• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 85: Return To Hyrule

The talk with the Prime Minister went really well. The old dog was silent and patiently listened as the fillies convinced him to agree to open relations with Sweetie Belle's Equestria and their allies. He agreed, just for the idea of Corneria potentially becoming part of what could clearly become a multi-dimensional civilization, with all the relations and technologies and other advantages that this would give. In return, the Prime Minister proposed the idea that he would talk to other civilizations he was in contact with outside of the Lylat System to see if they would agree too. Contrary to Samus' universe with the Galactic Federation, there were no galaxy-wide organisation here. There were organisations like empires, federations, republics, and so on, or just planet-states like Corneria with their lots of alliances and conflicts, but nothing of the scale of the Galactic Federation. So he will have to talk to all of them one by one which will take some time. At least, Corneria had no conflict with any of them. They tended to remain in their little corner of the galaxy not minding the rest.

Diplomats will be sent as soon as possible, with maybe Gandaro again and/or some others of his kind so they could start building a portal if all goes well.

Once everything was said, the meeting ended and everyone left the Prime Minister's office.

"So, now you will be leaving?" Fox asked the fillies as they left the building that housed the Minister's office.

"Yeah. I now have to talk to the leaders of my Equestria to decide who they will send here to negotiate," Sweetie Belle answered. "And then, a little rest before going off on the next adventure."

"To find more allies against this army... Thinking of what will happen when they show up..." Krystal said.

Slippy gulped. "Yeah. The war against Andross will look tame in comparison. That's scary."

"Don't worry guys. We will get through," Phantom reassured.

"Exactly," Pepper said. "The future is still uncertain on what will be our position, but in the case we join this alliance of yours I have no doubt that we will win. Despite all odds, we have always gone out victorious, and I know that this will still be the case against this mysterious army."

"I must point out however that this army must have a technology far superior to what we currently have. So if we want to survive this war, we will have to hurry up to upgrade what we have," Beltino reminded. "If this alliance is formed, then I advice to put a lot of resource into studying the technologies of this ancient civilization you told us about."

"The New Halcandrian are already working hard studying them while also rebuilding but don't worry it's already planned. Some scientists of the Galactic Federation universe already went ahead to help and I'm sure that much more will come once the alliance is formalized. And you and your scientists will be more than welcome to join," Sweetie Belle replied to the aged frog.

"I would be happy to!"

Smirking, Falco put an elbow on Slippy's head, leaning on him and making him whine indignantly. "And meanwhile, Frog Boy here will do his magic as he said earlier. When this army will show itself, we will be even more effective. I'm sure."

"We can't wait ta see the result," Apple Bloom said.

Eventually, they left Pepper and Beltino, the dog giving them a military salute. Then, after more goodbyes, the fillies separated from the Star Fox team and teleported into the Lor Starcutter which was still in the Unique Horn that remained above the planet, having nowhere big enough to land.

Once she put the headpiece, Sweetie Belle then said, "Alright everyone, we are done here. Time to go home."

At this, the Unique Horn opened a star portal and flew through it, back to the sky of Floralia. Soon enough, the ship landed back in its hangar where repair quickly started since it took some damage in the assault on the Aparoid Homeworld.

Once Phantom and Apple Bloom returned to their worlds, Sweetie Belle sighed and began the difficult task of telling the closed ones of the crew members who died about their death. She then told Taranza to start the preparations for a ceremony to pay them homage.

Still having some time before she had to retrieve her friends in the Pokémon World, she then decided to do something she had been thinking for some time: return to Hyrule to warn Zelda and Link about the future threats. She didn't expect Zelda to let Hyrule join the future war, the kingdom barely recovering from seven years under the rule of Ganondorf, but having Zelda's support would still be nice since she was very good in magic. She and Twilight could join and discover new powerful spells or other ways to use magic against the legions of the mysterious army. And Link? He would join the ranks of the one-man-armies alongside Red, Samus, Sonic, the Mario Brothers, and Fox, without forgetting Kirby and the others.

Needless to say that those were especially the ones that Sweetie Belle was researching. Finding armies to go toe to toe with the enemy was good, but finding people that could by themselves slaughter whole legions and overturn whole battles was much, much, much better. Star Fox proved it in the Lylat Wars against Andross. While the Cornerian Army was facing the Venomian Army, Star Fox fought its way directly to the brain responsible of the war and destroyed it, putting an end to it. Sweetie Belle hopped to do the same against the mysterious army. While the forces gathered would counter the enemy legions to limit the damage, she, Kirby, and the others would go directly after the leaders even if they had to fight thousands (or even millions and more in Sweetie Belle's and a few others' case) of enemies in the way.

