• Published 24th Jun 2022
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The End is Not the End - Hoofprintz

Upon the deaths of her most trusted and loved, Twilight Sparkle begins to show signs of delirium. It's up to her remaining family to save her from the darkness.

  • ...

Cadance : Tactics

My aunt's night sky was positively captivating. The dark blue, almost black expanse was speckled with countless twinkling stars. Her full moon drew the eye like a sparkling diamond, its splendor eclipsing all else in and under the sky.

"It's almost as beautiful as you are." The ivory stallion that held me close had been the love of my life for years... and so much more than that. We leaned on one another, resting peacefully in the gardens of the palace. The soft chirps of crickets and various birds floated through the cool air. An ornate crystal fountain molded in the shape of a large heart was before us. Water circulated through another different sculpted heart within the fountain, the streams spraying in multiple directions, a simple enchantment causing them to take on the multiple hues of a rainbow.

We sat on one of the four marble benches that bordered said fountain. The plants and exotic flowers that surrounded us gave the air a wonderfully sweet scent. It was a peaceful and thankfully quiet, fall evening. We'd finally gotten a moment of peace to simply enjoy each other's company, and there was no better place to do so than in the royal gardens. Twilight was doing an excellent job as the new ruler. Equestria was thriving unlike any time ever before, and as its staunchest ally, our empire was benefitting from the prosperity. It was a serene and joyous time, while also being some of the busiest years for us to date.

"Stop it," I felt my face heat up as I pushed against his side lightly. We'd been together for decades and I still found it difficult to accept his compliments. He was a good stallion, the best, at least in my eyes, and I was just a lucky mare who'd been blessed by fate. I don't know what I'd ever done to deserve him or his love, but I cherished both.

"I'll stop when it's not true anymore," he nuzzled against me. "So I guess you should probably get used to it." His kindness made me giggle like a school filly.

"Did you ever think our life would be this... perfect?" A shooting star soared across Aunt Luna's sky, making my question even more appropriate. He was quiet for a moment before he replied.

"Yeah, I honestly did," his tone was serious all of a sudden.

"You did?" I tilted my head curiously.

"The day I proposed to you, the day you said yes, I knew my life was going to be perfect," he pulled me closer. "Everyday with you is better than the last, Cadance. Thank you... for giving that cocky young guard a shot."

"Oh, Shining." I wanted the kiss we shared to last forever. "I love you," I leaned against his shoulder again.

"I love you, too." He got into a more comfortable position as we went back to stargazing.

"Flurry surprised me earlier," I said as I summoned a light blanket and draped it over the two of us. It wasn't exceedingly cold out, but the warmth the covering provided was pleasant.

"Oh yeah?"

"She said she finally beat you today," I playfully prodded his side with a hoof. A proud stallion would try to hide something like that from his wife, but as soon as she was born Flurry had become his pride and joy. Her accomplishments were something he wanted to share with anypony and everypony.

"She did! You should've seen her Cadance! She's a little whirlwind, I swear. I can't even keep up with her anymore!" He'd gotten so animated that he'd thrown the blanket off of himself. "Oh! Sorry!" He levitated the cover back over himself as I laughed at just how silly he was.

"It's alright, dear," I pecked him on his suddenly maroon cheek. "I knew she was doing well, but I didn't think she was that far along."

"She's a natural, like a combination of Twily's magical know how and my combat prowess." He thought for a few seconds. "Toss in the power of an alicorn and the drive to learn and you have our little Flurry. She's so... amazing." The love and admiration that shined in his eyes made me the happiest mother in all of Equestria.

"She really is," I beamed at his enthusiasm as well as my own pride in both my daughter and my husband. "Will you..." he turned to me, his smile not decreasing in the slightest. "Will you be retiring any time soon, Shining?" It was a touchy subject we'd discussed too many times in the past.

"I..." If his smile had faltered at all, he'd hidden it well. He sighed, but his grin remained. "It might almost be time." My eyes widened as far as they would open. That was not how this conversation typically went.

