• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

  • ...

The Everfree Forest

We stood at the edge of the forest itself. The mares save Delilah we're all wearing unsure looks at the forest before them. Even Fluttershy, who had joined us as we trotted through town. Where I spent near ten Faust damned minutes trying to convince the mares not to go into the forest. Of which there we're many reasons, but the main one was that it was an uncontrolled magical forest with some of the most deadly creatures in the world calling it home.

"I still don't see why in the seven layers of Tartarus you think you'll find the elements in here just because an old book said they may be here, it's not even confirmed!" I said.

"While that may be the case this is the only lead we have. So like it or not we should at least see if it has any merit" Twilight replied.

"Oh for bucks sake. Do any of you know how dangerous this forest is!?" I glared. The mares either glanced away or softened their features.

"It is on a different level than anything else in Equestria. Dangerous animals, dangerous fauna, uncontrolled magic! You'd be lucky if you went in there and got out with a few scraps and scratches, nevermind death!" I added.

"That may be Night, but I'm willing to risk that for the Princess and Equestria" Twilight said.

"Why, just why do you care for the princess that much. What could she possibly mean to you for this!?" I asked. Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she answered.

"Because she is practically a second mother to me. She saw me at my weakest, when nopony wanted to be friends with me. She took me in under her care. Taught me, listened to me, even helped me no matter what! She was always there for me... so I need to be there for her".

"... Fine then, go in this death trap of a forest. To a castle that may exist, for five shiny objects that may be there, all for a chance that they may stop Nightmare Moon. I bid you lot good luck, for you'll need it. Come Delilah, you can't save those who don't want to be saved" I said.

However just as I started to walk off Fluttershy decided to speak up.

"N, Night wait". For some reason that I couldn't explain I felt compelled to stop.

"Yes Fluttershy?".

"Why... why don't you c, come with us..."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well y, you s, seem to know a lot about t, this forest s, so m, maybe you c, could help us... ifyouwantedto".

"Grr... bucking Tartarus these mares, honestly I... wait a minute. Maybe I can turn this around into an advantage for us" I thought.

"One moment please" I asked and motioned for Delilah to follow me a little ways away.

"Has the message been received?" I asked once we we're a considerable distance away.

"Yes, they know and have acknowledged, and Commander Asteria is handling everything. In addition they believe they are close to locating the elements. I'm assuming you want to play for time with these mares?" she replied.

"Indeed, you catch on quick. Just follow my lead. Yawn, hopefully this is the part of the day where things start to go plan" I joked.

"Hmhmhm, everything will work out sir. One way or another" Delilah smiled. I nodded my thanks and we trotted back over to the Ponyvillans.

"All right you six" I began. They all looked up with what looked like hopeful to interested expressions. "Out of the kindness of our own hearts... Me and Delilah have decided to accompany you on this little endeavor, however..." I cut off whatever Twilight and Rainbow were going to say.

"However, this is not an excursion... this forest is extremely dangerous. You all will do what I say when I say it, understand?" I said.

"Psch, colt aren't you forgetting we live here... well except for little Twilight here. But we've lived here for years. It's us who should be guiding you through here. Come on guys, you gotta agree with me on this right?" Rainbow spoke up.

"Well... ah suppose it ain't appropriate for a colt to be here" Applejack agreed.

"I, I'm afraid I must agree with Rainbow Dash here Night darling. While it is very noble and brave of you to offer to help us we can do this on our own dear" Rarity added. The other mares nodded along.

"I... what! Oh buck this, buck this day, buck these mares, buck this whole bucking situation! Why are we even here! Maybe I should've started asking more questions about my mother's plans before I just went along... No Flameheart she, she knows what she's doing. Just have patience and faith".

"Buck this, come" I ordered Delilah.

"Wait Night, where are you going?" Twilight called.

"To this castle of course" I replied.

"What! Are you just going to go along with this!?" she then called after Delilah. Who in turn just shrugged.

"Jeez talk about a white knight eh" Rainbow added.

"Come now Rainbow Dash, while I agree with your earlier statement may I remind you that the Stallion is acting more marely than you right now" Rarity said.

"Uh, so what! I'm still the one who said he shouldn't be here. That makes me more marely than all of you, ha!" she replied.

"Hehehe, who's the white knight now Dash" Applejack joked. Rainbow just grew red faced and anger began to contort her features before I spoke up.

