• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 94: Lightning

With some convincing and pleading (and conveniently forgetting to mention the existence of dangerous villains), all the fillies received permission to pass the night in the F-Zero-verse. If they wanted to continue to see the Grand Prix, then alright, as long as they remained careful and they were back and well-rested for school. And they will also be accompanied, because the three Rainbow Dash also wanted to come. After they were told what was the F-Zero X Grand Prix and the first race was recounted to them (omitting again some details), they really wanted to see it too. Races with vehicles going at the speed of sound that can attack each others? They SO wanted to see that! Some of the fillies in their respective Equestria hesitated to bring the pegasus with them as she will certainly discover what was going on with Black Shadow, and she could even find out about them having missed a bit of school to see the second race, but they couldn't find any excuse to refuse her to come without sounding suspicious.

When the fillies saw that the three Rainbow Dash were coming, they had to take a little time after school, and after they gathered, to decide on nicknames to give to them.

"Well, you two went with Phantom Bloom and Phantom Belle, right? Then I guess that I will go with Phantom Dash," Phantom's Rainbow Dash decided first.

The two other Rainbow Dash had more difficulty. Apple Death's Dash didn't have any specificity like the Crusaders (translation: she wasn't dead) and Sweetie Void's Dash didn't feel like using a "dark" nickname like the fillies even if she found them cool. Especially Shadow Speedster.

The later eventually decided on something similar. "I will be Chromatic Bolt!"

The remaining Rainbow Dash, however, still couldn't find anything as she rubbed her head thoughtfully. "... I guess that I will use the name of that Power Pony I became once. Zapp. I can't think of anything else."

Sweetie Void nodded happily. "It works! Now, to physically differentiate you..." She materialized three bandanas, a blue, a yellow, and a red. "Take the one you want."

The three mares shrugged and randomly took one, Chromatic taking the red one, Zapp taking the yellow one, and Phantom Dash taking the blue one.

"Alright! Time to go!"

They came out of the rift in Mute City and Sweetie Void immediately began to ask around for Lightning. Once they got a direction, Chromatic Bolt, Phantom Dash, and Zapp respectively put Shadow Speedster, Phantom Bloom, and Sweetie Ghoul on their back while Sweetie Void did the same with Black Apple and Phantom turned herself into her anthro form and took Phantom Belle in her arms. Apple Death then turned into a ghost while Scootabot deployed her wings, and all together, they flew in the given direction. Lightning, apparently, wasn't that far of Mute City. A few hundreds kilometers away. By flying, they should reach the place rapidly. They would take the train buuut... no money.

As they flew, the three Rainbow Dash were impressed by Mute City. The city truly was huge and some buildings really were gigantic. Manehattan looked like a simple village in comparison.

"And you visit places like that regularly?" Chromatic Bolt asked to Sweetie Void.

"Yep. Still not as impressive as that planet-sized city I visited with Kirby once in the Dream Universe."

"Would there be even something more impressive than a planet-sized city?" Apple Death asked.

"Who knows," Sweetie Void simply answered.

At cruise speed, it took them a couple of hours before they reached Lightning. They immediately knew that it was Lightning because the area was so covered by black clouds that it was as dark as the night, and it rained more lightning bolts than during the most violent storms. Thankfully, lights were placed to ensure that anyone could see something and the lightning bolts were essentially hitting lightning rods placed high in the sky, most of them being buildings made to collect the electricity and convert it into power like Captain Falcon said.

It surprisingly was beautiful in its own way. And somehow, people were perfectly living in these conditions in a city that could be seen below. It was crazy how people could adapt.

Among the buildings in the sky, tracks could be seen, and judging by the name of the one Mr. Zero said will be the next one to be used, Half Pipe, the fillies could guess which one it was. One of the tracks was indeed mostly made of half-pipe areas (where the floor curved into walls as if they were inside a pipe cut in half). This meant that the racers will be able to go on the walls, but there were no barrier so they will have to be careful not to go above these walls or they will fall into the city below. Even some of the flat sections didn't have barriers contrary to the previous tracks. The half pipes could be used as ramps with a lot of skill, but this will be a risky move.

