• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,021 Views, 212 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

  • ...

Cadance : Resolve

It can't be possible... can it? Flurry is...

What kind of evil magic could cause something like this to happen? Had the monster that stolen my daughter away from me returned to finish me off as well?

If only I were so lucky.

For some reason, her voice did not continue. I waited for more to come, but nothing else happened. I couldn't just ignore my own daughter's voice... even if it wasn't really her. I called out again, despite how foolish it was.


Perhaps I've gone insane.

That was certainly possible. Depression can do very strange things to the sufferer's mind. This could be a peculiar way my mind was trying to cope with my loss. Like a key opening a locked door, my voice seemed to trigger another response from the voice.

"Listen Mom, I don't want to get your hopes up or anything, so just know that if you're hearing this... I'm really... I'm really gone... I'm sorry... I... I thought I could... UGH! I thought I'd make it... I thought I was strong enough, but I guess... I guess I was wrong." From the volume of her voice it sounded as if she was sitting in my bed right beside me, but that clearly wasn't the case. "I snuck into Starless' room and read through one of her books. I learned how to cast this spell. It lets me record my voice and then plays it later on when certain conditions are met. Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself."

So it's just a simple recording spell.

It was actually her, but... My heart sank even though I already knew that it couldn't have... that she couldn't be alive. "If by some miracle I am still alive, I'll get rid of this before you know about it so... hopefully..." she sighed.

"Mom, I have a really bad feeling about tomorrow," she suddenly sounded much more serious. "That's why I'm doing this now, because... look, I know my intuition has never been as good as yours, but... I think... I think something might happen to me tomorrow Mom. Something bad. Even so, I can't derail Granny Sola's whole plan just because I've got some butterflies in my stomach, y'know?"

She'd known... or at least, she'd had a feeling, yet she put on a brave face and went through with her part of the plan regardless. Even though her confession broke my heart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my daughter.

She was so brave... my little heart.

"Soooo I'm recording this because I know how you are, Mom." She laughed after saying that, confusing me.

How I am? How am I? What was that supposed to mean?

"You think you can't do this alone, don't you? That you can't live alone?"

She wasn't wrong.

I can't live without her.

I needed her.

"You don't need me, Mom." Her ever present blunt attitude struck a nerve. "I know that might sound harsh, but it's the truth. I know how strong you really are. You can do anything, and that includes moving on, even if... even if I'm not around anymore to hold you up." The thought of being by myself terrified me.

"Because you're not alone, Mom. Even if I'm not there, you have so many ponies that love you. Granny Sola, Granny Moona, Starless and the rest of the Rainbow Guard, and..." she stopped for a moment, possibly considering if she really wanted to say what she was going to next. "Auntie Twi. She's really hurting, Mom. She needs our help, now more than ever. We have to save her. We have to bring her back. She's our family, Mom. Even if she's done horrible things. Even if she's..." I already knew it. Flurry would do anything for her aunt. She'd always been like that.

"Mom... I messed up real bad." Even though I was already listening intently my ears perked up. "Remember when auntie came to the empire that one time? When we met her outside the city, a little while after she became the ruler of Equestria?" I could vaguely remember the time. Twilight visited often before her ascension to the throne, but after that happened it was rare for her to come around. One might think I'd be able to pinpoint the time easily, but along with her inheritance came a lot more work for those of us in the empire. My mind had been on so many things back then.

"Heh, I guess it doesn't matter much if you don't remember the exact date. Anyway, that night we talked about a lot of stuff... really important stuff. She brought up grandmare and grandpa. She was really worried about Dad. I could tell something was wrong, I could see it... something in her eyes and I..." She was quiet for a moment before I heard the change in her tone. "I didn't say anything, Mom. I didn't do anything about it, I..."

She was crying. The sound was so alien it almost sounded like it wasn't my Flurry at all... but it was. "I should've told you or Dad or Granny. I should've told anypony, but I didn't. I... It's my fault, Mom. This whole thing is happening because I didn't do something for her when I should have." I felt awful. I didn't even know she'd felt that way and she was my only daughter.

