• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 171: The Battle of Past Hyrule

Author's Note:

Chapter made by me and Cyrus Colter.

Dream Warper and the Rainbooms were just getting to the drawbridge leading to the town when a pair of horses carrying three people between them came rushing past, shouting out that there was… an attack?

Looking back to the way they came from, the group, at first, saw nothing. Then, they saw something in the skies.

Rainbow Dash squinted at the thing in the sky before her eyes widened and she called out to the group, “RUN FOR IT!”

As the group fled towards the main place of the town, a bunch of large bullets with eyes and arms impacted the ground behind before exploding, sending debris flying, the girls crossing as the drawbridge began to rise. They scrambled into the crowd as the guards moved them towards the center of town, explosions now boarding against the closed drawbridge.

After a moment, the explosions ceased. A moment of tense silence, with only the marching boots of the guards as the background noise. Then, a shadow came over them all as the crowd and guards looked up…

… to see a set of airships flying over the town. A bellowing laugh and a roar sounded off before an army descended on the town as more of the bullets impacted the buildings. Winged enemies also passed above the walls while mages teleported in. Chaos quickly followed as civilians panicked and guards moved to get them to safety or to attack the invaders.

Fights started between them and the guards. Turtles armed with spears were mainly the ones attacking, backed by little brown mushrooms, turtles throwing hammers, and the mages. The guards were much taller and had the advantage in one to one, but against such numbers, the odds were against them. Turtles then managed to lower the drawbridge, allowing the rest of the attacking army to enter the town, including Gerudos.

Enemies were everywhere. It didn’t seem like there was anywhere safe in the city. That left the castle.

“Go to the castle! I will remain here to help the guards!” Dream Warper said to the Rainbooms.

“I’ll stay too! I can fight!” Sunset said.

But before more could be said, two laughs resounded above them. They looked up and saw two old witches flying on brooms.

“The Twinrova Sisters!” someone yelled.

Civilians immediately moved to get as far away from them as possible. Dream Warper stepped forward to join the fight, only for another turtle to land in front of her, the alicorn letting off a magic blast on reflex. The turtle simply crossed its arms in front of itself and tanked the blast, despite being sent sliding back. Lowering its arms, Dream Warper’s eyes widened as she recognized him from the descriptions Sweetie Void had given. Morton yelled while pounding his chest, before pulling out a wand and swinging it in a sweeping motion in front of him, summoning a set of tall thorny creatures made from segmented balls that he then proceeded to launch at random. Dream Warper caught several in her magic before they could harm the civilians and sent them back to strike the Koopaling, but she quickly had to raise a shield to block a fireball, magic blast and a straight up Bob-omb, causing a smoke cloud to obscure her vision.

As the smoke cleared, Dream Warper felt her confidence drop when she saw all 7 Koopalings surrounding her with Bowser himself and his son right in front of her.

Looking at the alicorn with a derisive snort, the Koopa King gave his orders. “Junior, you and the Koopalings take out this little pest. Koume, Kotake, you two go nuts. I’ve got business elsewhere,” he said before jumping in the air and clear over the majority of the crowd, his landing causing a quake that shook the town and palace. Dream Warper took quick stock of his direction before being forced to defend herself from Morton’s charge, quickly teleporting out of the way before quickly taking into the air and launching a magical beam at Ludwig, who launched a magical blast that clashed hers briefly before bursting as her own continued on to impact the floating Koopaling, only for him to burst into a puff of smoke, revealing it to be a double.

It was then that Dream Warper realized she was surrounded by three more Ludwigs. Before she could do anything, she had to avoid rings thrown by Wendy. The Ludwigs used the distraction to fire at her with their wands while they floated upward. Dream Warper had to put up a shield around her, repelling the projectiles, but then, Roy came and punched the shield, cracking it, to her surprise. Another punch, and the cracks spread. Before Roy could throw a third punch, Dream Warper made the shield disappear and blasted Roy point blank, sending him flying, only to be hit on the side by a fireball sent by Larry with a tennis racket. She quickly recovered and avoided another fireball, then fired a beam to blow up a spiked ball on which Lemmy was walking. Iggy then came riding a Chomp, forcing Twilight to fly to avoid being bitten by it. That left Bowser Jr. flying in his clown car approaching her to try and punch her with boxing gloves coming out of said car, which she avoided.

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms watched, wanting to help but hesitating.

“Should we go to the castle?” Fluttershy asked.

“We can’t leave Pony Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said. “Let’s help her!”

She prepared to run toward Larry, but she was then pushed aside by Sunset Shimmer just before a stream of ice came from above, almost freezing her solid.

“Hehehehehe! Look what we have here, Koume,” Kotake said.

“Visitors wanting to play heroes!” her sister, Koume, said.