Yes, this track already promised to be much more dangerous than the previous ones. Some exploration of the track revealed also the presence of lasers toward the end, an area where the track spiraled, and even another where the half-pipe turned upside down so the racers will have to go on the ceiling to not fall into the hole that replaced the floor at this moment. Oh, and there were also many tricky turns where it will be easy for the racers to end up jumping up the walls and fall beyond.

Yikes... The fillies already had vision of the slaughter that Black Shadow could cause in this track if he repeated the same tactic than on Big Blue. He could push the other racers beyond the walls or into the hole in the upside down area very easily, and let's not talk about the spiral.

The three Rainbow Dash looked at the track horrified as Zapp asked, "And the racers will race in THAT?! This is just asking for someone to be killed!"

"Well, the previous track had huge gaps where the racers had to jump above. Uh... From what we were told! I guess that building dangerous tracks is pretty common for the F-Zero Grand Prix," Sweetie Void said.

"And I suppose that the last two tracks of the Grand Prix will be even more dangerous," Phantom added. "Scaling difficulty, you know? And everything to put a good show to make money."

"Oh boy. This track already looks crazy! The next ones will be insane!" Scootabot exclaimed.

"So, uh... Where do we go?" Phantom Dash asked.

"Mmh... Captain Falcon must have already arrived. We should search for him. He must be somewhere in the building connected to the track," Sweetie Void said.

They all nodded and flew to the building in question, which was where the track spiraled. It passed right through it. Balconies for the public were present there.

Finding an entrance, they began searching around, quickly finding some of the other racers that were also wandering around for a reason or another, but there weren't many. A lot of them probably hadn't arrived yet, and a lot of the racers who had arrived were still busy repairing their machines after the heavy damage many of them took in the previous race courtesy of Black Shadow. At least, the F-Zero garages were fully equipped for this, but the racers certainly had to bring their own pieces.

Captain Falcon was among them. Even if the damage the Blue Falcon took weren't as bad as others, it still took quite a toll during the fierce battle it had had with Blood Falcon's machine. By the time the race had been over, it had been at its limit despite the reprieve it had had thanks to the Pit Rows that had been present not long before the finish line. But he was almost finished so the ponies decided to not bother him and, instead, went to the cafeteria. They were getting hungry after their small journey. Well, the ones who still needed to eat.

A few racers were present in here like Gomar and Shioh or Octoman, but none of the ones the fillies started to have good relation with so they simply took their meal and regarded the news that passed at the TV, only to freeze.

The news broadcast showed Black Shadow and some of his goons wreaking havoc around a power plant in the city below, and the Galactic Federation force was currently facing them only to get their butts terribly wiped out. Sweetie Void exchanged looks with Apple Death and Phantom before the three of them got up of their chairs. Apple Death immediately turned herself into a ghost and phased through the floor while the two others teleported.

The ponies left behind simply shrugged and returned to their meals knowing that the situation was in good hands, or hooves.

Instead of teleporting out of the building, Sweetie Void teleported back to the garage where Captain Falcon just finished repairing his machine.

"Black Shadow is attacking a power plant below! You're in?"

After the initial shock, Captain Falcon quickly recovered and nodded. "I'm in."

"You don't mind being teleported? It will be faster."

"Go on."

Sweetie Void nodded and teleported herself, Captain Falcon, and the Blue Falcon on a random road of the city she saw while flying earlier. Here, Captain Falcon entered his machine and put in the news broadcast, quickly identifying which power plant was being attacked, which was one in the opposite side of the city, far away of the track.

Nothing problematic. With his Blue Falcon, he will reach it in a couple of minutes.

Cackling, Black Shadow charged dark energy into a ball before he sent it at a group of vehicles of the Federation forces, blowing them up along with the officers around them. His minions around him finished the ones who survived.

He then received a call from Blood Falcon. «Master! We did it!»

