• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,619 Views, 1,478 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 30: Pot of Hunny

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Golden Oaks Library

Late Night

“NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I can’t believe you all are even suggesting this!” Sora’s prediction was pretty accurate as he stood next to Merlin and Spike, the three of them letting a very enraged purple unicorn speak her mind once Sora finally told her about Merlin’s plan.

“Twilight, really, it's actually a good idea when you think about it.” Sora pleaded.

Twilight stomped her hoof. “It a better idea if he wasn’t even involved!” All three males flinched from her outburst. “Arming Spike and training him to fight heartless, it’s too dangerous!” She then pointed a hoof toward Merlin. “And what makes it worse is that you even got the crusaders involved in this! What will AJ, Rarity and Rainbow think?!”

Without missing a beat, Spike answered. “Rainbow would think it’d be cool.”

“Spike, you’re not helping my case.” Twilight reprimanded as she face hoofed.

The little dragon folded his arms, looking away as he muttered under his breath. “Not trying to…”

“I’m sorry Merlin, but I can’t agree to such a plan. Spike and the girls are far too young to be getting involved in all of this.”

“I understand where you’re coming from Ms. Sparkle, however Spike shows a lot of potential for one as young as him.”

“It doesn’t matter, Spike is under my care and I say he should be as far away from danger as possible.” Twilight replied.

“Uh, I hate to break it to you Twilight, but you did let him join us when we went to seal the keyhole. And when we first met in the Everfree Forest, you had Spike tag along then as well.” Sora stated.

“Yeah, because I was with him and you were with him. And when we first met I never expected run into such ruthless creatures like the heartless!” She explained.

She would have continued, however at that moment Merlin decided to step in. “I’ve been gathering some knowledge of this world for a while now, and unless I’m mistaken the Everfree was a dangerous place well before the introduction of the heartless. You certainly seemed alright with bringing him then.”

Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but then she closed it. He had her there. What compelled her to bring Spike along into the forest in the first place? Normally she would have him wait at the library. Was she being neglectful of his safety at the time?

“Twilight...” She lifted her head toward Spike’s voice. “Look, I know you don’t want me to be involved in all this and to stay safe, but I think it’s already too late. I mean look.“ Spike held his claw out and from out of nowhere a flash of light appeared. Once it died down, in its place Spike was holding a rather distinctive sword.

( Picture taken from: http://www.khwiki.com/Dream_Sword )

Twilight reared back in shock. “What?!” Spike had summoned it in a similar manner to how Sora summons his keyblade. However its summoning didn’t seem as extravagant as the key bearer’s summoning. “H-How?!

Sora seemed shocked as well, but not for the same reason. That sword looks familiar, why?

Merlin cleared his throat. “A special summoning magic, It’s somewhat similar to how Sora summons the keyblade. However, Spike has to deliberately cast the spell for it to work, whereas Sora is able to do it instinctively and without drain. Keyblades, such mysterious things they are.” Merlin glanced at Sora for a moment before turning to Spike. “And I had HOPED that Spike would have waited until I said it was ok to show it to you.” Spike suddenly had a nervous look on his face as he scratched the back of his head, making the sword vanish. “It’s a simple summoning magic many warriors use to avoid actually carrying their weapon around. No sheath required if you will.”

“Hey Merlin, uuuh, where exactly did he get that sword?” Sora asked as his curiosity got the better of him. Fortunately the wizard seemed more then willing to answer.

“Ah, yes! About that…”




Merlin, Spike, and the Crusaders were all making their way over towards Sora’s house. Having just defeated that giant heartless, Merlin seemed very eager to get to the point of the matter with the young drake. “Now, lets see… the door was on the right I believe.” Upon entering the home, Merlin looked toward the right wall and sure enough, saw a door at the farther end of it.

“Uh, Mr. Merlin? Why are we in Sora’s house?” Spike asked, the crusaders trailing behind him.

“To begin a test, Spike.” Merlin said as he made his way to the door.

“What kind of test?” Scootaloo trotted up past Spike and next to the wizard. “Do we get to take it too?”

