• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,021 Views, 212 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

  • ...

Twilight : Joy

To my most devoted student, Radiant Dawn,

That's wonderful news, Radiant! I had a feeling she viewed you two as friends, you just have to have a little more faith in yourself. Who wouldn't want to be friends with you? You're smart, funny, kind, and the protegé of the ruler of Equestria. Kidding about that last one, of course. Anyway, it sounds like you're already in the process of making another friend. I'm confident before you know it, you'll be friends with all of the citizens of Ponyville! I think a party is a fantastic idea! If I learned anything from Pinkie, it was necessities for a party. All you need for a real banger is three things. First, you'll want a variety of sweets. Cupcakes, pies, muffins, and drinks of some sort should be sufficient. Sugar is pretty crucial to a fun time. Second are fun activities. I'm sure you can find some books on simple games, but if you need specific suggestions, some things me and my friends used to play were pin the tail on the pony, bobbing for apples, and musical chairs. Hopefully, they're still "cool" enough for the ponies of the current generation. Which brings me to the third thing you need, music. A quiet party is generally not something anypony wants to attend. Trust me, I tried to have reading parties all the time and they didn't go over very well, so be sure there's some fun music playing the entire time. Oh, and make sure it's not the type of music you and I typically listen to. Octavia's pieces may be the height of musical genius, but a fun party needs more laid back tunes. Tambourine might be able to help you on that front as I don't really keep up with any contemporary bands. There's one last thing you have to have at a good party, but it's not something you can supply. As long as everypony is doing it, then you can be sure everything is going well. Laughter. Not only will it keep the fun going, but it'll strengthen the bonds between you and your friends. Keep going Radiant, you're doing an exceptional job. So great, it might just be about time for your first expedition. I can't wait to hear back from you.

Twilight Sparkle

Canterlot Castle, along with the rest of the city, looked like a pony's preferred place for pantomiming pink pastel parties... or that's the way Pinkie had put it. At least, I think that's what she'd said. A 7P party or something silly like that.

She and Rarity had gone all out on the birthday decorations. Throughout all of Canterlot pink, purple, and blue balloons, ranging in size from a foal's hoof to entire blimps floated around the city. Some balloons weren't even tied down, I assume being kept suspended by some of Rarity's enchantments.

Extravagant banners and lacey ribbons of similar colors were tied to various buildings and streetlights, some high in the sky, others closer to the ground. The largest amongst them emblazoned with 'Happy 10th birthday, Flurry Heart!'. Multiple buildings had been enchanted to share the color scheme of the party, only for the duration of said party, of course.

Even my castle looked like a foal's toy, inside and out. Flurry seemed to like the festive look and that's all that mattered to me.

"Auntie Twilight, what happened to Canterlot?" she'd asked, her face alight with wonder.

"It's part of your birthday celebration, Flurry. Since you're growing up so fast we thought we'd do something different for your special day this year. Do you like it?" She looked around, chewing on her hoof, a habit she'd picked up when she was a foal.

"YEAH!" her face lit up. I'd spared no expense for my niece's tenth birthday/cute-ceañera, and seeing her approve so enthusiastically made it all worth while. I'd dismissed my guard for the day, the combined power of all of Equestria's alicorns attending, coupled with the exceptional height of peace we'd attained made it seem like an okay decision to make.

We'd decided to hold the party inside the castle gardens, a frequent spot for gatherings, shindigs, celebrations, and any other kind of get togethers one might think of. Similarly themed decorations adorned the area, some even more elaborate than those outside the gardens.

Large recreations of Flurry's newly earned cutie mark, colorful party hats, and plants that were painted to match the aesthetic were everywhere. Even some of the more cooperative animals were decked out in "party clothes". I'll never understand how Pinkie... or I guess probably Fluttershy, were able to manage that.

The place was bustling, filled to capacity by our friends and families. DJ-PON3 was blasting her music over the speakers that were sprinkled throughout the garden. Lyra and Bon Bon were bobbing for apples, though it looked more like Lyra was bobbing and Bon Bon was trying to make sure the cyan unicorn didn't drown herself.

Octavia was... enjoying Vinyl Scratch's performance?

I never would've guessed, not in a million years.

