• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 174: The Great Sea

“Of all places, why did we have to drop in the ocean?!” Amy yelled once everyone swam back to the surface after the surprise of falling in the water passed.

“I would say it’s bad luck, but apparently, DD is the one choosing the destinations of Sweetie’s rifts,” Phantom said with visible annoyance.

“Uh…” Apple Death looked at Phantom, then at Amy, then around, searching for something. “We’re missing a hedgehog.“

At that, Phantom and Amy looked around. Amy then shouted, “Sonic!” while Phantom facepalmed.

“Right… He doesn’t know how to swim.”

She then disappeared underwater. Several seconds later, she returned with Sonic on her shoulder, the blue hedgehog coughing water.

Once he stopped and took several big breaths, he said, “The one time I decide to go on an adventure, we drop in water. I can’t believe it.”

“Seems like DD wanted to mess with you,” Phantom said with a smirk.

Sonic groaned. “Let’s get out of this water, please.”

“We are just beside a tower,” Amy said. “We will have to swim to it.”

Phantom chuckled, then used her powers to materialize the same ship she used back in their adventure with Kirby and the others, but smaller. Apple Death then turned into a ghost and levitated everyone on it.

“No need to swim,” Phantom said.

Meanwhile, Apple Death looked around. “Ah can see islands in the distance. We really are in the middle of the ocean.

“Just my luck…” Sonic said. “Just an ocean and islands too small to have a good run. I hope other me has better luck.”

“Don’t worry Sonic! I’m sure that we will still have a good adventure despite that!” Amy tried to reassure him.

“We will see…”

They then all looked at the tower beside which they were. It was a large and very tall stone tower, right in the ocean, not even on an island. there were weird circle and line markings here and there on its surface. At its foot, starting from the tower itself, was a wall with arches that surrounded the entrance.

“Let’s start by exploring this tower. If we appeared beside it, there must be a reason,” Phantom said.

So they passed through one of the arches and entered the tower. Inside, they arrived in a submerged hall.

At their right were two walkways, one at their level, and one higher. There was also a submerged hallway to an unknown destination.

At their left was a wall with three arches. They couldn’t see what was on the other side.

Before them was a golden mural with a face. Under the mouth was a doorway, at the same level as the second walkway of the right. Behind the mural, at the left and the right, were two waterfalls. Before it was a small red boat with the head of a dragon with yellow horns and white hair.

“Is it me or is it bigger inside than outside?” Sonic questioned.

“It’s not you,” Amy said.

Suddenly, the level of the water rose to the level of the doorway, allowing them to see that, at the other side of the wall at the left, there was another walkway with a staircase.

And now, the water level rises when it’s supposed to remain at sea level,” Apple Death said. “Ah don’t think we’re in the same dimension as outside.

“A pocket dimension, uh? This tower must be very special,” Phantom said.

“It is,” a deep voice replied.

The heroes looked around, searching for the origin of the voice. Amy then pointed at the red boat and shouted, “Look! The boat!”

The red boat was, indeed, now looking at them.

“You are in the Tower of the Gods,” it said. “Where the Chosen One must prove his courage to the Gods.”

“A living boat?” Sonic asked. “What the heck?”

The level of the water lowered.

“You should not be here,” the boat continued. “Link is already passing the trials of this tower as I talk. They are not for you.”

Link?” Apple Death questioned before the heroes exchanged glances.

Phantom stared at the boat. “Boy in green? With a sword and a shield?”

The boat raised an eyebrow. “You know him? You do not seem to be from around here.”

We know another Link. One of our friends, Apple Death explained before she looked at the others. “Seems like we’re in an alternate Hyrule.

“With Hyrule nowhere to be seen since we are in the ocean,” Sonic said.

The red boat looked in awe. “Dimensional travelers?”

“That’s right!” Amy exclaimed. “And since we are here, then we are going to help your Link!” She gasped. “Oh! We should bring Link here! I want to see the two Links working together!”

Phantom shrugged. “Maybe later. For now, we must discover more about what is going on here.” She looked back at the boat. “Anyway. I’m Phantom. This is Apple Death, Sonic, and Amy. Whatever problem you have that requires your Link to go through these trials, we can help.”

The boat shook its head. “I am the King of Red Lions, and-”

“Red Lions?” Sonic asked. “Uh… You don’t look like a lion.”

