• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 133: Winter Horns Part 3 - Roar of Dedede

Author's Note:

I edited a bit of the previous chapter. I improved Gilgamesh's intro speech, and added a few stuff here and there during the fight, including one last sentence at the very end.

Putting Gilgamesh to the back of their minds, the heroes returned aboard the Lor who transported them out of the city to a nearby mountain. When they approached it, in the midst of a blizzard, they saw a path leading to the top of that mountain where, after several flight of stairs up a precarious cliffside, rested some kind of big decrepit cathedral that had been in the middle of restoration when it was abandoned.

"I have the feeling that Dedede is awaiting us inside this cathedral. Maybe you should remain in the Lor, guys," Sweetie Void said.

"No way!" Present Sonic exclaimed, and everyone else agreed. "Like already said, it's not a fat penguin who will scare us! Like, seriously, a fat penguin? That's the most ridiculous-sounding thing ever to be scared of!"

Sweetie sighed. "Be careful, at least."

The Lor dropped everyone on the path leading to the cathedral, before the stairs. Galacta Knight, like always, went to patrol the sky, leaving the others to climb the stairs as the cathedral, a silhouette in the blizzard, loomed over the group. Just at the beginning of the last flight of stairs before the entrance of the cathedral, two Awoofies were present as guards. Sweetie swistly dealt with them by grabbing them with her magic before knocking them together, and they continued, passing under several destroyed arches.

Before long, they entered the cathedral, arriving on some octagonal platform surrounded by a pit, surprisingly. The roof of the cathedral had collapsed, as well as parts of the walls, and there were cages placed on ledges on them.

Before the group were two Awoofies that were different from all the ones they encountered until now. These ones resembled more like wolves, bigger, with shaggier grey fur and longer limbs. All in all, they looked more intimidating.

Behind these Awoofies, back facing the hero, shadowed by a piece of what remained of the roof, stood Dedede who was signing to a Clocker to take away a cage with a Waddle Dee. The heroes let it go, knowing that Galacta Knight will intercept it.

From what they could see from the back, Dedede changed his usual red robe for a mottled orange leopard-skin one with more prominent fur and red feathers on the collar. Even if Meta Knight hadn't told them, Sweetie would have immediately understood that something was wrong. Dedede NEVER replaced his red robe. And this new one gave him a wild look, like the Bonkers, Gigant Edges, and Frostys.

Hearing the heroes arriving, also signaled by the Awoofies growling, Dedede dramatically turned around to face them.

The heroes immediately stood on guard. At this moment, they saw that Dedede's eyes were now red, and that he had red war paint on his cheeks.

Then he roared.


"Woah! He looks more intimidating than ever!" Sweetie Void exclaimed.

"So that's Dedede?" Fox asked.

"Yes, that's him," Bandana Dee confirmed, a bit scared.

Surprisingly, Dedede didn't move from his position. Instead, it was the two Awoofies who advanced toward the heroes to attack first. Dedede simply glared at the heroes, especially at Elfilin for some reason, making him hide behind DK in fear.

"That's our cue!" Present Sonic said before he and Past Sonic Homing Attacked the two Awoofies, knocking them out, before they began to circle Dedede.

"Wait! Come back!" Sweetie shouted, but the hedgehogs didn't listen.

Dedede remained surprisingly calm as he glared at the blue blurs circling him. Then, after a few seconds, Present Sonic and Past Sonic Homing Attacked respectively from the right and the left of Dedede. At this, Dedede lifted his arms, dropping his hammer, and intercepted the two balls with his hands. Despite the two Sonics shredding his hands, Dedede just let out a growl as he winced in pain. Then, with a mighty roar, Dedede slammed the two Sonics together, stopping their spinning, before he tossed them up, one under the other. He then grabbed his hammer, jumped, and hit the two of them midair with it, smashing them into the ground. This caused cracks to spread all around the two hedgehogs, and Dedede jumped away as they began to glow. Then, the cracks flared up, spreading ice and causing spikes of ice to sprout out. This sent the Sonics back in the air where Dedede met them again with a powerful swing of his hammer covered in ice that sent them crashing into one of the walls of the cathedral.

The Mage Sisters quickly stopped them from falling into the pit below, but they still were out of the fight, just like that. They still were conscious, but barely.

Phantom tsked as she shook her head while glaring at them. "Morons."

"He defeated the two Sonics so easily," Sweetie said in awe. "And since when can he use ice powers?"

"I wondered the same thing. It seems that being brainwashed somehow made him learn to use his environment to power up his attacks. Maybe it was some innate power that he had yet to discover," Meta Knight said. "Now, you understand how he defeated me."

"So, I guess that I will be the one dealing with the king," Marx said before he took his bat-like form. "All of you should go away, this is about to get intense."

Sweetie agreed and transported everyone to the ledges where the cages were placed on the walls of the cathedral, hoping that they were away enough. She also transported the two knocked out Awoofies. She then placed a shield to protect everyone from stray projectiles, knowing that Marx used a lot of them.

