• Published 2nd May 2022
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The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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The Queen

The Royal Castle Phoenix, the ultimate symbol of our victory over the inhospitable wastes that we called home, was quite a sight. Even after having spent my whole life here I would always find myself captivated by its majesty to this day.

For over 500 years it has stood guard above the city of Ashen. In proud defiance of the destructive wastes surrounding it. Designed and built under Queen Phoenix, my seventh grandmother, it was originally more of a stronghold for the army and place of refuge for the ponies of Ashen to escape to in the event of an attack or siege.

It also served as a last line of defense in case the wall was ever breached. Thankfully this need never arose, and thus over time it gradually became less of a fortress and more of a palace for the Royal Family. Which sadly was currently only myself and my mother.

Having been built upon the highest section of the city meant it was located halfway up the mountain. Which like the wall gave off an imposing image to anypony approaching said city.

It had been constructed mostly out of hard stone, brick, and clay for the roof tiles. Which were colored black and red respectively with a few exceptions.

Like the city itself the castle had also been built into a small triangle shaped valley. With two outer walls acting as it’s most forward defenses. After those you arrived at the main courtyard. The Royal Guard offices and barracks were located here. Along with another building, the headquarters of our order of Knights.

On a more official level they were known as ”The Knightly Order Of The Holy Flame”, and they traced their roots back to before the Great Fire Wars. Which meant that over 90% of that part of their history has been lost to time.

However we do remember the three principles that the order was founded upon. That being justice, morality, and fraternity. For hundreds of years they have served the crown well, whether be it from fighting in wars to keeping the peace. They were the textbook example of knights, and they took great pride in that.

In reward for their loyal service they had also been granted 1/4 of the castle to do as they wished. However aside from the few offices, archive, and two barracks they possessed meant that there was only enough room left for a meeting room and ceremony chamber. Most of these rooms we’re located below the castle’s main levels, in conjunction with the dungeon.

The courtyard also housed a great lava fountain surrounded by a roundabout brick road. Behind the fountain were the great double doors that granted one access to the main hall, and by default the castle itself. With two massive fireproof banners fluttering high and above each side of the doors. Adorning them was the symbol of our kingdom, a rising flaming phoenix upon the Knights Cross, the highest award of our military. Said phoenix was colored orange, the cross itself blackish grey with a white outline, with the banner’s background being a pure red.

The main hall was arguably one of the two most decorated rooms in the castle. Fireproof tapestries hung from the ceiling depicting events long since past, from statues depicting heroes of valor all the way to politics. There were also a few doors on either side of the rectangular shaped room which led to other miscellaneous rooms and chambers on each side. But the most noticeable door was located at the end of the hall.

These doors granted you access to the throne room and, while not as large as their cousins at the courtyard entrance they were still quite large. Like at the front there were also two banners hung on each side which had my family’s crest engraved upon them. A black u-shaped shield with a red outline while red and white ribbons adorned its sides, with a red colored Knight’s Cross making a second appearance in the center. A pony clad in armor while raising a sword in their right forehoof was displayed in front of the cross.

This was my 12th grandmother, Queen Vesta Blaze. She was the one who had led us through the Fire Wars, our ultimate defeat at the hooves of the ponies to the east, and oversaw our retreat to the Fire Lands. Where through a heroic sacrifice we were eventually able to establish ourselves here. She was practically a god in all but name to us. The textbook example of what a leader should be, and a huge inspiration for myself.

Two Royal Guards stood on each side of the massive doors. I recognized them immediately, mainly because the number of guards we had did not exceed a three digit number. That and I had grown up with a lot of these ponies making it quite difficult to not recognize them.

“Prince Flameheart” the one on my right saluted as I approached. Her name was Firestorm, and an old friend of mine.

“Guardsmares” I replied and saluted back. “How goes the watch tonight, not too many ponies throwing a ruckus over our triumphant return I hope?” I said. The mares giggled before the second guard named Ruby decided to reply.

“No no my prince, nothing that guardsmares of our caliber couldn’t handle”. A smirk soon found it’s way to my face, for whatever reason I had always loved playful banter. Which was exasperated when it was between friends.

“Excellent, is my mother still up by any chance?” I asked, although I already knew what the answer was. “Yes my prince, she is actually waiting for you inside” Ruby responded.

“Wonderful, and if I don’t see you two on my way out then I bid you both a goodnight”. The guards chuckled once more before parting to the side and open the doors to let me into the throne room. I nodded my head in thanks before entering myself.

The throne room was very similar to the main hall in its decor. Tapestries, banners, statues, and trinkets lined it’s walls. It was also rectangularly shaped with a u-shape at the end encompassing the throne itself. Behind said throne was a massive window overlooking the core of the volcano the castle had been built into. Where the citadel was located.

Sitting upon the throne was a mare a little taller then average. She had light orange fur accompanying the burning flame surrounding her, a red mane, and two blazing golden eyes. This was my mother, Queen Radiance Von Ashen, queen of the Kingdom Of Fire. Flanking her were her two personal guards, sisters Solar and Shining Spark.