"In case you colts haven't noticed we're burning moonlight, and unless we want to give Nightmare an even bigger advantage then we should be moving" I called. At that the now red faced mares began to just silently follow me and Delilah as we entered the forest.

"Bloody fools, does't none listen to thee word of a Royal anymore. How far has't this world fallen in Our absence... Fine then little foals, if thee wants a battle, thee shall receive a war!"

We had been walking for about ten minutes now along the same path me and Delilah had used the previous day to get to Ponyville. Along with some detours it would probably take us around an hour or so before we would arrive at the castle. In addition with the time wasted at the forest's entrance this was plenty for the legion to locate the elements and retreat from the castle before we would arrive.

After that me and Delilah would bide our time and then slip away when the coast was clear. Then it was a straight shot back to Ashen and let Celestia deal with Nightmare Moon. We might actually be able to take advantage of the chaos she was going to cause and invade Equestria after it was weakened by her. Or during, whichever was more beneficial to be honest.

"So... none of you have been in here before?" Twilight asked.

"H, heavens no. Just look at it, it's dreadful" Rarity replied.

"And it ain't natural, folk say it don't work the same as Equestria" Applejack added.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"No pony knows..." Rainbow Dash said while slowly flying from the shadow of a tree. As if she was a ghost attempting to frighten young foals.

"You know why..." she smirked and began stalking towards me.

"Rainbow, quit it!" Applejack called but she didn't pay her any mind.

"Cause everypony that's ever come in" she continued. "Has... never... come... out!" she jumped right infront of my face.

"...Is that supposed to scare-" crack!. Unfortunately I was interrupted by the ground beneath us breaking, making us lose our hoofing and thus begin to slide down an embankment. The mares screamed while me and Delilah quickly grabbed hold of each other and steadied ourselves by digging into the ground with our hooves.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy meanwhile managed to grab ahold of and steady Pinkie and Rarity respectively. While Applejack managed to grab ahold of a root growing out of the ground to stop her descent. Twilight however wasn't so lucky and kept sliding directly towards a massive cliff face. Just managing to stop herself before fully going over, though I was already moving at that point.

"Hold on, I'ma comin" Applejack called and gently slid down the rest of the embankment to grab Twilight's front hooves and keep her stable.

"Applejack, what do I do" she cried. I gave a signal.

"... Let go" the orange mare replied.

"Are you crazy!" Twilight spat.

"No ah ain't, ah promise you'll be safe".

"That's not true!".

"Now listen here, what I'm sayin to you is the honest truth. Let go and you'll be safe..." and she did. Fell a distance of about 5 hooves, screamed bloody murder, and then landed in mine and Rainbow's waiting hooves.

"Ah, huh, oh, phew" Twilight let out a breath of relief as me and Rainbow slowly descended towards the ground.

"Thanks you guys, really" Twilight smiled.

"No problem. I could totally catch you in my sleep if I had too". It seemed Rainbow's pride was showing through again. Although I was more concerned with why the cliff face had suddenly given way like that. Especially as the rest of it looked sturdy enough to support a small house at least.

"Oh yeah Night, good job too" Rainbow added. This surprised me.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"What, a mare can't give a stallion a compliment anymore" she joked. "Besides it take guts from anypony to do that" she added.

"...Right, let's just get moving" I replied. The mares nodded and we started off once more. Though not before I saw Rainbow shoot Fluttershy a small glare before turning away.

"Now what could that be about?" However I wouldn't be able to dwell on this for long as another problem soon became apparent.


"A Manticore!" Twilight yelled.

"Sweet bucking Tartarus... well I can cross facing one of these off the bucket list".

"We've gotta get past him!" Twilight yelled when all of a sudden it jumped and attempted to pounce upon Rarity, who managed to dodge and then drop buck it in the face.

"Huh, that's actually quite impressive"

"Take that you ruffian!" she taunted. The manticore simply replied by roaring in her face, and she decided to smartly back off rather than risk injury.


Applejack meanwhile decided to use the opportunity Rarity provided and jumped onto the distracted manticore's head.

"Yeehaw, git along little doggie!" she called and even threw a wink at me.


However this didn't last long as the manticore unsurprisingly managed to throw her from it's head by throwing itself around. Sending her careening towards me, Rainbow, and Delilah. Who both had seemed to agree on something for the first time today and that was to protect me from the manticore. Though Delilah lit her horn and caught Applejack with telekinesis before she faceplanted into the ground.

