• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 52: G.F.S. Valhalla

The ship flew up into space above the Pirate Homeworld while Sweetie Belle went to put the Sweetie Bot Armor back in the Lor Starcutter.

The fight between the Federation and the Space Pirates wasn't quite over yet, and the Lor was still supporting the Marines, attacking any pirates that it could reach. Sweetie Belle found it dispatching a group of Aerotroopers, Gandrayda in the filly's form blowing up a Berserker Lord with two Berserker Knights not far.

After leaving Sweetie Bot in it, Sweetie Belle left the ship continue the battle and teleported into space. Then, she searched for the nearest source of Phazon and flew toward it, finding Samus' ship as she stopped it and left it in stationary. The filly then teleported inside it just in time as AU 242's hologram appeared.

"Samus, Sweetie Belle, you have successfully destroyed the last remaining Seed as detected by our systems."

"Yay!" Sweetie Belle cheered.

"The spread of Phazon corruption has been stopped. This is a great day for the Federation."


"However, there is one more mission to complete: SkyTown's Aurora Unit 217 reports that it has discovered the origin of the Leviathan attacks," AU 242 explained as the hologram showed three lines coming from Bryyo, Elysia, and a third planet (probably Norion) ending at a same point represented by a big crystallised mass of Phazon.

Sweetie Belle was about to shout again only for Samus to lightly tap her on the head, making the filly glare at her.

The hologram zoomed on the mass of Phazon, information about it appearing, as AU 242 continued. "It appears that this is where Dark Samus and her main pirate force are stationed. Destroying them will require a full-scale attack. Unfortunately this location is so far away it cannot be reached by conventional space travel. We must instead create a wormhole to reach it."

The hologram then shifted to show a Leviathan. "The pirates have constructed a Leviathan battleship, which is in orbit around the planet," the AU informed as the hologram then showed the Leviathan move around the Pirate Homeworld. "If we can board this battleship, we may be able to force it to open a wormhole. Large energy surges consistent with a warp device are traveling between the pirates' planet and the Leviathan battleship. It appears the pirates are using this warp device to link to the ship."

The hologram shifted back to the AU. "We will upload the coordinates of this device to you now, Samus."

Samus confirmed with a nod that she got them, and the hologram disappeared.

So they returned on the planet and landed back in the Pirate Command facility, now partially controlled by the Federation. However, the marines here warned them that there were still some pirates, so they had to remain careful. And to not arrange matters, Phazooids appeared following the destruction of the Leviathan.

Samus' map indicated that the path to the given coordinates was through a transit station behind the command center. It wasn't long before the girls reached the room in question where Samus had to destroy the organic mass with the pink crystals with the Hyper Grapple to reveal the door to the station.

The tram led them right next to the room with the portal to the Leviathan battleship. however, when they entered the room, they found out that the portal was protected by an energy shield. But the source of its energy was easy to find. It was right behind another energy shield, and Samus was able to reach it by using a vent. She then used the Grapple Voltage to drain the energy, removing the shield.

And so, they used the portal to warp into the Leviathan battleship which was, to put it simply, a Leviathan with some mechanical parts, terminals, computers, and other stuff like a normal spaceship. The room where they appeared was right in front of the Core of the Leviathan, with the control terminal before it. Optical organs were in the walls around, observing Sweetie Belle and Samus.

However, when Samus went to use the terminal, she discovered something: they needed codes.


"And where will we find these codes?!" Sweetie Belle asked to nobody in particular.

AU 242 gave them a trail. They still had to explore the G.F.S. Valhalla. Maybe they will find information htere. Maybe even something about the codes.

"What are our chances of encountering vengeful spirits in the Valhalla?" Sweetie Belle asked on the way back to Samus' ship.

