• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 22: Oaf of the Witch

(As Always Green Text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music. Anywords with This coloring to their text means to click on it for a sound effect. If there is music playing, then let it keep playing, the sound effect is brief

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Dear Twilight,

An urgent crisis has arisen, it would seem Chrysalis and this Maleficent have made a move. They have set a large scale invasion towards city streets here. My guards are keeping them at bay, and my sister and I are taking them out as much as we can. However, there seems to be no end to them in sight, as it pains me to admit it, Luna and I cannot keep this up forever and more seems to slip past our defenses somehow. we believe that somepony is leading them. We ask that you bring Sora and your friends to Canterlot to subdue this leader, they are crafty enough to hide away from us, that much is certain. We hope that you fair a better chance than we do as soon on this task. I have sent a chariot with the fastest Pegasi available in the guard. Gather everyone to your library and make haste. I wish you all luck in this endeavor.

Princess Celestia

High above Equestria

Sora peered out the window the chariot he and the girls were riding in. the countryside and some clouds whipping below him. The pegasus pulling their ride were really booking it, and for a good reason. “Looks like it won’t be much longer before we reach the city.”

“Good, the sooner the better” Twilight replied as she rolled up the letter and put it away in her saddle bag. It seemed this time around she was going out dressed in an outfit. Rarity managed to finish her’s, Fluttershy’s, and Pinkie’s the night before. With Twilight’s help Rarity was able to give the girls new outfits a temporary enchantment on Durability and Defense, however, they were in such a rush so it had to be only those two out of necessity.

Twilight’s outfit, looked like it took some inspiration on design from Sora’s outfit, a dark purple cloth jacket with two tone streaks matching the streaks in her mane going up her sleeves connecting to her hoodie that matched their colors as well. It was zipped up all the way with a gem representing her element as the tab on the zipper you pull on. She wore light pink leggings that seemed pretty loose at the ends of her legs and end a few centimeters from her blue laced boots. They had a modern look like Sora’s and held to her hind hooves wit dark blue straps at the front of the boot, in front of the tongues. Wrapped around her hip area was a belt with a specially designed saddle bag on both sides, with the same design and color code as her boots, only the latch resembles her element. It already seemed filled with other various items as well.

Fluttershy’s took the same inspiration as Twilight’s did, but her’s took on a more floral form. The entire outfit took on a rather light green path as the majority of it’s color with a white as it’s follow up color for trimmings, straps, etc. She was wearing a sleeveless hoodie jacket, made of a thin and smooth material unlike Twilight’s jacket, the end of it reached all the way down to her legs and then out and away from her body a few inches looking like flower petals just past the black belt around her waist, and her zipper having a pink butterfly representing her element. On her belt her saddle bags resembled Twilight’s, sans the color scheme and the latch. But she had a third bag that was a slightly wider version of them, and it was clear inside those bags, they were clearly medicinal. Her shoes also taking the modern look, yet the there were black trims where the front of the shoes would meet the white straps holding the shoes to her hooves, with White soles and light everywhere else on those shoes. Oddly enough Fluttershy seemed also be holding onto a short staff of some sort, but that wasn’t part of Rarity’s design.

Finally was Pinkie Pie’s outfit. Her’s was, no surprise, had more or a mirthful look to it. A light blue buttoned up blouse with with Pinkie’s gem represented at the front and center of it but cut in half to placed on both sides of the line of buttons, with puffed out sleeves and frilled trimmings on them and the bottom of the blouse. Purple somewhat puffy pantaloons that end just before where the legs bend with the same frilled trimmings. On her forelegs were red Leg bands and she was the only one in the group without saddlebags. Though it wasn’t like she would’ve needed them anyway for storage.

“Ok, Sora what’s the plan?” she looked over to boy with his head still out the window.

“Huh?” he pulled his head back in “Sorry wind in in my face, couldn’t quite catch that.”

“The plan! What are we gonna once we get there? You’ve had far more experience fighting heartless then we have. So what do you suggest we do?”

“Oh, ok! Listen closely, here’s what we do!” Everyone leaned towards Sora to listen in to his wisdom. He inhaled for his long winded explanation and spoke “BWAAAH!” He yelled out loud while sticking his tongue out raising his hooves over his head in an attempt to scare the girls, which it did for some and startled the others. Which got him into a fit of laughter.

