• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 113: Tournament Part 6

"It's impressive that this little mouse was able to beat up DK so badly. He's, like, one of the strongest beings I know, and only big baddies like King K. Rool or Bowser are usually able to do so much damage to him," Diddy Kong said. "These Pokémon are scary."

"After what happened a few days ago, is it that surprising? Ya saw what they could do," Apple Death reminded him. "One even gave Mario a lot of difficulty earlier."

"And the ones participating in this tournament are almost all more or less at the same level even if Red's Pikachu is among the best ones," Sweetie Void clarified. "So if you end up facing one... Well, good luck."

"Hey! I'm strong too! Well, not as strong as DK, but I make up for it with other stuff! If DK was able to defeat one, then I can too!" Diddy shouted as he proudly took a pose with his guns.

Soon enough, it was time to start the next battle.

"TAILS! Versus... INCINEROAR!" Master Hand announced.

"You ready, buddy?" Sonic asked to Tails.

"Yes," the fox answered before he patted a bag hanging against his hip. "Thank you again for bringing this to me by the way, Phantom."

"You're welcome. Hopefully, they will help you get the upper hand. I haven't seen what an Incineroar is, but judging by the name, this will be at least a Fire-type."

At this moment, the arena was selected, and it seemed to be a series of platform inside some cavern with a weird brain-looking life form in the background and a whole lake of what seemed to be acid not far below.

The platforms were composed of a main one with three smaller ones floating above it in a triangular formation. The main platform itself was a large rocky one with an irregular surface and an irregular form instead of being circular. Some small structures were scattered on it as well as a statue of what Sweetie Void recognized was a Chozo which was in a sitting position, near the edge, almost hidden behind some of the structures. The platform was also linked to a smaller rocky one by a group of fleshy blobs. Among the three smaller platforms, the two lowest ones were also linked to the main rocky one by fleshy poles, one of them being actually linked to the smaller rocky part. This last platform also had a curved surface instead of a flat one like the two others.

"Well, guys, I present to you home sweet home: planet Zebes, where I grew up," Samus informed. "And this place we see in this picture? That's Brinstar, a mostly underground maze-like jungle filled with all kinds of dangerous fauna and flora and where it isn't rare to find lakes of acid like the one you are seeing. Frequent earthquakes can cause some of these lakes to rise up and down, and I don't think that this lake of acid is there just for decoration. Also, friendly advice, keep an eye on that Chozo statue. You never know."

"Noted," Tails said.

"Lovely home," Falco said sarcastically.

"Thanks. Couldn't ask for a better home." Nobody could tell if Samus was being sarcastic too or genuine.

Tails and Elio entered the arena and the trainer, who appeared on a moving platform of his own, immediately let out his Pokémon. Seeing it, Tails couldn't stop himself from taking a step back. It was a Fire-type alright, and the "roar" in the name was finally explained in the form of the Pokémon being some kind of bipedal tiger. A muscular tiger. Judging by the belt made of flames around its waist, a muscular tiger good at some fighting sport. Maybe wrestling? So, was this Pokémon also a Fighting-type? No matter the sport, it looked fierce and very strong. It probably would have been a better adversary to Knuckles than to Tails. The fox didn't lose time and opened his bag to get out a device with a slot where he put his hand onto, and this made the device transform and become bigger to turn into a red arm cannon.

It wasn't a Wispon. No Wisps around to power one so no blasts that could propel you. So it was a simpler cannon mostly based on the Burst Wispon that could fire three types of projectiles: simple fireballs, streams of flames like a flamethrower, or blasts of flames. Those last ones were the more powerful (but not as powerful as the blasts of the real Burst Wispon), but didn't have an as great range as the others. Tails however internally groaned. The projectiles will obviously count as Fire-type which Incineroar will certainly be resistant to. He should have anticipated this and brought other cannons with different kinds of projectiles, like his Energy Ball Arm Cannon. He will have to do with what he had in the bag, and even if Incineroar will be resistant to the fire projectiles, they should still wear it down with time.

Meanwhile, Elio was ready for anything. From what he heard, Tails was both a technological genius and a rather skilled and strong fighter who destroyed robots at a regular basis. No doubt that there was all kinds of gadgets ready to be used in his bag. Incineroar was obviously much stronger, was very skilled too, and had a diversified moveset, but he will have to be careful.

Also, he wasn't on a small mobile platform for nothing. Looking down at the lake of acid below, remembering what Samus said, he will have to keep an eye on it to warn Incineroar.