They would just need to know where the leaders will be first... At least, Fox knew where Andross was so he didn't have to search behind every single space boulder in the Lylat System to find him and kill him. And here, they were speaking of the scale of the Omniverse so finding the leaders by luck was pretty much impossible.

They will cross that bridge when the time will come. Right now, it was recruitment time.

She appeared in Future Hyrule on the Hyrule Field, in front of the walls of Castle Town.

The drawbridge was repaired, and the sounds of hammers hitting nails, saws sawing planks, and various shouts among many others indicated that the town itself was still subject to heavy repair. She could even see the top of scaffoldings around the roofs of the houses from behind the wall. And beyond, the castle itself was slowly but surely being rebuilt. The earth itself, however, will still take a long time healing. It still looked almost as black as when they fought the dark lord.

Maybe she should propose to Zelda some help from Floralia. Food must be a nightmare to get. Sweetie Belle felt shame not having thought about this the first time.

She found Zelda guiding the people and offering moral support inside Castle Town and calmly trotted toward her.

"Princess Zeldaaa! Or is it Queen, now?"

Zelda immediately recognized the voice and turned to face the approaching filly, smiling. "Sweetie Belle. It's nice to see you again. What brings you back?"

"Well, I would lie if I said that it is just to catch up, but I was still getting curious to see how things were advancing here. And it reminded me that with that whole "returning to the past" just after beating Ganon I forgot to propose to you the help of my kingdom to rebuild Hyrule and feed your people."

Zelda sighed. "It would be more than welcome. Especially the food. We barely have anything. But would the king or queen of your kingdom agree?"

"Of course! Because I agree! That's another thing I forgot to tell you: I'm the queen."


There was a sudden flash coming from a camera that hadn't been here before floating above Sweetie Belle, confusing Zelda. The camera then floated down into the filly's hooves and she looked at the result before giggling.

"I was right. I'm definitively keeping this photo." The camera disappeared from her hooves and she looked back at the princess. "Sorry, but after the last time, I told myself that I would take a photo each time that I would tell someone that I'm a queen. The faces are always worth to remember."

Zelda didn't know what was a photo but she understood enough. And beside, she was still more focused on the revelation that Sweetie Belle was royalty, like her. Unless she was joking?

"Nope. I'm not joking," Sweetie Belle said, surprising Zelda again at finding out what she was thinking. "Let's just say that the old queen was doing Ganondorf things so I exploded her a bunch. Then she started doing Ganon things so I exploded her some more. And then I was made queen. But I'm not here to talk about that. I would be more than happy to offer some resources from Floralia to help Hyrule. We have MORE than enough food to give your people."

"Thank you," Zelda replied, grateful. "But you said that you didn't come for that. Why are you really here?"

Sweetie Belle warned Zelda about the army and, while she didn't propose for Hyrule to join the war, she still proposed for Hyrule to join the alliance. Since the future invasion of this mysterious army could concern everyone here, then they could at least work together in preparing the defense or other stuff. Zelda herself could join the fight, having proved herself against Ganondorf. And as Sheik, she could even use her ninja skills to spy on the enemies among other things. Too bad the Sheikah were almost all dead.

Zelda reassured that she will think about it but she will first have to talk to the leaders of the other races of Hyrule to decide together and asked Sweetie Belle to return in a few days. Sweetie Belle agreed and promised to return with food, material and workforce as soon as she could. Then, she left Zelda and opened a rift to the Past Hyrule.

Again, she came out not far in front of the drawbridge to the town. But before traversing it to enter the town, she wondered a bit what to do here. She wanted to find Link but she had no idea of where he was. Maybe he returned to live with the Kokiris, but she was almost certain that that wasn't the case. After his adventure, Link settling back to his previous life was very hard to imagine. Maybe, instead, he decided to join the king's guard as an apprentice. Maybe even become the personal guard of Zelda since they were the same age, thus becoming a friend and a confidant that the princess certainly needed.

So Sweetie Belle decided to fly directly to the castle in search of Zelda, turning herself invisible to not be spotted by the guards. Flying around a bit, she quickly found the princess in the garden playing a harp, the same one that she played as Sheik in the future version, under the watchful eye of Impa who was standing back against a wall. She played a song that Sweetie Belle didn't recognise but the filly couldn't stop herself from listening for a minute or two because of how beautiful it was.