"Thanks Delilah, he's all yours you too" she said.

"I'm on it, watch this Night" Rainbow smiled before she charged the manticore.

"Wait" Fluttershy said. I looked at her but she had already turned her attention back towards Rainbow Dash. Speaking of the blue mare she was currently trying to confuse the manticore by flying fast around it? Unsurprisingly this didn't work with the manticore slapping Rainbow with it's tail, launching her straight back at me. Thankfully for her I was able to catch her and then held her groom style.

"So... what exactly was I supposed to be watching there?" I smirked.

"S, shut up" she blushed. I sighed.

"Well Delilah looks like it's up to us" I said and put Rainbow down. The mare smiled.

"Of course it is, ready?".

"Born ready, drop the spe - wait!" Fluttershy yelled.

"... Fluttershy what are you..." I trailed off in shock as I saw Fluttershy walking up to the manticore! I almost rushed forward again when it raised it's right forepaw to strike but Fluttershy just nuzzled it's left one instead, completely unfazed at the manticore's actions.

"Shh, it's okay" the butter yellow mare consoled. To my absolute shock the manticore instead lowered it's paw and held it's other one out for her.

"Aww you poor poor little baby" she added.

"Little" Rainbow Dash blurted out, and it seemed Delilah was actually going to agree with Rainbow Dash on two things today.

"Now this might hurt for just a second" and without a second thought she leaned down and pulled what looked to be a thorn right out of it's paw. Completely and foolishly exposing her neck in the process and oh my Faust it's actually going to... lick her?

"Tehehe, aww you're just a little old baby kitty aren't you. Yes you are, yes you are" she laughed. Me and the mares all looked at each other before Twilight smiled and began simply trotting past the manticore. Who was now purring and licking Fluttershy fervently.

We hurried past and the manticore eventually released Fluttershy who trotted freely away from it and towards us, while the manticore went on it's way in the opposite direction.

"How did you know about the thorn" Twilight asked her. "I didn't, sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness" she replied.

"Hm, good job Fluttershy, good job" I thought.

We continued our slow trot in silence for about forty more minutes. We we're now getting close to the castle. With just a little bit more of forest to cross, a river to cross, and a ravine to... well, cross and we would be there. The only things remaining in question where how we we're possibly going to have to fight Nightmare and then ditch these mares.

Though it probably would just be foals play to simply teleport away right from under these mare's noses. Nightmare is defeated or victorious, either way Equestria is hopefully extremely weakened, and with us finally in possession of the elements Consilium Vindictae could finally... -

"Ugh, my eyes need a rest from all this blasted muck" Rarity complained. No sooner had she finished that sentence when the forest almost seemed to humor her and the canopy became much more condensed. Plunging us into near total darkness.

"Well I didn't mean that literally" the mare replied.

"That ancient ruin could be right infront of our faces and we wouldn't even know it" Twilight added. Though as we we're plunged into near pitch black I couldn't help but notice a blue cerulean mist snaking it's way past us. Though before I could do anything more acknowledge it we all ran into another problem.

"Just keep calm and carry on oof... at a slower pace if necessary, apologies Delilah" I said.

"I'm not Delilah".

"What? But I was right next to her ow! Damn you too tree!"

It seemed that the ever growing darkness was not making it easy to see. Usually I didn't have this problem as the fiery flames that surrounded our bodies also acted as a source of light, though for obvious reasons I could not use that.

Thankfully though Delilah had another solution of simply casting a glow spell, instantaneously fixing our light problem. Soon Rarity and Twilight realized that they we're both unicorns as well and light their own horns.

"Whew, thanks guys, ah upon thought ah was gonna -squish- ahh dagnabbit" Applejack cried out. The unicorns fixated their light on her, revealing that she had stepped in a mud puddle. We then all about jumped when Fluttershy let out a very unmarelylike scream.

"Fluttershy it's just mud - ahh!" the orange mare then actually jumped and retreated a good ten hooves away from to be honest, a quite terrifying looking tree. It had an open circular mouth with what looked like to be wooden teeth in them, along with eyes and branches looking like outstretched arms. Almost like how an animal tries to be intimidating to ward off predators or competition.

Overall once you realized it was a tree it wasn't that hard to look at.

