• Published 24th Jun 2022
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The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

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Celestia : Healing

I opened my eyes to a small illuminated meadow surrounded by pitch black darkness. The light of the moon shined down on a slumbering figure lying amongst the grass and flowers. My heart raced, the giddiness that possessed me nearly drove me to bolt over to the unknown being.


A foreign voice echoed around me throughout the vast darkness. It was kind, yet firm, and imbued on me an intense feeling of comfort. I slowly walked over to the meadow, careful not to make too much noise and risk waking the sleeping creature. It was curled up tightly, it's chest rising and falling rhythmically. It was small, not tiny by any means, but about half my own size. Its coat was dark blue, so dark approached black. Its navy blue mane and tail were decorated like the night sky and filled with beautiful twinkling stars. They moved slowly in billowing waves, both of their own accord, just like mine. Our physical appearances made us polar opposites, but my heart told me we were one in the same. The crescent moon on its flank was smaller than my cutie mark, but every bit as beautiful, if not moreso.

"What is its name?" I asked the unknown entity.

"Luna. She is your little sister," the voice replied softly.

"Luna," I smiled at the name as it left my lips. The small being stirred at the sound of my voice calling her name, her tired eyes flitting open as a sleepy yawn escaped her mouth. She looked up at me, a content smile coming to her face. My younger sister, Luna. I loved her more than all else.

Lulu?" I'd been a coward, too frightened to face my own weaknesses. Nearly a century had passed since her return and I'd done nothing to remedy the scars that still lingered from my past transgressions.

"Yes, Tia?"

"Why did you turn against me, Sister?" It had been my fault she'd succumbed to Nightmare Moon, I already knew that all too well. She'd been neglected for far too long, treated like she was inferior to me rather than my equal... rather than my precious sister. However, I was also aware of the fact that she didn't share my perspective, and so, her reasons for what had transpired had to be something else, something I couldn't quite put my hoof on.

"Going right for my jugular, Tia?" It was a tone deaf joke that did little to alter either of our moods. She obviously wanted to avoid the subject as much as I did, but that was no longer a viable option.

"Forgive me, Sister, but I... we must deal with this."

No more excuses, no more running away. This is for the best.

I want my little sister back.

She took a long, trembling breath before beginning.

"I was hurt, Tia... scared. It felt like I was trapped in a dark place with no hope of escape. You-" she stopped, considering her next words carefully. "I failed to make you understand. I did not, I should have tried more, should have..." She was struggling to be honest with me and it made my heart ache.

Getting it all out in the open would make it all worthwhile, Lulu.

I stroked her gently with my wing, hoping the meager gesture would soothe her frayed nerves. "I hated you... more than I have ever hated anypony or anything else, I loathed you. I made you a villain, made you my enemy. Everything was your fault, our subjects neglecting me, my insecurities as ruler, my inability to fix anything. It was so much easier to blame you rather than myself. To wish that you would..." She nearly cried as she threw her forelegs around my midsection. I embraced her back, gently rocking her like a foal. As she began to weep into my coat my heart cried with her. Her sadness hurt me more than any spell or blow ever could. "I'm so sorry, Sister. I'm so..."

"Shhhh," I continued to comfort her for as long as she might need. She could take forever as far as I was concerned, I'd no right to push her, not when I was the cause of all of this. As her cries began to recede, I spoke. "You know, Luna, I never blamed you for what happened, not once."

How could I have when it was never her fault?

Why she couldn't see that, I'll never know, but I had to show her the truth or she may never be able to see it herself.

"Then who, Sister? Surely you do not..."

"I had such a long time to examine myself, Luna." It was a flawed statement, or perhaps mistimed would be a more appropriate descriptor. It wasn't about me, not right now. Right now It was about her, about making her feel better. "Even now, saying things like that feels... wrong."

"In what way, Tia?" I didn't want to tell her, didn't want her to know how I truly felt, although she probably already did. About my selfishness, my arrogance, my pride... yet the truth rushed forth despite my wish to keep it buried deep down.

"As if I was the only one who suffered. As if your imprisonment wasn't drastically worse than anything that happened to me."

As if everything that happened wasn't all my fault. As if I could shirk some of the responsibility by passing it onto you, my dearest sister.