What had I been doing that I was so oblivious to her feelings?

"No Flurry..." my thoughts slipped out of my mouth.

How can she possibly blame herself for such horrible events?

"I already know what you're thinking 'oh Flurry, it's not your fault, none of us could've caused this to happen.' Maybe you're right, Mom, but it doesn't matter. Even if it's not my fault, even if I'm not to blame at all, I still should've done something. Nothing will change my mind on that. Nothing. That's why we have to save her, Mom. We have to... do something."

I didn't know she'd carried so much guilt with her. Since she was so young she'd bore the blame of her aunt's mental decline. I wish I had known. I wish I'd made more of an attempt to know, but she was always so happy and upbeat.

Could I have done things differently? should I have asked her more questions? Been a better mother?

"Stop it, Mom!"

There was no aggression in her voice, only kindness. "I know what you're thinking. It's not your fault, not at all. I'm really good at hiding my emotions. Nopony could've seen through me." She knew me so well. "You're the best, Mom. I couldn't have asked for a better family. I love you all so much..." Another long soul rending pause followed, the quiet sounds of her crying, wiping away her tears, sniffling her nose. What I wouldn't give to hold her that very moment.

"I'm gonna be honest with you here, Mom... I'm uh... i'm a little scared. I... I don't..." she sniffled, her tears coming harder. I hadn't noticed before, but tears were dripping from my face as well. "I don't want to leave you guys, Mom. There's still so much I wanted to do, so many things I wanted to experience. I've never even kissed a colt for crying out loud!" she chuckled a little, but it was easy to hear how hollow the action was. "I..."

I could hear her wiping her face with a foreleg. "Sorry this probably isn't helping you much, huh? Come on Flurry, stop being such a pansy." She was doing her best to stifle the tears. I smiled slightly, her care for me in spite of how she felt, something I cherished deeply. "I've been going on for a while so I think I'm gonna end this with one more important thing, Mom. You have to be strong. You can do this. You can save Auntie Twi. I know you can. Love doesn't fail, Mom. It never does. And always remember what I told you, this isn't goodbye, it's..."

"See you later..."

I wailed as my face fell into my hooves, the tears coming, more fierce than ever before in my life.

"See you later, mom... I love you." I sobbed uncontrollably, finally able to get the feelings that had buried themselves deep within me out. I don't know how long I cried, but at some point I fell into a peaceful slumber. Not blacked out, not lost consciousness, but rather, the most comfortable sleep I'd ever experienced. The dreams I had were full of joy and love and yet I couldn't recall what they'd been about once I woke. I just knew they helped me heal. Flurry had helped me heal, and I wouldn't let her down... no matter what.

"They've already left for Canterlot, Your Highness." Ignitia and the Rainbow Guard had joined me in the dining hall at my behest. None of them were eating. Instead they stood at attention, donning their full armor sets as I ate my breakfast in an attempt at making up for the meals I'd missed over the past few days. I'd woken up that morning completely revitalized, as if Flurry herself had returned and given me all the strength I'd need to fight. Since my daughter was gone, Ignitia had taken up the mantle of her late captain, leading both the Rainbow and Crystal Guards. If the change in position was too much for the young unicorn to handle, she hid it well.

"Since when, Ignitia?" I asked after swallowing a spoon full of oats. I hoped and prayed I wasn't too late to take action. If they'd left a long time ago and hadn't come back yet that was a bad sign. If they'd gone recently I'd still have an opportunity to assist them. Either way, I would be going, even if I had to do so on my own.

"This morning, about an hour or two ago is my assumption, though I can't be sure. They didn't exactly announce their departure." Ignitia seemed a little more than irritated at that fact. "What will you do, Your Highness? The empire really needs your leadership right now." She wasn't looking at me, as if she was aware I knew she was using a manipulative tactic to try and get me to stay.

She already speaks like a politician. She'll make a fine Captain of the Guard.

