• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,021 Views, 212 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

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Twilight : Enemy

To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn,

Your new friend Gale sounds like he shares a lot of characteristics with Rainbow Dash. Ponies like those two might be a little difficult to handle when you first meet them, but they'll end up sticking by your side until the very end. To be completely honest, Radiant, your progress on developing your friendships is really surprising me. If this trend continues you might just be done with the tasks I've assigned you before winter arrives. The possibility of having you back home so soon is my sincerest wish. I must be frank, Radiant. I miss you so much it hurts. I know sending you away was for the best, but I greatly overestimated my own sense of independence. I still need you near me, my precious student. Your presence, your smile... both are irreplaceable to me. The anticipation to see you face to face again drives me to do my very best each and every day. Forgive me. Once again, I seem to have gone off on another tangent. Back to the topic at hoof. I bet you're being very kind to Gale and Tambourine aren't you? One of the most important lessons I learned from Fluttershy is to always be kind to your friends... even if they can be a little hard to bear at times. As long as you show them true kindness everything tends to work out in the end. I know now that you're ready for your first expedition, Radiant. I've never been more sure of anything else in my life. With real friends at your side you'll be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. Anxiously anticipating your next letter.

Your best friend,
Twilight Sparkle

"You... you killed her..." There were no more tears left in me to cry. I'd cried them all away, used them on my friends and family... on Radiant. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I'd thought I couldn't lose any more than I already had. I thought Radiant had been the straw that broke the camel's back.

I was wrong.

This couldn't be real. I had to be trapped in a nightmare. My niece couldn't be gone.

THAT'S IT! Luna is still tormenting me, right!? That's what It has to be, It just has to be... Please... just let this be a nightmare...

"Oh, come now, Miss Sparkle. There was no other choice to be made. You know as well as I, your greatest obstacle in this entire endeavor was your sister-in-law." The coltish voice echoed from the book resting on my bed. "This was the only way to ensure you would be able to accomplish the mission you so desperately set out on. It is most regrettable Miss Heart had to pay with her life, but Cadance is no longer an issue. Her heart is broken. She will not be able to-"

"Shut up... please... just... be quiet..." there was no anger in my voice. I wasn't angry, only... empty.

"You know being rude will change nothing, Miss Sparkle. You have seen for yourself the permanence of death."

No. She can't be dead. There has to be something I can do... something someone can...

"That is why I am here, Miss Sparkle. It is why you are here. It is why you came to us in the first place, because you know how unjust death can be."

Us? Just what have I gotten myself into?

"What are you? What do you mean by 'us'?" I stared at the tome with suspecting eyes.

Just how dangerous is this thing?

"I am certain you have already spoken with my associate, Kis. She is the one whom you have been interacting with since you first came into contact with us."

"And you are?" I asked.

"I am Met. My associate and I are one and the same. We have always been and will always be." The book grew quiet as if that were all the information it was going to give me.

"Well, that answers the who... but I asked what you are."

"Clever girl. We are merely the instrument of your deepest desire. A tool you can use to end the suffering and death in this world." It almost felt like I was conversing with Discord, as if every word this thing uttered was a thinly veiled lie.

"You're not very good at lying, Met," I scrutinized the book harder. As my cutie mark etched on it became more vivid and clear, the one on my flank faded more and more. I dreaded what would happen when I completely lost it... my cutie mark, that is.

"So you're trying to imply that you're just a book for me to use as I see fit?" I raised a doubting eyebrow.

"I never said that. Assumption is a very poor choice of action for someone as intelligent as yourself, Miss Sparkle," the books cover opened and closed as if it had snapped at me in annoyance.

"Which is why I asked and didn't assume. If you're not just a book then I'll ask again, what exactly are you?" I placed my hooves on the bed, charging some energy into my horn to feign a threat. Caution was probably the best route to take, but I was getting way too tired of being toyed with, tired of not being in control of my own life.

"Temper, temper, Miss Sparkle. Violence never solved anything. Just look at what it did to your poor late niece." I lifted the book into the air with my telekinesis ready to engulf it in the flames of Tartarus.

"You push your luck, little book," I growled at it. It was so hard to tell what it was thinking or feeling, what with its lack of a face and all. "What's to stop me from setting you alight right now and being done with all of this?" The book seemed to cackle with a long gahaha.