"Ahh!" though apparently the mares didn't seem to think so. But apparently there was another mare besides Delilah who didn't seem to be terrified of them. Though of course it was the potentially mentally insane one... how fitting.

"Pinkie what are you doing, run!" Twilight yelled. While the mare did pause her... face making... competition? Buck it, face making competition with a tree she instead choose to simply laugh back at Twilight.

"Oh girls don't you see..." she laughed. "When I was a little filly and the sun was going down..." she continued.

"...Tell me she's not - The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown..." Pinkie interrupted Twilight.

"She is" me, Delilah, and Rarity replied. Utterly dumbstruck by what we we're witnessing.

"I'd hide under my pillow...

One Mentally Difficult Melody Later
I'm not writing the rest of this fucking song

"Well, that was hard to listen to" I whispered to Delilah.

"Indeed..." was her single worded reply.

"How... how goes the legion's progress. Has Asteria sent an update?" I asked.

"Unfortunately no, though that probably means they have the elements and are retreating".

"Hopefully... some good news would be a godsend right now". Delilah chuckled.

"Cheer up Night, I'm certain everything will fall into place and work out. We only need to be patient dear" she smiled.

"Oh... first name basis, that's quite bold of you given both of our positions... Guardsmare" I smiled back.

"Oh I am fully aware of all that Night Storm. I know about the little games that you play with those under your... jurisdiction" she deepened her smile into a smirk.

"Oh do you now. Are you interested in joining the next time we play?" I asked. In truth those games we're little more than banter between myself and those that I would call close friends within the guard and knighthood. Like Firestorm, Ruby, and to an extent Plasma as well.

"Perhaps" the purple mare replied.

"Very well, but do know that this is not a way for us to get... involved together. The others understand that and I trust that you will too. But if that is not the case then other arrangements will be made, understand?" I asked.

"Indeed sir, I'm not that kind of mare anyway" Delilah replied.

"Good, I didn't take you for it anyway. Now lets get - oof" It seemed I hadn't been paying as much attention as I thought I was and had run into poor Fluttershy's back, who let out a small squeak.

"What's going on, why are we stopped?" I asked. Pinkie Pie, who had been leading our little herd, no don't say it like that Night err... Flameheart! ...Pinkie Pie pointed ahead towards the raging torrent of a river that was infront of us.

I immediately thought of just flying or teleporting over it, but before I could converse my idea the sound of crying began to reach our ears. Prompting us to investigate. After trotting through some bushes we found what looked to be a... sea serpent? Yeah let's go with that. A sea serpent crying and thrashing about like a madmare in the river we needed to cross.

I again attempted to convey my idea of simply flying or teleporting but Twilight beat me to it.

"Excuse me sir, why are you crying?" she asked. Me and Delilah, wisely recognizing the serpent as a potential threat backed off a good twenty hooves behind them.

"Well I don't know, I was just sitting here minding my own business when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whizzed past me and tore half of my beloved moustache clean off!"

"That's why he's crying like a foal?"

"And now I look simply horrid... ohhohoho!" the serpent replied, threw himself backwards, and promptly splashed the six foolish mares with a wave of water. I was now very happy I had moved. If that water had hit me... it would have been very, very painful. Regardless if I was disguised or not.

"Do you want to just teleport across?" Delilah asked me. With me still agitated over the water I couldn't nod fast enough. I wasn't necessarily afraid of water, just... most Flame Ponies of the modern day hadn't even seen water outside of our underground farms, and even then there's barely enough to fill a single barrel there. This was an absolute torrent of a river that if somepony fell in they could very easily be simply pulled under and drown, and that's before adding a flame ponies body being extinguished... All in all, not a nice way to go huh...

I was very suddenly pulled out of my reverie with six mares along with the sea serpent staring at me. While Delilah had a hoof on my withers, slowing shaking me.

"Wha, what happened?" I asked.

"You blanked out darling. Are you alright?" Rarity replied.

"I what?!"

"Oh... ah, yes thank you Rarity. Apologies let's... get across the river" I said.

"But Night, we are across the river. You and Delilah teleported across while we jumped across on Steven's back" Twilight answered.

"You... you, you jumped onto a sea serpent" I was dumbfounded.

"Yeah he's really nice" Pinkie added.


"Are you okay sir, I didn't frighten you did I?!" the now named Steven asked.

