• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 9: Some Fun in Canterlot

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(IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU READ: There is a reason why what your about to read in this chapter, exists. All will be explained in Author's notes, where it all ultimately relies on your decision as the readers on how this subject will go on. With that being said, I hope you enjoy )


The Next Day

Sora was walking through the streets with the girls, save for Twilight. After everyone stayed the night at the castle to rest up from the invasion, Twilight apparently was already in the Royal Library, gathering information, as well as helping the investigators find out which book Queen Chrysalis took.

“So this Queen Chrysalis lady… She’s not a pony” Sora started talking. As they were now in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city streets “But rather a pony looking bug that can shape shift”

“Yup” Applejack said

“And, She rules over her people who can shape shift as well”

“Of Course” Rarity gave a nod

“Who feed off of a pony’s emotions”

“And he’s scores another point on Quiz show, everybody” Rainbow lazily added as she twirled a hoof around in a small circle to mock enthusiasm. Sora decided to ignore this remark

Sora then sighed. “Meanwhile, I have no clue what I am right now” that’s when they all stopped and had trouble looking directly at him after saying that.

“Sorry…” Fluttershy could only manage to say after that awkward silence. Seeing his friends look so down made him feel bad that he caused.

He immediately shook his head “Hey it’s none of your faults, and the Princess wasn’t aware of my outfit’s abilities at the time.” He flashed a smile “I’m just griping about nothing I guess. Your Princess can change me back right?”

“W-Well of course, darling. If there is anyone in this world that can do that, It’s definitely her” Rarity rushed to say.

Sora nodded “That’s good” Because, hearing her say that she didn’t quite make the reverse spell yet, was a bit worrying.

“Yeah! that’s the spirit Sora!” Pinkie wrapped a hoof around his neck and pulled him into bone crushing. “Besides, you can blend into pony society and use all your magic and stuff too!”

With his last bit of air Sora replied “Thanks… Pinkie…. Point taken….” When she finally let go he felt to the ground coughing and wheezing until his breathing returned to normal. “I guess for now since we have nothing to do, we can just look around this city.”

“In any case, Sora has the right idea girls, for the time being, all we can do is wait for them ta’ figure out what we gotta do next. So, ah’ say we take the time ta’ look around the place. We don’t come here often after all.”

Rarity jumped at the idea “Oh that is a splendid idea, Applejack, I wholeheartedly agree. Oooh we can go shopping, visit cafes, Perhaps watch a play in a theater-” Rarity started spouting off ideas of places that Sora had to question whether or not such things existed in this city.”

Rainbow’s stomach started growling to interrupt the posh pony, “I think right now I’m fine with just a Hay-burger or something. This place sell any real grub around here” Rainbow started to float in search of food. It had been some time since they had breakfast so food did sound good.

“Ah’ll have ta’ agree with Rainbow, nuthin fancy, just some food will be fine.” Applejack agreed and followed her rainbow mane friend to help with the search.

“Oh you two, are missing out on the best parts of being here!” Rarity stomped her hoof in frustration at her friends lack of interest. She soon sighed and shook her head “Well at least you 3 agree with me-” she noticed the that where Sora, Fluttershy and Pinkie once stood was completely empty, looking around a bit, she Sora getting dragged away by his tail by Pinkie Pie, utterly confused on why this was happening while. Said pink pony seemed to be chatting away about seeing a bakery nearby and was more then eager to take Sora with her. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was close behind trying to get Pinkie to let go of him… Rarity took a moment to comprehend the situation, before her eyes half closed to make an annoyed expression before sighing. “Quite…

Just like that the 6 of them were off to have a little fun of their own. Sora of course, more likely being dragged off to all sorts of places the girls wanted to show him.