"Pretty much non-existent," Samus answered. "The only times I encountered ghosts were on Zebes and on Tallon IV. The Chozo being highly spiritual, their spirit tend to remain in this plane after their death for various reasons, like watching over artefacts or guiding someone - me - to someplace. And the only time I ended up fighting ghosts was because, on Tallon IV, some of the Chozo spirits had been corrupted by the Phazon. It turns out that Chozo are so vulnerable to Phazon that even dead they were affected by it. I never encountered actual vengeful spirits however, but I wouldn't be surprised if I encounter some in a future mission. But I doubt that there will be some in the Valhalla. I never saw the ghost of a human."

"Okay. Just asking. It wouldn't have been the first time that I go to some place where a tragic event happened and was full of hostile ghosts and undead beings as a result."

"You mean you fought zombies?"

"Yup! And skeletons! And mummies! Haven't gotten to fight vampires yet however."

"Eh. The worst part is that I wouldn't be surprised if someone created a vampire somewhere out there. The wonders of science."

When they reached the ship, they entered it and took off from the Pirate Homeworld. However, instead of going toward the coordinates of the Valhalla, Samus decided that it was a good occasion to do something else before.

"I'm guessing that I have gotten all the upgrades in this mission. I'm surprised that I haven't found some classics like the Super Missiles or the Power Bombs, but I doubt that I will find them now. I haven't seen anything that would require them anyway. So I'm thinking of exploring what we haven't been able to explore yet on the other planets. To find as many Expansions as I can," she informed as she moved the ship toward the first destination she had in mind.

"Alright. I remember that there's still a part of Bryyo that we haven't explored. And you told me about Norion too. And there was that Phazite panel in the Observatory on Elysia."

"Exactly. And our first stop will be Norion."

"Great! I will finally get to see what it's like!"

Back in the Federation System, the ship approached a mostly green planet. When it went down toward the surface, Sweetie Belle saw that the green was actually a forest that pretty much covered the whole planet, with rivers and lakes here and there, as well as at least one sea from what she had seen.

"It would be so easy to get lost in a planet like that," Sweetie Belle commented as she looked through the window at the ocean of trees that continued beyond the horizon.

"Thankfully everybody stationed on this planet is equipped with GPS. And if you want to know, originally, this planet was originally barren and inhospitable. The Federation terraformed it into what you see, with the Aurora Unit of the local base leading the project."


A few seconds later, they reached the base and landed. Traces of the battle from one month ago could still be seen, with the feds still busy repairing the damage and removing the carcasses of ships that had crashed below the base.

Since Samus hadn't returning here since the battle, there was a lot of Expansions to find a bit everywhere. A Spider Ball track here, a White Blast Shield there, and once they confirmed with the data they had gotten from Elysia that they had everything, Samus repaired a circuit board in the central area of the base, unlocking a door beside it that led to the only area she hadn't been able to explore back during the battle: the path to the generator B, Rundas having been the one to take care of it back then.

A marine standing beside the door warned them that the area behind it was full of spent Phazon from the battle, which may be why the welding engineers hadn't fixed the board yet.

Samus reassured him that they will be alright, and he simply shrugged.

They passed the now unlocked door and entered a room with a turbine behind glass, a path circling around it. A Morph Ball tunnel followed the path in the wall at the left, with randomly moving air-circulation pistons in it. At the end of the tunnel was a Missile Expansion, so Samus had to enter it. She had to be careful, the part of the path beside the tunnel had super hot floor, so if she was pushed by the pistons then she would fall on it and burn. Thankfully, Sweetie Belle kept an eye, catching Samus with her magic each time that the pistons managed to get her.

Not a trace of Phazon in the room however.

But in the room that followed...

"What the-" Samus shouted.

They were suddenly attacked by nothing else than a living puddle of Phazon firing a toxic chemical at them and spawning Phazon Grubs. Of all things... And it was freaking fast! And hard to hit because it could alter its shape to avoid the projectiles fired at it!

At least, it only took a few shots to destroy it.

"Attacked by a puddle... When has my life gotten so weird?" Samus wondered.

