• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,021 Views, 212 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

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Luna : Calm


Blinding anger and hatred were the only feelings I could properly process. I would see to it that Twilight Sparkle paid with her life, no more chances, no more mercy. Once my tears had subsided all I could see was crimson. She had fooled me, completely and utterly. I had put my trust in her, opened up my heart to her, and all I received for my foolishness was a knife in the back. She had finally done it... she had taken the life of one of my loved ones, one of my family members.


My granddaughter. I could not get the precious memories I shared with her out of my head. Repeating on an endless loop, I flew her through the air on my back when she was but a small foal. When she had grown into a young mare we played different games together in my bedchambers. We started sparring with one another when she learned the finer points of defending herself. They would not stop reminding me of our blissful past.

Her smile, her beautiful smile.

It was on her lips as the casket was closed and her body was lowered into the ground.

I never should have shown the Princess of Friendship any sympathy.

If I had not done so, Flurry would still be with us now.

"I think you may be mistaken Luna." Tia's declaration had both confused and annoyed me. She must have discerned my thoughts from the look of pure loathing on my face. The two of us sat in the throne room of the Crystal Palace, day court having just finished moments ago.

It was the first time court had been held since Twilight invaded and the first time ever that Celestia and I presided over it. The crystal ponies had so many questions about what had been announced to them initially.

"Your Captain of the Guard has fallen in battle. The Princess of Love is incapacitated and not capable of performing her duties for the time being." Celestia's declaration sent shockwaves throughout the city. I could definitely understand why the citizens would demand to speak to a higher up. Celestia and I had done our best to quell their fears, but even we were not sure what the future held for both the empire and Equestria itself.

"What do you mean, Sister? In what way could I possibly be incorrect?" I grumbled. No further subjects would be seeking an audience for the rest of the day. We would not be holding night court. To be frank, It was a miracle that we had the time to hold day court. Now, finally free, Tia and I had the time for other topics, like how we would go about ending Twilight Sparkle.

"She tried to save Flurry," Celestia leaned back in Cadance's throne. It had been damaged in the battle between Flurry and Twilight, but magic could easily fix most things. Most things, save the dead.

"She... why would she do such a thing? From whom? Herself? You make no sense, Sister," I glared at her. I was tired of everypony protecting Twilight.

If we had just been merciless none of this would have happened. If we had just removed her head from her shoulders there would have been no funeral for my beloved granddaughter yesterday.

"Surely you noticed, Luna?Her frequent changes in demeanor and her reckless use of dark magic were numerous." Celestia was being patient with her old student as well as careful with me. She must not want to quarrel about it for the umpteenth time, which I could understand.

"I noticed she was bloodthirsty and desired to take both your life as well as my own," I stated with a disgruntled sigh.

"You know that's not what I meant, Luna. It's like there are two ponies inside of her head," she glared at me for my sarcasm, a stifled cough escaping her before she continued. "Besides, Cadance and I met our true enemy."

"True enemy?" I snapped to attention, the revelation drawing my curiosity much more than the cough Celestia could not seem to shake.

"The real entity that took Flurry from us," Tia's whispered words were filled with malice, the glint in her eye sending chills down my spine. I could feel a deep sense of sympathy for whomever incurred the wrath of an enraged Sun Princess. Unless of course, that somepony had taken our Flurry from us. Then they could burn in Tartarus for all I cared.

"Who was it, Sister? Has Discord returned? Or perhaps that insect Chrysalis has shown her ugly face again?" I almost jumped on her to get the answer.

"No, Luna. It is the spirit of a book." I nearly fell over at her ludicrous reply.


"A BOOK?" I shouted in disbelief.

"I know how it sounds, Luna. But you asked me to trust you when you said Twilight was harvesting souls... I now ask you to be the bigger mare and trust my words," she pleaded with me. I wanted to smack her, to turn the tables and tell her how ridiculous she was being... but I believed her.

Tia would never lie to me. I know that to be true.

"Of course I believe you, Tia," I rubbed my head. "It is just... a lot to take, but you would not lie," I smiled at her awkwardly.

"I would not have believed it myself if I hadn't witnessed it firsthoof. It completely neutralized the four of us. We were powerless before its evil magic." Celestia's pallor had grown more grim as she ruminated on the event. She looked severely disappointed, possibly in herself. "It was beyond anything I've ever faced, Sister. I couldn't fight against its strength... I tried, but It completely overwhelmed me."