“Wow, look at all this stuff!” Sora was walking around the bakery with Pinkie and Fluttershy as they saw a whole assortment of bread, cakes, pies, cupcakes, etc. “Smells awesome too”

“I know right?! It’s amazing!” Pinkie was bouncing with a big smile on her face before suddenly stopping and held a hoof to her as her eyes narrowed and shifted back and forth “…Buuuuuuut, not as amazing as sugarcube corner. There‘s like no place to sit at and enjoy a good cupcake here.”

“I don’t think it’s that kind of store, Pinkie” Fluttershy said as she looked at all of the baked goods on display. “It seems more for just grocery shopping”

“I guess but where’s the fun in that? Sometimes you just want to grab some pie and eat it right there!” Pinkie continued to prove her case as she looked at a blue berry pie. “Like that one, that one is just screaming ‘EAT ME NOW, PINKIE.’ Well most certainly Mr. Pie” and just like that she slammed her face into the pie and started eating it right on the spot, not even caring about all the blueberry and pastry mess all over her face.

Sora and Fluttershy looked over to the annoyed looking Store owner glaring at the Pink Earth Pony just eating away at her profits. “Well, I guess we’re buying that pie”

They could here Pinkie’s mouthful “Yaaayy!” next to them when she heard that as she didn’t stop.


After paying for the pie and a few other goodies Pinkie wanted, then being kicked out of the bakery, they decided to join Rarity when they saw her sitting at a café, Sora and Fluttershy ordering a meal of their own from the menu.

“Anything your interested in, you two? It’s my treat.” Rarity asked as Pinkie was still chowing down.

“Wow, you sure? Thanks Rarity” Sora smiled as Rarity simply waved her hoof.

“Oh it’s no trouble at all, darling you should experience everything this city has to offer while we’re here.” Rarity took a sip of her tea

“Um, I’ll just have a salad and tea, thank you, if that’s ok.” Fluttershy placed her menu down and looked over to Sora who seemed to have a rather confused look on his face. “Everything ok, Sora?”

“Uuuh, yeah, just fine…. Um wow there is a lot of fancy sounding names here.” he even turned the menu sideways as if it would help him understand it better. “Uh, I guess I’ll just have what she’s having.” He completely gave up trying to figure it out.

Rarity and Fluttershy couldn’t help but laugh a little form the scene “Well if that is what the two of you wish then that should be no problem.” As if on cue the waiter came by and took their orders swiftly and was about to leave before Pinkie handed him a cupcake much to his confusion.

“For hard work, good sir” she imitated a regal voice before going back to stuffing her face with her food like a maniac. The waiter simply grimaced at the way she ate before shrugging and trotting off.

“So, what do you girls have planned for today.” Sora decided to start a conversation as they waited for their meal.

“Oh, I’m not sure really, I’m not that fond of big cities really.” Fluttershy answered as she shyly looked away from Sora, quite frankly she was fine with just tagging along with Sora… and her friends of course. Plus there was something she wanted to ask Sora, but now wasn’t the best time she decided.

“Well, I was gonna follow you around Sora. Super fun things always seem to happen when your around.” Pinkie said bluntly.

This made Sora laugh, “Well, I guess so, your free to do whatever you want I suppose” he then noticed Fluttershy fidgeting shooting short glances at him before looking away. Sora managed to catch on. “Your free to come with us two, Fluttershy”

The Yellow mare immediately smiled “Y-yes, well, if you don’t mind that is” her warm smile wasn’t hard to read that she liked that idea.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Well, I suppose it falls upon me to take the 3 of you out to enjoy the sights, and even do a bit of shopping along the way.” The posh unicorn could barely hold her excited tone when she uttered the “S” word.

“Well, sure, that’s sounds like fun, I’d buy some things as well, however, I don’t think Munny quite works in this world by the looks of it.” He was reminded when he tried to pitch in to pay for the food Pinkie bought at the bakery, everyone was using bits and looking weirdly at his Munny. “Normally, I could use it practically anywhere on my journeys.”

“Oh it’s quite alright, dear. It sounds like you’ll just need to take on a job to earn some bits of your own, with your skills I’m sure that it should be no problem for you land a good one.