“I’m afraid this one is specifically for Spike. But not to worry, I have something else in mind for you three.” When Merlin entered the room he took a look around. It looked pretty standard as training rooms go. He stepped further in allowing the others to follow him into the room. “Now then.” He turned to face Spike and girls before continuing. “Spike, let’s start with you.” With a glow of his horn under his hat and a fluid motion with his hoof, Three puffs of cloud and magic appeared on the floor in front of him. When they dispersed three weapons appeared in their place sitting upon ornate pedestals. A Shield, a Rod, and a Sword.

“Whoa!” Spike walked up to them. “Are these for me?” He had an eager look in his eye.

Merlin sat on his haunches and stroked his beard as if he was in deep thought. “One of them is, yes, but choose wisely now. Once you’ve decided there is no going back.”

Now feeling an unfamiliar pressure Spike took a step back from the weapons and retracted his claws. “Oh, uuuuh.” He looked at them again with this new information in mind. If he could only keep one, which one should it be? His first glance was toward the sword.

Suddenly Merlin spoke. "The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction."

This caused Spike to jump and look toward the wizard. Merlin still had his eyes closed, so how did he know what he was looking at. Spike then looked over to the shield, and once again the wizard spoke.

"The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all."

Spike gazed up at him again, now he knew he was doing this on purpose. He turned to the Rod.

"The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin."

Spike took the words to heart for each weapon. He wasn’t sure why but this choice felt a lot heavier than he thought it should. Finally after few seconds of mentally debating he stepped forward and picked up the sword, holding it in his claws.

“Is this the path you seek?” Merlin asked.

“Well, the best defense is a good offense, right? So yeah, I choose this.” Spike nodded.

Merlin still kept his eyes closed and continued stroking his beard. “Very well, now what will you give up in exchange?”

“What?” Spike didn’t expect that. But he came this far, he might as well finish the test. He looked at the other two before setting the sword down. He walked over to them. It took him some time, but he picked up the rod.

“You give up the power of the mystic?” Merlin asked.

Spike nodded. And just like that, the rod disappeared from his claws in a flash of light, startling him. The shield vanished soon after and only the sword remained. Merlin opened his eyes and stood up.

“Now then, with that your path has been set. How about I show you a rather simple spell most adventurers and fighters use nowadays where Sora and I come from?” Merlin smiled.

Spike couldn’t even hold back the smile on his face. But before he could Speak Scootaloo pushed passed him. “Hey! What about us? We wanna help too!”

“Yeah! We might get even get our Cutie Marks in Heartless fighting!” Applebloom hopped up and down in excitement.

After hearing that the three of them gave a big “YEAH!” at the prospect. Both Merlin and Spike rolled their eyes.

“I haven’t forgotten what I said. Well, since you are so eager to get started I’ll begin your test as well. However this test requires the three of you to decide together, alright?” The girls looked at each other before turning back to Merlin and nodding. “Very well, then.” Another wave of his hoof and a glow of his horn and three more clouds of magic appeared before him. In front of him were three objects.

“What are those?” Sweetie Belle pointed her hoof toward them before the three of them approached the weapons.

“I believe they are called Struggle Bats. It has been some time since I’ve kept up to date with the sport.” Merlin stroked his beard in thought.

“Struggle bats?” Spike walked up this time to get a closer look.

“Yes, I believe you might have noticed that poster on Sora’s wall in the living room.” At their nod Merlin continued. “It’s a sort of combat sport if you will. The object of the game is take orbs from your opponent by striking them with those bats. If you manage to collect all the orbs or hold the most orbs at the end of the time limit, you are the victor. The best part is that the weapons are perfectly designed to not give any lasting damage. At worst it’s like a slap on the wrist, or if an opponent was really trying to harm you a minor ache that would last for a short while. During Spike’s training I’ll have him use these as well. Hopefully, if I am able to with Sora’s help, I can even set up Struggle matches here in the training room.”

Scootaloo now looked like she was having a sugar rush. “That sounds awesome! Why doesn’t Equestria have stuff like this?!” She then stopped and scowled. “Hey wait, how come he gets a real weapon and we don’t?!”

“I’d be happy to explain that once you’ve completed your test.” He gestured back to the struggle bats. “Now there is only one for each of you, and each one has different task from the others. Your test is to decide who will be what with you three working together.” He gestured a hoof toward the one that looked more like a basic club. “Attacker” He then moved it toward the bat with the hand/hoof guard. “Defender” Finally he gestured to the one with the star on it. “Support”.