Tails immediately started the battle by firing at Incineroar with his weapon, but as expected, the Pokémon barely felt the flames as it charged through them to attack. Once it was close enough, it then began spinning while holding out its hand, using its signature move: Darkest Lariat. Tails quickly used spun his tails to fly out of the way while grabbing and throwing a flat device at his previous position. Incineroar wasn't able to stop spinning in time and the device revealed to be a mine releasing an electric field that electrified and paralyzed it. Tails then immediately used the occasion to attack Incineroar with a Spin Attack followed by bashing it with his powerful tails that actually managed to knock the Pokémon on the floor.

However, despite the paralysis, Incineroar was able to activate Revenge. So the hit it took strengthened it and, as the paralysis wore off, it was able to grab the fox by one of his tails to stop him from getting away before it violently punched him on the cheek while getting back up, releasing the tail just at this moment so Tails was sent flying beyond the edge of the arena. But Tails quickly recovered and spun his tails to stop himself from falling before he returned to the arena while resuming firing at Incineroar with his weapon.

At this moment, an earthquake caused the lake of acid below to rise a bit, confirming to both Tails and Elio that it was a danger. Also, a barrel with an arrow appeared on the lowest flat platform and, remembering what such barrels did, Tails landed beside it, lifted it, and threw it at Incineroar in the hope that the barrel would trap the Pokémon and would either fall down beyond the edge with it or would at least fire Incineroar beyond the edge. But Incineroar easily dodged the barrel and used Cross Chop to real Tails' position while also attacking at the same occasion, by leaping upward with flames covering it before descending diagonally. Again, Tails dodged by flying away before landing on the top platform and firing with his weapon.

Another earthquake and the lake of acid was now reaching just under the arena, even touching the tentacle-like appendage of the brain-thing in the background which began to wriggle.

"Remain on the platforms, Incineroar!" Elio warned.

This didn't leave much place to move around, the platforms being rather small, but better that than being burned by acid.

Incineroar did a Sword Dance and Bulk Up before jumping to attack Tails with a Fire Punch, and evaded by flying away again, this time remaining in the air away from the platform out of range. But Incineroar used Flamethrower, almost getting the fox, then repeated the move and this time managed to burn the spinning tails, forcing Tails to land on the big rock platform just as there was another earthquake. But thankfully for Tails, this one caused the level of the lake to lower instead of rising. Seeing this, Incineroar jumped down toward Tails using Iron Head, and Tails limited the damage by blocking the headbutt by crossing his arms in front of his head.

Yet another earthquake happened, and Elio panicked.

"Quick! Jump on a platform!" he yelled.

Hearing him, Incineroar separated from Tails and jumped on one of the lower platforms, the curved one above the smaller rocky part, while Tails went to the higher one, just in time as the rocky platform disappeared under the acid which almost reached Incineroar's platform. The Pokémon quickly jumped on the top platform, Fire Punch ready, only for Tails to fly away again, but this time, the sly fox left a little gift behind: a bomb.

It blew up before Incineroar could even react, and the blast propelled it beyond the edge of the platform. It then fell on the top of one of the small structures not fully immersed before it slid into the acid. It didn't remain in it for long however as an earthquake lowered the level. But it barely got time to recover that there was already another earthquake and Elio warned it to jump on a platform again, which it did without losing time, landing back on the curved platform. But this time, to everyone's surprise, the level rose until it covered even the curved platform (which was slightly lower than the other 'lower' platform), and Incineroar found itself with its feet (or back paws) in the acid. With a roar of pain that sounded more like the meow of a cat, Incineroar jumped on the top platform, then quickly looked down to see if another bomb or something else was left again by Tails even knowing that Tails had remained in the air all this time so he couldn't have left something here.

Instead, the fox used the diversion to approach it and fire a blast of flames before quickly retreating to land on the flat lower platform which wasn't immersed. But then, after another earthquake, the acid lowered again, enough to free the rocky platform, but not back to its lowest level which left the fighters on edge and not wanting to risk returning on the rocky platform right away. Instead, Tails resumed firing at Incineroar who countered with a Flamethrower which overpowered the fireballs and burned the fox. Seeing that another earthquake finally lowered the acid back to its lowest level, Tails quickly jumped down on the rocky platform followed by Incineroar who was met however by a Spin Attack.

