• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,020 Views, 212 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

  • ...

Flurry : Heart

"So what now?" Auntie Twi and I were atop the protective dome of magic surrounding my city.

"I already told you, Flurry," she summoned several hovering magenta orbs of energy in front of herself. "You're going to show me how strong you are."

“And if I don't want to?" I had nothing to worry about if she refused to use the evil magic.

"I'm not giving you a choice, FLURRY!" Her horn fired a blazing line of mana at me, her magic orbs following close behind it. I stood my ground, not worried in the slightest. All of her attacks connected with me, resulting in explosions of light and dancing sparks. I waited for the smoke to clear and the gleaming blue hearts of my shield to fade away. She and I both knew this was pointless, and I knew that if she knew, then she wasn't doing it for the obvious reasons.

"Not even going to humor your poor old aunt?" she was disappointed, but not angry. She summoned more of the destructive orbs, her horn shimmering with power.

"Fine." If she really wanted my best, I'd give it to her. I moved quickly, faster than most eyes could keep up with as I manifested several magic disco balls high in the sky above us. I summoned a single ball of blue light in front of her the second her horn brightened. She was about to cast a spell, appearing, at least to me, like she was moving underwater. When I focused, mostly everypony seemed to move that slow.

Before she could fire anything off, I moved inside her personal space, as low to the barrier as I could maneuver. I sprang up from beneath her, forcing her backward onto her hind legs. Her spell was nearly ready, but not just yet. A second in a fight could feel like an eternity anywhere else. I was confident my aunt could feel that this very moment. I hooked her foreleg over my shoulder.

"No." I held her like an obsessed fan, flipping her over onto her back hard, the impact with the barrier making it crackle with energy and forcing the air from her lungs.

"I can stil-" she sputtered, her horn shining even brighter in an attempt at casting a different spell.

Preferably one that takes less time to manifest.

"Nope." I activated my small blue orb. It rotated like a top, shooting single beams of magic at all of the spells Auntie Twi had summoned, melting them to nothing. I waited for her to realize she didn't have that option anymore before continuing my assault. "And just in case you're planning anything else," I gripped her foreleg tighter, dropping to my back and wrapping my hind legs around her body. She grunted as I wrenched the limb taut and then quickly tapped my flank with her free hoof when the pain became too much for her to withstand. I Immediately let her go, standing to my hooves in triumph. She sat up with a frown, trying to massage the pain from her aching foreleg.

"Who even starts a fight with physical attacks?" she complained.

"Earth ponies... or anypony who doesn't have magic at their disposal. You should've had a barrier up, Auntie," I paced back and forth in front of my sitting aunt. "Dad always said, 'nine times out of ten, any magical creature will rely on their magic. Buck em hard, buck em fast, and they won't know what hit em.'"

"Darn Shining and his hoof to hoof nonsense. He was a unicorn for crying out loud!" She stood to her hooves, shaking the last traces of pain from her foreleg.

"IS a unicorn," I prepared myself for her next move, simulating in my mind the thousands of possible spells she could use and counters to each one of them I could employ, as well as the counters she could then utilize against those counters.

"If you say so," she semi-conceded. "So a physical fight is out of the question, and magic doesn't do anything against your special talent."

"Want me to go get my checkerboard?" I shrugged, mocking her just a little bit.

"Still don't know how to play chess?" she smirked at me, an eyebrow raised in confidence.

Ten minutes later...

"Checkmate," I placed my knight into the winning square, locking my aunt's king in place.

"Aish, you've been practicing, haven't you?" she pushed the board away from herself, frustration causing her brow to twitch sporadically.

Five losses in such a short amount of time will do that to a pony.

With how poorly she was playing, I was convinced an inexperienced filly could beat her right now.

Her mind is clearly elsewhere.

"You're not playing like yourself," I teleported the board and pieces back to my room.

"You might be right." From one blink to the next her eyes had sharpened and then went back to normal. She looked up at the disco balls that still peppered the sky, trying to figure them out, but apparently coming up with nothing.

