• Published 24th Jun 2022
  • 2,021 Views, 212 Comments

The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

  • ...

Luna : Mercy

"Good morning, Twilight," I grinned deviously at the alicorn. Her head jerked to attention, neck stiffening, though she had not yet turned to face me, it was easy to see the tremors of rage running through her. "I trust you had pleasant dreams last night?" I covered my mouth with the back of my hoof to stifle the most obnoxious laughter I could fake.

I had teleported Flurry and myself high into the sky on the outskirts of the city, forcing Twilight to attack away from the empire if she planned to start a fight. The barrier we had erected held strong, not even appearing to be affected by her powerful blows. She was using her own magic which confused me tremendously.

What is she thinking?

We were far past the point of testing the waters.

"I don't think that's gonna help, Granny," Flurry whispered meekly from behind me.

"On the contrary, Flurry," I stared at the rampaging princess who had finally turned her head to glare at me.

Is her coat darker than last time?

If this kept up, before long her coat would be as dark as mine, if not even darker. Her eyes were bloodshot and frantic. None of the fury on her face had waned since her dream a couple of hours ago. "I shall teach you both an important lesson, Flurry. Watch... and learn."

"First you take my happiness away... then you steal Radiant from me... and now you bring my niece to fight me!? You're nothing but a filthy COWARD!" She flew directly at me, horn shining magenta. An instantly cast sigil of magic propelled her in my direction at a ludicrous speed.

I did not expect such a straight forward attack. Before I could react any further than slightly lifting my forelegs, her forehooves, crackling with energy, turned my barrier to dust before slamming into my midsection.

"GRANNY!" I heard Flurry's concerned voice blow by me as I was forced backward by the missile that Twilight Sparkle had become. I tried to move, but the sheer momentum, paired with the pain of at least one broken rib, made it nearly impossible. As I channeled a teleportation spell I quickly realized my mistake.

"I told you I'd kill you," she hissed as she slammed me into a mountain. I saw stars, my vision blurring as we continued through the mix of solid stone and earth. The various jagged substances were tearing away at my wings and skin. We shot out of the other side of the mountain, back in the open air. Somehow it felt as if we were gaining momentum, despite the resistance the mountain had provided.

Now, with multiple broken ribs, completely mangled wings, and countless cuts and bruises, I could not move an inch, much less cast any helpful spells. I would have to endure her feral frenzy and then reevaluate my situation once I had the opportunity. "Have fun being food," she halted her momentum abruptly, a victorious grin on her face.

I, on the other hoof, continued on my trajectory, soaring through the air so quickly I could not turn or move. And then I hit... a pillow? A bed? Perhaps a cloud?

"Two on one isn't fair, Auntie Twi!" Flurry hovered in the air next to me, her horn glowing with light as her wings kept her afloat.

"FLURRY!" Twilight yelled as she drew closer to us.

"You okay, Granny?" she asked, the luxurious spell she had caught me with fizzling into thin air.

"I was... I was just about to make my move," I laughed weakly, pressing a hoof against my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

Yes, definitely broken.

I stretched my wings out and then folded them back in several times to work out the kinks. The motion was painful, but the limbs were still usable. My ribs had already begun to heal, an irritating stabbing pain the only remaining evidence I'd received damage.

"Sure you were, Granny," she rolled her eyes, chuckling heartily. "Y'know if she hadn't cheated I would've had to just watch."

I would not have had it any other way.

"FLURRY HEART! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Twilight flew up to the two of us, flapping her wings angrily. She did not even see me then, Flurry drawing all of her ire and spite.

"Auntie, you were gonna double team her! You tried to feed her to that... that MONSTER!" Flurry pointed a hoof behind me.

"Feed me to wh-" I turned to find the dragon staring at the three of us as if we were tiny delicious morsels for it to snack on. I turned back to the Princess of Friendship, a smile growing on my face. "Unable to finish me off with your own hooves, Sparkle?"

"SHUT UP, LUNA!" she turned just to bark the order at me before returning her attention back at her niece. "I swear, Flurry, If you get in my way again I'll-"

"AUNTIE! YOU! ARE! TRYING! TO! FEED! YOUR! FAMILY! TO! A! GIANT! DR-" Flurry was emphasizing each word with a point at the creature, but stopped partway through, a look of horrified realization suddenly on her face.