Sora thought about it… He was going to be here for a year, so a part time job couldn’t hurt to have while he was here. Of course, such things could wait after he figured out where he was staying.

“Besides, there is a place that I would like Sora to that piques my interest to know.

“Oh? What’s that?” Sora asked


“Ok Sora, come on out!” Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were now inside a locally well known fashion store, though it seemed more directed to suave suits, elegant dresses and dapper clothes. in front of them was a few fitting rooms that Sora was in one of.

“Starting to regret this” he said as he looked himself in the mirror before stepping out, Rarity had him wear countless clothing, at first the idea seemed like fun, but after the 25th round, he was surprised that they were still doing this. Plus most of the clothes he didn’t really care much about.

When he did come out and stepped in front of them this time around, there was a difference in his friends compared to the previous outfits he wore. They all seemed to be starting in admiration this time, “Oh my…” Rarity held a hoof to her mouth as her eyes seemed to sparkle.

“Whoooooa” was Pinkie’s response as she was leaning forward as if it would help her get a better look of him.

Fluttershy was silent but her gaze was immediately locked on the stallion. However her wings suddenly shot up, she didn’t seem to notice…. Until Sora spoke.

“Is…. Is it that bad?” He this time he was wearing a dark grey cuffed formal jacket with red trimmings, and gold buttons unbuttoned. At the top part of the jacket where the top flaps would point outward and be buttoned down at the edges of it to keep it in place, the design was a checkered dark gray and black design, which indicated the inside of the jacket was of the same design. Underneath it was a dark gray long sleeve dress shirt the collar was a bit wide, showing off the top part of his chest and his necklace which the crown centerpiece hung just above the rim of the front of the collar.

His pants were a cuffed at ends of them as well, unlike the baggy pants he was used to in his real form, these one were thinner and hugged his legs. They were mostly dark gray, however at the outer sides of it seemed to have a different material, that seemed buttoned down to the pants with gold buttons at each corner of the squares-ish designs. It seemed to give off a very slight glossy lighter gray color. He even wore black dress shoes and to top it all off a light gray fedora with a black band that was wrapped around the bottom center of it.

When he asked them of their opinion they were all brought back to reality, “O-oh Of course not, Sora! On the contrary, actually. You look… you look…” Rarity was trying to think of the right words to say.

“You look amazing!” Pinkie interjected as she was bouncing in place. Already in front of him and trotting around him “Your like, super suave and stuff”

“Er, yes, well put, Pinkie” Rarity said before turning away “you look stunning” Normally she would be all over this like Pinkie, but this time she seemed to be having trouble speaking to him as a hint of red ran across her cheeks.

Fluttershy, not noticing her embarrassing wing situation was trying her best to get them back down as quickly as possible. Her face was as red as a tomato. “Oh dear, oh dear.” When she finally managed to return them to their original position she was stuttered heavily before everyone could finally hear her say. “I-I-I agree, y-you look, very handsome” saying that last word seemed to give her the most trouble and was inching here way behind Rarity with her head low to hide herself until she could finally calm down.

Hearing all these compliments and seeing the girls look at him this way definitely caused him to blush and rub the back of his head. He had no idea how to respond to this. “Uh, really? Heh… Uh thanks” Why was he getting so embarrassed about this, he wondered. He had to admit, after hearing such kind words, his outfit started to feel much, much better compared to the past ones

After she finally regained her composure, Rarity cleared her throat. “Ahem, y-yes well I guess it’s safe to say that the decision is unanimous” she looked to the girls.

Pinkie nodded “Uh huh!”

Fluttershy gave a small smile and nodded timidly. “Yes…”

Sora looked at them “Unanimous about what?”

The girls turned to the Keyblade wielder. “This was actually, Rarity’s idea, but we all agreed that we wanted to give you a gift, for all the things you’ve done for us” Pinkie Pie as she made her way back to the girls.