"Mind if I ask about those?" she lifted a hoof to the air above us. "I've never seen you use them before."

"They're like your orbs, but a little different." There were around twenty-five of them bobbing in the sky. They were enchanted to deflect magic after increasing said spell's potency. After colliding with them, the beam of energy would split into multiple streams and those new projectiles would do the same, essentially creating an infinite loop of blasts from just a few. No matter how many times they split I could still control the trajectory of every single beam, so it basically made one shot from my horn into a downpour of destruction. "And..."

"And?" she continued to evaluate the metallic doohickeys. I activated their alternate function with my mana, small holes appearing along their mirrored surfaces.

"You might wanna cover your ears for this..."

"Wh-" the volume of the music was loud enough to cause my aunt to freeze in place. I was already long used to the pounding bass and electronic beat, I couldn't help but sway my body to the jam. Auntie Twi said... something, but there was no way to hear her over the volume of the song.

It must've been a negative comment because she looked like she wanted to rip her ears off and throw them in a trash bin. This particular function may seem silly at first, seemingly deafening myself just to listen to some music, but the sound, the vibrations, and everything else attached to them were part of my magic.

I could feel the vibrations of each disco ball as energy reverberates off of them. In turn, anything that comes into contact with them links to my magical pool and I can then sense that new energy. I could also see where the sounds end. To be perfectly honest, I might be able to "see" things better like that than with my natural eyesight. Add on the benefits of a nearly incapacitated opponent and it just made sense as a weapon.

"YOU LIKE PON3 DON'T YOU, AUNTIE? YOU'RE NOT A TAVI STAN, ARE YOU?!" My Royal Canterlot Voice came in handy for situations like this too. Plus I had to get a nice musical jab in there. Of course she preferred Octavia. All the older ponies did, especially Mom. Not me though, I could listen to "garbage low class music" until the day I died. Vinyl Scratch had always been another one of my idols.

"-JUST NOISE!" She had used a spell to amplify her voice, but the music was so raucous her words were only a tiny bit louder than the song.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE, AUNTIE! YOU JUST CAN'T APPRECIATE NUANCED ART. HERE, I'LL PLAY ONE MORE YOUR STYLE!" I ran through every song I could recall in my mind, one in particular perfect for an unbeliever like my aunt. "AH HA!"

"Oh, thank goodn-" The music had stopped for a second while I changed the song. She stood stock still, a look of horror on her face when it started up again, but once she realized it was only strings, she calmed down a little. After a minute of enjoyment she smiled. "This is Octavia! I have all of her albums... why haven't I ever heard this song?"

"Did you never listen to their collabs?"

"Collabs?" And then the beat dropped along with my poor surprised aunt. Vinyl really loved coming in strong out of nowhere on the collaboration albums she'd done with Octavia. It made all the stuck up hoity toity listeners that were only there for the classical performer lose their minds. Kind of like my aunt, who was currently holding her head in her hooves trying not to... die apparently?

"IT'S NOT EVEN BAD!' I threw my hooves in the air in exasperation. Her only response was to shoot a weak spell at one of my disco balls. "NO, DON'T!" The beam ricocheted off of one ball to the next and then another and so on and so forth. As the energy picked up speed it increased the volume of the music to near planet shaking levels.

"Guh..." My aunt groaned, motionless on the floor, her soul decked out in a white robe and halo as it floated to the heavens just above her body.

"OH, COME ON! I SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO HEAR THAT!" I looked up, dismissing my devices. The sudden quiet was much less preferable than the fun party music... to me at least.

"What an attack, I can see why you're nearly unstoppable." I leapt back, Auntie standing right in front of me as she rubbed her head.

"Glad to see you're fine, drama queen," I mad-dogged her.

"That's 3-0. I'm getting annihilated, aren't I?" she laughed, sounding like she was legitimately having fun. I couldn't understand, I hadn't understood since the day she attacked Granny Sola. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I just wanted my aunt back.