Despite the hit, Incineroar caught Tails and bit him with Fire Fang before tossing him up and, as the fox dropped back down, getting him with Darkest Lariat.

Despite everything, Tails wasn't the most resilient of Sonic's friends. He was tough, yes, which was why he was still conscious after everything he took from the strong tiger, but he was starting to feel that he was reaching his limit as he recovered but remained on a knee. Then, he heard metallic footstep from behind him and, having a bad feeling, quickly leapt away, barely avoiding a swiping claw that caused small close-range explosions. After a roll and getting up, Tails looked at what attacked him and saw that it was the Chozo Statue.

"A Torizo. Of course," Samus said before she looked at Master Hand. "I'm not surprised that you decided to make the Chozo Statue into one."

The hand chuckled. "It was only natural to add some spice."

"As if this arena needed more spice. The acid was already good enough in my opinion," Slippy said.

"After, it depends of the Torizo. Some are more powerful than others. This one may be one of the weaker versions," Samus informed.

Tails moved further away from the Torizo and made sure to have both it and Incineroar in his sight, ending up in a small rocky platform beyond the orbs of flesh. The Torizo decided to target Incineroar and spat from its mouth several bombs that the Pokémon avoided with a jump before using Cross Chop, hitting the living statue on its chest and making it take a few steps back. From his position safely away, Tails, now armed of a ray gun in addition of his arm cannon, began to fire at both Incineroar and the Torizo. Incineroar didn't mind Tails and continued to attack the Torizo by repeatedly using Brick Break, causing a lot of damage before the Pokémon was clawed by the statue, getting especially hurt by the small explosions the swiping claws caused. So Incineroar retreated by jumping on the top platform, out of range of the Torizo's claws unless it decided to jump.

Thankfully for the Pokémon, it didn't and instead went after Tails again. The statue eventually walked on the flesh orbs which was what Tails had been hoping it would do if it decided to go after him again. Taking a remote control, he pressed a button that caused an explosive that he placed among the orbs to explode, destroying all the orbs in one go right under the Torizo's feet. Tails had indeed remarked earlier that some projectiles managed to destroy some of the orbs (only for them to reform eventually), revealing them to not be an indestructible part of the arena contrary to most of the rest. With all the orbs destroyed in one go, the Torizo fell down right into the acid (which started to rise again) while the small rocky platforms moved away from the bigger one a bit.

The Torizo defeated, Tails looked up toward Incineroar only for his expression to turn into horror when he saw that the Pokémon was now surrounded by a familiar aura of energy. Looking around, he saw Elio just as he finished the movements for the Z-move. He then looked back toward Incineroar who jumped from the top platform to crash into the fox. Tails just had enough time to barely get out of the way of the Pokémon who crashed chest-first on the ground, but he was then caught in the explosion that followed which blew him away. He tried to use his tails to stop himself in the air, but he was too late and he passed through the Ring Out Barrier. He only recovered and began to fly a few meters after it, badly hurt but still ready to fight. He still had some stuff in his bag that he had wanted to use!

"Ring Out! The victor is: Incineroar!" Master Hand announced.

"Not fair..." he complained.

Incineroar seemed to be of the same mind. "A victory not by KO is not a victory for me!" he shouted. "I want a rematch!"

"Well... I guess that we could have one another time," Tails said after landing back on the arena.

"Anytime!" the Pokémon agreed.

"You did your best, buddy," Sonic comforted.

"Could have done better," Tails replied. "Next time, I'm bringing the energy cannon. Didn't even get the occasion to use the Healbot."

"For the next battle, we will have... RILLABOOM!" Master Hand then announced.

"Finally!" Hop exclaimed.

"Versus... MEGANIUM!"

"Another full Pokémon battle?" Magolor questioned.

"And starter Grass-type versus starter Grass-type. This will be a close battle," Dawn observed.

"So this leaves me against... Uh... You, right?" Diddy remarked to Ness who nodded.

At this moment, the arena was selected, revealing to be the roof of Princess Peach's castle.

"Well, at least, this arena shouldn't pose problem contrary to the previous one," Gold said.

"Ah wouldn't bet on that. Fer all we know, Bowser could come to fire at the castle with one of his airships," Apple Death warned.

Mario nodded. "And that's just one possibility out of hundreds. I'm more expecting giant Bowser appearing to swipe at the roof with his claws."

"Or instead of Bowser, Fawful could appear," Luigi added.

"Or the Shrooms."

