• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,007 Views, 210 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

  • ...

Celestia : Deity

I had become a reflection of my blinding sun, forced to contain the immense heat to a small area so that I didn't consume the entire world. Nothing living could survive the heat I was outputting. Spike wouldn't have felt a thing and yet my heart still ached for him.

I will not let his sacrifice be in vain.

I searched frantically for the girls, knowing I hadn't much time before the worst occured. They weren't too far away, Luna and Cadance appearing to be hypnotized, stunned into stupors they were not able to escape from. Their eyes were lifeless, a sickly shade of jade. The creature that I knew to be Kis crouched in front of Twilight, a darkened dagger pressed against my student's throat as she stared at the monster with wide, distressed eyes.

"Enough of your sadistic manipulations, Kis!" I reduced the amount of power I was emanating, the orb of energy surrounding me slowly shrinking down. I teleported a few feet away from the dog that was tormenting my family. Seeing my niece, my sister... my daughter, in such horrid states had filled me with unparalleled rage. "GET AWAY FROM MY STUDENT, YOU MONSTER!"

Kis grinned maniacally, sweeping the blade harshly across Twilight's throat with no hesitation. As soon as I'd surveyed the scene I'd prepared for that possibility. The dark blade in Kis' hand was engulfed in searing flames, the shield I'd placed on Twilight taking full effect. The barrier of pure sunlight would burn away anything that came into contact with it in seconds.

I'd casted the same protection spell on Cadance and Luna as soon as I'd seen them as well, just in case I couldn't reach them in time. While my younger sister had her instantaneous teleportation, I had chosen to take a different path. I could protect any who needed me with magic so swift none could perceive it.

"AGH!?" The dog-like creature howled in pain as it dropped the dagger to the ground. In seconds the weapon was nothing but a pile of ash. "YOU PSYCHOPATH!!! That could've burned me!" she fell back onto her butt as she clutched at the claw that had been holding the knife. From her voice alone I knew Kis was in control. It mattered little to me whom was before me, they were both going to pay for hurting my loved ones. It was only a matter of time.

"That it would have, I would be overcome with joy, Kis. You deserve nothing better you..." I cocked an eyebrow, her form genuinely bewildering me. "What are you?" She stood up and spread her arms wide, the smile on her face exuberant.

"We are Kismet, Lord of Fate," she narrowed her eyes on me. "And we're getting more than a little tired of your blasphemous little mouths," she conjured two more dark swords, one in each claw. "But it's still just little ol' me, Kis, right now."

"Lord of Fate, huh?" I looked down my nose at the arrogant being. "Sounds to me like somepony has a serious Discord complex."

"Pffft, GAHAHAHA!" she covered her belly with her arms, the raucous laughter causing her to double over. "You're not really trying to get to me by comparing me to that dolt, are you, Cel?" she wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh, Tia. You really need to work on your insult game."

"Not everything is a game, Kis," I glared at her in disgust, ready to pounce. "And if that dolt was here, we'd be cleaning the ground of your mangled corpse by now."

"Hmm..." she appeared to be contemplating that very scenario. "Maaaaybe. But he's allowed to completely manifest with all of his power," she shrugged. "It wouldn't really be a fair fight if you ask me." She appeared to ruminate on what she'd just said, a look of confusion on her face. "Ugh, I know DAD! I should show him more respect. You tell me that ALL the time," she crossed her arms with a huff. "What, do you expect me to just up and fall in love with the g-"

"Is this going to take much longer?" I interrupted the pairs bickering. I was ready to smash their skull in and no amount of petty banter was going to change that now. They'd taken things way too far. "Empty words and lordship claims aren't going to change your fate, Kismet."

Be cautious, do not push them too hard. a voice in my head warned. It didn't sound malicious, but it was foreign and so set off multiple red flags.

"You really don't get it, do you?" Kis covered her face with a claw. "It doesn't matter how pissed off you get," she swept her hand through her hair, a supremely confident grin coming to her face. "You can't kill us. You can't even really hurt us."

"As if I'd believe anything you say, you rotten deceiver," I spat back, her bravado combined with my unquenchable rage making me bristle.