"I got worse. Were you attacked by axes on legs? No? Thought so."

Samus stared at Sweetie Belle, wondering if she was messing with her or not.

More living puddles of Phazon followed as the two continued. The room was actually just some hallways, one at the beginning leading to a dead end with the corpse of a marine while the one they were following led down to a lower level, shorter hallways starting from it. Most of these smaller hallways led to more dead ends, but one led to a White Blast Shield, the room behind it having some terminals containing information about the Olympus, Bryyo, and SkyTown.

At the end of the hallway was a Blue Door that led to a room in exterior that served as a bridge to generator B and as a dock. However, when they passed the door, an Invincible Blast Shield locked it behind them, and they found that the door at the other side of the dock was blocked by a mass of Phazon full of big fungi and small tendrils. Out of it came several small shelled creatures that hopped on four legs, and a quick scan from Samus revealed them to be mutated Metroids!

"What are Metroids doing here?" shouted Samus as she began to fire Ice Missiles at them. While these Hopping Metroids still were weak to cold, their shell revealed to give them a better protection as it took more missiles to freeze them. The Nova Beam worked well too, surprisingly. But then the Metroids revealed to be able to enter Hypermode, making things a bit harder.

"A gift left by the pirates, maybe?" Sweetie Belle wondered while she made one of the Metroids explode. "But really, they don't look at all like the Metroids we saw. If it hadn't been for your scan, I would have never guessed that they are Metroids."

"The Metroid Prime actually looked a lot like these things, but much bigger and with a much harder shell. I'm till wondering how a Metroid could mutate so much."

More Hopping Metroids continued to come out of the mass of Phazon as the girls killed them. But eventually, it stopped, and the mass of Phazon broke into three of these living puddles that were quickly destroyed. This revealed the door it blocked, which had a Multi-Lock Blast Shield on it, and it activated the beacons on the dock, meaning that Samus' ship could now land on it. So Samus called it, so they won't have to traverse the base again.

Samus then used the Seeker Missiles to destroy the Blast Shield, and they continued to the next room. It was another hallway, but a gate blocked it. Thankfully, a Morph Ball tunnel allowed them to reach the door to generator B at the other side.

Smashed glass containers were present in this room, in the part locked by the gates. The Metroids they fought may not have been a gift left by the Pirates in the end, much to Samus' surprise. The last thing she would expect was to find Metroids kept in containment by the Federation. Why would they do this?

Putting this at the back of her mind, she opened the door.

The first thing she and Sweetie Belle saw when they opened it was that the generator was overrun by Phazon. When they advanced, an Invincible Blast Shield locked the door behind them, and a huge security gate closed on it, trapping them in the room.

Then, the masses of Phazon on the walls glowed blue, and the next instant, a Metroid Hatch came out from the hole in the center of the floor.

Samus used the X-Ray Visor and the Nova Beam to one shot it, which made the masses of Phazon explode and expose a Morph Ball tunnel to the control center of the generator where they could see an energy Cell.

"Okay. We did well to come. That thing would have overrun the base with its spawns," Sweetie Belle said.

Samus nodded before she entered the tunnel and grabbed the Energy Cell at the end. Thankfully, the generator didn't need it to function, it just deactivated the gate and the Blast Shield blocking the exit door.

So Samus and Sweetie Belle exited the generator and returned to the dock. But before entering it, Sweetie Belle teleported to the marine who had warned them earlier.

"Hey! We dealt with the Phazon. We even dealt with some Metroids that were there, including a Hatcher that would have been really bad news for the base. Good luck with the reparations. Ciao!"

And she teleported back to the ship, leaving the marine to stare down where she had been.


"Wait, there were Metroids all this time?!" he eventually said in horror.


After ensuring that they had everything in the areas already explored, Sweetie Belle and Samus returned in the hangar bay where they had originally upgraded the ship to have missiles. From here, they began to explore what they hadn't been able to explore before, beyond the Orange door.