Perhaps there was more than enjoyment there... maybe admiration? Maybe something more?

Derpy and Dinky were eating... pizza?

Well, alright then.

Filly's and young colts whizzed this way and that as I made my way to the area we'd set aside for dining. It was almost time for the next part of the celebration. I looked over my list carefully, making absolutely sure I hadn't missed anything.

Sing happy birthday to the birthday girl, eat cake, and open presents were the next three boxes left unchecked. A pink blur of hair and laughter shot past me, the gust of wind blowing my mane and tail into a mess.

"PINKIE! Get back here with that!" Rainbow shouted as she flew by at a barely perceivable speed, though she might've been going a bit slower than Pinkie, which was quite impressive considering the earth pony was running backwards.

"You're too slow, Dashie!" she called from far in the distance. "Catch me if you can!" I didn't see what the party pony had taken, but judging by how fast Dash was movng, it must've been pretty important to the pegasus.

"Slow it down you two, we don't need nopony gettin' hurt cause of y'all's horsin' around!" Applejack was trying to keep the two troublemakers in line, but she couldn't keep up if she'd been given a ten minute head start.

"Good luck with that, Aj," I rubbed her shoulder sympathetically as I trotted by. It was a little hard not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

"Y'know, Twi, I know you're only half poking fun at me, but I'll take any positivity I can get," she smiled at me before pulling her hat down tight on her head and galloping after the others.

"A fruitless endeavor, if I've ever seen one." Rarity had snuck up to stand next to me. She wore a posh summer dress and looked especially chic today, though I suppose she always looked more glamorous than everypony else. Her exasperated face expressed just how she truly felt about Applejack's unenviable predicament.

"I know right," I agreed with the fashionista. "At least her heart's in the right place."

"It always is," she sighed before brightening up considerably. "So what's next, dear? Are we getting ready to sing to the birthday girl?"

"Actually, that's where I'm headed now," I nodded, waving the list at the white unicorn proudly.

"Excuse me, uhm, Rarity?" The demure voice that came from behind us was immediately identifiable.

"What is it, darling?" We turned to find Fluttershy hiding behind her hair, looking very nervous for some unknown reason.

"Uhm... can you help me gather the birds for Flurry's song? Discord was going to help me, but he got into a really serious discussion with Celestia about," she attempted her best Lord of Chaos impression, "'the absolute depravity of fate and what we should be doing to stop it.'"

"That sounds like Discord alright," I laughed. I thought I saw something in my peripheral vision, a peculiar looking filly perhaps, but when I turned to take a closer look there was nothing there.

Strange... but not too concerning.

The ludicrous number of defenses me and the other princesses had employed made Canterlot safer than... well, safer than a good book in my hooves. If anypony dared challenge our combined strength... I don't think I have to say much about that villain's intellect.

"Of course, darling!" Rarity cantered away with Fluttershy to help the pegasus with her problem. "We'll be ready in a few minutes, Twilight."

"Okay!" I called after them. "I'll make an announcement once you are!"

"HI, TWILIGHT!" Fluttershy yelled...


No, more like slightly louder than normally said to me, as they trotted away.

"Hi, Fluttershy!" I waved back with a giggle. She was much too kind not to acknowledge me at all. Once they were out of view I cleared my throat, casting an amplification spell on my vocal chords. "Attention all party guests, we'll be singing happy birthday to Flurry and then having cake in about ten minutes. I'll repeat this message once all preparations have been completed. Thank you for coming today and once again happy birthday and cute-ceañera to my adorable niece, Flurry Heart!"

My announcement was met with uproarious cheering. As I continued on my way through the partygoers, my attention was drawn again by something that wasn't there. I jerked my head in the phantom's direction only to find Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"Hi girls!" I smiled toothily at them as I looked them over. They cringed a bit at my corny joke before laughing merrily.

"Hey, Twilight!" They almost simultaneously greeted me as soon as their laughter died down.

"We're tryin' to find my sis' so we can help bring out Flurry's cake," Apple Bloom explained as she looked around the area. "Ya haven't seen her, have ya?"

"And Rainbow Dash too." Scootaloo was also looking around while she spoke, obviously trying to locate the blue pegasus.

