How come you sent us here, Merlin?” he looked back to the wizard who was now outside as well, but facing the house with his hands out again and emanating a magical aura. “If you were able to alter our teleportation, why not just a few feet or yards from where Sora’s house once stood?”

“Nobody is perfect Spike, even as powerful and knowledgeable a mage as I am there are still limits to what I can and cannot do.” Spike raised an eyebrow but let Merlin continue. “I’m afraid the whole event was so sudden that I did not have enough to time to think logically on the issue, my first priority was to hijack the spell and alter it to something more suitable for us. In this case, changing the destination to somewhere I consider safe. Time was short, so I didn't have enough time to focus my mind on a particular spot in Equestria, therefore my mind turned to one of the places I’m more familiar with.”

“Well, then it’s not a problem right? You can just send us back, can’t you?” Spike asked, now a little worried.

“Of course, my boy! This kind of spell just requires a lot more magic than the usual teleportation spell, but it’s generally the same thing.” Merlin replied, to which Spike sighed in relief. “However, this will take some time.”

“Time? Why’s that?” Spike asked, worried once more.

“Didn’t that other guy do it in a snap?” Scootaloo asked as she lost interest in the hedges and headed over to Merlin. “How come it will take longer to get back?”

“I’m afraid our “guest” left us an extra present with this transportation spell. I can’t seem to get the house, or ourselves in the preparation stage for the transport.” Merlin replied

“What?” Scootaloo tilted her head.

“To put the process in terms you’d understand, imagine there is a shell over you, as well as over each of the other two girls, Spike, the house, even one over me.” She took a moment to imagine it but then nodded. “That shell is what seems to be blocking me from using my magic on the us or the house. Whoever this mysterious being is, they knew full well that I was a wizard and placed this obstacle before us to prevent me from instantly teleporting back.

“What?! What a jerk!” Scootaloo stomped her hoof.

“Indeed, one can only imagine what their true agenda may be.” Merlin responded.

“S-so are we… STUCK HERE?” Applebloom asked, worried she may never see her family again.

“Of course you need not be concerned, Applebloom. True this individual has used a spell to block my magic, but these spells are always temporary, in time it shall dissipate on its own.” A large group sigh came from everyone else in the garden along with Applebloom. “Of course, I’m not too fond of following this person’s rules, so I’m attempting to bypass it and get us back sooner.”

“Is that why your hooves-er sorry, I mean, is that why your hands are covered in magic like that?” Sweetie Belle asked as she trotted up to him.

“Precisely, my dear. Unfortunately I have misplaced my wand in Twilight’s abode, so I will have to practice what I preached to her the other day and manage this on my own.”

Spike folded his arms as he remembered that conversation. “Twilight… She and the others should be back from Manehatten soon…”

“Yes…” Merlin replied. “I believe you are coming to the same conclusion as I... “

The crusaders looked at one another in confusion before it clicked in their minds as well. “That guy wants to pick a fight with them!” They said in unison.

“Precisely.” Merlin had a stern look on his face. “It seems we were in the way of his quest to confront Sora and the element bearers.”

They all looked to each other. Could this guy be a lackey of Maleficent and Chrysalis? Or perhaps there was yet another group of bad guys they had to deal with now? That was when they heard a scream, causing them all to turn their heads to the far end of the garden. Above the path looked to be a sort of balcony/hallway, there they saw glimpses of heartless moving about.

Heartless! Here?” Spike said in surprise before he called out his sword.

“We are no longer in Ponyville, Spike. This is just an inevitability that other worlds have learned to cope with. However, that does not mean we just sit idly by, if I recognize that scream that must be the Queen herself. Likely the foul beasts have caught her off guard. We’ll have to postpone our trip back for now.” Merlin said as he faced away from the house and conjured up a familiar looking tank like vehicle. The girls all grinned at seeing it, remembering it well. In a magical puff of smoke Merlin was already in the driver's seat, adjusting a pair of racing goggles on his face while the girls scrambled onto it and back into their previous battle positions. Spike just hopped on the back of the tank holding onto a railing. “Glad to see I don’t have to convince any of you. I am very proud of you four.”

“Well, we can’t just sit by when the Queen of this place is in danger.” Spike replied before giving a smirk. “Besides, what Twilight doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right?” This just made Merlin chuckle.

“Alright, less chatty and more drivey! We got hero work to do!” Scootaloo interrupted them.

“Too right, Scootaloo! Off we go then!” Merlin said before facing forward, grabbing the wheel and flooring it through the garden toward the exit.