Black Shadow grinned. "Good! Now get out of there quickly before you are caught in the explosion." He suddenly remarked something in the sky and quickly lowered himself, barely avoiding a sword that had been about to behead him. At the same time, a bolt of purple lightning hit one of his minion and then spreed from minion to minion, badly electrifying all the ones that were around him.

Getting up, he looked at the orange creature that almost beheaded him, then at the ghostly yellow creature that eliminated his minions so easily, and understood immediately that, contrary to the Federation forces, these two were no joke. The ghost one went on to continue to eliminate his minions all over the area, leaving the orange one to face him.

So Black Shadow prepared himself. "I don't know who and what you are, but you will quickly regret attacking me, little girl-horse-thing."

Phantom simply huffed at Black Shadow's threat, not even wanting to put effort into a reply for him. She teleported at him and swung her sword only for Black Shadow to block it with his arm covered in some dark energy. Not even raising an eyebrow at this, Phantom immediately created a group of Phantom Cubes and sent them at the terrorist only for him to destroy them with a punch. Now this took Phantom by surprise.

"So you aren't just bark," she said.

Black Shadow gave her his best evil grin at this before he covered his arm in a lot of dark energy that seemed to turn it into a shadow of itself before he yelled, "Shadow... PUNCH!!!"

Phantom quickly teleported before the punch could hit and appeared behind Black Shadow as the punch released a huge amount of dark energy like a shockwave that went forward and destroyed or sent flying everything over ten meters in front of him, leaving the road they were on badly damaged.

The filly attacked him again with her sword only for Black Shadow to turn around surprisingly rapidly for his size and to punch the weapon, not only blocking it but also pushing it back. He then followed his punch by another that Phantom dodged before she used the opening to thrust her sword forward right toward his head. But Black Shadow then parried her sword with one of his horns before he tried to punch her again. Phantom had to use her sword to block the punch, then swung only to be blocked again by another punch. They repeated the exchange a couple of times before Black Shadow jumped backward and created chains of dark energy that wrapped themselves around the filly.

"What?" she shouted, taken off guard, before Black Shadow gathered more energy into a ball. Thankfully, Phantom just had to teleport to free herself from the chains, avoiding the ball of black energy that exploded where she had been a second earlier.

Phantom then sent a wave of Phantom energy which Black Shadow definitively couldn't destroy with a punch, sending him in one of her illusions. Black Shadow looked around at the altered reality and jumped, avoiding a big circular saw coming from behind that could have cut him in half. Two more circular saws came from the sides but, this time, he destroyed them with his punches, then also punched and destroyed a big wrecking ball before jumping aside to avoid a big laser fired by a cannon. The road then turned into a slop that sent him sliding right toward Phantom and her sword only for him to block her weapon with his foot before he jumped and was able to wrap his arms around the filly before violently landing on the floor with her under him. Despite this, Phantom elbowed him in the belly, forcing him to free her as he walked backward holding his belly. She then made a spike come out of the ground and successfully pierced him in the shoulder despite his best attempt to avoid it.

Growling, Black Shadow broke the spike with a punch and hurled the tip that just pierced him at Phantom like a cannon ball. Phantom avoided it by teleporting and appeared right in front of the terrorist, her sword turned into a spear made of electricity. At the same time, Black Shadow charged energy into a punch again.

"Shadow PUNCH!!!"

The punch and the spear clashed, sending dark energy and bolts of electricity in all directions and making the road they were on shake.

Captain Falcon and Sweetie Void reached the power plant, the Blue Falcon being careful to avoid the destroyed vehicles and the bodies on the road, and found John Tanaka staggering on the road, badly injured.

The Captain quickly stopped the Blue Falcon and came out, catching the man, carefully lowering him on the ground. "Are you all right?"

Not answering, John Tanaka pointed at the power plant. "Jody's still inside the building."

At this moment, they heard a sound like an explosion and saw the clash between Phantom and Black Shadow further away, on another road.