Eventually, still invisible, she walked toward Impa and sat beside her legs before she let go of her invisibility and said, "It's a very beautiful song."

Impa silently agreed with a nod.



The Sheikah suddenly jumped away from Sweetie Belle and placed herself between the filly and Zelda while grabbing her sword. "Who are you?! How did you get here?!"

Her reaction made Zelda stop playing to look at what was happening.

Sweetie giggled. "I'm Sweetie Belle, and I simply came here by flying." She flapped her wings to prove her point.

Zelda gasped, but it went unheard by Impa who said, "That can't be it. I would have seen you."

"I was invisible," the alicorn answered.

Impa frowned, but before she could ask more, Zelda suddenly asked, "Are you Link's friend? The one he told me about, who helped him against Ganondorf?"

Sweetie smiled. "So he told you about me. I thought that he wouldn't, with how hard it would be to believe. I mean, it must have already been very hard with that whole time travel stuff."

Zelda gave a small laugh, hand in front of her mouth. "It was, but I could tell immediately that he was telling the truth."

"So Ganondorf..."

"Was arrested before he could act thanks to him," Zelda answered the not finished question. "We are eternally grateful to him for this. And since you helped him, we are also grateful to you."

Understanding that Sweetie Belle was a friend, Impa calmed down. "In the future, can you please avoid sneaking on us?"

Sweetie grinned. "No promise."

Impa put a hand on her face with a small groan, making the two younger girls giggle again.

Sweetie Belle approached Zelda. "By the way, where is Link? I'm here to see him."

"Oh..." Zelda frowned a bit. "When he got into the garden to tell me everything, his fairy friend left him. He went to search for her."

"Navi left him?" Sweetie Belle asked, surprised, before she sighed. "Of course... With Ganondorf dealt with, she must have thought that her duty was over and that Link didn't need her anymore." She kicked at the ground in anger. "That idiot fairy! After everything they went through! Did she seriously think that Link only thought of her as a guide or whatever?"

Zelda looked down in sadness. "Link was terribly upset when she left. As soon as Ganondorf was arrested, he started to plan to go after her. He got a filly from the Lon Lon Ranch and gathered some provisions before he went to the Lost Woods to search for her. Nothing I said could stop him, so I gave him the Ocarina of Time as a memento of our time together. I also gave it to him in the hope that, knowing how important the Ocarina is, he will one day come back safe and sound to bring it back."

"The Lost Woods?!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "The woods where it is said that children getting lost without a fairy to guide them turn into Skull Kids? These Lost Woods?"

"Y... Yes..." Zelda answered hesitantly.

Sweetie Belle facehooved and said, "I'm going right away! It was nice to meet you! See you again soon!" and teleported right above the Lost Woods. She could see the clearing where there was the village of the Kokiris, and the other clearing with the Forest Temple and the path to it. However, flying above these woods, she could also see how huge they were. Searching Link in them will be like searching a needle in a haystack, made worse because the boy was certainly wearing his green tunic and Epona - because Sweetie was sure that the filly Link took was Epona - was mostly brown, colors already very dominant in forests.

"LIIIIINK!!!! WHERE ARE YOOOOOOU!!!!" she yelled in the hope that he would reply.

No such luck.

So she descended into the forest and began to search while regularly yelling the boy's name.

"Damn it! Where is he?" she eventually asked to herself after several minutes of fruitless research, looking around.

And then, she spotted a glowing arrow panel that she swore wasn't there when she previously looked that way. The panel pointed to a direction and "This way," was written on it.

Sweetie's brain shut down for a bit before she understood. "Is that you DD?"

A panel suddenly coming out of the ground in front of her with "Yep!" written on it answered her.

"Well... Thank you. Gains me some time."

At this, she ran in the direction pointed by the first panel. More of them followed, all pointing in the same direction. After a minute of running, she decided to fly, going faster this way.

After many minutes, the panels led her to a tunnel in what seemed to be the root of a giant tree stump. Beyond it was a small area with several more tree stumps leading to a big tree with many giant mushrooms on its trunk and a large hole at its base, like another tunnel. Several arrow-panels pointing at the hole surrounded it, indicating that the hole was Sweetie's destination.

