• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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The Town Of Ponyville

Me and two guards walked along the small dirt road. The afternoon sun beat down on my disguised light grey coat and black, brown mane. With the village of Ponyville growing closer every step.

After the chariot had flown over us me and Calla immediately packed up and raced back to where the legion was stationed in a small forest grove. Where we explained the situation to the rest of them. The plan was for Calla and the rest of the legion to secure the castle the elements we're supposedly located in. While we would see if the individual who had arrived on the chariot was a potential threat to us.

We knew it wasn’t the Princess herself. Otherwise there would be a small army at minimum stationed in the town right now. As it stood we had yet to see a single guard, which was weird. Which considering only the Equestrian nobility or high ranking military officials used decorated chariots made this even more peculiar.

Soon we began trotting into the town proper, Ponyville was… quaint I supposed. Cobbled roads, wooden houses with thatch for roofing, and ponies that seemed nice.

Of course it couldn't compare to the camaraderie that you saw in Ashen but I could tell they cared for one another. But I couldn’t dwell on this for long, me and the two disguised guards that were with me had a carriage to find after all.

Giving my head a light shake I refocused on the task at hoof, and we continued on in an arrowpoint formation, with me at the point and the two guards on my flanks.

After trotting about for thirty minutes we still hadn't located our target, though the locals at least turned out to be nice. Letting off a few “good mornings” or waves of greeting. Though something felt off, for whatever reason it felt like some of the ponies were staring at us. Almost like they could see through our disguises.

At first I simply shrugged it off at us being newcomers to the town. But as we went on it only got worse. Especially when we hit the marketplace, which was fit to bursting with ponies. They even seemed to be whispering amongst themselves, though what they were saying was lost to me and by glance my comrades as well.

Eventually we silently agreed to take a break and headed for a nicely decorated tavern appropriately named the "Ponyville Cafe" and sat down at one of the outdoor tables, away from any other ponies.

“Do you think we’ve been made already?” a disguised red Pegasus/Flame Pony knight by the name of Fire Strike asked.

“No way, how could they know. It’s not like my disguise spell failed” the other mare, a violet unicorn by the name of Delilah Evadne. A very experienced and highly decorated mage from the fourth legion.

“Precisely, and it’s not as if our weapons are unsheathed-“ I stopped talking as both ponies made shut it motions with their hoofs and I soon found out why. A green ”earth” pony with a green mane and tail wearing an apron was trotting towards our table.

“Good morning and welcome to the Ponyville Cafe, my name is Green Jewel and I’ll be your waitress today” she said.

For a second none of us moved or spoke, as we didn’t really know what to do. We didn't think anypony would come over to serve us just like that. I don't think that Fire and Delilah even knew what a waitress was. Thankfully however I managed to come out of the shock relatively quickly and speak up.

“Umm, do you have a menu we could browse for a minute or two… please?” I asked. The mare smiled.

“Of course sir, here you are”. She pulled three menus’ from her apron and hoofed them to us.

“Whenever you’re ready to order just wave me down or call me over okay” she added.

“Of course, we’ll be sure to do that, thank you miss Jewel” I smiled.

“Not a problem sir, anytime” she replied and trotted off.

”Green Jewel”, that’s her name” Delilah scoffed once the mare was out of earshot.

“Honestly if that’s a perfectly acceptable name around here then I’m glad that I was born where I was” she added.

“Enough, focus on the task at hoof” I replied.

“Agreed, let’s just get out of this situation as fast as possible and resume looking for that chariot” Fire Strike added.

We then directed most of our attention down at the menus’ before us. It was thanks to Brandy that I actually knew what a ”menu” was and what "waitress" meant and so I could guide the mares through the process of ordering. Meaning that it wasn’t long before we had our meals before us, if they could even be called that.

“Are you sure this is all that you want” Green Jewel asked. Gesturing to the small croissants and three glasses of water before us.

“No offense but this is kinda small for a breakfast, and we’re always happy to wipe ya up anything that we serve” she added.

”Great, now she’s suspicious”.

