> The End is Not the End > by Hoofprintz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Luna : Crisis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We have to go, Luna! Now!" Something incredibly serious had happened. Celestia was acting in a way I had never encountered before and I could fathom no possible reason other than... "Twilight Sparkle?" I asked.  She nodded stiffly, or perhaps painfully, before trotting to and fro, seemingly unable to decide what the next correct step to take was. The expression on her face was one of intense worry, a look that only came about when all of Equestria was in peril.  "Sister, you must remain calm, you are quite literally going nowhere," my attempt to lighten the mood was met with tense silence. Celestia did not even spare me a glance, her eyes shifting this way and that as if she were combing over invisible words floating before her.  "There's not enough time..." she whispered, more to herself than to me.  "SISTER!" I was inches from utilizing the Royal Canterlot Voice, but a loud shout was more than  enough to pull her out of her stupor. Her face snapped to mine, somehow even more distressed once her mind was back with me in reality.  "It is as I feared, Luna," was all she said, the worry on her face becoming even more defined. "Then we must make haste," I said kindly. I began to focus magic into my horn. If what had happened was as drastic as she believed, then our best option was the swiftest one. In most situations, decisive action was much wiser than hesitation. "R-right... you're right," Celestia nodded, a look of determination spreading across her own features. She joined me, focusing her own magic into that specific part of her horn. Our home was a long way from Canterlot, our personal land a great distance from any other civilization, a choice Celestia and I had agreed upon when passing our kingdom down to Twilight. Solitude was a blessing I could share with Tia. A life far from the demands of royal obligations was exactly what we needed after all those years of servitude. Teleporting a short way was a simple task for alicorns such as us, but distance this great required some precision and a bit of concentration. In mere moments, I could feel my magic peaking. With a loud pop, I was sucked out of existence into nothingness, only to flash back into the world with another equally loud bang seconds later. Teleporting so many miles away always felt... peculiar.  A moment later a loud pop sounded next to me, my sister appearing in a beautiful golden hue of sparks.  "P-P-Princess Luna?!? P-Princess Celestia!?!" The Royal guards standing at attention in front of Canterlot Castle immediately lost their composure at our sudden appearance. One could hardly fault them, Sister and I were still quite the sight to behold, especially amongst newer recruits who had only ever  interacted with Twilight. Awkwardly enough, we were still referred to as "princesses" even in the absence of our crowns and royal garb. It was possibly due to Twilight's influence, as she could never seem to shake that poor habit either.  "Forgive us, but we are sorely pressed for time. May we please be let through?" my sister asked softly, already donning an expertly woven mask of diplomatic serenity. However, anypony who spent time with her could see the slight tensing and slacking of the muscles in her legs. It was easy to see she wanted to run, but that was completely unacceptable in a place such as this, even more so for one of her status.  "O-of course, Your Majesty!" The guard on the right sputtered before he and his counterpart pushed the gate open with a hoof. "Please! Enjoy your stay!" his voice was high pitched and quaking, revealing just how nervous he was "Thank you!" Celestia and I spoke in unison as we entered the castle grounds. I patted the guard on the shoulder with a hoof as we passed them by, hopefully soothing him a touch. Normally, the trek to the great hall was much more deliberate for us. Pleasantries to elites, greeting guards, and answering any official business--even though royal duties were far behind us--were typical requirements for us, but today, something was off with my sister.  We started toward the hall in a somewhat quick trot, but before long Celestia had transitioned into a brisk canter forcing me to hasten my own pace. Her gait was far larger than mine, after all. She was not acknowledging any passersby, her eyes focused only on her destination. If it were not completely taboo, I supposed she would have teleported directly into the great hall, which would have caused all manner of trouble for the two of us. "Sister, we are violating numerous regulations!" I hissed, my voice an octave above a whisper. She was not listening. I debated trying to break her out of her focus, but at this rate we would be in the great hall in mere seconds. Twilight should be holding day court and we may interrupt, but that did not seem to trouble Celestia at all. At least, not moreso than whatever had happened to cause all of her distress.  Two guards stood next to the large doors of the great hall. This was... highly abnormal. Generally speaking, an extremely long line of subjects should be fidgeting uncomfortably, waiting for their turn at an audience with Twilight, however currently, there were merely a few scattered ponies and griffins speaking quietly amongst themselves. Our approach stunned several of them into silence and awkward glances, possibly due to Celestia's demeanor. As we walked up to the large double doors, I noticed an ornately designed sign hanging from them.  "No court today. Apologies for any inconvenience," I read aloud.  "Where is Twilight?" Celestia harshly questioned one of the guards. The very air about her was unusual, a tinge of desperation in her voice.  "Princess Twilight," I corrected her. The guards seemed satisfied by my clarification. "Her Highness has sequestered herself in her private chambers. She has declared that she not be disturbed under any circumstances!" the guards boomed in unison. The gap in experience between soldiers posted on the interior of the castle and the exterior was quite apparent.  Celestia sneered at their reply before breaking into a gallop towards Twilight's chambers, barely avoiding the group of griffins that had been in her path a second earlier. "Sister!? Tch." I followed after her as quickly as I could manage, apologizing to the griffins as I darted past them. So many breaches of etiquette... Celestia was done holding back. I was nearly forced to take flight to keep the short span between us from growing too great.  In seconds she slid to a stop at the doors to her old private chambers. Twilight Sparkle had taken up residence in her room after the transfer of power, possibly because it was the room that Twilight had spent most of her time in previously and thus, was where she felt most at ease. Celestia appeared hesitant all of a sudden, her chest rising and falling rapidly as if she were grasping for any oxygen her lungs could obtain. She could not be so winded from... not from something so effortless as traveling a few yards.  "Tia?" I lightly placed a hoof on her shoulder. Is she having a panic attack? My heart began to pound as I turned over the possible causes in my mind. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath in through her nose then released it slowly through her mouth. She looked at me with a smile that would have comforted anypony else, but I perceived it hid something... worrisome. "I love you, Lulu," she said quietly to me. Sister's masks were countless and impossible to decipher. I could not work out if this was her true visage or if she was trying to conceal her real feelings from me. It was frightening. Cryptic words like those, particularly right now, were most unwelcome. I could not  mouth any sort of protest, instead saying the only thing that came to my mind.  "I love you too, Tia." I wanted to hug her, to console her, to assure her everything was going to be alright. Such lofty desires when I did not even know the problem we were facing, were foolish. She looked back at the doors. For some reason they seemed more massive and sinister today, as if they were the foreboding gates to Tartarus itself. A feeling of sickening dread settled in the pit of my stomach.  "Luna..." she said quietly, not turning to face me.  "I shall wait right here, Sister." I wanted to go with her, wanted to stay as close as possible, but this was where we traditionally parted ways. Her relationship with Twilight Sparkle had always been… unique, to say the least. To be honest, I was a little jealous of the young princess... Very well, I was intensely jealous, but Celestia had always shown me love and kindness I did not deserve, so I kept my envious thoughts to myself.  "Thank you, Luna." With a swell of her magic she knocked on the door once,  twice, then a short delay followed by a quick succession of three knocks. A semi-secret way that she let Twilight know it was her. The doors were shrouded in a magenta glow before one slowly opened with a loud groan. My sister silently stepped inside  before the door was drawn closed with a dull thud.  Normally, I would explore the castle grounds, maybe go find a snack in the kitchens or visit the gardens, but there was an uneasy shadow lurking over me today. Something was compelling me to stay planted to the spot where I stood. I dropped to a sitting position and began to ruminate on the past, trying to theorize what could have occured that could cause Celestia so much distress. The initial signs of her concern had cropped up around the time that Twilight's parents had died. First her father, then shockingly, a couple days later, her mother. Both seemingly naturally of old age, but each positively devastating for the alicorn, especially since their lives had ended so close together. Fortunately, Celestia and I were there for her student, as were the young alicorn's friends and family. After a grieving period, Twilight's spirit appeared to improve, even to the point of normalcy, at least from my perspective. However, it was at that time that Celestia began to display her own decline. More letters, more visits, but most concerning to me, more worry.  Many years later, Shining Armor, Twilight's elder brother, took ill. While it was an unnatural occurrence that took him, his journey had been a long and very prosperous one. Once again, Twilight took it terribly. While she was able to surround herself with her loved ones, losing your nuclear family could be very difficult. At the time, I began to notice a change in the princess. Her shoulders began to slump. Her smile was less luminous. Even her basic movements appeared more labored than before. I wanted to help her, wanted to do something to make her feel better. Twilight Sparkle was my friend, a very dear friend, one that had saved me from the Nightmare.  Alas, there was nothing I could do, save offering her a smile and a shoulder to cry on. Sister had always been much better at compassion than I. Since the beginning, Ponies had always perceived me as a frigid ice queen. I was not, though I did lack the appropriate faculties to properly comfort others. Anything beyond a hug and a smile was alien to me. All I could truly do was rely on Tia for things such as that. Unfortunately, as Twilight's frame of mind cracked, so did my sister's. She began to get distracted during everyday conversations. She would forget simple tasks. She began to lose track of her responsibilities. I offered my ear and any help I could give, but Tia had never been the type to lean on me. Although honestly, I had never been the most reliable sibling. After countless failures, I would have had reservations trusting myself as well.  Years later, everything tumbled into a downward spiral. One by one our friends began to perish. The first to die was Pinkie Pie. Her husband and children were crushed by the mare's death. Losing our laughter scarred many of us for months. Next we lost Rarity. While her sister, Sweetie Belle took it the hardest, I was also particularly devastated. Rarity and I had become very close friends after she came into contact with the Nightmare. Losing her was one of the most difficult times in all of my years. She was one whom I could truly relate to, one who understood my travails. I would always love the ivory unicorn. Then, Rainbow Dash passed away. Young Scootaloo fell into a deep depression for months. It had been as if her own sister and idol had died. Next to lose her life was Applejack. Poor Apple Bloom was hit the worst, what with both her siblings deaths so close together, but Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle kept her strong, knowing ultimately what it was like to go through such horrible loss. Finally, Fluttershy was last. Celestia, Twilight, and I had always wondered what Discord would do in such an event, whether or not he would make an attempt at prolonging her life. Whether he would accept it and move on. Whether it would simply cause him to revert back to his old chaotic and destructive self. In the end, after her funeral, he merely opened a portal to the chaos realm and listlessly floated through it, sealing it behind himself. He still has not been seen by a soul in Equestria since that day.  What struck me as truly baffling was the response of the girls themselves. With each death the remaining seemed to grow more content, as if a quiet dignity and acceptance had settled on their spirits. There were no tears to be shed amongst them. Peaceful smiles and single hooves placed on coffins were their sincere reactions.  On the other hoof, Twilight Sparkle was sinking further and further into the depths of despair. As her friends died, her own circle of comfort slowly crumbled to pieces. The rest of us all offered her our support. Celestia and I took over her royal duties when things had become too hectic for her. Her remaining friends spent more and more time with her, Rarity going so far as to stay in the castle for extended periods of time. Her sister and niece also made numerous trips from the Crystal Empire. Spike refused to leave her side. Twilight was able to scrape together what she had left and pressed on... And then Starlight Glimmer departed from this world. Her death may have been heaviest on Twilight. Having been her first true student, their connection flourished into an inseparable one later in Starlight's life. Akin to what Celestia and Twilight shared, but also very different, Starlight became like a second sister to the princess. Twilight tried to hide the escalating pressure, but so much loss was a lot for any being to endure. She put on a brave face for her kingdom, but to any close to the ruler, it was easy to see she was not the same pony. The trauma seemingly caused her to revert back to a previous time in her life. She threw herself into books, in desperation, possibly because they were what had sustained her prior to her many friendships. Celestia, Cadance, Flurry, Spike and I were not enough to lift her out of the isolation. Tia was in shambles at that point. I watched her suffer, silently, unable to help the one who had given me undeserved love and companionship. Along with my beloved sister, I gradually started to lose myself to the sorrow as well.  And then a most perplexing miracle occured. Twilight's spirit drastically improved. She slowly reverted back to her former self, coming out of the darkness one step at a time. Sister said it was due to Twilight taking on an interesting new student, one that reminded the young princess of herself when she was but a filly. Daily life improved significantly and things gradually began to return to normal. Years went by peacefully, but then today... I let out an exhausted sigh, despite not being tired at all. At times like these there was one loyal friend I could go to, one that I always returned to, no matter how bad my life had become. I poked around in the vast sky for my love. Twilight Sparkle currently bore the responsibility of raising and lowering her, but I was certain she would not object if I took back control for just a moment. Both Celestia and I had scaled back our hold on our celestial bodies to grant a greater degree of authority to the new Princess of Equestria, but I could not give my moon away any moreso than my sister could her sun.  There she is. I drew her into the grasp of my magic and cradled her gently as if she were my own foal. I  immediately felt much better. I do not know what to do. Almost instinctively I began to speak to her, just like when I was in exile, and I knew in my heart she listened to every single word. I have not seen Tia act this way, not in all of my years. I am... I am afraid. I feel as if there is nothing I can-  A muffled crash jerked me back to the present, nearly causing me to fall over. Had it come from within Twilight's quarters? I gently pressed an ear against the door, trying to gather any information I could. What I was doing could be construed as eavesdropping, but I was fairly certain the noise had originated inside and that could mean trouble. It was not as if beings like that filth Chrysalis were unable to infiltrate Canterlot before. I slowed my breathing and listened intently. The noises that emanated from within were distorted and obscured. Is this... "A sound dampening spell?" I whispered. What could the purpose be? Magic of that nature was typically used for privacy and even then, would typically be cast around the party, not so... widely. Could it be a field? I cautiously reached out with my magic and nudged the door forward as quietly as I could. It did not budge. Perspiration began to form on my brow. Should I force it open? Intruding on a princess was a crime punishable with imprisonment, even for myself.  "But, Tia..." I did not need to contemplate any further. Jumping back a bit from the doors, I charged an explosive blast into my horn. After a second a low hum indicated I could proceed with my spell, to Tartarus with the consequences. The ball of magic collided with the force of a cannonball, exploding in a brilliant flash of navy blue light. The doors were obliterated instantly, sending smoke and debris every which way. I nimbly leapt over the destruction I had wrought, not about to wait until the chaos had fully cleared to make my move.  "Twilight? Sis... ter...?" The sight that met my vision assailed all of my senses. Celestia was trembling, splayed on the ground and enveloped by a pitch black magical aura. Her eyes were shut and her mouth clenched tightly, her brow furrowed as sweat dripped down her face. Her wings were a hectic mess of mangled bent feathers. Twilight Sparkle stood across the room from my sister, her horn glowing a sickly black. Her rage filled eyes narrowed as she acknowledged my presence.  "You!" she nearly spat, her torrent of magic continuing it's assault of Celestia.   "Lu... na?" My sister's labored voice barely registered in my ears. Her eyes flitted open, tears beginning to flow freely from them. I wished they had stayed shut. The terror I found in them made my legs begin to buckle.  "SHUT UP!" Twilight bellowed before refocusing her attention on Celestia. The amplification of Twilight's spell caused Celestia to writhe in agony, her face contorting into one of pure suffering. Her screams of torment spurred me into action. Whatever was happening it had to... "STOP!" I roared at Twilight, my Royal Canterlot Voice so powerful it propelled her backwards, slamming her into a bookcase. Several books fell to the ground and onto the purple alicorn as the dark magic holding my sister faded. "TIA!" I rushed to her aid, standing firmly between her and the ruler of Equestria.  Twilight had already regained her composure. After a shake of her head she stood to her hooves. Breathing erratically, she glared daggers at me.  "The two of you..." The words were barely above a whisper as she lifted her forelegs up high into the air, "WILL DIE HERE!" Her hooves slammed into the floor cracking the stone and sending dark magic flaring all around her. The only thing left visible of our friend were two sparkling green eyes. The energy swiftly grew outward until it was feet from us. This spell was unknown to me and any magic I could not identify always sent red flags sailing through my mind. Anywhere but here repeated in my mind as the wall of crawling energy pressed down upon us.  I reached out with my magic to Celestia and wildly flashed us out of reality. In a millisecond my sister and I were snapped back into existence a few miles from Canterlot. The spell cast by Twilight had my heart racing, as if my very soul had been at stake during the confrontation. Breathing was troublesome, as was calming my frayed nerves. I whipped around and looked back at Canterlot. The black sphere of magic Twilight had cast had encompassed the entire capital. Could it still be spreading?  It was then that I noticed a truly concerning problem. Why was Sister's sun so close? I carefully reached out and took control of it. What is going on? I lowered the star below the horizon before raising my moon high up into the sky. It might be a tad early, but I was empowered by my night and right now, I needed all the aid I could get. Looking at Celestia was not something I wished to do. She had lost  consciousness at some point. Her lifeless form putting a fear into me I had never felt before, not even when I had realized I was imprisoned within my moon. With all the courage I could muster I pressed an ear to her chest. I recoiled. She was so cold. She was never cold, but I had to check. Fast. Way too fast. Her pulse was irregularly swift, her breaths coming quickly, as if her lungs could not get enough air. I had to get her help, Immediately. I was useless when it came to subjects like healing. The one thing I knew was that Celestia was strong. Something like this could not... My tears fell to the grass below.  "Hold on, Tia,"I sniffled.  There was only one pony in all of Equestria that might be able to help us now.  > Celestia : Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stepping into my old room was equal parts nostalgic and frightening. It had been quite a while since I'd last been here. Twilight hadn't altered much, only my bed seemed to have been replaced, the rest of the furniture and decor either my old things, or less likely, identical replacements. Despite the familiarity I felt, I'd never been so unnerved to be in my old quarters. Meeting with my most faithful student, my best friend, should be cause for celebration, not discomfort. Yet today... today felt different. In some ways, it was like too many times before. Tragedy had brought me here yet again, but today... today it was much worse. Much more severe. I could not say what for sure, but I could sense something amiss. Thick sorrow permeated every inch of the room, creating an intense feeling of dread. Only minutes ago, Luna and I had been prepping for a picnic when a dull ache began to swell in my chest. At first, I tried to ignore it, but it gradually grew until I could stave it off no longer. And then... Twilight Sparkle. The pony I relied on for so much. The pony who'd brought my sister back from the darkness. The pony who'd united all of Equestria under one banner, sat at a desk, not moving or acknowledging my presence. Her back to me, she didn't so much as turn or lift her head from the scroll she was feverishly scrawling on. Her head drooped as a faint magenta glow shined from her horn. Her shoulders slumped low. The feathers of her wings were disheveled and twitched erratically. It was as if gravity itself had become her enemy and was punishing her for countless egregious sins. "Twilight?" Her name sounded hollow as it left my mouth. Be kind, Celestia. Help her. No matter what, I had to make things better. She shuddered at the sound of my voice as it shattered the silence. Taking a deep breath, she slowly lowered her quill.  "Princess...?" Her voice was trembling. I took a shaky step forward, wanting nothing more than to run to her side and embrace her, but knowing she would not want that. "Stop!" she thrust a hoof toward me without turning, the motion anchoring me in place. "Please, just... don't." The grief that accompanied her words chilled me to my core.  "I... I'm here, Twilight. I'm right here... If you need me." I had to be strong for her, but if I didn't know what the problem was, I couldn't offer her any help. "Twilight... what happened?" I didn't want to press too hard. That could be disastrous, but there would be no progress without some risk. She silently levitated a different scroll off of her desk and floated it to me, still not turning to face my way. I took the parchment into my own magic and unrolled it before reading the contents.  Princess Twilight, it is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of an accident that has occurred today. Earlier this morning your student, Radiant Dawn, and two of her friends, Tambourine and Gale Wind, appear to have been caught up in what looks to be a rock slide or avalanche. No survivors- My eyes locked onto the words. Two simple words that could change so much. What strength I had drained from me. I couldn't read on. No survivors I sat, or had my legs buckled from under me? The sudden delirium made it feel as if I might faint at any moment. I had to center myself or risk a broken veil or something so much worse. As the shock abated and my frayed nerves settled down, I forced myself to resume.  No survivors were found at the scene. No foul play is suspected at this time, though an official investigation is underway. As far as personal effects, all that could be recovered was the necklace included with this message. We will keep you posted with any updates that may be relevant. I am truly sorry, Your Highness. Your loyal subject, Corporal Frigid Hoof. My eyes flicked over the text repeatedly in an endless loop, trying to make sense of it all. No foul play? It was just bad luck? An unfortunate coincidence? There was nothing to fight, nothing to solve? Nothing to rally against? The revelation hit me like a freight train. I had nothing to offer her. There was just... nothing, Only random chance and fate in all of it's cruelty. I lifted my eyes from the letter to look at her, unsure of myself. "Twilight..." her name caught in my throat. I had to do, to say something, anything, but I didn't know enough about Radiant Dawn to comfort her. We'd not met in all the years she'd been Twilight's pupil. I'd withdrawn from my faithful student to an unreasonable degree, too scared to meddle in affairs I felt could possibly make things worse. What if I pushed her back into the darkness she'd escaped from? What if I messed everything up again, just as I had with... I could not. I would not. I sent her so many letters in a pathetic attempt to make up for my absence. I made no friendly visits, seldom meeting with her at all if I could avoid it. Twilight never forced the issue, even if my change in behavior really had bothered her. She kept her feelings locked deep inside. Not once did she confront me about it, though I knew I was causing her so much pain. We only ever came together if royal business was to be discussed. Even then, I was a lifeless husk of a pony, too fearful of doing or saying the wrong thing, too terrified of causing her further grief, yet knowing I was doing exactly that all the while. And now I sat before her in her greatest moment of need, possibly the most crucial moment of her life, with my hooves empty.  "She was so much like me... Her enthusiasm, her love of literature, her..." she faltered. Listening was all I could do, so I waited with bated breath. "All I needed to show her, to give her, was self-confidence. She was so scared of failing, so scared of disappointing me." A sniffle followed by a frail chuckle met my ears. "Just like I was with you when I was young." Her head lifted to stare up at the ceiling. "She was special, more than anypony I'd ever met. I could see it, maybe the same way you saw something inside of me, but... now..." her voice failed her again. Twilight's words cut to my core. The pain. The grief. The sadness. They were all far too familiar. I couldn't help but make connections to myself. When I'd banished my sister all seemed lost. Part of my soul, my heart, had been locked inside her moon, but there was a tiny sliver of hope somewhere deep inside of me. Eventually I would see her again. I knew it to be true. It had to be, I could not accept otherwise, but this? This wasn't fair. What hope did Twilight have? What hope could I offer her? What would I have done had my sister been exiled forever? What if I had... My mind couldn't comprehend such questions, the thought alone enough to make my countenance fall. Luna and I had been together for millennia. Losing her... "Princess Celestia..." The quiet voice was delicate, a jewel that might shatter at the slightest contact. I raised my head, the sight before me putting my heart in a vice that felt as if it was slowly squeezing shut. She finally faced me, her eyes weary and bloodshot, her tears cascading to the floor. Her mane was a mess, void of the ethereal movement it typically flowed with. Her ears were pressed flat against the top of her head. Her body trembled as if she were in an earthquake all her own. "W-what should... wh-wh..." she hid her face behind a hoof, trying to stifle the cries. She couldn't. "What am I s-supposed to d-do?" she bawled, desperately trying to wipe away the tears with her forelegs, but to no avail. "It hurts... I-it hurts so much." Twilight Sparkle, the ruler of all Equestria, my very best friend, and the pony I'd unshakeable confidence in, hunched before me like a lost foal that couldn't find her parents, sobbing uncontrollably. My mouth wouldn't move. I couldn't move my body. I had no clue what to do. I was utterly useless. Yet, it was at times like these that I'd trained to steel myself. A ruler was to be a rock, the solid foundation for all of their kingdom to rest upon. I'd been that rock for ages, solitary and immovable. Thousands upon thousands of tragedies had I presided over, never once flinching, never once wearing my heart on my sleeve. I took a deep uneven breath and reminisced on my own past. I'd helped ponies come back from the brink more times than I could count, but I'd also failed just as many, if not more. In all my existence there'd always been one unchangeable fact. I tried. No matter what, I always tried. Brace your jaw! Furrow your brow! Set your eyes! Now speak, Celestia! "Twilight," my voice came out soft as silk, but bore an undercurrent of flint. She locked eyes with mine, the tone of my voice seemingly catching her unawares. I clenched my jaw tighter, keeping my mask securely in place. "I don't have the answers you seek."  "You can't-" she sniffled, my reply not satisfying her. "Please. I... I need-" I lifted a hoof, halting her plea.  "I don't have the answers you seek, but what I do have, is yours." Confusion took her, but I continued. "You are Twilight Sparkle, the smartest, bravest, and most compassionate individual I have ever known. You've saved Equestria countless times and in doing so, united your subjects with hostile neighboring nations. You've established a kingdom rooted in harmony that has thrived under your rule for decades." Her cries slowly dissipated, but her tears remained. I carried on. "You've never come across a problem you couldn't solve." She flinched, turning her head away. Still, I pressed on. "You are the Princess of Magic, of Friendship." "Friendship?" she scoffed. "This will be very painful, Twilight. It will leave scars that will never fully heal, but you will prevail. With our love and your own strength you will overcome this." My words had been kind yet firm. They were the best I could do. I prayed.  "How? How could you know that, Princess?" Her eyes begged, pleaded for a modicum of hope.  "I have faith." As soon as the words left my mouth the room was saturated with a disturbing silence, akin to a battlefield moments before a conflict.  "F-faith?" she stammered. Her eyes narrowed as if she'd just stumbled on an enigma she couldn't solve. "FAITH!?" Her wings flared violently as she stood to her full height. Her sadness had dissipated in an instant, replaced with an aggression that was completely foreign to me. "That's what she..."  "She?" It was my turn to be confused. "Wh-" "No. NO! It's wrong. It's all WRONG!" she stomped a hoof before pointing it accusingly at me. "You're supposed to know! You should have the answers! You're supposed to make everything right!" she screamed. The situation was rapidly slipping through my hooves as a lump formed in my throat. "What good are thousands of years of experience if you can't even help your own FRIENDS!?" "Twilight, I-" "No, Celestia! Don't you dare patronize me!" I reeled at a side of my student I had never been faced with. "I'm here because of you! I'm a princess because you made me one! I've lost everything, everypony, because-" her eyes snapped open in comprehension. The light that had always been within those violet pools, the light I fought so hard to keep bright, had gone out. "Because of you..." she said softly. The look of realization on her face made my skin crawl.  "Twilight, I never meant for any of this to happen." Tears stung at my eyes, threatening to break my mask to pieces. "I didn't know, I-I couldn't have," I stuttered, praying she'd see reason while my own composure was going down the drain. "They're dead... everypony. My parents, my brother, my friends..."  "Your relationships changed the world, Twilight, changed everything. You've seen the power of friendship firsthoof. You and your friends saved Luna, saved me, saved the entire world! You all brought it together, brought it's inhabitants together." I held my emotions as if they were a disobedient cat that was fighting to be let go.  "And now they're dead," she said coldly. "Just like Radiant. Just like I should be." She took a slow calculated breath and furled her wings slowly. I could see the reasoning in her take the driver's seat. She'd stowed her emotions, as if they were a hindrance, interfering with the logic she was trying to employ. "You failed me, Celestia. Friendship failed me. I failed myself," she sighed. "No..." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "Friendship is-" "Weak," she interrupted, her gaze downcast. "Death took my family and friends. Radiant..." she swallowed. "The only ones death hasn't taken," her eyes pierced into mine, the ice in them petrifying. "Are you," her horn sparked to life, a deep magenta tinge coating it. "and your little sister."  I stood to my hooves, taking a defensive stance.  "Twilight... please!" A single tear spilled to the floor along with the mask I could no longer retain.  "For someone as powerful as you," she shut her eyes, the magic in her horn pulsing menacingly.  "This should work." A sly grin slowly tugged the corners of her mouth upward as the aura of her horn solidified and hummed.  "Twilight what are y-" My heart plummeted into my stomach. I desperately reached out with my magic, my own horn shining gold as it sparked to life. She wouldn't! I was incorrect, I had to be. I wasn't. She was coming. I could feel her descending at an alarming rate. I poured an immense amount of energy into my horn, the excess magic launching violent fiery sparks in every direction. Had Twilight gone mad? I braced against the force of my sun, all the magic I could produce barely enough to slow her descent. Sweat poured from me as my ears flattened against my head. My face contorted from the intense strain, the weight of my celestial body pressing down upon me. My hooves sank into the carpet, legs quivering as if I myself was being crushed. Had Twilight always been this powerful, or had it been too long since I'd last held my own sun? The familiar kiss of heat was exhilarating, but the severity of my current situation prevented any enjoyment I might've derived from it. Had the light of our bond become so dim? Had my trust in Twilight blinded me to my very own soul? My sun was a part of me, one I could not live without, so what had caused me to neglect her so?  "You would go so far as to oppose the sole ruler of Equestria?" Twilight's voice was mocking, dripping with arrogant venom. "I never thought I'd see the day you become a traitor, Celestia." I couldn't reply, my focus firmly on preventing the apocalypse. The tone with which she spoke made it seem as if she weren't struggling at all, as if this was a walk in the park for her. It was infuriating. I felt a jolt of adrenaline course through my body from the surge of anger. I won't let you!  "SHE! IS! MINE!" I couldn't open my eyes or my clenched jaw, but I spat each word through gritted teeth with every bit of authority I had left. And she always will be. I viciously ripped control away from Twilight as my sun abruptly grinded to a halt. She was close, so much closer than she'd ever been to Equestria. My chest heaved as I fought for air, staying upright a battle in itself.  "Oh Celestia, you're so very predictable." The chime of Twilight's magic had suddenly changed. I barely had time to lift my eyelids to see the dark orb of mana collide with my chest. I stared at the point of impact, all of my arcane knowledge rushing through my mind, but no clue coming to me as to what I'd just been struck with. The blow had staggered me, my legs turning to jelly, but somehow I was still on my hooves. My heart had... stopped? Not a skipped beat, but a stillness, a silence for longer than I thought possible. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Thump. I let out the breath I'd been holding, looking up at my most faithful student in disbelief.    "Twi... light... you...?" The sudden exhaustion made speaking difficult. Had her spell been meant to...?  "Tch, not even that's enough!?" Twilight's horn was encompassed by a dark black glow before it shifted back to the magenta I knew. "What are you?" The revulsion that emanated from my student was like a knife plunged deep into my gut. The light coming from her horn became sublime, almost bright enough to blind me. "Tw..." If breathing was a molehill, speech had become a mountain, an unclimbable one full of starving timberwolves that saw me as a vulnerable meal. Needless to say, any energy I could summon resulted in pitiful embers spritzing from the tip of my horn. I'd not been so fatigued sin- Another spell slammed into me with the force of a tsunami. There was no standing my ground, no protecting myself. I crashed, withers first, into the wall at my back. A loud crack at the point of collision sucking all the breath from my lungs. I'd never felt anything like it, not in the thousands of years I'd lived. An all consuming fire lanced from my spine through all my appendages, a faint numbness spreading to the tips of my wings and horn. Then, I became intimately acquainted with the floor. My muzzle struck the carpet with a hard thwack, followed shortly by the rest of my battered body. My breathing was labored, no longer a molehill, but an impossibility.   "WHY!? WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?" The sound of her shouting was able to penetrate the ringing in my ears, but what she had to say didn't matter to me. I could hardly open my eyes, much less form any kind of coherent response.  As the ringing began to die down I heard the unfamiliar peal once again, more sinister this time, more malevolent than Twilight's usual beautiful melody. I could feel danger infect the air, covering me like an ice cold blanket. If I didn't do something I'd... Burning? Skin aflame, white hot coals forced against my skin. Freezing? Frostbite spreading from limb to limb, ice cold wind pummeling me from every direction.  Electrocution? Millions of volts of electricity ricocheting this way and that in my skeletal system. Asphyxiation? Lying deep in an empty grave, soil dumped harshly from above, cutting off my oxygen as I was buried alive. Where had these horrible sensations come from? Whenever I started to get a grasp on what might be happening to me, the pain shifted to something else entirely. Excruciating torment was the only constant. Horn broken in two. Wings shredded. Cutie mark cauterized. Nothing seemed to be off limits. The sounds suffering. Cries. Groans. Screams. The smells acrid. Burnt hair. Rotten milk. Seared flesh. The flavors nauseating. Bile. Metal. Blood. No sight. Only agony. Is this death? I wouldn't know. What I did know was that I hated it. Trying to form a thought was fruitless. Each time I made any headway a new punishment encroached, breaking my concentration. Please... just let it end. Seconds away from complete surrender the pain receded, though not to a level I would have preferred. With the lull in pain my senses returned, and with them I could sense someone close by. It was the only one I was closer to than Twilight.  "Lu... na?" My mouth was bone dry and every part of my body wailed in agony, but I had to act. With all the strength I had left, I forced my eyes open. My little sister stood before me, a look of bewilderment dominating her features. The sight of her was enough to completely break me, tears streaming down my face carelessly. There were no more masks, no hiding my true emotions. There was only fear. Only pain. Only desperation.  "SHUT UP!" Twilight bellowed as the torment increased one hundred fold. My senses were torn away once again, the torture now unbearable. My body convulsed uncontrollably Even with my eyes closed tight, colorful explosions illuminated the dark. They hurt as well. Everything did. Bones broken. Eyes punctured. Teeth pulled out of their sockets. I couldn't take it any longer. What's that sound? Is that screaming? Is it me? I couldn't know. I lost myself to the ordeal. All became dark. > Twilight : Curiosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn, How are you doing, Radiant? You may still be worried about your new duties in Ponyville, but I want you to know that I'm confident you're much more qualified than you give yourself credit for. I've hoof picked you for this task because I've seen your ability to adapt and excel in strenuous circumstances. I know neither of us wants to be separated, but I trust this will make you a better mare and myself a better mentor. The first pony I became real friends with when I arrived in Ponyville was Applejack, the most honest mare I've ever known. My only suggestion at this juncture would be to try to be honest with yourself and those around you, like Applejack was. It really is the best policy. Stay safe my student, I know you can do anything you put your mind to. Your friend, Twilight Sparkle  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Princess of the Night stood before me in defiance, positioned directly between me and my prey. Luna... She was a complication. We'd never been that close, so my knowledge of her capabilities was severely limited. There were too many variables where she was concerned, too many unknowns, like a Rubik's cube with missing squares. That's why I wasn't going to gamble. She'd get no sympathy from me. She could be as obstinate as she pleased after she was dead. My wall of magic lumbered at the dark alicorn, a look of cautious puzzlement replacing her grim determination. Try something, Luna. You can do it, it'll be easy. A counter spell, a barrier, anything will work. The energy was close enough to the alicorn that she was breathing on it. Just a little more and it would all be over. And then, in a split second, they were gone. The only indication they'd ever existed were wisps of Luna's navy blue magic. An instantaneous teleportation? What an annoyance. Was pursuit an option? Most likely not.  There's no way I could know where they'd ended up. There were those... but they would take time to search and Luna wasn't foolish enough to stay in one place for so long. I easily throttled my mana, but my anger was much more troublesome to rein in. In fact, it seemed to be growing more by the second and I couldn't fathom why. Wait! The spell is still growing as well? That couldn't be. I wasn't supplying it with energy anymore. That didn't make any sense. Unless... my mana wasn't the source of it's power, but rather my anger? How interesting! Which fueled the other, I wondered? What would happen if I let it run its course unabated? It's not like I could move right now anyway, might as well try to learn a thing or two. The instant I cut off the flow of my magic the sphere blasted outward of its own volition.  I could feel vitality and power flood into and then wash over me, a vast river I wanted to bask in for the rest of my unending life. I shut my eyes as vibrations overtook every inch of me. The excess energy, the river, continued to force power into me even after I'd been filled. A sensation indistinguishable from when I'd received my cutie mark radiated on various parts of my body. It was euphoric. Then, as quickly as it started, it was over. I opened my eyes to find myself still in my room, a large fissure in the stone wall opposite me, the remnants of my assault on Celestia. It must have hurt, and you caused it. I tossed my head back and forth, angrily trying to throw the unwanted thoughts out of my mind. I took a step forward only to have a flood of drowsiness nearly sweep me off my hooves. Tired... Why am I so tired? I glanced at my bed, its soft pillows and luxurious blankets beckoning me like cupcakes enticing my pinkest friend.  Sleep Yes, that sounded absolutely lovely. I stumbled over to it, my vision fading to black before I could fully lie down.   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I shot up in bed, eyes wide, my body coated in a sheen of cold sweat. My wings were spread wide, stiff as a board. A nightmare I'd just been having escaped my recollection. My pulse raced as I struggled to catch my breath. Warm morning sunlight ebbed in from between the closed curtains. But I hadn't... Oh... that's right. My mood declined considerably. Celestia had taken it back, not that it mattered. I'd never felt a true connection to it anyway. I pathetically reached into the sky with my mana, trying to sense anything, deceiving myself. Maybe? It was pointless. No sun. No moon either. The feeling of loss boiled my blood. Even more stolen from me because of her. To think she'd ever had the audacity to call me her friend.  Because she is your friend. Irritation crept into my head followed by a confusing realization. There's no way Celestia could be in any condition to raise the sun, not after what I'd done to her. How could it be morning? How long had I been out? No, there's no way it had been that long. Spike would've been home by now. The only other answer was... Luna If Celestia could manipulate both sun and moon, then it stood to reason the Night Princess could do the same. She had, claimed equality with her older sister, after all. If only I could have gotten rid of one of those cowards. With their escape things had become so much more complicated... and irritating.  I left my bed in a huff. What was I supposed to do? I'd have to make a proclamation declaring the two of them fugitives. How would that even go over with the populace? Had it been long enough that my subjects trusted my word over theirs?  You can still work things out. You're not too far gone. "Radiant..." I sighed, deciding instead to focus on my loss. I wished she were here. More than anything else, I wanted to see her again. Even if she wouldn't know what to do, her presence always made it easier for me to think... made it easier for me to live. I reached out with my magic, grabbing the last scroll she'd ever send me. I weakly lifted it, lowered it, lifted it again, and then lowered it once more. I can't. Not again... not yet at least. The wound was still too raw and after Celestia... Go As I trotted to the door with a scowl on my face, I was reminded of the destruction the Night Princess had wrought. It was gone, well, in pieces. I flicked my horn, rebuilding the debris and setting the reconstructed door back into its place. Easy enough. As I moved to leave, I caught my reflection in the vanity mirror. "What is..." I meandered over to it, the alicorn staring back at me different than every time prior. On closer inspection, perplexity and fear spiraled through my veins. My mane and tail had regained their luster, waving in the breeze of an unseen world. I'd thought the loss of the celestial bodies would take that attribute away... Curious. My coat had darkened several shades, the lavender hue now a violet bordering on black. The most evident change was viewable when I turned to the side.  My cutie mark had faded, or could it be due to the shift in color of my coat? Maybe a misinterpretation because of the darkening of its surroundings? No. It definitely had been drained of some of the luster it once possessed. Not grayscale by any means, but lacking the vivaciousness it had once displayed. More concerning were the chaotic runes and markings lashing out from the six-pointed star. Going down both hind legs and nearly reaching my withers and forelegs, the letters? Possibly, but unlike any I'd ever seen. The letters twisted and wrapped around my limbs like barbed wire. Glassy in texture and appearance, there was no rigidity to the marks when touched by my hoof. Prodding them with magic caused them to shine slightly before the luminescence drained out, returning them to their original appearance.  Thiiiis could be a problem. My immediate instinct was to pick up a quill and... I clenched my jaw, my teeth feeling like they were going to fracture any moment due to the intense pressure. The very idea of relying on Celestia any longer made my anger burn. She wouldn't have the solution anyway. She'd abandoned me. She was useless. That is not true. I scoffed at my own naivete. With my first option no longer viable, I'd have to find another path and the best place for answers in all of Canterlot was- Archives Obviously. I'd barricaded myself inside them regularly enough over the past few years. A princess shirking her official responsibilities for personal affairs? So shameful I had to, there had to be a way, had to be something I could do to save my family, to save my friends. There wasn't. Countless days wasted studying just to arrive at endless dead ends. Sure, there were temporary fixes, the simplest being an anti-aging spell. Those could essentially reverse or slow time for somepony, but that was just postponement of the inevitable. Delaying something wasn't a solution, it was desperation.  Selfish Reality is sometimes difficult to accept, especially when it's set in stone. All the effort I'd poured into curing death was for myself. I didn't care what they wanted, only what I didn't want. I didn't want to lose my friends. I didn't want to lose my family. I didn't want to lose... I bit my lip roughly. No more tears! Never again. The disgusting taste of copper filled my mouth. Focus on the issue at hoof, Twilight!  I channeled a small amount of magic into my horn, teleporting directly into the center of the archives. It was probably a good idea not to be seen by anypony in my current state. Such a drastic change in appearance might cause a problem. I didn't need that right now. Whenever I requested privacy I was granted it, no questions asked. Short of a full scale invasion, I would not be disturbed, not until I permitted so. My safeguards made sure that anypony attempting to go against my decree was unsuccessful.  Being in the archives always invigorated me, like a warm bath after a long day of hard work. The room was nearly endless,  three stories high, wooden bookcases lining the stone walls and numerous standing freely. They were packed to the brim with books, some shelves stacked on top of each other reached as high as the ceiling. Small floating crystals shined brightly, interspersed at regular intervals around the room keeping the entire place illuminated. It was a simple enchantment I'd casted myself, one I was particularly proud of. A spiral staircase in each corner of the space, four in total, provided easy access to every level. An opulent carpet of various colors covered the floor, refreshingly soft underneath bare hooves. A large mahogany desk cluttered with quills, scrolls, and books sat in the center of the room, my personal work area. At some point over the years all others stopped visiting the archives so they became something of an office of sorts for me. I took a long breath in through my nose. Even the archives air was more pure than the rest of the castle. Another simple enchantment of mine. The scent of ancient paper and knowledge made me giddy. I was back in my element and it felt wonderful. Unlike everypony and everything else, books were dependable. The written word never betrayed. They didn't leave you when you needed them most. They deserved to be treated with the utmost care and respect. Standing in the center of the massive room made my very existence feel miniscule in comparison. When I'd inherited the kingdom the archives were the first area I'd dumped funds into. Renovation and expansion were the primary points I gave attention to. Over time, they'd become the greatest source of knowledge on the planet. I'd even managed to acquire books that Princess Cel-  Traitor Why does everything always lead back to her?  Because she's always been there for you. Because she's your best friend. Because you love her... The thoughts were grating, like ants crawling all over me, sinking their mandibles into my soft flesh.  Lies I dismissed them all, refocusing on my objective, but frustration still permeating my heart. With the extensive selection of books came the issue of locating the exact one I'd need. Cutie mark malformations? Deformities? Transformations? I cantered to the section marked with the letter C. I might even be able to find some information in a book on glyphs or tattoos. Markings maybe? I started in the direction of M. Or maybe it was an alicorn abnormality. I mean, in all my life I'd never seen anything like this happen to a pegasus, unicorn, or earth pony, not to mention any other creature. Maybe it could only happen to somepony with my physiology. I was a rare breed now, thanks to her. I snorted as I made my way toward the A section.  "Alicorns: What is Known," I smirked, reading the spine. The chime of my mana broke the silence of the room as I pulled the book from its spot. Its size, or lack thereof, disclosed the fact that data was severely limited on this particular subject. It made sense. The Immortal Sisters, my sister Cadance, my niece Flurry Heart, were the entire species, other than myself. For more than at least twelve hundred years, that's not a lot to go on. I opened the book and glossed over the pages. Immortality. The term drew my attention.  "Once reaching maturity... never aging... unable to perish?" I skipped around. It was all known info and questions I still had, nothing new. Once I'd grown to my current form everything had stopped. This was clearly maturity for myself. The sisters hadn't changed much in more than a thousand years, even though their bodies were different from one another. Luna was even smaller than I was and I had no clue as to why that was. Cadance and Flurry were bemusing as well. My older sister's body hardly changed over decades in spite of being an alicorn for longer than I. My niece was by far the most bizarre. She was the first to be born an alicorn and was widely viewed as a miracle. Pushing one hundred years old, her body was still that of a normal pony, like mine before I'd grown into the form I possessed now.  The real reason I'd stopped reading was the other term. What degree of immortality do we have? I'd attacked her with everything but the kitchen sink, and yet she endured. Could removal of the head work? Was that even possible? Luna flashed through my mind, an arrogant smirk on her face. If she'd not interfered I could've captured her sister. Could've ran tests. Could've experimented. Could’ve dissected.  You could never... I shoved the book back into its spot before stomping away, ignoring my own objections.  Hidden I stopped. The answer I was looking for could be in the restricted wing, but getting inside there was more than a chore. First, it shifted it's position every hour, on the hour. A locating spell was required to start the process of entry, a simple step really. Second floor, fantasy section. The archive floors were separated by necessity. The first was non-fiction, critical reading for anypony and everypony. The second was fiction, although the legitimacy of some books was up for debate. After all, stories like The Mare in the Moon had once been considered an old mare's tale. Floor three was full of speculative works. Predictions, prophecies, and the like. More... uninhibited works of Starswirl the Bearded occupied the third floor. Such things had become very popular in the past few decades. A mix of fiction and non, the top floor was a fun way to throw away hours or days pretending to be a soothsayer.  After climbing one of the staircases I found myself standing before the fantasy shelves. I placed a hoof against the books and pushed. Solid. The second defense was a lot more convoluted to breach. Tipping books in a certain order, just their tops, and then replacing them. Completely removing one from its space wouldn't work, the action requiring precision and a steady hoof. First, I tipped a teal book. Then white. Indigo. Lilac. The same Indigo book as before. Green. Hazel. And finally the same teal from the start. A password tuned specifically to my hoofprint. Quickly There was no click or other sounds to confirm my success. I moved forward, phasing through the books, shelf, and stone wall itself, as if I were suddenly a spectre. In reality, the matter itself had lost its tangibility, not me. The spell had a three second duration so speed was encouraged, if not required. I wasn't really sure what would happen if the spell had ended while I was in motion. I found myself inside a small room directly behind the wall. It was pitch black, barring a set of bright glyphs that adorned one of the stone walls. A single hole was at their center, the third and final security measure. I lowered my head, carefully sliding my horn inside the hole. Only two beings had the key to this lock, Celestia and myself. Luna had been offered her own place, but was adamantly against it.  "I have already made plenty of errors in judgement concerning evil forces. Far be it from me to expose myself to them ever again," she'd explained. It was admirable, if not positively foolish. Once my horn reached it's limit, the wall split down the middle, opening wide. The sound of stone scraping against stone bounced off the walls as a small crystal emitting light descended from above to provide visual aid. A solitary shelf sat before me, its contents foreboding. This room was basically a prison, the books locked inside the inmates. Evil rituals. Evil spells. Evil spirits. Performing anything from within these tomes would result in a lengthy, if not permanent stay in the dungeons. I'd never come in here before. It was far too dangerous and my curiosity could get the best of me. I most certainly didn't want to be a cat. The air in the cramped room was stifling, as if tainted by darkness itself. It felt like I was being compressed by the room, as if it didn't want me to be inside it at all. Look A book toward the bottom of the shelf drew my attention. It twitched sporadically, the motion barely perceptible in the dim light. My skin started to itch.  You should not be in here. Celestia would... To Tartarus with what she thinks. I reached out with my magic and lifted the book from the shelf. I was quite aware that creating a magical link was beyond idiotic. If I'd have kept a cooler head I would've used my hooves, which should've been a bit less treacherous in theory, but the thought of my mentor pressed all the wrong buttons and so, I'd acted foolishly. It had no title or letters. It was leather-bound, because of course it was. The process of making such material was a severe violation of Equestrian law, but some creatures couldn't care less about order. Brown and tattered, it was much heavier than it appeared to be. A simple buttoned strap kept the book closed securely. No turning back now... The hairs that made up my coat stood on end, a small bit of perspiration covering me.  I took a deep breath to settle my nerves. I plucked the button out as easily as lifting a bit, no resistance whatsoever.  The book clapped open, attempting to wriggle free from within my magical grasp. Unable to keep a grip, I fumbled it to the floor, the loud thump drowning out my magical signature and causing me to cringe. The pages flipped back and forth before finding what they were looking for. I glared down at the pages, heart pounding as sweat began to drip from my forehead. I really shouldn't be here.  Celestia warned you about reading these... I bent down to take a lying position as if my body were moved by an external force. I began to examine the book. The images on the right, a diagram of the spell I'd used against Celestia and Luna.  "The Preservation of Life?" I whispered, reading the text on the left. Could this be it? All this time I'd searched and searched and the answer was here all along? As I read the purpose of the spell my eyes gradually grew wider. A cure for death... The instructions on how to use it were familiar, yet foreign. I'd already employed it once, but not even I could explain how. Rage and malice were all I could recall feeling. I turned to the next page. "Vessel?" The diagrams on the page were similar to the markings that'd extended outward from my cutie mark. I read the page faster than even I thought I could. I'm a vessel now? But I wouldn't be enough. If I continued the sheer amount of power would tear me to pieces. If only I had somepony bigger, somepony who... "Spike!" I gasped. I can't! As I placed a hoof on the book to turn the page again it screeched louder than any sound at a DJ-PON3 concert I'd attended. I slammed my hooves over my ears, my face contorting in pain. Too loud. TOO LOUD! I wanted to push the book away, but I couldn't move. It was like the sound had turned me to stone. Within seconds, I felt my consciousness slowly slipping away. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I was drowning in a peaceful sea, sinking deeper and deeper into the void. The miniscule light above slowly faded, my lungs filling with water. As the light died out, so did my life. It was... wonderful.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "...light!" The gruff voice stirred me from my deep slumber. Soft sheets and pillows. I was in my room, back in my bed. "Twilight!" I opened my eyes to berate the pestering dragon.  "Spike..." My voice was unexpectedly quiet and hoarse. My last friend. He'd always been there for me and when he wasn't, he'd always come back. Sweat clung to his forehead like he'd just flown across Equestria as fast as he could. His eyes were glossy and panicked, though my awakening seemed to allay some of his worry. Has he been crying?   "Twilight are you...? What are...? What's going...? Where is...?" He was frantic, unable to complete a single question. His claws waved around in the air as if a mosquito were trying to sting him and he was keeping it at bay. "Spike," I raised myself to sit in front of him before placing a hoof over his mouth. No sunlight entered through the windows. "When did you get back?" Keeping track of what day it was had become a nuisance.  "Just now. Listen Twilight, I need you to-" he replied, but pressure from my hoof and a shush quieted him. So it had been about a day since i'd first fainted. Would Celestia and Luna make a move against me? Where could they be? Their home? That would be stupid. My stomach rumbled with enough ferocity to make Spike lower my hoof with his claw. "When's the last time you ate something, Twilight?" He stared down at me with a frown. When had it been? If I didn't answer fast enough a scolding would be next, and considering he was big enough, he'd carry me himself to the kitchen for a meal like he'd done so many times before. Standing at around ten feet tall, he had grown into a truly imposing figure. He definitely wasn't a baby dragon anymore.  You can't use him as a vessel! But the spell required something larger. Much larger. And there was only one way I'd be able to get that. "Spike?" I lowered my head, looking down at my hooves in my lap. I couldn't look him in the eye. It's not right. "Do you love me?" I wanted to take the words back as soon as they left my lips. They were tainted, dirty, manipulative. They weren't me, and yet I didn't take them back, I merely waited for his reply. A heavy claw was placed gently on my shoulder. I winced, the touch comforting, but unearned.  "You know I do, Twilight." His affirmation was innocent, the exact thing I didn't deserve to hear. "I need your help." I still couldn't lift my head.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Princess Twilight,  Things are going... smoothly... I think. Ponyville is a lot different than Canterlot. The ponies here are very... affectionate? I met a mare today, Tambourine. She's definitely the type of pony you said lived here. I don't really know how to behave around them. Thanks for the kind words, but I'm just not sure I can do this. It's really difficult to be honest with someone when you just want to crawl up into a ball and stay in your room all day. I really miss the castle. I miss our tea time. I miss you. But... I trust you, so I'll do my best. Your devoted student, Radiant Dawn > Cadance : Emergency > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My daughter's training sessions were a work of art. Her father had started her down the path of protecting others at the tender age of five, and though she had yet to complete that journey, her skill was already undeniable. She zigged this way and zagged that way through the sky, effortlessly avoiding the storm clouds that attempted to electrocute her. Keeping track with my eyes was impossible, like trying to follow a leaf being blown around inside of a tornado. She'd been taught to fly by Rainbow Dash herself, and it showed when she was in the air.  After evading more collisions and bolts of lightning than I could count, she descended to the ground, folding her wings in gracefully as she came to a landing. Her horn sparkled with yellow light, seven training dummies flickering to life around her. Three approached wielding swords while the others remained at a distance, setting arrows into their wooden crossbows. A buck here, a shoulder charge there, and a rough headbutt made easy work of the swordsponies who'd failed to connect with their attacks. Four arrows splintered one after another against Flurry, a network of blue hearts set alight all over the exterior of her body. The sight reminded me of Shining Armor, the love of my life. I couldn't help but smile at the thought.  Flurry charged her magic and sent an arcing trace of energy through all four weapons, simultaneously disarming the remaining threats. She smirked confidently as she dropped the crossbows behind herself. She looked my way with a raised eyebrow, waiting anxiously, expecting to receive praise. I clapped my hooves and nodded approvingly.  "Impressive as always, dear," I stood up and trotted over to her. She hadn't even broken a sweat, nor was she short of breath. For a session that had lasted more than an hour, it was more than impressive, it was downright astonishing. Decades of practice had paid out dividends, still, I felt the need to poke a little fun at her. "But you do know if you were a normal pony those arrows would've gotten you." "Oh come on, Mom!" her smile turned sour, "I could've dodged those if I wanted to. Besides, I gotta work out my shield every so often or it might start to lose its effectiveness." She picked up a rock with her wing and tossed it above her head. It fell atop her mane, the ephemeral blue hearts preventing it from coming into contact with her.   "You know that'll never happen," I poked her cutie mark with a hoof causing her to jump away with a squeal. A light blue crystal heart adorning a silver shield decorated her flank, a fusion of my own cutie mark and her father's. "Your special talent comes from the love your dad and I have for you, and that love will never change." "I know," her smile brightened up, bigger than before. She looked to the heavens, her eyes an open book of recollection. "He always told me the same thing too."  "Because it's the truth." I gently drew her into an embrace with my wings, wrapping my forelegs around her. "Even if we're separated from each other, our love for you will never change."  "Love you, Mom," she laughed, her forelegs draping around my neck.  "I love you too, my little heart." I squeezed tightly. As she drew away I gave her a playful peck on the cheek.  "Mom, I'm not little anymore, I'm almost a hundred!" her cheeks began to resemble ripe tomatoes as she turned away. Expert aerial ability wasn't the only thing she'd picked up from her former flight instructor.  "You'll always be my little heart, Flurry," I placed a hoof over my mouth to stifle a giggle.  "Yeah, yeah, I-"  her tone changed as I trotted up beside her. "Uh... Mom?" "What is it, de-" Her half open eyes were locked onto something far in the distance. Following them revealed the obviously blinding reason for her sudden shock. "Am I... am I seeing... what I think I am?" she asked. The setting sun was drawing closer and closer to our planet at an alarming rate.  "I... think... so?" was all my mind could process other than sun, too close, and bad. "That's... not supposed to happen... is it?" she asked, her brain apparently not functioning properly either. The star's motion began to slow, at first to a crawl and then gradually coming to a complete stop. At least, that's what appeared to be happening. "I don't think so," I muttered, just as shocked by the odd situation. What is Twilight doing? Maybe an experiment? Had something gone wrong? What should we do?  "Should... should we do something?" Flurry was able to turn away from the potential catastrophe and question me. "Mom?" she laid a hoof on my shoulder snapping me out of my daze when I didn't reply. I must've looked particularly affected because her face had softened considerably. Her concerned expression  bolstered my confidence. It's Twilight. My sister, and the savior and ruler of Equestria. If anypony could handle the problem, it was her. "I think we should give it a minute." I looked back at what could actually be the end of our world. It had stopped or at least was moving at an imperceptible pace. In any case, there was precious little we could do if whoever was manipulating it decided to collide it with our planet. My heart pounded harder than it ever had before. I drew my daughter close with my wing. She didn't protest. The seconds ticked by like hours as we watched on in silence. It was especially frustrating because we couldn't look directly at such a bright mass, which made it harder to judge its position and movement. Had it stopped? Was it inching ever closer? After what felt like years I was compelled to act. I turned on my hoof, gesturing at Flurry with my head toward our home. "Let's get back to the castle, I'm sure Twilight is in control of what's going on, but it's probably a good idea to send her a message."  "I could pop over, see if anything wierd's going on, check in on Auntie Twi," Flurry fell into trot next to me.  "I don't think that'll-" As I spoke the sky suddenly darkened. We turned around to find the sun nowhere to be seen. "What is going on?" I asked, frustration starting to get the better of me. Seconds later the moon ascended high into the sky. It was still early, but similar events weren't completely unheard of. But not for my little sister. Twilight was a stickler for following her lists and schedules. I'd bet all the bits in the empire's vault that she still had a checklist for her day to day activities. No, something was definitely wrong. My intuition had served me well after all these years, and right now I could sense impending trouble in my bones. "Captain Heart! Your Highness!" The shout came from behind us. We turned back to find one of my guards landing roughly in front of us. His breathing was ragged as he quickly saluted Flurry before half-heartedly performing a bow to me. He'd not even folded in his wings, the urgency emanating from him setting off numerous alarms inside me. "Forgive my impudence, but there's something that demands your attention, Your Highness." He raised himself from his bow quickly, a look of intense dread on his face. "As well as yours, Captain." "What is it?" I asked. Flurry hardly ever acted as the princess she was. She'd insisted it was 'just not as fun as being Captain of the Guard', the position she'd inherited from her father when he'd passed, a position she'd upheld with a grace and dignity that lived up to the legacy Shining Armor had left behind.  "It's... it's Princess Luna." His words sent an uncomfortable jolt bouncing around in my spine.  "Granny Moona!?" Flurry was already in motion, unfurling her wings and blasting upward into the sky with a single mighty flap. Her reaction time made mine seem like a snail's. The guard and I watched her hover in the air for a second, scanning the distance, before she bolted in the direction of the castle, leaving a pink streak of light in her wake. "Not only that, Your Highness," the guard looked back at me. My stress-filled stare causing him to drop his head. "Prin-" he wasn't able to finish. A moment later he stomped a hoof and looked me square in the face, now full of determination. "Something's happened to Princess Celestia. It..." Still, he faltered, even after working up his nerve. "It doesn't look good, Your Highness."  My body went numb.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I touched down in front of the palace gates with a muted clop, my wings folding hastily against my sides. I'd flown as if heavy weights were tied around my legs, a haze of uncertainty obscuring my way. Everything had become grimy, the colors in the world dull and ugly. Landing in front of the three alicorns compounded the hopeless feelings swirling around inside of me. Seeing Aunt Luna in such a state heightened my deepest fear. She and Flurry were doing everything they could to carry Auntie Celestia's motionless body on their backs. The size of the Princess of the Sun, of my beloved aunt, making both of them tremble under the ordeal.  "Forgive our... intrusion... Cadance, but..." Aunt Luna spoke through gritted teeth. "We did not... know... what..." her tears began to fall as she choked on her words.  "Aunt Luna..." My hooves were glued to the ground. "She wouldn't let me teleport them." Flurry sounded like she was struggling, but the drive in her eyes was strong. Aunt Luna always observed the laws of whatever land she occupied. I assumed it was because the last time she'd openly broken Equestrian law she'd created a set of circumstances, of collapsing dominoes, that couldn't be stopped. This was above such trivialities, at least in my territory. One of my aunts is... Without hesitation I reached into my magic reserves to teleport us, no objections from anypony. In the blink of an eye, the four of us were inside my room. "She'll stay here," I ordered. "Lay her on my bed." I shook the blankets loose with a spell before sweeping them out of the way. They laid her down carefully on the mattress using a mix of their telekinesis. "What... happened?" Flurry was in her own state of shock, her look of confusion only amplified by the tone of her voice.  I didn't have the luxury of taking time to listen or make inquiries. I may not have been a certified medical practitioner, but I was the most qualified here, possibly in all of Equestria, for a situation like this. Originally just a hobby, it had quickly turned into an obsession. Any pain I witnessed drove me further and further down the medical rabbit hole, especially where the five of us were concerned. Love had the habit of doing that. When your only foal falls ill and the most assuring thing you're told is 'we're just not really sure', you tend to find answers on your own. The Crystal Empire was home to some of the most talented physicians on the planet, but that was little help to us. We were alicorns, our physiology may be somewhat similar to other races, but it wasn't identical. Identifying and assessing her wounds was of the utmost importance. Some minor scratches and bruises were already fading, evidence of the regenerative qualities of our species. Normal cuts or blows couldn't have done this much damage. A semi-magical, semi-physical barrier covered our skin just above the coat, as far as I could ascertain. It would take considerable force for anything to pierce that layer of protection.  My horn pulsed with energy as I performed a full body scan of my Aunt Celestia. The light blue line of energy started at the tip of her horn and slowly traveled downward, examining her different internal systems. Brain activity was mostly normal, if slightly erratic. A dream, or more likely a nightmare plaguing her slumber? Fractured bones in the neck, possibly whiplash. Severely broken bones in the back, originating around the withers and becoming less damaged moving away. Her wings were a mangled mess, as if a sledge hammer had been used on each and every feather. My breath caught in my throat. "Cadance?" A voice tried to break through my concentration, but failed. The rest of the scan proved to be a lot more promising. There was no serious damage below her midsection, but the collection of bone fragments was the elephant in the room. Her bones were almost completely shattered and as such, I'd venture a guess that some pieces had penetrated her internal organs. The main issue nagging me was the complete lack of any blood. My scan had found no internal bleeding whatsoever. Has she already healed? Over the pieces of bone? Will that be an issue? These questions were beyond my knowledge. Injuries like these could be permanent. For an alicorn? I didn't know. Could her bones regenerate and reconstruct themselves properly by themselves? Could they magically disappear from within her own organs? The less likely best case scenario was months, maybe years, of rehab with trouble moving throughout. The more likely, worst case scenario was... "CADANCE!" The explosion of my Aunt Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice broke through my train of thought at precisely the wrong moment.  "Paralysis..." The word left my lips thoughtlessly. I wanted to grab it, to put it back into my mouth and swallow it down so the idea couldn't exist, so that it would just be a thought in my head and not... "No..." Aunt Luna's whimper came out in a rush of breath. She had sat down next to her sister, cupping the larger alicorn's white hoof in her own. There'd been no pause to her tears since arriving, but my carelessness finally pushed her over the edge. "Tia... no... please..." Something left her eyes. A light? Hope? Her head fell limply onto the hoof she held so lovingly. "You cannot..." My aunt never showed this side of herself to anypony. She was very much like Twilight in that aspect. Order, law, and appearances must must all be upheld. It was a philosophy much like my Auntie Celestia's, but was never compromised by her younger sister. We are a princess, we must always carry ourself as such. Her words had stuck with me throughout the years. Her cries rocked her small frame, her face buried in Auntie Celestia's foreleg. "Tia... please..." "Mom, there's nothing you can do?" That's right, Flurry is here too. I'd forgotten. There was an abnormality tinging her voice, something I couldn't quite put my hoof on. I didn't want to look at her. Didn't want to let her down. Didn't want to lie to her, but I couldn't just remain silent.  "I don't..." I didn't think so. "I don't know." My blood ran cold at my own admittance. Was there really nothing I could do? Had my aunt placed her trust in me and I'd failed her? Was the one I love like my own mother doomed to such a cruel fate... because of my weakness? "Your Highness!" Flurry's tone had changed, her choice of words surprising me, so much so that I looked at her without thinking. "You can, Mom," a tear slid down her face. "I know you can." My daughter did not cry. The only time I'd ever seen her come close was at her father's funeral. I had been an inconsolable mess then. Friends tried, family tried, but nothing worked. With a heartfelt smile she'd pulled me into a deep hug. I couldn't understand how she'd felt. She'd been as close to her father as I was if not moreso, how could she be smiling at a time like that? It didn't make any sense to me. After she'd drawn back and wiped my tears away, she rested her forehead against mine. "We'll be together again Mom. This isn't goodbye... it's... see you later." Everything I knew, every instinct I had, laughed at the notion. And yet... I felt a warmth seep into my heart. It had spread through me, down to my hooves and up to the tip of my horn. The doubt. The fear. The loss. All of the negativity was blotted out by her words. The edges of my mouth lifted. I even laughed a little. She hugged me again and I'd reciprocated.  The memory ignited my heart, a maelstrom of emotions surging through my veins. I refuse. I won't let this happen. The light that emerged from my horn was so brilliant, so sublime, it spread to my eyes. Flurry turned her head away, my radiance too much for her to take. Aunt Luna hadn't even lifted her head, still clutching her sister's hoof... still devastated by a sorrow that I would destroy. Wait... what is that? I could see her... heart? No, not a heart, but flames? They pulsed, a blazing inferno one second and then a flickering candle the next. Throbbing from my flank demanded my attention. The crystal heart that was my cutie mark shined brightly, as vivid as the light coming from my horn. It was reacting in time with the fire in the Princess of the Night. It compelled me forward, filled my mind with the knowledge I'd need to fix this mess. Yet even at a moment of such clarity and revelation, doubt tried to creep inside me. Will it work? Do I have any other options? I looked back at my daughter, her hoof lifted in front of her face, still shying away from my blinding light. I know you can. her encouragement echoed in my head. It'll work. It has to.  "Auntie?" My voice was resounding, commanding acknowledgement. My aunt looked at me, her eyes growing wide at what had to be quite the sight. My light was making it hard for her to focus, but she refused to look away. As I closed the space between us to stand next to her, she had to squint to continue facing me. "I can try something." Her eyes lit up, the flames in her heart dancing wildly without ceasing. "But it's within you." Her brow furrowed, a confused expression her only reply. The flames in her shrunk down a measure. "I know, that doesn't really sound like it makes sense, but..." I looked at the supine princess. Her breaths came in rapid succession. Fragments of bone might have entered her lungs. If that was the case, they could be what was hampering her breathing. If they shifted around that could cause even more issues. "Auntie, I don't know what will happen," I laid my hoof on her shoulder. "But if I don't try..."  "Anything," she took my hoof into hers. She was trembling. "We will do anything to help her, Cadance." Her desperation was palpable.  "Even if it means-" "ANYTHING!" The desperation in her was gone in an instant, replaced by an unwavering determination. The embers in her had become a raging wildfire at her sudden overflowing courage. I looked back at Flurry. Her eyes had apparently adjusted to the new environment, squinting the only concession she had to maintain to watch. She nodded her assent as well. With her blessing I looked back down at the dark blue alicorn. She squeezed my hoof tightly. "Please!" I had her consent as well.  "Okay," I nodded. I released the magic that had built up inside of me, a power I wasn't intimate with, but one that fed me confidence. Tendrils of light wriggled from my horn, latching onto the energy inside of my Aunt Luna. The connection sent shivers down my spine. I'd never felt a swell of strength, of emotion, so staggeringly vast. She closed her eyes, the link not appearing to adversely affect her. More tendrils sprouted forth from my horn. These cords, higher in number, approached my older aunt. They spread over her body, enveloping her in a snug cocoon of my light blue magic.  I could see everything, could manipulate it all. There were, in fact, fragments of bone in multiple organs. Lungs, stomach, even some in her heart. It was much worse than I'd initially thought. All of it had been mended, but the regeneration simply healed over the chaos. It could be why alicorns rarely got broken bones. I couldn't recall a single time in my life when I had. Flurry either. Have either of my aunts? I'd have to ask them later. I coated a fragment lodged in her lung with my spell. I then flashed it out of existence, the change causing the alabaster alicorn to stir uncomfortably. I filled the space left by the bone with a gelatinous bit of mana. The gel would first aid in the process of regeneration and then absorb into the organ once everything was better. Where did this level of precision come from? I wasn't... Aunt Luna! Of course! The magical link I'd formed with her was allowing me to do this. I repeated the process. Select bone fragment. Remove. Fill gap in with mana. With each repetition, Auntie Celestia reacted less and less. I prayed that was a good sign. After her organs were fully cleared and treated, I patched together her neck. All breaks could easily be reattached and mended with relative ease, thank goodness. Finally... I stared at the destruction in her back. Since a lot of her skeleton could be considered dust at this point, I was at a complete loss. I couldn't remove and so, I couldn't repair. What options were left? The magic surrounding Auntie Celestia began to contract of its own volition. It fixed around her withers and wings, the last area left that needed aid. I felt a sweltering heat course through me. Aunt Luna's flames had overtaken my spell, first linking to my horn and continuing to her sister's back. The fire burned inside the Sun Princess even more vibrantly than my light. So bright I had to cover my eyes with a hoof. After the final embers had died out I was able to see again. I lowered my hoof to find my magic had all vanished. "Did it... did it work?" Aunt Luna looked over her sibling. She wiped her face with a foreleg, her tears completely exhausted.  "Of course it did! Mom is an expert," Flurry reassured her, brushing some of the Sun Princess' waving hair out of the alicorn's face. "She's gonna be fine." Flurry's faith in me was truly that of a foal for her mother, but... "Lulu?" Auntie Celestia's labored voice startled the three of us. She hadn't opened her eyes or even moved prior to speaking. "SISTER!" She took my aunt's hoof into her own again, squeezing it gently. "I am here, Tia!"  "Thank... you Lulu... for... for everything." Her speech was slow, deliberate... and then she fell silent. "Tia?" Aunt Luna's eyes grew wide as she began shaking the lifeless hoof in hers. "TIA!?" her voice cracked.  No! If it was possible for an alicorn to die of fear I would have at that very moment. I launched my magic outward in a last ditch effort to- "Lulu... I'm... fine," Auntie Celestia coughed slightly. She still hadn't opened her eyes, but she at least looked more relaxed. "I just... need... some rest." My younger aunt and I breathed a sigh of relief, as I retracted the wave of energy I'd pushed out. Flurry, on the other hoof, let out a loud guffaw. "O-of course Tia... forgive us." Aunt Luna stroked her sister's hoof, an embarrassed expression crossing her face. I guess there were still some tears left in her after all.  I wiped my eyes with my foreleg. Were they tears of fear? Sadness? Joy? I couldn't be sure. I hadn't realized I was crying or when It'd started. "We should let them rest," Flurry suggested as she trotted to the door.  "Right," I agreed with a nod. "Aunt Lun-" "We will-" she paused. "I will remain by my sister's side... with your permission, of course, Cadance." She was firm until she seemed to realize where she currently was, her demand for following regulations back at the forefront. "Of course, Auntie. Let one of us know if you need anything," I gave her a crooked smile as I turned to leave the room. Flurry wrapped a foreleg around my neck, pulling me close, an ecstatic smile on her muzzle.  "Cadance?" The Night Princess' call stopped us in our tracks. I glanced over my shoulder. The smile on her face, the life that had come back to her eyes, was a far greater reward than I deserved. "Thank you," she bowed her head. My lower lip quivered, my vision becoming blurred. Flurry tugged me forward as she guided me out of my quarters.   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once we'd put enough space between the two of us and my room I collapsed, my legs no longer able to bear the load. A heap of sobs bounced off the hallway walls, tremors racking my body relentlessly. Flurry sat next to me, not letting me out of her grasp. I cried and cried. Tears of grief. Tears of joy. Tears of stress. Tears of relief.  "It's okay, Mom, everything's okay now." All the while my daughter held me as if I were the foal and she the parent. It wasn't the first time and likely wouldn't be the last. I welcomed it. I cherished her.  "I was-" I hiccuped. "so scared, Flurry," I cried into her chest. To have the pressure of your own family's life placed in your hooves, with no forewarning at that. The severity of everything finally hit me like a ton of bricks. My limbs tingled, my blood turning ice cold.  "But you did it," she whispered, her words were like a medicine, curing a sickness that was eating away my insides. "You did it, Mom!" she laughed, hugging me tighter. "I knew you could!"  "How?" I sniffled.  "How?" she mirrored. "How could you have known?" I questioned. Her faith in me had to have limits... didn't it? "Because I know you," she was full of trust with not an ounce of doubt in her. "Love doesn't fail, Mom," she nuzzled into my neck. "It never does." I wept. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next few days passed by in a blur. Auntie Celestia's condition improved dramatically with rest. My final spell had completely restored all of the bones in her back, essentially a miracle energized by the magic inside of my Aunt Luna. Auntie Celestia slipped in and out of consciousness over the three days, waking only to take a sip of water or to say a few words to her sister. Aunt Luna, for her part, never left her sister's side.  "If I am to eat, it will be right here. If I am to sleep, it will be right here. I will not leave my sister's side," she'd declared. Nopony pushed the issue, even though her exhaustion was becoming apparent. She wouldn't sleep. "I must patrol her dreams. She will not have any nightmares. Not while I have any strength left in me." Her dedication was admirable, if anything. So we did what we could. We kept her fed and hydrated. If Auntie Celestia was incapacitated for too long we'd eventually have to do something about Aunt Luna, but we'd cross that bridge if we came to it.  While waiting for Auntie Celestia's recovery I'd sent a letter to Canterlot in the hopes that I could find... well, anything out. Aunt Luna was completely focused on her sister and interrogating her then felt wrong. The mailmare I sent had returned with a peculiar tale. Canterlot was surrounded by a barrier, the entire capital. Apparently, Nothing was entering and nothing was leaving. Even creatures like birds appeared to be circumventing the spell. It was hard to believe. I'd toyed with the idea of sending a scouting party, a team of unicorns and pegasi to investigate the strange anomaly. Red flags. My gut didn't like that one bit and so, I was forced to wait for my aunt to recover.  It happened the third day after their arrival. I was in the dining hall, eating a delicious breakfast of oatmeal filled with my favorite fruits and hay cakes when Flurry popped into reality right next to me. I was so surprised by her sudden appearance I'd flipped the bowl of oatmeal directly into my own face.  "Flurrrry..." I growled, a slice of peach falling from my cheek. "OH!" she covered her mouth with her hoof, riotous laughter threatening to spill out. "Goodness, I'm sorry, Mom." She used her telekinesis to wipe away the food with one of my napkins.  "What is so imp-" I tried to speak once she was finished cleaning me, but her gasp interrupted me.  "Granny Sola! No time!" She teleported us to my room without another word. Coming out of the spell filled my heart with a joy so potent I felt like I was going to float off the ground and into the sky. My staggeringly beautiful aunt sat up in bed, her full majesty a beacon of comfort. She looked well. Content. It was a moment later when my aunts both looked at me with snickering faces that I'd realized I'd unfurled my wings and was hovering just above the floor.  "Auntie Celestia!" My wings propelled me at her, probably with more vigor than they should have, but I was too excited to care. I slammed into her open forelegs, wrapping her up in a squeeze so tight she might not be able to breathe, her response a loud oof.  "Cadance," she embraced me with her massive wings. "Thank you for saving me." She was so warm. Our sun. I could stay like this for days. I retreated only after Aunt Luna cleared her throat assertively.  "Your gratitude should really be given to Aunt Luna and Flurry," I said wiping a tear of joy away. "Without them I would've been helpless." Auntie Celestia smiled at me before turning to Flurry and holding her forelegs out. Flurry trotted up next to the bed, kneeling on it to get closer to Auntie Celestia. She was so much smaller than the ivory alicorn. "Thank you, little one," Auntie Celestia gently pulled Flurry into herself. She was the only one Flurry allowed to call her little without a fuss. My daughter's expression of pure elation hadn't flinched at the term.  "I'm so glad you're okay, Granny Sola," Flurry snuggled into her neck. Her warmth was like a flower full of pollen and everypony else the bees.  "You and your silly nicknames," Auntie Celestia laughed, the sound melodious. Flurry backed off the bed. Auntie Celestia turned to her sister. They shared a simple look, but something so much more than that, something that could only be understood through an immeasurable amount of time together, a bond that could not be frayed or worn, not after everything they'd been through together. "Luna..." "I know, Tia," she smiled. Auntie Celestia took a deep breath in and then slowly expelled it. "I'm sure you have many questions ladies..." she held her eyes closed. Yes, too many. I sat on my rump, as did Flurry. "So I suppose I should start at the beginning." > Flurry : Rage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm fully convinced she intended to bring my sun down... to crash it into the world. If I hadn't stopped her, I'm certain she would have..." The sadness on Granny Sola's face was just beneath the surface. Instead of displaying the grief she was feeling she portrayed an air of disbelief. She'd always been great at concealing her real emotions, but I'd never had a problem seeing the stuff others wanted to hide. Just below the sadness was a more well hidden layer of emotion, one dripping with fear, but that would have to wait for a more appropriate time to be dealt with.  "Auntie Twi..." I had to steady myself so I wouldn't keel over. It can't be true, can it? My own aunt, savior of the world and ruler of Equestria had tried to kill us all? Granny Sola never lied. Ever. Not since I'd known her, at least. Maybe it was all just a big misunderstanding.  "There was a bang," Granny Moona's statement sounded more like an inquiry. "I would have been unable to intercede if not for that. Twilight Sparkle must have erected a sound dampening spell of some magnitude, yet that noise had been loud enough to break through it." Granny Sola must've known what her sister was referring to because the tick that started in her jaw was clear evidence of the uncomfortable demeanor she was trying to hide. "Once I was able to take control of my sun back..." she trailed off. It was easy to understand why she'd stopped. The conflicting emotions warring inside of her must've been especially tempestuous. The faraway stare that took over her gaze was much harder to decipher than her mood. Emotions are simple, particularly negative ones. Reading the room can help, but relying on what's typical can be even more effective. Success typically breeds joy. Failure typically breeds disappointment. Pain typically breeds fear. Death typically breeds grief. It's much closer to a sixth sense than an  observational skill, or so my dad used to tell me. Mom says it's another one of my gifts. Specific thoughts though? Those were a whole nother ballpark. Granny Sola was sad and she was hurt. Maybe not so much physically anymore, but... inside... her heart. Most concerning though was how scared she was. Despite all of that, she was trying her best to keep it from us. She'd do all she could to reinforce us and I wouldn't be the one to bring the things she wanted hidden into the light. I'd hold her up. I'd do everything I could to make sure she'd never fall again, just like I would for Mom or for Granny Moona or for Auntie... "When I stopped her... stopped my sun, she attacked me," her words hung in the air like a noxious cloud of gas threatening to infect us, to change the very fabric of our family. It felt like the meal I'd eaten earlier might come up at any moment, regardless of my best efforts to keep it down. Mom's eyes had grown to the size of saucers, her jaw slack and still. Granny Moona's head lowered a fraction, the agitation on her face alluding to the fact that she'd had an inkling of what had happened. Granny Sola continued. "She's really quite s-strong and I..." her jaw quavered, all of the fear surfacing for a split second. "Auntie..." Mom found her voice, but not enough of it to go any further than that. I could deal with pain. I could fight any monster in Equestria, heck any in the entire world. I'd even faced all the loss in my life without batting an eyelash, but this was nothing like any of that. This was my family. This was my own flesh and blood turning against itself. I couldn't believe it, it was just too hard to accept. Granny Moona seemed to be struggling just as much as I was. The fire in her eyes was fueled by a rage so potent she might not be able to contain it for much longer. Judging by that look, if my aunt were here right now, she'd not be in this plane of existence for much longer.  "I remember... her magic hitting me," Granny Sola flinched at the memory, brushing her chest with a hoof. "And my... my heart... stopped." A bewildering smile, almost deranged, lifted her mouth. Granny Moona snapped to attention at that revelation. "W-what!?" Her dark hooves pressed against the white alicorn's shoulder. "What does 'stopped' mean, Sister?" The psychotic grin left Granny Sola's lips.  "For six seconds... nothing. I felt... empty." The recollection made her look down at her own hooves. "I don't know by what means, but it started beating again, a-and..." her eyes and her mind searched for the right words. "I was drained of all my strength, as if I'd reverted to foalhood," she looked at Mom with inquisitive eyes, as did my Granny Moona and I. Mom was taken aback by the spotlight suddenly focusing on her. "I... I don't know," she shook her head. "I've never read or heard of anything like that. A spell that stops the heart from functioning? Honestly, it sounds like-" "Forbidden magic," Granny Moona finished my mom's sentence for her. She was the expert on that subject, even if she didn't want that recognition. "But such a spell is unknown to me as well." Her eyes grew wide as if she'd just remembered something. "Twilight Sparkle used other spells I was not familiar with. All the while the magical aura she possessed was-" "Black," Granny Sola regained control of the conversation, the slight air of self-control she'd had a second ago gone. Terror was written all over her trembling body, so disturbing I subconsciously took an uncomfortable step away. Her horrified eyes could see something none of us could. "Y-you!?" "Tia?" Granny Moona stood to her hooves. A fear reminiscent of what she'd had when they first arrived in the empire began to take form on her face.  "Auntie Celestia?" My mom followed her gaze, but there was nothing at the end of it, other than the wall of the room. "Please d-don't... p-please! I-I won't... please, just d-don't hurt me anymore." Rivers of tears spilled from her closed eyes as she held her forelegs and wings defensively in front of herself. It looked like she was trying to protect herself from an entity that simply didn't exist. I felt a rare heat rise inside of me as my hooves began to itch.  "Auntie?" Mom flew to Granny Sola's side, her medical nature taking over as her horn activated.  "Tia!" At the same time Granny Moona's horn came to life, a beautiful dark blue emanating from it. I wasn't sure what they were planning on doing, but I knew what I was gonna do. I could feel my own mana already bubbling over. I hadn't been this angry in a long time. I usually made bad decisions when I was mad. Okay, I always made bad decisions when I was mad. Just like the one I was about to make.  "I'll be right back," I almost barked, my spell ready to go. Mom looked at me like she knew what I was about to do, neither her look of worry nor her outstretched hoof enough to get me to reconsider my decision. "FLUR-" I was gone before she could finish calling out my name. My teleportation bubble burst directly in front of a massive wall of dark energy. Peering inside of said bubble was impossible, a thick cloud, almost a smog, blocked my vision. Apparently, I wasn't able to get inside Canterlot, the barrier having scrambled my movement spell. I entertained the thought of touching the black magic but decided against it. I was mad, not stupid. "AUNTIE TWILIGHT!" I roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice, a tool I'd picked up from too many nights hanging out with Granny Moona. I waited several minutes for a response, pacing back and forth, never once taking my eyes off the wall of swirling black energy. There was no way she hadn't heard me, so either she was not in at the moment or she was ignoring me. I was betting on the latter. "IF YOU DON'T COME OUT AND WELCOME YOUR FAVORITE NIECE, I'M GONNA HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BARRIER!" It only felt fair to give her some kind of warning. I sat on my haunches, my wings twitching impatiently. I wasn't sure how long I planned on waiting, but I was already channeling magic into my horn... so I guess not that long. The barrier was immense, miles high and miles wide, but I didn't need to bring it down or destroy it. Not completely at least. I just needed to cut a path inside, and I knew I could do that, easy peasy lemon squeezy. After a few more minutes of inactivity I shouted again. "LAST CHANCE AUNTIE!" I tapped my chin with a hoof, running the numbers in my mind. I could probably get rid of the whole thing, if I really wanted to. It'd take a little effort, but I was confident I could destroy the entire thing, even if it was dark magic. "Alright then, make way for Flurry." I whispered to myself as I stood up, my horn whirring with the power to obliterate mountains with ease. I was always game for some destruction.  Fwoosh! The loud sound had come from behind me. I whirled around, coming muzzle to muzzle with my dear aunt, though I had to look up for this to happen. Her smug glare made it feel like she was looking down on me. A wry smile was my sole reaction. I was itching for a fight, my anger beginning to reach its zenith. I'd get answers, even if I had to beat them out of her. "Flurry! It's so good to see you!" she pulled me into a tight hug. That was not something I'd anticipated and so I didn't even have a chance to resist. I didn't really know how to reply either so I did nothing, standing still as a statue. She let me go before taking a step back and looking me up and down. Her initial malicious glare replaced with the kind goofy grin my aunt usually had. Still, there was something off about her. The alicorn before me was several shades darker than I'd ever seen. An elaborate white overcoat was draped over her, a collection of light brown fur around its collar. The interior of the overcoat was blood red, all of it marked with intricate gold stitching. It covered all of her body except her head and a very limited part of her forelegs.  "Uhhhh," I tried to say something, but the connection from my brain to my mouth must have been recently tampered with. Where had all my righteous indignation gone? This wasn't what I'd expected at all.  "What is it, Flurry? What's wrong?" she placed a hoof against my forehead. "Are you feeling well? You're not hot." At the very least she was behaving like my aunt.  "Auntie?" My brain was finally beginning to send signals to my mouth again.  "What is it, Flurry?" she gave me some space. The gentle smile she displayed reminded me of my mom's. Yet even with her kind demeanor, I could sense something else just beneath the surface, something... sinister. Aggression? Deception? Hatred? I wasn't sure what it was, but it was definitely there, itching to get out. "Is everything okay?" The only question I could produce didn't seem to bother her, though to be fair, it was an easy one.  "Of course." Her reply sounded genuine, but... "Why wouldn't It be?" For less than an instant her eyes flicked to the barrier and then resettled on me. I'd forgotten. Her unexpected welcome had thrown me off my game, but with that one glance I'd recollected my thoughts and was ready to go on the offensive. "Auntie, what is this?" I waved a hoof at the crackling magic.  "A barrier, silly," she said matter-of-factly. "Come on, Flurry. You know that," she covered a laugh with her hoof. "That's not what I meant, Auntie!" I felt my cheeks heat up. This was normal. She'd always play games with me. Since I'd grown into a filly it had become our favorite pasttime. Still, it felt like she was trying to hide the truth away, not like she was playfully joking with me. "Why would you do this? Why would you try to destroy Equestria? Why would you attack Granny Sola?" I don't know why I thought assaulting her teacher was worse than obliterating a planet. Maybe it's because Granny Sola was so endlessly benevolent that harming somepony like her was like committing blasphemy.  "You have a lot of questions," she sighed. "How about we get some tea?" she took a step next to me, her horn glowing the familiar sparkling magenta I'd seen countless times before. I instinctively took a wary step back. "What's wrong?" she tilted her head quizzically.  "Auntie Twi... Princess Twilight Sparkle... can I trust you?" My choice of words wasn't arbitrary. Monarchs functioned on their word more often than not. To break one's declaration was to surrender one's credibility. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to cover all of my bases.  "Of course you can, Flurry. Everything will make sense once we talk. Trust me," she lifted a hoof to my shoulder, but didn't make physical contact. I didn't move away from her. She laid her hoof on me and teleported us both into a room inside of her castle, at least that's what it'd appeared to be at first glance. It was a fairly small space, a table with two cups and a tea kettle rested on an ornate tablecloth in the center of the room. A chair was on each side of said table. Auntie Twi was already sitting in the seat across from me. A window with frilly white curtains was on the wall to my left and another was in front of me, the daylight coming from them illuminated the room. Posh carpeting covered the floor, much like the rest of the castle. To my right was a bare wall. Then that must mean... I glanced over my shoulder to find... another bare wall. Weird. "What is this?" I looked back at my aunt who was levitating the tea kettle, a stream of hot liquid falling into her teacup.  "Just a precaution, Flurry." She set the kettle down, her magic shifting to her cup. "I may have your trust, but I'm still not sure if you have mine."  "That's... fair," I took a seat. I lifted my own cup with my hooves and took a sip. There was no reason to waste energy on something so mundane. The tea was steaming hot and sweet, but not too sweet, with a hint of lemon. Not bad. "But I'm not the one who covered Canterlot in a barrier or tried to bring about armageddon."  "A legitimate point," she bobbed her head. "I suppose Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are in the Crystal Empire then." She was calm, not batting an eye or denying the accusation."  "Why?" I needed to know.  "The barrier is a defensive measure. My actions with Celestia's sun, merely a ploy," she shrugged. "A ploy? So you never intended to destroy the world?" I'd decided to hone in on the much more critical topic. If she wasn't lying, then thankfully, she at least, hadn't lost her marbles. "No, Flurry," she rolled her eyes as if I'd said something incredibly stupid. "I'm not insane. What would I even accomplish by doing something dumb like that?"  "I... I don't know."  "Does it sound like something I'd do?" Apparently we were both asking questions now.  "No, but Granny Sola-"  "She's not lying to you. Unfortunately I've never been able to catch her in a deceitful act in all the years I've known her." She paused to take a drink from her cup, looking out the window at the sunny day as if she'd not a care in the world.  "A defense against what? How are Canterlot's citizens even supposed to get in and out of the city?" I changed the subject, hoping it might jar her a bit and give me better leverage.  "My subjects are being accommodated to." Her relaxed state was rock solid. "To be frank, It's really none of your business, Flurry. I'm not grilling you on the policies of your empire." I was ready to object, but she wasn't wrong. Canterlot wasn't my land, after all. "As far as why I've improved the capital's security, we've been receiving threats of invasion from unknown sources." That had to be a lie, but she moved on before I could interject. "It's also an additional countermeasure against Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. After what I did, I'm confident that Luna herself may try to breach Canterlot's defenses and take my head," she lightly rubbed at her own throat. That... that had to be a lie as well and I honestly believed it was until I recalled the unabashed fury on Granny Moona's face.   "You... you could be right about that," I relented. We sat in uncomfortable silence for a while. I took another swig of my tea. I really didn't want to think about my granny trying to murder my aunt. "What's with the weird clothes?" I lifted my head toward her strange attire.  She chuckled softly. "Just an old thing Rarity made for me before..." her face scrunched up into a forced smile. "I just wanted... to honor her memory." I couldn't argue with that. Rare... I miss her too.  "Where's Spike?" The mention of the white unicorn had reminded me of my honorary big brother. He was always with Auntie Twi, unless... "He's away on royal business. He should still be in the griffin kingdom until later today." Yeah, that's usually the only time he wasn't stuck to my aunt's hip.  "What about the color of your coat?" I pressed.  "I botched an experiment I was working on. It should change back to normal soon." She seemed to grow self conscious all of a sudden, examining her forelegs closely. "Is it that bad?"  "No, Auntie! It's not!" A nasty guilt crawled up my back. "It's just a little... different, that's all." My words appeared to perk her up.  "To be perfectly honest, Flurry, it's one of the reasons I'm wearing this," she stroked the fur around her neck. "I thought my coat looked worse as well." The wave of self-doubt that came from my aunt almost made me fall out of my seat.   "It's not, Auntie, I promise!" I extended a hoof across the table, smiling the entire time. She took it into her own and gave it a light squeeze.  "Thank you, Flurry," she stroked my hoof, smiling with a tilt of her head before retreating back to her side of the table.  And now we were at the difficult part. The question that demanded to be asked would create tension, no doubt. It was the question I was forcing down with all my might. I took a deep breath. I'd faced many challenges in my life, many tragedies, but I never let any of them beat me. I would never turn away. This was no different. "Why did you attack Granny Sola, Auntie? What happened?" The query seemed to blindside her, surprisingly enough. She lowered her tea slowly and furrowed her brow. "A difference of opinion." Her reply was way too cold. She looked back out the window. That's... it? That was not an acceptable answer. You don't start a fight to the death because you couldn't see eye to eye with somepony else, especially if that somepony happened to be a member of your family. I'm not sure if it was her nonchalance or the answer itself, but I could feel a simmering heat start burning in my chest. "Auntie, she was seriously hurt!" I stood up and slammed a hoof on the table, a little for emphasis and a little in the hopes that the action would draw her gaze. It didn't. She merely shifted in place, taking another drink of her tea. "She almost..." I couldn't say it. I'm not sure if it was because I didn't believe it or if it's because I didn't want to believe it.  My aunt closed her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose with a hoof. "I... I do regret going as far as I did," she locked her eyes with mine, her unbreakable resolve making me cringe. "But I had to make her understand! I had to make myself clear!" It wasn't quite a shout, but the authority of the Princess of Equestria was behind every single word.  "Understand what?" I was completely lost, in the middle of the Everfree forest without a guide or a map.  "That she can't get in my way! That I am the ruler of Equestria and that I will be making my own decisions from now on!" After her outburst she calmly took another sip of her tea, her eyes once again drifting back to the window. I really didn't know how to handle this. It wasn't my place to tell my elders what was right or wrong, but this didn't feel right. None of it felt right. I had to try something or the indecision would eat at me forever. I would never let that happen again. I'd never let her down like that again. "Auntie... Granny Sola has never guided you down the wrong path." She stayed as silent as the dead as I spoke. "She's always been there for all of us. You, me, Mom, Granny Moona." Still, she stared silently. If I was going to get through to her I was going to have to take a risk. "Auntie... I know that you've lost-" She lifted a hoof, shutting me down immediately. For some reason, the gesture was enough to not only kill my voice, but forced me to sit down obediently. She smiled at me, the best most genuine smile she could fake. Emotions are easy. Joy isn't a typical reaction to death. "I appreciate you visiting me, Flurry. Really, I do, but I've got a lot of work I have to get to."  "Auntie Twi!" I stood again, my vigor springing back to life.  The cold sharp eyes that glared at me were not my aunt's. "Tell Cadance I said hello." Before I could even open my mouth, I was standing outside Canterlot where she'd met me earlier. When my mind finally processed what had happened I grew so frustrated I almost turned the barrier to dust. The foreign eyes that flashed through my mind were enough to get me to reconsider. "Darn it." I stomped my forehooves hard into the ground, dirt and grass flying everywhere. "Darn it!" Again I slammed my hooves into the dirt. "DARN IT!" I bellowed, my breath coming out in angry huffs. A third and final time my hooves thundered downwards. The crater left in the ground was several meters wide and deep. I let out a final exasperated sigh. "No point Flurry, gotta move forward." As I manifested magic for the trip home one thing nipped at my tail, one problem I was unable to find the solution to. I wasn't sure what the particulars of the barrier were, but once inside, its restrictions shouldn't apply anyway. It wasn't a pocket dimension, there's no way that was possible. I could sense magic that enormous, any alicorn can. My aunt and I were one hundred percent most definitely inside the castle. So why hadn't I sensed any love in there? > Luna : Conversations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My stunning moon gazed down from high in my dark night sky, the most brilliant sphere of elegance and grace to ever have existed. If I had more time, I would have painted a beautiful portrait with the stars, something to inspire any who would look to my art for guidance. Alas, there was none. Too many issues pressed upon us from all directions, as if we were caught in a room in a long lost ancient tomb that was filled with traps itching to end our lives. I left the balcony from which I had lowered my sister's sun and had brought about my evening. The guest room I had been provided with was... sufficient, if a tad sparse. A well-kept bed, a simple work desk, and a wooden chair were all notables. Such meager accommodations would not typically be acceptable for a retired princess, but during such a hectic time I would not bear a grudge over such trivialities. Nevertheless, a bed was all I really desired and even then it was not a requirement. I had slept my sister's day away after Cadance and I had managed to calm Celestia down and get her comfortable enough to fall asleep. I had somehow managed to stay awake for around five days straight, possibly a new personal record. My only thoughts over said days had been of aiding my sister in every way I could. When Cadance finally ordered me to bed I was prepared for a confrontation, but the pleading look on her face, along with everything else she had done for us, was enough to convince me otherwise. Cadance was beside herself. Young Flurry had left in the morning without any warning. I would be just as distressed if my only daughter left the safety of her home in a time of uncertainty. Knowing Flurry, she went directly to Canterlot to confront her aunt, but it mattered little. I knew first hoof just how strong the young alicorn was. Twilight Sparkle could not best her. There was even some doubt in me that I could overcome the "miracle" in a battle to the death. A combination of raw talent and relentless effort had produced a truly fearsome combatant. No, there was nothing to fear when it came to Flurry Heart's well-being. Although I still wished to speak with her, if only to gather intel on her aunt.  