"I don't think you all have to worry about the cake... but maybe you should be ready, just in case," I replied to Apple Bloom first. "And you're in luck, Rainbow Dash should be with Applejack... somewhere around here," I looked around as well, but was unable to spot my friends.

"Thanks, Twilight!" The trio shouted before galloping past me in search of the duo.

"Sweetie?" I stopped Rarity's sister with a foreleg, her two friends continuing on their way.

"Yes, Twilight?" she tilted her head.

"You're still gonna perform after, right?" The young unicorn was quickly becoming a prominent singer and sometimes with fame like hers came... less desirable qualities. "Flurry loves your singing the most."

"Of course, Twilight!" she saluted with a hoof and a determined grin. "I'll sing until I can't sing another note!"

"Thanks, Sweetie," I chuckled at her silliness. She followed after her best friends, laughing all the way.

"Wait up, girls!" her voice cracked as she sprinted away.

Some things never change...

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" Starlight's sudden presence startled me into the air with a shriek.

"STARLIGHT!?" I gasped, trying to catch my breath as I flapped my wings.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," she giggled, a sheepish grin on her face.

"Were you the one sneaking around earlier?" I landed back on the ground. A small prank would give everything that'd happened a sensible context.

"Noooo?" she raised a brow, her demeanor instantly serious. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

It was probably nothing.

At least nothing important.

"Is Trixie still performing?"

"She was pretty miffed you interrupted with that spell," she lifted her head toward her best friend pulling a dragon out of her hat which she promptly pushed back inside. Mom and dad were sitting behind Flurry and Spike, the four of them laughing and clapping at the honestly pretty impressive trick.

Flurry was wildly jumping up and down and gesturing at the dragon next to her. Spike was laughing uncontrollably at the enthusiasm of my niece. I frowned, a little disappointed in myself for not being more considerate of the magician or her obviously stellar performance.

"I should've waited," I said as Starlight went to join them.

"It's no biggie, Twilight. I'll keep an eye out for any..." she shifted her eyes left to right. "Danger," she chuckled.

"Just enjoy yourself, Starlight," I returned the laughter.

The sudden sensation of being watched fell on me like a grand piano being moved by a very clumsy mailmare I knew. As I finally drew near the dining tables I found a frantic draconequus ranting around an alicorn who was clearly at the end of her rope.

"I'm telling you, Celestia, this isn't something we can ignore! If we don't-"

"TWILIGHT!" My mentor sprung to life when she noticed me, her previous look of boredom turning into pure joy.

"Hi, Princess," I bowed my head at the one I still considered my superior, despite my own position. "Hello, Discord, how goes the party?"

"Good! You're finally here. Maybe you can talk some sense into Celest-"

"Discord, this is a birthday party, can't it wait until later?" The enthusiasm my mentor had gotten from seeing me was already gone.

"Why don't you ever take things like this seriously, Celestia?" The Lord of Chaos sure knew a thing or two about times and places. "If Luna were here right now, she'd agree with me." Celestia rolled her eyes at his frustration.

"Well she's-"

"Twily!" My brother's voice drowned out Princess Celestia's and grabbed my attention. "Come on over, sit with me and Cadance," he wrapped his powerful foreleg around my neck. I mouthed sorry to Princess Celestia and Discord as I was pulled away. They immediately went right back to bickering with each other.

"Twilight!" Cadance waved me over with a hoof and a smile. "Everything is perfect, thank you so much for doing this for us!" We exchanged a quick hug before I sat down next to her.

"It's my pleasure. I'm glad I could do it." I brightened up several notches when one of the servers hired to work the party placed a cup of cold juice in front of me. "Thank you!"

"Of course, Your Highness. Can I get you anything else?" The polite earth pony straightened up and toyed with her mane a bit.

"No, that'll do." I tasted the sweet juice. Apple. Apple family apple. That made sense. The earth pony bowed before taking her leave.

"It must have cost a fortune though. We can pay for-"

"That's not necessary," I cut Shining Armor off. "Canterlot has such an abundance of bits I was actually thinking of commissioning an amusement park whose sole theme is books." They looked at me like I was a crazy mare, even though I was only half joking. "I'm kidding guys, obviously." They laughed awkwardly. They knew it wasn't a complete joke and their reactions made me laugh happily.