The level of the water rose again.

The King of Red Lions cleared his throat. You could see some sweat pearling from his head despite him being a boat. “Some help would be welcome, but for now, Link needs to pass the trials of this tower alone to prove that he is worthy. So you will have to wait here.”

“Alright. Meanwhile, you can explain to us what is going on,” Amy said. “In order to help, we need to know what the problem is in the first place.”

“Well, you already know a Link, so must I presume that you also know a Ganondorf?” the Red Lion asked.

Everyone frowned. Phantom asked, “So Ganondorf is a problem here too?”

“Yes. A long time ago, Ganondorf took over Hyrule only to be defeated by the Hero of Time. The Hero left, and time passed, but eventually, Ganondorf freed himself and brought disaster to Hyrule again, with no Hero this time to stop him.”

Everyone winced. “We’ll have ta keep an eye on the seal in Future Hyrule,” Apple Death said.

“One Ganondorf already escaped prison, we don’t need another one coming loose,” Phantom agreed. “Especially the one who already possess the Triforce of Power.”

The water level lowered.

“Bah. If he escapes, we can just defeat him and send him back to his hole,” Sonic said.

“So it means that this world is the future of Future Hyrule?” Amy asked.

“Yeah,” Phantom said.

The gears worked inside the Red Lion’s head. “The Link you know is the Hero of Time?”

They nodded.

“And you talked about two Ganondorfs?”

“Yeah. The one Link and Sweetie Void sealed in Future Hyrule, and the one Link sent to prison in the Hyrule they were sent back to once their adventure was over,” Phantom said.

“So the Hero was sent back in time? I guess it is no wonder he never returned,” the Red Lion said sadly.

“What happened to Hyrule?” Amy asked. She was scared to know, but they needed to know.

“You will find out soon enough, once Link reaches the top of this tower. It shouldn’t be long now.”

Right on cue, as the water level rose again, a bell sounded from the top of the tower.

“That’s him,” the boat said. “Now, we have to wait for him to return.”

It didn’t take long, thankfully. Link suddenly appeared in the doorway in the mural beside the Red Lion in a column of light.

Without surprise, he looked a lot like the Hero of Time, and he was even the same age.

“I did it!” he shouted. “Now what?”

“Climb,” the Red Lion instructed. “You have opened the path. I will guide you to it, just outside the tower.”


With a jump, Link climbed on the Red Lion. It was only then that he saw the other boat at the entrance of the tower, and everyone on it. He was so surprised that he yelped and fell on his butt. It made everyone laugh.

Phantom grinned. “Hello Link. We are new friends. We will help you against Ganondorf.”

Link looked at them, mouth wide open.

The Red Lion chuckled. “Let’s exit the tower.”

While they did so, the heroes used the occasion to present themselves again.

Once they said that they knew the Hero of Time…

Link gasped. “You know the Hero of Time?!”

“Yep! That’s right!” Sonic said.

Link gasped again. “Oh my god! Can I see him?! Please?!”

Apple Death laughed. “Yes.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe that I will see the Hero of Time!”

“Aww. That’s cute. Link has a fan,” Amy said.

When he’ll learn that there’s a whole legend about him…” Apple Death said.

“We have arrived,” the Red Lion said.

They were now just before the entrance of the tower, before a circle of light in the water.

“So the gods have acknowledged you to be a true hero,” the boat said to Link. “But this does not mean your trials have ended here… Once you take your first step into the world beyond the ring of light you see shimmering in the waves before you, your true trial will begin.”

“Aw man…” Link said.

“Are you ready, Link?”

Link sighed. “Yeah. I am. I guess.”

The Red Lion then advanced into the ring of light… and sunk into the water?

Left behind, the heroes could only watch.

“We have to go in the water?” Sonic groaned.

“Well, submarine time,” Phantom said before she transformed the ship into a submarine. Apple Death decided to turn back into her living form to be with the others inside.

They followed the Red Lion underwater, the boat and Link being inside a column of light. They descended, Link discovering that he could somehow breathe underwater.

Then… There was no water anymore.

The Red Lion continued to descend slowly thanks to the column of light, but the heroes’ submarine didn’t have such luck. It plummeted until Phantom turned it into a helicopter, to everyone’s relief.