“Land sakes Sora, ya’ almost gave me a dern’ heart attack!” Applejack held a hoof to her chest.

“Sora dear, was that really necessary, my nerves are on edge as it is.” Rarity was fanning herself with her own hoof to calm herself down. Meanwhile Pinkie seemed to be giggling with Sora after immediately getting over the little jump scare. “Pinkie!”

“Oh come on Rarity, he only did that cuz we're all stuffy and on edge. Good one Sora, I’ll get you back though!”

Sora calmed down abit from laughing to reply. “I’ll keep it in mind.” he shook his head before speaking “But yeah, you guys are getting way too uptight about this.”

“Or maybe you’re just not uptight enough!” Twilight rebuttaled “Ponies are endanger right now and you’re cracking jokes?! Canterlot is the capital of Equestria in case you haven’t noticed!”

Sora raised his arms defensively “Hey I know just how important this is, really. However you guys look like you’re gearing up like it’s the end of the world and we’re the only ones out there fighting.”

Twilight was about to say something but stopped herself as a thought did arise in her mind.

“See? I bet you’re thinking of the Princesses right now.” Seeing the unicorn look away he smiled then looked at the others. “Thought so, from what you guys tell me about them, they are no pushovers and care a lot about their people… er ponies. And they have a royal guard, That’s already tons more help than I ever got. And I alongside an army once.” though I hardly saw much of them during my time there he scratched his cheek at that memory of Mulan’s world. “I have no doubt that the citizens have already been evacuated to safety and the Princesses and the guard are defending them. We’re just gonna go in and nip this invasion in the bud.”

The girls all looked to each other, he did raise a point, they weren’t alone in this fight and they had to trust that the Princesses and guard took care of the biggest worries. Twilight spoke again. “Alright, then what do you suppose we should do, to as you say “nip this in the bud”? We have the mission but what’s the plan to do it?”

“Take down heartless and look for the leader” Sora said simply.

The girls were silent for a moment before Applejack spoke up. “Aaand…”

“Take down the leader”


“Sora?... do you ever set up plans for these things?” Twilight asked

Sora stuck his head out the window and gazed below them. “Not really? When your fighting heartless it’s pretty straight forward, don’t let them capture hearts nor yours, think on your feet. Ah sweet, looks like we’re flying over the thick of it!” he shocked everyone in the carriage along the pegasi pulling it along as he leaped out of the window and entered a free fall to the raging battle alone. “Here we go!”

“Sora!” the girls stared out in shock at their reckless friend.

“Did Sora forget he’s not a pegasus?” Pinkie stuck her head out the window down to watch his descent.

“W-what do we do now?” Fluttershy joined Pinkie to find him, but immediately regretted it and whipped her head back in. “So high” She shrunk into a corner.

Rainbow shook her head “Now that I think about it, he did survive when the bridge in the forest broke. Must be some cool alien thing he can do.”

“From this high up? What is he made of?” Twilight looked out from the other window, now Sora was so far down she could even see him as he carelessly reached terminal velocity before and summon his keyblade.

“Dunno, but now I’m pumped! See ya girls after the victory party! I’m going where he’s going!” Rainbow was about to fly out before Twilight caught her in her magic.

“Hold on Rainbow, it’s bad enough Sora’s going head first into danger. The rest of us will actually be following a plan here!”

Rainbow groaned “Who needs a plan, you just bust up the heartless, we’ve done it before, A LOT!”

“This time is different Rainbow Dash, now listen up, girls, this is how things will work.” As Twilight began her explanation. Sora was just about to reach ground level


Canterlot Streets (Luna’s Defense)

Leave no quarter, soldiers!” Luna called out to her guard who stood before her shield and spears out and forming a spiked wall as they inched forward to gain more territory Pegasus Guards flew above to take out any heartless that would appear on the roof tops or even take on any aerial heartless with either close combat or with bows.

Luna herself would use her magic to take on the larger heartless to make it easier for them but in the meantime it seemed like she was conserving her energy for something else. However, with every moment she uses her power to take down a larger foe, some power is used up, causing her to regain that lost magical energy.