"Is this all a game to you?" I could try to capture her. If I really wanted, I could probably kill her, but what would doing either of those things accomplish? What would killing a loved one do to me, to my psyche? The thought alone of harming her made it feel like I'd already committed some unspeakable act of evil.

Things would be so much easier if she were trying to kill me, but even then, she'd still be my goofy aunt who'd spent the night with me talking about love and dreams.

I just... don't understand.

She took a deep breath then sighed, staring sadly at the vast city below us.

"This is the most important thing I've ever had to do, Flurry. It's the most costly venture I've ever embarked on," she rolled her shoulders, hiding a barely perceptible wince well. "You, Cadance, Celestia, and Luna... you're all very important to me."

"Then why are we playing board games and listening to music?" I felt... strange, emotionless. It was new. "What do you want from me, Auntie? Forget about everypony, everything else. What do you want me to do?" She continued to stare downwards, the internal struggle on her face especially troubling. I just wanted to help resolve that problem, nothing else.

"I want you to kill me, Flurry." The sudden steady drip of water droplets all around us drew my gaze upwards. The sky was filled with storm clouds, black and sinister, rumbling with foreboding thunder.

But that can't be.

It was completely sunny a second ago, not a single speck of cloud had been in the sky. It hadn't grown dark, it just... changed at the drop of a bit.

"How did I miss that?" I whispered to myself.

"Flurry!" Her voice coincided with a blast of thunder and flash of lightning causing me to grow tense. The cascading rain obscured her face, as well as her emotions.

"Are those... tears?" I had to speak louder due to the developing storm.

"You have to help me, Flurry..." she covered her face with her hooves. She was beside herself, the desperation on her face palpable. That much was easy to see, even through the escalating downpour. "I don't know what to do... I just- I just wanted to help, I swear!"

"Auntie..." My heart ached for her, but her death couldn't be the solution, it just couldn't be. "Would you have given up on your friends?" It was the only thing I could think to say. "If any of them had asked you to take their life... would you have?"

"N...no..." she lowered her hooves, the grief still on her face. "I could never."

"Auntie... even if you took my life..." I stepped toward her, hoping the honest truth would help her. "Even if you took away everything I love, I couldn't do it," I chuckled, really thinking about what I was saying. "I might beat you to a bloody pulp cause I'd be so mad, but... you're one of my best friends... you're the best aunt ever... I love you, Auntie... I love you so much... so I could never..." I felt the same discomfort as when I'd confronted her in Canterlot, only this time it was cranked to eleven.

"Flurry Whirry, you'd deny your poor old aunt her most sincere request?" her glowing green eyes were sharp enough to cut me in two. I finally had something to act on.

"You're not my aunt," I stalked toward her, my horn chiming as it glowed yellow.

"Ohhhh scary, scary!" she sat back on her haunches, the green of her eyes spreading to her horn before turning the spire black. The confidence this entity emanated was almost on par with Granny Sola wearing her most potent mask. Her arrogant smirk convinced me I was the prey in this confrontation. "Do something, little heart... I dare you." A flash of lightning drew my attention to my shadow, its eyes glowing green like hers. I leapt backwards a second too late, the black mist grabbing my foreleg with an overwhelming strength. If I didn't have my special barrier my leg would've been crushed to pieces then and there.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Of course I wouldn't have a shadow on a transparent surface! That I'd missed something so obvious might cost me dearly. As the darkness crawled up my leg to coat my body, my faux aunt's cackling got louder and louder.

"Yeah, not letting that happen," I said as I began my spell, the light from my horn slowly dispelling the darkness.

"I don't think so." Auntie's horn darkened causing the gunk on me to ooze and climb up my body faster. Some of it leapt onto my horn in an attempt to drown out my light.