The girls looked at the bats, hesitantly looking at them then at one another. In the end they went into a huddle and started discussing it amongst themselves.

“Now then, that should keep them busy for awhile.” Merlin turned to Spike. “Let me teach you how the spell to summon your weapon works.”

Spike beamed again, glad to be getting back on track. “Right!”


Golden Oaks Library

Back to the Present

Twilight sat there pondering about the whole story Merlin gave her. “So, what are you trying to say here, Mr. Merlin? Why did you give Spike that sword and are having him train at Sora’s house?”

“Because my dear, Spike has a lot of potential.“ Merlin patted the little dragon on the head, Spike simply puffed out his chest in pride.

“Potential, for what?” Twilight raised her eyebrows.

“Hey!” Sora called out in excitement. Apparently he had strolled by the living room table where right next to Merlin’s bag, was a rather familiar book. “Pooh’s Story Book!” The sound of his voice was filled with joy yet confusion. “Merlin, Why is Pooh’s book here?”

“You tell me, Sora. I specifically left it at Radiant Garden for safe keeping, but it always seems to sneak around to where it wants to go.” Merlin sighed.

Twilight and Spike blinked and just stared at Sora and Merlin. “Uh, Twilight, why are they talking about the book like it’s alive?”

“I’m… not sure Spike, b-but we’re getting side tra-”

“Well since it’s here, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt pay Pooh a visit right?”

“What?” Twilight tilted her head to the side baffled by the conversation.

“I don’t see why not, however it’s probably best to visit him after a good night’s rest. It is getting late after all.” Merlin looked out the window.

Sora slumped a little and groaned. “I guess…” He immediately perked up. “Then I’m going first thing in the morning!”

“Excuse me!” Twilight stepped between them. “Um, what are you two even talking about?”

Sora and Merlin took a moment to look at each other before turning back to Twilight, Merlin then apologized. “Sorry about that my dear, we just got caught up in the moment there. However I think you’ll come to like this as well.”

“Explain” She asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, if we take a break from your magic training we can show you much more about this book here tomorrow. You’ve earned a bit of a rest anyhow.”

“Tomorrow? Why not now?” She protested.

Sora decided to answer for Merlin. “Twilight, it’s the middle of the night and everyone is tired, I know I’m bushed.” To emphasize this the key bearer suddenly yawned. Apparently it was contagious because Spike did the same almost immediately afterwards. “It’s been a busy day, and this has been a long conversation. I promise we’ll show you first thing in the morning, ok?”

Twilight started grumbling to herself before suddenly needing to blink back a sense of drowsiness that she was too worked up to notice before. “Ugh, fine. But I’m holding you to that, first thing in the morning!” She huffed and watched Merlin levitate the book over to himself.

“I’ll hold onto the book until then,” he smirked, “just incase a certain mare gets a little too curious at night”

At this Twilight pouted and looked away. Sora could sense that was EXACTLY her plan for the night. “Come on, Spike, let’s turn in for the night… and no weapons in the library!”

“Aaawww” Spike groaned as he made his sword vanish. Well, somebody had to suffer her ‘wrath’ for not getting what she wanted.

“And don’t think our discussion is over about him.” She pointed at Merlin and Sora before making her way up to her bed, with Spike in tow.

“And I thought Applejack was the stubborn one.” Sora deadpanned.

“I heard that!”

“Welp, gotta go! Been fun Merlin!” Sora swiftly saw himself out.

Merlin simply chuckled before levitating the book he was previously reading and set to work picking up where he last left off. “Ah, to be young.”

The night was a relatively peaceful one until a knock was heard at the library door.

“I’m afraid the library is closed for the night, please come back in the morning.” Merlin called out, though he still kept his eyes on his book. Currently he was reading up on as much information he could gather from this world. A wise man would take advantage of any source of knowledge when living in unknown lands.

However his words were ignored as the door was cast in a blue aura before it slowly swung open. “Pardon our intrusion, but we would hope to speak with you, Mr. Merlin.”

Merlin’s ears perked up and he turned toward the door, receiving quite the pleasant surprise. “Well now, this is most interesting.” He smiled, both Princess Luna and Celestia stepped through the doorway, accompanied by a set of guards that soon took their place on each side of it once they entered. “So, you must be the fabled pony princesses I’ve been hearing so much about from Yen Sid.” He bookmarked his page and set it down before hopping off the couch.