The door led to a very short hallway, back to Bryyonian ruins with a Bryyonian Blue door at the end. In the corridor that followed, a few Hoppers attacked them but were quickly killed before they were able to continue.

Finally, they entered a room with a large pool of Fuel Gel with three falls that poured it too rapidly for Ice Missiles to work on them. Three golems were present in the room, including one in an upper level, and the three had something blocking the Morph Ball slot in them. Beside the entrance were two slots and the start of a series of inactivated Spider Ball tracks that led to a Missile Expansion, and at the other end of the room, there was a large gate sealed shut, the seal vulnerable to temperatures higher than what Samus' beams could give. Then, between the two statues at the lower level, there was another of these locks where Samus had to fire at panels to reveal a mural.

After dealing with some weird creature on three legs with a large jaw from which it spawned a swarm of little flying creatures that flew toward them in suicide courses (respectively called Fargul Hatcher and Fargul Wasps), Sweetie Belle and Samus worked to unlock the Morph Ball slots in the golems. One was covered by a metal that needed to be melted, another was covered by a clamp that needed energy, and the last one on the upper level had a casing that could be broken by an Ice Missile.

Apparently, from what Samus got with her scan, each of the golems emitted the respective element that had been needed to unlock their slot: fire, electricity, and ice. So activating the golems respectively allowed Samus to respectively melt the seal of the gate, opening the way to another Orange Door, power the two slots beside the entrance to activate the Spider Ball tracks and reach the Missile Expansion with the help of some bombs and boosts, and freeze the falls of Fuel Gel to jump on them and reach a Blue Door.

Finally, they opened the panel lock to reveal the mural behind it.

Contrary to what they expected, it wasn't a mural from the prophetess depicting what happened to her after the last Lord of Science's death, but one that simply depicted how the Lords of Science lost the war because the war and its devastation robbed them of the resources they needed to fuel their machines. This left them vulnerable to the armies of Primals, and the Lords of Science who survived fled to the now polluted wastelands, the Primals not daring to follow them there. However, there was no victory as everyone realised that, as a result of the war, Bryyo was on the verge of death.

After this sad reminder of what happened to this place, Sweetie Belle and Samus now had to choose which door to take between the Orange one and the Blue one.

They took the Orange Door and entered a small round room in open sky from which they could see a colossal war golem that missed its head. In the room was a cage with a Missile Expansion for the ship as well as a large pile of collapsed stones that blocked the exit door.

Beside the entrance was another mural, which told how the last Lord of Science, who worked tirelessly to craft magics and machines to bring life back to the wastelands, discovered Fuel Gel and used it as a new source of energy and vowed to atone for what the Lords caused. Meanwhile, with no Lords of Science left to hunt, the Primals turned on each others, beginning wars between tribes and falling into barbarism and savagery.

Sweetie Belle and Samus backtracked to the room with the three golems and, this time, took the Blue Door in the path from the frozen falls. This led to the entrance of a series of Morph Ball tunnels in a rock face. Exploration of the tunnels, destroying some Fuel Gel crystals blocking the path and being careful of Venus Flytrap-like plants that had to be used as platforms but which retracted their leaves when they were rolled on, they reached a part with a golem embedded in the rock with a Missile Expansion on its mouth (its upper head being gone). After taking the Expansion, they reached an industrialized part of the tunnels, plated over by metal structures, clearly made by the Federation, and rather old. Beyond it was the exit, reaching a small room with another panel-lock.

Opening it revealed another mural that told that a number of the last Lords of Science, regretting having ignored the Chozo's warning, began to work together to preserve what remained of Bryyo as the contaminated areas were spreading, threatening the last few fertile lands. So the Lords of Science created their last machines that they launched to the sky, whatever they were but judging by the drawing of the mural, they were some kind of ships of satellites.