"Aw, that's too bad." I didn't have to worry about that kind of spell. The darkness covered me, but not my coat or anything closer. My parents' barrier separated me from the evil and that was all I needed to explode yellow light all around myself. Once the sparkles of my spell dissipated I found myself standing alone.

"All that power in such a naive little filly," she spoke from below me, somehow inside our barrier.

But how!? That shouldn't be possible!

"You really should listen to your elders, Flurry Whirry," she smiled at me from the other side of our defense, hovering just above the city. "I know! Let's play a game of hide and seek! You better find me quick, little pony. I swear, losing this game will be disastrous for your empire... and for you." She moved to descend, but stopped. "Oh and if you have half a brain, DO NOT concern yourself with the peasants. I've no interest in them or their insignificant little lots in life," she glared at me from over her shoulder. "Don't keep me waiting, Flurry... or else." She blinked out of reality, replaced by a wisp of black smoke.

I should've teleported inside immediately, but my confusion stunted my decision making. If she could have infiltrated the barrier to begin with, why had she attacked it?

Don't keep me waiting.

Her words tore me from my thoughts.

Where!? Where can she be!?

A few rapid teleportations took me to the throne room, my own room, the gardens, different parts of the city, including town square, and any other area she might've gone to.

Wait a second! The caverns!

That was the most obvious place... but she'd said not to concern myself with the riff-raff.

Nuts to that!

It would only take a second to check and if she were as evil as I thought, it'd be the first place she'd attack. As I blinked into the underbelly of the city I was able to instantly confirm our citizens' safety. My appearance drew joyous smiles, not a look of panic on any of them just optimistic determination.

"Oh, Flurry Whirry, you should have listened to me..." Her voice echoed in my head. I was teleported to the throne room in a clap of black energy. Faux Auntie Twi sat on Mom's throne, cross legged, leaning back with her head resting against her forehoof. Her state of relaxation annoyed me beyond belief.

"YOU WEREN'T HERE!" I pointed an accusing hoof at the smug being, my temper getting the better of me. "THIS IS THE FIRST PLACE I CHECKED YOU... HORSE!" The impressed condescension on her face sent me over the edge. I combined both my wing strength and the strongest propulsion spell I knew to launch myself at her.

Just as my forehoof was about to connect with that grating smile she moved her head to avoid the blow. My strike shattered Mom's throne, rubble and the seat fake Auntie sat on, the only things left remaining. I breathed heavily in the imposter's face who just smiled wider at my rage.

"Oooohhhh, what an ominous omen,"
she covered her mouth with a hoof, her feigned shock almost causing me to headbutt her. I was so furious the amount of magic in my horn was enough to blow a hole clear to the center of the planet, but I knew Auntie Twi was still in there.

"WHAT ARE YOU!?" I bellowed in her face. She just looked past me, her smile somehow growing even bigger.

"Why, I'm Twilight Sparkle, Flurry. Your beloved aunt," she cackled.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" I growled.
She looked up into the air, thinking for a moment.

"Let's just say, I'm an old acquaintance of your grandmares," she pressed her muzzle against mine.

"Y-you know Granny Sol-" before I could finish she blasted me backwards, her horn bubbling with dark energy. I landed on my hooves, smoke billowing from the blue hearts that appeared on my chest.

How she'd cast a spell so fast without preparation was beyond me, though not completely unheard of. Granny Moona could do something similar with her teleportation spell, but she'd told me learning to do so had taken her more than a thousand years of trial and error.

"Whoa-ho-hoa! You can tank that too?" my fake aunt grinned wider, now thoroughly impressed. "You really are something special, aren't you? No wonder he wants your power."

"He?" I charged my horn with light. "He who?" I had no clue who she could be talking about. Tirek or Sombra came to mind, but they were both relics of the past. There was no way either of them could be who she was referring to.

"Oops," she covered her mouth, a look of embarrassment on her face. "I really need to learn to keep my big mouth shut, don't I?" she laughed like a maniac.

