• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 11,620 Views, 1,478 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 33: Protege

(As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what you're reading. Red text means to stop the music. Any words with [color=#afa4cc26]This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief

Completely optional: You’re free to ignore this)

Ponyville Town Square, Sora’s Job Board

Hey there, Mr. Sora sir! I have a problem and your expertise in dealing with the heartless is needed for it. I was informed by the mail mare herself that she apparently lost the package she was delivering to me from my friend in Canterlot. She claims she was following the trail the whole way and didn't even notice it fell out until she arrived back in Ponyville. I wanted to be frustrated, but it's really hard to get mad at that particular mare.

So I ask of you, please, follow along the trail that leads to Canterlot and look for a red package. Once you’ve found it you can then leave it with the Mayor, I'll pick it up there as soon as I'm able. I've even left your reward with her should you choose to accept this request. It's mostly bits, as well as something I found back when I was more daring to leave the town by myself.

P.S. I would much appreciated if you do not open the package. As tempting as the red color of it may invite you to do so.

Sora finished reading the request. Out of all the other requests that were on the board, this one seemed to be the most urgent for the quest giver in question, especially with the amount of bits he was offering at the bottom of the paper. Also the extra reward that he found out of town intrigued him, making him curious as to what it was. Whatever this package is, it must be pretty important to ask Sora’s help in getting it. He took the request off the billboard, rolled it up and tucked it away in his saddle bag.

“Ah, Sora my boy! There you are!” Sora turned to see Merlin walking up to him with Spike in tow. “I see you are about to embark on a task.”

Sora nodded. “Yeah, heading outside of the magical shield to find a lost package or something like that.”

Merlin nodded. “Splendid, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect time for this!”

“What do you mean?” Sora raised an eyebrow.

“Well you are aware of how I am training Spike to better defend himself and his friends. As much of a boon as it is to have access to that training room at your home, I’m afraid at times there are some lessons and teachings that can only be learned through actual experience, so I was considering that you could perhaps allow him to accompany you this time. To really learn from a professional in the field.”

“Wait? For real?! I get to fight Heartless with Sora? Awesome!” Spike cheered pumping a fist in the air.

Sora folded his forelimbs and held a surprised expression. “Well I’m ok with idea, Spike was pretty helpful when we went to lock the keyhole, and I’ve caught glimpses of him working out in the training room. He’s got a good form going, but how did you convince Twilight to let him come along?”

“I don’t think ‘convince’ would be the right choice of words...” Merlin replied as he looked away.




“And this is to help strengthen my spells?” Twilight was now standing on her hind legs, levitating various objects around her as well as the table she was standing on. Twilight was so skilled in her magic that this was practically nothing to her. However, she was told to hold it like this for as long as she was able.

“Precisely Ms. Sparkle, you are forbidden to leave that spot until you’ve drained all of magic. Once that happens, I surmise it will help speed you up in taking your spells to the next level.” Merlin said with a nod as he was heading out the door. “Now, I am taking Spike to Sora’s house to train. While you’re busy doing this I’ll leave him there, then come straight back here to monitor you and wait for Fluttershy to arrive to continue her supportive training.

Twilight sighed. “Right…” She still wasn’t pleased with the idea of Spike learning to fight dangerous creatures. However she finally decided it was for the best, It give Spike something to do when she was training. it also give him some exercise, a healthy idea when you think about it, and she would make sure he’d never have to use it if she could help it by leaving him in Ponyville whenever danger arrives. Once she learned to accept this, her mind felt more clear, as if lifting useless worries off her back and helping her focus on her work.

“Right, I’ll be back once I’ve set him up on a training course.” Merlin said as he and Spike stepped out.

“Mhm…” was Twilight’s reply as she kept her focus on her task.

Once they were out and walking down the pathway to the road, Spike finally spoke up. “So what will be my training today? You said dummies so will they be just plain old dummies or are you gonna make them come to life like you did with all that furniture and stuff in your bag.”

“Oh no, no, no, Spike my boy. I just told Twilight that as a cover for your REAL training.” Merlin smiled as instead of heading to Sora’s house, they headed the opposite direction to Town Hall. “Now I do believe he should be one his way to work this time of the morning.”

“Real training?” Spike tilted his head. “Who are we going to see then?”

“Oh, you’ll see.” Merlin winked.



Town Hall Billboard

Sora blinked. “Wow, you actually got away with that? You know she’s gonna be pretty steamed when she finds out, right?”