“Thank you very much Miss Jewel but we’re kind of on a tight schedule and just stopped for a quick break” Delilah replied.

“Well… okay then. If you're sure” and with that said she turned to leave. But not before giving the mares a small but quick glare before giving me what looked to be a look of pity for whatever reason.

Shrugging that bit of weird behavior off we ate relatively quickly and, in our rush to leave probably left far more than required on the table as payment.

Unfortunately, even after another half an hour of searching we still hadn’t managed to find the chariot but, something else. A somewhat chubby but not overtly fat pink Earth Pony was literally bouncing through the streets of Ponyville infront of us, only for her to jump into the air when she noticed us and looked to be about to charge.

My guards immediately moved infront of me and Delilah lit her horn, both ready to die if required.

Only for the damn mare to take off in the complete opposite direction at a speed that I didn’t even think I could match when I was flying. Which left the three of us just standing there. Completely and utterly dumbstruck as to what had just happened.

I think we were honestly so surprised and dumbfounded that we didn’t even move for a good two minutes minimum. Or at least until two beige and green mares walked up to us.

“Hey there, um… sorry about Pinkie. She gets really excited about new ponies in Ponyville. My name is Bon Bon by the way, and this here is Lyra” the beige mare said, and outstretched a forehoof.

“Delilah Evadne, charmed” and tapped the mare’s forehoof with her own.

“Fire Strike” she bowed.

“Night Storm, a pleasure.” I nodded and finished.

“Well it’s good to meet you three, especially new ponies. We don’t really get a lot of new ponies here in Ponyville. Which is kinda surprising considering how close Canterlot is” Lyra spoke up.

“Right… well, um we don’t need to be worried about this Pinkie… right?” Delilah asked. Bon Bon laughed.

“I wouldn’t think so, unless you three are enemy spies or something” she rolled her eyes.

“… uh, right!… ahem, uh, thank you miss but we really need to be on our way" Delilah added.

"Indeed, have a good day you two" I said.

"You guys two!" Lyra called after us as we pressed onwards throughout Ponyville.

For the next five minutes or so all was going well until we stepped out onto "Mane Street" as it was so strangely titled.

"Woah look out!"

"Wha - ouf!", and just like that a cyan blur slammed into me. Taking both of us to the ground. Though apart from a few scraps and scratches I was relatively fine and managed to stand up quickly with the help of Delilah, Fire Strike meanwhile looked to be ready to send the pony that hit me straight to Tartarus.

"What do you think you are doing! Doesn't this town have any rules or regulations on how low or fast a pony can fly!" she yelled. The blue mare, having scrambled to her hooves at Fire's voice, seemed to be dazed and surprised but relatively calm.

"Ah buck, look I'm sorry okay. I was just trying to practice a few new tricks and I lost track of where I was going and how low I was" she replied. Fire Strike only seemed more angry at that.

"Grr... that's no excuse. You could have hurt somepony! You could have hurt my char... my... my-".

"Yeah yeah I could have hurt your coltfriend, and I said I was sorry okay. Jeez, accidents happen mare" she interrupted.

"...I, he, we're n, uh... w-whatever just be more careful in the future, okay" Fire replied. The mare smiled.

"Oh, I see, well don't worry, you're talking to the fastest and best flyer in Equestria, it won't" she said. Then turning her attention to me.

"Are you okay back there hot stuff, I did hit you kinda hard" she grimaced.

"Is, is she actually flirting with me right now. Now!" I thought. A quick glance at my comrades showed they we're just as shocked as I was.

"Okay Flameheart, it's just like fending off those suitors from the court when you we're little. Just tell her to buck off-", "I cannot bucking believe you!". It seemed that Fire Strike wasn't quite done, and Delilah had also positioned herself infront of me as well.

"First you come out of nowhere and barrel into my stallion, and then you have the gall to just play it off like you lightly bumped into him in a marketplace, and then you flirt with him!" At this point it looked like literal steam was coming out of her ears, and the mare who before had been carefree and calm was now scowling herself. If we wanted to avoid a fight then I had to step in now!