Landing before the hole, she slowly began to advance in it, wondering What now?

Rapidly, the hole led to a large, seemingly bottomless pit inside the tree.

"What? Don't tell me he fell down there! There's no way he could have survived such a fall!"

She looked up from the hole to see an arrow-panel pointing down. Nothing was written on it but she understood. Sighing, fearing the worst but hoping for the best, she jumped, disappearing in the darkness of the pit.

In her fall, she swore she could see several colored images floating around. She didn't have much time to see what they were but she thought she recognized a Deku Scrub head, an ocarina (the Ocarina of Time?), and a heart-shaped... head? With two big eyes, eight small spikes at the sides, and two more spikes at the top looking like horns. There were many other images but she didn't have time to recognize them.

The images disappeared as suddenly as they appeared and she suddenly landed on some kind of big flower on water.

No trace of Link, but she quickly saw that she was in some underground room still inside the tree, with light coming from above. What? After that fall?

What the heck was all that? Did I fall into Wonderland? No, wait, a flower. Don't tell me that I'm in this world's version of the Underground, and Link is this world's version of Frisk. Whatever...

Jumping from the flower onto land, she continued and approached a large, round wooden door-thing between two torches with what seemed to be tribal paint on and around it. The paint on the door seemed to depict some kind of face while the one around looked like the rays of the sun or the petals of a flower.

Passing the door, she entered a wooden tunnel with more paint on the walls, of flowers (hard to say what kind; the red ones looked either like tulips or some kind of carnivorous plant).

There was then another room in what seemed to be another tree with more of these flowers like the one she landed on. The room had two ledges at both exits separated by a lower area where she could see more tribal paint among the grass, but she wasn't sure what this one was.

Not trying to discover what it meant, she flew to the other ledge and passed the door here, entering another room with a bottomless pit and several pillars that seemed to be actually cut tree trunks. More of these flowers were on some of them but she didn't mind them as, again, she simply flew to the ledge with the exit which was another round tunnel with the sun rays/flower petals (more probably flower petals) painting around it. Beside the tunnel was a weird plant that looked like a Deku Scrub had been turned into a deformed tree sprout. It looked dark and gloomy, almost like it could start crying any second...

Sweetie Belle felt a chill when she looked at the plant and understood that it wasn't natural. This certainly was a Deku Scrub somehow turned into a tree, and she felt that there was nothing that she could do to save him.

So she continued into the tunnel that gave a weird feeling of dizziness as she walked under roots and approached the entrance of what seemed to be a building. She had to open a pair of heavy stone doors to continue, entering a room where there was a very ancient gear at the left and a still working waterwheel at the center propelled by a river. The waterwheel was on some wooden structure and made a wooden pillar that continued through a hole in the ceiling at the center turn. Surrounding the structure was a ramp linking the room to another one above which Sweetie Belle entered.

"Oh my... That wasn't expected," she suddenly heard upon reaching the top of the ramp.

The room was entirely bare excepted for the turning wooden pillar in the center going to a series of wooden gears on the ceiling and a weird stone with the Sheikah symbol on it against a wall, beside a staircase leading to the exit.

The origin of the voice was a man, or hylian judging by the pointed ears, with brown well-groomed hair and wearing purple clothing. The man had his eyes closed and a really unsettling smile, and had his hands wrapped on each other before him. On his back, he was wearing a huge bag with several masks hanging from it (and was it Sweetie or one of the masks looked like Mario?).

"The little boy's otherworldly companion. I didn't think I would see you here," the man continued, taking a thoughtful pose, hand under his chin, without even moving (?!?). "But... To find this place... You were helped, weren't you? By a very powerful being..."

This man... wasn't normal. Sweetie Belle could feel something wrong about him, but she wasn't sure what.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"If you search your friend, he is beyond this door," the man said, pointing at the exit (again without moving!!!) and ignoring Sweetie's question. "You should hurry, or you will miss him."

Sweetie Belle nodded and climbed the stairs, quickly getting away from this mysterious creepy man.

She didn't know what she expected upon passing the door, but this certainly wasn't the sky. She was supposed to be at least one hundred meters underground! She found herself in the middle of a town all that was normal, at the base of a tower, where there was supposed to be a forest.

But she didn't have time to wonder as she immediately saw a very big problem: the Moon that was in a crash course right into the town. And to make it very creepy, the Moon had a snarling face. And its big nose was getting dangerously close to the circular platform at the top of the tower.