Sweetie Void looked back at Captain Falcon. "You go save Jody, I'm going to help Phantom."

Captain Falcon nodded and returned inside the Blue Falcon. "Wait here," he instructed Tanaka before drew away toward the power plant.

Sweetie Void then flew toward Black Shadow.

The two ended their clash by jumping/flying backward.

And then, Black Shadow was punched out of nowhere on the cheek by a white hoof, sending him flying beyond the side of the road. The roads they were on still being far above the ground, the terrorist fell.

"Had fun?" Sweetie Void asked to Phantom.

"Yeah. The guy was more challenging than expected. I was starting to think of using something that would cause collateral damage."

This made Sweetie laugh.

But suddenly, Black Shadow, body entirely covered in dark energy, flew up from where he fell, looking very angry. He then charged a lot of energy into his hands before he rained bolts of dark electricity on the two fillies who quickly teleported out of the way. Staring at where Sweetie Void reappeared, he then raised a palm toward the sky and shot dozens of smaller balls of dark energy that went to fall where the alicorn was, continuing the attack as she flew to avoid it. At the same time, he saw Phantom charge toward him with her spear and successfully caught it, not reacting to the electricity coursing through him as a result. He then tightened his hand and broke the spear only for Phantom to use the piece she still had to pierce him where the spike pierced him earlier. Growling in pain, he was about to punch her when he suddenly took an energy ball on the head. Both Sweetie Void and Phantom then punched him on his ribs at the same time only for the both of them to be smashed on the back by his fists and to crash through the road. But a rift then opened behind him and both Sweetie Void and Phantom came out of it and rammed him on the back, sending him crashing on the road.

Sweetie Void then called her ten swords and sent them against Black Shadow who quickly got up and defended himself against them with his arms like he did earlier with Phantom's sword. But he couldn't do anything against ten weapons attacking him from all directions at once so he quickly found himself with cuts all over his body. Despite them, he was able to destroy three of the swords, making Sweetie Void angry. Rebuilding them was very difficult! So she teleported beside Black Shadow and punched him, sending him flying again further on the road.

Right at this moment, as Black Shadow was getting up, the power plant exploded. Then, before he could react, the Blue Falcon came and rammed into him before brusquely stopping, sending him flying and rolling a very long distance on the road.

Captain Falcon came out of the vehicle with Jody Summer, unconscious, in his arms. "That scum overloaded the power plant. I barely escaped with Jody."

Despite everything he took, Black Shadow got up and, growling in anger and hate, wrapped himself in dark energy again, allowing him to float. "Tonight, in the race, I will make you regret what you did, Falcon!" he yelled before he disappeared in a cloud of dark energy.

"Of course he can teleport..." Sweetie Void grumbled.

"He still intends to race despite his injuries?" Phantom wondered.

"Seems like it," Captain Falcon answered. "This guy is made of strong stuff." He turned to look at the two fillies. "Good job you two. Nobody has ever been able to fight and hurt him like that."

Phantom snorted. "We fought worse. But I admit that he surprised me when he destroyed by Phantom Cubes. It's the first time that someone does it."

"Hey. Where's Apple Death?" Sweetie Void then asked.

"Right here!" the Spirit of Death shouted as she approached. "Ah just finished cleaning the area of Black Shadow's goons. There were a lot of them. The police's starting to arrest the ones who survived."

Captain Falcon eyed the three. "You really hadn't been kidding when you said that you could deal with Black Shadow. You three did more damage to him and his group than I ever did."

The fillies looked proud of themselves at his words.

Despite the victory over Black Shadow and the lost he suffered, he still caused a lot of casualty among the officers and the civilians unlucky enough to be present. And the power plant he destroyed was a huge lost to the company it belonged to. And then there were John and Jody who were now too injured to race and were forced to withdraw from the Grand Prix. Two less allies to count on in the races...