"A-are you sure?" I was in total disbelief, but I wanted so badly for him to start taking it easier. Training Flurry was one thing, being the Captain of the Guard was another. He wasn't getting any younger and every hour spent away from him felt like time I would never be able to get back... though I suppose that's exactly what it was.

"I am," he sighed. "I know what you want, Cadance," he lifted a hoof to gently cup my cheek. "I want the same thing, honey. I just... I just need to make sure that when I... when I have to go, that you're all safe and sound. You, Flurry, every one of the Crystal Empire's citizens. If I know that I've done everything in my power to ensure that happiness, then I can go in peace."

"That's not for a long time, Shining. We have so much left to do together. I just..." It was a topic I did not enjoy discussing, but one that cropped up every so often. It was an inevitability, but it wasn't yet...

Not yet.

"I understand, Cadance, I really do, just please bear with me. A few more years at most, that's all I'm asking for and then I'm all yours and Flurry's. I'll never leave your side." I couldn't deny his request. His happiness was mine, after all.

"Pinkie promise?" I placed my hoof against his.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," he pressed his lips against mine.

"Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise," I whispered with a smile as he pulled away.

"No worries! Have I ever let you down?" he settled back into the blanket once again. I tilted my head in thought as we looked back into the night sky.

"Well, there was that one time you were supposed to watch Flurry and you-"

"Not then," he waved a hoof in front of himself. "That was a long time ago."

"And that other time you and Twilight blew up the-"

"That doesn't count, Cadance! That was all Twily!"

"Well, there was also that time you let Flurry try to cook me breakfast and-"

"Okay! Alright! You've made your point," he covered his face in both shame and defeat. I lifted a hoof to my mouth to prevent the laughter from spilling out. "Geez, Cadance. I can't believe you still remember all of that."

"They're some of my favorite memories, dear. Of course I'd remember them," I snuggled up against his warm body.

"You ate that whole breakfast with a smile on your face," he shook his head in disgust, his tongue sticking out. "I couldn't believe it. It was more ash than food."

"It wasn't that bad," I fibbed. His stern look was enough to draw out the truth. "Well, it was worth it to make Flurry happy."

"It always is." The fire in his eyes grew in ferocity whenever we talked about Flurry. It was adorable. "She's getting so big," he sounded a little disappointed.

"Miss all those sleepless nights?" I poked fun at him. A shadow passed over his features before his smile came back full force.

"They were worth it... in the end... She always is," he chuckled. We grew quiet. "Cadance?" His voice was much more reserved when he spoke up again.

"Yes, dear?" I couldn't say his change in tone wasn't a little concerning.

"Have you thought about... having another?" His gaze was downcast. I don't know why he was always so worried about discussing that topic with me. I raised his head with my hoof, offering my sincerest smile.

"Of course I have dear, and I'll give you the same answer I always do when the subject inevitably pops up. With my duties as princess and yours as Captain of the Guard, I don't want to push all of that responsibility onto Flurry. Not only that, but Twilight can't just help us out like she used to." He sighed, but it wasn't out of frustration.

"I understand," he smiled wryly. "It'll be much easier to make that leap when I retire," he thought out loud.

"Or when I do."

"Huh?" He was confused by my comment.

"Flurry can take over for me just as easily as she could for you," I explained. He rubbed his chin.

"Pretty sure that's a no-go," he laughed. "I think Flurry'd rather die than be responsible for everything you are." I knew that was true. We'd discussed it at length, my daughter and I. It wasn't a problem for me. I admired her courage at pursuing the position her father held, but I didn't want Shining Armor to think I was trying to force his hoof. One of us would have to be free for me to even consider having another foal, whether that be him or myself.

"Right," I agreed, but there was another problem. One that made me very uneasy. Shining and I had been given a miracle, the first alicorn to ever be born. There was no guarantee that something so extraordinary would ever happen again. Was it a possibilty? I believed so. Was it also possible we may have a unicorn or a pegasus? I believed that was the more likely scenario. With that possibility came so many complications I didn't have the wisdom to confront.

