• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 161: Spice Up Your Life

Author's Note:

Chapter written by me and Cyrus Colter.

In the previous chapter, I added a little something. I discovered that the weird statues that activate when Samus grabs the Morph Ball upgrade are called Komas, so I added their name.

After getting back up to the cavern above, after jumping on some ledges and entering a small passage blocked by stones destroyed by the Morph Ball Bombs, Samus and Sweetie Void were met with a nasty surprise in the form of some more Subspace soldiers! Coming through the walls were also swarms of shadow wisps that began grouping up into two humanoid forms with two heads each, pink lights in their chests and massive blades in hand.

Samus dodged the blade of one of the two-headed enemies by turning into her Morpho Ball, then rolled around to drop bombs at the feet of the soldiers, easily avoiding their attempts to stop her. The bombs exploded, blasting the soldiers, but it wasn’t enough to kill any of them, so Samus left the Morpho Ball and fired at the soldiers, eliminating them one after another while keeping an eye on the two-headed enemy that attacked her. Meanwhile, Sweetie attacked the second two-headed enemy and quickly discovered that attacking the pink light, obviously a core, was very effective and caused heavy damage in addition to causing it to stumble, opening it to more assault. Thanks to that, Sweetie was able to eliminate her target without allowing it time to counterattack.

The last two-headed enemy got close enough to Samus to force her to stop targeting the remaining soldiers and jump away. She saw how the core was its weakness, so she fired a missile at it, stumbling the enemy and allowing her to take more distance. She then fired beam after beam at it as it recovered from its stumble and approached her. As it got close, she fired another missile at the core, and it was enough to finish it off. The last few soldiers were easily eliminated by Sweetie Void cutting them to pieces with her swords.

Sweetie Void huffed as the two relaxed from the fight. “Looks like we’ll have to stay alert, if they’re able to cut us off like that.”

Samus nodded, adding “We’d better get moving. No telling what could be waiting. And I’m not just talking about these Subspace goons.”

Sweetie Void nodded in turn, and the two turned back to the wall they had passed by several times since they arrived, finding that they could now bypass it, thanks to the Morph Ball bombs, and saw another blue door… as well as more of those black wisps that seemed to be forming into something else.

A large quadruped creature with a body that was a dark brown on top with a horn and yellow eyes, and lighter brown on the underbelly. Its legs, curiously, were a pale green that seemed to come from inside the body, rather than being attached to it.

One blast from Sweetie Void was enough to clarify that by revealing the ‘body’ to be a shell, hiding the slightly smaller actual body of the creature, which gave a high pitched roar and charged at the filly and Bounty Hunter…. Only to trip over its own feet and land face first on the cave floor.

Samus put the thing down with a missile and they moved on through the blue door behind it.
Entering the room beyond, the pair found it to be a slanted room with tall fungus-like growths… as well as those flying bots with buckets full of hot bricks.

With a deadpan look, Sweetie Void ping ponged an energy ball between them, while Samus went down and collected an energy tank at the bottom of the path.

“Well, that’s another energy tank, at least. Shouldn’t be too long before I’m up to snuff,” Samus said as Sweetie Void punted the last bot into a wall.

“Let’s hope,” the filly said as Samus opened the door, only to come face to face with a Space Pirate, this one in green armor. The pirate recoiled, clearly not expecting them, allowing Samus to send it flying into the wall behind it with a missile, also smashing the scramble that had been on its back and sending another Pirate that had been clinging to the wall tumbling to the floor with it in a heap of tangled limbs. As Sweetie giggled at the sight, she charged a blast of energy in her horn then blew the still living pirates head off, while Samus took care of the last two in the room.

Just when they thought they could relax, however, a faint screaming could be heard coming… from the walls? Turning towards them, the two saw four of those shrieking patchwork shadows with three of the blade wielding ones! The two prepped their weapons, and opened fire, only stopping once all the shadowy beings once more dispersed into the shadowy wisps.

After a minute or so of nothing else coming, Samus and Sweetie relaxed, turning their attention to the red door at one end of the bottom of the shaft, after gathering the energy to replenish Samus’s missiles. Opening the door, the two found a hallway with what seemed to be lights interspersed throughout the floor and ceiling.

Making their way through the room, the two passed the blue door at the other end to find themselves in a more natural appearing cavern as opposed to the metal construction of the hall behind them.

In front of them was a large statue, yellow in color, in the shape of four beings, three of which Sweetie Void hadn’t seen before.