They weren't the only ones. Mr. EAD, Billy, Super Arrow (another ally), and Leon also had to withdraw because they weren't able to repair their machines by the time of the race. This made the total of racers who withdrew since the start of the Grand Prix a total of seven, almost a third of the participants. In Mr. EAD's case, after he fell into a gap, this had been certain. Unless you had a spare machine on hand, falling was pretty much game over.

And with how easy it was to fall off this third track... well... The ponies had a feeling that the number of participants will diminish again by the end.

Also, since the whole event had been broadcasted, then everyone got to see the fillies in action and Black Shadow getting his butt kicked. To say that everyone was now staring at them with respect was an understatement. And Black Shadow no doubt lost a lot of fear factor. Also, the criminal racers were now giving them a wide berth. Excepted Zoda but this guy was mad so they weren't surprised. Apparently, the guy had a machine in his suit constantly pumping adrenaline and dopamine into his body!

And finally...

"It seems that you girls forgot to tell us about this Black Shadow guy," Zapp accused.

"Sorry Rainbow... uh... Zapp, but if we told you and the others that there was a guy like him participating in the Grand Prix, you probably would have thought that it was too dangerous for us to go," Shadow Speedster said. "Beside, it's not like he's a problem with Sweetie and the others around. And he doesn't even dare to try anything while we are on F-Zero ground, he doesn't seem to want to get the merchants at the top on his back. So, as long as we don't leave the track and the buildings part of it, we're safe from him."

"If you say so..." Chromatic Bolt said, eyeing the pegasus filly. "But now, we want to know everything that you know. It's clear that something bigger is going on. Then we will decide on what to do."

So the fillies reluctantly revealed everything to the mares, about Black Shadow, Deathborn, them going after the belt for some reason, and so on. The three Rainbow Dash's first instinct was to go and deal with Black Shadow themselves but the fillies stopped them and convinced them to just let things go for now. The priority was ensuring that none of the baddies would get the belt, and for this, one of the good guys like Captain Falcon or Phoenix needed to win the Grand Prix. And so, all they could do was watch the races and remain on guard in case one of the villains did something like Black Shadow just did with the power plant. In the end, the Rainbow Dash agreed that the fillies (Black Apple, Shadow Speedster, Phantom Bloom, and Phantom Belle) could remain, feeling that it was safe enough despite what was going on as long as they remained on F-Zero ground, in addition of the already existing condition of not leaving the UME's side. As soon as the race was over, they would return to their respective Equestria immediately.

It was eventually time for the race to start and the remaining racers placed themselves at the departing line while Mr. Zero appeared on TV, this time in a booth. He probably didn't want to risk being hit by a lightning bolt while in his pod.

"Give a thunderous roar for our new track!" he shouted before thunder was dramatically heard through the screen. Reactions from the public at his pun were mixed. "Aah. Lightning. What a great place to have a race, don't you think?" The ponies weren't sure if he was being genuine or sarcastic. "Going at the speed of sound while lightning rains all around you! Does it sound epic to you or not? If you say "no" then you are weird. Anyway, as you can see, our racers are taking place. However, I am sad to announce that several had to withdraw after... the last race. Say goodbye to Billy, Super Arrow, Leon, and Mr. EAD. Also, due to injury they got... uh... in duty, Jody Summer and John Tanaka won't be able to race anymore either. But Black Shadow is still racing, to everyone's joy!" Now they clearly heard the sarcasm. Mr. Zero really didn't like Black Shadow despite the profit his actions certainly gave to the merchants thanks to how intense he turned the races. The audience was beating all the records.

"Now, look at this track! Half pipes! Half pipes everywhere! And with no barriers at the top of them! Which means that these half pipes can be used as ramps so our competitors can propel themselves into the air! Let's see how they will use that to their advantage. But they will have to be careful of it will be an assured fall, so using them will be very, very, very, very, very, very risky. But as they say: nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Now, is everyone ready?!"

The countdown started. Some of the ponies were biting their hooves in anticipation of what they think will be another carnage.