How could I explain to my own filly or colt that their sister and mother were immortal and they weren't? That like their father they would one day be laid to rest deep within the ground?

Telling Flurry the truth about her dad was more than enough for the time being. Maybe it wouldn't even be an issue. Maybe they would understand. Maybe I was just being selfish. It was still something I didn't want to face... not any time soon, at least.

"Well then," he pressed up against me once again. "I guess life'll be even more hectic once I finally retire," he chuckled. "I mean with all that free time I'll have you all to myself and-"

The entire world shook, cutting him off. Shining and I were both silent as the dead and just as motionless, the worry on his face a reflection of my own.

"Did you feel-" I was cut off by the resounding echo of the invasion sirens. The boom of the horn grew and fell repeatedly, alerting the empire of an immediate danger. Panic settled in my heart instantly.


No, it couldn't be, we'd defeated him already, multiple times, in fact. He was never coming back.


She could still hold a grudge against us, but the changeling army wouldn't have the means to launch a full scale invasion against an empire as powerful as ours. Besides, Twilight had reached an accord with the hive. We weren't even technically adversaries anymore.

"CADANCE!" I snapped out of my thoughts at my husband's shout. I focused on him, the ground rumbling again almost causing us both to fall over. "You need to get to safety! I'm going to find Flur-" An incredibly loud whistle drew our attention upwards. A solitary sparkling pink star flew upwards until it was in the apex of the night sky. It burst into hundreds of smaller colored stars, taking on
the shape of my daughter's cutie mark. My heart sank. That spell was only to be used to signal a retreat in a hopeless situation.

"Shini-" I looked back to my love but where he had just stood was nothing but the empty night air. "SHINING ARMOR!?" I shrieked. I tried to unfurl my wings, but some unseen force prevented me from doing so. Maybe I was simply too scared. Even my magic was on the fritz as trying to teleport yielded nothing but failure. As the ground shook again, more powerful than previously, it split open directly beneath me. My wings stayed pinned to my sides, the terror too much for me to overcome. I shut my eyes and screamed as I plummeted into the void.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" The regal voice drowned out all other noise, shattering the darkness that had consumed me like a stone flung through a stained glass window. When I'd enough bravery to finally open my eyes, I was sitting in a small field of grass mingled with beautiful flowers. As the sound of flapping wings descended from above, I let out a sigh of relief. "Forgive me, Cadance. I did not foresee that situation taking a turn so quickly."

"Aunt Luna!" I rushed up to her, gratefully throwing my forelegs around her neck. "I'm so glad to see you!" She gently placed a foreleg around me with a quiet chuckle.

"Nightmares can be truly heinous things." Drawing back, I realized what she'd meant. Suddenly it was all so very obvious. It had all been a dream. My husband was gone. He had been for a long time. "Though I am glad I did not have to intrude on a good dream," she smiled crookedly. "I was watching both you and Flurry for any sign of a nightmare. Any longer and I would have been forced to trespass."

"I don't think Flurry has nightmares..." I tried to recall a single time she'd told me she had one, but couldn't remember a single time. Though I suppose she could keep that
kind of information to herself.

"You may be correct," she laughed lightly. "I have watched over her for all her years and have not encountered one yet."

"What happened, Auntie?" I asked as I sat on my rump. We had much more important things to discuss than my strange dreams. "Flurry wanted to go after you two, but I didn't let her."

"We were ambushed by Twilight," she was suddenly frustrated. It was easy to see by the way her jaw tensed and her eyes narrowed. "We were not able to simply return to the empire."

"Were you able to get Aunt Celestia's artifact?"
If they'd done that then at the very least they'd accomplished their primary objective. Her gaze fell, a shake of her head her only response.

"Our home... tis gone."

"Gone?" I didn't understand.