It was easy to see just how troubled she was at the prospect of an enemy she could not overcome. That possibility bothered me just as much. We had not encountered somepony or something that was stronger than either of us since... Discord.

"We have a worthy foe then." My attempt at confidence was questionable at best and I knew Tia could see the fear I was attempting to hide.

If Celestia was powerless to fight it then...

"If we are to defeat this monster we're going to need Cadance," she rubbed her temple in a circular motion. "Her love is the only thing that can stand against it... I hope."

"I... do not think that is a realistic expectation, Tia." I knew how hard it was for me to take Flurry's death and at this point I excelled at accepting horrible news. Our niece? She had lost her only daughter and the only immediate family she had left, not counting Twilight. I did not foresee her leaving her room for days, if not weeks.

"I know," Tia agreed. "Have you gone to see her yet? It might help brighten her up a little."

"I have not. Perhaps it is a good idea. If only to notify her of our plans," I shrugged.

"And what exactly are our plans?" Celestia questioned me as if I had made a decision without her.

"I meant when we finally decide what we must do," I clarified. A crystal pegasus burst into the hall, nearly breaking the double doors and causing my sister and I to jump.

"Your Highness... es!" she shouted as she came to a stop in front of the two of us. She was sweating profusely and was struggling to catch her breath. "I need... I need to speak with... Princess Cadance..."

"Take a moment, my little pony," Tia's voice was gentle, but I could see past it to the panic in her eyes. "We are currently filling in for Princess Cadance. What news do you bring?" The pink mare looked confused for a second, but shook it off quickly, the info she had apparently much more important than any qualms she might have had about her absent ruler.

"I... I've just returned from... Detrot." After several ragged breaths she continued. "Princess Twilight... she... she... a barrier." Celestia and I did a well enough job keeping our shocked expressions concealed.

"Thank you, um..." I did not know her name.

"Lickety, Lickety Split... Your Highness," she bowed shakily.

"Thank you, Lickety. You may take the next few days off. You will need the time to deal with all you have missed, dear," I offered her a hollow smile.

"Thank you, Your Highnesses." She trotted out of the room, her breathing finally coming out in even measures.

"Well, I think we're both on the same page now, Lulu." Celestia got off the throne and began walking towards her bedchambers after the pegasus had left.

"And what page is that, Sister?" I truly had no idea what she was thinking.

Why would Twilight still be spreading the barriers if she was trying to do the right thing?

"We have to go to Canterlot and confront Twilight. We have to destroy that accursed book," she turned to me full of determination. "You agree, don't you?"

A head on confrontation?

Of course I agreed.

"I do," I nodded. "We must face Twilight and put an end to all this pointless bloodshed." She paused at the door, quiet for a moment.

"Thank you, Luna. I love you, Sister," she opened the door to make her exit.

"I love you too, Tia!" I called after her.

"Go see Cadance, Sister. Let her know of our intentions," she said as she closed the door behind herself. I would go see my niece later that night.

"Rest well, Cadance. May your dreams be full of peace and joy." I left her in her room, hopefully in higher spirits than she was in prior, though she had given no indication of that before I had taken my leave. She would not be joining us. I was not certain she would ever recover. There was an impenetrable sadness in her eyes, more sadness than was in myself just before I had given myself over to the Nightmare.

Seeing her in such a horrid state rattled my confidence. There was little I could do to comfort her. Perhaps bringing Twilight back to the light was the only thing that may help, if even just a bit. As I walked through the halls of the palace a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Your Highness!" Tidal Force shouted from behind me, trotting toward me void of his Rainbow Guard armor. He had attended the funeral along with the rest of the guard, but would not even look my way then.

What could have caused this change of heart?

"Tidal," I tilted my head, waiting for him to notify me of his issue. He walked up next to me, head hung low. He possessed none of the gusto from our previous meeting. "It is good to know that you survived the attack."

"Thank you, Princess. It was a heck of a battle." For some reason he refused to meet my gaze.

"I was able to gather some information about what happened to you and the rest of the guard, but the details are still hazy," I sat, ready and willing to hammer out the specifics. "What did you encounter in the ruins beneath the city, Tidal?" He shook his head before speaking.