"Okay, we're done," my horn blazed with crackling gold energy. I may not want to kill her, but I was sure Auntie Twi's body could take a beating and survive. I casted my spell, encasing her inside of a large sphere of mana. She looked around at it, a bored look coming to her face.

"I can just teleport away y'know," she looked back at me with a yawn.

"Why don't you try?" I replied sweetly, already charging the next step in my spell. Her horn glowed black for a moment, but nothing else happened. Her eyes widened as a delighted smile came to her lips.

"How FUN! I guess I can't... what's next?" she leaned forward on the throne, her anticipation driving me crazy.

"Next you leave my aunt alone you FREAK!" I ignited the magic within the interior of the ball, the golden light bright enough to rival Granny Sola's sun. The blast stayed contained within the spell for as long as my barrier could hold before it too was destroyed. Had I not prepared beforehoof, the explosion would've destroyed most of the city. With as much power as I'd used, Auntie Twi would be pretty hurt, but at least she'd be free of this interloper.

"Geez LOUISE!" the coughing from the throne made me grind my teeth in anger. "Maybe give someone a warning before blowing them up, yeah?" Auntie Twi was still sitting on the throne, not a scratch on her.

"H-HOW!?" I roared. An attack of that magnitude could flatten most cities. I'd nullified her magic before casting the explosion.

SOMETHING should've happened to her!

"Oh please, Flurry Whirry," she pulled me toward herself with a flourish of her hoof, her horn not even powered. I stopped directly in front of her, our muzzles nearly coming into contact with each other again. "You held back,” she looked disgusted. "If you're not willing to fulfill Twily's final wish, you have no hope of getting rid of me." She let me out of her grasp causing me to drop to the floor in front of her.

"Who are you?" For the first time in... ever, I felt helpless in a fight. Not even against Granny Moona had I ran out of options like this. I'd lost that fight due to a lack of stamina. This was like trying to win a battle to the death without killing, which I'm pretty sure is impossible.

"I already told you, Flurry Whirry. I'm your dearest Aunt Twily," she grinned menacingly. Hearing her use Dad's nickname for my aunt again was inches from pushing me over the edge. "Alas, it seems we're at an impasse," she sighed, suddenly looking a little let down.

"How so?" I prepped my magic, not ready to throw in the towel any time soon.

"Well, you won't kill your aunt," she shrugged. "And I don't have permission to kill you, soooo..."

"Permission? What do you-"

"Be happy, Flurry! You and Lu accomplished your mission!" she clapped her hooves, literally applauding me. I had no idea what was going on. "Your mother and Celly should be done in Canterlot right about now."

"You kn-"

"Speak of the devil..." her face lit up like a foal's on their birthday as an explosion of magic sounded behind me.

How can they already be back?

It couldn't have been more than half an hour. And how could this... thing have known what our plans were? I turned to see my mom and Granny Sola in terrible shape, both splayed on the ground and covered in a black muck.

"MOM!" I rushed to her side, completely forgetting everything I'd ever learned about fighting. Granny was coughing really badly, so I knew she was at least alive, but I couldn't see or sense any signs of life in my mother.

"Looks like my job here is done," the faker giggled from behind me. "I'll see you again soon, Flurry Whirry!" she called out with one last hiss. I almost turned to her, but she'd have to wait. I'd get her back. I'd free Auntie Twi if it was the last thing I did. I lifted Mom's head as carefully as I could onto my lap. She was freezing cold and looked sickly and... old. I tried to smooth out the wrinkles on her face with my hoof, but they were real.

"Please, Mom..." I hugged her close, trying to transfer my body heat, my love, into her. She wasn't breathing. Her heart was still, mine pounding so hard it could've given life to the both of us. My whole body shook with every pump of blood that was pushed through my veins. I closed my eyes, praying that she'd be okay.

What happened?

Auntie Twi and Spike weren't even in Canterlot.

We'd done everything right.