A fat dinosaur-like creature that seemed to have three eyes.

A creature that seemed like a mix between a seahorse and a jellyfish.

A more squidlike one that seemed to only have one eye.

And perched on top was the statue whose likeness Sweetie recognized all too well.


Samus explained before Sweetie could even turn to ask. “On my first mission here, there was a statue, similar to this one, that blocked me off from reaching the end of my mission until the ones it resembled were dead. Given how things have gone so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case here, as well.”

Sweetie Void nodded. “So those are our targets? I recognise Ridley, but who are the three others?”

Samus pointed at the fat dinosaur-like creature. “That’s Kraid, I fought him the first time. The last two, however, I don’t know who they are.”

“Well then, now we know what to do, and where to go once we’re done with these four guys. I can’t wait to play with Ridley again. Let’s go.”

At this point, Ridley decided to try to talk Kraid into running with him.

They returned to the shaft and, this time, passed the blue door at the opposite side. They then traversed a cavern with more fungus-like growths, ignoring the Silver Geemer and the hive-like things named Kago, before they passed another blue door and reached an elevator that led them down back to Brinstar, this time in the middle of a jungle as Samus warned there were.

“Now this is the real Brinstar,” Samus said. “Prepare to encounter many hostile insects and plants.”

Sweetie nodded before the two jumped down from the elevator and moved down the shaft formed by the vegetation. Already, they had to deal with large crawling yellow insects named Zeelas and a red Ripper known as a Ripper II. Before long, they reached two red doors and opened one, entering a metallic room with two Zeelas and a smaller version of the Sidehoppers known as a Small Sidehopper. Sweetie Void easily dealt with it while Samus eliminated the Zeelas.

Samus identified a part of the opposite wall that could be destroyed with the Morph Ball Bombs, discovering a passage to a secret blue door to another map room.

“Great!” Sweetie Void exclaimed. “We will get a map of Brinstar!”

“Yes, and very early at that. This will help a lot,” Samus said.

A few moments later, they left the room with the map and returned to the shaft (after opening the metal door that blocked the way by killing all the insects present in the room) where they opened the other red door.

The new room had a pipe from which came flying red beetles known as Zebs. No matter how many the two eliminated, there were always more coming from the pipe. So the two stopped minding them and jumped to the top level of the room only for the floor to crumble under them, dropping them to a section with a Missile Expansion. They then had to blast a wall with a bomb to return to the beginning of the room. Seeing that Samus couldn’t outrun the crumbling floor, the two returned to the shaft.

Further down was a third red door to a recharge station, allowing Samus to replenish her missiles.

Then, even further down, at the bottom of the shaft, there were two more red doors. One led to a room full of brambles and of firefly-like creatures known as Firefleas. The Firefleas were the only source of light in the room, so the two avoided killing as many as they could as they jumped from ledge to ledge to avoid the brambles and reach a blue door. After the door was a recharge unit for Super Missiles.

“Well, I don’t have them yet, but it’s nice to know that I will be able to recharge them here,” Samus said.

Back in the shaft, they opened the last red door and entered a long cavern full of Zeelas and Reos as well as Subspace soldiers, three two-headed humanoids made of shadow wisps, and two of these one-eyed wheel-like enemies spewing electricity that moved on the ceiling and the walls.

Sweetie Void and Samus didn’t mind the wheels, which were still rather far, and instead eliminated the closest enemies which were the Zeelas, a Reo, several soldiers, and a two-headed being. Sweetie personally dealt with that last one which was the bigger threat while also taking care of the Reo with a large beam. The filly then went to deal with the remaining two-headed beings, always targeting their cores with her beams and her swords, while Samus fired at one of the wheels which had gotten close, not giving it time to spew electricity. She had to duck to avoid a boomerang thrown by one of the soldiers, then she fired at it as its weapon returned to it. By now, Sweetie Void had eliminated all the two-headed beings, allowing her to focus on what remained, like the last wheel. She also sliced in two a Reo jumping toward Samus before she disintegrated the last Reo at the end of the cavern. Samus finished the last soldiers, ending the battle, but one of the soldiers with a gun got a lucky shot on her.

Not like Samus cared, she still had a lot of energy left, and she recovered it right away thanks to the energy left behind by the enemies.

Samus identified the wall at the back as destructible by the bombs, so the two destroyed it, revealing more of the cavern leading to a blue door with Metarees, more dangerous versions of Skrees, guarding it. The girls easily killed the annoying bat things and passed the door, entering a very large cavern where they could either jump up or go down a hole.

