• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 116: Tournament Part 9: Water, Fire, and Grass

"I hope someone filmed everything," Sweetie Void said upon leaving the arena.

Samus gave her a thumb up. "I did. It will be nice to watch before going to sleep. I will make a copy for you."


"It was hilarious! Make a copy for me too, please!" Hau requested.

"Now, Magolor versus Empoleon. Let's see what will be the arena," Master Hand said before he punched the red button.

The selected arena revealed to be one that the fillies and Team Star Fox recognized very well: the orbital gate above Corneria. More specifically, from what they could see from the image shown, the fight will happen again on the Great Fox, but this time, it was the upgraded version from when the Aparoids invaded, and the gate was visible in the background. Aparoids and Cornerian ships were visible here and there, meaning that it was during the Invasion of Corneria by the space bugs.

"Uh. Ah wonder if we'll appear, either as a hazard or just in the background," Apple Death thought aloud.

"You girls were part of this battle, right?" Sweetie's Twilight questioned.

"Yes, against the Aparoids," Sweetie Void answered. "They sent a huge force to invade Corneria to stop us from finding out where their Homeworld was, or at least to make sure that we wouldn't reach it. The Orbital Gate was one of their objectives because of that, so a lot of the action took place around it. So prepare to witness an intense space battle. Master Hand. Popcorn for everyone, please."

Magolor appeared on the Great Fox while Dawn appeared one a small platform flying alongside the ship. The girl immediately let Empoleon out.

As said, the arena was taking place right in the middle of the invasion of Corneria, around the Orbital Gate. As such, the Aparoids were absolutely everywhere. In addition of the Great Fox, the Arwings, Cornerian ships, and even the Unique Horn and its Star Fighters were also present, killing the bugs left and right. It was pure chaos.

Before Master Hand even made the fight begin, an Arwing and a Star Fighter already came to fly above and at the left of the Great Fox to be used as platforms while they defended the ship from incoming Aparoids.

Not minding any of this, Magolor took a paper. "So, let's see... Empoleon... Water/Steel-type... A lot of resistances, a couple of super resistances, and even an immunity, but weak to Ground, Fighting... and Electric." You could almost see his grin at the last part before he threw away the paper.

Right. He can use electricity magic. And very powerful ones, Dawn remembered.


Magolor gathered electricity into his hands, forming a ball, before unleashing it in the form of a huge and powerful bolt only to hit a Protect.

"We must not remain on the defensive! Attack him relentlessly!" Dawn instructed.

Empoleon did so by starting a Hail followed right away with a Blizzard that forced Magolor to protect himself with a huge amount of fire. Empoleon then continued its assault with a Hydro Pump while advancing toward the mage. This one, Magolor was able to avoid by floating aside before he placed a hand in the stream of water and let out electricity which spread up the stream to electrify the penguin.

Empoleon didn't stop running despite the pain and hit Magolor with a Steel Wing, then a Brick Break, and finally with a Fury Attack. In the middle of that last attack, Magolor eventually floated backward, getting away from the jabs and allowing himself to put up his star shield just before Empoleon could advance to resume its assault. Seeing the shield, Empoleon prepared another Brick Breaker but Magolor then teleported right behind the Pokémon and placed a hand on its back to shock it again. As Empoleon turned around to face Magolor again, it was then met with an electric ball in the face before Magolor finally decided to fly away, barely avoiding a retaliating Ice Beam. In return, Magolor grabbed a Red Shell and threw it at Empoleon. Remembering the particularity of the Red Shell, Dawn told her Pokémon to send it away from the Great Fox, and it did so with a swing of its wing, and the shell disappeared into space.

