• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 33: Asriel And Chara

Surprisingly, despite the sudden drop, the elevator not only resisted the crash, but the doors also opened, still functioning. The drop took them off guard, but Sweetie Belle recovered her senses in time to use her magic to avoid any possible harm. Thanks to this, they were still standing and conscious.

"Are you alright?" Sweetie Belle still asked just in case.

"Yeah. Thank you," Frisk replied. The poor dear had been so scared that she had tears in her eyes.

Sweetie Belle gave her a quick hug to reassure her before they moved out of the elevator.

Wherever they were now, it was plunged in near total darkness. The power of the place was out, only leaving a few emergency lights that barely showed anything.

Well, right now, there wasn't much to see anyway. The elevator room was totally empty, so they had nothing else to do but to advance in the only hallway out of it.

Then, on a wall, they saw a screen suddenly turning on as they passed beside it, revealing a text, or more specifically, an entry.

This is it... Time to do what the King has asked me to do. I will create the power to free us all. I will unleash the power of the SOUL.

"So, are we... in a secret lab?" Frisk wondered.

"It seems so. And a very old one it seems too. Look at the cracks in the walls," Sweetie Belle said, pointing at the mentioned cracks visible here and there on the wall. The place was also covered in dust. Clearly Alphys hadn't bothered to clean the place in a while. Place that needed some maintenance. All this and the dark green color scheme of the surfaces were giving this lab a very unsettling atmosphere that was giving shivers to the human girl who remained close to the filly.

This was the kind of place that you would find in one of these survival horror games. But they hoped that, unlike in these video games, the lab was actually empty and that there wasn't a bloodthirsty monster creeping in the darkness, result of some experiment gone wrong.

That was Alphys' (secret) lab after all, there was no way there was such a monster down here.


"There are more screens over there. Let's look," Frisk pointed out further in the hallway.

And they went to the next screen.

The barrier is locked by SOUL power... Unfortunately, this power cannot be recreated artificially. SOUL power can only be derived from what was once living. So, to create more, we will have to use what we have now... The SOULs of monsters.

But extracting a SOUL from a living monster would require incredible power... Besides being impractical, doing so would instantly destroy the SOUL's host. And, unlike the persistent SOULs of humans... The SOULs of most monsters disappear immediately upon death. If only I could make a monster's SOUL last...

"Oh Celestia..." Sweetie Belle had a very bad feeling about this. That was the kind of experiment that resulted in bloodthirsty monsters.

They quickly went to the next screen, the last one in the hallway before it turned left.


What? Where is the fourth entry?

I've done it.
Using the blueprints, I've extracted it from the human SOULs. I believe this is what gives their SOULs the strength to persist after death. The will to keep living... The resolve to change fate. Let's call this power... "Determination."

"So Alphys knows about Determination?" Frisk wondered.

"And I think that I start to see where this is going... I bet all my money that she injected that Determination into monsters and this went wrong. And if she made Flowey, then I'm certain now that she did it by injecting Determination into a flower for one reason or another."

"You think Alphys made Flowey?" Frisk asked.

"Right, I haven't told you. During your date with Papyrus, I had a chat with Sans about Flowey. He was certain that Flowey was not a monster, but a SOULless being somehow given life, and he implied that Alphys may be the one who did it. Or at least, she may know how this happened."

"But all these flowers had Determination in them, and yet, they didn't come to life," Frisk remarked.

"Yeah, there's probably something else. And I hope to find an entry explaining what that was."

No more screen came as they continued to follow the hallway. Before long, they reached a room with a large metallic double door with four colored LEDs (red, green, yellow, and blue) actually turned off. At the left of the door was a vending machine of all things, and at the right was another screen. Then, at the left of the machine and at the right of the screen were two paths.

There was also a Save Point at their left and Frisk quickly activated it.

A note was also on the floor. They could barely read it, but it indicated that the double door led to the Power Room, so they needed to open it to restore the power to the elevator. The screen at the right of the door confirmed that it was the one to the Power Room.

While looking at the screen, they saw that the right path was also blocked by a metallic double door with a red light turned off, so they had no choice but to take the left path. At the same time, they took from the vendor machine some popato chisps (and not 'potato chips').

In the left path, they found the next entry.

ASGORE asked everyone outside the city for monsters that had "fallen down." Their bodies came in today. They're still comatose... And soon, they'll all turn into dust. But what happens if I inject "determination" into them? If their SOULS persist after they perish, then... Freedom might be closer than we all thought.

"Aaand called it..."