"You can believe whatever you want, Sunbutt. Either way, Met says I can finally give it to you straight," both of the blades she held fizzled out of existence. "Discord was always the indirect type of creature, yeah? He always claimed to be the "Lord of Chaos"." She walked within feet of me, leaving the others behind herself.

"I don't wish to hear any more of your-"

Patience, Celestia. They speak the truth.

"If you have half a brain, you'll let me finish," she rolled her eyes, thoroughly annoyed at my interruption. I wanted nothing more than to tear her limb from limb, but the voice in my head had convinced me to wait.

"Discord liked playing games. What of it?"

"What if I told you he was selling himself short?" she examined her nails, already seemingly bored of this conversation.

"What could possibly be more lofty than the Lord of Chaos?" I scoffed.

"How about deity?" she grinned wickedly.

"Discord is a god?" I chuckled in disbelief. The words that had left my mouth sounded even more crazy than they did in my head. I'd always known the draconequus to be absurdly powerful, but Kis' claim was simply way too farfetched.

"Not just him," she cackled. "What do you think stands before you now?"

"An unfathomably arrogant existence that must be swiftly eliminated for the good of the world." I answered honestly.

They are no god, not a being this callous and full of hatred.

"KAHAHAHAHA! You'd think you'd be able to recognize our true form easier," she shook her head. "What with Justy being inside of your head right now."

"W-what!?" I took a step back, examining my exterior as if there'd be some way for me to verify her claim.

They are far more perceptive than I thought.

You're not my conscience!? I thought, questioning the voice directly.

Could I be possessed just as Twilight had been? By one of these evil spirits no less?

It couldn't be. I would have known, would've been aware of such an obvious abnormality.

Not exactly...

"Oop, you just figured it out, didn't you Celly?" Kis' grin grew and with it, the look of condescension. "Justice is the third god in our little trifecta. Looks like she's been keeping some things secret from you," Kis covered her mouth to muffle the snickers. "Don't tell me I ousted you, Justice? Whoops, my bad," she laughed uncontrollably.

You have no RIGHT! I channeled mana, but there was no spell I was aware of that could exorcise an unwelcome spirit from the mind. Leave this instant or I swear I'll-

Celestia please... remain calm.

"YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ORDER ME!?" I bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, no longer thinking my replies. "You've taken unwanted residence in my mind and you make demands of ME!?"

You do not understand, Celestia. It was never my intention to hurt you, my child.

"Ch-child!?" my heart skipped several beats. Kis was getting quite a kick out of this ludicrous situation. I was astounded she hadn't made a move to try and harm me or one of the others by now.

"She's not being as literal as you think, Cel," Kis plopped to the ground, getting... comfortable?

Just how cocky is this self-proclaimed god? Why does it feel like she's still in control?

"I'd appreciate it if you'd let me speak to Celestia without interrupting, Kis," the words came out of my mouth, but it was not me who'd spoken them.

"If you insist, Justice," Kis shrugged indifferently. "I'll keep my peace," she leaned back on her claws, staring at me as if I was going to perform a dance for her. "For now."

Kis may be chaotic, but she does respect me... to a degree. The voice echoed in my head instead of using my mouth again.

I don't... understand. What's going on? I was utterly lost. Voices in my head? Three different gods existed and one of them was Discord? I was her child?

Forgive me, Celestia. Perhaps it would have proven more wise to come forward as soon as Kismet began taking more evident actions. Her kind words were not what I wanted to hear. There were far too many questions I needed answers to.

Who... are you? I asked the thing I wanted most answered. Kis had called her Justice, but I needed to know so much more than just a name.

An appropriate question. I am Justice the first alicorn, the Lord of Order, and the one who created you and Luna. Her honest reply caught me off guard. I'd expected her to be vague like Discord or Kis, but she seemed to want to keep nothing from me.

Created... us? Even though her answer might've been the truth, it was still quite shocking. My face must have vividly displayed the surprise I felt because Kis' face lit up with all the glee of a foal who'd just gotten their cutie mark.

That is correct, little one. You from the core of the sun and Luna from the core of the moon.

"Wha... how can that be?" If that was true, Twilight had been far more accurate with her assessments than I'd previously thought.

Kismet's choice of vocabulary is... antiquated, but not too far off the mark. Dependent upon which definition is used, god could be most accurate to describe the three of us.