Soon enough Larger heartless started appearing from the corners of alleys or just out of thin air in front of them making their way towards the front line defensive. “Tch, wretched beasts.” She was preparing to use more of her charged power until she heard a voice from above

“Incoming!” She looked up prepared to take out the supposed ambush only to gawk in in surprise once she saw the owner of the voice. Sora finally reached the battle just a few meters above the Princess and the guards. Freaking out the nearby pegasus guards that just happened to be nearby as he fell right by them. With Keyblade in hoof he saw the enemy they were trying to push back and immediately started twisting his body as fast as possible. Once he felt like he reached top speed, he channeled in as much light into his blade as he could before he whipped the keyblade along with the spin and hurled it over the ponies below and towards the armies of darkness. “OK!”

That keyblade was flying through the air as it dipped so low it nearly touch the stone pavement before it evened out for a horizontal flight. Flying low and dispersing light It plowed through the long street knocking Heartless into the air, annihilating the smaller ones and leaving the larger ones helpless and Airborne. This was when Sora landed on his hooves next to the Princess of the Night. “Hey Luna!” then kicked off the ground into a long jump, vaulted off a stunned guard’s shield, and entered flowmotion summoning his keyblade again, bouncing off buildings, swinging off street lamps, and cutting down the surviving heartless the closest ones to him could touch the ground.

Not one to waste this opportunity Luna moves forward with the guard as they take up new ground. “Advance!” The soldiers practically galloped down the long, now empty street until they were caught up where Sora was fighting. The young stallion takes this moment to hop over the defenses when he noticed Luna beckoning him to her. “Hello, again Your majesty. You alright?”

She nods “Perfectly fine, young warrior, it will take much more than a few heartless to get the better of this Princess I assure you.” She gave a proud demeanor for him. But soon heaved a sigh “However, it is my sister’s and mine true goal to reach the plazas up ahead our designated streets, but as you can see. Our enemy isn’t willing to cooperate with us taking a step forward.

“What’s up there?” he asked

“Choke points, if you will. The moment we reach there, We can send more of the guards back to safe guard the citizens, While my sister and I and the remaining guards defend the front from there. She and I have something, Special planned once we get there that should change the odds in our favor and hopefully flush out this would be leader of the heartless.” She gave a smirk at the idea.

Sora mimicked the same look. “I’m liking that idea.” he looked on ahead. “Alright, So you just need to a clear path, right?”

“Indeed, and if it’s at all possible, we require time and concentration for our ‘surprise’ once we get there, We hope the Heartless are pushed so far back that we do not have to use up our charged power to aid our soldiers.” Luna looked on ahead as the guards up front were fighting on and pushing ahead. “We have faith our soldiers will make it through, but larger heartless or heartless with more vitality, might slow our progress down.”

“Ok, so mostly focus on the big guys and the tanks, got it. But your sister is doing the same thing, right. So she should be having the same problem!”

Luna nodded with a grimace “indeed, And we are so far apart that, I’m afraid running between our fronts wouldn’t be the fastest option.”

“Well what about an air lift!” A familiar voice from above. Sora and Luna looked up to see that rainbow maned Pegasus fly in and making a dynamic entrance and landed right between them.

“Rainbow! Perfect timing! Did you catch all that” Sora walked up to her and bumped hooves with her.

“More or less, basically and our chariot landed behind Celestia so we heard the same spiel. Twilight apparently already worked out a plan for us girls, AND for you too, but apparently you decided to just wing it”

Sora rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and chuckled. “Sorry about that, my heart just told me to jump and help.”

“I for one am glad that you did, Young Sora,” Luna bowed her head. “Precious time has been saved thanks to you following your heart”

“HEAVIES SIGHTED!” up ahead a guard called out to the others. Sora and the girls looked ahead and sure enough some Large bodies were waddling down the street toward them. Trailing behind them were another type of Heartless Sora never thought he’d ever see again. Not as Tall as the Large Body, but they definitely looked buff, and covered in armor. In one hand they held a shield, but what made that shield frightening was the face of a black aggressive looking three eyed Wolf face. It looked like it was growling even.

“No way… defenders? They’re still around?... He shook his head “I guess we we’ll have to cut this chat short everyone.”

“Agreed, there is much to do, Canterlot is counting on you all.” Luna replied as she stepped forward.