Celestia bowed her head toward the wizard. “It is wonderful to finally meet the stallion -or rather the man- that is teaching my student outside magic.”

Merlin chuckled. “Ah yes, well since Sora’s big reveal at the capitol I suppose it would be fine if I revealed myself for a bit.” Merlin vanished in a puff of smoke which soon dissipated, revealing his true form. He was an old man in a long blue robe with an equally long beard, a tall pointy hat, pointy shoes made of thick cloth colored the same blue as his robe, and a pair of small round spectacles. The guards that were watching were trying their hardest not to panic at the sight of the new being before them. Soon after Sora and the girls left for home, Celestia and Luna wasted no time in Canterlot addressing both the citizens and the guard about the situation of what was actually going on with the world. As expected there were mixed reactions from the populace. Some were positive and glad that an outside force was here aiding them, others however were worried that the “aliens” were here for some other sinister motive. There was even a pony who claimed that Sora had brainwashed the Princesses into thinking he was a hero so he could get free reign on abducting ponies to his secret alien space ship. That pony didn’t get much of a following since his “conspiracy” sounded absolutely ridiculous and somewhat cliche. “Ah, much better.” Merlin dusted off his robe. “Now, I take it you’re here for more than a simple hello.”

Both Sisters nodded with a more serious expression on their faces. Luna decided to speak. “Yes, we would like to discuss with you about Sora, and his... current predicament.” Celestia looked away in shame.

“Hmm yes, Yen Sid informed me of that much. Apparently he is currently stuck as a pony, and the only way for him to return to his human form, is but a small bag of magic beads that you created.”

“We are currently devising a better alternative for him to switch between forms. We are still looking for a way to reverse the spell in general, but…”

Celestia picked up after her sister “It has become more… problematic as of late. It appears the transformation has affected Sora’s body deeper than we had previously anticipated.”

“If I’m recalling what Yen Sid said correctly, that form he’s in is his real body… Hmm, that is rather troubling.” He stroked his beard.

“We were hoping to spend some time discussing it with you as well. I worry I may have made an irreversible mistake due to my ignorance of the magic he already possessed.” Celestia hung her head in shame.

Merlin simply shook his head “Well, what is done is done. I will do everything that I can to help, but if no true progress comes soon… I’m afraid he’ll have to be informed. It would not do to keep him ignorant for long.”

“Yes, I… I understand and have been thinking the very same. We have been asking a lot from him and he would aid us no matter what the challenge.” This just made the Solar Princess feel even worse as her sister tried to comfort her.

“Yes, well Sora has no problems in helping a friend.” Merlin nodded.

Luna nodded as well. “He does seem rather loyal to the bearers, and he gets along with them so well. It’s no wonder he would aid them in any situation.”

“Well yes, that is very much true. But I believe he sees the two of you as friends as well.”

“What?” Both sisters were a bit surprised at this revelation Merlin gave them.

“I’ve had some time to speak with the lad earlier today.” A smile appeared on his face. “I asked him a bit about his contributions toward repelling the invasion. It would seem he was hoping that his big reveal wouldn’t cause anything negative between you and your citizens. He would actually like to take the time to chat with you two more, since he would love to get to know more about his friends.” This left the two sisters speechless for a moment. Then finally after looking at Celestia once more and seeing her expression Luna spoke asked.

“He would consider us friends as well?”

Merlin laughed. “Believe me that boy makes friends wherever he goes, doesn’t matter who or what you are. I’m gonna take a guess here, but when you admitted to him being stuck in that body, he wasn’t angry or resentful towards you was he?”

Celestia was taken aback by this. “A-ah, no… He was shocked and concerned, but never did he lash out or express his anger. I hope he isn’t bottling it all up for my sake, that isn’t healthy.”

“I doubt it princess, that boy would try to be friends with just about anyone. Even that Mogson fellow he lives with right now, despite how they act with each other. And that Mogson can be very trifling to deal with.”

Both sisters giggled. They may not have met this Mogson, but from hearing Merlin’s words they could take an accurate guess how intolerable the moogle was. Celestia responded. “Well, if he truly has no qualms seeking friendship with us… I suppose it would do no harm to visit him and the bearers whenever we get the chance.”