“IF she finds out, Sora. You just take him on any tasks that involve you to leave the safety of the barrier and provide him with a good example by doing what you do best. I only ask that you keep an eye on him. It is a dangerous place out there, and that doesn’t just pertain to the heartless. I have been reading this world’s bestiary and there are some rather nasty creatures here as well. And Fluttershy will be at the Library soon for her training, so I’m afraid you won’t have her around to calm them should they become violent.”

“Well no pressure or anything…” Sora scratched the back of his head as he replied with sarcasm.

“This is gonna be awesome!” Spike cheered… then sheepishly cleared his throat. “I-uh, I mean, I won’t let you down Sora!” He tried to look like a competent companion immediately after that.

Sora smirked and rolled his eyes before rubbing the top of Spikes head with his hoof. “Glad to hear it, buddy.”

“Splendid, I’ll leave you boys to it. Be sure to have him back before sundown to avoid suspicion of course.” Merlin gave a nod before making his way back to the library, but stopped for a moment. “Oh yes, of course.” he turned to face the two “A word of wisdom Spike, you should take this opportunity to learn what you should and shouldn’t do in a fight. Knowing this will decide your fate in the battles to come.”

Both Sora and Spike look toward each other for a moment, unsure of how to respond before returning their gazes to Merlin again.

“Now then, I’m off. Have fun boys.” He waved before turning around again and returning to the path leading to the Library, leaving the two boys to their task.

“Well… I guess we better get started.” Sora got back on his hooves as Spike jumped onto his back, which he had to get used to. “Whoa!”

“Sorry, sorry! Just really pumped-I mean, I’m eager to get the job done.” He gave a sheepish smile.

Sora just shook his head and smirked. “Don’t sweat it, let’s just get to it.” As he said this he broke out into a trot toward the other side of town.

“YEAH! Let’s Go!” Spike fist pumped, more than ready for some adventure.


Ponyville Outskirts, Road to Canterlot

Approx. half an hour later

Spike watched in wonder as they approached the edge of the barrier. From the day of its activation, Spike had always remained inside it and went nowhere near the edges of it whenever he traversed the town. Now, actually being there, it seemed to give him some sort of feeling, a bit of hesitation really. “You good up there, Spike? You been kinda quiet all of a sudden.” Sora asked looking up at the dragon, they were actually in the middle of a conversation when all of a sudden Spike just clammed up and started staring off ahead of them.

“Huh? Oh uh, sorry. Just um, looking at what’s ahead of us, is all.” Spike rubbed the back of his neck for his sudden odd behavior.

Sora decided to look ahead of him and took a guess. “Sure you’re really up for this?”

After a moment Spike shook back to his senses and then held a look of determination. “A-absolutely! I can definitely do this…. You’re gonna be with me the whole time, right?” He turned to the Stallion hopefully.

Sora chuckled. “The whole time, Spike.” Seeing his words reassured the baby dragon, Sora continued on.

“It’s kind of strange really, looking from inside out everything looks the same as before the Heartless appeared.”

“Well what did you expect?” Sora asked.

“I dunno. Normally in stories like this, everything outside of the protection barrier would become all super creepy or barren or something.” Spike stated before taking another look ahead as they approached.

Sora laughed. “Heartless don’t work like that. All they care about is taking your heart. There not like some kind of evil curse, they’re just creatures born from the Darkness within hearts.”

“The Darkness within hearts?”

Sora nodded. “I did explain this before didn’t I?” That was when something hit him. “Oh wait, I explained it back in Canterlot, I suppose Twilight didn’t tell you.”

Spike shook his head. “Twilight has been pretty preoccupied lately… Well, more than usual anyway. So she never told me about it either.”

Sora sighed. Despite explaining all this as readily as he has been, he really wasn’t the person he’d recommend to do so. Merlin or Yen Sid would be the better choice. Regardless, this much should be doable for him atleast. “Alright, I’ll give you the short version of it then.” He said as they finally passed through the barrier.

Spike had tensed up and tried to steel himself for what would happen once they did… He was kind of disappointed that nothing happened at all, and wondered if such a barrier really kept the heartless out of town. However, the fact that there were no sightings within the town was the perfect sign of it’s validity.

Whether Spike was paying attention or not, Sora started explaining. “I’m basically repeating what Master Yen Sid told me but, Heartless are Darkness made real.” Sora started scanning around them for any surprises or sightings of their actual target. “And there’s at least a little Darkness in every heart.”