"NO! FLURRY GET AWAY FROM HER!" I opened my eyes to see my aunt galloping toward me, her horn glowing magenta. She was terrified of something and on the brink of tears.

"Or maybe I won't, Flurry. You did lose our little game, after all," the voice that came from my mom's lips turned my insides to ice. I didn't want to look down, knowing exactly what I would find. Sharp eyes and a smug grin. Mom's eyes were glowing green, swirling with evil energy. I was too scared to even think, her mouth opening wide and vomiting the same gross substance that they were covered in all over me. In seconds I was drenched in it. "Oh, Flurry Whirry... This is no one's fault but your own," my "mom" wiped the darkness from the corners of her mouth daintily with a hoof. "Maybe if you were a bit smarter things wouldn't have turned out this way." She'd lost all signs of old age and sickness, her eyes going back to normal, once again the vibrant and beautiful alicorn I knew and loved. It must've been the filth inside of her that had been contaminating her appearance.

"M-Mom!?" The blue hearts that made up my shield began to blink, shining vividly for a second and then flickering out as the darkness consumed them.

The black magic forced me to stay put, heavier than any weight I had experienced before. More terrifying than being immobile and unprotected was the feeling of abandonment. My shield expressed their love to me all day everyday, a warm blanket that made me feel safe and soothed my nerves, and suddenly that perfect feeling was gone. Despite my best efforts, my tears flowed without my consent.

"Flurry?" Mom's eyes grew wide as she began to channel a spell. She was back to normal, no signs of the evil still possessing her. A wicked formation made out of what looked to be marble erupted at me, growing from the floor at my right side. The sound of cracking rock was enough to make me reel from the approaching ruin. A light blue barrier stopped it in its tracks, Mom's spell successful, but shattering along with the evil magic.

Another formation from my opposite side was stopped by a golden shield, it too exploding in beautiful light. Granny Sola looked at me, her brow furrowed in grim determination. Her breathing came as if she were running a marathon that would never end.

A third formation of jagged marble sprouted from the ground right in front of me, much faster than the previous two and coming directly for my head. Just as it was about to hit me it collided with a magenta barrier, both nullifying each other and vanishing. I turned to my aunt, her breathing ragged, her eyes full of concern.

"We can keep her safe! Cadance, Celestia, we just have to-"

"How wonderfully delightful! What a cruel twist of fate, would you not agree, Miss Heart?" I'd never heard a voice like that before. It was masculine and kind, almost mischievous, but concealed something unnerving, like a birthday clown that was hiding a butcher knife where you couldn't see.

"NO! No, no, no! You two didn't! It's not he-" Auntie Twi was suddenly frantic with fear, looking everywhere for the source of the voice.

"Indeed I am, Miss Sparkle." A strange looking book floated off the ground from between Mom and Granny Sola, a dark aura enveloping it. Etched into it was... my eyes grew wide.

Auntie Twi's cutie mark?

It moved over to my still frozen body, almost seeming to dance to a tune only it could hear. "Now then, shall we conclude another story?" The book bounced this way and that as it spoke. With a flash of black light Mom, Granny Sola, and Auntie Twi's horns all turned black. Not shimmering or glowing just... charcoal. "As I was saying Miss Heart, do not curse me, curse only your lack of intelligence. Farewell, little pony. May you find peace in death." An incredibly loud explosion of breaking stone drew the breath from my lungs.

"Grrrrugggh." I tried to keep my mouth shut, grind my teeth together to hide the agony, but it was impossible. The jagged tendril of marble ripped through me from below, tearing straight through my ribcage with no resistance at all.

I was lifted several feet into the air, the shock on my family's faces more horrifying than the foreign object eating through my insides. It was a weird feeling. I thought it would hurt more, but it didn't feel that bad.

Dad had taught me about going into shock on the battlefield.

I guess this is that.

At the apex of the attack, I coughed, sending blood trickling to the floor.

Oh! There's the pain.

I had to struggle to remain lucid.