“Yes, ma’am” both Rainbow and Sora Saluted to the Princess before Rainbow decided to speak.

“Ok, Spikey, here’s the deal, I still got my mission to take care of, but I’ll be keeping an eye on both Princesses progress, If it looks like one’s falling behind, I’m swooping you out and to where you’re needed most, got it? No, if ands or buts about it.” She poked at his muzzle with her hoof making him snort and shake his head for a moment.

“Right, right, I got it. You don’t have to be so rude about it” still he smiled before turning and running off to the front to intercept the BIG contenders. Rainbow had a smile of her own before flying up to the skies. Her mission was a simple one. Take down the aerial heartless fast and hard and Airlift Pinkie whenever the front line is pushed far enough ahead.

Pinkie was placed on a rooftop between the two streets the Princesses were on and was firing all weapons at every heartless in sight. “I’m here to kick flank and Chew cupcakes! And I’m all out of-Oh wait” she immediately pulled a cupcake out of her hair “Never mind!” she took a bite as she continued firing with one fore hoof doing all the work of two on the control panel. She was juts knocking black buzzards out of the sky and disrupting heartless hordes with mortar shots down the streets. “Yummy, Strawberry!”

Fluttershy was directed to start with checking on the wounded guards that to be pulled back. Thankfully she managed to pass step one Cure magic since all that was needed was to gather all the soldiers to her as she cast the spell, it was an area effect so multiple soldiers were back in action and even energized to get back in the fight. Another thanks to the saddle bags Rarity designed for them, now that if Fluttershy ran out of Magic energy, she Sora was able to purchase Ether for her to take with, along with some potions as well. Surprisingly when it came to caretaking injured ponies, she didn’t seem to be as timid and was rather forceful when she told a wounded soldier to “STAY PUT” when she was waiting to cast the spell again.

Rarity was with Applejack as they took on alley ways and would double check for any breaches that the heartless can get past and deeper into the safe zone behind lines and Squash them. For applejack’s case Literally. Guards would then be posted on those potential openings leaving the two girls to look for more potential weak spots. “Oh look! A fashion store, Applejack! I simply must take a peek inside… for… heartless, of course…”

“Nice Try, Rares! But we have more important things right now, if’n ya don’t mind” The farmer started nudging her fashion conscious friend down the path.

“Oooh, you're no fun at all.” Rarity pouted “I bet the clothes there were out of date anyway.”

“Mhmm…” was Applejack’s only response as they continued on ahead.

Twilight was over by Celestia’s side casting the new spells she learned from Merlin. Whether it was to help push forward the advance or to show her teacher the new things she learned was anyone’s guess. “Princess, This one is my the strongest spell I’ve been working on!” Nope, nope, she just wanted to show the Princess what she could do.

Twilight stood on a old crate on the side of the rode, focused her magic through her horn and fired a barrage of Fireballs at the heartless ahead. “Fira!” Least to say it really disrupted the heartless and aided the guards in pushing forward.

Celestia simply smiled at her student but with a shake of her head She seemed pretty serious earlier “Very good Twilight, it appears Merlin is training you well.”

The unicorn was beaming at the praise and jumped off the crate “Wait til you see this then” she charged her horn again this time it released a spark. “Thunder!” in the distance a huddled up group of heartless were stricken by a bolt out of nowhere and were convulsing on the spot if they weren’t already destroyed.

The Princess only sighed, so long as Twilight kept her mind on the task at hand, it should be fine to indulge her after all.


On the other side of the city

“Do you understand what your mission is?” Maleficent stood on the high roof tops of one of the buildings. With her was a rather BIG individual, by the name of Pete. For a lackey he seemed more of a headache then a boon to her in her opinion, but he did have his uses, once you learn what to expect from him.

“Yes, ma’am, Loud and Clear! You want me to charge in with the heartless and take over this dump, right? Claim it as your own and whatnot!” The big agreeable dolt clasped his hands together and nodded away like a yes man.

“Precisely, and if you just so happened to capture the Princesses of this world, I will certainly praise and reward you for your efforts.” the woman gave a rather sinister smile

“Oh, you betcha, Maleficent! You can definitely count on me to nab’em. Shouldn’t be too hard even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming, eeyeh heheheh” He laughed as a sinister grin covered his face.