Princess Twilight Sparkle. Her transgressions could not be overlooked. An attack on my sister was an attack on me, and though I was guilty of the same travesty, I had paid for my crimes. Countless scenarios of what could be done to the arrogant mare played in my mind, none ending well for the ruler of Equestria. Not wanting to dwell on such... unsavory thoughts, I left the guest room, my stomach rumbling with hunger. My intention was to get to the dining hall for a fresh meal as soon as possible. It was around dinner time and I hoped Flurry or Cadance would be there as well. With some measure of fortune, Celestia would be awake and awaiting my arrival as well.  "Tia..." I whispered to myself as I trotted down the hall in a world of my own. We would have to make a move sooner rather than later. Whatever Twilight's schemes were, we could not remain inactive for much longer. There was nopony else to rely on and sister's current status was problematic to say the least. Cadance had chalked her outburst up to a mental irregularity. Whatever I had walked in on between her and Twilight had left a lasting impression on my sibling. Cadance said it would be up to Celestia to fight the demons that had taken up residence in her psyche. I would be there for her if I could be of any use, and even if I could not.  I trotted with my head held high, but deep in contemplation. The ponies of the Crystal Empire that walked past offered "forgive me"s and "excuse me"s as they cleared the way. I replied cordially to each salutation without a thought. "It is no problem. Think nothing of it. Tis fine." Et-cetera. Must maintain appearances. Never show weakness or frailty to anypony. Such rotten fruit are what brought about the Nightmare. I would not fall again. I could not. An ocean blue unicorn clad horn to hoof in opulent silver armor stood in my way. He was built like a boulder, with an even larger frame than I. From within his helmet spilled a long black mane. At one point in history the Crystal Empire had been inhabited by earth ponies alone. The passage of time had put a swift end to that. Over decades, word spread of the thriving empire. Many who heard the news were quick to relocate to the bountiful land. As such, unicorns and pegasi were now commonplace in my niece's land. A member of Cadance's elite "Rainbow Guard", it was easy to identify the expertise of the soldier that waited before me. Sapphire gems were molded into different parts of his armor, around his horn, on the chestplate, and near his hooves, as well as less visible areas. Crystals had been used liberally by mages for ages, their main purpose typically spell amplification, but they also had other uses as well. Sapphire in particular, was spectacular for increasing the potency of water based abilities. The other Rainbow Guard members utilized other stones. The most common being rubies for fire, emeralds for earth, and topaz for air. Some rarely used gems were pearls for healing spells and obsidian for magic that could alter the fabric of reality itself. The most adept guards employed multiple different jewels, becoming storms of magical prowess on the battlefield. The Rainbow Guard however, relied on one another moreso than their own capabilities. They were the very definition of teamwork, in many ways making all other squads look inferior in comparison. Even my own Lunar Guard at the peak of their strength could not rival their tenacity. As one, they were a force to be reckoned with. Flurry had done an outstanding job since her father's untimely demise. Provided with the proper resources, the Crystal Empire had become practically impregnable in the capable hooves of the young Captain of the Guard.  "Your Highness, I bear a message from my lady, Princess Cadance," he said after executing a perfect bow. It was apparent their manners were impeccable as well.  "Speak young one, I will hear the message."  "The princess has had a meal prepared and is currently awaiting your presence in the dining hall." His etiquette and enunciation were spot on.  "Thank you, I shall make haste at once," I bobbed my head in understanding. The guard didn't move a muscle, instead looking left and right nervously. "Is there something amiss?" I raised a brow. "If it's alright with you, Your Highness, I'd like to escort you to the dining hall," he looked toward me, but not into my eyes, as he began to fidget in his armor. What a peculiar request... "I would have your name, warrior." To refer to him as a simple guard felt like it may be a bit disrespectful.  "Tidal Force, Your Highness. Tye for times sake," he bowed his head humbly. "Very well, Tye. You have my permission to lead the way." I saw no harm in acquiescing to his request. If anything it might raise the morale of at least one of Cadance's soldiers. "Right away, Your Highness!" he hopped into a steady trot next to me.  "What are your intentions behind this kindness, Tye? I am in no need of an escort, yet you appear to desire something of me," I kept my head forward. The unicorn had already shown some discomfort and I did not want to exacerbate that if I could avoid doing so. "Is it that obvious? Forgive me, Your Highness, but-" "That baffles the mind as well," I stopped and turned to him, trying to resist the urge to become aggressive. "Why do you refer to me as 'Your Highness'? Quite clearly I have relinquished my position. Not only that, but I would not be the princess of your empire regardless, so what drives you to such lengths?" Apparently Canterlot guards were not the only ones that could not view my sister or I in a less reverential light.  "My apologies, Your Hi- Prin- uhh Luna?" he went pale at his own lack of finesse. I stifled a giggle with my hoof, his adorable anxiety brightening my mood several notches. "Tis of no consequence. Feel free to address me as you see fit," I placed my hoof on his shoulder plate. "T'was merely an inquiry, nothing more." My gesture drew wide eyes and a hanging jaw, as if my touch itself was a priceless gift. I started towards the dining hall, a bit slower to allow him to keep pace with me. He trotted to my side quickly before clearing his throat.  "It's mostly due to my parents. I think even you'd be surprised at how you and your sister are viewed by your sub- uh, by the citizens of Equestria," he frowned at his own flub. I had no problem letting it slide. "Traditions and reverence passed down for generations... to leave behind thousands of years of rule, to move beyond them so easily, is a lot to ask of anypony." We turned a corner, the dining hall still a ways to go. "You and Princess Celestia are Equestria's..." he searched for the right term. "Heart." It was always a relief to dodge the label of deity. Sister and I were most certainly not normal ponies. What has it been? Four, five thousand years now? I had lost count centuries ago. There was probably some official documentation somewhere in Equestria, but the future mattered more to me than the past. Still, whenever we were referred to as goddesses a tremor of discomfort would shoot through me, especially when I was the target of such adulation. Too many shortcomings and failures filled my ledger for me to be in the same discussion as the title goddess.  "That is a... unique description," I said as I smiled at another guard we passed by. He would not reciprocate-- they were trained not to--but I liked to imagine my actions pleased some of them.  "It's the best I could come up with without saying you're our goddesses. That would be pretty silly," he chuckled. There it was, but he purposely chose to steer clear of saying it... Interesting.  "And why, pray tell, do you think that? We have been ascribed that designation countless times in the past." I flared my wings out, projecting an air of annoyed authority. This time it was his turn to slam on the brakes. "Oh ponyfeathers, I didn't just insult a goddess, did I?" he fell to his haunches as his ears pressed down against his helmet. The terror that overtook him was too much for me. I let out a hearty laugh, light tears coming to the corners of my eyes. "Nay, nay, of course not," I managed to get out between receding laughter. "I am no goddess. Once again you have piqued my curiosity, Tye," I folded my wings back into place. "Traditionally, ponies have no reservations throwing the term 'goddess' around my sister and I. What stayed your tongue?" The clarity of my words appeared to calm him, drawing a relieved sigh.  "Oh thank Celes-" his panicked eyes darted to mine. I exploded in a fit of laughter, unable to contain it. "It's just an expression!" He waved his hooves in protest, trying to make me understand through pantomime. I laughed even harder. It was unbecoming of a former princess, but it felt good, after everything that had happened over the past few days, did it feel good. "I am well aware," I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes. "Pay me no heed." We started moving again, cantering toward the dining hall, our repeated stops were making me later than I would have preferred.  "Well, I've done a lot of research on the past." "Ah, a bookworm?" I asked. "Captain Heart says a strong mind is every bit as important as a strong body." A vigor came to him at the mention of his leader.  "The Captain is wise beyond her years."  "She's an inspiration to the guard and to all the empire." The pride in his eyes was uplifting, similar to the feelings Celestia stirred in her faithful. After some quiet travel, I broke the silence that had fallen over the two of us.  "You were speaking of researching history?" "Right! Forgive me, I was... distracted," his face was suddenly a bright shade of red. It appears as if pride is not the only feeling Flurry inspires within her troops. "Well, I stumbled on stories of some incredibly powerful beings. The centaur, Tirek. Chrysalis, queen of the changelings. The dark unicorn, Sombra. The manifestation of chaos itself, Discord." It was as if he was listing off our many failures as rulers. For me, that ugly period of defeat was only eclipsed by the thousand years I had spent within my moon. To this day I could not comprehend the logic that had compelled Celestia to act as she had, though I had been in no position to contradict her. It happened immediately after my return, right after I was purified and forgiven. Sister opted to take an... alternative approach to leading the nation. A more peaceful one. In doing so, we were forced to portray ourselves as extremely weak. Our first defeat came at the hooves of that filthy insect Chrysalis.  It happened at Cadance's wedding to Twilight Sparkle's elder brother, Shining Armor. An event that was cause for celebration swiftly turned into a disaster. It was not often that an alicorn married... if ever now that I thought about it. Chrysalis had infiltrated Canterlot, posing as our niece and hypnotized the groom. The two of us were well aware of her plot. Both Celestia and I had seen through the deception of the meager creature with ease, however sister chose to take no action. She even had the gall to bar me from attending the ceremony, knowing very well I would have crushed the bug beneath my hoof. Ever since Twilight's success with the Nightmare and Discord, Celestia put all her faith into the young unicorn and her friends. The strategy was to allow them to handle all tribulations that faced our land, possibly in an attempt to bolster their confidence, as far as I could tell. I was adamantly against such foolishness, but felt I would be overstepping my bounds if I objected. Sister was all in, going so far as to feign her own defeat by that deplorable leech. It was absolutely infuriating. To this day it still is. Had she no pride? I could have squashed that insect with no effort whatsoever. And worse than that? Twilight and her friends were captured, leaving the rescue of the kingdom to our niece and Shining Armor. Still, Celestia would not relent and continued with her new policy. Tirek was next to invade our lands. This time he was somehow capable of "absorbing" alicorn magic, as if such a silly thing were possible. To take the power of her sun or my moon and use as one sees fit? Laughable. Still we played along, passing our power to Celestia's chosen one. Of course to truly do so was an impossibility and thus made no sense whatsoever. A mare in her early twenties could never hope to contain the power of myself, my sister, and our niece, all while still maintaining her own mana. All the power of two millennia old cosmos manipulators AND the Princess of Love, in one newly created alicorn? Ridiculous. We gave an ounce of ourselves and muted the rest of our energy. Ironically, the power we gave Twilight to keep away from Tirek was traded to him for the release of her friends. Excellent job, Princess of Friendship. Ultimately, none of our performance theater even mattered in aiding with Tirek's defeat. Twilight Sparkle and the others soundly trounced the centaur without our "power". They were reliable, yes, but I could not understand why Celestia and I had to be so undeniably helpless.  The final threat was Sombra. To this day I am still bewildered as to the events that had unfolded during his invasion. Sister and I assisted a recently brought back from the void Starswirl the Bearded in fighting back the living Everfree forest. Even now, using all the  wisdom and knowledge I have managed to accrue over my years, I end up clutching my head in pain at the idiocy of it all. Surely one of the legendary Immortal Sisters or the most powerful unicorn to have ever live could overcome one sentient forest? Apparently not. Once again Twilight and her friends became the saviors of Equestria. Once again my sister and I looked like utter fools. And these were just some of the major failures that we were subjected to. Chrysalis and her changelings somehow capturing my sister and I, not to mention Twilight and her friends, as well as Cadance and Shining Armor. Our power "stolen" multiple times. At one point, Tia had even convinced Discord to go along with her foolishness. He had feigned defeat at the hooves of Sombra, though his deception was swiftly brought to light when he refused to continue the ruse. The draconequus was smarter than I gave him credit for. It was all so  exasperatingly stupid to have to perpetuate such madness.  "And what conclusion, might I ask, did researching those fiends lead you to?" I had to conceal my clenched teeth. "At first, it made me doubt," his words came out more earnest than before. It was easy to see that was not something easily confessed.  "Doubt?"  "You, Princess Celestia... even my own lady," his head drooped. A guard doubting their own vows? It probably happened more often than one would think, but open admittance? That was a rare occurrence indeed. On the other hoof, doubt in Celestia and I was quite warranted. I had warned my sister over and over again, defeat can only occur so many times before even your staunchest defenders begin to question their own loyalty. I knew it would eventually come to this, but... "At first?" Perhaps there was a light at the end of this bleak tunnel.  "It doesn't make sense, right?" he looked at me quizzically, as if I had the answer he was searching for. I, in fact, did. It doesn't make a lick of sense. As I had heard Applejack say once before.  "How so?" I desired his conclusion, not to guide him to one, so I feigned ignorance.  "I mean, don't get me wrong, they sound strong... well, some of them do. Chrysalis was essentially an emotional bug," he chuckled. "An apt description," I agreed with a giggle. Despite Twilight's accord with the insect, I wondered if she was still underground somewhere trying to grow her hive in the hopes that she might attempt to overthrow Equestria yet again. I welcomed the prospect. It sounded like an easy way for me to relieve some stress. "They couldn't have accomplished the exploits written in the old texts. Luck out once? Okay, sure, the element of surprise can win you a battle that you shouldn't. Multiple times though? That kind of thing doesn't happen more than once. Any intelligent being learns from the mistakes of their past. Only a fool would repeat such folly, and I know you aren't fools."  "Well said," I nodded. He grew quiet, seemingly to gather his thoughts.  "Captain Flurry told us how unfair you and Princess Celestia are." "Un... fair?" Why did that sound like a slight at our character? "In the sense of how powerful you are," his eyes shined in admiration. I had to turn away to hide the blush that came to my cheeks. I was more than a little proud of my strength and praising it was the quickest way into my good graces. "Captain Heart said you were unstoppable. She said you're the only one she's ever faced that she's had to surrender to." That battle had been one for the ages. While it was merely an exhibition, our pride would not let either of us take it easy. If not for my endless reserves of magic, I may have been defeated, but in the end an exhausted Flurry Heart was unable to continue.  "My sister and I are strong." As we closed in on the doors to the dining hall, I came to a stop. "Be that as it may, it still does not explain why you have accompanied me." "I have to ask," his eyes locked with mine.  "Ask?"  "There's something there, right? A variable or an angle I can't see?" He was right, of course, and I saw no fault in revealing the truth to him.  "You are correct, in none of those circumstances should we have been overwhelmed." I watched the shock from the revelation register in his brain.  "I knew it! I knew someone who beat Captain Flurry couldn't lose!" he almost leapt into the air. "Peace, Tye," I smiled. I could lose. Tia could lose too. We had been defeated before. We were not invincible, far from it, but I did not want to rain on his parade. Taking his joy away so swiftly felt... inconsiderate. "Forgive me, Your Highness," he still beamed even after settling down. "I've scoured the archives for answers and I've never had the chance to go to the ones in Canterlot. You and your sister are so hard to get an audience with, I'm so glad I finally got to talk with you."  "I am pleased we could converse as well, Tidal Force. Unfortunately, we have arrived at the dining hall," I tilted my head at the large doors.  "Of course!" he bowed low. "If we might speak again another time, it would truly be a blessing."  "I would like that," I agreed. As he stood up straight, a grateful smile opened his mouth. "Thank you, my Princess of the Night," he trotted back the way we came.  "Flattery will get you nowhere," I called out to his retreating form, another blush coming to my cheeks.  "It isn't flattery if it's true, Your Highness! Besides, we'll always share a special bond." His reply drew a smile from me, but also curiosity. "Oh?" I tilted my head. He turned to the side, pointing at his cutie mark. It was an ocean wave, my full moon hovering behind it.  "Since I was a colt, you'll always be my princess," he flashed a brilliant smile before continuing on his way. Quite the charmer. I stepped up to the doors of the dining hall, lifting a hoof to enter. Before I could touch them they burst open, covered in a magical field. "-TIME YOU'LL ACTUALLY CONSIDER MY FEELINGS!" I had to take a step back so Cadance would not bump into me. Apparently, I had walked in on an argument. I stopped Cadance in her tracks with a flourish of my magic. She had not been watching where she was going, her eyes directed toward the dining hall. When she finally noticed her error, the frustration on her face highlighted by the drops of liquid under her eyes was overtaken by surprise. "Auntie?! I'm so sorry, I didn't-" "It is quite alright, Cadance," I removed the magical hold I had on her. "Is there something I can assist you with?" Her face scrunched into a scowl at my inquiry. "SOMEONE NEEDS ADVICE ON BEING AN OBEDIENT DAUGHTER!" she shouted, turning back towards the hall to project her voice in that direction more effectively.  "I ALREADY APOLOGIZED, MOM!" Flurry's voice echoed from within.  "I shall speak with her," I tried to sound as gentle as possible. Cadance turned to me with a half smile. "Thank you, Auntie. Please, enjoy your food." As she trotted past, she jerked to a stop, seemingly remembering something important. "And please make sure you get some more sleep, you still look... really tired." Her soft expression was back, a welcome return.  "I promise." While I indeed was running on fumes, I thought I had been hiding that fact well. Apparently, I had done a poor job. I entered the dining hall, shutting the doors behind myself with some quick telekinesis. Flurry sat slumped, her head leaning on a hoof as she poked at her food with a magic held fork. On the table across from her was my meal. I trotted to my spot and took a seat.  "Good evening, Flurry," I said before surveying the spread. The rose petal salad caught my eye. It was made with a mixture of spinach leaves and iceberg lettuce, tossed with diced cherries and pecans. A light splash of maroon dressing decorated the sprinkling of rose petals. Next to the salad was a serving of wheat biscuits. A tall glass of amber liquid and ice cubes made up my beverage. Everything looked positively divine. "Hey Granny." She didn't lift her head, instead poking a spinach leaf repeatedly with her fork. "How goes it?" her prodding continued.  "Well," I tasted the drink. Peach tea, very sweet, very good. "I spoke with a member of your Rainbow Guard."  "Oh, yeah?" "Tidal Force." I nibbled the spinach leaf. Delightful.  "Ty Dye's a good guard." She finally put the leaf that had suffered her wrath for so long into her mouth. "And an even better pony." "It is quite evident. He carries himself with pride." I sampled the biscuit. Buoyant and full of flavor. "A good soldier is a sign of good leadership." "Thanks, Granny." She had moved on to torturing a piece of lettuce. "What happened, Flurry?" I moved on to the issue at hoof. "Mom got scared," she sighed. It was easy to detect the sadness in the young alicorn. "We fought... cause I left."  "And you were aware she would react negatively?" "Yeah... it was dumb." She lifted her glass to her muzzle, but did not drink. "I should really stop getting mad," she took a lazy sip. "If only that were so easy." My past reared its ugly head as flashes of the pain I had inflicted on my sister ran through my mind. It felt an appropriate reference for the current conversation. "As I have told you countless times, uncontrolled anger is one of the things that lead me to become the Nightmare. Such an emotion is not to be trifled with, nor underestimated." "I know, Granny." I had her total attention now. I did not bring up my travails often. Flurry was wise. She knew when to be attentive and when to be lackadaisical. "It's just... sometimes I can only focus on one thing ya know? When Granny Sola..." she closed her eyes. I waited until she was ready. "When she was hysterical, I... I just couldn't think of anything else. I had to do something." It was easy to see recalling the event was causing the anger to mount inside her even now. It was like looking into a mirror. Remembering my sister's distress was enough to fan the flames of my own rage. I had been just as affected as Flurry, but my priority at the time had been Tia. At the time, Twilight Sparkle could wait, but now? Now I was free to look at the bigger picture. I took a deep breath to release some of the pent up aggression.  "It is still an emotion I wrestle with even now. I felt the same as you seeing Tia suffer like that. Even now, I want nothing more than to..." I let the thought die. Flurry's gaze was unhappy and downcast, like she was a foal who had just been told she could not have dessert. "What are you gonna do Granny... to Auntie Twi, I mean?" she refused to look at me. Fear was not the driving force behind her question, but something else.  "I do not know." I knew what I wanted to do to her, but not what I would do to her. Regardless, unity was essential for us in the empire, now more than ever. "I swear that I will combat the rage building inside of me. I shall do all I can to quash these feelings of hatred and anger." I swallowed some more salad. "If only I were more like Tia," I sighed. I had not meant to say that aloud. "Granny Sola is unfair." This time I knew it was not meant as an insult. "I don't think I've ever seen her mad." It was a rarity to be sure, but it did happen. Usually, appropriately directed at me. "Even Mom gets mad, and she's the Princess of Love!" I decided to push the subject change, at least to show Flurry her error more clearly. "Does she?" I swirled my tea around in its glass.  "Well, yeah," she was puzzled by my question. "You saw her just now. If that's not anger, I don't know what is." "Is it?" I tilted my head quizzically. She looked as if I had just done something perplexing.  "Granny Moona-" Something clicked inside her, like flipping a light switch on in a dark room. "Am I... am I wrong?" she asked, though it was more introspective than directed my way.  "Your mother is not angry with you, Flurry. She is disappointed. Your thoughtless actions and complete lack of empathy have hurt her." Flurry covered her face with her hooves, rubbing roughly.  "I know, I KNOW!" she let out a long groan.  "Even with a gift, one can misinterpret an emotion if not properly cautious. Despite what one may think, emotions are never easy." I polished off the last bits of my food before taking a long drag of tea.  "You're right, Granny," she gave me a thankful smile. "I gotta go make things right." I held up a hoof.  "If you might grant me a favor, before you go speak with your mother?"  "Sure, what do you need?" she leaned on her hooves, her forelegs on either side of her face.  "I would know what transpired between you and your aunt." She looked up, tapping her chin with a hoof.  "Not too much. We had some tea, we talked, she made me leave," she looked at me. "Did you wanna know anything specific?" I did not intend to make it personal. I have to be rational. "Why did she hurt my sister?" I was found wanting. "She... she said it was a difference of opinions," Flurry rolled her eyes. Ludicrous. Absolutely, positively, idiotic.  "She LIES," I hissed. Be calm. Do not let anger cloud your judgment.  "It does seem ridiculous. To go that far over a disagreement?" she shook her head. "I don't buy it." "And what of the barrier?" I had to change subjects or risk saying something I could not take back. "Security, apparently. She said it's because of threats of invasion, but I think it’s cause she's scared of you and Granny Sola... well mostly just you," she finished the last of her drink.  "As she should be," I also finished my tea. That was it then. Her excuses were pathetic. The barrier clear evidence of her guilt. "Thank you, Flurry, I appreciate the information." "One more thing, Granny," she moved to stand to her hooves.  "What is it?" "I was inside Canterlot. She'd teleported me inside," she narrowed her eyes. A serious Flurry was one that needed to be heard. "Granny Moona, we were the only life in there." "What... what do you mean?" I could not comprehend what she had intended. "You imply... evacuation of the city?" "No," she shook her head, her curly mane bobbing back and forth. "There was nothing. No other ponies, no creatures, no birds, not even bugs. Just... nothing." The confession rocked her small frame. Detecting life was simple for those blessed with significant attachments to love. Most creatures were filled with the emotion. Love for others. Love for things. Love for places. Both Cadance and Flurry could feel, could sense that love. If Flurry had felt nothing in Canterlot then... "I... see," I dropped back in my chair, suddenly feeling much heavier than normal. What is the population of Canterlot? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? It was another mystery that I had no time to dwell on. It was simply more blood on the hooves of Twilight Sparkle. The sound of the doors of the hall opening drew my attention.  "Granny Moona," Flurry stopped at the doors, refusing to face me. "Please don't hate my aunt." Her plea pierced my heart. She was still so young. "I know that's a lot to ask, I just... please..." She closed the doors as she exited. A heavy sigh left me. I am sorry, Flurry. I am not sure I can grant that request. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Knock Knock Knock My eyes fluttered open to the bright sunlight of Tia's day. If it was already this late, I had been out for a lot longer than I intended to be. After dinner I had returned to my quarters hoping to take a short nap. Short was far from how long I had slept. At least I was able to keep the promise I had made to my niece.  Knock Knock Knock  "Just a moment!" I wiped my eyes of sleep, a long yawn escaping me. I got out of bed and walked to the door. One of the best things about being a near perfect immortal being? No need for mane, tail, or coat care. My mane and tail blew in the lunar wind, not a hair out of place. Even my breath was minty fresh. Showers were only required when I had become thoroughly dirty or covered in other creatures' blood, but mostly my coat remained flawless. A curious thing, but gladly received and not taken for granted. I pulled the door open with my telekinesis, too lazy to use a hoof. My heart leapt with joy at the sight awaiting me.  "TIA!?" I threw my forelegs around her. She is warm! She is warm again! I fought back the tears.  "Lulu, it's wonderful to see you too, but we just saw each other yesterday," she wrapped a foreleg around me, nuzzling into my neck. I did not care. She was warm again. "May I come in? I think we need to talk." "Of course, Sister. Come, the room is quaint, but we can discuss things at length." I took a seat on the edge of the bed. Celestia moved to sit in the chair. "Tia?" I got her attention before patting the bed next to myself with a hoof. "Please?" I jutted out my lower lip, attempting my best pouty face.  "Of course, Sister," the giggle that came from her was music to my ears. She plopped down next to me and took a deep breath. "That was quite a few days, huh?" "How are you feeling, Tia?" I leaned my head against her shoulder. She laid her head atop mine.  "Better, much better. Cadance gave me a clean bill of health... mostly." "We do not have to speak of that," I assured her. She could heal at her own pace. If need be, I would do the rest.  "It's alright, Luna, I have to face it." She took another deep breath. In, and then, out. "I'm worried, I've not felt distress this distinct in... well, since you..." I stayed silent. I wanted to prostrate myself, to apologize. I had done her and the others so much harm. "Forgive me, Luna." "Nay, Sister! Tis I who should-" She wrapped me in a tight hug, shutting me down.  "Luna... ever since your return you've done everything I've asked of you. You've shown nothing short of complete loyalty. You've been the best sister anypony could ask for. You have nothing to apologize for... You saved me." My tears soaked my cheeks. Her words meant so much to me, yet somewhere deep inside my heart, regret still whispered vile lies to me. If only I had never let evil take me. A thousand years, wasted all because of my foolishness. I had to keep the darkness at bay, had to make sure something like that never happened again. "Thank you, Tia," I nuzzled her neck. Why did all of this have to happen? Why was fate so cruel? "We have to go home, Luna." She let me go, wanting to see my reaction.  "What are you planning, Sister?" I cleaned away my tears with a foreleg.  "There is an artifact I kept that may be able to help us," she looked to the balcony.  "Do you... do you think Twilight has moved?" If I were the young princess, I would have already put my plans into motion days ago. "Yes, I do. My student is neither indecisive nor foolish, but I can think of nothing else to pursue," she smiled crookedly at me. "I'm doing the best I can, Lulu."  "Tis okay, Sister! Really! I agree. We have to do something," I lowered my head. I hated seeing Celestia's weaknesses. I knew they were there, but she was always so reliable, always in control. She was all I could rely on. She was the one who guided me. "This is all my fault," she sighed. "I'm so sorry, Luna," she laid a hoof on my cheek. "I really am." Please Sister, do not say such things... I wanted to shout, wanted to cry out to her, but I could do nothing. In that moment, more than anything else, I felt truly pitiful.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ready, Luna?" Celestia asked, her horn flaring vibrant gold. We stood just outside the gates of the Crystal Palace. Cadance and Flurry were within said gates, several guards standing at attention behind them. I nodded, producing my own aura of blue magic.  "Be careful!" Cadance called out to us.  "We'll see you in a bit," Flurry waved. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Tia and I waved back with grins, Flurry's joke landing well with the both of us.  "Be on your guard," Celestia shouted over the collective hum of our magic, the manifestation of our energy growing louder. "These are perilous times!" "That's dark Granny! Very dark!" Flurry cupped her mouth with a hoof to be a bit louder. Cadance playfully shoved her daughter, laughing the whole time.   "We will, Auntie!" Cadance beamed. I was beyond ecstatic that they had so swiftly made up. One should never stay at odds with their own family. Immediately after Celestia and I had talked we notified Flurry and Cadance of Tia's plan. We would go home and collect the artifact that Celestia needed, as well as some other supplies, and then reconvene in the empire. Too much time had already passed, we had to act. I wanted to know what the artifact was or how it would help, but time was of the essence. Twilight had several unobstructed days to scheme and put any plans she had made into motion. Our entire week thus far had been recovery. Things were slowly beginning to look up, but we had to be smart. Celestia and I nodded at each other. In the same instant we left reality. The distance from our home to the Crystal Empire was an even greater distance than Canterlot. Being out of existence for the better part of ten seconds always made me contemplate death. It was similar to slumber, but like being conscious during. It was Irrelevant. I was not expecting to die any time soon. Blinking back into reality showed us the true gravity of our situation, sucking dry all the elation we had just experienced.  "N-no!" Celestia galloped forward, her voice overflowing with heart break. I could not move. I fell to my haunches, my legs giving out completely. I had considered this possibility, but did not want to believe it. Twilight Sparkle was not evil. She could not be, not after all we had done for her, after all Celestia had done for her. Tia collapsed to the dirt, her sobs echoing all around us.  "Why?" My breath came short and fast, a tightness in my chest beginning to crush my heart. It was gone. All of it. Not just our home, but everything within miles. A massive crater was all that covered the ground, surrounding my sister and I. The trees, the animals, our garden, even the sparkling lake was dried up and devoid of any signs of life. I felt as if I might vomit. I had to get away. I could not take it. Pleasant memories of the home I shared with my sister swam around in my head, making the despair that much worse. I tried to stand up, but my legs had no strength in them. I could still see everything so vividly. The fruit and vegetable garden that we had worked so hard to get going. The dance we did together when the first signs of growth appeared. The giant tree we planted next to the lake so we could lounge in front of the water in the shade. Our home. The two story house we built ourselves. It had been so very difficult. We were not architects, but we had done it. With so much trial and error, we had finally done it. The feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. We cried together, tears of joy after we completed the seemingly impossible task and now... now it was all dust. I could feel myself channeling my magic, an involuntary action. Celestia looked my way, her face covered in tears. She said something, but I could not hear her over the hum of my spell. I had to leave.  I teleported. Anywhere. Nowhere. As long as it was not there. I sat in a great valley surrounded by tall mountains. I was not familiar with the area, but it was better to be here than face the end of the peaceful life I had cultivated with my elder sister. I wanted to lie down. More so than that, I wanted to wake up. This had to be a nightmare. Perhaps the Tantabus had taken a new form and had returned to torment me anew. That could not be. I had overcome the Tantabus with the aid of... Twilight. The rage that filled me was intoxicating, completely replacing the sadness. It threatened to possess me, to take control. This was all her fault. Tia's pain. Our home. All because of that petulant foal. I had to concentrate to contain the anger, but it was slipping through my hooves. I could go directly to Canterlot. I could rend asunder all her defenses and turn her into a pile of smoldering ash. It would just take- Vwoom I felt my barrier absorb a projectile. It had connected at seven o'clock, just to the left of my back. If I was not prepared it would have clipped my left wing, rendering me unable to fly. I never left myself vulnerable to surprise attacks. Never show weakness or frailty. The audacity! The gall! I felt my pupils narrow into slits, much more suited for battle. I turned my head ever so slowly to come face to face with my assailant.  "What a foolish decision, to seclude yourself like this, Luna." Twilight Sparkle stood behind me, a cocky smirk on her face. She looked different. An overcoat and a new color for her hide. I did not care. The thought of that hide lying lifeless beneath my hooves was all too alluring. Her horn was pitch black, the same as when she had Celestia at her mercy. Had she intended to do the same to me with that spell?  "Twilight Sparkle, you have made your last mistake."  Without any hesitation I attacked.  > Celestia : Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I galloped about aimlessly, as if an increase in the hectic movement would somehow change what had already been decided. There was nothing to run to. It's gone... all of it. It's... all gone. Tears blurred my vision, the idea that I'd have to accept my home's destruction into my heart devastating me. It couldn't be. She would never do something like this. She wouldn't hurt me like this... would she? One of my hooves clipped a stone, dragging me down, muzzle first, into the dirt. It didn't hurt. I could barely feel anything. Nothing could compare to the pain that the scene around me wrought in my heart. I laid, caked in dirt, splayed on the spot where Luna and I had planted our garden. It was a glorious little collection of fruits and vegetables we'd poured our very hearts and souls into. Twilight's blast had been massive enough to reach even the basement we'd built for holding our most precious treasures collected over our lives. I weakly scraped dirt aside with my hooves, hoping, praying that something, anything had survived the disaster. I was abundantly aware it was all for naught. In desperation, one sometimes does senseless things. I was no different. My jaw quaked, emotions ramming against the door I'd locked them behind long ago, demanding their release. I could confine them no longer. Sobs tore through me, pure and unabated. This isn't right. I knew Twilight was angry with me. I knew how far she'd go, she'd gone to cause me pain, to strike at our very world, to strike at me... to torture me. Yet, I had still hoped... No. NO! I can't give up hope. I had to stay strong. If for nothing else then for Luna's- The hum of my sister's magic reached my ears, confounding me. What is she doing? I turned to find her sitting motionless, her eyes broken, void of any life, her horn shining dark blue. Is she going to-?  "Luna, we should stay together!" I shouted, but my sobs and the whir of her magic muffled my call. She couldn't hear me, or she didn't care, either made sense. A flash of dark blue light sent her away from me. I was alone with my demons. With Luna gone, there wasn't a reason to try and be strong, there was only hopelessness. I couldn't even bring myself to be angry with Twilight. How could I? It was all my fault, after all. Everything was all my fault... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Luna, please! You have to stop!" The Elements of Harmony swirled around me, pulsing erratically. I can't do this... I won't! Luna had always been a prodigy in combat, but her corruption by Nightmare Moon pushed even me past the limits of my strength. The barrier around me crackled and groaned under the wave of magical energy driving into it. If I didn't act soon it would shatter and I would take the brunt of her fury. I couldn't be sure if I'd survive such boundless hatred.  "Never!" Nightmare Moon cackled. "The only thing I HAVE to do is kill you, Celestia!" Her attack increased in ferocity, my barrier beginning to fracture in multiple places. I pushed so much energy into my horn that it had become an unadulterated beacon of light. It felt as if it might break in two at any moment. With the strain I was exerting came a pounding migraine that radiated throughout my body.  "Please, Sister!" I shouted through the tears and my clenched eyes.  "Die..." There was no more cackling, no arrogance in her voice... no more Lulu, only the venom of a monster that desired nothing more than my life. That was it then, I'd no other options save the Elements. I wasn't even really sure what they would do to her. I reached out to them with my magic, drawing on their power regardless of the repercussions that would surely come. One by one they illuminated as they began to lend me their mana. As soon as the vast amount of adrenaline began to thunder through my veins, I knew the amount of power was much more than I'd ever intended to use against my one and only sibling. Rainbow hued energy exploded from my horn, fortifying my barrier and causing it to morph into countless colors. Nightmare Moon had no opportunity to react to the sudden shift in balance. Her own blast was amplified by the invincible forcefield I now possessed. It then rebounded, overtaking her form in a split second. And then, I was hovering in the air alone, the cacophony of noise that had just persisted gone. The Elements gradually returned to their dormant state, falling to the ground with multiple echoing clangs. I too descended with a clop of my hooves against the hard stone floor.  "No," I didn't. "No, no, NO!" I couldn't have. I looked up at her moon through a window. I felt dizzy, sick to my stomach. My sister was gone. I had to lean against a wall to keep myself from collapsing. "L-Lulu..." I didn't cry and yet tears fell from my eyes, the consequences of my blunder registering fully in my mind. "I only wanted... I didn't mean to..." I don't know who I was trying to speak to. Luna was gone, and the blame lay squarely on my shoulders.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One thousand years.Three hundred and sixty-five thousand days. Eight million, seven hundred and sixty thousand hours. Five hundred and twenty-five million, six hundred thousand minutes. That was the predicted duration of my sister's exile, and I would rue every single second of it. When I was informed of the prophecy, the severity of the sentence drove me to become a recluse. I couldn't even open my mouth to speak, much less perform any of my royal duties as a princess. Even raising my sun had become incredibly taxing. Raising her moon in her place... All I wanted was Luna back. To hold her, to see her smile again, to tell her how sorry I was for being such a horrible sister. How could I have been so blind? She was my younger sister, my little Lulu, and I had utterly failed her. All because of the arrogance and pride that I refused to let go of. Maybe I made the wrong decision. Maybe I should have let her... No. If I had given in, Equestria would have fallen to the darkness. I couldn't betray those who'd put their faith in me. I had to be patient, had to press on, even if the only hope I had left was eventually seeing her again, I would hold on to that hope for dear life.  Five hundred years passed at a snails pace... The darkness that clung to me made it feel as if I was being submerged in water. All the colors in the world had become muted and dull, the motion I witnessed slower than before. At first, I was able to hide my despair from others, but I was slowly beginning to suffocate in the deep. Ponies were making observations of my errant state. Are you eating enough, Princess? Food I had previously enjoyed now tasted like ash. Are you getting enough sun? Imagine that! Me, not getting enough sun. Are you sleeping well? Sleep... slumber had long become an adversary I could not stand against. Every night was a repeat of THAT night. Every nightmare the exact same. Luna pleading, begging me not to send her away. Each night I did so without hesitation, shame, or remorse. I knew for a fact, it hadn't happened that way, but after so long, after experiencing my own heartlessness over and over again, I began to believe it was the truth. The separation was taking its toll on my soul, leaving a scar that I was convinced would never fully heal. How has it only been five hundred years? I didn't know if I could endure the rest, but one thing was clear as crystal to me; something like this could never happen again and I would make sure of it, no matter what it cost me. Ten years before Luna's return... The young unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, was special. She was a marvel at both magical application and capacity. Could she be the answer I'd sought for so long? I'd researched the Elements of Harmony inside and out the past millennia. Their true implementation was one of purification through harmony. I had made an error. I merely used them as a source of power, a way to boost my own capabilities. It was a truly selfish deed, and so, I was punished for it. Luna had never been released from the Nightmare, my mistake had only trapped her, nothing else. She was confined as Nightmare Moon. When she broke free of her shackles, the same catastrophe I had faced before would be released along with her. But if I could do things differently... well, not me. I could no longer embrace harmony, not in my current condition. My heart was split in two, half of it with my sister on her moon. Twilight Sparkle on the other hoof? If she could properly sow the seeds of friendship, she could extract the true power of the Elements. Then maybe... just maybe, this nightmare would finally come to an end. The prophesied day She'd actually done it! I knew if anypony could, it was her, my most faithful student. Over the last ten years Twilight had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was supremely gifted. The final test I had presented her with was the most crucial, the most difficult she'd ever faced, yet she passed with flying colors. I'd given her a single day to cultivate true friendships and she'd done it, the Elements themselves confirming the authenticity of the emotions that the group held for one another. However, my concern was not with my faithful student or her newly made friends. I was proud of her, so very, very proud, but there was another that meant so much more to me. One that I'd not seen for a thousand years. One that I was both excited and terrified to meet with.  "Luna..." I tried to sound kind, to sound friendly, but my voice cracked awkwardly. She was so small, so delicate. Drained of all magic, her mane and tail were comparable to that of a mortal's. She looked up at me, cowering at my full majesty. She attempted to stand, but even her physical strength had been completely sapped by the Elements.  "Ce-Celestia..." She shivered like a frightened foal, eyes wide, as if caught in bright headlights. Is she afraid of me? My heart pounded in my ears. That was the last thing I wished for. I lifted a hoof toward her. She flinched. I froze, fear grasping my heart. I felt moisture crawl down my cheeks. Her eyes widened further, taking up the majority of her face. She was every bit as adorable as I recalled.  "Sister, I've... I've missed you so much," I held still, not wanting to make her any more fearful than she already appeared. "S-Sister!?" her voice was a mixture of surprise and hope. She was finally able to stand to her hooves, the trembling and fear seemingly chased away by my honesty.  "Lulu!" I threw my forelegs around my little sister and wrapped her in my wings. She didn't reciprocate, instead beginning to tremble. I felt warm droplets plip against my shoulder.  "TIA!" She bawled, unmoving and pitiable.  "I'm so sorry, Lulu!" My tears flowed like a river.  "Nay, Sister. Tis all my fault," she moaned. The two of us sobbed pathetically in front of Twilight and her friends and I could not have been happier. My sister was back home and that was all that mattered to me.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The wonder of being alive had returned to me in full force. The sky glimmered a blue I'd never witnessed in all of my prior years. Birds chirped and flew by with a vibrancy I'd long forgotten. Flowers bloomed and danced in the breeze. Critters scrambled up and down trees, carrying food into their homes. The darkness had fled from me and it was rapturous. Luna recovered her power faster than I thought possible, thankfully. Her strength was the same as in the past, and with no trace of Nightmare Moon to boot.  She took up her duties immediately, striving to make up for the time we'd lost, wanting more than anything to prove she was genuinely repentant of her actions. Her efforts were irreplaceable, as was she. My attention was now divided amongst a plethora of issues; my royal duties, Luna, Twilight, her friends, and my own personal problems. In the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind, demons whispered lies and taunts into my ears. There was still an irrational fear rooted deep within me. What if it happens again? What if I shunned her once again? What a cruel twist of fate that would be. Due to this irrational fear, I put my faith in Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I had to ensure events like those would never recur, and she was the foundation of that plan.  Twilight's potential was limitless, her ability to comprehend abstract knowledge seemingly infinite as well. My faith had not been misplaced. She and her friends sealed Discord swiftly after his escape from his stone imprisonment. It was quite an impressive feat for a small group of mortals. After that success, I trusted my faithful student with even more responsibilities. I was so confident that they could defeat Queen Chrysalis I went so far as to feign both my own defeat and capture. While they may not have won outright, Twilight had been the catalyst for our victory, releasing Cadance from the shackles that kept her from her love, Twilight's elder brother, Shining Armor.  My student was growing at an alarming rate, one that I had to rectify. Her capacity would soon breach the limits of her mortal body, so I changed that. I transformed her into one of us, an alicorn that could contain the vast wealth of power she was reaching and quickly surpassing. With her evolution came more trust and responsibilities. I leaned on her intelligence more than ever before, perhaps more than I should have, though that's an easy assessment to make with the gift of hindsight. Lord Tirek was next to be overcome by the six Elements of Harmony. More surprising to me was the fact that violence was never utilized for them to attain victory. I was dumbfounded. Luna and I were originally able to seal Discord away without shedding any blood, much to my sister's chagrin. If Twilight could best the darkness with her friendships alone, then maybe I'd been incorrect my entire life.  Time and time again the six ponies beat back the evils that tried to consume Equestria. Over the years Twilight became progressively more important to me. I'd never met anypony like her in my thousands of years. A simple mentor-student relationship evolved into a complex one, then that became something more... so much more... I'd never wed, never found a stallion or mare that I felt I could share my life with. It would be too horrid, would it not? Watching them age and deteriorate over time was far too... cruel. Maybe that was selfish of me. Because of this fact, I'd never had a foal of my own. Twilight had become like my own daughter. She'd taken my lessons and made them a part of herself. My lessons had come from deep within my heart and so, over the years, Twilight gradually came to resemble me. A younger me. A better me. And I loved her like my own kin. Almost as much as I loved Luna... almost.  Twilight's friends soon became our friends. My sister had become especially fond of the fashionista, Rarity. Where once I saw only allies of my most faithful student, I now noticed the lights shining in each of the other five ponies. Applejack, the honest farm pony who'd help you with any problem you had and never once complain about it. Fluttershy, the kindest soul I'd ever encountered, and one with a set of pipes that could compete with the most talented opera performer. The supremely generous Rarity. She was always creating some article of clothing and would give it to you freely, no strings attached. She helped Luna with her past more than I ever could hope to. The bond they forged from dealing with their shared guilt was unbreakable. The Nightmare is a truly hideous thing. I owed the ivory unicorn more than I was ever able to repay her. Rainbow Dash was loyalty taken the form of a pony. A touch brazen, a tad boastful, but one hundred percent reliable. She was the best flier ponykind had ever produced and had become the ace of the Wonderbolts. Finally, Pinkamena Diane Pie, a blinding beacon of irrepressible joy. Her songs. Her jokes. Her games. She was a life that never stopped spreading smiles and laughter. They were all special in their own way and it took my student to open my eyes to that.  Then, Starlight Glimmer came along. Twilight took the mare under her wing, her very own most faithful student. She was an amazing talent in her own right. She'd started out as the dictator of a small town, one that Twilight and her friends promptly liberated. My student and our friends completely reformed Starlight, yet another villain brought to the side of good by the group. The magician Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, even the Lord of Chaos Discord, had all become newfound allies that now protected our land and had even saved us from the evils that lurked in the world. Twilight was infallible, a machine that churned out victory time and time again. With complete trust and faith in her, I made a rash decision. Luna and I would pass control of Equestria down to Twilight and our friends. I hadn't even thought to seek Luna's council at the time. It had genuinely seemed like the best thing to do. I was blinded by the light of my prodigious pupil. If it ended up the way I'd expected, Luna and I would have so much more freedom. We could finally spend quality time with one another. Everything, in fact, did go according to my plan. We helped the new princess whenever she needed it, but mostly we lived a solitary life, enjoying the peace and quiet of each other's company. I was jubilant... until it all went south. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The lavender alicorn leaning against me cried softly. I held her close, gently stroking her flowing mane with my hoof. She'd gotten so big, competing with me for largest alicorn. It made me more than a little sad that I couldn't pick her up anymore. When she was a filly, I'd take her in my forelegs and lift her into the air, cradling her and placing light kisses on her forehead. If she got hurt. If she was sad. Sometimes for no reason at all. She was my cute little star pupil. Now all I could do was be a pillar of comfort for her. "I'm going to miss them." Her voice was weak, full of sorrow. Twilight Velvet and Night Light had been good ponies and better parents. Her father's passing was a peaceful one, his wife holding his hoof the entire time he was bedridden. The real shock came days later when Twilight Velvet simply did not awaken. The blow to my student's psyche was severe. I couldn't remember my parents... or if I even had any. My life that far back was hazy at best, so the only empathy I could give Twilight was limited. "Will I ever see them again?" she pulled back and looked into my eyes hopefully. The tears rolling down her cheeks reflected my sympathetic face. The light in her eyes flickered, struggling to stay alive, but dynamic when it was there. I couldn't let that light go out. Without hesitation I nodded and pulled her into the shelter of my wings.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I shifted my weight, first to my left side and then the right. I was standing outside Twilight's chambers, unsure of what I should do. Shining Armor had passed away a week earlier, Twilight still not in a good state of mind. Again, I felt insufficient. Had I ever experienced such loss? Absolutely, too many friends to count had I lost to the greedy claws of death, but a sibling? Any time I thought of losing Luna my legs weakened and my heart raced. Even remembering back to her banishment brought about a grief that I fought to avoid no matter what. If Luna ever passed I don't think I'd be able to carry on. And yet, I had to tell the one who looked up to me, the one who trusted me more than anypony else, to move on in spite of her only brother's death. It was hypocritical and unfair. Just be strong, for her. I mustered all the courage I could and lifted a shaking hoof. The door pulled open, a light blue magical aura enveloping it. My niece looked surprised at my presence. She rushed out of the room and quietly closed the door behind herself. "Auntie! What are you doing?" Her explosive whispering was more counterproductive than she seemed to realize.  "I..." What am I doing? Why am I so afraid of seeing her? "How is she doing?" I changed the subject, hoping Cadance would humor me.  "Better... but still not very good." She must have realized her mistake because her tone was much quieter and less booming. "She needs you, Auntie."  "I don't know what to say to her, Cadance," I had to be honest. That's why I was afraid. I didn't want to let her down, to make her feel even worse than she did now.  "It's tough, isn't it?" she smiled weakly. The grief was there for such a short amount of time that I'd have missed it if I blinked. Cadance had lost her loving husband. This all had to be the most difficult for her, and yet here she was, smiling. "We have to be strong, have to be steadfast and lead no matter what. Even in the face of despair, we have to endure all the pain. Losing Shining..." she struggled, but grit her teeth. "It hurts so much, Auntie." "I'm so sorry, Cadance." She shook her head and smiled wider as if recalling a good memory. "It's okay, really." I couldn't understand. Is love really so powerful? "How can you be so..." I didn't even know how to put it into words.  "I'm not. Really, I'm not. We all rely on somepony. Flurry is my heart. She's the reason I can press on. She's the reason I can smile right now," she dabbed a tear with her hoof, yet her smile remained. "You're my sister's heart, Auntie. You always have been, and right now, she needs you more than she ever has." She was right. it didn't matter if I knew what to say, I had to be there for her.  "Thank you, Cadance," I smiled, the fear finally quelled as I pulled her into a hug. "I love you, Auntie," she patted my back with a hoof.  "I love you too, my precious niece." She stepped out of my way with a smile that filled me with even more confidence. I placed a hoof on the door, took a deep breath, and pushed it open. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "They're gone." Twilight's voice had become hoarse after all the crying she'd done, her bloodshot eyes dry and sore. I sat, leaning on her, a wing holding her as close as possible. My face was stained with evidence of my own grief. "They're all gone," she stared straight ahead, eyes looking at nothing in particular. Fluttershy's funeral had been beautiful, many of her animal friends attended and showed gratitude for all that she'd done for them over the years. The birds had sung beautiful songs, the rodents brought bouquets of flowers, other critters  brought more personal gifts, symbols of their affection for the kindest pegasus. I had spoken, then Luna, then Cadance, and then Flurry. Even Starlight at her age had given a wonderful eulogy for our friend. Twilight could not. The loss of her friends and family had pushed her to the brink of madness and I couldn't find a way to pull her back. She'd begun to research... questionable magic, going so far as to frequent the forbidden wing of the archives. I'd cast a monitoring spell to confirm my suspicions. I was correct, but I couldn't even confront her about it, my fear getting the best of me. She teetered on the knives edge between despair and insanity and I could do nothing more than watch and hope. "They'll always be with us, in our hearts," I stroked her lightly with my wing.  "Then why does it feel like my heart is empty?" she continued gazing straight ahead.  "It always feels that way at first," I sniffled. "I'm going to miss them as well, but they'd want us to carry on. They told us to be happy. I intend on fulfilling that wish," I put my head on her shoulder. She was quiet for awhile. "You're right," she sighed. "I just... I just hate this all so much. I hate not having an answer," she retreated into herself, folding her forelegs against her belly, hugging her own body tightly.  "An answer to what, Twilight?" I moved to look into her eyes. "If I can help, you know I-" "It's nothing, Princess," she averted her head, eyes closing. "Thank you, for helping me deal with all of this." She refused to look at me.  "Of... of course, Twilight." A new fear burrowed under my skin and found a home deep inside my heart. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The rain fell on the collection of black umbrellas held around the wooden coffin emblazoned with two overlapping four point stars and a flair of waves. The pegasi had scheduled a downpour and the weather matched the mood that the funeral emanated perfectly. As the casket containing Starlight Glimmer's body was lowered into the ground, I stole a glance at my student. She didn't cry, didn't frown, she didn't even look sad, she simply stared coldly. It terrified me. If Spike's large form hadn't been holding the umbrella protecting her from the storm, I'd wager she'd be drenched, but still motionless. As the ceremony ended and the attendants dispersed, I asked Luna, Cadance, and Flurry to go on without me. Twilight still hadn't moved a muscle. I walked up next to her, first dipping my head at Spike, before sitting on my rump next to my best friend. He dropped his head slightly in acknowledgement. He was solemn, having grown accustomed to all the death stealing our family away. The rain didn't seem to bother him much, if at all. I stared into the hole at the ornate coffin, searching for words, but finding none. How are you? Terrible, obviously. Are you okay? Not even a little. Is there anything I can do? Can you resurrect the dead? I began to unfurl my wing, to at least hold her, but reconsidered and folded it tighter against my side. At this point, It felt as if it might be heartless, like a tradition or habit more than an honest attempt at comforting her. More possible words twisted through my head. She was a special mare. I know. I'll miss her. So will I. I'm sorry... "I'm... sorry, Twilight," I couldn't gather the courage to look at her.  "It isn't your fault," her voice was monotone, her reply unexpected. She didn't move to speak to me. I wasn't even sure she'd blinked since I'd first seen her.  "We're here for you... all of us are, if you need us."  "I know." She shot me down a second time and I'd run out of things to say. We sat in silence, the only sounds the downfall of water droplets hitting the ground and our umbrellas and the low chime of my magic.  "Twilight, I-" she moved to walk away.  "Let's go, Spike," she said to him as she started toward the castle, Spike following obediently beside her still sheltering her from the rain.  "Twilight!" I called out through the rain. She stopped, not turning my way, but waiting. "I love you, Twilight!" She didn't react. After a minute of silence she replied. "I love you too, Princess," her voice was barely perceptible over the rain, no emotion behind it. They continued on to the castle, leaving me alone in the frigid rainfall. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'd brought her into all of this, made her immortal without her consent. I put the entire realm in her hooves knowing full well that eventually she'd have to bear the weight of it alone, and on top of all of that responsibility, I never once taught her of death. Never once did I try to prepare her for the inevitable loss of everypony she held dear. How could I have? Death was something I still couldn't face with courage. If something ever happened to Luna... "Lulu." I wanted her next to me right now, to lean on her. And my family had grown beyond Luna, Cadance, and Flurry. If something happened to Twilight... It was all my fault. All of it. And now I was paying for my sins. The tears had stopped, reminiscing bringing to the forefront a feeling of melancholy. The life Luna and I had worked so hard to create, the life I had so selfishly desired, was gone. Could I face my student? Was she lost to me? Would violence be the only path forward for us? I did not know the answer to any of these questions. I lifted myself up to sit and gaze at my sun. What I did know was that I had to make things right, even if it cost me my life. Fwoosh  The sound of a completed teleportation spell resounded from behind me. The voice that resonated from the same spot sent chills running down my spine.  > Luna : Combat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Properly utilizing magic in a combat environment was drastically different from making use of it in everyday life. One must be swift and decisive when both channeling and casting any type of spell during a conflict. Hesitation in battle could cost one a limb... or much worse. On the contrary, a spell cast without proper consideration could be just as costly. It was an incredibly delicate balance. Combat sense came from years of experience, something that was in low supply in the current era. Equestrians were ignorant of life or death conflict. Too long had peace and friendship dominated the land. Too long had war become taboo amongst the citizens of the land. For some unfathomable reason, even the villains did not seek to kill their adversaries. Not once were we ever threatened with death. Capture and subjugation were the evils thrust upon my sister and I. Twilight Sparkle destroyed those unwritten rules when she hurt Tia. I would show her the horrors of true conflict.  I was directly in front of her in a flash, crouched low and ready to inflict as much damage as possible. As I moved I summoned a black thundercloud in the air behind her as a distraction of sorts. It sent a bolt of lightning arcing against the magenta barrier that was protecting her. The attack drew her attention away from me, if only momentarily, fulfilling its purpose. Before she could react any further, I launched a beam of dark blue energy from the tip of my horn at her face. Initially, her smug smile persisted, that is, until my magic pierced her barrier without any  resistance whatsoever. She jerked her head to the left at the very last second, barely managing to evade, the stream of energy causing several strands of her mane to be incinerated instantly. Her expression was suddenly tinged with irritation. Before another bolt of lightning could find its mark, she slipped out of existence with a poof of magical smoke. After a few seconds, she still had not appeared anywhere before me so the logical thing to do would be for her to appear in one place. I teleported a few yards behind myself. She was in front of me, facing the direction I had been a second ago, directly behind me had I remained in place. Moving into my blind spot would normally make perfect sense, but not in this fight, not against me. It was far too obvious a tactic for somepony of my fighting credentials. I summoned a pillar of magic from the ground beneath her, launching her high into the sky. The strength of my spell had obliterated her barrier with no issues. As she flailed into the air I could hear her yelps of pain. Like music to my ears. She regained her composure before glaring down at me, filled with loathing. I unfolded my wings and flapped hard, meeting her eye to eye before flapping slowly to maintain my elevation. She hovered in place, her wings not involved. Magic could be used to fly in battle, but that was usually frowned upon by anypony with sense. Because most magical duels required one hundred percent of one's mana capacity to win, wasting magic on flight could, in theory at least, cost one dearly. However, the advantages of wingless flight were numerous: easier maneuverability made evasion way less calculating, folded wings meant a smaller target for attacks, and more physical options with wings themselves, were just a few of the benefits. Twilight refusing to use her wings felt more like a challenge than an actual strategy. I folded my wings inward and floated in front of her. No excuses.  "Well, at least you're not a pushover," her cocky smile was back in full force. I would tear it off her foolish muzzle if it was the last thing I did. Despite that pledge, I was a bit calmer now, my successful attack satisfying me to a degree, so I decided to play her foalish game.  "Did you truly expect to ambush me so easily?" I laughed, trying to sound more smug than the purple princess.  "Can you blame me? It probably would've worked against somepony like that idiot Celestia," she shrugged. Well, I had been calming down. I knew her intention was to cause me to make a mistake. It worked. I shot forward, right into the grasp of her telekinetic spell. She had been prepared this time, her horn glowing magenta with the force of her magic. She held me firmly in place. "If you're this easy to goad this won't take very long, Princess." She was quite pleased with herself. I looked around at the twinkling magenta aura containing me.  "Congratulations, you have captured me. What of it?" I was not concerned in the slightest. I rarely blocked or avoided telekinesis in a fight. It did not do anything severe until motion became a factor. Either throwing the target into or at something, or compressing the target until they were a bloody pile of mush. None had the ability to do such things to me... perhaps Celestia. I locked myself in place with my magic, an immovable fortress. I felt the force of her mana against my defense. Pointless. She moved her head this way and that, her frustration growing at my lack of cooperation. Once she realized I could not be manipulated so easily she changed her strategy. She constricted the spell as hard as she could, the exertion making her horn grow brighter by the second. The pressure was minimal at best. With a confused tilt of my head and a small flare of my magic, I thrust my wings outward, her spell shattering in colorful shards of light, clearly frustrating her more than she would ever let on.  "Why are you s-" I grabbed her in my own telekinesis before she could finish speaking. If she was actually trying to fight off my spell, it was not apparent. I moved her up, she went up. I moved her left, she went left. I moved her right, she went right. The entire time her gaze was locked on me, dripping with a hatred that could make the bravest guard run home to their mother. I laughed heartily.  "You know Twilight, if you are this weak this really will be a short fight," I grinned at her motionless body. Her eyes narrowed into slits. If looks could kill, I would have definitely been six feet under. I sent her high into the sky before plummeting her down into the unforgiving ground, dispelling my spell the instant before she crashed. The explosion and her groan were both glorious, dirt, grass, and rocks flung in every direction. As the chaos cleared, the princess glared up at me angrily, her horn sparkling magenta. "Annoying." She was doing a decent job controlling her emotions, but her voice was beginning to fill with more venom. If she insisted on playing this game, I would not protest. She stood in the large crater created by her body, looking much worse for wear, but nothing appearing to be broken. How unfortunate. In spite of that, my smile grew wider. Another attack from my blind spot? Foolishness, Twilight. Foolishness. I spun around and blasted the three star shaped projectiles that spiraled at my barrier. An attack so weak was definitely meant only as a distraction, therefore it had to be... I whirled back around, infusing my barrier with a little more mana. Twilight's energy slammed into the dark blue wall, not even scratching it. A pincer attack? Not bad, she is learning. In the long run, that could prove troublesome for me. Two more magical stars hit my barrier on either side of me. They were still too weak to deal any real damage, but they had caught me off guard. Then a third star hit my barrier from behind, then a fourth from above, then a fifth, sixth, seventh. Countless stars flew at my barrier dealing little to no damage. Is she serious? I initially thought this could be fun, but I was starting to get bored.  "ENOUGH!" I roared in my Royal Canterlot Voice, the reverberations of my vocal chords disintegrating every single star she had thrown. With a smirk I looked back down at... nothing? She was gone. Retreat? No, not without putting more effort into our scuffle. Behind then? No, she was learning and not an imbecile. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. If I had no clue where she was, then sensing her was the most logical option I had. I waited for minutes, nothing happening other than a gentle breeze blowing around me. Wait! How did I miss that? The mass of hatred was astonishingly dark, even greater than mine had been when the Nightmare first possessed me. It moved slowly, this way and that, attempting to get closer to me. I acted ignorant until it was mere feet away. Three... Two... I opened my eyes, using telekinesis to catch the weapon that was thrust at my skull. It was a flaming magenta spear, long and blindingly bright. It had bypassed my barrier with ease, now only an inch away from sinking into the bone between my eyes.  "Tch!" She was right in front of me, the camouflage hiding her from sight slowly dissipating, revealing her displeased face. "That would've been enough, I think." The words were not directed at me, they were simply an observation.  "You would..." While I may have been angry already, I still held back out of respect for my sister, but Twilight's attack had suddenly escalated things. No more. "HOW DARE YOU!" I bellowed. A notch above the Royal Canterlot Voice, my Dragons Roar was a magically enhanced vibration of my vocal chords designed to inflict bodily injury. While the Royal Canterlot Voice had been created for speaking in public, I created my Dragons Roar exclusively for one on one conflicts. If an ally were too close, I could not ensure their safety when I utilized it. Where the Royal Canterlot Voice could stagger or push away, my Dragons Roar could rend flesh and fracture bone. Twilight tried to project a barrier, but her meager attempt was as a leaf in the way of a blade. She was sent sailing, slamming into the ground again and again and again, before tumbling to a stop in a crumpled heap. I landed a safe distance from her motionless body. That would not be enough to best the genius alicorn and chosen successor of my sister. "Stay down, Princess, perhaps I shall be merciful, for my sister's sake." She stirred, then shakily stood to her hooves, covered in dirt. She turned toward me, small cuts on her face slowly beginning to heal of their own accord.  "That. hurt." She was smug no longer, only thick hatred radiating from the alicorn. "It was meant to," I narrowed my eyes, crouching into a combative stance. "I guess I was wrong," she huffed. "I really can't do this without it." I was not sure if she was trying to throw me off, but it would not work.  "Nothing can save you now, Twilight Sparkle, short of Celestia herself intervening on your behalf ," I growled.  She spat blood at her hooves. "We'll see," she forced foreign mana into her horn. It bubbled green before turning jet black, even the chime different, far more sinister. "Give up any hope of making it back alive." My senses screamed at me to be cautious. Perhaps this will be more fun than I thought. I began to tremble with excitement, my instincts going to a place they had not been in more than one thousand years.  "I have cut short the lives of beings you cannot fathom," I sunk my hooves into the dirt. "Your life," The amount of energy I conjured generated massive dark blue flames from my horn. "means nothing..."  "You're not weak, I will grant you that." As she spoke, black smoke wafted from the end of her horn. "Let's see who you are without all that strength, shall we." A small cloud at first, the mana billowed and warped into a thick fog, swallowing the entire valley and making vision impossible to use.  "Petty tricks will do you no favors, Twilight Sparkle." I carefully watched the fog as she disappeared from sight, completely consumed by the spell.  I enhanced my barriers, creating an air tight seal as well as bolstering its magical defense. Red flags, too many to count rose in my mind, but I was no coward. Retreat was not an option. The fog infiltrated my shield with no problem. Before I realized, nature had ceased. There was no more sunlight and no more wind. Even the grass under hoof had vanished, replaced with a cold hard floor. I stemmed the flow of my magic, it obviously being useless under the current conditions. "There are no tricks here," Her deceitful voice came from within my own head, delighted cackles echoing repeatedly. Troubling. "Let's have a nice, peaceful chat, shall we?" she taunted. If I could not find her based on sound, there was always another way. I closed my eyes again, concentrating. If she was nearby I would find her. Instead my eyes shot open as a shudder ran through my body. Hatred more dense than I had ever seen completely surrounded me, clinging to my body and drenching the atmosphere. It was blubbery and undulating, moving with moist squelches and labored breathing.  "You appear to have me at a disadvantage. Speak, coward," frustration painted my words. What an unscrupulous tactic. A small explosion of pain ripped through my head. I endured the pain.  "Oh Luna, don't be so mad. We're not so different, you and I." Her laughs were becoming more effective at stirring my anger.  "Nothing could be further from the truth," I turned in place, though there was little point. A gnawing sensation ripped into the flesh above my hooves, causing me to bite down hard. Endure it, Luna! You must endure it! Mental attacks were my greatest weakness. Bearing the brunt of their effects was the most efficient way for me to demoralize my opponent, but in reality, that was also my only option.  "Oh come on, how are my actions any different than yours?" her honey drenched words were infuriating. Before I could retort she went on. "You were jealous and unhappy, so am I. You wanted control of the kingdom, so do I. You attacked Celestia, so did I. How is this not the exact. same. THING?" Illusions of my rebellion shined in the darkness, emphasizing her point. I wanted to wring her neck, to deny her words. To have it all be vicious lies, but it was not... it was the truth.  "I was wrong!" my voice carried through the fog. It felt as if a burning hot blade plunged deep into my side. A resounding scream escaped my mouth, the blow dizzying me. Examining the flesh where I had felt the attack yielded no evidence of any wounds. What manner of sorcery is this? "Were you?" Her tone was thoughtful, observational once again. "See, that's where we disagree. Who's to say your rule wouldn't have been better?"  "Says I..." I said to myself but was sure she could hear. "Celestia has only ever been kind to me!" I said boldly. "She is a better leader than I could ever be!"  "I don't think you believe that." She was far too calm. It made me feel like a rat trapped in a cage being toyed with. "I think you're only saying that because you lost."  "I-" "Would you have killed her, Luna?" I was rocked by her blunt question. An illusion of Sister's lifeless, bloodied body lay in front of me. Tis not real. Tis NOT real. "If she had failed in stopping you... would you have ended your big sister's life?" An imposter of me stood above Celestia's corpse, a look of euphoria on its face.  "NO! I would not, I-" I could not let her manipulate me, no matter the legitimacy of her claims, I had to fight. "I would have banished her!" "You're nothing like Celestia." Her accusation was true and yet it still struck my heart.  "What do you mean?" As if that was not obvious. We were night and day.  "She's honest to a fault, I need to stop assuming you're similar." The second part of her statement seemed to slip out as she pressed on rather quickly. "You might be even worse than I am."  "W-what?" I cringed at the idea, though somewhere deep in the darkest depths of my heart I did not think it was too outlandish a claim. "You've built a sturdy little house out of the lies you've told yourself," she hissed, finally losing her cool. "Haven't you?"  "That is not tr-" "This was a foolish venture," she stated before the ringing of her magic grew deafening. The fog rolled back, revealing the beautiful valley once again. Twilight stood before me, her horn still shimmering black.  "What you said is not true! I am no liar!" I lied. A wry smile came to her lips.  "Does that actually bother you?" her eyes had changed, shifted to a much sharper, edged form. I bristled at what that could mean. I assumed it meant she was done playing games. "So foolish." She walked toward me, no fear or hesitation coming from her. "A liar would never admit their worst habit," her voice came from my left. Two? "They're too busy lying," A third copy of her was suddenly behind me. "To ever come out of that comfy little house of theirs." A fourth now to my right. I was hedged in. "Now, how about we get rid of that troublesome barrier of yours?" They all spoke in unison. Not good.  I was caught. "You may try." I had just about as much of her mouth as I could take. I flared my magic into my horn, ready to continue my preferred style of battle. The Twilight ahead of me slung a dark black orb from her horn. It warped and bent reality like the fog, moving as slow as a sloth but steadily growing in both size and speed. I flew up into the air for only a second before colliding with a ceiling of warping black energy. The ball continued to creep my way, much like a feral wolf stalking its prey.  "Ah ah ah," one of the Twilight's shook her hoof back and forth, reprimanding me for trying to flee."I'm afraid there's no leaving the arena at the current time."  "You!?" I flew at her slamming my forehooves into the barrier between us. She was just outside of it, the pleasure she found at my distress enraging me. They were all safely watching my plight with glee, cackling like a bunch of hyenas. I attempted to teleport, but to no avail. "Like I'd let you," a different Twilight cackled, pointing at her glowing horn with her hoof. I evaded the spell in the small space as best I could, however its speed was becoming preposterous. Luna, you cannot keep this up forever. I aimed my horn and fired at the projectile. My attack had no effect whatsoever, other than my blast being absorbed and making Twilight's orb larger.  "Stop resisting, Lulu," the last Twilight mocked. "Maybe if you do, I'll be merciful, for my own sake." I planted my hooves, steeling my resolve. "Do your worst!" I would not bow to the will of any unworthy creature. I would be defiant until the end. "Oh, I plan to." Their uproarious laughter was only drowned out by the unreal agony I felt when the orb effortlessly passed through my barrier and pressed against my chest. I have experienced many types of pain. Emotional, physical, mental, even some forms I could not properly express. This sensation made them all look like foals play. Lightning coursed through me for what felt like hours, not stopping or giving any reprieve. My mouth lost all moisture, some electricity finding sanctuary within. Tears fell from my clenched eyes before they too dried out. My screams had started off distorted and unnatural, almost electronic before they slowly turned to quiet whimpers as the spell drained me of all my strength. The orb lifted my shaking body off the ground, a loud bang finishing the spell and my torment. I fell to the dirt with a thud, lying on my side. Every other second a crackle of lightning coursed through me, causing me to convulse and not letting me rest or recover. The smell of burnt hair permeated the area, smoke rising from my charred body. It felt as if I had been cooked for far too long. "That... hurt..." I said each word between a convulsion, a puff of black smoke leaving my dry mouth.  "Even through all of that you keep running that smart little mouth of yours." From what I could gather through the ringing in my ears, she was disappointed. I lifted myself from the ground, my body protesting the movement with additional pain. The convulsions threatened to foil my efforts, but I would not fall. Never show weakness or frailty, Luna. No matter what. Whichever Twilight I was facing was disgusted by my resilience... or the smell... I could not be certain which.  "I think I'll take that arrogant tongue of yours as a trophy," she covered her nose with a hoof, turning her head away. So it is the smell. A weakness. Terrible scents permeated a battlefield, if you let them influence your actions it could mean your downfall. That, along with her hesitation to finish me, were a lethal combination of errors.  "You. may. TRY!" I let my tongue hang from my mouth, swinging it back and forth. She growled, my taunt working far better than I imagined it would. I channeled an unreasonable amount of magic into my horn. I was exhausted. I was hurt. I was practically burnt to a crisp, but none of that was important. Nothing mattered in battle except victory, and I was not yet defeated. Twilight infused dark magic into her horn, but it was far too late. I would not let her stop me. The expulsion of energy from my horn blasted out in an iridescent sphere of navy blue power. All I was aware of were the gasps around me that stopped abruptly as my magic passed through their owners. Tis enough. I ended the spell, the original Twilight Sparkle projecting a tattered barrier in front of herself. She stood weakly, one eye open, the other shut due to a bleeding cut. Her chest heaved as she struggled for oxygen, though I was in no position to gloat. I could not say with certainty if I was more tired now or staying awake caring for Tia over the past week.  "How?" she said through labored breaths. "How can you still have this much magic?" "The fact that you are not dead is proof enough that I should take you seriously." I took a deep breath and stood to my full height spreading my wings. It was my turn to be finished with games. "I will show you something truly special, Twilight Sparkle." She recoiled. "Tell me, are you privy to the phases of my moon?"  "Of course I am! That's grade school stuff. What do you take me for?" I had struck her pride. The successful barb curled my lips into a sneer.  "Then today you shall become... more intimately familiar." I floated into the air, the whispers of my spell filling the air.  "You know you're awfully cocky for someone who's in worse shape tha..." She trailed off as my coat began to illuminate a bright shimmering silver. The dirt that covered me fell away, my cuts and wounds instantly healing. I stared down at her, my smile growing as my horn was bathed in silver moonlight.  "The arrival of our moon blesses us with her vitality," I chanted to myself, or perhaps it was a prayer, I was never sure. "The third phase..." My moon appeared above the battlefield, only half of it visible. The light cascaded onto me, revitalizing me and renewing my strength. As my moon faded from existence I landed back on the ground, not a speck of grime or injury on me.  "N-no... no way..." Twilight's jaw hung open, her eyes the size of my moon. "That's not possible," she dropped to her rump, a droplet of my true power too much for her mind to comprehend. "Be on thy guard, Princess. This battle is not finished yet." I would not use tricks or deceit to win. This was a matter of honor as far as I was concerned. Her face contorted into a wrathful grimace.  "So much disgusting integrity." She stood, the bubbling greenish black aura coming back to her horn. "I swear It'll be your downfall." It was time to take control. Silver moonlight pulsed from my horn. "Our moon cannot be resisted, its beauty is beyond all comprehension. The fifth phase..." She took form just above the two of us, this time whole and sparkling with lunar energy. Twilight stared up in adoration, already hypnotized by my spell. I charged my energy quickly. Phase five was short, lasting a minute at most. With Twilight's level of strength, she would break free in a quarter of that. Dark blue mana flowed from my horn, the cone unable to contain the massive amount of power. My entire body became coated in roiling blue flames, the warmth exhilarating. This would put an end to the fight, but just in case, I raised an amplification barrier around myself. It also glowed blue and was covered in ancient runes. THIS will put an end to the fight. I aimed true, directly at the purple alicorn, bracing myself at the coming force. As I let my attack fly, I was pushed backwards, holding the ground tightly with another spell so that I would not be flung backwards. The beam was a massive cone of radiant destruction, a loud screech emanating from it. As it passed through my own enhancement barrier it focused back down from a cone to a pillar becoming much more accurate and deadly. The energy penetrated her barrier before promptly overwhelming her completely. She had no opportunity to do anything. My moon demanded attention and Twilight was blessed to be the one to give hers. As the blast slowly diffused I chuckled at the chaos it had caused. My moon was gone, the phase long completed. The destroyed swath of earth stretched in front of me as far as my eyes could see. Twilight's lifeless body lay on its side in the dirt, several meters away. Upon closer inspection, I could see the rise and fall of her chest. Tis admirable to endure an attack of that magnitude, Twilight. Celestia knew how to select an apprentice. I trotted over to her, igniting my horn and surrounding the prone alicorn in silver wisps of moonlight. If her horn so much as twitched I would not hesitate to take action.  "An impressive display of skill, Twilight Sparkle, but it is time for you to surrender." She unsteadily stood to her hooves, despite the threat of impending death. Her eyes were back to normal, yet still full of rage, her horn void of any signs of life. This fight is over.  "I yield," she hissed through gritted teeth, her gaze downcast.  "We would have a royal proclamation of thine surrender." I exerted more energy, the wisps of moonlight blinking and changing in opacity. Her rage was delicious, the taste of my victory well earned.  "I," she could barely speak through the grinding of her teeth. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, hereby forfeit this battle." I dropped the magic around her. Finally, some sense.  "Twilight, see reason," my voice came out firm. The peaceful home Celestia and I had made came to my mind. Tia's terrified episode in Cadance's bedchamber passed through my mind as well. As my anger began to swell I recalled one final memory, my sister pulling me into a hug after I had been exorcised of the Nightmare. Despite my hatred. Despite my selfishness. Despite my evil. Despite all of the wrong I had done... she loved. I sighed, my anger evaporating swiftly. "We all make mistakes, Twilight. I believe I have authority on that subject. But my sister's heart bleeds forgiveness... even for monsters like you and I." My tears flowed, undesired and incessant. "Come back to us, Twilight. Nothing has been lost that cannot be recovered." The ruler of Equestria was stunned.  "Y-you... you'd still pursue peace..." she was as confounded by my actions as I. "After all I've done?" "Tia loves you, Twilight," I approached her cautiously. "We all do." She dropped her gaze to the ground once again. "I... I can't..." Her voice was a decibel above a whisper.  "Why, Twilight?" What was driving her so mercilessly?  "Nothing will change!" she looked me in the eyes. The desperation I saw deep within her rattled me. And then, I noticed. I had let my guard down. Her spell was complete before I could think of countering, her horn a swirling mixture of magenta and black. "I might be on my last legs, but alicorn blood is the most potent source of magical fuel." "Twilight, our quarrel is over, have you no honor?" I shouted over the hum of her horn. Our blood could be used to amplify anypony's spells to near immortal levels of power. Where had she gotten... My eyes widened in realization.  "My honor means nothing if everyone I love ends up dead," her horn flashed brilliantly as she cast her spell. The world was overcome by shadow, something to my rear totally blocking out my sister's sun. I turned slowly, my ears drooping along with every other part of me that could at the enormity of what I came to face. I nearly fell on my back trying to bring the entire being into view, just its maw large enough to fill my vision completely. Whatever it was, it made Canterlot look like a small shack on a hill. As its mouth opened to reveal rows and rows of jagged teeth, I finally fell onto my back. My brain could not process the danger I was in, still trying to come to a conclusion on what the monstrous being was. In the back of its throat a gout of black and crimson flame began to flicker to life. And then it was upon me. With a soul shearing roar the undulating flames encompassed me entirely. I lifted my forelegs and produced the strongest barrier I could in such a scant period of time. It held for but a moment, the stream of fire melting it as if it were butter. The flames were otherworldly, the heat unbearable. I could not scream, could not move, could not even breathe. My forelegs fell to either side of me, the first hints of unconsciousness clouding my vision. I did not burn. I did not melt. It felt as if I was simply fading away, my existence itself beginning to disappear, as if I was being erased from reality. My face was forced to the side, into the dirt, at the mercy of the flames. I could see my foreleg sparkling, disintegrating. It looked as if microscopic pieces of me were being teleported away from the rest of my body. The pain... I welcomed death with joy, anything to end the onslaught. What a relief it would be. This was not supposed to be. I had claimed victory. She had yielded. "C-coward..." I closed my eyes, resigned to the horrid end fate had bestowed upon me.   Luna The voice was unfamiliar yet inviting.  "Lulu." My eyes shot open, all I could think of, Celestia. She had called my name, I heard it.  "Sis...ter?" Through the pain. Through the fire. Through the flames. Through everything, I forced a teleportation, thinking only of her. I blinked back into the crater that was once our home. She sat in front of me, facing away, her head slumped, mane and tail blowing in the not quite there wind. I tried to take a step forward, but was only able to reach out a transparent hoof.  "T-Tia..." I collapsed forward into the dirt, the void an alluring pillow I could no longer resist.  > Twilight : Unconditional > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn, Tambourine sounds like an absolutely lovely pony! I'm so glad you're already making friends! See, It's not as difficult as you thought it would be, is it? Things in Canterlot are much less lively without you around, but we'll be back together before you know it. Have you gotten settled in at Platinum Oaks? I had it rebuilt years ago just in case... or maybe it was just nostalgic for me to do so... Hmmm, and not so much rebuilt as it's not the same building as Golden Oaks was. It hasn't had a caretaker in a while so it was probably a little bit dirty, I sincerely apologize for that oversight. I should've had it prepared before you arrived. I hope it's to your liking since you'll be the librarian for the duration of your stay in Ponyville. Running the library was one of my favorite parts of living there, other than spending time with my friends, of course. I remember one time Spike and I were sorting and shelving the entire library, A to Z. It took hours and right when we were about to finish, Rainbow Dash flew straight through the window and slammed right into the wall. Needless to say, the work we'd done was all for nothing, but Rainbow helped us get everything back in order. She stayed all night to help us out. Come to think of it, that probably happened a lot more often than I remember... I've gone off on a tangent, I'm sorry. Remember Radiant, as long as you show loyalty to others you will change the world for the better. Your friend, Twilight Sparkle ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It's not too late for you... I couldn't lift my gaze from the dirt. The soil beneath my hooves coarse and dry, inviting in a peculiar kind of way. If I could, I'd bury myself deep within it, never to be seen or heard from again. It was such a simple thing, to oppose someone I thought hated me, so easy to lash out when I was heartbroken or filled with rage. I could imagine, could pretend they deserved to be punished for their evil deeds, that I was somehow justified in my aggression, no matter what judgement I'd choose to impose upon them. I wanted to get rid of her, wanted to remove a part of the equation I couldn't solve in any other way. She hated me. She had to hate me. I'd turned her home to rubble, tried to murder her only sister, and yet... yet here she was, telling me that she loved me, that my sister loved me, that my niece loved me, that Celestia... And Radiant...? "I can't..." I whispered. I couldn't stop, not now. I have to see this through to the end. What I'd done had to mean something. Their deaths couldn't be in vain. I had to save them... all of them. "Why, Twilight?" Luna's voice was kind, full of the hope that I could still be redeemed, like she was all those years ago by her sister. The difference was I wasn't possessed by some nightmarish spirit. I wasn't wrong, I was doing the right thing. If I didn't do something then... "Nothing will change!" She was taken aback by my sudden outburst. An opening! I had one failsafe left, one card up my sleeve I hadn't played that could turn the tide of this battle in my favor. The energy around my horn twisted black and magenta, a combination of my magic and the forbidden power I'd attained. "I might be on my last legs, but alicorn blood is a potent source of magic." The splotch of my own blood was on the ground behind Luna. Summoning him through a gateway would be easier than reading a kindergarten level book.  "Twilight, our quarrel is over! Have you no honor?" Honor? What had honor ever done for me? It never called me when I was down. Would it bring my friends back? My family? Radiant? Honor is useless. "My honor means nothing if everyone I love ends up dead." The spell was ready. With an explosion of light particles Spike appeared behind the Princess of the Night. I lost Luna's attention as the presence of the mightiest dragon lumbered over us.  DO IT, SPIKE! The new bond I'd established with my best friend was completely telepathic. It was the most economical way to communicate with somepony as expansive as a city. I limped away from the immediate area, still much too exhausted to cast any spells, even something as simple as teleportation. Spike could control his breath, but I wasn't about to put him to the test when I didn't have to. I stole a quick glance over my shoulder. The tiny alicorn was sprawled on her back, Spike's mouth wide and ready to unleash a blazing torrent of flame. His roar almost sent me tumbling head over heels, the flood of thick fire consuming the Night Princess. This is for the best. Even if she was immortal, she'd be safe... at peace... happy... Need... more I ignored my thoughts as I stumbled to the ground, a safe distance away from the fury of the flames. Finally secure, I decided to mend myself. I took a deep breath and drew on the power that had fused with me after my assault on Celestia. The intense glow of black energy shined forth from beneath my overcoat. It felt wonderful, the aches and pains melting away like mud in a nice hot shower. Spike cut off his stream of fire. We did it. We actually did it! The power of the moon was now a part of him. All that was left was Celestia and the sun. Cadance and Flurry would be reasonable once everything else fell into place. They'd have to be. If I could keep this up, they'd all be together forever.  How does it feel? He'd absorbed so much energy already, but this was different, this was one of the immortal sisters. He craned his castle sized head to the left, then right, then back to the left again. What?! He...failed How? I'd watched it happen... it couldn't be.  Spike's flames paralyzed as they disassembled for preservation. I'd performed enough tests, they were the basis for this entire plan. Not only that, the book was crystal clear on the subject. Escape was impossible once preservation was underway. She has to be on her deathbed. I'd made his flames stronger than any alicorn magic. Even if she'd managed to get away, she had to be as helpless as a foal. With a flick and a spin of my horn I pulled the magical screens connected to all of my surveillance spells in Equestria. Keeping my land safe meant constant supervision. I'd learned that lesson decades ago. Monitor everything. It was the safest way to make sure things went according to plan. No matter what happened, I'd be ready. Logically speaking, Luna would go right back to her sister. There was no other safe haven, nowhere else she could run to. Not with such terrible injuries, at least.  "There you are." She was a semi-transparent mess of dirt and hair. She was still vulnerable, but there was one very imposing complication keeping watch over her. My ex-mentor sat next to the Night Princess, her hoof pressed against her little sister's head. Whatever I was going to do, I'd have to do it quickly. I couldn't recall if Celestia knew any sort of healing spells, but Luna's natural alicorn resiliency would be kicking in soon. I can do this. If what Luna had said was true, I might be able to take advantage of Celestia's foolishness. It could still work... maybe even better than I'd initially planned.  You're shameless. I... Celestia... could it really be possible she still cared about me? Even after I'd... Quickly... preserve It was irrelevant. I had things to do. Thank you Spike. I'll bring you back once everything is in place. I was already working, charging both my teleportation and his return spells. It was hard enough to keep somepony so big hidden, but drawing on the forbidden magic had allowed me to hollow out a mountain range near Canterlot. He seemed at ease in his new dwelling and that's really all that mattered. He dipped his head in reply. With a clap of thunder and flash of lightning he was gone, back inside his rocky abode. Next, it was my turn. Another flash of lightning, though no thunder this time, and I was standing behind... her. All of this destruction because they would never see it from my perspective. I had to do it. Dropping a spell of that magnitude hurt. I had good memories of this place too. So many visits. So many precious moments. They were so happy here, happier than they'd ever been, but I needed them. Equestria needed them. Their duty wasn't done. It would never be.  "She's in bad shape," my voice snapped her head to attention, although she didn't turn away from her sister.  "Twilight... did you do this?" She tried to sound cold but I could detect a feeling of betrayal, as well as something I couldn't quite put my hoof on.   "Yes." A gentle breeze blew around us. Neither of us moved an inch. "Why?" Still she refused to face me.  "You wouldn't understand." I couldn't trust anypony but myself with this, not even her. She lifted her head to the sky, a sigh leaving her lips. "I thought I was so clever, was so certain of myself until I lost control. I thought I could move everything into place, manipulate every little thing so that friendship could spread, so that peace, so that you, could reign. So that I wouldn't have to see my sister like this ever again. What a fool I've been." Is she buying time? It didn't seem like it. Why was she talking like this?  "At least we agree on one thing." Luna was still motionless, but if I didn't act soon she'd be conscious in minutes.  "And what is that?" Her head turned ever so slightly in my direction. "You are a fool." I took a shot at Luna at just the right angle to destroy her horn. My sparkling star of energy collided with a golden wall of sunlight, exploding into pieces. My ex-mentor sighed, clearly disappointed with me. "Twilight, I can accept you wanting to hurt me. I can even understand you attacking the world itself. What I cannot tolerate is any aggression directed at her." The Celestia that turned to face me was so unexpected, so startling, it caused me to fall back onto my flank.  Too... far Her intense expression told me one thing, if I made another move for Luna I would die, there was no question in my mind. "If only you had been as protective of me." I had to recover from the shock of a murderous Sun Princess. With my initial plan in shambles, I'd have to venture down another route, but this Celestia was a whole other dimension of intimidating. Whereas Luna had been aggressive and swift, akin to an arrow flying at the heart of its victim, Celestia was the polar opposite of her younger sister. Facing her felt as if I were up against an unbreachable fortress, impregnable and steadfast.  "I've always tried to be there for you, Twilight." There was a tinge of annoyance in her. Such skilled linguistics to avoid lying made my skin crawl, though It was finally starting to become easier to see through her.  "You must've tried really hard these last few years." The barb hit home. She faltered, almost imperceptibly, but I'd watched my teacher enough to know when she was affected by something.  "I..." she closed her mouth.  I was interested to hear what she'd come up with. She'd abandoned me, left me to my own devices. Why? It didn't really matter anymore, but something deep inside me had to know. "I made... the wrong choice." How utterly disappointing.  "You made the wrong choice!?" I snarled, very unbecoming, but it was from the heart. Her head drooped as she said something under her breath. "WHAT!?" I spat.  "I was SCARED!" Her purple eyes pleaded with me, but I could only deal with the absurdity of her words. Scared? She was scared!? "You were scared!?" I had to restrain myself from launching myself at her outright. "I WAS SCARED, CELESTIA!" Although I'd never learned to use the Royal Canterlot Voice my yell could rival it. "I lost EVERYPONY! You have Luna! Cadance has Flurry!" I would not cry, but I would make her understand. "Even Spike will have to go into hibernation soon," my voice lowered to a whisper. "You abandoned me." She winced. "You did nothing for our friends, you didn't even try." "What would you demand of me, Twilight? That I conquer death itself!?" Her words sounded measured, like she'd rehearsed them over and over and over again in front of a mirror. "That would've been fantastic!" I shouted.  "I DID!" She lost herself for just a moment, and it was enough for me to finally realize what I'd missed earlier. She was still afraid. Of what, I didn't know, but her temper betrayed that weakness. "I made you immortal, made you one of us. You've no fear of the sands of time an-" "And what about everypony else? What about YOUR subjects?! What about OUR friends?! What about my family?!" I was quickly losing my composure.   "Death is inevitable for mortals! What do you think I am, Twilight? God?"  "You're the Goddess of the Sun!" "I AM NO GODDESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" she exploded in her Royal Canterlot Voice. I had to lift a hoof to block some of the wind pressure sent at me. She sighed at the realization that she'd lost her temper again. "Goddess?" she laughed as she placed a hoof against her face. "I couldn't even stop Luna from turning against me. I can't stop you, the only one I've ever loved as much as a daughter," she shook her head. "I am no goddess... I don't even deserve to be recognized as your mentor, much less a goddess."  "But you saved me and Cadance. You gave us immortality. How coul-" "Cadance's transformation was beyond me."  "W-what?" That wasn't true, it couldn't be. We were the same. Just as Celestia chose me for ascendance, she'd chosen Cadance.  "I didn't choose Cadance because she'd performed some act of righteousness, Twilight. I'm sure you've heard the story of Prismia from your sister." "You did it for that exact reason! She said-" the way Celestia looked at me made me pause and reevaluate. Cadance had said she was brought before Celestia, that they'd never met before and Celestia transformed her. That happened immediately after her clash with Prismia, but I guess that didn't necessarily mean it happened because of that encounter. "Then why?" I was lost. If it hadn't been based on the merit of her actions what was it?  "I... don't know."  "YOU DON'T KNOW?!" my horn was shrouded in black magic in a second, my anger boiling over. How could she not know? “HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW!?" "Twilight, have you ever encountered something or somepony you couldn't explain?" She knew what she was doing, knew I wouldn't forget one of my own letters to her, knew I had no grounds to contradict her. I just stared at her, seething. "I don't know. I can't explain to you the way I felt that day or what compelled me to change Cadance. It was a warmth? Perhaps love? Maybe something like Cadance's intuition. Something or somepony that, to this day, I can't comprehend, compelled me to do it. To make things right. To make them just. Perhaps a higher power took control of me... What I do know is that it was the correct thing to do, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat," she chuckled once again. "If I had the power to change every pony that defeated or reformed a fiend there'd be hundreds, if not thousands of alicorns running about." I felt my anger dissipating, being replaced by an emotion I preferred much less. She'd saved Cadance on a whim? Then... "Then was I..." My head fell involuntarily. I'd promised myself there'd be no more tears. Never again, not out of sadness, but they were peeking their ugly little heads out from under the locked lid. "No, Twilight." It felt as if she had raised my head with her hoof, but she was nowhere near close enough to do so. "I watched you since you were a filly. I taught you, nurtured you... Twilight, I know you, the real you. I know your wants, your needs. I know who and what you love. I know your hopes and dreams, your fears and weaknesses. I chose you Twilight, because I love you."  Be... cautious Her speeches were like witchcraft, able to lull anypony into a web of hope and peace. After all this time, I was still just as susceptible to them as anypony else. I desperately wanted to run to her, to hug her because we'd been apart for far too long, to rest in her goodness and love.  You can. She'd forgive. Family... friends But it was still just the five of us, and that was not fair. "Why not more? Can't you do anything for anypony else?" I'd already lost so many, but that didn't mean anypony else should have to go through what I had. Celestia slumped, an air of guilt coming from her sudden change in posture.  "Turning one into an alicorn is astoundingly complex, Twilight. Certain parameters must be met to even ponder attempting the first stages of a transformation." "Such as?" "Well, for one, anypony I choose must already have such vast reservoirs of magic that it would not completely annihilate them when they are imbued with an alicorn's level of mana. You were already reaching that zenith when I changed you. The majority of mortal bodies simply wouldn't be able to handle the mana that comes with the change. In reality the only other pony in history that might've had enough power was Starswirl." "Then why didn't you change him?"  "Well, to be honest, I don't think he would've wanted to be immortal. He was such a strange stallion, much more interested in what would come after this," she giggled. A fool Death is the end. There was no scientific evidence of a soul or an afterlife. Once taken, none returned. He could have continued to make a difference here, could've helped so many more than he had. "But there is another requirement that must be met. My own feelings towards the candidate. Starswirl was like a mentor to me and Luna, despite our knowledge, experience, and ability surpassing his several times over," she glanced back at her sister. She was still out. Apparently, Spike had done more damage than I'd thought. "But I could not say with certainty that my love for him was unconditional." Well of course not, unconditional love is- "Wait... then..." N-no way... She... lies "I would've thought you'd realize it sooner," her crooked smile made me take a step back. Why was I afraid? Why did it feel like everything I had sacrificed for was in jeopardy? "I'll always love you, Twilight. Nothing you do can change that." A phantom blade sunk into my skull, the pain so excruciatingly potent I fell to my haunches and gripped my head in my hooves. Nghhhh... STOP  "TWILIGHT!?" Her concern was real. It would cause my death.  "STOP!" I was still too fragile for this, not disciplined enough to face that kind of love. Time was almost up and I was not about to back down, no matter how she felt. "Give me Luna," I stood back up, shaking my head to clear away the migraine that had developed. "What!?" she braced herself. She wasn't a fool, I'd just caught her off guard at the castle. This time things would be much more difficult. "I need her, Celestia. She's vital to a spell I'm working on." It was mostly true, but she'd probably see right through it. She looked back at her little sister.  "Would she be safe? Could you promise me no harm would come to her?" When she looked at me again her eyes had changed, they were full of righteous conviction. The fact that she hadn't rejected me outright confirmed her claim. You can't. Shut up! "...Yes, I can." Curse my useless conscience, even now it was causing me to trip up. She'd seen right through me because of my slight hesitation. Her horn burned gold, equal parts beautiful and frightening.  "You can't have her, Twilight."  "I thought you loved me?" I began charging the initial phases of the forbidden spell I'd used on Luna. Its purpose was originally for Celestia to begin with. The fog forced its victim to lie, and to truly believe those lies, or succumb to unendurable pain. Lies could break a creature, especially one honest beyond reason. Luna was already lying to herself. What unfortunate circumstances that after all this time she still couldn't be honest with herself. Celestia on the other hoof only ever told the truth. This would be over quickly.  Finish... this Then I can feed them both to Spike.  "I do, but there's another I love even more." Her magical aura surrounded her body stirring up a maelstrom around her. Her coat shined porcelain as if she were a flawless sculpture. "One that has always been with me, one that has carried a piece of my heart since before I existed. I cannot let her down again." They were not alicorns. Not in the traditional sense. Cadance, Flurry, and I were, but Celestia and Luna were something more. Something otherworldly.  "Then I'll just have to take her from you." Black smoke lurched forth from my horn. In seconds the spell would take hold of her and this would all be over.  "I will not harm you, Twilight, but I will do everything in my power to protect my little sister." She watched the mist roil and fold in all directions, cautiously assessing her level of danger, just like Luna, and just like her sister she'd- She flapped her wings once, hovering just above the ground. With a force that could not be categorized on a scale she flapped again, this time grunting with effort. The gust of air she'd created was like an unstoppable hurricane, the sound enough to make me feel like I might go deaf. I had to use a spell to anchor myself to the spot or risk getting swept away in the current. As the wind finally died down and all of my fog had been blown away, she landed gracefully, not a feather or hair in her mane or tail out of place. This... was not part of the plan.  "Quite impressive... Sister." Yeah, this is all falling apart at a rather sickening rate. Luna's head was lifted off the ground. She looked whole once again, all signs of transparency a thing of the past. Soon she'd be back in fighting condition. It was time I took my leave.  "Thank you, Lulu. Now... watch your big sis-"  "This has become too troublesome," I turned around and channeled magic to make a hasty exit.  "Wait! Twilight, you can't just-"  "Are you going to stop me?" I asked knowing she wouldn't. Her face scrunched up, unsatisfied.  "Halt, Twilight Sparkle!" Luna tried to stand but was still too weak, collapsing back into the dirt.  "Sister, don't push yourself too hard," Celestia's concern was now fully on Luna. They wouldn't keep me here. They couldn't, even if they wanted to.  "Celestia, we must stop her. She is-" "Did you figure it out?" I was genuinely surprised. Maybe she was more capable than I gave her credit for. She grit her teeth at me in response. Her face said she didn't completely understand, but she was putting the pieces of the puzzle together. She was so very easy to read, an open book for anypony to see. Geez, Celestia. How'd you manage to let her be depressed for so long without noticing? "You're a clever girl, Luna. I underestimated you, my sincerest apologies for that." I bowed my head eliciting a look of shock from the dark blue alicorn. A fully powered, angry Luna was not something I wanted to cross paths with ever again. She'd shown me mercy. I would not be so fortunate a second time. "Nevertheless, it's time for my departure."  "I will not let you!" The blue flames that emanated from her horn told me all I needed to know. If she couldn't conjure the silver power I would be fine. As I began to walk away I heard a blast of magic surge toward me from behind. It never made contact, instead another chime behind me seemed to have intercepted it. VERY interesting. I looked over my shoulder to find an absolutely stunned Luna. Her eyes were massive, her mouth hanging open further than I thought possible. Celestia was staring down at the ground, boring a hole so deep it could reach the center of the planet, her horn sparkling gold. I'd never seen her look so ashamed.  "S-Sister?! You would still... even after everything she has done? Has your sense fled from you?!" I was just as surprised as the Princess of the Night. How very interesting. Celestia said nothing, instead shutting her eyes. I laughed hysterically, enraging Luna and somehow making Celestia look even more pathetic.  "Very well, you've shown me kindness, Celestia." She lifted her head, looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Come to Canterlot tomorrow, alone, we can speak of my grand scheme then."  "You would postpone unt-" "I never said that," I cut Luna off. "If Celestia wishes to stop me, she is welcome to try, but..." I looked into her eyes. She said nothing, casting her gaze downwards once more. "I didn't think so. Tomorrow, Celestia. Noon.  ALONE." I smiled so wide I thought my face would never go back to normal. "And one last thing, don't run back to Cadance either or you can consider my offer null and void." "Celestia she is going to- You honorless coward! Get back-'' I teleported to the outskirts of Manehatten, the next city on my list, not listening to the rants the dark alicorn directed at me. Interesting indeed... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Princess Twilight, I'm not sure I'd go so far as saying Tambourine is my friend, but she is very kind. We had tea and cupcakes together, so that's something, I guess... isn't it? Oh! The library was a huge mess! I'm still working on it, but I'm not doing it alone. Tambourine has been helping since I first arrived. Honestly, it's weird and makes me a little uncomfortable. We barely know each other, but she treats me like a sister. Maybe she sees me as a friend? I'm not sure though. Loyalty... loyalty is tough when I don't really have any friends here. Do you think Tambourine might want to be the first? How would I even know? You don't have to apologize for talking about your friends, you know I love hearing about them. I miss you, Princess. My whole world is less lively without you, but I know you're right. Still doing my best.  Your devoted student, Radiant Dawn > Flurry : Regret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work SUCKS! Okay, I've gotta be fair, desk work sucks. I love being Captain of the Guard. THAT job is fire... most of the time. Fighting off threats against the empire? Awesome. Training my soldiers to confront those same problems? Inspiring. Even something as insignificant as interviewing a new potential recruit can be really fun under the right circumstances. Some might think I wouldn't have time to do things like that, too many responsibilities and that whole mess, but in reality, I have a lot of free time on my hooves. When Equestria is going through an extended period of peace, a captain's time is mostly occupied running  exercises and attending events. Well, either that or I helped Mom out with her duties. The life of a politician had to suck even harder than doing desk work. Granted, ninety percent of political work was just glorified desk work anyway. I uh, I didn't help her with stuff like that. When everything was finished though, and by everything I mean things I enjoyed, I had to sit and do this boring, slow, mindless- "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I threw my head forward, smacking my face against the desk I was sitting at. I was inside the Rainbow Guard's office, a fairly new addition to the palace. I had it built a few years back once I was convinced they'd proven themselves worthy of such an extravagant gift. Eight wooden desks sat in the center of the large room, a row of four facing the other row of four. They were effective for working and having impromptu meetings. A large glass dome made up the ceiling, magically enchanted to shade or clear, depending on what time of day it was. Currently, it was blocking out most of Granny Sola's sunlight, or rather absorbing it. The spell stored energy for the night if we needed light then. On the walls of the office hung paintings of Mom, Dad, and some of Granny Sola and Granny Moona. I still wasn't sure why I'd never put any of Auntie... probably not enough space... Yeah, I'll go with that. The room wasn't too fancy. There was no reason for that. Some exotic plants filled in the empty spaces here and there. It was more than enough for our needs.  "We have no other work, Captain. This is part of the job whether you like it or not." The unicorn that sat across from me was busy reading documents. Her coat was a bright fiery red at the hooves that blended into an even brighter orange as it reached the tip of her horn. Her well kept yellow mane was pulled tightly into a bun with a small bit of hair sticking up from it. Loose strands of blue and white hair fell on both sides of her face, framing a very beautiful visage. Her piercing light blue eyes bordered on white and made her look altogether really scary. On her flank was a grouping of flaming sparks with smoke rising from them.  "Iggggnyyyy!" I stretched my forelegs out in front of myself, almost knocking several papers to the floor.  Ignitia, the leader of the Rainbow Guard, or RG as I so lovingly referred to them (It sounds so cool when I get to shout "RG to Me!"), is a real dictator. I've never once been able to shirk my obligations when she's keeping an eye on me.  "You do this every time, Captain, and every time I tell you the exact same thing: we'll get done faster if you actually do your work." She was right, of course. It's why I assigned her to do this type of job with me. If it were any of the other RG I'd never get any desk work done.  "But we've already been working for," glancing up at the clock made me groan. "TEN MINUTES!?" I leaned back in my chair, mouth dangling open. "Igny, just put me out of my misery."  "And do all this work by myself? Not a chance," she scribbled on a paper before levitating it into a folder.  "What if I get-" "The others are on leave, Captain." How she knew what I was going to say most of the time I'll never figure out. Leave? Who authorized that? I slammed a hoof on the desk. I'd have them running laps for the next two years! "Those slackers, wh-"  "You, Captain. I believe your exact words were, 'they've earned a day off.' Oh yeah, that's right. Oops... I leaned my chin on my hoof lazily, my elbows resting on the table. There really was no way out of this for me huh? Unl- "WAIT! WHAT ABOUT STAR?!" I sprung to my hooves, throwing my chair across the room inadvertently. That unicorn never takes a day off, she has to be around here somewhere. I have an escape! "You gave Starless a day off, Captain. She's exactly where you think she is." Without even taking her eyes off her paper she levitated my chair back underneath me. If Star ever has a day off she's always... "Helping Mom," I sat, deflating like a balloon that'd just had its air let out. "Bingo," Igny finally looked at me with a wry smile.  "I haaaate paperwork." I levitated a paper in front of my face, not moving my mushy pile of sorrowful bones.  "I still cannot comprehend how you're over fifteen years old, Captain," she chuckled. If anypony else had said that to me I might've had them doing push ups until I was done with my work... which judging by the pace I was on, may be a week from never, but this was Igny. She'd proven over and over again that the Crystal Empire was her life. The only reason she was so hard on me, on any of us, was because it made the empire better. Besides, she didn't mean any harm, I really was pretty foalish most of the time. It came with being an alicorn, or at least being born as one, I think. Fifty years to me felt like nothing at all as far as having an adults mentality, and I knew that was what she was aiming for. She was trying to appeal to my maturity. What? How dare you Ignitia! I am as mature as I am marelike, I shall complete my work forthwith! Yeah, that's never gonna happen. Not anytime soon, at least.  "I know right! Have you seen this flank!?" I stood and slapped my rump with a hoof. "It's like I'm not a day over eighteen!" She rolled her eyes so deliberately I swear I could hear them creaking in their sockets. "Don't think so?" I poked my flank, feigning sadness that wasn't actually there. "I think I look good..." "Captain?" she smiled widely, her toothy grin warm. She bridged her hooves beneath her chin looking altogether very attractive. "Yes, Igny?" I brightened up.  "Get to WORK!" her smile was replaced with the sternest frown I'd seen on her in a while. I sighed and sat, thoroughly defeated.  "Fine, Your Majesty," I collected the papers on my desk in a stack. "My flank is awesome by the way," I muttered under my breath. Just because I had to review these reports didn't mean I had to read them word for word. I scanned the document quickly, multiple words standing out amongst the rest. Black barrier? Impervious to weather. Whole town contained. Wait a minute... this is a scouting report. After Auntie Twi had attacked Granny, Mom and I decided to send out a few scouting parties. Their primary mission was to gather intel on the rest of Equestria, just in case my aunt was making any big moves we needed to be aware of. We had to be informed in some way and our scouts were more than capable. The pictures that were printed on the paper could've been photos of Canterlot itself. The barrier was the exact same as I'd seen with my own eyes, and seeing it again sent a tremor running down my spine. I flipped to the next page, a similar report, but of a different town. Same barrier, same info. Then a third report. And a fourth. And- "Captain?" Igny's voice made me jump. I was breathing heavily, sweat clinging to my brow. Apparently, I'd been holding my breath until she called out to me. "Are you alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Reports we received could be particularly brutal. While crime was mostly a thing of the past, accidents still occured quite often. Haywire spells, runaway carts, heck even clumsy mailmares dropping packages out of the sky could cause major injuries or much worse on a fairly regular basis. Fate was funny that way... or cruel. It wasn't exactly impossible to be heavily affected by a disturbing report. I'd become somewhat used to most of them until I ran across stuff on newlyweds or newborn foals. "I'm fine, Igny," I stamped the documents with my rubber seal before moving them into a folder for storage. This barrier thing, whatever it was, made me feel nauseous. What the heck are you doing, Auntie? Igny kept staring at me. "Am I that easy to see through?" I tried to fake a smile, but all that came to me was an awkward grimace.  "Well, I'd like to think I'm your best friend, Captain, so I should be able to detect things like this rather easily." There was a look of genuine concern on her face. I must've looked pretty bad for her to drop the tough pony act. "What do you know of forbidden magic, Lieutenant?" I tried not to be commanding, but this was a serious topic and as such needed to be treated delicately. The RG were all my friends, yes, but there's a time and a place for everything, and it was time for Captain Flurry to be a leader. She cleared her throat, her change in demeanor reflecting my own. "Not much, Captain," she furrowed her brow. "Only what the guard has come up against which-" "Has already been extensively reported on and analyzed by me." I scratched behind my ear. "That's what I figured." "If it's not out of line ma'am," she stopped. She was a stickler for following the chain of command when I got like this. Funny she wasn't this strict all the time. If I were a betting mare I'd have wagered that she'd always be.  "Speak your mind, Lieutenant, you know I value your insight."  "What was in those reports, Captain?" she pointed a hoof at the folder I'd set down. It was something I could trust her with, no problem. The hangup I had was my aunt. The RG, heck even our regular soldiers, were all incredibly talented ponies that I'd the utmost faith in to keep their oaths. But standing against my aunt? First of all she was family, I didn't even know if I could completely oppose her. Second, she was an alicorn. When it came down to it, we were on a totally different level. Auntie could wipe out the RG and the rest of our army in a matter of seconds. That fact in itself could completely demoralize our whole military if they couldn't accept it. That's why Granny Sola had ruled unopposed for so long and the only one that'd tried to revolt against her was Granny Moona, an alicorn herself. If I brought Igny into this mess I couldn't be sure what long term effects might crop up. Oh well, who dares wins or so they say. "Here," I levitated the folder over and placed it down in front of her. "Take a look." She nodded slightly before opening it and reading. What could it all mean? Clearly it wasn't a defensive measure, even if it had been meant as one initially. I mean, even now she could deny it as such if she really wanted to be stubborn. It was so frustrating. Why couldn't Auntie just be honest with me? Why did we have to play such a silly game? Granny Sola's plan was probably the best bet we had right now, and that meant waiting patiently for their return. Doing that felt wrong to me. There had to be something I could do right now. Inactivity always felt like the first step toward failure. "This is... pretty disturbing." The first conclusion Igny came to was an obvious one, but it was just a prelude to her real evaluation. She was about to go into an analytical world all her own. "Which places are affected? Seemingly only small villages. Why block line of sight? Something is being hidden. I assume impervious to weather indicates lightning strikes are ineffective. That has to mean it's a fairly strong shield. With magical tests we could come to a much more thorough conclusion. We should send unicorns... no, it's far too great a distance. Not enough speed. Perhaps Violet could go? We don't have enough Intel to risk that, it's far too dangerous. What's its purpose?" Her final question was directed at me. "Same thing I'm wondering." I shrugged with a shake of my head.  "Then I think the most important question would be, who is doing this?" she tapped her chin with a hoof.  "Princess Twilight," I didn't look her way as I answered, instead drumming the desk with my hooves uncomfortably.  "The ruler of Equestria?" She chuckled, at first sounding doubtful, as if I were playing a bad prank on her. Once I reluctantly nodded, she continued. "Your... aunt?" Even without seeing her face I could feel the amusement melt away to disbelief. I nodded a second time. "Captain?" I slowly looked at her knowing what I'd find. "You're not kidding," her eyes opened wide.  "I'm not," my voice came out weak, much quieter than I'd meant it to. Igny fell back in her chair, brushing a hoof through her mane.  "Then I guess the important question really IS why?" she let out a sigh.  "And that's where I'm stumped," I sighed as well, mirroring her posture. Not only did we not have any clues as to why Auntie Twi was doing these things, we were completely in the dark when it came to forbidden magic. Any information we might've had would've been sent to Canterlot ages ago. With Auntie's inheritance of the throne came an even closer relationship between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Auntie Twi was obsessed with books (pretty sure you already know that, though) and as such we agreed to relinquish any unique books we had in our archives. Forbidden tomes are all unique. Mom and Dad were already aware of this, but at the recommendation of Granny Sola we ended up collecting them all in Canterlot. It's not like any of us could've foreseen a future where Auntie was the reason we needed to look into the books anyway.  "How about we take a break?" My jaw went slack at Igny's question. She wasn't the type of pony to take breaks. She stood up, a kind smile on her face. "How does some tea sound?"  "Amazing, Igny! Are you sure?" My countenance brightened several shades at the prospect of a cup of steaming hot sweet tea.  "Sure, I can..." she looked around the room, this way and that before realization dawned on her face. "Right, I had that removed a long time ago, didn't I?" she laughed, placing a hoof on her embarrassed face. There was once a time when tea was commonplace in the office. Sadly, I abused the heck out of the simple machine, both literally and figuratively. It was something to do that wasn't desk work, so I played with it on occasion... often... all the time. Igny was not happy when she found out I'd spent five straight hours trying to make magic love tea. Little did I know, magic love tea was in fact, not a real drink and Mom had actually used her magic to help those ponies fall in love. Boy was her face red when I tried to get Igny to drink my concoction of tea and plants. Come on, Igny, If anyone can use some more love in their life, it's you. I'd pushed way too hard. She was not pleased. I might have an impenetrable magical barrier, but even I was a little scared when her mane started changing colors. Ever since that day the office had been a strict no tea zone.  "We can-" I moved to stand as well, but she stopped me with a raised hoof.  "It's fine, Captain. I'll head to the kitchen and get a kettle and some cups. You rest for a bit." She walked to the door. Do I really look that bad? Still, I couldn't help but smile at her kindness.  "Thanks, Igny. I really do appreciate it."  "Think nothing of it, Captain." As she closed the door behind herself I tried to relax, tried to think of the tea that was coming, but all that settled in my mind was my aunt. How'd it come to this? I leaned back and closed my eyes.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Auntie Twi and Mom sang and danced, finishing by jiggling their tails together. Dad just rolled his eyes, but the grin on his face couldn't have gotten any bigger. "You two are princesses... you do know that, right?" I asked, a little embarrassed at their overly showy greeting. We were just outside the walls of the city, but there were still a few ponies around and their affectionate display had drawn their curious gazes.  "Aw Flurry, you're not too cool for the best aunt ever, are you?" she placed a hoof over her chest, a look of fake pain in her eyes.  "Of course not, Auntie," I sprang forward and gave her a big hug. "You know I love you!" She caught me with a loud grunt.  "You've grown up so fast!" she giggled, returning the hug. "It felt like it was just yesterday we were flying around in my castle playing games with each other. You were so small, I carried you around everywhere on my back," she gave me a kiss on my cheek.  "I could hop on right now if you want, sounds like a good time," I returned the kiss.  "Not with all this pudge," she poked my belly with a hoof. "You're too old for this to be foal fat." I backed away from her prodding, my cheeks burning crimson.  "What can I say, food is good. Besides, it's all Dad's fault," I pointed at my father. He glared at me like I'd just stabbed him in the back.  "Bigggg brotherrrr!" she stalked towards the cowering stallion, wings spread wide and horn aglow. Sweat started dripping from his forehead as he tried to step back, instead dropping to a sitting position. She did look pretty menacing, her face a cross between an angry manticores and a mama bear protecting her cub. She must've learned this kind of intimidation from Granny Sola. "Listen, Twily, she said she wanted to put on muscle! It was all her idea, honest!" He was almost forced onto his back as Auntie Twi pushed her face dangerously close to his. She didn't say a word or blink. Dad looked at Mom and then at me, pleading silently to be rescued from his rampaging sibling. Mom and I just giggled in response. As my aunt's horn began to hum loudly she finally decided to let her brother off the hook. "I missed you so much, bbbff!" She threw her forelegs around his neck and gave him a big kiss on his cheek. His sigh and look of relief was way too funny.  "Geez, kid. You had me going there for a second. Ouch, careful with the back," he groaned playfully, hugging her back lightly.  "Sorry! Sorry!" she leapt back as if she'd almost killed the stallion. A pleased grin came to Dad's face, a bit of payback lifting his spirit. "I'm only kidding, Twily. I'm not that old," he guffawed, drawing a frown from his sister. "It's so good to see you, it feels like it's been forever since you became head honcho over in Canterlot." The four of us began our trek to the palace through the city, along with the two pegasus guards that had flown Auntie Twi here in her chariot. Mom had already made other arrangements for the vehicle to be brought to the palace. Since we were too excited to wait for Auntie to enter the city proper before meeting with her, we'd caught them unawares. Besides, it would give her guards a nice rest. Entering the city close to dusk was usually mundane, the ponies of our city having long grown accustomed to the royal family's presence. The three of us were amongst the citizens so often, it honestly felt like we were all one big family. I liked that. While we did have the Crystal Guard escort us sometimes, and were the rulers of the land, we had something so much more important than that. The relatability and love of our subjects. It was one thing to be followed, revered, and praised. It was a whole nother thing to be accepted as friends. As such, traversing the city was much easier for us than, say, Granny Sola or Granny Moona in Canterlot. However, there was always a wrench thrown in the works when Auntie Twi visited the Crystal Empire. She was the ruler of the entire nation after all, and technically even higher authority than Mom and Dad now, even though she never acted like it or pointed it out. At this time of day most shops and vendors were getting prepped to close up their shops. Once my aunt made an appearance though, that came to an abrupt halt. "Oh! There's no need for that. Thank you so much though!" Another pony fell at her hooves, bowing gratefully. Mom and Dad just smiled, used to Auntie's panic. "You know I could've avoided this if I'd have just landed at the palace," she said through the side of her smiling mouth, waving a hoof at a group of overly excited mares. "Still not used to the new position?" Mom asked.  "Thank you so much! It's beautiful!" My aunt levitated a single rose a young colt had presented to her. The expression of joy that came to his face when she'd accepted it was similar to a foal's on Hearth's Warming eve. "Not at all, Cadance. I'm just not built for this much... adoration." She put the rose into her mane behind an ear after checking it over for thorns.  "That's why we've spent so much time in the city." Dad stepped around a filly that was chasing after a colt, both laughing ecstatically as one tried to tag the other with a hoof. "Ponies get used to the aura of royalty given enough time," he grabbed me by my neck and pulled me close. "We're like one big group of friends," he laughed as he hugged me tightly. "I'd love to spend more time with my subjects, but leaving the castle is a luxury I just don't get most of the time," she sighed but still kept her smile strong. She'd learnt really well from Granny Sola. "I always thought Princess Celestia was exaggerating because she had her sister, but the responsibilities really are that demanding. Thank you so much!" Somehow Auntie had already received several loaves of bread, multiple baskets of fruit, more flowers, various articles of clothing, a drawing of herself in a beautiful gown, and... books. It was easy to see which gift she was most excited about receiving. Her poor guards might be more weighed down now than they would've been lugging her chariot around.  "Spike and the girls help out a lot don't they? How are they doing?" Mom sent a spell into a stallion and mare making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. She did that often. That particular spell increased the love in one's heart. It wasn't like cupid's arrow, although she did have spells like that as well.  "Oh yeah, all the time, that's why I was able to sneak away today. Oh this is lovely, thank you so much!" She examined the golden necklace. As we got closer to the palace, Auntie's gifts came less often, but were becoming much more fancy. Jewelry, expensive dresses, gems, exotic spices, paintings, and... cheese? That's... kinda weird. "They're the ones who pushed me to come, sorry for the short notice by the way."  "It's not a problem, you're always welcome here, Twily." Dad didn't hesitate to assure his little sister.  "Thanks, Shiny," Auntie smiled. They were so cute together, It made me want a little brother or sister of my own. I wasn't sure of the prospects of something like that happening though. "And Spike and the girls?" Mom asked again, her second question not having been addressed yet. "Oh right! Spike has really taken to his emissary position. He's on a trip in the thestral's territory right now."  "Trying to expand your control?" Dad joked.  "NO! Of course not!" Auntie looked mortified at the very idea. "I'm just trying to reach out and offer help to anypony who might need it."  "She is the Princess of Friendship, after all," Mom chuckled. "She's just strengthening those bonds."  "Exactly!" Auntie grabbed mom with a foreleg and hugged her tightly. "Oh! And the girls! Aj isn't around too much, her responsibilities on the farm are almost as demanding as mine are in Canterlot. Rarity is around the castle often. It's easy to see the struggle she's going through between a life in Canterlot and one in Ponyville at her boutique. There's also Sweetie to consider. Rarity may not like to admit it, but she loves her sister more than anything else, and she's starting to make decisions based around her. With Sweetie's singing career really taking off she relocated to Canterlot. I have a sneaking suspicion Rarity will make the move soon as well," my aunt laughed. "To be honest she'll probably end up moving Carousel Boutique, or at the very least the merchandise to Canterlot too. Honestly with how talented that mare is she might just open two more shops." Auntie Twi looked my way, a concerned expression suddenly on her face. "Speaking of talented mares, are you okay, Flurry? You've been awfully quiet." My eyes popped open.   "Yeah, Auntie I'm fine, I'm just listening," I assured with a smile and a nod, still pressed against my dad's side by his foreleg. "Our little Flurry's really matured. She's basically a model mare now," he ruffled my mane with his free hoof. "I wouldn't say that," I pushed him away. "But I'm good, Auntie. I really wanted to hear about the others too. How's Dashie doing?" "Rainbow is really pushing hard into the Wonderbolts. She's not there just yet, but she'll be leading them in a few years, mark my words." As we drew closer to the palace Auntie's demeanor genuinely brightened. I assumed it was a side effect of not being worshiped non-stop by a bunch of ponies you were unfamiliar with. "Pinkie is really taking a shine to Cheese Sandwich."  "The premiere party pony?" I asked.  "The one and only," Auntie replied. Well that makes sense. They were pretty much made for each other. "I'm sure we'll be getting wedding invitations sometime in the near future," she smiled. Whoa, you go Pinks. "And then there's Fluttershy," she chuckled, though it was dripping with discomfort.  "You don't sound so enthusiastic about her," Mom tilted her head.  "It's not that I'm not happy for her... confused is more like it." Auntie's face scrunched up as if she'd smelled something especially foul. "How so?" Mom asked. "Well, her and... Discord have gotten close... very close. So close they're living together," my aunt shook her head as if she couldn't believe her own words. "It's quite... puzzling." Fluttershy and Discord together was a bit strange, it always had been. An infinitely kind pegasus that cared for animals and... The Lord of Chaos whose primary source of entertainment came from sowing disorder. They were almost polar opposites of each other.  "That is pretty wild," Dad rubbed his chin with a hoof, trying to make sense of it like the rest of us. I couldn't help myself. "Almost as wild as Mom getting with you, Dad," I poked him in the side with my hoof.  "Hey!" he took a swipe, trying to catch me, but I'd already taken flight just out of his reach. I couldn't help but laugh. "That is true," Auntie Twi agreed, not laughing, but looking at Mom. "You too, Twily?" Dad sounded a little hurt by his sister's swift agreement.  "Oh dear, you know I love you and-"  "That's all that really matters," Dad finished for mom before they gave each other a kiss.  "Save it for the be-" I clamped my mouth shut as soon as Mom glared up at me. Sometimes she could be particularly scary. "You two aren't wrong though, if Fluttershy and Discord are happy then who am I to stand in the way of that?" Auntie nodded, content with the reasoning she'd used. We finally arrived at the palace gates, Granny Sola's sun just about ready to be put away for the night. "I'm going to lower the sun and raise the moon and then I'll be right inside."  "Dinner should be about ready, we'll meet you in the dining hall," Dad said as he and Mom entered the large crystal gates. "You coming, Flurry?" he asked.  I landed next to my aunt, a grin on my face. "I'm gonna stay with Auntie, if that's okay?" I gave her the cutest puppy dog eyes I could produce.  "Always, Flurry," she patted me on my head. "Of course, just don't be a nuisance, dear," Mom called back to us. "We'll see you two in a bit." I loved being with Auntie Twi. She was so much fun, more like an older sister than an overbearing aunt. If she was only in the Crystal Empire for a little while then I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "And she just wouldn't stop eating the cake!" Auntie finished her story, neither of us able to hold in our laughter any longer. Dinner had been a delicious affair, if not mostly uneventful. The hours after spent catching up were way more fun, but too soon for my tastes Mom and Dad began to yawn endlessly. After about the twentieth between the two of them, Auntie Twi and I 'encouraged' them to turn in for the evening. Ever since I was a foal my aunt would stay with me in my room when she visited. What started out as Auntie giving my parents a break turned into slumber parties I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world. "I can't believe Rare would do that!" I held my belly, the fit of laughter starting to give me a stomachache. Auntie and I were sitting on my bed and sharing more stories from the time we hadn't had the chance to see one another.  "Enough about me and my friends though, how's your  training going?" Her purple eyes were full of curiosity.  "Great! I really am trying to put on some muscle," I flexed my forelegs, though there wasn't much to show off. "Check out these babies!" I strained. She covered her smile with a hoof.  "I think you still have quite a ways to go," she giggled.  "You might be right," I poked a muscle... or lack thereof.  "And your special talent? Has it gotten any stronger?" she lifted her head toward my cutie mark. "Yes ma'am, I'm almost invulnerable to all physical and magical attacks," I said proudly stroking my cutie mark. "Dad's hit me with boulders, arrows, swords, spells, even stuff like torch fire can't get through this baby," I smacked the shield with a hoof, ripples of blue energy surrounding my body.  "Do you mind if I?" She was focused on my cutie mark as she inched forward. "I never do, Auntie." I held out my foreleg. As her horn began to shine brightly I could tell she was magnifying her sight. She sat for a while, moving my coat this way and that with a hoof. "Is it okay if I?" she looked at me as if I might protest.  "Yeah, you know I don't feel it anyway... unless you mean you're actually going to try to lop my leg off," I vibrated my jaw and lifted my free hoof to my agape mouth.  "Well, that was the plan," she went back to her examination, forcing me to drop the act.  "You know it's not as fun if you don't play along, Auntie," I scrutinized her. I didn't like it much when she got like this. All business. I felt like a science experiment that should sit quietly and speak only when spoken to, but I guess it was fair. Not a single soul in all of Equestria could explain my special talent. It wasn't magic. It wasn't physical. It was something else entirely. An abnormal manifestation of emotion was the best description we'd come across. For some reason my aunt felt obligated to give us a better analysis than that, but she'd spent years studying and evaluating. All that work and effort never led her to any substantial conclusions and these exams only had really become frequent more recently. I could deal with such a small inconvenience to be with her more though.  "Sorry, Flurry." A thin but powerful laser shot from the tip of her horn and centered on my foreleg. "I know this bugs you, I just..." Once an excessive amount of smoke started to rise from the limb she cut off the flow of her magic and let my hoof go. With an exasperated sigh her head drooped, her ears following suit.  "What is it, Auntie? It doesn't hurt, honest. If you want to keep going I-" She usually went on for much longer than that.  "Why can't I figure this out?" she slumped further. I smiled for some reason, probably because I found it reassuring that even somepony as perfect as her wrestled with inconsequential things too. "Not even Granny Sola knows how my talent works, Auntie, and she's been around for waaaay longer than the rest of us," I put a hoof on her shoulder. "There's nothing wrong with not knowing everything."  "I know. I know, it's just, It makes me feel so... inadequate." She didn't look up. "Like I've failed..." "You're the Princess of Friendship and the ruler of Equestria, Auntie. Why would you think you lack anything just because you can't figure out how your niece's special talent works?" I may have only known my aunt for sixteen years, but even I had identified her overly worrisome nature. It must have been the yin to all those smarts yang.  "I don't know... I just... I don't know, Flurry," she rubbed her face with her hooves, a bright smile there once she removed them. "Let's not dwell on it, huh? What does my brother have you doing?" I really didn't feel like we'd come to a satisfying resolution, but I wouldn't push the issue any further. "Well, like I said, he tests my shield often. Uhhhhm he's been teaching me more advanced barrier spells," I laid down, feeling a bit more tired than I thought I was. "Like the one he used to protect Canterlot with when Queen Chrysalis invaded?" She followed my lead, lying down on her pillow.  "Yeah, like that one, but much stronger," I stared up at the ceiling. When my aunt yawned it was reason enough for me to pulse my magic and cut the lights in the room. The windows were open though, so nice rays of Granny Moona's moonlight filled the room. "We go at it hoof to hoof but... I’m starting to pull ahead in that department too." Dad was getting older and I was barely entering my prime, a prime that I would hopefully never have to leave. When my aunt didn't say anything I continued. "I also have to find an instructor to give me flying lessons. Dad really can't offer any guidance in that area."  "Can you imagine him with wings?" Auntie snickered.  "Princess Shining Armor," I smiled.  "You're having trouble with flight?" she asked once her laughter had died down.  "No, not regular," I shook my head. "Specialized flying. You know stuff like evasion, going through storms, fighting." I felt her eyes on me after that last one. "Stuff like that." "I'll talk to Rainbow about it," she said after a short silence. "Really?! Dashie?!" I lifted myself up onto my forelegs. She was the best flier in the world. There was literally nopony more qualified to learn from.  "I think she'd be up to it, she did say she liked you and that-" "SHE LIKES ME!?" I was hovering above the bed before I knew it, wings flapping in excitement. "Who doesn't like you, Flurry?" she laughed, waving me down. "I mean she told you, Auntie," I landed on the bed with a harrumph. "You know Dashie doesn't admit things like that." "She also said you have potential," she stayed staring at the ceiling. I was having trouble folding my wings from all the wonderful news I was receiving. Dashie thinks I have potential? With some effort I was able to force my wings into place and got under the blankets. The faster I went to sleep, the sooner I could learn to fly from the greatest aerial ace in all of the world. "How exciting!" I pulled the blanket up to my chin. Auntie Twi crawled under the blankets getting comfy as well.  "And how's my favorite niece doing in the realm of romance?" she giggled, breaching a strange topic, but one we chatted about often.  "I haven't really had time for that kind of stuff. I've got real responsibilities now," I shrugged. It was true. My life was filled to the brim as it is.  "Aw, you've grown up so much," she sounded mildly disappointed. "I remember when you used to stand right there and tell me about how a knight in shining armor would whisk you away to live happily ever after." If anything my aunt still knew how to poke fun at me.  "Come on, Auntie. That's way too embarrassing," I pleaded.  "JUST LIKE MOM AND DAD! You used to shout." The memory brought a beautiful smile to her lips. I just covered my face with my hooves.  "Uggggh," I groaned. "There's nothing wrong with wanting love, Flurry." When I looked at her again I noticed she'd lost all mirth for some reason, an intense sadness coming to her eyes. "Without love..." "What about you, Auntie? Are you still..?" "No," she shook her head softly. "No, I have no room in my life for something as frivolous as romance. I finally understand why Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stayed alone." "Why is that, Auntie?" I think I knew why, but still asked. When she decided to speak again she sounded... odd.  "Flurry?" "Yes?" I was half awake and half asleep. "Do you ever think about death?" Well, now I'm fully awake.  "In what way, Auntie." "At all." "Yeah, I do." After a few seconds of silence I assumed she wanted me to keep going. "Like, with Dad." "I can't let it go." "What do you mean?" I turned toward her. Her beautiful eyes looked like they were misshapen and glowing in the dark, a bit sharper than usual, the moonlight shining brightly in them. She looked so very sad.  "When your grandmare and grandpa... passed away, I swore I'd find a way to help your father, no matter what."  "I... don't think death is something that we can stop, Auntie." "That's what Princess Celestia told me too." A confused look replaced her sadness. "But she did stop it. Me and your mom are evidence of that." That was true. They'd started out as mortals. Now they were as timeless as Granny Sola and Moona. "You don't think Granny Sola would do something about it if she could?"  "No, she'd definitely do something if she was able," she rubbed her face. "That's what I don't understand. Death can be stopped, or at least time can be..." "Because we can still die." I'd thought of that as well. There were too many ways to die that weren't due to aging. Physical harm, starvation, drowning, lack of air itself was always an issue. I'm pretty sure we could choke to death, maybe even on something as mundane as a particularly disagreeable root. "Right, but we still grow, we still technically age. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are thousands of years old, so it's not even stopping time." She had a foreleg draped over her forehead. "I don't want him to go, Flurry... I love him." The tear that rolled down her cheek broke my heart. It wasn't moonlight. "Me neither, Auntie." I wish I'd been more wise at the time, but that's a lot to ask of a sixteen year old filly with her head in the clouds. If I could go back, I would've said so much more, done so much more, but I was young and Inexperienced. I couldn't find the right words, couldn't think of what she needed to hear at the time. Maybe there was nothing I could do. Maybe she was already beyond my reach, but I honestly believe anything would've been better than nothing. My mouth opened and closed so many times I felt like a ventriloquist was playing with me, but not speaking for me. She turned and offered me a hollow smile.  "I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you, Flurry."  "No! Auntie! It's okay, really! I'm always willing to listen." I wanted to move over and hug her, but my body wouldn't budge. It felt like something was holding me in place, like a foreign spell had wrapped me in chains and strapped me to my bed. What is stopping me? Am I... am I afraid? "I love you, Flurry," she wiped her face where the tear had fallen, sniffling.  "I love you too, Auntie!" I almost shouted. Just move! Hold her! Hug her! DO ANYTHING FLURRY! My mind screamed at my body. She sighed, her fake smile fading like the last remnants of a beautiful snowy day under Granny Sola's relentless sun. "Goodnight, Flurry..." she rolled over, turning away from me.  "Good... night, Auntie." I felt a tear trickle down my cheek.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That was the first time I could recall crying since I was a foal. It was also the first time I truly felt like I'd failed somepony I loved. I could be wrong, could be looking way too deeply, but in my mind, that night was a turning point for our relationship. My aunt still treated me the same, still loved me with all of her heart. She was still the best aunt ever, but since that night something felt... off. A mistake. An error. Like a scratch across the lens of a pair of glasses. It wasn't fixable. Even though the big picture was correct. Even though the colors were all vivid. Even though everything I saw was right. There was always that tiny scratch I couldn't take my eye off of. I could never bring myself to talk to her about that particular subject ever again. I wanted to, I'd tried, but time and time again I'd failed, made excuses, concentrated on something else. I'm sorry, Auntie... really I'm so sorry. The opening of the office door forced me to open my eyes.  "Forgive me for taking so long, Captain. I haven't made tea in quite a while." Igny looked embarrassed as she closed the door behind herself. She was levitating a large silver tray carrying a kettle, two cups, spoons, and other assorted tea based items. She placed the tray on my desk before taking a seat at her own.  "It's fine, Igny, I don't mind at all." I sat forward excitedly, lifting my cup with my magic. I poured the steaming hot liquid before moving on to the sugar container.  "I'm... not sure how it turned out. Don't be too harsh," she poured her own cup. "It'll be fine, Igny, you worry too much," I poured another spoonful of sugar into my cup. "Tea is easy." I stirred the sugar err tea, before lifting it to my nose and taking a long sniff. Perfection. Just as the hot drink was about to touch my lips I was forced to accept the fact that I wouldn't be able to satisfy my craving for the beverage.  "CAPTAIN!" The door burst open, Star's golden eyes shaking in fear met my surprised gaze. She was panting heavily, her horn glowing from the force she'd used to open the door. "Starless Night, that is unbecoming of a Rainbow Guardian!" Igny was already on her hooves, the look of a pure disciplinarian back on the fiery pony's face.  "Forgive me Lieutenant, but..." Star was typically cool, calm, and collected. The mare that stood before us was anything but.  "What is it, Star?" I couldn't bother with protocol. Something had definitely happened. "Captain, the princess just received word from one of our scouts." Now her entire body was trembling. I could only wait. "Captain, it's Manehatten..." This is definitely bad.  > Luna : Disbelief > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You honorless coward! Get back here!" My legs would not support me no matter how hard I willed them to. It did not matter, she had already escaped, fleeing like a foal with her tail tucked comfortably between her legs. There was no longer reason to force myself. Where she had gone, who her next victims were, why she was doing this, all would remain unanswered because of her hasty withdrawal. "Luna, don't push yourself too hard, you're sti-" Celestia laid her hoof on mine, the softness of her voice driving my rage beyond its limits. I jerked my foreleg away from her, the contact feeling like acid that would sear straight through my flesh to my bones.  "DO NOT!" I was filled with adrenaline as the sudden anger at her made my previous rage seem like a kittens.  "Lu-" "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, CELESTIA!?" I could not bring myself to be concerned with how she felt. Whether or not I may hurt her feelings was the furthest thing from my mind. There was far too much at stake and she was acting as if we had the luxury of mercy. On top of that, the choices she had made up to this point were utterly atrocious. "You did nothing to stop her," I slammed my hoof down into the dirt. "YOU PROTECTED HER!" I was beginning to lose control, my Royal Canterlot Voice spilling out of my muzzle unintentionally. I was on my hooves before I knew it, wings extended, my fury giving me enough strength to accomplish what I could not mere moments ago. "SHE TRIED TO KILL YOU, TO KILL US, CELESTIA!" She would not look at me, her gaze downcast and locked on the ground as if it had just called her every bad name in the book. As the silence stretched on my anger grew to greater and greater heights. "SAY SOMETHING, SISTER!" I could no longer hold back. We did not have the time nor the resources for foolishness like this. Her tears fell to the ground, soaking into the soil as she endured the force of my fury. She is not this weak! She has never been this weak! and yet... "I... I-I’m sorry, Luna," still she refused to look at me. My rage continued to boil, but her tears quashed my lack of self control. I rubbed my head, folding my wings at my sides. All was not lost, we could still salvage something from this pathetic defeat.  "Celestia, she is stealing lives," I cautiously placed my hooves on her shoulders. That must be it, she must not understand the severity of our predicament. Once everything was clear to her she would see what I could and all would be fine, I just had to open her eyes to the truth. "W-what?" Her shimmering purple eyes were moist with tears and shrouded in confusion. She shook her head as her brow furrowed in the same. "I don't understand." "It is evil magic, Tia." I had to find the correct way to convey Twilight's actions or we would get nowhere. It was not as simple as killing or being killed. "She is taking the very essence of a being's soul." "That doesn't-" She was trying to process my words, but it was not that easy to comprehend, even for me. "How can you be sure?" her eyes narrowed on me, as if she were filled with doubt. I suddenly wanted to shake her until she lost consciousness. I was not the enemy here and it frustrated me more than anything that she would question me.  "CELESTIA!" Our muzzles were nearly touching, eyes locked, neither willing to back down. I refused to falter. She flinched first, pushing my forelegs off of her shoulders and stomping away in a huff. "You must accept the truth, Celestia. Twilight Sparkle is no longer the mare you thought her to be." She paced back and forth, gaze locked on the dirt. She said something I was unable to perceive, but for some reason I became irritated, perhaps because I knew her words were something I did not wish to hear. "Speak louder, Sister." "YOU'RE WRONG!" The blast of her Royal Canterlot Voice rocked me enough to make me fall backwards onto my behind. Well, I did say louder. She went back to pacing, the frustration on her face not subsiding in the least. The second I had been stunned only managed to exacerbate my aggression tenfold. "When will you finally see that Twilight Sparkle is not the savior you made her out to be?" I stabbed at her heart, an underhanded tactic, but I was beyond being rational at this point. Now it was about hurting her as much as she had me. So petty.  "She saved you, Luna." Sister's words were calm in contrast to her demeanor, the truth of her statement ringing true. It stung at my heart... It was well deserved pain.  "And I am eternally grateful," I had to approach things differently, find an alternate route to peace. Perhaps we can find common ground if I can just control myself. "But you must admit she has changed, Tia. These are not the actions of your once most faithful student." A sheen of anger passed over her face for a second, but left as quickly as it came. She sighed, the tension leaving her body.  "You're right, Luna," she sat down, rubbing her face with a hoof. "She's not... she's not the same. Something is... wrong. It feels like..." she looked at me after trailing off. I felt exposed all of a sudden, like I was being probed under a microscope. "Like what, Tia?" I knew what she referred to, but feigned ignorance. She was aware as well, but refused to be honest with me. We grew silent, staring at each other like a couple of fools. She shook her head, averting her eyes.  "Nothing, Luna," she sighed again. As we inched towards being open with one another it became harder and harder to progress. "What happened, Luna? What did she do to you?" Can she handle the truth? She had been at the mercy of her student, still she would not turn against her. Would my near death confrontation change anything in her mind? Not knowing if it would made my blood run cold.  "She attempted to strike me down, blindsided me from behind after I left you." Tia did not react, only listened, a new mask concealing her real emotions. "We fought. I showed her mercy." Sister's face lit up at that. I could not tell her that I truly regretted doing so. If only I had remained vigilant. "She deceived me. She has a monster, a behemoth of unfathomable scale." The memory of that beast made me shudder. "Do you not know what it was, Sister?" Celestia's curiosity seemed to stir at the thought of the mysterious monster.  "I was pinned... and afraid," I reluctantly admitted. That is why I was defeated. My lack of courage. There was no point in keeping it from her. I could only learn from my mistake and move on. I would not make the same errors in judgment a second time.  "Is it so frightening?" she asked. "To overcome you was once an impossible feat for any being, alive or dead." I blushed at her compliment. Praise from Tia always struck me as unearned. It felt like an eternity ago that I had been that powerful.  "Nay, sister, I have not..." The truth here could create friction between the two of us, but I needed answers, now more than ever. "I still have not regained my full capabilities yet." A tic in my sister's jaw showed through her mask, letting me know that I had indeed struck a nerve.  "Which I suppose is my fault." I could not say for sure whether she was being genuine or mocking. Pursuing peace was the correct choice regardless of her snarky attitude.  "Surely you would agree this endeavor has failed, Tia?" If all was well that ended well, then this was most certainly not well. "Why would you assume that, Luna?" The way which she asked that question echoed Twilight's inquiries during our battle. It was less a query and more an observation. I was being evaluated by her and I hated it.  "What did it accomplish? What have we accomplished, Sister? We have lost our home and our land. We are fragile, weak enough to be threatened with death." Tidal Force came to mind. "Even our faithful have doubted us because of this experiment of yours. Your own student has become..." Were Tia and I always so different? What could she see that I could not? "We can rebuild our home. We can take back our land. We can regain our strength. We can inspire our faithful... rally our subjects once again. My student..." she paused considering her next words carefully. "We will help my student, we will save her." "Your optimism is most admirable, Tia, but you did not answer my question." She was not wrong. I had told Twilight Sparkle the exact same things, but what benefit came from all of this nonsense that could justify the losses we had taken? "Over sixty years of peace, sixty years of precious, irreplaceable time and memories with my little sister," her smile warmed my heart, her mask gone. Memories flooded through my mind. "Remember when we learned how to ice skate?" I chuckled. She laughed, delighted by the thought. We had used a spell to freeze the lake and spent the day falling all over ourselves endlessly. Well I had, Celestia was naturally good at everything she set her mind to. "How could I forget?" she covered her mouth, failing to stifle the laughs. "I've never seen anypony so clumsy as you, Luna. I thought you were going to break a bone, or at least the ice itself." I could feel myself growing red as an apple.  "Tia, it was very difficult!” I think I had fallen more than one hundred times that day. "And you used magic! That was cheating!" I accused playfully. "It worked didn't it?" she winked at me. She had not wobbled even once in her attempts. After a couple of hours she was an expert, even performing a pirouette with little effort. "But I'm pretty sure you were much more fulfilled by the experience than I was, in the end." "Tis true." My first lake spanning trip without falling over made my heart soar. The embarrassment, time, and effort were all worth it once I had accomplished my goal. No magic, no wings, just me.  "I wouldn't give up those memories for anything, Luna," she looked up into the sky, most likely recalling more good memories. Perhaps she was right. I had more fun in those years than I could remember in all the rest of my life. Simply sitting with Tia in front of the fireplace and having a meal was more than I could ever ask for. Come to think of it, we did everything together during that time. Meals, activities, chores, there was not a single day I could recall where we were separate for more than a few hours. Such mundane things... Such precious things. "Tia, did... you..." She looked at me expectantly, her smile a knowing one. "Did you do all of this for us?" I fell to my rump. "For me?" She simply nodded.  "I realized something when you were... gone, Lulu," her face twisted in grief. "We are a part of each other. I cannot live without you sister, and I believe you feel the same way." I thought long and hard about how it felt when we were apart.  "When we are... separated for long I begin to feel..." "Divided?" "Yes!" I agreed emphatically, still trying to sift through my thoughts. "Like I am missing something important that I must find." Tia nodded again, her expression telling me she knew the exact feeling.  "There is no place I would rather spend the rest of my life, be it hours or multiple eternities, than with you, Luna. That is why I have made the decisions I have." She was too skilled at speaking. Years of politics honed her craft to an unreasonable level. I was sure she could convince me of anything, even something as foolish as throwing myself into a bottomless inescapable pit. And so, I relented. "Forgive me, Sister," I sighed. "I did not know." She only shook her head.  "Forgive me, Luna, maybe it would be better if I were a bit less mysterious with my plans from now on." We smiled at each other, finally coming to an accord that put to rest any grievances I had about that subject. The past is the past and it is done and gone. As far as I was concerned she had justified her actions. There was just one more issue we had to deal with. Perhaps, the most difficult issue we had to discuss.  "Then we must speak on one more subject, Sister." I was steadfast in my conviction. "I know, Luna," she raised a hoof, a look of grim determination crossing her features. "If we are to save Twilight, we must face her," she exhaled harshly. "You spoke of evil magic?"  "Both her and the beast were able to wield it." She looked uncomfortable at the possibility. "It was large enough to swallow Ponyville in a single bite and its flames..." How best to describe them? "Deconstructed my being." "De... constructed?" She did not understand and I could not hold that against her. Experience was probably the only true way to comprehend the ferocity of the beast.  "My particles..." I thought harder. "my atoms?" I knew I sounded and looked ridiculous as I gestured with my body. "Disintegration!" I clapped my hooves together. "But not just my body, my... soul." That was not the term I would select again, given the opportunity. She was quiet for a long time, her eyes shut.  "I must be frank, Luna, this is a little hard to accept," she looked at me like I had just told her it was literally raining cats and dogs. "Your soul, Sister?" I knew it had been folly to mention that. The soul was unproven, a concept not even acknowledged in most intellectual circles. Not even I was certain I believed in souls, but it was the best I could come up with to describe what had happened to me.  "What purpose would it serve to lie, Tia?" I asked with a shrug, praying she would not fight me on this.  "Perhaps you're mistaken?" she asked, eliciting an annoyed rolling of my eyes. "A beast that gobbles up ponies? Using evil magic to steal souls? To be honest, Luna, that sounds more like an old mares tale abou-" She stopped, her eyes shooting open.  "Say it," I growled, aware of exactly where she was going on her tangent. Her lack of faith in me also contributing to my sudden anger. "Forgiv-" "SAY IT!" It was my turn to use the Royal Canterlot Voice. I was hovering off the ground, wings flapping of their own volition. "I will not, Luna," she set her jaw, an immovable statue. Again we glared at one another, yet this time I was the one to fold. "Coward." I descended, turning from her and sitting down roughly. Why must things like this be so complicated? Why can I not just tell her the truth and be believed? Why am I perceived as so... unreliable? I knew the answers, yet that made it no less frustrating. As Celestia's hoofsteps drew closer I tensed, expecting a flick of her wing to my head or a slap on the shoulder. Often, when we argued she would reprimand my name calling with physical punishments. Instead, her soft wing enveloped me as she took a seat next to me.  "I'm sorry, Luna," she looked down at me, her warm body inviting, relaxing. I rested my head against her chest, all my negative emotions melting away immediately. "If I could take it back, I would do so without hesitation, Tia. It is my greatest shame and sincerest regret." But I cannot. All I can do is try to be better. Try to never go down that horrible path ever again. "I know, Lulu, I know," she rubbed my side with her feathers. "You weren't to blame then, or now." I wanted to protest, but her comforting embrace was intoxicating. Why does she think that? "I should have been there for you. I should have listened. I should have been a better big sister." "Tia, you have always been the best sister I could ever ask for. You can not blame yourself for my paranoia or my failures." My words hushed her. I could sense her thinking deeply, gathering together something that had troubled her for far too long, finally prepared to discuss it.  "Lulu?" She spoke after what felt like an eternity, in reality only a couple moments. "Yes, Tia?" I knew what was coming. I could feel it in my bones. We had avoided it for almost one hundred years. I nuzzled deeper into her welcoming embrace, steeling myself for the coming storm.  "Why did you turn against me, Sister?" So we are jumping right in? I did not want that. Maybe stick a hoof in to test the water and then slowly submerge myself to acclimate, not throw caution to the wind and pull the trigger.  "Going right for my jugular, Tia?" I evaded the question, opting to act foolish instead. Tia, unfortunately, did not take the bait, nor was she going to let me off the hook so easily.  "Forgive me, Sister, but I... we must deal with this." If that was what she wanted then so be it. I took a deep breath, the Nightmare appearing vividly in my mind's eye.  "I was hurt, Tia... scared. It felt like I was trapped in a dark place with no hope of escape. You-" I stopped short. No, I will not blame her. It had been me. It had all been me. "I failed to make you understand. I did not, I should have tried more. Should have..." It was all regret, all things I would do differently if given another opportunity. It was always so easy to see clearly with the benefit of hindsight, but anypony could easily see how foolish I had been. Tia stroked my shoulder with her wing, a constant reminder of the endless sympathy that I did not deserve. "I hated you, more than I have ever hated anypony or anything else, I loathed you. I made you a villain, made you my enemy. Everything was your fault. Our subjects neglecting me. My insecurities as ruler. My inability to fix anything. It was so much easier to blame you rather than myself, to wish that you would..." I choked back the tears, wrapping her warm body in my forelegs. She hugged back rocking gently, soothing me like a mother would her foal. I wept into her coat. To think that I ever wished for her to go away... to die. "I'm so sorry, Sister. I'm so..." She quietly shushed me. As my cries slowly dwindled, she spoke.  "You know, Luna, I have never blamed you for what happened, not once." Who then? It was I who let the darkness consume me. T'was I who chose to be evil. There was none other than I... "Then who, Sister? Surely you do not-" "I had such a long time to examine myself, Luna," she paused. "Even now saying things like that feels... wrong." "In what way, Tia?" I did not see how it could be her fault. It was not possible, but we both needed relief and this could be cathartic for her.  "As if I was the only one who suffered. As if your imprisonment wasn't drastically worse than anything that happened to me." I could detect the disgust in her. Perhaps a self loathing. I was an expert at identifying that by now.  "But you do not truly believe that, Tia. Why hold such trivial things against yourself?" I could not comprehend her self flagellation.  "Because it FEELS like I do, Luna." Her exhaled breath was an exasperated one. "I saw you, Sister. I wasn't oblivious. It wasn't some grand revelation that you were unhappy. I watched you become bitter and envious. I watched you grow cold and seclude yourself. I said nothing. I did nothing." But why? Why would that matter? We were both buried under our duties. She had held herself together. She had remained strong. She had never fallen from the righteous path. Why then, should she have to hold me together as well? "Sister, you bear no obligation to keep me on the correct path." I intended to absolve her, but my words sounded hollow in my own ears. "The fault lies with me, strictly with me."  "You were never a good liar, Luna." Her words should have incensed me, but instead made me wince. Do I bear something against her? After all this time, after all the love and kindness I had been given, did I still resent her? No. NO! Tis not true. It cannot be true. If it was, then I- "Lulu?" She pulled back looking down at me. I did not want to see her. I wanted to crawl into a deep dark hole and never come out. Such shame. She placed a hoof under my chin and tilted my head back. Her purple eyes filled with so much love I had to bite my tongue to quell my tears. "If you never admit I bear responsibility as well, you'll never let go of the grudge you have against me." She knows!? Of course she knows. The tears came once again, despite my best efforts. "Luna, I am scared." Why? What could cause such feelings in you, dearest sister? I will destroy it. I will kill whatever causes you such pain.  "Of what, Tia?" speaking was troublesome through my tears.  "You." As her tears fell, my heart broke in two. I was the problem. I had always been the problem. I- "You must be honest with me, Luna. I need you to tell me how you feel, how I made you feel when I neglected you." "Sister, I'm-" I tried to look away. Down, left, right, up, anywhere but into the loving eyes of the one I had betrayed all those years ago. The eyes of the one that feared me.  "Luna," I could not look away. I had to face it... to face her, had to admit what I had been denying for so long. And so did she. "Lulu, I'm so sorry." I could see no more for the tears. They cascaded like waterfalls on a moonlit night. The dam had broken and there was no holding its contents back.  "Tia, where were you?!" I hit her with a hoof, though there was no strength behind it, only over a millennia of sadness. "Why weren't you there!" Another strike with no power, only sorrow. "I was all alone!" Isolation. "You have always been there!" Confusion. "You are my light, Sister!" Rage. "You left me!" Abandonment. "You went away and it was so dark!" Envy. "I was so scared!" Fear. "And then..." The Nightmare. I bawled uncontrollably into her chest, my sobs echoing all around us as I weakly struck her with my hooves. She held me close, stroking my mane. As my tantrum died down I knew I had to put everything on the table. She was right. I had to be completely honest. If there was ever a time to do so, it was the present. "I only wanted you, Tia," I sniffled. "Even if the whole world turned against me, even if I had nopony else, I could be happy if you were with me. I could go on as long as my light guided me," I sighed. "But you were not there." We were quiet for a while. I could hear her sniffling, feel the warmth of her tears dripping onto my mane as she held me close. "Please Luna, forgive me. Truly, there is no greater fool than I." She had abandoned me, left me alone in the blackest of darkness. Yet she was here now, whenever I needed her, she was here. She was with me, holding me, comforting me, apologizing to me, right here, right now. I hugged her tightly. "Never again, Luna," she kissed the top of my head, nuzzling into my mane. "I will never make a mistake like that ever again. I'm not going anywhere, Sister, I swear." I felt weightless. The gravity of such burdensome events melting away, leaving behind it a path to true joy for the both of us. It was gone. Something even overcoming the Tantabus could not fully provide me replaced it. Peace. I squeezed my dearest sister as hard as I could.  "I forgive you, Tia." I never wanted to let her go. My sister... My light... > Celestia : Healing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my eyes to a small illuminated meadow surrounded by pitch black darkness. The light of the moon shined down on a slumbering figure lying amongst the grass and flowers. My heart raced, the giddiness that possessed me nearly drove me to bolt over to the unknown being. "Go." A foreign voice echoed around me throughout the vast darkness. It was kind, yet firm, and imbued on me an intense feeling of comfort. I slowly walked over to the meadow, careful not to make too much noise and risk waking the sleeping creature. It was curled up tightly, it's chest rising and falling rhythmically. It was small, not tiny by any means, but about half my own size. Its coat was dark blue, so dark approached black. Its navy blue mane and tail were decorated like the night sky and filled with beautiful twinkling stars. They moved slowly in billowing waves, both of their own accord, just like mine. Our physical appearances made us polar opposites, but my heart told me we were one in the same. The crescent moon on its flank was smaller than my cutie mark, but every bit as beautiful, if not moreso.  "What is its name?" I asked the unknown entity.  "Luna. She is your little sister," the voice replied softly.  "Luna," I smiled at the name as it left my lips. The small being stirred at the sound of my voice calling her name, her tired eyes flitting open as a sleepy yawn escaped her mouth. She looked up at me, a content smile coming to her face. My younger sister, Luna. I loved her more than all else.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lulu?" I'd been a coward, too frightened to face my own weaknesses. Nearly a century had passed since her return and I'd done nothing to remedy the scars that still lingered from my past transgressions.  "Yes, Tia?" "Why did you turn against me, Sister?" It had been my fault she'd succumbed to Nightmare Moon, I already knew that all too well. She'd been neglected for far too long, treated like she was inferior to me rather than my equal... rather than my precious sister. However, I was also aware of the fact that she didn't share my perspective, and so, her reasons for what had transpired had to be something else, something I couldn't quite put my hoof on.  "Going right for my jugular, Tia?" It was a tone deaf joke that did little to alter either of our moods. She obviously wanted to avoid the subject as much as I did, but that was no longer a viable option.  "Forgive me, Sister, but I... we must deal with this." No more excuses, no more running away. This is for the best. I want my little sister back. She took a long, trembling breath before beginning. "I was hurt, Tia... scared. It felt like I was trapped in a dark place with no hope of escape. You-" she stopped, considering her next words carefully. "I failed to make you understand. I did not, I should have tried more, should have..." She was struggling to be honest with me and it made my heart ache. Getting it all out in the open would make it all worthwhile, Lulu. I stroked her gently with my wing, hoping the meager gesture would soothe her frayed nerves. "I hated you... more than I have ever hated anypony or anything else, I loathed you. I made you a villain, made you my enemy. Everything was your fault, our subjects neglecting me, my insecurities as ruler, my inability to fix anything. It was so much easier to blame you rather than myself. To wish that you would..." She nearly cried as she threw her forelegs around my midsection. I embraced her back, gently rocking her like a foal. As she began to weep into my coat my heart cried with her. Her sadness hurt me more than any spell or blow ever could. "I'm so sorry, Sister. I'm so..."  "Shhhh," I continued to comfort her for as long as she might need. She could take forever as far as I was concerned, I'd no right to push her, not when I was the cause of all of this. As her cries began to recede, I spoke. "You know, Luna, I never blamed you for what happened, not once." How could I have when it was never her fault? Why she couldn't see that, I'll never know, but I had to show her the truth or she may never be able to see it herself.  "Then who, Sister? Surely you do not..." "I had such a long time to examine myself, Luna." It was a flawed statement, or perhaps mistimed would be a more appropriate descriptor. It wasn't about me, not right now. Right now It was about her, about making her feel better. "Even now, saying things like that feels... wrong." "In what way, Tia?" I didn't want to tell her, didn't want her to know how I truly felt, although she probably already did. About my selfishness, my arrogance, my pride... yet the truth rushed forth despite my wish to keep it buried deep down.  "As if I was the only one who suffered. As if your imprisonment wasn't drastically worse than anything that happened to me." As if everything that happened wasn't all my fault. As if I could shirk some of the responsibility by passing it onto you, my dearest sister.   "But you do not truly believe that, Tia. Why hold such trivial things against yourself?" Because there was a time I truly believed it. Because I have to justify my own foolishness or risk breaking into a million pitiful pieces. Because to this day... "It FEELS like I do, Luna." I exhaled in place of more words. And then, like a filly caught with my hoof in a cookie jar, I confessed my own greatest shame. "I saw you, Sister. I wasn't oblivious. It wasn't some grand revelation you were unhappy. I watched you become bitter and envious. I watched you grow cold and seclude yourself. I said nothing. I did nothing." I watched the darkness eat away at her, watched it destroy my precious little sister piece by piece, but the adulation and praise of my subjects was much more important to me than she had been. The limelight was my love, moreso than the one who'd always been there for me, more than the one who loved me like no other.  "Sister, you bear no obligation to keep me on the correct path," I could hear the pain inside of her. Deep down past all the lies and grief, I could feel the wounds I'd dealt her crying out for relief. Still, despite my sins she tried to absolve me of any wrongdoing, tried to ascribe unto me righteousness where there was none to be found. "The fault lies with me, strictly with me." The quavering of her voice was subtle, but hinted at how she really felt, in spite of her words.  "You were never a good liar, Luna." She went silent. Just tell me, Sister. I deserve it more than you know. Your rage. Your malice. Your hatred. I've earned them all a hundred times over. There was no fault to be found in her. I'd stabbed her in the back long before she'd ever betrayed me. "Lulu?" I backed away to look her in the eyes, to give her the love I'd failed to all those years ago. I knew she'd never fully concede I was to blame, but if she never held me responsible, we'd not be able to fully reconcile. Please, Luna! For your own sake as well as mine, tell me how you really feel. "If you never admit I bear responsibility as well, you'll never let go of the grudge you have against me." She cried, the tears tearing at my heart. "Luna, I am scared." I did not want her to know. I'd been afraid then too, when she'd turned against me. Perhaps that's what had fueled my inaction: fear. I was more scared now than I had ever been before. I couldn't handle the idea of losing her a second time, but maybe telling her would help her to see, even if I couldn't avoid the pain it would cause. "Of what, Tia?" she sniffled through the curtain of tears.  "You." I could not hold back my own emotions any longer, my own tears flowing freely. "You must be honest with me, Luna. I need you to tell me how you feel, how I made you feel when I cast you aside." Please, Sister! "Sister, I'm-" Her eyes darted this way and that, seeking a hiding place they would not find. Luna, dearest sister, tell me how awful I am. Tell me I've failed as both your sister and a princess. Tell me how truly pathetic I am. I can take it. To free you from this burden, I can take any punishment fate could see fit.  "Luna," I tried to smile, a pitiable thing, my lips not lifting a millimeter. After everything I'd done, all I could offer was the most humble of apologies. "Lulu, I'm so sorry." Her tears came like sorrowful rivers, and along with them, the truth. "Tia, where were you?! Why weren't you there?! I was all alone! You have always been there! You are my light, Sister! You left me alone! You went away and it was so dark! I was so scared! And then..." she feebly struck me with her hooves, her words far more effective than any strikes could be. Each verbal lashing cut to my core, liberating, but just as devastating. When she faltered I drew her into me, brushing a hoof through her mane. As the sobs racking her abated she spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I only wanted you, Tia. Even if the whole world turned against me, even if I had nopony else, I could be happy if you were with me. I could go on as long as my light guided me, but you were not there." I was not as prepared as I had initially thought. I was ready for any and all complaints she would have against me. Aggression and hatred were at the top of the list of expected grievances, but instead she was simply so very sad. Her anguish was heartbreaking, and I was the one who'd given it to her. I made her feel this way. How could I ever make it up to her? How could I recompense over a thousand years of pain and suffering when I didn't even deserve the opportunity to try? I prayed her grace was greater than my endless foolishness. "Please Luna, forgive me. Truly, there is no greater fool than I," I held her tightly, hoping beyond hope that she would look on me with mercy. "Never again," I kissed her head, rubbing against her mane with my cheek. "I will never make a mistake like that ever again. I'm not going anywhere, Sister. I promise." She wrapped her forelegs around me, tighter than I'd ever been hugged before.  "I forgive you, Tia." One simple sentence was all it took to wash me clean of all the transgressions I had inflicted on her. We'd been back together for almost a century now, but there had always been something keeping us apart, driving a wedge between us, hindering our relationship. With those four words my sister and I were made whole again and I'd never felt more joy. Harmony is a wonderful thing. "Thank you, Lulu. Thank you so much!" I sniffled into her mane, my tears would drench her hair if I didn't stop crying into it soon. We held each other for longer than we probably should have, but neither of us cared. "How are you feeling?" I reluctantly broke us out of our reverie as we let one another go. She sat a few feet away, a confident grin on her face. "Strong." I could help but laugh at her reply. It was so very Luna. "What is our next move, Sister?" I wasn't sure of that. Twilight's plans were unknown to me and seemed to be progressing at an alarming rate. How can we stop her when we don't even know what she's aiming for? I was given a chance to speak with her tomorrow, but that was more than likely an elaborate trap. Regardless of the possible danger, it was all we had to go on right now.  "Well, I was invited to Canterlot," I shrugged with a grin of my own. "That's an option." "Yes, invited to go alone," Luna dug a hoof into the ground.  "You don't lik-" "I do not," she cut me off as she continued to dig. "Tis quite obvious you are being lured into a trap." "What would you suggest, Sister?" I already knew she wouldn't want me to go alone, but it seemed to be the only available avenue that we could take to make any headway. "I do not. She spoke of repercussions if we attempted to return to the Crystal Empire, did she not? How would she be aware of such things?" she tapped her chin with her free hoof.  "Wards," I answered. When Luna and I had ruled Equestria, Twilight had recommended I construct them throughout the land. Magical pillars designed to gather information, wards could survey the area surrounding them around the clock. They could be used anywhere and everywhere to do various tasks. I was certain she could make them self-sustaining and possibly even camouflaged to the point of invisibility. Twilight had always been a little paranoid, but using those was a bit too much for me to allow. With Equestria in her hooves though? I was sure she'd moved ahead with that project as soon as she was able. "She would spy on her own subjects?" Luna was appalled by the very idea of such an invasion of privacy.  "I don't think she views it that way. Though I suppose that's exactly what it's become," the laugh that escaped me lacked any mirth. How quickly one event can cause so many ripples.  "Do you think she has them in the north as well?" The hole my sister dug was becoming rather deep. "Knowing Twilight? There are more in the north than anywhere else in Equestria." The Crystal Empire had been the target of multiple invasions over the past century, nearly as many as Canterlot. On top of that, her remaining family resided there. She would never overlook them or their safety.  "Cadance and Flurry," my sister groaned, slamming her hoof into the hole. "I know not why they slipped my mind." "Luna?"  "Yes, Sister?" she continued to grind, each inch adding to her frustration, as if digging deep enough would grant us a solution to our predicament. "LUNA!" She jumped at the sudden increase in volume, though it did achieve the desired result. She gaped at me as if I had just suggested we go surrender to Twilight immediately.  "Sister?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the surprise on her face.  "I don't think that hole has the answers you're looking for." Her face grew crimson.  "I know that! I just..." she shook her head as she exhaled. "She underestimates us, Sister. It... annoys me." Luna was a fighter, to even be perceived as weak would weigh heavily on her spirit. We could blindly assault Canterlot, but that would be beyond ill advised. That is possibly why neither of us had suggested it yet.  "We can return to the Crystal Empire, we'd simply lose the opportunity to meet with her. Consolidating our forces may be the wisest decision we can make at this juncture." Twilight's angles were difficult to see from, even for me. She was a brilliant tactician and never made pointless moves. When it came to chess, my record against her was worse than it was against my sister. Though Luna was more a lone wolf than a commander, her mind was incredibly hard to read when she wanted it to be.  "And that may be her intention, If we decide to fall back, it takes pressure away from her allowing her to continue with her plans unobstructed." She picked up a rock and tossed it away. "And to compound issues, we would look like cowards if we did retreat." "She could be taking advantage of that mentality as well,"  I stroked my chin thoughtfully. "If we do something foolhardy she might already have traps awaiting us." It's all so very complicated. I can really go for a cup of tea and a piece of cake. Unfortunately, we hadn't packed saddlebags. There'd been no point for such a short trip to our own home where there would be resources readily available. Luna and I didn't need food or water often, at least not like mortals. I could remember particularly long sieges we'd gone through with no rations. When allies begin to starve to death around you, you learn very quickly how long you can last without sustenance. While things like a drink or a cookie weren't required for our survival, they did tend to raise morale. We could try teleporting elsewhere, but even something like that may have unforeseen consequences. It felt like we were already caught in Twilight's web. With her tactical mind that could very well be the case. There has to be something we aren't seeing. A perspective we aren't looking from. "Why would she want you, Sister?" I asked, recalling Twilight's attempt to abduct her. "Me?!" she placed a hoof on her chest, baffled by the question.  "She tried to take you, or at least, your body. She tried to convince me to give you to her. She said it was for a spell she was working on." My sister thought hard at that, her brow furrowing.  "If I am to be honest, Sister, I believe it is a simple divide and conquer strategy." Her answer didn't satisfy me. Twilight was far too intelligent to use such a basic strategy. Although she had tried to eliminate one of us initially. Maybe Luna was right. Perhaps it was all a play to get rid of one of us as quickly as possible. It would mean one less powerful figure to oppose her and her grand schemes. I rubbed my face with a hoof, ready to get off this runaway train.  "You could be right," I pinched the bridge of my nose with a hoof, a headache slowly coming on. "But it could also be much more complicated than that." "Thank you, Tia." "Hm?" I opened my eyes to find her smiling weakly, an appreciative look on her face.  "For not letting her take me."  "I would die before I allowed any more harm to come to you, Lulu." The smile on her face grew wide before she pointed a hoof at my horn.  "What of the young dragon, Spike?" Although Luna sounded as if it was a shot in the dark, she might have had something worth investigating there. I'd forgotten Twilight's aide. I still had a direct link to the dragon and as such, could send scrolls back and forth unhindered. Whether he would read them prior to handing them over to Twilight was an entirely different matter.  "A reasonable question, but one I think is moot," I replied. Spike had been attached to Twilight at the hip since he was hatched. They were like my sister and I. With Twilight against us, I could not be confident Spike would be on our side.  "How so, Sister?"  "They are like a mother and her foal," I explained. "We'd have better odds betting on Twilight just deciding she's incorrect and surrendering to us than getting him to betray her." "If only..." Luna scratched at her mane. "Forgive me, Sister, I'm just considering all possibilities." "Think nothing of it, Luna. It was a splendid idea. I'd completely forgotten about Spike." We grew quiet, both contemplating any way we might be able to get the upper hoof.  "I believe our most logical approach is the invitation, Tia." My brows lifted. Was she really going to yield to the idea of my lone mission? "A-alone?" I asked. "Yes," she sighed. It was easy to see the conflict in her, but it was quickly replaced by confidence. "I have already faced her in single combat and emerged victorious. I am confident that you will have no problem with the young alicorn." What I first thought to be self confidence was actually confidence in me. I wasn't strong like Luna. My strength laid in protecting the ones I loved, but if she had faith in me then I was convinced I could do anything.  "I may not be willing to use lethal force, but I can at least try to get us some answers." Luna smiled brightly at my agreeance. "My only concern is the beast you spoke of." That monstrosity sounded like a problem, especially if it could instill fear within my sister.  "I do not think you have to worry about that."  "Why is that?" I tilted my head.  "If you stay vigilant and keep your guard up, you are invincible, Sister." I wasn't sure if her words were true. In fact, I knew they weren't, but the look on her face combined with the surety in her voice could make me believe anything.  I nodded with a smirk, my morale lifted to the heavens. "What will you do, Luna?" I asked.  "I have a plan, Sister." My eyes shot open at that. "An unsavory one, but a plan none-the-less." She looked a little ashamed at her own words. "Phase one starts at midnight." > Cadance : Tactics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My aunt's night sky was positively captivating. The dark blue, almost black expanse was speckled with countless twinkling stars. Her full moon drew the eye like a sparkling diamond, its splendor eclipsing all else in and under the sky.  "It's almost as beautiful as you are." The ivory stallion that held me close had been the love of my life for years... and so much more than that. We leaned on one another, resting peacefully in the gardens of the palace. The soft chirps of crickets and various birds floated through the cool air. An ornate crystal fountain molded in the shape of a large heart was before us. Water circulated through another different sculpted heart within the fountain, the streams spraying in multiple directions, a simple enchantment causing them to take on the multiple hues of a rainbow. We sat on one of the four marble benches that bordered said fountain. The plants and exotic flowers that surrounded us gave the air a wonderfully sweet scent. It was a peaceful and thankfully quiet, fall evening. We'd finally gotten a moment of peace to simply enjoy each other's company, and there was no better place to do so than in the royal gardens. Twilight was doing an excellent job as the new ruler. Equestria was thriving unlike any time ever before, and as its staunchest ally, our empire was benefitting from the prosperity. It was a serene and joyous time, while also being some of the busiest years for us to date.  "Stop it," I felt my face heat up as I pushed against his side lightly. We'd been together for decades and I still found it difficult to accept his compliments. He was a good stallion, the best, at least in my eyes, and I was just a lucky mare who'd been blessed by fate. I don't know what I'd ever done to deserve him or his love, but I cherished both. "I'll stop when it's not true anymore," he nuzzled against me. "So I guess you should probably get used to it." His kindness made me giggle like a school filly.  "Did you ever think our life would be this... perfect?" A shooting star soared across Aunt Luna's sky, making my question even more appropriate. He was quiet for a moment before he replied.  "Yeah, I honestly did," his tone was serious all of a sudden.  "You did?" I tilted my head curiously. "The day I proposed to you, the day you said yes, I knew my life was going to be perfect," he pulled me closer. "Everyday with you is better than the last, Cadance. Thank you... for giving that cocky young guard a shot." "Oh, Shining." I wanted the kiss we shared to last forever. "I love you," I leaned against his shoulder again.  "I love you, too." He got into a more comfortable position as we went back to stargazing.   "Flurry surprised me earlier," I said as I  summoned a light blanket and draped it over the two of us. It wasn't exceedingly cold out, but the warmth the covering provided was pleasant. "Oh yeah?"  "She said she finally beat you today," I playfully prodded his side with a hoof. A proud stallion would try to hide something like that from his wife, but as soon as she was born Flurry had become his pride and joy. Her accomplishments were something he wanted to share with anypony and everypony.  "She did! You should've seen her Cadance! She's a little whirlwind, I swear. I can't even keep up with her anymore!" He'd gotten so animated that he'd thrown the blanket off of himself. "Oh! Sorry!" He levitated the cover back over himself as I laughed at just how silly he was.  "It's alright, dear," I pecked him on his suddenly maroon cheek. "I knew she was doing well, but I didn't think she was that far along." "She's a natural, like a combination of Twily's magical know how and my combat prowess." He thought for a few seconds. "Toss in the power of an alicorn and the drive to learn and you have our little Flurry. She's so... amazing." The love and admiration that shined in his eyes made me the happiest mother in all of Equestria. "She really is," I beamed at his enthusiasm as well as my own pride in both my daughter and my husband. "Will you..." he turned to me, his smile not decreasing in the slightest. "Will you be retiring any time soon, Shining?" It was a touchy subject we'd discussed too many times in the past.  "I..." If his smile had faltered at all, he'd hidden it well. He sighed, but his grin remained. "It might almost be time." My eyes widened as far as they would open. That was not how this conversation typically went.  "A-are you sure?" I was in total disbelief, but I wanted so badly for him to start taking it easier. Training Flurry was one thing, being the Captain of the Guard was another. He wasn't getting any younger and every hour spent away from him felt like time I would never be able to get back... though I suppose that's exactly what it was. "I am," he sighed. "I know what you want, Cadance," he lifted a hoof to gently cup my cheek. "I want the same thing, honey. I just... I just need to make sure that when I... when I have to go, that you're all safe and sound. You, Flurry, every one of the Crystal Empire's citizens. If I know that I've done everything in my power to ensure that happiness, then I can go in peace." "That's not for a long time, Shining. We have so much left to do together. I just..." It was a topic I did not enjoy discussing, but one that cropped up every so often. It was an inevitability, but it wasn't yet... Not yet. "I understand, Cadance, I really do, just please bear with me. A few more years at most, that's all I'm asking for and then I'm all yours and Flurry's. I'll never leave your side."  I couldn't deny his request. His happiness was mine, after all. "Pinkie promise?" I placed my hoof against his.  "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," he pressed his lips against mine.  "Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise," I whispered with a smile as he pulled away. "No worries! Have I ever let you down?" he settled back into the blanket once again. I tilted my head in thought as we looked back into the night sky.  "Well, there was that one time you were supposed to watch Flurry and you-" "Not then," he waved a hoof in front of himself. "That was a long time ago." "And that other time you and Twilight blew up the-" "That doesn't count, Cadance! That was all Twily!" "Well, there was also that time you let Flurry try to cook me breakfast and-" "Okay! Alright! You've made your point," he covered his face in both shame and defeat. I lifted a hoof to my mouth to prevent the laughter from spilling out. "Geez, Cadance. I can't believe you still remember all of that." "They're some of my favorite memories, dear. Of course I'd remember them," I snuggled up against his warm body.  "You ate that whole breakfast with a smile on your face," he shook his head in disgust, his tongue sticking out. "I couldn't believe it. It was more ash than food."  "It wasn't that bad," I fibbed. His stern look was enough to draw out the truth. "Well, it was worth it to make Flurry happy."  "It always is." The fire in his eyes grew in ferocity whenever we talked about Flurry. It was adorable. "She's getting so big," he sounded a little disappointed.  "Miss all those sleepless nights?" I poked fun at him. A shadow passed over his features before his smile came back full force.  "They were worth it... in the end... She always is," he chuckled. We grew quiet. "Cadance?" His voice was much more reserved when he spoke up again. "Yes, dear?" I couldn't say his change in tone wasn't a little concerning. "Have you thought about... having another?" His gaze was downcast. I don't know why he was always so worried about discussing that topic with me. I raised his head with my hoof, offering my sincerest smile.  "Of course I have dear, and I'll give you the same answer I always do when the subject inevitably pops up. With my duties as princess and yours as Captain of the Guard, I don't want to push all of that responsibility onto Flurry. Not only that, but Twilight can't just help us out like she used to." He sighed, but it wasn't out of frustration.  "I understand," he smiled wryly. "It'll be much easier to make that leap when I retire," he thought out loud.  "Or when I do." "Huh?" He was confused by my comment. "Flurry can take over for me just as easily as she could for you," I explained. He rubbed his chin.  "Pretty sure that's a no-go," he laughed. "I think Flurry'd rather die than be responsible for everything you are." I knew that was true. We'd discussed it at length, my daughter and I. It wasn't a problem for me. I admired her courage at pursuing the position her father held, but I didn't want Shining Armor to think I was trying to force his hoof. One of us would have to be free for me to even consider having another foal, whether that be him or myself. "Right," I agreed, but there was another problem. One that made me very uneasy. Shining and I had been given a miracle, the first alicorn to ever be born. There was no guarantee that something so extraordinary would ever happen again. Was it a possibilty? I believed so. Was it also possible we may have a unicorn or a pegasus? I believed that was the more likely scenario. With that possibility came so many complications I didn't have the wisdom to confront. How could I explain to my own filly or colt that their sister and mother were immortal and they weren't? That like their father they would one day be laid to rest deep within the ground? Telling Flurry the truth about her dad was more than enough for the time being.  Maybe it wouldn't even be an issue. Maybe they would understand. Maybe I was just being selfish. It was still something I didn't want to face... not any time soon, at least.  "Well then," he pressed up against me once again. "I guess life'll be even more hectic once I finally retire," he chuckled. "I mean with all that free time I'll have you all to myself and-" The entire world shook, cutting him off. Shining and I were both silent as the dead and just as motionless, the worry on his face a reflection of my own. "Did you feel-" I was cut off by the resounding echo of the invasion sirens. The boom of the horn grew and fell repeatedly, alerting the empire of an immediate danger. Panic settled in my heart instantly. Sombra? No, it couldn't be, we'd defeated him already, multiple times, in fact. He was never coming back. Chrysalis? She could still hold a grudge against us, but the changeling army wouldn't have the means to launch a full scale invasion against an empire as powerful as ours. Besides, Twilight had reached an accord with the hive. We weren't even technically adversaries anymore.  "CADANCE!" I snapped out of my thoughts at my husband's shout. I focused on him, the ground rumbling again almost causing us both to fall over. "You need to get to safety! I'm going to find Flur-" An incredibly loud whistle drew our attention upwards. A solitary sparkling pink star flew upwards until it was in the apex of the night sky. It burst into hundreds of smaller colored stars, taking on the shape of my daughter's cutie mark. My heart sank. That spell was only to be used to signal a retreat in a hopeless situation.  "Shini-" I looked back to my love but where he had just stood was nothing but the empty night air. "SHINING ARMOR!?" I shrieked. I tried to unfurl my wings, but some unseen force prevented me from doing so. Maybe I was simply too scared. Even my magic was on the fritz as trying to teleport yielded nothing but failure. As the ground shook again, more powerful than previously, it split open directly beneath me. My wings stayed pinned to my sides, the terror too much for me to overcome. I shut my eyes and screamed as I plummeted into the void. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" The regal voice drowned out all other noise, shattering the darkness that had consumed me like a stone flung through a stained glass window. When I'd enough bravery to finally open my eyes, I was sitting in a small field of grass mingled with beautiful flowers. As the sound of flapping wings descended from above, I let out a sigh of relief. "Forgive me, Cadance. I did not foresee that situation taking a turn so quickly."  "Aunt Luna!" I rushed up to her, gratefully throwing my forelegs around her neck. "I'm so glad to see you!" She gently placed a foreleg around me with a quiet chuckle.  "Nightmares can be truly heinous things." Drawing back, I realized what she'd meant. Suddenly it was all so very obvious. It had all been a dream. My husband was gone. He had been for a long time. "Though I am glad I did not have to intrude on a good dream," she smiled crookedly. "I was watching both you and Flurry for any sign of a nightmare. Any longer and I would have been forced to trespass." "I don't think Flurry has nightmares..." I tried to recall a single time she'd told me she had one, but couldn't remember a single time. Though I suppose she could keep that kind of information to herself. "You may be correct," she laughed lightly. "I have watched over her for all her years and have not encountered one yet."  "What happened, Auntie?" I asked as I sat on my rump. We had much more important things to discuss than my strange dreams. "Flurry wanted to go after you two, but I didn't let her." "We were ambushed by Twilight," she was suddenly frustrated. It was easy to see by the way her jaw tensed and her eyes narrowed. "We were not able to simply return to the empire." "Were you able to get Aunt Celestia's artifact?"  If they'd done that then at the very least they'd accomplished their primary objective. Her gaze fell, a shake of her head her only response.  "Our home... tis gone."  "Gone?" I didn't understand.  "Twilight Sparkle has wiped it from existence, along with everything around it," she continued to look down. I instinctually covered my mouth with a hoof. She wouldn't. Flurry said she was being mostly reasonable, if a little bit odd. How could she do something like this? It didn't sound like my sister at all. "Auntie... what's going on?" This is all wrong. Isn't it? My adorable little sister wouldn't do something like this. My aunt sat down, thinking quietly for a second before answering.  "I am not sure, Cadance. Celestia and I are clueless as to the intent of her student." "It doesn't sound like her," I thought out loud. "I mean, it doesn't sound like things she would do." "Tia said the same thing," she sighed as she lifted a flower to her nose and breathed its scent in. "However, speaking from a position of experience, I can say with some certainty that circumstance and grief can cause one to do... unexpected things." I couldn't argue that point, not with Aunt Luna... not with the expression that accompanied her words.  "What prevented you from returning to us?"  "Twilight and Celestia are to meet later today." I felt my eyes widen, though upon considering it, I supposed that wasn't too farfetched a thing. "But, Twilight has set specific parameters. If we had returned to the north the offer to meet would have been rescinded."  "She's trying to separate us?" I pondered. Divide and conquer was the most logical strategy for most conquests, but why was I even considering the possibility that my sister aimed to conquer us? She'd never expressed any desire to do anything like that before. What would be the point? She was the head princess of Equestria, of Canterlot, the supreme authority of the land already. What would she benefit from taking over other nations?   "That is what It seems like to me, though Celestia does not agree with that theory."  "Why not?" Aunt Celestia knew Twilight better than anyone else. If she didn't agree with us then she must've had a good reason.  "She says it is too obvious for somepony of Twilight Sparkle's intelligence to pursue," Aunt Luna's wings twitched as a tic came to her jaw. My aunt's being what were essentially polar opposites always put them at odds with one another, but I think that was also what made them truly strong. When they were able to act as one they were essentially unstoppable. "I think she might be looking at it from the wrong perspective." Aunt Luna's head tilted in curiosity at my statement.  "Which angle should she be looking from?" she asked. I scrunched up my face in contemplation. I could be wrong, but it didn't feel like I was.  "Twilight is a genius, I don't think anypony would debate that." My aunt stifled a scoff but let me continue. "But none of her actions match those of the Twilight we know and love. If we're still operating on the fact that this Twilight is our Twilight, then I don't think we're going to be able to predict any moves she's going to make." Aunt Luna looked back and forth, taking my words analyzing them thoroughly.  "Before we returned to our home, I also thought Twilight may attempt to attack it. My limited knowledge of my sister's student stopped me from believing she would do such a horrid thing. I made the wrong decision because I was under the impression that Twilight was behaving as she always has," she looked at me with an impressed smile. "I believe you are correct, Cadance. We cannot base our tactics on what we know of Twilight Sparkle." Attacking my aunt was not something our Twilight would do, nor was destroying their home. Putting up barriers all around Eque- I jumped to attention at the recollection.  "Auntie!" Her face shifted, a look of concern replacing her proud grin. "Twilight is creating more barriers around Equestria." The reports we'd received were troubling. Over ten small villages had been encapsulated by my sister's spells and earlier in the day we received word that Baltimare had been her latest target.  "Your scouts?" her face grew rigid, grim.  "They are unharmed, but their findings are... well," I cleared my throat, entering a state of diplomatic concentration. "Earlier today my most reliable scout was able to witness something... disturbing. I don't know how to explain it without sounding... crazy," I exhaled.  "Take your time, Cadance. I have heard many tall tales. I would not doubt my own niece's words." I was still rattled by the scenario that'd been described to me. I had to really sort out my emotions and thoughts before I even made an attempt to explain it all.  "Right, so... Violet Tempest is the empire's most proficient scout. She's even faster than Flurry in flight, if you can believe that. Fast enough to avoid any visual detection while maintaining her situational awareness. She was moving between cities, trying to find out anything that may aid in our cause. That's when she flew by Baltimare and luckily.... or I suppose unluckily, stumbled upon my sister and..." How could I  properly express the enormity of the dragon? "The beast..." Her face was stoic, still betraying no emotion. "You're aware of it?" my eyes shot open. This would be much easier if she already knew of the mysterious creature. "I have encountered it, yes," was all she said. "Okay, then," the fact that she was already aware of it threw me off. After recollecting myself, I continued. "What seems to be happening is Twilight is using that monster to corral the inhabitants of a location through intimidation. Once she has everything in order she enters the location and..."  "Casts her spell," she finished for me, a thoughtful look coming to her face as she rubbed her neck. "But what could the spell be accomplishing?" "That, we don't know," I conceded. "One thing we do know is that nothing enters or exits the location once a barrier is up, except for Twilight herself." "How long were the barriers observed by your scout?"  "Six hours."  "And what of Violet Tempest? I cannot imagine getting that close to Twilight Sparkle went unnoticed," she raised a brow, though there was something to that look. Something untrusting.  "She said..." It still sounded too good to be true. "She said Twilight knew of her presence, but did not do anything about it." Aunt Luna's brow remained firmly raised.  "I would have your thoughts, Cadance." Aunt Luna was not like Aunt Celestia. While I could not see through Aunt Celestia's masks, I felt... at peace while speaking with her. On the other hoof, conversing with Auntie Luna was all together quite intimidating. She had no masks, only a serious expression that got more or less irritated as a discussion wore on. "At first, I thought it was strange." Her face remained doubtful. "But then I realized Twilight hasn't really made any moves against the empire. I mean Flurry went directly to her doorstep and she didn't try to do anything to her. On top of that is the fact that none of our scouts have been hindered or harmed while traversing Equestria. I'm sure if she wanted to stop us we'd have already suffered a number of casualties." "Hmm... you trust Violet Tempest then?" "I do." Violet was one of the Rainbow Guard and had proven her loyalty countless times. I'd never been given a reason to doubt her and so I never had.  "Then I shall as well," she consented as her stony demeanor softened into a smile. "Thank you for the information, Cadance. It may not be much, but it does tell us that Twilight is indeed making moves." "Of course, Auntie. I'm glad I could help, if even just a little. Uhm?"  "What is it?"  "What are you and Aunt Celestia going to do next? It'd really help us being in the know." The empire's next actions would be based around what they decided to do.  "My sister will meet with Twilight Sparkle. If she is not able to... help her student, then we will have to take more decisive measures." She stood to her hooves before spreading her wings wide. "The collapse of your dream approaches, Cadance. I must go." I stood up as well, feeling my consciousness coming back as lances of light pierced the dreamscape around us.  "Be careful, Auntie!" I called out as she ascended into the air.  "Stay vigilant my beloved niece! If we do not return to you, assume the worst and take the appropriate countermeasures. In any case, be on your guard and be ready for anything!" The next thing I  knew I was sitting up in my bed looking at the wall.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Violent, approach the throne, the rest of you... DISMISSED!" Flurry emulated her late father perfectly. I had to focus to keep my smile from showing. As the rest of the Rainbow Guard left the room, Violet trotted up to my throne where my daughter and I waited.  "Your Highness, Captain," the mare bowed low before saluting Flurry. The only member of the Rainbow Guard to forgo any armor, Violent Tempest was the best of the empire's eyes and ears, and traveled with as little as possible to maximize her efficiency. Her sky blue coat made it hard to spot her in the sky. Her long unkempt mane was swept to the left, a light shade of violet, and always a frazzled mess, a byproduct of her constant high speed flights. Her bright yellow eyes were sharp, a requirement to properly gain reconnaissance while moving at such unreasonable speeds. They also possessed another unique quality. She could see great distances with ease without any aiding spells or mechanical apparati. Her cutie mark was a single golden eye containing a blue lightning bolt shaped in an infinity symbol. The mark, she claimed, was both an indication of her impressive vision and her top flight speed. At her fastest she was nigh undetectable. When she was flying for fun, her cutie mark blurred into a long yellow and blue bolt of light trailing behind her. She preferred to be called Violet, stating that she was in fact a pacifist and she couldn't understand why her parents had given her such an unfitting name. Her expertise in weather control begged to differ. I'd seen her blow away a squad of rogue changelings in seconds with an expertly crafted twister. "To be fair, I just made a tornado", she'd laughed. "that's not exactly violent". Being the youngest member of the Rainbow Guard, she was quite capable for her age and lack of combat experience. Flurry remained silent allowing me the first opportunity to speak. "Violet Tempest, I have an important mission for you." The young mare didn't seem phased by my declaration, another sign of a disciplined soldier. "How long would it take you to fly to Canterlot?"  "Minutes, Your Highness." She was not the least bit hesitant or doubtful of herself. That was a promising time. "Seconds if I'm pressed for time." She didn't even smile, it was all confidence in her abilities. "Today Princess Celestia will be meeting with Princess Twilight. I am unaware of the details, but it will occur near Canterlot. I need information on that meeting, Violet." Her eyes narrowed as a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She was excited, but doing a decent job of hiding it. "If anything happens to my aunt, our empire will be forced to intervene. Your captain wanted this task, but she cannot evade detection as well as you. I don't think I have to emphasize to you how critical this mission is, Violet."  "But Your Highness, I-" the confusion on her face had broken through. I held up a hoof, anticipating the protest she'd likely present. "Yes, Twilight was able to spot you by your own admission, however, you only used your own ability when she did so, yes?" She'd already been patrolling for a while and was not being supported by anypony else. A difficult task to accomplish against a normal target, moreso the Princess of Equestria.  "That is correct, Your Highness," she nodded.  "Starless Night will be providing both enhancement and concealment support the duration of this mission. She will also be establishing a telepathic link so we can act if the situation calls for it. I believe with the two of you working together you will have no problems." Starless was second to none when it came to tactical spells. I had the utmost faith in her as well.  "Very well, Your Highness. Thank you for this opportunity," she bowed again. "Captain," she saluted. Flurry had been uncomfortably silent the entire time I spoke. She might still be angry with me, but it wasn't that I didn't want her to go, it was the fact that she just wasn't able to do this job. Even with Starless concealing her presence and any magic she might exert, Twilight's skill was so vast she could easily see through any simple tricks. It has to be Violet. There is nopony else.  "Violent!" Flurry saluted back. "Your Princess, Captain, and empire are counting on you! Do not let us down!" She dropped the salute, her words igniting a fire inside of the young mare.  "YES MA'AM!" she barked before lowering her own salute and leaving the throne room in a swift gallop.  "I should be the one going, Mom. Things are getting too dangerous for my friends... not to mention Violent's way too young." My daughter's words were born from a concern for her soldiers, for her friends. I could empathize, they were important to me as well.    "We already talked about this, Flurry. It has to be Violet." I'd already told her of my dream. Of my aunt and their encounter with her aunt. Of the destruction of their home. Had she not left the empire in a fit of rage yesterday, I was sure she would've done so then. I was thankful that my Aunt Luna had spoken to her about it. I'd have to express that gratitude to her later.  "I know, Mom, I get it. It just feels like I should be there... like I need to go talk to Auntie Twi," she sighed as she finally let herself relax somewhat.  "Flurry, I can tell you one thing for sure," Things were beginning to pick up and I could feel a cold breeze blow through my heart. "If my intuition is correct... your aunt will be paying us a visit very soon." > Twilight : Complications > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn, It sounds to me like you and Tambourine are already really good friends, you just haven't realized it yet. The beauty of a truly organic friendship is that it can develop before you even notice it. I firmly believe that you and Tambourine are more than just acquaintances. It sounds to me like she's a very generous pony. That's a praiseworthy quality, one that is quite hard to come by in current times. If you really don't mind then, my best friend Rarity, if you recall she was the Element of Generosity, struggled with her Element on occasion. I think what I learned from her is that generosity requires a balance. It's just as important to gracefully receive as it is to graciously give. Don't worry so much, Radiant. You're doing just fine. Be well, my student. All of my love. Twilight Sparkle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Citizens of Ponyville, this is the Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. I will be performing a safety check of the town and its protective wards in a few moments. Unless absolutely necessary, I ask that all of you remain indoors. If you are not currently inside, I ask that you find a place to take shelter. If any are outside when the test begins it can create complications for both the town and myself. The spell will be cast in one hour. Both Equestria and I thank you for your cooperation." The magic in my horn fizzled out as my speech amplification spell came to an end. I floated above my old home, the townsfolk below staring up at me curiously. The designation Ponyville had long become a misnomer, the ponies of the town now in the minority. When it came to creatures, Ponyville had always been more diverse than the rest of the cities in Equestria. Unlike Canterlot, Cloudsdale, or even places like the Crystal Empire, Ponyville had always been a mixture of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. Now it was a melting pot of the rest of the world. It wasn't abnormal to see groups of ponies, buffalo, changelings, griffins, bison, thestrals, kirin, dragons, and various other species frequenting the town.  It hasn't changed much since then. I couldn't remember how long it had been since the last time I'd visited Ponyville. Even if royal obligations had called me here, I'd refused to answer them. There was too much pain here, too much I couldn't change. But things are different now. I didn't even need Spike to be here to help Ponyville. It was a much larger town than in the past, but it still didn't hold a candle to places like Las Pegasus or Baltimare. As the inhabitants beneath me began to take refuge indoors, I descended to the ground, landing right in front of a familiar venue. Sugarcube Corner... I smiled inadvertently. It was impossible to think about Pinkie Pie without feeling a little more upbeat. Along with the sudden optimism came a foreign sensation I couldn't quite pin down. It crept in quietly, like it didn't want me to know it was there. It was warm and felt... good, but underneath that goodness was a feeling of unease, almost like I'd start laughing at any moment and never be able to stop. As memories of the pink mare moved to the forefront of my mind, I felt as if I were being taken away to another place.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I stood watching a younger version of... myself? I, or would the proper terminology be she? Eh. She was partway to maturity, only slightly smaller in stature than I currently was. My doppelganger sat on a chair inside of Sugarcube Corner, two small cups and a purple cupcake resting on the table in front of her.  "I'm telling you, Pinkie, I'm really making some promising breakthroughs! Just you wait!" the younger me shouted excitedly. I know what this is... I would never be able to forget a day like that, even if I wanted to. Right now, I wasn't a part of it though, I was viewing it, as if it were some weird film in a movie theater. I attempted to speak, but some unknown spell or force kept my mouth closed tightly.  "Oh, Twilight," the pink pony that bounded into the room looked more haggard than ever, her mane just a little more deflated than the last time I'd seen her. The wrinkles on her face were a bit more defined. The bounce in her hop slightly weaker. "Don't be silly." She carried a tray of cupcakes on her head that she laid on the table before taking a seat. The bakery was closed for the day, but she'd gotten permission from the Cakes to do some work ahead of time. The Cakes being the twins, not Mr. and Mrs., they'd long since retired by that point. Pinkie loved the place too much to ever really stop working there. Whenever she found time she'd return to the shop that held so many good memories for her... for all of us. I understood the feeling. "You can't stop tomorrow from happening, Twilight, because it never comes!" she laughed at her own bad joke like it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. I found no humor in poking fun at something so serious, then or now. My lack of enthusiasm didn't seem to bother Pinkie either way. "Twilight, we've been best friends for decades now and I've always been able to tell when you're worrying about something too much," she placed her hoof on mine as she smiled a smile like only she could.  "Pinkie... you don't understand..." My stomach churned as she tilted her head. "I have to... do something." I could hear, could feel the pain in her, in my past self's voice.  "No, you don't!" she smiled as she squeezed my hoof before patting it a couple of times and then lifting a cupcake into her mouth to devour it.  "What do y-" "Why do you have to do something? Is Princess Celestia making you? OH! I guess she wouldn't be able to anymore, huh?" she giggled as she picked up another sweet.  "Of course she's not, bu-"  "Is Discord being mischievous again? We can talk to Fluttershy about it if he is." Another bout of  snickers, another cupcake swallowed whole.  "No, Discord isn'-" "Then why?" The innocent confusion on her face was hard to deal with. It didn't make me mad anymore so much as it scared me. She understood the gravity of things, but sometimes she really did seem to be willfully ignorant.  "Because you're going to die, Pinkie." I could think of nothing else to do but be as blunt as possible.  "So?" her grin somehow grew. Pinkie had never been normal, traditionally speaking, but her lack of concern at her own mortality frightened me more than I could express.  "That doesn't scare you?"  "Nope!" she stated emphatically, her face not flinching even a little. My copy rubbed her head with a hoof, not so much out of frustration, but more out of bewilderment. "It's normal, Twilight." While her smile remained, her voice took on a soothing tone. "Everypony has to move on sometime." It wasn't meant to offend me, but I had been a fool at the time.    "Then you're saying I'm not normal?" The past me had taken on a particularly ugly face. Seeing it from the outside looking in made me feel disgusted in myself.  "Nope!" she said. "I don't think you understand how this works, Pinkie," I deadpanned  "But you're not! You're super special awesome like Princess Celestia! Or Princess Luna! Or Cadance! Or wittle Flurry!" With each name came more excitement from my hyperactive friend. "Equestria needs you just as much as it needs them." "But that's not fair," I whispered. "Why?" she lifted her forelegs and dropped them quickly. I didn't have a proper answer. Because I think it's unfair? That was a foolish reason.  "I don't know." I still didn't know how to answer her question to this day.  "Then don't let it bother you, silly. Let's just have as much fun as we can until the party’s over!" she beamed. "And when I'm gone, I'll always be right here if you need me." She gently laid a hoof over my heart. A loud buzz echoed from the kitchen. "MY CAKES!" She moved so fast a puff of smoke filled the space she had previously occupied. I guess she's not doing as poorly as I thought. Past me sat alone with her thoughts and a single purple cupcake. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I blinked, standing back in front of Sugarcube Corner. Well that was... interesting. A young colt and griffin waved at me from the windows of the building, their smiles growing when I awkwardly waved back. As I turned to walk to my next destination, I could swear I heard Pinkie's infectious laughter coming from within the bakery. I noticed the streets were already almost deserted as the boutique came into view. Less than ten minutes had passed and the town was mostly prepared to begin the ceremony. Impressive. I wasn't ready though, not just yet. The Carousel Boutique was derelict, a run down building and nothing like its former state. Sweetie Belle had never found the time to spruce the place up, her career more demanding than maybe even mine was. I would have had it renovated myself, but that felt... insensitive. Even now as I reached toward the front door to push it open something inside me held me back. "Oh, Your Highness, you're being ridiculous..."  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I spun around, finding myself now somehow within the boutique. Once again, I faced a scene from the past. Once again my mouth was locked shut. Rarity labored over a group of pony mannequins, the dresses and hats that adorned them looked to be about halfway to completion. My younger self sat on a chair, safely out of the way of disturbing the fashionista's work.  "Rarity..." I groaned. "Oh! Forgive me, darling. I meant nothing by it. But you are the ruler of Equestria now. You'd think you'd have grown accustomed to it by now." She pushed several bobby pins into one of the mannequins, her magic ebbing and flowing as she rotated them around herself. Rarity had always been amazing at her passion, but even now in her advanced age she hadn't missed a single beat. The red glasses that rested on her muzzle seemingly the only thing she needed to shine. "Never-the-less back to the subject at hoof, dear. When has Pinkie Pie ever been afraid of... well, anything?"  "It's death, Rarity. Who isn't afraid of dying... other than Pinkie?" I took the ribbon she hovered over to me into my own magical field, holding it until she was ready to make use of it again. "Well, I'd be willing to wager Rainbow Dash. That mare throws herself all over the sky like she's utterly invincible." she focused on the frills of one of the extravagant hats. "And at her age, no less." "Fair point," I shrugged. "but I'm pretty sure that has more to do with confidence than fear. I mean Rainbow probably doesn't even consider the possibility of dying, she's too 'good'." She took back her ribbon, coiling it around the body of one of the dresses. "Aren't you afraid of... dying?" How could I, the only immortal out of the six of us, be the only one thinking like this? It's completely illogical. She continued to work, moving this way and that while cutting a piece of fabric here or fluffing some material there. "RARITY!" I shouted, appalled that she'd ignore me.  "I'm thinking, darling," she turned toward me to show me that she wasn't as careless as I thought.  "It's not that complicated a question," I huffed as I crossed my forelegs in an annoyed fit.  "Isn't it though?" she turned back to her work.  "How do you figure?" I levitated another one of her accessories in front of myself.  "First of all, I've never really thought about it, at least not at length," she tilted her head.  "You've never thought about dying?" I doubted that. Everypony thought about dying... Didn't they? "Not at length, dear," she corrected. "We've faced death many times before, but we resolved those situations quickly and efficiently, if I do say so myself."  "Rarity... you're getting old." Why couldn't I see what they could? Why did I have to be so... different? "That's a bit rude, don't you think, darling?" she chuckled, though it didn't seem to bother her enough to turn to me.  "I'm sor-"  "No need, darling. I understand your intention." Now she decided to turn my way. "Age is not something that can be resolved quickly or efficiently," she tapped her chin. "but who's to say death isn't... pleasant?" I gaped at her. "What I mean to say is, it's theorized that it's similar to a deep slumber, no? An endless rest? That sounds simply delightful, at least to me."  "Is that what you believe?" The idea of not existing terrified me. To talk so casually about it spoke volumes of the character of the one doing the talking.  "Maybe?" she scratched the back of her head with a hoof. "Twilight, you really must stop being such a worrywart," she said after I began staring incredulously at her.  "How?! How am I supposed to do that, Rarity?!" Listening as a bystander, I realized I sounded more hysterical than I would've thought I had. "It's like you don't even care. I'll be all alone..." My eyes popped open. I hadn't meant to say that aloud, but Rarity's reaction was exactly what I needed at the time. "Oh, darling..." She moved her mannequins to one side of the room, draping her work materials over them. The beautiful smile she had as she trotted up to me combined with my own erratic mood nearly made me cry. She embraced me. "We do care, and you'll never be alone. The princesses will always be here. And you have your sister and your niece... even Spikey-Wikey will be around for a very long time... and if they aren't enough, know that even if I am not here with you physically, I'll always be with you in spirit." she pulled away and pressed her forehead against mine.  "Do you honestly believe that?" At the time I didn't think she did, but now, watching this all unfold from a different vantage point, I knew she truly had.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I was back in front of the Carousel Boutique, the only move I'd made was apparently stepping away from the door. I wasn't sure what was causing these visions or what their purpose was, but I felt compelled to continue with them. As I cantered toward the Apple family’s farm, I heard Rarity's faint voice coming from inside the boutique. "I do, darling... I really do..." Sweet Apple Acres was a fair distance away from the rest of Ponyville. Located on the edge of town, it was extensive enough to require a vast chunk of farmland. Fluttershy's home was very close to the Apple’s abode so I could kill two birds with one stone by traveling in that direction. Apple Bloom was probably home. I could drop in and say hello if I wanted.  Before you condemn her to eternal imprisonment? How noble... Yeah, that didn't sound like such a good idea. It was easier to ask for forgiveness after the fact than to get permission before. She'd appreciate it once it was done. They all will. "LOOK OUT BELOW!" The ethereal yell was nothing but a figment of my imagination, yet it still rocked me to my core.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Past me didn't even look up as she caught Rainbow Dash in a telekinetic spell, the cyan pegasus inches from colliding with her head.  "Eh heh heh, hey, Twilight. What's up?" she laughed motionlessly, trapped inside the magical field.  "Are you trying to kill me, Rainbow Dash?" I replied calmly, still walking to  Applejack's farm without acknowledging the "distinguished" Captain of the Wonderbolts.  "No way! You know as well as I do that's not possible!" "Then you must be trying to kill yourself." She wasn't a spring chicken anymore, and crashing at speeds that great would at the very least end up in a lengthy hospital stay. Even so, she was still fit and lean, all the flying had kept her in great condition.  "Nah, I'm gonna live forever," she smiled arrogantly.  "Riiiiight." Always so brazen.   "Maybe I just like crashing into you, Your Highness?" she giggled.  "Wha-" I dropped my magic for a split second, surprised by her comment. She landed on her hooves with an entertained guffaw. "Rainbow are you o-" the orange earth pony galloped our way until she noticed us standing safely. "Oh, howdy there, Twilight! What're you doin' round these parts?"  "Just a friendly visit. I haven't seen you around the castle in a while Aj." The past me hugged Applejack, making me quite envious of myself.  "Well golly, a personal visit from the Princess of Equestria. What an honor." The sincerity in her voice along with a kind smile quelled the notion that she might be acting sarcastic. "It's great to see you, Twi." "You too, Applejack." Aj was still an unstoppable machine. Finely toned and muscled, she'd never stopped bucking her fields for longer than a week and her body showed it. Although wrinkles were beginning to form on her face, her attractive features still shined through.  "Geez you two, get a room," Rainbow cackled as she jumped into the air, circling in the sky around us. Applejack was not amused by our friend's joke.  "Sorry, Twi, this one," she pointed an accusatory hoof at the snickering pegasus, "was supposed to be helping me with my chores. Big Macintosh is feeling a little under the weather today, but instead I ended up helping her practice her stunts." "Still falling for that one, Applejack?" I'd covered my giggle with a hoof.  "Shhhh, don't give away my secrets, Twilight," Rainbow only half joked. Applejack's complexion began to rival the delicious looking red apples that were growing on her family's trees. "I know all about your tricks, Rainbow Dash! You're not as clever as you think!" she huffed, Rainbow just laughing harder in response.  "How is Apple Bloom doing, Aj?" I'd tried to change the subject so that the farm pony could calm down a little.  "Oh, she's fine. She ain't in right now though. She's with Sweetie Belle," she thought about it for a second, "wherever that might be." "Yeah, squirt is with them too. I think they're in Manehatten for Sweetie's next show," Rainbow filled in the blanks for me and Applejack.  "That's nice. So she's on vacation?" I asked.  "Pretty much. She's been pushing herself hard round here." Applejack gazed over the farm, a look of adoration and pride painting her tired expression. "It's a lot of work. Always has been."  "When are you going to take a break?" I asked cautiously. She'd always had trouble stepping away from anything, especially something she felt she was personally responsible for. Three ponies managing an entire business like them should've been impossible, but somehow they'd managed after Granny Smith's passing. "It's been a while, Aj." "I keep telling her the same thing." Rainbow had grabbed a cloud and was lounging on it, staring up at the sky.  "Not any time soon, I'm afraid. Mac's getting old and I ain't gonna dump all this work on his elderly shoulders," her tone wasn't exactly defensive, but there was some annoyance in it.  "He's not the only one," Rainbow said casually.  "Hey! I-" "She's not wrong, Applejack." Despite her lack of tact, I agreed with the lazy pegasus. "I could probably allocate some funds from the treasury to hire some help around here. The Apples have earned it after all these years of service to Equestria." "Hey! I've been asking for bits for ages!" Rainbow wasn't relaxing anymore. She looked down at me with a hurt glare. Applejack was silent, face downcast, deep in thought at my offer. "Rainbow, like I asked you, what do you need it for?" I glared right back at my offended friend. "I told you, pyrotechnics and enhancements for our shows!" she said as if it was an obvious and reasonable request to make.  "Aren't you supposed to be training the Wonderbolts right now?" I barked, frustrated that she could be so oblivious to her own best friend's woes. "I got Thunderlane to do it!" She refused to back down. I groaned, slapping my own forehead with a hoof. The captain of my elite flying force, mares and gentlecolts.  "I think this!" I jerked my head in Applejack's direction. "Is a little more important right now, Rainbow!" She looked down at me, then at Applejack, then back at me. After a silent 'oh' came to her lips she spoke.  "Fair enough," she laid back down as she finally came to the realization that there was a time and a place for all things.  "Thanks, Twi. I really appreciate it, honest I do, but... we Apples have always taken care of ourselves and our own. Y'all're right, I am getting along in years, I ain't gonna deny that, but like Granny Smith, and my mom and dad, I'll tend this farm with my family 'til I can't do it no more." The simple grin on her face told me it was the honest and unchangeable truth. "We'll get through this, same as we always have, with a little gumption and a whole lotta grit." I couldn't argue with her so I did the only thing that came to mind, I laughed.  "I'm here, Applejack. If you need anything, if it's in my power." At the time I hadn't really thought about why I'd said that, but now, watching all of this unfold in front of myself, I knew what I meant without explicitly stating it and it hurt. "I'll always be right here," I placed a hoof on her shoulder.  "I know, Twi. You always have been for me. Shoot, for my whole family, and I love you for it, sugarcube," she patted my hoof. "Don't worry about it too much, Twi, it'll all work out in the end. Everything always does."  "Yeah, you're way too neurotic, Twilight," Rainbow laughed as she looked down at us. Applejack and I just stared back at her in wonder. "What? I know words. I'M NOT DUMB!" she got to her hooves, offended by the two of us.  "Aaaanyway, how about we head inside and grab some grub? It'll give you two a chance to cheer up Mac too," Applejack suggested.  "That sounds great," I smiled.  "I can eat," Rainbow agreed as well. As I watched the three of us continue to Aj's home I felt... happy. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Back in the present, I stood a distance away from the Acres. I'd come far enough. Even from where I was standing I could smell the sweet scent of fresh apple pie. "Look out below," I whispered to myself with a somber smile before turning to travel to my next daydream. It wasn't a long walk to Fluttershy's cottage. The now overgrown building was built on the edge of the Everfree Forest and as such would never be inhabited again. Fluttershy had been more brave than my most loyal guards. It took unshakeable courage to live a life the way she had, completely and utterly devoted to others while on the brink of danger at all times. The quaint cottage was being overrun by the elements, moss and plants covering most of the exterior. Judging from the noises coming from the interior, various animals had made the cottage their home after Fluttershy's passing. If she could see it now, I knew that would make her happy.  "Finally, somepony's speaking some sense around here!" The shout that came from within was most definitely not Fluttershy. The front door burst open, a strong wind sucking me into the cottage. I could not resist the storm, but I instinctively lifted a hoof to shield my face. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "She won't even talk about it with me anymore, Twilight!" The draconequus stood between Fluttershy and the younger me. My pegasus friend was sitting quietly on her couch while my other self was sitting on a recliner across from her. A coffee table was situated between us with snacks and drinks sprinkled on it. Discord was beside himself. I'd brought up mortality again and he was adamantly on my side when it came to Fluttershy.  "I just think I should be happy and thankful for what I have," she took a sip of her tea. "Why should I ask for any more than that?" She was as serene as if she were being pampered at the spa with Rarity. Discord pointed his clawed finger at his... I wasn't sure, even in the present day what they were to each other. Marefriend? Wife? I'd rather not try to figure it out. "SEE! She won't listen to a word I say." He was boisterous and sounded angry, but the desperation in his eyes was louder than his voice could ever possibly be.  "Maybe we should all calm down," I played at diplomacy, my royal tendencies taking charge of my mind at the time. While I was ecstatic at the prospect of finally having an ally in the fight to save them, it came with the caveat of that ally being chaos given physical form. I was no longer one hundred percent sure if I was in the right anymore.  "I am calm," Fluttershy smiled, as cool as a cucumber, which only seemed to fuel Discord's frustration.  "You know what," he sighed, covering his face with a claw. "I'm gonna step outside for some fresh air," he pinched the bridge of his nose, overwhelmed by Fluttershy's indifference. With a quick snap of his fingers and flourish of chaos magic he disappeared from the room.   "I hope he's not mad at m-" an obnoxiously loud record scratch cut Fluttershy off and froze the scene that was playing out in front of me.  "Wait just one second," Discord's booming voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once. "What do we have here?" With another explosion of chaotic magic the draconequus was before me, an intensely curious look on his face. "Now this is peculiar. Which Twilight Sparkle might you be?" He held an oversized magnifying glass toward... me? Not younger me, but current me.  ME, me. My brain did a backflip.  "Discoooord?" I lifted a brow, realizing that my mouth was not sealed shut during this hallucination. "What's going on?"  "I'm not sure what you mean, Your Highness," he floated around, examining me extensively. "You sure have grown. What's with the clothes? Are you too royal," he quoted with his fingers, "for the commoners now?"  "Are you the one who's been showing me these visions? This isn't a game, Discord." I tried to channel my mana but failed. It would all make sense if he'd been the one doing this. To keep me powerless would be effortless for the Lord of Chaos. He only cackled in response before snapping his fingers and disappearing.  "My dear, I have no idea what you're talking about. However," when he reappeared he was a giant, dwarfing my size by holding me inside of his clawed palm. He lifted me to one of his wide eyes. "Something's off about you. You're not the Twilight I know... yet..." "When did you come back?" I didn't move. This was a game for the draconequus. One that we'd played way too many times before. One that I won't lose this time.  "Back?" He moved his claw away, though I stayed suspended in midair. He stroked the hair on his chin, confusion clouding his face. "Whatever do you mean? I never left."  "You've been gone for years! Running away like a coward back to the chaos realm after-" My anger was getting the better of me and he just stared back flatly. Maybe I wouldn't be able to win.  "Hm?" He shrunk back down to his normal size. His response made my anger explode. He was really good at pressing all my wrong buttons. "Fluttershy is dead, Discord!" I could only attack with words so I used my most potent weapon. His expression didn't change at all as he pulled a cord next to himself. It unrolled into a window displaying the inside of Fluttershy's cottage, the scene I had been watching moments ago. "Fluttershy is right there," he pointed at her with a thumb.  "That's not-" I grabbed my head with a hoof. "This doesn't make sense," I glared at him, knowing exactly what he was going to say. He just grinned back before laughing maniacally. "I see what's going on here," he howled with laughter that felt like it was at my expense. "This is hilarious!" "Tell me!" I demanded, but there was nothing behind it to intimidate him with. "That wouldn't be very fun, now would it?" he patted me on the head condescendingly. I could feel my cheeks heat up at the combination of rage and embarrassment. "Oh, Twilight, don't be so cross. For all those brains of yours you sure do wrestle with such trivial problems."  "If you're not going to help me then leave me alone!" I hissed through gritted teeth.  "Yes, yes, fine. Don't be such a drama queen," he turned toward the scene of Fluttershy's cottage. He sighed deeply, something I didn't expect. He looked... sad?  "I'm going to miss her," he stroked the image of the yellow pegasus. "I can stop it... WE can stop it," I sat down next to him. If Discord was on my side there'd be no way to stop the two of us.  "She doesn't want that," he dropped his arm. "I'd never force her to do something she didn't want," he smiled weakly. "Who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other again... somewhere. After all, chaos isn't bound by mundane things like death." We were quiet for a long time before he turned to speak to me. "I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll leave you be." As he floated away from me he lifted his claw about to snap. "Twilight?" "What is it, Discord?" I stared at his back.  "Thank you... for showing me the correct way... for not giving up on a friend." Finding my voice was almost impossible after he'd said that.  "You're... you're welcome," was all I could manage to get out.  "And," this was where he would pull his prank or the joke came out, "be careful." My head tilted involuntarily. "What you've let inside is not to be trifled with." Before I could question him he snapped his fingers and I was violently sucked back into Fluttershy's cottage.  "Forgive me, Fluttershy, Twilight. I was out of line," Discord spoke to past me.  "That's okay, Discord. You don't have to apologize," Fluttershy flew up next to him to give him a hug.  "It's no problem, Discord," past me offered him a kind smile. The draconequus lifted his head to me, present me, and winked, a snaggletoothed grin on his face. Past me looked in my direction, confused, but she had no clue I was there. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I was in front of the cottage again, no sign any of the past couple minutes had actually happened. I took a deep breath, a kaleidoscope of pink and yellow butterflies emerging from within the building and flying high into the sky. For just a second I thought I saw one of the butterflies look at me, its facial features those of a certain grinning draconequus. I shook my head and chuckled to myself.  There was just one more visit left. One place, one thing left that I had to face. Ponyville was like a ghost town, even windows now void of any life. The tall tree was a bit bigger than mine had been, better to hold more books. More books is always better. I could've enchanted the interior like my old library but, sometimes magic isn't the right answer. My heart pounded as I walked up to the reconstituted tree, a cold sweat coming over me. This was the last place that she'd stayed at. The last place she'd... as I reached a hoof to push the door open I paused. No strange magic, no trippy hallucinations, nothing. With a trembling breath I pushed the door open. It was dark inside, not pitch black by any means, but the slivers of daylight that came from outside weren't doing much for my visibility. I flared my magic, shooting a small orb of light above the room. With the interior brightly illuminated, It was easy to see just how clean it was, almost as if it never had occupants. Radiant had always been obsessed with cleanliness. It took me way too long to convince her she didn't need to wash her own dishes in the castle. There'd be nothing down here for me to see. It would all more likely than not be... I looked at the stairs leading to the second floor... leading to her room. I slowly walked, the path before me one I did not want to trod. I stepped carefully, the first stair conquered.  "I didn't think you'd come..." My body froze, my blood running cold at the familiar, yet impossible voice.  "D-Discord?" I breathed out, my voice cracking. I sounded more like a frightened filly than a princess of Equestria. I was too afraid to turn around, let alone move.  "No," she replied. I refused to do anything, to face my past, plastered in place, stuck on the first step to resolution. "You won't face me?" She didn't move either, or if she did, she was being completely silent. I shook my head. I can't. She sighed. "Maybe this will help." The voice changed, still familiar, still impossible, but no longer instilling fear inside of me. "Is this better?" I turned my head coming face to face with myself from the past. Younger me. Unicorn me. Had I been such a small pony then? She didn't smile, she didn't even react, she simply looked weary.  "What is-"  "What are you doing here?" she cut me off. She wasn't frustrated or angry, she just seemed to want to know.  "I was going to her-" "Then I can change back?" She knew me, knew what I was going to say.  "NO! PLEASE!" I jumped off the stairs, landing in front of the apparition.  "So you came to look at some trinkets?" Her expression did not change nor her tone.  "I-" "Why are you here, Twilight?" I didn't know how to answer that. What do I want? What did I hope to accomplish by coming here?  "I'm scared." My answer didn't sway her. She simply stared. "Because," I had to tell myself the truth. I wanted one thing more than anything else and I didn't want that thing at all. I took a deep breath. "Because I want to see her... one last time."  "Finally being honest with yourself," the younger me smiled. As my eyes opened after blinking, the pony that stood before me was both a dream come true and my worst nightmare.  "R-Radiant..." I couldn't move, couldn't say anything more. I didn't know what kind of spell was causing this, but I was endlessly grateful and horrendously afraid. Her soft sky blue eyes were shy, as always. The thick black rimmed glasses that were on her muzzle made her look so cute. Her light blue, almost white coat was flawless. Her curly mane fell below her shoulders, the maroon and bronze locks bouncy. The wide open book with stars flying from its pages that was her cutie mark was exactly as I remembered it. It looked exactly like her, and yet I knew it wasn't. It can't be. She was gone. I'd already accepted that horrible reality. "What... are you?"  "I'm you," she looked up thinking for a second. "I guess a better way to put it would be, I'm your conscience."    "My conscience?" In spite of being a fake I still yearned to go to her, to hold her, but I controlled that urge. There wasn't a way to embrace a ghost anyway. "Yes, can't you tell?" she looked confused. "Have you really lost so much of yourself?" "Shouldn't you know?" I asked vindictively.  "I do, but it can be helpful for you to admit the truth... well it should be, at least." Was I ever this bubbly? How can my conscience be?  "Why do you look like my Radiant?"  "You need this," she shrugged. It's why you're here. You said so yourself." I did. I needed to overcome this, to put it in the past. I couldn't do something so... permanent based on a temporary feeling. If I was going to save the world then it had to be for the right reasons, not because my morals were compromised by ephemeral feelings.  "I miss her." It was the truth and I wanted to say it, but stating it felt pointless. I wasn't talking to anypony, after all.  "You know she misses you too." "She's gone."  "That doesn't mea-" "YES IT DOES!" I screamed. She didn't budge, only looking sad.  "You don't really believe that... do you?" She looked and sounded like she was going to start crying at any moment. For some reason that possibility hurt me. I sighed long and deep.  "I don't... I don't know..." my gaze fell. She brightened up at my lack of surety.  "Listen, Twilight," I looked up at my former student. "No matter what you choose to do, which choices you make going forward, there's only one thing you have to remember." I knew what was coming. I'd always known. It was why I was doing all of this. Why I was putting Spike through so much. Why I had thrown away the most precious relationship I'd ever had. "You are loved. Your family, your friends, they will always love you." I hung my head in shame. "Never forget that."  "I... I know..." When I raised my head again she was gone.  It is time That's why I'm doing all of this. Time was up. The hour had passed. It was time. I looked back at the stairs, back at the trial that was set before me. The test I needed to pass. Instead, I left the library. I walked to the center of town. There was no life on the streets. It was deathly silent. As I channeled the dark magic into my horn, the once strange chimes had become comforting, almost lovely as I used it. My eyes began to glow as I levitated into the air. I will save them. I'd lost so many. I refused to let any more go. The sphere shot outward in every direction overtaking everything. If only for a second, I could feel them all, could hear them. Each soul, each voice different than the last. Their joy. Their panic. Their hopes. Their pain. Their love. Their fear. So many feelings. So much life. And then there was only me, the silence deafening. As I landed back on the ground, the jet black barrier surrounding the town, I felt something stronger than ever before. I could see them. My friends. My family. Radiant. They'd gotten through. For the first time since I started this whole ordeal, I was no longer certain it was the right thing to do.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Princess Twilight, Princess you were right!  Tamby, uhm that is to say, Tambourine, well, she told me to call her Tamby when we first met, a-anyway, Tamby really is my friend! I built up the courage to ask her about it, (I know that's super weird, please don't judge me!) and she said if I didn't realize she was my friend by now I was being a silly filly. I made a friend! Princess Twilight, I made a friend! And I didn't even know I had! Not only that Princess, but another colt came by the library and was being really friendly too! I think his name was Gabe or Game? Maybe he'd like to be friends with Tamby and I? What would be the most generous thing I could do? I could try and throw a party, but I've never done something like that before. What do you think, Princess? When are you going to come visit? Missing you. Your most devoted student, Radiant  > Celestia : Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having no food, water, or getting any sleep for more than twenty four hours was beginning to make me feel like I was living back in the old days. There was a time long since passed that Luna and I were not pampered princesses whose every desire was served to us on a silver platter. A time when the only way to resolve a conflict was through war and bloodshed, long before harmony had found a place in the world, before the pony tribes had made peace with one another. It had been so long ago that earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns hadn't even existed.  More than five thousand years ago, the world and its inhabitants were tainted by evil desires. Deceit, chaos, and corruption reigned supreme while goodness, mercy, and love were unaffordable liabilities. Every single day was a battle to stay alive. Luna and I had not always been infinitely powerful beings of magic. To be tasked with caring for our celestial bodies made us prime targets for despots seeking infamy, not to mention seeking control of the heavens themselves.  Fate can be a truly cruel thing. From the initial moments of life I can recall, we sisters only had each other to rely on. Running, hiding, never knowing where we would find rest, starving every day of our lives, not knowing whose life we'd have to take next. I don't think either of us could properly calculate the number of lives we were forced to take, though most were in the name of self defense... Most  After centuries, we eventually came to be known as the "Immortal Sisters". Once we'd thwarted the umpteenth assassination attempt the nickname kind of just stuck. Not only were we impossible to kill in combat, we seemed to be incapable of passing through age. We hadn't chosen the path of violence, it had been thrust upon us like our duty to bring about the day and night.  We had to stay alive. We were never given a choice on the matter, not with the responsibilities we'd been given. Without the two of us the world would eventually cease. To this day, I could not understand why those who sought to harm us could not comprehend this simple fact. I am as bound to my sun as Luna is to her moon, to what degree I could not say, but so strong are our bonds that none could replace us for an extended period of time, of that I am more than certain.  Unfortunately, even with all of that renown and power, we weren't able to establish any sort of alliances. The threat of betrayal was far too great a risk to take. We only had each other, and that was fine with the two of us. Perhaps that's why we were the only ones to make it out of that world with our lives somewhat intact. My sister and I were the only remnants left from that barbaric age, barring some unknown ancient being that was hiding in the darkest recesses of the world. We'd searched long for any survivors, but to no avail.  After so many years of suffering, It felt like the horror would never come to an end, but amazingly enough the pony species was born and began to thrive. They were such an alien creature, not in their appearance, but in their behavior. Each race was so much more civil than what we had grown accustomed to at the time. Their compositions were very similar to ours, though none were blessed with both wings and a horn like my sister and I.  While they didn't start out perfectly harmonious like they'd eventually become, they were so much more peaceful than any species that'd preceded them. It was as if some divine being had finally given Luna and I a gift of respite. For some strange reason the ponies of Equestria decided to include us in their history, as if we were a bigger part of the birth of their nation. It was possibly because of our pasts and all the fame that came with them. The Immortal Sisters creating a nation would plant much needed fear in any fiends who might try to destroy said nation.  While the two of us continued to manipulate day and night, which was most beneficial for the fledgling nation, not to mention the rest of the world, our origins were not as they had described in their history books. At the behest of Starswirl the Bearded, leader of the unicorn tribe, fabrications were turned into fact. We were not part of the pony species, having existed millennia before it. We did not seek to create a nation, nor was it our idea to unite the races.  At first, the deceit troubled me, Luna even moreso than myself, however I quickly realized that it was better to be viewed as an infallible beacon of righteousness than what we really were at the time. Starswirl was a visionary and knew exactly what Equestria needed for it to prosper. Luna still didn't like the idea, but she'd always consented to my lead, and so, Equestria's history was written, the Immortal Sisters no longer ruthless warriors, but instead revered princesses of the most peaceful nation on the planet.  Over time, Equestria grew into the most successful nation in the world. Under Twilight's leadership, its influence spread even further across the globe. All was going perfectly according to plan until this whole debacle came about. But if our days of peace really were finally over, mine and Luna's rest far behind us, then I was grateful we'd gotten the peaceful time together we had.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Everything okay, Tia?" Luna came to a stop next to me, landing softly and folding her wings at her sides. I wasn't sure where she'd been, but I did have a theory. Originally we were going to take turns sleeping, Luna being wary about an ambush by Twilight. Instead, after she'd returned to reality from contacting Cadance in the dream realm, we spoke until morning.  "Just..." I chuckled, unable to hold it in. "you were patrolling the area for threats, weren't you, Lulu?" She turned beet red as she nervously turned away, her wings fidgeting rapidly. "I... well... that is to say-" My laughs grew in proportion to her embarrassment.  "It's quite alright, Sister. I was just thinking about similar things," I reassured her, bringing her cheeks back to their natural dark complexion. In our past lives, Luna had been adamant about being alert at all times. Every night she'd go on several patrols around our camp while setting up traps and alarms for defensive purposes. It appeared as if her old habits were slowly beginning to come back to the surface.  "Do you... do you remember, Celestia?" her countenance fell. "Those days, I mean." It was the past. We didn't need to talk about such things, but from the way she asked her question, it seemed as if she might be holding something in and that never ended well.  "I don't think I could ever forget if I tried," my mirth was gone, replaced by numb indifference. I must have looked particularly affected because my sister winced at the sudden change in my mood. "Forgive me, Luna," I forced an awkward smile for her sake. "Why do you ask such things, Sister?" I think I already knew what she would answer. With the obstructions gone from our relationship we were closer than we'd ever been. With our reforged bond came a sense of understanding in the form of shared thoughts and emotions. Not intricate by any means, more like the supernatural connection shared between identical twins.  "I feel... great change coming," she looked past me, like she was gazing into the future. To this day I still wondered if she was capable of such a feat. "Can you not sense the impending shift as well, Sister?" Her words were vague at best and yet I had no issue decoding them.  "I fear it's already begun, Luna." Every time fate decided to alter the world in one way or another its inhabitants were forced into an age of either tranquility or suffering. More than one thousand years of what could be perceived as relative peace may finally be coming to an end. It was a sobering thought.  "Is there nothing we can do, Sister?" her question caught me off guard. Luna had excelled when we fought to survive in ancient times. She'd always leaned more toward physical options than diplomatic solutions, and that's what had made the old world go round.    "Would it be such a bad thing?" I asked, trying to delve deeper into my sister's nature. Her jaw fell, the look of shock as emphatic as when I'd protected my student from her wrath.   "Yes, Tia! Of course it would be." Well, it was good to know she didn't yearn to go back to such bloody times.  "I jest, Sister," I lifted a hoof to clarify in an attempt to calm her. "I was merely referring to your efficiency and ability if said circumstances ever came to pass again. If you so desired you could easily take control of the world itself, were it to revert to such a state." Luna's expressions changed so fast I could barely keep up. First her surprise was quickly replaced by flattery and pink cheeks. Right after that she lowered her head in shame or possibly guilt.  "You honor me, Sister... but that is not what I desire."  Even when she had become Nightmare Moon I questioned whether or not she truly wanted control of Equestria. Luna was never one to lust for leadership. She was much more content when... when she... When is she most content? Why do I not know? "What is it that you wish for, Lulu?" She didn't want control. Surely she wanted something more than what she had. It couldn't be as simple as- "Your safety and happiness, Tia," she smiled, though she didn't lift her head. All the times she'd patrolled while half asleep suddenly came to mind. I recalled her taking extra shifts on watch, her excuse that the night was her territory and it'd be easier for her to remain awake. I remembered her standing over my injured body, wielding a spear at the would be assassins who'd caught me unawares.  "Oh, Lulu." I walked over to her, hugging her close with my foreleg. She gently hugged back. "You've protected me for so long." Now it's my turn. I drew away, a renewed vigor lifting my spirit as I offered her a grateful smile. "It's time I start acting like the big sister."  "Are you ready to face her, Tia?" she looked up at me, hopeful. I ignited my horn, my energy glowing gold along with the soothing chime of my unique magical signature.  "I am," I steeled myself. She was my most faithful student, my very best friend. This is not going to go wrong. I will not fail. I will make her see reason. To Tartarus with death, fate, and anything else that tries to get in my way. Luna smiled brightly.  "Take care, Sister. I know you can do it," she gently hit me on the shoulder with a hoof. The simple gesture brought a smile to my face.  "Thank you, Luna." With her faith as my catalyst for confidence I teleported directly to Canterlot.  I was forced back into reality before I reached my intended destination. The daunting black barrier was just as Flurry had described it to us. If even teleportation was not a possibility, then the only way to bypass it would be destruction like she'd surmised, though that came at great risk. It was all too easy to trap a barrier spell to have negative consequences when destroyed or even attacked. Barriers could even be enchanted to cause adverse effects when simply touched.  Whereas Flurry could literally throw herself into an active volcano if she so wished, I had to be much more cautious with my well-being. If Twilight didn't want a soul entering Canterlot, she'd have made sure it was next to impossible for any to do so. Speaking of my student, where is she? It was the exact time she'd appointed and she was never the type to miss scheduled appointments. Would she have really used our meeting as a smokescreen to accomplish some other nefarious plot? In the past? No, of course not. Now? Definitely. I'd have to experiment with the barrier if any of this was going to be beneficial to our cause. I dipped into my sun's endless power reservoir, casting a small orb of light. It shined with all the strength of the original it had been drawn from. If the sunlight couldn't make it through the barrier I was convinced there was nothing that could. I gently willed it toward the shield before surrounding myself with a powerful barrier just in case something went wrong.   I separated the mini sun from my pool of magic so that if the barrier could harm the caster I would not be affected. I also had to limit the extent of the orbs heat or risk igniting the entire planet. It may be small, but it was still my sun. I forced the spell into contact with the barrier, but nothing happened. Neither my small sun failed nor the onyx wall itself would give any leeway.  There was no give to Twilight's spell, it's power equivalent to the amount I had employed. I could empower my mini sun to burn through the barrier, but that could prove to be disastrous, both for myself and the planet. Instead, I withdrew the ball, sending it back home to the source in the sky. I lowered my own barrier, deciding to take a risk.  As I cautiously pressed a hoof against the wall again nothing happened. This isn't what I expected at all. I sat on my rump dejectedly, running through all the possibilities of what the purposes and defenses of the wall could be. I took a deep contemplative breath. Well, I've been alive for more than five thousand years. If a single barrier is enough to end me, I probably deserve such an unenviable fate.  I shot a small spark of sunlight into the barrier, enough energy to annoy a manticore but not even damage it. I looked back and forth nervously, waiting for catastrophe to strike for several minutes. Nothing happened. THWOOM The sound that came from within Canterlot's walls was loud enough to shake me to my core. I looked around in a panic, hoping I'd find something to clue me in on what I'd done wrong. The barrier began to undulate and liquefy, not losing its shape by any means, but becoming more malleable. I must have put up at least ten different barriers around myself as a precaution... or perhaps I was just afraid. At first, a bulge and then a pillar grew out of the side of Twilight's barrier. I took a defensive stance, ready to protect myself from any threats that might come. The pillar continued to grow more and more until it was extending miles away from Canterlot. I noticed another pillar coming from the direction Canterlot's pillar was extending toward. There was only one place that way, one place that might have some significance.  "PONYVILLE!" I took to the skies, soaring into the air to confirm my suspicions. Ponyville had been contained, the same spell surrounding it as Canterlot, and those barriers were moving towards one another as if they were going to meld into one. Floating slowly next to the progressing magic that came from Ponyville was the dark purple alicorn I'd come here to see. I flapped my wings hard, darting her way before my own doubts or reservations could sway my decision. "You actually came? I thought you'd run back to Cadance with your tail between your legs," Twilight laughed, watching the black tendril progress with a fascinated glee as I flew up to her.  "What is this, Twilight?" I pointed a hoof at the still progressing mass. She laughed maniacally at my inquiry.  "I don't know!" She looked like an insane mare, but I attributed it more to her unnatural curiosity rather than a lack of mental clarity. "I didn't expect this to happen either! What's it doing? There wasn't anything like this in the book. Isn't it exciting?" It was like we were back in my classroom and she was discovering how to use a new spell. It was so nostalgic I almost missed what she'd said.   "What book, Twilight?" Her delight drained from her face like a glass being emptied of its contents. She settled on a scowl, my question going unanswered. "Twiligh-" "I told you I was working on a spell. This is it," she tilted her head at the moving cord of mana. "You might want to get out of the way," she said, glancing behind me. I turned to find the pillar from Canterlot coming up behind me, a few meters away. I flew above it, looking down as the two pillars of magic fused with each other, becoming one. The spell solidified, back to the consistency it had when it was only around Canterlot. Twilight clapped her hooves in satisfaction, her frantic joy returning with a vengeance.  "Twilight... please, talk to me," I flew next to her, only inches away. Her eyes flitted left and right, seemingly scanning the sky for something. Seconds later she placed her attention back on me. "What do you want to know?" She wasn't smiling anymore, but there was no open aggression on her face either.  "What are you doing? What is the purpose of all of this?" I waved a hoof at Canterlot and Ponyville. "Why are you treating me like-" that was personal and I knew the answer already. I was here to help her, to help Equestria, not for my own selfish reasons. "I'm saving the world." Her statement was simple and concise, yet it baffled me. How had our relationship become the polar opposite of mine and my sister's? "From what?" I shook my head, trying my hardest to understand.  "Everything! Sadness, pain... death," she was suddenly much angrier. "How?" There isn't magic strong enough to accomplish such a feat, there never has been. She was either incorrect or being deceived. "I found a spell," she grew quiet, contemplative.  "Ancient magic," she said after a moment. She was sitting on the fence between honesty and deceit. I'd been a politician and her mentor for too long to not see through her sleight of hoof. "What does it do?" Instead of openly opposing her I gave her an opportunity to explain her perspective.  "It creates a new world... by using the old," she averted her eyes. She knew as well as I that was too vague an explanation. "Using the old?" She had to know how that would sound to anypony that heard it. Was she so desperate to save others from the travails she'd suffered through that she was willing to condemn the rest of the world? "And what of those trapped within the cities and towns?" I had no clue what happened to them. She still refused to look at me. "Every great change requires sacrifice, Celestia," she sighed, making it sound as if she may be a bit more remorseful than she was letting on. Or perhaps I was just perceiving things the way I wanted them to be.  "And you're the one who gets to make that decision? For us all?" I tried to remain gentle but this was getting out of hoof. She was wrong, utterly wrong and yet she couldn't or wouldn't admit it.  "I am the ruler of Equestria," she lifted her head to glare daggers at me, her determination suddenly untouchable. "I have the right and the obligation to do whatever I can for my subjects. I will not just sit idly by and watch them suffer when I can help them," she pointed a hoof at me. "Not like you." "By trapping them in their homes and forcing them to be a part of some cruel experiment? By destroying their world?"  "SO THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE A BETTER ONE!" Her breaths came in ragged huffs, her horn sparkling to life. It was glowing magenta, much safer than the shade of darkness. "So that true harmony can rule where we have failed," she calmed several octaves, but I still energized my own horn as a precaution.  "I don't want to fight you, Twilight. I just want to understand." I cast a gold barrier around myself, showing her that was all I intended to do with my mana. She took a deep breath in and exhaled it, calming herself down as the glow of her horn slowly faded.  "You can't." Is she... sad? That was not what I expected.  "WHY?" I pleaded. She looked away, thinking deeply once again. She was quiet for an uncomfortably long time. I began to fidget even as my wings continued to beat to keep me airborne. Just as I was about to say something, she did so first. "What... are you, Celestia?" Her question was filled with both curiosity and... fear? Is she afraid of me? That couldn't be right, but she was obviously afraid of something. "I am an alicorn, one of the first. Possibly even the very first," I replied. It was a simple enough question to answer.  "So what does that make me?" I didn't know where she was going with this line of questioning, but decided to humor her.  "An... alicorn?" I didn't know why I asked more than answered.  "Then why are we so different?" she looked me in the eye, her gaze saying something her words did not. In the traditional sense: age, experience, personality. There were a number of things that differentiated us, but that wasn't what she'd meant. "Why are Luna and Cadance so different? Or you and Flurry?" "I'm not su-"  "How are you still alive, Celestia?" her words had hidden meaning behind them, but I couldn't discern what it might be. She'd become such an enigma to me, It truly troubled my heart.  "I'm... immortal? I will live unt-" She shook her head.  "I know that. We all are. You and Luna. Cadance and Flurry. And Me," she frowned. "But we're not invincible.” Of course not, none of us are.  "I think what you did the other day confirms that to be true for me as well, Twilight." I agreed, but she shook her head again, more annoyed this time.  "That's not what I mean. I-" The expression that came to her face was similar to the first time she'd broken one of the rules in my castle. The first time she'd thought she let me down. "Celestia, that spell I used in Canterlot... it should have killed you."  "W-WHAT!?" my mind could only process that single word. Killed? I thought she might have tried. In the back of my mind, I feared that she had, but hearing her confirm my speculations crushed me. "I-I'm sorry!" I must have looked truly devastated because she raised her forehooves in an attempt to console me, but not going so far as to touch me. She sighed before dropping her forelegs. "I had to know, I... I had to know." I wasn't sure what I found more concerning, the fact that my own student had really tried to take my life or that I hadn't actually died. Even more puzzling was the notion that she was regretful of said action. This was all becoming too much for me to endure.  "Did you... did you think I would die, that the spell would end my life?" In that moment, that question mattered to me more than anything else. Her answer would mark the difference between an irreparable fracture and a deep wound that could heal given proper time and care. She offered a crooked smile from the bottom of her heart.  "No, I didn't." I exhaled the breath I'd been holding. What a relief. She seemed to notice something in the distance behind me, her expression becoming irritated. After a few moments of her eyes going this way and that she refocused on me. "Celestia... you and Luna aren't... you'll never be able to relate to anypony else. Were you two even born?" I knew it wasn't meant as a jab, but it still hurt like one.  "I..." To be completely honest, I couldn't remember, but Equestria's history books were thorough on the subject of my birth regardless. Why would she doubt her own ancestors? "Please don't treat me like a foal, Celestia," she raised a hoof to stop me. "I think we're both beyond that by now." She was getting good at seeing through my masks, almost to the point of them being useless.  "I don't remember." I had no excuse, but I think I was justified in forgetting things that far in my past. "But, Equestria's history books are quite cle-" "We both know those were beyond ridiculous when it comes to you and Luna," she chuckled dryly. "What has it really been two, three thousand years?" She was sharper than ever. "At least five..." Her eyes widened at the truth. "that I can remember." If we were on the ground I'm sure her legs would have buckled. "I-inconceivable," she bristled, moving away from me slightly. "How could you possibly think you could ever relate?" The question seemed to be directed at the both of us. It hurt. I wanted to empathize, so badly I wanted to feel her pain. I want to be there for her.  But she was correct. We were from different realities. Her around one hundred years of life in a relatively peaceful Equestria were a drop in the bucket compared to my life. Even her losses... if I were to express to her all the pain and suffering I'd experienced, I'd caused, she'd go mad. Any mortal would and she was a single step above that existence. But what was wrong with trying? I wanted to help. I wanted to save her.  "Maybe you're right, Twilight. Maybe... I can't." I moved toward her, but she refused to let me get too close. "But I am trying, doesn't that count for anything?” Even if I am just some heavenly being that could never see things like her or anypony else could, doesn't it matter that I'm at least making an attempt?   "Of course it does, Celestia," her head slumped. "Then please! Tell me how to fix this. Tell me how to help you." As her head lifted and I gazed into her violet eyes, I knew the chasm that had formed between us could not be filled nor crossed by me. "If you really want to help me, stay out of my way. I can save them... I will save them." There was no fury in her. No aggression, no pain, it was simply the way that it had to be, at least as far as she was concerned. Her eyes began scanning the skies once again.  "Twilight, I-"  "These... FLIES!" she roared as her horn shimmered a dark black. A magenta twinkle in her eye sent a thin line of energy tracing behind me. A millisecond later a blast of black energy shot from her horn into the sky narrowly missing my head. "Got you..." she grinned in  victory, her eyes suddenly sharp. I turned to see a pegasus in the sky, frozen in place by Twilight's spell. "Come here, NOW!" Twilight's command sent chills through me, her voice drenched with venom. How she could shift her demeanor, her attitude, from second to second confounded me. The pegasus was before us almost instantly, panic coming off of her in droves. Her gold eyes pleaded with me to do something before switching their attention to Twilight. I was much too confused to do anything at all, much less help the poor pegasus.  "What is-" I tried to speak, but Twilight made it abundantly clear I was no longer a part of the conversation.  "Ah! You're that pegasus from Manehatten, aren't you? One of my sister's scouts." Twilight's giddiness made the situation that much more uncomfortable. Nothing good could come of this development. "Even after I was merciful enough to let you go unscathed. Tsk tsk tsk." The pegasus said nothing, did nothing. I don't know what held her in place, but it was neither Twilight's telekinesis nor her own wings.  "I-"  "QUIET!" Twilight's pleasantness was overtaken by her royal authority. Her command was so powerful I suddenly couldn't find my own voice. "Can Cadance hear me?" The pegasus nodded, her breaths coming in quick, erratic bursts. "Tell my niece to sit down. If I feel a strange tingle in my wings I'll assume that she's coming here and I'll send this idiotic pegasus directly into the sun."  "Twi-" She glared at me, shutting me down once again. I obediently kept my mouth shut, though it wasn't by choice. "What is your name?" she asked the terrified pegasus. "V-Violent Tempest." The blue pegasus was so young. She shouldn't be here. What were you thinking Cadance? "Violent? What a lovely, if an overly aggressive, name." It was impossible to tell if she was toying with the mare or being genuine.  "Violent, if my beloved mentor moves a muscle or channels her magic to do anything, you will fly directly into the sun, is that clear?" She placed a threatening hoof on the poor girl's shoulder. The pegasus nodded harder than I thought her head could move. "Good girl. You are free to do as you wish once I leave this place. Now then," Twilight had complete control of the situation, her cocky smirk dripping with pleasure. "Cadance... Cadance, Cadance, Cadance. If you wanted my attention you could've just asked for it. Instead, you send this," her delight turned sour. "GNAT to grate on my nerves? To SPY on me?" she was suddenly cold, calculating. "Spying on another nation can be construed as a declaration of war, Sister. I'd be well within Equestrian law to take the life of this mare." The pegasus looked like she may start crying at any moment, but held herself together. Sweat poured from her and her body trembled, but she refused to give Twilight the satisfaction. Before I even spoke this time, the dark purple alicorn lifted a hoof, the only way she'd acknowledge my presence. "However, I am feeling generous yet again. It's your lucky day, Violent," she lowered her hoof, completely in princess mode. "Stay in your empire, Cadance. Keep your scouts out of my land. Any I catch from this point on will not make it back home." She looked at me. "Provide sanctuary for Celestia and Luna, keep them out of my kingdom. If you do these things we will not have any problems. If you do not," she turned away from us. "I cannot ensure the safety of your subjects, your empire, you... or your daughter." She unfurled her wings. "Don't follow me," she glared at me. It was the last thing she said before she slowly flew off. All I could do was watch her go, once again at a disadvantage. No. Not this time. This time I could see the path to the light. Twilight had messed up. Twice. I had hope. We could fight.  > Luna : Guardian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "STAY BACK!" The shout that came from my meager frame did not have the effect I desired. The quadruped that stood before me was at least double my own size and donned a cloak that concealed its identity entirely.  Earlier in the day Celestia and I had taken refuge in the deepest part of a dense forest. It's tall trees provided both shelter and a place to hide. Additionally, there was bound to be a source of sustenance located somewhere within.  Once she'd fallen asleep for the night, I left our camp to patrol the area, not only for potential intruders, but also a food source. It had been days since either of us had eaten and as more time passed it would be harder and harder for us to function properly.  Unfortunately, it was an obnoxiously frigid night. While I loved my time of day more than any other, the cold did not receive the same enthusiasm from me. Operating in the freezing weather made objectives that much more difficult to complete.  Though it was indeed part of the reason I was patrolling, I prayed I would not encounter anything hostile. It was bound to happen eventually, but I preferred staying out of life or death struggles, unlike the rest of the inhabitants of the world.  The elation of finding the small bush overflowing with berries was swiftly snuffed out by the sound of rustling leaves yards away from me. I'd inadvertently stumbled upon a stranger, its method of movement and attire both screaming danger at my more reasonable senses. I was hopeful my naturally superior vision at night would give me somewhat an advantage in a scuffle.  "You must be the younger sister." Its voice was cold and raspy, more than likely a male, the hood over his head stood stock still giving the figure a particularly menacing aura. Celestia was much more infamous a target than I, "the horse that directed the sun", as the gossipers claimed.  My moon and I were an afterthought and that suited the two of us just fine, especially when it came to aggressors. It gave us ample opportunity to work from within the darkness.  "Leave this place this instant! You have no business here!" I tried so hard to sound confident, to intimidate the predator into flight, but the truth was, I was scared out of my mind. It was a miracle I had not attempted to flee back to my sister already. I could run back to her and we could escape together, but I knew no matter how far we managed to get, we would be pursued relentlessly, as if we were wanted fugitives. There would be no rest, there would never be rest. This was to be our life for the foreseeable future. I had fought before. Many times, but Celestia had always been at my side for those conflicts. The confidence my sister's presence gave me was like that of a ludicrously effective drug. I had yet to face a foe without her and right now I felt like I was facing a giant without a weapon of my own. "Oh, but I do little horse," he released a cloud of warm breath from underneath his hood. "Lucky for you, you're not the job." He relaxed his stance just a bit, either trying to throw me off my guard or give me a false sense of security. "Take me to your sister and I won't be forced to... deal with you."  Wait a moment. I can get away unscathed? I do not have to fight this monster? I do not have to risk my life? The trespasser could easily see me considering his offer and so decided to hammer away at my resolve further. "Show me where she is and you'll be spared of any harm," he casually walked toward me, no aggression or caution in his gait.  What should I do? What can I do? I do not want to fight. I cannot defeat a creature like this. He is nearly large enough to eat me in a single bite. I do not want to be hurt. I do not want to die. You are the night, the invincible moon. Have confidence in yourself, little one. You must protect your sister. The voice that echoed in my head was one I had never heard before. It was soothing, yet motivating, a beautiful mix of femininity and authority. It brought about visions of my sister slumbering in peace, unaware of the danger that sought her life. There was no life for me apart from her. Despite my trembling body, I braced myself, prepared to do whatever it would take to stop this fiend from getting to her. If he wanted to finish his "job" it would have to be quite literally over my dead body.  "I refuse!" my voice vibrated with a bravery it lacked moments ago, my declaration halting him in his tracks. Whomever or whatever had granted me the sudden confidence had my gratitude. I crouched low to the ground, making myself a harder target for projectiles. "Leave this place now or suffer the consequences."  If he were an assassin he would not typically be prepared for a face to face struggle. Striking from the shadows of a dark night was where those of that ilk drew their strength. Unfortunately for him, the night belonged to me. He laughed gruffly, turning his head to the side to draw a concealed blade from its sheath into his mouth. "You're brave, little horse. Stupid, but brave," he spoke through clenched teeth. Moonlight reflected off of the blade of the dagger, a warning of my potential demise. If that pierces me, I will fall, no ifs, ands, or buts. "I'll be sure to put it on your gravestone," his throaty laugh was particularly unnerving. "The stupid brave horse." The creature stalked toward me, his steps and distance now deliberate and calculated, no longer any wasted motion. Watch that blade like a hawk, Luna. Hooves or possibly claws could be a problem as well. I took a short step back, silently lowering one of the many hidden daggers I carried to the ground. If I hoped to win this fight, speed and flawless tactics would be critical to my survival. In an instant he lunged, the blade in his mouth descending in a diagonal slash, the soft flesh of my neck the intended target. I thrusted my wings outward and flapped as hard as I could, launching myself away from him and upwards into the air. The dense trees would not allow me to maneuver well in the air, but I could use the slight elevation to my advantage. I flared my magic, telekinetically throwing another dagger directly at my attacker. Chuckling as he watched the projectile travel, he effortlessly deflected the knife with the weapon in his maw. I smirked happily, my plan having worked perfectly. Still utilizing the same telekinesis spell, I lifted the prone dagger I had just laid on the ground deep inside the belly of the beast.  "Nghhhh!" He grinded his teeth on the hilt of his dagger, his body shaking in pain. He gripped the hilt of my dagger planted deep within his stomach, roughly pulling it out with a claw before examining it closely. "Curse you. I expected magic," It flipped the knife in its grasp, now holding the tip of the blade. "Not bad, little horse. But you've already made a fatal mistake."  "That being?" I flapped my wings to stay airborne, creating a larger target than I would have liked.  "One!" He flung the dagger directly at my head with swift expertise. I expected an attack, catching the knife in a telekinetic field. In the same moment that I had stopped it, the monster was on me, inches away.  He must have used a nearby tree as a springboard to gain more elevation. Either that or the muscles in his legs were made out of incredibly strong material. His blade descended from above me, millimeters from splitting my skull in two. I lifted both forelegs, the hidden blades strapped to them lessening his blow.  He was not exceptionally strong and for that I was sincerely grateful.  "Always go for the vitals!" He thrust a claw at my exposed chest, or more accurately at my heart. I had no way to evade or any remotely good options, only mitigation of as much damage as possible. I shifted my weight in mid air, avoiding the strike as best I could, but his nails were as sharp as any sword I had encountered and pierced my flesh effortlessly.  With a loud grunt, I was sent tumbling backward, the pain of the attack compounding as I came crashing down into the unforgiving trunk of a tree. Reality blurred and tilted as the assailant sauntered my way to finish me off.  I coughed when I tried to get oxygen, causing more blood to trickle from both the wound on my chest and my mouth. In a last ditch effort I weakly threw the last two daggers bound to my forelegs. They sailed wide as the assassin deftly side stepped each of them.  "Two," he lifted a claw, holding up his fingers. "If you'd have dipped your blades in poison, I'd already be dead," he lowered his claw as he drew closer to me. I tried to stand up but the pain and vertigo made it impossible to get off my behind.  "You..." I had to do something or it was over. "under... estimate me." I could not breathe properly, the attack to my chest seemingly dangerously close to my lungs. "You can't even stand, little horse," he chuckled through the grip on his knife. "I hope it was worth it. Now you're gonna die just like your sister."  Tia... I poured what little magic I had left into my horn, the ache that came from colliding with the tree making it feel like a drill was boring into my brain.  "I will not... let you... hurt.. her." Breathing and talking too close together was not something I was able to do.  "You don't have much of a choice, little horse." He was getting too close. If I did not act soon, I would just be another victim, a corpse in the middle of an unnamed forest in an unforgiving world. No, not yet, not while Tia still needs me. I cast the spell that could very well be my last. The dagger he had thrown back at me teleported a foot in front of my would be murderer.  "Come on, what are you gonna do wi-NGH!" His eyes shot open as he groaned in pain. His jaw fell, his weapon dropping to the forest floor with a thunk. He had not noticed my intention. Thank goodness he did not notice. He slumped forward to the ground, unmoving. The hilt of the very first dagger I had thrown stuck out of the back of his hood, still held in my telekinetic spell.  I had done it. I had been beyond lucky, but I had done it. He was like a big pin cushion, not an inch of his body protected by armor. Without protection, he was simply a large mass of soft flesh. His arrogance had been his downfall. My gamble had paid off.  I scrutinized the wound on my chest. It was bleeding, but the claws had not pierced so deeply that I was in immediate danger of losing consciousness. I had saved myself, had saved Tia. I had survived. I had won. It was exhilarating.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The memories were as vivid as if they were from the night before. I could never forget them... never. It was the first time I truly understood the purpose of my life. The first time I knew why I had been created.  Celestia. The sun. My sun. My sister's light outshined the darkness in the world. She illuminated it all, illuminated my life. She made me strong. I was meant to use that gift to protect the order of the world. Without the two of us everything would cease to function. The weather, the plants, the very food we ate. Even the boundaries of the ocean and time itself were dependent on my sister and I. All would fail without the two of us fulfilling the duties we'd been created to maintain. My sister's warmth and light energized and guided us all. I was to use that guidance to ensure her safety as well as the rest of Equestria's well-being while maintaining the night and the dream realm.  When the Nightmare possessed me, I'd lost sight of my duty. I let my own selfish desires get in the way of what was truly important, convinced myself I did not need anypony else.  Cast the world into eternal night? How would that have even worked, Luna? Her sun is critical for the order of the planet as well as the life inhabiting it. I had become as foolish as the monsters that tried to take out lives in ages past.  And yet, I was able to learn from my foolishness. Through my imprisonment everything became much clearer. My rightful place would never be as ruler of Equestria, it was at my sister's side, regardless of official title. Together with her, whether that be as a princess or a peasant.  As I sat by the wasteland our home had become, I could not help but feel a deep sense of regret settle on my shoulders. The old me would never have let something like this happen to us, not in a million years. There were so many things I could have done to prevent this, so many precautions I could have taken.  I could have put up ancient barrier spells to nullify any magic that might have come against our abode. Or I could have cast enchantments to make the area non-existent if Celestia or I were not around. Even something as simple as a tiny pocket dimension that only we could reach for storing our extremely important relics would have gone a long way in preserving our treasures.  I was thoroughly convinced a single enchanted bell attached to a string would have been more effective than what I had attempted: absolutely nothing. And so, we both paid for my lack of sense. I failed Tia again and still she held no grudge against me. If that were truly the case then neither would I.  No more self loathing. And no more imposing punishments on myself for something that was not fundamentally my fault. No more secrets.  "Farewell," I whispered to the perfect life my sister and I had lost. It was time to leave it in the past. It was time to start fixing things for the sake of the future. It was time to bring order back to the world. I readied a teleportation spell, the time my sister and I had agreed she'd return long past.  There was no sign of her arrival as of yet so something had to have altered the plan. I was sure she was not in any mortal danger. Tia was gradually shifting back to her old self as well. She would soon become an impregnable fortress, a protector that could not be overcome by anything.  My horn hummed, ready to go. As I flickered out of and then back into reality I had to rub my eyes to make sure they were not betraying me.  Confusion instantly flooded my mind at the peculiar sight.  The barrier containing Canterlot had morphed, had grown beyond the borders of the city. Along with a much wider circumference, a long tendril extended far away from the royal capital. As my eyes traced the magical pillar, an even greater bewilderment overtook me.  Far in the distance Celestia and two other ponies were grouped on the ground, one of them seemingly injured or? I could not be sure. I quickly teleported to the trio without further contemplation.  "...her home, Flurry. I'll be there as so- Luna!?" Celestia was taken aback at my sudden arrival. "Has it already been so long?" My appearance caused my sister to focus on me. Upon further inspection the other two ponies were a perturbed Flurry Heart and a pegasus that I didn't recognize. The young mare looked positively horrified, as if she had just witnessed her entire family getting butchered before her eyes. Flurry had her wing wrapped around the mare, seemingly trying to comfort her. "Yes, Sister. Time has long expired," I replied, not taking my eyes off of the trembling pegasus.  "I'm gonna take her home, Granny." Flurry was all business, her horn shimmering with energy.  "WAIT! Am I allowed to leave!? Will she let me go!? I can't just-" The pegasus grabbed at Flurry with her hooves, her eyes frantic as she looked from the captain to my sister. Celestia crouched down next to the duo, a kind smile on her face.  "Everything's going to be alright, Violet," Celestia placed a comforting hoof on the mare's shoulder. The pegasus rapidly blinked back tears before nodding her head slowly.  "O... okay," her body slumped as if she did not believe my sister's words. Regardless, Celestia nodded at Flurry who reciprocated the gesture.  "I'll see you guys back at the palace." Flurry wasted no time with pleasantries before flashing out of existence, taking the pegasus named Violet with her. Celestia stood to her hooves, a tired sigh escaping her lips.  "What a day..." she attempted to smile at me, but it came across more as an uncomfortable grimace than anything else.  "What did I miss?" I looked up at the length of black magic that was spreading across the countryside. It resembled onyx and hung in the sky like the unnatural branch of a deteriorating tree. Although the mass was abnormally stretched, it did not sway or even move in the gentle breeze. "She won't stop, Luna," Celestia joined me in staring at the barrier. "She's being deliberately cryptic with me." I had been referring to the incident I had just witnessed, but if she did not wish to address it currently, perhaps it was better to place it on the back burner for now.  "That is most displeasing to hear, Sister," I glanced at her sideways, trying to gauge her reaction. It was unfortunate news, but not really unexpected. She continued to stare at the barrier, not batting an eye at my reply. It bothered me that she still utilized her masks around me, but I chalked that up to habit rather than distrust. "Were you able to gather any information on this spell?" I pointed up at it with a hoof. The barrier was spreading faster than I had anticipated it would. Before much longer, it would cover more land than we could contain. We had to do something soon or it would be too late to take action. "Like I said, she was being cryptic. But..." she turned to me, a look of fierce determination on her face. The mask she had worn previously now nowhere to be seen.   "But?" I tilted my head as I turned her way.  "I believe she's harvesting energy for a cataclysmic spell." Tia must have mentally prepared herself to say that aloud because she did not so much as flinch. On the other hoof, my body wobbled before I lost the ability to stand and fell to my haunches.  "What does that mean, Tia? Similar to someone such as Tirek?" The centaur had the ability to drain others magic. Why had Twilight not used such a technique on me if she had the ability to do so? Celestia shook her head, licking her lips before answering me.  "I believe she's using forbidden magic to do as you claimed." My eyes widened in surprise even though I had an inkling that was the case. "There is no greater source of power than life energy or if you wish to play semantics, the energy of the soul, as you claimed."  This topic was something Tia and I had avoided our entire existence. Such things were more corrupting than any other field of magic. Absolute power and that whole mess.  "To what end, Tia? She has power far greater than any other creature in Equestria, save the two of us. What could she need that much energy for?" This was beginning to reach levels of consequence I was not prepared for, levels of accountability I was sure Twilight Sparkle could not comprehend.  "I believe it's for a globe spanning alteration spell," she rubbed her face with a hoof. If that was right... "Wh-what?" I knew she was up to nothing good but this was... Nightmare levels of evil. "Alter it how, Tia?" My face was inches away from Celestia's, my desperation coming out much more than I would have liked. My desire to make the night permanent would have destroyed the world and everypony in it. Whatever foolish change Twilight was shooting for could bode no better for the land or her subjects. "I'm not sure, Lulu, but if I had to venture a guess, I'd say something that would change the very laws of nature itself... in particular the parameters of death." Celestia spoke as if her theory was an experiment she was in control of in a lab and not the absolute disaster we were facing. While she was calm, cool, and collected,  sweat was beginning to dampen my forehead.  "Celestia," I closed my eyes, gathering all of the thoughts I wanted to shout at her, instead lining them up and staying level headed. I was by no means angry, but panic threatened to overtake me. "you know as well as I that we cannot allow such things to continue. It is against... against the natural order of our world." My sister smiled at me as if I had said or did the correct thing while she was testing me.  "Agreed, Luna. She must be stopped, no matter the cost, and we are the only ones capable of doing so." There was no sadness or reservation in her, she was finally ready to do her duty.  "I am glad we are of one accord, Tia." We both smiled at the same time followed by a heartfelt laugh. "Together?" I held a hoof out to her.  "Together," she bumped mine with her own.  "So what are the options we are considering, Sister?" I was brimming with confidence, ready to take on the world if need be. "I assume your mind is already firing on all cylinders." She stroked her chin with a hoof, looking up at the barrier once again.  "You would be right in that assumption, Luna. I do have a plan. When Twilight and I were discussing her actions she accidently mentioned a book." Of course she did, I laughed internally. "I'd wager it's in Canterlot, either within her quarters or the archives. If we can get our hooves on that book, we might be able to reverse this whole mess." "A promising idea, one that would drive me to conclude you have a way to bypass the barrier." There would be no point mentioning entering Canterlot if she did not already know how to do that.  "Right again, Sister," she booped me on the snoot. "First, we'll continue with phase two of your plan. As far as this," she gestured back up at our very apparent problem. "I think the answer we seek lies in our precious niece."  > Flurry : Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Is there anything you can do for her, Ace?" I was putting way too much pressure on the yellow unicorn, but I knew he performed at his best when he was forced into a corner. His horn was aglow as he shined a beam of light into one of Violent's eyes.  Panacea, whom I lovingly referred to as "Ace", was the Rainbow Guard's medic. He was also the second youngest member of my elite squad, which has proved quite an obstacle for the doctor. At the tender age of twenty, he's kind of scrawny, but makes up for his lack of physical prowess with his girly mug and exceptionally high IQ.  His dark brown mane was flawlessly groomed and accented the yellow sun like hue of his coat perfectly. I wasn't sure if the round brown rimmed glasses he wore were prescribed or if they were a fashion choice. Either way, they framed his face well. His cutie mark displayed two criss-crossing pills, one red and the other blue, with a medical syringe cutting vertically through the center of them.  The three of us occupied what was essentially Ace's office. Violent sat awkwardly, twitching on a sparse bed with Ace looking her over while sitting on a stool. I was bouncing around the room impatiently, frustrated that there wasn't more I could do to help either of them.  There were medical tools lying on various trays and hanging from the walls, as well as a bookcase filled with medical literature. Anatomy reference diagrams for different species of Equestria were posted on the walls around the room as well. "You know I can, boss. I'm just not sure how long it'll take, this is magic unlike anything I've ever seen before." There wasn't an ailment that Ace had come across that he couldn't remedy. He'd said it was because of his special talent and after seeing the results he produced I never doubted him. Since he'd become a member of the guard he'd proven his ability to keep any and all he monitored in tip-top shape.  "Why? What's wrong with her?" I got closer to the pegasus, bumping my rump roughly into Ace's, sending him sprawling into the corner of the room. She looked mostly normal, at least to me. Maybe a little more tired than usual, like she'd spent last night partying, but overall pretty healthy. "How are you feeling, Violent?" I tried to sound as gentle as I could, stowing the air and authority of her captain. "I... I..." she stared at me like I was a monster that was about to tear her limb from limb.  "Violent, it's me, Flurry," I laid my hooves on her shoulders, the contact causing her to recoil as if I was about to strike her. Her slight twitching had turned to all out shivering at the physical contact.  "I-I'm s-sorry!" her jaw quaked as tears began to form in the corners of her eyes.  "Ugh, my head." Ace had come to a stop upside down, pinned against the wall underneath his stool.  "Ace, I think she's-" "Scared... though a more appropriate description would be, absolutely terrified." He moved the stool off of himself with a quick telekinesis spell before standing upright. "Her physical evaluation is normal, save a severely elevated heart rate, but that could be attributed to the internal horror she seems to be experiencing." "Sorry 'bout that." With a drooping head I got out of his way as he took back his rightful position in front of his patient.  "Don't worry about it, boss," he held his hoof up in front of Violent. "Look right here, Vi," he moved his hoof left to right slowly as the cyan pegasus tried to follow it with her petrified amber eyes. "I know you're just worried about her."  "Aren't you? Isn't she your..." I couldn't bring myself to look at them, the guilt much too strong. While it didn't appear to be a life threatening condition, it was not something she should have to deal with. I knew something like this might happen and I still allowed her inclusion in such a reckless mission.  "Not at all," he spun on his stool to face me. I was amazed to find a confident smile on his face.  "Don't tell me you've already figured out a cure," I said in disbelief.  "What? No way! What the heck do you think I am, a wizard?" He pulsed his horn, the bright white flicking in and out. I stared back at him, not amused in the slightest. He spun back around to continue with Violent. "Okay, tough crowd," he whispered under his breath. "Boss, she knew what she was getting into." My eyes sprung open at that. "We all do when we accept a mission. We're soldiers. Sometimes nothing unexpected happens. Sometimes stuff like this happens. Sometimes..." his head fell a bit, but he recovered his composure quickly. "No matter what might come, we'll always be prepared." I placed my hoof on his shoulder, drawing his gaze. "You're a good soldier, Ace," I smiled. He chuckled, a toothy grin coming to his face. "Thanks, boss, that means a lot coming from you. I've got good news. I think I have an id-" the gentle knock at the door cut him off. Mom, followed in tow by my grandmares, quietly entered the room, causing Ace to lose his cool immediately. "Your Highness... es!" He was down on the floor in a deep bow quicker than a fox that'd gotten its tail lit on fire.  "Panacea, Flurry." Mom bowed her head at the two of us, the look of worry on her face was vivid. "How's Violet doing?" It was clear as crystal that mom was much more concerned with the pegasus than with following any formalities.  "Ace was just telling me he might have an idea," I nodded my head at the still prostrating unicorn.  "OH! Yes!" Back in the physician mindset, Ace forgot all about etiquette and was standing in front of Granny Sola in a flash. "Your Highness, I was informed that the spells that were cast on Vi, er, Violet possessed two different auras."  "That is correct. The first spell was done with Twilight's natural magic. The second," she contemplated for a moment. "Was much darker." Ace nodded as if that was exactly what he'd expected to hear.  "Perfect," he smiled confidently. "What is your conclusion, doctor?" Granny Moona asked, causing Ace to blush slightly. He wasn't referred to as doctor or any similar terms often, so he must've gotten a bit embarrassed, especially with the renowned Princess of the Night referring to him as such.  "So," he moved in front of us, Violent sitting behind him, still just blankly staring ahead. "Dark magic is referenced in many texts in multiple ways. One of the main problems with that designation is it's a poor way to describe what one is actually referring to. Even forbidden is a poor descriptor for what we're speaking of. Magic as basic as a duplication spell can be considered forbidden when used on something like say for example, bits. I think the best way to describe what we are discussing now is 'evil'."  "You would get quite a bit of pushback from the masses for a perspective like that," Granny Sola did not hesitate to speak up. "Good and evil are subjective in the eyes of many Equestrians, as well as other nations' citizens." Ace's eyes narrowed, a look of utter contempt coming to his face as he stared at the Princess of the Sun.  "And?" His voice was shrill, as if he were speaking with an enemy and not one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. When Granny didn't reply, he pressed on. "What say you, Celestia? Are good and evil truly subjective?" Granny Sola and Ace glared at one another, neither breaking. The rest of us were mere spectators, witnesses to an epic battle of the strongest of wills. Unbelievably, my grandmare crumbled first, lowering her head.  "I... I don't know," she sighed. I'd never seen Ace like this, his conviction stout enough to overcome a princess. It was impressive. I was really proud of him. Good on you, Ace. "If I may interject," Granny Moona drew the attention of the room... except maybe Violent's.  "Of course, Your Highness," Ace consented with a nod.  "When speaking of... in general, trivial or mundane things, good and evil, right and wrong, are indeed subjective. A preferred drink versus another. A vocalists level of talent. Things like that are left up to personal preferences." We listened intently, Granny Sola and Ace particularly invested in what the dark alicorn was saying. "On the other hoof, in reference to critical things, things that are of the utmost importance, there is always an objective good and an objective evil," Granny Moona sighed. "Evil can attempt to justify its actions any way it may choose to do so, but when all is said and done, it is still evil until it changes it's ways and decides to follow the path of light," Granny Moona smiled softly at her sister who returned the gesture.  "Precisely, Your Highness! Well said!" Ace pointed a hoof at the Night Princess, a pleased smile on his face. "Now if we follow that same line of logic and apply it to magic then there is dark elemental magic, such as spells employed by the Rainbow Guard's own Starless Night, and then there are spells like this," he waved a hoof at Violent. "This is evil magic, and as such it has a very obvious antithesis."  "Good... magic?" I answered, but it was in the form of a question. It sounded right, but confused me at the same time.  "Bingo, Captain!" he pointed at me enthusiastically. "Traditionally, magic is viewed as subjectively good, depending on who uses it and for what purpose. Starting a fire to keep yourself warm? Good. Starting somepony on fire. Evil. Conjuring a glass of water to quench your thirst? Good. Conjuring a pool of water to drown somepony in. I'm sure you all understand the concept. This is a reasonable thought process and while we can find exceptions and specific situations that might contradict it, it's mostly the standard. However, there's one thing we haven't considered. If there's objectively evil magic, then..." He waited for us to give an answer.  "It is as I thought, Luna," Granny Sola nodded as she looked at her sister.  "Cadance," was all Granny Moona said with a sudden look of comprehension.  "ME!?" Mom spun around to look at her aunt's and then back at Ace.  "Correct," Ace smiled, satisfied he'd made his point without having to make it too apparent. Well, at least to everypony except for Mom. "If you don't mind, Your Highness, could you cast one of your love spells on Vi, erm that is um, Violet," he blushed for just a second, though I'm pretty sure I was the only one that noticed. Mom was still confused, but stepped up to the seated pegasus. "Okay, here goes nothing," her horn glowed as she pressed it against Violent's forehead. In a flash of brilliant light the spell was complete, the room returning back to its normal luminescence. All eyes were on the blue pegasus. While she still looked scared and took a while to speak, her voice sounded completely different.  "What did I do?" she looked around at us four alicorns and her fellow guard. The five of us let out a relieved breath followed by a bout of cheerful laughter.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Leave the empire!?" Mom nearly dropped the cup her magic held, quickly collecting herself and steadying it before lowering it back onto the table. Her, Granny Sola, Granny Moona, and I sat at the table in the dining hall.  Granny Moona had raised her moon minutes ago before joining us for what Granny Sola said was critical to the future of Equestria. Upon first getting some privacy we'd explained the reasoning behind why we'd sent Violent to overwatch the meeting. While she didn't necessarily agree with such a risk, Granny Sola was grateful we were so concerned for her safety. I'm pretty sure Granny Moona- was grateful we'd done it. Then out of left field, Granny Sola asked mom to accompany her to Canterlot for some reason.  "Equestria needs you, Cadance." Granny Sola sat next to her sister across from my mom and I. "I need you." "I can-" I sat forward eagerly, but Granny Sola shook her head firmly.  "It has to be your mother," my granny tapped her chin with a hoof. "It's quite similar to the reasoning behind your sending Violet."  "Ugh, again?" I sat back in my chair, crossing my forelegs and completely deflated. "Seems like I'm pretty useless these days." "On the contrary, Flurry, we ask that you perform a much more dangerous task than simply traveling to Canterlot." Granny Moona looked at my mom, knowing news like that would bother her. I, on the other hoof, brightened up considerably.   "Hold on," Mom lifted her hooves. It was easy to see she was already feeling daunted by all of this. "Just... okay. Let's just start from the beginning, please. Clearly you have a plan of action, Auntie," she looked at the alabaster alicorn who was taking a sip of her drink. "How about we start with that." "Very well," Granny Sola set her cup on the table, ready to get down to business. "Luna and I believe that Twilight is using evil magic to steal the life force of Equestrian citizens so that she may bring about a new world free of death." There was a tense silence for about a minute. Mom may have been able to control herself, but I sure couldn't. The laughter that came from my gullet was harder than any I had produced in years, probably since before my dad had passed away.  My outburst managed to draw the ire of my Granny Moona, but her sister didn't appear to mind too much. Mom remained quiet, seemingly entertaining such a ludicrous notion.  "Sorry, Granny," I wiped away a tear with my hoof. "I'm pretty sure that's one of the plotlines from a Saturday morning cartoon I used to watch when I was a filly." Granny Sola looked at me with a pitying smile.  "My student was never one to dabble in cartoons." The sad state of her ended my raucous attitude. It really isn't a joke? She's serious? I fell back in my chair, unable to think of a single thing to say. Granny Moona cleared her throat, a look of minor irritation on her face.  "If we are done ridiculing my sister, I might be able to elaborate," she looked my way. I only lowered my head in response. "Cadance, you spoke of Twilight's beast so I assume I am correct in believing that you are aware of it as well, Flurry." I nodded, not looking up at her. "Right. When I was ambushed by it, I was forced to endure its flames." I had to look up at that. Granny wasn't phased by her admission, looking more annoyed than before. "I was able to escape the attack with only moderate injuries, however, if I had been unable to teleport away, I would not be sitting before you now."  "So not only did Twilight try to murder you, Auntie Celestia, but you as well, Aunt Luna?" Mom's expression was hard to read. She was the only one out of the four of us who hadn't spoken to Auntie Twilight since this all began. There could still be doubt inside of her. To be completely honest, there was still doubt in me.  "Perhaps," Granny Moona took a sip of her coffee. "That is where we must begin to speculate."  "What does that mean?" Mom asked. Granny Moona's statement made me as confused as my mother. It sure sounded like she was implying my aunt had tried to kill them both.  "I... lost a part of myself to the flames," she looked lost in thought, although not fearful, only reflective. "I do not believe I was dying per se... my life or soul if you will, was being drained... taken away from me... taken out of my body." We all grew quiet. Mom scratched her mane roughly with a hoof before speaking, a tinge of frustration in her voice. "Let's move forward under the assumption that your hypothesis is correct, Aunt Luna," she took a short drink before continuing. "Knowing that, are we also to assume that she's doing this to those within her barriers?"  "We believe so." Granny Sola's emotionless affirmation sent chills down my spine and drew a look of shock from my mom.  "No way," I said more to myself than to my family, shuddering at the possibility of my aunt's actions. Stealing souls? It was just way too much to bear.  "If it's possible they aren't dead yet, can we reverse the spell... is there anything we can do to save them?"  Mom somehow kept her composure, already searching for a solution. I couldn't shake the feeling I'd gotten when I went to Canterlot to confront my aunt. It came back as soon as I realized that I'd felt nothing then because there was nothing to feel. From the most insignificant insect to the guard with a wife and several foals. At the time Auntie had already... they were all... "There may be a way." Granny Sola was being vague, but it was enough to stir my spirit.  "Then we have to do it!" I stood out of my chair looking at them frantically. "No matter what it takes... we have to try!" They all looked at me as if I were out of line. "Don't we?" I lost a smidgeon of my enthusiasm at their lack of gusto. After an uncomfortably long wait my grandmares looked at each other, smiles coming to their lips.  "Of course we do, little one." Granny Sola seemed to have relaxed because of my declaration. Was she worried we wouldn't help? "And that's why we're here. As Panacea so expertly illustrated, Cadance's magic is critical in contending with the evil spells Twilight is utilizing." "Auntie, you don't intend to have me fight my own sister, do you?" Mom's face betrayed no emotion. Granny Sola stared back at her, her own expression statuesque. They were suddenly playing politics, the one game I lost every time. "I'm no fighter, Auntie. I just don't have it in me. Especially against somepony I love." Mom explained after a span of silent struggle between the two. A small smile returned to Granny Sola's face.  "You underestimate yourself, Cadance. But no, I would never ask you to fight against your own family," Granny's smile faded again as she looked sadly at her younger sister who returned a similar look. "That is something that should never be thrust upon anypony."  "Why would I leave my empire if not to confront Twilight directly? I still don't understand." A light bulb turned on upstairs at my mom's inquiry.  "The barriers!" I accidently said my conclusion out loud.  "Flurry is correct," Granny Sola confirmed with a pleased smile. "I need to get inside Canterlot, and I believe you can get me through the barrier, Cadance." "To what end, Auntie?" Mom remained skeptical. "And what of all the other defenses Twilight has surely prepared in order to stop us?" "I believe there's a tome Twilight has come to possess, a book that's granting her the knowledge to perform these heinous crimes. If we can acquire that book, or at the very least peruse it, we may be able to find a way to reverse my students machinations." The further Granny Sola progressed the more questions that popped into my head. I spoke without thinking.  "Why assume it's in Canterlot? Couldn't she be carrying it with her? Couldn't she have hidden it somewhere less conspicuous? Maybe slipped it into a pocket dimension? Couldn't she have destroyed it, just to be sure there's no way to reverse what she's done?" Though I felt I had to interject I didn't mean to ask so much so quickly.  "All valid questions, Flurry," Granny Sola wasn't phased by my mountain of concerns. "Another good one is, 'what if there's no book at all?'" Wait, what? "There's a decent chance that I'm completely wrong."  "Well that's... reassuring," I chuckled dryly.  "We still don't have much to go on... unfortunately." Granny Sola seemed pretty disappointed herself. "If it's all for naught, if there is no treasure at the end of this rainbow, Cadance and I can retreat and provide support with Luna's half of the mission."  "Granny?" I turned to my other grandmare who'd been quiet while the rest of us conversed. She took a swig of her drink before placing it down and speaking.  "Flurry, our task will be to keep Twilight busy while Cadance and Celestia search Canterlot," she explained calmly as she looked at me. It seemed as if she was purposely trying to avoid eye contact with my mom. "The longer we can keep her attention the better." I like the sound of that. Finally some action. There was one thing that didn't add up though.  "Keep her busy where?" Mom asked the question that I'd been trying to figure out. My grandmare's looked at each other uncomfortably, clearly not wanting to address that question.  "There is only one place that makes some degree of sense." Granny Moona was speaking to but not looking at Mom. "It must be a location that is easily defended while being lucrative enough to Twilight Sparkle's motivations."  "Aunt Luna," Mom's voice was demanding, her face stone. I think at this point we knew where they'd planned, but she clearly wanted to hear it from the Night Princess' mouth.  "Your presumption is correct, Cadance." Granny Moona's gaze was still downcast. Mom sighed pinching the bridge of her nose with a hoof, the headache she obviously had, getting to her. When she finally spoke, it was barely above a whisper.  "You're asking me as the ruler of the Crystal Empire, to invite war to my doorstep? War that could cost millions of lives. Not only that, but that I should abandon my subjects as part of some convoluted mission to stop my dearest sister from destroying the world?" When she put it that way I wasn't sure how they were ever gonna convince her. Honestly, I wasn't sure how they were ever gonna convince me. Mom looked offended and I definitely understood her feelings. Why not just assault Canterlot? Take it by force? We have the army to do so, don't we? "I know what we ask seems like a lot, but-" I was fairly stunned when mom loudly interrupted Granny Sola.  "SEEMS!?" she scoffed. "Auntie, you're asking me to put EVERYTHING on the line! My citizens, my empire, my..." she looked at me, a stark realization overcoming her features. She's scared. "Mom..." My heart ached for her. She stood to her hooves, turning toward the door.  "I'm... I need to be alone, to think things over. I'm turning in for the night." She walked away like she'd suddenly become a zombie, her horn sparkling to life to open the doors.  "Make haste Cadance, time is of the essence." Granny Moona called after her withdrawing form eliciting a look of disdain from her sister. "I'll have an answer by tomorrow night." She didn't turn around as she closed the double doors behind herself.  "LUNA?!" Granny Sola almost shouted, her jaw slack.  "We do not have the luxury of time, Sister." Granny Moona took a calm sip of coffee. "You have already seen where hesitation has gotten us." The reply was effective, Granny Sola still looking appalled, but less so as she sat back down in her chair.  "Still..." was all she could say.  "She's right though," my words drew their gazes. "Mom has to decide as soon as possible... even if it's difficult for her." Granny Sola sighed while Granny Moona smiled and nodded in agreeance. "Where do you stand, Flurry?" Granny Moona asked.  "I..." Regardless of my pause there was only one real choice wasn't there? I can't stand by and watch while innocent creatures suffer. Even if I wasn't fully convinced it was the best plan, it was the only plan. If there was anything I could do, I would do it. No matter the cost I would gladly pay it to help somepony in need, even if it was against somepony I loved. Even if it was against my own family. "I'm In." > Cadance : Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Miss Prismia, you have to stop! PLEASE!" I shouted as a jagged beam of colorful light narrowly missed clipping my right wing. I couldn't keep going like this for much longer. On top of the staggering fatigue that was creeping into my bones, the royal unicorn was beginning to show signs of boredom.  The uninterested, almost lazy expression on her face made it obvious, but the frequency and ferocity of her spells also indicated her patience was wearing thin. While effortlessly firing off projectiles one after another, she sipped some red liquid from an ornate glass. She'd not even deemed me worthy enough to stand from her throne to launch her offensive.  What was I thinking, coming here alone? Not only did I face one of the most powerful wizards in all of Equestria, but she was flanked by her entire guard. Soldiers she obviously didn't even need to deal with me. At her order they could have apprehended me in seconds. Instead, they stood still as statues, observing us and unnerving me. "That is LADY Prismia, foal. You come into my home demanding such frivolous things, refuse to leave when instructed, and then have the audacity to command me. All while addressing me with the incorrect honorifics, no less." Her irritated glare was piercing, though she still carried herself with an untouchable aura of grace. "You are quite an arrogant little pegasus, aren't you? I've not a clue why I even granted you an audience."  It's a good thing for me her throne room was so spacious. The hall was easy to maneuver in, as if it were constructed for the express purpose of flight patterns. I landed softly behind one of the large pillars that was furthest from her throne, folding my wings tightly against my back. The last thing I needed was one of her precise blasts to scald one of my wings that wasn't properly behind cover. I took a moment to catch my breath as a cascade of spells collided with the opposite side of the pillar I was behind.  "I didn't mean to offend you Mis- er,  Lady Prismia!" Once the assault waned a bit, I managed to peek around the pillar, hoping she wouldn't get too impatient and have me thrown in the dungeon... or worse. She stared in my direction, the lull in her attacks welcome, but her indiscernible demeanor probably even worse than her onslaught. "If I might approach your throne... My Lady... please?" The quiet that followed my plea was both discouraging and intimidating in equal measures.  "Proceed, child," her stern voice shattered the long silence and caused me to jump. "Be sure to keep a close eye on that tongue of yours, my grace only lasts so long." I cautiously stepped out from behind my hiding spot. Not being killed immediately was a victory in and of itself.  Now I just had to think of some way to get her to see reason. My village couldn't survive much longer and the only one who could save it was her. She had the resources and the power that it needed to survive. As I walked across the massive room, the echoing clip-clop of my hooves was the only noise in the great hall. It was so loud, so obnoxiously distracting, I couldn't formulate any sort of plan as I approached her throne.  Before I realized, I stood in front of the undisputed ruler of northern Equestria. The silver unicorn was tall and slender, an irritated frown on her lips. Her shining coat was prismatic and appeared to shift in color depending on which direction it was viewed from. Her mane and tail were white as the purest snow, highlighted by rainbow streaks throughout. Both were tied in long elaborate braids that had to have taken hours to complete. Below her left eye was a small beauty mark. She wore a minimal royal dress that's color matched that of her mane, minus the rainbow streaks. She was breathtaking and hard to look at without quickly being awestruck. "Lady Prismia, I-" "I find it hard to believe you are not an assassin or at the very least part of an assassination attempt," she waved over one of her guards, whispering something into his ear before he left the room promptly. I stood still as a statue, jaw hanging slack. I may have only been a filly, but even I knew being accused of trying to take somepony's life could lead to permanent imprisonment or even execution.  "I-I... you..." I couldn't even make a case for myself. The villagers had told me she was a heartless witch, but I hadn't believed them. There were so many stories passed around the village that spoke of her foalnapping ponies and using them for her horrible experiments. I didn't believe any of them. Nopony could be that evil. Yet here I was, seconds from a terrible fate that I couldn't even fathom was possible a few hours ago.  "If not for my life, then why are you here?" she looked down on me with disdain. It felt like whatever I might say would be swiftly dismissed, like she'd already made her judgment and was just going through the motions. "A coup perhaps? Or is it open rebellion?" "I just want to help my vill-" "And what better way is there to do so save GETTING RID OF ME?" she slammed a hoof on the armrest of her throne causing me to cower in fear. The rage in her eyes was still somehow not enough to blot out the beauty she emanated. "We could... be friends?" I was able to whisper, but that's about it. Friends help each other when they need it. Maybe if- "Friends?" Her initial disbelief quickly dissolved into hysterical laughter. I wished it was joyful, but instead it was more akin to condescension. As she dragged on, my irritation grew at an equal rate to my courage. If she was going to look down on me and then throw me in a dungeon to rot, I might as well say my piece while I had the chance.  "Why not!?" my shout was barely audible over her mocking laughter, even while standing at my full height and giving it my all, I was about as intimidating as a kitten. My meager frame simply didn't have the size to be that imposing. She covered her mouth with the back of her hoof, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "How old are you, little pegasus?" "Ten!" I said, now overflowing with confidence. She sighed before taking another drink from her glass.  "So young... so naive," she looked at me with a different emotion than before, something softer, maybe sadder. "Do you know how I came to possess this throne, little one?"  The ponies in the village had told a lot of stories about that. I'd heard a lot of different things, mostly by accident, but they'd always had one thing in common. "I..." The truth might make her mad, but lying to her would probably turn out worse. "I've heard stories that said you killed your husband." The sad smile that came to her face told me those stories weren't necessarily false. "Do you know why I would do something like that?"  "They say it's because you were jealous." At that point I'd decided honesty was by far the safest policy for my well-being. "They say you wanted the throne all to yourself." She lowered her glass and stood to her hooves, walking down the few steps to stand right next to me, her expression unreadable.  "One night while I slept, my husband tried to murder me." The blunt revelation nearly made my jaw fall clean off. That was not part of any of the stories I'd ever heard. She looked into the distance, reminiscing on what must have been truly devastating memories. "For the longest time, he was a good stallion, maybe even the perfect stallion... until he wasn't. We shared everything with each other. 'They're the ideal couple', our subjects used to say. I supported him unconditionally and his renown spread further and further as time went on. All of the surrounding regions prospered during his rule, even those not directly under his authority," she smiled slightly, though it looked... wrong. "I needed nothing more than his love and affection, but over time, I lost both." She took a seat right next to me, almost making me feel like there was a chance we might be able to become friends. "He fell in love with another, or perhaps it was merely lust. I could not say with certainty," she grimaced. "I was aware of his infidelity, but my stubbornness refused to allow me acknowledge it. I'd been the ideal wife in every conceivable way. We'd never fought, we'd never even disagreed. Our marriage was like a fairy tale," she chuckled dryly. "I suppose those should've been the first hints that something was amiss. One night..." The look of horror in her eyes was too painful for me to do nothing. I put my hoof on hers, rubbing gently. It startled her at first, but the terror on her face slowly dissipated, in its place a slight gratefulness. "I don't know why he didn't have me poisoned or have it done in some other undetectable way. I truly believe he wished to do it with his own hooves, at the behest of his mistress of course, as if it was some wicked way to prove his love to her." I wasn't sure what a mistress was, but I guessed it was the mare who had stolen him away from her. "What'd you do?" "I fought back, with everything I had, I fought against the injustice of it all. That night she was there as well. Though neither of them were unicorns, it felt as if I'd been given something to dull my senses, to make it easier for them to end my life." A proud look came to her face. "When all was said and done, I alone was left standing," the pride was quickly replaced by a deep sadness. "Little did I know the depths of which they were willing to go to eliminate me from history. He'd had all of my most loyal supporters executed for treason that very same night. It was to be a complete cover up, and I and all who sympathized with me were to be the villains of the story." "That's... that's awful," I was more angry than sad. Something had to be done, the truth was right here, it just had to be made known. "Why didn't you tell anyone? Why di-" "It's not so simple, little one. To the world I was evil incarnate, the dread queen who'd murdered her king so that she might usurp his throne. After the murders, there were none left to support me or the truth I carried, not a single soul left to dissuade the rumors, the falsehoods. They tried to take me, tried to finish what he'd started, but I didn't let them. I became what they feared me to be." She didn't protest when I wrapped my forelegs around her midsection to hug her. "But it wasn't even your fault," I had to fight to hold back my tears. It's so unfair. "In all the years since that night do you know how many have taken the time to listen to the truth?" I shook my head. She gently placed a hoof atop my head, the real smile on her lips made her even more beautiful than ever. "Just one. Thank y-"  The doors to the throne room burst open, the guard that had left earlier galloping into the hall at an alarming pace. Something was wrong.  "PRISMIA, DEFENSIVE MAGIC, NOW!" he shouted, the look of panic on his face made me more afraid then I'd felt minutes ago fighting Lady Prismia.  "Get behind me, little one." She moved me around herself with a hoof as she scanned the throne room cautiously. Her horn glowed for a second before slight sparks shot from its end, the aura around it fading out. "Stark, m-my magic!" The terror that gripped her as she looked at the guard made me curl into the fetal position. Why aren't her guards- That's when I finally realized it.  When I looked at them carefully it was easy to see they weren't alive. They'd never been alive. They were statues created to mimic life. That's why she doesn't typically hold court or anything like that. From the outside looking in, it was a great hall filled with a queen and her dedicated  soldiers. On closer inspection, it was a nearly empty room with a sad queen doing her best not to fall to pieces.  Lady Prismia wasn't a dictator queen who forced subservience. She was a recluse that was just trying to hold what little she had left together. She wasn't subjugating the village, the villagers were blaming her for their problems because of those stupid stories.  "PRISMIA!" Stark was in a full sprint now, his eyes seemingly focused on something near us. Lady Prismia was so distraught she hadn't noticed as she focused on getting her magic working again. I could see it though. The figure looked like it was composed of water, crouched several feet away from us. Everything happened so fast.  "LONG LIVE THE KING!" the being hissed as it sent a knife sailing at the back of Lady Prismia's neck. There wasn't enough time for her to react to the ambush. She began to turn toward the voice, but wouldn't be able to stop the dagger.  I was already in motion. I didn't think. I didn't talk. I didn't have a plan, my body just moved on its own. With a powerful flap of my wings I put myself between the sharp weapon and my... My new friend. It couldn't end like this for her. I wouldn't let it.  The next thing I knew my vision was white from the pain. I found myself lying on the cold floor, Lady Prismia's panic suddenly much worse than it had been a second ago. "Stay with me, little one," she held my head in her hooves as tears began to fall from her face. Breathing hurt and I couldn't move without feeling jolts of electricity shoot through my body.  "A-are you... okay?" Talking hurt as well. She was looking away from me, like she was waiting for somepony or something to arrive.  "Stark, please hurry," she whispered to herself. "I'm fine little one, try to save your strength." "Ca-Cadance..." I coughed, wincing at the additional pain it brought on.  "What!?" she placed a hoof on my cheek.  "My name... it's Ca-Cad..." As my vision blurred beyond recognition, I thought I could hear yelling, but before long that grew quiet as well.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As I opened my eyes, I found myself in the brightest place I'd ever seen. It wasn't so much a room, more an endless expanse of space that appeared to go on forever. I felt great, the pain I'd just experienced a distant memory or perhaps a horrible nightmare.   "Mi Amore, Cadenza." The voice was like that of an angel, soothing me to my core and making me feel more loved than I'd ever felt in my life. I turned to come face to face with Princess Celestia, the alicorn ruler of all of Equestria.  I'd heard the stories. I'd read so many books, had seen the paintings. None did her justice. Her coat, her mane, her tail, her face. If perfection could take the form of a living being, it would've been her.  "Your Highness!" my voice cracked, the smile I had hard to speak through concisely. I bowed as low as I could, though it was not performed with any measure of grace. I hadn't practiced my etiquette for meeting royalty yet. "I am Cadenza, but everypony calls me Cadance, Your Highness." She gently lifted my head.  "Cadance, do you understand what you just did?" her smile was warm, like a mother's for her foal. It made me wish she'd scoop me up in her forelegs and hug me.   "Huh?" I tilted my head. All I did was try to protect Lady Prismia, surely that wasn't enough to change much. Princess Celestia's horn shined gold as a large window popped up into existence behind her. On it was Lady Prismia cradling my body as she wept bitterly. I didn't want her to be sad. That's not why I had tried to save her at all.  "This is a turning point in history, Cadance," she looked at the window. "There are two divergent paths that can occur from this point in time forward," she turned back to me, her horn humming as another window flashed into reality to my right. "The first is the harmony you can bring to Prismia's heart." The new screen showed me and Lady Prismia hugging one another, the north thriving once again and the citizens accepting her sovereignty and the truth behind what had transpired. That's exactly the future I wanted. "That one! That's what should happen!" I pointed a hoof excitedly. Princess Celestia chuckled at my enthusiasm. Her horn chimed again as a third screen manifested to my left.  "Unfortunately, there is a second path," she sighed. This screen was dark and hard to make out what it displayed, like somepony had covered it in a gross black substance. I could barely make out Lady Prismia crying at a... funeral?  "Who..." my eyes opened so wide I thought they wouldn't be able to close ever again. It was my funeral.  "In this future, the assassin was unsuccessful in his mission, but you were an accidental casualty." I fell back on my haunches, my legs seemingly just as surprised as the rest of me.  "Did I... am I dead?" I didn't mean to ask the princess so bluntly, but she replied anyway.  "No," she frowned and then appeared to consider her reply further. "Not yet, at least." She cast another spell to change the unwanted picture. "This loss would drive Prismia to complete madness." I couldn't believe the sight before me. Lady Prismia was... different... evil. She tortured those who opposed her and enjoyed every second of it. She'd become the Prismia from the stories, the ruthless empress she had been perceived to be. "NO! You can't!" I ran up to the princess, desperately placing my hooves on her chest. She was caught off guard by my sudden outburst. "Lady Prismia didn't do anything wrong!" I felt the tears stinging at my eyes. " It's not her fault..." Princess Celestia wrapped a wing around my body, sitting down next to me. "I've wanted to help Prismia for so long," she looked at the picture of the cursed future, a sadness all her own coming from the giant alicorn. "She didn't... it wasn't her fault, what happened with her husband, I mean," I sniffled.  "I am aware, Cadance," she continued to scrutinize that horrid future. "Then..."  "Even I am unable to force the masses to believe what I wish, regardless of whether or not it is the truth," she sighed. It was easy to see the disappointment her more unreasonable subjects brought her. "Prismia refused any aid I offered, afraid that the hate she was regarded with would infect anypony else who tried to help."  "That's... that's not fair." There had to be something Princess Celestia could do. They'd said she was a goddess, she had to have the power to do... something. Life couldn't be like this, it just couldn't.  "I agree, Cadance," she looked down at me with a confident smile as she rubbed the top of my head with her wing. She knew something I didn't and it made me happy that my well-being was in such capable hooves. "Fate can be such a cruel thing, I'm sure it would love this to be the future," she waved a hoof at the second dystopian timeline. "But how about the two of us make life a little more just?" With a blast of energy from her horn the screens all exploded into brilliant sparks. She stood next to me, spreading her wings out and channeling the brightest golden magic I'd ever laid eyes on. "Mi Amore, Cadenza! You've been brought here today so that I might see with my own eyes whether or not you are truly worthy of my gift!" I stood speechless, her voice was booming now, full of an authority it didn't have seconds ago. Every few seconds her appearance appeared to shift, flickering to something else, to somepony else. The other form was mostly too bright to describe, but a small detail I could make out was the edges of her mane had become a different color. And then just as quickly as it had started, the shifting stopped. "When you are ready, when you are prepared to become who you are meant to be, seek me out, little one. You are destined for greater things than you could ever imagine." Once she stopped talking she had become timid and kind once again. She gently placed the tip of her shining horn against mine as a blinding explosion of light filled the room.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Cadance..." Lady Prismia's trembling voice stirred me from my slumber. As I took in my surroundings, I could see I was still being held in her forelegs, the two of us on the floor of the throne room. Stark stood above us, eyes closed, his sorrow at my condition evident.  "Prismia, we should-" as he moved to do something his wide eyes locked with mine. Whereas he looked as if I were a vengeful spirit, I merely smiled back at the burly stallion. "Pr-Pr-Prismia?" he took a startled step back. I guess he was more than just stunned by my consciousness. "Stark, please..." she whispered, hugging me tighter.  "TOO TIGHT!" I was able to squeak out. Lady Prismia pulled away, her eyes filled with tears, but the joy on her face overshadowing them.  "CADANCE!" she went right back to hugging me even harder than before.  "Too... tight!" I gasped, wiggling my legs frantically.  "Cadance, I'm so glad you're okay... don't do anything like that ever ag-" she paused before drawing back, her head tilted in confusion.  "Cadance... why do you have a horn?"  her and Stark both asked in unison.  "Huh?"  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From that day forward, I was given a new lease on life. Somehow, I had become an alicorn. Aunt Celestia's actions had prevented the dystopic future she'd shown me, and one of my best friends, Lady Prismia, was able to find a path to a better life.  Her and Stark were able to work with Auntie Celestia to clear her name, and after some time, she was able to return to her rightful standing amongst the other nations. I was adopted by Princess Celestia and brought into her royal family as her niece. I met Twilight and my beloved Shining Armor, marrying him soon after. I was bestowed the Crystal Empire by my aunts. I was so unbelievably blessed by what Auntie Celestia had done for me.  Everything I have or have ever had, I owed to her. Decades after that day, Lady Prismia told me I had been the catalyst for her redemption, that if I'd left when she'd initially ordered, nothing would have gotten better for her. I guess Aunt Celestia was right. She was always right. Without her seemingly divine intervention I would not be where I was today.  That's why I had to speak with her now. She had to know more than she was letting on, like she had the day she'd changed me. I closed my eyes, getting more comfortable in my bed. I prayed for a peaceful night's rest.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Auntie Celestia stood in the empire's royal garden, her horn shining with mana as she finished raising her sun high into the sky. "That never gets old," I said as I joined her. I took a seat on the bench that Shining and I'd always sat on. Our spot. It always felt a little awkward without him. "One would think so," she chuckled as she took a seat on a bench across from me. "After the millionth or so time, it does become quite a blur." "Millionth?" I tilted my head, running the numbers. That doesn't sound like the right math to me. She looked into her morning sky with longing eyes.   "You wished to speak with me alone, Cadance?" she continued to admire the brand new day, seemingly ignoring my question.  "Uhm... yes." It wasn't important, at least not right now. There were much more crucial things I wanted to discuss with her. "I've been thinking, Auntie... about the day we first met."  "It seems we've all been ruminating on the past recently," she closed her eyes with a sigh before turning her attention to me.  "Auntie?" I cocked my  head instinctively. Her expression shifted, indifferent, emotionless. One of her best masks was in place and if I did nothing about it, it would stay there.  "What do you require of me, Cadance?" I pondered her question. I needed so much, but why not start with the simplest problem.  "Celestia," I took a deep breath in preparation. "I need you to let me in." I stared into her eyes, past the masks, past the politics, directly into her soul.  "Ca-Cadance?" her expression didn't alter, but the fact that she stuttered said more than enough.  "How long have we known each other, Princess?" It had to have been around a century by now. The first day we'd met we barely talked, but I traveled to Canterlot a few years after and we grew as close as any family members could. So then why does it feel like we still can't have a one on one conversation with each other without playing foolish games?  "Long enough that a question like that is wholly unnecessary," her gaze fell. "Forgive me, Cadance. It has become second nature for me. I feel as if I must... protect myself... even from you." Then I'll have to do something to change that. There were no enemies in front of her.  "I trust you, Celestia." She didn't move a muscle. "I've always trusted you more than I've trusted anypony else. You've shown me exactly what honesty is, I just..." I sighed. "I just need you to open up with me." She lifted her head, a look of sympathy on her face. "I need you to trust me... maybe not as much as I trust you, but... more than this... I need to know the truth."  Her face remained stoic as her eyes wandered away from mine, searching for something. After a moment, she closed her eyes, chuckling weakly. She nodded before taking a long breath in through her nose and then expelling it out through her mouth.  "Ask me anything." It was gone. There were no walls, no defenses, no masks. It was just her, just my aunt, prepared to satisfy my curiosity, ready to trust me wholeheartedly. "Thank you, Auntie," I smiled, ready to begin my trek to clarity. She bobbed her head slightly in response. I sat up straight, running through the most important things I wanted to ask. One question was the most baffling and so would be the first I pursued. "Ever since you transformed me into an alicorn there's been one thing in particular that's confused me. How exactly did you manage to do it?" She tilted her head, her eyebrow raising. "What I mean to say is, how did you know I was in danger? How did you even know about me? Had you been watching me from afar? How did you reach out to get me? I didn't get teleported to you... I think. One minute I was with Prismia and the next I was with you in that... place, and she'd said I'd never left. She held onto me the whole time. I don't understand at all. What... what really happened that day?" Okay so it wasn't just one specific thing I’d been fixated on. I'd been an animated mess as I questioned her, but she'd taken my ranting in stride, listening intently the entire time.  "Were I still acting holier than thou I'd have some profound answers to... all of that," she giggled quietly as she waved a hoof at me. I blushed, only slightly embarrassed. She'd seen me in much more compromising positions than this. "I will be completely honest with you, Cadance, as I always have been," she sighed as a wry smile lifted her lips. "The events of that day were as unexpected for me as they were for you." As I processed, or failed to process what she'd said, I realized I wouldn't get anywhere with just that small amount of information. "Aun-" she held up a hoof. "To complicate things further, I had no prior knowledge of you, nor was I the one who chose to aid or transform you." I steadied myself on the bench with a shaking hoof. She'd never known me? She hadn't been the one to choose to save me? But if she hadn't... "Auntie, you..." I felt like crying and screaming at the same time. My head sagged involuntarily, along with my ears and shoulders. "Then I... auntie... why am I-" "You misunderstand, Cadance." She quickly stood and trotted over to me from her bench, taking a seat on the ground in front of me. She lifted my head with a hoof, the love in her eyes making me feel so much better. "It was you." "Me?" I nearly cried, her words not fully registering, but making me feel as if I'd accomplished something extraordinary. She laughed at my bewilderment, a genuinely mirth filled action.  "You were ten years old, Cadance. There are ponies that young that can't even take a stand against the dark of my sister's night, yet you made the selfless decision to confront the perceived dictator of your land to help those around you." Sometimes it takes somepony else to show you what you can't see yourself. I'd never thought of what had happened like that, I just wanted to help, in any way that I could. I just wanted the love I had to spread, to thrive in Prismia's heart and in everypony else's. "I've never thought of it like that."  "Truly virtuous beings often don't see their own righteousness," she booped my nose with her wing, making me feel altogether like a foal... her foal. "They're usually too preoccupied with helping build up those around themselves."  "Thank you for the high praise, Auntie," I blushed. Her smiles could melt the coldest heart. She was so... big. Maybe larger than life was a more apt way of putting it. When she fully gave of herself, her undivided attention, it was like being cared for by a vastly superior entity, which I suppose wasn't very far from the truth, which led me to my next question. "Auntie, if you didn't make the decision to change me... then who did?" She looked up, her hoof prodding her chin.  "I've struggled with that question as well." She stood up and took a seat on the bench next to me. She wasn't a replacement for Shining, no one could ever be, but the warmth she gave off was divine. "I tend to lean towards the belief that it was the world."  "The... world?"  "It needed somepony like you, Cadance... it still does," she stared into the sky once again, appreciating the beauty of her day. The world needs me? It seemed so lofty an idea. I was just a filly trying to live her best life, trying to spread love to everypony around me. If what she said was even a little bit true, there was somepony or something at work that even she was unaware of. Can there be such a thing? Not knowing the answer made my skin crawl. If it was true, I hoped whatever it was, it was on our side. "There are times when I'm compelled... or maybe a better word is motivated, to do things that I wouldn't normally do without said influence." I looked back at my aunt. She was lost in her own thoughts. "It's rare, every thousand years perhaps, but when it does happen, events like your transformation occur. Events that alter the flow of history itself." Every thousand years? But she isn't even that old how coul- "Regardless, I would do everything over again," she looked down at me with a smile. "You have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you deserve everything you've received and more, Cadance. Rather than inheriting all of this," she waved her hoof at the palace and all else around us. "You've worked hard for it, earned it. All of it. I know you think I did all of it, that you're where you are because of me, but that's simply not true. So..." she huffed, her proud smile losing some of its luster.  "So?" I lifted a brow. "So if you feel indebted to me... if you're basing your decision to help or not on the idea that you have what you do because of me," she shook her head. "Then I will reject your cooperation outright." It was things like this that leant to my theory that my aunt was omniscient. It wasn't the first time she'd easily deciphered my feelings and thoughts, and I was sure it wouldn't be the last. For such a righteous being, for somepony who would deny the help they needed to save the world based on the possibility that the offer might be accepted because of incorrect motivations. For somepony such as this, I would sacrifice everything, because I strived to attain those very same qualities. What did she say all those years ago, to make life a little more just? "I'll help," I stood to my hooves, an air of confidence flowing through me, surrounding me, making me stronger, bolder. Auntie Celestia smiled, not relieved as if she'd been worried, but vindicated, as if she'd known all the while what I'd decide.  "Thank you, Cadance," she fell into trot next to me as we headed inside the palace. "We can meet up with Luna and Flurry and work out the specifics of our plan. If we can do this right," her determination was palpable. "we can save everything. I'm certain of it." "Auntie?" I abruptly stopped moving forward. There was still one more thing I had to know.  "What is it, Cadance?" she paused, turning to look back at me.  "How... old are you?" My question made her visibly uncomfortable, but she sighed the discomfort away.  "Over five thousand years old." There was no mocking or joking in her voice. I'm pretty sure my nose twitched at that revelation. All this time, I'd been under the impression that she was around thirteen hundred, which was a daunting number in itself. Over five thousand though? I was sure she wouldn't have revealed that information prior to today and everything that was currently happening.  "I see... I guess Flurry's nickname is a lot more accurate than I thought," I nodded in disbelief, forcing my systems back to normal operations so she wouldn't feel awkward. She ignored my attempt at a joke. I had never been a very good comedian.  "I suppose you also want to know what I am," she closed her eyes as she looked away from me. The clop of my hooves continuing on our way drew her surprised gaze.  "What do you mean, Auntie?" The smile I flashed was the exact same as the one I'd given her when we first met. "You're Princess Celestia, the sun of our world and my aunt whom I will love until the end of time... and probably even after that." A joyful tear fell from her unmasked face as she joined me inside.   > Twilight : Joy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn, That's wonderful news, Radiant! I had a feeling she viewed you two as friends, you just have to have a little more faith in yourself. Who wouldn't want to be friends with you? You're smart, funny, kind, and the protegé of the ruler of Equestria. Kidding about that last one, of course. Anyway, it sounds like you're already in the process of making another friend. I'm confident before you know it, you'll be friends with all of the citizens of Ponyville! I think a party is a fantastic idea! If I learned anything from Pinkie, it was necessities for a party. All you need for a real banger is three things. First, you'll want a variety of sweets. Cupcakes, pies, muffins, and drinks of some sort should be sufficient. Sugar is pretty crucial to a fun time. Second are fun activities. I'm sure you can find some books on simple games, but if you need specific suggestions, some things me and my friends used to play were pin the tail on the pony, bobbing for apples, and musical chairs. Hopefully, they're still "cool" enough for the ponies of the current generation. Which brings me to the third thing you need, music. A quiet party is generally not something anypony wants to attend. Trust me, I tried to have reading parties all the time and they didn't go over very well, so be sure there's some fun music playing the entire time. Oh, and make sure it's not the type of music you and I typically listen to. Octavia's pieces may be the height of musical genius, but a fun party needs more laid back tunes. Tambourine might be able to help you on that front as I don't really keep up with any contemporary bands. There's one last thing you have to have at a good party, but it's not something you can supply. As long as everypony is doing it, then you can be sure everything is going well. Laughter. Not only will it keep the fun going, but it'll strengthen the bonds between you and your friends. Keep going Radiant, you're doing an exceptional job. So great, it might just be about time for your first expedition. I can't wait to hear back from you.  Twilight Sparkle  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canterlot Castle, along with the rest of the city, looked like a pony's preferred place for pantomiming pink pastel parties... or that's the way Pinkie had put it. At least, I think that's what she'd said. A 7P party or something silly like that.  She and Rarity had gone all out on the birthday decorations. Throughout all of Canterlot pink, purple, and blue balloons, ranging in size from a foal's hoof to entire blimps floated around the city. Some balloons weren't even tied down, I  assume being kept suspended by some of Rarity's enchantments. Extravagant banners and lacey ribbons of similar colors were tied to various buildings and streetlights, some high in the sky, others closer to the ground. The largest amongst them emblazoned with 'Happy 10th birthday, Flurry Heart!'. Multiple buildings had been enchanted to share the color scheme of the party, only for the duration of said party, of course.  Even my castle looked like a foal's toy, inside and out. Flurry seemed to like the festive look and that's all that mattered to me.  "Auntie Twilight, what happened to Canterlot?" she'd asked, her face alight with wonder.  "It's part of your birthday celebration, Flurry. Since you're growing up so fast we thought we'd do something different for your special day this year. Do you like it?" She looked around, chewing on her hoof, a habit she'd picked up when she was a foal.  "YEAH!" her face lit up. I'd spared no expense for my niece's tenth birthday/cute-ceañera, and seeing her approve so enthusiastically made it all worth while. I'd dismissed my guard for the day, the combined power of all of Equestria's alicorns attending, coupled with the exceptional height of peace we'd attained made it seem like an okay decision to make.  We'd decided to hold the party inside the castle gardens, a frequent spot for gatherings, shindigs, celebrations, and any other kind of get togethers one might think of. Similarly themed decorations adorned the area, some even more elaborate than those outside the gardens.  Large recreations of Flurry's newly earned cutie mark, colorful party hats, and plants that were painted to match the aesthetic were everywhere. Even some of the more cooperative animals were decked out in "party clothes". I'll never understand how Pinkie... or I guess probably Fluttershy, were able to manage that.  The place was bustling, filled to capacity by our friends and families. DJ-PON3 was blasting her music over the speakers that were sprinkled throughout the garden. Lyra and Bon Bon were bobbing for apples, though it looked more like Lyra was bobbing and Bon Bon was trying to make sure the cyan unicorn didn't drown herself.  Octavia was... enjoying Vinyl Scratch's performance? I never would've guessed, not in a million years. Perhaps there was more than enjoyment there... maybe admiration? Maybe something more?  Derpy and Dinky were eating... pizza? Well, alright then. Filly's and young colts whizzed this way and that as I made my way to the area we'd set aside for dining. It was almost time for the next part of the celebration. I looked over my list carefully, making absolutely sure I hadn't missed anything.  Sing happy birthday to the birthday girl, eat cake, and open presents were the next three boxes left unchecked. A pink blur of hair and laughter shot past me, the gust of wind blowing my mane and tail into a mess.  "PINKIE! Get back here with that!" Rainbow shouted as she flew by at a barely perceivable speed, though she might've been going a bit slower than Pinkie, which was quite impressive considering the earth pony was running backwards.  "You're too slow, Dashie!" she called from far in the distance. "Catch me if you can!" I didn't see what the party pony had taken, but judging by how fast Dash was movng, it must've been pretty important to the pegasus.  "Slow it down you two, we don't need nopony gettin' hurt cause of y'all's horsin' around!" Applejack was trying to keep the two troublemakers in line, but she couldn't keep up if she'd been given a ten minute head start. "Good luck with that, Aj," I rubbed her shoulder sympathetically as I trotted by. It was a little hard not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.  "Y'know, Twi, I know you're only half poking fun at me, but I'll take any positivity I can get," she smiled at me before pulling her hat down tight on her head and galloping after the others.  "A fruitless endeavor, if I've ever seen one." Rarity had snuck up to stand next to me. She wore a posh summer dress and looked especially chic today, though I suppose she always looked more glamorous than everypony else. Her exasperated face expressed just how she truly felt about Applejack's unenviable predicament.  "I know right," I agreed with the fashionista. "At least her heart's in the right place."  "It always is," she sighed before brightening up considerably. "So what's next, dear? Are we getting ready to sing to the birthday girl?"  "Actually, that's where I'm headed now," I nodded, waving the list at the white unicorn proudly.  "Excuse me, uhm, Rarity?" The demure voice that came from behind us was immediately identifiable.  "What is it, darling?" We turned to find Fluttershy hiding behind her hair, looking very nervous for some unknown reason.  "Uhm... can you help me gather the birds for Flurry's song? Discord was going to help me, but he got into a really serious discussion with Celestia about," she attempted her best Lord of Chaos impression, "'the absolute depravity of fate and what we should be doing to stop it.'" "That sounds like Discord alright," I laughed. I thought I saw something in my peripheral vision, a peculiar looking filly perhaps, but when I turned to take a closer look there was nothing there. Strange... but not too concerning. The ludicrous number of defenses me and the other princesses had employed made Canterlot safer than... well, safer than a good book in my hooves. If anypony dared challenge our combined strength... I don't think I have to say much about that villain's intellect.  "Of course, darling!" Rarity cantered away with Fluttershy to help the pegasus with her problem. "We'll be ready in a few minutes, Twilight."  "Okay!" I called after them.  "I'll make an announcement once you are!" "HI, TWILIGHT!" Fluttershy yelled... Yelled? No, more like slightly louder than normally said to me, as they trotted away.  "Hi, Fluttershy!" I waved back with a giggle. She was much too kind not to acknowledge me at all. Once they were out of view I cleared my throat, casting an amplification spell on my vocal chords. "Attention all party guests, we'll be singing happy birthday to Flurry and then having cake in about ten minutes. I'll repeat this message once all preparations have been  completed. Thank you for coming today and once again happy birthday and cute-ceañera to my adorable niece, Flurry Heart!"  My announcement was met with uproarious cheering. As I continued on my way through the partygoers, my attention was drawn again by something that wasn't there. I jerked my head in the phantom's direction only to find Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.  "Hi girls!" I smiled toothily at them as I looked them over. They cringed a bit at my corny joke before laughing merrily.  "Hey, Twilight!" They almost simultaneously greeted me as soon as their laughter died down.  "We're tryin' to find my sis' so we can help bring out Flurry's cake," Apple Bloom explained as she looked around the area. "Ya haven't seen her, have ya?" "And Rainbow Dash too." Scootaloo was also looking around while she spoke, obviously trying to locate the blue pegasus.  "I don't think you all have to worry about the cake... but maybe you should be ready, just in case," I replied to Apple Bloom first. "And you're in luck, Rainbow Dash should be with Applejack... somewhere around here," I looked around as well, but was unable to spot my friends.  "Thanks, Twilight!" The trio shouted before galloping past me in search of the duo.  "Sweetie?" I stopped Rarity's sister with a foreleg, her two friends continuing on their way.  "Yes, Twilight?" she tilted her head.  "You're still gonna perform after, right?" The young unicorn was quickly becoming a prominent singer and sometimes with fame like hers came... less desirable qualities. "Flurry loves your singing the most." "Of course, Twilight!" she saluted with a hoof and a determined grin. "I'll sing until I can't sing another note!"  "Thanks, Sweetie," I chuckled at her silliness. She followed after her best friends, laughing all the way.  "Wait up, girls!" her voice cracked as she sprinted away.  Some things never change... "They grow up so fast, don't they?" Starlight's sudden presence startled me into the air with a shriek.  "STARLIGHT!?" I gasped, trying to catch my breath as I flapped my wings.  "Sorry, I couldn't resist," she giggled, a sheepish grin on her face.  "Were you the one sneaking around earlier?" I landed back on the ground. A small prank would give everything that'd happened a sensible context.  "Noooo?" she raised a brow, her demeanor instantly serious. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, don't worry about it." It was probably nothing. At least nothing important. "Is Trixie still performing?"  "She was pretty miffed you interrupted with that spell," she lifted her head toward her best friend pulling a dragon out of her hat which she promptly pushed back inside. Mom and dad were sitting behind Flurry and Spike, the four of them laughing and clapping at the honestly pretty impressive trick.  Flurry was wildly jumping up and down and gesturing at the dragon next to her. Spike was laughing uncontrollably at the enthusiasm of my niece. I frowned, a little disappointed in myself for not being more considerate of the magician or her obviously stellar performance.  "I should've waited," I said as Starlight went to join them.  "It's no biggie, Twilight. I'll keep an eye out for any..." she shifted her eyes left to right. "Danger," she chuckled.  "Just enjoy yourself, Starlight," I returned the laughter. The sudden sensation of being watched fell on me like a grand piano being moved by a very clumsy mailmare I knew. As I finally drew near the dining tables I found a frantic draconequus ranting around an alicorn who was clearly at the end of her rope.  "I'm telling you, Celestia, this isn't something we can ignore! If we don't-"  "TWILIGHT!" My mentor sprung to life when she noticed me, her previous look of boredom turning into pure joy.  "Hi, Princess," I bowed my head at the one I still considered my superior, despite my own position. "Hello, Discord, how goes the party?"  "Good! You're finally here. Maybe you can talk some sense into Celest-" "Discord, this is a birthday party, can't it wait until later?" The enthusiasm my mentor had gotten from seeing me was already gone.  "Why don't you ever take things like this seriously, Celestia?" The Lord of Chaos sure knew a thing or two about times and places. "If Luna were here right now, she'd agree with me." Celestia rolled her eyes at his frustration. "Well she's-" "Twily!" My brother's voice drowned out Princess Celestia's and grabbed my attention. "Come on over, sit with me and Cadance," he wrapped his powerful foreleg around my neck. I mouthed sorry to Princess Celestia and Discord as I was pulled away. They immediately went right back to bickering with each other.  "Twilight!" Cadance waved me over with a hoof and a smile. "Everything is perfect, thank you so much for doing this for us!" We exchanged a quick hug before I sat down next to her.  "It's my pleasure. I'm glad I could do it." I brightened up several notches when one of the servers hired to work the party placed a cup of cold juice in front of me. "Thank you!"  "Of course, Your Highness. Can I get you anything else?" The polite earth pony straightened up and toyed with her mane a bit.  "No, that'll do." I tasted the sweet juice. Apple. Apple family apple. That made sense. The earth pony bowed before taking her leave.  "It must have cost a fortune though. We can pay for-"  "That's not necessary," I cut Shining Armor off. "Canterlot has such an abundance of bits I was actually thinking of commissioning an amusement park whose sole theme is books." They looked at me like I was a crazy mare, even though I was only half joking. "I'm kidding guys, obviously." They laughed awkwardly. They knew it wasn't a complete joke and their reactions made me laugh happily.  "Auntie Twilight!" The sweet filly's voice came from my niece who was running my way. Spike, Mom, and Dad were in tow, talking to each other with pleased looks on their faces.  "How was Trixie's show, Flurry?" I let her jump onto my lap. She had a balloon animal tied in the shape of a ferocious dragon attached to her wing... well, as ferocious as a balloon could be. A few flowers were painted on her face and she was carrying a half eaten apple in her telekinesis. "Did you like it?" "Yeah! Did you know Tricks-Trix-Tricksy helped beat up the Queen of the Changelings before?" The look of amazement on her face was so cute, I nearly died. It was ironic that Trixie had gone from lying about defeating ursa majors to telling the truth about helping stop a monster like Chrysalis.  "I did! Trixie is great and powerful after all." The squeal of delight I heard come from the distance had to have been the blue magician.  "She's so cool!" my niece nodded. The second squeal confirmed my initial suspicion. "Did you know Spike is the strongest dragon there is?" That statement made me raise an eyebrow.  "Oh, is he now?" I looked at the still very young dragon. He was looking into the sky whistling and twiddling his thumbs.  "He's not?" Flurry's ears drooped.  "Well, he is the strongest dragon I know," I rustled her mane. Her gasp and the happiness that came to her face made everypony around us laugh. "Are you ready for cake and your presents?" I patted the top of her head. "YEAH!" she exploded with glee, her horn glowing brighter with magical energy. Once Rarity and Fluttershy returned with the birds and after I made a second announcement, we waited a few minutes for everypony to find a place to watch. Finally, once everypony was comfortable, we were ready to begin.  "Discord, do you mind?" I asked the draconequus who was still glaring at a so done with him she'd have left if it wasn't her own family's party, Princess Celestia.  "Of course not, Twilight," he snapped a claw, teleporting the largest, flashiest cake I'd ever seen into the center of the gathered crowd. Everypony else must have been just as amazed as I was because the only thing that followed was the sound of crickets chirping.  It's a good thing the tables we used were so sturdy, anything weaker would've crumbled under the weight of the gateau. I swear, if I could see Pinkie right now she'd be lying unconscious on the ground, her tail twitching uncontrollably.  "HOLY COW!!!" her shout echoed around us. Yep, she's definitely impressed. "Now hold on a sec, that ain't the cake I baked," Applejack said, taking off her hat and scratching her head.  "The flavors and ingredients are the same," Discord clarified. "However, I took some... artistic liberties to spruce it up a bit." That's putting it mildly. The twenty foot high cake had real flowing rivers of chocolate and dancing pieces of candy. At the very top was a small rainbow colored fireworks display that repeatedly shifted between the messages  "Happy Birthday Flurry!" and "Happy Cute-ceañera Flurry!". Slices of apple and chocolate coated candy accented the white, blue, pink, and purple frosting. The dessert itself didn't appear to follow the laws of physics, some sections higher up larger than those beneath them. Ten lit candles were evenly spread around it on various layers. "It's... acceptable... isn't it?" For a second Discord genuinely looked a little worried. I glanced down at Flurry whose hanging mouth and twinkling eyes were the best approval possible. "It's so cool," she finally managed to squeak out, causing everypony else to laugh.  "See? It's fine," Discord nodded confidently, much more confidently than a second before at least. Flurry leapt into the air, flying up to the floating ancient being. She placed her small forelegs around his neck.  "Thank you, Discord." The draconequus was visibly shaken by the act of love. He let out a quick breath, clearly fighting back tears of joy. "Anytime, my little pony," he gave her a light hug back before she landed inches from the absurd cake. I looked around at everypony. All of my friends and family. This is bliss. This is what I want more than anything else, nothing more.  I cast a simple darkening spell to shroud the garden. The light coming from the cake made it even more of a spectacle and drew oohs and aahs from the crowd around it. Flurry nearly danced at the sight. "Everypony ready?" I asked, the crowd cheering in response. I looked down at my niece who looked back excitedly. "Ready, Flurry?"  "Yeah!" she nodded, throwing an enthusiastic hoof into the air.  "A one, and a two, and a one, two, three, happy birthday to you!" everypony else joined in after my countdown.  "Happy birthday to you!" Amongst the faces I loved hovered something else, glowing and moving about quickly. It could've been a face, perhaps a clown's, but instead of face paint its eyes and mouth shone with white light.  "Happy... birthday... dear... Flurry!" The voices of my friends and family began to slow and distort.  "HaPpY BiRThdaY To yoU?" I was the only one left singing, my voice deep and unfamiliar. Cold faces had replaced those celebrating from moments ago, barely lit by the flickering fire of the candles.  "Dis... cord?" My heart was racing, the terrifying visages now resembling evil spirits and not my loved ones. "Enough of this foolishness," the echoing voice sent chills down my spine. Time seemed to freeze as the darkness of my spell was swept away, replaced by a late night setting. The full moon in the sky was abnormally large, a looming behemoth that made me feel itchy.  "Princess... Luna?" I called out, knowing she could help get me out of this predicament, but unsure why she was remaining hidden. Maybe this has to do with that skulking being I hadn't been able to pin down.  "Your mind and desires perplex me, Twilight Sparkle." She sounded confused, like she was looking at a math equation that didn't add up.  "What? Princess, I need your help right now!" I was beginning to get irritated at her lack of concern. This could be an invasion and she was staying in the shadows making pointless observations. "I honestly believed I might come to understand your machinations if I overstepped my bounds, but it is apparent that I was incorrect."  "PRINCESS LUNA!?" I roared. Why is she being so cryptic? Did she not realize lives could be at stake? What if it was whatever Discord had been so adamantly arguing with Princess Celestia about? "Have you not realized yet, Twilight Sparkle? I expected so much more of you."  "REALIZED WHAT!?" I  was about to start slinging locating spells in all directions to find the Princess of the Night. Heck, I was seconds from casting some destructive spells at where I thought she might be.  "Behold the truth, Twilight Sparkle." A spotlight shined on my niece.  "F-Flur-" My eyes grew wide, seeing something I'd never imagined nor wanted to see. I stumbled forward off of my chair at my one and only niece. She was lifeless, gray, locked in place, mouth still open as if she were still singing her birthday song. "Flurry?" My hoof was millimeters away from her when a gentle breeze disintegrated her body and carried its remnants away. It was like she was just dust, just like everypony and everything else around me. All that remained were me and that accursed moon. "This can't be..." A sudden moment of clarity gripped me. Of course... It all makes sense.  "The past is long gone, Twilight," her voice was suddenly nails on a chalkboard, grating on my nerves. I wanted to find the Princess of the Night for much more malicious reasons now. "Shut up!" I whispered. I'd been using spells to keep myself awake, how could I have been so stupid? "You cannot change the fate of those already gone," she persisted.  "Shut up!" I shouted. I'd made a catastrophic mistake. How could I have forgotten to repeat the spell? Was I really that tired? I had to find a way out of this situation. With how long I'd been awake, I'd be trapped here for much longer than she'd need to accomplish whatever she was aiming for.  "It is time for you to face your greatest fear, Twilight Sparkle." Her voice was much closer now, almost as if she was right on top of me.  "SHUT UP!" I blasted my magic in all directions, a magenta explosion of energy powerful enough to vaporize anything it came into contact with.  "Your strength means nothing here, Twilight." Luna stood behind me, not a scratch or speck of dirt on her. I'll wipe that cocky grin off of her face if it's the last thing I do. I shifted my source of magic, the power of the darkness leagues above my own. It'd be a necessity to stand a chance against the dark alicorn. "That will change nothing," she shook her head.  "We'll see about that!" As my horn fully illuminated I blasted several projectiles at the Night Princess, each successfully connecting with my target.  "Perhaps a more drastic demonstration is in order," she said after my attacks failed to have any effect. Her horn lit up for a split second before she slowly tilted her head in appreciation of her own handy work. "Better?"  "What did y-" I couldn't channel magic. "GIVE IT BACK!" I snarled as I rushed to get right in her face. She didn't budge, her bored eyes not concerned in the slightest. If my body was fully matured, I'd at least be physically bigger than her, but my mind had trapped me in my own past and so, I had to look up at her.   "And if I refuse?" she yawned, obviously not tired at all. I growled, wanting to bite her face. Even though that sounded like a pleasurable idea, It wouldn't make a difference. Here in the dream realm she was absolute. There was no way out except waking up. I stomped away from her in a huff.  "What do you want from me?" I sat on my haunches, too angry to look at her smug face. She can't kill me.  Not in the dream realm at least. The worst she could do was destroy my mind and I was somewhat certain that wasn't her intention or she would've already done it.  "You are mistaken, Twilight." The clip-clop of her hooves drew closer from behind me.  "What!?" I spat as I glared at her over my shoulder.  "It is clear that defeating you in combat did naught to improve your attitud-" "DEFEAT!?" I scoffed. She narrowed her gaze, continuing with a bit more contempt in her voice.  "So I have come to best you where all of your confidence lies." "If I recall correctly, Princess," I said her long gone title with false reverence and a mocking bow. "You ran away like a foal with her tail between her legs." The tic that started in her jaw was way too easy to see. That's why you could never be the true representative of Equestria. She wore her emotions on her sleeve and had never found a way to remedy that problem.  "I believe..." she put on a fake smile that almost made me laugh. That wouldn't work on a foal Luna, much less another princess. "That was after you had officially conceded our duel."  "All's fair in love and war, Luna," I shrugged. "To think otherwise makes you nothing more than a fool." Strangely enough, this taunt didn't work on her. She looked... sad.  "The old ways then..." she sat down, an unseen weight suddenly appeared to be pushing down on her shoulders. "If you knew the true gravity of such a philosophy you would reconsider this entire debacle."  "One must crack a few eggs to make an omelette." Is she looking down on me too? Such a foolish way of thinking wouldn't do much to further her agenda. "Even foals know that much."  "How many?" she glared at me, a look of authentic anger on her face.  "As many as it takes," I narrowed my eyes back at her, willing to die on this hill. "No, Twilight," she was starting to lose her composure. "how many have you 'cracked'?"  "What?!" I was disgusted by her accusation. "How dare you!? I'm nothing like you or your sister."  "DO NOT SPEAK OF MATTERS BEYOND YOUR CAPACITY CHILD!" My mention of Celestia made her rage boil over, the impact of her Royal Canterlot Voice pushing me several feet away from her. So protective. So easy to manipulate.  "Matters like what, Luna?" I stood to my hooves. If she wanted to debate morals with me she'd never win. "You mean secrets like you and Celestia filling Equestria's history with lies?" "We did no such thing!" Her anger was still there, but there was enough truth in my inquiry to destabilize her. "Starswirl and his followers, YOUR ancestors did what they believed to be best for their little nation. They used US! Celestia and I have always been mere symbols, tools for YOUR kind to fulfill their own selfish desires." She was seething. "So not only do you hold grudges against your own sister, but against your own species?" It's not what she'd meant. Far from it, but it was way too easy a target to let slip by.  "I-I never said-" she stumbled over her words. "I hold enmity against none, Twilight." She's already faltering way too much. She may have complete control over her realm, but not my thoughts, and I never lost a battle of wits. "Then you bear no ill-will toward me?" She flinched at a question we both already knew the answer to. She was about to reply, but I wasn't going to let her get the upper hoof. "I tried to kill your sister and you don't hold any grudges against me, Luna?" I held a hoof against my chest to emphasize my point. "You tell lies, Princess." "I..." she was completely off balance, contemplating all of her possible responses, none of them returning a favorable situation for her. After a few seconds, a look of understanding came over her. I didn't like it. She took a long breath in through her nose and let it out through her mouth. Her expression after was one of complete serenity. "I hold many grudges, Twilight," her horn sparkled dark blue. I tried to cut her off, but my mouth would no longer open. She stared at me, knowing I couldn't say a word. I wished the daggers I was glaring at her were real. "Against Chrysalis, for what she did to my sister. Against Tirek, for what he did to my family. Against villains that scarred my sister and I before you were even a thought in anypony's mind. Against you, for all that you have done. But I bear no grudges against my sister or the blameless inhabitants of Equestria." She seemed to be getting some sort of cathartic effects from this speech of hers. If I couldn't press her buttons this would be much more difficult than I thought. "None who live now amongst ponykind lived when I was swept to the side. Holding a vendetta against them would be unjustified," the light of her horn blinked out.  "Playing dirty?" I rubbed my jaw with a hoof, finally able to move it freely.  "On the contrary, we shall each take our turn to speak." She could do this so much easier than she was choosing to, but her pointless honor was putting unnecessary shackles on her. "I will not interrupt you, Twilight. You are free to speak your mind during your own time." How dumb.  "I should've expected as much from Nightmare Moon." My taunt didn't faze her. Another approach then. "How many would she have 'cracked' if me and my friends hadn't stopped you?"  "I am no longer the Nightmare and have paid for the crimes I once committed." Indirect attacks weren't working out the way I wanted.  "Then what about before that?" I slowly tilted my head, a devious smile lifting my lips.  "Before..." It wasn't a question or confusion, it was my opening.  "How many did you and Celestia 'crack' before Equestria?" I took a stalking step toward her. She looked me directly in my eyes, her own colder than the harshest blizzard conjured up by any windigos.  "Speaking for myself?" she tilted her head to the side deep in thought. "By my own hooves?" I took a fearful step back at her icy demeanor. "If not hundreds of thousands, then millions." Another step back. "Much more than I could ever count or keep track of." She was speaking as if what she'd said was normal.  "L-Luna..." My plans fell apart as my curiosity took over.  "Yes?"  "H-how can you... you've killed..." I couldn't process such an unimaginable assertion.  "As I said, Twilight Sparkle. When one must fight to survive, when others live by 'all is fair in love and war', one must..." her face was suddenly full of disgust, as if she was disappointed in herself. "Tis not true, tis who we once were. We do not regret our actions." She suddenly looked different. The Princess of the Night who'd fought to save Equestria multiple times was gone, replaced by something ruthless... something frightening. "If the world thou intendest to create is one in the same as what we hath survived so long ago," she ignited her horn, her eyes lifeless. "We shall not hesitate to become the monster we once were."  The wall behind her was endless, stretching horizontally and vertically so far into the distance, I could not see the end of it. So many corpses of creatures that I was familiar with and so many I couldn't recognize, many resembling evolved animals that must have  existed in Equestria's past, were piled atop one another. Those I could identify, ponies, thestrals, changelings, kirin, buffalo, centaur, minotaur, zebra, were less in number. And then there were the others. What appeared to be feline, canine, ursidae, reptilia, and some I couldn't describe, were far more abundant. There were even a few building sized dragons amongst her disgusting collection.  It wasn't a spell she used to deceive or intimidate me. It wasn't an illusion at all. It was directly from Luna's mind, a literal visual representation of all the creatures she'd slaughtered. I cowered under the sheer scale of her brutality.  "Y-you... monster..." I couldn't form a coherent thought. Could Celestia be the same? It isn't possible... Nopony could be this evil.  "Perhaps," she walked slowly toward me. I backed away as my heart pounded in my chest, threatening to split my ribcage in two. I'd wagered she wasn't here to destroy my mind, but now I wasn't sure of anything.  "S-stay away from me!" I tripped over my own hooves as I backed away, falling onto my flank. My command was much less convincing than I'd wanted. She had the advantage. She was winning and it didn't even seem to matter to her. She continued to stare into my eyes as she stalked toward me.  "Ah, yes! There was one, was there not?" She paused in her tracks, looking around the world of her creation.  "What!?" I was trembling, her menacing aura stirring the fear in my heart. With no magic and no tactical upper hoof I had nothing to aid me. I was helpless and at the mercy of a psychopath that could destroy me at any moment.  "Thy dream. We noticed a missing piece..." She located whatever she'd been searching for, nodding her head, pleased with herself. "We suppose tis within reason, she would not have been living so long ago." Her horn shined dark blue, an explosion of light right next to the alicorn bringing about my complete submission.  "P-Princess Twilight!?" The small pony was covered in dark magical chains, anchored to the spot and unable to move a muscle.  "RADIANT!?" I crawled forward, the terror that consumed me or maybe Luna's control over her realm, preventing me from standing, it was irrelevant which. Seeing my pupil granted me a grain of courage, but logic throttled that temporary benefit.  "Princess, w-what's going on!?" She struggled to move, to look around, but she was locked firmly in place. It isn't her! it can't be! She was gone and this was just a dream regardless, but... something screamed inside me, demanded that it really was her. This was different than what had happened in Ponyville. She was different.  "There are some that believe a soul can endure in the memory of those who remember it." Luna looked down at the struggling unicorn, her expression one of intense disappointment. "This all began over a single soul. Thou threwest away our love for thee, took so many lives for thine own selfish desires... Such abhorrent foolishness."  "Wait, Luna, what do you mean?!" Magical chains like those constricting Radiant emerged from the ground, wrapping around my legs and body and halting any meager progress I was making toward the trapped unicorn. "What do you mean her soul could endure?!" I pulled against the restraints, but they were unforgiving. Luna's horn began to shimmer. "LUNA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"  "Who are you talking to, Princess?" Radiant was definitely afraid and it made my rage explode. Could she not see the Night Princess inches from her? Luna looked down on me with pity before her spell was complete. She manifested a large contraption around my devoted student.  Her head was held tightly in metal, a small basket underneath it. The other part of the device, high above, had a fixed magical blade that floated several meters in the air. If that falls... "LUNA, STOP!!!" I pulled harder on the chains, jerking and fighting with all my might, but to no avail.  "But we must return the favor, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia's pleas fell on deaf ears when thou tortured her," she looked deep into my student's eyes with disdain. "While this one may not truly be alive, her value to thee should be a proper first step in thine atonement. We shall remove her from thine memories." She stood between me and Radiant, blocking my vision. I tried to channel magic, tried to pull myself from the cuffs, tried to break the chains with my teeth. I failed.  "LUNA, PLEASE! I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!" She ever so slightly glanced at me from over her shoulder. "Y-you're right, please! Just, just don't do this okay! We can work it out just... please!" It was all ineffective desperation, but I had nothing else to turn to.  "Deaf ears," she said in finality as she pointed at her head. Her horn glimmered as she stared coldly into my desperate eyes. The blade descended.  "Pri-"  SHHHTHIK  I clamped my eyes shut, hearing the blade cutting through the air before a horrendous sound I will never forget, followed by a dull thud. When I finally found the courage to open my eyes Luna's were still boring into mine. Everything had become crimson. I shook, wanting nothing more than to get out of this nightmare.  "We shall finish this vendetta in reality, Twilight Sparkle. Thou hast pushed beyond thine bounds," she fully turned to me, her horn a pillar of light. Actually there was one thing I wanted more than to leave. I wanted her life. She was a monster. A monster I would put down, no matter the cost. "We await thee in the Crystal Empire. Come," she smirked, "avenge thine faithful student, Princess of Equestria." "I swear on my life, Luna," I heard something begin moving above me. "I WILL KI-" SHHHHTHIK Soft cloth and darkness.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Princess Twilight,  I'm not sure about everypony in Ponyville, but I'd be content with two friends. Speaking of which, his name is Gale, Gale Wind, and he reminds me a lot of the stories you told me about Rainbow Dash. He's constantly trying to show me and Tamby his flying stunts. I'm not sure if it's to impress us or cause he thinks he's amazing and everypony should watch him. Probably a little bit of both, to be honest. We're planning a party. Your suggestions all sounded great! I really wish Octavia was more popular with ponies my age, though I guess I wouldn't be aware of her either without you showing me her music. I guess it comes with the whole immortal princess gig, huh? Y'know I bet Tamby would like Octavia. Gale would probably complain about her though. My first expedition? I'll ask Tamby about it too. Maybe by then Gale would be willing to help too. I think I'm ready for it, Princess.  Your most devoted student, Radiant Dawn > Celestia : Infiltration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you certain she's coming, Luna?" Cadance, Flurry, my sister, and I were waiting in the center of the throne room inside the Crystal Palace. We'd been standing around for what felt like an eternity for the arrival of my wayward student.  In reality, I had brought about dawn less than five minutes ago, but the tension that permeated the air made it seem as if time was dragging on like a disobedient pet that didn't want to go for their customary walk. That was one of the many reasons the only "pet" I was friends with over the last few thousand years was Philomena.  I missed her dearly more often than not, but a phoenix should never be tied down to one place for too long. If she came to visit our home now... I should've left a message for her... or done anything at all for that matter. I suppose there were much more pressing matters to attend to, it just felt inconsiderate looking back at how simple a triggered spell would've been to leave behind.  She's a smart girl. It'll be fine. My little sister looked very annoyed at my tenth? inquiry... possibly more. Last night, Luna had finally found an opening to invade Twilight's dreams. It was not something she did without serious consideration. Her duty had always been to eliminate the nightmares of the citizens of Equestria, to help them deal with the problems that plagued them during their waking hours, not to use her gift to trespass for her own desires.  Her desperate maneuver was a testament to how severe our situation had become, that she'd forsaken her pride and went on with her plan said more than any words ever could.  "As I have said several times already, Tia, she will be here. I am more certain of that than I am of my own ability to raise and lower my moon," she confirmed once again. I'd asked her what she'd said or done to force Twilight's hoof, but she refused to speak a word. That being the case, I assumed whatever had occurred between the two of them was especially despicable, but fully understood her need to utilize such deplorable methods.  We had no other options and our actions were starting to reflect that restriction. Cadance and Flurry had the city evacuated to underground caves far beneath the Crystal Palace. Their entire army was ready to defend their homes and their ponies to the death, should we be defeated and those caves be breached.  However, if it actually came to that, all would already be lost. The Rainbow Guard stood between the caves and any aggressors that might try to infiltrate them. If the elite fell, regular guards would stand little chance against foes so strong. The common pony was adept at common objectives, but today would be as far away from common as one could get.  So much was riding on me, my sister, Cadance, and Flurry, but there was also an immense responsibility on the Rainbow Guard. If what Luna hinted at was true, she'd pushed Twilight over the edge, and she had no reason to lie. We'll follow her right off that edge and we'll bring her back! Kicking and screaming, if need be.  That being said, if Twilight used some sort of army created from evil magic, the Rainbow Guard would be our last line of defense against such a force. I'd never really interacted with any of them before today, but something interesting had happened during our preparations earlier in the morning. One particular member of the Rainbow Guard had pulled me aside while Cadance, Flurry, and I were setting up defensive measures around the city. ____________________________________________________________________________ We stood facing each other in the cramped guard outpost. The room wasn't so small as much as the two of us were... very large, for lack of a better description. He was a hulking stallion of earth pony descent, his mammoth frame a tad larger than my own, though if I tried my hardest and spread my wings as far as they would open I could probably look larger... possibly. His steel armor could be contributing to his scale, or at least that's what I initially thought, but when he lifted his helmet from his head and placed it under his foreleg, I could see that it wasn't by much, if at all. His coat was a lime green, mane and tail both pitch black, straight, and very long. Rugged blue eyes shined with a strength of will that I only ever encountered in earth ponies. Guessing his age, I'd put him in his early fifties. "Ah apologize fer bringin' ya tuh uh secluded place like this, Yer Highness," his farmpony drawl gave the Apple family's a run for their money. Much like that illustrious family, there was a welcoming, friendly tinge to his deep voice. "And fer mah lack of proper royal etiquette," he fidgeted uncomfortably.  "It's quite alright, ah..." I paused, not sure how to continue. "OH! Right, I mostly go by Stronghold, Yer Highness," he saluted with his hoof that wasn't holding his helmet. "Wait uh tick, that ain't right," he looked down at himself before abruptly cutting his salute short and bowing low instead. I held in a giggle.  "Mostly go by?" He'd piqued my curiosity, though I should have foreseen the reasoning.  "Cap'n Flurry tends to refer tuh me as 'Big Guy'," he stood up straight. I had to hold another laugh in. If nothing else, Flurry's nicknames are quite accurate.  "An apt description."  "Ah suppose." He didn't seem troubled by the name. "It's who she is. Reckon she's given everypony she's ever met uh peculiar nickname," his face scrunched up as something came to his mind, "cept Violet, but she's uh whole nother story."  "Her friend Spike as well." I ran through all I knew who'd not been given an alternate name by the mischievous alicorn. The list was quite exclusive. He nodded in agreeance. "True, Capn's very respectful when it comes tuh dragons, or at least tuh Spike,"  he smiled as he stroked his chin with a hoof. "They're tough creatures." "Indeed, though I'm afraid we seem to have gotten a bit off topic." His suddenly wide eyes snapped to mine. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Stronghold." "Pleasure's all mine, Yer Highness," he breathed a sigh of relief as he scratched the back of his head. "Now then, first off, apologies, I don't tend tuh lollygag like this, I promise, though ah suppose ah don't get thuh ear of thuh Princess of Equestria often."  "Former princess," I raised a hoof to correct him. "Once uh princess, always uh princess, Yer Highness," he smiled. "Second, thuh reason ah had tuh speak with ya. Cap'n filled us all in on thuh mission today," he slowly grew more stoic as he spoke. "Ah wanna know why were bein' put on thuh rear line." A soldier is created and trained to fight for their ideals. The best place to do that was on the front where the action is. Does he feel disgraced? If that was the case it was wholly unnecessary.  "The rear line is not as... dishonorable as you might think, Stronghold." "Princess?"  "What is the extent of our forces?" I wasn't sure what Flurry had told her guard and so, didn't want to reveal anything kept hidden by her.  "Well uh, not that it matters much, what with Cap'n at thuh front, but as far as I can tell we also have you, Princess Luna, thuh Rainbow Guard and thuh Crystal Guard," he raised a brow. "And ah suppose Princess Cadance too, but like ah said, with cap'n at thuh front our princess will be comfortably watching thuh battle from afar." Such unshakeable faith in their captain was an impressive feat, both for Flurry and her soldiers.  "And you're aware of who our enemy is, correct?" He looked away just a bit before refocusing and replying. "The capn's aunt and Princess Cadance's sister-in-law, Twilight Sparkle," he declared with all the discipline one would expect from an elite guard. The mask I put on was one of pity. This whole situation was just too sad to take. In reality, I wanted to gauge his empathy toward my niece and granddaughter. "Then you're also aware that this is not simply a fight to the death?" I asked. He took a deep breath before sighing.  "Yes, ma'am," he kept his reply short. "What would you do if you were in the place of your captain right now?" His head dropped progressively as I went on. "What would you do, would you feel, if your own aunt was coming to attack you and your citizens and you still loved her dearly?" He remained quiet. I placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder guard. "I don't envy the position your captain is in, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is a tactical expert without rival." He chuckled. "If she put the Rainbow Guard on the rear line, then it's the most important place to utilize your skills." His head raised to show a satisfied smile.  "It's easy tuh see why ya ruled fer so long, Yer Highness," he looked down at me with admiration. "With subjects like you, ruling was both a blessing and a joy, Stronghold," I smiled at him. "Thank ya kindly, Princess, fer whipping this old guard back inta shape," he bowed his head, his smile growing wider.  "Thank you Stronghold, for using your gifts for the betterment and safety of those who need you and not just for yourself," I returned his warm smile.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It had been a pleasant conversation, one that infused me with a solid confidence in the rest of the Crystal Army. If half of Flurry's guard were as competent as Stronghold, we'd have nothing to worry about in that area. As the first line of defense for the empire, one that would hopefully prevent any loss of life, the four of us had combined our mana to cast a protective barrier around the city. Even Twilight herself with evil magic would take a fairly long time to bring it down.  Currently, my horn shined with a prepped teleportation spell, one that would take Cadance and I all the way to Canterlot. As soon as I had confirmation of Twilight's presence near the city, I'd transfer Cadance and myself to our destination where we'd begin our part of the mission. Flurry and Luna should be able to occupy Twilight's time for long enough, but their part was one of precision, not power. Worst case scenario, they overwhelmed or frustrated Twilight to the point where she'd retreat back to Canterlot. That was not acceptable, though I suppose not the worst case scenario, all things considered. The WORST case scenario would be Flurry and Luna getting trounced in seconds and... Guilt gripped me tightly as I surveyed the family around me. We'll be okay. We just have to stick to the plan. One member of our family was hurting. We have to save her. Still... "Cadance, Flurry!" My niece and her daughter turned their gazes my way, both filled with a confidence I wished I had. "If you don't want to do this..." my own determination wavered for only a second, but they both saw the weakness clearly. My body slumped, the weight of such a foolish display crushing down onto me. In such a dangerous environment any decent soldier would've lost their nerve then and there and abandoned their leader in such a moment of folly. But they weren't great soldiers, they were so much more than that. They were my beloved. My family. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Auntie." Cadance gave me a reassuring smile.  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're all nervous," Flurry agreed with her mother. "Not just you, Granny." "We are in this together, Tia. No matter what may happen," Luna lifted her forehooves to the three of us. We drew closer to one another, embracing in a group hug. "We will see it through to the end."  "LUNA! WHERE ARE YOU!? GET OUT HERE YOU HORSE!" The volume and ferocity of Twilight's yell made the Royal Canterlot Voice sound like a whisper in the middle of a Countess Coloratura concert. The planet itself rocked back and forth at the bellow as the four of us held onto each other so that we wouldn't fall over. Then the explosions began. The barrier we'd cast was being pummeled by a continuous barrage of powerful spells. "LUNAAAAA!" My infuriated student screeched, sounding like she might be possessed by a demon. Her attacks persisted, not relenting for a second.  "What did you do, Granny?" Flurry looked up at the shaking ceiling in utter amazement and possibly a little admiration. The strength Twilight was employing was something to be marveled at. "Enough," my sister remained vague. "We must make haste, Flurry. Be wary of her evil spells. Even with your special talent, you must remain vigilant."  "Right!" she snapped to attention. Cadance pulled her daughter's head close to her own, their faces inches from each other.  "Be careful, my little heart." Cadance kissed the younger alicorn on the cheek who blushed crimson, but nodded confidently in response.  "Come on, Mom," Flurry turned to me, a little embarrassed. "Keep her safe, Granny Sola. I love you guys." I nodded, looking over the most important ponies in my life. "Let's fix this mess, girls." It's time to bring her back. Time to make everything right. "It's time for harmony to return to Equestria." I declared confidently. They nodded back in unison. I casted my teleportation spell on Cadance and myself, expecting to be stopped by the barrier around the city once again, however this time there was no unwanted collision.  "Auntie..." Cadance had better senses than most, including myself, but anypony could see that something was very wrong. The two of us stood in front of Canterlot Castle as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The first thing that stood out to me was the lack of sounds.  No birds chirping, no bugs buzzing, no gentle breeze or wind blowing about. It was as if we were in a painting and not reality. Everything looked correct, but using any sense other than sight immediately made it clear that it was anything but. "Flurry was right," I remarked. There were no guards at their stations, no delegates from other nations strolling about, no upper class ponies flaunting their status to anypony that would give them the time of day. "There's nothing..."  "Down to the smallest bug," Cadance stared at the ground. The questioning look I gave her asked her to continue without me having to say a word. "There aren't even ants IN the ground, just as there are no birds in the air. There is no love here, not an ounce of it." She sounded disgusted. "We weren't supposed to appear here," I looked up at the double doors of the castle in front of us. "But I think that's your influence. Did you do something?" She nodded in response.  "When we were teleporting, I could feel the... evil power of the barrier. I coated our bodies with my magic, a simple love spell spread out all over us," she swept her hooves over her body, helping me to visualize. "Kind of like when an earth pony sanitizes their hooves when they're about to do invasive surgery. That was my logic, at least. I guess it was enough because the spell is gone now," she looked closer at her foreleg. Without a word I pulled her into a hug. "AUNTIE?!" "Excellent work, Cadance! I hadn't even thought of trying something like that." If her spells could be used as a repellent then we had so many more options than I had originally thought. That development would also make traversing the castle much safer as well. She stepped out of my embrace, a contemplative look on her face. "I'll cast another to give us a last line of defense... just in case," she flared magic into her horn.  "Great idea!" I nodded. "We're already making good time. I expected to spend so much longer on the outside of the barrier." "You don't think it might've been a little... too easy?" she finished casting her spells. I honestly did, but I decided to stay quiet. What conclusion had she come to? "Why only one barrier to keep us out? And why have it be completely comprised of that particular element of magic?" she stared at the double doors as if they were going to attack us at any moment.  "What do you think?" I had a hunch, but Cadance's intuition and perception were invaluable. If she was getting red flags then I would follow her lead, no questions asked.  "It could be a trap, but..." "But?" I lifted a brow. "With how angry she sounded, she was probably overcome by emotion," she examined the double doors even closer. "I think she acted without thinking and we have the advantage now." "Agreed. If Luna's tactics drove Twilight to act so rashly, then that would explain why her city isn't more fortified." We'd overcome the first defense easily, Twilight's lack of foresight costing her dearly. Now we just had to find that book, but where to look first? We didn't even know what it looked like, much less where it might be located.  "The book could be in her quarters, though that's probably being a little too optimistic," I tapped my chin with a hoof. "Checking the archives first would make more sense, but getting inside the more guarded areas is very time consuming, which can prove costly in the end. Plus, we may have set off alarms when we entered the city as well. Even more concerning, we could be dealing with deadly traps past this point." While I brainstormed she was intently examining the doors, as if there was something tiny that she could see but I could not. "Cadance?" "Have you ever heard the theory that everything has life..." Her face scrunched up as she casted a spell. "Maybe a better word would be energy," she was using microscopic vision to look at the door now. I started to worry. "Cadance, I don't think we're really in a position to be waxing philosophical," I walked up next to her, now just as curious as she was about the simple wood of the monstrous doors.  "I'm not, Auntie," she fell to her haunches with a discontented sigh. "I've got... really, really bad news." She looked absolutely dejected. "What... what is it?"  "There's evil magic all over," she focused her gaze on me, getting her face way too close to mine. "Even on you and me. It's... doing something very slowly. Maybe what Aunt Luna said, stealing the energy of whatever it comes into contact with," she backed away as she began scrutinizing the ground. I magnified my own vision, my horn humming quietly. Looking at my foreleg I could only see the white of my coat and the delicate skin underneath. Not until I stopped moving and really concentrated did I start to see it. Vibrating and black, it resembled mold that might grow on extremely damp surfaces.  "Cadance, how did you-" "When I casted the spells on us the second time they immediately started to disintegrate," she quelled her magic after sharing that, staring at the space in front of her for a minute. "Logically speaking, the only cause could be they were already being destroyed by evil magic." Had Twilight's protections been so lackluster because she had this? Is the environment itself uninhabitable?  "Is there any sort of barrier or spell we co-" she cut me off, shaking her head.  "It's in the air, Auntie. Every second we're here, we breathe more of it in. It could even be entering the pores of our skin. We... we might already..." her ears dropped onto her head. It can't be... There isn't magic that strong in all of creation. Even noxious gasses or poisons could be purified in the lungs or filtered through spells. What about... "FLURRY! She came here and she's... fine... right?" I was beginning to hyperventilate as I started to clutch at straws, which most assuredly was not helping keep out the toxic invader. "Flurry wasn't one hundred percent sure she even entered Canterlot, remember?" My niece's breathing was coming at more calculated intervals. "And even if she did, her special talent is a barrier against ANYTHING that tries to harm her." Cadance wasn't as strong as Luna or myself. I didn't know how long she could endure whatever was happening to us, but we only had this one opportunity.  "Can... can you go on?" We only had this one shot, If the book wasn't here we'd retreat. Cadance's life was worth more to me than any info or strategy could ever be. She nodded, a cocky grin lifting her lips.  "I'm fine, Auntie. I am Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's only niece, after all. Let's go," her breathing was still labored, but the glint in her eyes showed no surrender. I nodded before casting another teleportation spell on the two of us. Twilight's room was pristine, not a trinket or item out of place... except one.  "I don't want to get ahead of myself or anything," Cadance coughed slightly. "But did we just hit the jackpot?" We both rushed up to the immaculately made bed. Lying on it as if it were taking a peaceful nap was a unique looking book. A tattered ancient thing, it's only distinguishing features were a leather binding and..."Why does it have Twilight's cutie mark on it?" Cadance read my mind. It wasn't printed on or even very clear, but it was there, like it was still in the process of being added. "I... don't know." I reached out with my magic before abruptly ceasing such a reckless action. "This has to be a trap," Cadance remarked before covering another cough with her hoof.  "Most definitely," I agreed. She began to cough harder, drawing my concerned gaze.  "Auntie, it's thicker in here," She continued to cough as she backed away from the bed. "I think it's coming from that book," she held a hoof up to her muzzle, but it wasn't helping in the least. She was starting to look pale, the vibrancy of her pink complexion fading fast.  Without hesitation I unbuttoned the clasp of the tome with a hoof and flipped it open. A tremor of horror crawled through me, like millions of insects scurrying around for their next meal. "It's... it's blank," I flipped frantically, back and forth with nothing to show for it. "No way..." Cadance's hoofsteps approached from the corner she'd confined herself to. "Auntie, it's not..." she was right next to me, her mouth agape.  "What do you-" the book turned to a page of its own will, lifting into the air and hovering in front of Cadance.  "I'm so sorry, Sis. I love you so much?" she read in a low whisper. The book slammed shut, inky darkness consuming it and flooding all over the bed and our hooves. Cadance  breathed in deeply, terror causing her to recoil.  "Auntie!" her coughs were becoming extremely dry, a truly horrid sound. She fought to lift her legs, but the gunk was thick and sticky, like a malicious quicksand. Her horn began to shine brightly, a long tendril of darkness leaping at it. It exploded into sparks as it came into contact with the magic she’d channeled.  "CADANCE!" I summoned energy into my own horn, but as soon as it came to life a large gout of darkness spewed forth from the book and snuffed my light out. Her love is better suited to fight against this evil. With all the strength I could muster, I reached out a forehoof for my struggling niece.  The room was already filled so much by the darkness that we could practically swim in it, if it weren't so dense. A horrible fit of coughs racked her small frame as another dark tendril curled around her neck, climbing toward her horn. It wouldn't work, just like the first it would be destroyed.  At least that's what I initially thought until I realized it wasn't aiming for her horn. NO! I flapped my wings as hard as I could, barely making a difference, but driving me a few inches closer to her. The darkness plunged into Cadance's open mouth and nostrils, her coughs ending, but the alternative infinitely worse.  I could only watch in horror as her eyes went from wide as saucers to squeezed shut, tears falling slowly from them. The gurgling gasping sounds she was making would haunt my nightmares for years. I was so close, just a little further. Just as I was about to reach her the flow of darkness ended. "Aun... tie," she coughed weakly as her hoof inched toward mine. She looked like she was on her deathbed. We held each other's hoof, sad smiles on our faces. What a catastrophe. Maybe this was the WORST case scenario I had never considered.  "I'm so sorry, Cadance." The darkness was almost above my mouth. How Cadance hadn't been consumed yet, I couldn't fathom. She shook her head, defiance still shining in her eyes. "It's... not over... yet," as she cast her last ditch effort and we were teleported away from the room, I could swear I heard cackling laughter.  > Luna : Mercy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good morning, Twilight," I grinned deviously at the alicorn. Her head jerked to attention, neck stiffening, though she had not yet turned to face me, it was easy to see the tremors of rage running through her. "I trust you had pleasant dreams last night?" I covered my mouth with the back of my hoof to stifle the most obnoxious laughter I could fake.  I had teleported Flurry and myself high into the sky on the outskirts of the city, forcing Twilight to attack away from the empire if she planned to start a fight. The barrier we had erected held strong, not even appearing to be affected by her powerful blows. She was using her own magic which confused me tremendously. What is she thinking? We were far past the point of testing the waters.  "I don't think that's gonna help, Granny," Flurry whispered meekly from behind me.  "On the contrary, Flurry," I stared at the rampaging princess who had finally turned her head to glare at me. Is her coat darker than last time? If this kept up, before long her coat would be as dark as mine, if not even darker. Her eyes were bloodshot and frantic. None of the fury on her face had waned since her dream a couple of hours ago. "I shall teach you both an important lesson, Flurry. Watch... and learn." "First you take my happiness away... then you steal Radiant from me... and now you bring my niece to fight me!? You're nothing but a filthy COWARD!" She flew directly at me, horn shining magenta. An instantly cast sigil of magic propelled her in my direction at a ludicrous speed.  I did not expect such a straight forward attack. Before I could react any further than slightly lifting my forelegs, her forehooves, crackling with energy, turned my barrier to dust before slamming into my midsection.  "GRANNY!" I heard Flurry's concerned voice blow by me as I was forced backward by the missile that Twilight Sparkle had become. I tried to move, but the sheer momentum, paired with the pain of at least one broken rib, made it nearly impossible. As I channeled a teleportation spell I quickly realized my mistake.  "I told you I'd kill you," she hissed as she slammed me into a mountain. I saw stars, my vision blurring as we continued through the mix of solid stone and earth. The various jagged substances were tearing away at my wings and skin. We shot out of the other side of the mountain, back in the open air. Somehow it felt as if we were gaining momentum, despite the resistance the mountain had provided.  Now, with multiple broken ribs, completely mangled wings, and countless cuts and bruises, I could not move an inch, much less cast any helpful spells. I would have to endure her feral frenzy and then reevaluate my situation once I had the opportunity. "Have fun being food," she halted her momentum abruptly, a victorious grin on her face.  I, on the other hoof, continued on my trajectory, soaring through the air so quickly I could not turn or move. And then I hit... a pillow? A bed? Perhaps a cloud? "Two on one isn't fair, Auntie Twi!" Flurry hovered in the air next to me, her horn glowing with light as her wings kept her afloat.  "FLURRY!" Twilight yelled as she drew closer to us.  "You okay, Granny?" she asked, the luxurious spell she had caught me with fizzling into thin air.  "I was... I was just about to make my move," I laughed weakly, pressing a hoof against my chest as I tried to catch my breath. Yes, definitely broken. I stretched my wings out and then folded them back in several times to work out the kinks. The motion was painful, but the limbs were still usable. My ribs had already begun to heal, an irritating stabbing pain the only remaining evidence I'd received damage.  "Sure you were, Granny," she rolled her eyes, chuckling heartily. "Y'know if she hadn't cheated I would've had to just watch." I would not have had it any other way.  "FLURRY HEART! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Twilight flew up to the two of us, flapping her wings angrily. She did not even see me then, Flurry drawing all of her ire and spite. "Auntie, you were gonna double team her! You tried to feed her to that... that MONSTER!" Flurry pointed a hoof behind me.  "Feed me to wh-" I turned to find the dragon staring at the three of us as if we were tiny delicious morsels for it to snack on. I turned back to the Princess of Friendship, a smile growing on my face. "Unable to finish me off with your own hooves, Sparkle?"  "SHUT UP, LUNA!" she turned just to bark the order at me before returning her attention back at her niece. "I swear, Flurry, If you get in my way again I'll-" "AUNTIE! YOU! ARE! TRYING! TO! FEED! YOUR! FAMILY! TO! A! GIANT! DR-" Flurry was emphasizing each word with a point at the creature, but stopped partway through, a look of horrified realization suddenly on her face.  "Flurry?" I looked at the creature as well. It was crouched down, close to the ground on all fours, as if it were about to pounce. It was still gargantuan, but its features were a bit more easy to view from this distance. Maw, wings, claws, all massive and dangerous. Its scales were an amalgam of purple, green, and white. It stared back our way, its long breaths causing a rising and falling motion.  "Auntie Twi... where's Spike?" Flurry did not take her eyes off of the dragon.  "What do you mean, Flurry?" Twilight's voice was tender, almost motherly. I turned to see a wicked grin on her face growing despicably large, her eyes sharp as knives. "You're looking right at him." Before Twilight or I could do or say anything more Flurry had moved above her aunt and tackled her straight into the ground, pinning her by her shoulders. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" Her rage had not taken control of her just yet. If it had, she would have driven Twilight deep into the earth and would probably be using her Royal Canterlot Voice. As I came to a landing next to the duo, I noticed something alarming beneath Twilight's overcoat.  "I needed him," Twilight's smile stayed firmly in place.  "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Flurry growled. Twilight's smile faded, replaced with a look of disappointment as her eyes appeared to soften. "You're just holding me, Flurry. You're not even prepping a spell," Twilight narrowed her annoyed eyes at her niece. "W-what?!" The pink alicorn still pinned her aunt, but her rage was snuffed out for the moment.  "Get OFF, Flurry." Twilight spat the second word, her impatience growing with each passing second. Flurry stumbled off of her aunt, stomping away from her to stand next to me. Twilight continued to lay on the ground, staring up into the bright sky. She draped a foreleg over her face as if she were lounging next to a peaceful beach. "Twilight Sparkle, those markings on your body... what are they?" On different parts of her coat were sharp etchings, possibly runes or hieroglyphs. I had never encountered anything like them and their unsettling appearance made my hair stand on end.  The reclining alicorn laughed maniacally, sounding utterly insane. Her cackles gradually turned to mirthful giggles as if she had been told a delightfully entertaining joke. Both of her hooves covered her face. Flurry and I exchanged a "what the heck is going on" glance with one another. "I really screwed up didn't I?" she sat up to look at the two of us. She gave off a long sigh followed by a slap to her own forehead with her hoof. "You didn't even do anything, did you, Luna?" she looked embarrassed.  "Not a thing," I shook my head. "There are no souls or anything of the sort in our dreams... only memories," Twilight laughed harder this time, shaking her head in disbelief. "T'was merely a bad dream, Twilight. Nothing more."  "And I flew over here like a maniac," she stood, shaking the dirt off of her overcoat. "I can still remember her..." she rubbed her face with a hoof. "I can still remember all of our good times together," she looked at me with the most exhausted eyes I had ever seen on a living being. "That's twice thus far, Princess of the Night." Flurry looked confused, but I was supremely satisfied. "So you do acknowledge the first?" It was only half a taunt.  "Don't push it, Luna," she looked at me with a respectful smile I did not expect to receive. "Defeating my body isn't that impressive, I've never been much of a fighter... but you beat my mind. That deserves a reward," her horn shined magenta, her overcoat disappearing. Her entire body was covered in the sprawling lines. They all originated at her... "Auntie Twi... your cutie mark..." Flurry covered her mouth, the combination of concern and terror impossible for her to hide. Twilight looked at her own flank with indifferent eyes.  "Oh... It's faded more." Her cutie mark was almost completely gone, in its place twisted and sharp thorns that continued to spread over the rest of her body.  "Twilight..." I took a cautious step toward her. She still stared at herself as if the reality of the gradual loss of her cutie mark had placed her in a trance. "It'll be gone soon," she turned back to us, a sad smile playing at her lips as her ears drooped atop her head.  "W-why!?" Flurry asked desperately. I too wished to know the answer to that question. How could the proud alicorn let who she was disappear so carelessly.  "It's a requirement for the spell." Flurry and I became as quiet as any cemetery at midnight. Would we finally be given concrete answers or would this be deceit as well? "Spike and I are both vessels." Flurry turned to look at the purple dragon.  "To contain what?" I asked, also glancing over my shoulder at the dragon. "What could possibly require that lar-" Of course! I glared at Twilight, her downcast gaze instantly confirming my suspicion. "All the life on the planet," she looked up after mustering some determination. "I'm simply not big or strong enough to hold that amount of energy." "Then all the Equestrian's are-" "So you forced him to become a monster!?" Flurry cut me off, neither of us on the same page. Even if I was not thinking the same things she was, I could sympathize with her plight.  "I... asked him," Twilight said pathetically, her body slumping noticeably. "I didn't... there wasn't a choice."  "There's ALWAYS a choice, Auntie!" Flurry took flight toward Spike, the grief saturating her voice.  "Use caution, Flurry!" I watched her go. "What is your endgame, Twilight?" I turned back to the alicorn who had put her overcoat back on. "Once enough of the world is quarantined in barriers they will meld with each other and overtake the planet," she walked up to me and lifted a hoof in Flurry's direction. "She'll have more questions." "After you," I gave her a polite hoof and a half-bow. "You know you don't have to be so paranoid all the time," she walked by me with a shake of her head.  "Right, what am I thinking? You have only tried to kill me what, five times now?" I fell in step behind her.  "Oh, don't be so dramatic, Luna, it's only been..." she lifted a hoof and looked into the sky, running the numbers. The conclusion she came to made her look mildly surprised. "Wow! Alright then. I guess that's fair."  "And once the planet is completely inside the barrier?" I asked as we started our trek. She must trust me to some extent if she would so senselessly give me her backside. Or she was one hundred percent confident in her ability to fend me off.  "For any trespassers, the atmosphere inside of the barrier is... mostly uninhabitable. There's dark magic that permeates every inch of the interior and nothing can get rid of, purify, or endure it for long."  "Well, at least you moved the life previously then."  "I'm no murderer, Luna," she glared daggers at me, which was quickly becoming far too adorable for me to handle. "Speaking of which..." she faced forward. "Did you... did you really kill all of those creatures?"  "I did what I had to survive," I would not sugarcoat my past nor regret what I had done to protect myself or Tia. "It was a very different time, Twilight."  "Do you..." she searched for the right words. "Doesn't it bother you?"  "Twilight," I sighed. "Do you know what I showed you?" When her silence persisted I continued. "Those were my memories. Every creature I have ever had to put down and the way I did so is still vivid in my mind. I..." I sighed again, the only thing I seemed to be able to do to express my feelings at the moment. "It is not something I am proud of, but..."  "But?" she turned to look at me. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "But if it is to help my sister, Cadance, Flurry, or..." I offered her a warm smile. "you, I would not hesitate to do such barbaric things all over again." She stared at me, eyes wide before she spun around and continued on towards Flurry and Spike.  "Thank you... Princess Luna," her voice was barely perceptible, however, I could tell she did not want me to hear those words. I decided to bare some of my own soul.  "You know, Twilight, you said to me before that we are not so different from one another," I turned my head away when she looked my way. "I do not think that is as far from the truth as I once believed."  "I'm not so sure if you're trying to be kind or if you're insulting me," she waved a hoof at me dismissively.  "So I am gifted with sarcasm and barbs for my attempt at creating rapport with one whom I consider my family?" I raised a brow as I looked at her back. I had laid the honey on thick, but it really was an honest statement.  "I'm sorry, Luna. Go on," she gave me a half smile. I could not blame her, I was not being myself, but for some reason it felt like I would not have many more chances to get closer to my sister's pupil.  "Very well," I tapped my chin with a hoof, sorting out my thoughts. "I believe that is why Celestia took a shine to you in the first place, Twilight." She stopped at this declaration.  "What do you mean?" she turned to me, a look of genuine curiosity on her face.  "Well, you are excellent at magic and your biggest issue when you were young was a lack of interaction with others, was it not?" I drew closer to the dark purple alicorn.  "That's right," she nodded. "When you were..." she suddenly shifted her weight awkwardly, unable to meet my eyes with hers.  "It is quite alright, Twilight," I assured her. "Speaking on my sordid past is not something that troubles me anymore." "Right," she sighed. "When you were still confined in the moon, Celestia saw how poor my... social skills were."  "That was one of the primary causes of my banishment, Twilight," I opened up, though she had probably already heard the same from Celestia. "I built a fortress around myself, not letting any inside. Not even my sister."  "I didn't think I needed anypony else," she confessed. "I just needed my books and my teacher."  "I believe we both came to understand just how incorrect we were." It was more of a question than a statement.  "True," she agreed.  "It is not just that aspect though. I have seen you worry yourself senseless," she blushed. "I have witnessed your rage send you over the edge," her crimson hue darkened. "Like you, I too struggle with my emotions greatly, Twilight. It is how I got you to come here after all."  "It's been so hard, Luna," she looked down at the ground. It was easy to see it was a tough topic for her. "Losing everypony... losing Radiant... I got so angry when Celestia..." She was ashamed.  "You sound like I did, Twilight," I placed a hoof on her shoulder. "My rage is what cost me so much time with my sister, but it all felt so..." "Unfair," she finished for me. "Do you think she could ever forgive somepony as horrible as me?" she looked at me with the same hope-filled eyes as before. I hugged her. "She forgave me, Twilight," she returned the hug.  "I guess we aren't so different, Princess," she backed away before clearing her throat. "Now then, where was I?" she continued on her way to Flurry and Spike.  "You were explaining how the interior of the barriers operates," I fell into step behind her.  "Right! On top of the harsh parameters of the spell, time itself can accelerate inside of the barriers, depending on how magically strong somepony is. For example, for a typical earth pony every hour inside the barrier is about a day outside of it. In contrast, to an alicorn one hour inside is equal to about three hours outside."  "That is all fascinating information, Twilight. But in the grand scheme of things, why does any of it matter?" We were drawing close to Flurry and like Twilight had said, the young alicorn would have even more questions.  "I was just getting to that," she huffed. "Any soul that becomes a vessel or passes through one gains immunity to the dark magic inside the barriers," she had spun around and was explaining with gusto now.  "So they can inhabit the barriers. What happens next?" Accelerated time sounded like the opposite of eliminating death.  "The transfer of the souls from within a vessel to the inside of a barrier has to be massive. Millions, if not billions, of lives must be moved at once, the strain of moving even a single soul on the vessel... er..." she looked away. " A-anyway before that magnitude of a transfer, all of those souls share a tiny bit of themselves with each other while inside the vessel. When that happens, the lifespan of all creatures is also shared amongst them. That's why one of you all has to help." She must have known I would not be pleased with that requirement because she refused to look at me.  "I shall hold my tongue until your conclusion, Twilight," I sat to my haunches. This whole plan appeared to be full of holes and clearly preyed upon her desperation.  "Don't you understand, Luna?!" Her enthusiasm swiftly turned to annoyance. "I do." She narrowed her gaze, challenging me to elaborate. "In laypony's terms, you intend to collect all life into yourself and Spike. You do this by going from location to location absorbing the souls of the citizens. You then erect a barrier. As you continue to do so, the barriers will gradually grow in strength and connect, causing the planet to be contained." She nodded as I explained her scheme. "I presume closer to completion you will do a last call for survivors because any stragglers will die inside the barrier if their soul hasn't passed through a vessel."  "YES! That's exactly right!" she leaned forward, nodding like there was a mechanism in her neck forcing her to do so.   "Then..." I scooted back a few feet. "You hope to gather one of us as well. Either me, Celestia, Cadance, or Flurry. Doing so would grant all the lives within the vessel immortality. After all is said and done, you would complete the spell, pouring the contents, or lives, into the new world where we would all presumably share an existence of immortality." "Exactly! And I truly believe sharing your souls with one another would produce such profound understanding between you all that not even strife would be a problem."  "And fate? What of random deaths such as-" I was courteous because she had been to me and so it felt like the right thing to do. She was being quite cordial after all.  "Thank you, Luna," the smile she gave me was truly beautiful. I bowed my head with a smile. She took a quick breath in and out. "Well, the darkness takes care of itself, so..." The darkness fills the interior of the barrier. The darkness permeates the inhabitants of the barrier. The darkness is the inhabitants.  "Twilight, I have lived both with and as evil before. It is not a state I will ever go back to... willingly." "I... I know, Luna. It's just..." her gaze fell, her smile fading from her exhausted face.  "What of you, Twilight?" I asked. We did not have to cross that bridge as of yet.  "ME!?" "And Spike as well? The vessels of this spell, what is to become of you." She turned on her hoof quickly.  "We're almost to the others! We should hur-"  "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" I blared from behind her, cutting her off. She stopped, her entire body drooping. "What is the fate of the vessels?" She whispered something in response without turning to face me. "Louder, Twilight," I commanded as softly as I could. She let out the breath she had been holding in.  "Once the spell is prepared, the lives of the vessels are sacrificed to expand the barrier to its greatest extent and transfer the souls into the world," she slowly continued moving forward. I lifted a hoof instinctively, wanting to stop her, but not knowing how. Her aim is her own death? But why? She has done so much for our world, can still do so much with her immortality... "Twi-" I was silenced by a wingbeat from above.  "Auntie Twi?" Flurry flapped her wings, staring down at her aunt. She looked panicked and frustrated. The dark purple alicorn lifted her head. "Why can't I talk with him?"  "Follow me," she said as she spread her wings and flew forward. We got to the dragon in seconds. He was still in a relatively bored looking state. Hovering in front of its maw felt like I was courting death itself, but something was different than before. Twilight was different. "He doesn't... function like he did before." "What does that mean, Auntie? I don't..." Flurry was holding herself together, but she was quickly coming apart at the seams.  "We generally have five senses right? Sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing. Spike can only "see" through energy. He can see me as a magenta light in the darkness. You and Luna are probably pink and dark blue, respectively." "Darkness?" So he is blind...  "The more energy, the brighter the light. Since most things aren't that powerful, he typically sees only darkness. A major city such as Canterlot would be bright as well. If one of us casts a spell that takes a lot out of us we'd shine brighter in his eyes, at least for a moment. His hearing is based on his size. Even the Royal Canterlot Voice probably isn't enough to stir him." "It's not," Flurry confirmed. "Not even directly in his ear."  "Because his ears are so big. Maybe if you flew inside directly to his eardrums it might work." Twilight was getting speculative, the inquisitive part of her brain taking control.  "How do you communicate with him, Twilight?" I asked.  "A telepathic link. I think it's part of being a vessel," she closed her eyes for a second. The dragon opened its maw, causing me to take up a defensive stance before I realized he was smiling. It brought a small smile to Flurry's face as well. "Everything is so small in comparison that he doesn't really feel or smell much. He does really like gems still, though getting him enough to make him happy is a bit of a chore." It was abundantly clear she still cared deeply for the dragon. She truly is still there. Celestia had been correct. "I've done so much to him," her gaze fell as the tone of her voice reflected her inner turmoil. "So many dark spells, so much manipulation." She landed on his snout, curling into a ball. She looked so very small atop the grand dragon.  "Twilight, you can still..." I have to be like Celestia. I have to say the right thing, to do the right thing. My sister's student did not give me the opportunity.  "Don't worry, Luna. I'll pay for everything I've done." Her words struck a chord in my heart. So very familiar.  "Auntie..." Flurry was hiding her emotions well. I could not see anything other than intense sadness.  "I know what I've told you changes nothing," she said, standing to her hooves.  "But it does, Twilight! It changes everything!" I shouted, Flurry looking at me in shock. She may be similar to me... very similar, but her motivations are not the same! She was not doing this for herself, she was trying to make things better for everypony else. Even going so far as to give her own life.  "Flurry, Luna..." she looked at us with love that I had not received from any other than Celestia. "I have to do this... and you all have to try to stop me."  "AUNTIE TWI!" Flurry was on the verge of tears, her yell almost exploding into sobs.  "Flurry, prepare yourself," I gathered energy into my horn. It is as Tia said. She will not stop. If she completed her spell both of them would perish. Before, I was not really motivated. It was still all darkness, all aggression... Pure evil in my eyes. Now, after receiving clarity, things were different. She needs us. I would not treat that lightly. "I swear on my life, Twilight Sparkle! I will save you!"  "Granny..." Flurry took a defensive stance.  "You'll forgive me if I don't fight you again, Luna," she smiled kindly at me as her horn glowed magenta. "I think it's quite obvious at this point that I can't beat you."  "Twilight, what do yo-" Before I could react she darted at her niece, a smirk on her muzzle.  "Come, Flurry, show your aunt just how strong you've become," they flashed out of existence together in a brilliant explosion of magenta magic. Where had they gone? The city? That was the most logical an-  "GROAAAARRRR!" The volume of the roar paired with my own lack of alertness launched me forward. I was not helpless this time. I spread my wings, casting a draft of wind to change my path of movement and to help me swing around to face the dragon. Speaking was pointless. I could try to sneak away. No, Twilight has foreseen that possibility. I was the only light now. He could only perceive me.  "Not bad, Sparkle." There was nothing notable stretching for miles in all directions. No trees, no hills, no lakes, just flat grass lands. Decades ago, the north would've been buffeted by harsh snow, but the influence and love of the Crystal Empire had changed the land, the very atmosphere itself. Still, this wide open area meant I was left to work with just my wits, magic, strength and little else. After a few more moments of contemplation I came to a realization. Spike was not moving. As I turned slowly toward the city the dragon began to move. Once my back was fully to him I turned my head toward the city as well.  His next movement was undetectable, the massive dragon landing in front of me, quaking what felt like the entire planet, as well as the space around it. I blasted myself back with a flap of my wings. He is keeping me here, away from the city. Even if I teleported, he would follow and that would be catastrophic.  "Let's test those scales then, shall we?" My horn shined a translucent silver, the presence of my moon immediately filling me with unrivaled power. It sparkled above us, only a small quadrant visible, but more than enough to defeat any living creature. "Our blade is a thriving sickle of lunar light!" Pure moonlight dripped from the tip of my horn forming into a long sickle. "The second phase!" I slashed at him with my horn, the magical crescent ramming into his nose and causing him to... sneeze? He looked at me with a grin... or what I assumed had to be a grin.  "It only begins, Spike! Let us see how long you can endure!" More moonlight flowed, twice as much as the first spell. "The second phase!" The attack connected again eliciting an unsettling sound akin to laughter from the beast, though it did not seem to be intended to arouse fear. "The second phase!" Once again the light of my moon doubled and once again the dragon shrugged off the attack. It was a fool's strategy, ideal for the tactics of the second phase of my moon. "The second phase!" No audible reaction this time, just a look that I could not discern.  "The second PHASE! The SECOND PHASE! THE SECOND PHASE!" Nothing. Then, a narrowed gaze. Was that a grunt of pain? The second phase at initial strength is a blade composed of pure moonlight that can cut in twain any other edged weapon, be it physical or magical. One slash is capable of cleaving most normal living beings in two. Before the spell ends each consecutive use doubles the potency and size of the blade. In seconds, it would be powerful enough to rend not only the dragon, but the entire planet, in two. I did not wish for either of those outcomes.  He lifted his maw at me before sucking in a long breath. An irresistible maelstrom forced me toward the cavern of teeth and fire. I flipped and turned this way and that, trying to gain some level of control, but being in the torrent of air was like being a speck of dirt tossed around inside of a vacuum.  Just as I was about to cast a teleportation spell to escape the storm, it ceased. I was upside down, my moon and Tia's sun below me and... Spike's unreasonably large mouth just above me, seconds from hitting me with his heated breath. I snapped back, about a mile away, my ace in the hole instant teleportation never failing to get me out of a hopeless predicament.  "Show me just how powerful that breath of yours truly is, Spike!" I charged barrier after barrier, compounding the spells so compactly that it was as if they were all one solid shield. I had to know, could I be overcome by what was essentially an artificial source of power?  If it could happen once when I was at full strength then it could happen again. An opportunity for tests such as this only came about once in a blue moon. With a mighty roar Spike launched the reddish-black molten lava from the depths of his belly. "Lend me strength, my beloved moon," I whispered a prayer.  Multiple circular silver runes manifested between me and the raging inferno. Each sphere held for seconds before blinking with moonlight and then disappearing. His stream of power remained strong. If I had to postulate, he was still at about seventy-five percent lung capacity when my final lunar gift was completely obliterated.  I stood my ground as the flames propelled my way. I shall not run. I shall not doubt. My moon would protect me. I looked up at her, a content smile on my face as her bright light shined down on me through the fire and flames. "Evil approaches and seeks my life, yet I fear not. Thank you... my dearest friend."  The flames completely overtook me, the sound deafening, like metal scraping and grinding against metal. As the inferno raged against my shields, they held strong. The mass of flame was endless, the only possible escape, teleportation. Moving in any direction would result in more fire and smoke. The easiest way to keep track of my location within the blaze was to pay attention to the path it was flowing. The source of said fire would be in the direction it came from, however even this was fairly easy to botch as the undulating river of power sometimes seemed to move as if it had a mind of its own.  Minutes passed as I watched my barriers gradually melt away, one after another. It no longer felt as if I were in a projectile, flames rushing past, but instead inside a vast ocean of lava that had no beginning or end. I had wagered against Spike's capacity for attack, but empty lungs did not necessarily mean no more danger. It was an unnerving thought, being picked apart to nothingness, but my faith would not be shaken.   Five barriers left. Four. Three. Two... The air around me slowly cleared of foreign substances, the heat dying down exponentially. Spike stared up at me, his expression unreadable. I could do it! I had done it! I can survive such an attack! I would not need to again.  "The growing arch of luminescence blesses the children of the night." I landed on the ground in front of the dragon as I chanted my spell. "The fourth phase." My moon shifted form high above us, a different quadrant alighting, replacing the previous. A magical field that trumped Spike in size spread over the two of us and continued on into the distance. Everything under the veil was given a silver sheen, blue and black sparkles twinkling in abundance.  Directly in the center of the space was an arch of moonlight that divided the field in two, half for him and half for me. If I moved at all the arch would adapt its position to keep the division of the battlefield perfectly symmetrical.   The dragon's only response was a snort and then a cough... no, not a cough, spit. A meteor of solid rock rushed at me, much faster than his molten breath traveled. Too bad. As it crossed the threshold between us it instantly shrunk to the size of a muffin. For the first time I was certain Spike was caught off guard, his eyes and mouth widening.  I caught the fiery stone with a forehoof. It was still quite hot to the touch, but the mental blow I could deliver the dragon was worth withstanding the pain. I crushed the stone beneath my hoof. He actually lifted himself up, seemingly getting ready for a real tussle. "My turn." A large dark blue arcane circle formed beneath me, the emblem's primary purpose to amplify my power. "Twilight Sparkle was capable of withstanding something similar to this... well, a measure of it." I knew he could not hear me, but this was too much fun. He pressed his massive claws into the ground, digging deep and then letting out a cloud of defiant smoke from his nostrils. The crackling electricity that bounced around my horn grew more and more menacing. Another amplification spell grew underneath me, several glyphs sparking into existence in front of me.  It was a more powerful version of what I had used on Twilight. Spike, being a dragon enhanced with evil mana, forced me to use a bit more magic than against his surrogate mother. I stood strong, immovable, aiming my horn at the prepared dragon. He let out an earth shattering roar, the sound would have been enough to send me flying had I not anchored myself in place. The divine blue light that shot from my horn moved slowly until it passed through a glyph, then a second, and a third. Its speed and size increased exponentially as it passed through the marks, becoming as large as a building the size of Canterlot castle.  The dragon was not perturbed as the attack was still little more than the size of one of his claws. As the wave of energy drew closer to the threshold of my field he realized the situation he was in, or so it seemed. He shifted to a seated position, placing his arms defensively in front of himself and then wrapping his wings around his body. Courageous of him to not try evading it.  I activated the sigil beneath myself, multiplying the single blast into seven, a center beam that twisted like a drill and six more swirling tendrils spinning around the drill. The sudden transformation of my spell did not phase the dragon.  As my magic passed through the threshold of the arch it stopped only for a second before expanding to the point that its appearance now made Spike visibly tense. Seconds from contacting his wings, maroon and black flames erupted in front of him, clashing with my energy. Unexpected. He struggled to maintain the shield, but my attack was making no progress. Way too much fun! "What say you to THIS!?" I could sense the feelings of my past slither into my soul as I flooded my spell with more mana. It was by no means a reasonable amount, nor did I consider Spike's well-being. I had not enjoyed a fight this thrilling since... oh right, it was that other dragon.  What was his name again? Fang? Thorn? Tooth? Dragons were always posturing with their silly insignificant names. He had been so proud of his self proclaimed "invincible scales" that he would not shut his arrogant mouth about them.   Needless to say, he made a most regrettable mistake when he challenged Tia to a fight to the death in my presence. He was furious when I accepted his challenge in her stead. The sun need not fight when the moon was ready, willing, and able. The dynamics of that battle had changed so swiftly. I loved putting smug dragons in their proper place.  You are weak, little pony! He had started off with arrogance, as most dragon's tend to. Why can't I strike you down? Which then quickly proceeded to frustration. You can't defeat me honorably! You're naught but a cheat is what you are! This isn't possible! This can't be possible! Then headfirst into denial. You filthy horse, just like your sister... And then he made an even more egregious mistake, but it did bring about my favorite attitude in an enemy. PLEASE! FORGIVE ME! I'LL DO ANYTHING! WHAT DO YOU WANT!? PLEASE JUST LET ME LI- Unless you are the Lord of Chaos, it is quite difficult to run your mouth when your head is separated from your body. And now, here I was, once again facing a foolish dragon that actually believed he could withstand my might.  Multiple twisting tunnels of magical wind erupted from the air around me. They connected to my horn, supercharging the masses of dark blue power. It grew tenfold prior to the increase it would gain from the threshold.  But this was not some random pompous dragon, it was my dear friend Spike. If he was already struggling with the previous amount then... LUNA! "I know... I KNOW!" As soon as I returned to my senses I shut down all sigils, spells, and the phase I had generated. Too little, too late. The magic had flown through the threshold increasing in size exponentially, making the dragon reminiscent of his days spent as a baby in comparison.  "SPIKE!?" My Royal Canterlot Voice came out of its own volition. To his credit the dragon held the gargantuan blast for a second, much longer than I thought possible for any creature. He roared in pride and was then encompassed by the light.  