“So I have darkness inside me?!” Spike panicked and started clutching at his chest, as if learning such knowledge would transform him into a heartless that very instant.

“Yeah, but don’t worry, you're not gonna just transform on us like that. Otherwise, everyone would have become a heartless a long time ago.”

“Aheh, of course…” Now Spike just felt silly for his little panic moment. “Uh, you can continue then.”

Sora smiled and rolled his eyes. “Anyway, during my first time adventuring, there was actually WAY more heartless than this, but my friends and I manage to locate Kingdom Hearts and seal off this big source of Darkness where the Heartless were coming from and-”

“Kingdom Hearts?” Spike asked. Twilight at least manage to tell him about that, but didn’t go far in explanation about it.

“That too, huh?” Sora rubbed his chin for a moment. “Think of it like this. There’s something like a running faucet that heartless come out of. My friends and I managed to turn the faucet off, only to find out that there was a lot of small little leaks along the pipe that we didn’t expect would appear.”

“Leaking faucet?” Spike tilted his head and tried to make sense of the analogy.

Sora sighed once again. “Still not making any sense? Guess that was a weird analogy.” He tapped his hoof to his chin. “We’ll talk to Merlin about it when we get back. He’ll probably find a better way to explain it compared to me, but for now, just be glad that their are less heartless around”

Suddenly, they were greeted by that familiar sound and appearance of their enemies popping into existence and standing in front of them. “Sora they’re here!”

Speak of the devil “Yeah, I noticed.” Sora replied as Spike hopped off his back. “Not surprising they wouldn’t give us enough time to actually take more then 20 steps past the barrier.” Sora dug into his bag and pulled out a bead. He was teaching another biped so why not return to being a biped as well? A swift crunch and a brief flash of light and Sora was now holding his trusty weapon in his hand. “Alright, ready to go Spike?”

“Absolutely!” Spike ran up to stand next to him and summoned his Sword, holding it in front of him ready to strike.

“Alright! Let’s get to it!” Without a moment’s hesitation Sora dashed forward toward the Jackalopes, Applepillars, and Shadows ahead of them, with Spike close behind.

“So what’s the plan?!” Spike said as he watched Sora rush in.

“The plan?” Sora called back in confusion. “Eh, just go in and bash heads! Just like last time!” He then jumped and slapped down a jackalope that had leapt towards them into oblivion. Then he guarded from a high speed giant rolling fake apple and batted it away.

“Oh, uh right, I know that. But uh, how is this helping me learn to fight any better?” Spike asked.

“Huh?” Sora looked back, unclear on why he would ask that until he remembered the reason Spike was here in the first place. “Oh, uh….” Come to think of it, he was a bit too quick to say yes. If his explanation about the heartless earlier was any sign, he wasn’t exactly the “teaching” type. Now he really wished Twilight actually took the time to explain things to Spike… Then again, she probably didn’t explain it because she didn’t want him anywhere near all of this.

“Watch out!” Spike called out, but it was too late as Sora barely had enough time to respond before a shadow latched onto his face and tried to scratch at it.

“AAAH!! Get it off! It’s grabbing at my hair!” Sora flailed back violently trying to rip the black beast from his face. Temporarily blind, Spike was now the only one playing offense.

“Uuuh, Sora? They’re getting closer.” Spike took a step back holding the pointed tip of the sword towards one heartless after another, then another and another, before moving it back to the first one and repeating as if the tip of the blade would ward the creatures away. Spoilers, it wasn’t working.

“Kinda busy here!” Sora almost got the little urchin of his face, but the little guy had a firm grip on his spiky doo. “Just do what Merlin taught you with your training!”

“I’ve only been fighting one on one with a motionless training dummy, the best I can do is dodge their attacks!” Spike back stepped from a pouncing Jackalope. He tried to counter with a swing but the little foe managed to jump back with it’s posse to avoid the strike.

“What about-OW! What about back in the forest- GAH! You fought with us then! Argh! you little-” Sora managed to pull one of the Shadow’s arms off him but now that free claw kept trying to scratch at his face.

“That was with timberwolves! At least I knew how fight them, bop’em and shoot them with fire!” Spike barely managed to dodge-roll out of the way of a rolling Applepillar.

“Same difference here! You just-”

“And you and Manny did most of the fighting!”

“.... Oh….” Sora could now see the problem… well, other than that shadow on his face. He summoned his keyblade, Why didn’t I think of this before, and banished the shadow off his face by smacking it into a black mist. Huh… So that’s what darkness smells like.