"And make everything you have done for naught? I sincerely doubt you would go that far. You nearly killed your mentor and her sister. You invaded your sister-in-law's empire and had a hoof in the death of her only daughter and your only niece. You have taken thousands upon thousands of lives to fuel the spell that could very well save all the inhabitants of this world." It somehow pulled itself out of the grasp of my spell, though it probably had to do with the fact that his words caused me to lose my focus. "No, Miss Sparkle, I do not believe you will be doing anything so drastic to either of us today." I stared at the book incredulously, wanting so badly to burn it to ash, but knowing it was right. Knowing... Flurry...

I'm so sorry Flurry...

It floated back down onto the bed before speaking again. "If we are going to succeed in our objective, Miss Sparkle, we must not be at odds with one another."

"Why do you care so much? What do you get out of accomplishing the preservation?" I spat.

"It is what I was created for, what I was written to do." It sounded like he was being honest, but the notion was still too insane. I was talking to a book. "It is our destiny to complete the spell."

"You're not a book," I stared at it in disbelief. I loved books, but this whole situation was ludicrous.

"I never claimed to be one."

"I can see I won't be getting any further with that line of questioning. You're quite the nuisance, you know that?" I huffed. The book laughed again in its annoying gahaha.

"I have been called much worse things than that by much greater creatures, Miss Sparkle." I wanted to call it much worse things than that right now, but I bit my tongue instead. I knew stirring the pot would only bring about more complications and I didn't need that.

"What makes you think I'd continue to work with the thing that murdered my niece?" I was genuinely disgusted. "I'd never cooperate with something like you. If it were up to me you'd be a smoldering pile of ash right now," I turned away from it.

"You are the one who made the pact with us, Miss Sparkle. There is no turning back now. If you attempt to sever our contract prematurely, a fate much worse than death will be your outcome. And as far as being some sort of terrible being that 'murdered' your niece? You are no different than us. You have murdered your own fair share of foals in the name of saving them."

That isn't the same thing. I was preserving them, it's completely different.

And what was this about a pact? I'd done no such thing with anyone or anything. Magical pacts were outrageously dangerous. Celestia had warned me countless times about being involved with them in any way, shape, or form.

"I'm saving them. It's not murder, it's preservation. And I never made any pacts with you! I don't know what you're talking about," I refused to face the book. I wanted to leave, to go back to the Crystal Empire. To surrender. To die.

"To extract the soul for preservation is to kill the living being, there is no difference. You have murdered countless, Miss Sparkle." Another gahaha.

N-no. I didn't, I couldn't have...

"I... I'm a murderer?" I wasn't asking the book, I was simply coming to a realization. Why had I done it? It all felt so... wrong now. I forced my views on my subjects. On my family. On Celestia and Luna. Where had I gone so far astray? Where had it all gone so wrong?

"Don't blame yourself so harshly, Miss Sparkle. After all, my associate Kis has been heavily manipulating you most of that time." I spun around to stare at the book in disbelief. It didn't move or make a sound.

"What are you saying?" I narrowed my gaze at the book.

"It's all part of the pact you made with us Miss Sparkle. We will ensure your wishes are successful, regardless of whether you have had a change of heart or not. No matter the costs."

"I never made a pact," I said quietly. The book opened, turning page after page until it arrived at its desired destination. There were unknown letters formed into words all over the pages and in the center of the words was... "My hoofprint?"

"In blood, Miss Sparkle." My head pounded, like a cannon was going off right next to it. I fell to the floor with a grunt. The images flowing through my mind were hazy at best, but easy enough for me to understand.

I was sitting in the forbidden wing of the archives, speaking with the book, not just once, but dozens, if not hundreds of times. "We are much more intimately familiar with one another than you may recall, Miss Sparkle. Ever since your parents died you have come to us seeking guidance," the book's voice echoed through the memories, making my head ache even more. I saw myself nodding in approval before casting a spell that cut my foreleg open. I rubbed a hoof in the blood that flowed and pressed it into the book.

"No... I... I didn't..." The pain was suddenly gone along with the memories, but the truth remained vivid in my mind.

"You did, Miss Sparkle, and now we are bound to one another until we succeed or you... perish."

"Did you... did you alter my memories?" The idea was terrifying. Just what were the limits of it's power? The book remained silent, refusing to answer my question. It didn't have to reply.

I'm just being toyed with.

Just as Celestia had thought she could control everything, I had tried to do the same, and all the while I was the one being manipulated.