"Twilight Sparkle has wiped it from existence, along with everything around it," she continued to look down. I instinctually covered my mouth with a hoof.

She wouldn't.

Flurry said she was being mostly reasonable, if a little bit odd.

How could she do something like this?

It didn't sound like my sister at all.

"Auntie... what's going on?"

This is all wrong. Isn't it? My adorable little sister wouldn't do something like this.

My aunt sat down, thinking quietly for a second before answering.

"I am not sure, Cadance. Celestia and I are clueless as to the intent of her student."

"It doesn't sound like her," I thought out loud. "I mean, it doesn't sound like things she would do."

"Tia said the same thing," she sighed as she lifted a flower to her nose and breathed its scent in. "However, speaking from a position of experience, I can say with some certainty that circumstance and grief can cause one to do... unexpected things." I couldn't argue that point, not with Aunt Luna... not with the expression that accompanied her words.

"What prevented you from returning to us?"

"Twilight and Celestia are to meet later today." I felt my eyes widen, though upon considering it, I supposed that wasn't too farfetched a thing. "But, Twilight has set specific parameters. If we had returned to the north the offer to meet would have been rescinded."

"She's trying to separate us?" I pondered. Divide and conquer was the most logical strategy for most conquests, but why was I even considering the possibility that my sister aimed to conquer us? She'd never expressed any desire to do anything like that before. What would be the point? She was the head princess of Equestria, of Canterlot, the supreme authority of the land already.

What would she benefit from taking over other nations?

"That is what It seems like to me, though Celestia does not agree with that theory."

"Why not?" Aunt Celestia knew Twilight better than anyone else. If she didn't agree with us then she must've had a good reason.

"She says it is too obvious for somepony of Twilight Sparkle's intelligence to pursue," Aunt Luna's wings twitched as a tic came to her jaw. My aunt's being what were essentially polar opposites always put them at odds with one another, but I think that was also what made them truly strong. When they were able to act as one they were essentially unstoppable.

"I think she might be looking at it from the wrong perspective." Aunt Luna's head tilted in curiosity at my statement.

"Which angle should she be looking from?" she asked. I scrunched up my face in contemplation. I could be wrong, but it didn't feel like I was.

"Twilight is a genius, I don't think anypony would debate that." My aunt stifled a scoff but let me continue. "But none of her actions match those of the Twilight we know and love. If we're still operating on the fact that this Twilight is our Twilight, then I don't think we're going to be able to predict any moves she's going to make." Aunt Luna looked back and forth, taking my words analyzing them thoroughly.

"Before we returned to our home, I also thought Twilight may attempt to attack it. My limited knowledge of my sister's student stopped me from believing she would do such a horrid thing. I made the wrong decision because I was under the impression that Twilight was behaving as she always has," she looked at me with an impressed smile. "I believe you are correct, Cadance. We cannot base our tactics on what we know of Twilight Sparkle." Attacking my aunt was not something our Twilight would do, nor was destroying their home. Putting up barriers all around Eque- I jumped to attention at the recollection.

"Auntie!" Her face shifted, a look of concern replacing her proud grin. "Twilight is creating more barriers around Equestria." The reports we'd received were troubling. Over ten small villages had been encapsulated by my sister's spells and earlier in the day we received word that Baltimare had been her latest target.

"Your scouts?" her face grew rigid, grim.

"They are unharmed, but their findings are... well," I cleared my throat, entering a state of diplomatic concentration. "Earlier today my most reliable scout was able to witness something... disturbing. I don't know how to explain it without sounding... crazy," I exhaled.

"Take your time, Cadance. I have heard many tall tales. I would not doubt my own niece's words." I was still rattled by the scenario that'd been described to me. I had to really sort out my emotions and thoughts before I even made an attempt to explain it all.

"Right, so... Violet Tempest is the empire's most proficient scout. She's even faster than Flurry in flight, if you can believe that. Fast enough to avoid any visual detection while maintaining her situational awareness. She was moving between cities, trying to find out anything that may aid in our cause. That's when she flew by Baltimare and luckily.... or I suppose unluckily, stumbled upon my sister and..." How could I properly express the enormity of the dragon?