"Alright alright, Fire calm down" I said. To her credit she closed her eyes, mumbled something, and then backed off.

"Now as for you" I began. "I am willing to forget what just happened. On account that you leave me and my friends alone, understand" I said.

"Psch fine, whatever colt. Guess you won't get to experience Equestria's best, you're mid anyway. See ya later simps" and with that she took off into the sky. Leaving the three of us standing in the street.

"Come on let's go, we've wasted enough time as it is" I ordered the guards who silently obeyed the order. We got about ten steps before two more mares, a walking marshmallow and the other stereotyping a farmer, trotted up to us.

"Hello there you three" the white one spoke, and both of the guards moved slightly closer to me.

'My name is Rarity and this here is Applejack and we would like to apologize on behalf of Rainbow Dash" she said.

"Indeed, she's a good pony at heart. But she's got this whole macho mare thing going on. I'm sure ya can guess how well that's going for her" Applejack added.

Silently we scrutinized them. Looking for any possible hint of malice, intention, or lies.

"Well... I suppose it wouldn't be right to hold a grudge over an entire town just because of one mare" Delilah said. With me and Fire Strike both giving silent nods.

"Brilliant" Rarity smiled. Applejack seemed just as happy.

"Are ya three stayin in Ponyville long, we could show ya around if ya like?" she asked.

"No we are just passing through, we'll probably be gone by tonight" I replied. The mare's gazes snapped to me, like they almost seemed surprised that I spoke up.

"But ya are here for the Summer Sun Celebration, right?" Applejack asked. Our eyes must have widened to the size of dinner plates upon hearing that.

"Th, the... the what!" Delilah near shouted. The two mares even winced slightly.

"The Summer Sun Celebration" Applejack repeated.

"Darlings, you do know about the-" Rarity began but was cut off.

"Yes I know what The Summer Sun Celebration is!" Delilah replied. "It celebrates the longest day of the year and is the anniversary of Princess Celestia's victory over Nightmare Moon!" she added. Though what Rarity said next only shocked us even more.

"Darling's, who is Nightmare Moon?" she asked. If our eyes had widened to the size of dinner plates before, then they must have been the size of a damn cauldron upon hearing that question. We looked at each other, the message was clear, we had to choose our next words very carefully.

"I... it's an old legend from where we're from" I explained. "It tells of two alicorns who ruled together in "peace" and "harmony". The elder used her sun to warm the earth, to light and guide ponies throughout their days. While the younger used her moon to shine down upon evil and protect ponies. Though in time they grew to view her warlike ways with distrust and hidden malice, while her older sister was loved and revered for her "benevolence'.

"Eventually she couldn't take it anymore, and gave into dark magic in order to get her subjects to pay attention to her. A brutal four-year civil war broke out that claimed the lives of thousands, and in the end the younger was defeated, and the elder victorious" I finished. Of course there was a lot more to that conflict than the brief summary I just gave, but I didn't want to be standing there for six hours.

"Well... ah, I've never heard of that tale ya got there. But I'm not gunna call ya'll liars" Applejack said.

"Indeed, though I must admit that I have never heard of that myself" Rarity added.

"It doesn't matter, or it won't in a couple weeks time. Good day to you both" I replied. Delilah and Fire Strike excused themselves with two small bows and we trotted away quickly. Eager to just get away from those two mares. Eventually we found a small alleyway and ducked down it when nopony was looking.

"Okay what the buck was that!" Fire Strike hissed. "How do they not know about Nightmare Moon! Do they not even know about Luna!" she added.

"I don't know Fire, I don't know... But I do know that we need to find what we're looking for, now! Or get the buck out of this town before Princess Celestia shows up to raise the damn sun!" I replied.

"Alright how about this then, if we don't find the occupant of that chariot by sundown we'll cut our losses and go back, sound good?" Delilah proposed.

"Agreed, Fire?" I added.

"Sounds good" she replied. "Ugh, I just wish we could ask them who was in that damn chariot or where it went" she added.

"Me too mare... me too" I thought.