"Auntie Twilight!"
The sweet filly's voice came from my niece who was running my way. Spike, Mom, and Dad were in tow, talking to each other with pleased looks on their faces.

"How was Trixie's show, Flurry?" I let her jump onto my lap. She had a balloon animal tied in the shape of a ferocious dragon attached to her wing... well, as ferocious as a balloon could be. A few flowers were painted on her face and she was carrying a half eaten apple in her telekinesis. "Did you like it?"

"Yeah! Did you know Tricks-Trix-Tricksy helped beat up the Queen of the Changelings before?" The look of amazement on her face was so cute, I nearly died. It was ironic that Trixie had gone from lying about defeating ursa majors to telling the truth about helping stop a monster like Chrysalis.

"I did! Trixie is great and powerful after all." The squeal of delight I heard come from the distance had to have been the blue magician.

"She's so cool!" my niece nodded. The second squeal confirmed my initial suspicion. "Did you know Spike is the strongest dragon there is?" That statement made me raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, is he now?" I looked at the still very young dragon. He was looking into the sky whistling and twiddling his thumbs.

"He's not?" Flurry's ears drooped.

"Well, he is the strongest dragon I know," I rustled her mane. Her gasp and the happiness that came to her face made everypony around us laugh. "Are you ready for cake and your presents?" I patted the top of her head.

"YEAH!" she exploded with glee, her horn glowing brighter with magical energy. Once Rarity and Fluttershy returned with the birds and after I made a second announcement, we waited a few minutes for everypony to find a place to watch. Finally, once everypony was comfortable, we were ready to begin.

"Discord, do you mind?" I asked the draconequus who was still glaring at a so done with him she'd have left if it wasn't her own family's party, Princess Celestia.

"Of course not, Twilight," he snapped a claw, teleporting the largest, flashiest cake I'd ever seen into the center of the gathered crowd. Everypony else must have been just as amazed as I was because the only thing that followed was the sound of crickets chirping.

It's a good thing the tables we used were so sturdy, anything weaker would've crumbled under the weight of the gateau.

I swear, if I could see Pinkie right now she'd be lying unconscious on the ground, her tail twitching uncontrollably.

"HOLY COW!!!" her shout echoed around us.

Yep, she's definitely impressed.

"Now hold on a sec, that ain't the cake I baked," Applejack said, taking off her hat and scratching her head.

"The flavors and ingredients are the same," Discord clarified. "However, I took some... artistic liberties to spruce it up a bit."

That's putting it mildly.

The twenty foot high cake had real flowing rivers of chocolate and dancing pieces of candy. At the very top was a small rainbow colored fireworks display that repeatedly shifted between the messages "Happy Birthday Flurry!" and "Happy Cute-ceañera Flurry!". Slices of apple and chocolate coated candy accented the white, blue, pink, and purple frosting. The dessert itself didn't appear to follow the laws of physics, some sections higher up larger than those beneath them. Ten lit candles were evenly spread around it on various layers. "It's... acceptable... isn't it?" For a second Discord genuinely looked a little worried. I glanced down at Flurry whose hanging mouth and twinkling eyes were the best approval possible.

"It's so cool," she finally managed to squeak out, causing everypony else to laugh.

"See? It's fine," Discord nodded confidently, much more confidently than a second before at least. Flurry leapt into the air, flying up to the floating ancient being. She placed her small forelegs around his neck.

"Thank you, Discord." The draconequus was visibly shaken by the act of love. He let out a quick breath, clearly fighting back tears of joy.

"Anytime, my little pony," he gave her a light hug back before she landed inches from the absurd cake. I looked around at everypony. All of my friends and family.

This is bliss. This is what I want more than anything else, nothing more.

I cast a simple darkening spell to shroud the garden. The light coming from the cake made it even more of a spectacle and drew oohs and aahs from the crowd around it. Flurry nearly danced at the sight.

"Everypony ready?" I asked, the crowd cheering in response. I looked down at my niece who looked back excitedly. "Ready, Flurry?"

"Yeah!" she nodded, throwing an enthusiastic hoof into the air.