Sweetie Belle and Samus then passed the Blue Door beside the mural and found themselves back in the room where they had had to free a giant restrained golem. They were in a small space behind a gate door they had spotted previously but hadn't been able to open from the other side. Here, they were able to fire at the locking mechanism, opening the gate. From it, they were able to reach a Grapple Point and used it to land on a path that led to the Orange Door in the room. But before opening it, they jumped on the U-shaped path the giant golem had previously created after they had freed it, and Samus was finally able to reach a Missile Expansion using the Boost Ball on it.

Then they passed the Orange Door and entered a long hall, in open sky again, with a few Hoppers present. At the other side was a Morph Ball tunnel to a second part of the room where there were more Hoppers as well as another mural.

It said that the machines the Lords of Science launched were able to absorb the toxins and pollution, saving the remaining fertile lands of Bryyo, but they could do nothing about the planet having one side stuck facing the sun and the other stuck facing the cold of space. However, the launching of the machines revealed the presence of the Lords of Science to the Primals who sent their warriors to hunt them.

Sweetie Belle and Samus then passed the Blue Door at the end and found themselves in another room in open sky with a large pool of Fuel Gel, with two falls coming from spouts. In the pool was a huge golem head that had a hook on it, meaning that the ship could lift it.

They guessed that it was the head that the colossal golem from earlier missed and that they needed to bring it to it.

So Samus called her ship which lifted the head, revealing another fall of Fuel Gel as well as a hidden cave in the pool. First, they froze the falls to reach an alcove where they found a Missile Expansion. Then, Samus jumped into the pool, the Hazard Shield protecting her, and went into the cave to retrieve another Missile Expansion.

They returned afterward to the room with the colossal golem and Samus commanded her ship to place the head on it. This activated the golem which, out of control, brought its fist on the room before deactivating, destroying the debris blocking the door as well as the cage, letting them take the Ship Missile Expansion and continue.

The next room was separated in two by a large chasm, with grids stopping any possibility to use the Screw Attack to cross. Before the girl was a Spinner that rotated the grid beside it and made the first half of a bridge come out. Two Wall Jump Surfaces in the middle of the room also began to alternate between moving close to each other and spreading apart, and Samus had to use them to reach an Energy Tank.

The other side of the room was still blocked by a grid however.

This meant that they had to go to the jungle region to make the full bridge and get the other grid out of the way.

So they returned to the ship and took off before landing in the jungle. Then, they returned all the way to where Sweetie Belle had destroyed one of the pirate cannons, where a big generator had been blocking the path to a door. Samus had to use the ship to lift it and reveal the path that had been hidden under it. The door at the end led to the other side of the room with the bridge. From here, Samus activated a second Spinner, rotating the grid and putting the second half of the bridge in place.

Now, they had to find a place to drop the generator, or they won't be able to leave the planet.

They already had a place in mind. There was that huge Fuel Gel pumping crane back in the room with the previously restrained golem that missed a battery. The generator should do the job.

So they traversed the bridge and returned to the room in question where Samus commanded her ship to drop the generator beside the crane, reactivating it. This made a part of it spin, and the girl spotted an Energy Cell in it, now facing another path. To reach it, Samus had to use again the U-shaped part, this going taking the direction opposite from where she got the Missile Expansion previously. She then followed the path until reaching the energy Cell which she took.

This made eight Energy Cells.

With this, and the confirmation from the map that they had gotten all the Expansion on Bryyo, they left the planet.

There wasn't much to say about Elysia since they already had explored and gotten everything. They simply returned to the Observatory to use the X-Ray Visor and the Nova Beam on the Phazite Panel, revealing a chamber in the main cylinder with a Hand Scanner. Samus used it to manually update the Observatory's records to locate the Pirate Homeworld before sending a satellite. This gave her the map data with the location of the Expansions on the planet so, once they will return there, they will be able to search any Expansion they hadn't managed to find yet.

Finally, they flew to the G.F.S. Valhalla, finding the ship in the coordinates given.