As they descended, they finally saw, to their surprise, a vast land. There was a castle on a cliff beside a giant lake. Beside the castle were ruins. Everything was various shades of gray.

The Red Lion descended into a small garden on a roof of the castle, with a pond and some trees. Because there was not enough space for the helicopter, the heroes were forced to jump from it before the vehicle disappeared.

Link was now on a walkway leading to an entrance to the castle.

“Where are we?” he asked. “Is it…?”

“Yeah… It looks different from the Hyrule we know, but it is Hyrule,” Sonic said. “But what the heck happened? Why is it underwater? And why is it so gray?”

Phantom pointed at a small waterfall that poured out water from inside the castle.

The waterfall… The water… Nothing was moving.

“Time is stopped. Seems like the gods have something to do with it. I can see only them doing something like that.”

“Woah… It’s chilling!” Amy said.

“You guessed right, Phantom. But unfortunately, I do not have time to explain,” Red Lion said before he looked at Link. “Once you find the item hidden inside this castle and strike down Ganon with it, everything will be made clear to you. Trust in my words! See what awaits you in the castle!”

Link nodded. “Alright.”

So the group entered the castle, entering a giant hall. The first thing they saw upon entering was an anthropomorphic pig in the position of attacking them, frozen in time. Many other pigs, and also knights, were present all over the hall which was very damaged. Quickly, everyone’s attention went to a statue of Link, the Hero of Time, present in the center of the hall, on a pedestal.

Sonic eyed the closest pig. “I’m guessing they are the bad guys.”

“They are,” Link said with a nod. “They are Ganondorf’s top soldiers.”

“And something tells me they won’t remain frozen in time for long,” Phantom said.

Link pointed at the pig. “Moblins can be tricky, but they should be rather easy to fight if you know how to approach them without being hit, and they are very stupid.” He pointed at one of the knights in the distance. “Darknuts, however, are more problematic. Their armor is very solid. They have a shield and a large sword that can destroy pillars, and they know martial arts. Their only weakness is a seam in the armor in the back.”

Sonic shrugged. “This shouldn’t be a problem. I can shred metal, easy.”

“Yeah! Bring it on!” Amy said.

They advanced in the hall, descending a couple of staircases until reaching a part where the floor was slightly lower than the rest, with the Triforce symbol in the center. Three stone wedges were around, two placed against each other.

A chiming suddenly sounded from Link, and he took out of his pocket a glowing blue gem wrapped in some golden string. Out of it came the voice of the Red Lion.

“All right, Link… I’ll need you to listen to me for a moment. The item you seek is hidden somewhere in this castle. To find it, you must find the entrance to the basement. But… that entrance has been blocked by a mighty threshold, firmly sealed to prevent evil from ever gaining access. Do you know what to search and what you must do to open the hidden way? You will find a clue in the shape of the heraldry near where we arrived at the castle.”

Phantom gave the stone a deadpan look. “He makes it sound like this is a puzzle only a genius could solve. All you have to do…” She pointed at the wedges. “is place these wedges on the triangles of the Triforce symbol in the floor. A toddler could solve that.”

“A bit dramatic the Red Lion, uh?” Sonic said with a laugh. “Alright. Let’s place these wedges.”

Working together, it didn’t take long to place the wedges on the three triangles of the Triforce symbol. Once done, the wedges sunk into the floor, and the symbol began to glow. Then, the pedestal with the statue of Link moved backward, revealing stairs to the basement.

“Time ta find out what this item is,” Apple Death said.

They descended into the basement where they could see a beam of light shine on a sword planted in a pedestal, surrounded by five giant statues of knights and stained glass windows depicting the sages of Future Hyrule. They had to descend more stairs, then climb one last staircase, to reach it.

“Excellent, Link. To perceive such a puzzle and decipher it is no small feat,” the Red Lion said from Link’s gem.

Everyone gave it a deadpan look.

The Red Lion cleared his throat. “Now, take the sword that lies before you. It is none other than the Master Sword… The blade of evil’s bane. It is the only sword that can banish Ganon from the world above.”

“Wait… When Link, the Hero of Time, took the Master Sword, he was forced into a seven year sleep because he was too young. Won’t the same thing happen here?” Phantom asked.

The Red Lion seemed lost for words. “Hum… I do not think this will happen this time. The Hero of Time had been too young to accomplish his destiny, but I do not think that Link here is too young to accomplish his.”