“You…!” Sunset shouted, pointing her horn toward Kotake. Her magic fizzled a second before sparking to life as a fireball leapt from the horn, flying at the witch only to be intercepted by Koume catching the fireball in her wand then sending it back at the unicorn. Sunset raised a barrier to block it, only for the sisters to strike it at the same time, shattering it and sending Sunset reeling back as she rubbed at her temples, stumbling over her hind hooves, before falling on her flank, a sharpened shard of ice just barely grazing the tip of her horn before impacting the ground between her and the Rainbooms. Sunset tried to roll back to her hooves, but ended up rammed by the cryomancer witch and sent flying to her friends’ feet. She struggled back to her hooves before Fluttershy picked her up while Rarity and Sci Twi summoned a diamond barrier and levitated debris over to act as a shield. “OK, maybe we should run,” the unicorn said.

“I hate to say it, but she’s right, sugarcube,” Applejack said, mostly to Rainbow Dash.

Giving a growl, the athlete begrudgingly agreed as they turned to get away, Sci Twi throwing the debris in her grasp towards the witches to hopefully buy them a little time as they ran. While it somewhat worked, it wasn’t long before the twin laughs of the witches echoed behind the group as they fled for the castle.

Link heard the explosions before a guard came and screamed that they were attacked. Immediately, he stopped his training and exited the castle, seeing the airships above the town. Guards were already running toward the town. He quickly took his phone and texted all the heroes. Link then decided to use the Goron Mask to roll, being faster this way.

He reached the town in record time and immediately saw Dream Warper’s fight against the Koopalings and Bowser Jr. However, before he could join her, he saw Bowser going toward the Temple of Time and immediately understood that it took priority.

Because Bowser was going after the Triforce.

Sweetie Void, Phantom, and Apple Death received the text. However, they were too busy talking to Protoss Clan Leaders to look at it.

Meanwhile, Bowser stood before a large temple that seemed to radiate an aura of power. He was impressed, but not deterred as he reached up to push open the doors.

Only for something to collide with the back of his head, more annoying the Koopa King than hurting him. Turning around, he saw his attacker: a young boy in a green tunic and hat. Bowser took a long look at him.

Then nearly doubled over in laughter. “You’re the local hero? You don’t look much older than my own son!” At that, he calmed down and gave Link a fierce glare. “But that don’t mean I plan on going easy on you. You wanna play hero? Then let’s play. SHOWTIME!” He said as he unleashed his flame breath on him.

Link pulled out his Mirror Shield to block the flame being launched at him. To Bowser’s surprise, the shield sent the flames back at him. He quickly put his arms before his head as he was burned.

Link then ran toward him, sword ready. Bowser went to punch him, but Link jumped on the fist and used it to jump above Bowser while he slashed, cutting Bowser on the head. Link landed on Bowser’s shell and was about to attack again, but Bowser entered his shell and spun rapidly, launching Link away, into the temple. The boy rolled then stopped on his feet like before the stele where the Spiritual Stones were supposed to go to open the door to the Master Sword’s chamber. Link took his bow right away and fired an ice arrow at Bowser as he got out of his shell only to duck to avoid it.

With one jump, Bowser cleared the distance between them and attempted to claw Link who rolled aside before he gave three slashes at the Koopa King. He then had to jump away to avoid the claws again.

Bowser jumped, sending a shockwave above which Link jumped. More shockwaves followed in short succession, almost getting the boy who took the hookshot midair and used it on Bowser as he jumped again to move above the shockwaves and get close to him. Immediately as he got close, Link attacked Bowser as they both dropped on the ground. Bowser still sent a shockwave upon landing that hit Link, sending him on the ground.

Bowser then threw hammers at him before he could get up. Link, seeing this, rolled aside to avoid them, then got up and used his shield to protect himself from the following ones. Bowser grabbed one of the hammers and slammed it on Link’s shield, overwhelming Link with his strength to the point that the boy buckled under him as he resisted. While Bowser pinned Link down with his right hand holding the hammer, he readied his left to slash with his claws.

Link took out the Goron Mask and put it on. Bowser watched in fascination as the mask seemed to become a second skin, and suddenly, the hero was a Goron. He didn’t have his shield anymore, but he had enough strength to push back the hammer with his bare hand. He then jumped back to avoid his claws before he curled into a ball and rammed Bowser, sending him crashing on the wall of the temple.

Bowser roared, got up, and transformed. Now Giga Bowser, he dwarfed Link even in his Goron form. Link still rolled toward him to attack again, but Bowser stopped him easily, grabbed him, and threw him toward the door to the Master Sword. Bowser then moved in the center of the temple and charged toward Link, destroying the stele. Link quickly took off the Goron Mask and slid between Bowser’s legs. The Koopa ended up destroying the door, entering the Master Sword’s chamber.