The race started surprisingly calmly. It seemed that the racers were testing the water with this track to decide when and how to use the half pipes. A sharp turn almost right after the start almost caused a few of them to go overboard but nothing happened in the end. Even Black Shadow was rather calm compared to before, simply bumping the other racers here and there, probably also studying the track. Already, the racers identified a few places where they could use the remps to gain shortcuts if they did it well when they unlocked the boost.

The first highlight happened after a large turn, at the section where the half pipe turned upside down. There, Zoba managed to push Pico into the hole. The reptile quickly ejected himself from his falling machine, a parachute deploying itself above him.

"Zoba... From now on, watch your back..." he growled before he called his personal ship. Out of question to fall all the way to the city below.

"And we have our first out!" Mr. Zero shouted. "Sorry Pico. Maybe next time. But so far, this first lap is going better than expected. And it isn't even Black Shadow or Blood Falcon who sent Pico into the hole contrary to what we anticipated. However, I fear that this is just the calm before the storm. And yes, I know that we already are in the middle of a storm but you know what I mean."

"It's great when criminals eliminate each others. That's one less to worry about," Sweetie Void commented just as the first racers passed before the balconies, going through the spiral section.

It was hard to follow who was at the lead because it constantly changed and the racers were rather close to each others. Don Genie was at the lead, then Captain Falcon, then QQQ, then Michael Chain, then QQQ again, then Gomar and Shioh, then Don Genie again, then Black Shadow, then Captain Falcon again... This continued on and on in just the space of a few seconds. Black Shadow actually tried to push Captain Falcon into the lasers when they arrived at this section but the Captain masterfully avoided him and started the second lap first.

Now the fun started. With the boost unlocked and the racers having a better idea of the track, the more daring ones started to do as Mr. Zero said and used the half pipes as ramps in the right areas to propel themselves into the air to land on other sections of the track, gaining some precious seconds. Dai Goroh, however, tried and failed and found himself eliminated. Michael Chain followed just behind, wanting to show off but failing miserably. But others such as Captain Falcon, Phoenix, Black Shadow, Blood Falcon, or Samurai Goroh had no problem and quickly found themselves far ahead of the ones not daring to jump, pretty much cutting the racers in two groups.

Blood Falcon stared at the Blue Falcon as it took the lead again with a brief boost and smirked before he grabbed a detonator.

He pressed the button.

And the Black Bull, Black Shadow's machine, suddenly exploded, to his horror.

"What?! HOW?!?"

"What happened? The Black Bull's engine suddenly blew up!" Mr. Zero exclaimed. "A default? A loosened screw? A piece not correctly put in place? No matter what, this seems to be the end for the King of Evil. Ah, no. I see him ramping out of the wreck, still alive." He sounded disappointed at this. "Probably his cockpit being elevated compared to the rest of his machine saved him. But between that and the beat down he received earlier, this is NOT his day. AH!"

Little Ghost cackled, gaining everyone's attention.

"So this is what ya talked about?" Apple Death asked.

"Yeah. I decided to follow Black Shadow and Blood Falcon to see if I could find where they go only to see Blood Falcon creep into the Blue Falcon's garage and place something in the engine, really well hidden. When he was gone, I took what he planted and placed it in the Black Bull's engine instead just before Black Shadow and some of his goons came and took the vehicle away."

Many laughed, and both Sweetie Void and Phantom grinned. "Nice!"

"But this means that we should leave someone in the Blue Falcon's garage in case they try something like that again," Sweetie Ghoul said, and the others agreed.

Meanwhile, despite Black Shadow gone, the race seemed to gain in intensity as the racers were becoming bolder, and Blood Falcon didn't like what happened to his master and pushed QQQ out of the track at the start of the spiraling section. He then attacked Don Genie in the laser section but the head mogul hit him back with a twirl in return that almost sent him off course. Meanwhile, a laser had reason of James McCloud who had been pushed into one by Samurai Goroh.