"Flurry?" I looked at the creature as well. It was crouched down, close to the ground on all fours, as if it were about to pounce. It was still gargantuan, but its features were a bit more easy to view from this distance. Maw, wings, claws, all massive and dangerous. Its scales were an amalgam of purple, green, and white. It stared back our way, its long breaths causing a rising and falling motion.

"Auntie Twi... where's Spike?" Flurry did not take her eyes off of the dragon.

"What do you mean, Flurry?" Twilight's voice was tender, almost motherly. I turned to see a wicked grin on her face growing despicably large, her eyes sharp as knives. "You're looking right at him." Before Twilight or I could do or say anything more Flurry had moved above her aunt and tackled her straight into the ground, pinning her by her shoulders.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" Her rage had not taken control of her just yet. If it had, she would have driven Twilight deep into the earth and would probably be using her Royal Canterlot Voice. As I came to a landing next to the duo, I noticed something alarming beneath Twilight's overcoat.

"I needed him," Twilight's smile stayed firmly in place.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Flurry growled. Twilight's smile faded, replaced with a look of disappointment as her eyes appeared to soften.

"You're just holding me, Flurry. You're not even prepping a spell," Twilight narrowed her annoyed eyes at her niece.

"W-what?!" The pink alicorn still pinned her aunt, but her rage was snuffed out for the moment.

"Get OFF, Flurry." Twilight spat the second word, her impatience growing with each passing second. Flurry stumbled off of her aunt, stomping away from her to stand next to me. Twilight continued to lay on the ground, staring up into the bright sky. She draped a foreleg over her face as if she were lounging next to a peaceful beach.

"Twilight Sparkle, those markings on your body... what are they?" On different parts of her coat were sharp etchings, possibly runes or hieroglyphs. I had never encountered anything like them and their unsettling appearance made my hair stand on end.

The reclining alicorn laughed maniacally, sounding utterly insane. Her cackles gradually turned to mirthful giggles as if she had been told a delightfully entertaining joke. Both of her hooves covered her face. Flurry and I exchanged a "what the heck is going on" glance with one another.

"I really screwed up didn't I?" she sat up to look at the two of us. She gave off a long sigh followed by a slap to her own forehead with her hoof. "You didn't even do anything, did you, Luna?" she looked embarrassed.

"Not a thing," I shook my head. "There are no souls or anything of the sort in our dreams... only memories," Twilight laughed harder this time, shaking her head in disbelief. "T'was merely a bad dream, Twilight. Nothing more."

"And I flew over here like a maniac," she stood, shaking the dirt off of her overcoat. "I can still remember her..." she rubbed her face with a hoof. "I can still remember all of our good times together," she looked at me with the most exhausted eyes I had ever seen on a living being. "That's twice thus far, Princess of the Night." Flurry looked confused, but I was supremely satisfied.

"So you do acknowledge the first?" It was only half a taunt.

"Don't push it, Luna," she looked at me with a respectful smile I did not expect to receive. "Defeating my body isn't that impressive, I've never been much of a fighter... but you beat my mind. That deserves a reward," her horn shined magenta, her overcoat disappearing. Her entire body was covered in the sprawling lines. They all originated at her...

"Auntie Twi... your cutie mark..." Flurry covered her mouth, the combination of concern and terror impossible for her to hide. Twilight looked at her own flank with indifferent eyes.

"Oh... It's faded more." Her cutie mark was almost completely gone, in its place twisted and sharp thorns that continued to spread over the rest of her body.

"Twilight..." I took a cautious step toward her. She still stared at herself as if the reality of the gradual loss of her cutie mark had placed her in a trance.

"It'll be gone soon," she turned back to us, a sad smile playing at her lips as her ears drooped atop her head.

"W-why!?" Flurry asked desperately. I too wished to know the answer to that question. How could the proud alicorn let who she was disappear so carelessly.

"It's a requirement for the spell." Flurry and I became as quiet as any cemetery at midnight. Would we finally be given concrete answers or would this be deceit as well? "Spike and I are both vessels." Flurry turned to look at the purple dragon.