Already, they could see how much of a wreck the ship now was. It looked exactly like the G.F.S. Olympus, excepted that it was very obvious that the ship had been victim of a pirate assault. The ship was pretty much cut in half, there were holes everywhere on its hull, debris of the Valhalla and of other ships floated around, and many parts of it were extremely damaged.

Only one docking bay was still intact enough to allow Samus' ship to land, letting them start their exploration.

The silence... The utter, total silence... It was suffocating. And that feeling of loneliness... It wasn't the first time that Sweetie Belle explored the wreckage of a ship, but it was the first time that she explored the wreckage of a ship in space, and it was an unique experience that just couldn't be compared. Sweetie Belle was glad that there was Samus at her side.

"I felt exactly what you are feeling right now when I explored my first wreckage," Samus informed.

"These feelings never leave, right?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Never. But you learn to better deal with them."

They advanced in the docking bay toward a blast door with a Hand Scanner beside it. The Hand Scanner, however, lacked power, and there was an Energy Cell Station at the left of the door.

At the right, there was a crashed ship where they found a ninth Energy Cell, and Samus immediately went to put it in the slot of the station, powering the Hand Scanner. They used it to open the blast door and enter a hallway separated in two by a gap. A bridge previously connected the two parts, but it was now destroyed. A flock of little creatures that looked like smaller versions of Metroids flew through the gap to the right, to another area out of access where lied a Stiletto-class fighter ship (a small ship like Samus').

A cargo truck had smashed into a platform at the right of the entrance, a dead marine was present against the wall, and there was some kind of flying robot terminal floating beside. Once scanned, the robot gave information about the Energy Cell they got on Norion, in the generator. At the other side of the gap, hanging from the ceiling, were Phazon Shriekbats that the girls killed before they could dive bomb at them.

Two other marines were present before the exit door, but like the pirates back on Elysia, they were like statues. One had been in the middle of operating a Hand Scanner while the other had been trying to forcefully open the door.

They had been drained of their energy.

Metroids. Again.

Samus joined the other side of the gap with the help of the grapple while Sweetie Belle flew to it and used her magic to get rid of the corpse before the Hand Scanner, allowing the Hunter to access it and open the door, making the other corpse crumble into ash.

Right at the other side were Phazon Metroids along with a large flock of these smaller Metroids they had seen earlier. This time, Samus had time to scan them, revealing them to be the infant versions of Phazon Metroids called Miniroids, totally inoffensive. They didn't even attempt to defend themselves as Samus killed them.

Another destroyed Stiletto-class fighter was in this room, and the presence of damaged mechanical arms revealed that the room had been a repair bay. An unstable electric current was created from the fighter.

As they destroyed a crate blocking access to a Blue Door at the right, a puddle of Phazon like on Norion came out of it and it was quickly destroyed.

Behind the door was a room had apparently access ramps to the upper level, but one was broken and the other was deactivated. Two Energy Cell Stations were present, but they first had to melt metals blocking access to them before they could place two Energy Cells in the slots. This activated the ramp, but also let out more puddles of Phazon, these ones quickly revealing to be a different kind as they had a physical body that could come out of the puddle to fire Phazon blasts. When this happened, Sweetie Belle and Samus could use the occasion to kill them with the grapple and the whip.

"Strange. These things looked a lot like a kind of Ing I fought back on Aether," Samus said. "Even their name, Phaz-Ing. I don't think this is a coincidence."

"Well, Ings were born after a Leviathan hit Aether," Sweetie Belle remarked. "In a way, I guess that the Ings were cousins of these creatures of Phazon."

"Probably," Samus said before she scanned another bot that gave info about the Energy Cell they found in the hangar on Bryyo.

After climbing the ramp, they found a terminal that contained a log summarized the incident of Tallon IV like Samus had told Sweetie Belle, that the planet had been hit 50 years ago by a Leviathan, that the Chozo managed to stave off the spread of Phazon before the survivors fled the planet, and that Samus came and saved the day.