In the third lap, Blood Falcon went after Captain Falcon, the two starting a terrible battle at the head with Don Genie and Gomar and Shioh behind them while Octoman tried his luck with using the half pipes as a ramp to catch up only to fail and fall. In the upside down section, Zoda almost did to The Skull what he did to Pico but a boost saved him at the last second, taking Zoba off guard who fell into the hole instead.

Once they passed the spiral section, the last racers gave everything they had to reach the finish line first with their boost (helped by a Pit Row present just before the line) and Blood Falcon tried to push Captain Falcon into the lasers. The Captain, however, avoided him and passed the line first followed by Blood Falcon, Don Genie, and Samurai Goroh.

"That's another victory for the Captain!" Mr. Zero blurted out as everybody cheered.

"Black Shadow must see red!" Scootabot said.

"Ah don't want ta be Blood Falcon. Black Shadow'll gore him with his horns," Phantom Bloom said.

"Another memorable race, my friends!" Mr. Zero continued. "This track gave us all its promises and quite a few surprises! So far, Captain Falcon is at the lead and is on his way to win the Grand Prix! And to everyone's surprise, Black Shadow is joining the bottom of the ranking with two races he couldn't finish! I don't even know if we will see him again in the next one after all the damage his machine received in that explosion! Without forgetting the injuries he has gotten! But we are not safe from a surprise that could turn around the situation. Other racers can still catch up and Captain Falcon could very well be forced to withdraw, especially knowing what the next track has in store. Indeed, the next track is in Aeropolis, another new location for our great pleasure. Name: Dragon Slope. Let me tell you, if you thought that this track was hell, you saw nothing. See you tomorrow!"

Blood Falcon walked into the hallways of the building, toward the garage where they put his Blood Hawk, not feeling well.


Blood Falcon froze right here as he saw a very, very enraged and injured Black Shadow walk toward him, dark energy coming out of his body.

"M-master... I swear, I don't know what happened! I placed the bomb in the Blue Falcon like you instructed me!"

"Someone must have seen you and somehow put the bomb in my machine! How can you be so incompetent?!"

"But... But I saw nobody! I made sure of this! I was constantly on the loo-Ack!"

Black Shadow suddenly grabbed him around the neck, squeezing tightly, and glaring at him in the eyes. "Let me make it clear. You better not fail me again or I will have your head decorating one of my horns. Understood? Tomorrow, do everything in your power to ensure that nobody gets the better of me. Especially not Captain Falcon. I must win this belt."

His vision darkening because of the lack of oxygen, Blood Falcon nodded before Black Shadow released him and walked to the garage where they stored his Black Bull.

"So, what did you think of the race?" Shadow Speedster asked as they walked in the building in search of Captain Falcon.

"I admit, that was awesome," Phantom Dash answered for the three mares.

"Yeah. I understand why you don't want to miss them," Chromatic Bolt continued. "Now I really want to see the next one too."

"But I'm still surprised that nobody died. Even the ones who fell all had a way to avoid crashing into the city below," Zapp added.

"Yes, I guess that when you participate in a F-Zero race, you prepare a way to survive in case you fall," Sweetie Void said. "But I'm worried of what Black Shadow will do now. He must be getting desperate."

"Eeyup. And there's nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal," Black Apple agreed. "With two races left and him so low in the ranking..."

"He still has Blood Falcon. He's really high in the ranking," Phantom Belle reminded.

"But he ain't as dangerous as his master," Phantom Bloom said. "If Captain Falcon and the others manage to get rid of him, then Black Shadow'll have nothing left."

"And then we really will have to watch our back," Phantom finished.

Author's Note:

1.Dr. Stewart
2.Mr. EAD
3.James McCloud
4.Jody Summer
8.Super Arrow
9.Mrs. Arrow
11.Don Genie
12.The Skull
14.Jack Levin
15.Captain Falcon
16.Bio Rex
17.Samurai Goroh
18.Antonio Guster
19.Dai Goroh
20.Blood Falcon
21.Black Shadow(?)
22.Roger Buster
23.Silver Neelsen
24.Dr. Clash
25.John Tanaka
26.Gomar & Shioh
28.Michael Chain

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