"N, no I just... I... - can't swim" Delilah interrupted me.

"Night here can't swim and with you making all those waves it brought up a few bad memories. That's why I teleported him over here" she added.

"Oh well I'm dreadfully sorry sir, I did not mean to cause you harm!" the serpent near panicked.

"Your... fine Steven, come on let's keep going... Rarity what happened to your tail?" I asked and her eyes turned to pinpricks.

"N, nothing darling. Now come along as you said before we're burning moonlight and it was nice to meet you Steven but we need to be going bye!" she said and began trotting away, albeit at a somewhat faster pace than our one before.

We said our goodbye's to Steven and hurried after her. With me and Delilah ending up at the back of the pack once again.

"Sir are you sure you're okay? I know water is a big deal and threat to you guys" Delilah asked for the umpteenth time.

"Yes I'm certain Delilah. I just didn't think that water could... move like that. It looks so tame in the farms" I replied.

"Well no matter, that's behind us now" she smiled.

"True... has Asteria sent an update?"

"...No she hasn't, this is unusual. Especially since we haven't seen nor heard from Fire Strike as well".

"Indeed, plus I believe we may not entirely be alone out here".

"Sire, what do you mean?" she asked.

"I think that Nightmare may be following - There it is! The ruin that holds the Elements Of Harmony, we made it!" Twilight cheered and took off towards the old castle.

"Twilight wait fer us!" Applejack called after her and they to took off. Leaving us behind

"Well I don't see any activity by the legion so maybe they just haven't had a chance to reply to us" Delilah said and we slowly began trotting after the mares.

"That's possible I suppose, though I just have this feeling that something's gone wrong". At Delilah's deadpanned expression I slightly wilted and corrected myself.

"With them, the legion I mean. We should have at least heard from Fire by this point" I added.

"True, though what can we do in the position we're in. Besides I've been under Asteria for years. You couldn't ask for a more capable commander. As for Nightmare following us... I take it you've noticed that blueish mist as well?" she asked.

"Yes, as well as what Steven said. I saw it earlier moving about those trees too".

"That is... concerning to say the least" she replied.

"So yes, I cannot help but worry" and I really couldn't. These we're my subjects. Those who I was duty bound to protect and guide.

"Well... going back to what I said before sir. I believe that they'll be fine, at that I promise." Delilah replied.

"I hope you're right Delilah..." I trailed off seeing the mares stopped at what looked to be another cliff ahead of us.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"The bridge for this ravine was out, Rainbows gone across to tie it on" Twilight answered me. I looked out over the fog covered ravine where the far end of the bridge disappeared into said fog.

"Very well" I replied.

"Though come ta think of it she has been takin a while" Applejack added.

"Hmm, Rainbow! Are you alright, what's taking so long" Twilight called. Suddenly the fog slightly parted to reveal three other ponies, from what it looked like there was a mare and two stallions talking with her on the other side before the fog closed up again. One look between me and Delilah was all we needed.

I took up into the sky while she teleported across. Unsheathing our hidden weapons and cloaked armor in the process. Though just as I touched down and Delilah appeared Rainbow turned around and the other three ponies who... had a look of shock and anger on their faces...? Dissipate into a cloud of blueish mist before retreating back into the forest.

"Woah guys chill out, they're not a threat they just wanted me to... huh, where'd they go?" Rainbow asked. Not even seeming to notice our weapons and armor.

"I feel that whatever they asked of you they we're not being truthful Rainbow Dash" Delilah said as she reactivated the spell which cloaked our armor.

"They wanted me to be their captain" she said as she tied the ends of the bridge together.

"Though they made the mistake of making me choose between them or my friends and future coltfriend, and I'd never leave either hanging" she added.

"What was that last part?" I asked but the blue mare had already turned away from me.

"Great job Rainbow" Twilight said. The other mares gave her similar praise.

"Come on let's get to that castle" she added.

"Indeed..." I said. The mares slowly trotted past while I moved towards Delilah.

"You saw how those ponies dissipated into smoke right?" I asked.

"Yes, and with it's color being the same that signaled Nightmare's entry into the town hall I'd say your hunch of her following us wasn't that far off" she replied.

"Well, let's just hope this gave the legion the time they needed to get the elements and get out" I said.

"Don't worry sir, I'm sure they did" Delilah smiled. I hesitantly returned it and we both pressed on towards the castle, and destiny.