I was being led along like the most pitiable of puppets on the shortest strings. "You're using me..." Another realization.

When did I become so pathetic?

Still the book remained silent. I channeled energy into my horn in an attempt to make an escape, but a booming voice in my mind made it feel like it might split my head in two.

You can't leave, Sparkles! We still have so much more to do!

The voice was different from a second ago, it wasn't the book that called itself Met. This voice was mare-like and dripping with saccharine.

"Who are you?" I spoke out loud even though the voice had originated inside my head.

Met already told you silly. My name is Kis. I'm lots more hands on than he is as you can probably tell by now, being inside your head and all. That's why he gave me back control. I don't think you'll be wanting to go anywhere right now, we still have lots to discuss.

The voice, Kis, was way too excited, as if she were highly entertained by the possibility of playing with me. Like this entire situation was one big game to her. I pushed through the influx of pain and channeled more magic for a teleportation spell, trying my best to disregard the new entity.

"Try and stop me." I wasn't just going to bend to the will of these monsters. I'd fight them until the bitter end.

Kahahaha, gladly! You've got fight in you, like your little niece. I like that! She was a tough one!

The voice's taunting laughter annoyed me to no end. I knew they kept bringing up Flurry to press my buttons so I did my best to ignore their prodding. I couldn't. As soon as my concentration wavered at the mention of my family she stole control away from me.

Kahahaha, you mortals are so frail, in body and in mind. I could shatter your psyche right now and make you kill everyone you still hold dear, even if that list is already so incredibly short!

I couldn't control my magic or even move my body for that matter. She forced me to walk to the mirror. I tried to resist her, but it was like I had the strongest telekinesis spell ever casted on me. Not even Luna's magic had been this powerful. The sight that met me in the mirror was not me, was not Twilight Sparkle. I was a shadow of my former self. My coat was jet black, the tendrils that once only covered parts of me were now running rampant all over my body. They pulsed with magical energy that wasn't mine. My cutie mark was barely perceptible. If I wasn't so familiar with it, I wouldn't be able to say what it had once been. It was almost completely gone. My eyes... they were jagged and sharp, a smug smirk on my face. "Looking good, Sparkles, If I do say so myself," Kis spoke using my mouth.

Why are you doing this? I couldn't use my own body to speak anymore. She wouldn't allow it. I had to communicate with her through thoughts.

"Met already told you, Sparkles. Even if you don't want to, we're going through with the preservation. We'll save the world, even if you don't want to anymore." She continued to enthusiastically examine my body in the mirror.

Please, I just want all of this to end, I begged. Kis laughed uncontrollably in reply.

"Not until we finish the preservation, Sparkles. Don't you worry though. All that's left is your mentor and her sister. With that much power we'll be able to finish the spell lickety-split. They should be on their way soon too. I mean we did kill their granddaughter and all. Of course, I think they'll probably want to see to the funeral first," she lifted my hoof to her face as she stifled a laugh.

You don't understand, I interrupted her glee. She stared into the mirror with a raised brow and a grin. Flurry is gone, you're right. I failed again. I can't change that, I can't stop failing. I was done making excuses. I was done whining. It was time to face the consequences of my actions. You're not going to faze me. You better hold on tight because if you falter even for a second, I'll take back control and kill myself and the both of you. Besides, even if I can't stop you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will never lose to somepony like you! My body's eyebrows had raised to their peak and its smile grew larger and larger as I went on with my speech.

"KAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Her fit of guffawing was even more filled with gloating than before. She wiped tears from my face. "Oh, Sparkles. You're way too much fun!" The laughs died down as she sighed in satisfaction. "I don't think YOU understand, but how about I fill you in on all the details. Met and I were there when your precious princesses first fought Discord. We were there when they failed to save the Crystal Empire all those centuries ago. We were the ones who'd sent Sombra into this-"

"That is quite enough, Kis," the book interrupted and I suddenly had control of my body back, if only for the moment. I casted my spell to teleport on instinct, but nothing happened.

"What did you do?" I turned to the book and instantly became unable to do anything with my body again.

"Just because I'm not exerting my power doesn't mean I'm not in the driver's seat, Sparkles," Kis spoke with my mouth back in her full control. "Now be a good girl and don't try anything funny... or do, I couldn't care less either way. I can stop you without much effort. You're SO! VERY! WEAK!" her voice abruptly stopped as she finished her taunting. I felt her presence leave me to my own devices, but knew she could come back whenever she wanted. I stood still for minutes before speaking.