"To contain what?" I asked, also glancing over my shoulder at the dragon. "What could possibly require that lar-"

Of course!

I glared at Twilight, her downcast gaze instantly confirming my suspicion.

"All the life on the planet," she looked up after mustering some determination. "I'm simply not big or strong enough to hold that amount of energy."

"Then all the Equestrian's are-"

"So you forced him to become a monster!?" Flurry cut me off, neither of us on the same page. Even if I was not thinking the same things she was, I could sympathize with her plight.

"I... asked him," Twilight said pathetically, her body slumping noticeably. "I didn't... there wasn't a choice."

"There's ALWAYS a choice, Auntie!" Flurry took flight toward Spike, the grief saturating her voice.

"Use caution, Flurry!" I watched her go. "What is your endgame, Twilight?" I turned back to the alicorn who had put her overcoat back on.

"Once enough of the world is quarantined in barriers they will meld with each other and overtake the planet," she walked up to me and lifted a hoof in Flurry's direction. "She'll have more questions."

"After you," I gave her a polite hoof and a half-bow.

"You know you don't have to be so paranoid all the time," she walked by me with a shake of her head.

"Right, what am I thinking? You have only tried to kill me what, five times now?" I fell in step behind her.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Luna, it's only been..." she lifted a hoof and looked into the sky, running the numbers. The conclusion she came to made her look mildly surprised. "Wow! Alright then. I guess that's fair."

"And once the planet is completely inside the barrier?" I asked as we started our trek.

She must trust me to some extent if she would so senselessly give me her backside.

Or she was one hundred percent confident in her ability to fend me off.

"For any trespassers, the atmosphere inside of the barrier is... mostly uninhabitable. There's dark magic that permeates every inch of the interior and nothing can get rid of, purify, or endure it for long."

"Well, at least you moved the life previously then."

"I'm no murderer, Luna," she glared daggers at me, which was quickly becoming far too adorable for me to handle. "Speaking of which..." she faced forward. "Did you... did you really kill all of those creatures?"

"I did what I had to survive," I would not sugarcoat my past nor regret what I had done to protect myself or Tia. "It was a very different time, Twilight."

"Do you..." she searched for the right words. "Doesn't it bother you?"

"Twilight," I sighed. "Do you know what I showed you?" When her silence persisted I continued. "Those were my memories. Every creature I have ever had to put down and the way I did so is still vivid in my mind. I..." I sighed again, the only thing I seemed to be able to do to express my feelings at the moment. "It is not something I am proud of, but..."

"But?" she turned to look at me. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"But if it is to help my sister, Cadance, Flurry, or..." I offered her a warm smile. "you, I would not hesitate to do such barbaric things all over again." She stared at me, eyes wide before she spun around and continued on towards Flurry and Spike.

"Thank you... Princess Luna," her voice was barely perceptible, however, I could tell she did not want me to hear those words. I decided to bare some of my own soul.

"You know, Twilight, you said to me before that we are not so different from one another," I turned my head away when she looked my way. "I do not think that is as far from the truth as I once believed."

"I'm not so sure if you're trying to be kind or if you're insulting me," she waved a hoof at me dismissively.

"So I am gifted with sarcasm and barbs for my attempt at creating rapport with one whom I consider my family?" I raised a brow as I looked at her back. I had laid the honey on thick, but it really was an honest statement.

"I'm sorry, Luna. Go on," she gave me a half smile. I could not blame her, I was not being myself, but for some reason it felt like I would not have many more chances to get closer to my sister's pupil.

"Very well," I tapped my chin with a hoof, sorting out my thoughts. "I believe that is why Celestia took a shine to you in the first place, Twilight." She stopped at this declaration.

"What do you mean?" she turned to me, a look of genuine curiosity on her face.

"Well, you are excellent at magic and your biggest issue when you were young was a lack of interaction with others, was it not?" I drew closer to the dark purple alicorn.

"That's right," she nodded. "When you were..." she suddenly shifted her weight awkwardly, unable to meet my eyes with hers.

"It is quite alright, Twilight," I assured her. "Speaking on my sordid past is not something that troubles me anymore."

"Right," she sighed. "When you were still confined in the moon, Celestia saw how poor my... social skills were."