"But you do not truly believe that, Tia. Why hold such trivial things against yourself?"

Because there was a time I truly believed it. Because I have to justify my own foolishness or risk breaking into a million pitiful pieces. Because to this day...

"It FEELS like I do, Luna." I exhaled in place of more words. And then, like a filly caught with my hoof in a cookie jar, I confessed my own greatest shame. "I saw you, Sister. I wasn't oblivious. It wasn't some grand revelation you were unhappy. I watched you become bitter and envious. I watched you grow cold and seclude yourself. I said nothing. I did nothing." I watched the darkness eat away at her, watched it destroy my precious little sister piece by piece, but the adulation and praise of my subjects was much more important to me than she had been. The limelight was my love, moreso than the one who'd always been there for me, more than the one who loved me like no other.

"Sister, you bear no obligation to keep me on the correct path," I could hear the pain inside of her. Deep down past all the lies and grief, I could feel the wounds I'd dealt her crying out for relief. Still, despite my sins she tried to absolve me of any wrongdoing, tried to ascribe unto me righteousness where there was none to be found. "The fault lies with me, strictly with me." The quavering of her voice was subtle, but hinted at how she really felt, in spite of her words.

"You were never a good liar, Luna." She went silent.

Just tell me, Sister. I deserve it more than you know. Your rage. Your malice. Your hatred. I've earned them all a hundred times over.

There was no fault to be found in her. I'd stabbed her in the back long before she'd ever betrayed me. "Lulu?" I backed away to look her in the eyes, to give her the love I'd failed to all those years ago. I knew she'd never fully concede I was to blame, but if she never held me responsible, we'd not be able to fully reconcile.

Please, Luna! For your own sake as well as mine, tell me how you really feel.

"If you never admit I bear responsibility as well, you'll never let go of the grudge you have against me."

She cried, the tears tearing at my heart. "Luna, I am scared." I did not want her to know. I'd been afraid then too, when she'd turned against me. Perhaps that's what had fueled my inaction: fear. I was more scared now than I had ever been before. I couldn't handle the idea of losing her a second time, but maybe telling her would help her to see, even if I couldn't avoid the pain it would cause.

"Of what, Tia?" she sniffled through the curtain of tears.

"You." I could not hold back my own emotions any longer, my own tears flowing freely. "You must be honest with me, Luna. I need you to tell me how you feel, how I made you feel when I cast you aside."

Please, Sister!

"Sister, I'm-" Her eyes darted this way and that, seeking a hiding place they would not find.

Luna, dearest sister, tell me how awful I am. Tell me I've failed as both your sister and a princess. Tell me how truly pathetic I am. I can take it. To free you from this burden, I can take any punishment fate could see fit.

"Luna," I tried to smile, a pitiable thing, my lips not lifting a millimeter. After everything I'd done, all I could offer was the most humble of apologies. "Lulu, I'm so sorry." Her tears came like sorrowful rivers, and along with them, the truth.

"Tia, where were you?! Why weren't you there?! I was all alone! You have always been there! You are my light, Sister! You left me alone! You went away and it was so dark! I was so scared! And then..." she feebly struck me with her hooves, her words far more effective than any strikes could be. Each verbal lashing cut to my core, liberating, but just as devastating. When she faltered I drew her into me, brushing a hoof through her mane. As the sobs racking her abated she spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I only wanted you, Tia. Even if the whole world turned against me, even if I had nopony else, I could be happy if you were with me. I could go on as long as my light guided me, but you were not there." I was not as prepared as I had initially thought. I was ready for any and all complaints she would have against me. Aggression and hatred were at the top of the list of expected grievances, but instead she was simply so very sad. Her anguish was heartbreaking, and I was the one who'd given it to her. I made her feel this way. How could I ever make it up to her? How could I recompense over a thousand years of pain and suffering when I didn't even deserve the opportunity to try? I prayed her grace was greater than my endless foolishness.

"Please Luna, forgive me. Truly, there is no greater fool than I," I held her tightly, hoping beyond hope that she would look on me with mercy. "Never again," I kissed her head, rubbing against her mane with my cheek. "I will never make a mistake like that ever again. I'm not going anywhere, Sister. I promise." She wrapped her forelegs around me, tighter than I'd ever been hugged before.