“Up or down?” Sweetie asked.

“Let me see the map. Mmh… It seems that, if we go up, then we will eventually loop back to the bottom of this cavern, so let’s go up.”

So they climbed, passing a pipe from which Zebs were coming out, but also fighting more Subspace soldiers as well as a couple more two-headed humanoids and even a floating skull turret. They also had to be careful of more wheel-like enemies, of fire, ice, and electric variants, patrolling the walls, as well as Reos. At the top of the cavern, there was another pipe with Zebs that they didn’t mind as Samus found a small passage with some stone blocking it that she bombed, discovering another room with a recharge station.

Energy and ammunition full, Samus and Sweetie Void returned to the cavern and opened a red door leading back to the jungle where some kind of green hybrids between mantis and wasps assaulted them. These things, Green Kihunters, were fast and, after some shots, if not killed right away, lost their wings. This resulted in them jumping around and beginning to spit acid. So Samus decided eventually to use her missiles to eliminate them with a guaranteed one shot.

Once all the Kihunters were dead, the girls advanced until reaching a flashing door in the ceiling that they opened. They jumped through it and entered a room that was practically overgrown, a giant plant thing hanging from a vine attached to the ceiling. The plant was circular, covered in spikes, and had what seemed to be a jaw separating it in half.

As the two looked at what Samus identified as a Spore Spawn, the door closed, revealing a green door.

Samus blanched at the door. “That’s a problem.”

At that moment, the Spore Spawn began to swing as if under its own power, releasing spores that did not seem like a good idea to touch. One slightly dissolved hoof for Sweetie Void confirmed that, as she drained the nearby heat to fuel her healing.

Samus fired at the plant while the two avoided it as it moved around, but its hide revealed to be too thick for even her missile to do any damage. Sweetie, however, didn’t have this problem as she made her beam pierce it very easily. The Spore Spawn continued to swing, releasing more spores that Samus decided to fire at instead to destroy them. Eventually, the plant opened its jaw, revealing some kind of… pillar core structure. Samus immediately saw her chance and fired missiles at it until the plant closed its jaw and resumed swinging around.

As Sweetie continued to damage it with her piercing beams, the Spore Spawn began to turn brown and gained speed. Samus saw that the Spore Spawn never reached far enough to the ground to be a threat to Sweetie Void, so she had the idea of turning into her Morph Ball so she didn’t have to avoid the plant, and so, she just had to worry about the spores.

The Spore Spawn opened its jaw again, allowing Samus to fire missiles at its core before it closed. Sweetie Void didn’t give it time to open it another time as she fired more beams that revealed to be too much for it. The Spore Spawn retracted to the center of the room and withered, fully turning brown with all the vegetation of the room.

“Ew. Now, the place is depressing,” Sweetie Void said. “Now, how do we leave? We don’t have what is needed to open the green door.”

A faint rumbling from above answered her. The two looked back to the Spore Spawn as the stone at the cave ceiling gave way, dumping both stone and the Spore Spawns remains on top of the door, and revealing a cavern above.

The two looked at each other, then burst out laughing at the timing of events.

As they recovered their breath, the pair climbed on the Spore Spawn and jumped up to the upper cavern, which seemed to lead higher up to a metal platform and was also covered in withered vegetation.

Reaching said platform with a shield courtesy of Sweetie Void, the two came to a blue door and in the room beyond there was a pipe that seemed to endlessly spawn Zebs and a pipe cover at the back that the Scan Visor identified as weak enough that standing on it would collapse it.

Seeing no other way to go, the two topped off their energy (as much as Sweetie Void could with those energy drops, anyway) and stepped onto the collapsing pipe cover… only to land on the shield Sweetie Void had summoned right below.

With a smug side-eye from Sweetie Void, the two gently floated down to the bottom of the… surprisingly deep pit.

At the bottom, Samus remarked while getting off the shield, “Falling would have been faster.”

Sweetie looked down in disappointment, “And more fun, looking back.”

Spotting a Chozo Statue with an Upgrade Orb, Samus burst it open, revealing a missile tank that had a green tip, instead of a red one like the normal missiles.

“Behold the Super Missile, a piece of artillery meant to do the job of five missiles for the price of one.” Samus said as she took the tank, arming herself with five Super Missiles, “With the drawback of being a separate weapon system to both the normal missiles and my beam weapons, so we’ll need to keep track of that as well. More used to a different configuration, but we’ll get that sorted later. Luckily, it’s also what we need for those green doors, if my memory on that system is accurate.”