"The beast..." Her face was stoic, still betraying no emotion.

"You're aware of it?" my eyes shot open. This would be much easier if she already knew of the mysterious creature.

"I have encountered it, yes," was all she said.

"Okay, then," the fact that she was already aware of it threw me off. After recollecting myself, I continued. "What seems to be happening is Twilight is using that monster to corral the inhabitants of a location through intimidation. Once she has everything in order she enters the location and..."

"Casts her spell," she finished for me, a thoughtful look coming to her face as she rubbed her neck. "But what could the spell be accomplishing?"

"That, we don't know," I conceded. "One thing we do know is that nothing enters or exits the location once a barrier is up, except for Twilight herself."

"How long were the barriers observed by your scout?"

"Six hours."

"And what of Violet Tempest? I cannot imagine getting that close to Twilight Sparkle went unnoticed," she raised a brow, though there was something to that look. Something untrusting.

"She said..." It still sounded too good to be true. "She said Twilight knew of her presence, but did not do anything about it." Aunt Luna's brow remained firmly raised.

"I would have your thoughts, Cadance." Aunt Luna was not like Aunt Celestia. While I could not see through Aunt Celestia's masks, I felt... at peace while speaking with her. On the other hoof, conversing with Auntie Luna was all together quite intimidating. She had no masks, only a serious expression that got more or less irritated as a discussion wore on.

"At first, I thought it was strange." Her face remained doubtful. "But then I realized Twilight hasn't really made any moves against the empire. I mean Flurry went directly to her doorstep and she didn't try to do anything to her. On top of that is the fact that none of our scouts have been hindered or harmed while traversing Equestria. I'm sure if she wanted to stop us we'd have already suffered a number of casualties."

"Hmm... you trust Violet Tempest then?"

"I do." Violet was one of the Rainbow Guard and had proven her loyalty countless times. I'd never been given a reason to doubt her and so I never had.

"Then I shall as well," she consented as her stony demeanor softened into a smile. "Thank you for the information, Cadance. It may not be much, but it does tell us that Twilight is indeed making moves."

"Of course, Auntie. I'm glad I could help, if even just a little. Uhm?"

"What is it?"

"What are you and Aunt Celestia going to do next? It'd really help us being in the know." The empire's next actions would be based around what they decided to do.

"My sister will meet with Twilight Sparkle. If she is not able to... help her student, then we will have to take more decisive measures." She stood to her hooves before spreading her wings wide. "The collapse of your dream approaches, Cadance. I must go." I stood up as well, feeling my consciousness coming back as lances of light pierced the dreamscape around us.

"Be careful, Auntie!" I called out as she ascended into the air.

"Stay vigilant my beloved niece! If we do not return to you, assume the worst and take the appropriate countermeasures. In any case, be on your guard and be ready for anything!" The next thing I knew I was sitting up in my bed looking at the wall.

"Violent, approach the throne, the rest of you... DISMISSED!" Flurry emulated her late father perfectly. I had to focus to keep my smile from showing. As the rest of the Rainbow Guard left the room, Violet trotted up to my throne where my daughter and I waited.

"Your Highness, Captain," the mare bowed low before saluting Flurry. The only member of the Rainbow Guard to forgo any armor, Violent Tempest was the best of the empire's eyes and ears, and traveled with as little as possible to maximize her efficiency. Her sky blue coat made it hard to spot her in the sky. Her long unkempt mane was swept to the left, a light shade of violet, and always a frazzled mess, a byproduct of her constant high speed flights. Her bright yellow eyes were sharp, a requirement to properly gain reconnaissance while moving at such unreasonable speeds. They also possessed another unique quality. She could see great distances with ease without any aiding spells or mechanical apparati. Her cutie mark was a single golden eye containing a blue lightning bolt shaped in an infinity symbol. The mark, she claimed, was both an indication of her impressive vision and her top flight speed. At her fastest she was nigh undetectable. When she was flying for fun, her cutie mark blurred into a long yellow and blue bolt of light trailing behind her.