“Really? Your giving me this?” Sora was surprised, he saw the price tag on the jacket alone and he was wise enough to tell it wasn’t cheap.

“But of course, it’s no trouble at all, It’s souvenir of our visit here, and even they wanted to pitch in as well.” Rarity looked over to Fluttershy and Pinkie who both nodded as well. “Of course, when it comes to a Grand Galloping Gala, I believe I can make something far more amazing for you to wear by then.” As nice as the outfit was Rarity, felt that she could out do it, so she kind of gave herself a side project to the one she already had at home, also influenced by Sora.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say…. Thanks, guys” he looked over his outfit again. It wasn’t something he would normally wear but, seeing his friends approve of it, made look much better on him in his eyes.

“You deserve it!” Pinkie added

“Your most welcome, darling” Rarity nodded

“Um, a-anytime” Fluttershy’s smile got a little bigger

“Now, then, what say we go pay and then go look for Rainbow and Applejack, it shouldn’t be too hard to find them.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll go change back then” Sora then trotted back to the fitting room.


After lunch Applejack and Rainbow Dash were heading down the street looking for the others. “So much for a tour, we all just split up for food.” Rainbow said as a bored expression seemed plastered on her face.

“Well, ah’ don’t think we were really all that qualified ta give Sora a tour when we don’t exactly live here or come often. That’s more up Twilight’s alley since she has.”

Rainbow couldn’t argue with that logic. “You… have a point. Other then going to see the Wonderbolts, I don’t know where else to go. Leave it to the egghead to be in a library at a time like this.” As they continued to walk a question rose in Rainbow’s mind “Hey, AJ. What was it like?”

“S’cuse me” Applejack looked over to her friend.

“You know… The whole, merging with Sora thing?” Rainbow made a gesture with her hooves of them colliding with each other.

“Oh” After realizing what she meant Applejack looked forward and started giving it some thought. “It’s… kinda hard ta explain, really”

“Oh come on, there’s gotta be something you can say”

Applejack took a moment “Well… It’s kind of like…. Ya’ know when ya’ knock on a friends door and they let ya’ in… It kind of felt that way with mah’ heart.” Applejack stopped for a moment and placed a hoof to her chest. “Sora’s heart opened, and I went in.

“So there’s like a door to hearts now?” Rainbow asked somewhat unclear of the meaning.

“Ah’ wasn’t speakin’ literally that there was a door… Say, why are ya’ interested in this. Were ya’ thinkin’ of fusin’ with Sora? Applejack looked at her friend with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, yeah! What you guys did was really cool!, and then after that you got like cool metal gauntlet things as a weapon. That’s waaay more awesome then just wearing a necklace.” Rainbow was adamant to express her excitement when she took to the air and spread her limbs out to express the “waaay” part in her sentence.

“Really?” Applejack smirked “It’s not cuz ya’ want ta be closer to him?” This caused Rainbow Dash to stumble over herself.

“W-w-what are you… How can you… N-no! Of course not!”

“Oh? Ya’ sure? Yer face seems ta say sumthin else” true to Applejack’s claim, there was definitely a tinge or pink running across Rainbow’s face, as she managed to look at a window nearby that was reflective enough to show here it as well.

“Shut up! You just said something, random like that, is all. So yeah!” She then quickly pointed a hoof toward Applejack “And what about you?! You’re the one that fused with him! And you said all that stuff about the heart!” she then had a sly grin of her own as she moved closer to the farmer. “You telling me, that you don’t have any feelings about him after all that?”

This time Applejack was the one with a growing blush on her cheeks but quickly looked off. “Ah’ don’t know what yer talkin’ about, Rainbow”

“Yeah right! I saw your face!” Rainbow pointed at her and started laughing until suddenly an apple bonked her on the side of the head. “OW!” after a moment of nursing the painful spot on her head she turned to look at Applejack, who was paying a fruit vendor for the apple.