Dawn then remarked that, while the Great Fox was moving to the left, the Ring Out Barrier wasn't following it but was now focusing on an Aparoid missile that was now under the ship, which was part of a swarm of other missiles defended by many Aparoids. She quickly told Empoleon to jump down from the Great Fox before the Pokémon would end up being carried beyond the barrier by it. Magolor didn't have to worry about this since he was flying. Empoleon landed on one of the missiles, then quickly leaped away to avoid an Aparoid crashing on it as the bugs defending the swarm of missiles were being shot down by Cornerian and Star Fighters, and the missiles themselves were being destroyed one by one.

In the background, another such swarm was being destroyed by the Unique Horn, giving a nice firework show to everyone.

"Oooh! The pretty blue!" one of the Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"This is that space battleship you told me you built, Sweetie?" Rarity asked her little sister.

"Yes, it is. Impressive, uh?"

"Well, it's hard to judge it from that distance," Sweetie's Applejack said. "But yeah, it looks impressive."

Empoleon was forced to jump from missile to missile while firing at Magolor with Ice Beam and Flash Cannon, the egg-shapped alien remaining flying at a distance while sending electricity. The number of missiles quickly diminished until only one remained. On the last one, Empoleon found a crate that it broke open, freeing a Poké Ball, a Baseball Bat, and a Franklin Badge.

Empoleon took the Franklin Badge, and the next bolt of electricity from Magolor was deflected back at him as a result.

The last Aparoid missile was then about to be destroyed, and it looked like Empoleon would have nowhere to go to escape the explosion and the fall that would follow. Thankfully for the Pokémon, the squadron of Cornerian Fighters that was firing at the missile was approaching, so just before the missile exploded, the Pokémon jumped and was able to land on one of the smaller ships. It was obviously the expected thing to do because the Ring Out Barrier now focused on the squadron, and Magolor had to follow them to not be left behind.

Empoleon tried to use this to its advantage by firing at Magolor to slow him down in hope that the Ring Out Barrier would catch up to him. However, Magolor simply teleported and appeared on one of the fighters. Empoleon immediately joined him on the same ship, arriving with a Drill Peck that hurt Magolor a lot. Despite this, Magolor rose his hands, gathered energy, and smashed them on Empoleon's skull, the hands covered in electricity. While Empoleon was down, Magolor then placed his two hands on its back and unleashed all the electricity he could create thanks to his magic.

"Oh no..." Dawn quickly began to do the movements for the Z-move, but it was clear that it will be too late by the time she finishes them.

But then, just before Empoleon would faint from the electricity, Magolor stopped sending it and said, "I give up."

Empoleon looked up from its position. "Uh?"

"What?" Dawn questioned.

"I'm giving you the win. It was fun while it lasted, but I'm not fancying facing Sweetie Belle in the next round. So, have fun against her."

"... Well then... The victor is: Empoleon!" Master Hand announced after a moment of silence.

"Scared of fighting me?" Sweetie Void questioned with a smug and mocking grin.

While Magolor didn't have arms to cross, he mimed doing so with his hands while taking a proud expression. "No. Just being pragmatic. Rather than being curb stomped by you, I leave on my own terms. Now, you are Empoleon's problem."

Sweetie Void pouted. "You are no fun."

A bit away, Dawn was wondering if she should give up too.

"Next: Donkey Kong versus Incineroar!" Master Hand then exclaimed.

And the selected arena ended up being none other than Dedede's boxing ring.

Sweetie Void saw this and sighed in nostalgia. So many hours spent training there... Many of them being smashed around by Dedede. Good times.

The arena revealed to be mostly limited to the boxing ring itself as well as a bit around it because the Ring Out Barrier won't let them reach the bleachers which were full of cheering creatures from Dedede's army. It was okay, the ring was more than big enough for the two fighters who were standing at opposite corners of it. Elio was behind the ropes, already giving advice to his Pokémon.

"That ape hits hard, certainly even harder than you, so use your Dark-type to your advantage and, above all, be fast. You can get it."

Incineroar flexed. "I will get it! Roaaar!!!"

DK, hearing this, frowned, then grinned and repeatedly pounded his chest before he said, "Bring it on, kitty!"