The room they reached after that, rather foggy, seemed to be the place where the experiment had taken place. There were several operating tables, all covered in a sticky substance. Before the tables was another entry.

things aren't going well. none of the bodies have turned into dust, so i can't get the SOULs. i told the families that i would give them the dust back for the funerals. people are starting to ask me what's happening. what do i do?

"And this is where things start to go wrong..."

There was a doorway after the tables, before a trio of sinks, that just led to a small room with some kind of switch with a red slot. So they supposed that they had to find some kind of red key. However, as they stood beside the sinks to look into the room with the switch, Sweetie Belle felt something in one of the sinks.

An important concentration of Determination.

She immediately faced the sink from which she could feel it and shouted, "Get behind me, Frisk! There's something in one of these sinks."

Frisk followed her instruction and moved so Sweetie Belle was between her and the sink.

Sweetie Belle then carefully approached the sink, examining it. Finding nothing, she decided to turn it on.

Instead of water, a strange white gooish stuff began to come out of the faucet.

The filly quickly stepped back, readying herself.

Then, the white stuff turned into three... things. They looked like floating heads, but each head looked like an agglomeration of faces with a bone from which protruded some kind of wisp that the heads used to stand. As soon as they formed, they began to make noises like a phone, and they even regularly glitched.

"What the heck are these things?" Sweetie Belle wondered. Darn, even for her who had seen a lot, these things were top tier nightmare fuel.


No data available.

"What?" they both shouted.

"I thought you knew everything, voice who may be Chara!" Frisk shouted.

At this moment, the heads began to attack by making dots randomly appear in the air. After a short while, the dots ballooned into wiggling smiling scary faces that hurt upon contact.

"These phone noises..." Frisk muttered before she took out her phone and turned it one.

And bingo! They could hear voices through the receiver!

«Come join the fun,» they were all saying.

"Uuuh... No thanks," Frisk replied.

«That's a shame,» one of the voices replied before the things lost interest and turned back into white goo to move away, leaving behind a red key in the sink.

"Well, uh, looks like they were just really weird and scary monsters," Sweetie Belle said. "Whatever went wrong in this experiment, the monsters seem to have more or less kept their mind. At least, there's that. No bloodthirsty monster, I hope."

Frisk let out a sigh of relief at this. She wasn't sure what she would do if she encountered a monster that couldn't be spared.

They took the key and placed it in the red slot in the switch room. They remarked a note on the floor like the one in front of the door to the Power Room, but all they could read from it was that something had been dropped in the sink, so it would have been a clue to find the key if they hadn't already found out about it.

Now that the red key was in place, they returned to the room with the double door and took this time the right path, the double door blocking it now unlocked. In the hallway behind were more screens.

nothing is happening. i don't know what to do. i'll just keep injecting everything with "determination." i want this to work.

Sweetie Belle and Frisk sighed.

one of the bodies opened its eyes.

"So, at least, this experiment saved these monsters' lives," Frisk said.

"Seeing the result, I'm not sure it's really a happy thing."

"They seemed okay, beside being now scary and weird and... everything. But maybe they were always like that."

"I doubt. They didn't seem natural."

After this entry, they entered a large room rather foggy too with nine beds, a dog food bowl, a clock that seemed broken, and some fake plants. One of the beds was unmade. Beside the clock was another screen, in the North part of the room.

Before looking at the new entry, Frisk activated a Save Point in the corner, not wanting at all to restart this encounter with these three scary monsters. And she hoped that there won't be more of them.

Everyone that had fallen down... has woken up. They're all walking around and talking like nothing is wrong. I thought they were goners...?

Nothing new so, this just confirmed that all the monsters survived thanks to the injected Determination.

Now, they had to choose between two paths: one beside the entry 14, and one at the right of the beds.

The northern path led to another intersection, so they choose the eastern one that led to a long room with mirrors on the left wall and a long table with golden flowers at the right. None of the flowers had Determination in them.

"Okay, this is confirmation that Alphys somehow made Flowey. But weird, these ones don't have Determination," Sweetie Belle commented before they looked at the entries here.

We'll need a vessel to wield the monster SOULs when the time comes. After all, a monster cannot absorb the SOULs of other monsters. Just as a human cannot absorb a human SOUL... So then. What about something that's neither human nor monster?

"So that's why," Frisk said.

"She didn't seem to expect one of the flowers to take life. Again, injecting Determination in them isn't enough. There was something else that she hasn't taken into account that led to Flowey being created, probably without her knowing," Sweetie Belle analysed.

experiments on the vessel are a failure. it doesn't seem to be any different from the control cases. whatever. they're a hassle to work with anyway. the seeds just stick to you, and won't let go...