Luna smiled. “Oh, Nightmare Night is coming up. Looks like I’ll get the ‘first of dibs’ I believe it’s called.” She spoke with a somewhat cocky tone of voice as she puffed out her chest.

Celestia shook her head and laughed a little. “Very Well, then perhaps I’ll have to find the time to visit as well,” she then gave a smirk and glanced towards Luna, “and outshine my dear little sister at being the better friend.”

Luna shared the same look. “Thou can try, Tia! However, I shan’t be defeated so easily.”

“Oh, so you already admit your defeat?” Celestia giggled once more. “And you’re speaking ‘ye olde pony’ once again, sister.”

Merlin simply rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile as he watched the two “trash talk” each other in an unnecessary contest. The rest of their time together would be to discuss about the predicament of Sora’s form and potential solutions to it, but now the mood seemed much lighter than when it started.


Next Day

Sora yawned, he was back in the library sitting on Twilight’s couch with Merlin as they waited for a certain mare to finish her checklist with Spike… again. “Twilight, you’ve checked that thing three times now. I think you have everything.” He groaned watching her go over the list while pointing at various items on the table such as paper, Ink, quills, two packed lunches, another list full of interview questions, a couple books Sora never bothered to check the titles of, and bits and bobs of all sorts that she claimed were for experimentation.

“I just want to be absolutely sure we have everything. Merlin explained it to me this morning, a whole other world lies contained within that book! Can you believe it?!” She squealed with delight. Sora simply deadpanned and stared at her in response. “Oh... hehe, right, of course you know. Still! This is so exciting! How can there be an entire world inside a book? I mean I know that they say that figuratively all the time in regards to narrative works, but in this case it’s literal! Is it in another plane of existence? Or is the book like some sort of teleportation device that sends you there?” She gasped. “If that was the case, then I’d be the first pony in space! History in the making!” She immediately looked at the items on her table. “This won’t be enough. I’ll need-” She was lifted up in Merlin’s magic. “Wha?”

“Easy there Twilight, you and Sora’s saddle bags will only carry so much. Besides if we let you continue on like this, it’ll be tomorrow before you’re done.” Merlin chuckled before setting her back on the ground again.

With an embarrassed look on her face she cleared her throat and looked away. “I uh… I guess you have a point.”

Sora turned over to Merlin. “I was kind of hoping to surprise her about what the book could really do.”

Merlin shrugged. “I’m afraid she was rather insistent on wanting to know what all the fuss was about with the book.” His ears then perked up. “Ah, that reminds me.” His horn glowed once more and in a familiar puff of a smoke a box dropped in front of Sora as Twilight started packing up.

“What’s this?” Sora looked at it and was about to pick it up before Merlin stopped him.

“Just a concern of mine, hopefully it won’t be of any use.” He leaned over and whispered in Sora’s ear. “It’s actually for Twilight, but she probably won’t be able to make heads or tails about how to use it if what I fear comes true.

“And what’s that?” He eyed the box again suspiciously then looked back at Merlin.

“The book itself might alter her in a way to fit in. Nothing permanent I assure you, just for the time she remains there.” He moved the box toward Sora and amazingly it shrunk and fit itself snuggly in his saddle bag. “Only use it if she does change when you enter.”

“Uuuh, Ok then.” Sora then hopped off the couch with a confused look on his face. Twilight packed his other saddle bag with his lunch and some bagged up items that were on her checklist. “Now can we go?” He turned to Twilight.

She had just finished with the last of her bag before turning and nodding with a giddy smile. “Yes, yes we can!” She trembled with excitement.

“Finally.” He sighed before looking over at the wizard. “Merlin, if you would be so kind.”

“Of course, my boy.” Merlin poofed the book into existence once again with a puff of smoke. The book then floated and turned so the cover was facing Sora and Twilight before it opened up. That’s when the librarian took note that light had started coming off the pages inside.

“We’ll be gone for awhile, but hopefully before dinner.” Sora said to Merlin, then he nodded to Twilight. “Ready?”

“Uh, how exactly are we-” Sora answered her unfinished question as he ran towards the book and quite literally jumped into it. In a flash of light he was gone. “Wha?!” She looked around. “Spike! Where did he go?!”

“Beats me! I’m as clueless as you are!” Spike spun a full 360 degrees to look for the keyblade wielder, but to no avail.