"FLURRY!" They all yelled in unison, but there was nothing more they could do with their horns made useless. More tendrils of marble had grown from the floor, holding them firmly in place.

"I'll be taking this, if that is okay with you, my dear." The book opened, flipping to a blank page, my cutie mark suddenly slowly being transferred from my flank to the page by an unseen magic. I could feel it being stolen, a strange sensation that made my heart scream in grief.

"Wh-what... are... you?" Talking made it feel like the rock inside me was morphing and rotating. I could only exhale harshly at the pain.

"Hmm, I suppose, your fate is sealed. There should be no harm." It hovered closer to me, flipping through its pages again. "You are aware of Discord the draconequus, are you not?" It whispered. It stopped turning on the intended page, one full of fancy writing.

I read as quickly as I could, my vision already blurring to the point of failure. Once I'd finished I shook my head.

This is beyond us. All of us. Me, Mom, Auntie... even Granny Sola and Granny Moona.

We were ants trying to fight dragons. I laughed at the sheer hopelessness of it all, accidentally spitting some blood on the pages.

"Oh dear! That's very unbecoming... and you did not even do it on purpose..." The book slammed shut. My head was getting too heavy to hold up, falling so I could look down at Mom. She was crying, reaching out with all her might, trying to get to me. Granny Sola didn't cry. She wasn't angry. She simply looked stunned, as if she'd seen a ghost.

"PLEASE!!! Let me trade places with her! Please!? I'll do anything you want!" Auntie Twi was bawling, shaking inside of the tendrils that caged her.

"Oh Miss Sparkle," the book flew up to her. "you're so melodramatic. Come, we have so much more to do." The book turned back to the three of us. "I have given her ample time for farewells. DO NOT waste my generosity! Toodaloo!"

In an instant, all signs of the struggle were gone, along with my aunt and the book. I dropped into my mother's magical embrace as she floated me into her forelegs with her telekinesis. As I came to rest on the ground, head on her lap, she was already at work, horn shining blue and magnifying her vision.

"M-Mom..." I groaned, the pain somehow still intensifying even though the attack had long been finished.

"Shhhh, Flurry. You're going to be fine," she couldn't look away from my midsection for more than a second. I didn't have to see to know how bad it was, all I had to do was speak or breathe... or think.

I had to breathe so slow it made me dizzy, my body not getting enough oxygen, but if I did it any faster the pain would most certainly make me pass out. If I lost consciousness now, I was certain I wouldn't be able to wake back up again. Granny Sola's hoofsteps approached us from behind Mom. As she looked down at me she was unable to hide anything from me.

"F-Flurry... I-" she choked back sobs. "I'm so-"

"N-" A lance of pain shot through me, making me cringe. "No, Granny!" I managed to get out. "T-this... this is for... my aunt. Sh-she still..." A pop of magic resounded from behind Granny.

"FLUR- sister what are you doing back already? Where is-" The clip-clop of Granny Moona's hooves abruptly stopped when she saw me. "No..." she fell to her haunches, covering her mouth with her forehooves.

More despair...

It was absolutely suffocating, moreso than the darkness that was ebbing away at what was left of me.

"I... It's good..." a tremor ran through me. "to see... you... Granny," I smiled weakly. I didn't want them to feel such a horrible thing.

I have to help. I have to lift them up. We still have to save Auntie Twi.

Granny Moona could endure no longer. She wailed into her hooves, her body falling over. Thankfully, Granny Sola caught her as she'd collapsed.

"Flurry, dear, I really need you to keep quiet, honey." Mom was casting spell after spell I'd never seen before. She was breathing erratically, sweat flowing down her face.

It hurts. It hurts so much.

"M-mom..." I sniffled. She looked me in the eyes, hers filled with terror.

"Flurry... please?" she had to focus to keep the calamity of emotions from spilling out of her. I slowly shook my head at her, refusing her request.

"Let me... sp-" several coughs forced their way out of me, making me turn away from her.