"Oh, those are control cases. That's why they don't have Determination. And I think that we have our explanation for the presence of the flowers in the Garbage Dump," Sweetie Belle said.

"Uh?" Frisk questioned.

"Alphys loves to go to the Garbage Dump. If she had seeds sticking on her from the flower she experimented on, then some probably fell there. So these flowers may be from Flowey's seeds before he gained life."

Frisk nodded in understanding.

They continued in the hallway, and there were no more screens. However, when they passed beside a wall fully covered with mirrors, they remarked something weird with the reflection. And before their eyes, the reflection turned into that white substance that morphed into some kind of bird abomination.

The bird had a very elongated body, and its head was turned to the side so it looked like it only had one eye... Or maybe it really had just one eye... With a closer look, the head reminded them of something...

"Is it me or the head looks like an Astigmatism?" Sweetie Belle said. "Look, the 'beak' is actually the legs!"

This shocked Frisk. "You're right! And look! The 'wings'! They look like the legs of a Final Froggit!"

The bird then talked, but whatever it said was totally incomprehensible, the words being garbled messes as if it was wanting to say several things but couldn't decide so it was saying everything at once. But they could clearly distinguish a Froggit's characteristic croak in this mess of mixed words!

The bird then used its magic to make a strange creature that looked like an anthropomorphic bird embryo with black circles for eyes appear. Then, a swarm of butterflies appeared and attacked the head of the being, causing it to writhe in pain.

They remembered that butterflies were used by monsters like Whimsalot, and the legs of the bird did look like elongated, stretched versions of the legs of a Whimsalot.

They finally understood.

"These things... They're amalgamations of the monsters who had been injected with Determination," Sweetie Belle said in horror. "Their bodies turned into that white sticky substance and they merged together into these beings."

Frisk grimly nodded. "And this one seems to be an amalgamation of a Final Froggit, a Whimsalot, and an Astigmatism. I think that I know how to appease it."

Frisk turned out to be right. Since the bird was an amalgamation of these three monsters, then they needed to do the same things with it that they did back in the CORE when they encountered these monsters. But it wasn't easy because of the now headless being shakily walking toward them, some of the butterflies flying in their direction. Once all the butterflies were gone, the being regenerated its head only to toss it at them before repeating the process.

Even these things' attacks were disturbing.

But eventually, the bird was placated, and the three monsters composing it were able to talk separately, becoming distinguishable.

So Sweetie Belle and Frisk left it, or them, and continued.

"So this is why Alphys is... like this..." Frisk then said.

"Yeah. She felt guilty about what happened to these monsters, lost her self-esteems, and became a recluse..."

They entered a room at the end of the hallway. Another switch room, this one with a blue slot. Like in the other room, there was a note on the floor where they could only understand one word: "Cold..."

So the blue key was probably in some place cold.

"But... It wasn't her fault... She couldn't have known... She just wanted to help and to do what Asgore asked," Frisk said as they left the room and began the walk back to the bedroom.

"I think that a big part of that guilt has to do with actually failing the monsters. Then, she hid this 'shame' and this certainly added more guilt as monsters probably wanted to know what happened to their closed ones but she kept them locked here without revealing anything. She has a lot on her consciousness..." Sweetie Belle then frowned. "Her note showed that, with our help, she gained the courage to face these mistakes to the point of letting us discover about them, but that part about possibly not hearing from her again scares me. She... may not support facing these mistakes and... We must find her. And we must hurry."

Back in the bedroom, they took the other path and found another entry at the intersection.

Seems like this research was a dead end... But at least we got a happy ending out of it...? I sent the SOULS back to ASGORE, returned the vessel to his garden... And I called all of the families and told them everyone's alive. I'll send everyone back tomorrow. :)

"If only..."

Choosing randomly between left or right, they took the right path, leading to a room heavily clouded by fog, but they still could see that there was a lot of fans in the left wall, and they could distinguish weird white particles floating around.

Also, there was another entry.

now that mettaton's made it big, he never talks to me anymore... except to ask when i'm going to finish his body. but i'm afraid if i finish his body, he won't need me anymore... then we'll never be friends ever again... not to mention, every time i try to work on it, i just get really sweaty...

Both girls chuckled at the last part. Not a big surprise. Even Sweetie Belle could understand that Mettaton's new body was considered 'hot'. As for Alphys' relationship with him, they simply hoped that now that they had had a talk (among other things) with Mettaton, everything will be better between them. Also, Alphys stopping lying, revealing everything, and recovering from all this should help.