"Dark magic... Shadow beings with the sharpest fangs and claws." The fear at remembering was thick in his voice. "I still don't understand how none of us died."

"And you survived unscathed, no less. You must be a doozy of a combatant," I complimented him. Twilight's magic was second only to Tia's and my own. Standing against such power and not receiving any injuries was a feat in itself.

"Thank you, Princess," his voice shifted slightly to one of gratitude. "Your praise is greatly appreciated. But..."


"Princess... what in Tartarus happened on the surface?" He still did not lift his head, great sorrow now easily detectable in his voice. It was an appropriate question. While Celestia and I had given basic answers for the situation, we had not given any details at all.

Flurry fell, Cadance was unable to perform her duties. That was it. If we were to announce that Twilight Sparkle had been the one to slay Flurry, it could cause all kinds of chaos. Not to mention, that did not seem to be the case at this point anyway, and so Tidal had come to me for more clarity.

"Be more concise, Tidal Force. And be wary, some things are better left unsaid." There was no reason to keep the truth from him. With Celestia and I invading Canterlot on the morrow, we would either emerge triumphant and have to tell the tale to the survivors of Equestria, or we would be defeated and they would come to know regardless.

"What happened to Captain Flurry? How did she..." If he truly believed that she could only lose to me it stood to reason that she should never have fallen.

"My sister believes it to be a new threat to Equestria... one that may eclipse all of the alicorns powers combined." I was blunt, perhaps too honest, but I did not care, It was the truth.

"More powerful than all of you?" he fell to his haunches, a look of abject terror on his face as he finally looked at me. "That doesn't sound feasible."

"And yet it is if Tia decrees it so," I sighed. "Flurry met the entity in combat. She was defeated. Celestia, Princess Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle all made great effort to save her, but in the end... they were not enough." As my explanation went on his shock amplified to a disturbing degree.

"Forgive my insubordination, Your Highness, but where were you?" His inquiry was not accusatory at all, but it still felt undeserved so I replied in turn.

"Locked in combat with a dragon," I stared daggers into him. He recoiled at my sudden irritation. "Had I been given the opportunity, I would have gladly given my own life to save your captains, Tidal Force."

"I-i'm sorry, Your Highness," his head descended again. "It's just... unbelievable. I've seen Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia move the sun and the moon. I've seen you move the moon. How could anything..." He wasn't really asking, just denying the possibility outright. I was a bit skeptical as well. Ages ago Celestia and I had encountered opponents that pushed us to our limits and some who nearly defeated us, but after all these years we had become infinite founts of magic. While we may not have kept up our combative training we were still drastically more powerful than anything else alive, at least that we were aware of.

"There will always be a greater mountain to climb, Tidal. Celestia and I simply have to send this new being back to the hole it crawled out of and take back control of Canterlot," I shrugged, acting as if it would be an easy task when in reality it was quite the opposite. In fact, it might be impossible, but I would follow my creed to death. I would not show weakness to anypony ever again. Tidal did not seem to share my sense of determination, still very much downtrodden.

"Forgive me if I'm not exactly convinced you'll be okay, Princess," he had his gaze locked on the floor. He was ashamed to be so honest with me, as if I would begrudge him his genuine perspective. "You're going to be leaving the empire then?" he asked raising his head, his eyes pleading me not to.

"We are. We must do what we can to end this war or there will be more unnecessary death," I placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"But what about your safety, Luna? What if... what if you..." his gaze fell to the floor yet again.

Is he that worried for me?

It was honestly, quite adorable. Nopony had been so concerned with my well being in so long... other than Tia of course.

"I cannot promise I will be okay, but I could not be able to live with myself if I did nothing, Tidal." He sighed deeply. "I am sure you know the obligation of duty."

"But you're not even a princess anymore, Luna!" He realized he had raised his voice a second later and calmed himself. "You don't have to risk your life for anypony," he said in a much quieter tone.

"Perhaps you are correct. But I must protect ponies like you, Tidal. I have already lost one so very precious to me. I cannot let it happen again," I drew him into a gentle embrace.

"L-Luna!?" he gasped, stunned by my sudden show of affection. I was a bit surprised at myself as well.

"It is like you said, Tidal. I will always be your princess," I smiled. He lifted his forelegs and returned the hug, laughing quietly.