"Or the castle could be transported into space with that UFO-like spaceship Bowser once used."

"Or there could simply be Paragoombas and Paratroopas coming."

"So, in brief, be ready for anything," Hop said. "I'm not worried. No matter what, this will be fun."

"And this is what matters! Having fun! And so far, this has been very fun to watch!" one of the Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Before long, Gold and Hop were in the arena and let out their respective Pokémon, both at opposite sides of the tower in the center of the castle. There were some differences however compared to the real castle. While the real castle was built in the middle of a very small lake so it just served as a moat, the lake being part of a river that traversed Toad Town, this one had much more water surrounding it and the castle itself was scaled down. Also, the pointed spires of the towers were replaced by flat roof so they could be used as platforms. There were also two small floating platforms, one above each wing of the castle behind the two fighters' actual position.


"Climb on the tower!" Hop instructed the gorilla Pokémon who had no problem climbing to the top of the central tower.

As Rillaboom climbed the tower, Gold made Meganium use Sunny Day followay right away by Solar Beam. However, just as Rillaboom reached the top of the tower, it used Protect to protect itself from the beam. Rillaboom then jumped high to strike Meganium with a Brick Break only for Meganium to also use Protect followed right away by a Poison Powder. Rillaboom breathed in some of the cloud of poison, resulting in it getting poisoned, and the ape jumped away as it coughed. Meganium then quickly proceeded to use Reflect before Rillaboom stopped coughing and attacked again, this time with a Drain Punch. It hit, but thanks to Reflect, Meganium barely felt it and immediately fired another Solar Beam at blank point which slammed Rillaboom against the central tower.

Being a Grass-type move against a Grass-type Pokémon, it didn't do much damage despite its huge power, but it left Rillaboom vulnerable as it slowly recovered while coughing again because of the poison. Instead of attacking however, Meganium used Safeguard followed by Petal Dance. Pink petals were released in a spiraling fashion from the flower around its neck and surrounded it before it ran toward Rillaboom. The ape let Meganium come, tanking the move, before it Drain Punched it again, healing itself a bit from the damage he got, especially because of the poison. The damage from the Petal Dance accumulated however and Hop saw this.

"Retreat, Rillaboom! As long as Petal Dance continues, don't get close again, and use instead Giga Drain and Sword Dance!"

Following its trainer's instructions, Rillaboom jumped above Meganium to land behind it, then jumped again to land on the floating platform that was here before it used Giga Drain, sending green beams of energy to drain Meganium and heal a bit. It then followed this with Sword Dance, but as Rillaboom was busy doing this move, Meganium's Petal Dance ended and, thanks to Safeguard, the Pokémon didn't get confused as a consequence. Meganium then used Body Slam, jumping surprisingly high to slam on Rillaboom, and the two fell off the platform and almost off arena as they landed right on the slopy extremity of the castle's roof. Because it didn't have any way to stop itself from falling is this happened, Meganium quickly moved away while Rillaboom recovered and got back up.

While getting away from the ledge, Meganium spotted at the base of the central tower a strange red pressure switch and decided to activate it. This caused two red platforms to appear at the opposite extremities of the castle, becoming extensions of the flat roof above the slopy ends. Two red "!" blocks also appeared, one at both sides of the central tower. Still being on the slopy extremity of the castle, Rillaboom found himself one of the platforms passing through him, but as if the Pokémon was a Ghost-type, it could move through it and get away without problem. Not sure of what the red blocks could do, Meganium fired a single seed at the one that appeared not far above it. Hitting the block made a star come out of it.

Many immediately recognised that it was a Warp Star, but not Meganium who had no idea what this star was for, and neither the trainers. Meganium didn't have much time to ponder as Rillaboom attacked with Acrobatics, repeatedly nimbly striking its adversary. Now this move hurt Meganium a lot because it was a Flying-type move, and Flying was super effective against Grass, and this time, it was Meganium who crashed against the central tower.

Done with its move, Rillaboom looked curiously at the Warp Star and grabbed it. And without warning, the Warp Star flew up with the ape clinging to it and yelling.

As it looked up, following the flying Rillaboom, Meganium could only mutter, "What... the..."

Then, it saw the Warp Star returning in a crash course with Rillaboom still clinging to it and Meganium panicked before it used Protect right before the star crashed on it in a big explosion. Thanks to Protect, Meganium didn't receive any damage and was immediately able to counterattack with an Iron Tail while Rillaboom was rubbing its head wondering what the heck happened.