"I will go assist my aunts in their endeavor." My declaration elicited an audible shuffling of the others in the room. Ignitia didn't say a word or move a muscle. "I cannot sit idly by while my sister is in need of my aid. I am... sorry." I couldn't look my soldiers in their eyes. It might've been selfish of me, to choose my own wants, to choose Flurry's wishes, over the needs of the entire Crystal Empire, but... I wouldn't let anything stop me from fulfilling her dying request. All was quiet in the hall for a span. I really had grown accustomed to it.

"If I may, Your Highness?" Ignitia finally spoke, drawing my gaze.

"You've no need to ask, Ignitia." I swallowed the last of my tea.

"There's no reason for you to apologize. I believe in my heart that's what Flurry would've wanted as well... that you help Princess Twilight, I mean." We met each other's gaze, the kindness in her eyes and the smile on her face warming my heart.

"Thank you, Ignitia," I offered her a smile in return. "My only request is that you and the Rainbow Guard watch over the empire while I am away. There are no better ponies in all of Equestria to take on that duty." I stood to my hooves, getting ready to do one last thing before I left for Canterlot.

"We will keep the empire safe until your return, Your Highness," she bowed low before saluting. "You have my word. You've nothing to worry about. Am I correct in assuming you won't be allowing any escorts to accompany you?" she asked.

"You are correct," I nodded. I was already putting my own life on the line for a second time, I wasn't about to willingly put anypony elses in the same danger.

"Then please, be safe, Your Highness." She wasn't enthusiastic about my decision, but she would abide by it.

"I will, Ignitia." I looked around at all the other guards standing behind her. "You all are the very best the Crystal Empire has to offer. Please watch over her with your lives." They bowed low in unison.

"YES YOUR HIGHNESS!" If their morale had been damaged at any point they didn't show it.

"You are dismissed," I bowed my head a bit. As the Rainbow Guard made their way to the doors one remained behind.

"Your Highness?" Starless Night waited for me by the doors of the hall. I was greatly ashamed of my previous actions towards her over the last few days. I'd treated her especially harshly while I was dealing with my demons. Instead of answering her with empty words I chose to show her my remorse. I wrapped my forelegs around her neck and hugged her. "Y-YOUR HIGHNESS!?" she gasped.

"I told you to call me Cadance when we're alone, Star. I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. I know you were concerned, I know you are concerned, but I'm better now, I promise." I rested my forehead against hers, looking her directly in her eyes to prove to her I wasn't trying to deceive her. A single tear escaped her before she quickly wiped her face.

"I'm so happy to hear that, Cadance," she smiled. "I was really worried about you."

"I was in a dark place, Star. Flurry helped me get out of it." I let her go and moved back. "Thank you, for caring so much. I don't deserve a friend as kind as you."

"Don't say that, Cadance. We all go through bad times," she placed a hoof on my shoulder. "A real friend is somepony who's there while you're going through them... or waiting for you on the other side if they can't help you get out." She knew she couldn't help, but still stayed loyal despite that fact and in spite of the fact that I'd treated her so poorly.

"You're a true, true friend, Starless." That made me happy to think about, even though I already knew it.

"You are too, Cadance. I wouldn't trade you for the world," she rubbed my shoulder gently. "I just wanted to wish you luck before you left and..." she shifted awkwardly on her hooves, suddenly having trouble looking me in my eyes.

"And?" I tilted my head.

"And... that... I love you, Cadance. I don't know what I'd do without you. So... please... please come back to us." I could see she was trying her best not to cry, still averting her gaze. It was incredibly dangerous, heading to Canterlot. Even moreso without guards, but I would see this through to the end, no matter what the outcome might be.

"I'll... I'll do my best Star..." I knew it wasn't what she wanted to hear, but I wasn't going to lie to her, she deserved that much.

Despite my wishes, she cried.

I pushed open the door to my daughter's room, her familiar scent washing over me as soon as I stepped inside. Everything within was spotless and organized, a considerable departure from the usual disaster she'd left her room in.

"You really knew something was going to happen to you, didn't you, Flurry?" I whispered to myself. She'd left her room in pristine condition, something she never did before.

I'll clean up tomorrow mom, promise.