"That was one of the primary causes of my banishment, Twilight," I opened up, though she had probably already heard the same from Celestia. "I built a fortress around myself, not letting any inside. Not even my sister."

"I didn't think I needed anypony else," she confessed. "I just needed my books and my teacher."

"I believe we both came to understand just how incorrect we were." It was more of a question than a statement.

"True," she agreed.

"It is not just that aspect though. I have seen you worry yourself senseless," she blushed. "I have witnessed your rage send you over the edge," her crimson hue darkened. "Like you, I too struggle with my emotions greatly, Twilight. It is how I got you to come here after all."

"It's been so hard, Luna," she looked down at the ground. It was easy to see it was a tough topic for her. "Losing everypony... losing Radiant... I got so angry when Celestia..." She was ashamed.

"You sound like I did, Twilight," I placed a hoof on her shoulder. "My rage is what cost me so much time with my sister, but it all felt so..."

"Unfair," she finished for me. "Do you think she could ever forgive somepony as horrible as me?" she looked at me with the same hope-filled eyes as before. I hugged her.

"She forgave me, Twilight," she returned the hug.

"I guess we aren't so different, Princess," she backed away before clearing her throat. "Now then, where was I?" she continued on her way to Flurry and Spike.

"You were explaining how the interior of the barriers operates," I fell into step behind her.

"Right! On top of the harsh parameters of the spell, time itself can accelerate inside of the barriers, depending on how magically strong somepony is. For example, for a typical earth pony every hour inside the barrier is about a day outside of it. In contrast, to an alicorn one hour inside is equal to about three hours outside."

"That is all fascinating information, Twilight. But in the grand scheme of things, why does any of it matter?" We were drawing close to Flurry and like Twilight had said, the young alicorn would have even more questions.

"I was just getting to that," she huffed. "Any soul that becomes a vessel or passes through one gains immunity to the dark magic inside the barriers," she had spun around and was explaining with gusto now.

"So they can inhabit the barriers. What happens next?" Accelerated time sounded like the opposite of eliminating death.

"The transfer of the souls from within a vessel to the inside of a barrier has to be massive. Millions, if not billions, of lives must be moved at once, the strain of moving even a single soul on the vessel... er..." she looked away. " A-anyway before that magnitude of a transfer, all of those souls share a tiny bit of themselves with each other while inside the vessel. When that happens, the lifespan of all creatures is also shared amongst them. That's why one of you all has to help." She must have known I would not be pleased with that requirement because she refused to look at me.

"I shall hold my tongue until your conclusion, Twilight," I sat to my haunches. This whole plan appeared to be full of holes and clearly preyed upon her desperation.

"Don't you understand, Luna?!" Her enthusiasm swiftly turned to annoyance.

"I do." She narrowed her gaze, challenging me to elaborate. "In laypony's terms, you intend to collect all life into yourself and Spike. You do this by going from location to location absorbing the souls of the citizens. You then erect a barrier. As you continue to do so, the barriers will gradually grow in strength and connect, causing the planet to be contained." She nodded as I explained her scheme. "I presume closer to completion you will do a last call for survivors because any stragglers will die inside the barrier if their soul hasn't passed through a vessel."

"YES! That's exactly right!" she leaned forward, nodding like there was a mechanism in her neck forcing her to do so.

"Then..." I scooted back a few feet. "You hope to gather one of us as well. Either me, Celestia, Cadance, or Flurry. Doing so would grant all the lives within the vessel immortality. After all is said and done, you would complete the spell, pouring the contents, or lives, into the new world where we would all presumably share an existence of immortality."

"Exactly! And I truly believe sharing your souls with one another would produce such profound understanding between you all that not even strife would be a problem."

"And fate? What of random deaths such as-" I was courteous because she had been to me and so it felt like the right thing to do. She was being quite cordial after all.

"Thank you, Luna," the smile she gave me was truly beautiful. I bowed my head with a smile. She took a quick breath in and out. "Well, the darkness takes care of itself, so..." The darkness fills the interior of the barrier. The darkness permeates the inhabitants of the barrier. The darkness is the inhabitants.

"Twilight, I have lived both with and as evil before. It is not a state I will ever go back to... willingly."