They then opened a blue door that led to a rather small room with a window with a Missile Expansion right in the center and with another bot giving information about the Energy Cell that they found in the docking bay. However, in the end, the room was just a dead end.

So they returned in the repair bay where, this time, they climbed through some platforming to the upper level of the room, Samus having to wait for the electric current to turn off a bit to continue at a moment. Eventually, they reached another Blue Doorto a security station. After killing a Phaz-Ing, and ignoring the marine corpse at the entrance, they blew up the glass so they could enter the biohazard scanning chamber.

In the chamber were a marine corpse and a pirate corpse, but Sweetie Belle and Samus ignored them as they blew up a part of the opposite access door so they could pass to the other side (Samus having to enter Morph Ball). Then, after killing another Phaz-Ing, they passed the exit door, entering a hallway where they could choose to go left or right.

Choosing randomly, they took the right path where they found another bot informing them about the Energy Cell of the Fuel Gel pumping station from Bryyo. They then passed the door beside it and entered a medlab extremely damaged where there was another bot informing about the Energy Cell of SkyTown where they first fought Phazon Metroids.

Using explosives, they destroyed several obstructions, opening the way to a Morph Ball tunnel. But before, they had to deal with what looked like Hopping Metroids covered in crystallized Phazon. A quick scan revealed them to be Phazon Hoppers, and they were much more resistant, but they still quickly were killed with some Phazon beams.

Samus then pulled off a grating blocking the entrance of the tunnel before they entered it, finding a Missile Expansion at the end of it.

There was no other paths accessible from the medlab however, so they returned in the hallway and took the other way to another Blue Door, encountering more Phazon Hoppers on the way.

They entered a lift that was powered down. Pulling a panel revealed an Energy Cell Station where they placed one of the Energy Cells they had, powering the lift. After activating the lift, Samus entered a Morph Ball tunnel, having spotted a Missile Expansion at a dead end inside it. After obtaining it, she returned on the lift and they passed the Blue Door here.

Now in a small hallway, they had to pass debris blocking the way (with a pirate crushed under them) through a small opening before they reached the next door which led to an observation deck. There was a door lacking power at the right with an Energy Cell Station, and further was a security gate with a multi-target lock. Many Phazon Metroids attacked them here.

Opening the security gate caused a marine corpse that had been behind it to float toward them. They avoided it as they went toward the Blue Door that had been behind.

They entered the upper level of some laboratory, a hallway that circled it. In it, they found another bot, this one informing about the other Energy Cell of SkyTown, obtained in the room where they fought the Defense Drone and a Steamlord. Samus then blew up a damaged security shutter with an Ice Missile so they could reach the laboratory itself where they had to kill more Phazon Hoppers and an Atomic. Another bot was in the lower level, beside two generators, giving information about one of the energy Cells from the Pirate Homeworld, the one from the courtyard.

They then had to power one of the generators by placing two Energy Cells in it, opening an access to a tunnel where they briefly saw a Ship Missile Expansion before it was pushed by an air current as air entered the tunnel. So they entered the tunnel and went after the Expansion, ignoring the asphyxiated marine on the way.

The tunnel led them through several rooms before they got the Ship Missile Expansion about midway. After blowing some debris blocking the way, they then continued, going through more rooms, before they were back in the hallway between the medlab and the lift. The husk of a pirate drained of his energy blocked the way to the exit of the tunnel but it crumbled to ash like all the others upon physical contact.

They took the lift again and returned to the observation deck, this time placing an Energy Cell in the station beside the deactivated door to power it and enter another corridor with more Phaz-Ings. Many corpses, mainly marines but also a pirate or two, were in it. The marines fought a lot here.

Opening a Blue Door at the right on the way caused a marine drained of his energy at the other side to crumble to ash. Sweetie Belle and Samus waited for the ash to fall on the floor before they continued, the room revealing to be a locker for ammunition with an Energy Tank beside another drained body.