“Much obliged” she tipped her hat at the fruit vendor before turning around, only to have her face being pushed against by Rainbow’s

“Hey, what was that for, AJ”

Applejack didn’t back down and was pushing back. “Oh, sorry, ah’ thought you were still hungry” both of them knew very well that was a lie…. After a bit more time of staring each other down, they backed off and looked away form each other…

“Oh Hey!” both of them looked over to see Pinkie waving at them, right behind her were Rarity, Fluttershy and Sora. “We were looking for you guys all over the place!”

The both backed off an looked away form each other. As they both gave a rather unenthusiastic “Hey” in unison to respond to Pinkie.

Sora was next to approach them and caught on to the hostility they had with each other. “You guys, ok?”

Hearing the one person they were talking about ask them if they were fine, made them feel really silly for the argument they had earlier. “Yeah, w-we’re fine” Rainbow tried to play it off.

“Yup” Was Applejack’s response.

The others just looked at the two unsure of what was going on, and looked at each other wondering if any of them had a clue.~~~The rest of the day, the group had basically walked all over the place, unsure where specific where they should go, but still had a great time. After awhile, they ended up back at the castle again. “So Sora, how was your first time around Canterlot?” Fluttershy managed to ask as they walked past the big gates.

Sora had his store purchase balanced well on his back as he walked with the others. “It was pretty fun, though we did stop at quite a lot of shops for Rarity”

At this the Fashionista interjected “Oh nothing to worry about, darling, I just decided to purchase a few things for home.” As she said this they soon walked past a guard speaking to couple of delivery ponies, who already looked exhausted pulling their carts filled with a lot of wrapped up items. Sora had a good guess to where those were going.

“Well, in any case, you think Twilight is finished in that library, she missed the whole day we had in town.” Rainbow as she stretched in midair, the day was winding down and so was she. “Also, you think the princesses will offer us dinner, I’m starving.”

Right on cue a guard strolled up to them. “Ah good, I’m glad that I caught you on your way in” He stopped in front of them and gave a salute. “Message from the Princesses, you are all invited to join them for dinner tonight, it should be ready within half an hour, so you have time to unload any thing you have in your living quarters before heading there. Have a good evening!” and with that he pivoted on one hoof and marched his way back to his post.

“Alright! Lucky day!” Rainbow gave a fist pump

“A splendid opportunity indeed, not often does one dine with royalty” Rarity, was all for the idea”

“Oooh, I wonder what yummy things we’ll be having tonight. Oh I hope it’s pie!” Pinkie was getting excited even though she managed to eat all those baked goods earlier that day. One would question where she put it all.

“Ah’m sure they’ll have a lot more then that, Pinkie” Applejack patted the Pink pony on the back before walking ahead. “Well, I don’t know about you all, but I don’t want to look rude by being late, I think I’ll just head straight there.

The rest of the group agreed and were already making their way to the dining hall. Upon their arrival they noticed that only Celestia and Luna were there discussing on certain topics. The girls and Sora bowed to them respectfully before entering, “Ah, welcome everypony. I trust your visit in town was a good one”

“Yeah, I think we had a lot of fun your majesty” Sora managed to say first before looking around. “Say, where’s Twilight? I figured she’d get here before us.”

“Yes, well it appears Twilight has been with the investigation team for the whole day, she skipped having lunch and we were hoping dinner would at least interest to call it a night. Though it would appear she might still be there” Luna sighed

“Well, she does lose track of time whenever she gets like this.” Applejack said as the other girls simply nodded.

“Well, if that’s the case, I’ll go get her then” Sora was already turning around and heading off, “Try not to start without us.”

“Ya sure ya know the way, Sora? Ya haven’t been here fer very long”

Sora waved a hoof, “I’ll be fine, we passed by the library a few times, so it’s already logged to my brain.” he gave a big smile as he was already out the door.~~~It had been hours of work for the investigations. It was made clear that whatever, the Queen was after, she wanted to buy as much time as possible before they could figure it out. Books, scrolls, and all sorts of papers and documents were thrown all about the floors tables, as well as a few of chairs that weren’t knocked over. It was an utter mess yesterday, but today, it looked as though almost everything was picked up.