That was always the excuse she'd give me. I walked around the room, adoring the interests and hobbies of my daughter. Her posters and decor brought back vivid memories.

On one wall, a Wonderbolts poster that featured Rainbow Dash, Flurry's favorite flight teacher and in a very obvious way, her hero. A painting of her father and I from the day of our wedding. I always thought that was a strange thing for her to have up in her room. A photo of her and my aunts on her nightstand, the silly faces they all had caused me to chuckle. They looked truly happy with each other.

As I looked around the room I finally realized what had always been missing... Her aunt.

The guilt she felt must've really been unbearable...

I sat down on the bed taking in what could be the last time I was in her room. A small smile crept onto my face as the happy memories overtook the sorrow as they came rushing back to me.

Flurry, Shining, and I on a peaceful picnic in the countryside. She had only been ten at the time. She was so excited the day before she almost slept the entire trip due to staying up the night prior. The three of us presiding over the Crystal Games together numerous times. She'd wanted to compete herself, but it really wasn't fair to have an alicorn represent the empire. She was disappointed at first, but she grew to understand. The ceremony we held when she'd finally taken over as Captain of the Guard for her father when he retired. We were so proud of her. She'd proven she wasn't just a figurehead. She was an exceptional soldier, just like her father.

There were so many more memories, I couldn't count them if I tried, each a treasure I held deep in my heart. I would use all of them along with the motivation Flurry had given me to save my sister. I took one more long look around the room before getting to my hooves and walking back to the door. As I pushed it open to leave I felt my daughter's presence. She wrapped her forelegs around my neck from behind, not needing to say a word.

"Thank you, my little heart... I'll... I'll save your aunt, I swear." I placed my hoof over hers as tears fell from my eyes. "I'll see you later, Flurry."

Twilight was dying, there was no other way of putting it. The strain of having all of that magic torn from her body had sent her into a state of shock.

"C-Cadance?! What are y-" Aunt Luna was stunned by my arrival. Not surprising considering the last time she'd seen me I was an inconsolable wreck.

"There's no time, Auntie. Twilight needs us." I walked up next to my sister, already channeling magic to probe her magical circuits. The trauma from having the tendrils ripped from her body hadn't caused any bleeding or disfigurement, but... if they had been a collecting point for all the mana in her body, a concentration of it, then losing that source may cause her heart to fail.

"GAHAHAHA! Do all you wish. There is no hope for Twilight Sparkle."

That voice... I know that voice.

I bristled, my rage immediately off the charts.

"YOU!?" I spun around to face my Flurry's murderer, all thoughts of helping my sister instantly forgotten. There was no one, just the floating tendrils that had been taken from Twilight.

"Greetings, Princess Cadance. How is your lovely little daughter doing?"

I saw red.

"Cadance he is-" The roar of my large blast of magic drowned out my aunt's voice. I didn't know where to direct my rage so I'd thoughtlessly fired at the tendrils. My anger and unchecked emotions wouldn't let me end my assault. I continued to pour magic into the attack, not caring if I was playing right into my enemies hooves. Out of nowhere my magic was suddenly completely cut off. I was still so angry, my chest heaving as I drew in all the oxygen I could. There was little to no damage to be seen done to the tentacles.

What stopped me? I still have so much energy.

"Cadance, you must control yourself." I glared at my aunt, my fury blinding my judgement. Her horn was glowing blue.

"YOU-" I stomped toward my aunt with every intention of harming her.

"MOM!" Flurry's voice echoed from within me, stopping me in my tracks.

"Please, Cadance! Twilight needs you..." Aunt Luna swept her hoof at the motionless alicorn. "She is not breathing."

"T-Twilight..." Flurry's words came back to me.

We have to save her, Mom.

I knelt next to my sister, placing my horn against hers. Even if it cost me all the magic I had... even if it cost me my life, I wouldn't let her die.

It was foolish of me to have let that monster manipulate me.