Marx began right away by randomly teleporting around while sending cutter blades. Dedede couldn't parry or avoid all of them and tried to attack Marx in return, but he couldn't manage to land a hit. Finally, Dedede inhaled the blades and spat them back at Marx when he reappeared nearby to attack again. So Marx stopped and flew up before he dropped seeds all over the arena to sprout his black vines of energy, one of which managed to get Dedede. But the penguin didn't let this get to him and threw his hammer at Marx who easily dodged it, only for Dedede to inhale. While Marx had no problem resisting the pull, he was bonked on the skull by the hammer returning to Dedede. The penguin then jumped right away before Marx could recover to grab the hammer midair before smashing him to send him crash into a wall.

Still against the wall, Marx fired hundreds of energy arrows upward, making them rain all over the arena. Dedede twirled his hammer to parry most of them, but he still ended up pierced by a few. After a second, Dedede inhaled the still raining arrows, then spat all of them at Marx like a gattling gun, forcing the jester to fly around to avoid them. While this happened, Marx dropped two black blobs that bounced after Dedede, then spat some ice bombs, spreading ice on the arena that forced Dedede to jump. However, while Dedede was jumping, he couldn't avoid the black blobs.

While Dedede recovered from the blobs, Marx disappeared, and a big shadow appeared under Dedede. Seeing this, Dedede jumped up and readied him hammer. Marx then flew up from the shadow, only to be smashed by the hammer, sending him crashing into the floor. Dedede then quickly did one of his big jumps to crush Marx, only for Marx to spit his big laser, totally engulfing Dedede with it who was sent backward in the air, dropping his hammer into the pit. Dedede bounced off a wall on his feet and jumped back on the arena only to be headbutted in the belly by Marx who, in return, was grabbed and violently slammed on the ground before Dedede kicked him.

Dedede then jumped on one of the ledges on the walls and picked up a huge pillar as if it weighed nothing, placing it on his shoulder before he faced Marx and roared.

"I didn't know he was this strong!" Marx shouted before Dedede jumped back on the arena.

Sweetie shrugged. "That's nothing new. Remember that he can lift a metal hammer full of gadgetry like a reactor, a flamethrower, and a rocket launcher with just one arm. Honestly, I'm not sure of which one is the heaviest, that hammer or this pillar."

Now armed of the pillar, Dedede had a much better range. Swinging it like it was a simple stick, he forced Marx to teleport more often to get away from it.

Marx was actually a bit scared of this pillar. Being smacked by it will pass being smacked by the hammer for a simple slap. At a moment, Marx got too close to the ground, and Dedede smashed the ground with the pillar, causing cracks to spread out in a cone, almost getting Marx with the ice sprouting out of them.

Trying to keep his distance, Marx made his eyes grow, turning them into giant balls with multiple pupils moving in all directions, and each pupil fired a laser that swept the cathedral.

Sweetie really did well to put up a shield.

Dedede didn't even bother to try to protect himself from the lasers. He pointed the pillar in Marx's direction and threw it HARD. Marx couldn't believe that Dedede threw a pillar like you threw a javelin, and he was rammed by it. The pillar was thrown so hard that it passed right through the wall of the cathedral with Marx, and the two disappeared into the blizzard outside.

After a few seconds, Marx teleported back in, very upset, and he spat his big laser again.

Only for Dedede to inhale the laser.

Marx's jaw dropped.

And Dedede spat the laser right back at him.


A blackened Marx was left behind, and before he could recover from what happened, Dedede picked up another pillar and jumped above Marx and did a piledriver with the pillar, slamming it hard right on Marx, destroying the pillar. Cracks spread all over the arena, and Dedede jumped back on a ledge before he admired his job as ice sprout out everywhere. Marx was sent in the air, then crashed back on the arena.


Sweetie's jaw dropped. Dedede defeated Marx?! Not even Meta Knight managed to accomplish this feat yet!

But then, Dedede dropped on his butt, breathing heavily. He didn't come out of this fight unscathed. Eyeing the rest of the heroes, he seemingly understood that he didn't stand a chance and whistled, calling a flock of Clockers with ropes. He grabbed the ropes, and the Clockers managed to lift him with some difficulty before they escaped through a hole in the ceiling.

"We won't let him escape!" Sweetie shouted, only to be stopped by Anubis.

"Let's follow him instead. He will certainly lead us to the Beast Pack's stronghold, where all the Waddle Dees are kept prisoners."

"That's... a good idea. Alright. Let's do this. Meta Knight, you should go warn Galacta so he doesn't attack Dedede."

Meta Knight nodded and flew away, getting on the way a golden cage hidden in the roof. Before long, everyone returned inside the Lor who began to chase Dedede, toward the ocean. The occasion was used to heal everyone.

"Next time, don't charge head first into the fray! When I warn that Dedede is powerful, it's not for nothing!" Sweetie admonished the two Sonics who looked sheepish. Behind them, Phantom was amused.

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