Merlin cleared his throat. “Oh come now Twilight, it’s obvious that he’s in the book. Now if you would be so kind as enter as well before he starts to wonder where you went?”

“O-oh, right, of course… hehe.” She gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her head. That was a bit foolish of her to forget. She then straightened up. “Look after things until I get back Spike.”

“I know, Twilight.” He waved her off as she hesitated for a moment, then finally ran toward the book and jumped at it. “Finally, she’s gone.” Spike went behind the couch and pulled out a struggle bat “Now we can go back to training.”

“Indeed, and I’m sure they’ll be quite busy in there for a while.” Merlin smirked.

“What makes you say that?” Spike said as he followed behind the wizard out the door.

“Well other then spending time with Pooh and his friends, Sora will have his hands full with Twilight for awhile.”


Pooh’s Storybook, on the Pages

Sora touched down on the glowing compass, noticing his shoes he was rather surprised that they weren’t two pairs of hooves. “Whoa…” He took a few steps off the compass and looked himself over. “Is this the book’s doing?” He then held his hands out in front of him and gripped them a few times. “Well, at least I won’t have an awkward time explaining to Pooh and the others about the pony thing.”

“Oh! Sora! You’re in your real body? Did you take a bead already?” Seems like Twilight had arrived.

Sora turned to face her. “Actually no, the book must hav-Ah!” it was like someone cast the stop spell on him as he spoke.


Immediately he pivoted around and looked away from her. “WHAT?!”

At his outburst Twilight reared back, but suddenly felt herself fall back for some reason. “Wha-Oof! Ow…” She rubbed her head. “What was that abo-” Something was off. First, for some reason her hoof was really sensitive, it felt every strand of her mane on her head. That was strange enough, but right now something more important demanded her attention. “Wh-wh-where’s my horn?!” Her eyes shot open and she pulled her hoof-THAT IS NOT MY HOOF! Her mind screamed as she was looking at a slender version of what Sora called a hand. When the fingers flexed she shrieked and tried to shake it away from her. However, it was still attached to her body so it wasn’t going anywhere. “Sora! What’s going on?!” She took notice that the rest of her body… wasn’t her body. Sora could only sigh and ask his mind why things had to be this complicated for him. Why couldn’t he just introduce his friends to one another normally? Awkwardly he tried to answer her.

“Uuh, Congratulations Twilight… You’re a woman now.... In the nude.”

Author's Note:

Hey again folks, before I see the posts of how ended off the Chapter with a cliche and how everyone saw this coming:

Yes, you are correct, I did end it with a cliche and I knew full well, you'd all figure it out just by what Merlin said earlier.

Why did I go with it? Apparently it was suggested to me to have Twilight change into a human, originally only Sora would've been the one that changed.

Lastly, I do hope you know from reading my chapters it be a little soon to assume that you should expect how it all goes in the next chapter when we come back to this "bare" topic. (I will NOT see myself out :pinkiesmile: )

Just saying.... I mean you could think that, I'm not stopping ya.

Also, if you think this story is gonna turn into anything dirty... You'd think I'd put up a tag or something about that you know? Just a thought. Hopefully it answers your question.

Now with that out of the way, onto what I really wanted to talk about.

Regrettably this Chapter was suppose to be longer, however some Real life junk happens and I bought new video games and they demand my attention as well lol. So I was wanted to ask you all that actually bother to read the Author's notes here. You still cool with that two week deadline I set up for myself? I managed to show I am dedicated to keep at it and give you warnings and apologies if there were ever was any delays. I just want to hear from you all if you want me to keep doing that or would rather have me make even longer chapters, which would require adding additional week(s) to do so. Your the ones reading this story, so it's only fair that you get a say on how I should update it. Keep in mind you can say that you would prefer it one way, but would also be fine with another way.

Example: Someone would say They like it to stay the two week dead line, but they would be fine if the dead line was stretched a week or two.

This helps me understand and narrow down the decision if you give me your full opinion on it.

I want to hear from you guys about this, ok? It's pretty cool showing my work with people that actually enjoy it so I at least want to accommodate in anyway possible.

Alright I think I've said all I can say about that. I gotta go. My internet's been wonky for the past few days anyway.

Next Chapter: Twilight, stop touching everything!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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