"I... I know, Luna. It's just..." her gaze fell, her smile fading from her exhausted face.

"What of you, Twilight?" I asked. We did not have to cross that bridge as of yet.


"And Spike as well? The vessels of this spell, what is to become of you." She turned on her hoof quickly.

"We're almost to the others! We should hur-"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" I blared from behind her, cutting her off. She stopped, her entire body drooping. "What is the fate of the vessels?" She whispered something in response without turning to face me. "Louder, Twilight," I commanded as softly as I could. She let out the breath she had been holding in.

"Once the spell is prepared, the lives of the vessels are sacrificed to expand the barrier to its greatest extent and transfer the souls into the world," she slowly continued moving forward. I lifted a hoof instinctively, wanting to stop her, but not knowing how.

Her aim is her own death? But why? She has done so much for our world, can still do so much with her immortality...

"Twi-" I was silenced by a wingbeat from above.

"Auntie Twi?" Flurry flapped her wings, staring down at her aunt. She looked panicked and frustrated. The dark purple alicorn lifted her head. "Why can't I talk with him?"

"Follow me," she said as she spread her wings and flew forward. We got to the dragon in seconds. He was still in a relatively bored looking state. Hovering in front of its maw felt like I was courting death itself, but something was different than before. Twilight was different. "He doesn't... function like he did before."

"What does that mean, Auntie? I don't..." Flurry was holding herself together, but she was quickly coming apart at the seams.

"We generally have five senses right? Sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing. Spike can only "see" through energy. He can see me as a magenta light in the darkness. You and Luna are probably pink and dark blue, respectively."


So he is blind...

"The more energy, the brighter the light. Since most things aren't that powerful, he typically sees only darkness. A major city such as Canterlot would be bright as well. If one of us casts a spell that takes a lot out of us we'd shine brighter in his eyes, at least for a moment. His hearing is based on his size. Even the Royal Canterlot Voice probably isn't enough to stir him."

"It's not," Flurry confirmed. "Not even directly in his ear."

"Because his ears are so big. Maybe if you flew inside directly to his eardrums it might work." Twilight was getting speculative, the inquisitive part of her brain taking control.

"How do you communicate with him, Twilight?" I asked.

"A telepathic link. I think it's part of being a vessel," she closed her eyes for a second. The dragon opened its maw, causing me to take up a defensive stance before I realized he was smiling. It brought a small smile to Flurry's face as well. "Everything is so small in comparison that he doesn't really feel or smell much. He does really like gems still, though getting him enough to make him happy is a bit of a chore." It was abundantly clear she still cared deeply for the dragon.

She truly is still there. Celestia had been correct.

"I've done so much to him," her gaze fell as the tone of her voice reflected her inner turmoil. "So many dark spells, so much manipulation." She landed on his snout, curling into a ball. She looked so very small atop the grand dragon.

"Twilight, you can still..."

I have to be like Celestia. I have to say the right thing, to do the right thing.

My sister's student did not give me the opportunity.

"Don't worry, Luna. I'll pay for everything I've done." Her words struck a chord in my heart.

So very familiar.

"Auntie..." Flurry was hiding her emotions well. I could not see anything other than intense sadness.

"I know what I've told you changes nothing," she said, standing to her hooves.

"But it does, Twilight! It changes everything!" I shouted, Flurry looking at me in shock.

She may be similar to me... very similar, but her motivations are not the same!

She was not doing this for herself, she was trying to make things better for everypony else. Even going so far as to give her own life.

"Flurry, Luna..." she looked at us with love that I had not received from any other than Celestia. "I have to do this... and you all have to try to stop me."

"AUNTIE TWI!" Flurry was on the verge of tears, her yell almost exploding into sobs.

"Flurry, prepare yourself," I gathered energy into my horn.

It is as Tia said. She will not stop.

If she completed her spell both of them would perish. Before, I was not really motivated. It was still all darkness, all aggression... Pure evil in my eyes. Now, after receiving clarity, things were different.

She needs us.

I would not treat that lightly. "I swear on my life, Twilight Sparkle! I will save you!"

"Granny..." Flurry took a defensive stance.