She was also wearing her Royal Regalia, which consisted of her crown and neckpiece with a blood red fireproof cape. All in all giving her a very foreboding/attractive appearance most colts would kill for. As I approached she decided to initiate the impending conversation.

“Prince Flameheart, it is good to see that you have returned my son”. I smiled as I finally reached the desired distance before I bowed. “Queen Radiance, as always it warms my heart to return home after a successful mission” I replied.

My mother just smiled before she beckoned me to rise. “As always it is a relief of mine to see you return without injury. Again I apologize for the haste in which you were called upon, but we did not have many options available to us” she stated. It wasn’t a surprising statement at all. While we did possess excellent fighters, we did not have very many of them. Courtesy to the environment we lived in.

“It was not a problem at all mother, as an Ashen Lord and prince of the realm it is my responsibility to oversee such problems and make sure they are resolved” I replied. To which my mother seemed to mutter something under her breath before addressing me again.

“I have taught you well my son, and you will make a fine ruler one day. But for now I have another task for you. However this one is not as simple as tracking and eliminating a Deathworm. For this requires patience, espionage, skill, and thievery. You will be getting your hooves very dirty”… She trailed off before looking at the floor, and I swear I saw a tear fall from her eyes.

“Mother, I swear that no task you could ever bestow upon me would be too great. That no matter what happens I will always take it in stride” I said. She looked up at me with a smile that beamed of pride and I couldn’t help but reciprocate it.

“That is just it Flameheart” she said with a sigh. “This is not a conventional issue”. Then she did something unexpected by rising from her throne and walking towards me. Once she reached her desired distance she reached out with her right forehoof to rest it on my shoulder.

“I shouldn’t be asking you to do this, but you are the most qualified pony we have for this job. For you have exceeded my expectations in everything I had ever hoped you would master. From the battlefield to politics, from architecture to espionage you have succeeded”. I felt joy, pride, and a bit of love swell in my chest at her words.

“Mother… I, I don’t know what to say but… thank you”. She only smiled before we embraced. “You don’t know how proud I am of you Flameheart. Oh it feels like only yesterday I was holding you in my arms on this very throne, with your…” she trailed off, but I knew what she was going to say. While this had brought great pain to us over the years it seemed that this time she had thankfully managed to recover quickly.

“Oh never mind, I’m sure your father would be even more proud than I am if he was here to see the wonderful young colt you’ve grown into”. By this point I could hardly contain my happiness.

“Which is why I believe you’re the best pony we have for the task ahead” she reiterated. By this point I was very curious in what she meant. “Mother, what are you talking about?” I asked.

She looked guilty, like she knew she shouldn’t be asking what she was going to say. At last she took a small breath and spoke up. “Flameheart… before I say this, please know that I love you very much and that I simply want what’s best for you”. I nodded and motioned for her to continue. “But I also want what’s best for my subjects, and I’m sure you’re one of the most aware in the realm of the hardship we all face”. I nodded again.

“Which is why in the coming weeks plans are going to be set into motion, plans to rid our nation and subjects the burdens that currently plague them and launch us into a new golden age” she announced.

“Flameheart, we are going to take our revenge against the ponies to the east. For the time has finally come, they are ignorant and weak. A thousand years of peace being the culprit. While we have grown strong in the war enveloped shadows”.

“Equestria used to be ruled by two princesses as I’m sure you know, but after the war the younger fell to dark magic and had to be banished by the elder. She has managed to this day despite her absence, and despite being physically capable she is suffering mentally. Not that she doesn’t deserve it of course”.

“Over time with no real threats their army has dwindled to the point that it is comically laughable, for a nation that controls as much land as they do their army is about as large as ours. Which is to say ‘not that big’”. I nodded to her to keep going.

“Which means that in the first time in neigh a thousand years we finally have a chance at our revenge, but there is one more weapon that could turn the tide in their favor. One weapon that could instantly destroy us before we could even reach the Equestrian heartland. Tell me Flameheart, do you know what these are?” she asked.

I thought for a second before answering. “The Elements of Harmony?” I guessed, to which another smile appeared on her muzzle. “Good, you seem to have memorized that book on ancient artifacts I had you read”. I only smiled in response.

“Regardless, they are powerful artifacts and very dangerous. Which is where you come in” she said. By now I was very intrigued, and just a little bit nervous. But I swallowed my nerves just as I always had. For as a prince I had a responsibility. A duty to my subjects, and I wasn’t about to let my nerves get in the way of that.

“I am ready for anything that is required of me mother” I said. Once more her smile appeared on her lips, the smile that helped me fall asleep when I was just a foal. Helped me get through rigorous training sessions, studying for a test, and other prince related things throughout my life. She had always been there for me, just as she was now.

“Flameheart, I know that what I am going to ask you is ludicrously dangerous. Something that not even the best of our knights could hope to accomplish. But I know that if I gave you a choice you would do it anyway, regardless of how dangerous it is. That and I know that you can do it. I’ve seen you in action during your espionage training before and I know you can do it” she said, though it sounded like she was trying assure herself more than me.

“Flameheart, I… I want you to find and steal the elements of harmony” she finished. I was speechless, I’d read about what little was known of them and… well there were a lot of theories about what had happened to them, and not a lot were good for my situation.