I transferred wave after wave of magical energy directly into her horn, the strain gradually causing me to sweat. I wasn't sure if what I was doing would work, but my options were severely limited. Since the issue was a lack of mana... it should work... right? "Come on, Twilight. Stay with us..." I squeezed my eyes shut, the toll this was taking on me was becoming burdensome.

I shouldn't have wasted so much energy on that fiend.

I wasn't running low by any means, but I still fully intended to deal with that thing once I'd finished helping Twilight. I'd need as much strength as I could possibly muster for that task.

"Cadance?" My aunt gasped, placing a hoof on my shoulder. My eyes shot open to find a grimace of pain on Twilight's face. She was shaking. It was obvious she was hurting, but she was breathing. I exhaled, relieved. I placed my ear over her chest listening carefully.

Normal, thank goodness.

"She's stabilizing," I smiled. Aunt Luna brightened at the good news. "There's not much I can do about the pain, but she seems to be out of the woods."

"Mom!" Yet again Flurry spoke inside of me, trying to tell me something. Trying to make me realize what I hadn't.

"Cadance, are you alright?" Aunt Luna looked very concerned, as if I was about to fall over and die. I couldn't understand why.

"I-" my eyes opened wide, light illuminating them into shining orbs of luminescence. I felt the swell of magic move out of my chest, one of the bright shining hearts that Flurry had given to me appearing before us. It slowly floated down to my sister and phased into her chest.

"That is Flurry's-" Aunt Luna stared wide eyed.

"You alicorns are such a troublesome lot," the monster interrupted my aunt. "We never should have agreed to allow your existence." I ignored it. I was much to focused on Twilight to be swayed by its taunting. The heart caused the lavender alicorn to glow light blue before the magic fully absorbed into her body. Her scowl slowly changed into a slight smile as her spasms died down completely.

Did you predict this as well, Flurry? Is that why you gave us some of your power?

"No," I heard her laugh.

I really must've gone crazy. I guess it isn't so bad.

I turned around to face the murderer.

"Keep an eye on her, Auntie. I have a bone to pick with this... thing." I walked closer to the tendrils, my horn overflowing with light blue magic. With nothing else to go on I could only direct my wrath at what I could see.

"Right now, It's name is Met, Cadance. The female voice is called Kis." My aunt moved closer to Twilight, crouching protectively to shield her from any possible attacks.

"Met huh? What a despicable name..." I stuck a tongue out in disgust. "You're the one that took my Flurry away from me, aren't you?" My horn flared at the intense anger I was feeling, however I knew the correct strategy.

Rage won't be the answer in this fight.

"That is correct, Your Highness." Met's voice was so polite it grated on my ears. It made me want to punish him all the more. "Unfortunately, she did not put up much of a fight." I took a deep breath in then exhaled slowly. "I pray you are not as pathetic as she was." I bit the inside of my cheek hard, tasting metal almost immediately.

"Maybe if you were not such a coward I'd have somepony to hit." I stared evenly, fighting to keep my emotions in check.

I can't let him draw me into his rhythm.

If I did fall for his foolishness it could all be over for me in seconds. I'd seen first hoof what he was capable of in my palace. No matter how I felt, this would not be easy.

"How right you are my dear. My sincerest apologies. I shall rectify that promptly." The tendrils pulsed with energy as they gradually started to vibrate.

"Hold on," I lifted a hoof.

"Hm?" The tendrils continued to move, but Met still replied.

"Where is my Aunt Celestia?" I suddenly noticed her absence, the trauma of seeing Twilight and the goading of Met having distracted me up until now.

"Hopefully melted to nothing by this point." The tendrils stopped, now releasing a powerful wave of energy. "Regrettably, I can still sense her inside that dragon's belly, so the process is not complete yet."

"D-dragon's... belly?" I wobbled as my body began to lose it's equilibrium.

Spike had...

"Do not let him rattle you, Cadance. Tia is fine. She would not let herself be killed so easily." Aunt Luna's reassurance gave me strength.

She's right.

Aunt Celestia had survived far too long to be taken down by something so... boring.

"Focus Cadance! He is coming!" As the magic around the tendrils reached a maelstrom it stopped abruptly before an explosion of darkness forced me to avert my eyes.