They then traversed the fan room and pressed a switch at the end that activated the fans, making the fog disappear. But then, the white particles converged and formed another of these amalgamations that approached them.

A dog. A really weird, scary large dog. Who had a single black hole instead of a face and six legs that formed the silhouettes of five dogs between them.

An amalgamation of dog monsters, probably related to the dogs they encountered in Snowdin.

And it was now ready to play with them.

Frisk was pretty intimidated by its size, but the girls still treated it like a normal dog and played with it like they played with the Greater Dog, although they ended up with that white sticky substance on them as a result. Before long, the dog left, happy.

In the end, they found nothing in this part of the lab, but activating the fans was a big plus. It was now easier to breathe, and no doubt that the fog covering some of the rooms had now disappeared.

So they returned to the intersection and took the right path, where there was another entry.


Sweetie Belle and Frisk just sighed sadly at this before they continued.

Before long, they reached a doorway leading to a long room with a bathtub covered by a purple curtain at the end. Through the curtain, they could see the silhouette of another of these amalgamations moving back and forth like a tentacle. Hesitantly, the girls advanced and opened the curtain, but the amalgamation had disappeared by then, leaving behind a green key.

At least, no fight this time.

Returning in the hallway, they continued and reached a room with a large and very scary machine that looked a lot like a skull of that deer monster they encountered back in Snowdin Forest. The machine was suspended from the ceiling above a bottomless pit by large pipes, and there were two other pipes going from the 'eyes' to both sides of the 'jaw'. In front of it was a Save Point.

A Save Point that even Sweetie Belle could see...

Yup, a trap, that was actually one of these amalgamations.

Made from a monster like the one that followed Shyren (they never got his name, he had remained silent while happily observing the concert), an arm like Aaron, and a head made from a Moldbygg.

Once the monster was eventually calmed down as it revealed to be, between others, Shyren's sister and Aaron's brother, the girls took the time to look at the machine.

"What do you think this machine is?" the human then asked to Sweetie Belle.

"No idea," the filly answered. "And I don't think I want to know what this scary machine was used for."

At the right of the machine was a doorway leading to a room with a television between two shelves full of VHSes (mostly cartoons), some of them covered in the sticky white substance. There was also a switch at the right with a yellow slot, and an entry at the left. Finally, a note on the ground in front of the switch indicated that the yellow key was hidden under a sheet, probably back in the bedroom.

As for the entry...

I've been researching humans to see if I can find any info about their SOULS. I ended up snooping around the castle... And found these weird tapes. I don't feel like ASGORE's watched them... I don't think he should.

The girls exchanged worried looks at this and went to examine the TV, finding a VHS player with some tapes picked out beside it labelled in a specific order.

"Should we...?" Sweetie Belle began to ask, only for Frisk to take the first tape and to put it in the player after gulping.

They weren't sure what they were about to see, but apparently, it was nothing good.

The first tape then began to play. The screen remained black, but they heard a familiar voice.

«Pssst. Gorey, wake up.»

"That's Toriel's voice!" Frisk exclaimed happily upon recognizing the voice.

«Mmm? What is it, dear?» a deeper voice, definitively a male, said sleepily. «...Er, and why do you have that video camera?»

"Could this be Asgore?" Sweetie Belle wondered. It seemed to be the case with Toriel calling him "Gorey."

So this meant that Toriel was the queen.

The tape continued to play, with Toriel making some mom puns that got some chuckles out of the girls. Apparently, she was pregnant in this tape.

When the tape ended with Toriel remarking that it was probably too dark to see anything in the video, the good humor it brought also ended as the reality struck.

Toriel was now alone in the Ruins, apparently now hating Asgore. And they never heard of a prince or princess until now.

It was obvious that something very bad had happened that ended up separating the two, and the prince(ss)... not being here anymore probably had something to do with that.

They put the second tape.

Again, the screen was black.

«Okay, Chara, are you ready? Do your creepy face!»

When the name of Chara came, Sweetie Belle was immediately interested in what was happening. Frisk, however, was shocked.

"This voice! That's the voice of the boy in my vision! Also, the voice in my head gasped!" she exclaimed.

Sweetie Belle looked intently at the screen as the tape continued to play. "So... This boy could be the prince?"

When the tape ended, they put in the third one.

Screen black again. It looked like they had a bad habit of making so that nothing could be filmed excepted the sounds.

Now, they listened as the prince and Chara talked. This tape revealed that there had been an accident where they baked a pie but ended up poisoning Asgore because they put buttercups when the recipe asked for cups of butter.