"A one, and a two, and a one, two, three, happy birthday to you!" everypony else joined in after my countdown.

"Happy birthday to you!" Amongst the faces I loved hovered something else, glowing and moving about quickly. It could've been a face, perhaps a clown's, but instead of face paint its eyes and mouth shone with white light.

"Happy... birthday... dear... Flurry!" The voices of my friends and family began to slow and distort.

"HaPpY BiRThdaY To yoU?" I was the only one left singing, my voice deep and unfamiliar. Cold faces had replaced those celebrating from moments ago, barely lit by the flickering fire of the candles.

"Dis... cord?" My heart was racing, the terrifying visages now resembling evil spirits and not my loved ones.

"Enough of this foolishness," the echoing voice sent chills down my spine. Time seemed to freeze as the darkness of my spell was swept away, replaced by a late night setting. The full moon in the sky was abnormally large, a looming behemoth that made me feel itchy.

"Princess... Luna?" I called out, knowing she could help get me out of this predicament, but unsure why she was remaining hidden.

Maybe this has to do with that skulking being I hadn't been able to pin down.

"Your mind and desires perplex me, Twilight Sparkle." She sounded confused, like she was looking at a math equation that didn't add up.

"What? Princess, I need your help right now!" I was beginning to get irritated at her lack of concern. This could be an invasion and she was staying in the shadows making pointless observations.

"I honestly believed I might come to understand your machinations if I overstepped my bounds, but it is apparent that I was incorrect."

"PRINCESS LUNA!?" I roared.

Why is she being so cryptic?

Did she not realize lives could be at stake? What if it was whatever Discord had been so adamantly arguing with Princess Celestia about?

"Have you not realized yet, Twilight Sparkle? I expected so much more of you."

"REALIZED WHAT!?" I was about to start slinging locating spells in all directions to find the Princess of the Night. Heck, I was seconds from casting some destructive spells at where I thought she might be.

"Behold the truth, Twilight Sparkle." A spotlight shined on my niece.

"F-Flur-" My eyes grew wide, seeing something I'd never imagined nor wanted to see. I stumbled forward off of my chair at my one and only niece. She was lifeless, gray, locked in place, mouth still open as if she were still singing her birthday song. "Flurry?" My hoof was millimeters away from her when a gentle breeze disintegrated her body and carried its remnants away. It was like she was just dust, just like everypony and everything else around me. All that remained were me and that accursed moon. "This can't be..." A sudden moment of clarity gripped me.

Of course... It all makes sense.

"The past is long gone, Twilight," her voice was suddenly nails on a chalkboard, grating on my nerves. I wanted to find the Princess of the Night for much more malicious reasons now.

"Shut up!" I whispered. I'd been using spells to keep myself awake, how could I have been so stupid?

"You cannot change the fate of those already gone," she persisted.

"Shut up!" I shouted. I'd made a catastrophic mistake.

How could I have forgotten to repeat the spell? Was I really that tired?

I had to find a way out of this situation. With how long I'd been awake, I'd be trapped here for much longer than she'd need to accomplish whatever she was aiming for.

"It is time for you to face your greatest fear, Twilight Sparkle." Her voice was much closer now, almost as if she was right on top of me.

"SHUT UP!" I blasted my magic in all directions, a magenta explosion of energy powerful enough to vaporize anything it came into contact with.

"Your strength means nothing here, Twilight." Luna stood behind me, not a scratch or speck of dirt on her.

I'll wipe that cocky grin off of her face if it's the last thing I do.

I shifted my source of magic, the power of the darkness leagues above my own. It'd be a necessity to stand a chance against the dark alicorn. "That will change nothing," she shook her head.

"We'll see about that!" As my horn fully illuminated I blasted several projectiles at the Night Princess, each successfully connecting with my target.

"Perhaps a more drastic demonstration is in order," she said after my attacks failed to have any effect. Her horn lit up for a split second before she slowly tilted her head in appreciation of her own handy work. "Better?"

"What did y-" I couldn't channel magic. "GIVE IT BACK!" I snarled as I rushed to get right in her face. She didn't budge, her bored eyes not concerned in the slightest. If my body was fully matured, I'd at least be physically bigger than her, but my mind had trapped me in my own past and so, I had to look up at her.