"How can I be certain you're not lying to me?" I struggled to retain my composure, saying the words out loud by mistake yet again. The gravity of Justice's claims were too much for me to bear. "How do I know you're not working together with Kis? How can I be sure you're not just trying to deceive me as well?"

"Woooow," Kis looked at me with absolute disdain, her disgust causing me to cringe. "You'd even show such blatant disrespect to your own creator?" Never before had I felt so belittled as I did in that moment. "I expected so much more from you, Sun Princess."

"As if I'd-"

Please bear the barbs, Celestia. Justice had an uncanny way of being able to calm me. I wasn't sure if it was because she currently occupied my mind or if it was because she truly was my maker. It is in the Kis half of Kismet's nature to be especially... provocative.

I'm sorry, it's just... this is so much to take... perhaps too much, I rubbed my temple with a hoof. I never meant any offense. Justice chuckled softly.

You have nothing to apologize for Celestia. You are not wrong. Hmm... Tell you what. How about I try to prove my sincerity?

Prove? I tilted my head curiously. I wasn't sure how she'd intended to do that, but it shouldn't hurt to let her try.

Regrettably, even if I were to recite to you everything that has happened to you over the past ten thousand years, you would not be able to verify said memories, would you?

No... I wouldn't, I admitted. I wasn't even aware I'd been alive for that long. Has it really been ten thousand years?

A few more than that to be perfectly honest. If we only take into consideration this single cycle, she cleared her throat. But back to the matter at hand. I could go with a memory only you would know. That night... she hesitated. There was only one night so infamous she could possibly be referring to. After you banished Luna to her moon... I spent that night watching over you very closely.

That was the single worst night of my life, Remembering it was enough to make my spirits fall. I'd almos-

I know, Tia. I know. Thank all that is good that you did not. I wanted so badly to come to you, to comfort you in such a dark time, but I could not.

Is she crying? For me?

You've grown so much. You are so unbelievably strong, Celestia. I am so very proud of you, my child. Why did her praise make me feel so... warm? Why did I desire so much more of it?

I was conflicted. Either she was able to read my mind and used the information against me, or she was the genuine article. I still wasn't confident which I believed to be the truth. It didn't really matter to me anyway. There were so many things more important to me than my own origin.

Will you help me, Justice? She was silent. My family needs my help and I'd give anything to ensure their safety.

That is the reason I am here, Celestia. Generally, I am unable to directly intervene, but Kismet has broken several laws of our reality and in doing so has loosened the shackles placed on me. I will do all I can to aid you, first by doing this, if you do not mind...

"I-" She took full control of my body, making me a spectator as she began to speak to Kis.

"I know you are aware of all the rules that you have broken, Kis."

"I'm guessing that means you're finished, Justice?" Kis stood to her feet, dusting herself off.

"Indeed," was all Justice said.

"Yeah, we know," Kis held her hands together for a second, an immense sword materializing in her grasp. "With Discord missing things were bound to come down to the two of us anyway, so Met and I decided to... create an advantageous position for ourself."

"You intend to kill me then?"

"I would never," she looked as if she'd just got caught with her hand in a cookie jar. "You know as well as we do that's impossible anyway," she draped the sword over her back, holding the hilt in one claw. "No, what we want is the perpetuation of the cycles to stop. It's been long enough, Justice. With Discord gone, we will never consent to starting over again."

"You could have done so without..." Justice sounded distraught as she looked at Luna, Cadance, and Twilight. "Tormenting my children." I could feel the tears as they began to fall from my eyes, even though I had no control. "Why, Kis? Why did you have to kill my Flurry?"

"Does it even matter, Justice?" Kis rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed by the inquiry. "You didn't even create her. She was an abomination. A mistake not even you intended to happen." Kis' words caused visible pain to Justice whose reply was a slow shake of her head.

"You're wrong," Justice stood my body to its full height, an otherworldly charisma emanating from it. "I'll show you just how wrong you are. CADANCE!" The tone of Justice's voice was beyond that of any dignitary or royal. My niece immediately focused her gaze on me, or rather my body, her eyes wide.

"Y-yes, Auntie?" she gulped.