The sound of a cannon firing something then resounded, and both Pokémon looked at where it came from to see that an airship fired a Banzai Bill toward the castle, the giant living missile moving toward the center tower from the back of the castle. The Pokémon were far enough that they risked nothing, but Rillaboom got the idea of using the diversion to grab Meganium by the neck and to throw it on the path of the Banzai Bill. Mid-air, Meganium quickly used Iron Tail on the Banzai Bill to bounce off of it just before it crashed on the tower and exploded. The explosion still blew Meganium high into the sky almost reaching the top of the Ring Out Barrier.

Gold acted quickly and activated his Z-Crystal, a Grassium Z, and did the right series of poses to give Meganium power as the Pokémon began to drop back toward the lake surrounding the castle. Energy surrounded Meganium, flowers appeared all over the roof, and a huge green column of energy came out of Meganium and disappeared into the sky before returning and striking Rillaboom who couldn't avoid it (and not just because the ape was coughing again from the poison, now starting to feel weak).

The attack by itself still wasn't enough to knock out Rillaboom but it was barely standing on its legs. Then, it coughed one last time before the poison finally bested it, and Rillaboom lost consciousness just before Meganium fell into the water.

"KO! And the victor is: Meganium!"

"That was closer than expected. Hop almost won by Ring Out," Blue commented.

"Yeah, thanks to that Banzai Bill," Sweetie Ghoul said. "But Meganium was clearly ready to continue the fight for a while despite everything it took while Rillaboom was more and more weakened by the poison."

"I didn't expect less from that Meganium. It was part of Gold's team when he challenged me on Mt. Silver," Red said.

"Well, this leaves only one fight for round one. Are you ready you two?" Sonic asked to Diddy Kong and Ness who both nodded.

Master Hand saw this and decided to pass the selection of the fighters to go right away with selecting the arena.

"So... DIDDY KONG and NESS will fight..." he began as the images of the arena scrolled. Before long, the scrolling stopped on the image of a town that Ness knew all too well. "in Onett!"

Of course, the arena didn't cover the whole town. The image simply showed three buildings: a three-stories drugstore at the center, a two stories yellow house with a red roof at the left, and a one-story blue house with a chimney at the right. The drugstore had two awnings, a tree was present behind the yellow house with some of its branches going over the house, and a festoon was over the blue house. The three buildings faced a road, the yellow house just at a corner where the road turned to the right.

Ness was happy to see his hometown again, but then remembered that it wasn't the real one and got sad.

Sweetie Void saw this. "Mmh... Master Hand? Is it possible to change arena? I don't think that Ness will like fighting in it."

Now, Diddy was the one looking sad. "Aww man... But this arena is perfect for me. Look at all this place for me to move around! The tree! The awnings! The festoon! The roofs! The posts!"

"It's okay, Sweetie," Ness reassured. "Thank you for your concern, but I will be able to fight in there. Don't worry."

"If you think so..." Sweetie Void wasn't entirely convinced but accepted it.

Ness and Diddy then entered the arena, Diddy appearing on the roof of the yellow house while Ness appeared on the roof of the blue house. Here, they saw that the arena included the road facing the three buildings, but not the one at the yellow house's left. They could also go behind the buildings, but not very far, the Ring Out Barrier not letting them reach the dirt paths behind and at the right.


Diddy Kong grabbed his Popgun and-

"PK Thunder!" Ness yelled, finger pointed toward Diddy.

And thunder struck the roof of the yellow house, just at Diddy's left, and the monkey jumped right in fear only to be struck by a second bolt followed by a third one. While Diddy was literally shocked, Ness used the awning of the second floor of the drugstore to approach him and send a "PK Fire!" in the form of a huge stream of fire, burning the monkey until he was entirely turned black.

"PK Freeze!"

Diddy barely recovered his senses from being burned that he was then surrounded by a freezing wind that trapped him in ice.


And finally, Ness sent his most powerful attack in the form of a powerful wall-wave of psychic energy that sent the block of ice with Diddy in it flying beyond the Ring Out Barrier.

And just like that... "RING OUT! The victor is: Ness!"

Author's Note:

Poor Diddy... I was ready to do a whole fight with even in mind Ness barely avoiding being crashed into by the van of the Runaway Five, but then I remembered that this was Ness without the Smash Bros limiter and with all of Paula's psychic abilities in addition of his own. All he misses is the PK Starstorm.

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