"And if I refuse?" she yawned, obviously not tired at all. I growled, wanting to bite her face. Even though that sounded like a pleasurable idea, It wouldn't make a difference. Here in the dream realm she was absolute. There was no way out except waking up. I stomped away from her in a huff.

"What do you want from me?" I sat on my haunches, too angry to look at her smug face.

She can't kill me.

Not in the dream realm at least. The worst she could do was destroy my mind and I was somewhat certain that wasn't her intention or she would've already done it.

"You are mistaken, Twilight." The clip-clop of her hooves drew closer from behind me.

"What!?" I spat as I glared at her over my shoulder.

"It is clear that defeating you in combat did naught to improve your attitud-"

"DEFEAT!?" I scoffed. She narrowed her gaze, continuing with a bit more contempt in her voice.

"So I have come to best you where all of your confidence lies."

"If I recall correctly, Princess," I said her long gone title with false reverence and a mocking bow. "You ran away like a foal with her tail between her legs." The tic that started in her jaw was way too easy to see.

That's why you could never be the true representative of Equestria.

She wore her emotions on her sleeve and had never found a way to remedy that problem.

"I believe..." she put on a fake smile that almost made me laugh.

That wouldn't work on a foal Luna, much less another princess.

"That was after you had officially conceded our duel."

"All's fair in love and war, Luna," I shrugged. "To think otherwise makes you nothing more than a fool." Strangely enough, this taunt didn't work on her. She looked... sad.

"The old ways then..." she sat down, an unseen weight suddenly appeared to be pushing down on her shoulders. "If you knew the true gravity of such a philosophy you would reconsider this entire debacle."

"One must crack a few eggs to make an omelette."

Is she looking down on me too?

Such a foolish way of thinking wouldn't do much to further her agenda. "Even foals know that much."

"How many?" she glared at me, a look of authentic anger on her face.

"As many as it takes," I narrowed my eyes back at her, willing to die on this hill.

"No, Twilight," she was starting to lose her composure. "how many have you 'cracked'?"

"What?!" I was disgusted by her accusation. "How dare you!? I'm nothing like you or your sister."

"DO NOT SPEAK OF MATTERS BEYOND YOUR CAPACITY CHILD!" My mention of Celestia made her rage boil over, the impact of her Royal Canterlot Voice pushing me several feet away from her.

So protective. So easy to manipulate.

"Matters like what, Luna?" I stood to my hooves. If she wanted to debate morals with me she'd never win. "You mean secrets like you and Celestia filling Equestria's history with lies?"

"We did no such thing!" Her anger was still there, but there was enough truth in my inquiry to destabilize her. "Starswirl and his followers, YOUR ancestors did what they believed to be best for their little nation. They used US! Celestia and I have always been mere symbols, tools for YOUR kind to fulfill their own selfish desires." She was seething.

"So not only do you hold grudges against your own sister, but against your own species?" It's not what she'd meant. Far from it, but it was way too easy a target to let slip by.

"I-I never said-" she stumbled over her words. "I hold enmity against none, Twilight."

She's already faltering way too much.

She may have complete control over her realm, but not my thoughts, and I never lost a battle of wits.

"Then you bear no ill-will toward me?" She flinched at a question we both already knew the answer to. She was about to reply, but I wasn't going to let her get the upper hoof. "I tried to kill your sister and you don't hold any grudges against me, Luna?" I held a hoof against my chest to emphasize my point. "You tell lies, Princess."

"I..." she was completely off balance, contemplating all of her possible responses, none of them returning a favorable situation for her. After a few seconds, a look of understanding came over her. I didn't like it. She took a long breath in through her nose and let it out through her mouth. Her expression after was one of complete serenity. "I hold many grudges, Twilight," her horn sparkled dark blue. I tried to cut her off, but my mouth would no longer open. She stared at me, knowing I couldn't say a word. I wished the daggers I was glaring at her were real. "Against Chrysalis, for what she did to my sister. Against Tirek, for what he did to my family. Against villains that scarred my sister and I before you were even a thought in anypony's mind. Against you, for all that you have done. But I bear no grudges against my sister or the blameless inhabitants of Equestria." She seemed to be getting some sort of cathartic effects from this speech of hers. If I couldn't press her buttons this would be much more difficult than I thought. "None who live now amongst ponykind lived when I was swept to the side. Holding a vendetta against them would be unjustified," the light of her horn blinked out.

