• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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The Fire Lands

The Fire Lands, a place of smoke, fire, ash, and just a flat out dangerous place overall. Many a horrifying creature can be found here, from the largest dragons to the most ruthless of Deathworms. It takes a lot to survive out here, but some like a challenge or two in life. My kind being no exception.

My name is Prince Flameheart Von Ashen of the Fire Lands. Or simply known as The Flame Prince. I am the heir to the throne of the Kingdom Of Fire, and currently I am in deep shit.

I was leading a small contingent of soldiers on a noble quest to locate and destroy a Deathworm that had recently attacked one of our mining outposts about a fortnite ago. Suffice to say, we found it.

I was already two mares down from its ambush, and with it preparing to strike again I ordered a defensive formation around the two before it could finish them off.

“Captain Plasma, hold formation here with the legion”. I then quickly selected two knights out of our contingent. ”You two, with me” I ordered. They both nodded their understanding and took off with me.

You see, a Deathworms hide… or would carapace be a better name for whatever casing the blasted thing even has for its outer shell. Regardless whatever it is it’s much too thick to be penetrated by conventional weapons and is even magic resistant to some extent as well. So me and my two knights were going to have to go inside the Deathworm in order to kill it.

Not exactly the best plan, but this was hardly my first time inside one of these things. The same for the two knights with me, and so with our wings working overtime we charged the worm. Seeing us and most likely acting on instinct at this point, the worm counter-charged right back at us.

We flew as quickly as possible in order to put as much distance between us and the legion of soldiers that were now retreating with the two wounded mares.

We were only flying for about seven seconds before the creature finally reared fully up out of the ground, it’s head a monstrous size. We charged straight into its waiting maw, expertly dodging the massive fangs it possessed. The creature thinking that it had just devoured three ponies closed it’s mouth and tore back into the ash covered ground. However it had made one fatal mistake. It hadn’t devoured a normal pony, but a Flame Pony.

Flame Ponies did not exist anywhere else in the world except in the Fire Lands. Our origins have unfortunately been lost to time, but we do remember tales of our great ancestors who fought the sun and moon tyrants in many wars over a millennium ago.

Like the name suggested we aren’t like the traditional ponies of Equestria. Our bodies are constantly covered by a small fire that keeps other creatures from touching us, which is quite useful when in a fight. Plus we also possess fire resistant fur which can be used as a shield to protect us from water and other elements that can easily extinguish a flame ponies… flame.

However, in addition to possessing wings of flame we can also swim in lava/magma, inhale smoke, and even breathe fire like a dragon.

We also burn anything we touch, which is why stone is such an important resource for us. But when we come into contact with something flammable like paper, or soft and squishy like flesh, the end result isn’t very pretty for whatever poor creature decided to let us touch it. IE the Deathworm.

It bellowed as we burned its throat, and almost let out a coltish scream as we tore into it with our weapons. Not long after smoke began to appear around the inside of its throat, and we didn’t stop hacking.

Captain Plasma did not like what was transpiring. Sure she had sent many soldiers to their deaths in battles, and given orders that were near suicidal before. But those had all been mares in those suits of armor.

She would however give Flameheart the credit he was due, that being he was an exceptional fighter. The years he had spent training with her and the soldiers/knights that made up the Kingdom Of Fire’s Royal Army had molded him into a feared and respected warrior. Plus, in her own opinion, he was also an excellent leader who would make a fine king one day. But currently he was just a colt, a colt who had just turned 18 at that.


“Huh, what is it Blaze” she asked the orange colored mare next to her. “We’ve reached a safe distance ma’am, should we send a squad back for the Prince, Inferno, and Fire Strike?”.

”WHAT, of course go back for the prince you dolt!. “Yes, take Ember, Hearth, and…” But Plasma would never finish that sentence as the ground began to shake violently. Every resident of the Fire Lands knew that was as obvious as it got when a Deathworm was about to breach the surface.

The best thing they could do in this situation was simply run. Deathworms can literally sense movement in the ground. When they do they spring upwards and swallow their unsuspecting prey whole.

Every single soldier and knight immediately began sprinting as fast as they could. As it was common knowledge that when a Deathworm was about to breach the surface, the best tactic available was to just move. Move and get out of there.

Not two seconds after Plasma and Blazing Sky took off from the ground the Deathworm tore itself out of the ground.

The worms velocity allowed it to reach around forty hooves in height before it came crashing back to the ground, twitching and convulsing all the way. It screamed and bellowed as fire and smoke began consuming it’s entirety.

After about a minute of constant screeching it’s soul finally seemed to have been sent to Tartarus, but they’re was no sign of the prince…

"Oh Tartarus, Queen Radiance will have my pelt if something happened to him! Why did that stupid colt just have to up an charge that beast of a”- “There they are!” a pony yelled out.

Sure enough Flameheart and the two knights that had been with him slowly strolled out of the burning carcass that used to be a Deathworm. While the mares wore grins of pride he just sported that smile of his, just as if he was walking in to greet a guest in the castle’s throne room. Plasma would never admit it but whenever she saw that smile she would always be put at ease.

“Well then, it seems that solves our Deathworm problem. Well done all of you” Flameheart announced. Her mares cheered and reveled in their victory. However he wasn’t done.

“We’ll camp here tonight before heading back to Ashen tomorrow morning, until then get some rest and have something to eat. You’ve all earned it” he added.

Yep she was right, he’ll definitely make a good ruler one day.