And apparently, Chara laughed it off... Hopefully, that was just her way of coping with almost killing someone (furthermore the king).

Then, Chara asked the prince to turn off the camera as she wanted to say something without being filmed.

So came the fourth tape.

Chara and the prince now had a plan in place to free everyone, but the prince didn't like this where Chara was determined to see it to fruition.

And this involved flowers...

Oh no...

Fifth tape...

«Chara... Can you hear me? We want you to wake up...» they first heard Toriel who was crying.

«Chara! You have to stay determined! You can't give up! You are the future of humans and monsters...» then came Asgore's voice who was on the verge of breaking.

«... Psst... Chara... Please... Wake up... I don't like this plan anymore. I... I... no, I said... I said I'd never doubt you. Six, right? We just have to get six... And we'll do it together, right?»

And the tape ended...


There was just one way to say this: that was fucked up!

So, Chara fell into the Underground and was found by the prince who apparently brought her to his family. Asgore and Toriel then seemingly adopted her. But then, one day, Chara and the prince accidentally poisoned Asgore with buttercups, and this gave Chara the idea of poisoning herself with buttercups so the prince could take her SOUL, cross the Barrier, and take six more human SOULs to free the monsters.

But something along the way obviously went wrong because the monsters were still trapped and there were no prince anymore as far as they knew.

No wonder Alphys didn't want Asgore to see these tapes!

They couldn't hold it against Chara to want to free the monsters, but that plan... Yike!

And Frisk was now feeling like someone was compressing her stomach. And she really wanted to cry. Anger also appeared deep within her, surprisingly toward the prince, but she repressed it. Were they the feelings of the voice? If that voice was Chara, then it would be logical. But why the anger? What happened?

They left the room without a word, returned to the bedroom, found the yellow key in one of the beds, and placed it in the yellow slot back in the TV Room.

They then went to look at a screen at the left of the scary machine.

It revealed that the machine was made to extract Determination, currently inactive.

So that was how Alphys extracted Determination.

The passage after the DT Extractor led to another room containing fridges, and there were fans turned on near the ceiling.

They found three entries here.

the families keep calling me to ask when everyone is coming home. what am i supposed to say? i don't even answer the phone anymore.

Asgore left me five messages today. four about everyone being angry. one about this cute teacup he found that looks like me. thanks asgore.

i spend all my time at the garbage dump now. it's my element.

Darn, Alphys really had needed help.

They then checked the fridges, remembering the notes about the blue key being in a cold place.

And the last fridge revealed to be another amalgamation.

This one looked a lot like a member of Snowdrake's species, excepted that the eyes were replaced by the faces of what Frisk called Vegetoids, and the snowflake-like protrusion on the head was replaced by the body of another, unknown monster as proved by the hands at the top part.

This one was in an even worst shape than the others, its body was barely holding together and it could barely talk, weakly repeating the same word again and again: "Snowy." Even its attacks were mostly harmless or very easy to avoid.

Also, contrary to all the other amalgamation who had all several conscious minds, this one seemed to only have one: a female monster, probably the one of Snowdrake's species.

Maybe even his mother...

The reason of all this was obvious for Sweetie Belle. She could feel that the monster didn't have much Determination left. She was losing the will to live.

"Ice to meet you," Frisk then said, having a hunch.

The monster weakly laughed. "Haha... I remem...ber..."

Seeing that it worked and that the monster was better, the two girls began to alternate telling ice puns, each one helping the monster recover more of her strength.

Eventually, she left them, leaving behind the blue key.

If they ever see Snowdrake again, they would give him a big hug.

They then entered the green switch room and inserted the green key in it. This left only the blue key, so they returned to the bedroom and traversed the mirror room again to insert it in the blue switch.

Now, the four keys were in place, so they returned to the room with the big double door.

They opened it, entering another elevator that had no power. It had another exit that they took, traversing a hallway with two screens turned off before they entered the Power Room and finally turned the generator on.

"Finally," Frisk sighed in relief.

"But no trace of Alphys. Where is she?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

But then, they heard a sound behind them, and they saw more of these amalgamations approach them.

Only to be stopped by someone yelling "Hey! Stop!!!"

And in entered Alphys. "I got you guys some food, okay!?"

Hearing this, the amalgamations moved away.

"Alphys! You're alright!" Frisk shouted happily, hugging the reptilian monster.

"You really worried us with that note you left," Sweetie Belle said.

"Sorry about that..." Alphys said to this. "And sorry about them. They get kind of sassy when they don't get fed on time. I think they smelled the potato chips you had, and... Anyway! The power went out, and I've been trying to turn it back on! But it seems like you were one step ahead of me. This was probably just a big inconvenience for you... B-but I appreciate that you came here to back me up! As I said, I was afraid I might... Not come back..."