"BEHOLD, KISMET! THE LORD OF FATE!" What I looked at was... baffling to say the least. The creature was unlike any civilized race I'd ever encountered before. If I was to compare it to something I'd seen, I'd say it bore the resemblance of a timberwolf more than anything else I could think of.

Unlike a timber wolf it stood erect, much taller than even my aunt. It was... disturbing. Red and black fur covered its body and the ends of its limbs looked... wrong or I guess, malformed? It wasn't so much an amalgamation of different parts like Discord, it was just completely... alien.

Immediately demanding attention were its elongated claws that looked like they once belonged to a dragon. A long furless red tail flicked around behind it. The wide grin on its muzzle displayed rows of sharp and jagged teeth. Altogether, it looked very... demonic. Strangely enough, it was covered in... clothes? It was dressed as if Rarity herself had created its wardrobe for it. It was adorned in an elaborate vest and dark slacks. Its feet were uncovered, large claws themselves. A fancy metal cane was held in one of its claws. Hanging out of the front pocket of its vest was a gold pocket watch. One of its red eyes, its left eye, was concealed by a black patch. Its pointed ears were exceptionally large, almost as if they were spikes.

"Lord of Fate?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"That is correct." I felt something touch my shoulder forcing me to jump away. What met my eyes when I turned nearly made me collapse...

"H-HOW!?" I looked back to where it'd been less than a second ago, but it was obviously no longer there.

I had been staring right at it, how...?

I instinctively surrounded myself with love mana, the safest option I had. I was pretty sure my normal spells wouldn't do anything against this... thing. I could feel the darkness radiating off of its body in droves. Standing in its general vicinity felt like I was back in Twilight's room in Canterlot Castle.

"Who do you think you are, Discord?" I spat. Its smile somehow grew even wider at the mention of the draconequus. I was one hundred percent sure those teeth could tear through flesh and bone with no problem whatsoever.

"You are mistaken my dear, I am nothing like Discord," he took a lumbering step toward me. "No, Discord is a saint in comparison to me." It licked its lips, its tongue an absurdly long serpent-like appendage.

"I don't care what you are, monster! You'll pay for what you did to my Flurry!" I wasn't afraid in the slightest, I was ready.

He'll pay.

"How delightful! It has been," it looked up into the air thoughtfully, counting on its free claw. "millions of years since I've had my last good tussle." I grit my teeth.

It's lying. It has to be.

"You won't scare me," I growled confidently. "I don't care if you've been alive for billions of years, Met. My daughter will be avenged!"

"GAHAHAHA! Why would I want to scare you, Cadance?" It twirled its cane effortlessly in its claw. "I have not cut loose in such a long time." It flipped the cane into the air and caught it without looking. "This is going to be SO. MUCH. FUN!" it emphasized each word with a smack of the cane into its palm.

"Enough!" I shot a beam of magic directly at its face, testing the waters. With a bored expression he spun his cane like a windmill in front of itself, deflecting the attack with no effort at all.

"Come now, Cadance. This isn't an exhibition," it held its cane behind its neck. "I know! Perhaps you could use some.. stronger motivation," it glanced at Aunt Luna and Twilight, a look of pure hunger on its face. I was next to it in a second, bucking hard at its face.

It moved ever so slightly, avoiding the blow entirely. "That is more like it!" It reached for my throat, but my barrier prevented it from touching me. I leapt backwards, taking up a defensive stance. "Tsk, that love magic of yours is quite a problem."

If that's the case...

"Prepare yourself, Met!" I was most familiar with my love magic, but it had no practical uses in most fights. If this monster was really having trouble dealing with it, then I could fight like I never had before. I manifested blue magical hearts all over the area, several thousand of them. It looked annoyed as it began attempting to pop one of them with the end of its cane.

"What do you intend to do with these?" It examined one up close. "They don't seem very powerful." I moved the one it was looking at right into its face, the explosion of magic pushing it back into more hearts which all began to erupt. In seconds it was encompassed by the carnage, obscuring my view of its body. Not letting up, I continued to push more and more hearts into the initial area of explosion causing a repetition of blasts that wouldn't cease.