His shadow remained for seconds before it too was consumed by my torrent of destruction. The wave of energy arced into the sky, fading into the heavens after a few moments without my power fueling it any longer. The debris and dust my successful attack had swept up made it hard to see.  I flew into the sky, hoping to find a better vantage point. Please be okay! Please be okay! Please be okay! He was so big, why was I having such trouble locating him? And then his mouth was revealed, sticking up out of the smoke followed by the rest of his body lying splayed out on his back.  "SPIKE!?" My Royal Canterlot Voice persisted, deep down, I hoped he could hear me. His closed eyes slowly lifted open. I let out a sigh of relief and flew down to hover next to him. As I descended he sat up, wobbling and groaning the entire way. I came to a stop next to his maw. He was rubbing the side of his head as if he had an unbearable headache. The rest of his body was in similar shape. Monstrous gashes and cuts peppered his hide. His scales were chipped, cracked, and completely shattered in so many areas I was convinced a light breeze could turn him into dust.  "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I Immediately realized it might not be helpful to yell in the dragons face, however it proved to be a wise decision when he nodded his head slowly. So he can hear me? Amazing. Simply amazing. "SPIKE... TO WITHSTAND AN ATTACK OF THAT MAGNITUDE. YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!" His low rumble of a laugh slowly turned into a cough.  He lifted a closed claw to me. I did not understand. He smiled, looking at his closed claw and then at me. When I finally realized what he desired I laughed jubilantly. I extended my hoof, bumping it into his claw. He may not have felt it, honestly he may not have even seen it clearly, but I felt very close to the dragon in that moment, and I believe he felt the same. In a flash of brilliant magenta light Twilight was with us. I could not see her face and she did not move or speak to me. What happened?  "Twi-" I opened my mouth and then they were gone, the same magenta brilliance quickly fading to nothing in front of me.  > Flurry : Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So what now?" Auntie Twi and I were atop the protective dome of magic surrounding my city.  "I already told you, Flurry," she summoned several hovering magenta orbs of energy in front of herself. "You're going to show me how strong you are." “And if I don't want to?" I had nothing to worry about if she refused to use the evil magic.  "I'm not giving you a choice, FLURRY!" Her horn fired a blazing line of mana at me, her magic orbs following close behind it. I stood my ground, not worried in the slightest. All of her attacks connected with me, resulting in explosions of light and dancing sparks. I waited for the smoke to clear and the gleaming blue hearts of my shield to fade away. She and I both knew this was pointless, and I knew that if she knew, then she wasn't doing it for the obvious reasons.  "Not even going to humor your poor old aunt?" she was disappointed, but not angry. She summoned more of the destructive orbs, her horn shimmering with power.  "Fine." If she really wanted my best, I'd give it to her. I moved quickly, faster than most eyes could keep up with as I manifested several magic disco balls high in the sky above us. I summoned a single ball of blue light in front of her the second her horn brightened. She was about to cast a spell, appearing, at least to me, like she was moving underwater. When I focused, mostly everypony seemed to move that slow. Before she could fire anything off, I moved inside her personal space, as low to the barrier as I could maneuver. I sprang up from beneath her, forcing her backward onto her hind legs. Her spell was nearly ready, but not just yet. A second in a fight could feel like an eternity anywhere else. I was confident my aunt could feel that this very moment. I hooked her foreleg over my shoulder.  "No." I held her like an obsessed fan, flipping her over onto her back hard, the impact with the barrier making it crackle with energy and forcing the air from her lungs. "I can stil-" she sputtered, her horn shining even brighter in an attempt at casting a different spell. Preferably one that takes less time to manifest. "Nope." I activated my small blue orb. It rotated like a top, shooting single beams of magic at all of the spells Auntie Twi had summoned, melting them to nothing. I waited for her to realize she didn't have that option anymore before continuing my assault. "And just in case you're planning anything else," I gripped her foreleg tighter, dropping to my back and wrapping my hind legs around her body. She grunted as I wrenched the limb taut and then quickly tapped my flank with her free hoof when the pain became too much for her to withstand. I Immediately let her go, standing to my hooves in triumph. She sat up with a frown, trying to massage the pain from her aching foreleg. "Who even starts a fight with physical attacks?" she complained. "Earth ponies... or anypony who doesn't have magic at their disposal. You should've had a barrier up, Auntie," I paced back and forth in front of my sitting aunt. "Dad always said, 'nine times out of ten, any magical creature will rely on their magic. Buck em hard, buck em fast, and they won't know what hit em.'" "Darn Shining and his hoof to hoof nonsense. He was a unicorn for crying out loud!" She stood to her hooves, shaking the last traces of pain from her foreleg. "IS a unicorn," I prepared myself for her next move, simulating in my mind the thousands of possible spells she could use and counters to each one of them I could employ, as well as the counters she could then utilize against those counters.  "If you say so," she semi-conceded. "So a physical fight is out of the question, and magic doesn't do anything against your special talent." "Want me to go get my checkerboard?" I shrugged, mocking her just a little bit.  "Still don't know how to play chess?" she smirked at me, an eyebrow raised in confidence. Ten minutes later... "Checkmate," I placed my knight into the winning square, locking my aunt's king in place.  "Aish, you've been practicing, haven't you?" she pushed the board away from herself, frustration causing her brow to twitch sporadically. Five losses in such a short amount of time will do that to a pony. With how poorly she was playing, I was convinced an inexperienced filly could beat her right now. Her mind is clearly elsewhere. "You're not playing like yourself," I teleported the board and pieces back to my room.  "You might be right." From one blink to the next her eyes had sharpened and then went back to normal. She looked up at the disco balls that still peppered the sky, trying to figure them out, but apparently coming up with nothing.  "Mind if I ask about those?" she lifted a hoof to the air above us. "I've never seen you use them before." "They're like your orbs, but a little different." There were around twenty-five of them bobbing in the sky. They were enchanted to deflect magic after increasing said spell's potency. After colliding with them, the beam of energy would split into multiple streams and those new projectiles would do the same, essentially creating an infinite loop of blasts from just a few. No matter how many times they split I could still control the trajectory of every single beam, so it basically made  one shot from my horn into a downpour of destruction.  "And..."  "And?" she continued to evaluate the metallic doohickeys. I activated their alternate function with my mana, small holes appearing along their mirrored surfaces.  "You might wanna cover your ears for this..."  "Wh-" the volume of the music was loud enough to cause my aunt to freeze in place. I was already long used to the pounding bass and electronic beat, I couldn't help but sway my body to the jam. Auntie Twi said... something, but there was no way to hear her over the volume of the song.  It must've been a negative comment because she looked like she wanted to rip her ears off and throw them in a trash bin. This particular function may seem silly at first, seemingly deafening myself just to listen to some music, but the sound, the vibrations, and everything else attached to them were part of my magic.  I could feel the vibrations of each disco ball as energy reverberates off of them. In turn, anything that comes into contact with them links to my magical pool and I can then sense that new energy. I could also see where the sounds end. To be perfectly honest, I might be able to "see" things better like that than with my natural eyesight. Add on the benefits of a nearly incapacitated opponent and it just made sense as a weapon.  "YOU LIKE PON3 DON'T YOU, AUNTIE? YOU'RE NOT A TAVI STAN, ARE YOU?!" My Royal Canterlot Voice came in handy for situations like this too. Plus I had to get a nice musical jab in there. Of course she preferred Octavia. All the older ponies did, especially Mom. Not me though, I could listen to "garbage low class music" until the day I died. Vinyl Scratch had always been another one of my idols.  "-JUST NOISE!" She had used a spell to amplify her voice, but the music was so raucous her words were only a tiny bit louder than the song.  "THAT'S NOT TRUE, AUNTIE! YOU JUST CAN'T APPRECIATE NUANCED ART. HERE, I'LL PLAY ONE MORE YOUR STYLE!" I ran through every song I could recall in my mind, one in particular perfect for an unbeliever like my aunt. "AH HA!" "Oh, thank goodn-" The music had stopped for a second while I changed the song. She stood stock still, a look of horror on her face when it started up again, but once she realized it was only strings, she calmed down a little. After a minute of enjoyment she smiled. "This is Octavia! I have all of her albums... why haven't I ever heard this song?"  "Did you never listen to their collabs?"  "Collabs?" And then the beat dropped along with my poor surprised aunt. Vinyl really loved coming in strong out of nowhere on the collaboration albums she'd done with Octavia. It made all the stuck up hoity toity listeners that were only there for the classical performer lose their minds. Kind of like my aunt, who was currently holding her head in her hooves trying not to... die apparently?  "IT'S NOT EVEN BAD!' I threw my hooves in the air in exasperation. Her only response was to shoot a weak spell at one of my disco balls. "NO, DON'T!" The beam ricocheted off of one ball to the next and then another and so on and so forth. As the energy picked up speed it increased the volume of the music to near planet shaking levels. "Guh..." My aunt groaned, motionless on the floor, her soul decked out in a white robe and halo as it floated to the heavens just above her body. "OH, COME ON! I SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO HEAR THAT!" I looked up, dismissing my devices. The sudden quiet was much less preferable than the fun party music... to me at least.  "What an attack, I can see why you're nearly unstoppable." I leapt back, Auntie standing right in front of me as she rubbed her head. "Glad to see you're fine, drama queen," I mad-dogged her.  "That's 3-0. I'm getting annihilated, aren't I?" she laughed, sounding like she was legitimately having fun. I couldn't understand, I hadn't understood since the day she attacked Granny Sola. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I just wanted my aunt back.  "Is this all a game to you?" I could try to capture her. If I really wanted, I could probably kill her, but what would doing either of those things accomplish? What would killing a loved one do to me, to my psyche? The thought alone of harming her made it feel like I'd already committed some unspeakable act of evil.  Things would be so much easier if she were trying to kill me, but even then, she'd still be my goofy aunt who'd spent the night with me talking about love and dreams. I just... don't understand. She took a deep breath then sighed, staring sadly at the vast city below us. "This is the most important thing I've ever had to do, Flurry. It's the most costly venture I've ever embarked on," she rolled her shoulders, hiding a barely perceptible wince well. "You, Cadance, Celestia, and Luna... you're all very important to me." "Then why are we playing board games and listening to music?" I felt... strange, emotionless. It was new. "What do you want from me, Auntie? Forget about everypony, everything else. What do you want me to do?" She continued to stare downwards, the internal struggle on her face especially troubling. I just wanted to help resolve that problem, nothing else.  "I want you to kill me, Flurry." The sudden steady drip of water droplets all around us drew my gaze upwards. The sky was filled with storm clouds, black and sinister, rumbling with foreboding thunder. But that can't be. It was completely sunny a second ago, not a single speck of cloud had been in the sky. It hadn't grown dark, it just... changed at the drop of a bit.  "How did I miss that?" I whispered to myself.  "Flurry!" Her voice coincided with a blast of thunder and flash of lightning causing me to grow tense. The cascading rain obscured her face, as well as her emotions.  "Are those... tears?" I had to speak louder due to the developing storm.  "You have to help me, Flurry..." she covered her face with her hooves. She was beside herself, the desperation on her face palpable. That much was easy to see, even through the escalating downpour. "I don't know what to do... I just- I just wanted to help, I swear!"  "Auntie..." My heart ached for her, but her death couldn't be the solution, it just couldn't be. "Would you have given up on your friends?" It was the only thing I could think to say. "If any of them had asked you to take their life... would you have?" "N...no..." she lowered her hooves, the grief still on her face. "I could never."  "Auntie... even if you took my life..." I stepped toward her, hoping the honest truth would help her. "Even if you took away everything I love, I couldn't do it," I chuckled, really thinking about what I was saying. "I might beat you to a bloody pulp cause I'd be so mad, but... you're one of my best friends... you're the best aunt ever... I love you, Auntie... I love you so much... so I could never..." I felt the same discomfort as when I'd confronted her in Canterlot, only this time it was cranked to eleven.  "Flurry Whirry, you'd deny your poor old aunt her most sincere request?" her glowing green eyes were sharp enough to cut me in two. I finally had something to act on.  "You're not my aunt," I stalked toward her, my horn chiming as it glowed yellow.  "Ohhhh scary, scary!" she sat back on her haunches, the green of her eyes spreading to her horn before turning the spire black. The confidence this entity emanated was almost on par with Granny Sola wearing her most potent mask. Her arrogant smirk convinced me I was the prey in this confrontation. "Do something, little heart... I dare you." A flash of lightning drew my attention to my shadow, its eyes glowing green like hers. I leapt backwards a second too late, the black mist grabbing my foreleg with an overwhelming strength. If I didn't have my special barrier my leg would've been crushed to pieces then and there.  Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Of course I wouldn't have a shadow on a transparent surface! That I'd missed something so obvious might cost me dearly. As the darkness crawled up my leg to coat my body, my faux aunt's cackling got louder and louder.  "Yeah, not letting that happen," I said as I began my spell, the light from my horn slowly dispelling the darkness.  "I don't think so." Auntie's horn darkened causing the gunk on me to ooze and climb up my body faster. Some of it leapt onto my horn in an attempt to drown out my light.  "Aw, that's too bad." I didn't have to worry about that kind of spell. The darkness covered me, but not my coat or anything closer. My parents' barrier separated me from the evil and that was all I needed to explode yellow light all around myself. Once the sparkles of my spell dissipated I found myself standing alone.  "All that power in such a naive little filly," she spoke from below me, somehow inside our barrier. But how!? That shouldn't be possible! "You really should listen to your elders, Flurry Whirry," she smiled at me from the other side of our defense, hovering just above the city. "I know! Let's play a game of hide and seek! You better find me quick, little pony. I swear, losing this game will be disastrous for your empire... and for you." She moved to descend, but stopped. "Oh and if you have half a brain, DO NOT concern yourself with the peasants. I've no interest in them or their insignificant little lots in life," she glared at me from over her shoulder. "Don't keep me waiting, Flurry... or else." She blinked out of reality, replaced by a wisp of black smoke.  I should've teleported inside immediately, but my confusion stunted my decision making. If she could have infiltrated the barrier to begin with, why had she attacked it?  Don't keep me waiting. Her words tore me from my thoughts. Where!? Where can she be!? A few rapid teleportations took me to the throne room, my own room, the gardens, different parts of the city, including town square, and any other area she might've gone to. Wait a second! The caverns! That was the most obvious place... but she'd said not to concern myself with the riff-raff. Nuts to that! It would only take a second to check and if she were as evil as I thought, it'd be the first place she'd attack. As I blinked into the underbelly of the city I was able to instantly confirm our citizens' safety. My appearance drew joyous smiles, not a look of panic on any of them just optimistic determination.  "Oh, Flurry Whirry, you should have listened to me..." Her voice echoed in my head. I was teleported to the throne room in a clap of black energy. Faux Auntie Twi sat on Mom's throne, cross legged, leaning back with her head resting against her forehoof. Her state of relaxation annoyed me beyond belief.  "YOU WEREN'T HERE!" I pointed an accusing hoof at the smug being, my temper getting the better of me. "THIS IS THE FIRST PLACE I CHECKED YOU... HORSE!" The impressed condescension on her face sent me over the edge. I combined both my wing strength and the strongest propulsion spell I knew to launch myself at her.  Just as my forehoof was about to connect with that grating smile she moved her head to avoid the blow. My strike shattered Mom's throne, rubble and the seat fake Auntie sat on, the only things left remaining. I breathed heavily in the imposter's face who just smiled wider at my rage.  "Oooohhhh, what an ominous omen,"  she covered her mouth with a hoof, her feigned shock almost causing me to headbutt her. I was so furious the amount of magic in my horn was enough to blow a hole clear to the center of the planet, but I knew Auntie Twi was still in there. "WHAT ARE YOU!?" I bellowed in her face. She just looked past me, her smile somehow growing even bigger.  "Why, I'm Twilight Sparkle, Flurry. Your beloved aunt," she cackled.  "DON'T LIE TO ME!" I growled.  She looked up into the air, thinking for a moment.  "Let's just say, I'm an old acquaintance of your grandmares," she pressed her muzzle against mine.  "Y-you know Granny Sol-" before I could finish she blasted me backwards, her horn bubbling with dark energy. I landed on my hooves, smoke billowing from the blue hearts that appeared on my chest. How she'd cast a spell so fast without preparation was beyond me, though not completely unheard of. Granny Moona could do something similar with her teleportation spell, but she'd told me learning to do so had taken her more than a thousand years of trial and error.  "Whoa-ho-hoa! You can tank that too?" my fake aunt grinned wider, now thoroughly impressed. "You really are something special, aren't you? No wonder he wants your power."  "He?" I charged my horn with light. "He who?" I had no clue who she could be talking about. Tirek or Sombra came to mind, but they were both relics of the past. There was no way either of them could be who she was referring to.  "Oops," she covered her mouth, a look of embarrassment on her face. "I really need to learn to keep my big mouth shut, don't I?" she laughed like a maniac.  "Okay, we're done," my horn blazed with crackling gold energy. I may not want to kill her, but I was sure Auntie Twi's body could take a beating and survive. I casted my spell, encasing her inside of a large sphere of mana. She looked around at it, a bored look coming to her face.  "I can just teleport away y'know," she looked back at me with a yawn.  "Why don't you try?" I replied sweetly, already charging the next step in my spell. Her horn glowed black for a moment, but nothing else happened. Her eyes widened as a delighted smile came to her lips.  "How FUN! I guess I can't... what's next?" she leaned forward on the throne, her anticipation driving me crazy.  "Next you leave my aunt alone you FREAK!" I ignited the magic within the interior of the ball, the golden light bright enough to rival Granny Sola's sun. The blast stayed contained within the spell for as long as my barrier could hold before it too was destroyed. Had I not prepared beforehoof, the explosion would've destroyed most of the city. With as much power as I'd used, Auntie Twi would be pretty hurt, but at least she'd be free of this interloper.  "Geez LOUISE!" the coughing from the throne made me grind my teeth in anger. "Maybe give someone a warning before blowing them up, yeah?" Auntie Twi was still sitting on the throne, not a scratch on her.  "H-HOW!?" I roared. An attack of that magnitude could flatten most cities. I'd nullified her magic before casting the explosion. SOMETHING should've happened to her!  "Oh please, Flurry Whirry," she pulled me toward herself with a flourish of her hoof, her horn not even powered. I stopped directly in front of her, our muzzles nearly coming into contact with each other again. "You held back,” she looked disgusted. "If you're not willing to fulfill Twily's final wish, you have no hope of getting rid of me." She let me out of her grasp causing me to drop to the floor in front of her. "Who are you?" For the first time in... ever, I felt helpless in a fight. Not even against Granny Moona had I ran out of options like this. I'd lost that fight due to a lack of stamina. This was like trying to win a battle to the death without killing, which I'm pretty sure is impossible.  "I already told you, Flurry Whirry. I'm your dearest Aunt Twily," she grinned menacingly. Hearing her use Dad's nickname for my aunt again was inches from pushing me over the edge. "Alas, it seems we're at an impasse," she sighed, suddenly looking a little let down.  "How so?" I prepped my magic, not ready to throw in the towel any time soon.  "Well, you won't kill your aunt," she shrugged. "And I don't have permission to kill you, soooo..." "Permission? What do you-"  "Be happy, Flurry! You and Lu accomplished your mission!" she clapped her hooves, literally applauding me. I had no idea what was going on. "Your mother and Celly should be done in Canterlot right about now." "You kn-" "Speak of the devil..." her face lit up like a foal's on their birthday as an explosion of magic sounded behind me. How can they already be back? It couldn't have been more than half an hour. And how could this... thing have known what our plans were? I turned to see my mom and Granny Sola in terrible shape, both splayed on the ground and covered in a black muck.  "MOM!" I rushed to her side, completely forgetting everything I'd ever learned about fighting. Granny was coughing really badly, so I knew she was at least alive, but I couldn't see or sense any signs of life in my mother.  "Looks like my job here is done," the faker giggled from behind me. "I'll see you again soon, Flurry Whirry!" she called out with one last hiss. I almost turned to her, but she'd have to wait. I'd get her back. I'd free Auntie Twi if it was the last thing I did. I lifted Mom's head as carefully as I could onto my lap. She was freezing cold and looked sickly and... old. I tried to smooth out the wrinkles on her face with my hoof, but they were real.  "Please, Mom..." I hugged her close, trying to transfer my body heat, my love, into her. She wasn't breathing. Her heart was still, mine pounding so hard it could've given life to the both of us. My whole body shook with every pump of blood that was pushed through my veins. I closed my eyes, praying that she'd be okay. What happened? Auntie Twi and  Spike weren't even in Canterlot. We'd done everything right.  "NO! FLURRY GET AWAY FROM HER!" I opened my eyes to see my aunt galloping toward me, her horn glowing magenta. She was terrified of something and on the brink of tears.  "Or maybe I won't, Flurry. You did lose our little game, after all," the voice that came from my mom's lips turned my insides to ice. I didn't want to look down, knowing exactly what I would find. Sharp eyes and a smug grin. Mom's eyes were glowing green, swirling with evil energy. I was too scared to even think, her mouth opening wide and vomiting the same gross substance that they were covered in all over me. In seconds I was drenched in it. "Oh, Flurry Whirry... This is no one's fault but your own," my "mom" wiped the darkness from the corners of her mouth daintily with a hoof. "Maybe if you were a bit smarter things wouldn't have turned out this way." She'd lost all signs of old age and sickness, her eyes going back to normal, once again the vibrant and beautiful alicorn I knew and loved. It must've been the filth inside of her that had been contaminating her appearance.  "M-Mom!?" The blue hearts that made up my shield began to blink, shining vividly for a second and then flickering out as the darkness consumed them.  The black magic forced me to stay put, heavier than any weight I had experienced before. More terrifying than being immobile and unprotected was the feeling of abandonment. My shield expressed their love to me all day everyday, a warm blanket that made me feel safe and soothed my nerves, and suddenly that perfect feeling was gone. Despite my best efforts, my tears flowed without my consent.  "Flurry?" Mom's eyes grew wide as she began to channel a spell. She was back to normal, no signs of the evil still possessing her. A wicked formation made out of what looked to be marble erupted at me, growing from the floor at my right side. The sound of cracking rock was enough to make me reel from the approaching ruin. A light blue barrier stopped it in its tracks, Mom's spell successful, but shattering along with the evil magic.  Another formation from my opposite side was stopped by a golden shield, it too exploding in beautiful light. Granny Sola looked at me, her brow furrowed in grim determination. Her breathing came as if she were running a marathon that would never end.  A third formation of jagged marble sprouted from the ground right in front of me, much faster than the previous two and coming directly for my head. Just as it was about to hit me it collided with a magenta barrier, both nullifying each other and vanishing. I turned to my aunt, her breathing ragged, her eyes full of concern. "We can keep her safe! Cadance, Celestia, we just have to-" "How wonderfully delightful! What a cruel twist of fate, would you not agree, Miss Heart?" I'd never heard a voice like that before. It was masculine and kind, almost mischievous, but concealed something unnerving, like a birthday clown that was hiding a butcher knife where you couldn't see. "NO! No, no, no! You two didn't! It's not he-" Auntie Twi was suddenly frantic with fear, looking everywhere for the source of the voice.  "Indeed I am, Miss Sparkle." A strange looking book floated off the ground from between Mom and Granny Sola, a dark aura enveloping it. Etched into it was... my eyes grew wide. Auntie Twi's cutie mark? It moved over to my still frozen body, almost seeming to dance to a tune only it could hear. "Now then, shall we conclude another story?" The book bounced this way and that as it spoke. With a flash of black light Mom, Granny Sola, and Auntie Twi's horns all turned black. Not shimmering or glowing just... charcoal. "As I was saying Miss Heart, do not curse me, curse only your lack of intelligence. Farewell, little pony. May you find peace in death." An incredibly loud explosion of breaking stone drew the breath from my lungs.  "Grrrrugggh." I tried to keep my mouth shut, grind my teeth together to hide the agony, but it was impossible. The jagged tendril of marble ripped through me from below, tearing straight through my ribcage with no resistance at all.  I was lifted several feet into the air, the shock on my family's faces more horrifying than the foreign object eating through my insides. It was a weird feeling. I thought it would hurt more, but it didn't feel that bad.  Dad had taught me about going into shock on the battlefield. I guess this is that. At the apex of the attack, I coughed, sending blood trickling to the floor. Oh! There's the pain. I had to struggle to remain lucid.  "FLURRY!" They all yelled in unison, but there was nothing more they could do with their horns made useless. More tendrils of marble had grown from the floor, holding them firmly in place. "I'll be taking this, if that is okay with you, my dear." The book opened, flipping to a blank page, my cutie mark suddenly slowly being transferred from my flank to the page by an unseen magic. I could feel it being stolen, a strange sensation that made my heart scream in grief.  "Wh-what... are... you?" Talking made it feel like the rock inside me was morphing and rotating. I could only exhale harshly at the pain.  "Hmm, I suppose, your fate is sealed. There should be no harm." It hovered closer to me, flipping through its pages again. "You are aware of Discord the draconequus, are you not?" It whispered. It stopped turning on the intended page, one full of fancy writing.  I read as quickly as I could, my vision already blurring to the point of failure. Once I'd finished I shook my head. This is beyond us. All of us. Me, Mom, Auntie... even Granny Sola and Granny Moona. We were ants trying to fight dragons. I laughed at the sheer hopelessness of it all, accidentally spitting some blood on the pages. "Oh dear! That's very unbecoming... and you did not even do it on purpose..." The book slammed shut. My head was getting too heavy to hold up, falling so I could look down at Mom. She was crying, reaching out with all her might, trying to get to me. Granny Sola didn't cry. She wasn't angry. She simply looked stunned, as if she'd seen a ghost. "PLEASE!!! Let me trade places with her! Please!? I'll do anything you want!" Auntie Twi was bawling, shaking inside of the tendrils that caged her.  "Oh Miss Sparkle," the book flew up to her. "you're so melodramatic. Come, we have so much more to do." The book turned back to the three of us. "I have given her ample time for farewells. DO NOT waste my generosity! Toodaloo!"  In an instant, all signs of the struggle were gone, along with my aunt and the book. I dropped into my mother's magical embrace as she floated me into her forelegs with her telekinesis. As I came to rest on the ground, head on her lap, she was already at work, horn shining blue and magnifying her vision.  "M-Mom..." I groaned, the pain somehow still intensifying even though the attack had long been finished.  "Shhhh, Flurry. You're going to be fine," she couldn't look away from my midsection for more than a second. I didn't have to see to know how bad it was, all I had to do was speak or breathe... or think.  I had to breathe so slow it made me dizzy, my body not getting enough oxygen, but if I did it any faster the pain would most certainly make me pass out. If I lost consciousness now, I was certain I wouldn't be able to wake back up again. Granny Sola's hoofsteps approached us from behind Mom. As she looked down at me she was unable to hide anything from me. "F-Flurry... I-" she choked back sobs. "I'm so-"  "N-" A lance of pain shot through me, making me cringe. "No, Granny!" I managed to get out. "T-this... this is for... my aunt. Sh-she still..." A pop of magic resounded from behind Granny.  "FLUR- sister what are you doing back already? Where is-" The clip-clop of Granny Moona's hooves abruptly stopped when she saw me. "No..." she fell to her haunches, covering her mouth with her forehooves. More despair... It was absolutely suffocating, moreso than the darkness that was ebbing away at what was left of me.  "I... It's good..." a tremor ran through me. "to see... you... Granny," I smiled weakly. I didn't want them to feel such a horrible thing. I have to help. I have to lift them up. We still have to save Auntie Twi. Granny Moona could endure no longer. She wailed into her hooves, her body falling over. Thankfully, Granny Sola caught her as she'd collapsed.  "Flurry, dear, I really need you to keep quiet, honey." Mom was casting spell after spell I'd never seen before. She was breathing erratically, sweat flowing down her face. It hurts. It hurts so much. "M-mom..." I sniffled. She looked me in the eyes, hers filled with terror. "Flurry... please?" she had to focus to keep the calamity of emotions from spilling out of her. I slowly shook my head at her, refusing her request.  "Let me... sp-" several coughs forced their way out of me, making me turn away from her.  "FLURRY!" Mom called out. I opened my eyes to find my blood mixed with the dark substance on the floor. I laid back down on her lap. Even with all this terrible pain, it felt good to just lie here with her.  "Please... let me... do this." I pleaded with her. She was debating internally, still wanting to try. I loved her for it, but I already knew, and I was pretty sure she did too. "I don't... have much-" I had to turn to cough once again. When I laid back down she was weakly smiling, her jaw quaking.  She nodded before moving slightly to the side so I could speak to them all at once. She took one of my forehooves in hers and clasped it tightly. I poured all of the magic I had left in my body into my horn. It was more than I thought, a gentle breeze filling the room along with my melody. I bit down hard at the effort, Mom gripping my hoof tighter. I squeezed back to let her know it was okay.  "I don't... use it often, but... it's just... as important," a fit of coughs and wheezing cut me off. I took faster breaths to fight back the pain. It didn't work. I casted my spell, four ethereal shining blue crystal hearts floating in front of each of my loved ones. Two were before my mom.  One by one they slowly entered their bodies. First was Granny Moona, then Granny Sola, and finally, my mom. Each of their bodies glowed with blue energy for a moment before returning to normal. The last remained hovering in front of my mother.  "F-Flurry?" Mom stared at the heart in confusion.  "That one... is for... Auntie Twi." It slowly faded into Mom's chest followed by the glow. Despite my best attempts, my breathing was getting slower. "I love... all of you... so much. I get... It... now. I... had both. I should... have..."  My tears came relentlessly. All of them. All that I'd held in over my entire life. For Dad. For Mom. For my aunt. For my grandmare and grandpa. For Celestia and Luna. For Spike. For Applejack. For Rainbow Dash. For Fluttershy. For Rarity. For Pinkie Pie. For Starlight. For Discord. For the soldiers I'd lost. For the ponies I'd lost. I was weeping, the pain no longer relevant.  "Without love..." I had to continue, whatever was keeping me alive was beginning to run out of power. I looked at Granny Moona. "Luna... thank you... for being... the best mentor... I could ask for. Please... take care... of Celestia. She's... fragile... and precious... and she... loves you... more than... anything." She nodded, tears staining her face. Granny Sola was in just as bad a state. "Celestia... you saved... my family. I can't... express... how truly... grateful... I am... with, with words... alone.  Luna... is so... strong... because... because of you... stay by... her side.  "I will," she said through the tears. "I promise." "Good..." I looked up at my mom. My big heart. The one I aspired to be like. The one I wanted to be happy more than any other. And I had to break her heart. "Mom..." I lifted my free forehoof to her cheek. She nuzzled into it. "I love you, Mom. I love... you... so much."  "I love you too, my little heart," she smiled. I can let it slide, just this once. I couldn't keep my eyes open for much longer, they were getting so heavy.  "I'm sorry..." Breathe, Flurry "You don't have anything to be sorry for," her embrace tightened around me.  "Mom... you're... not alone... even if... even if... you feel... that way... sometimes... even if... I..." Breathe, Flurry "I know, Flurry. I know." Warm droplets of liquid tickled my forehead.  Breathe, Flurry "You... remember... right... what... I... told... you?" Breathe, Flur... "I... I do." Was that a light kiss on my cheek? "I'll... see... you... later... M..."  Did I meet your expectations, Mom? Was I a good daughter? I'm sorry if I wasn't all the time. I know I messed up a lot, but I tried harder and harder every day to make you proud. I know I wasn't around you as much as I was dad, but it's because you're so special, Mom. You shine so bright I sometimes can't see when I'm around you. I wanted to be just like you. I wanted you to be proud of me. I think above all else, I wanted you to be happy. I'm gonna miss you. I love you, Mom. > Twilight : Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn, Your new friend Gale sounds like he shares a lot of characteristics with Rainbow Dash. Ponies like those two might be a little difficult to handle when you first meet them, but they'll end up sticking by your side until the very end. To be completely honest, Radiant, your progress on developing your friendships is really surprising me. If this trend continues you might just be done with the tasks I've assigned you before winter arrives. The possibility of having you back home so soon is my sincerest wish. I must be frank, Radiant. I miss you so much it hurts. I know sending you away was for the best, but I greatly overestimated my own sense of independence. I still need you near me, my precious student. Your presence, your smile... both are irreplaceable to me. The anticipation to see you face to face again drives me to do my very best each and every day. Forgive me. Once again, I seem to have gone off on another tangent. Back to the topic at hoof. I bet you're being very kind to Gale and Tambourine aren't you? One of the most important lessons I learned from Fluttershy is to always be kind to your friends... even if they can be a little hard to bear at times. As long as you show them true kindness everything tends to work out in the end. I know now that you're ready for your first expedition, Radiant. I've never been more sure of anything else in my life. With real friends at your side you'll be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. Anxiously anticipating your next letter.  Your best friend,  Twilight Sparkle ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "You... you killed her..." There were no more tears left in me to cry. I'd cried them all away, used them on my friends and family... on Radiant. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I'd thought I couldn't lose any more than I already had. I thought Radiant had been the straw that broke the camel's back. I was wrong.  This couldn't be real. I had to be trapped in a nightmare. My niece couldn't be gone. THAT'S IT! Luna is still tormenting me, right!? That's what It has to be, It just has to be... Please... just let this be a nightmare... "Oh, come now, Miss Sparkle. There was no other choice to be made. You know as well as I, your greatest obstacle in this entire endeavor was your sister-in-law." The coltish voice echoed from the book resting on my bed. "This was the only way to ensure you would be able to accomplish the mission you so desperately set out on. It is most regrettable Miss Heart had to pay with her life, but Cadance is no longer an issue. Her heart is broken. She will not be able to-" "Shut up... please... just... be quiet..." there was no anger in my voice. I wasn't angry, only... empty.  "You know being rude will change nothing, Miss Sparkle. You have seen for yourself the permanence of death." No. She can't be dead. There has to be something I can do... something someone can...  "That is why I am here, Miss Sparkle. It is why you are here. It is why you came to us in the first place, because you know how unjust death can be." Us? Just what have I gotten myself into?  "What are you? What do you mean by 'us'?" I stared at the tome with suspecting eyes. Just how dangerous is this thing? "I am certain you have already spoken with my associate, Kis. She is the one whom you have been interacting with since you first came into contact with us."  "And you are?" I asked. "I am Met. My associate and I are one and the same. We have always been and will always be." The book grew quiet as if that were all the information it was going to give me.  "Well, that answers the who... but I asked what you are." "Clever girl. We are merely the instrument of your deepest desire. A tool you can use to end the suffering and death in this world." It almost felt like I was conversing with Discord, as if every word this thing uttered was a thinly veiled lie.  "You're not very good at lying, Met," I scrutinized the book harder. As my cutie mark etched on it became more vivid and clear, the one on my flank faded more and more. I dreaded what would happen when I completely lost it... my cutie mark, that is.  "So you're trying to imply that you're just a book for me to use as I see fit?" I raised a doubting eyebrow.  "I never said that.  Assumption is a very poor choice of action for someone as intelligent as yourself, Miss Sparkle," the books cover opened and closed as if it had snapped at me in annoyance.  "Which is why I asked and didn't assume. If you're not just a book then I'll ask again, what exactly are you?" I placed my hooves on the bed, charging some energy into my horn to feign a threat. Caution was probably the best route to take, but I was getting way too tired of being toyed with, tired of not being in control of my own life. "Temper, temper, Miss Sparkle. Violence never solved anything. Just look at what it did to your poor late niece." I lifted the book into the air with my telekinesis ready to engulf it in the flames of Tartarus.  "You push your luck, little book," I growled at it. It was so hard to tell what it was thinking or feeling, what with its lack of a face and all. "What's to stop me from setting you alight right now and being done with all of this?" The book seemed to cackle with a long gahaha.  "And make everything you have done for naught? I sincerely doubt you would go that far. You nearly killed your mentor and her sister. You invaded your sister-in-law's empire and had a hoof in the death of her only daughter and your only niece. You have taken thousands upon thousands of lives to fuel the spell that could very well save all the inhabitants of this world." It somehow pulled itself out of the grasp of my spell, though it probably had to do with the fact that his words caused me to lose my focus. "No, Miss Sparkle, I do not believe you will be doing anything so drastic to either of us today." I stared at the book incredulously, wanting so badly to burn it to ash, but knowing it was right. Knowing... Flurry... I'm so sorry Flurry... It floated back down onto the bed before speaking again. "If we are going to succeed in our objective, Miss Sparkle, we must not be at odds with one another."  "Why do you care so much? What do you get out of accomplishing the preservation?" I spat.  "It is what I was created for, what I was written to do." It sounded like he was being honest, but the notion was still too insane. I was talking to a book. "It is our destiny to complete the spell." "You're not a book," I stared at it in disbelief. I loved books, but this whole situation was ludicrous.  "I never claimed to be one."  "I can see I won't be getting any further with that line of questioning. You're quite the nuisance, you know that?" I huffed. The book laughed again in its annoying gahaha.  "I have been called much worse things than that by much greater creatures, Miss Sparkle." I wanted to call it much worse things than that right now, but I bit my tongue instead. I knew stirring the pot would only bring about more complications and I didn't need that.  "What makes you think I'd continue to work with the thing that murdered my niece?" I was genuinely disgusted. "I'd never cooperate with something like you. If it were up to me you'd be a smoldering pile of ash right now," I turned away from it.  "You are the one who made the pact with us, Miss Sparkle. There is no turning back now. If you attempt to sever our contract prematurely, a fate much worse than death will be your outcome. And as far as being some sort of terrible being that 'murdered' your niece? You are no different than us. You have murdered your own fair share of foals in the name of saving them."  That isn't the same thing. I was preserving them, it's completely different. And what was this about a pact? I'd done no such thing with anyone or anything. Magical pacts were outrageously dangerous. Celestia had warned me countless times about being involved with them in any way, shape, or form.  "I'm saving them. It's not murder, it's preservation. And I never made any pacts with you! I don't know what you're talking about," I refused to face the book. I wanted to leave, to go back to the Crystal Empire. To surrender. To die.  "To extract the soul for preservation is to kill the living being, there is no difference. You have murdered countless, Miss Sparkle." Another gahaha. N-no. I didn't, I couldn't have...  "I... I'm a murderer?" I wasn't asking the book, I was simply coming to a realization. Why had I done it? It all felt so... wrong now. I forced my views on my subjects. On my family. On Celestia and Luna. Where had I gone so far astray? Where had it all gone so wrong?  "Don't blame yourself so harshly, Miss Sparkle. After all, my associate Kis has been heavily manipulating you most of that time." I spun around to stare at the book in disbelief. It didn't move or make a sound.  "What are you saying?" I narrowed my gaze at the book. "It's all part of the pact you made with us Miss Sparkle. We will ensure your wishes are successful, regardless of whether you have had a change of heart or not. No matter the costs."  "I never made a pact," I said quietly. The book opened, turning page after page until it arrived at its desired destination. There were unknown letters formed into words all over the pages and in the center of the words was... "My hoofprint?" "In blood, Miss Sparkle." My head pounded, like a cannon was going off right next to it. I fell to the floor with a grunt. The images flowing through my mind were hazy at best, but easy enough for me to understand.  I was sitting in the forbidden wing of the archives, speaking with the book, not just once, but dozens, if not hundreds of times. "We are much more intimately familiar with one another than you may recall, Miss Sparkle. Ever since your parents died you have come to us seeking guidance," the book's voice echoed through the memories, making my head ache even more. I saw myself nodding in approval before casting a spell that cut my foreleg open. I rubbed a hoof in the blood that flowed and pressed it into the book.  "No... I... I didn't..." The pain was suddenly gone along with the memories, but the truth remained vivid in my mind.  "You did, Miss Sparkle, and now we are bound to one another until we succeed or you... perish."  "Did you... did you alter my memories?" The idea was terrifying. Just what were the limits of it's power? The book remained silent, refusing to answer my question. It didn't have to reply. I'm just being toyed with. Just as Celestia had thought she could control everything, I had tried to do the same, and all the while I was the one being manipulated.  I was being led along like the most pitiable of puppets on the shortest strings. "You're using me..." Another realization. When did I become so pathetic? Still the book remained silent. I channeled energy into my horn in an attempt to make an escape, but a booming voice in my mind made it feel like it might split my head in two.  You can't leave, Sparkles! We still have so much more to do! The voice was different from a second ago, it wasn't the book that called itself Met. This voice was mare-like and dripping with saccharine. "Who are you?" I spoke out loud even though the voice had originated inside my head.  Met already told you silly. My name is Kis. I'm lots more hands on than he is as you can probably tell by now, being inside your head and all. That's why he gave me back control. I don't think you'll be wanting to go anywhere right now, we still have lots to discuss. The voice, Kis, was way too excited, as if she were highly entertained by the possibility of playing with me. Like this entire situation was one big game to her. I pushed through the influx of pain and channeled more magic for a teleportation spell, trying my best to disregard the new entity.  "Try and stop me." I wasn't just going to bend to the will of these monsters. I'd fight them until the bitter end.  Kahahaha, gladly! You've got fight in you, like your little  niece. I like that! She was a tough one! The voice's taunting laughter annoyed me to no end. I knew they kept bringing up Flurry to press my buttons so I did my best to ignore their prodding. I couldn't. As soon as my concentration wavered at the mention of my family she stole control away from me.  Kahahaha, you mortals are so frail, in body and in mind. I could shatter your psyche right now and make you kill everyone you still hold dear, even if that list is already so incredibly short! I couldn't control my magic or even move my body for that matter. She forced me to walk to the mirror. I tried to resist her, but it was like I had the strongest telekinesis spell ever casted on me. Not even Luna's magic had been this powerful. The sight that met me in the mirror was not me, was not Twilight Sparkle. I was a shadow of my former self. My coat was jet black, the tendrils that once only covered parts of me were now running rampant all over my body. They pulsed with magical energy that wasn't mine. My cutie mark was barely perceptible. If I wasn't so familiar with it, I wouldn't be able to say what it had once been. It was almost completely gone. My eyes... they were jagged and sharp, a smug smirk on my face. "Looking good, Sparkles, If I do say so myself," Kis spoke using my mouth.  Why are you doing this? I couldn't use my own body to speak anymore. She wouldn't allow it. I had to communicate with her through thoughts.  "Met already told you, Sparkles. Even if you don't want to, we're going through with the preservation. We'll save the world, even if you don't want to anymore." She continued to enthusiastically examine my body in the mirror.  Please, I just want all of this to end, I begged. Kis laughed uncontrollably in reply.  "Not until we finish the preservation, Sparkles. Don't you worry though. All that's left is your mentor and her sister. With that much power we'll be able to finish the spell lickety-split. They should be on their way soon too. I mean we did kill their granddaughter and all. Of course, I think they'll probably want to see to the funeral first," she lifted my hoof to her face as she stifled a laugh.  You don't understand, I interrupted her glee. She stared into the mirror with a raised brow and a grin. Flurry is gone, you're right. I failed again. I can't change that, I can't stop failing. I was done making excuses. I was done whining. It was time to face the consequences of my actions. You're not going to faze me. You better hold on tight because if you falter even for a second, I'll take back control and kill myself and the both of you. Besides, even if I can't stop you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will never lose to somepony like you! My body's eyebrows had raised to their peak and its smile grew larger and larger as I went on with my speech.  "KAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Her fit of guffawing was even more filled with gloating than before. She wiped tears from my face. "Oh, Sparkles. You're way too much fun!" The laughs died down as she sighed in satisfaction. "I don't think YOU understand, but how about I fill you in on all the details. Met and I were there when your precious princesses first fought Discord. We were there when they failed to save the Crystal Empire all those centuries ago. We were the ones who'd sent Sombra into this-" "That is quite enough, Kis," the book interrupted and I suddenly had control of my body back, if only for the moment. I casted my spell to teleport on instinct, but nothing happened.  "What did you do?" I turned to the book and instantly became unable to do anything with my body again.  "Just because I'm not exerting my power doesn't mean I'm not in the driver's seat, Sparkles," Kis spoke with my mouth back in her full control. "Now be a good girl and don't try anything funny... or do, I couldn't care less either way. I can stop you without much effort. You're SO! VERY! WEAK!" her voice abruptly stopped as she finished her taunting. I felt her presence leave me to my own devices, but knew she could come back whenever she wanted. I stood still for minutes before speaking.  "What now then? You're clearly just playing with me," I stared down at the book.  "I apologize for my associate, Miss Sparkle. She is a lot more... tactless than I am... and so much more aggressive." Met, the male voice was back.   "You said the two of you are one and the same. What did you mean by that?" I sat to my haunches, growing more weary with every second that passed.  "To be precise, exactly that. Ee are the same being. While I am here she is not and vice-versa." The same being? I still didn't understand.  "You mean you share the same body?" I questioned.  "Yes, we do. However, it is also true that we are not merely two. We are one and we are two."  "So you're one and you're two?" "Correct, we are both male and female. We are one and two. We are the exact same, yet we are drastically different." His explanation was starting to give me a worse headache than I already had.  "None of that is possible," I rubbed my head with a hoof.  "And yet somehow, it is the truth," he stated with no deception in his voice.  "How?" I asked before he cleared his throat.  "It simply is." There was no point in insisting any further. Met had already made it abundantly clear that he wouldn't expound on anything he didn't want to. Instead, I thought back to something Kis had said that was bugging me. "What did Kis mean 'you were there' when Celestia and Luna defeated Discord? That was over a thousand years ago. Are you another alicorn?"  "Gahaha! Oh, Ms. Sparkle, you really are so very entertaining." I couldn't tell if he was being condescending or not. "No, we are not an alicorn, and I think it is for the best if you cease your investigation into what we truly are."  "Why's that?" My curiosity was both my biggest strength and weakness. Him simply suggesting I stop only invigorated me. The fact that he was being mysterious made me want to know the truth even more.   "Trust me, Miss Sparkle. Your well-being is already in a precarious enough position as it is."  "I don't care about my well-being," I laughed dryly.  "If only you knew what that truly meant." We both grew silent. After several minutes passed Met cleared his throat again. "What is your decision, Miss Sparkle?"  "My decision?" I cocked an eyebrow. Surely he doesn't think I'd change my mind at the drop of a hat.  "Kis can lock your personality away deep inside your mind. If she does, you will not be able to aid your mentor." I flinched. I can't let that happen.  "I don't- why not just get rid of me?" His words didn't make sense. Why would he give me an opportunity to help them? To help her? "Do not misunderstand. I am merely pointing out that I know you. I know you will try to formulate a plan through deceit to try and assist them. If you refuse to cooperate right now, that chance will never come. So I ask again, what is your decision?" He was right. I had no choice and he knew it. He even knew what I'd try, but I wouldn't give up. I'd strayed from the path and it cost so many lives. My niece's life. I'd gladly give my own to rectify my mistakes. I had to. I may not be able to redeem myself, but... I'd do all I could to atone for my sins.  "Tell me what I need to do." I'm sorry, Princess Celestia. I've saved you so many times, saved Equestria so many times. This time, you'll be the one that needs to do the saving... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Princess Twilight,  I'm surprised as well, Princess! I never in a million years thought I'd be able to make friends so easily. To be completely honest, I never thought I'd be able to make friends at all, but you had unshakeable confidence in me. Thank you so much for having faith in me when I didn't have any in myself. Gale and Tamby are becoming my precious friends and it's all thanks to you... and yet... I still miss you more than anything, Princess. I didn't realize how much I needed you either. I love you, Princess. More than I love anypony or anything else. At the first opportunity I'm coming right back to the castle and we're spending all of our free time together. It's funny you mentioned kindness because Fluttershy has been my primary example of how to act in Ponyville... minus the shyness of course. I think that's what's been working so well. Being kind, I mean. We'll all do it, Princess. Gale, Tamby, and I will go on the expedition together and we'll make you proud. Then I'll be back in Canterlot before you know it. Maybe Gale and Tamby can come with me, if that's okay with you... Your ever devoted student, Radiant Dawn  > Cadance : Sorrrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "She's absolutely perfect, isn't she?" Shining smiled as he held me and his newborn daughter in his loving embrace. She slept peacefully in my forelegs, wrapped comfortably in a soft silk blanket.  "She's so much more than that." I was exhausted from the ordeal, but I wanted nothing more than to enjoy the arrival of our precious little foal. "She's an alicorn..." She was the first. A natural born alicorn had never appeared in Equestria. It was hard to believe that such a thing could happen, even moreso that she'd come to my husband and I.  "It's crazy isn't it?" he nuzzled the top of my head with his muzzle. "Guess it comes with having a mother as amazing as you."  "Don't sell yourself short, Captain Armor," I kissed him on the cheek. He chuckled merrily.  "Have you thought of a name... further than just Heart, I mean," he asked. We'd discussed possible names since I first found out I was expecting and in the end he'd decided to leave the decision mostly in my hooves. I suggested Heart and he loved it, but it wasn't exactly a proper first name.  "Not yet... what about you?"  "Well..." he thought deeply for a second. "When Twily was a foal she was a little twister full of energy... and she didn't even have wings back then." I stared at him in disbelief. "Yeah, Mom wasn't too crazy about twister either," he laughed, his pearly whites shining in the light of Auntie Celestia's bright sun. "See, this is why I've never been allowed to pick names." I pushed his face away playfully with a hoof.  "It's close to a good name," I smiled. "Hey, what about..." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Flurry?" I shook her lightly, but she didn't respond. She'd completely lost consciousness. Still... there's a cha-  "Cadance?" Auntie Celestia's trembling hoof on my shoulder felt like a gavel being slammed down in a courtroom. As if a judgment had just been made final and fate was sealed. As my aunt's coughing got worse I felt the urge to turn and try to help her, but I didn't. Because I couldn't. Flurry's needs were much more severe than anything else was at the moment.  "Tia," Aunt Luna called her sister over to herself. Auntie Celestia stepped away from me for a moment, the former whispering something quietly to her coughing elder sister. I began casting a magnification spell. I just have to find the source of the problem and get rid of it... and then everything will be- "Cadance?" It was my younger aunt's turn to interrupt my efforts. Why won't they just let me tend to my daughter? Can't they see she needs me? "Aunt Luna, I know you have something important to tell me, but Flurry is in real danger. Can't it wait until I stabilize her?" I turned to the dark alicorn, tears streaming down her face, but a stern look etched into her features. The snap of her wing against my cheek was so sudden I didn't even see it coming. The impact was sharp and burned something fierce. The blow knocked more out of me than just my pride.  "Cadance... she is gone." the strike combined with my aunt's words finally reached the recesses of my mind the two of them had been trying to get to. What I'd been thinking about seconds ago immediately halted. I stared at my aunt with wide, disbelieving eyes as I rubbed my cheek with a hoof. She was still crying, but the firmness in her expression remained, as if she would slap me again if I still didn't understand her. Her sister sat behind her, her own gaze not meeting mine. She looked sad as well. "I am sorry, Cadance... I am... so sorry." Aunt Luna didn't look away. Instead, she grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug.  "I don't... what's...?" I spoke into her mane, still not fully comprehending the atmosphere of devastation. Why? What's going on? When she let me go I turned and the weight of the situation finally crushed me like an avalanche. "F-Flurry?" I looked down at my only daughter, my little heart. Her eyes were closed and she was covered in a black substance and... "Fl-Flurry!?" Blood. So much blood. The room began to spin as my mind slowed to the point of ceasing.  "Cadance!?" I heard a voice from somewhere in my vicinity, but it was slow and distorted. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Everything around me spun faster and faster. The next thing in my vision was the cold hard floor before everything faded to black... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I didn't sleep. I didn't dream. There weren't even any nightmares to greet me, just the blackest darkness for an incalculable duration of time. When I was finally able to force my eyes open, I found myself lying in my bed within my chambers. I was... tired, like I'd just laid down and hadn't gotten a wink of sleep after the most exhausting day of work. "Your Highness!?" The voice that came from my right was soft, kind, and very familiar. Starless Night of the Rainbow Guard slumped next to me in a chair. The unicorn mare had been crying, her kind golden eyes puffy and bloodshot. Her long purple mane was disheveled and looked like it hadn't been cared for in months. There was only one pony I wanted to see more than her right now.  "Starless... where's my daughter? I need to speak with her," I rubbed my head with a hoof as I pushed myself up to a seated position. I had a fierce headache that wouldn't stop pulsing. I really just wanted to lie back down and try and get some sleep, but I had to talk to Flurry. I wasn't sure why... but for some reason I had to see her right now.  "Your Highness..." Starless couldn't bear to continue looking at me, her voice faltering. My head pounded even harder as the past came flooding back to me in an instant. Auntie Celestia and I had gone to Canterlot. We'd been attacked by the evil magic there. We'd narrowly escaped and teleported back to the Crystal Empire. Flurry... I felt nauseous. My whole body going numb as I began to go limp.  "Starless... my aunt's... they... they were able to... to help her... weren't they? My... Flurry... she's not..." I couldn't lift my head to look at her. I already knew the answer. I could still see her, could still see her lifeless body in my mind. The terrible image refused to go away. Starless didn't move an inch or say a word. We were both quiet for what felt like hours.  "I'm so sorry, Your Highness." she said after the eternity of silence, but still remained statuesque. I couldn't get it out of my head. The way she looked when I'd last seen her. The wound. The darkness that would not let her go. I slowly lowered myself back down onto my bed. "Your Highness?" Starless lifted her head at my sudden movement.  "Forgive me, Starless, but... I don't think I'll be able... to..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. The love of my life had been gone for far too long. Now my little heart was gone. She was the one who'd kept me going. She was my life. And now... now she was... When Shining Armor had died I had to move on, had to keep living for something, for somepony. Flurry was that somepony, but now... now there was nothing left for me to live for. I would never love anypony like I'd loved Shining Armor. I'd never love anypony like I had my Flurry. They were gone. My life was gone... My life no longer had meaning.  "I... I understand, Your Highness..." I could see Starless reach out to me out of the corner of my eye, but she withdrew before she made any contact. After a few moments she spoke again. "If... if it's alright with you... I'd like to stay here... by your side, Your Highness." "Do as you wish," I turned away from her as I pulled the blankets over my body. I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I wasn't about to move from the spot. I stared at the wall, praying that by some divine intervention my own life would be mercifully taken away as well. I didn't want to be here anymore. Every day I'd woken up so that I could spend time with my daughter. Watch her grow, teach her new things, laugh with her, but I couldn't anymore. Never again. I wanted to bawl my eyes out, but for some peculiar reason, I couldn't. Not even a drop of sorrow would come. It made me so frustrated. Why can't I cry? Was I really so heartless?  "Thank you, Your Highness," Starless said, though it was more of a whisper to herself. I couldn't say how long she watched me or how long I laid there. At some point I lost myself to the darkness. Yet again sleep evaded me, no dreams, no nightmares. When I opened my eyes and turned over I found Starless asleep in her chair. I don't deserve devotion like yours, Starless. I couldn't even protect my one and only daughter. I used a spell to teleport my friend back to her quarters, directly into her bed. Just because I was in a terrible state didn't mean she should be suffering like me.  Once she was gone I laid in bed yet again, staring up at the ceiling. I was still so very tired. I took a deep breath before magically lifting the blankets off of myself. I tried to get up, but my legs were weaker than I thought they'd be. I couldn't stand. I got back under the blankets and pulled them back over myself with a sigh. A light tapping came from the door to my room. I didn't have the strength to call out or reply to the knock. The door was slowly pushed open by my Aunt Celestia after I hadn't answered for a long enough time.  "C-Cadance?" She smiled a lifeless grin at me as she walked up next to my bed. She sat in the chair Starless had occupied minutes ago, or at least what I assumed to be minutes earlier. We stared at one another for a moment before tears began to form in the corners of her eyes as her countenance fell.  "Don't," I said bluntly before turning away from her. I don't want to hear it. I already knew what she was going to say.  "Cadance, it's all my fault," she sobbed. "If I hadn't-" "STOP!" I tried to shout, but I was too weak, too tired. It worked anyway. I flipped over to look her in the eye. She sniffed, still crying. "Auntie... it isn't your fault, I don't blame you at all."  "B-but-"  "I'm not a foal, Auntie. Neither was Flurry. We made our own choices. We could have denied your request. We could have told you to leave our home. I don't..." I tried to be much more kind with these words. It really wasn't her fault. If Flurry were here instead of me, I knew she wouldn't blame my Auntie Celestia either. "Please don't hold this against yourself, Auntie. Please." She took her time to reply. I could see her warring internally over whether she should feel accountable or not. Finally, she spoke... "I'll... I'll try," she wiped away the tears with her foreleg. "I'll do my best, Cadance." "Pinkie promise?" I tried to smile, but one just wouldn't come.  "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I could detect the attempt at enthusiasm in her voice, but it was more hollow and cold. She sighed before continuing. "Luna is in shambles, she hasn't stopped crying since... I... I don't know what to do, Cadance. We're trying to lead the empire, but we're not its true rulers. Your ponies need you, Cadance. They need their princess." I pondered her words for a long while. With Flurry gone and me bedridden there really was no one else to rule. But if my subjects could see me in my current condition, the empire would fall to pieces anyway. "I'm in no condition to lead anypony or anything right now, Auntie," I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."  "Cadance, you don't have to apologize. I think I can finally understand," she placed a loving hoof on mine. "Understand?" I asked, puzzled. She smiled an authentic smile this time before explaining. "I never knew how it felt...  losing a family member, I mean. When Twilight's parents died and when Shining Armor passed away I couldn't comprehend the pain that you, Flurry, or Twilight felt. I tried to console you all, tried to make you feel better, but... you can't. Nothing anypony can say or do could make me feel better. I want Flurry back. I want her here right now," she closed her eyes tight, a great deal of pain gripping her. "It hurts more than anything I've ever experienced. I've lost countless friends and each time their passing hurt. But this? I want to crawl into bed right next to you and just... die. My granddaughter..." she started to bawl again.  "Auntie..." I squeezed her hoof in mine.  "I shouldn't have-" "AUNTIE, NO!" Another attempt at a shout, another failure. Her eyes shot open regardless of the low volume. "You Pinkie promised," I squeezed her hoof in my own. She squeezed back.  "It's hard... when you have so much power... when you're the day itself, but you can't save those most important to you." I knew how she felt. I was an alicorn too. "Luna and I are different than you and Twilight, Cadance." When she said that it seemed like she'd read my mind, but that wasn't possible... I think. "We've been around for so long, seen so many things, done so much, failed so many expectations."  "Auntie, we all fail. I needed Twilight and her friends to save the empire so many times just like you needed..." She suddenly looked ashamed, before turning away from me to hide that fact. "Auntie?"  "I allowed all of that to happen, Cadance," was all she said, confusing me considerably.  "Allowed? What does that mean?"  "Luna and I could have dealt with Sombra easily. Tirek, Discord, Chrysalis, the others... I let them go through with their plans. I let them appear to be bigger threats than they actually were," she'd stopped crying, her face now even more full of regret.  "Why would you do something like that?"  "For Twilight," she shook her head in denial. "No, that's not the truth. I did it for myself."  "How so?" I really wanted to know what she meant, but she looked truly ashamed and that made me want to hug her instead of discussing this topic further. Regardless, I'd continued to question her. "I'd intended to make Twilight the ruler of Equestria. To have all the responsibility of ruling fall squarely on her shoulders, so that I could... Letting her handle the problems that cropped up was the first step in fulfilling that plan. If I had not done that... if I'd have just stayed the leader none of this would've-" "Auntie... is this what it's like for you? Do you... do you really have so much weighing on you all the time?" She didn't answer me, instead choosing to remain silent. She didn't just blame herself because she'd asked for our help. She blamed herself because of the choices she'd made decades, almost a century ago. Regretting the choices you made so far gone and done. What a terrible life that must be. "Auntie, you can't do that to yourself. None of us could've foreseen this outcome. You're not God. If you were, I'm sure none of this would've happened," I stroked her hoof gently. She only sighed in response.  "Cadance?" she looked at me with utter despair in her eyes.  "Auntie?"  "Why am I such a failure?" Her question made me flinch. "I came here to comfort you, to make you feel better, if even just a little. And yet here you are... here you are comforting me," she shook her head in joyless irony.  "You're anything but a failure, Auntie. You-" she interrupted me, holding up her hoof in protest.  "Thank you, Cadance. But at this point, anything else you say will just feel like you were reinforcing my perspective." I wanted to argue, but decided against it. I could definitely see why she felt the way she did, but it was very self destructive and I didn't want her to have such ugly feelings. As she got to her hooves and walked to the door she coughed dryly.  "Auntie, are you sti-" "If I bring you something, will you eat?" she said without turning my way, clearly not wanting to address that topic. I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry. My stomach hurt, but not from a lack of sustenance.  "I'll... try," I turned away from her.  "Pinkie promise?" she asked. "No." I pulled the covers over my head. Before she left she said one last thing. "Cadance... We're going to have the funeral later today. It would mean a lot if you could..." she didn't finish. As she left the room a final disappointed sigh escaped her lips. With her gone my thoughts floated back to my daughter and the despair of being alone returned immediately, pressing me down into the bed like a ten ton anvil. I couldn't go, I just couldn't. I shut my eyes and prayed for even a modicum of relief. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The meal my aunt had brought me tasted like ash in my mouth. An orange, a slice of toast with butter, and a cup of apple juice. The drastically different flavors that all filled my mouth made me retch and tasted the same, like I was eating filth from a trash bin. I managed to force it all down for my aunt's sake. It didn't help that she'd sat down and stared at me until I ate at least a little. Lying in bed caused me to contemplate just how long I'd been there. I'd forgotten to ask somepony and I knew they'd expected me to get up at some point. Unfortunately for them, I didn't intend to get up ever again. My stomach and body still hurt and my headache would not stop pestering me. Whenever I made an attempt to sit with my hooves on the floor my body shook uncontrollably, as if it were aware of what I was trying to do and forced me back down. The ceiling didn't change, even if I looked at it for hours. Or has it been days now?  Knock Knock Knock The sound at my door drew my gaze away from the ceiling.  "You may enter," I called out. The door was coated in a black aura as it was slowly pushed open and Starless Night stood meekly in the doorway. She looked much better than before, her beautiful mane brushed and flowing down past her shoulders. I can't say seeing her made me happy... I don't think happiness would ever come to me again, but it was good to see she was in better spirits.  "Your Highness... may I?" she waited just outside the door with a sheepish look on her face. I nodded my consent and she smiled slightly as she trotted into my room, magically shutting the door behind herself. She took a seat next to me before silence ensued. Apparently, no one knew how to deal with me or my situation. There had been so much irritating silence over the last few conversations I had, I was beginning to grow accustomed to it. "I'm glad you ate," she folded her forelegs in her lap uncomfortably.  "How long have I been in bed?" I asked, changing the subject. The food had been terrible. I'd done what auntie asked. I didn't really feel like talking about the dreadful experience.  "It's been about forty-eight hours since..." she trailed off. Tip-toeing around it wouldn't get us anywhere.  "Has she... was..." It was so difficult that it felt like my heart would stop if I continued. "Flurry's..." I wasn't able to complete my question. It still didn't feel real. I still wasn't "sad" in the traditional sense of the word. Why can't I cry? Why am I not depressed? Why does it just... hurt? My body hurt. My head hurt. My heart hurt. It was all just pain. Literal, physical pain. "It was beautiful, Your Highness. She..." tears began to slowly flow down her face. "She looked so peaceful," she cried freely. The thought didn't make me happy, but for some reason I knew it was good. And then I said something I hadn't expected to.   "I couldn't attend, Starless," I looked her straight in the eyes. "I couldn't..." "I understand, Your Highness. I think your aunt's do as well. Neither of them could speak. Princess Luna had to leave... No parent should have to bury their foal." She paused, I think gauging if I might react poorly. Much to her surprise, I didn't react at all. She was right. "Ignitia... I don't think she'll ever be the same. I don't think the empire will ever be the same," she finished as her gaze fell. Once again she was correct. The Crystal Empire's leader was dead inside and there was no one else to take her place. I failed my subjects. I failed my land. I failed my family. "Why are you here, Starless?" It may have sounded harsh, but it wasn't meant to be. It was a genuine question, though my bitterness may have come through unintentionally.  "I..." It looked like my question had really hurt her. It wasn't my intention and her sudden expression of sadness made me feel even worse. "Your Highness... Princess Cadance... Cadance... you're my best friend and I can't stand seeing you like this." I laid back down and closed my eyes. I didn't know what to say to her. It meant a lot to me that she would use her feelings for me. That she'd care so much about me, but it wouldn't bring Flurry or Shining Armor back to me.  "What do you want from me, Starless?"  "I don't know," she sighed, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. "Grief takes much longer than a couple of days to go away, but you're stronger than this Cadance. You always have been." "You know what gave me strength, Starless? what made me strong?" A chuckle with no mirth is a truly pathetic sound. She didn't reply because she knew what the answer was. "Flurry. My strength is gone, Star. My LIFE is gone." I turned away from her. "I don't know if... I can't be strong anymore. I just want to die." She began to sob, my selfishness cutting her deeply. I heard her stand and rush to the door.  "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I can't..." She closed the door behind herself as she left me to myself and the darkness.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Still, I could not sleep. I couldn't even lose consciousness anymore. I stared at the door, thinking only of my departed family. If only I hadn't agreed to help. The ugly thought of blaming Auntie Celestia tried over and over to creep into my mind and build a nest there. I had to fight it away every couple of minutes. I'd thought carefully about my decision to help as I'm sure Flurry had. Twilight was my main reason for acting and I think she was Flurry's too. Why had she tried to save her? Didn't  she invade the empire to... Knock Knock Knock I was jerked out of my thoughts by the quiet sound from the door. Instead of saying anything I used telekinesis to open it. Aunt Luna stood at the door, an awkward grin on her face. It was easy to see she'd been crying quite a lot recently.  "Hello, Cadance. I pray I am not intruding." She didn't come in, I suppose waiting for my permission to.  "You could never intrude, Auntie. come on in," I stared at her with lifeless eyes. Nopony's presence could make me happy except Shining or Flurry's. Aunt Luna entered my room slowly, closing the door behind herself. "You can take a seat if you'd like," I gestured toward the chair that still sat next to my bed.  "That is quite alright. I must be prompt, Cadance. Tia and I have much to do tomorrow and I must get to bed soon, it is quite late." "Oh?" "We are going to return to Canterlot. One way or another we are putting an end to this mess." She was suddenly consumed with a determination that was beyond any I could comprehend.  "Aunt Luna, I don't think Twi-"  "I know," she lifted a hoof. "Celestia and I have spoken at length. Twilight Sparkle tried to help save Flurry... to be perfectly honest, that confounds me."  "It was the book," I said without thinking. It sounded laughable, but it really was the truth.  "I am aware. Tomes have proven to be exceptionally dangerous in my own past experiences. I may not have believed you or Celestia had I not read so many books prior to being possessed by the Nightmare. They nudged me in that direction... even if they had not intended to do so." She stared at the ground for a moment before looking directly at me. "We will get to the bottom of this, Cadance. We will bring your real sister back if it is the last thing we do... for you... and for Flurry," a tear fell from her face. "Thank you, Aunt Luna." I knew that was exactly what Flurry would have wanted. She loved Twilight more than anypony. She'd have wanted her to be saved more than anything... even her own life... and that's why she was gone. "Forgive me... for not-"  "Do not despair, Cadance," she knew what I was going to say. "Take all the time you require. Grieve. Celestia and I have. We will handle this, I swear it. On my honor as a princess and your aunt," she offered a heartfelt smile. If I was feeling normal it would have reassured me to no end.  "Thank you," I lifted my mouth as far as I could into a smile. It probably wasn't very convincing, but she brightened at the effort. My aunt walked up to the side of my bed and gently kissed me atop my head.  "Rest well, Cadance. May your dreams be full of peace and joy." As she exited the room I was endlessly thankful that she hadn't apologized. I was tired of it. It wasn't their fault. It was the entity in the book that had taken her away from me.  'Oh, Flurry..." I sighed.  "Mom?" The all too familiar voice that came from somewhere inside the room made my heart stop.  "F-Flurry!?" I sat up, my energy instantly restored.  "Hey Mom! Can you hear me? It's me Flurry!" > Luna : Calm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rage. Blinding anger and hatred were the only feelings I could properly process. I would see to it that Twilight Sparkle paid with her life, no more chances, no more mercy. Once my tears had subsided all I could see was crimson. She had fooled me, completely and utterly. I had put my trust in her, opened up my heart to her, and all I received for my foolishness was a knife in the back. She had finally done it... she had taken the life of one of my loved ones, one of my family members. Flurry My granddaughter. I could not get the precious memories I shared with her out of my head. Repeating on an endless loop, I flew her through the air on my back when she was but a small foal. When she had grown into a young mare we played different games together in my bedchambers. We started sparring with one another when she learned the finer points of defending herself. They would not stop reminding me of our blissful past. Her smile, her beautiful smile. It was on her lips as the casket was closed and her body was lowered into the ground. I never should have shown the Princess of Friendship any sympathy. If I had not done so, Flurry would still be with us now. "I think you may be mistaken Luna." Tia's declaration had both confused and annoyed me. She must have discerned my thoughts from the look of pure loathing on my face. The two of us sat in the throne room of the Crystal Palace, day court having just finished moments ago. It was the first time court had been held since Twilight invaded and the first time ever that Celestia and I presided over it. The crystal ponies had so many questions about what had been announced to them initially. "Your Captain of the Guard has fallen in battle. The Princess of Love is incapacitated and not capable of performing her duties for the time being." Celestia's declaration sent shockwaves throughout the city. I could definitely understand why the citizens would demand to speak to a higher up. Celestia and I had done our best to quell their fears, but even we were not sure what the future held for both the empire and Equestria itself. "What do you mean, Sister? In what way could I possibly be incorrect?" I grumbled. No further subjects would be seeking an audience for the rest of the day. We would not be holding night court. To be frank, It was a miracle that we had the time to hold day court. Now, finally free, Tia and I had the time for other topics, like how we would go about ending Twilight Sparkle. "She tried to save Flurry," Celestia leaned back in Cadance's throne. It had been damaged in the battle between Flurry and Twilight, but magic could easily fix most things. Most things, save the dead. "She... why would she do such a thing? From whom? Herself? You make no sense, Sister," I glared at her. I was tired of everypony protecting Twilight. If we had just been merciless none of this would have happened. If we had just removed her head from her shoulders there would have been no funeral for my beloved granddaughter yesterday. "Surely you noticed, Luna?Her frequent changes in demeanor and her reckless use of dark magic were numerous." Celestia was being patient with her old student as well as careful with me. She must not want to quarrel about it for the umpteenth time, which I could understand. "I noticed she was bloodthirsty and desired to take both your life as well as my own," I stated with a disgruntled sigh. "You know that's not what I meant, Luna. It's like there are two ponies inside of her head," she glared at me for my sarcasm, a stifled cough escaping her before she continued. "Besides, Cadance and I met our true enemy." "True enemy?" I snapped to attention, the revelation drawing my curiosity much more than the cough Celestia could not seem to shake. "The real entity that took Flurry from us," Tia's whispered words were filled with malice, the glint in her eye sending chills down my spine. I could feel a deep sense of sympathy for whomever incurred the wrath of an enraged Sun Princess. Unless of course, that somepony had taken our Flurry from us. Then they could burn in Tartarus for all I cared. "Who was it, Sister? Has Discord returned? Or perhaps that insect Chrysalis has shown her ugly face again?" I almost jumped on her to get the answer. "No, Luna. It is the spirit of a book." I nearly fell over at her ludicrous reply. A book? A BOOK? A BOOK HAD TAKEN FLURRY FROM US? "A BOOK?" I shouted in disbelief. "I know how it sounds, Luna. But you asked me to trust you when you said Twilight was harvesting souls... I now ask you to be the bigger mare and trust my words," she pleaded with me. I wanted to smack her, to turn the tables and tell her how ridiculous she was being... but I believed her. Tia would never lie to me. I know that to be true. "Of course I believe you, Tia," I rubbed my head. "It is just... a lot to take, but you would not lie," I smiled at her awkwardly. "I would not have believed it myself if I hadn't witnessed it firsthoof. It completely neutralized the four of us. We were powerless before its evil magic." Celestia's pallor had grown more grim as she ruminated on the event. She looked severely disappointed, possibly in herself. "It was beyond anything I've ever faced, Sister. I couldn't fight against its strength... I tried, but It completely overwhelmed me." It was easy to see just how troubled she was at the prospect of an enemy she could not overcome. That possibility bothered me just as much. We had not encountered somepony or something that was stronger than either of us since... Discord. "We have a worthy foe then." My attempt at confidence was questionable at best and I knew Tia could see the fear I was attempting to hide. If Celestia was powerless to fight it then... "If we are to defeat this monster we're going to need Cadance," she rubbed her temple in a circular motion. "Her love is the only thing that can stand against it... I hope." "I... do not think that is a realistic expectation, Tia." I knew how hard it was for me to take Flurry's death and at this point I excelled at accepting horrible news. Our niece? She had lost her only daughter and the only immediate family she had left, not counting Twilight. I did not foresee her leaving her room for days, if not weeks. "I know," Tia agreed. "Have you gone to see her yet? It might help brighten her up a little." "I have not. Perhaps it is a good idea. If only to notify her of our plans," I shrugged. "And what exactly are our plans?" Celestia questioned me as if I had made a decision without her. "I meant when we finally decide what we must do," I clarified. A crystal pegasus burst into the hall, nearly breaking the double doors and causing my sister and I to jump. "Your Highness... es!" she shouted as she came to a stop in front of the two of us. She was sweating profusely and was struggling to catch her breath. "I need... I need to speak with... Princess Cadance..." "Take a moment, my little pony," Tia's voice was gentle, but I could see past it to the panic in her eyes. "We are currently filling in for Princess Cadance. What news do you bring?" The pink mare looked confused for a second, but shook it off quickly, the info she had apparently much more important than any qualms she might have had about her absent ruler. "I... I've just returned from... Detrot." After several ragged breaths she continued. "Princess Twilight... she... she... a barrier." Celestia and I did a well enough job keeping our shocked expressions concealed. "Thank you, um..." I did not know her name. "Lickety, Lickety Split... Your Highness," she bowed shakily. "Thank you, Lickety. You may take the next few days off. You will need the time to deal with all you have missed, dear," I offered her a hollow smile. "Thank you, Your Highnesses." She trotted out of the room, her breathing finally coming out in even measures. "Well, I think we're both on the same page now, Lulu." Celestia got off the throne and began walking towards her bedchambers after the pegasus had left. "And what page is that, Sister?" I truly had no idea what she was thinking. Why would Twilight still be spreading the barriers if she was trying to do the right thing? "We have to go to Canterlot and confront Twilight. We have to destroy that accursed book," she turned to me full of determination. "You agree, don't you?" A head on confrontation? Of course I agreed. "I do," I nodded. "We must face Twilight and put an end to all this pointless bloodshed." She paused at the door, quiet for a moment. "Thank you, Luna. I love you, Sister," she opened the door to make her exit. "I love you too, Tia!" I called after her. "Go see Cadance, Sister. Let her know of our intentions," she said as she closed the door behind herself. I would go see my niece later that night. ________________________________ "Rest well, Cadance. May your dreams be full of peace and joy." I left her in her room, hopefully in higher spirits than she was in prior, though she had given no indication of that before I had taken my leave. She would not be joining us. I was not certain she would ever recover. There was an impenetrable sadness in her eyes, more sadness than was in myself just before I had given myself over to the Nightmare. Seeing her in such a horrid state rattled my confidence. There was little I could do to comfort her. Perhaps bringing Twilight back to the light was the only thing that may help, if even just a bit. As I walked through the halls of the palace a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. "Your Highness!" Tidal Force shouted from behind me, trotting toward me void of his Rainbow Guard armor. He had attended the funeral along with the rest of the guard, but would not even look my way then. What could have caused this change of heart? "Tidal," I tilted my head, waiting for him to notify me of his issue. He walked up next to me, head hung low. He possessed none of the gusto from our previous meeting. "It is good to know that you survived the attack." "Thank you, Princess. It was a heck of a battle." For some reason he refused to meet my gaze. "I was able to gather some information about what happened to you and the rest of the guard, but the details are still hazy," I sat, ready and willing to hammer out the specifics. "What did you encounter in the ruins beneath the city, Tidal?" He shook his head before speaking. "Dark magic... Shadow beings with the sharpest fangs and claws." The fear at remembering was thick in his voice. "I still don't understand how none of us died." "And you survived unscathed, no less. You must be a doozy of a combatant," I complimented him. Twilight's magic was second only to Tia's and my own. Standing against such power and not receiving any injuries was a feat in itself. "Thank you, Princess," his voice shifted slightly to one of gratitude. "Your praise is greatly appreciated. But..." "But?" "Princess... what in Tartarus happened on the surface?" He still did not lift his head, great sorrow now easily detectable in his voice. It was an appropriate question. While Celestia and I had given basic answers for the situation, we had not given any details at all. Flurry fell, Cadance was unable to perform her duties. That was it. If we were to announce that Twilight Sparkle had been the one to slay Flurry, it could cause all kinds of chaos. Not to mention, that did not seem to be the case at this point anyway, and so Tidal had come to me for more clarity. "Be more concise, Tidal Force. And be wary, some things are better left unsaid." There was no reason to keep the truth from him. With Celestia and I invading Canterlot on the morrow, we would either emerge triumphant and have to tell the tale to the survivors of Equestria, or we would be defeated and they would come to know regardless. "What happened to Captain Flurry? How did she..." If he truly believed that she could only lose to me it stood to reason that she should never have fallen. "My sister believes it to be a new threat to Equestria... one that may eclipse all of the alicorns powers combined." I was blunt, perhaps too honest, but I did not care, It was the truth. "More powerful than all of you?" he fell to his haunches, a look of abject terror on his face as he finally looked at me. "That doesn't sound feasible." "And yet it is if Tia decrees it so," I sighed. "Flurry met the entity in combat. She was defeated. Celestia, Princess Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle all made great effort to save her, but in the end... they were not enough." As my explanation went on his shock amplified to a disturbing degree. "Forgive my insubordination, Your Highness, but where were you?" His inquiry was not accusatory at all, but it still felt undeserved so I replied in turn. "Locked in combat with a dragon," I stared daggers into him. He recoiled at my sudden irritation. "Had I been given the opportunity, I would have gladly given my own life to save your captains, Tidal Force." "I-i'm sorry, Your Highness," his head descended again. "It's just... unbelievable. I've seen Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia move the sun and the moon. I've seen you move the moon. How could anything..." He wasn't really asking, just denying the possibility outright. I was a bit skeptical as well. Ages ago Celestia and I had encountered opponents that pushed us to our limits and some who nearly defeated us, but after all these years we had become infinite founts of magic. While we may not have kept up our combative training we were still drastically more powerful than anything else alive, at least that we were aware of. "There will always be a greater mountain to climb, Tidal. Celestia and I simply have to send this new being back to the hole it crawled out of and take back control of Canterlot," I shrugged, acting as if it would be an easy task when in reality it was quite the opposite. In fact, it might be impossible, but I would follow my creed to death. I would not show weakness to anypony ever again. Tidal did not seem to share my sense of determination, still very much downtrodden. "Forgive me if I'm not exactly convinced you'll be okay, Princess," he had his gaze locked on the floor. He was ashamed to be so honest with me, as if I would begrudge him his genuine perspective. "You're going to be leaving the empire then?" he asked raising his head, his eyes pleading me not to. "We are. We must do what we can to end this war or there will be more unnecessary death," I placed a hoof on his shoulder. "But what about your safety, Luna? What if... what if you..." his gaze fell to the floor yet again. Is he that worried for me? It was honestly, quite adorable. Nopony had been so concerned with my well being in so long... other than Tia of course. "I cannot promise I will be okay, but I could not be able to live with myself if I did nothing, Tidal." He sighed deeply. "I am sure you know the obligation of duty." "But you're not even a princess anymore, Luna!" He realized he had raised his voice a second later and calmed himself. "You don't have to risk your life for anypony," he said in a much quieter tone. "Perhaps you are correct. But I must protect ponies like you, Tidal. I have already lost one so very precious to me. I cannot let it happen again," I drew him into a gentle embrace. "L-Luna!?" he gasped, stunned by my sudden show of affection. I was a bit surprised at myself as well. "It is like you said, Tidal. I will always be your princess," I smiled. He lifted his forelegs and returned the hug, laughing quietly. "Please, Luna. Be safe," he whispered in my ear before lightly brushing his lips against my cheek. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lying in bed that night, I stared up at the ceiling of the room. Before I had parted ways with Tidal he assured me that he and the rest of the Rainbow Guard would keep watch over the Crystal Empire and Cadance while my sister and I were away. As day drew near I grew more anxious and honestly, more afraid. I would never admit it to anypony, not even Tia, but I was uncertain of the upcoming battle. "You have to be strong, Luna. For once in your life, you have to have faith in yourself. You and Tia have to come back alive." I tried to psyche myself up, but it was not having the desired effect. You're going to die tomorrow, Luna. A voice in my head cackled. But first, we're going to kill that pompous sister of yours! I could not begin to fathom where the thoughts had come from, nor whose voice spoke them, but they kept me up throughout the entire night. As dawn approached, I took a deep breath before getting out of bed and heading outside to lower my moon. Tia waited for me in the garden looking a bit disheveled herself, as if she had not slept a wink the previous night either. I truly knew the feeling. "Good morning, Sister," Tia said before letting out a long yawn followed by a fit of coughing. That cough was more than concerning at this point. She had gotten it from the exposure to the dark magic in Canterlot. I begged her to ask Cadance about it, but she said she did not want to put any more weight on our niece's shoulders. It was understandable, but... it was much too serious an issue to just ignore. "Sister, that cough-" "It's fine, Luna. It's actually gotten a lot better... I think." She would not let me continue, though she did go into a second bout of coughs. "Right... Tia we are going to need to be in top shape to take of this book you spoke of," I trotted up next to her. "You're one to talk, Luna. You're not exactly looking like yourself today either," she pointed a hoof at my eyes. My lack of slumber was obviously showing. "I could not sleep at all last night," I yawned, realizing I did not need to hide that fact from her any further. "That makes two of us," she yawned again. "I guess I was too worried about today." I channeled my magic, lowering my moon carefully below the horizon. "Was that thing really so strong, Tia?" I said as I finished my duty. Her horn shined gold as she raised her sun high into the sky. "Strong enough to render three alicorns powerless at the same time while... attacking a fourth," she stared up into her star. I would never understand how her eyes could behold such sublime radiance. "That is... concerning. Do you... do you think we can be victorious?" My inquiry bothered her. If she did not want to answer that was a bad omen. "We have to win, Luna," she finally said after turning to me. "We don't have any other choice." I merely nodded. "I am ready, Celestia. The Rainbow Guard have promised to take care of the empire while we are away." I still could not psyche myself up. For the first time in a long while, I would be going into battle with doubt in my mind. "Good work, Lulu. If that's the case, we have nothing more to worry about," she offered a grateful smile. "Did you eat anything, Sister? It's not good to fight on an empty stomach." "So you expect to fight today as well..." This is it... possibly the final battle of the Immortal Sisters. "Are you scared, Lulu?" she turned away to look back at her sun. "I am... excited," I only half lied, but knew she would see right through me. "We have never lost fighting as one. Let's not let today be any different, Luna," she turned to me with a raised hoof. "Of course, Tia," I bumped my hoof into hers. "Did you speak with Cadance?" she raised a brow as she set her hoof down. "I did. I promised her we would bring her sister back," I grinned. "Then we'll have to keep that promise, won't we?" she powered her horn, getting her teleportation spell prepared. "That we will, Tia. That we will." I prepped my own spell. As soon as they were ready we casted them simultaneously, flashing out of existence. We popped back into reality on the outskirts of Canterlot seconds later. "Luna it's..." "Gotten so much larger." The barrier around Canterlot was immense. It was at least triple the size it had been the last time we had seen it and now had numerous more connections from what I would guess were other cities. The connection to Ponyville had grown to the size of the round barriers themselves. At this rate, the entire countryside would be consumed in days, if not hours. "This is bad." Tia's statement was obvious, but it was what we were both thinking. "Worse than you think," the voice behind us declared. Celestia and I whirled around to find Twilight Sparkle standing atop Spike's head. How had we not sensed them? It did not matter. It is time to end this. > Celestia : Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorrow. Grief beyond any I've ever experienced before tore my heart asunder. Flurry... Little Flurry Heart... was gone. After Luna managed to bring Cadance back to her senses, my sister and I stood in the throne room like a pair of fools, completely oblivious to what we should or could do next. And this god-forsaken cough is not helping at all. COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH After the fit I could barely stand from the intense strain it had put on my body. It felt as if my lungs might exit through my nose and mouth at any moment. Luna stared at me, her eyes drenched in tears, as if I might keel over. I just may, but I wasn't about to have her worry about that right now. "I'm fine, Luna," I stated sternly with a glare that assured her that I wasn't about to argue with her over my health. She looked like she wanted to protest, but instead took a step to stand next to Flurry. I followed reluctantly, not wanting to have to face such a horribly unfair reality, but knowing that's exactly what I had to do. "Tia... what happened?" I balked at Luna's question, my sister staring down at Flurry's lifeless body. "I don't think now is the time or the place for such a discussion, Luna." I casted a telekinesis spell to carefully lift my granddaughter's body. Luna seemed to agree, choosing to watch me instead of saying anything more. "Could you take Cadance to her room? I'm... I'm not really sure what to do further than that." "Where are you taking Flurry?" she asked. I thought for a minute, but my mind drew a blank. There's no spell in Equestria that can save her now, other than perhaps evil magic. "I don't know, Luna... I... I just don't know..." I carried Flurry to the doors of the throne room, unsure of myself, unsure of anything, as tears cascaded down my face. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I sat next to Flurry for what felt like hours. I'd come to her room and laid her on her bed, not knowing or being capable of thinking of a better route to take. I don't know what I was thinking any more, my brain had simply seemed to stop working. I covered her with the blankets, perhaps trying to play make-believe. Perhaps trying to create a scenario where I could imagine she was just sleeping and not... I cried and I cried and I cried. There was no one around so I didn't have to be... to act strong for anypony. "Oh, Flurry..." I would give my life without hesitation to bring her back. If only I hadn't asked her to help. If only I hadn't failed so horribly with Twilight. If only I wasn't such a failure. I rested my head next to hers, praying for the strength to carry on. I wanted nothing more than for everything to be over, for my life to be over. I knew it was selfish. I still had Lulu and Cadance... and even Twilight, if we could save her. But for some reason, it felt like I had no hope left. It felt as if I had nothing left, because no matter what ending I imagined, Flurry would not be a part of it. I suppose this is what it truly feels like to lose family, to lose somepony who is irreplaceable. WHAM WHAM WHAM The harsh banging at the door startled me, causing me to lift my head involuntarily. I didn't even get to say a word before the door was thrown open and a fiery red mare stomped into the room. "Captain Flurry are you in- OH!? Forgive me, Your Highness! I didn't realize... Is she asleep?" The leader of the Rainbow Guard, Ignitia stopped a few paces away from us. She'd started speaking before entering the room and now realized the error she'd made. I didn't reply, instead the presence of another pony broke me completely. I wailed, bawling and dropping my head next to Flurry. If only she were merely slumbering. "Y-Your Highness...? You're scaring me..." I heard the slow clop of her hooves as she drew closer, hearing her gasp as she finally noticed the true gravity of the situation. "N-no... no..." She joined me at the bedside in mourning our departed family and friend. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After our "time" together, Ignitia and I found Luna mourning in her own way in the garden. Despite her grief she'd still lowered my sun for me and raised her moon high into the evening sky. She stared up at her jewel, crying quietly alone. She was so much stronger than I was. I honestly believe had I been by myself for much longer my grief may have gotten the best of me and I might've done something foolish. The three of us discussed the specifics of our duties with Flurry gone and Cadance in the state she'd found herself in. Luna and I would attempt to lead the empire for the time being. Ignitia would take on the role of Captain of the Guard and help us with our duties as much as she was able. It wasn't a flawless plan, far from one, but it was better than doing nothing at all. I'd have to notify Cadance of our intentions which I had no desire to do. Big surprise. Celestia doesn't want to face her failures yet again. I stood outside her bedroom door for longer than I should have, trying to find just the right things to say to her. Unfortunately, there were no right things to say. Flurry was gone. Shining Armor was gone. I couldn't say anything that would change either of those facts. In the end, I failed terrifically to comfort her, being consoled by my niece more than I did any consoling. Though even in my failure I'd managed to accomplish my primary objective. She knew there was going to be a funeral held for Flurry. While I was certain she wouldn't be attending, I had to extend the courtesy of letting her know. To be honest, I didn't want to go to the funeral myself. I didn't want it to be true. I just want my granddaughter back. ________________________________ As Luna and I were making plans to "invade" Canterlot one of Cadance's straggling scouts returned to the empire with news. Twilight was still creating barriers around cities. I couldn't believe it. Why she was continuing this endeavor if she had tried to save Flurry was beyond my comprehension. Something wasn't right and Luna and I were going to get to the bottom of it, no matter the cost. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Twilight..." Luna and I stared at my old student, or at least what was left of her. I barely recognized the alicorn, the dark black coat and tendrils of magic encompassing her reminding me of my past... of my sister's travails. The expression on her face was one of marked sadness and I was sure I knew why. "Flurry is dead Twilight!" I gaped at Luna's sudden outburst. Well, that's definitely one way of approaching this, Luna. I looked back at Twilight to see her head slowly falling. "I know," tears fell from her face onto Spike's head. "I'm sorry, I never wanted any of this to happen, I just..." she wiped her eyes with a foreleg, though it did little to stem the flow of sorrow. "Twilight... why are you still creating those barriers? What's going on? Where is that book?" I spoke up. We couldn't dwell on... we had to focus on what we could change, not on what we couldn't. We have to help her. "I can't stop," she sniffled as she looked up at us, pure agony etched into her features. "Please, Celestia... please help me." "That is what you said previously, Twilight Sparkle. Has nothing changed at all?" Luna was already charging magic into her horn. She was intent on letting nothing get the drop on her. "It's not like that, Luna. You need to be careful, you're- AGHHHH!" The piercing scream that escaped my pupil's lips pushed me to move forward instinctively, like a mother that was forced to witness her foal being tortured. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing while she thrashed at her head with her hooves. "Tia, wait!" Luna had drawn my attention for only a second before she gestured toward Twilight. I looked back at the black alicorn to find her... changed. Her eyes were jagged, looking as sharp as any blade I'd seen. The grin on her lips one of pure condescension. "Twi-light?" I asked cautiously, knowing already that she was no longer there. "I think that's enough of that, Sparkles. We can't have you ruining all the fun before the party starts." Twilight, or whatever was controlling her, slowly removed her hooves from her head before looking down at us. "Oh! What fun! I get to play with two princesses at the same time!" she clapped her hooves ecstatically. "What are you two even planning coming here? Would you really hurt this pathetic body to stop us? You'll be harming your precious little student, FYI." The voice was Twilight's, but... It was wrong. "Who are you?" Luna growled, already taking a combative stance. "Are you the book that Celestia spoke of?" "KAHAHAHA! That's hilarious!" she sighed, obviously quite pleased with herself. "You really think we're just a book? How could Justy hav-" "That is quite enough, Kis," Twilight's demeanor and voice changed again. Her eyes softer this time, almost bored, and her tone a bit deeper now. "Celestia. Luna. It is a pleasure to finally meet both of you face to face." "I asked once who you are, I will not ask again," Luna grit her teeth. She was ready for a fight. I was still trying to analyze the situation, but was getting nowhere fast. Regardless, I channeled magic into my horn. For some reason this new presence sent chills down my spine, as if I was familiar with this entity. "Luna... Luna, Luna, Luna..." Twilight shook her head. "Such rage... Is that not what caused you to succumb to the Nightmare so easily?" The look of disgust on Twilight's face drove Luna further into a fury I'd not seen from her in a long time. "YOU DARE!?" My sister was nearly snarling now. "Make your identity known MONSTER, that I may be privy to the name of the FOOL who pushed the Princess of the Night too far!" she was shaking. "I shall tear you out of Twilight Sparkle and rip you to shreds!" "Sister, he's trying to-" "I am aware, TIA! It is working quite well!" Her pupils had narrowed into slits, a telltale sign something was about to suffer her wrath. I think the only reason she hadn't attacked yet was because she was wary of damaging Twilight's body and hadn't worked out how to go about fighting with such a handicap. "Such pride. Such arrogance. I expected no less from the frail pony that succumbed to a demon." Twilight turned her gaze to me, disregarding the rage flooding from Luna. "You are awfully quiet, Celestia. Are you going to let your little sister do all the dirty work again?" she lifted a lazy hoof to gesture toward me. "I'm just working out how to get rid of you... whatever you are," I narrowed my gaze. Generally, I could easily control my anger, but even I was starting to reach the end of my rope with this arrogant whelp. "How rude of me!" Twilight suddenly looked genuinely surprised. "I neglected to introduce myself! My name is Met," she bowed low with a flourish of her hoof. "And the other delightful me you were just speaking with previously is named Kis." Luna and I looked at each other with profound confusion on our faces before we turned back to Twilight. "What?" we shouted in unison. There are two personalities in Twilight that aren't hers? This was getting out of hoof. "I know it might be a bit hard to comprehend, but it is what it is," Twilight, or currently, Met, shrugged. "By the by, I will need a touch more anger from the two of you, if you do not mind." "As if we'd play into your hooves so easily," I scoffed. There was no way I'd lose my cool right now. I knew such foolishness could be the first step toward our defeat. "Ah, you say that, but," the smirk that curled Met's lips upward made my skin crawl. "I am the one that murdered your precious little Flurry Heart." My explosion of anger at the revelation was absolutely eclipsed by the pure unadulterated rage coming off of Luna. She trembled as dark inky mana encompassed her entire body. "Y-YOU WILL PAY!" her voice boomed so loudly I would've been pushed away if I hadn't planted my hooves in the ground. "Yes, that is perfect! Perfect! I applaud your efforts in feeding our spell," Met cackled. What does that mean? Before I had a chance to consider his words further the ground around us began to shine. The sigil had to have been miles long, stretching out in all directions. We were standing right in the center of it. "LUNA!" I called out to her. She looked my way, her enraged visage twisting even more at my panic. It was a trap and we were caught right in the center of it. Of course it's a trap. These monsters won't be fighting fair. "Too late, Celestia! You two are mine now!" His cockiness would be his downfall if he wasn't careful. Dark lightning crackled up from the ground, electrocuting my sister and I. I grit my teeth, enduring the pain, but unable to move from the spot. Luna on the other hoof... "AS IF SUCH A PATHETIC SPELL COULD CONTAIN ME!!!" She turned back to Met before raising her hooves high and slamming them into the ground beneath her. It crumbled like an old sand castle at the beach that was far too close to the ocean, immediately freeing the two of us from the paralyzing field. She was breathing heavily, the exertion to break the binding taking far more energy than she was trying to let on. "Oh, HOLY CROW! You're much stronger than I gave you credit for, Lu! This is gonna be fun..." The one called Kis was back in control, but I wanted a shot at Met, as I'm sure Luna did as well. "Bring Met back out here, NOW!" Yes, Luna desired vengeance, and if she didn't get it soon her temper might get us cornered. "We're the same being, you doofus," Kis chuckled. "Met may've been the one who dealt the finishing blow, but who do you think is the one who decided she should die?" Luna didn't hesitate. She was behind Kis in the blink of an eye, a blast of mana shooting from her horn so powerfully I wasn't sure where she'd conjured so much energy in such a small span of time. The explosion was large enough to cover the area and cloud my vision completely. Spike may have taken some damage as well, though the blast wasn't focused on him so he should be- "Temper, temper, Luna. Don't you know you could hurt Sparkles using that much power?" As the smoke cleared Luna grunted in pain, held tightly in Kis' telekinetic spell. The barrier Kis had erected twinkled with evil energy, but showed no signs of damage. "LUNA!" In desperation I shot a focused beam of sunlight at Kis in an attempt to break her focus so my sister might be able to break free from her grasp. "Spikey, little help," Kis said in a sing song tone. The massive dragon lifted his arm to intercept my attack. I hadn't meant to deal much damage so my attack burst in a cluster of sparks instead of reaching its destination. "Now then, up. you. GO!" Kis shouted with glee as she sent Luna flying into the sky. I didn't know what she was planning, but I wasn't about to let it happen. I teleported into the sky, directly in the path that Luna was traveling, casting my own telekinesis spell to stop my sister's progress. With such a great distance between Kis and Luna I was able to gain control fairly easily and stop her rapid ascent. "Lulu?" I let out a relieved breath. She was gulping in air like it was a delicacy, the look on her face unnerving. Such a reaction from just a telekinesis spell? She coughed several times before speaking. "She was... crushing me... I could not... break free," she looked down at the black alicorn. "I think... I think she was going to send me into your sun." I glared down at the thief. How dare she! "Tia?" I kept my gaze locked on the figure below. "What is it, Luna?" I would knock that foolish grin on Kis' face clean off. "They are strong. We must not be rash," she'd calmed down after the assault. If it was strong enough to remove her anger so swiftly then we might really be in a troublesome predicament. "Then you know what we must do, Sister," I smiled at her confidently. She returned the gesture. "Together, Sister?" Luna smirked. "Togeth-" I was cut off as Kis interrupted the moment, teleporting directly between us with that same cocky smile plastered on her face. "So like, you two are taking way too long up here." In a blur she bucked hard at Luna and shot a powerful blast of darkness from her horn at me. Luna jerked to the right while I descended. We narrowly avoided the attacks, Kis' hoof scraping against Luna's cheek and her energy incinerating some hair from my mane. "Luna, watch Spike!" I captured Kis In a fully powered telekinesis spell. "Right!" My sister backed off and kept her eyes on the dragon. "KAHAHAHA! As if I'd need Spikey to deal with the two of you." Kis moved forward effortlessly. I infused more magic into the spell, but it did little to halt her advance. I recoiled in horror as she pushed her face inches from my own. "Gonna have to try a little harder than that if you want to protect you and your sister, Celestia," she sneered. "Sister!" Luna grabbed Kis with her own telekinesis and pulled her away from me. "OH! So Lu is stronger than you, Cel?" Kis strained against the spell, but was slowly being forced away from me. "That's surprising!" "Celestia... HELP!" Luna was just as strained as Kis, sweat dripping from her brow as she held the spell together at the seams. If I hesitated any longer she would escape the field and be able to attack us once again. "Right!" I shouted. I can't use too much. I have to be careful. If I sent a concentrated beam of pure sunlight through Kis it would cut through Twilight's body like a hot knife through butter. Instead, I hit her with a fraction of my strength, only enough to incapacitate any alicorn at full power. The blast exploded in a brilliant flash of light, Luna removing her telekinesis just as my attack landed flush with Twilight's body. Standing in the aftermath of the explosion stood a wholly unharmed Kis. "I already told you," In one deft motion she teleported behind Luna and flipped forward, dropping a backhoof ferociously on my sister's back and sending her careening toward the ground. "You're gonna have to try harder than that!" The sound of the impact of the blow paired with my sister's scream of pain jostled me. "Luna!" I called out in horror. It was a brutal strike, perhaps enough to break her spine. As she approached the ground a powerful gust of wind stopped her descent. "S-Spike?" The dragon had whipped up a whirlwind with his massive wings attempting to cushion my sister's fall. Luna flapped her wings several times, looking up at Kis with a pained expression. "Tsk, I guess we don't have as much control over him as we thought." Kis was so focused on the outcome of her attack that she'd left herself wide open. I manifested a massive burning hammer composed completely of my sun and my mana. A barrier would do little against the blunt force trauma one of my conjured weapons could inflict. My aim was true, catching Kis' attention at the very last second. She lifted her forelegs in an attempt to mitigate some of the incoming damage, but they wouldn't do much. The horrid sound of concentrated sunlight against flesh and bone was sickening, launching Kis flailing through the sky at one of the many mountains that surrounded Canterlot. Her body traveled so rapidly that it burrowed deep inside the shattered rubble she'd created. "Excellent strike, Tia!" Luna was thoroughly impressed as she rejoined me in the sky, shifting her back and wings to flex out the pain. We flew to the destroyed mountain, ready to follow up the first attack with countless more. "Be on your guard," Luna stared at the chaos. "I am certain it did not do her in." We waited. Kis pushed the rocks off of herself as she climbed out of the debris, coughing all the while. "Sheeeesh, that one actually hurt," she rubbed her head with a hoof. "And you're holding back? I'd hate to take you on if you were being serious, Cel," Kis looked up at us with that demented smile still on her face. "Yield NOW. Give Twilight her body back and you will be brought to justice with my word that you will not be harmed," I declared. Justice has to rule. If this being is willing to surrender than even it- "SISTER!?" the shocked eyes Luna gave me said she obviously didn't agree with my attempt at peace. "KAHAHAHA!" Kis' ear grating laughter drew both our gazes. "You've a better chance of bringing your granddaughter back from the dead than getting me to give up such a fun opportunity!" her horn glowed with black energy. If she won't back down... neither will we. "Get ready, Luna." The air filled with the concentration of both our magical essences. We may not be able to use our full strength against Twilight's body, but we could use it to protect ourselves. "It's PARTY TIME!" Kis' eyes became crazed, psychotic to a very uncomfortable degree, mostly because they were currently possessing my precious student. She conjured an absurdly long sword made of black energy. It hovered in the air directly in front of her ready to strike as soon as its master willed it. In the next second, she was on me. I barely had any time to react as she swung the blade downwards at my head. In the same moment, I lifted my hammer, catching the blow of her weapon with my own. The clash of sun against darkness sent the three of us flying in different directions. Luna teleported right next to Kis, a look of pure joy on my baby sister's face. She relished fights and that fact was showing now more than ever. "I don't need a crude weapon to PAY! YOU! BACK!" Luna roared in her draconic voice. The effects were immediate, deep cuts forming on Kis as she was sent whirring in the opposite direction with a loud grunt. I flew as quickly as I could swinging my hammer at the drifting alicorn. I never connected, Kis disappearing from reality before reappearing several meters away from me. She breathed heavily, the sadistic grin on her face somehow larger than ever before. "The two of you working together really is annoying..." she huffed. "How bout we do something about that?" Before our very eyes Twilight's body slowly split in two, an identical copy now hovering next to the original. "Twilight already tried utilizing this trick against me," Luna trapped the two Kis between us, giving them no chance at an escape. "It did not work out for her." "Oh, this is a little different, Lu," one of the Twilight's turned to face my sister. "She made clones of herself... not a terrible idea. I, on the other hand," both Twilight's surged with dark power. "Have picked a different strategy. Now... which is which?" One of the Twilight's dashed at me and the other shot at Luna. It was a foolish tactic, one that would cost Kis dearly. I swung my hammer with enough force to shatter mountains, knowing she would easily avoid it. She didn't. My weapon sunk into her mushy flesh for only a moment before her true plan was revealed. The eruption of evil energy was at first utterly blinding and then dreadfully painful. One second I was high in the sky, the next I was opening my eyes to find myself free falling to the ground. My aching body would not respond to my will. I heard somepony call out what could've been my name, but the ringing in my ears was much too loud to be sure. Crashing into the unforgiving ground sent more tremors of pain throughout my already devastated body. The crater I'd created was of moderate size. Not surprising since I wasn't thrown at the ground. I shakily stood to my hooves, vertigo causing me to stumble this way and that. Once I'd slightly regained my composure I looked back into the sky to see Luna and Kis darting this way and that at one another. I felt an ugly sensation crawling all over my coat. "No," I cringed at the sight. I was covered in the black mana, the same as the gunk Cadance and I had encountered in Canterlot. "To think she'd self destruct as an attack." The most intense frenzy of coughs I'd experienced racked my body, but this time it was unbelievably painful. I nearly collapsed at the sudden agony. "Who says I blew myself up?" The blast that blindsided me didn't hurt, instead washing over me and taking control. "Look at me." I was forced to look over my shoulder to find the second Twilight satisfied to no end... "Y-you..." I was able to get out a single word before my mouth clamped shut. Bad. Very bad. "Cel, do me a favor?" The faux Twilight giggled, a truly disgusting sound. I screamed at my body to move, to do anything, but it refused to obey. "Go get eaten by a dragon, yeah?" My body turned of its own accord to find Spike's mighty form descending upon me. I looked up at the certain death I was facing, my eyes mercifully allowed to squeeze closed. Luna... I'm sorry. The last thing I heard before being swallowed was the loud outcry of my sister shouting my name. > Luna : Superior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "TIAAAA!?" One moment she was there and the next she was not, swallowed whole in one merciless gulp by Spike. "Keep your eye on the birdie, Lu!" Kis' blade appeared to cut the air itself, aimed directly at my throat, but it never connected with its intended target. "YOU FILTHY MONGREL!" I roared. The blackest mana flowing out of my pores, stopping her blade from touching me. "HOW DARE YOU HARM MY SISTER!" I trembled with rage. The magical energy that emanated from me pushed Kis away despite her best efforts to fight against it. I grabbed at my head, the darkness nearly consuming my mind instantly. "Oooohhhh is this the appearance of the infamous Nightmare Moon?" Kis taunted. "Big surprise. Little Lulu can't control her less tasteful tendencies, even now," she cackled. "You're a pathetic excuse for a good guy." I had to concentrate to maintain my authority over the dark and Kis' stupid mouth was not helping at all. "SHUT UP!" I screamed, a wave of darkness exploding from within me. As the energy collided with Twilight's body it ignited her coat, instantly beginning to sear her flesh. The protective barrier Kis had erected did little to prevent the black magic from reaching her. "AGH! That hurts you HORSE!" she yelped in pain as she began swatting the parts of her body that were aflame. I really wished I could sit back and enjoy the moment, but my mind was quickly slipping away and I had to focus all my efforts or risk making the worst mistake of my life all over again. As I tried to steady my breathing, opening my mouth so it might be a bit easier, pitch-black flames shot out of my maw in long burning gouts every time I exhaled. "Geez... you really are a monster, aren't you?" Kis' voice continued once she was no longer alight. I could not concentrate with her mouth going... at least I was unable to focus on myself. But what if I... "You... will... pay." I held my jaw tight, cutting off the jet of flames, but small flecks still escaping my clenched teeth. I flew at her with a speed not even I knew I possessed, almost moving as fast as if I'd teleported, but never having casted that spell. My forehoof smashed into her jaw sending her shooting backwards. I would not relent, behind her in no time at all, I bucked as hard as I could into her defenseless back. There may have been a loud crack, I could not be certain. I did not have the luxury of being concerned with anything other than causing her as much pain as I could muster. It was the only thing keeping the Nightmare at bay. I spun around my horn pulsing with black magic as I summoned a large mass of crackling darkness, slamming it into Kis from above. She could do little but moan in pain as she was sent spiraling downwards to the ground. Before she crashed I moved underneath her, ramming a shoulder into her already injured back. She screamed in agony, the sound delightful to my ears. I let her limp body drop to the ground with a thump. "Y-you horse," the blood that she coughed up covered the ground, but that darned smile remained plastered on her face. "Argh, you're definitely gonna kill Sparkles if you keep this up. But I guess she wouldn't be the first, would she?" I drew my forelegs up into the air and slammed them where Kis' head had been seconds before. Faker. I knew she had been playing possum and so hastened my attack. If I wished to kill Twilight Sparkle, she would already be dead. "Enough games, Kis! If you have any sense of honor you will release Twilight and face me yourself." My anger, as well as the darkness, had subsided a degree after the beating I had given her. But now... now I had to push the thoughts of Celestia aside. She is alright. My sister would not let her fate be something so... mundane. Eaten by a dragon? Her star pupil's dragon, no less? No, I did not believe she was gone. Once I dealt with Kis I would go inside Spike myself and drag Celestia back out here. But first things first... "Honor? HONOR!?" she broke out in a bout of hysterical laughter. "Oh Lu, you're too much fun! I don't care about things like honor. I only have objectives," she pointed a hoof at me. "and right now the only objective I have is to capture you." "Is that why you feigned injury like a coward? So that you could 'capture' me." It was times like these that I wished I had some sort of magical capacity to attack the mind. For all my physical and magical strength I could only buy time trying to formulate a plan to get Kis and Met out of Twilight's head. "Funny games Lu, funny games. You're all just toys for our amusement anyway," she shrugged off my accusations as the wounds I had dealt her began to heal. She turned her neck this way and that, cracking it loudly. "Right then, let's-" "One moment," I held up a hoof, a long shot to stop her. Somehow it worked. She froze in place, a confused expression dominating her features. "What? There's something on my face isn't there?" she pointed a hoof at her own muzzle. "I FREAKING KNEW IT!" "Why are you doing this?" It was mostly a stalling tactic, or at least that was half the truth. I genuinely desired to know the answer. "Ugh, and here I thought it was something important," Kis sighed, a look of profound boredom overtaking her eyes. "Well, you're gonna die soon anyway. I guess it doesn't matter that much." She sat down where she stood, clearly not feeling threatened in the least. "Met and I need a way to manifest in this world. The spell Sparkles has been working on will harvest enough magical energy to create a body for us to inhabit." So Twilight had never been on a path to save anypony. She'd been duped into collecting souls for these monsters. I could not blame her for the mistakes she had made. Intense emotion will make you do the most foolish things in the hopes that something, anything, might change your awful lot in life. "You already have a body," I stated simply, pointing at her. "Why do you have need of a second?" "This?" she poked at her chest with a hoof, "This lump of flesh could never hope to contain our real power," she looked disgusted as she prodded at Twilight's body. "Even now I'm fighting you with her strength, not mine. Why do you think I'm having such a hard time of it?" She is that much stronger than this? That didn't seem probable much less possible. "What are you?" I gathered myself, getting ready for the conflict to continue. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she stood back up, crouching down with her smile instantly coming back at the notion of the battle resuming. "So you simply took advantage of a heartbroken mare for your own selfish gain? Sounds to me like you and Met are the real monsters," my horn glowed a mixture of dark blue and black. I still had some of the dark energy left. I would be able to fight them using it. The threat of the Nightmare had passed. I was ready. "KAHAHAHA!" she lifted a hoof to cover her mouth. "Took advantage of a heartbroken mare!? Who the heck do you think is the one that ki-" "I shall take over from here, Kis." Twilight's voice and expression changed in an instant. "We do not want to give away too much information so soon. I will handle Luna from here on." The voice known as Met was now in control. Good. I have some pent up aggression I need to hammer out. "Awfully arrogant of you to presume you could handle me so easily," I glared at my new foe. "Let us be sensible, Luna. Surrender and we will make your demise as painless as possible." He did not even take a battle stance, instead choosing to be as nonchalant as possible. "I have never been the sensible type. I am more of the... smash things into the dirt until they beg me for mercy type," I was ready to attack. "But of course," he rolled his eyes, still not even attempting to protect himself. Well, I did not want to keep him waiting. My forehoof swung at his face faster than light could travel. He deftly moved as little as possible to avoid the hit. I spun around throwing a kick at his head so hard the air itself split in two. Again he took a small step back avoiding the attack by less than a centimeter. Fine, if I could not hit him physically then I would just have to be a bit more aggressive. I love being more aggressive. Instead of aiming to hit him, I targeted the ground beneath him, the explosion of dark energy overtaking the both of us in a second. It was a good thing my own magic could not harm me or I might have been a bit... singed by the blast. As the smoke cleared away I grew annoyed. He was nowhere to be found. "Teleported," I huffed in frustration. "Incorrect." I spun around to find him standing behind me looking bored. "I moved. You are just so very slow, Luna." I could not tell if he was trying to provoke my wrath or not, but it mattered little. I took a deep breath. These are not the type of enemies I can lose my composure on. I have to be careful with Twilight's body. "Then I shall have to change my tactics," I poured silver moonlight into my horn. "How exciting! This is akin to one of the techniques you employed against Twilight before, isn't it?" His interest increased several notches. I will show you the folly of your glee, Met! I summoned my moon above us, only partially, as I began to pray my first spell. "The waning arch of moonlight forces my foes into confrontation. Sixth phase!" The lovely moonlight washed over both our bodies creating a sphere around the two of us. "So... what does this one do?" he looked around at the barrier and lightly pressed against it with a hoof. Brave, if a bit foolish. If it had been some sort of field of death, touching it was the worst thing one could do. Lucky for him, that is not what it is. "I am not finished yet!" I reached into my infinite reserves of mana to cast a second phase alongside the first. While phases could not coexist for long, I would at the very least have a few minutes of both operating in tandem. "Our moon channels the void, black and inescapable. First phase!" My moon disappeared completely from sight, an inky dark orb taking its place. It was still my precious moon, her appearance was just a bit... different. "Remarkable! I cannot see a thing..." Met sounded truly impressed. The sixth phase created a dome of moonlight around my opponent and I. Neither of us could leave that dome for the duration of the spell. The first phase robbed all senses of those who occupied the small area I targeted, other than myself of course. It was a lethal combination, to be sure. No senses and no escape, right where I wanted him. "What an interesting spell, I cannot smell either," he had sniffed the air several times before exclaiming. "I suppose that means I am unable to use any of my senses, but..." He was quiet for a second. "What do you intend to do now? I am at your mercy," he sat on his haunches to prove he was not attempting to deceive me in any way. "I intend to defeat you," I whispered to myself, though he would not have been able to hear me regardless. I hummed a quiet song, the same one Tia used to sing to me centuries ago to help me get to sleep. As my horn sublimated into silver light I calmed myself, ready to try the last thing I could think of that might work on these monsters. The wisps of my spell drifted out from my horn as I continued to hum. It was a glacially slow spell so this was essentially the only way to properly utilize it. The energy floated around Met, encompassing him completely in seconds. "Ah, I see," he yawned. "C-clever girl." Another yawn left his mouth. "I should not... have... underestimated... you..." His head slowly drooped as he lowered himself to a prone position. With one last extended yawn he laid motionless, completely asleep. I exhaled the breath I had been holding in, relieved that my spell had actually worked. I was not sure what level of strength I would face within my realm, but it was my domain and I would not be made a fool in it. My moon faded out of existence from above as the phases came to an end. I moved forward, preparing to submerge directly into Twilight's mind once again. A tinge of excitement shook me. "Kis. Met. Let me see just how strong you truly are..." I closed my eyes, fading slowly from reality and entering the dreamscape. Heh. Met was making an attempt not to dream. An admirable strategy, but I could manifest dreams or nightmares in the mind of any being that was asleep. In a matter of seconds, I entered the dream I had created in Twilight's mind. A desolate wasteland at midnight greeting me. Twilight Sparkle, the real Twilight, purple coat and vivid cutie mark on her flanks, stood awaiting my arrival. "L-Luna!?" tears fell from her face as I landed in front of her. "They retreated inside my mind... pushed me out here so that they couldn't be interrogated. They didn't think you'd be this powerful." My heart ached for her. This was not the Twilight I had met the past few days. Without Kis' influence, It was easy to see how distressed she was by everything that had happened. "Luna I'm so stupid! I let them manipulate me. I did exactly what they wanted and now..." she sniffled, almost breaking down where she stood. "Flurry..." "Twilight..." I walked up to her slowly. She recoiled in terror at my approach. The last time we had met in the dream realm was not easy for her. That memory and the fact that she had no clue what I might do to her had planted a sense of fear deep inside her heart. It made sense, but I could finally see that none of this was her fault and so, I had no quarrel with her. Celestia yet again had been proven correct. I placed a hoof on her shoulder eliciting a stunned look from her. "Luna?" she gasped as I pulled her into a tight hug. "No! I don't... I don't deserve..." she resisted, trying her hardest to pull away from me, but I would not let her go. Celestia had shown me the right way to do things and I would not fail her or my friend a second time. "Forgive me, Twilight. Had I been more considerate and less jealous, I would have gotten to know you better," I squeezed her, revealing the ugly truth I held deep inside myself. "J-jealous?" she stopped struggling. "Tia had grown so fond of you while I was gone... It hurt me. That she could push me aside and become so intimate with somepony other than myself." I had been so bitter when I found out, and that bitterness grew. Ironically, I could not act upon the feelings of resentment because Twilight and her friends had been the ones who had saved me. I let the feelings fester and rot when they should have been stamped out immediately. I hated her because she had been everything I was not for my sister. Reliable. Confident. Loyal. "I held that jealousy in my heart, always searching for an excuse to hurt you. And after all of this happened... I used it as an reason to try and..." If Celestia perceived herself as a failure, I could not fathom what that made me. Pathetic?Shameful? Pitiful? All apt descriptions. "But you didn't..." she continued to cry, but attempted to speak through the sadness. "You reached out. You tried to help me and I..." "We have both made our fair share of mistakes, Twilight." A tear fell from my eye. "But I want you to know this... I love you. You have always been there for Celestia when she needed you... and you have always been there for me as well. I am truly sorry I have not been as good a friend as I should have been." "L-Lunahahaaaa!" she trembled, sobbing with no reservation into my shoulder. I held her close, unabated tears escaping me as well. I thought back to what Tia had done for me when I was like this and so I gently stroked her mane with my hoof. We had time, I could slow the flow of it in the dream realm at will, and it felt good anyway, being this close to another friend I had neglected for far too long. As her cries subsided she drew back, wiping her face with her foreleg, a goofy smile on her face. "Thank you, Luna... for not giving up on me," she laughed a little. "You should thank Tia. She never once doubted you." The thought of my sister in her current predicament weighed heavily on my nerves, but I would have faith. Tia is the strongest. There is nothing for me to worry about. "I will! I swear, I'll make this right, even if..." The desperation in her voice said she had no idea how she was going to do that. "Very well. Just know that sacrificing yourself to do so will not suffice." She dropped her gaze to the ground. It was the same way I had planned to atone for my sins. My death. It had seemed like a fair trade at the time, but I was not thinking clearly, as I was certain Twilight was not now. I gently placed a hoof under her chin, lifting it so that she would look me in the eye. "Celestia, Cadance, and I... your family still needs you, Twilight. We have already lost so much." She nodded, her tears welling up again. "I'll... I'll do my best, Princess." "Attagirl," I smiled brightly at her cooperation. "Now then, any ideas on how to deal with your unwelcome guests?" She looked mildly confused by my question. "To be honest, I'd thought they'd withdrawn into a corner of my mind, but..." "But?" "I think they're gone," she closed her eyes, contemplating the possibility. "Gone?" I shook my head. If only life were so easy. I could not count the number of times I believed I had exorcised the Nightmare only to be proven horribly wrong days, months, or even years later. "I do not know about that, Twilight." She looked at me as if I had just stepped on her tail. "But I do know how to confirm if that is the case." "You do?!" Twilight beamed. "This is my realm, Twilight. None may exist within without my consent," I replied confidently before switching to the Royal Canterlot Voice. "KIS! MET! IF YOU ARE STILL PLAGUING TWILIGHT SPARKLE'S MIND I COMMAND YOU TO SHOW YOURSELVES IMMEDIATELY!" As the echo of my voice drifted away, Twilight and I waited in cautious silence. Nothing? "See!?" Twilight looked up into the air around herself, as if at some point one of the intruders would float into view. There was still one more drastic way to be certain, it was just... very invasive. "I can be one hundred percent sure, Twilight... if you would trust me," I averted my eyes slightly. It was not something I took lightly, nor was it something I did often. Twilight looked at me with that goofy smile of hers again. "Luna, this is your realm. You can do whatever you want. I don't think I have much of a choice other than to trust you," she giggled. That was true, but perhaps I had used the wrong phrasing. "I suppose what I meant was, are you okay with me combing your mind?" I pointed a hoof at her head. "Right now we are in my dream realm and I do have absolute authority, but..." "But?" she tilted her head. "But I stay out of the minds of those I guide. It is a very real invasion of privacy if I use my power to peer through your consciousness," I moved next to her in an attempt to make her more comfortable with the idea. "I will do my best to avoid anything you are trying to conceal, but... I can make no promises." Twilight looked down first to the left then to the right, contemplating if she really wanted to go through with this. Personally, I would never let anypony see my innermost thoughts and secrets. My life was full of regrets and sorrows that I could never rid myself of. I did not want those horrible events to ever get out... especially my own memories of them. Twilight took a deep breath and grinned at me before putting her hoof on my shoulder. "I trust you, Luna. If I didn't by this point what kind of friend would I be?" Her kindness was more than I deserved, but appreciated more than she could ever know. "Thank you, Twilight," I leaned forward placing the tip of my horn against hers. The flood of memories was intense. I had never done this with permission before and so, being permitted to see everything with nothing held back was initially, quite overwhelming. The intense, unending love she had for her friends and family. The crippling grief and sorrow she experienced at their departures. The subtle manipulation she was subjected to after she had delved too deep into the forbidden. The regret she felt after realizing she had been used like a puppet. I did not intend to stay long and so glossed over most of her memories. In the end, Met and Kis were nowhere to be found. Then where have they gotten to? Had my final gambit really paid off so fortuitously? As I drew my horn away from Twilight's she nearly fell over. I caught her in my forelegs and smiled at her kindly. "Forgive me for being so rough," I chuckled. "No, no. It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy, that's all." She found her balance and I let her stand under her own power. A little distortion was normal after having your mind rummaged through, even for somepony as strong as an alicorn princess. "What did you find?" she asked, quite concerned at what I may have discovered. "Not a thing. They are gone. Tis a curious thing..." I had even searched the entire dream realm, just in case, and came up with zilch. For some reason Twilight looked displeased at my answer. "Then what should w-" she stopped short, her expression changing to one of intense fear. "Luna they're- AGH!!!" she grabbed her head in pain, collapsing to the ground as her legs buckled. "TWILIGHT?!" I dropped down next to her, a cold sweat instantly covering me. Something was wrong and I had no idea what it could be. "AGHHHH!" The scream that came from her was even more terrifying than my sister's had been when she was being tortured. The only way something like this could be happening in my territory is if... "Your body!" I exclaimed. I had to end the spell. Something had to have been happening to her body in reality. "Hold on, Twilight! Just hold on!" With no further delay, I phased back into the real world, back to the battlefield. "TWILIGHT!?!?" I gaped at the horrid scene playing out before my eyes. Twilight's body was suspended in midair, each of her limbs drawn in a different direction, as if unseen strings were going to tear her into quarters. She was fighting against the invisible force, but such resistance was proving useless. "How unfortunate..." Met's voice did not come from Twilight's mouth anymore, but somewhere I could not identify. "It appears as if you are far more dangerous than we gave you credit for," he sounded frustrated for once. "To think we would be forced to sever our contract with Miss Sparkle or risk the success of our entire plan," his voice sounded as if it were getting closer to me. "You have become quite the nuisance, envoy of Justice." I was not sure what that meant, but I could not be bothered to think about anything other than my friend's well-being. "RELEASE HER MET!" I roared into the sky, my eyes still locked on Twilight. "I am afraid that is not possible at the current time. She will be free once we take what we require from her." He did not laugh or sound particularly concerned at all, making his words all the more chilling. "Should you not be more worried about your dear sister? The insides of that dragon in particular can be quite hazardous to ones health." "TIA CAN TAKE CARE OF HERSELF YOU FI-" The scream of agony that came from Twilight made my blood run cold. "TWILIGHT!" I abandoned all sense of reason, casting a spell in an attempt to save her. I would instantly come to regret my folly. As my mana touched the air around her, a magical reaction tore through my horn and passed directly into my head. I nearly collapsed at the sudden unbearable pain. Unbearable pain that I would have to endure for her sake. Shaking, I ignored the pain as I continued to inch my spell closer and closer to her body. "You are nothing, if not persistent, Luna. I will grant you that." Wherever Met currently resided, he had not made any moves or tried to stop me. "Sadly, you are a day late and a bit short, as the saying goes." Twilight's body convulsed, her screams crescendoing as the magical tendrils that covered her slowly ripped away from her body. Like tearing off a particularly finicky bandage, but obviously millions of times more painful, the separation of magic from flesh was one of the most disturbing things I have ever been forced to witness. "T-Twilight..." I whispered, not able to do anything for her. Her screams gradually died as the process completed. There was no blood, somehow. As the last markings tore away from her, Twilight's limp body fell to the ground, the old violet color of her coat slowly seeping into the black. I caught her in a spell, slowly lowering her body into my embrace. "You monster..." Although I tried to yell at Met I could not find my voice. Holding the still body of my sister's student, one of my only friends, was too much for me to handle. "All is fair in love and war, Luna. I know you are intimately familiar with that sentiment." Met's voice slowly faded away. Twilight was not breathing. She was not struggling anymore either. I was terrified. "Twilight..." I whispered, praying for a miracle to occur, for anything or anypony to save her. "This won't do..." My heart stopped at the sound of the voice. "This won't do at all. I won't let this happen." > Cadance : Resolve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It can't be possible... can it? Flurry is... What kind of evil magic could cause something like this to happen? Had the monster that stolen my daughter away from me returned to finish me off as well? If only I were so lucky. For some reason, her voice did not continue. I waited for more to come, but nothing else happened. I couldn't just ignore my own daughter's voice... even if it wasn't really her. I called out again, despite how foolish it was. "Flurry?" Perhaps I've gone insane. That was certainly possible. Depression can do very strange things to the sufferer's mind. This could be a peculiar way my mind was trying to cope with my loss. Like a key opening a locked door, my voice seemed to trigger another response from the voice. "Listen Mom, I don't want to get your hopes up or anything, so just know that if you're hearing this... I'm really... I'm really gone... I'm sorry... I... I thought I could... UGH! I thought I'd make it... I thought I was strong enough, but I guess... I guess I was wrong." From the volume of her voice it sounded as if she was sitting in my bed right beside me, but that clearly wasn't the case. "I snuck into Starless' room and read through one of her books. I learned how to cast this spell. It lets me record my voice and then plays it later on when certain conditions are met. Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself." So it's just a simple recording spell. It was actually her, but... My heart sank even though I already knew that it couldn't have... that she couldn't be alive. "If by some miracle I am still alive, I'll get rid of this before you know about it so... hopefully..." she sighed. "Mom, I have a really bad feeling about tomorrow," she suddenly sounded much more serious. "That's why I'm doing this now, because... look, I know my intuition has never been as good as yours, but... I think... I think something might happen to me tomorrow Mom. Something bad. Even so, I can't derail Granny Sola's whole plan just because I've got some butterflies in my stomach, y'know?" She'd known... or at least, she'd had a feeling, yet she put on a brave face and went through with her part of the plan regardless. Even though her confession broke my heart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my daughter. She was so brave... my little heart. "Soooo I'm recording this because I know how you are, Mom." She laughed after saying that, confusing me. How I am? How am I? What was that supposed to mean? "You think you can't do this alone, don't you? That you can't live alone?" She wasn't wrong. I can't live without her. I needed her. "You don't need me, Mom." Her ever present blunt attitude struck a nerve. "I know that might sound harsh, but it's the truth. I know how strong you really are. You can do anything, and that includes moving on, even if... even if I'm not around anymore to hold you up." The thought of being by myself terrified me. "Because you're not alone, Mom. Even if I'm not there, you have so many ponies that love you. Granny Sola, Granny Moona, Starless and the rest of the Rainbow Guard, and..." she stopped for a moment, possibly considering if she really wanted to say what she was going to next. "Auntie Twi. She's really hurting, Mom. She needs our help, now more than ever. We have to save her. We have to bring her back. She's our family, Mom. Even if she's done horrible things. Even if she's..." I already knew it. Flurry would do anything for her aunt. She'd always been like that. "Mom... I messed up real bad." Even though I was already listening intently my ears perked up. "Remember when auntie came to the empire that one time? When we met her outside the city, a little while after she became the ruler of Equestria?" I could vaguely remember the time. Twilight visited often before her ascension to the throne, but after that happened it was rare for her to come around. One might think I'd be able to pinpoint the time easily, but along with her inheritance came a lot more work for those of us in the empire. My mind had been on so many things back then. "Heh, I guess it doesn't matter much if you don't remember the exact date. Anyway, that night we talked about a lot of stuff... really important stuff. She brought up grandmare and grandpa. She was really worried about Dad. I could tell something was wrong, I could see it... something in her eyes and I..." She was quiet for a moment before I heard the change in her tone. "I didn't say anything, Mom. I didn't do anything about it, I..." She was crying. The sound was so alien it almost sounded like it wasn't my Flurry at all... but it was. "I should've told you or Dad or Granny. I should've told anypony, but I didn't. I... It's my fault, Mom. This whole thing is happening because I didn't do something for her when I should have." I felt awful. I didn't even know she'd felt that way and she was my only daughter. What had I been doing that I was so oblivious to her feelings? "No Flurry..." my thoughts slipped out of my mouth. How can she possibly blame herself for such horrible events? "I already know what you're thinking 'oh Flurry, it's not your fault, none of us could've caused this to happen.' Maybe you're right, Mom, but it doesn't matter. Even if it's not my fault, even if I'm not to blame at all, I still should've done something. Nothing will change my mind on that. Nothing. That's why we have to save her, Mom. We have to... do something." I didn't know she'd carried so much guilt with her. Since she was so young she'd bore the blame of her aunt's mental decline. I wish I had known. I wish I'd made more of an attempt to know, but she was always so happy and upbeat. Could I have done things differently? should I have asked her more questions? Been a better mother? "Stop it, Mom!" There was no aggression in her voice, only kindness. "I know what you're thinking. It's not your fault, not at all. I'm really good at hiding my emotions. Nopony could've seen through me." She knew me so well. "You're the best, Mom. I couldn't have asked for a better family. I love you all so much..." Another long soul rending pause followed, the quiet sounds of her crying, wiping away her tears, sniffling her nose. What I wouldn't give to hold her that very moment. "I'm gonna be honest with you here, Mom... I'm uh... i'm a little scared. I... I don't..." she sniffled, her tears coming harder. I hadn't noticed before, but tears were dripping from my face as well. "I don't want to leave you guys, Mom. There's still so much I wanted to do, so many things I wanted to experience. I've never even kissed a colt for crying out loud!" she chuckled a little, but it was easy to hear how hollow the action was. "I..." I could hear her wiping her face with a foreleg. "Sorry this probably isn't helping you much, huh? Come on Flurry, stop being such a pansy." She was doing her best to stifle the tears. I smiled slightly, her care for me in spite of how she felt, something I cherished deeply. "I've been going on for a while so I think I'm gonna end this with one more important thing, Mom. You have to be strong. You can do this. You can save Auntie Twi. I know you can. Love doesn't fail, Mom. It never does. And always remember what I told you, this isn't goodbye, it's..." "See you later..." I wailed as my face fell into my hooves, the tears coming, more fierce than ever before in my life. "See you later, mom... I love you." I sobbed uncontrollably, finally able to get the feelings that had buried themselves deep within me out. I don't know how long I cried, but at some point I fell into a peaceful slumber. Not blacked out, not lost consciousness, but rather, the most comfortable sleep I'd ever experienced. The dreams I had were full of joy and love and yet I couldn't recall what they'd been about once I woke. I just knew they helped me heal. Flurry had helped me heal, and I wouldn't let her down... no matter what. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "They've already left for Canterlot, Your Highness." Ignitia and the Rainbow Guard had joined me in the dining hall at my behest. None of them were eating. Instead they stood at attention, donning their full armor sets as I ate my breakfast in an attempt at making up for the meals I'd missed over the past few days. I'd woken up that morning completely revitalized, as if Flurry herself had returned and given me all the strength I'd need to fight. Since my daughter was gone, Ignitia had taken up the mantle of her late captain, leading both the Rainbow and Crystal Guards. If the change in position was too much for the young unicorn to handle, she hid it well. "Since when, Ignitia?" I asked after swallowing a spoon full of oats. I hoped and prayed I wasn't too late to take action. If they'd left a long time ago and hadn't come back yet that was a bad sign. If they'd gone recently I'd still have an opportunity to assist them. Either way, I would be going, even if I had to do so on my own. "This morning, about an hour or two ago is my assumption, though I can't be sure. They didn't exactly announce their departure." Ignitia seemed a little more than irritated at that fact. "What will you do, Your Highness? The empire really needs your leadership right now." She wasn't looking at me, as if she was aware I knew she was using a manipulative tactic to try and get me to stay. She already speaks like a politician. She'll make a fine Captain of the Guard. "I will go assist my aunts in their endeavor." My declaration elicited an audible shuffling of the others in the room. Ignitia didn't say a word or move a muscle. "I cannot sit idly by while my sister is in need of my aid. I am... sorry." I couldn't look my soldiers in their eyes. It might've been selfish of me, to choose my own wants, to choose Flurry's wishes, over the needs of the entire Crystal Empire, but... I wouldn't let anything stop me from fulfilling her dying request. All was quiet in the hall for a span. I really had grown accustomed to it. "If I may, Your Highness?" Ignitia finally spoke, drawing my gaze. "You've no need to ask, Ignitia." I swallowed the last of my tea. "There's no reason for you to apologize. I believe in my heart that's what Flurry would've wanted as well... that you help Princess Twilight, I mean." We met each other's gaze, the kindness in her eyes and the smile on her face warming my heart. "Thank you, Ignitia," I offered her a smile in return. "My only request is that you and the Rainbow Guard watch over the empire while I am away. There are no better ponies in all of Equestria to take on that duty." I stood to my hooves, getting ready to do one last thing before I left for Canterlot. "We will keep the empire safe until your return, Your Highness," she bowed low before saluting. "You have my word. You've nothing to worry about. Am I correct in assuming you won't be allowing any escorts to accompany you?" she asked. "You are correct," I nodded. I was already putting my own life on the line for a second time, I wasn't about to willingly put anypony elses in the same danger. "Then please, be safe, Your Highness." She wasn't enthusiastic about my decision, but she would abide by it. "I will, Ignitia." I looked around at all the other guards standing behind her. "You all are the very best the Crystal Empire has to offer. Please watch over her with your lives." They bowed low in unison. "YES YOUR HIGHNESS!" If their morale had been damaged at any point they didn't show it. "You are dismissed," I bowed my head a bit. As the Rainbow Guard made their way to the doors one remained behind. "Your Highness?" Starless Night waited for me by the doors of the hall. I was greatly ashamed of my previous actions towards her over the last few days. I'd treated her especially harshly while I was dealing with my demons. Instead of answering her with empty words I chose to show her my remorse. I wrapped my forelegs around her neck and hugged her. "Y-YOUR HIGHNESS!?" she gasped. "I told you to call me Cadance when we're alone, Star. I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. I know you were concerned, I know you are concerned, but I'm better now, I promise." I rested my forehead against hers, looking her directly in her eyes to prove to her I wasn't trying to deceive her. A single tear escaped her before she quickly wiped her face. "I'm so happy to hear that, Cadance," she smiled. "I was really worried about you." "I was in a dark place, Star. Flurry helped me get out of it." I let her go and moved back. "Thank you, for caring so much. I don't deserve a friend as kind as you." "Don't say that, Cadance. We all go through bad times," she placed a hoof on my shoulder. "A real friend is somepony who's there while you're going through them... or waiting for you on the other side if they can't help you get out." She knew she couldn't help, but still stayed loyal despite that fact and in spite of the fact that I'd treated her so poorly. "You're a true, true friend, Starless." That made me happy to think about, even though I already knew it. "You are too, Cadance. I wouldn't trade you for the world," she rubbed my shoulder gently. "I just wanted to wish you luck before you left and..." she shifted awkwardly on her hooves, suddenly having trouble looking me in my eyes. "And?" I tilted my head. "And... that... I love you, Cadance. I don't know what I'd do without you. So... please... please come back to us." I could see she was trying her best not to cry, still averting her gaze. It was incredibly dangerous, heading to Canterlot. Even moreso without guards, but I would see this through to the end, no matter what the outcome might be. "I'll... I'll do my best Star..." I knew it wasn't what she wanted to hear, but I wasn't going to lie to her, she deserved that much. Despite my wishes, she cried. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I pushed open the door to my daughter's room, her familiar scent washing over me as soon as I stepped inside. Everything within was spotless and organized, a considerable departure from the usual disaster she'd left her room in. "You really knew something was going to happen to you, didn't you, Flurry?" I whispered to myself. She'd left her room in pristine condition, something she never did before. I'll clean up tomorrow mom, promise. That was always the excuse she'd give me. I walked around the room, adoring the interests and hobbies of my daughter. Her posters and decor brought back vivid memories. On one wall, a Wonderbolts poster that featured Rainbow Dash, Flurry's favorite flight teacher and in a very obvious way, her hero. A painting of her father and I from the day of our wedding. I always thought that was a strange thing for her to have up in her room. A photo of her and my aunts on her nightstand, the silly faces they all had caused me to chuckle. They looked truly happy with each other. As I looked around the room I finally realized what had always been missing... Her aunt. The guilt she felt must've really been unbearable... I sat down on the bed taking in what could be the last time I was in her room. A small smile crept onto my face as the happy memories overtook the sorrow as they came rushing back to me. Flurry, Shining, and I on a peaceful picnic in the countryside. She had only been ten at the time. She was so excited the day before she almost slept the entire trip due to staying up the night prior. The three of us presiding over the Crystal Games together numerous times. She'd wanted to compete herself, but it really wasn't fair to have an alicorn represent the empire. She was disappointed at first, but she grew to understand. The ceremony we held when she'd finally taken over as Captain of the Guard for her father when he retired. We were so proud of her. She'd proven she wasn't just a figurehead. She was an exceptional soldier, just like her father. There were so many more memories, I couldn't count them if I tried, each a treasure I held deep in my heart. I would use all of them along with the motivation Flurry had given me to save my sister. I took one more long look around the room before getting to my hooves and walking back to the door. As I pushed it open to leave I felt my daughter's presence. She wrapped her forelegs around my neck from behind, not needing to say a word. "Thank you, my little heart... I'll... I'll save your aunt, I swear." I placed my hoof over hers as tears fell from my eyes. "I'll see you later, Flurry." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight was dying, there was no other way of putting it. The strain of having all of that magic torn from her body had sent her into a state of shock. "C-Cadance?! What are y-" Aunt Luna was stunned by my arrival. Not surprising considering the last time she'd seen me I was an inconsolable wreck. "There's no time, Auntie. Twilight needs us." I walked up next to my sister, already channeling magic to probe her magical circuits. The trauma from having the tendrils ripped from her body hadn't caused any bleeding or disfigurement, but... if they had been a collecting point for all the mana in her body, a concentration of it, then losing that source may cause her heart to fail. "GAHAHAHA! Do all you wish. There is no hope for Twilight Sparkle." That voice... I know that voice. I bristled, my rage immediately off the charts. "YOU!?" I spun around to face my Flurry's murderer, all thoughts of helping my sister instantly forgotten. There was no one, just the floating tendrils that had been taken from Twilight. "Greetings, Princess Cadance. How is your lovely little daughter doing?" I saw red. "Cadance he is-" The roar of my large blast of magic drowned out my aunt's voice. I didn't know where to direct my rage so I'd thoughtlessly fired at the tendrils. My anger and unchecked emotions wouldn't let me end my assault. I continued to pour magic into the attack, not caring if I was playing right into my enemies hooves. Out of nowhere my magic was suddenly completely cut off. I was still so angry, my chest heaving as I drew in all the oxygen I could. There was little to no damage to be seen done to the tentacles. What stopped me? I still have so much energy. "Cadance, you must control yourself." I glared at my aunt, my fury blinding my judgement. Her horn was glowing blue. "YOU-" I stomped toward my aunt with every intention of harming her. "MOM!" Flurry's voice echoed from within me, stopping me in my tracks. "Please, Cadance! Twilight needs you..." Aunt Luna swept her hoof at the motionless alicorn. "She is not breathing." "T-Twilight..." Flurry's words came back to me. We have to save her, Mom. I knelt next to my sister, placing my horn against hers. Even if it cost me all the magic I had... even if it cost me my life, I wouldn't let her die. It was foolish of me to have let that monster manipulate me. I transferred wave after wave of magical energy directly into her horn, the strain gradually causing me to sweat. I wasn't sure if what I was doing would work, but my options were severely limited. Since the issue was a lack of mana... it should work... right? "Come on, Twilight. Stay with us..." I squeezed my eyes shut, the toll this was taking on me was becoming burdensome. I shouldn't have wasted so much energy on that fiend. I wasn't running low by any means, but I still fully intended to deal with that thing once I'd finished helping Twilight. I'd need as much strength as I could possibly muster for that task. "Cadance?" My aunt gasped, placing a hoof on my shoulder. My eyes shot open to find a grimace of pain on Twilight's face. She was shaking. It was obvious she was hurting, but she was breathing. I exhaled, relieved. I placed my ear over her chest listening carefully. Normal, thank goodness. "She's stabilizing," I smiled. Aunt Luna brightened at the good news. "There's not much I can do about the pain, but she seems to be out of the woods." "Mom!" Yet again Flurry spoke inside of me, trying to tell me something. Trying to make me realize what I hadn't. "Cadance, are you alright?" Aunt Luna looked very concerned, as if I was about to fall over and die. I couldn't understand why. "I-" my eyes opened wide, light illuminating them into shining orbs of luminescence. I felt the swell of magic move out of my chest, one of the bright shining hearts that Flurry had given to me appearing before us. It slowly floated down to my sister and phased into her chest. "That is Flurry's-" Aunt Luna stared wide eyed. "You alicorns are such a troublesome lot," the monster interrupted my aunt. "We never should have agreed to allow your existence." I ignored it. I was much to focused on Twilight to be swayed by its taunting. The heart caused the lavender alicorn to glow light blue before the magic fully absorbed into her body. Her scowl slowly changed into a slight smile as her spasms died down completely. Did you predict this as well, Flurry? Is that why you gave us some of your power? "No," I heard her laugh. I really must've gone crazy. I guess it isn't so bad. I turned around to face the murderer. "Keep an eye on her, Auntie. I have a bone to pick with this... thing." I walked closer to the tendrils, my horn overflowing with light blue magic. With nothing else to go on I could only direct my wrath at what I could see. "Right now, It's name is Met, Cadance. The female voice is called Kis." My aunt moved closer to Twilight, crouching protectively to shield her from any possible attacks. "Met huh? What a despicable name..." I stuck a tongue out in disgust. "You're the one that took my Flurry away from me, aren't you?" My horn flared at the intense anger I was feeling, however I knew the correct strategy. Rage won't be the answer in this fight. "That is correct, Your Highness." Met's voice was so polite it grated on my ears. It made me want to punish him all the more. "Unfortunately, she did not put up much of a fight." I took a deep breath in then exhaled slowly. "I pray you are not as pathetic as she was." I bit the inside of my cheek hard, tasting metal almost immediately. "Maybe if you were not such a coward I'd have somepony to hit." I stared evenly, fighting to keep my emotions in check. I can't let him draw me into his rhythm. If I did fall for his foolishness it could all be over for me in seconds. I'd seen first hoof what he was capable of in my palace. No matter how I felt, this would not be easy. "How right you are my dear. My sincerest apologies. I shall rectify that promptly." The tendrils pulsed with energy as they gradually started to vibrate. "Hold on," I lifted a hoof. "Hm?" The tendrils continued to move, but Met still replied. "Where is my Aunt Celestia?" I suddenly noticed her absence, the trauma of seeing Twilight and the goading of Met having distracted me up until now. "Hopefully melted to nothing by this point." The tendrils stopped, now releasing a powerful wave of energy. "Regrettably, I can still sense her inside that dragon's belly, so the process is not complete yet." "D-dragon's... belly?" I wobbled as my body began to lose it's equilibrium. Spike had... "Do not let him rattle you, Cadance. Tia is fine. She would not let herself be killed so easily." Aunt Luna's reassurance gave me strength. She's right. Aunt Celestia had survived far too long to be taken down by something so... boring. "Focus Cadance! He is coming!" As the magic around the tendrils reached a maelstrom it stopped abruptly before an explosion of darkness forced me to avert my eyes. "BEHOLD, KISMET! THE LORD OF FATE!" What I looked at was... baffling to say the least. The creature was unlike any civilized race I'd ever encountered before. If I was to compare it to something I'd seen, I'd say it bore the resemblance of a timberwolf more than anything else I could think of. Unlike a timber wolf it stood erect, much taller than even my aunt. It was... disturbing. Red and black fur covered its body and the ends of its limbs looked... wrong or I guess, malformed? It wasn't so much an amalgamation of different parts like Discord, it was just completely... alien. Immediately demanding attention were its elongated claws that looked like they once belonged to a dragon. A long furless red tail flicked around behind it. The wide grin on its muzzle displayed rows of sharp and jagged teeth. Altogether, it looked very... demonic. Strangely enough, it was covered in... clothes? It was dressed as if Rarity herself had created its wardrobe for it. It was adorned in an elaborate vest and dark slacks. Its feet were uncovered, large claws themselves. A fancy metal cane was held in one of its claws. Hanging out of the front pocket of its vest was a gold pocket watch. One of its red eyes, its left eye, was concealed by a black patch. Its pointed ears were exceptionally large, almost as if they were spikes. "Lord of Fate?" I cocked an eyebrow. "That is correct." I felt something touch my shoulder forcing me to jump away. What met my eyes when I turned nearly made me collapse... "H-HOW!?" I looked back to where it'd been less than a second ago, but it was obviously no longer there. I had been staring right at it, how...? I instinctively surrounded myself with love mana, the safest option I had. I was pretty sure my normal spells wouldn't do anything against this... thing. I could feel the darkness radiating off of its body in droves. Standing in its general vicinity felt like I was back in Twilight's room in Canterlot Castle. "Who do you think you are, Discord?" I spat. Its smile somehow grew even wider at the mention of the draconequus. I was one hundred percent sure those teeth could tear through flesh and bone with no problem whatsoever. "You are mistaken my dear, I am nothing like Discord," he took a lumbering step toward me. "No, Discord is a saint in comparison to me." It licked its lips, its tongue an absurdly long serpent-like appendage. "I don't care what you are, monster! You'll pay for what you did to my Flurry!" I wasn't afraid in the slightest, I was ready. He'll pay. "How delightful! It has been," it looked up into the air thoughtfully, counting on its free claw. "millions of years since I've had my last good tussle." I grit my teeth. It's lying. It has to be. "You won't scare me," I growled confidently. "I don't care if you've been alive for billions of years, Met. My daughter will be avenged!" "GAHAHAHA! Why would I want to scare you, Cadance?" It twirled its cane effortlessly in its claw. "I have not cut loose in such a long time." It flipped the cane into the air and caught it without looking. "This is going to be SO. MUCH. FUN!" it emphasized each word with a smack of the cane into its palm. "Enough!" I shot a beam of magic directly at its face, testing the waters. With a bored expression he spun his cane like a windmill in front of itself, deflecting the attack with no effort at all. "Come now, Cadance. This isn't an exhibition," it held its cane behind its neck. "I know! Perhaps you could use some.. stronger motivation," it glanced at Aunt Luna and Twilight, a look of pure hunger on its face. I was next to it in a second, bucking hard at its face. It moved ever so slightly, avoiding the blow entirely. "That is more like it!" It reached for my throat, but my barrier prevented it from touching me. I leapt backwards, taking up a defensive stance. "Tsk, that love magic of yours is quite a problem." If that's the case... "Prepare yourself, Met!" I was most familiar with my love magic, but it had no practical uses in most fights. If this monster was really having trouble dealing with it, then I could fight like I never had before. I manifested blue magical hearts all over the area, several thousand of them. It looked annoyed as it began attempting to pop one of them with the end of its cane. "What do you intend to do with these?" It examined one up close. "They don't seem very powerful." I moved the one it was looking at right into its face, the explosion of magic pushing it back into more hearts which all began to erupt. In seconds it was encompassed by the carnage, obscuring my view of its body. Not letting up, I continued to push more and more hearts into the initial area of explosion causing a repetition of blasts that wouldn't cease. "KEEP AT IT, CADANCE!" My aunt called out over the cacophony of noise. "Yes, Cadance. Do not slow your assault or he might escape." I felt its warm breath on my ear right before its cane collided with my barrier sending me flying back several meters. I didn't feel the blow from the stick, but tumbling around in my orb of safety was painful. "F-fast..." I grunted, standing to my hooves. I couldn't see it moving. I looked its way, but it'd already disappeared again. "BEHIND YOU CADANCE!" Aunt Luna yelled. I spun around, much too slow to stop the cane from crashing into my barrier yet again. The world was a spinning nightmare as I bounced around in the sphere. The fact that it could knock me around so brutally was a testament to how physically strong it was. I'd been immovable by dragons with my barrier... Can he really be stronger than them? Once everything stopped spinning I stood to my hooves, the various cuts I'd gotten healing themselves quickly. I shook the dizziness away and prepared myself for another strike. This time it appeared right in front of me, no teleportation, no spells used. I closed my eyes, lifting my forehooves to defend myself even though my shield was holding true. An attack never landed. I opened my eyes cautiously lowering my hooves to see its cane enveloped in a dark blue aura. "Forgive me, Cadance, but it's clear this thing is not to be trifled with. We must work together to bring him down," my aunt's horn shined as she held Met's cane in place. "Hmmm double teaming? That is not very sporting of you, Princess of the Night," Met stared at the dark alicorn dryly. "But if you insist!" It was in front of her instantly, reaching for her face with a vicious claw. She caught it inside a telekinesis spell, struggling as the force of its lunge was incredibly difficult for her to slow. "Unlike my niece, I can see your movements, Met," she growled, a look of determination on her face. She was already sweating, the strain to keep the monster at bay monumental. "GAHAHAHA! As if I need to touch you to butcher that pretty little face of yours!" Its outstretched claw began to shine blindingly with evil magic. Aunt Luna panicked, drawing back as the swell of power was about to explode right in her face. "AUNT LUNA!" I couldn't react fast enough, the immense beam of evil magic that emanated from Kismet's claw was massive and as loud as the largest dragon's roar. The energy completely overwhelmed my aunt in the blink of an eye. As the spell slowly dissipated Kismet cackled maniacally. Nothing but devastated land and debris remained in front of it. "GAHAHAHA! ONE DOWN, TWO MORE TO GO, CADANCE!" It turned to face me, its eyes psychotic. "Or would that be two down? After all that is the second alicorn I have killed." I couldn't think as I stared at the horrific scene in front of me. "N-no... you can't..." The grief threatened to destroy me. "Don't be... so sure of yourself... Kismet..." My jaw went slack as I looked in the direction the voice had come from. "Twilight..." I could barely say her name. She wasn't in top shape, but she stood on her hooves, my aunt standing right next to her. Her horn was a bright beacon of magenta light, her magical circuits apparently operating well. Had she teleported her to safety? Kismet slapped itself on the forehead in exasperation. "You cannot be serious," it groaned in disappointment. "Thank you, Twilight," my aunt breathed a sigh of relief. My sister merely nodded in acknowledgement. Aunt Luna's eyes narrowed on the monster. "You now face three alicorn princesses, Met. Surrender now and accept your destruction." "How... unfortunate," it rubbed its face roughly with a claw before laughing once again. It looked at Twilight, its boredom back in full force. "Three on one? Not very sporting of you princesses. I suppose I shall have to get serious then." The three of us tensed. The real fight was about to begin. > Twilight : Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn, I'd be delighted to have your friends visit the castle, Radiant. We can hammer out the details as soon as you can coordinate a time that's good for the three of you. The task I've assigned you is set for tomorrow, as I'm sure you've been looking forward to. I'm writing to tell you how proud I am of the progress you've made thus far in Ponyville. While your special talent may not be friendship like mine is, you are doing an amazing job at building relationships with those around you, just as i asked. My student, stay focused and you will do fine, and remember to be cautious, Radiant. When I was young my friends and I faced many mundane trials like this one might first seem, but there were perils hiding around every corner. This mission will test your leadership skills as well as your ability to think on your hooves. You only really have to do one simple thing, Radiant. Believe. Believe in your lessons. Believe in your friends. Most importantly, believe in yourself. Those are the elements that make up the essence of the magic of friendship. Good fortune, my student. Your friend, Twilight Sparkle ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I no longer felt the awkward sensation crawling around in my head. The feeling of ants nibbling all over my brain was gone. Thankfully, the anger wasn't present anymore either. I felt like myself again. Sure, I was a little tired, but being back in control with no threat of losing it was motivating. "Met," I hissed as I stared at his true form. He was some sort of lupine, maybe in the same family as the Diamond Dogs. Or maybe a distant cousin...? Probably not. I was already trying to formulate a plan of attack. If he was a lupine his olfactory senses were probably exceptional. Maybe we can use that information to our advantage. "Already trying to analyze me, Twilight?" he grinned sadistically at me. I could only glare back, still running through possible tactics in my mind. "You are not as smart as you might think, little princess." "Your words fall on deaf ears, Kismet." Luna's horn was already glowing with power as was my sister's and my own, but firing off random spells at this foe wouldn't accomplish anything. I'm sure Luna and Cadance shared that reservation as well. That's why they haven't attacked yet either. He was fast, unreasonably so. Connecting with any sort of projectile was going to prove extremely difficult. "You may be strong, but you're no match for the three of us." Cadance was having none of his mouth either. I'd not seen her this aggressive since Chrysalis had tried to steal my brother from her. "They're right, Met. Together we're unstoppable," I declared confidently. It felt like old times. They were my friends... even closer than that, they were my family. Met rolled his eyes and began clapping slowly. "Oh bravo, bravo, girls. Such a rousing little speech," he clapped one final time, the sound echoing loudly. "Let us not delay any longer then, shall we?" He flung his cane at me. It traveled faster than should be possible, but my barrier would protect me. Instead of simply bouncing off, the rod drove into my shield causing a large amount of magical friction. I had to concentrate to keep my spell up or it would've shattered instantly. While I was preoccupied with the cane, Met pointed a clawed finger at Luna, a thin beam of dark magic shooting from the digit. It penetrated her shield with ease, slamming into her chest and blowing up in a flash of dark light and smoke. Cadance was already in motion, flourishing her horn as her spell trapped Met in a blue magical heart. "GOT YOU!" The pink alicorn shouted in triumph. His cane lost all momentum and fell to the ground, my shield still firmly in place. "You certainly have," Met's face contorted in both confusion and curiosity as he looked closely at the heart. "This love of yours is quite the annoyance Cadance." "You prioritized the wrong target, Met." As the smoke cleared away, Luna stood unharmed. "Magic that weak could never hurt the Princess of the Night," she brushed her chest off with a hoof where she'd taken the blow. Met chuckled at Luna's words, not taking his eye off of the energy surrounding himself. "Perhaps..." he seemed to agree with her. "Or could it be that you are just so weak I thought that attack might very well kill you," he winked at her. At least I think it was a wink. It was hard to tell when he only had one eye exposed. Regardless, Luna seethed. "Big talk coming from the 'Lord of Fate' who can't even escape a simple love spell," I covered my mouth with a hoof, feigning laughter in an attempt to bait the monster into a reaction. "Right, right. I have never understood the concept. It really is one of the only subjects I cannot seem to comprehend." He... agreed? I didn't expect that. "Well que sera sera. I suppose I must bid you adieu for now, ladies." Luna, Cadance, and I exchanged confused glances. Met slumped forward, almost as if his upper body had become too heavy to maintain his posture any longer. Then he changed right before our eyes. His body slimmed down, appearing to lose about fifty pounds of weight. The hair on his head grew much longer, down past his shoulders, but tied up by a large black ribbon. He still wore the same suit and accessories such as the watch, but his eye patch had disappeared. His claws were much smaller as well, both fore and back. He'd lost at least a foot of height. He was still very much a lupine, but a smaller one. No, a vulpine now. Was this supposed to help him in some way? "Transforming your body will not help you." Luna was still as confident as ever, but I could sense something wasn't quite right. "Careful, girls," I couldn't keep quiet. "I don't think this bodes well for us." "DING DING DING! One hundred points to Twilight Sparkle! Let's show her what she's won!" The now female voice proclaimed. Met had retreated. "KIS!" Luna glared, finally realizing what had happened. With one swift movement Kis obliterated Cadance's containment field and rushed at my sister. "CADANCE!" Luna and I shouted as Kis reached a claw right through her barrier. It shattered at the contact in a brilliant blue light before Kis grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up into the air off of her hooves. "So Met can't deal with one little weakling? He must've gotten soft over the years," Kis squeezed tightly on Cadance's neck, droplets of blood dripping from the punctures her nails were creating. As Luna and I moved to teleport, Kis squeezed even harder, causing Cadance to sputter and gag. "Ah ah ah! Don't move a muscle or I'll crush this weakling's windpipe," she threatened. The two of us froze. We'd gotten careless because we'd had the advantage. Things couldn't have gone worse. "I--n---we--" Cadance tried to say something, but to no avail. She couldn't even breathe, harsh gasps repeatedly escaping her mouth. If we don't do something soon... but what? "Hm? What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you choking to death. KAHAHAHA!" she laughed in my sister's face. I wanted so badly to blast her to pieces. Little did I know Cadance was a lot more capable than I thought. "I... said... I'm... not... WEAK!" she threw a hindleg up hard, her hoof connecting flush with Kis' snout. The attack caused the fox to lose her grip, dropping Cadance and sending the vulpine reeling back with a grunt. My sister wasn't done yet. After coughing a couple times to regain her composure, she charged forward, ramming Kis with a shoulder and sending her sprawling into the dirt. To finish her blitz off she blasted her battered enemy with numerous bolts of magic that exploded on contact. "I don't care who you are or what kind of voice you have, that was for my daughter, you MONSTER!" Cadance breathed heavily, obviously having put a lot of effort into shrugging off Kis' attack and launching her own. Luna and I stood in stunned silence for a moment. When did Cadance become such a scrapper? "Excellent work, Cadance!" Luna was absolutely filled with glee. "Way to show her who is boss." "You darn alicorns..." As the smoke cleared Kis' body came into view, still lying on her back on the ground. She sat up, crossing her legs, and then leaning her chin on a balled up fist. "I need to get it through my thick skull that I shouldn't underestimate you. If only we'd never let Justy- I know, Met. I'm not- Does it really matter at this point? We've clearly flouted the rules... Well, we're gonna have to get rid of her eventually anyway if- Fine... Fine, fine... I said FINE!" she snarled in anger. Once again the three of us exchanged completely baffled gazes. Who is she talking to...? Met? Could the two of them converse like that? Aren't they the same being? Yes. The same, but different. "UGH, even had the brains to switch back to normal magic..." Kis stood up, dusting herself off. "Don't let up girls, she won't." I casted a spell surrounding Kis with a tempest of swirling magenta magic. Containment seemed like the best strategy against them. They had proven to be unbelievably quick, but didn't seem capable of teleportation. Luna followed my lead casting her own storm of lightning within my magic. "We have them!" she announced. "Do not let this opportunity slip through your hooves." Cadance joined her spell to ours, blue sparks of mana twinkling in the distorting mass of power. We compressed the spell inward, hoping to crush her into submission... and if she didn't submit well then... "Oho! All at once? I thought you ponies were all about that honor and fairness crap," she lifted her claws to halt the progress of our attack surrounding herself with her own barrier of darkness. "YOU TRICKED ME INTO KILLING THOUSANDS!" I roared at the arrogant vulpine. She laughed hysterically in response. "KAHAHAHAHAHA! It's way more than that, Twilight. Try millions," she smirked at me, the visage of a demon. "Twilight don't let her-" Luna called out, but it was not enough. I shuddered at the gravity of my sins, my spell wavering for just a second. It was all she needed. She extended here barrier outwards destroying our combined spell instantly in a flash of darkness. "This is dumb," Kis sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm getting bored, are you guys getting bored?" she looked around at us as if she actually wanted to know. "No? Doesn't really matter. Let's try something different, huh?" A book popped into existence in front of her. THAT book. For some reason it no longer bore my cutie mark, but that wasn't important right now. What is she going to do with that? She took it in her claws and began to flip through its pages. We were so caught off guard by her odd actions we didn't move. It was all too strange a tactic. "What is the meaning of this, Kis? Are you afraid to f-" "Shh shh shh shh! Hold on Luna, you're gonna love this." Kis was growing way too giddy as she lifted a finger to hush Luna. It made me feel nauseous. "Here we go! The ponies of Equestria will relish and play in the day and will shun and sleep through the night." I'd read that story hundreds, if not thousands of times. That wasn't what it read... "An ancient tale, what of it? Do you intend to bring up my sordid past?" Luna snorted derisively. "Do your worst, Monster. I bear no secrets." No, that's not what she's doing. It has to be something else. "Swing and a miss, Lu. Don't you get it?" Kis shook her head in disbelief. "You didn't think it was a little weird that not a single pony in all of Equestria appreciated you or your night?" What is she playing at? "N-no, not at all." Luna seemed taken aback by the question. "All have the right to enjoy whatever they choose to. I don't hold-" "No, you idiot," the fox scoffed as if she were talking to a petulant foal. "Here, let me give you a hint. Ponies don't normally act like that. Look at how the citizens of Equestria treat these two," she flicked a thumb toward me and Cadance. "Enough beating around the bush, Kis. Speak plainly!" Luna was reaching the end of her rope, her horn pulsing with silver magic. "UGH!" Kis slapped herself on the forehead. "Who do you think made them do that? Who do you think created the Nightmare? Who do you think was whispering sweet nothings in your ears while you shivered in the dark praying for Celestia to come save you?" "That can't be..." Cadance said what we all had to be thinking, what Luna was definitely thinking. The Princess of the Night stood stock still, a look of bewilderment on her face. "Oh it can and it is," Kis placed a thoughtful finger on her chin. "Lets see. It was a little while back, not sure if I can remember. OH! RIGHT!" she cleared her throat before looking Luna right in her eyes. When she spoke again she sounded as if she were a hissing serpent. "Luna, your sister has abandoned you. She doesn't love you anymore and she never will again. You have no one. You are no one. You are alone. No one loves you. You are loathed. You are nothi-" "S-STOP!" Cadance shouted while I stared at Luna and did nothing else. My blood was cold. Luna was shaking and on her back hoof, clearly terrified of the revelation Kis had just shared. The whites of the eyes of the dark alicorn had turned a sickly green. "It's not nice to interrupt, Cadance," Kis turned her attention to my sister, the ugly look of delight on her face growing by the second. She flipped through the book yet again, quickly finding the page she desired. "The young alicorn would die for her arrogance and pride directly in front of her family." Cadance was as confused as was I. "What are y-" "Your daughter was an aberration, Cadance. That's why we were allowed to decide. That's why she died. If you would've had a normal pony like her father we wouldn't have had to kill her. It's your fault, Cadance. All. Your. Fault." Her jaw trembled as she fell to her haunches. "M-my... fault?" she was gone as well, the light in her eyes dimming as the whites turned the same sickly green as Luna's. "KAHAHAHA, the truth hurts, doesn't it girls!" "Please, Kis. That's enough." I found my voice, but it was barely above a whisper. She'd dealt horrendous mental blows to them both and it pained me just as badly as seeing them physically hurt. "Twilight? Twilight, Twilight, Twilight..." she turned toward me, rummaging through the pages of the book slowly. "If you're that eager to find out the truth, you could've just asked," she stopped searching, a look of indifference on her face. The sudden shift in her mood made me flinch. "I-I don't-" "The six mares will be connected forever. They will gain their cutie marks as one and will all meet and become the best of friends," she smiled darkly. "All good things must come to an end," she turned the page. "I don't understand." Was she really trying to imply that she had some part in our lives? What a load of- "Radiant Dawn." The mention of her name made my blood turn to ice. How do they know of her? "What ar-" "The young filly will meet Princess Twilight Sparkle and they will become good friends as well," Kis read with no emotion. I swallowed hard, listening as fear gradually swelled in my heart. "They will grow together, learning from each other and becoming closer and closer. All will be well, for a time." She turned the page, continuing the story I had already lived. "Regrettably, in her naivety, Princess Twilight will send the inexperienced filly to Ponyville to learn of friendship, just as her mentor had done to her." That was exactly why I had done it. It had changed me for the better when Celestia sent me to Ponyville... I was only trying to help Radiant in the same way. "This poor choice will result in Radiant Dawn's untimely death due to an 'accident' caused by a rock slide," she snapped the book shut as it disappeared from her grasp. "You-" "No, Twilight. You," she walked toward me, condemnation in her eyes. "We needed a way to manifest in this world. We needed someone strong enough to harvest the souls required." I couldn't hold my head up even though I was able to remain standing. Had I really...? "Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were all too strong to break. But you?" she crouched down in front of me, not letting me hide from her or the truth. "You were just right. We were the one who destined you all to be friends. We were the one who brought the six of you together. We sent Radiant to you so that we could break you, so that you would seek us out. If you weren't so... pathetic, if you hadn't been so weak, Radiant wouldn't have died in such an unsavory way." It was me? It wasn't just random? It wasn't an accident? I caused all of it? She placed a claw under my chin, lifting so we would be face to face. "You killed her... and then you killed millions more. You turned Spike into a monster and he'll be dead soon too... You're nothing but a murderer princess, and that's all you'll ever be." "I..." I broke down, my mind and my heart in shambles. If I'd been stronger. If I'd leaned on Celestia more. She'd always been willing to try. I pushed her away. I pushed everypony away. I turned Spike into a monster. I killed Flurry. Something sharp pressed against my neck, but I couldn't care less. "What in the..." Kis turned and looked at something that had her eyes wide in confusion. I followed her gaze to find a giant orb of light brighter than the sun. "Enough of your sadistic manipulations, Kis!" The ball of energy dissipated, Princess Celestia standing majestically at the center of it. The look on her face was akin to when I'd threatened her sister. "GET AWAY FROM MY STUDENT, YOU MONSTER!" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Princess Twilight, I'm so excited for my first mission. I've been studying the area extensively in anticipation and it's such a fascinating location. Apparently, it was once home to Hydras, though I'm confident there's nothing like that in the area nowadays. Tamby has been staying over helping me all along the way. I think she might be more excited than I am. Gale is... something else. He injured a wing attempting a new stunt he saw the Wonderbolts performing. I considered postponement, but I'm confident we are still capable of success. Not to mention Gale insisted we move forward with our task. Thank you for the kind words Your Highness, they mean so very much to me. I will be as careful as a surgeon performing an operation. The next letter you receive will be one regaling you with a tale of our accomplishments. We can do it, Princess. I know we can. I have faith. Your most devoted student, Radiant Dawn > Spike : Sacrifice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia, you have to do it, there's no one else that can. I begged and pleaded with the alicorn, but she remained adamant in her stance. I can't Spike... I just... can't. If she continued to be stubborn my stomach would be her final resting place. The fact that her natural aura was still protecting her from instant preservation was a miracle in itself, but that wouldn't last forever. Soon she'll... That could NOT happen. Don't you understand, Princess? They've taken control of my body and locked my mind away. I tried to be as levelheaded as I could. I'm not even really in full control of myself anymore. Princess Celestia just slumped at the truth. Princess... your sister, Cadance, and Twilight are fighting for their lives right now... You can't just stay here and do nothing. If you do... then they... You're my friend, Spike! And like a son to her, she grimaced. How could I possibly take your life? How could I take you away from her? I knew what she said was true, but it wouldn't matter soon. We'd both be dead. I won't even feel it, Princess. I'd lost all sense of pain since Kismet sealed my mind away. There was no escaping this prison for me. You'd be doing me a favor. And what would I tell Twilight, Spike? That you didn't feel a thing? She was starting to get annoyed at my persistence. She's lost so much and you expect me to face her and tell her I killed the one she considers her only son? When she put it like that I could easily understand her reservations. Princess... it's either just me... or all of us, I sighed. Twilight had always been like a mother to me. No, that's not true. Not like. Twilight had been my mom. I loved her more than life itself. Her happiness was more important to me than my own. I'd give anything for her, do anything for her. I'd convince Celestia to do what had to be done, no matter what. I had to or... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Spike... SPIKE!" Twilight's yell followed by a loud explosion forced me to drop the ruby I was about to snack on back into the bowl of gems. With a tired sigh I left my meal and the Power Ponies comic I'd been obsessing over and walked up the stairs to our room. "COMING!" I yelled back to make sure she wouldn't keep on calling out for me. Going up the stairs brought me to one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. "L-little help?" she grunted from the ropes of sticky goop tying her up and suspending her high above the room. She was hanging upside down and looked every bit annoyed by the predicament she was in. I had to cover my mouth to stop the laughs from spilling out causing her to look at me dryly. "That funny huh?" "Yes, yes it is," I laughed out loud, moving to free her with my claws. "You can't just use your magic to get yourself down?" I asked when my laughs finally subsided. The goo was easy enough to cut, but there sure was a lot of it. "Unfortunately, it's a substance meant to suppress magical energy," she looked up at her horn. "And as you can see I got a lot of it on me." "I can definitely see that," I cut another cord away. "I'm guessing Princess Celestia asked you to do this for her?" "No, this was an all original, from the brilliant mind of Twilight Sparkle herself," she groaned. "Careful, when I cut this cord you're gonna flip and have to catch yourself, okay?" I warned her. "Got it!" she tried to nod, but her head was still caked in the goop. I snipped the rope that was anchoring her in place, sending her head over heels as she came to a landing on her hooves. "Nice!" I complimented. "Thanks," she tried to shake the mush off of herself, but it was way too thick. "Ugh, this stuff is gonna take a lot more than just water to get off," she tried to wipe some of it off of her wing with a hoof, but her efforts just spread the ick around. "You might want to jump in the bath... or probably a shower," I suggested, looking around the room. It was a complete disaster, the sticky substance literally all over everything. "I think you're right," she sighed. "I'll get to work in here, don't worry about the mess," I offered her a smile as I went to grab a broom... Or maybe a mop...? An axe? "Spike?" she sounded different all of a sudden. "Yeah?" "Thank you. You're always there when I need you," she walked up to me. "I really do appreciate it." "No problem, Twilight. I'll always be there when you need me. I promise." The sappy stuff really wasn't my thing, but I really did love her. She moved to give me a hug, but I pressed my claws against her chest. "Uhhhh maybe after you get out of the shower." "Right," she looked a bit sheepish before going to get herself cleaned up. I couldn't help but feel a little proud. Twilight's gratitude meant so much to me and having her express it so openly made me beyond happy. I won't let her down. I'd always be there when she needed me. That was the oath that this dragon had sworn. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Oh Spike, I don't know what to do." Twilight hadn't stopped crying for hours. Who could blame her? We were losing everypony. Her parents. Her brother. Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, AJ, Ra- I had to wipe my own tears away. And now Starlight had passed away. Twilight and I were sitting in her room, her on the bed, me on the floor. We'd just finished attending the funeral and even though Cadance, Flurry, Celestia, and Luna were in the city, Twilight refused to meet with them. "I don't know what to say, Twilight. This is so... awful. I never thought..." I didn't think I should say it, but the thought was crawling around in my head. "I never thought it would turn out like this, Twilight. I thought we'd all be together forever." "So did I, Spike," she sighed. "I guess it was just naive of me." "You should go talk to Pri-" "I don't want to," she interrupted. I already knew she didn't, but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna try to persuade her. I still didn't know what'd happened between the two of them. Twilight's entire life used to revolve around what Princess Celestia thought. Nowadays, it seemed like they'd had a really bad falling out. "Why not?" I asked. No use being vague. She'd always been honest with me before. "What happened, Twilight?" "I'm not sure what you mean, Spike." So she's gonna play dumb? Why? "Twilight, it's me," I placed a claw on her hindleg, which was much harder than it sounds considering my claw was almost big enough to hold her inside of. "You know you don't have to hide anything from me." "Ugh," she laid back, covering her face with the back of her foreleg. "I know. It's just... hard to talk about." "If you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine." "No, no... it's alright. I shouldn't bury my feelings," she sat back up. "It should help, right? Talking about it, I mean?" "It's always helped before," I nodded. She took a second to gather her thoughts before speaking. "It feels like..." her face scrunched up. "I feel like Princess Celestia is afraid to see me." Confessing that made her look really sad. "I mean, you saw her just now," she shook her head in what had to be disappointment. "She looked like she wanted to be anywhere else doing anything else." She wasn't lying. Princess Celestia was struggling to interact with Twilight, that was super easy for anypony to see. But that could've been because Twilight was being so standoffish herself. "Have you told her that? Or even tried to talk about it with her?" If I learned anything from the time we'd all been friends, it was that if you had a problem with somepony close, you should bring it up with them because all that could come from keeping quiet was more problems. "How could I possibly do that, Spike?" she lifted her hooves into the air dramatically. "Hey Princess, I noticed you've been scared to talk to me recently, what's up with that?" she covered her face with her hooves, throwing herself back down onto her bed with a loud groan. "Okay, I see what you mean," I placed a claw under my chin, trying to come up with an easier way for her to approach her teacher. "But it's Celestia, Twilight. When has she ever reacted the way you imagined she might?" She was quiet. "You always distort her in your mind, like she's some kind of tyrant that'll hang you for the first mistake you ever make." "That's... true." she agreed. "I guess I'm just really scared, Spike." "Of what?" You'd think after all this time and becoming an all powerful alicorn and the ruler of Equestria itself, she'd have nothing to fear. "What if she... what if she leaves me like everypony else, Spike?" Being abandoned was a scary thing. I'd struggled with the same possibility before, but it's not like any of the ponies who'd left Twilight had done so by choice. "I don't think I could handle that, Spike... I love her so much." "I know, Twilight. I'm sure she feels the same... that's why I don't think she'd ever do something like that to you." I honestly didn't. If Twilight was like a mom to me, then Celestia was definitely like Twilight's mom too. She'd never do anything to hurt her, especially something as horrible as abandoning her. "I didn't think any of my family or friends would ever leave me either, Spike." I knew what she was going to say next, but I had no counter for it. "That didn't stop them from going away anyway." "That's a little unfair, don't you think?" The hardest thing to fix about her thought process was, it wasn't completely wrong. Even if she was being unfair, it didn't make what she said any less true. They were all gone, no matter what the reasons for their departure were. "Maybe," she sighed. "Does it make a difference? I miss them all the same." "Me too." I guess I felt the same, though I was better at hiding my emotions... and I didn't think what family I had left was going anywhere anytime soon. "It feels like you'll all be leaving... and I'll be left here all alone." I had to cut that type of thinking off immediately. She was already being a lot more antisocial, what with her constant visits to the archives. She'd never let me join when she studied. She'd said I'd just be bored. I should've been more insistent. Every time she came back from "studying" she seemed a bit more... different. "I'm not going anywhere, Twilight," I tried to reassure her, but she'd obviously thought about this more than I had. "I swear." "Spike, you're going to have to hibernate eventually. It's part of being a dragon." "I..." It was hard to debate with her when she seemed to never be wrong. Hibernation was something unavoidable for my species. We'd all learned how unavoidable it was for any creature when Tank had to do it that winter Rainbow went crazy trying to stop it from happening. Needless to say, she failed spectacularly. "It'll only be for a while, Twilight. I'll be back before you know it. Not like..." I clamped my mouth shut. Hopefully, she missed that. "Maybe you're right," she agreed with her words, but not with how she spoke them. She sat up as she took a deep exhausted breath. "I'm gonna head to the archives, Spike. There's something I want to check on." I flinched. "I don't suppose you'll finally let me join you?" I hoped. "That's okay, Spike... I don't really feel like company right now," she gave me a sad smile. "Can you go tell Princess Celestia and the others I'm feeling under the weather?" "I think it'd be better if-" "Please, Spike?" I couldn't say no to her, even though I should have. "Sure, Twilight," I offered her a genuine smile. "Thank you." As she left the room to go to the one place I wished she wouldn't, I couldn't help but feel like I'd failed her. That night I swore another oath. I would never leave her, regardless of what it would cost me. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What in Tartarus is going on? I'd been out on a friendship mission from Twilight and I got back to find a gigantic black ball around Canterlot. I've only been gone for a couple days. What could've happened to cause something like this? I placed a careful claw against the wall of darkness. If Twilight was in trouble there was nothing that would stop me from getting to her. The stuff rippled as soon as I touched it, not stopping my progress at all. Walking through it felt like passing through a sheet of water. Within the barrier, Canterlot looked completely normal, but it was a lot more quiet than usual. I took to the air, flying to the castle where Twilight should be awaiting my return. She always had lunch with me as soon as I got back from a foreign land. As I flew over the city toward the castle, I noticed something very disturbing about the streets below. "Where is everypony?" I thought out loud. There wasn't a single pony to be seen. Not on the streets, not eating at the restaurants, not in the parks. It was like the city had been evacuated... or maybe something worse. I didn't have time to check the interior of the buildings, but from what I could gather from the windows, they were all empty too. I have to find Twilight. She'd recently sent Radiant to Ponyville and was particularly on edge about... well, everything. It was the perfect time for some high on themself villain to invade and try to overthrow Canterlot. I knew I shouldn't have left her. I landed on a balcony of Canterlot Castle that'd been built specifically for me to arrive and depart from. I rushed inside, running on all fours to Twilight's room. There were no guards or any other creatures in the halls of the castle. It was starting to get scary. I didn't even knock on the doors to her chambers, instead ramming them open with my horns. I exhaled all the breath I'd been holding in. She was lying down comfortably on her bed, snoring absurdly loudly, like nothing at all was amiss. I tiptoed over to her bedside, trying my hardest not to wake her. Sitting next to her bed I realized that it was entirely possible that she was unaware of the situation currently occuring. I have to wake her up. This could be a matter of national security. "Twilight?" I gently nudged her with my claw. No response. I pushed a little harder. Still no response. I could feel my sweat start to build. Why isn't she waking up? "Twilight!" I shook her roughly, an action that would've woken anypony else up in a second. I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. "Twilight!" I wasn't yelling yet, but the panic was really starting to overcome me and I was seconds from letting out a roar that would shake the entire castle. "Spike..." she whispered as she stirred, her eyes flitting open. Thank goodness. She's okay... She's okay. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That day changed everything. She'd gotten into a fight with the princesses. Not just a simple argument, but literal trying to hurt each other with magic. Apparently, it'd been so bad that she almost killed Celestia. I couldn't believe it. Not because Twilight was ever dishonest with me, more because it was simply... unbelievable. Twilight and Celestia coming to blows was close to the last thing I'd ever imagine happening. After explaining everything that'd happened to me she'd asked me to make one of the hardest decisions of my life. Help her or leave, there were no other options. If I chose to exclude myself from this whole thing she said she'd take it as siding with Celestia. But opposing Celestia felt... wrong. Twilight would never go against her mentor... at least the Twilight I knew wouldn't. I'd asked her what the deal was with Canterlot, where everypony had gone. Why it was inside a black marble. Why she was covered in those strange markings and wearing that coat all the time, even in bed. She said it was all part of a spell she'd been working on. A spell that would change the nature of Equestria itself. All she said she'd need from me was cooperation. None of that mattered to me though. I'd made a promise, swore the oath of a dragon, and I would keep that obligation until the day I died. That meant I'd have to go along with her wishes, no matter how crazy they might become. Something had changed my mom. She was more aggressive than before, more... angry. Little things were setting her off, from her food being too hot to books being too heavy. Strangely enough, her rage was never directed at me. She still treated me with the utmost respect and love. It was very unsettling, almost like I was being used... like she was just being nice to me so I would be cooperative... but Twilight would never do something like that... Right? Eventually she casted a spell on me. I think it forced me to age because once it was over I was a fully grown dragon... something more than just aging happened though. I was bigger than any other dragon I'd ever met. It'd... hurt, initially, all the growing pains of thousands of years condensed into a couple minutes made it feel like I might actually die, but I knew Twilight wouldn't let that happen. In less than a day I'd grown so big I couldn't stay in Canterlot anymore. Instead, Twilight made me a new home in the mountains near the city. It was sad not being able to be with her at times, but I could take it. If it might make her happy again, I could do anything. Then we started "preserving" places all over Equestria. My job was to go to where she was and let her transfer magic into me after she'd finished her job. It was weird and felt a little ticklish, but was over in no time at all. I'd asked her what we were trying to accomplish and she'd tell me it would all be clear in time. When I finally figured out what she was doing it was too late. It wasn't just harmless magic. I was a vessel for holding the souls of the citizens of Equestria. That's why she'd made me grow up. That's why I arrived after she was done. That's why... I don't see the issue, her piercing eyes drilled a hole right through me. I'd finally gathered the courage to confront her about what we were doing and all I got out of her was cold indifference. Twilight we're killing ponies! Not only ponies but... everything... Counting the number of places we'd preserved was getting close to impossible. So what? her careless reply stunned me. When had she become so heartless? To make an omelette you have to crack a few eggs, right? Just think of it like that, Spike, she smiled, her uncomfortably wide eyes sending shivers down my spine. We're just cracking some eggs, that's all. How can you say that, Twilight? As if their lives didn't matter? They were somepony's friends too, just lik- Is this going to be an issue, Spike? The malice I sensed within her filled me with dread. Whoever this was, it wasn't Twilight Sparkle... It wasn't my mom. N-No, Twilight. I'm just overthinking things. I prayed she wouldn't see through my lie. She narrowed an eye scrutinizingly on me, staring at me for way too long. Good! the irritation in her left instantly, a wide grin spreading on her face. I knew I could count on my number one assistant, she abruptly ended the mental link we were using, silence the only thing that followed. What have I gotten myself into this time? Better yet, what has Twilight gotten herself into? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flurry is gone, Spike. I couldn't believe it. Just one day after my fight with Princess Luna, one day after we'd invaded the Crystal Empire, Twilight told me Flurry had been killed. She'd been like a little sister to me. I couldn't count the number of times we'd hung out, doing stupid things like trying to prank her mom or Twilight. H-How? I felt sick. Losing another friend, a member of the family, was something I never wanted to go through again. It was something that was never supposed to happen again. They were alicorns. They were immortal. So why? Why did this have to happen? It's all my fault, Spike. I screwed up. Tampered with things I shouldn't have... and now... It was easy to hear the guilt in her voice. That was what had gotten her here in the first place. Guilt. If she was blaming herself for Flurry's death, things were just going to get even worse. You can't keep doing this to yourself, Twilight. The odds of her listening to me were slim to none, but I had to try. Tell me what happened. Spike... I was possessed. A long time ago... Guess I still am, she confessed. I've been going into the forbidden wing of the archives since Mom and Dad died. I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have let her go by herself. Why didn't I listen to my gut? It's never wrong. Well, we just gotta get you unpossessed then, right? It's the same as that time I gave Rarity that book, no? We just have to find a way to get you better, I tried to offer her some hope, but she just slumped, shaking her head slowly. No, Spike. It's not the same at all, she tried to smile at me, but it just made her look deranged. I really screwed everything up. Then... what can we do? What can I do? I'm right here. I'll do whatever it takes to help you get out of this mess. I don't know, Spike. I don't know... I was losing her... or maybe she was already gone. Growing to this size took the one thing away from me that I felt I still needed to help her. Physical contact. I wanted to hug her, to take her into my arms and reassure her. To tell her everything was going to be okay. But I couldn't. I could only speak to her, could only watch the mental representation we used to converse with one another. I'm sorry, Twilight. It was all I could offer her, empty words. I had nothing else. There was nothing else. You have nothing to apologize for, Spike, she covered her face with her hooves, trying to hide her shame. It's all my fault. For the first time I think I truly understood how Princess Celestia might've felt. I was here for her, I'd gone nowhere, and yet it didn't matter at all. To Twilight, It was like she was all alone and no one could help her. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In spite of my best efforts to hold myself back, they'd forced me to swallow Celestia whole. I'd lost all control of myself to the ones who'd possessed Twilight and now they were using my body however they wanted. I was relegated to a corner of my mind, only able to watch as anything and everything went horribly wrong. How Princess Celestia had survived inside of my stomach for so long was beyond my understanding. Twilight had changed my insides into a preservation machine. If any organic substance were taken in, it should be disintegrated by the flames and absorbed in minutes at best. Yet somehow the Princess was enduring. No wonder she'd been the ruler of Equestria for so long. She was absurdly strong, but it would all be for nothing if she didn't get out soon. And sadly, there was only one way she was gonna be able to get out. Thankfully, she'd reached out with her magic. She'd somehow established a link between the real me and herself and so we were able to communicate with each other. Celestia... she was afraid. I wasn't sure if it was my place to tell her, but things were getting too dangerous. If I didn't say anything now she might never know. I know, Spike, if her body slumped any further she'd be lying down. She was terrified of death. That's why she did all of this. No, Celestia. You don't get it, I sighed. Anypony could see she was afraid of death, that was painfully obvious since her parents had died. She was afraid of you. She was afraid of you abandoning her. She looked at me as if I'd just stabbed her in the heart. I-I would never do such a thing, she was definitely offended by my claim, her eyes frantic as she angrily stood to her hooves. Why would she ever think such a horrible thing? But... you did, Princess. I had to convince her to escape no matter what, and that meant being as cold as possible. After Starlight died, you left her all alone. She fell back on her haunches, a look of disgrace overtaking her. Why Celestia? Why weren't you there for her? I... I wanted to be, Spike, her eyes wouldn't meet mine. I didn't abandon her, I just... I was scared too. Now that was shocking. I couldn't picture Princess Celestia being afraid of anything. Worried? Sure, maybe. Concerned? Oh yeah. But scared? It didn't seem possible. And then the realization hit me like a locomotive. You were both scared of being abandoned by each other. It was cruelly ironic. Both of them had fulfilled their own worst nightmares by avoiding the other... or at least not making a better effort to come together. Celestia just nodded lamely in reply. This was it. This was my only chance. Celestia, she needs you, now more than ever. She needs you at this moment. She lifted her head, a spark of hope in her eyes. But, Spike, I- We took so many lives, Princess... so many innocent creatures. Their souls are trapped inside my body. They can't move on while I'm still alive. I took a deep breath knowing what I was asking, but still dreading what it meant. If you don't do this now, Kismet will use the souls to make themselves stronger... so strong there won't be anything you or the others will be able to do to stop them. She stared at me sorrowfully, the war going on inside of her easy to see in her eyes. She grit her teeth in determination as she breathed harder and harder. There has to be another way! she rubbed her face with her hooves, frustration taking over her features. A spell, a book, SOMETHING! she was yelling now. This can't be our only option Spike! I'm sorry, Princess. Even if there was, we don't have any more time. I was still aware of the battle going on between the others and Kis. I might not be able to do anything, but my eyes still saw what they saw. Kis had done something to the girls. They were all immobile and the monster was bearing down on Twilight... on my mother. Spike I- Kis is about to kill Twilight, Celestia. Her eyes shot open, her horn shining brighter than I'd ever seen it before. Her entire body began to erupt, a brilliant flame as sublime as the sun spreading all over her. Although I couldn't feel anything anymore, I could swear the heat she was giving off was starting to warm me up. I'm sorry, Spike. Her eyes were aglow, tears falling from them for only a second before evaporating as her entire body continued to heat up more and more gradually turning into an uncontrollable inferno. Thank you, Celestia. I smiled at her from the heart. It was my time. I was ready. Tell Twilight I'm sorry I couldn't help her... and that I love her. No. You're wrong, she shook her head slightly as her power reached its zenith. Even with my eyes closed her light was shining through. You helped her more than you could ever imagine, Spike. Everything started to burn. Thank you, my friend. The flash of light was as bright and powerful as a thousand suns. Even though I couldn't feel pain anymore, I was sure I wouldn't have felt anything anyway. Goodbye... Mom... > Celestia : Deity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had become a reflection of my blinding sun, forced to contain the immense heat to a small area so that I didn't consume the entire world. Nothing living could survive the heat I was outputting. Spike wouldn't have felt a thing and yet my heart still ached for him. I will not let his sacrifice be in vain. I searched frantically for the girls, knowing I hadn't much time before the worst occured. They weren't too far away, Luna and Cadance appearing to be hypnotized, stunned into stupors they were not able to escape from. Their eyes were lifeless, a sickly shade of jade. The creature that I knew to be Kis crouched in front of Twilight, a darkened dagger pressed against my student's throat as she stared at the monster with wide, distressed eyes. "Enough of your sadistic manipulations, Kis!" I reduced the amount of power I was emanating, the orb of energy surrounding me slowly shrinking down. I teleported a few feet away from the dog that was tormenting my family. Seeing my niece, my sister... my daughter, in such horrid states had filled me with unparalleled rage. "GET AWAY FROM MY STUDENT, YOU MONSTER!" Kis grinned maniacally, sweeping the blade harshly across Twilight's throat with no hesitation. As soon as I'd surveyed the scene I'd prepared for that possibility. The dark blade in Kis' hand was engulfed in searing flames, the shield I'd placed on Twilight taking full effect. The barrier of pure sunlight would burn away anything that came into contact with it in seconds. I'd casted the same protection spell on Cadance and Luna as soon as I'd seen them as well, just in case I couldn't reach them in time. While my younger sister had her instantaneous teleportation, I had chosen to take a different path. I could protect any who needed me with magic so swift none could perceive it. "AGH!?" The dog-like creature howled in pain as it dropped the dagger to the ground. In seconds the weapon was nothing but a pile of ash. "YOU PSYCHOPATH!!! That could've burned me!" she fell back onto her butt as she clutched at the claw that had been holding the knife. From her voice alone I knew Kis was in control. It mattered little to me whom was before me, they were both going to pay for hurting my loved ones. It was only a matter of time. "That it would have, I would be overcome with joy, Kis. You deserve nothing better you..." I cocked an eyebrow, her form genuinely bewildering me. "What are you?" She stood up and spread her arms wide, the smile on her face exuberant. "We are Kismet, Lord of Fate," she narrowed her eyes on me. "And we're getting more than a little tired of your blasphemous little mouths," she conjured two more dark swords, one in each claw. "But it's still just little ol' me, Kis, right now." "Lord of Fate, huh?" I looked down my nose at the arrogant being. "Sounds to me like somepony has a serious Discord complex." "Pffft, GAHAHAHA!" she covered her belly with her arms, the raucous laughter causing her to double over. "You're not really trying to get to me by comparing me to that dolt, are you, Cel?" she wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh, Tia. You really need to work on your insult game." "Not everything is a game, Kis," I glared at her in disgust, ready to pounce. "And if that dolt was here, we'd be cleaning the ground of your mangled corpse by now." "Hmm..." she appeared to be contemplating that very scenario. "Maaaaybe. But he's allowed to completely manifest with all of his power," she shrugged. "It wouldn't really be a fair fight if you ask me." She appeared to ruminate on what she'd just said, a look of confusion on her face. "Ugh, I know DAD! I should show him more respect. You tell me that ALL the time," she crossed her arms with a huff. "What, do you expect me to just up and fall in love with the g-" "Is this going to take much longer?" I interrupted the pairs bickering. I was ready to smash their skull in and no amount of petty banter was going to change that now. They'd taken things way too far. "Empty words and lordship claims aren't going to change your fate, Kismet." Be cautious, do not push them too hard. a voice in my head warned. It didn't sound malicious, but it was foreign and so set off multiple red flags. "You really don't get it, do you?" Kis covered her face with a claw. "It doesn't matter how pissed off you get," she swept her hand through her hair, a supremely confident grin coming to her face. "You can't kill us. You can't even really hurt us." "As if I'd believe anything you say, you rotten deceiver," I spat back, her bravado combined with my unquenchable rage making me bristle. "You can believe whatever you want, Sunbutt. Either way, Met says I can finally give it to you straight," both of the blades she held fizzled out of existence. "Discord was always the indirect type of creature, yeah? He always claimed to be the "Lord of Chaos"." She walked within feet of me, leaving the others behind herself. "I don't wish to hear any more of your-" Patience, Celestia. They speak the truth. "If you have half a brain, you'll let me finish," she rolled her eyes, thoroughly annoyed at my interruption. I wanted nothing more than to tear her limb from limb, but the voice in my head had convinced me to wait. "Discord liked playing games. What of it?" "What if I told you he was selling himself short?" she examined her nails, already seemingly bored of this conversation. "What could possibly be more lofty than the Lord of Chaos?" I scoffed. "How about deity?" she grinned wickedly. "Discord is a god?" I chuckled in disbelief. The words that had left my mouth sounded even more crazy than they did in my head. I'd always known the draconequus to be absurdly powerful, but Kis' claim was simply way too farfetched. "Not just him," she cackled. "What do you think stands before you now?" "An unfathomably arrogant existence that must be swiftly eliminated for the good of the world." I answered honestly. They are no god, not a being this callous and full of hatred. "KAHAHAHAHA! You'd think you'd be able to recognize our true form easier," she shook her head. "What with Justy being inside of your head right now." "W-what!?" I took a step back, examining my exterior as if there'd be some way for me to verify her claim. They are far more perceptive than I thought. You're not my conscience!? I thought, questioning the voice directly. Could I be possessed just as Twilight had been? By one of these evil spirits no less? It couldn't be. I would have known, would've been aware of such an obvious abnormality. Not exactly... "Oop, you just figured it out, didn't you Celly?" Kis' grin grew and with it, the look of condescension. "Justice is the third god in our little trifecta. Looks like she's been keeping some things secret from you," Kis covered her mouth to muffle the snickers. "Don't tell me I ousted you, Justice? Whoops, my bad," she laughed uncontrollably. You have no RIGHT! I channeled mana, but there was no spell I was aware of that could exorcise an unwelcome spirit from the mind. Leave this instant or I swear I'll- Celestia please... remain calm. "YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ORDER ME!?" I bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, no longer thinking my replies. "You've taken unwanted residence in my mind and you make demands of ME!?" You do not understand, Celestia. It was never my intention to hurt you, my child. "Ch-child!?" my heart skipped several beats. Kis was getting quite a kick out of this ludicrous situation. I was astounded she hadn't made a move to try and harm me or one of the others by now. "She's not being as literal as you think, Cel," Kis plopped to the ground, getting... comfortable? Just how cocky is this self-proclaimed god? Why does it feel like she's still in control? "I'd appreciate it if you'd let me speak to Celestia without interrupting, Kis," the words came out of my mouth, but it was not me who'd spoken them. "If you insist, Justice," Kis shrugged indifferently. "I'll keep my peace," she leaned back on her claws, staring at me as if I was going to perform a dance for her. "For now." Kis may be chaotic, but she does respect me... to a degree. The voice echoed in my head instead of using my mouth again. I don't... understand. What's going on? I was utterly lost. Voices in my head? Three different gods existed and one of them was Discord? I was her child? Forgive me, Celestia. Perhaps it would have proven more wise to come forward as soon as Kismet began taking more evident actions. Her kind words were not what I wanted to hear. There were far too many questions I needed answers to. Who... are you? I asked the thing I wanted most answered. Kis had called her Justice, but I needed to know so much more than just a name. An appropriate question. I am Justice the first alicorn, the Lord of Order, and the one who created you and Luna. Her honest reply caught me off guard. I'd expected her to be vague like Discord or Kis, but she seemed to want to keep nothing from me. Created... us? Even though her answer might've been the truth, it was still quite shocking. My face must have vividly displayed the surprise I felt because Kis' face lit up with all the glee of a foal who'd just gotten their cutie mark. That is correct, little one. You from the core of the sun and Luna from the core of the moon. "Wha... how can that be?" If that was true, Twilight had been far more accurate with her assessments than I'd previously thought. Kismet's choice of vocabulary is... antiquated, but not too far off the mark. Dependent upon which definition is used, god could be most accurate to describe the three of us. "How can I be certain you're not lying to me?" I struggled to retain my composure, saying the words out loud by mistake yet again. The gravity of Justice's claims were too much for me to bear. "How do I know you're not working together with Kis? How can I be sure you're not just trying to deceive me as well?" "Woooow," Kis looked at me with absolute disdain, her disgust causing me to cringe. "You'd even show such blatant disrespect to your own creator?" Never before had I felt so belittled as I did in that moment. "I expected so much more from you, Sun Princess." "As if I'd-" Please bear the barbs, Celestia. Justice had an uncanny way of being able to calm me. I wasn't sure if it was because she currently occupied my mind or if it was because she truly was my maker. It is in the Kis half of Kismet's nature to be especially... provocative. I'm sorry, it's just... this is so much to take... perhaps too much, I rubbed my temple with a hoof. I never meant any offense. Justice chuckled softly. You have nothing to apologize for Celestia. You are not wrong. Hmm... Tell you what. How about I try to prove my sincerity? Prove? I tilted my head curiously. I wasn't sure how she'd intended to do that, but it shouldn't hurt to let her try. Regrettably, even if I were to recite to you everything that has happened to you over the past ten thousand years, you would not be able to verify said memories, would you? No... I wouldn't, I admitted. I wasn't even aware I'd been alive for that long. Has it really been ten thousand years? A few more than that to be perfectly honest. If we only take into consideration this single cycle, she cleared her throat. But back to the matter at hand. I could go with a memory only you would know. That night... she hesitated. There was only one night so infamous she could possibly be referring to. After you banished Luna to her moon... I spent that night watching over you very closely. That was the single worst night of my life, Remembering it was enough to make my spirits fall. I'd almos- I know, Tia. I know. Thank all that is good that you did not. I wanted so badly to come to you, to comfort you in such a dark time, but I could not. Is she crying? For me? You've grown so much. You are so unbelievably strong, Celestia. I am so very proud of you, my child. Why did her praise make me feel so... warm? Why did I desire so much more of it? I was conflicted. Either she was able to read my mind and used the information against me, or she was the genuine article. I still wasn't confident which I believed to be the truth. It didn't really matter to me anyway. There were so many things more important to me than my own origin. Will you help me, Justice? She was silent. My family needs my help and I'd give anything to ensure their safety. That is the reason I am here, Celestia. Generally, I am unable to directly intervene, but Kismet has broken several laws of our reality and in doing so has loosened the shackles placed on me. I will do all I can to aid you, first by doing this, if you do not mind... "I-" She took full control of my body, making me a spectator as she began to speak to Kis. "I know you are aware of all the rules that you have broken, Kis." "I'm guessing that means you're finished, Justice?" Kis stood to her feet, dusting herself off. "Indeed," was all Justice said. "Yeah, we know," Kis held her hands together for a second, an immense sword materializing in her grasp. "With Discord missing things were bound to come down to the two of us anyway, so Met and I decided to... create an advantageous position for ourself." "You intend to kill me then?" "I would never," she looked as if she'd just got caught with her hand in a cookie jar. "You know as well as we do that's impossible anyway," she draped the sword over her back, holding the hilt in one claw. "No, what we want is the perpetuation of the cycles to stop. It's been long enough, Justice. With Discord gone, we will never consent to starting over again." "You could have done so without..." Justice sounded distraught as she looked at Luna, Cadance, and Twilight. "Tormenting my children." I could feel the tears as they began to fall from my eyes, even though I had no control. "Why, Kis? Why did you have to kill my Flurry?" "Does it even matter, Justice?" Kis rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed by the inquiry. "You didn't even create her. She was an abomination. A mistake not even you intended to happen." Kis' words caused visible pain to Justice whose reply was a slow shake of her head. "You're wrong," Justice stood my body to its full height, an otherworldly charisma emanating from it. "I'll show you just how wrong you are. CADANCE!" The tone of Justice's voice was beyond that of any dignitary or royal. My niece immediately focused her gaze on me, or rather my body, her eyes wide. "Y-yes, Auntie?" she gulped. "Flurry Heart was not a mistake. She was a blessing, a unique gift brought into the world by you and Shining Armor. She loved you more than anyone or anything else," Justice offered a soothing smile to the pink alicorn. "And she always will." The reassurance those few words gave Cadance was indescribable, her entire demeanor shifting from shattered confidence to unassailable hope. As she began nodding I noticed her eyes were shining more vibrantly than I'd ever seen before. "Th-thank you, Aunt Celestia... I needed to hear that," she said before turning her fierce glare at Kis. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Ju-" "LUNA!" Justice chose to ignore Kis calling out, instead speaking to my sister. Once again authority flowed from my body, once again the alicorn she'd called out to snapped to attention. "Yes, Sister?" Luna looked just as bad as Cadance had, her eyes pleading for relief from a nightmare she was trapped within, doomed to relive it over and over. "Little Lulu... I loved you then and I love you now, little sister." Justice's words made Luna's chin tremble. "I will always love you, Luna. Nothing can or will ever change that." Luna turned away wiping her face with her foreleg. Never show weakness to anypony. "I love you too, Tia. Thank you." When she faced us again the determination in her was plain for all to see, her eyes back to their vivacious blue. Swaying her resolve at this point would be impossible. "Justice, I'm not playing around here, Met's-" "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Justice still refused to acknowledge Kis. There was no surprise in Twilight, no shock. Tears poured down her face, sadness the only discernable emotion she portrayed. The ruler of Equestria was so distraught she could only sniffle in reply, not even able to open her mouth. "Twilight, what Kis says is accurate." Justice that's not- Have faith, Celestia. Justice seemed to know what she was doing, despite my interruption so I allowed her to continue. "However, they only tell you a part of the story. What they crafted for their own intention I worked for your betterment as well as that of all of Equestria." "But it all... it all fell apart because of-" "Because of Kismet, Twilight. No one else," Justice finished speaking for my conflicted student. "None of this is your fault." My pupil looked hopeful at that statement. "No one could resist Kismet, Twilight. Not even you." "Nor you, Justice." It all happened in the blink of an eye. Kis was inches from my body, the blade of her weapon buried deep within my breast. She looked... different, much larger, her voice deeper as well. "You should have listened to Kis when you had the chance." "C-CELESTIA!?" The girls screamed in unison at the horrible scene, while I was stunned into silence. Despite the severe blow my horn shined brightly, strong sparks flowing out of it. "Nor you, me, Met," Justice grit her teeth through the pain she was experiencing. The sunblade she'd conjured was hilt deep in who I assumed was now Met's chest, piercing straight through his heart. "Of course," Met laughed in disbelief before coughing up blood. "I should have known you would be able to discern my movements." "We have always been equals in combat," Justice coughed weakly, falling back onto her haunches. The blade of Met's sword had almost split my body in two, but strangely enough, there was no blood to be seen. Forgive me Celestia, I've done all I can. "Y-you protected her, didn't you?" Met fell backwards onto his behind, grabbing at the flaming handle sticking out of his chest, but unable to touch it. "I... did," Justice smiled weakly. "I will be forced to leave this body, but Celestia... remains unscathed. You have failed, Met." Despite Justice's declaration Met laughed boisterously before coughing up even more blood. "We prepared for this possibilty as well, Justice. Your love for one another may weaken me, but," he grabbed the hilt of the blade, clenching his teeth as he ripped it out. As it fell to the ground it glowed brightly before dematerializing. "Kis will finish what we have s-started..." Met slumped over as his breathing stopped causing his own conjured sword to disintegrate from within my body. The rest is up to you my child, Justice slumped over as well. I am sorry... I could not have d-done... more... As Justice's consciousness faded away, I found myself back inside my body, control once again fully mine. While she'd been the one to bring the others back, her words were from my heart and for that I was truly thankful. "Met? MET!?" Kis was beside herself, somehow back in her smaller, more slender form and completely unharmed. She stood to her feet, walking this way and that as she desperately called out to her other half, searching for him as if he were somewhere in the area she couldn't find. The girls teleported to my side, all of them terrified of what they'd just witnessed. "T-Tia, are you-" "I'm fine, Sister," I took a deep breath as I stood to my own hooves. I felt completely normal, as if I'd just woken from a nice long rest. "How!?" Cadance was stunned, but smiling. "How is that possible?" Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll tell you about it when we have time. Right now, I thi-" "YOU!" Kis' menacing voice cut our happy reunion short. We turned as one to face the irate god. "You did this..." she was fully focused on me, as if none of the others even existed anymore. "Bring him back..." I moved my niece, my student, and my sister behind myself with my wings. "Be careful, Tia," Luna whispered as she took up a defensive stance. "Bring back Flurry!" I spat at Kis as I prepared myself, my rage back in spades. "Bring HIM BACK!!!" Kis was on me in an instant, knocking me onto my back as she locked onto my shoulders with her powerful claws. Her dangerous maw snapped at my face repeatedly. She acted as if she were a rabid animal, the barriers I repeatedly threw up to protect myself shattering quickly under the weight of her fury. I was forced to use my forelegs to try and keep her from sinking her fangs into my face. "KIS!!!" Luna, Cadance, and Twilight shouted. The swirling rainbow colored blast of energy that hit Kis as she shifted focus to them was strong enough to send her tumbling backwards. Similar to a ragdoll, I watched her body hit the ground at least five times before it came to a grinding stop. "Thank you, girls," I had to catch my breath after the struggle. I got to my hooves as Kis began to laugh from her position on the ground. "God, you lot are so annoying," she sprang to her feet, dusting herself off again. "This isn't fun anymore. I think it's time I got serious." She held an open claw in front of herself, a shining orb of light glistening just above her grasp. It was... screaming? "What nefariousness are you plotting now, monster?" Luna glared at the fox. "Ask Twilight. She's the one who did all the legwork." The sphere began to rotate and pulse as the yells coming from it grew even louder. "I don't..." Twilight looked caught off guard as we all looked to her for answers. Her eyes widened in horror. "The souls of Equestria's creatures!" she gasped. "That can't be! They were contained within Spike!" I shook my head in confusion. "Were?" Cadance asked. "Spike... I had to..." I looked at Twilight, the regret on my face causing her to drop her own gaze. "He asked you to do it... didn't he..." Twilight sounded like she'd already knew what I'd done. "Yes. I'm so very sorry, Twilight. I..." I couldn't look at her as my head also fell. "He'd asked the same of me... I couldn't do it," she sniffled. "I was too weak to fulfill his final request. Thank you, Celestia... for freeing him." "I..." That was not the reaction I'd expected. I couldn't help but smile. "He wanted me to tell you that he loves you," I placed a hoof on her shoulder as she began to cry. "I don't mean to interrupt this touching moment, but... no wait, yes I do!" Kis glared at us, her eyes filled with hatred. "You think I'm so stupid I'd trust the dragon with all that power, especially after he'd asked Twilight to off him!?" she grasped the ball tightly in her claw before crushing it, the screams stopping abruptly. "You all are dumber than I thought." The wave of energy that rushed outward from Kis sent the four of us flying back, the force as powerful as any twister I'd seen and several times louder. I unfurled my wings, catching the air to halt my momentum. Even with the resistance I had to flap hard to maintain my position in the air. I glanced around to find the others also fighting to maintain their own places. "SHE ABSORBED THE SOULS!" Twilight had to shout so that we could hear her. "I DON'T KNOW IF-" "WE CAN, TWILIGHT!" Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice boomed over the riotous energy. "HAVE FAITH EVERYONE!" Cadance yelled. "CADANCE, LUNA, TWILIGHT... TOGETHER!" my own Royal Canterlot Voice broke through the storm. "TOGETHER!" they nodded with me. I didn't see Kis move... I don't believe any of us had. I only saw the blood spatter on the floor as her dark claw pierced the chest of my most faithful student, her purple eyes wide with terror. "Tw..." I stared in horror. "TWILIGHT!?!?!?" Luna screamed in agony. > Luna : Stalemate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kis jerked her blood-drenched claw from Twilight's breast causing more of the alicorn's life essence to splatter out of the wound and all over the dog-like being. "N-NO!" Cadance gasped as Twilight's lifeless body plummeted to the ground below. "Finally, a measure of our true power in this realm," Kis licked some of the blood that covered her claw. "Delicious!" she savored the taste as a wicked smile spread across her face. "Y-you-" Celestia moved to speak, but I could not hold back any longer. "SHALL PAY!!!" I roared as I felt something inside of me snap. The darkness flowed out of me uninhibited in black waves of energy. I could think of nothing other than ending the life of the monster that had taken away my granddaughter and the friend who saved me from the Nightmare. "Hm?" Kis lifted a brow. I began to shake uncontrollably, a sensation I was intimately familiar with. I had not experienced the feeling in over one thousand years, however, this time was different. This time, I was not concerned with myself or my selfish desires. Nay, this time I will fight for those most important to me. This time I would use the hatred within me to make evil pay. Evil named Kismet. Instead of resisting the darkness I cooperated with it, letting it take hold of me willingly. "PREPARE THYSELF, KIS!" I bellowed. As the dark filled my soul and strengthened my spirit something peculiar happened, something different than before. My body did not morph or change shape. The black clouds around me slowly dissipated revealing a truly baffling sight. I examined myself to find my coat pitch black. "You look different than before, Nightmare," Kis summoned an abnormally large axe into her claws. The head of her weapon was at least double the size of her body, yet she manipulated it with no issues whatsoever. "That is because we are not the Nightmare," I summoned a magical scythe made purely of the light of my moon, the perfect weapon to harvest her wicked soul. "We are Princess Luna, younger sister of Princess Celestia, defender of Equestria, and your end, Kis." I flourished the scythe in front of myself before hovering it just above my back. "Do your worst, little HORSE!" she spat back as she gripped the handle of her axe tightly. I propelled myself at my target, the tip of my scythe's blade aimed at her neck. She lifted her axe, its hilt intercepting the snath of my weapon, stopping my blade centimeters from her throat. She grinned at me, obviously pleased with herself. An obvious defense... too obvious. "Do not get so cocky, Lord of Fate!" I injected more mana into my scythe causing the blade to grow several times longer. "Tch!" she was forced backwards to avoid the lengthened blade. Once she'd successfully dodged she lifted her axe high above her head in an attempt to make a counterattack. "We are not finished!" I swung my scythe in her direction, the pure force of my swing strong enough to distort the space she occupied. Kis quickly realized what was happening and shifted to a defensive posture, trying to shield herself from the blow. A foolish decision. The shattered reality tore into her with ease, eliciting a pained grunt from her. "Such an annoying little..." Her wounds were already healing themselves, the cuts and gashes sealing as black energy poured from them. I could not tarry in my assault or she would be back to normal in seconds. "You shall receive no such chance!" I willed my scythe directly at her chest, the weapon spinning like a helicopter blade as it traveled through the air. "YOU HORSE!" Kis lifted her axe high in the air, ignoring the damage she had taken. As the head of her axe descended to knock my scythe out of the way I casted a teleportation spell on my weapon. Her slash found nothing but air as she missed her mark wildly. My scythe was now behind her, the blade piercing straight through her back. The tip of my weapon jutted out of her belly, covered in her blood. "Ugh," she stared down at the blade of my scythe. Strangely enough, she looked utterly bored. "It's gonna take a heck of a lot more than that to put me out of my misery." She reached for my scythe, but before she could touch it I ripped it out of her, recalling the weapon to my side. With a flick of the snath, I cleaned the blade of her blood. "Then we shall have to do more, shall we not?" I sneered at her. I talked a big game, but her gut was nearly healed from the blow that would have been a mortal wound to most other beings. I launched my scythe forward with enough force to destroy anything foolish enough to be in its path. "Oh, please," she held her stomach with one claw while she used the other to stop my attack in its tracks. She held the blade of my scythe with a cocky smirk on her face. "Hmph!" I multiplied my scythe into six more identical copies, all hovering around Kis. "Well," she looked around at the new threats, completely bewildered. "Gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting that." I casted a telekinesis spell that held her firmly in place, just in case she was planning on teleporting out of harm's way. "Covering all your bases aren't you, Nightmare?" "WE!," one of my scythes plunged into her shoulder. "ARE!," another drove into her hip. "PRINCESS!," a third ripped into her leg. "LUNA!" The fourth, fifth, and sixth all found their marks with ease, digging into her neck, ribcage, and skull. A deathblow if I have ever delivered one. "H-How!?" The look of disbelief on Kis' face as her ravaged body dropped to the ground sent elation and adrenaline coursing through my veins. Once she slammed into the dirt I felt safe enough to check on the others... No! Not a chance. What an absolutely foolish thought. Confirm the kill, Luna. Don't let your guard down, even for a second. I focused my mana into my horn, the silver moonlight outshining my sister's sun. The glowing orb of concentrated magic I manifested was the size of a small island and would grant no reprieve to the adversary I wanted eliminated. The magic resembled a scaled down moon, possessing all the visual qualities of my larger version. I allowed the sphere to fall where Kis had hit the ground, the globe of moonlight descending slowly, as if it were so light it would float in the air like a bubble. The opposite was actually true. Given an approximate weight, it would probably measure in at several thousand tons. "Farewell, Kis." I whispered as my spell pressed into the planet. The weight of my magic began to dig into the ground causing a massive crater that continued to sink further and further down. Once it was deep enough I detonated the mana. The explosion was brilliant silver, massive in size, and grew the crater ten-fold while its highest point reached the outer limits of the atmosphere. The blast left little in its wake, other than utter destruction. Even the air itself had distorted and changed from the blast. Dirt, grass, and debris rained from the sky while Celestia's day appeared to have grown darker in the aftermath of my wrath. And yet... yet something was troubling me. Tis not over. I could still sense the malicious aura of my foe. It had not vanished nor was it that much weaker than before. "You're a real surprise, Luna." The voice that came from behind me was so irksome I nearly fractured my teeth with how ruthlessly I bit down. "Being able to harm me, even to this minor a degree, is pretty impressive." "What is truly impressive is your durability." I may have loathed the monster, but I had to respect her resilience. "Those were two of my strongest attacks and you have taken both in stride." I turned around to see her in devastated condition. Blood flowed from all of the entry and exit points of my scythes. Bruises, scars, and lacerations decorated every inch of her demolished body. Still, her demeanor was one of boredom. "Never would've guessed you'd have the strength to take me on, even if I'm not really at full strength." With a completely relaxed posture, her body began the healing process. Mana flowed out of her injuries again, taking on the appearance of a thick billowing smoke. "It's still not enough though," she looked down at a rather large gash on her arm, the disinterest on her face intolerable. I had no idea what to do. If neither of those attacks had put her into a dying state then nothing short of chopping her into little bits would do the job. I would not give up, but I was genuinely baffled. Crushing, stabbing, cutting, piercing, none had done nearly enough damage. All this strength at my disposal and no idea how to utilize it. It was quite a conundrum. "We do not know what it will take to put you down, Kis," I surrounded myself with my seven scythes. "but we will not falter when victory is right in front of us." "Is that what you think, Luna?" she covered her eyes with a claw, suddenly appearing weary for a reason I could not identify. "That you can actually win?" I narrowed my confused gaze on the vulpine. "As long as we do not give up, there is always hope for victory." I was not sure if she was trying to buy time, but there was no reason for her to do so. I could not fire off spell after spell endlessly as if it would not take a toll on me. I may have limitless mana in reserve, but tapping into it endlessly put a strain on my body that only resolved once I could take a breather. "Mind if I ask you a question, Luna?" Kis sounded much different for some reason, much more polite than before. It was quite disturbing. So unnerving that it caused me to slacken my alertness just a tad. "Ask." My weapons twirled and bobbed around me as if doing an elaborate dance, ready to strike at a moment's notice. "Do you know how many times you've turned on Celestia?" she scratched her face with a sharp nail. "What?" "How about how many times she's turned on you?" she continued to scratch. "Turned... on me?" My scythes stopped moving, a reflection of my confusion. "What about how many times you've murdered her?" She looked at me, almost looking sad for me, though still scratching. "I nev-" "Or how many times she's taken your life?" she was now fully healed, but that was the least of my concerns. I remained quiet. I could not fathom what she was playing at, but I had to see where she was going with it. "From my last count the answer to all of those questions is tens of thousands of times." "You lie." I tried to sound confident, but for some reason I was not sure of myself. "No point," she shrugged. "Do you know why I'm doing this?" she stretched her arms above her head, working out the kinks in her joints. "You said you wanted to manifest in our world." I had to think a bit to remember the specific reason. "Yes, because if we don't intervene, if we don't put a stop to all of this nonsense, then the cycles will continue," she conjured her axe again, lifting it over her shoulder. "And you and the others will be imprisoned in this never ending existence of repetition... forever." "Cycles?" I lifted a brow. I had no clue what she spoke of. "This world and its denizens have lived their lives millions of times over." I gaped at her claim. "The exact number isn't really important. I watched you all suffer. I watched you thrive. I watched you kill. Watched you be killed. Watched you grow. Watched you die. Watched you succeed. Watched you fail. Endlessly I watched," she sighed. As she continued her demeanor became more and more desperate. "It"s enough to drive even a god mad. It's how I was born. Kismet started out as a single entity, but watching, waiting, unable to do anything for so long drove me to madness. My consciousness split into two beings. Kis," she pointed at herself with a thumb. "And Met," she covered her face with her hand. "It has to stop... it has to." "So then, what do you intend on doing? If all of this ends then... will it not just repeat?" I asked, legitimately curious at this juncture. "The cycle only repeats if two of us deem it so," she lifted two fingers. "With Discord gone there is no tie breaker, and me and Justice have never cooperated. This is it," she chuckled with a huff, the prospect of that seemingly providing her with a degree of comfort. "This is the last cycle. I can finally give you all the peace you deserve. I WILL give it to you. Eternal rest... for all." "So you strive to save us... by ending our existence?" I put a few more feet between the two of us, my scythes coming back to life as they began to move again. "Does it sound so bad? It would be just like sleeping. No strife. No pain. No-" "Tia," I chuckled as I shook my head. She looked a little surprised by my reaction. "Kis, I was confined inside my moon for a thousand years," I felt the sadness creeping in. "For one thousand years I was separated from my beloved sister," I looked at her with unwavering determination, my vigor renewed. "Never again. I will not let something like that happen again." I brandished my scythes in front of myself, ready for round two. Kis grinned. "While it is what you were created for, your loyalty is still admirable," she lifted her axe. "I like you, Luna," she smiled, though it was her first that looked truly heartfelt. "You're a lot more like me than you might think. So be it," she took up a combat stance. "It will be an honor to strike you down." "Funny, Kis." I was ready... for victory... or for death. "I was thinking the exact same thing." A strange feeling stirred within me, a subtle warmth. It filled me with even more strength. Axe struck scythe. Spell obliterated spell. Claws pierced soft flesh while hooves crushed bone. The flurry of our battle was over in seconds, Kis and I putting distance between each other to recover our stamina. "Justice really broke the mold when she made you, huh?" she wiped the sweat from her brow. "I know not of this Justice of whom you speak... but you are no pushover yourself... Kis." It was a struggle to catch my breath. We were evenly matched and it showed on her face as I'm sure it showed on mine. I had not been this pressured since my scuffle with my granddaughter. The recollection of Flurry caused the strange feeling deep inside of me to swell, granting me a light blue aura. "KIS!" Celestia's earth shattering scream drew our attention. Kis looked stunned as she instantly dodged to her left. The small sun that appeared where she had been only a millisecond earlier nearly blinded me. As soon as the spell dissipated I was able to clarify what had happened. "Y-You... PEON!" Kis looked absolutely deranged and for good reason. She had not completely avoided Celestia's spell, her left arm, left leg, and a large chunk of her torso gone, burned to ash by the intensity of my sister's ambush. In utter shock, I looked down at Celestia, her visage a collage of tears and sadness. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE ANY MORE FROM ME!!!" Tia blasted off the ground like a missile, slamming into what remained of Kis' weakened body. I gaped at their retreating forms as they flew across the sky, a streak of blazing sunlight following close behind them. "AUNT LUNA!!!" my niece's panicked shout demanded my attention. Without thinking or even looking, I teleported down to her location on the ground. "I am here, Cadance. what can I... I-" My rage had clouded my senses to the severity of the situation at hoof. It would be hard to identify Cadance as a pink alicorn. More than half of her body was dark crimson, her horn shimmering brightly. She was trying desperately to stop her sister's wound from gushing blood, but it was clearly not going well. "Twilight..." The purple alicorn did not appear to be breathing, the crater in her chest encased in Cadance's spell, yet blood still flowing from within it. For some unknown reason the liquid appeared much darker than it should. Upon closer inspection, I could see black flecks of an inky substance mixed within the dark maroon. "Auntie, I can't- I d-don't..." My beloved niece looked just as disturbed as Kis had a few seconds ago. As her hooves fumbled around Twilight's injury, she was clearly in the middle of her own panic attack. "Please... h-help her." Unfortunately, if Cadance was clueless, I would definitely have no idea how to mend Twilight's body. Although there was one thing I was certain of, Cadance could perform miracles when sufficiently energized. I could be that inexhaustible battery for her. "Cadance," I gathered all the mana she could possibly need into my horn, utilizing my moon to make sure she would have all the power she could possibly need. "I cannot save her," she looked at me with trembling eyes. "But I know you can." She had already proven capable when Celestia had been on the brink of death. I began to transfer the power of my moon into her horn, despite the expression of doubt that her face had morphed into. "Auntie, I-" her body began to glow bright silver as her eyes turned into pure pools of moonlight. Without another word she looked down at her sister's prone body. She gently placed her horn against the purple alicorn's, breathing evenly as a steady stream of mana flowed from her horn into Twilight's. In seconds the gaping hole in Twilight's chest began to fill in with silver light. I smirked, knowing it was only a matter of time before she was well once again. With that issue resolved, I turned my attention back to the skies, trying to find out what had become of Celestia and Kis. I had not seen Tia so enraged since... well, ever. She must have thought it was the end of the road for her student or else she would not have reacted so ruthlessly. "Auntie, something's wrong." Cadance's shaky voice drew me back to her. "What is it?" I looked back down at Twilight, her brow furrowed as she seemed to be having a bad nightmare or struggling with an unseen pain. "Her wound is gone... what could this mean?" "I think it's the same as what happened to me and Aunt Celestia in Canterlot." The moonlight aura had left my niece, her horn shining light blue signifying she was going to try using her love magic. "If it is," she placed her horn against Twilight's again. "Then I don't think this will work." I waited with bated breath. After minutes of Cadance trying to cleanse Twilight's internals with her love she withdrew from her sister, a look of great sorrow on her face. She simply shook her head, not looking my way. My own head drooped in response to her resignation. "Ugh, it helped." Cadance and I lit up as soon as Twilight spoke. It was reassuring, in spite of the fact that the ruler of Equestria broke into a fit of dry coughs. She was pale and she looked exhausted, but she was conscious. "Thank you, Cadance." "O-of course, Twilight." My niece was both relieved and reserved. This was the first time they had been face to face since all of this began, to be fair. "Any time." "Cadance?" Twilight also seemed to be having trouble looking her sister in the eye. "Yes?" "I'm... I'm sorry. For everything." The purple alicorn did not need to say any more. Cadance did not say a word, instead moving down next to her sister and giving her a gentle hug. While Twilight was shocked at first, her eyes softened as she began to weep. The explosions that bloomed above us did not offer them much time for a joyful reunion. The three of us looked up, large suns erupting in various spots in the sky, followed by black zones of Kis' evil magic. Only those with absurdly sharp eyesight would be able to follow my sister and Kis zooming this way and that in the air. While Kis had been content to take my attacks in stride, she was not giving my sister similar luxuries. The brawl was cacophonous, neither combatant giving an inch and neither taking any damage. Kis had already regenerated her appendages and was expertly dodging everything Tia was throwing at her while my sister was displaying the same proficiency at evasion. "Do you think she can do it?" Cadance asked neither of us in particular. "I know she can," Twilight replied. "but if there's one thing she taught me was more important than anything else, it's the power and necessity of friendship." She stood to her hooves, more coughs coming from her, but not sullying the determination on her face. "Twilight, you don't intend to-" "I doubted Celestia before..." she stared up at the two combatants. "I honestly believed friendship was weak, that it was powerless against death, but..." she laughed, quietly at first before it gradually turned into an all out riot which then turned into another fit of coughs. As soon as she recovered she spoke. "Here we are, staring death right in it's terrible face and the only true path to harmony, the only way it seems we can overcome it, is through friendship and... one thing even stronger than that..." "And what is-" "Twilight that monster kill-" Cadance stopped short, her eyes widening as something inside the pink and crimson alicorn began to glow. Twilight and I stared at the ruler of the Crystal Empire as her chest began to shine bright blue. "What in Equestria..." I could feel the warmth coming from the unknown magic within my niece. As soon as it took the shape of a crystal heart I recalled my granddaughter. "Flurry..." The heart slowly moved out of Cadance's body and floated over to Twilight who smiled weakly as the heart entered her. "You understand, don't you, Flurry?" Twilight's tears fell yet again as her coat shined brightly. Once the light died down Twilight Sparkle stood before us, her coat back to it's beautiful lavender. "Okay!" she tossed the overcoat she'd been wearing these past two weeks off of herself. "I know what to do, but I can't do it alone..." She turned to the two of us. "I know I've done unforgivable things... and I know it's a lot to ask, but-" "There is no such thing as an unforgivable mistake, Twilight... at least not in my eyes," I smiled placing a hoof on her shoulder. "You have my cooperation. Let us save Equestria as Celestia said, together." She looked at Cadance with an awkward yet kind smile. Cadance looked down at the ground, a sad demeanor overtaking her. "Flurry only wanted one thing before she died..." Cadance wiped some tears away from her face before she looked up at us with a glorious smile. "She never wanted strife and she never asked me to avenge her. She only wanted you to go back to your former self, Twilight. She wanted you to be her aunt again," Cadance giggled. "I know for a fact that wherever she is right now, she's watching over us with Shining... and that they'd both agree with you, Twilight," she wiped a tear from Twilight's eye with her hoof. "Let's finish this, together." "Thank you, girls." We looked up to the sky once again, our determination, our unity, more powerful than ever before. "It's time to show Kismet the true power of friendship!" As one we flew into the air towards Celestia and Kis. > The End I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So close. I was so darn close! Just a little bit to the left and Kis would be nothing more than a pile of ash. Instead, her arm and leg had been incinerated by the might of my sunlight. The look of all-consuming hatred on her face was euphoric, but I didn't have the time to bask in her anger. I blasted into the sky as if I'd been shot out of a cannon, several amplification sigils fading away in my wake. My shoulder slammed into what was left of Kis' stomach, taking her as far away from the others as I could manage. The greater the distance between the two of us and my family, the less I had to rein in my strength. While I would still have to be extremely wary of razing the planet, it would take so much more energy to destroy an entire world, at least in comparison to the amount it would take to burn a single organic being to death. "Y-You'll pay... YOU'LL PAY!!!" The sudden intense sense of mortal danger that gripped my heart forced me to teleport away from my enemy. Once behind her, I caught a glimpse of the pitch black magical dagger in her claw raised high above her head. Had I continued on my trajectory, that knife would most certainly already be deep in my withers. The momentum I'd exerted on Kis forced her to continue my way, not giving her enough time to react to my sudden change in location. With a resounding thud and crackle of lightning I slammed my sun hammer directly into her spine sending her plummeting to the ground below. "YOU FIRST!!!" I roared as her body cratered into the dirt. I filled the hole with a massive amount of sunlight, immediately burning most of the area to a desolate wasteland. If she was still down there, she was definitely dead. No, she's just fine. It can't possibly be that easy. "So ANNOYING!" her voice was shaking, as if all of the damage we'd done thus far was finally starting to get to her. There's still a chance. There has to be... I felt the same sense of dread as before fill me with fear. I launched myself back with a powerful flap of my wings, the sphere of evil magic that appeared where I'd been a second earlier, pulsing menacingly. Were I still occupying that space I would most assuredly be dead. Even from where I hovered, I could feel the magical pressure of the orb that was meters away from me. Watching the sphere sizzle and warp the space around itself sent chills down my spine. "Why won't you die, you MONSTER!?" I searched for her up and down, but she was nowhere to be found. "Why won't you? It's not like you haven't done it millions of times before," she blipped back into reality in front of me, whole and completely unharmed. There would be no whittling her down slowly, no stacking damage over time until she could no longer continue. It's all or nothing. Either I could disintegrate her in one fell swoop or I could be defeated. There's only one option. "You've taken too much away from me, Kis!" I charged sunlight into my horn, ready for another round. "First Flurry and now Twilight... I swear, I'll see your downfall! Even if it costs me my life!" "It wouldn't be the first time, Celestia! It's what you deserve, after all!" Her entire being shimmered with evil mana, much like my sister's night sky, but so much more sinister. "If I can't get my claws on Justice, then I'll torment you for eternity, even if you do somehow manage to get rid of this body!" she cackled psychotically. "You bear such a horrendous grudge because of my creator!?" The very idea disgusted me. What a foolish reason to do such horrid things to another being. I wasn't even aware of who Justice was until today and I was being tormented because of her this entire time? It all sounded so... Sad... "THAT'S RIGHT!!!" she beamed at me, a look of utter elation. "And it' will NEVER END, CELESTIA! I'll make you suffer for the rest of this life, the next, and EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! AFTER!" She launched herself at me, black claws directed at my throat. Before she could reach me she collided with a wall of pure sunlight, her flesh igniting instantly. The agonized screams that escaped her were equal parts disturbing and horrifying. "Kis... you would hold onto such enmity... forever?" Seeing her in this pathetic state, consumed by pain and an unquenchable rage moved something deep inside of me. "Full of hatred and anger all of your existence?" "I HAVE NOTHING ELSE!!!" she bellowed through the shrieks as her body continued to melt away. "WHO DO YOU THINK CREATED ME?! WHY DO YOU THINK I-" she ceased speaking, though her screams persisted. "Kis..." was all I could mutter. Had Justice also made the pitiable canine? What had caused such a rift to grow between the two? I could not venture a guess, but I wanted to find out. "DON'T!" she growled through clenched teeth. "Don't you DARE pity ME, CELESTIA!" Her screams ended as her injuries gradually began to heal themselves, but her voice had grown guttural and demonic. "Kis, yo-" "DESPISE ME! HATE ME! KILL ME!" She took a deep breath before summoning another mammoth sized axe. Her trademark cocky grin was gone, only a deep sadness within her eyes. "Or die... It's your choice, Celestia." The malice and hatred were all gone. "We don't have to fight, Kis. I'm not Justice." I felt something inside me start to swell and throb, a light beginning to shine within my breast, calming me and giving me a strange sense of serenity. "Your ire is wholly misplaced." "You're her most precious creation, Celestia," she pointed at me. "Stabbing at you is no different than stabbing at her." It was baffling. Kis' demeanor had changed right before my very eyes and I could not comprehend why. Why is she so reserved now? So... calm? "First Luna and now you?" she shook her head in disgust. "Why can't you all just hate me? I killed Flurry. I killed Twilight. What is wrong with you?" "I..." She was correct and so, I had no proper reply. Where has my righteous indignation gone? Why am I trying to broker peace with this... this monster? The light inside me grew stronger, beating like a second heart. F-Flurry? "What kind of spell is this?" Kis stared at the luminescence emanating from me, a look of unabashed confusion on her face. "This is the remnant of the one you killed in the Crystal Empire, Kis." I couldn't help but smile at the warmth and love Flurry's magic filled me with. Could she be the one pushing me to strive for peace? There was no other explanation. "Flurry Heart was a kind mare in life and now, even in death, she desires only harmony." A look of sheer agony spread across Kis' face. "Then Flurry Heart is a fool. In death, as she was in life." She sighed as the evil energy exploded from within her like an atom bomb. I had to shield my face from the surge of power that erupted from her. "Prepare yourself, Celestia." The lifeless look in her eyes terrified me. "I won't hold back any longer." She threatened me, but the fact that she even offered a warning spoke volumes of where her mind was at. Still I had to be ready. If any of her attacks landed flush with me it would spell my demise. I took up a purely defensive stance, the god's demise no longer my desire. If I had to attack, it would be to knock her off balance or to prevent her from establishing a rhythm. "I will show you, Kis," my body shined gold like my sun with flecks of Flurry's light blue mana running throughout. Kis wielded her axe as if it weighed nothing as she lunged toward me. "The true power of Friendship!" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The battle between Celestia and Kis was beyond my abilities, of that I was certain. Still, I was the Princess of Friendship at one point, and that title was not something that I could not so easily forsake, no matter how many sins I committed. Luna, Cadance, and I soared into the sky coming to a stop between my old mentor and the beast that was trying to put an end to our world. The three of us were forced to produce a magical barrier in the middle of their fight, eliminating Celestia's beam of sunlight as well as Kis' lance of darkness. While Kis looked shocked at our intervention, Celestia was overjoyed at the sudden interruption. "Twilight! You're alright!" she laughed. "I truly thought..." her voice cracked as she turned away. "Thanks to Cadance," I said not taking my eyes off of Kis once I'd given her my full attention. She was simply far too dangerous to take my eyes off, even though I wanted nothing more than to embrace Celestia. "Are you impossible to kill!?" Kis was trembling, either with fear or with fury. If I had to venture a guess which, I'd go with the latter, but the look on her face didn't agree with my assessment. "This is stupid." she rubbed her face with her palm, as if she'd just gotten a migraine. "Maybe your heart's just not in it, Kis," I said cautiously. Pushing her into blowing a fuse again was the last thing I wanted to do. "Maybe you don't really want to kill us... maybe that was all Met." "I AM MET!" her face contorted in anger as she rushed toward me, axe raised high above her head. "If that is true, why did you change when he left?" I made no moves, either to defend myself or to stop her, nor did the others, though I did hear the chimes of their mana surging. The blade of her weapon stopped millimeters from my face. She looked completely confounded as her jaw clenched and slackened repeatedly. Her eyes stayed on me, vibrating as if she were about to start crying. "W-what!?" she huffed. Her breast rose and fell rapidly, the panic in her rising, as if somepony had just asked her an unanswerable question. "If you and Met truly are one entity," I didn't budge. "Why can you be separated like this?" Her eyes shot open as the grip on her axe tightened. "T-that's not... why would that even matter?" she snarled, though she too refused to move an inch. "Why are you doing this, Kis?" Cadance continued my train of thought for me. She was clever, she'd already gathered what I was trying to accomplish and was attempting to help me. For her part, Kis merely shifted her gaze to my sister, still refusing to remove the head of her axe from its precarious position. I'd seen the green tinge in her eyes before, though I couldn't quite place my hoof where at the moment. "I... we... we needed a body! W-we need to give the souls of this world rest!" Her eyes closed tightly, the conflict inside her on full display for all of us to see. "We... I..." Her conjured axe shattered into pieces, the magic dissipating right before our eyes. She covered her face with her claws, a loud groan escaping her. "I... I have to help. I have to hurt... Justice. She abandoned... me." "Kis... what does that mean?" Luna asked as the four of us exchanged uneasy glances. The Princess of the Night had waged a one-pony war on her own sister and the rest of Equestria because she'd felt as if she'd been abandoned. If anypony could relate to the god, it was definitely her. "I don't... I-" the ear-piercing scream that came from Kis' mouth was staggering enough to force the four of us back several feet. "Something's wrong!" Celestia shouted as a torrent of dark energy exploded out of Kis' body. Our barriers might have been strong enough to protect us from the wave of power, but we'd never know for sure. We snapped out of reality and reappeared on the ground a few miles away from the large sphere of darkness that now encompassed Kis. "W-who... did that?" Cadance asked what we were all thinking as we all exchanged confused glances with one another. "Shoot, and you all were so close too! I really thought you were gonna do it." The four of us froze at the all too familiar voice none of us had been in contact with for years. "Discord!" Celestia was the first to break from her stupor while the rest of us were still too stunned to say a word. "Where have you been?" She'd galloped up to him, possibly to give him a hug, but instead stopping short. Her frustration at his sudden disappearance came to the forefront as she prodded him in the chest with an annoyed hoof. "I've been around, Celestia. Keeping watch," he patted her gently atop her head, something that would have normally enraged the princess, but today drew a foalish giggle from her instead. "I was unable to do anything to help for such a long time, being bound by the rules and all." "It is good to see you again, Discord," Luna smiled warmly at the draconequus. "The feeling is mutual, Luna," He returned her cordiality with a bow. "Discord," Cadance respectfully bowed her head slightly, a smile coming to her face. "Mi Amore," he performed the same gesture before looking my way. "Twilight," His smile turned into a confident smirk, as if he were aware of something I wasn't. "Was it you?" I asked, remembering back to the events that had transpired in Ponyville. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're on about, Princess," he shrugged, his deceit as easy to see through as a glass of the cleanest water. "Thanks," I couldn't help but chuckle. "You don't know how much I needed it." If he hadn't been there for me, if I'd have kept sliding down that hill, I may never have realized the error of my ways. "It's good to see you, Discord." "It's good to be back, Your Highness." He looked up at the orb of darkness that was slowly growing in proportion, a look of severe disappointment overtaking him. "I just wish it were under more pleasant circumstances." His mirth was completely gone, replaced by the same look of sadness he had the day he'd lost his other half. "Were we truly in so much danger, Discord?" Luna asked, also looking up with him. "Tis the same as the evil mana around the cities and towns, is it not?" "Not... quite," he almost growled his response, his demeanor shifting to one of disgust. I'd never seen his mood change in such a manner at such a rapid pace. This has to be worse than we thought. "What we are looking at is one hundred percent pure unadulterated evil magic." "Meaning... what... exactly?" Celestia asked for the rest of us. "That ball is going to keep growing and growing, spreading further across the planet, consuming everything in its path until..." he sighed, his vigor completely gone. "Well, I'm sure you all can use your imaginations." "If it's at all similar to the spells I was using, then it should just absorb the souls of-" "No, that's not quite what will happen, Twilight," he interjected. "This is completely different than that spell. This," he summoned a small replica of our world floating just above his open claw. "Will taint the planet itself." He emphasized his statement by turning the globe he'd manifested a dark black. "No way..." Cadance was the first to speak, the rest of us beyond bewildered by Discord's declaration to say anything. "Sadly, it's the truth, Cadance," he squashed the small ball in his claw causing its instant destruction. "As soon as she lost it, the fate of this world was sealed," he sniggered in disbelief. "I'd give it a few hours, half a day at most. How ironic... by the Lord of Fate, no less," he sighed. "Why is she doing this?" Celestia hadn't resigned herself or our world to such an unsavory fate, her question obviously meant to draw a possible solution to the predicament. "Does her hate truly run so deep?" "Honestly? I don't think so," he stroked his beard, his answer drawing scrutiny from the four of us. If it isn't hatred, what could it be? "Kis is a very troubled individual." "Elaborate, Discord." Luna wasn't demanding an explanation although the words she chose to utilize could be construed as such. The draconequus didn't seem to mind as he ruminated on the correct way to explain. "When Justice created Kismet and I, she'd given us clear cut objectives, roles, if you will." I wasn't sure who Justice was, but even my curiosity knew there wasn't enough time for questions like that. "While I thrived in my duties, Kismet only struggled in his. I think he wanted to please Justice... to make her proud, but..." "But?" Celestia didn't seem confused at all. She must be privy to some knowledge the rest of us weren't because Luna, Cadance, and I were barely able to follow, much less ask questions. "Chaos is different than Fate, obviously. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, and whatever I did was always what I had been created to do. Chaos is not inherently evil, it's just... well, chaotic. I've never felt as if I were a disappointment to Justice, but Kismet is... different," he shook his head. "Fate is... a necessity, but can be very... cruel. No matter how you view reality mostly all lives must come to an end. Eventually, mortals have to pass. Justice knew this to be true, but she couldn't help but hate it. Sorrow, sadness, grief... these were not emotions that she wanted her creations to experience, yet Kismet was forced to perform his duty despite that fact. Over time, Justice came up with a plan to try to reduce the... negativity of Fate. She decided to cycle the existence of the reality she had created." "Cycle?" Cadance lifted a brow. "Think of it like a clock that moves its numbers around at the start of every new day." His analogy was a little hard to follow, but I think I got the gist of it. "The day is a different one, but the numbers in each day are always the same." "So everypony on this planet stays the same," I wondered out loud, "but our outcomes and the events that take place in our lives vary and change." "Exactly, Twilight!" he pointed at me with a nod of his head. "Justice didn't like what happened to her creation so she repeated time, over and over and over again." "That's... insanity..." Luna remarked, disbelief either at the prospect of reliving life infinitum or that there was a being powerful enough to perpetuate such a concept. "To what end does she insist on continuing such behavior?" "That's why everything fell apart, Luna. It's Kismet's job to, hmm, how to put this, to author the stories of the lives Justice has created. By making a loop of time she was basically saying 'I do not like what you have done, Kismet', at least, in his mind that's how she felt..." Discord looked sad as he gave us that tidbit of information, almost as if he pitied Kismet. "It's a horrible feeling when you believe you've let down the one you care about most," I couldn't keep my eyes off of Celestia as the words left my mouth. The look of sympathy she offered did little to remedy me of my shame. "Which is the saddest part of all of this. I don't think Justice has ever been displeased with Kismet," he sighed. "It's just in her nature. She could never be content with the death of all she's made. Regardless, the endless repetition of perceived disappointment took a toll on Kismet's psyche. Eventually, Something had to give and that's when Kis became her own consciousness." "So we were right!" Cadance exclaimed. "Yes... and no, though I'm sure you're all already aware of that," he mused. "While she is her own being, she cannot exist without Met. It's a most regrettable situation." "You speak as if you have feelings for her, Discord," Luna raised a brow. Discord tilted his head, thinking deeply for a moment before speaking. "You could say that, but more like a younger sister than a significant other... that position is already filled, thank you very much," he cleared his throat, looking rather sheepish. "Kis is the unhinged side of Kismet, but she's also the half that reveres and respects Justice. Met is the half that loathes Justice more than anything else." "So if I understand correctly, going against Met's wishes would be like betraying her own ideals." Cadance's conclusion made a lot of sense. "A betrayal of oneself," Luna interjected. "Precisely. That's why she's been fighting so hard with you all, but... also not trying very hard either." Discord was pleased with our quick comprehension. "If that was Kis not trying very hard, I would hate to face her when she puts her heart into it." Luna stared up at the orb with a look of admiration lifting her lips. "If what you're saying is true, Discord, then that means..." I finally realized what his intentions were, what he was trying to express to us. As the mass grew around Kis the ground began to vibrate harder, slowly at first and then with a ferocity that had us all fighting to stay upright. At the current rate I wouldn't have time to explain myself or what I wanted to try. "There must be something we can do!" Luna leapt into the air so she wouldn't have to fight to keep her balance. "As long as I have breath, I will never give up." She said the words with confidence, but it was easy to see how shaken she was, much like the rest of us. "Not that I'm aware of." Discord floated in the air, a small tea set hovering in front of him. "Might as well enjoy the time we have left with one another," he said as he grabbed a cup and took a light sip. "It... can't be," Celestia was now in the air as well, her wings flapping while the rest of her body slumped as if the world itself was pulling her down at an intensified rate. I looked around at my friends. The only ones I had left. No, they aren't merely my friends. Celestia, the one that I'd always looked up to. The one I'd honestly considered my second mother. The one I could never stop loving. Luna. Although she'd always been reserved towards me I'd considered her to be a rival, a friend, and honestly beyond that, an older sister. Cadance... what could I say about Cadance? She was my sister. I loved her so much. Discord. Even though he'd been gone for so long he was a dear friend and almost a brother... but I'd never tell him something like that. Flurry. My precious niece. She may not be with us physically, but... I touched my chest with a hoof. I could still feel her magic inside of me, letting me know that this was the correct decision. I had to take responsibility, had to do something. I had to atone for my sins and redeem myself, if even just a little. My resolve will not falter! I will let this be the end of their story! I stared up at the expanding sphere of inky darkness, took a deep breath, and teleported to face the end I'd had a hoof in cultivating. I only prayed there really was something I could do. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "TWILIGHT!!?!!?" Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna, and I all yelled out in unison as the purple alicorn flashed out of existence. There was no way to know where a teleportation spell would take somepony, but I think we all knew where she'd gone. I couldn't say for sure what possessed me in that moment, but I acted without thinking, my body moving of its own volition. I was flying straight at the ball of darkness, the most powerful barrier of love mana I could conjure coating my body instantly. I slammed into the wall of evil, pushing several meters in before my momentum slowed to a crawl. I refused to give up, forcing my way to the core where I knew I'd find my sister. "TWILIGHT!" I shouted as I continued to push in the direction I thought to be the correct one. The magic was so dense and dark that I was already having trouble distinguishing one way from any other. As I delved deeper and deeper into the void my barrier began to crack and fracture, small fissures forming all over my spell. If I didn't find my sister soon this would be a one way trip. My progress stopped, the mana now far thicker than any quicksand. It felt as if I were within rapidly drying cement that was just about hardened to the point of stone. I took a shaky breath in through my nose and pushed it out through my mouth. I have to stay calm. Panicking in a situation like this could spell catastrophe. I pushed more love into my barrier, the fractures sealing for just a moment before reopening. Is my love really so weak that this evil magic can overpower it so effortlessly? Of course not, Mom. My daughter's voice rang out in my mind. Remember what you did for Prismia? This is no different. She was right, of course. I have to keep fighting. I had to help Twilight, and if my daughter hadn't given up... Then neither have I. As my determination grew so did the sparkling blue glow inside of me. Flurry's magic. Even now she was with me, empowering me... lighting my way. I rushed forward faster than before, the darkness no match for the combined strength of my daughter and I. "Kis, I'm here to help, but you have to talk to me!" Once the darkness cleared somewhat I found myself floating inside of a wide open space. Twilight was banging her hoof on what appeared to be a large glass marble. Inside of said marble sat Kis, her head tucked between her legs, arms crossed on her knees. "You shouldn't have come here, Twilight. Now it's too late to escape," Kis spoke without lifting her head. "You can't change what's already been decided. This planet will fall. Justice will be defeated and the perpetuation of the cycles will come to an end... we have decreed it so." "Is that what YOU really want!?" Twilight had stopped attacking the sphere, her hoof dropping limply along with the rest of her body. "Are you happy hurting the one who loves you so much like this, Kis?" Kis' body jerked at the possibility of the one who'd given her life actually caring for her. "It doesn't matter what I want anymore," she remained in her seated position. "It is what will be... like I said, we've already decreed it." Twilight's head drooped even more at the reply she'd received. I willed myself over to the purple alicorn, coming to a stop right next to her. I gently laid a hoof on her shoulder, a comforting smile the only thing I could think to offer her. She jumped at the sudden physical contact, at first surprised by my presence and then smiling in appreciation. "Kis," My appearance had revitalized my sister, a sudden look of resolve coming to her. "You only want to make Justice happy," Kis' body reacted once again. "You've only ever wanted to make her happy..." Twilight paused, either for dramatic effect, or to gather her thoughts. "Do you honestly believe this will please her?" Kis refused to answer for the longest time, Twilight and I waiting in anticipation. The god refused to make a sound and then, at first it was barely perceptible, but it gradually grew in volume. Is she... crying? It can't be... "No... of course not, Twilight," she sniffled. The darkness around us began to react to the shift in Kis' mood, contracting and expanding, rumbling fiercely the entire time. "But what do you expect me to do? I can't just-" "You can, Kis! You aren't bound by anything or anypony else. You only have to choose, to make your own decisions..." Twilight sighed, though it sounded more relieved than exhausted. "To fulfill your own wishes." She must have been pressing the right buttons because Kis became silent yet again, wiping tears from her face with her arms. "I can see it shining, Kis," Twilight grinned as she pressed her hoof back to the glass. "Flurry's magic. It's right there... in your heart, isn't it?" How can that be? When had Flurry been able to do something like that? Was Twilight bluffing? Perhaps she was trying to prey on the guilt that Kis might be feeling for her actions? Still the vulpine remained quiet. Had Twilight's play worked or had Flurry somehow done something none of us could have been aware of? "Met... made a mistake," Kis finally spoke after a span. "When he stole Flurry's cutie mark he meant to use it to defeat you all. It was one of the two things we had no real answer to," she lifted her head, the tears, the sorrow there, easily visible for us to see. "The other issue being you," she pointed a jagged nail at me. "Your love was an unsolvable problem. He absorbed what he thought was Flurry's special talent by stealing her cutie mark." "Is that even possible?" Twilight asked, her curiosity taking hold of her. "I mean there was that one time Starlight switched-" "Don't know. It didn't have the intended result anyway." Kis interrupted, shaking her head. "Ever since that day it's pushed him and I further and further apart. The core of Flurry's special talent is love magic," Kis looked at me again, her eyes exhausted. "The strongest love magic to ever exist," she laughed once, but there was no joy in it. "Met doesn't understand the concept of love because he doesn't love anything. I on the other hand..." she stared at me, reaching a claw my way. "You and your daughter were too strong for us, Cadance... for me. I couldn't break you." She looked upwards, the tears flowing down her face. "Either of you." "You... love Justice, don't you, Kis?" I said out loud on accident. I didn't want to push Kis in a bad direction, but finally realizing the truth made me blurt it out. She nodded weakly in response. "Since the day I took Flurry's cutie mark the love that you and Shining Armor have for her has driven the feeling of love I have for my creator beyond my comprehension." Kis huddled back into the safety of her personal space. "And the love Flurry has for you is even more powerful. It's... driving me crazy," she covered her head with her arms again. "I can feel it changing me... turning me into something I'm not." "But Met isn't changing like you are," Twilight's face lit up in realization. "Because he doesn't understand the concept itself." Kis nodded her head a bit. "I just... I just w-want..." she began to bawl, her body trembling. "What is it you want, Kis?" She clutched her head in her claws at Twilight's inquiry. "What do you want to do?" "I... I... I DON'T KNOW!" It all happened so fast. The darkness behind Twilight and I morphed into large vicious spikes, flying directly at the one causing distress to their creator. "NO!" My body moved between certain death and my beloved little sister. For just a second, I could swear she had taken on the appearance of my oldest friend. I instantly summoned the most powerful barrier I could produce. Yet again, it was purely on instinct, yet again, my body and my magic acting of their own volition. "C-CADANCE!!!" I heard Twilight scream, though it sounded as if it had come from miles away. My spell was useless, the evil energy cracking and breaking through it in multiple places with no resistance whatsoever. Ggghkk The strange guttural noise that came from me was due to the spike that had pierced cleanly through my neck. I could feel a burning sensation in my chest and the left side of my belly as well. "N-NO! I DIDN'T- I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" I think that was Kis shouting, but I couldn't be sure, the pain eclipsing all my other senses. "I didn't want..." The sound of crying grew louder as the spikes withdrew from my body. I felt shaky hooves draw me into an embrace and cradle me as I descended into them. "C-Cadance, what do I do? H-how do I fix this?" Twilight's panicked voice was high pitched, as if she were about to break down herself. Tears spilled from her eyes as she tried to use various spells to cover up my wounds. Magic like that was only skin deep though, so the real problem wouldn't be able to be addressed. Even without looking at myself I knew that too many of my organs were damaged beyond repair. I could hardly breathe, the wound in my throat much too severe. Cadance... He was here. He was waiting for me, but I still had to tell Twilight. I still had to give her the last of myself. I knew it was what Flurry would want... and what I wanted too. "Twi... light," my voice was unrecognizable, raspy and moist. My sister looked at me woefully, her jaw trembling. "Y-yes?" was all she could say without crumbling to pieces. "Help... her..." I summoned my love into my horn, the magic glowing more vibrantly than I'd ever recalled. Blue specks of Flurry's magic joined my own, turning the glow from my horn a shade I'd never seen before. "S-save... her..." I gently pulled the purple alicorn's horn into contact with my own. "Love..." I transferred as much energy as I could into my sister before my vision began to blur. "her..." As my life began to flash before my eyes a moment of true clarity grasped me. Seeing everything again, all the joy, all the peace, all the love... I finally understood. I was not born an alicorn. I was never meant to be an immortal. At one time I had thought fate... had thought Kismet, had blessed me... They had. That blessing had come with a price, yes, but it was one I wasn't sad to pay. My life had been a dream. A perfectly flawless dream. My friends, my family, my husband, my daughter... Flurry had been my all, and now it was time for me to go... but I was grateful, truly, truly grateful. With the last of my strength I looked past my sister, finding the devastated Lord of Fate. She bawled, her tears much like my own had been for my departed daughter. It was all so very sad, this god baring her soul for somepony like me to see. "K-Kis..." I whispered. True love could not sit idly by while anypony was in such sorrow. She clawed at the glass, trying her hardest to reach me, but unable to get past the barrier. The despair that she possessed broke my heart. For some reason, it felt as if Flurry herself were reaching out for me, as if my own daughter... "C-Cadance!!! I'm so, so sor-" "Thank... you... K-Kis..." I smiled the most comforting smile I could produce at the sobbing god, though I'm certain my tears weren't helping. She could do nothing more than gape at me in utter shock. "For... everything." I reached out to my daught- no, not for Flurry, to the heartbroken god. "I... l-love... you..." Her jaw quaked as her tears fell unhindered. For me, a god wailed. I closed my eyes and took one final breath, my task done. It was time for me to go home. It was time for me to join my Shining. It was time for me to join my Flurry. It was time... to go... > The End II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Cadance..." I gently shook what was once my foalsitter, my beloved big sister. She was caked in her own blood as well as mine. She'd never looked worse for wear and yet none of that mattered right now. "Please, Cadance..." I pulled my sister's lifeless body into a tight embrace. There was no reciprocation. There wouldn't be. I howled in agony, openly sobbing into her motionless form as the reality of the situation came crashing down on me. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't... I lost..." Kis was pressed up against the glass, still trying to get out of the ball, still possibly trying to help in whatever way she could. "S-she's... she's okay, r-right? You're alicorns... You guys can't die... You can help her... c-can't you?" I shook my head slightly, my body much more difficult to move, as if I was suddenly submerged in water. The bellow of sorrow that came from the Lord of Fate was even louder than I could ever have imagined. The darkness once again began reacting to Kis' erratic emotions. This time though, it didn't act in aggression, this time it began to liquefy and melt, the space we currently occupied slowly beginning to fill with black gunk. "Kis," I whispered through my veil of tears, through the unimaginable pain, unable to remove my face from my sister's neck. I couldn't look at her. First my precious little Flurry and now... I didn't want to let go... but I had to. I finally had to accept the truth. I can't fight death. I can't hold on forever, no matter who it is. "This isn't your fault, Kis." No. It's not hers. It's mine and I'm going to take responsibility. "You'd give me a chance, even now? Even after all I've done to you and..." She sounded so very sad, so very pitiable. The grief in her was so thick it almost pained me physically to hear her speak. To bear such heights of sorrow and have to continue in your duties. It must've been... I suppose we weren't so different, Kismet and I. "If I learned anything from my sister, Kis, it's how powerful love can be." I placed a gentle kiss on Cadance's cheek before whispering my thanks to her. "Thank you, Cadance... for everything." I let go, turning my attention back to the god. "You already have such a strong sense of love for Justice, Kis. Now you just need the other half of a truly blessed life." "W-what?" she asked, the desperation on her face pleading for guidance, for a solution to this mess. I chuckled at the irony of it all. Everything had come full circle. Everything she'd taught me since I was a filly. Had it all been for this very moment? If so, then I'll gladly play my part. "It's the most important lesson I learned from Princess Celestia. The thing I'd lost sight of that caused all of this to happen." I melded my own mana with the gift Cadance had given me, as well as Flurry's magic that was already inside me. My horn swirled, tricolored as two more unknown sources of mana joined my efforts. I wasn't sure where the magic had come from, but It was familiar, like a warm blanket. I was thankful for the help. The energy was staggeringly vast, my horn pulsing as I struggled to control it all. It reminded me of all those years ago when I'd been forced to confront Tirek. I casted my spell directly at the sphere trapping Kis, no doubt in my mind. "Friendship," I smiled, the glass orb shattering into millions of pieces under the unstoppable might of my spell, freeing Kis from her captivity. "T-Twilight... you'd... you'd still want to be friends... with me?" she was taken aback by my selfless offer. I looked over my shoulder at the all-powerful deity. She looked so shy in that moment, so miniscule, like her entire future hinged on my reply. "You'd still forgive me for..." I looked up, remembering my precious little niece's words, a smile lifting my lips. Auntie... would you have given up on your friends? What better way to defeat an enemy... the ultimate enemy, than to make them your friend? "I've already forgiven you, Kis. Will you accept my friendship?" I asked. The next thing I knew I felt trembling, unsure arms wrap around my neck, holding me in a gentle embrace. She laid her chin on my shoulder. Strangely enough, It felt rather... nice. "I've never had a real friend before," she breathed into my shoulder, continuing to sniffle. The darkness continued to draw closer to the two of us, the ceiling of the room mere feet above. Once this space was consumed, we would be as well. "I'm glad you finally made one," I patted her hand with my hoof. "Friendship really is magic." "Twilight... I can't stop this," she lifted her head up, staring at the dripping darkness. She looked truly remorseful. It was an odd contrast to the previous insanity. "I'm... sorry." "I know you can't, Kis," I smiled, knowing exactly why she was saying that. "You don't have to worry. I'm not just acting like this in the hopes of being spared." "Thank you, Twilight," she squeezed me tightly before taking a deep breath. "I may not be able to prevent this... alone, but..." she looked up yet again. "but this world doesn't have to die if..." "What can I do?" I asked, a slight ray of hope illuminating the possibility that I might be able to atone for all I'd done. "It'll take everything in you... and everything in me, but we can stop it... if we do it together." "Tell me what I need to do!" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What in all of Equestria are those two thinking? First Twilight teleported and then Cadance flew off after her. If that thing was as dangerous as Discord had claimed, neither would survive, even together. I have to do something! "We must go as well," I flared my mana, prepping a spell to teleport myself. I cannot let them die too. I'd already failed my granddaughter ... It couldn't happen again. I have to protect them. no matter what it may cost me. "Agreed, Sister," Luna began to infuse her own horn with mana, following my lead. "I'm sorry, girls, but I just can't let you do that." A loud snapping sound cut off the flow of our mana. I turned around, glaring not just daggers, but whole swords at the draconequus that was trying his best to be inconspicuous. "What is the meaning of this, Discord!?" I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and not immediately leap at him and throttle his neck... for the time being. "It's far too dangerous for the two of you," he looked down at the ground, sadness permeating him. "I refuse to allow two more of my friends to rush headlong into their deaths." "And yet you did nothing to prevent Twilight and Cadance from going?" Luna was even more heated than I, bearing down on Discord as if she were about to spear straight through him with her horn. "Those two can do something about this, Luna," he backed away from the approaching alicorn, his hands raised in front of himself. "You think I'd just let them go without a purpose?" She stopped in her tracks, a look of remorse coming to her face. "You are chaos, but... I suppose that you would not," she sighed. "I would be remiss as a friend if I doubted your intentions." "What do you mean 'they can do something'?" Just because Luna had relented didn't mean I had. It was my turn to interrogate our friend. I was in his face in a second, intimidation my primary tactic. Discord may be our ally now, but that didn't stop him from being the Lord of Chaos. "Well, they are the Princess of Friendship and Love... I think... I believe-" "Those are what Kis needs most right now," Luna finished for him. "So what, we just stand around and do nothing? Excuse my unreasonable attitude, but I refuse to just sit by and watch while my niece and my... my student risk their lives for my well-being!" I spun around ready to take off just as Cadance had, but a powerful wall of chaos magic prevented me from going anywhere. "Discord... remove your barrier... NOW!" My glare made him shudder, even causing Luna to recoil at my sudden indignation. "I won't, Celestia," he wouldn't look at me, his gaze locked to the ground. "WHY!?!" I tried to calm down a bit, but my anger was still coming through in spades. "I've already faced the darkness, Discord, within Canterlot and inside of Spike. I can help them!" "You're right, Celestia. Your undiluted heat did burn away all of the darkness that infected you. It even protected you inside of Spike... but this is different," he pointed at the black orb. "That thing is different. It is beyond even me and so... It is beyond the two of you." It was humbling to hear. Nothing had ever been. Luna and I had been defeated before, but there was never a valley... never an unscaleable mountain. "SO I SHOULDN'T TRY!?" I was on the brink of hysteria. I can't lose them... can't lose her... I couldn't, yet once again, I was utterly powerless to do anything. "Perhaps... Discord is correct, Tia." As I was moving with violent purpose toward my new obstacle, Luna's voice froze me in place. "Lulu... you... agree with him?" I stared at her completely dumbfounded. My sister, the most aggressive being I'd ever known and the one who loathed inaction, thought we should do nothing? I fell back onto my haunches, the outlandishness of the situation overwhelming me. "You want to do... nothing?" "Nay, Sister," she bobbed her head left to right. "This entire ordeal I have looked down upon Twilight, underestimated her," she stared at her hooves, the sadness and regret apparent in her eyes. "I am not saying we do nothing. I am saying we trust Twilight." She lifted her head and smiled at me. "She does have the greatest teacher one could ever ask for, after all." "We have to have faith, Celestia," Discord cautiously placed his paw on my shoulder. "If there was something any of us could do I'd be the first one t-" the clap of thunder that echoed from the black orb caused everything to shake and rock back and forth. "What in Equestria?" Luna gasped as the very air itself vibrated in response to the energy going haywire. "I really hope that's a good sign." Discord lamented. An undeniably disturbing sound of agony followed the chaos that had erupted from the ball of evil magic. "That was-" "Kis..." Discord looked perturbed by the noise, so much so that his barrier trapping us flickered out for a hundredth of a second. We waited in uncomfortable silence, the rumbling of the world the only discernable noise. I suddenly felt my heart stir, Flurry's brilliant magic shining brightly in my breast yet again. "Sister!" Luna called out to me, gasping as she also shined the same hue of Flurry's light blue magic. As we stood next to each other, unsure of what to do, the magic moved into our horns, combining with our own pools of mana. In seconds it blasted from our bodies passing through Discord's barrier and flying into the black orb of its own will. "What... was that?" I gaped. It was clear all three of us were confused by the event. In minutes the black sphere began to collapse in on itself. I turned to Discord, eyes pleading with him to give me the chance to help them. I was given no such opportunity, the amalgam of animal parts not acknowledging me whatsoever. I believe it's because if he had, he'd have been unable to continue to imprison us here. "If they are within the darkness..." Luna did not have to finish her thought. We stared at the crumbling ball of power, the only thing we were able to do was pray. Then the worst possible scenario occurred directly before us. As if a dark hole had bloomed within the center of the mass, it sucked into itself, the threat of our world's destruction gone in the blink of an eye. What replaced it seconds later made my blood run cold. A single lavender figure plummeted from the sky at an alarming rate, no sign of life coming from it. "D-DISCORD!!!" I shouted desperately. "RIGHT!" He snapped his fingers, quickly dispelling his barrier. In a flash, I teleported underneath the falling being, catching it with the utmost care in my forelegs as we drifted slowly down to the ground. "It's... It's not possible..." I stared at the purple unicorn in disbelief. "What is it, Sis-" Luna's eyes widened in shock at the sight of the mare I was cradling. "H-how?" was all she could manage to say. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, rested in my forelegs. However, it was not the majestic ruler of Equestria. She was no longer an alicorn. How she had reverted to her unicorn form was not something I could explain. She was covered horn to hoof in bruises and lesions. Her eyes flitted open slowly, a beautiful smile coming to her battered face. "Did... did we do it? Is it... gone?" she sounded so tired, weak, as if she'd just fought the greatest battle of her life. She clearly had. I nodded in response, tears beginning to blur my vision. "You did, Twilight." I smiled at her as the dam broke and I began to cry. "I'm so proud of you, my most faithful student." "How did the two of you manage to slay Kis?" Luna hopped around us with glee. "Where is Cadance?" Luna looked this way and that in an attempt to locate the Princess of the Crystal Empire, the smile on her face exuberant. "Kis just needed a friend." Twilight said simply, her eyes now avoiding all else. "Remarkable! And Cadance?" Luna pressed, looking down at the purple unicorn. Twilight closed her eyes, refusing to answer the inquiry. "Where is Cadance, Twilight?" Luna pressed harder, a vivid desperation coming to her voice as her smile faded. "Twilight... w-where is my niece?" "She... she didn't make it." All the joy I'd felt at seeing my student still alive was instantly drained from me. Luna bristled, her legs wobbling as she nearly collapsed. First horror then disbelief covered her face. "I do not... wh-what could have happened!?" Luna was about to go over the edge, her eyes begging Twilight to tell her that it was all a poorly timed joke. "It was an accident." The look Twilight returned was saturated in pain. "TIS A LIE! An alicorn does not simply perish due to an accident, Twilight!" Luna shouted, beyond reason at this point. "Lun-" I tried to calm her, but to no avail. "Sister, surely there is more to the tale than that!" I could understand her, more than anypony else, I could understand why she was so stricken with grief. First, my precious little granddaughter and now my beloved niece? It was... it is far too much. I continued to cry, the only way I could express the despair festering inside of me. "I'm sorry, Luna. If it wasn't for Cadance... if she hadn't helped us, we wouldn't have been able to-" Twilight coughed harshly a small bit of blood dribbling from her mouth as her body doubled over. "Twilight!?" I wiped the crimson fluid from beneath her mouth. "What's wrong?" I was all too familiar with that cough. "It's... it's a miracle I'm still alive," she sighed as she was gradually able to lie back down again. "I guess Fate is letting me say my last goodbyes," she chuckled, the prospect of her imminent demise not appearing to bother her whatsoever. "T-Twilight?" was all I managed to utter. "The spell to stop the end had a steep cost," she looked away from me. "I really didn't expect for this to happen," she looked down at her hooves. "But... I am glad," she smiled up at me. "I get to say farewell... and I'm sorry." "But you look fine!" Discord spoke up, snapping a finger and summoning a thermometer into Twilight's mouth. "You're not even running a fever," he said incredulously as he pulled the medical instrument from her mouth and examined it closely. "It's not like that," she shook her head meekly. "The counterspell required mana and life energy... a monumental amount of both. Neither Kis nor I had enough to cast it alone." "But... but she had the energy of all those... souls. How could it not..." Luna remarked, her shock palpable as well. "The spell was never meant to be reversed," Twilight took a deep breath. "Kis gave up everything... She'd... they had won and she still..." A grin grew on her face. "Just like Starlight..." "Kis... helped you?" Discord looked completely flabbergasted by Twilight's claim. Twilight nodded joyfully. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without her," she explained. "In the end, she became a true, true friend." "Y-you did it? You did it... YOU DID IT!!!" Discord's jaw went slack as he threw his fists into the air. "Oh, thank you, Twilight!" He snapped his claw, teleporting her out of my forelegs and into his embrace. He gave her a delicate hug, a pained groan her only response. He snapped again transferring her back to me. "I have something I need to do," he held his fingers prepared to snap yet again, but postponed as a look of sympathy sprung onto his face. "One last thing, before I go," he looked around at the three of us. "I know this all may seem absolutely unbearable right now, but it'll all work out... trust me. I know that to be true. Sayonara, girls," he snapped his fingers, phasing out of existence before any of us could say a word. "He hasn't changed... a bit." Twilight's voice was deteriorating rapidly, raspy and slow. It reminded me of... "Is there nothing we can do for you, Twilight?" Luna asked after shaking off her own stupor due to Discord's actions. "Afraid... not," she shook her head, before looking deathly serious. "I've done so many things wrong... so much I'd do differently." "Twilight, please don't." I stroked her cheek with my hoof. "Please, Celestia. I need this," she returned my gesture, wiping tears from my face. I nodded in assent. "You were never anything less than kind to me," she looked at Luna. "Both of you. And I..." Luna and I remained quiet, allowing her to finish. "I'm so sorry... for everything." I gently brushed her tears away. "You have nothing to apologize for, Twilight Sparkle. At least, not as it pertains to me," Luna placed a hoof over her chest. "Thank you, for your sacrifice and for everything you have done for me and mine." My sister, the Princess of the Night and one of the most powerful beings I knew bowed as low to the ground as she could, the greatest gesture of respect and honor she could give the Princess of Equestria. "Thank you, Luna," she sniffled as she bowed her head as best she could in response. "And please," the tears in my sister's eyes caused my heart to ache even more. "F-forgive me." I didn't understand and I don't believe Twilight had either. "For what, Princess?" Twilight's head tilted to the side. "I could not... keep my p-promise," Luna's tears fell like rain. Twilight looked even more bewildered by my sister's sorrow. "I was... not a-able... to save you," she choked out in between sobs. "Oh, Princess," Twilight giggled softly drawing Luna's wide, confused eyes. "But you did." My student shifted her gaze to me. "You all did," she cupped my cheek with her hoof. "Even though I was so awful, you all never gave up on me," her smile shined brightly like the stars in Luna's night sky. "In the end it's that kindness and friendship... that love, that brought me back." "Twilight..." Luna blinked away the tears, finding her bravery. "I shall give you two privacy," she smiled at us. "Fare thee well, Twilight Sparkle. It was the greatest honor and blessing to have known you." "Goodbye, Princess Luna... and thank you." In the next instant my sister blinked out of reality, leaving my student and I alone. "She was always so concerned about you," I smiled as I looked at the spot where she'd just stood. "And if I'm being completely honest, just a little bit jealous," I chuckled. "I don't... understand why?" Twilight shared in my mirth. "You're so very precious to me, Twilight." I began to tremble, the reality of losing her becoming all too real. "If anypony could come close to her in my heart... it's always been you." "I see," she blushed. "And here all I gave you was grief and pain," she shut her eyes. "Twilight," I waited for her to look at me. "You gave me so much more than that." I drew her into a hug. "The kindness, the friendship, the love... and so much more. I'll treasure it for all eternity. Thank you... for everything." Her face buried deep in my shoulder as she cried quietly. "You've always been far too kind, Princess," she sniffled. "Thank you." As she withdrew from me a bright white light started to spread over her body. "I think... it's time." "I don't want you to go, Twilight," I sobbed. "I love you so very much." I confessed as I watched the light spread from her torso out to her limbs. She shined like my sun on a summer day. Twilight tilted her head as she comforted me, feeling altogether like a mother. "Kis said something interesting before we parted ways," she whispered. "What might that be?" I asked, quite curious as to what the god had to say at the end. "We'll all see each other again someday, Twilight. When we do... maybe I can be friends with Celestia and the others, too." The sentiment sent a wave of warmth over my student. I must admit my heart heated up too. "I think she's right, Celestia... I think we'll be together again... someday." She was becoming so unbelievably bright, shining so blindingly, I had to shut my eyes. "Don't you think so... too?" Her voice echoed. When I opened my eyes she was gone. "I do, Twilight," I whispered joyously. "I truly do. Goodbye for now... my dearest daughter..." "Love you... Mom." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After the events that transpired near Canterlot, Celestia and I returned to the Crystal Empire. It is not like we had much of a choice. There was nowhere else for us to go. Canterlot was derelict. Not just the capital, but more than half of Equestria had become a ghost town. Kismet's machinations had done more damage than we initially thought. It was a complete and unadulterated catastrophe. The Crystal Guard welcomed us with open arms and while they were absolutely devastated by the loss of both their captain and their princess, they remained vigilant in their duties. It was all such an unbelievable disaster. Equestria had lost Twilight, Cadance, Flurry, and Spike in less than a week. To be perfectly honest, I was not certain our world could rebound from such a severe blow, much less a single nation. Equestria no longer had its ruler. The Crystal Empire had lost its entire royal family. As I said, an utter cataclysm. Our options for a swift recovery were limited at best. Celestia and I could take up the mantle of rulers once again, but the nation was in shambles regardless of whom were to try and lead it. More than half of the citizens had di- had moved on, and with their departure came a shortage of... well, everything. Doctors, farmers, weather controllers, the jobs that needed filling the most had none to do so. We had been correct, both my sister and I. All signs pointed to a regression backwards. Back to the time when it was fight for your next meal. Back to the time when it was survival of the fittest. Back to the time when it was kill or be killed... And so, we met with government officials, with the politicians, and with militaries. Anypony we determined might be able to help rebuild, we sought an audience with. What a nightmare that decision proved to be. While my sister and I had staunch allies amongst the Rainbow Guard as well as support from our devoted, we received nothing but resistance from all others. Which led us to our current, unenviable position. Tia sat across from me, a half-genuine, half-artificial smile decorating her face. The two of us were in my makeshift room within the Crystal Empire. It felt... wrong to do anything to Cadance and Flurry's chambers. Strangely enough, my sister had taken the departure of Twilight and Cadance fairly well. I was not sure what they had said to one another, but Twilight had obviously comforted my sister in a very real way and for that I was even more thankful to the unicorn. Still, the losses weighed heavily on the both of us. What I would not give to get better acquainted with Spike. To have a hot cup of tea with my niece. To go another round with my granddaughter. To debate the more intricate processes of magecraft with Twilight. "Something troubles you, Luna?" My complexion must have changed or something of the sort because Celestia had been able to read me like a book. "I mean other than everything that's happened, of course," she clarified. "What are we going to do, Tia?" I took a deep breath before rubbing my temple with my hooves. "I cannot see a clear path to any sort of recovery for Equestria." "You may be right, Lulu," she sighed, growing silent. "We could always give up and run away... like the old days," she said after a moment. "You know, only take care of one another." "SISTER!?" I stared at her in disbelief, her coy grin disarming me almost instantly. "Clearly I jest, Luna," she giggled. "We are no longer those ponies." The look of determination that formed on her face made my heart pound with excitement. "We will fix things, Luna. We'll make them better. There may have been a time in the past we would've run, but now..." "Now things are different," I nodded. "Now we are different." We had seen first hoof the power of friendship and love. We could never go back. Neither Celestia nor I could be so heartless ever again. Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, Flurry, and everypony else had taught us the true meaning of friendship. We would fight for a brighter future. We would fight for every being in Equestria. We would fight for good. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Auntie! AUNTIE!" The initial call may not have awakened me, but the yell stirred me from my slumber. "Calm down, dear. She'll wake up when she's nice and ready." The second voice was just as familiar as the first. "Look! She's waking up! SHE'S WAKING UP!" The first voice exclaimed excitedly. With a very pronounced yawn and a quick blink of my eyelids I came face to face with my sister and my niece. The pair stood over me, ecstatic smiles on their faces. "I didn't know you could dream after you die," I stared at the figments of my imagination. They smiled at each other before looking back down at me. "This isn't a dream, Auntie," my niece casted a quick spell to pinch my cheek, the pain drawing a yelp from my muzzle. "We were waiting for you... all of us," she was practically jumping up and down at this point. "Come on, Twilight," my sister offered me a helping hoof. "Flurry's right, everypony's waiting." As I took her hoof into my own she lifted me up. That's when I finally noticed them all. A spectrum of the most wonderful colors and brilliant smiles. My friends. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Starlight. My family. Mom, Dad, Shining Armor, and Spike. And her. I rushed over to the group, but more specifically to my precious student. "W-welcome home, P-Princess Twilight." She was even more vibrant than I'd remembered. I couldn't contain myself. "Just Twilight is fine, Radiant." I drew her into a tight embrace. "I missed you." I whispered into her ear, tears of joy flowing unabated. "I missed you, too," she whispered back. "I missed all of you so much!" I announced as I pulled out of the hug, but I didn't let the young mare go. "Thank you all... for waiting for me!" "WELCOME HOME, TWILIGHT!" they shouted in unison as they moved in and embraced me in a group hug. It was all I'd ever wanted... And yet... I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness radiate through me... There were three... no, four faces missing. Four precious friends, four members of my family whose absence left a hole in my heart. They were irreplaceable, but I knew I would see them again. Yes... of that, I'm certain. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the widest grin imaginable, Discord, the Lord of Chaos, blinked into the heavenly realm of Justice, the Lord of Order. The massive hall looked to stretch on for miles in all directions, nature dominating the floor, walls, and ceiling of the space. Lush fauna and flora covered every inch as far as the eye could see. Sparkling lakes and tall waterfalls that seemed to flow from thin air were sprinkled about as well. With Twilight Sparkle's victory over Kismet came an intense satisfaction to the draconequus. Perhaps after all this time, something will finally change. As the Lord of Chaos floated toward his destination he couldn't help but feel a bit giddy at that possibilty. His cohorts were already here, though that was to be expected, at least of the Lord of Order. Much like all others, it was her realm, after all. Justice, the flawless snow-white alicorn sat atop her throne, listening intently to the Lord of Fate standing before her. The alicorn was almost a carbon copy of Celestia... or more accurately, vice-versa. Which made sense considering the former had made the latter in her own image. The primary differences between the god and the princess were their manes and tails. While Celestia's were both a beautiful twinkling rainbow in hue, Justice's were a shade of carmine or shimmering maroon. The Lord of Order bore no cutie mark, the images being a concept she'd created specifically for her ponies, to aid them in their journey through life. Justice had never had to discover her own purpose. She had always been who she was and would always be... life itself. The Lord of Fate standing impatiently in front of her, Kismet, had their arms crossed in front of themself. Their face was twisted in a disrespectful sneer, clearly annoyed at having to be in the presence of their self-perceived foe. "...finally got your porcelain little hooves dirty. I didn't think you had it in you, Justice." Kismet's voice was rife with venom and hatred. Discord had arrived fashionably late and so, didn't really have any clue what their current conversation was about. Neither of the other lords acknowledged him or even seemed to notice his presence. Although, one of the benefits of being chaos embodied was not being noticed if you wished not to be. The other gods seemed much too preoccupied with their own business. "If you'd have left my creation to itself, I wouldn't have been forced to intervene, Met." Justice was as tranquil as a secluded lake on a moonlit night as she spoke of the near destruction of all she'd made. There wasn't a hint of malice or aggression in her statement or in her demeanor, yet her very being enraged the Lord of Fate. "Oh, but how could I not toy with them, Justice? With Discord gone, I finally had the opportunity to try to tear out that black heart of yours." Met had complete control of the body currently and he was using his time to try to push Justice into a fury. He frustratedly tapped his leg with the head of his cane, arms remaining crossed uncomfortably. "We were so close too, what a shame it is. It was almost all gone," he snapped his fingers in an "aw shucks" manner, the mocking smirk on his face dripping with arrogance. "How long will you hold onto this senseless grudge, Met?" Justice sighed, her countenance falling. The alicorn looked genuinely heartbroken because of her hate-filled creation. "I have never-" "I will bear this animosity forever, Justice," the lupine's grin disappeared immediately as he snarled at the being he loathed over all else. "And even after that!" he spat. Justice's reaction was to merely shake her head slowly. There would be no getting through to him, that much was more than clear to the alicorn. "Excuse me, Met, but I had no intention of ruining your fun," Discord finally made himself known as he approached Justice's throne. "I never intended to stay away for so long, either. Like Justice, it wasn't until you overstepped your bounds that I decided to make my triumphant return." "So now you openly oppose me as well, Chaos?" Met's expression of disgust was now directed at the draconequus. "You fled with your tail between your legs as soon as that yellow pegasus expired and now you show up as if anyone wished for your return? You should have stayed in the hole you crawled out of, worm." "Touchy, touchy, Met. Who spit in your corn flakes?" If Met's insults had any effect on the draconequus, Discord didn't show it, going so far as to snap his fingers to manifest a "Justice is #1" shirt on the Lord of Fate. Though it only lasted there a second before it was torn to shreds and thrown to the floor. It was obvious the attire had rubbed Met the exact way the Lord of Chaos had intended. "Speaking negatively of Fluttershy won't get to me, if that's what your intentions really are," Discord smirked, unconcerned. "You're better off trying to best me in a game of..." he examined the wolf, horns to claws. "Well, any game to be honest. You're not a very fun hombre, Met." "I had forgotten how soft you have become, Discord." Met rolled his eyes at the slight to his character, or at least what could have been perceived as a slight. "Justice's pathetic little lackeys really got to you too, didn't they?" "Friendship and Love have a habit of changing one's nature," Justice spoke up, a satisfied smile on her face. "You are no different, Met. I can already see the seeds you mistakenly planted within growing deep inside of you." If Met had been somewhat angry before, he was now a blazing inferno of rage. While the lupine was normally a pillar of self-control, his recent failures had put him on edge and Justice's comments had just sent him tumbling off. "YOUR..." he grabbed at his own head, his face contorting in a blend of pain and fury. Justice's expression softened slightly at the distress Met was clearly in. No matter how he may have felt about her, he was still one of her precious creations. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, he expelled a long breath through his clenched teeth. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?" he growled. Even though he was managing to rein in his emotions, some of the anger spilled out. "She's not omniscient, Met," Discord scoffed. "how could she have-" "SHUT UP, DISCORD!!!" The glare the Lord of Fate gave the draconequus was enough to get him to both literally and figuratively zip his lips. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, JUSTICE!" The canine roared, turning his wrath back on the alicorn. Justice raised a displeased brow at the sudden outburst. "Calm yourself, Met." Her words were softly spoken, but had enough authority to shake the god to his very core. Met growled openly in reply, baring his fangs at Justice, but not doing much else. Justice was absolute. If she so wished it, he would be dust with a mere thought. "I bestowed my greatest form of love unto Cadenza, Met. Flurry Heart is... special due to that," she confessed, drawing more ire from Met. "but I could not fathom you'd go so far as you did to try to steal her special talent. That was your folly, not mine." "You wanted it though, did you not!?" he pointed an accusatory finger at her. "You are glad I- glad Kis changed!" he gripped his head with a claw yet again causing Justice to lean forward with genuine concern. "Our misery brings you nothing but joy..." "That's not true, Met. That's never been true." Justice's wings had unfurled at her sides, the alicorn visibly stirred by the allegation. "I've only ever wanted-" "Enough," Met's fury was gone, his voice now barely above a whisper. "With Discord here, you have no need of my consent to restart the cycle." With tired eyes he stared up at the Lord of Order. "Why have you summoned me here?" "I..." Justice's entire body slumped. Discord also noted that the alicorn had grown much more sorrowful as the conversation carried on. "After all that's happened, I was hoping we might finally be able to reconcile," she extended an olive branch to the canine, harmony her only desire. She received a derisive scoff in return for her kindness. "Not a chance," his gaze pierced through her, an indication that his declaration would never change. Justice's foreleg fell, her despair palpable. And then the Lord of Fate had changed, his other half emerging and taking full control of the body. "I think... I think it's my turn to talk." Kis' more slender frame replaced Met's larger body, her feminine voice surprising both Discord and Justice. "K-KIS?!" Discord was the first to vocally express his shock. "I've never seen you take control without Met's permission." Justice was legitimately stunned by Kis' actions as well, her demeanor betraying true astonishment. "I never have, bu-" Kis cut herself off, closing her eyes. "You know I'm not, Met," she waited, listening intently to her other half's response. "Am I not allowed to express my own thoughts?" Again silence prevailed. "Then shouldn't you feel at least a little bit like I do?" A dreadfully long quiet followed that question. When Kis finally opened her eyes again she looked severely disappointed. "I'm guessing that didn't go well?" Discord sighed. He too found the strife between the alicorn and the canine to be particularly distasteful. "No, Discord," Kis sighed. "no, it did not," she turned her attention to the alicorn. "Justice, you already know what Met wants. You've known since you first created him... It's the same thing I've wanted since I ..." "Kis," Justice moved off of her throne, walking right up to the Lord of Fate. "This episode may have soured my feelings a bit, but I've never held ill will toward you," she laid a cautious hoof on Kis' shoulder. It was quite the gamble, Kis being the far more destructive side of Kismet, however Justice had seen the change Twilight Sparkle had made in the vulpine. She just prayed it was enough to make a real difference. It had been far too long since she could recall any semblance of peace between the three of them. "Either of you," she emphasized her point with a brilliant smile. "I know that... I mean, now I do. It's just..." Kis was obviously still struggling with expressing how she really felt. "It's just, before I..." she didn't want to say anything further, but knew she had to. "Before I could feel their love, before Twilight reached out to me... before Cadance... I couldn't feel anything like it. It was all... distorted, like my head was filled with static," she sighed. "I think that's how Met still feels." "What can I do to remedy that, Kis?" Justice wanted nothing more than for the pitiable lupine to be set free from his terrible shackles, but there was no way she could see to resolve the issue. "I... don't know," Kis replied bluntly. "If you'd have asked me a few days ago how to get through to me I wouldn't have had an answer for you then either." While Justice was displeased with the response, she was happy that at least Kis was being reasonable. It wasn't how she normally carried herself, but it was definitely a welcome change. "You're... so very different," Justice remarked with a giddy smile. "I really am glad." "Thank Twilight Sparkle," Kis smiled brightly to herself, placing a hand over her heart. "That girl really is something special. I'm happy to have the honor to be able to call her my friend." "I never thought I'd hear you say anything like that," Discord smirked. "To be fair, I never thought I'd say something like that," Kis chuckled. "I can see how they managed to change you, Discord. It's pretty hard to fight such... raw emotions." "Now imagine them all together spouting their 'friendship is magic' philosophy," Discord said using his fingers to make air quotes. "Trust me, It's impossible to resist. Especially when Fluttershy is the one making puppy dog eyes at you," he added that last bit much quieter than the rest. "I can imagine," Kis laughed, an action fully filled with mirth in contrast to her usual psychotic chortling. "WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! What's wrong, Justice!?" Kis grabbed the white alicorn by her shoulders in a panic. Tears poured down the Lord of Order's cheeks, however her face was one of pure elation. "I-i'm sorry," she wiped the tears away with the back of her foreleg. "It's just, I'm so very happy." Kis let out a relieved breath as a smile came to her lips. "You really do just want us all to be happy... don't you?" the fox moved forward, embracing the alicorn in a gentle hug. The sudden affection caught the creator off guard, widened eyes and a torrent of tears all she could seem to produce. Discord was positively glowing as he offered her two thumbs up and a glowing smile. "It's all I've ever wanted, Kis." Justice recovered enough to wrap a foreleg around the vulpine. "One day I hope to hold Met like this," she sniffled. "When he's ready." With one final tight squeeze Kis withdrew from Justice. "You will," Kis grinned confidently. "I'll do all I can to make him see the light too, I swear." Out of the blue Discord lifted Kis into the air and gave her a hug. "Great to have you, Kis!" Discord nuzzled his cheek into hers. "Right, right. It's a pleasure to be here," she pushed his face away from hers as he placed her back on the ground. "Now, what are we thinking about starting this cycle over?" "You want... to!?" Discord covered his mouth with his claw. "You wish to..." Justice was dumbfounded once again. Not one time in all of history had either half of Kismet ever wanted to discuss the future. Typically, they'd simply wait until the die was cast and go against whatever Justice willed. "Let's be honest, that wasn't the best ending our friends deserve." Kis looked first at Discord and then at Justice. "Not exactly my finest work, in my opinion at least... what do you guys think?" "Maybe... but..." Discord stroked his beard. The Lord of Fate and the Lord of Chaos looked at the Lord of Order with anticipation painting their features. Justice's face scrunched up in contemplation. "I'm not sure... This is the longest and most prosperous cycle in... well, ever. My world is in chaos right now..." she tapped her chin with a hoof. "You would still pursue destruction, would you not, Met?" she asked the lupine. Kis closed her eyes for a moment before opening them back up and lifting her claws with a shrug. "Preeeetty sure you already know the answer... just throw in a few expletives for good measure," she chuckled uncomfortably. "As I thought," Justice summoned a screen that displayed an image of Celestia and Luna speaking to the citizens of the Crystal Empire. She stared at her "daughter's", a longing expression coming to her face. "Do we risk a different outcome? Thousands more years of suffering for what could end up being even worse than this?" "Well, when you put it like that," Kis ran a claw through her hair before scratching the back of her head. "I know..." the canine took a deep breath. "I know that this cycle is going to get really hard from here on out... at least for Cel and Lu... Are you willing to put them through that, Justice?" Discord noticed the twang of pain that the alicorn got from the question. Restarting the cycle meant building up everything from scratch again. Celestia and Luna were the creation that enabled the world to continue. They would be forced to start from square one as well, back to the darkest ages. For them, it would be the most difficult. "I..." Justice faltered. While she adored all of her creation, Celestia and Luna were particularly dear to her. The pair were crafted from the sun and the moon, yes, but also directly from her very own being. None of her other creations shared in that connection with her and so, to her, they were even more like her own kin. "I don't know." To condemn them to a life of even more death and sorrow was completely against her nature, but restarting the cycle would prove to be just as arduous for the duo. "It's a tough choice..." Discord laid a claw on Justice's shoulder. The alicorn didn't budge, her gaze locked on the goings on of her creation. "Maybe... you should talk to them about it?" "You know I'd like to, but...." Justice sighed, waving a hoof and causing the screen to dissipate from before them. "The laws..." Discord sighed. "Laws schmaws. Not like they've ever stopped me before," Kis snapped her fingers drawing the stunned gazes of both other Lords. Celestia and Luna both stood in the Hall of Order, both looking much like deer caught in headlights. Both of their gazes floated around their surroundings before the elder sister spoke. "Wha... what just hap- D-DISCORD!?" Celestia stared wide-eyed at the draconequus. "KIS!?" Luna blared as she took up a protective stance in front of her older sister. As she attempted to pour mana into her horn nothing happened. She looked up at the cone in confused irritation. "I do not intend to alarm you, Tia, but I cannot seem to mold any mana," the dark alicorn looked back at the Princess of the Sun. "Don't freak out," Kis walked over to the siblings with a smile on her face. "Nobody can, 'cept us," she pointed a thumb at the other two lords and herself. The Immortal Sisters shifted their gaze, first from Discord then to the white alicorn. Celestia felt a pang of familiarity as her eyes met with her creator's. Her legs began to wobble as if she had just come face to face with a long lost friend. She took a slow, cautious step toward the god, her heart hammering within her. "M- MOTHER!!!" Luna did not share the same hesitation as her sister. The Princess of the Night launched herself at Justice, coming to a screeching halt directly in front of the Lord of Order. A look of complete embarrassment overtaking the younger sister when she'd realized her actions were... less than proper etiquette. She immediately bowed low, prostrating herself to her parent. "Forgive my lack of-" "LULU!!!" Justice grabbed her daughter without hesitation, drawing her into the tightest of embraces. "I've wanted to do this for so long, my dearest." "M- MOMMA!!!" Luna sobbed into Justice's coat, unable to even return the creator's gesture. Celestia continued to act as if she were a curious filly, still sheepishly standing afar off. "She's not gonna bite you, Celestia." Discord had moved next to the Sun Princess, nudging her forward with an elbow. "I know that!" Celestia snapped in annoyance. "That's..." In her heart she was aware. The presence of authority was different than before, but she knew exactly who it was. "Tia?" Justice was beside herself with elation as she extended a hoof to her elder daughter, but never letting go of the bawling younger sister. "J-Justice?" Celestia gradually walked over to the alicorn. Part of her unsurety came from the fact that they looked so similar. It was almost like looking into a mirror for the Princess of the Sun. Justice simply nodded in confirmation. "It's good to see you, my lovely little light." As the tears collected and spilled from the eyes of the Lord of Order, Celestia joined her sister, her own emotions spilling forth. The three alicorns held one another closely, each experiencing a level of jubilance beyond any they had experienced before. "Such a touching reunion," Discord wiped a faux tear with a handkerchief he'd pulled out of thin air. "Wouldn't you agree?" the draconequus was now next to Kis as he moved his head down to her level. "Pretty gross, to be honest," Kis laughed as she playfully shoved his face away yet again. "She does look really happy, though," Kis' smile grew. The vulpine felt... strange. Conflicted. While she'd never felt better, she also never felt worse. She was ecstatic that the Lord of Order was getting to experience such a pleasant moment, but... there was a twinge of pain within her. It was deep in her gut, deep down past any other feelings or desires. Still, she could feel it. Like a creeping disease that threatened to overtake and consume her. It hungered for Justice's downfall, for her ruin... for her death. It was Met and no matter what she did, it was her. As her own tears began to silently fall she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt. No matter what happened next, if they restarted the cycle or not, she would do all she could to help them... and she... they... Kismet knew... they would remain their nemesis.