"We understand..." Sweetie Belle said. "We saw the entries..."

"I thought so... I worried that I would be too afraid... To tell the truth... That I might run away, or do something... Cowardly... Uh... So... Since you saw the entries, I suppose that I don't need to explain much. As you saw, I researched about the nature of SOULs, extracted 'determination', and injected it into dying monsters. However, this failed. You see, unlike humans', monsters' bodies don't have enough... Physical matter to take those concentrations of 'Determination.' Their bodies started to melt, and lost what physicality they had. Pretty soon, all of the test subjects had melted together into... Those. Seeing them like this, I knew... I couldn't tell their families about it. I couldn't tell anyone about it. No matter how much everyone was asking me. And I was too afraid to do anymore work, knowing... everything I'd done so far had been such horrific failure... But now. Now, I've changed my mind about all this. I'm going to tell everyone what I've done."

She was hugged again by Frisk, as well as by Sweetie Belle.

"We are glad. And remember, you can count on us to be behind your back, and Undyne, and Papyrus, and maybe Mettaton now that he isn't blinded by stardom anymore. And don't forget Asgore. We heard a lot about him and we know that he will do everything in his power to help you."

"Thank you... I know that this will be hard. I will probably struggle a lot, being honest, believing in myself... But knowing that I have friends like you to fall back on, I know that this will be easier to stand on my own. By the way... Did you see the tapes too?"

The girls looked gloomier at this, and that was all the answer Alphys needed.

"Could you avoid telling about them to anyone, please? Especially to Asgore? I'm not sure what would happen if the knowledge of the content spreads, but I know that this will be bad. And Asgore would be devastated."

"Don't worry, we won't tell anybody," Frisk said.

"Thank you again. So I suppose that you will go to New Home now... Do you... still want to escape?"

"We want to destroy the Barrier!" Frisk said.

"Yeah, don't worry, this isn't our intention to kill Asgore to cross the Barrier," Sweetie Belle added.

"How?" Alphys asked.

"Well, I'm pretty powerful, so I'm hoping that this will be enough to destroy it," Sweetie Belle explained.

"Sorry to say this, but raw power won't work. This is SOUL power you need. And unless your SOUL as the power equivalent of seven human SOULs put together - which is the equivalent of a God, if you don't already know - you won't even be able to put a scratch to it."

"Oh..." Sweetie Belle now sported a somber look as she understood what this implied. "I... can destroy it. But I will need to do something that... may be very dangerous..."

"What do you mean?" Alphys asked.

To this, Sweetie Belle let her SOUL out, putting the black heart on a hoof. "Let's just say that the last time that I unleashed the full power of this little thing just to defeat someone, it almost destroyed an universe. Within this void is an uncontrolled power that you can't fathom. And if what you say is true, then I will need to use that power."

Frisk and Alphys both gulped at this.

"I'm sure you can do it, Sweetie Belle! You will be able to destroy the Barrier without destroying anything else!" Frisk said.

Sweetie Belle doubted it, but it was worth a try. At worst, Frisk could use her RELOAD power.

"Y-yeah. I'm sure too. You showed that you had a great heart. I know that you will do everything in your power to not harm anyone," Alphys said. "Now, um, I should go," she then continued as she turned to face the amalgamations that had returned in the room. "It's time for everyone to go home." And she left with them, leaving the human and the filly alone.

Only to return. "Oh right! To go to New Home, you can use the elevator that you passed to come here! Good luck, you two."

And she left, for good this time.

Well, they certainly learned more than they expected while coming here...

But they were still left with some questions. Mainly: how did Flowey come to life? They didn't ask Alphys because she didn't seem to know.

They still hoped to find the answer eventually.

As they traversed the hallway back to the elevator, they saw that the screens here were now on, so they were able to see the entries.

I've chosen a candidate.
I haven't told ASGORE yet, because I want to surprise him with it...
In the center of his garden, there's something special.
The first golden flower, that grew before all the others.
The flower from the outside world.
It appeared just before the queen left.
I wonder...
What happens when something without a SOUL gains the will to live?

So she knew! Darn it!

the flower's gone.

But it still didn't say how Flowey came to life! Determination wasn't the only factor! How could a SOULless object gain life?!

Well, no point remaining here.

They entered the elevator and pressed the button to New Home.

When they arrived, they followed the path among the grey buildings, not minding the rest.

Until reaching a house.