"Flurry Heart was not a mistake. She was a blessing, a unique gift brought into the world by you and Shining Armor. She loved you more than anyone or anything else," Justice offered a soothing smile to the pink alicorn. "And she always will."

The reassurance those few words gave Cadance was indescribable, her entire demeanor shifting from shattered confidence to unassailable hope. As she began nodding I noticed her eyes were shining more vibrantly than I'd ever seen before.

"Th-thank you, Aunt Celestia... I needed to hear that," she said before turning her fierce glare at Kis.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Ju-"

"LUNA!" Justice chose to ignore Kis calling out, instead speaking to my sister. Once again authority flowed from my body, once again the alicorn she'd called out to snapped to attention.

"Yes, Sister?" Luna looked just as bad as Cadance had, her eyes pleading for relief from a nightmare she was trapped within, doomed to relive it over and over.

"Little Lulu... I loved you then and I love you now, little sister." Justice's words made Luna's chin tremble. "I will always love you, Luna. Nothing can or will ever change that." Luna turned away wiping her face with her foreleg.

Never show weakness to anypony.

"I love you too, Tia. Thank you." When she faced us again the determination in her was plain for all to see, her eyes back to their vivacious blue. Swaying her resolve at this point would be impossible.

"Justice, I'm not playing around here, Met's-"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Justice still refused to acknowledge Kis. There was no surprise in Twilight, no shock. Tears poured down her face, sadness the only discernable emotion she portrayed. The ruler of Equestria was so distraught she could only sniffle in reply, not even able to open her mouth. "Twilight, what Kis says is accurate."

Justice that's not-

Have faith, Celestia. Justice seemed to know what she was doing, despite my interruption so I allowed her to continue. "However, they only tell you a part of the story. What they crafted for their own intention I worked for your betterment as well as that of all of Equestria."

"But it all... it all fell apart because of-"

"Because of Kismet, Twilight. No one else," Justice finished speaking for my conflicted student. "None of this is your fault." My pupil looked hopeful at that statement. "No one could resist Kismet, Twilight. Not even you."

"Nor you, Justice." It all happened in the blink of an eye. Kis was inches from my body, the blade of her weapon buried deep within my breast. She looked... different, much larger, her voice deeper as well. "You should have listened to Kis when you had the chance."

"C-CELESTIA!?" The girls screamed in unison at the horrible scene, while I was stunned into silence. Despite the severe blow my horn shined brightly, strong sparks flowing out of it.

"Nor you, me, Met," Justice grit her teeth through the pain she was experiencing. The sunblade she'd conjured was hilt deep in who I assumed was now Met's chest, piercing straight through his heart.

"Of course," Met laughed in disbelief before coughing up blood. "I should have known you would be able to discern my movements."

"We have always been equals in combat," Justice coughed weakly, falling back onto her haunches. The blade of Met's sword had almost split my body in two, but strangely enough, there was no blood to be seen.

Forgive me Celestia, I've done all I can.

"Y-you protected her, didn't you?" Met fell backwards onto his behind, grabbing at the flaming handle sticking out of his chest, but unable to touch it.

"I... did," Justice smiled weakly. "I will be forced to leave this body, but Celestia... remains unscathed. You have failed, Met." Despite Justice's declaration Met laughed boisterously before coughing up even more blood.

"We prepared for this possibilty as well, Justice. Your love for one another may weaken me, but," he grabbed the hilt of the blade, clenching his teeth as he ripped it out. As it fell to the ground it glowed brightly before dematerializing. "Kis will finish what we have s-started..." Met slumped over as his breathing stopped causing his own conjured sword to disintegrate from within my body.

The rest is up to you my child, Justice slumped over as well. I am sorry... I could not have d-done... more... As Justice's consciousness faded away, I found myself back inside my body, control once again fully mine. While she'd been the one to bring the others back, her words were from my heart and for that I was truly thankful.

"Met? MET!?" Kis was beside herself, somehow back in her smaller, more slender form and completely unharmed. She stood to her feet, walking this way and that as she desperately called out to her other half, searching for him as if he were somewhere in the area she couldn't find.

The girls teleported to my side, all of them terrified of what they'd just witnessed.

"T-Tia, are you-"

"I'm fine, Sister," I took a deep breath as I stood to my own hooves. I felt completely normal, as if I'd just woken from a nice long rest.

