• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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A Sinister Plot

The ash piled around our hooves every time we took a step. Annoyingly it also managed to get in between every single nook and cranny of our armor pieces as we marched, making us itch all over.

We couldn’t focus on this at all however, as we had to remain hyper-focused for any movement in the ground, as well as the surrounding area. Deathworms weren’t the only threat out here after all.

I however alternated to looking from my compass and map to the horizon. The legion remaining on guard 24/7.

We were about two days into our journey and I wasn’t sure how long it would be until we reached the border with Equestria. Only that it would likely be tonight and I wanted to get this first part of our journey over with as soon as possible. Mainly because I didn’t like being out here, where we were exposed to threats constantly. That and I was excited at the prospect of seeing something new, something I had never seen before.

Apart from a few excursions to the Badlands I had never left the Firelands before, and had thus never actually seen an environment with grass, flowers, and trees.

Sure I had read about them in books and looked at pictures, but it was a whole different experience to see it in pony.

But for now I could only watch the ash fall around us and wonder.

“My prince”

“…Yes commareder”. Brought out of my daydream I looked up from the tools in my wings to Calla smiling and pointing her hoof infront of me. Intrigued I followed her gaze and my eyes widened.

Right infront of us were mountains, but the difference to the ones behind us were that these didn’t have fire and rock spewing out of them twenty four hours a day. No, these were actual mountains.

They were also devoid of any vegetation all the same but they were actual, regular mountains. I looked back to Asteria with a smile of my own.

“Well commareder, it seems we’ve had our first sign telling us that we are actually exiting the Firelands” I said.

“Indeed my prince, indeed”. After marching for about ten more minutes we paused on a small hill overlooking the giant mounds of earth. Mainly so the legion could have a moments rest. We had been marching all day after all.

Meanwhile I sat down against a rock and took a small notebook and pencil out from my bag, I had decided to draw the mountain range infront of me.

I had always liked drawing ever since I was a colt, as it was a calming feeling. One which I enjoyed on the days when I was alone in my tower and wanted something fun to do.

This was also probably the reason why I liked to draw pictures of things I liked or the moments of my accomplishments or adventures. Like winning my first ever duel or my first act as a prince.

After about fifteen minutes or so I had a pretty accurate representation of the mountains drawn in my book. Which also seemed to coincide with the rest of the legion being ready to move out.

The pure black alicorn watched with an annoyed expression.

”That damnable prince is actually going for it” she thought.

Through the massive magical telescope in her chambers she could see him and his ”legion” of mares marching ever closer towards Equestria. Marching closer towards the false princess, towards the elements!

It mattered not though, she knew his intentions were not to seek an alliance with her. If they had been she would have just killed him within his own dream a few days ago.

"To think that he thought that he was truly safe from Us, in Our own realm, ha".

While within his mind she had also looked into his memories. While he was a capable warrior he was no match for an alicorn, never mind one as old and experienced as she was. After all, she had been blasted by the elements and lived to tell the tale! Not to mention her foal proof plan for revenge.

The only question remaining was what to do with him. He’d already defied her warning and was now actively working against her. She could just kill him, and she probably should, and yet…

No… once she had Celestia out of the way and him begging for mercy she would kill every single one of his subjects and… conquer his entire kingdom and…

”Hmph, ‘Queendom’ wouldn’t that be the correct term”, she would never understand why they chose the term ‘kingdom’ when they had never had a stallion ruler, and since their nation wasn’t founded by one.

Oh well, she supposed she could just ask him when she confronted him. She didn’t feel like spending the better part of her evening looking for that little tidbit of information.

However, something continued to not sit right in the mare’s gut. Like she’d forgotten something, but what!?

She was on the eve of her return, just a few days away, and yet after a thousand years of planning she still felt like she was forgetting something. With it somehow involving this little Flame Pony prince as well.

With a quick light of her horn the image of the group appeared in a small crystal ball on a pedestal in the center of her room.

“But what am I forgetting, what am I missing?” she muttered.

Disgruntled she looked back at the stallion once more. He was confidently leading his troops through what looked to be a mountain pass.

She’d never seen such bravery from a colt before. They were usually terrified of violence, and yet this one had never shy’d away from a fight. Whether it was Changelings, Dragons, Diamond Dogs, or even those massive Spiders and Snakes of the western mountains and the Badlands region respectively.