Sweetie Void sighed as she and Samus turned to the blue door. “Let’s hope so, otherwise we're getting nowhere fast.” Going through the door, they saw some Zeelas on the ceiling, some pipes spawning Zebs and a green door at the other end.

As Sweetie Void cleared out the bugs, Samus launched a Super Missile at the door, the missile flying faster than the standard variety, with a detonation that shook the room, knocking the Zeelas loose, one landing onto Sweetie Voids back, but a saddle of spikes made short work of it.

Gathering the dropped energy into small clusters, Samus made sure to note for Sweetie Void the Super Missile energy drop (a gray cylinder like the standard missiles but with a green tip, instead of red), then Sweetie Void decided to comment, “Those Super Missiles are no joke. And you said these are a different configuration than you're used to?”

Samus gave a chuckle. “Yeah, the ones I’m more used to using are called a Charge Beam combo. Speaking of which, it was disabled with the rest of my gear, so hopefully we can find a replacement.”

With that, the pair passed through the door. Then, Samus had to use a Super Missile to destroy some stone blocking a passage back to the big cavern they climbed earlier. As soon as they arrived, Sweetie Belle suddenly felt an energy signature below them. Descending to check it out, the two found a Missile Tank… but Sweetie felt the energy coming from slightly further down.

A quick glance round with the Scan Visor allowed Samus to see a patch of stone that could be destroyed with her bombs. Doing so, the two found an entrance to a small section of cavern that the Pirates hadn’t been able to map out.

“Aaaand that’s probably the replacement Charge Beam I mentioned,” Samus stated upon spotting a Chozo Statue with an Upgrade Orb. Blasting it open confirmed her suspicion, Samus collected and tested the Charge Beam, blasting a stalagmite with a charged shot.

“We probably should have looked for that before facing the Spore Spawn,” Sweetie Void commented.

Samus was silent for a second before her suit’s system filled in the blank with the Spore Spawn’s database entry, highlighting the name in particular. “Oh. Yeah, it would have been helpful.”

They returned to the big cavern and moved through a small passage, finding a green door that Samus blasted with a Super Missile. They arrived in a large room filled with vegetation and with some pipes out of which came insects with large heads known as Geegas. Before the girls on an opposite ledge was a yellow door that they couldn’t open yet. So, instead, they moved down the room, jumping from ledge to ledge while fighting the Geegas, some Small Sidehoppers, and the few Subspace soldiers that were present.

As they fought and descended, Samus remarked that there was a pipe from which no Geegas were coming. The pipe was a bit too high for her to reach however. She pointed at it and said to Sweetie, “Can you give a look inside this pipe? Something tells me it’s hiding something.”

“Okay!” Sweetie nodded and flew into the pipe, coming out a few seconds later with a Missile Expansion, grinning at Samus.

Samus gave her a thumbs up. “Good job.”

Not long after that, they reached the bottom of the room where a metallic gate blocked the way, guarded by two fat chicken-like enemies. Sweetie and Samus each eliminated one, revealing the chickens to be suits out of which came little yellow birds that Samus blasted. She then fired at a blue light on top of the gate, opening it, then killed a Small Sidehopper behind it while Sweetie dealt with two others on the ceiling, and fired at the blue door at the end.

In the next room, they were greeted by walking cacti in addition to Zeelas. The cacti, Cacatac, gave Super Missiles upon death, recharging Samus’ ammunition. Once all enemies were gone, the girls jumped to the room’s upper level and advanced, only for the room to crumble under their feet, making them fall to the lower level, and no way they could jump because of spikes in the ceiling.

Samus sighed. “We will have to run.”

They returned to the upper level and ran as fast as they could, reaching the end of the room successfully. After eliminating another Cacatac as well as a being inside a giant pot on wheels armed with two scythes, Samus blasted the green door, and they advanced to the next room, which was a shaft made of red walls.

“Yep, we are still in Brinstar,” Samus said. “We just exited the jungle area.”

Again, they had the choice between climbing and going down. However, the ledge was too high for Samus to reach, so they had no choice but to go down. After a bit, fighting some Geegas on the way, Samus had to use her bombs on the floor to discover a path to go even further down and reach the bottom of the shaft. They moved down slowly on Sweetie’s shield because there were many Rippers on the way.