"You'll forgive me if I don't fight you again, Luna," she smiled kindly at me as her horn glowed magenta. "I think it's quite obvious at this point that I can't beat you."

"Twilight, what do yo-" Before I could react she darted at her niece, a smirk on her muzzle.

"Come, Flurry, show your aunt just how strong you've become," they flashed out of existence together in a brilliant explosion of magenta magic. Where had they gone? The city? That was the most logical an-

"GROAAAARRRR!" The volume of the roar paired with my own lack of alertness launched me forward. I was not helpless this time. I spread my wings, casting a draft of wind to change my path of movement and to help me swing around to face the dragon. Speaking was pointless. I could try to sneak away.

No, Twilight has foreseen that possibility.

I was the only light now. He could only perceive me.

"Not bad, Sparkle." There was nothing notable stretching for miles in all directions. No trees, no hills, no lakes, just flat grass lands. Decades ago, the north would've been buffeted by harsh snow, but the influence and love of the Crystal Empire had changed the land, the very atmosphere itself.

Still, this wide open area meant I was left to work with just my wits, magic, strength and little else. After a few more moments of contemplation I came to a realization. Spike was not moving. As I turned slowly toward the city the dragon began to move. Once my back was fully to him I turned my head toward the city as well.

His next movement was undetectable, the massive dragon landing in front of me, quaking what felt like the entire planet, as well as the space around it. I blasted myself back with a flap of my wings.

He is keeping me here, away from the city.

Even if I teleported, he would follow and that would be catastrophic.

"Let's test those scales then, shall we?" My horn shined a translucent silver, the presence of my moon immediately filling me with unrivaled power. It sparkled above us, only a small quadrant visible, but more than enough to defeat any living creature. "Our blade is a thriving sickle of lunar light!" Pure moonlight dripped from the tip of my horn forming into a long sickle. "The second phase!" I slashed at him with my horn, the magical crescent ramming into his nose and causing him to... sneeze? He looked at me with a grin... or what I assumed had to be a grin.

"It only begins, Spike! Let us see how long you can endure!" More moonlight flowed, twice as much as the first spell. "The second phase!" The attack connected again eliciting an unsettling sound akin to laughter from the beast, though it did not seem to be intended to arouse fear. "The second phase!" Once again the light of my moon doubled and once again the dragon shrugged off the attack. It was a fool's strategy, ideal for the tactics of the second phase of my moon. "The second phase!" No audible reaction this time, just a look that I could not discern.

"The second PHASE! The SECOND PHASE! THE SECOND PHASE!" Nothing. Then, a narrowed gaze.

Was that a grunt of pain?

The second phase at initial strength is a blade composed of pure moonlight that can cut in twain any other edged weapon, be it physical or magical. One slash is capable of cleaving most normal living beings in two. Before the spell ends each consecutive use doubles the potency and size of the blade. In seconds, it would be powerful enough to rend not only the dragon, but the entire planet, in two. I did not wish for either of those outcomes.

He lifted his maw at me before sucking in a long breath. An irresistible maelstrom forced me toward the cavern of teeth and fire. I flipped and turned this way and that, trying to gain some level of control, but being in the torrent of air was like being a speck of dirt tossed around inside of a vacuum.

Just as I was about to cast a teleportation spell to escape the storm, it ceased. I was upside down, my moon and Tia's sun below me and... Spike's unreasonably large mouth just above me, seconds from hitting me with his heated breath. I snapped back, about a mile away, my ace in the hole instant teleportation never failing to get me out of a hopeless predicament.

"Show me just how powerful that breath of yours truly is, Spike!" I charged barrier after barrier, compounding the spells so compactly that it was as if they were all one solid shield. I had to know, could I be overcome by what was essentially an artificial source of power?

If it could happen once when I was at full strength then it could happen again. An opportunity for tests such as this only came about once in a blue moon. With a mighty roar Spike launched the reddish-black molten lava from the depths of his belly. "Lend me strength, my beloved moon," I whispered a prayer.

Multiple circular silver runes manifested between me and the raging inferno. Each sphere held for seconds before blinking with moonlight and then disappearing. His stream of power remained strong. If I had to postulate, he was still at about seventy-five percent lung capacity when my final lunar gift was completely obliterated.