She certainly admired that about him, if anything. That and for a hedonist light lover he certainly didn’t look all that bad, and just like a few nights ago she began to scrutinize him once more.

His grey fur was a bit of a turn off, she preferred black honestly. Though the red eyes and blackish mane helped ease that off, and although it was hidden by his armor and partially obscured by the accursed flame which surrounded him she could still see a decent bit of his flank, and she liked what she saw there.

A nice and well toned but not overtly in your face plot, coupled with four nicely muscled but still quite coltish looking legs. Nice and lean but with a bit of girth to them, just how any mare would want them.

She couldn’t see his ”undercarriage” with that undergarment of his, and while a simple memory spell could take her to a moment where that piece of clothing was removed she felt apprehensive. Like it would be all too easy for her to do that.

Then it all came to her, so quickly she felt retarded for not thinking of it sooner. She finally realized what she had been missing, companionship!

While her Thestrals were loyal they had been trained to practically kiss her plot since birth, and while that did make them excellent subjects it didn’t exactly make them the most conversible.

It also didn’t help that they were either in complete awe or fear whenever she was within a hundred hooves of them, and so a different solution to her dilemma would have to be found, and this colt may be the best opportunity she was going to get.

”Yes, he’s brave enough to not drop to the floor in fear and yet… Hmm, We suppose we would enjoy in breaking him to our will. Not to mention that he’s… decent, but We suppose a beggar cannot be a choser now can they”.

It certainly would be nice having a stallion to come back too after a long night of dealing with moronic nobles in court, hmm…

She certainly wasn’t falling in love, that much was certain. But she definitely began to feel something for this colt.

He was small (to her at least), brave, and while not overtly attractive in her opinion he would make a good housecolt.

One for her, her little housecolt.

“Yes” she said to nopony in particular. “He will be ours, and only ours! Hahahahaha!”

The perfect ending to a perfect plan. Yes, she would have her revenge. Equestria would be hers, her subjects. Both Thestral and Pony, would bask in her glorious eternal night! Along with a cute little trophy of a colt just for her, the perfect metaphorical cherry on top.

To rub in Celestia’s face the moment before she banished her, like salt to a wound.

She looked back to the stallion once more. He would be hers!

“Alright fillies let’s move out!” Asteria ordered.

We began to slowly descend into what looked to be a small pass between two of the mountains.

A quick glance at my map showed that it was the quickest way through the mountain range and into the Whitetail woods. After which it would be a small trek southeast towards the Everfree Forest.

The only trick would be staying undetected by the Equestrians. We could probably fight them off if needed, but I wanted to keep quiet until we secured the Elements at least. Only then would I even consider dropping our disguises and going loud.

In the meantime however I needed to locate a good location to make camp for the night. As glancing at a small watch I had brought with me revealed that it was already three in the afternoon.

After a quick study of my map I believed I had a good location in mind. Now I just had to inform Calla.

“Commareder Asteria”. Almost immediately she was at my side.

“Yes, my prince?” I pointed to the small picture representing the Whitetail Woods on my map.

“We will camp at this location tonight once we reach it” I explained.

“Understood my prince” she replied.

“Very good”.

“…My prince?”

“Yes commareder?”

“I understand that Queen Radiance let you plan most of our expedition correct?” she asked.

“You are correct commareder, do you have any questions about it” I replied.

Calla seemed to hesitate for a moment before speaking up.

“Not so much about it your highness, but if you are going to inform us about it?” she said.

…Huh, she’s got me there. I guess I never did share any parts of my plan with them. I just gave a little speech and led them out here. Good job Flameheart, great even. Optimal performance as always”.

Only realizing that Calla was still awkwardly awaiting an answer and likely contemplating if she’d just misstepped a boundary was what brought me back from my thoughts.

“Hmm… I believe that I haven’t given you mares an explanation of what I have planned, and that will be something I will amend tonight” I replied.

Seeming pleased with my answer Calla smiled.

“Thank you my prince, I’m sure the legion will appreciate this”.

“But of course Calla” I looked away, still chastising myself for making such a simple mistake.

“Not a problem at all…”