She preferred to be called Violet, stating that she was in fact a pacifist and she couldn't understand why her parents had given her such an unfitting name. Her expertise in weather control begged to differ. I'd seen her blow away a squad of rogue changelings in seconds with an expertly crafted twister. "To be fair, I just made a tornado", she'd laughed. "that's not exactly violent". Being the youngest member of the Rainbow Guard, she was quite capable for her age and lack of combat experience. Flurry remained silent allowing me the first opportunity to speak.

"Violet Tempest, I have an important mission for you." The young mare didn't seem phased by my declaration, another sign of a disciplined soldier. "How long would it take you to fly to Canterlot?"

"Minutes, Your Highness." She was not the least bit hesitant or doubtful of herself. That was a promising time. "Seconds if I'm pressed for time." She didn't even smile, it was all confidence in her abilities.

"Today Princess Celestia will be meeting with Princess Twilight. I am unaware of the details, but it will occur near Canterlot. I need information on that meeting, Violet." Her eyes narrowed as a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She was excited, but doing a decent job of hiding it. "If anything happens to my aunt, our empire will be forced to intervene. Your captain wanted this task, but she cannot evade detection as well as you. I don't think I have to emphasize to you how critical this mission is, Violet."

"But Your Highness, I-" the confusion on her face had broken through. I held up a hoof, anticipating the protest she'd likely present.

"Yes, Twilight was able to spot you by your own admission, however, you only used your own ability when she did so, yes?" She'd already been patrolling for a while and was not being supported by anypony else. A difficult task to accomplish against a normal target, moreso the Princess of Equestria.

"That is correct, Your Highness," she nodded.

"Starless Night will be providing both enhancement and concealment support the duration of this mission. She will also be establishing a telepathic link so we can act if the situation calls for it. I believe with the two of you working together you will have no problems." Starless was second to none when it came to tactical spells. I had the utmost faith in her as well.

"Very well, Your Highness. Thank you for this opportunity," she bowed again. "Captain," she saluted. Flurry had been uncomfortably silent the entire time I spoke. She might still be angry with me, but it wasn't that I didn't want her to go, it was the fact that she just wasn't able to do this job. Even with Starless concealing her presence and any magic she might exert, Twilight's skill was so vast she could easily see through any simple tricks.

It has to be Violet. There is nopony else.

"Violent!" Flurry saluted back. "Your Princess, Captain, and empire are counting on you! Do not let us down!" She dropped the salute, her words igniting a fire inside of the young mare.

"YES MA'AM!" she barked before lowering her own salute and leaving the throne room in a swift gallop.

"I should be the one going, Mom. Things are getting too dangerous for my friends... not to mention Violent's way too young." My daughter's words were born from a concern for her soldiers, for her friends. I could empathize, they were important to me as well.

"We already talked about this, Flurry. It has to be Violet." I'd already told her of my dream. Of my aunt and their encounter with her aunt. Of the destruction of their home. Had she not left the empire in a fit of rage yesterday, I was sure she would've done so then. I was thankful that my Aunt Luna had spoken to her about it. I'd have to express that gratitude to her later.

"I know, Mom, I get it. It just feels like I should be there... like I need to go talk to Auntie Twi," she sighed as she finally let herself relax somewhat.

"Flurry, I can tell you one thing for sure," Things were beginning to pick up and I could feel a cold breeze blow through my heart. "If my intuition is correct... your aunt will be paying us a visit very soon."

Author's Note:

More OCs! And Cadance being a good leader. I was thinking about it and Cadance does a heck of a lot in this story and that makes me really happy.

I like the idea of Cadance being a little reserved with Luna. I mean she'd have to have gotten used to Luna's return as well. But I think they love each other deeply.