Twilight, with the sun finally starting to set, it all seemed very tiring to even continue on today, but it looked like their hard work had finally paid off. After properly putting all the books away and marking them off on a documented list, only one book wasn’t marked on the list. Seeing as how everything else was taken care of, it was safe to assume that this was the book Chrysalis took “This has to be it” Twilight circled it. “It’s only titled ‘X’ what kind of book is that?” Twilight was confused yet utterly intrigued by this mystery book. “What could that book be about?”

She was lost in thought so was caught by surprise, when she heard a “Hey, Twilight?” she nearly jumped out of her fur

“GAAH!!” she quickly turned to face the source of the voice, which was none other then Sora.

“Uuh, Sorry, heh, didn’t mean to spook you there. Realizing the act she displayed she immediately felt embarrassed.

After finally taking a moment to compose herself “Its… It’s quite alright. It was my fault for being so out of touch with reality like that when I was researching.”

“Oh yeah? Researching what?” Sora moved closer to see the documents she was looking at. He was standing directly next to her now, and she was having trouble replying and returning to the documents.

“Uh, um, well. It’s more like half research and half investigation and um…” She didn’t know if she was uncomfortable or not about, him being so close. “We were still cleaning things up here and found out that a Book labeled “X” is the only book missing form this place”

“X? What kind of title is that?” He said looking at the abnormally long list of titles.

“I don’t know, it was originally placed in this secluded part of the library I never heard of.” She kept throwing glances at Sora who obliviously had his face next to hers, trying to read out the rest of the list. “Ahem, um, Sora… you’re a little to close” she turned her head away feeling something warm on her cheeks.

“Huh?” He looked up to Twilight, and caught on to how close he was as well. “O-Oh, hehe, Sorry about that” he side stepped a bit until he was the other side of the table the documents were resting on, giving off a sheepish smile.

Once she felt that odd warm sensation on her face went away, she turned back to Sora, waving a hoof to try to get rid of the awkward situation. “It’s fine… Um, say where are the others.” she then looked around finally noticing that it was only Sora that came to see her.

“Huh?” Sora was confused for only a half second before remembering the reason why he was here. “Oh Right! I came to get you, we’re all having dinner the Princesses so we can also discuss on what to do next” he then looked at the list “and seeing as how you figured out what book is missing that will move the discussion along. You think they might know what the book was about?”

“O-oh… Right, I guess I have been here for too long” she said finally acknowledging, the orange skies outside the library windows. “I believe the princesses, should know something about it, also, I have skipped lunch so…” her stomach growled much to her embarrassment. “SO… dinner sounds great.”

“Alright! Then lets pack up and head on out. The others are waiting” Sora’s warm smile was a bit contagious as she was giving one herself.

“Right… Let me just grab some of these papers and we’ll be out.”


Castle Hallways

A few minutes of walking

Sora and Twilight were on their way to meet up with the others “Say, um… Sora?” Twilight managed to speak in the utter silence.

“Yeah?” he looked over to her

“Well, I was wondering if you could help me with something after this all this”

“Sure” Sora replied instantly.

Twilight was taken aback by this, “But, I didn’t even tell you what I was going to ask.”

“Does it matter?” Sora looked at her as if asking a genuine question. Again this Stallion caused her to smile. It intrigued her more.

“Well then… I was hoping that if you don’t mind from time to time that every now and again when I have the chance, that I may do research on you.

“Research?” he tilted his head

“Yes, well you and your Keyblade of course as well. Your able to do so many fantastic things, and you even effect our most treasured artifacts it would seem, thanks to you and Applejack, um… well, merging, and all.”

Sora lifted his head up and thought for a moment as they continued walking. “Well… That is kind of strange. I would like to know what that is all about. Since it’s never happened before.”