Queen Minnie had just stepped out of the royal library when she was met with a horrendous sight, the hall was filled with heartless. While t was true at this point that most of the castle was safe, with such a big place there was always one area or another that a heartless could get in. She would have to be on guard more often than before as well as be escorted by royal guards. However, after that incident with the Cornerstone of light and Sora going to the past the heartless seemed to have stopped appearing in that particular area altogether. It had been that way long enough for her to consider it another safe area. Why they reappeared now was beyond her at the moment. She was far from defenseless due to her light magic, but at the moment she was in desperate need of backup.

As luck would have it, just as she came to that conclusion she caught a glimpse of something rounding the corner at the far end of the hall. It then proceeded to plow right through the horde and make a beeline straight for her. When it finally reached her it skidded to a stop, knocking over the last of the heartless in it’s path and kicking up some dust. She would have to do something about that dirty red rug later. After fanning the dust away from her and waiting for it to settle, she was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face. “Merlin!”

“Salutations your majesty, I hope you don’t mind the intrusion, we shall explain more after this matter is settled.” He then turned toward the group of heartless that were getting back on their feet again. “Alright everyone, let’s give no quarter. Spike, you're on the front lines!”

“Roger that!” Spike jumped and flipped over the tank to land in front of it in a stylish way. Well, what he thought was stylish at least, really he was just copying Sora’s moves and poses most of the time since he looked up to the guy so much. He then charged, blade out and heart set ablaze.

“Alright girls, I hope that you three have made peace with the roles you’ve been given.” Merlin turns back to the girls while Spike went all out on the heartless up ahead.

The three nodded as Applebloom spoke. “Yeah, it took a bit but we’re all fine with it now. Why?”

“Good, because I’m giving you three a bit more freedom.” He said as he pulled a lever in his seat. Suddenly the three girls shrieked as they were pulled into the inner workings of the tank. The tank itself bumped around a bit before the top part opened up and shot out three orbs of light. Each landed around the tank and when they touched the ground they dissipated instantly, revealing the crusaders in smaller vehicles of their own. They looked like they were made of gummi ship parts, and upon closer inspection one would realise that’s because they were! This resulted in them having the aesthetic of rideable toy vehicles.

Scootaloo’s was a plane, not that she knew what a plane was, but she quickly picked up what it could do as it immediately took off into the air. “Whoa! I’m flying! Look! I’m actually flying!... This feels weird since I’m not using my wings.” As she circled around above trying to understand how to control the thing, Applebloom was busy trying to understand her own vehicle.

Although she wasn’t familiar with it, Applejack’s vehicle resembled a truck. It was larger than the other two’s vehicles, and seemed far more sturdy as well. “Huh, it’s kinda like a big cart.” She messed with the pedals and steering wheel making her ride stop and go repeatedly until she figured out what the pedals and wheel did a short while after.

Sweetie Belle’s ride was actually something they all could recognize as it lifted into the air. It was an airship. However this one seemed much more maneuverable than the full-sized ones as it kept her out of harm’s way down below. “I don’t know what’s going on, but this is actually really cool!” She squeaked as she turned the wheel a few times. At the very least she had an easier time figuring her vehicle out.

Merlin smirked. “With this, I hereby you graduate you three from being baby sat to being supervised. You have free reign to assist Spike in routing out this riff raff.” He was right, the majority of the type of heartless there ranged from the typical dime a dozen shadows, soldiers, and even some hook bats. Meanwhile Spike was just tearing through the horde like a spinning flaming spike ball of doom before bouncing into the floor to cancel out of that move, pulling back his blade and stringing up a four hit combo on a small group of hook bats. “My my, someone is overzealous.” Merlin commented. “I'll remain here with her majesty, but not to worry, I’ll keep my eye on you all and assist if things get too hairy.”

Immediately afterward he saw Scootaloo fly overhead while cheering. “Wooo! These things have weapons!” Apparently amidst her time trying to get a better handle on her gummi vehicle she had discovered how to activate it’s weapons, which appeared as what looked like a 1950s sci-fi interpretation of a laser gun. There was one under each wing and they were firing a hail of red light beams at the heartless below as Scootaloo started doing fly-bys.

Observing their friend getting a head start, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom started looking around their driver’s seats for some kind of switch or button to activate their own weaponry. When they did Applebloom's turned out to be a sort of battering ram like front bumper, and a rocket booster in the back. “Wait, so ah’ just run em’ over with this? ...Ah’ can live with that.” She shrugged and floored it into the heartless, destroying the weaker ones upon impact of her spiked grill while tossing others into the air, leaving them as open targets to Scootaloo’s guns if she happened to be “passing by”.