I stood my ground as the flames propelled my way.

I shall not run. I shall not doubt.

My moon would protect me. I looked up at her, a content smile on my face as her bright light shined down on me through the fire and flames. "Evil approaches and seeks my life, yet I fear not. Thank you... my dearest friend."

The flames completely overtook me, the sound deafening, like metal scraping and grinding against metal. As the inferno raged against my shields, they held strong. The mass of flame was endless, the only possible escape, teleportation. Moving in any direction would result in more fire and smoke.

The easiest way to keep track of my location within the blaze was to pay attention to the path it was flowing. The source of said fire would be in the direction it came from, however even this was fairly easy to botch as the undulating river of power sometimes seemed to move as if it had a mind of its own.

Minutes passed as I watched my barriers gradually melt away, one after another. It no longer felt as if I were in a projectile, flames rushing past, but instead inside a vast ocean of lava that had no beginning or end. I had wagered against Spike's capacity for attack, but empty lungs did not necessarily mean no more danger. It was an unnerving thought, being picked apart to nothingness, but my faith would not be shaken.

Five barriers left. Four. Three. Two...

The air around me slowly cleared of foreign substances, the heat dying down exponentially. Spike stared up at me, his expression unreadable.

I could do it! I had done it! I can survive such an attack!

I would not need to again.

"The growing arch of luminescence blesses the children of the night." I landed on the ground in front of the dragon as I chanted my spell. "The fourth phase."

My moon shifted form high above us, a different quadrant alighting, replacing the previous. A magical field that trumped Spike in size spread over the two of us and continued on into the distance. Everything under the veil was given a silver sheen, blue and black sparkles twinkling in abundance.

Directly in the center of the space was an arch of moonlight that divided the field in two, half for him and half for me. If I moved at all the arch would adapt its position to keep the division of the battlefield perfectly symmetrical.

The dragon's only response was a snort and then a cough... no, not a cough, spit. A meteor of solid rock rushed at me, much faster than his molten breath traveled.

Too bad.

As it crossed the threshold between us it instantly shrunk to the size of a muffin. For the first time I was certain Spike was caught off guard, his eyes and mouth widening.

I caught the fiery stone with a forehoof. It was still quite hot to the touch, but the mental blow I could deliver the dragon was worth withstanding the pain. I crushed the stone beneath my hoof. He actually lifted himself up, seemingly getting ready for a real tussle.

"My turn." A large dark blue arcane circle formed beneath me, the emblem's primary purpose to amplify my power. "Twilight Sparkle was capable of withstanding something similar to this... well, a measure of it." I knew he could not hear me, but this was too much fun.

He pressed his massive claws into the ground, digging deep and then letting out a cloud of defiant smoke from his nostrils. The crackling electricity that bounced around my horn grew more and more menacing. Another amplification spell grew underneath me, several glyphs sparking into existence in front of me.

It was a more powerful version of what I had used on Twilight. Spike, being a dragon enhanced with evil mana, forced me to use a bit more magic than against his surrogate mother. I stood strong, immovable, aiming my horn at the prepared dragon. He let out an earth shattering roar, the sound would have been enough to send me flying had I not anchored myself in place.

The divine blue light that shot from my horn moved slowly until it passed through a glyph, then a second, and a third. Its speed and size increased exponentially as it passed through the marks, becoming as large as a building the size of Canterlot castle.

The dragon was not perturbed as the attack was still little more than the size of one of his claws. As the wave of energy drew closer to the threshold of my field he realized the situation he was in, or so it seemed. He shifted to a seated position, placing his arms defensively in front of himself and then wrapping his wings around his body.

Courageous of him to not try evading it.

I activated the sigil beneath myself, multiplying the single blast into seven, a center beam that twisted like a drill and six more swirling tendrils spinning around the drill. The sudden transformation of my spell did not phase the dragon.

As my magic passed through the threshold of the arch it stopped only for a second before expanding to the point that its appearance now made Spike visibly tense. Seconds from contacting his wings, maroon and black flames erupted in front of him, clashing with my energy.


He struggled to maintain the shield, but my attack was making no progress.

Way too much fun!

