• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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The Morning Routine Of A Flame Pony Prince

If there is anything that is not what is seems at first glance, it is the life of a royal. ‘They can have anything they want. Any food for dinner, any clothing they wish, and could still have enough money left to buy anything from their dreams’.

While all that that may be true it only covers the positives about the life of a royal, not the negatives. Such as constantly worrying about politics, the state of the realm, any problems that could bring harm to their subjects. Sitting on a throne all day, conflicts with the nobility, and last but certainly not least is having to wake up at this un-godly hour, 6am.

Yes indeed, 6am. As to the reason why I am up at said un-godly hour is that I have work to do. My mother wasn’t kidding when she said that work had piled up in my absence, and had only continued to do so since I had taken yesterday off as well. Though I hadn’t been daydreaming the whole time.

I had cancelled my training with Plasma and spent the day cooped up in my room researching everything I could about the elements, where they were, and what they were capable of. Suffice to say, for such powerful artifacts it was surprising nopony knew practically anything about them. The only reason that they were still even mentioned in the history books at all was probably because of the battle between the two sisters. ”I honestly wonder what it was like to witness a battle like that. Probably terrifying to be honest, watching practical gods duel right before your very eyes”.

The sun meanwhile had just started to peak over the horizon. Bringing even more warmth to the Fire Lands. From my window overlooking the city it looked quite beautiful in its own way.

However I couldn’t sit there all day, I had work to do, and so I trudged over to my dresser to select my outfit for the day. Although almost no flame ponies wore clothing at all. With the exception of their jobs or formal events as they would catch fire and burn away unless enchanted by a unicorn, which the procedure to do so was very expensive. So it was really only the upper class that had access to clothing anyway. Armor didn’t count.

Opening my dresser I was greeted to the same old clothes I had worn for years. A golden crown with a phoenix headpiece, a sleek black garment for my barrel, a red cape much like my mothers for my back, and completed by my own ’Knights Cross’ to go on my collar.

I looked myself over in the mirror. Thanks to the enchantments they had the clothes weren’t burning away, and my flames were actually passing over them like they weren’t even there. My light grey colored fur, red eyes, and well kept brown/blackish mane were only accentuated thanks to them. All in all creating an image that I liked. ”The image of a confident, proud member of the nobility” mothers voice rang in my head.

Anyway I would probably be expected to arrive in the dining hall soon so I would need to get a move on. Opening my door I hurried down the stairs to ground level.

A few minutes later and I had arrived at the dining hall. It was a grand, massive room located just off the main hall with a great view of the city and surrounding land. For what we had it was also furnished quite well, and I believe that the table and chairs had actually been plundered from a Changeling Hive long ago.

During breakfast or in the evening this room would be bustling with activity. However I had arrived a few hours early and so the kitchen only had a skeleton crew currently, they hadn’t even started on breakfast yet. To my knowledge they had actually only come in about thirty minutes ago to begin preparations for breakfast.

But this was hardly the first time I had ever been up at this hour, and since I had given a heads up the day beforehoof they knowingly had prepared a small breakfast just for me.

This was actually quite normal as I had been getting up at this hour for many years as I deemed it necessary to review the days schedule and inevitable paper/chalk work ahead of time. Any ruler worth their salt would tell you it is always a life saver to know what is going on in your realm at all times.

“Your food, my prince” said Smoker. An old and gruff stallion announced as he brought me back from my thoughts, he was also the head chef for the kitchens.

“Ah, thank you Smoker. It’s never too much trouble to prepare breakfast this early correct?”. But as always Smoker only laughed. “Ahh Flameheart my boy, how many times do I have to tell you. It’s never a problem, you always give us plenty of a heads up and with the size of your orders it’s hardly missed from the food stores”.

“Heh, I suppose you’re right Smoker. But I know how difficult it can be to acquire food, and I don’t want my subjects going hungry. So if the castle starts to pull food away from the common folk then“. “Tell you and make sure the commoners get enough to eat, I know Flameheart I know, haha. If I had a single Reale for every time you’ve told me that exact same sentence I could have retired by now” Smoker said.

“Ahh… right, we’ll just see to it that you do if it happens… alright?” I asked. “Hehe, will do my prince, will do. Would you like anything else before I return to my duties?” “No I will be fine, thank you Smoker” I replied.

With that Smoker left, he had been around the kitchens for as long as I could remember. Always producing some of the best food we’ve ever had here in the castle.

Speaking of food I looked down at my own. A nicely cooked steak with a Fireflower side dish. For my drink he had given me a simple glass of lava, which is basically our version of water. Except that water is highly dangerous to us, whereas lava almost recharges our energy. Like how a changeling needs love.

After I had eaten and brought my dishes into the kitchen to hoof off I began my trek to my office. It was located on the western side of the castle, or simply on the left side if you came in through the main doors.

The western side was also one of only two ways to get to the citadel, a massive underground fortress deep inside the mountain the castle had been built into. The mountain was actually a volcano named Vulcanus, or Vulcan for short. It was also one of the reasons we had settled here as well.

But I wouldn’t be going in that far, as my office was located in the castle proper. After walking through dull gray hallways for about six minutes I arrived at my destination. Right on time too as two guardsmares were approaching my door from the opposite direction. Though once they were within talking distance they stopped and saluted.

“Prince Flameheart”.

“Guardsmares, I take it that you two are my personal guards for the day?” I asked.

“Yes sir… I mean your highness” the one the right spoke. I recognized her as Blazing Sky. An orange colored flame pony who was about a year younger than myself. Her companion however I did not. A more reddish colored mare with blue eyes and a yellow mane that seemed a little younger than her.

“Very well Blaze, who’s your friend here. A new recruit?” The mare smiled sheepishly before clearing her throat and speaking up. “Yes your highness, my name is Solar Wind and I am a private in the guard”.

”Just as much as I suspected” I thought. “Well met Solar, is this the first time you’ve ever acted as a bodyguard?”. The mare coughed and I swore she blushed a little as well, but it was gone before I had the chance to do a spit take.

“Yes sir, this is actually my first assignment” Solar stated. “Well then, welcome to the guard. Today will be a relatively easy day. You two will just be following me around running my errands with me” I added.

“Understood sir” she replied. “One more thing Solar, when we’re in private just call me Flameheart, okay?” I asked. Solar seemed surprised by this but seemed to rebound quickly. “Yes sir err… Flameheart, understood”.

“Very well then, let us get to work” I said as I unlocked the door to my office. The three of us stepped inside, ready for the days work.