"I forgive you, Tia." One simple sentence was all it took to wash me clean of all the transgressions I had inflicted on her. We'd been back together for almost a century now, but there had always been something keeping us apart, driving a wedge between us, hindering our relationship. With those four words my sister and I were made whole again and I'd never felt more joy.

Harmony is a wonderful thing.

"Thank you, Lulu. Thank you so much!" I sniffled into her mane, my tears would drench her hair if I didn't stop crying into it soon. We held each other for longer than we probably should have, but neither of us cared. "How are you feeling?" I reluctantly broke us out of our reverie as we let one another go. She sat a few feet away, a confident grin on her face.

"Strong." I could help but laugh at her reply. It was so very Luna. "What is our next move, Sister?" I wasn't sure of that. Twilight's plans were unknown to me and seemed to be progressing at an alarming rate.

How can we stop her when we don't even know what she's aiming for?

I was given a chance to speak with her tomorrow, but that was more than likely an elaborate trap. Regardless of the possible danger, it was all we had to go on right now.

"Well, I was invited to Canterlot," I shrugged with a grin of my own. "That's an option."

"Yes, invited to go alone," Luna dug a hoof into the ground.

"You don't lik-"

"I do not," she cut me off as she continued to dig. "Tis quite obvious you are being lured into a trap."

"What would you suggest, Sister?" I already knew she wouldn't want me to go alone, but it seemed to be the only available avenue that we could take to make any headway.

"I do not. She spoke of repercussions if we attempted to return to the Crystal Empire, did she not? How would she be aware of such things?" she tapped her chin with her free hoof.

"Wards," I answered. When Luna and I had ruled Equestria, Twilight had recommended I construct them throughout the land. Magical pillars designed to gather information, wards could survey the area surrounding them around the clock. They could be used anywhere and everywhere to do various tasks. I was certain she could make them self-sustaining and possibly even camouflaged to the point of invisibility. Twilight had always been a little paranoid, but using those was a bit too much for me to allow. With Equestria in her hooves though? I was sure she'd moved ahead with that project as soon as she was able.

"She would spy on her own subjects?" Luna was appalled by the very idea of such an invasion of privacy.

"I don't think she views it that way. Though I suppose that's exactly what it's become," the laugh that escaped me lacked any mirth.

How quickly one event can cause so many ripples.

"Do you think she has them in the north as well?" The hole my sister dug was becoming rather deep.

"Knowing Twilight? There are more in the north than anywhere else in Equestria." The Crystal Empire had been the target of multiple invasions over the past century, nearly as many as Canterlot. On top of that, her remaining family resided there. She would never overlook them or their safety.

"Cadance and Flurry," my sister groaned, slamming her hoof into the hole. "I know not why they slipped my mind."


"Yes, Sister?" she continued to grind, each inch adding to her frustration, as if digging deep enough would grant us a solution to our predicament.

"LUNA!" She jumped at the sudden increase in volume, though it did achieve the desired result. She gaped at me as if I had just suggested we go surrender to Twilight immediately.

"Sister?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the surprise on her face.

"I don't think that hole has the answers you're looking for." Her face grew crimson.

"I know that! I just..." she shook her head as she exhaled. "She underestimates us, Sister. It... annoys me." Luna was a fighter, to even be perceived as weak would weigh heavily on her spirit. We could blindly assault Canterlot, but that would be beyond ill advised. That is possibly why neither of us had suggested it yet.

"We can return to the Crystal Empire, we'd simply lose the opportunity to meet with her. Consolidating our forces may be the wisest decision we can make at this juncture." Twilight's angles were difficult to see from, even for me. She was a brilliant tactician and never made pointless moves. When it came to chess, my record against her was worse than it was against my sister. Though Luna was more a lone wolf than a commander, her mind was incredibly hard to read when she wanted it to be.

"And that may be her intention, If we decide to fall back, it takes pressure away from her allowing her to continue with her plans unobstructed." She picked up a rock and tossed it away. "And to compound issues, we would look like cowards if we did retreat."

"She could be taking advantage of that mentality as well," I stroked my chin thoughtfully. "If we do something foolhardy she might already have traps awaiting us."