“It’s coming back!” Spike turned to block the rolling Applepillar on it’s second pass. The attempt was successful, but caused him to briefly forget to keep his eyes on the other heartless he was backing away from. Seeing his back turned, the ones closest to him charged and leapt toward him. It was all in slow motion as Spike could only look back in fear of his oncoming attackers…. Until a flying, rapidly spinning Keyblade blew through that line like a hot knife through butter. “Wha? Sora!” His face of fear changed to that of astonishment as he turned to see his new mentor dash in next to him and catch the weapon before circling it around to return it to his dominant hand again.

“Right, sorry about that, that was a first for me. Look Spike, you’re a lot better at this than you think you are, you’re just nervous!”

Spike was about to speak, but couldn't deny that Sora was right. Fighting seemed so easy before, so why now?

“I get it. Now that you’re finally being taken seriously, and you’re actually facing the threat, It’s starting to get to you.”

“I don’t understand why? I mean, I fought with you before, and I even fought that big armored heartless when you and Twilight were away in Canterlot. Why now?”

Sora snorted, yeah he remembered Spike and Merlin telling him the story about that and how far he smacked Maleficent. That was sure enough showing him the answer to Spike’s question. “Because, you goof, you never fought alone. You always had friends helping you out. Just like me.” He flashed that smile of his before turning back to the heartless with a look of determination.

“Just… Like you?” Spike stared at him.

“Just remember this, even if you’re alone, your friends are always with you. Now it’s about time I actually started doing my job and teaching you how to fight heartless.” Sora batted away a few overzealous ones. Spike just stared at him like he was some super hero that just came to the rescue… which wasn’t actually too far from the truth. But that look of amazement changed to pure excitement. It was a super team up! That fire within him sparked and flared up once again as he took his usual pose when he was training.

The fight kicked off with the duo playing off each other. Sora would strike from up high as Spike would go low and take them down. Whenever it looked like there was that one extra heartless Sora couldn’t reach, Spike would be there to take it out, and whenever Spike seemed to get surrounded Sora would land in next to him and cast reflega to give them some space.

“Ok, lesson time! You have your strengths, so you should learn to use them!” Sora winded his Keyblade back.


“Yeah, like in my case,” Sora whipped his his arm forward throwing his weapon at the heartless, knocking them into the air if they haven’t been obliterated by that initial attack, “I seem to be getting pretty good with Strike Raids, even in pony form.” Once he summoned his blade again he dashed forward into the fray, Spike right behind him.

As Spike fought alongside Sora, he could feel that his nervousness was no longer affecting him. His attacks and counters were starting to come in more fluidly the longer he fought with him. This gave him some time to think. What were his strengths… SOmething that he could use in a fight… Of course!

Sora saw Spike’s eyes light up and decided to observe. Spike leapt back avoiding a Shadow’s claw and immediately shot out a green fireball in his place, incinerating the creature. Spike had just created a fade-away counter that only he could do. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Nice work, Spike!” Sora fist pumped, causing the little dragon to beam under the praise. But the celebration would have to wait. The fight wasn’t over yet.

Spike decided to take his dragon abilities into account this time. Now he was slashing, swinging and burning his foes away. At one point he got so into the zone that when he made an upward strike it launched him forward and into the air a bit as the weight of his weapon and the spring of his jump carried him along. He noted that he was about to land into a small group of them just waiting to take a swing at his hide. Instead of panicking, he quickly thought of how easily his weapon pulled his weight around when he would swing too hard…. He wound the weapon back and sucked in as much air as he could.

When he finally swung it downward the sword pulled him into a rapid vertical spin. He tucked in his limbs and then exhaled as much green flame as he could. What sora saw when he turned to his friend was a blazing ball of green fire tearing up the heartless it ran into as it raced around the battlefield. “Whoa! That’s Amazing!” He jumped back to let Spike pass and take down the heartless on his right, then chased after him.

Once Spike finished his fiery roll he stumbled a bit in a daze for a second before shaking sense back to his head and taking a look around. The enemies he collided with were either on fire or no longer existing as he cleared a small circle for himself. “Wow…. Did I do that?” He felt a pat on his back, causing him to look back and see Sora smirking.

“You sure did, but no time to celebrate for now. Let’s find out what else you can do!” He then jumped over him and smacked down a charging jackalope that had tried to leap at them while they were distracted, dashing toward the next group he could see as soon as he landed.