DK and Incineroar charged at each other right away, and the two met with a clash of their fist in the middle of the ring, a clash so powerful that it created a shock wave of air that spread all over the ring. DK went for another punch right away, but Incineroar then used Cross Chop to jump, avoiding the punch, before descending toward the ape. DK didn't react in time to avoid the hit, but he was able to grab the Pokémon while it was still in the air before slamming it on the floor. DK then got a Flamethrower in the face, making him let go of Incineroar who performed a Throat Chop. While DK had his hands on his throat as he tried to regain his breath, Incineroar then moved behind him, grabbed him around the waist, and did a suplex. Incineroar then couldn't stop itself from taking a pose and to roar at the sky to show off to the public before it jumped to do an elbow drop on DK who was able to roll out of the way thanks to the time the Pokémon lost.

As DK got up, Incineroar attempted a sweep kick from its position on the ground to trip the ape, but DK was able to grab the leg before it could hit and he threw Incineroar into one of the posts at the corners of the ring. DK then charged, but Incineroar quickly recovered and got out of the way at the last moment, causing DK to charge into the post. Incineroar then grabbed DK's head and violently slammed it on the post. Before DK could recover from this, Incineroar then made him turn around while keeping him trapped in the corner before it repeatedly and savagely punched him on the head, regularly using moves such as Fire Punch, Mega Punch, or Brick Break, not giving him any time to breathe.

DK still eventually managed to grab Incineroar's arms, holding them in place. Incineroar used Bite on the ape's left wrist to make him release, but DK resisted despite the pain and headbutted Incineroar, making it take several steps backward as it was stun. DK then grabbed Incineroar around the waist before doing a suplex too to make Incineroar hit the top of the post with its head. Incineroar then fell out of the ring with a big concussion, but still managed to get out despite the world spinning. It barely saw DK climb the post, his intention clear, and it was able to roll out of the way as DK jumped and attempted to smash it.

Incineroar quickly climbed back on the ring, not wanting to remain outside of it with the risk of being thrown through the Ring Out Barrier, and DK followed him only to be welcomed by a Darkest Lariat. Despite a first hit, DK was able to stop the move by grabbing Incineroar by the tail before he slammed the Pokémon around. While this happened, Incineroar grabbed a Poké Ball that had appeared around and threw it at DK to make him release its tail. While being hit by the Poké Ball didn't do much beside annoying the ape, the Poké Ball let out an Eevee.

DK snickered at the little furball whose only threat was to give heart attacks with how adorable it looked.

Then Eevee used Take Down, charging at DK and headbutting him in the gut.

THIS made DK release Incineroar's tail. Instead, the ape grabbed the Eevee and threw it into the bleachers where it disappeared in a puff of smoke. DK then quickly looked around to spot where Incineroar had gone to and found it on one of the posts with Elio standing behind said post and doing a series of movements that made Incineroar being covered in energy.

Recognizing Incineroar's Z-move that it used against Tails, DK began swinging his arm around.

Incineroar then used Malicious Moonsault, juming high into the air before falling back toward DK chest first while surrounded in fire.

DK released the punch he had been readying.

This resulted in a huge explosion.

While everyone was holding their breath as they waited for the smoke to clear, Ness and Poo returned from wherever they had gone to at the beginning of the round. Only a few saw this but said nothing.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed that DK and Incineroar were both still standing but had both taken heavy damage. DK was now armed with a hammer that he didn't hesitate to use, forcing Incineroar to roll around to avoid it. While rolling, Incineroar managed to trip DK with a kick and, while the ape was on the ground, it Cross Chopped him in the gut, making him drop the hammer. Despite this, DK was able to grab Incineroar and to roll so the Pokémon was now the one against the floor with DK on top of it and the ape began to pummel it only for Incineroar to kick him between the legs. With a high-pitched yelp, DK grabbed where it hurt and fell aside, letting Incineroar get up before it took the hammer and attacked the downed ape with it.