"How!?" Cadance was stunned, but smiling.

"How is that possible?" Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll tell you about it when we have time. Right now, I thi-"

"YOU!" Kis' menacing voice cut our happy reunion short. We turned as one to face the irate god. "You did this..." she was fully focused on me, as if none of the others even existed anymore. "Bring him back..." I moved my niece, my student, and my sister behind myself with my wings.

"Be careful, Tia," Luna whispered as she took up a defensive stance.

"Bring back Flurry!" I spat at Kis as I prepared myself, my rage back in spades.

"Bring HIM BACK!!!" Kis was on me in an instant, knocking me onto my back as she locked onto my shoulders with her powerful claws. Her dangerous maw snapped at my face repeatedly. She acted as if she were a rabid animal, the barriers I repeatedly threw up to protect myself shattering quickly under the weight of her fury. I was forced to use my forelegs to try and keep her from sinking her fangs into my face.

"KIS!!!" Luna, Cadance, and Twilight shouted. The swirling rainbow colored blast of energy that hit Kis as she shifted focus to them was strong enough to send her tumbling backwards. Similar to a ragdoll, I watched her body hit the ground at least five times before it came to a grinding stop.

"Thank you, girls," I had to catch my breath after the struggle. I got to my hooves as Kis began to laugh from her position on the ground.

"God, you lot are so annoying," she sprang to her feet, dusting herself off again. "This isn't fun anymore. I think it's time I got serious." She held an open claw in front of herself, a shining orb of light glistening just above her grasp. It was... screaming?

"What nefariousness are you plotting now, monster?" Luna glared at the fox.

"Ask Twilight. She's the one who did all the legwork." The sphere began to rotate and pulse as the yells coming from it grew even louder.

"I don't..." Twilight looked caught off guard as we all looked to her for answers. Her eyes widened in horror. "The souls of Equestria's creatures!" she gasped.

"That can't be! They were contained within Spike!" I shook my head in confusion.

"Were?" Cadance asked.

"Spike... I had to..." I looked at Twilight, the regret on my face causing her to drop her own gaze.

"He asked you to do it... didn't he..." Twilight sounded like she'd already knew what I'd done.

"Yes. I'm so very sorry, Twilight. I..." I couldn't look at her as my head also fell.

"He'd asked the same of me... I couldn't do it," she sniffled. "I was too weak to fulfill his final request. Thank you, Celestia... for freeing him."

"I..." That was not the reaction I'd expected. I couldn't help but smile. "He wanted me to tell you that he loves you," I placed a hoof on her shoulder as she began to cry.

"I don't mean to interrupt this touching moment, but... no wait, yes I do!" Kis glared at us, her eyes filled with hatred. "You think I'm so stupid I'd trust the dragon with all that power, especially after he'd asked Twilight to off him!?" she grasped the ball tightly in her claw before crushing it, the screams stopping abruptly. "You all are dumber than I thought."

The wave of energy that rushed outward from Kis sent the four of us flying back, the force as powerful as any twister I'd seen and several times louder. I unfurled my wings, catching the air to halt my momentum. Even with the resistance I had to flap hard to maintain my position in the air. I glanced around to find the others also fighting to maintain their own places.

"SHE ABSORBED THE SOULS!" Twilight had to shout so that we could hear her. "I DON'T KNOW IF-"

"WE CAN, TWILIGHT!" Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice boomed over the riotous energy.

"HAVE FAITH EVERYONE!" Cadance yelled.

"CADANCE, LUNA, TWILIGHT... TOGETHER!" my own Royal Canterlot Voice broke through the storm.

"TOGETHER!" they nodded with me.

I didn't see Kis move... I don't believe any of us had. I only saw the blood spatter on the floor as her dark claw pierced the chest of my most faithful student, her purple eyes wide with terror.

"Tw..." I stared in horror.

"TWILIGHT!?!?!?" Luna screamed in agony.

Author's Note:

And here we get Justice, the last of the gods. I got this idea from a really old anime I like. I wonder if anyone saw the influence.

More Kis is always fun too.

Oh we get what Celestia and Luna are. True Alicorns that were created from their heavenly bodies. They have such a connection because they are the sun and the moon. No, I don't like the idea of them being children before.