At the bottom were two doors: a green door leading to what Samus called a Power Bomb Recharge Unit (“I can’t wait to have my Power Bombs back,” Samus said with a sigh), and a blue door leading to a room half filled with water.

“I don’t have the right suit to move correctly in water, so I would rather avoid falling in it for now,” Samus said.

“Well, one big jump to that platform over there and you should be alright,” Sweetie said, pointing at a metallic platform out of water a bit further ahead.

As the filly said, Samus reached the platform with just one big jump. They then shot at some Skrees before they jumped again, above thorns underwater, and reached the blue door at the end of the room.

Again, there was water in the next room, and they spotted right away, in the water, a worm-like enemy called a Yapping Maw. Samus’ map said that this room had an upper level, and Samus did spot a stone that she could fire at in the ceiling, revealing a secret passage, but she couldn’t reach it yet, so she noted that for later. Instead, they jumped above the Yapping Maw which Sweetie easily killed while Samus fired at a Cacatac on a red stone out of the water. After getting on the red stone, the two jumped again above another Yapping Maw to reach the blue door at the end.

The next room was very small, with walls made of blue-green stones. One blue door later and they found themselves in a glass tube that traversed a cavern underwater.

Samus nodded. “Yeah, here you have a preview of Maridia. I hope we find the correct suit before we enter these caverns, or else, I won’t be of any use. At least, it seems like we are just passing through for now.”

At this, they continued and left the tube, then traversed another room like the previous one before they reached an elevator. Samus’ Scan Visor saw right away that the opposite wall could be destroyed with Super Missiles, so she blasted it, revealing a not-so-secret room (since she could see it in her map) the entrance to a passage inside the mouth of the sculpted head of some nightmarish creature.

“If this doesn’t scream “here’s one of your targets”...” Sweetie Void said.

“As much as I want to rip a new one to whatever we will encounter behind this passage, I would prefer to see first if we can’t find more upgrades, being as prepared as possible, so let’s take this elevator. It doesn’t seem like I can reach that head anyway,” Samus said.


So they took the elevator, which descended into a new, very sinister cavern where they both felt that the temperature was higher.

“And now, we are in Norfair. I don’t like being here with my basic suit. It just asks for me to get cooked alive,” Samus commented.

“So like for the underwater, we need to find a better suit so you can resist high temperatures?”

“That’s right. So I don’t feel that we will be able to go far.”

“Let’s explore what we can then.”

So they descended the shaft, fighting Sovas (Geemer variants that looked to be on fire), and tested the doors they found. A green one led to a metallic room with gates that closed when they entered. They were able to run fast enough to pass under the first door, but not the second one, so they ended up trapped between the two door. Thankfully, part of the floor could be destroyed, allowing them to enter a secret passage that led back to the beginning of the room.

At the opposite side of the green door was a blue door that led to a room where the temperature was too hot for Samus. Considering the presence of magma in the room, it wasn’t surprising. So they left right away.

Further down in the shaft was a yellow door, then there was a red door and another blue door. They tested the blue door first and entered a room with a recharge station. After the station was another blue door to a long tunnel that was a dead end, Samus not having the means to destroy the wall at the end.

The red door, finally, led to a small room with an Energy Tank. It seemed that that was it, but then, Samus saw that parts of the ground could be destroyed, revealing a passage leading, after a small drop, to a blue door. The room after it was very small, but Samus and Sweetie Void were able to blast part of the metallic wall, near the ceiling, revealing a secret part of the room with a Chozo statue holding an Upgrade Orb. Samus opened it, revealing a pair of boots.

“The Hi-Jump Boots. They will allow me to jump higher. Great! And I know right away where to use them. Let’s return to Brinstar, to that submerged room before the passage through Maridia.”

Thanks to the boots, Samus was able to reach the high ledges in the previous room to return to the shaft, getting a Missile Expansion on the way. However, the exit door was blocked by a metal door, and the girls had to kill all the Sovas in the room first. Once back in the shaft, Samus found out that the ground was fragile, so she destroyed it with her bombs, revealing a last blue door. They didn’t go far however before they were blocked by a metal gate. So they returned in the shaft and climbed back to the top, fighting more Sovas as well as two two-headed humanoids and a few fire-breathing red Subspace soldiers before they took the elevator.

Back in Brinstar, they backtracked through the glass tube and returned to the room with the Yapping Maws. Here, Samus used her new boots to jump through the hole where she destroyed the stone previously, then jumped again to reach the top of the room where there was a passage for her Morph Ball (after destroying the stones blocking it). This led to a small metallic room with a green door.