They were what had granted the elder sister the power she needed to banish the younger, but after that battle they just up and vanished. Nopony knew what had happened to them.

“Do we know their whereabouts?” I asked my mother. Hoping that I could catch a break. “Sadly no, only where they were last used, the ’Castle Of The Two Sisters’, deep in the heart of the Everfree Forest” she explained.

“Which is practically in the heart of Equestria” I concluded, realizing just how dangerous this mission was. I would be going to Equestria’s version of The Fire Lands, march right into the heart of it, and only then I might be able to acquire a clue or two about what happened to the elements. The only good thing about this is that I shouldn’t have to step hoof in Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria and home of the Solar Tyrant.

“I understand mother” I said while looking at the floor, I was not looking forward to this at all. In response she just hugged me again, her flame warming my heart.

“I understand if you’re uncomfortable my son, and please know that if I didn’t have to I would not ask this of you. But I can’t leave something this big up to chance” she said. I understood perfectly, knowing full well what would happen if those elements were used against us. We wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Very well, when do I leave?” I asked. Mother released herself from our hug and answered. “By the end of the week, in the meantime you will have tomorrow off. Then you can catch up on some your other duties before you leave” she answered.

“Very well mother, I understand”. With that silence permeated throughout the throne room for the first time that night. Up until a yawn found it’s way from my mouth. My mother giggled and an embarrassed blush found it’s way to my face, but before I could apologize she beat me to the proverbial punch.

“It seems like someponies tired” she giggled. I just silently cursed my lack of body control. “If you’re tired then you may retire for the night Flameheart. Get some rest in for the upcoming days, you’ll need it”.

“Very well mother, I bid you goodnight” I said as I bowed. My mother acknowledged me and with that I turned to leave the throne room. Shining and Solar opened the doors for me as I left, having maneuvered around us during our conversation. I nodded my thanks and once more said goodnight to Ruby and Firestorm.

After that I went through another door which led to a small hallway. I walked all the way to the end before reaching another door, this one guarded by Flaming Lance. Another guardsmare I knew from my youth.

We talked for a bit before I fully retired for the night. After going through that door I came to the bottom of the staircase that was my tower. It took about three minutes to climb to the top of it, something which I’ve always hated, but the view I was rewarded with was nice enough. Once I reached the top I pulled out a key and inserted it into a lock. Once I was met with a click sound I opened the door it was attached too. Satisfied to finally be alone with my thoughts.

My room was exactly as I had left it. To the right of the entrance was a two pony sized bed, complete with two nightstands on either side. A dresser was against the wall to my right which held all of my ceremony outfits and uniforms which were enchanted to be fireproof. ”Thank Unicorns and their magic”.

To my left was a mirror which was there for obvious reasons. My desk was to the right of that in front of a window which overlooked the city. A bookshelf was to the right of that on the far wall, about half full from books that I had stolen, purchased, or in most cases had been given to me for studying purposes. They ranged from subjects of magic, languages, politics, philosophy, history, military history and tactics, and even science.

In the far right corner of my room a weapons rack, empty armor stand, and a personal chest were placed. My collection included a saber, mace, battle axe, crossbow, and even a war hammer. For my duel with the Deathworm I had taken my saber, warhammer, and crossbow.

Every bit of furniture in this room that was made out of wood or other flammable material had also been enchanted by a unicorn to not catch fire. Unicorns were so valuable to us that we took every opportunity we could get to acquire them.

In the old days we foalnapped some and forced them to enchant objects for us, which I believe was one of the reasons why the ponies of the east initiated their ”crusade” against us.

Some realized the value of their abilities and stayed here willingly, charging a fee for their services. Others came here and did the same, looking for quick cash. To this day we still have a small unicorn community living here in Ashen, with almost all of them Ashen Lords or Ladies.

A few oil lamps and candles were also placed throughout my room, I lit them as I walked towards my armor stand. Where I slowly took off my armor and weapons.

Once that had been completed I trotted over to my desk, seeing the book about the elements themselves with a bookmark about halfway through placed in the center. Showing my progress before I had been called to action about two weeks ago.

I looked out through my window over the expanse of Ashen and beyond. Despite being on many a quest I did not actually ever willingly leave The Fire Lands. I knew it was different out there, different and dangerous. It was also expressly forbidden to leave as well, although there were a few exemptions. Mainly for the few spies we had.

I could also see the moon, high in the night sky. With The Mare In The Moon centered on its surface. Outside of Ashen most just thought of her as an old foals tale used to scare said foals into behaving, but we knew better. We knew who she really was.

”Princess Luna”, the younger of the two sisters and a massive advocate for their war against us. She had the blood of many Flame Ponies on her hooves, and it somewhat irked me that I would never be able to avenge them. But the past is the past, and we must attend to the future. Besides, she got what was coming to her anyway.

Another yawn soon found it’s way out from my mouth and I decided to turn in for the night. Using my wings of fire I gave a light flap and candles were dispelled, however quite annoyingly I had to turn off the oil lamps mareually. Once this had been completed I rolled onto my fireproof bed. Then slipped the covers over me and soon found sleep claiming my tired conscience.