"KEEP AT IT, CADANCE!" My aunt called out over the cacophony of noise.

"Yes, Cadance. Do not slow your assault or he might escape." I felt its warm breath on my ear right before its cane collided with my barrier sending me flying back several meters. I didn't feel the blow from the stick, but tumbling around in my orb of safety was painful.

"F-fast..." I grunted, standing to my hooves. I couldn't see it moving. I looked its way, but it'd already disappeared again.

"BEHIND YOU CADANCE!" Aunt Luna yelled. I spun around, much too slow to stop the cane from crashing into my barrier yet again. The world was a spinning nightmare as I bounced around in the sphere. The fact that it could knock me around so brutally was a testament to how physically strong it was. I'd been immovable by dragons with my barrier...

Can he really be stronger than them?

Once everything stopped spinning I stood to my hooves, the various cuts I'd gotten healing themselves quickly. I shook the dizziness away and prepared myself for another strike. This time it appeared right in front of me, no teleportation, no spells used. I closed my eyes, lifting my forehooves to defend myself even though my shield was holding true. An attack never landed. I opened my eyes cautiously lowering my hooves to see its cane enveloped in a dark blue aura.

"Forgive me, Cadance, but it's clear this thing is not to be trifled with. We must work together to bring him down," my aunt's horn shined as she held Met's cane in place.

"Hmmm double teaming? That is not very sporting of you, Princess of the Night," Met stared at the dark alicorn dryly. "But if you insist!" It was in front of her instantly, reaching for her face with a vicious claw. She caught it inside a telekinesis spell, struggling as the force of its lunge was incredibly difficult for her to slow.

"Unlike my niece, I can see your movements, Met," she growled, a look of determination on her face. She was already sweating, the strain to keep the monster at bay monumental.

"GAHAHAHA! As if I need to touch you to butcher that pretty little face of yours!" Its outstretched claw began to shine blindingly with evil magic. Aunt Luna panicked, drawing back as the swell of power was about to explode right in her face.

"AUNT LUNA!" I couldn't react fast enough, the immense beam of evil magic that emanated from Kismet's claw was massive and as loud as the largest dragon's roar. The energy completely overwhelmed my aunt in the blink of an eye. As the spell slowly dissipated Kismet cackled maniacally. Nothing but devastated land and debris remained in front of it.

"GAHAHAHA! ONE DOWN, TWO MORE TO GO, CADANCE!" It turned to face me, its eyes psychotic. "Or would that be two down? After all that is the second alicorn I have killed." I couldn't think as I stared at the horrific scene in front of me.

"N-no... you can't..." The grief threatened to destroy me.

"Don't be... so sure of yourself... Kismet..." My jaw went slack as I looked in the direction the voice had come from.

"Twilight..." I could barely say her name. She wasn't in top shape, but she stood on her hooves, my aunt standing right next to her. Her horn was a bright beacon of magenta light, her magical circuits apparently operating well.

Had she teleported her to safety?

Kismet slapped itself on the forehead in exasperation.

"You cannot be serious," it groaned in disappointment.

"Thank you, Twilight," my aunt breathed a sigh of relief. My sister merely nodded in acknowledgement. Aunt Luna's eyes narrowed on the monster. "You now face three alicorn princesses, Met. Surrender now and accept your destruction."

"How... unfortunate," it rubbed its face roughly with a claw before laughing once again. It looked at Twilight, its boredom back in full force. "Three on one? Not very sporting of you princesses. I suppose I shall have to get serious then."

The three of us tensed. The real fight was about to begin.

Author's Note:

Cadance shining brightly again. I really feel like I did a less recognized character justice. Especially in the realm of strength. Cadance is no pushover. She's an alicorn and the embodiment of Love. She can stand her ground.

Man, the Flurry Cadance stuff still hits really hard.

Kis and Met are pretty much Helluvaboss designs. Both a mix of demon and wolf/fox.