Maleficent simply turned and started walking. “Now THAT would definitely be a feat.” she decided to not tell them of how capable the royal sisters were. “Do not fail me this time” she said before stepping through the corridor of darkness.

“Definitely, Maleficent! You can count on, ol Pete!” he called out before she finally vanished. That’s when his mind replayed the last thing she said and that caused him to roll his eyes “Pffft, As if it’s even possible to botch this job. Those pony folk seemed more than happy to scream and flee in terror from the mere sight of us.” Pete walked down the street and observed the Heartless making their way to the where the citizens ran off to, which from what he had guessed, was the castle. “Won’t be long until they're trapped like rats, heh heh.” He was about to make his way down in that direction when something to his right caught his direction. “Hm?... Oooh, now what do we have here?” he decided to make a slight detour.



Sora was blazing down the street. He took to Luna’s advice and focused on the larger heartless, but that didn’t mean that he’d blow away the smaller ones that just so happened to com between him and the next Large Body or Defender. At he would even knock one of them up in the air, only to leap after them and slap them into the face of his main target to daze them long enough to get in close and strike at their weak spot. Before kicking off to enter another flow motion to his next foe.

“Ok!” as he flew in front of a defender, he narrowly dodges the shields lunging attack, hooked on a street lamp to take his momentum from him and swing it towards that same heartless before it could pull back its shield. With his speed and his powerful swing, he decapitated his foe with the force, causing it to immediately disperse on the spot. He skidded on the ground on his hind legs, as he held his keyblade in one of his fore hooves aiming it at the heartless ahead. “Freeze!” a shotgun barrage of ice freezing winds assaulted the heartless relentlessly as he kept on firing the same spell at them. Soon freezing them all in place.

“The Captain of the guard took notice of this. “Form up! Charge ahead before they can thaw!” the guards all stuck close together, sheild and spear up front, then galloped down the street shattering through the dark ice sculptures. They had gained so much ground now so the guard couldn’t help but cheer at their successful attempt. “Alright, Alright! Back to it! We can celebrate after the jobs done! Now Move!” hearing the Captain knocked the cheer right out of them and focus on their job with a “Yes Sir!”

Sora reached in his saddle bag and tossed up an Ether over himself to regain his magic and was ready for another round when suddenly he was swooped up by a rainbow streak. “Whoa!”

“OK, I just got the signal. Things are slowing down over with Celestia!” Rainbow carried him nearly toward the other side of town where he could see how behind Celestia’s advance was. “Gonna drop you down in a few seconds-What the?!” she had to veer up form a darkball that was flying right at her. “Gah! I thought Pinkie was handling everything in between!” she pulled away from a hookbat this time that was attempting to attack her with a sonar attack.

“Sora looked down below and noticed Pinkie was actually knocking out a lot of heartless with her turret, but he noticed some aerial heartless still manage to slip through. “Looks like you’ll need more pegasus here, Pinkie can only handle so much.” he looked forward at another hook bat coming their way. “Just leave this guys to me, keep flying forward!”

“If you say so!” Rainbow kept a good grip on her payload and shot forward.

Sora held his keyblade in his right hoof, while Rainbow held onto his left leg and was smacking heartless that were charging right at them. When he would have enough breathing room he would even chuck his keyblade to oncoming foes in the distance “Gotta say, this is weirdest pegasus ride I’ve ever had!” he swiped a darkball in two.

“You don’t say?! Whoa!” Rainbow ducks under a dark projectile as Sora retaliates by hurling his keyblade at the offending heartless smacking it back to the ground where if it didn’t disperse, it was gonna be after he saw one of Pinkie’s rockets fly toward its direction. Both he and Rainbow turned to where that rocket came form and they could see their pink hyper friend wave at them.

“HI RAINBOW! HI SORA!” she then proceeded to fire a barrage at the other heartless around them…. Now Rainbow had another thing to worry about.

“H-h-hey! HEY! Gyah!” Now she and Sora were too busy trying to fly through the hail of explosives. “Pinkie! I appreciate the help but we’re still here you know!”

Sora then caught sight of something. “Rainbow, I see Celestia!, we’re already here! Drop me!”