There were so many questions in Sweetie's mind, but upon seeing the Moon, she immediately went to take action to stop it from crashing.

Only to hear a song from the top of the tower, stopping her on her course.

The earth then shook before deep voices answered the song from all around the town. As Sweetie slowly flew up, she could only watch as four red bearded giants appeared far in the distance from a forest, an ocean, snowy mountains, and a canyon and approached the town. As they approached, their steps making the earth shake, she reached the circular platform at the top of the tower where she finally spotted Link. At his side was a yellow fairy, and not far in front of him, seemingly unconscious on the ground, was a creature in a red cloak and hat wearing a heart-shaped purple and red mask with two big round eyes that seemed to show pure madness, eight spikes at the sides, and two more spikes on the top looking like horns. Sweetie Belle could feel something evil from this mask. There was also a second fairy, a purple one.

Sweetie Belle landed beside Link and the two watched as the four giants approached the town and finally stopped right outside of its wall. They could easily walk over it if they wanted. Then, the giants raised their arms to stop the Moon, and after a great struggle, succeeded.

The two kids admired all this before Sweetie Belle said, "Woah... What a show!"

Link and the yellow fairy both yelped in shock at hearing her, the boy even falling on his butt.

"Where do you come from!?!" the fairy yelled.

"What? You didn't see me land? I wasn't even invisible this time."

Before the fairy could say more, the purple fairy suddenly crashed into her screaming "Sis!!!"

Oh. The purple fairy was a male. Sweetie didn't know that male fairies existed in this world.

The yellow fairy then rubbed herself against her brother. "Tael!!!"

While the two fairies began to talk, Sweetie Belle helped Link get up with her magic.

"Hey Link! It's good to see you again. You really worried me when I learned from Zelda that you went into the Lost Woods without a fairy."

Link looked guilty at this. "Sorry... It's just that the Lost Woods are the home of most fairies so..."

"You thought that you could find Navi there, and I understand. But didn't you think at least to ask another fairy to guide you to ensure that you wouldn't get lost?"

"Erh... No."

Sweetie sighed exasperatedly, but smiled. "At least you're alright. And apparently, you got into another adventure. How did it come to this?"

"Well, you see... I was in the Lost Woods when this Skull Kid..." Link began.

But he was then interrupted by a new voice saying, "Certainly, he had far too many weaknesses to use my power," apparently replying to something that one of the fairies said.

"Yeah! That's right! Admit your stupidity!" the yellow fairy shouted. "... Huh?"

Everyone turned to face the creature, which was apparently a Skull Kid, as he began to float up like a puppet without its strings, the mask facing them.

"A puppet that can no longer be used is mere garbage," the mask said before it dropped the Skull Kid. The mask itself remained floating in place. "This puppet's role has just ended..."

"It can't be!" the purple fairy, Tael, shouted. "Then that moon?"

Energy then came out of the mouth of the Moon and engulfed the mask, and it flew into the mouth. The next instant, the eyes of the Moon began to glow.

"I... I shall consume. Consume... Consume everything," the mask's voice then came out of the Moon before it started to push against the giants to crash.

The fairies panicked, and the yellow one shouted, "Waahhhhh! This isn't good! Let's go back! Let's go back! Hurry! The Song of Time! The Song of Time!!!"

Link and Sweetie Belle, however, remarked that the energy that allowed the mask to enter the Moon was still here and approached it.

The yellow fairy was resigned. "Aw, no... You've got to be kidding. Don't tell me you're going up there..."

"It's the occasion to stop the Moon, and the mask," Link said as they stopped before the energy.

"I won't do it! I'm staying with Tael! You go by yourself!"

"I'll go!!!" Tael then exclaimed.

"What?! What are you saying, Tael? Is something wrong with you?"

"I don't want to always be running away! If only I had been stronger, the Skull Kid wouldn't have..."

A moment of silence passed between the two fairies before the yellow one finally said, "I understand. I'll go! After all this time, Tael, you've gotten really stubborn... Just like someone else I know..."

Sweetie Belle grinned. "That's being a hero."

"You know, you guys are really stupid..." the fairy continued, making the filly and the boy laugh.

Everyone excepted Tael then entered the energy which transported them into the Moon.

Author's Note:

Thank you to Herald of Opera for this line: "the old queen was doing Ganondorf things so I exploded her a bunch. Then she started doing Ganon things so I exploded her some more."

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