It's all so very complicated. I can really go for a cup of tea and a piece of cake.

Unfortunately, we hadn't packed saddlebags. There'd been no point for such a short trip to our own home where there would be resources readily available. Luna and I didn't need food or water often, at least not like mortals. I could remember particularly long sieges we'd gone through with no rations. When allies begin to starve to death around you, you learn very quickly how long you can last without sustenance. While things like a drink or a cookie weren't required for our survival, they did tend to raise morale. We could try teleporting elsewhere, but even something like that may have unforeseen consequences. It felt like we were already caught in Twilight's web. With her tactical mind that could very well be the case.

There has to be something we aren't seeing. A perspective we aren't looking from.

"Why would she want you, Sister?" I asked, recalling Twilight's attempt to abduct her.

"Me?!" she placed a hoof on her chest, baffled by the question.

"She tried to take you, or at least, your body. She tried to convince me to give you to her. She said it was for a spell she was working on." My sister thought hard at that, her brow furrowing.

"If I am to be honest, Sister, I believe it is a simple divide and conquer strategy." Her answer didn't satisfy me. Twilight was far too intelligent to use such a basic strategy. Although she had tried to eliminate one of us initially. Maybe Luna was right. Perhaps it was all a play to get rid of one of us as quickly as possible. It would mean one less powerful figure to oppose her and her grand schemes. I rubbed my face with a hoof, ready to get off this runaway train.

"You could be right," I pinched the bridge of my nose with a hoof, a headache slowly coming on. "But it could also be much more complicated than that."

"Thank you, Tia."

"Hm?" I opened my eyes to find her smiling weakly, an appreciative look on her face.

"For not letting her take me."

"I would die before I allowed any more harm to come to you, Lulu." The smile on her face grew wide before she pointed a hoof at my horn.

"What of the young dragon, Spike?" Although Luna sounded as if it was a shot in the dark, she might have had something worth investigating there. I'd forgotten Twilight's aide. I still had a direct link to the dragon and as such, could send scrolls back and forth unhindered. Whether he would read them prior to handing them over to Twilight was an entirely different matter.

"A reasonable question, but one I think is moot," I replied. Spike had been attached to Twilight at the hip since he was hatched. They were like my sister and I. With Twilight against us, I could not be confident Spike would be on our side.

"How so, Sister?"

"They are like a mother and her foal," I explained. "We'd have better odds betting on Twilight just deciding she's incorrect and surrendering to us than getting him to betray her."

"If only..." Luna scratched at her mane. "Forgive me, Sister, I'm just considering all possibilities."

"Think nothing of it, Luna. It was a splendid idea. I'd completely forgotten about Spike." We grew quiet, both contemplating any way we might be able to get the upper hoof.

"I believe our most logical approach is the invitation, Tia." My brows lifted. Was she really going to yield to the idea of my lone mission?

"A-alone?" I asked.

"Yes," she sighed. It was easy to see the conflict in her, but it was quickly replaced by confidence. "I have already faced her in single combat and emerged victorious. I am confident that you will have no problem with the young alicorn." What I first thought to be self confidence was actually confidence in me. I wasn't strong like Luna. My strength laid in protecting the ones I loved, but if she had faith in me then I was convinced I could do anything.

"I may not be willing to use lethal force, but I can at least try to get us some answers." Luna smiled brightly at my agreeance. "My only concern is the beast you spoke of." That monstrosity sounded like a problem, especially if it could instill fear within my sister.

"I do not think you have to worry about that."

"Why is that?" I tilted my head.

"If you stay vigilant and keep your guard up, you are invincible, Sister." I wasn't sure if her words were true. In fact, I knew they weren't, but the look on her face combined with the surety in her voice could make me believe anything. I nodded with a smirk, my morale lifted to the heavens.

"What will you do, Luna?" I asked.

"I have a plan, Sister." My eyes shot open at that. "An unsavory one, but a plan none-the-less." She looked a little ashamed at her own words. "Phase one starts at midnight."

Author's Note:

Resolution from both sides. Yay! I really hate the whole Luna is completely to blame for what happened. I really don't agree with that at all. Especially after a lot of the fanon stuff.

I really like this chapter. It was another one of the main reasons I wrote this fic.