Link took out the Fierce Deity Mask and put it on. Immediately after becoming the Fierce Deity Link, he took his sword and sent a horizontal wave of energy that Bowser avoided by jumping through the roof. Bowser then landed right behind Link and punched him with his fist cloaked in darkness. Link just had time to turn around and block with his sword, Bowser’s strength still causing him to slide into the Master Sword’s chamber. Bowser then ran toward Link.

Link jumped back, landing right beside the Master Sword. He then held his current sword with just his right hand while he grabbed the Master Sword with his left hand and took it out of the plinth. Now dual wielding, he readied the swords as Bowser approached. The two then clashed, swords against claws covered in darkness.

The Rainbooms were running for their lives from Koume and Kotake on the path to the castle, protecting any escaping civilians they can with their powers, Sci Twi and Applejack moving things around, occasionally tossing some debris at the Twinrova sisters, only for the witches to blow them away with their respective magic or dodge on their flying brooms. Rarity and Sunset were making shields to protect against any blasts. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy kept running, not able to do much currently, especially since the latter was still carrying Sunset.

Rainbow Dash saw an opportunity and took it, super sprinting ahead, jumping off of a ruined cart, then, using her momentum, ran up and along a cliff face and jumped off it, tackling the passing by Kotake almost out of the air.

“Unhand my wand and get off of me, you delinquent!” The witch shouted as Rainbow Dash attempted to get the wand out of her hand.

“Let me help, sister!” Koume said as she fired a fiery blast toward them. The athlete jumped at the last second, getting a bit scorched as the fireball impacted and detonated against Kotake.

“OWOWOWOW! Careful, Koume!” The Ice Witch cried out as Rainbow Dash rolled along the ground, her jacket extinguishing before she stood back up. But before she could keep running, a projectile of pure light shot past her and impacted against the Fire Witch, sending her careening through the air before she recovered. Looking back to where it came from, the girls saw a young blonde girl in what looked like royal garb, Rarity gasping upon recognizing the styling of it.

“Is that-” she said before the Twinrova Sisters interrupted with their laughter.

“Ah, the young Princess Zelda,” Koume said as the two began to spin around each other.

“How fortunate would it be for you to arrive,” Kotake said as the two were engulfed by a flash of light, forcing everyone to cover their eyes.

As the light faded and they all looked back, Twinrova stood in all her glory before them.

“Now to end your meddling life!”

*Meanwhile, in the dungeons*

The last of the guards poured out of the dungeon area that held all of Hyrule's prisoners.

Yet there was only one being in that prison, at the moment.

A tall man, his dark skin, red hair, and style of clothing marking him as Gerudo. This was the sole Gerudo male among their kind. This was the man who attempted to crush Hyrule under his iron fist.

This was Ganondorf Dragmire.

As he looked to the last of the leaving guards in confusion, his chains allowing him little in the way of movement, a rift opened directly in front of him, a large floating hand coming out from him. Ganondorf could sense the power this being wielded, and wondered what it wanted.

“Hey! Yo-” The hand snapped its fingers and the guard fell to the floor, dead as a stone.

“I’m here to make you an offer. You give me a show when and where I want it, I’ll break those chains and grant you what I can tell you desire most from what I’ve heard of you,” the hand said.

Ganondorf glared at the being before speaking. “You are a being with madness that even I can see is beyond quenching. What is it you think I desire?”

The Hand curled into a fist as its voice growled worse than any demon the Gerudo King had ever heard. “You wish for the power to conquer this realm. I am willing to give it to you, IF you agree to work with me.

“And if I refuse?” At that, the hand simply touched Ganondorf on the forehead.

And with that touch came a pain worse than any Ganondorf had ever endured. The scorching sun and blistering winds of his homeland could not be compared to the pure undiluted PAIN that was suddenly coursing through his being.

For the first time in his life, he screamed in agony. After what felt like minutes (but in truth was mere seconds), the hand pulled back with a psychotic giggle as he said, “Then that will tickle in comparison. So, what do you say?”

Dream Warper groaned. She got hope that the fight would go better when Impa joined her. However, the Sheikah quickly found herself busy fighting a Gerudo in green who was clearly the Gerudo leader under Koume and Kotake. Again, Dream Warper had to fight Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings eight to one.

She was flying, avoiding the magical projectiles and fireballs fired by her enemies. She thankfully destroyed Bowser Jr.’s clown car, so she didn’t have to worry anymore about that. Ludwig, however, was still floating with his doubles, so he was the biggest danger. Without forgetting Lemmy, Larry and Iggy seemingly juggling Bob-Ombs and normal bombs through the air.