“Right? You did say something like that.” she held a hoof to her chin, “What possibilities could this lead to. Are the elements and the Keyblade connected in some way? Or perhaps they just share something in common with each other… or even-” she was stopped by Sora’s chuckling. “D… Did I say something wrong?” she turned her head to look at the stallion.

Sora smiled shaking his head. “No, no, you just… look like your genuinely having fun.” he looked forward.

This caught her by surprise… She had to admit, she did seem to enjoy speculating and theorizing about the subject. “Heh… I guess so… but wouldn’t you be the same, when you discover something completely new?”

“You have a point. I’m pretty curious already with how the Keyblade Applejack and I had, when we were joined, was able to turn into a hammer for a while.”

“Right! You said that was completely new to you as well” Twilight perked up. Then looked forward. “So… your ok with me running experiments and tests on you?”

Sora just laughed “Already gave you my answer.” he then noticed that they had arrived. “Here we are!” he trotted ahead and rounded the corner to enter the dining room. “Hey guys! Hope you didn’t start without us!” Already crowd of voices were heard ahead.

Twilight watched as the Stallion went ahead of her, as she continued her pace. So many questions were running through her mind again. And with everything she learned, it only seemed to add even more questions for her. She did however took solace in knowing, that the one person that caused it all, was willing to help her in all this. That smile never seemed to go away as she finally entered the Dining room to be greeted by her teacher, and friends that she was so very glad to have.

Author's Note:

Well, that was certainly an interesting turn of events in the story.

Ahem, right, as promised I'll explain myself. Based on some previous comments form my last chapter, there are some people that are interested in different love interests for Sora. I don't blame them I find them curious as well. While Ultimately, I do have a favorite, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the other options as well. So I thought, and thought, and thought..... and figured. Why not see the other love paths in the story.

Now of course I have certain standards if this is something you guys would like to see. If I am to really do something like this, I will NOT be satisfied with shoe-horning, an alternate ending to the story and call it a day. Sure there will be alternate endings, but there will be so much more then just that. What you will see will be much more in depth, at some points, following the main canon, and at other times, having personal sections I would like to call. "Love paths" that to the reader's choice would decide which on is the canon one.

What does this mean? Well for one, longer chapters for whenever such romantic sections should appear, and even sometimes, Love paths having their own chapters. If your interested in seeing all of them, a few of them, or are only focused on one relationship, you just read said love path and it'll always lead off to the canon story so it doesn't feel like some kind of isolated incident.

Does this task, sound hard? Maybe, but I don't care. :derpytongue2: I'm just interested in telling a story and finishing it.

So with that being said: I have three levers:

Lever 1: Let the story continued as how I originally planned it with one love interest

Lever 2: Go a bit wild and add two more of your choice, so it be 3 love interests, using an experiment in story writing I have thought up. (If you choose this lever, you must post either one or two of the other girls names along with it so I can tally it up)

Lever 3: We go crazy and just do them all. This will take that initial experiment for Lever 2 and bolster it with more paths.

The one constant in every choice is that, Fluttershy will always be a love interest, so she is excluded from choosing since she already has a spot. Now what happens if either lever 1 or 2 is picked? the story will carry one with the chosen love interests to go deeper into their relationships with Sora, I purposely written chapter, so that for all the potential girls that did not get picked, it was only an innocent crush moment, puppy love if you will. Everyone tends to have them whenever they see or know cute person they see often. In time they go away if they aren't pursued and just like that it's just a silly memory for them.

Alright, now with that out of the way, your voice is the deciding factor everyone. Don't worry about the canon story, it may alter some things, but doesn't change it entirely, it's not gonna be a love fest (God No!). Think of it as like when you play a game like Dragon Age Inquisition or something like that. Love is there, but it's not all that will be talked about. And I enjoy writing the battles in the story.

With that being said, Next Chapter: Finally back home, and already have to go on an adventure?! That's messed up!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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