Meanwhile random groups of heartless that were nearby Spike started blowing up in a blast of light and smoke. This caused Spike to stop and look back. The one who caused those was Sweetie Belle, as her airship was high above everyone else to avoid any confrontation as her ships cannon’s continuously fired on any heartless near Spike and Applebloom whenever their guard seemed lowered. “Whoa.” Spike said in amazement, then immediately jumped back to dodge Applebloom as she mowed through another group of soldiers with no mercy. “Whoa!” Finally he saw some of the soldiers that were launched by Applebloom get pelted with red laser shots from the plane Scootaloo was in before they disappeared, the remaining shots pelting the heartless that were still on the ground near him before flying past him overhead. “WHOA! When did you girls get those?!”

“Merlin is awesome!” Scootaloo said as she turned and flew by him again.

Meanwhile Sweetie Belle called out to him from above. “You can drop your jaw later, Spike. We got a Queen to protect!” She said before firing another cannon round at some heartless chasing after Applebloom’s truck. Not like they could catch her anyway, but still, it was nice to have someone watching her back.

During all this Queen Minnie approached Merlin. “I am glad for your assistance Merlin, but if I may ask, who are those brave individuals? They seem rather young.”

Merlin smiled and just continued to observe. “Not to worry your majesty, they may be young, but they are quite capable, I assure you.” They watched as Spike slashed through three soldiers before making a jumping upper slash knocking two more into the air, letting them get picked off by Scootaloo’s lasers. Meanwhile Applebloom was driving circles around a mixed group of shadows and Hook bats. This was mostly to distract them as Sweetie Belle rained cannon fire on them from above. “Besides, they have potential. Especially Spike over there.” He turned back to the purple dragon who was getting really into it. It was safe to consider him and the girls capable of handling these lower ranks of heartless, even in bulk. “I have a good feeling about the lad.”

The Queen continued to watch and it would seem the group were wrapping things up rather quickly. “I see we will have much to discuss on this and your sudden visit here.”

“You might want to ask some servants to bring you a chair and some tea. That particular discussion will take some time. That reminds me, how are Donald and Goofy?” It was nearing the time he was told that they would soon visit Sora in Equestria, so he asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, I believe they are on their way here, though I’m not sure when-” Minnie was then interrupted by a rather loud quack-like shout.

“Your Majesty! We’re coming!” It came from the pathway leading to the garden. This caused Spike to stop as well as the girls after they took out the last shadow. They could hear a pair of footsteps. When they finally rounded the corner Spike and the girls were surprised to see a rather angry looking duck dressed in some kind of blue adventuring gear and wielding a kind of wand charge straight at them. And just behind him, a rather clumsy looking... was that a Diamond Dog? Wearing green and yellow adventure gear, both of their outfits bearing an odd amount of zippers.

“Oh my.” Queen Minnie held her hand to her mouth in complete shock.

“And this was starting out so well.” Merlin replied.

Meanwhile, Spike and the girls were confused staring at the newcomers. But with that look of aggression on the mallard one’s face, they could only react in kind, since the newcomers seemed to want to pick a fight thinking they were probably more bad guys to deal with.

And thus sparked a rather confusing and pointless fight.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, so I'm having trouble trying to post Chapters. I guess it was part of that big update that happened awhile back, but the Upload Google docs option is gone so now I have to dod it all by scratch. Also for some reason every time I put in any writing in chapter editing, comment bar, Private messaging, or even select anything on the edit toolbar the whole toolbar will just disappear suddenly and never comes back unless I refresh the page again. I notified the administrators about it, but for the time being I searched for a reason why myself. From the looks of it. this only affects Firefox, which I always use and I Just now found out that the "upload" tool is completely gone form the toolbar entirely. So I downloaded google Chrome and... well at least the toolbar doesn't vanish, so I guess until I know the reason why I can't in Firefox, I'm using Chrome for now and copy pasting chapters for now.

Now as for the chapter itself? Well, one would have to wonder what Spike, Merlin and the crusaders were up to during all that. So I dedicate this chapter entry to them. However, it would appear things have run into a an unfortunate mistake as you can see.... Wonder how this will play out. I dunno about you guys, but I'm starting to sense some sort of omen here.

Also! I just passed out while typing this Author's not lol woke up 3 hours later.... haha nice, thats what I get for posting in the middle of the night... on my bed. What it's comfy.

Next Chapter. Ducks and A-Hyucks

As always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to new ones.

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