The house looked exactly like Toriel's back in the Ruins, without the dead tree in front of it, and with the walls entirely grey. After Frisk activated a Save Point in front of it, they entered it.

It wasn't just the exterior that looked like the house in the Ruins. Inside, Sweetie Belle recognised the same staircase she took. However, the path to this one was blocked by a chain with two keyholes.

They could simply pass above or below it, but they wanted to do it right. Beside, Frisk had the strange urge to explore the house. As the human looked around, she was filled with a strange sense of nostalgia.

Probably Chara within her, but she couldn't stop herself.

On the chain was a note from Asgore saying that the keys were in the kitchen and the hallway, so they moved to go search them, starting by going left, entering the living room.

A table, with four chairs including two small ones and a golden flower in a pot. An armchair in front of a fireplace still warm. Gardening tools in the corner. A shelf full of books, including photo albums, scrapbooks, and books on how to make tea.

Frisk was already starting to shake.

Monsters were present in the house, but they didn't attack them.

Instead, they began to tell something.

First were two Froggits.

"A long time ago, a human fell into the Ruins."

"Injured by its fall, it called for help."


Were they about to tell what happened?

The Froggits didn't say more however, so Sweetie Belle and Frisk continued into the kitchen. Another note from Asgore was present on the counter, telling anyone reading it to help themselves if they were hungry.

Gosh... This king was so nice that he was pretty much giving his home to other monsters.

They took the key on the counter and returned in the living room where two Whimsuns continued the tale from the Froggits.

"Asriel, the king's son, heard the human's call."

"He brought the human back to the castle."

And now, they had a name for the prince. Asriel.

They now entered the hallway, and Frisk opened the first door.

They entered a chamber with two beds, some toys, some plushies, a closet full of striped shirts (mainly green ones with yellow stripes), a drawing of a golden flower, and a family photo.

For the first time, they could see Asgore, Asriel, and Chara.

Asgore and Asriel were of the same species than Toriel, Asgore having blond hair and a blond beard. He was wearing a pink sweater that said "Mr. Dad Guy." Asriel, him, was just a child the size and age of Frisk, also wearing a striped shirt.

Chara... looked almost exactly like Frisk. However, her skin wasn't yellow, and her eyes were wide open, full of life. Her hair wasn't exactly the same tint either, being a little lighter.

Frisk carefully placed the photo back at its place, trying not to drop it.

There were also two gifts on the ground, and Frisk went to open them. One contained a heart-shaped locket with graved on it "Best Friends Forever." The other contained a worn dagger, perfect for cutting plants and vines.

Frisk ran out of the room, and Sweetie Belle quickly followed her into the hallway.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked worriedly as she saw Frisk holding back tears with difficulty, breathing heavily.

"Y-yeah... I'm alright... This is Chara in me who's just..."

"If you need to go outside, then go. We can take all our time.

"I know. Thanks. But no need."

Frisk then continued down the hallway, passing beside more golden flowers in pots, and Sweetie Belle followed her.

They passed beside a door leading to a room that was apparently under renovation. Frisk pointed out that, back in the Ruins, the equivalent to this room was Toriel's chamber.

A little further, three Moldsmals continued the tale.

"Over time, Asriel and the human became like siblings."

"The King and Queen treated the human child as their own."

"The underground was full of hope."

The second key was after them, beside the door that probably led to Asgore's room.

Frisk entered it.

For once, Frisk didn't follow her name by looking around the room. She just gave a quick look before exiting. Whether it was to not breach Asgore's privacy or because of something else, Sweetie Belle wasn't sure.

With the two keys, they unlocked the chain, and they could go down the stairs. From here, they followed the path again, listening to the monsters as they passed beside them.

"Then... One day..."

"The human became very ill."

Here we go... Sweetie Belle thought.

"The sick human had only one request."

"To see the flowers from her village."

"But there was nothing we could do."

"The next day."

"The next day."


"The human died."

At this point, Frisk lowered her head, shadow covering her eyes. The voice within her was totally silent.

"Asriel, wracked with grief, absorbed the human's SOUL."

"He transformed into a being with incredible power."

"With the human SOUL, Asriel crossed trough the barrier. "

"He carried the human's body into the sunset."

"Back to the village of the humans."

"Asriel reached the center of the village."

"There, he found a bed of golden flowers."

"He carried the human onto it."

"Suddenly, screams rang out."

"The villagers saw Asriel holding the human's body."

"They thought he had killed the child."

"The humans attacked him with everything they had."

"He was struck with blow after blow."

"Asriel had the power to destroy them all."