"Playing dirty?" I rubbed my jaw with a hoof, finally able to move it freely.

"On the contrary, we shall each take our turn to speak." She could do this so much easier than she was choosing to, but her pointless honor was putting unnecessary shackles on her. "I will not interrupt you, Twilight. You are free to speak your mind during your own time."

How dumb.

"I should've expected as much from Nightmare Moon." My taunt didn't faze her.

Another approach then.

"How many would she have 'cracked' if me and my friends hadn't stopped you?"

"I am no longer the Nightmare and have paid for the crimes I once committed." Indirect attacks weren't working out the way I wanted.

"Then what about before that?" I slowly tilted my head, a devious smile lifting my lips.

"Before..." It wasn't a question or confusion, it was my opening.

"How many did you and Celestia 'crack' before Equestria?" I took a stalking step toward her. She looked me directly in my eyes, her own colder than the harshest blizzard conjured up by any windigos.

"Speaking for myself?" she tilted her head to the side deep in thought. "By my own hooves?" I took a fearful step back at her icy demeanor. "If not hundreds of thousands, then millions." Another step back. "Much more than I could ever count or keep track of." She was speaking as if what she'd said was normal.

"L-Luna..." My plans fell apart as my curiosity took over.


"H-how can you... you've killed..." I couldn't process such an unimaginable assertion.

"As I said, Twilight Sparkle. When one must fight to survive, when others live by 'all is fair in love and war', one must..." her face was suddenly full of disgust, as if she was disappointed in herself. "Tis not true, tis who we once were. We do not regret our actions." She suddenly looked different. The Princess of the Night who'd fought to save Equestria multiple times was gone, replaced by something ruthless... something frightening. "If the world thou intendest to create is one in the same as what we hath survived so long ago," she ignited her horn, her eyes lifeless. "We shall not hesitate to become the monster we once were."

The wall behind her was endless, stretching horizontally and vertically so far into the distance, I could not see the end of it. So many corpses of creatures that I was familiar with and so many I couldn't recognize, many resembling evolved animals that must have existed in Equestria's past, were piled atop one another. Those I could identify, ponies, thestrals, changelings, kirin, buffalo, centaur, minotaur, zebra, were less in number. And then there were the others. What appeared to be feline, canine, ursidae, reptilia, and some I couldn't describe, were far more abundant. There were even a few building sized dragons amongst her disgusting collection.

It wasn't a spell she used to deceive or intimidate me. It wasn't an illusion at all. It was directly from Luna's mind, a literal visual representation of all the creatures she'd slaughtered. I cowered under the sheer scale of her brutality.

"Y-you... monster..." I couldn't form a coherent thought.

Could Celestia be the same? It isn't possible... Nopony could be this evil.

"Perhaps," she walked slowly toward me. I backed away as my heart pounded in my chest, threatening to split my ribcage in two. I'd wagered she wasn't here to destroy my mind, but now I wasn't sure of anything.

"S-stay away from me!" I tripped over my own hooves as I backed away, falling onto my flank. My command was much less convincing than I'd wanted. She had the advantage. She was winning and it didn't even seem to matter to her. She continued to stare into my eyes as she stalked toward me.

"Ah, yes! There was one, was there not?" She paused in her tracks, looking around the world of her creation.

"What!?" I was trembling, her menacing aura stirring the fear in my heart. With no magic and no tactical upper hoof I had nothing to aid me. I was helpless and at the mercy of a psychopath that could destroy me at any moment.

"Thy dream. We noticed a missing piece..." She located whatever she'd been searching for, nodding her head, pleased with herself. "We suppose tis within reason, she would not have been living so long ago." Her horn shined dark blue, an explosion of light right next to the alicorn bringing about my complete submission.

"P-Princess Twilight!?" The small pony was covered in dark magical chains, anchored to the spot and unable to move a muscle.