Spike felt a tingle down his spine. He just got praised by Sora! Now he was pumped. He could definitely do this!” This time holding his sword low and to his side, the pointed end facing back, the purple dragon dashed after his hero. If they were formidable before, now they were just unstoppable. Sora’s experience and finesse, Spike’s eagerness and willingness to assist and take on any challenge... They wiped the floor with the heartless. Sora would cast a Firaga spell, and Spike would be there at just the right time to spit up a flame into the mix before it was launched off. This seemed to end up causing a swirling explosion of destructive green flame whenever it impacted.

Whenever Spike would string up a short but quick combo against a group, he would always finish the combo by knocking them in the air and then inhaling deep before firing a wide flame at them, roasting them into Oblivion. At one point Spike entered into another fire roll. As Sora watched a thought occurred to him. “Hey Spike! Do that again!”

“Uh, ok, sure!” Spike replied as he shook his dizziness away when he finished the move and was about to wind up before Sora interrupted him.

“Towards me!”

“What?!” Spike stopped mid swing, then had to sidestep from an Applepillar trying to roll at him.

“Trust me on this!” Sora just smiled and gave a thumbs up.

A bit hesitant, but fully trusting the expert, Spike shrugged and started up his roll again and then kicked on the flames.

“OK!” Sora backflipped to give him some more space, then lifted his keyblade up. “MAGNEGA!” Above him a brief flash occurred before a large orb of light appeared above him with two smaller orbs fixed at the top and bottom, instantly followed by a ring with another two orbs, one red and one blue, orbiting around the large one in the center. Immediately, Heartless from all around got pulled into the spell and started orbiting around the large sphere as well. Just as Spike was on the approach Sora lunged at him, charging his keyblade with light. He then used the teeth side of the blade to scoop up Spike, charge the dragon fire wheel with his light, and then turn to whip him at the vortex of dark victims. All this was while Sora was still in mid lunge, not even touching the ground.

“WHOA!” Spike felt a sudden boost to his speed as Sora flung him at the Heartless. Now he was spinning, on fire, charged with light, and flying straight at them. Whether it was because of Sora dumping light into his attack or something else, for some reason the Magnega Spell affected him, now he was caught in that orbit. However his velocity, spin, and angle had him orbiting around the center sphere in random directions. Perfect for clearing all those heartless that were aimlessly floating around within the spell in the first place. Constantly alternating between a horizontal, vertical, and diagonal orbit, the light within him eventually vanished and he was thrown out of orbit and high into the air. Meanwhile Sora had been busy with his own little way to finish this joint attack.

“A little something I picked up, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.” He had wound his keyblade back and stroked his palm across the blade as if imbuing it with some kind of power. Once that hand reached the other end Sora hopped, twirled in the air once and flung his keyblade at the remaining heartless still caught in the spell. The moment the Keyblade struck the large sphere at the center there was a bright explosion of light. “YEAH!” Sora fist pumped at his success then sprinted forward. There were no heartless that could have survived that light explosion, but that wasn’t what he was after. He dove and slid on the seat of his pants to catch Spike just before he hit the dirt.

Spike’s head, obviously enough, was spinning. But after regaining his senses he looked up at Sora who flashed his big grin and a thumbs up. “That was awesome!”

“You know it! Haha!” Sora got back up and Spike quickly hopped out of his lap. They pulled their weapons out and stood back to back, scanning their surroundings. However one look confirmed that this was no longer needed, as not a single heartless was around.

“We… We did it?” Spike cautiously looked around him.

Sora banished his weapon for now. “Looks like it.” He held his hands behind his head and laughed. “Not bad, Spike. You were pretty awesome out there.”

Hearing his mentor praise him, Spike banished his weapon as well and started beaming with pride. “I… I fought Heartless with Sora! This is so awesome!” He cheered. He definitely had a story he’d be telling Merlin and CMC when they got back to Ponyville.

Sora shook his head and laughed before patting the baby dragon’s head. “Come on, we got a red box to find.” As he said that he started walking back down the dirt road ahead of them, just before his body returned to his pony form again.

“Oh! Uh, right! Coming!” Spike chased after him and bounced onto his back, and just like that they were off. Of course couldn’t help but start chatting away about their accomplishments from that battle. “Can we do this again next time?!” He finally asked.

“Do what? Tag along on one of my jobs outside the barrier… Yeah, I guess so…” Sora replied with an amused look from watching Spike start cheering on his back. “So long as you can avoid Twilight catching you, or get her to agree to it.” Immediately Spike’s enthusiasm dropped like a rock.