"What now then? You're clearly just playing with me," I stared down at the book.

"I apologize for my associate, Miss Sparkle. She is a lot more... tactless than I am... and so much more aggressive." Met, the male voice was back.

"You said the two of you are one and the same. What did you mean by that?" I sat to my haunches, growing more weary with every second that passed.

"To be precise, exactly that. Ee are the same being. While I am here she is not and vice-versa."

The same being?

I still didn't understand.

"You mean you share the same body?" I questioned.

"Yes, we do. However, it is also true that we are not merely two. We are one and we are two."

"So you're one and you're two?"

"Correct, we are both male and female. We are one and two. We are the exact same, yet we are drastically different." His explanation was starting to give me a worse headache than I already had.

"None of that is possible," I rubbed my head with a hoof.

"And yet somehow, it is the truth," he stated with no deception in his voice.

"How?" I asked before he cleared his throat.

"It simply is." There was no point in insisting any further. Met had already made it abundantly clear that he wouldn't expound on anything he didn't want to. Instead, I thought back to something Kis had said that was bugging me.

"What did Kis mean 'you were there' when Celestia and Luna defeated Discord? That was over a thousand years ago. Are you another alicorn?"

"Gahaha! Oh, Ms. Sparkle, you really are so very entertaining." I couldn't tell if he was being condescending or not. "No, we are not an alicorn, and I think it is for the best if you cease your investigation into what we truly are."

"Why's that?" My curiosity was both my biggest strength and weakness. Him simply suggesting I stop only invigorated me. The fact that he was being mysterious made me want to know the truth even more.

"Trust me, Miss Sparkle. Your well-being is already in a precarious enough position as it is."

"I don't care about my well-being," I laughed dryly.

"If only you knew what that truly meant." We both grew silent. After several minutes passed Met cleared his throat again. "What is your decision, Miss Sparkle?"

"My decision?" I cocked an eyebrow.

Surely he doesn't think I'd change my mind at the drop of a hat.

"Kis can lock your personality away deep inside your mind. If she does, you will not be able to aid your mentor." I flinched.

I can't let that happen.

"I don't- why not just get rid of me?" His words didn't make sense. Why would he give me an opportunity to help them? To help her?

"Do not misunderstand. I am merely pointing out that I know you. I know you will try to formulate a plan through deceit to try and assist them. If you refuse to cooperate right now, that chance will never come. So I ask again, what is your decision?" He was right. I had no choice and he knew it. He even knew what I'd try, but I wouldn't give up. I'd strayed from the path and it cost so many lives. My niece's life. I'd gladly give my own to rectify my mistakes. I had to. I may not be able to redeem myself, but... I'd do all I could to atone for my sins.

"Tell me what I need to do."

I'm sorry, Princess Celestia. I've saved you so many times, saved Equestria so many times. This time, you'll be the one that needs to do the saving...

Dear Princess Twilight,

I'm surprised as well, Princess! I never in a million years thought I'd be able to make friends so easily. To be completely honest, I never thought I'd be able to make friends at all, but you had unshakeable confidence in me. Thank you so much for having faith in me when I didn't have any in myself. Gale and Tamby are becoming my precious friends and it's all thanks to you... and yet... I still miss you more than anything, Princess. I didn't realize how much I needed you either. I love you, Princess. More than I love anypony or anything else. At the first opportunity I'm coming right back to the castle and we're spending all of our free time together. It's funny you mentioned kindness because Fluttershy has been my primary example of how to act in Ponyville... minus the shyness of course. I think that's what's been working so well. Being kind, I mean. We'll all do it, Princess. Gale, Tamby, and I will go on the expedition together and we'll make you proud. Then I'll be back in Canterlot before you know it. Maybe Gale and Tamby can come with me, if that's okay with you...

Your ever devoted student,
Radiant Dawn

Author's Note:

And here we get the big bad. Kismet. An OC and one that I'm particularly fond of. I adore Kis. I think she's so fun. She's pretty tropey, but that's super intentional. She's designed to be hated because she wants to be hated. It is a deep dive into Kismets mentality as a god that just can't function anymore.

Anyway maybe I'll do a deep dive into them at some point. They are present in all of my fics because... well I guess that's explained later.