“For real?! Can do!” he let go of his hoof letting him plummet out of the rocket fire before she turned zipped her way out of that onslaught of bombs.

Sora was now at free fall. Looking down at the battle below. It looked like Celestia had just finished off the large heartless ahead, which is good, but would hurt in the long run now that she has to charge up the magic she lost and then some. He could see Twilight doing her best blasting the heartless with all the spells she learned, they weren’t as powerful but they were still effective.

However, what he caught int he corner of his eye was perfect. Down one of the now cleared alley’s was Applejack with Rarity. He put both hooves to his mouth and whistled loud enough for her and everyone else to hear and look up. “APPLEJACK!” he then held his hoof out toward her. I’m not even gonna ask how I did that with hooves.

Applejack looked on and nodded with a smirk, understanding what he meant. “We we’re done here anyway. Rarity go ta’ Celestia!” her gem started glowing brightly.

“What would you be doing, dear?!” Rarity trotted up to her to get a good look at her glowing element.

“Helpin’ out our friend, of course” and just like that her element shot out of the pauldron on her gauntlet and flew right into Sora’s hoof where he immediately held his keyblade below it.

“Connect!” Both Sora and Applejack are covered in a flash of light, but only the farmer disappears, as Rarity runs on ahead.

Welcome back inside my head, AJ Sora held a big grin as he looked on to the apple themed Keyblade in his hoof.

Ah’ have ta’ admit, this still takes some gettin’ used to. they both looked below with Sora’s now green eyes some more heartless eager to take the place of their fallen brethren. But ah’ can see why ya need my help.

Sora nods as he twists in mid air throws the keyblade at the heartless closest to the guards. Instead of curving up like his kingdom key and going down the street, it impacted the stone pavement and embedded itself with it, causing a massive shockwave that cleared the of ALL Heartless, this gave the guard a perfect opportunity to charge up. “Got’em” before he finally landed right next to the princess. “Your highness” he nodded to her before sprinting off ahead.

Celestia breathed a sigh of relief, seeing him appear, now she was able to focus on her main task. Meanwhile Twilight looked on form Sora’s shockwave attack with surprise. “Wow, that cleared the area like when Rainbow dropped Applejack from….” that was when she noticed the keyblade and got a good look at it’s owner as he ran past her. “Oh, those two fused again… that makes sense then.” he pulled out another either and tossed it over herself, regaining her lost magic ability. However this time she was in deep thought. “I wonder, how does fusing even work… What would happen if Sora and I fuse?” She was so deep in thought she didn’t notice someone walk up to her.

“I don’t think now is the best time to be day dreaming, darling.” Rarity stood next to her and tried not to laugh as her purple friend nearly jumped out of her fur from her sudden appearance. She then trotted ahead and decided to joined the fray, expertly shooting headshots with her magic bolts from a distance. She didn’t get any training in magic from Merlin, like Twilight or Fluttershy, but that didn’t mean she was helpless in the least. In fact she was a boon as she seemed to immediately take out Heartless that seemed out of reach or kept their distance from Sora or the guard’s attacks. “As the French would say, Un, Deux, Trois” Each time she counted in that language a large heartless was left without a head and therefore vanishing on the spot.

Oh boy, I think this is all going to her head now Sora could even hear Applejack sigh inside his head.

What makes you say- Sora’s question was cut short when he noticed the fashionista trot right past him with her head held high and a swagger to her step.

“One side, Sora, dear. Allow me” she opened up her bag and from out of it were countless threading needles that she manage to levitate out and float around her. “This calls for a lady’s touch” she stood up on her hind legs made a forward twirl before facing forward once again and made a pose of a graceful dancer with an outstretched hoof as multiple needles left the group and pierced through the weak points of the heartless. Her “dance didn’t end there, with every step more needles shot out toward the heartless, this time hitting them in areas rending their attacks useless. A good example was man soldier’s shoes were literally pinned in place leaving them helpless to either more needles or magic attacks via Twilight, who apparently was the only one that wasn’t surprised by this turn of events. “Voila” before long the only remaining heartless were either pinned up against the walls or the ground and were soon dealt with by Twilight and the guards.

Sora and Applejack shared the same expression and it showed on Sora’s real face as his mouth was left open he looked on in surprise. “What, just happen?”