After it was a room with a Chozo statue offering another upgrade: the Spazer Beam.

“Aww yeah! Now, my cannon is a shotgun! The beam is split into smaller but more powerful beams that spread, so I have a better range. I won’t need to aim that much anymore,” Samus said, almost cackling.


“Now, whatever we will fight behind that passage will be in for a bad time.”

So they returned to the elevator room and jumped into the mouth of the sculpted head with the help of the Hi-Jump Boots. They then passed the blue door behind the passage.

Meanwhile in Kraid’s room

“You don’t understand. She is like a force of nature with the emotions of a child, and the powers of a god!” Ridley, now without cybernetics, yelled at Kraid as three other beings watched on in interest.

Well, interest for two of them, terror for one. The beings in question were…. Odd.

One was a tall blue humanoid with a small strip of hair for a beard on either side of his mouth wearing a suit that had a clock seemingly built into it. In his right hand was a tuning fork like device that was more like a staff in size.

One was a floating mask with brown fur, glowing eyes and bones strung to its sides and one at the top.

These were the two looking on in interest.

The one looking on in terror was a small man with a large head, a white coat with black undershirt, pants and boots and yellow gloves and skin. The spikes of hair that on either side of his head were laying flat against his head as his body trembled.

“If what your colleague says is true then it would most definitely be in your best interest to heed Master Hands' call for a meeting.” The blue skinned man spoke up.

Kraid, looking exactly like the statue of himself but much, much, much taller and bigger, spoke in a deep voice as he turned an amused glance at his smaller progeny (technically clone, but Kraid was so heavily mutated at this point, it didn’t matter) “Hmmph, or mayhaps the Phazon took his rational mind with it. Regardless, if you leave, it is witho- What is that sound?”

With a start, everyone in the room noticed a subtle rhythm coming from seemingly nowhere.

Ridley’s face paled as he turned to the door. “Oh no. I think that’s-”

The door blasted open as a song played at a volume that seemed just on the edge of unbearability, revealing a young girl in a Parade Masters uniform lip synching to the lyrics of the music she was undoubtedly responsible for, her pink and purple hair and green eyes telling Ridley exactly who this was.

As their attention was drawn by Sweetie Void, Samus, under the effects of an Invisibility spell the filly had cast on her to bypass the lot of them and check the room behind, did exactly that, though she did stop to enjoy the show a couple times.

As Sweetie Void stepped forward, she locked eyes with Ridley. With a twirl she pointed behind Ridley to between him and Kraid, and without even a flash as they all turned, there she was dancing in place as she continued her performance.

Pointing next to the Mini Kraid, she appeared there and did a little tango with it before snapping its head off.

Six of those two headed shadow beings rose from the floor around her as she appeared in the center of the room, now doing a step dance sort of routine. As they moved in to slash her, she blew them away, expending little energy to turn the shadow wisps into bouncy balls.

Kraid growled in rage and turned to Ridley, “If you intend to leave, do so now. I will keep her here.”

Ridley just kept panicking as he kept trying to start the portal device Master Hand had supplied all of the Officers. Just as he got it working the yellow skinned man came spinning past him, stumbling through it, with the dragon himself following immediately after, nearly tripping over him on his way.

“That’s our cue to leave, unless you’d like to stay and face her, Mighty Uka Uka,” the blue skinned man said with a mocking tone at the end.

Looking back to Sweetie Void, as she began to use Kraid’s own bioenergy to turn him into…. rose petals? The mask deadpanned at the blue skin man as they both approached the portal. “You’re lucky Master Hand has no tolerance for infighting, otherwise I would have destroyed you and simply kept Cortex. Now let’s go, N. Tropy.”

The music came to an end as Sweetie Void twirled the petals into a frenzy, before turning to the portal with one hand pointed at it like a gun.

“See ya~ Hold Tight!”


The portal closed right before the shot could reach it, instead flying into the wall behind it.

Meanwhile, Samus clapped her hand against the side of her arm cannon in applause as she said, “When you told me you could take care of Kraid, while I checked the room behind him, I was not expecting that kind of show.”

Sweetie Void bowed as she turned to Samus, turning back into her filly self as she stood back up to see the hunter now clad in the Varia suit she had worn during the Team Rainbow Rocket conflict.

“I thought it’d be fun,” she said in explanation.

I hope you're happy, Writer. No one else at home will likely get the reference.

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