Sweetie Belle saw where this was coming...


"Asriel did not fight back. "

"Clutching the human..."

"Asriel smiled, and walked away."

"Wounded, Asriel stumbled home."

"He entered the castle and collapsed."

"His dust spread across the garden."

And so the prince died... And Sweetie Belle could now see tears streaming on Frisk's cheeks.

"The kingdom fell into despair."

"The King and Queen had lost two children in the same night."

"The humans had once again taken everything from us."

"The king decided it was time to end our suffering."

"Every human who falls down here must die."

"With enough SOULs, we can shatter the barrier."

"Its not long now."

"King Asgore will let us go."

"King Asgore will give us hope."

"King Asgore will save us all."

"You should be smiling too."

"Aren't you excited?"

"Aren't you happy?"

"You're going to be free."

And this ended here. After this last Froggit (which Sweetie wanted to throw away), Frisk and Sweetie Belle entered a large hall with giant columns and large windows with the Delta Rune on them.

Frisk wordlessly activated the Save Point at the beginning before she advanced, and Sweetie Belle wasn't sure what to do. The tale hit Frisk very hard, and she was actually surprised that Chara (whether it was really her or just a shard) in her had such an effect.

And suddenly, Sans was before them. One moment, the hall was empty. The next, the skeleton was standing under the light of a window, showing his usual smile.

However, when he saw Frisk's state, he stopped whatever he had been about to say.

"hey. why looking so down? i hope this isn't the folks' story that put you in this state."

"Sans..." Frisk said weakly. "I... I think that I understand everything..."

"uh? what do you mean?"

"I know now, how Flowey came to life..."

"really? care to share your knowledge?"

"Asriel died in the garden, and his dust spread along with a golden flower seed that stick to his clothes. Alphys then took one of the flowers, the first one, and injected Determination in it for her experiments. A monster's dust carries their essence, right? So what happens if you give this essence back the will to live?"

Both Sans and Sweetie Belle were dumbstruck at this. The filly hadn't taken time to think about this, but now that Frisk was telling this, this made sense!

So, this meant...

"Flowey is Asriel," she said.

This wasn't even a question.

Judging by the absence of a gasp, the voice reached the same conclusion.

"so the weed is our prince reborn as a shell of his former self incapable of love..." Sans could barely believe it.



"Dang. You aren't that big of an idiot if you were able to put two and two together," a familiar pipsqueak voice then said before the living golden flower came out of the ground midway between Frisk, Sweetie Belle, and Sans, making sure to have the three of them in his field of vision. "That's right. I'm Asriel, the prince back from the dead. Oh my god, what a twist! SO WHAT?"

Frisk let out an uncharacteristic chuckle at this. "So what? Well... This means that you can clarify some things... And this also explains other things... Such as why you planted golden flowers where I 'fell'. It was to pay your respect to Chara, right? Or maybe it was a mean to say sorry about betraying her."

"Dililing! And we have a winner! That's right! I felt guilty about being such a weak coward! Because of me, we both died! And for nothing! I betrayed her trust! That's why it's kill or be killed. If you do nothing, then you just end up like me. And never again will I be the killed."

"But now, I wonder something. What happened to Chara's SOUL? Shouldn't it have remained behind after you turned to dust?" Frisk asked.

"That's a good point, excepted that her SOUL was merged to mine, so when my SOUL broke into pieces, hers broke too and the pieces disappeared in the garden."

"In the garden?" Frisk asked. "But, when you died, weren't you holding Chara against you? So, wouldn't the pieces fall on her body? By the way, what was Chara's SOUL's color?"

"Red," Flowey answered. "And now that you said it, you're right. So the pieces are probably buried with her body. But why all these questions about Chara?"

Frisk just answered with another chuckle as her body began to shake again, tears reappearing. "I died once, in the Ruins. Against a group of monsters. When I died, my SOUL broke immediately. Why? Shouldn't it remain behind? I have been wondering that since I learned that human SOULs remained after death. But... What if the SOUL is actually a patched up human/monster SOUL put back together with Determination and, I suppose, a bit of monster essence?"


Now Sweetie Belle and Sans were staring at Frisk in shock. Was she really implying...?

"Go on..." Flowey then said, looking very interested.

"The flowers you left... They're filled with your Determination. And I suppose, since they came from you, they also have your essence. And their roots must go all the way to Chara's body. So, what happens when you put Determination and monster essence in a human corpse with SOUL pieces in it?"

Flowey was now smiling widely. "You mean?"

To this, Frisk gave a broken smile.

"It's me, your best friend... Chara..."


"In a way..."

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