“Oh come now you two,” Rarity seemed pretty aware that Sora wasn’t the only on inside his head with a same look on his face as she trotted up to him. “You didn’t think, making those outfits was the only thing I was doing at home, did you?” she closed his mouth with her hoof and smiled as she as she casually made her way back to the others to pick up her needles once the heartless were dealt with.

Not wanting to be left behind Sora simply shrugged and just ran after the others, giving the heartless a taste of his and Apple Jack’s Earth shaking attacks. Whether crushed or smacked far away from Sora, burned, frozen, or shocked by Twilight, or turned into living pincushions from Rarity’s needles and bolts, it was a simple task for Celestia’s advance to catch up with Luna’s

“Your highness! Up ahead!” The Captain of the guard laid eyes on it first and was quick to relay it to her. The Plaza was in sight finally. It was covered in heartless as they mindlessly marched toward them.

“This is it, my little ponies, we must rout the enemy and make our stand here!” Celestia flared her wings and instilled as much courage and confidence as she could, which worked just as planned as the guards were all giving war cries as their attacks became more vigorous and aggressive.

Sora took a glance at his keyblade and sure enough, the apple gem was glowing. Perfect timing! He then reached into his bag. “Princess!” he turned to Celestia holding out one of his form release beads. Celestia didn’t hesitate to give Sora a nod.

“Go, You two” she referred to him and Applejack inside him. “Show us the power of your bond.”

With a nod of his own, Sora put the bead in between his jaws as he galloped past the heartless on the street to reach the alley, the girls and the guards could handle those small fries.

“Princess, what about the guards, won’t they see his true form?” Twilight asked

He and and AJ would take the bigger task. He jumped off a Soldier’s head and bounded high in the air once he entered the plaza.

“Be at ease Twilight, it would be impossible at this point to feign ignorance to the truth about this world and the worlds out there… If it must be known for my ponies that otherworldly beings exist…

Sora crunches down on the bead in his mouth and immediately he is covered in a flash of light that even the guards couldn’t help but look at. Once the flash vanished, they all seemed to carry the same shocked expression.

“Then let that the first alien they see, be a hero, in hopes that they look out into the stars, to a brighter future, to a better tomorrow.” She couldn’t help but smile as she gazed at the flash of light.

Once the flash was gone, Sora’s true self, via Streaks and the element of Applejack was in place of his pony appearance. His keyblade immediately transformed into that giant polearm Barrel hammer as he already had wound back behind him. His target: A defender that was grouped up with other heartless thinking its shield would be able to take on the impact. He immediately brings that monstrous weapon down on his foes. As both Sora and Applejack said the same thing ringing out a duo of voices.

You’re in our way!

Author's Note:

Yeah I'm gonna get this out of the way and say, Sorry. Due to some goofy and dumb things in real life, I didn't have as much time as I would've liked to make this chapter. so Regrettably, the big fusion reveal won't be until next Chapter. However, I hoped that I did write out this chapter so that other things I wanted to flesh out in the chapter to happen. So at least some utilities were taken care of.

So my goal to get as much as I possibly could into this chapter before the deadline, while at the same time, end the chapter properly and not make look like part of it was cut off... which exactly what happened.

I'll be honest with you, this next fusion, I already have the key blade and transformation decided, but the weapon that certain pony would get in return, I keep debating about in my head. Don't get me wrong, I already have an great and in depth idea on what it should be, the rel question is, what form should it take. I want every weapon the mare 6 to compliment them in some way.... so at times I get a little fickle about it I guess. I know I'll have something by the time it's reveal does come, but it's honestly nothing to worry about as it might or might not see any action until the chapter after the coming one. though I'm pretty sure you'll get to see what it looks like at least in chapter 23.

Moving on, I'm most likely will be pretty jazzed about E3 this year so it might eat up some of my writing time but that should be fine as the fusion WILL happen, so relax on that. Maybe we'll finally get a name for that new Zelda game. Pretty sure it has something to do with the sheikah or something.

Anyway, I'm not sure what else to say about this chapter that the chapter itself hasn't explained about, so I'll just end the author's notes here.

Next Chapter: Pete get's toppled, an element starts to shine.

As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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