"FLURRY!" Mom called out. I opened my eyes to find my blood mixed with the dark substance on the floor. I laid back down on her lap. Even with all this terrible pain, it felt good to just lie here with her.

"Please... let me... do this." I pleaded with her. She was debating internally, still wanting to try. I loved her for it, but I already knew, and I was pretty sure she did too. "I don't... have much-" I had to turn to cough once again. When I laid back down she was weakly smiling, her jaw quaking.

She nodded before moving slightly to the side so I could speak to them all at once. She took one of my forehooves in hers and clasped it tightly. I poured all of the magic I had left in my body into my horn. It was more than I thought, a gentle breeze filling the room along with my melody. I bit down hard at the effort, Mom gripping my hoof tighter. I squeezed back to let her know it was okay.

"I don't... use it often, but... it's just... as important," a fit of coughs and wheezing cut me off. I took faster breaths to fight back the pain. It didn't work. I casted my spell, four ethereal shining blue crystal hearts floating in front of each of my loved ones. Two were before my mom. One by one they slowly entered their bodies. First was Granny Moona, then Granny Sola, and finally, my mom. Each of their bodies glowed with blue energy for a moment before returning to normal. The last remained hovering in front of my mother.

"F-Flurry?" Mom stared at the heart in confusion.

"That one... is for... Auntie Twi." It slowly faded into Mom's chest followed by the glow. Despite my best attempts, my breathing was getting slower. "I love... all of you... so much. I get... It... now. I... had both. I should... have..."

My tears came relentlessly. All of them. All that I'd held in over my entire life. For Dad. For Mom. For my aunt. For my grandmare and grandpa. For Celestia and Luna. For Spike. For Applejack. For Rainbow Dash. For Fluttershy. For Rarity. For Pinkie Pie. For Starlight. For Discord. For the soldiers I'd lost. For the ponies I'd lost. I was weeping, the pain no longer relevant.

"Without love..." I had to continue, whatever was keeping me alive was beginning to run out of power. I looked at Granny Moona. "Luna... thank you... for being... the best mentor... I could ask for. Please... take care... of Celestia. She's... fragile... and precious... and she... loves you... more than... anything." She nodded, tears staining her face. Granny Sola was in just as bad a state. "Celestia... you saved... my family. I can't... express... how truly... grateful... I am... with, with words... alone. Luna... is so... strong... because... because of you... stay by... her side.

"I will," she said through the tears. "I promise."

"Good..." I looked up at my mom.

My big heart.

The one I aspired to be like. The one I wanted to be happy more than any other. And I had to break her heart. "Mom..." I lifted my free forehoof to her cheek. She nuzzled into it. "I love you, Mom. I love... you... so much."

"I love you too, my little heart," she smiled.

I can let it slide, just this once.

I couldn't keep my eyes open for much longer, they were getting so heavy.

"I'm sorry..."

Breathe, Flurry

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," her embrace tightened around me.

"Mom... you're... not alone... even if... even if... you feel... that way... sometimes... even if... I..."

Breathe, Flurry

"I know, Flurry. I know." Warm droplets of liquid tickled my forehead.

Breathe, Flurry

"You... remember... right... what... I... told... you?"

Breathe, Flur...

"I... I do."

Was that a light kiss on my cheek?

"I'll... see... you... later... M..."

Did I meet your expectations, Mom? Was I a good daughter? I'm sorry if I wasn't all the time. I know I messed up a lot, but I tried harder and harder every day to make you proud. I know I wasn't around you as much as I was dad, but it's because you're so special, Mom. You shine so bright I sometimes can't see when I'm around you. I wanted to be just like you. I wanted you to be proud of me. I think above all else, I wanted you to be happy. I'm gonna miss you. I love you, Mom.

Author's Note:

Even after all this time I can't read this chapter without crying like a baby. I think this is the height of emotion in the story and I just can't handle it. I don't think anyone else dying at this point would've had as much impact.