Amy eyed the stone weirdly. “What is the difference between the two Links that one was too young but not the other?”

“Uh…” Link gained everyone’s attention. “Maybe the Hero of Time wasn’t strong enough? Or he didn’t have enough motivation? I have to save my sister, and I trained hard for that. I’m very determined.”

Phantom shrugged. “Fair enough. Wait, your sister?”

Link nodded. “She was kidnapped by Ganondorf.”

“Oh… Then we will free her, don’t worry.”

“Yeah! She will be out of his clutch before you know it!”

“You must be so worried!”

“Then we should hurry out of here.”

Finally, Link went to pull the sword out of the pedestal. It took some effort at first, but once the sword moved a bit, pulling the rest out was very easy. Light came out of the pedestal, and one by one, the statues lowered their swords to form a circle with them above Link. The beam of light then gained in intensity until everyone was forced to close their eyes. When the light disappeared and everyone could open their eyes again, they could see that the colors had returned to the world.

“And time has returned,” Apple Death said.

“Meaning that a big battle awaits us back in the hall,” Amy said.

“Eh. Finally some action,” Sonic said.

Link looked at the sword, feeling its power. Then, he looked at everyone. “Let’s go.”

They exited the basement which closed behind them…

Gaining the attention of all the Moblins and Darknuts in the room.

Phantom materialized her sword, and Amy took out her Piko Piko Hammer.

The battle that followed was intense, but short. Link faced a Darknut and was able to roll around him while avoiding his sword before he cut the seam on his back, causing him to lose his armor. Before he could attack the Darknut, he had to face a Moblin attacking him from behind. He used his shield to parry his spear, then jumped and planted the sword in the Moblin’s skull, killing him. The Darknut now without armor used the occasion to attack him, but Link jumped from the Moblin’s head above the Darknut and hit the back of his helmet, removing it and revealing that the darknuts were some kind of bipedal dog. He then attacked his back repeatedly, killing him in a few hits.

Sonic curled into a ball and charged before he blasted toward a Darknut, shredding his armor easily before sending him on his back where he was hit by Amy’s hammer. Sonic then repeatedly Homing Dashed a Moblin on the head. The result wasn’t nice to see. Amy easily sent the enemies flying with her hammer, not even the Darknuts’ armor resisting her.

Phantom had no difficulty cutting through the Darknuts’ armor, cutting them and the Moblins to pieces. As for Apple Death, she simply touched them to kill them.

Before long, all the enemies were dead, Link killing one last Moblin by slashing him repeatedly after avoiding his spear.

Link looked at his sword, grinning. “It’s much easier to kill them now! Now I’m sure that I can save Aryll!”

“I guess that we are done in this castle,” Sonic said.

Eeyup. Time ta leave,” Apple Death said.

“But really, guys, you are very strong!” Link said. “These Darknuts meant nothing to you!”

Sonic gave him a thumbs up. “I wreck armored robots regularly. These doggys were nothing.”

Amy smiled at him. “Eheh. Yes. It was very easy.”

They exited the castle where they were welcomed back by the Red Lion. Link climbed back on him and they moved into the ring of light. Once inside, the column of light returned and transported them back to the surface. Apple Death simply opened a portal to allow the heroes to follow them. Once at the surface, Phantom rematerialized her ship for everyone.

“So, our next stop is the Forsaken Fortress. Am I right?” the Red Lion asked.

Link nodded. “Yes. Time to save Aryll and the other girls.”

“Count on us!” Sonic said.

At that, Link took out a baton that he used as a conductor to change the wind’s direction to northwest, to the heroes’ wonder. Then, they sailed.

Somewhere in the sky above the ocean, as the sun was setting, a portal opened.

Out of it came none other than the legendary Pokémon, Mewtwo.

Bring me this universe’s Triforce!” a voice said from the portal, annoying Mewtwo. “Beside that, you have carte blanche to cause as much chaos as possible. There are humans here, do what you want with them.

The portal then closed.

Mewtwo sighed.

A slave, again…

At least, this new master gave it power and freedom to take revenge on the cruel humans.

It looked at the fortress beside which it appeared. Apparently, the first piece of the Triforce was there.

Well, it had to follow the orders.

Actually, if the power of this Triforce was so great, maybe it could use it to gain total freedom, and make its tormentors pay by the same occasion.

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