DK rolled out of the way, got up, and threw a Motion-Sensor Bomb that Incineroar batted away with the hammer. DK then charged at the Pokémon who readied the hammer, and the weapon clashed with the ape's fist. DK was able to push the hammer out of the way only to receive another Flamethrower in the face that allowed Incineroar to get away. The next thing DK knew, he was then hit on the head by a thrown Party Ball that then slowly floated upward while Incineroar jumped at DK with its hammer ready to smash.

As the ball began to do its little jingle, DK was able to catch the hammer before it could hit, and the two fighters struggled with the weapon. DK eventually managed to force the hammer out of Incineroar's grip and threw it away before he was punched in the face with a Fire Punch. He returned with a punch of his own, and the two began to exchange blows.

Then the Party Ball above them opened and it rained Bob-Ombs.


The two fighters disappeared in another explosion. When the smoke cleared, it revealed that DK and Incineroar had been blasted into the ropes at opposite directions, and the two seemed out.

Master Hand sighed. "This time, it really seems to be a double knock out. BUT! Don't worry! I have come up with a solution!"

There was a snap! and both DK and Incineroar were healed a bit and then woke up.

"Continue the fight until only one is left! But now, there will be an added difficulty!"

At this, the Ring Out Barrier began to slowly close in.

You two should hurry up!"

They didn't need to be prompted. DK and Incineroar charged at each other.

DK punched Incineroar.

Incineroar used Revenge.

The punch DK received in return was two times more powerful.

The two then remained standing, not moving, simply staring at each other for a few seconds before DK finally dropped unconscious.

Victorious, Incineroar let out a loud roar while taking a pose.

"And the victor is: Incineroar!"

DK and Incineroar gave each other the manliest handshake, both grinning.

They will definitively redo that fight one day.

"And now, for the last fight of Round 2: Meganium versus Ness!" Master Hand announced.

And the arena revealed to be the ruined throne room of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

The mares stared at the image of the arena, then hesitantly looked at the three Luna that were present, guessing that a certain alter ego of the alicorn could appear and this could upset said alicorn.

The Luna saw this, looked at each others, and one of them shrugged and said, "If I can take Nightmare Moon being used for a holiday, then I can take her being used as a hazard in a battle arena."

"If she appears," another Luna added.

"And I admit taking some pleasure at the idea of seeing her being beaten down," the third Luna continued. "Even if I fear that she may be too powerful for Meganium and Ness."

"I'm sure she will be no big deal for them," Phantom said.

"IF she appears," the second Luna repeated.

The arena was slightly different than the throne room the ponies remembered. The arena itself was actually a large, mostly circular platform in the middle of the room, separated from the rest by a pit surrounding it as a result from the floor there having crumbled. Several debris were present on the platform, and the Ring Out Barrier ensured that nobody will be able to go to the rest of the room even if they knew how to fly or could jump far enough. The platform still was very large enough to allow a lot of movement, the room itself being just as big as expected from a throne room. Especially when said throne room had two thrones. Gold still was on a separate platform, ensuring that he won't be in the way.


Meganium used Sunny Day right away, bringing some much-needed light in this rather dark place. At the same time, Ness unleashed his most powerful PK Fire, sending a real wall of fire that Meganium avoiding only because of the debris behind which it could take cover. After doing a quick Light Screen while safe behind the debris, it then moved out and fired a Solar Beam, only for the beam to meet a Shield that partially reflected it back at Meganium who had no problem tanking it. Meganium then quickly returned behind cover to avoid another full-powered PK Fire, only for Ness to follow it with a PK Thunder that managed to hit Meganium. It wasn't very effective, but every little damage added, and the lightning bolt from the full-powered psychic attack still was powerful.