"Please, Luna. Be safe," he whispered in my ear before lightly brushing his lips against my cheek.

Lying in bed that night, I stared up at the ceiling of the room. Before I had parted ways with Tidal he assured me that he and the rest of the Rainbow Guard would keep watch over the Crystal Empire and Cadance while my sister and I were away. As day drew near I grew more anxious and honestly, more afraid. I would never admit it to anypony, not even Tia, but I was uncertain of the upcoming battle.

"You have to be strong, Luna. For once in your life, you have to have faith in yourself. You and Tia have to come back alive." I tried to psyche myself up, but it was not having the desired effect.

You're going to die tomorrow, Luna.

A voice in my head cackled.

But first, we're going to kill that pompous sister of yours!

I could not begin to fathom where the thoughts had come from, nor whose voice spoke them, but they kept me up throughout the entire night. As dawn approached, I took a deep breath before getting out of bed and heading outside to lower my moon. Tia waited for me in the garden looking a bit disheveled herself, as if she had not slept a wink the previous night either. I truly knew the feeling.

"Good morning, Sister," Tia said before letting out a long yawn followed by a fit of coughing. That cough was more than concerning at this point. She had gotten it from the exposure to the dark magic in Canterlot. I begged her to ask Cadance about it, but she said she did not want to put any more weight on our niece's shoulders. It was understandable, but... it was much too serious an issue to just ignore.

"Sister, that cough-"

"It's fine, Luna. It's actually gotten a lot better... I think." She would not let me continue, though she did go into a second bout of coughs.

"Right... Tia we are going to need to be in top shape to take of this book you spoke of," I trotted up next to her.

"You're one to talk, Luna. You're not exactly looking like yourself today either," she pointed a hoof at my eyes. My lack of slumber was obviously showing.

"I could not sleep at all last night," I yawned, realizing I did not need to hide that fact from her any further.

"That makes two of us," she yawned again. "I guess I was too worried about today." I channeled my magic, lowering my moon carefully below the horizon.

"Was that thing really so strong, Tia?" I said as I finished my duty. Her horn shined gold as she raised her sun high into the sky.

"Strong enough to render three alicorns powerless at the same time while... attacking a fourth," she stared up into her star. I would never understand how her eyes could behold such sublime radiance.

"That is... concerning. Do you... do you think we can be victorious?" My inquiry bothered her. If she did not want to answer that was a bad omen.

"We have to win, Luna," she finally said after turning to me. "We don't have any other choice." I merely nodded.

"I am ready, Celestia. The Rainbow Guard have promised to take care of the empire while we are away." I still could not psyche myself up. For the first time in a long while, I would be going into battle with doubt in my mind.

"Good work, Lulu. If that's the case, we have nothing more to worry about," she offered a grateful smile. "Did you eat anything, Sister? It's not good to fight on an empty stomach."

"So you expect to fight today as well..."

This is it... possibly the final battle of the Immortal Sisters.

"Are you scared, Lulu?" she turned away to look back at her sun.

"I am... excited," I only half lied, but knew she would see right through me.

"We have never lost fighting as one. Let's not let today be any different, Luna," she turned to me with a raised hoof.

"Of course, Tia," I bumped my hoof into hers.

"Did you speak with Cadance?" she raised a brow as she set her hoof down.

"I did. I promised her we would bring her sister back," I grinned.

"Then we'll have to keep that promise, won't we?" she powered her horn, getting her teleportation spell prepared.

"That we will, Tia. That we will." I prepped my own spell. As soon as they were ready we casted them simultaneously, flashing out of existence. We popped back into reality on the outskirts of Canterlot seconds later.

"Luna it's..."

"Gotten so much larger." The barrier around Canterlot was immense. It was at least triple the size it had been the last time we had seen it and now had numerous more connections from what I would guess were other cities. The connection to Ponyville had grown to the size of the round barriers themselves. At this rate, the entire countryside would be consumed in days, if not hours.

"This is bad." Tia's statement was obvious, but it was what we were both thinking.

"Worse than you think," the voice behind us declared. Celestia and I whirled around to find Twilight Sparkle standing atop Spike's head.

How had we not sensed them?

It did not matter.

It is time to end this.

Author's Note:

Tidal was included because Luna needs to see her devoted from time to time.

The calm before the storm. From here on out, everything is coming to a conclusion.