After sending another blast at one of the Ludwigs, popping the double, Dream Warper suddenly found herself nearly crushed in the jaws of the jumping Chain Chomp that had gotten loose during the battle. She just barely caught the beast’s jaws, holding it there in spite of the intense strain on her muscles as they both dropped back on the ground. She then lifted it with her magic, and hurled it straight at Morton and Roy, forcing the two to dive to the sides to avoid getting crushed.

Before anything else could be done, a bursting sound caught the attention of Bowser Jr. and Dream Warper. Looking at the direction it came from, they saw what looked like… fireworks?
Wait, Dream Warper thought, Isn’t that-? She was forced to dodge a blast from Ludwig, interrupting her thoughts.

“Looks like it’s time for us to go, Your Highness. Apologies for the first impression,” he said with a smug look on his face as he and his remaining double landed on either side of Bowser Jr.

With a mischievous grin, the Koopa Prince pulled out a whistle and blew hard on it, at which the attacking force began to draw back, the airships ceasing their fire as they turned back towards the horizon. But through it all, Dream Warper could only think of one thing as she galloped as best as she could on sore legs towards the palace. More specifically, towards someone who could lead her to the dungeons.

Please let me be wrong, please let me be wrong, please let me be wrong.

The battle between the Fierce Deity Link and Giga Bowser had been as brutal as it was destructive. Giga Bowser threw Link into the wall of the temple, receiving a nasty stab on his wrist in return. Link, after extracting himself from the wall, began charging energy into both his blades, then began rapidly swinging them in alternation, the first few energy blades cut into Bowser, forcing him to withdraw into his shell to protect himself.

Bowser then suddenly rocketed forward as his shell spun, surrounded by icy mist. Slamming into the wall, and Link, the battle once more spilled outside the temple, or what remained of it.

As Bowser came back out from his shell, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Fireworks. With a growl, he knew that was the signal.

It was time to go.

Looking back to the recovering Fierce Deity Link, Bowser said, “Show’s over, tough guy,” before unleashing a practical firestorm from his maw, obscuring the hero’s vision as he changed back to his normal form. A rift then opened on a bit of rubble next to the Koopa King and he traversed it, the rift closing just before the Fierce Deity’s sword impaled the stone behind it.

With a flash of light, Link took off the Fierce Deity Mask and fell to his knees.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

The Rainbooms and Princess Zelda stood their ground against the Sorceress of Ice and Flame, Twinrova. But it was pretty clear that they were barely managing to stay in the fight.

Rainbow Dash was zipping around the battle, jumping off debris to strike Twinrova and then run for it, only to circle back once her attention was drawn elsewhere. Applejack, Sci Twi and Sunset were sending debris and magic bolts at the witch, who managed to either dodge or block most of them before she attacked Zelda who Applejack tackled to get her out of the way of the large fireball. Pinkie Pie had, somehow, acquired a cart full of baked goods and began throwing them at her, the magic of her geode charging them into magical explosives. The look of indignation on Twinrova’s face when that first pie detonated in her face was quickly followed by Princess Zelda sending another light blast at her, finally sending her to the ground.

Letting out a roar of frustration as she unleashed a burst of elemental magic in a shockwave around her, sending all the Rainbooms flying through the air before they hit the ground or side of the canyon, the witch leered at Past Zelda before the sound of fireworks drew their attention towards the castle.

With a malicious smile, Twinrova flew up into the air and, with one last elemental blast to cover their retreat, flew off as she separated back into Koume and Kotake.

“Why did they just run? Not complaining, just asking,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“These fireworks came from the castle and seemed to be a signal to retreat! An enemy must have infiltrated the castle!” Sci Twi said.

Past Zelda gasped. “Oh no! Father!”

She immediately ran toward the castle, quickly followed by worried Rainbooms. Once inside, they found the king in the Throne Room, with the captain of the guards talking to him..

“Father! Are you alright?” Zelda asked.

“Zelda? Where were you? We couldn’t find you!” King Liam replied.

“Link and Impa went out to defend the town, and I… decided to follow him. I wanted to protect our people too.”

“You put yourself in harm’s way?!” the king yelled, getting angry.

“I encountered these people! They protected me against Twinrova!”

King Liam looked at the Rainbooms, eying Sunset particularly, before he looked back at Zelda and said, “We will talk about it later. Meanwhile, go to your room.”

Zelda sighed. “Yes, Father.”

The king looked back at the Rainbooms. “I must thank you for protecting my daughter. I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost her.”

As the Rainbooms replied with “You are welcome” and “That was nothing, some of them sheepishly, Zelda talked again.

“Before I go, Father, what happened here? We saw the fireworks. An enemy was here?”

The king looked somber at that. “Yes. Someone infiltrated the castle while the majority of the guards went to defend the town. They went to the dungeon and freed Ganondorf.”

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