Back in the corridor, they passed a Green Door at the end and entered room with a very resistant puddle of Phazon on the way. Two dead troopers were also present, their body being absorbed by the Phazon, one of which was Phazon coming right out of his PED tank. Samus cremated them.

They then took a door at the left and entered what revealed to be the chamber of the Aurora Unit of the ship. There were two stations that needed Energy Cells but that were blocked by damaged security hatches and a bot giving information about the Energy Cell of the quarry in the Pirate Homeworld. A lot of Phazon infested the room.

They followed the pathway and found another bot, this one informing about the energy Cell of the room in the Pirate Homeworld where Metroids had been contained and studied. They arrived at a point where they could see the security hatch control mechanism behind a hole in the wall, and Sweetie Belle fired at it, loosening the jammed parts. This got the hatches on the stations out of the way. Placing the Energy Cells in the stations lowered several bridges and activated a lift. However, this made a Metroid Hatcher come out of the chasm in the room.

Sweetie Belle killed it by pulling its four tentacles at the same time with her magic.

Now that the bridges were lowered and that the lift was activated, Sweetie Belle and Samus followed the pathway to the end, passing by the platform where the Valhalla's AU had been, below the shattered structure that was what remained of its tank and the AU's severed cables. At the end of the pathway was a Blue Door.

In the following room, a Phazon Metroid carrying a dead pirate was slowly flying in their direction. The girls didn't lose time killing it as well as the ones that followed. Once all the Metroids in the room were killed, they then reached the next Blue Door without more problems.

They then entered a room with many corpses of marines and pirates littering it, and a pirate boarding pod was embedded in the wall. There was also a terminal with a log summarizing the incident of Aether. It also informed that the Federation sent a ship called G.F.S. Anhur to deal with the pirate base, helping the Luminoths in dismantling it. It was at this moment that the crew found and collected the Phazon that will lead to the development of the PED technology.

As they looked at the corpses, they found a malfunctioning PDA displaying the code "78356". Samus entered it in a nearby terminal, activating a flickering holographic message from the AU of the Valhalla.

"Data log entry 2467.3. This will be the last communication of the G.F.S. Valhalla. Our efforts to repel the Space Pirates boarding force have failed. They have successfully removed the primary mounting structure around our stasis tank. It is obvious now that they intend to extract us from the Valhalla. It is vital that the Federation receive this transmission... Severing main power... A large bioform is creating a wormhole... Implant into... Sentient planet which is the source of Phazon... Darkness coming."

And the message ended.


"And we will certainly end up having to destroy it now that he is a part of Phaaze..." Sweetie Belle said sadly.

Samus nodded before she moved to the pod and entered it. Using the Grapple Voltage, she gave energy to a terminal in it, making one of these pirate terminals where she had to use the X-Ray Visor to enter a code come out.

Thanks to it, she got a pirate code.

AU 242 confirmed that it was the pirate code needed to take control of the Leviathan battleship.

"Finally," Samus said with a sigh.

"Great! Now let's go. I can't wait to leave this place," Sweetie Belle said.

Back in the Pirate Homeworld, now totally in the hands of the Federation, Sweetie Belle and Samus explored it to get the last few Expansions they had missed now that they had the data of their location thanks to Elysia. Then, once they got everything, they used the portal to return inside the Leviathan battleship, and Samus used the code to give the Federation control of it.

A transmission from Admiral Dane confirmed it, and confirmed that the fleet was ready to depart to Phaaze.

"Hum... I would like to have a word with Admiral Dane before we go," Sweetie Belle said with some hesitation.

"Mmh? Why?"

"Well... Let's just say that I have a plan that should avoid putting the fleet in such a high risk and that should save, as a result, many lives. I mean, what do you think would be the chances of the Federation fleet against a pirate fleet powered by Phazon?"

"About fifty-fifty I think. Very well, let's go to the Olympus. If your plan will avoid sacrificing lives, then I'm sure that Dane will accept it after some grumbling."

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