"What say you to THIS!?" I could sense the feelings of my past slither into my soul as I flooded my spell with more mana. It was by no means a reasonable amount, nor did I consider Spike's well-being. I had not enjoyed a fight this thrilling since... oh right, it was that other dragon.

What was his name again? Fang? Thorn? Tooth?

Dragons were always posturing with their silly insignificant names. He had been so proud of his self proclaimed "invincible scales" that he would not shut his arrogant mouth about them.

Needless to say, he made a most regrettable mistake when he challenged Tia to a fight to the death in my presence. He was furious when I accepted his challenge in her stead.

The sun need not fight when the moon was ready, willing, and able.

The dynamics of that battle had changed so swiftly. I loved putting smug dragons in their proper place.

You are weak, little pony! He had started off with arrogance, as most dragon's tend to. Why can't I strike you down? Which then quickly proceeded to frustration. You can't defeat me honorably! You're naught but a cheat is what you are! This isn't possible! This can't be possible! Then headfirst into denial. You filthy horse, just like your sister... And then he made an even more egregious mistake, but it did bring about my favorite attitude in an enemy. PLEASE! FORGIVE ME! I'LL DO ANYTHING! WHAT DO YOU WANT!? PLEASE JUST LET ME LI-

Unless you are the Lord of Chaos, it is quite difficult to run your mouth when your head is separated from your body. And now, here I was, once again facing a foolish dragon that actually believed he could withstand my might.

Multiple twisting tunnels of magical wind erupted from the air around me. They connected to my horn, supercharging the masses of dark blue power. It grew tenfold prior to the increase it would gain from the threshold.

But this was not some random pompous dragon, it was my dear friend Spike. If he was already struggling with the previous amount then...


"I know... I KNOW!" As soon as I returned to my senses I shut down all sigils, spells, and the phase I had generated. Too little, too late. The magic had flown through the threshold increasing in size exponentially, making the dragon reminiscent of his days spent as a baby in comparison.

"SPIKE!?" My Royal Canterlot Voice came out of its own volition. To his credit the dragon held the gargantuan blast for a second, much longer than I thought possible for any creature. He roared in pride and was then encompassed by the light.

His shadow remained for seconds before it too was consumed by my torrent of destruction. The wave of energy arced into the sky, fading into the heavens after a few moments without my power fueling it any longer. The debris and dust my successful attack had swept up made it hard to see.

I flew into the sky, hoping to find a better vantage point.

Please be okay! Please be okay! Please be okay!

He was so big, why was I having such trouble locating him? And then his mouth was revealed, sticking up out of the smoke followed by the rest of his body lying splayed out on his back.

"SPIKE!?" My Royal Canterlot Voice persisted, deep down, I hoped he could hear me. His closed eyes slowly lifted open. I let out a sigh of relief and flew down to hover next to him. As I descended he sat up, wobbling and groaning the entire way. I came to a stop next to his maw.

He was rubbing the side of his head as if he had an unbearable headache. The rest of his body was in similar shape. Monstrous gashes and cuts peppered his hide. His scales were chipped, cracked, and completely shattered in so many areas I was convinced a light breeze could turn him into dust.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I Immediately realized it might not be helpful to yell in the dragons face, however it proved to be a wise decision when he nodded his head slowly.

So he can hear me? Amazing. Simply amazing.

"SPIKE... TO WITHSTAND AN ATTACK OF THAT MAGNITUDE. YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!" His low rumble of a laugh slowly turned into a cough.

He lifted a closed claw to me. I did not understand. He smiled, looking at his closed claw and then at me. When I finally realized what he desired I laughed jubilantly. I extended my hoof, bumping it into his claw. He may not have felt it, honestly he may not have even seen it clearly, but I felt very close to the dragon in that moment, and I believe he felt the same.

In a flash of brilliant magenta light Twilight was with us. I could not see her face and she did not move or speak to me.

What happened?

"Twi-" I opened my mouth and then they were gone, the same magenta brilliance quickly fading to nothing in front of me.

Author's Note:

Twilight and Luna's heart to heart here was so important to me. Twilight here is no longer the villain.

She's a broken unhappy mare that is trying her best after making so many bad decisions.

The fight was redemption for Luna. A fair fight that she had little trouble winning. This is where the story entered overdrive.