Meganium then used Nature Power. Being inside a ruined building, this allowed Meganium to use Tri Attack, and the Pokémon launched toward Ness three blasts of energy, one fire, one ice, and one electric, simultaneously. Again, Ness just let the attack come so his Shield partially reflected it back at Meganium, but he ended up paralyzed as a result while Meganium was burned. One PK Healing got Ness rid of his paralysis while Meganium used Aromatherapy to remove the burn. But then, Ness used PK Flash which caused Meganium to become confused as it felt strange, forcing it to use Aromatherapy again and opening it to a PK Fire that it its target this time. Ness then finally healed himself with PK Lifeup while Meganium recovered from the fire attack with difficulty.

Then, an evil cackle announced the arrival, as expected, of Nightmare Moon who appeared above the thrones, materializing from shadows in the most dramatic fashion.

"The night shall last forever!" she announced before she looked down at the two fighters. "You fools will never stop me!"

Then she landed on the platform and materialized two magical swords that she manipulated around at will.

"PK Rockin!" Ness hit the alicorn with a powerful psychic shockwave that sent her crashing right into Luna's ancient throne. Like before, Meganium avoided the attack by taking cover behind a debris and immediately fired a Solar Beam at Nightmare Moon, then another at Ness before returning behind cover to avoid the beam reflected by the Shield. The Solar Beam particularly hit badly Nightmare Moon who had barely been recovering from her crash.


She flew back on the platform and sent her two swords to attack the two fighters. Ness' Shield still reflected some of the damage and he easily healed what he was getting thanks to Lifeup, and Meganium's Light Screen also worked very well against the sword targeting it. However, contrary to Ness, it didn't have any way to heal itself. But then, it saw Gold pointing with his finger at something. Seeing what he was pointing at, Meganium ran toward the Maxim Tomato and quickly ate it, finally being healed only to be hit by a powerful magical beam from Nightmare Moon.

Ness avoided another magical beam fired this time at him and countered with another PK Rockin that sent Nightmare Moon crashing again. Gold and Meganium (who took cover from the psychic attack again) used the distraction to use their Z-move: Bloom Doom. As Nightmare Moon returned on the platform, everything was covered by vegetation before energy expanded from Meganium, and Ness was hit by the column of energy which exploded in energy taking the form of a giant blooming flower.

And because of Ness' Shield, Meganium received a lot of damage in return. At least, Nightmare Moon was also caught in the explosion which blasted her and sent her crashing again, even destroying her magical swords. But then, Nightmare Moon disappeared into shadows which moved toward Meganium, and she rematerialized right beside the Pokémon who quickly used Petal Blizzard while also firing a Solar Beam at Ness who took cover while healing himself. The boy also got his hands on a piece of the Dragoon.

Nightmare Moon attacked Meganium with her two swords and also her own armored hooves, not minding the petals cutting her even if they were effectively injuring her. Ness then sent yet another PK Rockin but, this time, Nightmare Moon was expecting it and used a magical shield to protect herself against the psychic shockwave. The attack still managed to destroy the shield, getting through enough that Nightmare Moon was pushed back a bit, and Meganium (who had taken cover again) used the occasion to Body Slam the mare. In return, Nightmare Moon bit Meganium on the neck with her sharp teeth, hard, and threw the Pokémon into a debris before firing a huge magical beam at Ness who took cover again. Thankfully the debris were an element that couldn't be destroyed.

Meganium then threw at Nightmare Moon a Deku Nut, stunning her, and the Pokémon then fired a Solar Beam (after redoing Sunny Day) at her before the effects of the nut disappeared.


It was all the warning Meganium had before the sky fell on its head.

When the falling stars stopped raining all over the arena, both Meganium and Nightmare Moon were unconscious.

"And the victor is: Ness!"

"Since when can he use PK Starstorm?" Jeff exclaimed.

"He learned fast," Poo said.

"What? You taught him?"

"Just a few minutes ago."

"You haven't seen him and Ness leave, earlier?" Sweetie Void questioned.

"Uh... No..."

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