“Oh… right…”



It was a somewhat brief walk down the path before they found what they were looking for… honestly it was pretty hard to ignore. Just as the client wrote on the job board, the package was a very bright red and the two boys had thought about taking a peek inside. “Wow… that’s very loud.” Spike said as they walked up to it.

“No kidding… I think it’s even reflecting the sunlight at me.” Sora held up his hoof to shield his eyes. “Well, let’s just grab it and go.”

“On it!” Spike hopped off Sora’s back and ran over to grab it, but was unaware of a few crucial details. Those being that the box was upside down, and that the string tying the lid on was loose. This caused the top to fall off when he lifted it. “Whoops!” What fell out was a bunch of sheets of paper. “Oh no!”

“Oh boy!” Sora ran around and stopped the rest of the contents from falling out. “Ok, got it! Just place it back on the ground.... Bottom touching the ground of course.”

Spike complied turning the box so the opened top faced up this time. “Wow, that’s a lot of papers… Hey there’s writing on all of them too.”

“Yeah… same here.” Sora said picking up the ones fallen onto the ground, then unceremoniously dumping them back in the box. It seemed obvious that they were all stacked neatly before, he just wasn’t going to bother with something that would take forever to rectify. “Pretty sure the drop did a lot worse in shuffling all these papers around anyway. Alright Spike, get the-huh?” Sora then noticed Spike looking at one of the pages with a look of confusion.

“What an odd way to write a story.”

“Spike, we’re not suppose to look, put it back in the box.”

“Uh, right, sorry it’s just. What’s written on them, kind of seemed weird to me. The chapter name is there but they put this weird paragraph above it...Something about clicking green text to start music or something and red to stop it-”

“Ok, that’s enough of that. It was promised we don’t look at this stuff, and I’m keeping my word, put the paper back in the box.”

“R-right! Sorry, sorry.” Spike quickly dumped the chapter page in the box and put the lid back on. Then he helped Sora tie the string back up and place it on his back, Wit Spike up there to keep it steady.

“Now then, let’s get going. Maybe we can get something to eat with the bits coming in for this job.”

“Oh, can we get some burgers?!” Spike asked.

Sora was all for that idea. “Yeah, that sounds great right now! A big juicy one for me!”

“Alright! Me too!” Spike cheered.


At a local Restaurant in Ponyville

After Sora and Spike’s Delivery

Sora shouldn’t have been so surprised. In all honesty it was more surprising he would expect anything different. Sora lifted the bun on his burger… Hay… Hay, hay, and surprise, more hay… This was an injustice to the burger gods and he knew it… but could he really expect anything different from a society mostly occupied by equines… And the fries too? And the fries too, fried hay shaped to look like french fries. What? Was potatoes too much of a meat eater’s diet to add? It’s a POTATO!

“Oh man! Best burger ever!” Spike munched away on his burger as if it were the real deal. Sora couldn’t understand how a dragon would eat this. He’d seen the guy eating jewels and with teeth like those he figured meat would be part of his diet as well…

Sora sighed and picked up his burger. It wasn’t like it was going to be an issue anyway. Being in his pony form, he could eat the Equestrian food just like the rest of them, even if his logic kept screaming at him how strange it all was. There was just one problem he had to cope with....

The fact that it all tasted great with his pony taste buds.

Author's Note:

Aaaaaaaah, man, feels like it's been ages since I've written a good fight, can't wait to write the next battle. Though, I suppose since, Christmas is comign up, I should make a Chapter about that Hearth's warming holiday I keep reading about... Welp, more research for me then. I welcome anyone giving some important tips on things that should be in that Holiday special. Wanna make sure I do it right after all. And no, no singing number. I try to avoid making those as much as possible... just not me.

Well, I suppose I should atleast say that Something interesting IS coming up, and I suppose this special would be the perfect time to place it in. I'm just hoping I don't balls it up when I make it.

Ok, anyway, Hope this chapter, filled that special little spot in those of you that wanted to see more Spike in combat. I kind of enjoy the idea of Sora Kinda training someone while he's in Equestria. Expect to see more of them training together in the training room and doing job quests int he future.

Oh here's a question for those that take the time to read the Author's Notes here. I thinkit's about time Sora makes some purchases agin from Mogson's Catalogs. What do you think should be for sale that would help make their home less Bare? I leave that to you to think. about. Today, my mind is thinking about, working on my other stories and videos games this week.

Next Chapter: Some Holiday Spirit in Parallel.

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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