"RADIANT!?" I crawled forward, the terror that consumed me or maybe Luna's control over her realm, preventing me from standing, it was irrelevant which. Seeing my pupil granted me a grain of courage, but logic throttled that temporary benefit.

"Princess, w-what's going on!?" She struggled to move, to look around, but she was locked firmly in place.

It isn't her! it can't be!

She was gone and this was just a dream regardless, but... something screamed inside me, demanded that it really was her. This was different than what had happened in Ponyville. She was different.

"There are some that believe a soul can endure in the memory of those who remember it." Luna looked down at the struggling unicorn, her expression one of intense disappointment. "This all began over a single soul. Thou threwest away our love for thee, took so many lives for thine own selfish desires... Such abhorrent foolishness."

"Wait, Luna, what do you mean?!" Magical chains like those constricting Radiant emerged from the ground, wrapping around my legs and body and halting any meager progress I was making toward the trapped unicorn. "What do you mean her soul could endure?!" I pulled against the restraints, but they were unforgiving. Luna's horn began to shimmer. "LUNA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

"Who are you talking to, Princess?" Radiant was definitely afraid and it made my rage explode. Could she not see the Night Princess inches from her? Luna looked down on me with pity before her spell was complete. She manifested a large contraption around my devoted student.

Her head was held tightly in metal, a small basket underneath it. The other part of the device, high above, had a fixed magical blade that floated several meters in the air.

If that falls...

"LUNA, STOP!!!" I pulled harder on the chains, jerking and fighting with all my might, but to no avail.

"But we must return the favor, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia's pleas fell on deaf ears when thou tortured her," she looked deep into my student's eyes with disdain. "While this one may not truly be alive, her value to thee should be a proper first step in thine atonement. We shall remove her from thine memories." She stood between me and Radiant, blocking my vision. I tried to channel magic, tried to pull myself from the cuffs, tried to break the chains with my teeth. I failed.

"LUNA, PLEASE! I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!" She ever so slightly glanced at me from over her shoulder. "Y-you're right, please! Just, just don't do this okay! We can work it out just... please!" It was all ineffective desperation, but I had nothing else to turn to.

"Deaf ears," she said in finality as she pointed at her head. Her horn glimmered as she stared coldly into my desperate eyes. The blade descended.



I clamped my eyes shut, hearing the blade cutting through the air before a horrendous sound I will never forget, followed by a dull thud. When I finally found the courage to open my eyes Luna's were still boring into mine. Everything had become crimson. I shook, wanting nothing more than to get out of this nightmare.

"We shall finish this vendetta in reality, Twilight Sparkle. Thou hast pushed beyond thine bounds," she fully turned to me, her horn a pillar of light. Actually there was one thing I wanted more than to leave. I wanted her life. She was a monster. A monster I would put down, no matter the cost. "We await thee in the Crystal Empire. Come," she smirked, "avenge thine faithful student, Princess of Equestria."

"I swear on my life, Luna," I heard something begin moving above me. "I WILL KI-"


Soft cloth and darkness.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I'm not sure about everypony in Ponyville, but I'd be content with two friends. Speaking of which, his name is Gale, Gale Wind, and he reminds me a lot of the stories you told me about Rainbow Dash. He's constantly trying to show me and Tamby his flying stunts. I'm not sure if it's to impress us or cause he thinks he's amazing and everypony should watch him. Probably a little bit of both, to be honest. We're planning a party. Your suggestions all sounded great! I really wish Octavia was more popular with ponies my age, though I guess I wouldn't be aware of her either without you showing me her music. I guess it comes with the whole immortal princess gig, huh? Y'know I bet Tamby would like Octavia. Gale would probably complain about her though. My first expedition? I'll ask Tamby about it too. Maybe by then Gale would be willing to help too. I think I'm ready for it, Princess.

Your most devoted student, Radiant Dawn

Author's Note:

Love love love this chapter. The tonal shift, Luna's brutality, Twilight's rage. It's all so perfect, which is what makes it so unfortunate that I have several regrets about it. I should have had Moondancer, Minuette, and the girls attend the party. Thorax (even though I hate him) should have at least been mentioned. And I really should've had the Pies there too.