• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

  • ...

One Minute To Midnight

To say that we we're scared would be a lie, we we're terrified. But of course we didn't say that to each other. Though our faces betrayed us.

What made it worse was that the residents of Ponyville seemed to notice this as well. As we walked about we noticed more and more ponies glanced in our direction. Like before their expressions we're nice enough, but as time went on I couldn't help but grow more and more nervous around them. Especially the mares, as they seemed to stare more intensely at us.

It also didn't help that like this morning they seemed to be once more whispering amongst themselves, and it was made worse since I could, at best, barely hear what they we're saying.

"Hey, are they those new ponies Pinkie was going on about?"

"So that's why me and my herd all got invitations for a party tomorrow night at Sugarcube Corner".

"Two Pinkie parties in one week, along with the Summer Sun Celebration, buck yeah!".

"Oh, I have got just the perfect outfit for it too".

"Is that the new stallion that was accosted by Rainbow Dash earlier".

"I heard that she almost got into a fight with the red pegasus".

"Well yeah, she's Rainbow Dash. Come on Cloud Kicker, you know how that mare operates".

I sighed, this was going nowhere fast, and I could clearly see just by glance that the mares we're uncomfortable as well. So I decided that I needed to do something to fix this. As we trotted along I noticed a shop on our right with a sign of what seemed like a cat and dog playing together.

"Perfect, a more private place to talk without making anypony suspicious of anything" I thought.

"Come" I ordered, and the mares obeyed without question.

As we approached a set of steps leading up to the front door Delilah cantered past me and opened it, I nodded my thanks and walked into what had to have been the loudest room I had ever been in. Literal hordes of animals barked, meowed, screeched, and hissed.

Though they clearly had been domesticated and thus, we're not hostile. I could immediately tell that regular talking was not going to happen here. Especially if the fillies and occasional colt that we're playing with a few of the animals under supervision by presumably the storekeepers and spurring on their excitement weren't checked by their parents. With most seeming to be in their own little group talking to each other, sitting in chairs lining the wall to our right as we walked in. However that changed once they saw us.

The mare's eyes damn near simultaneously snapped to us, then to me. While the few stallions almost seemed to glare at me. Suffice to say, I was quite weirded out.

"Uh, lets just go find somewhere else girls" I said. Delilah nodded and Fire Strike, who had just shut the door, grumbled but agreed. We reassumed formation with Delilah opening the door once more. Again I nodded my thanks, stepped out, collided with something soft, and fell to the ground, again.

"Cough, cough... buck" I choked out, my vision was obstructed by something fluffy and warm. Though before I could lift my head to see what I had run into a ponies telekinesis ripped me from it. As I flew back into Delilah's hooves Fire Strike raced forward. Vaulting over us and putting herself between me and the yellow pegasus whom I had just run into, pushed backwards onto the ground, and then subsequently landed in her chest fluff. At this revelation I felt my cheeks flush slightly as well.

"Oh... oh my sir are you alright?" she barely managed to squeak out, her quiet voice laced with concern. Delilah meanwhile was checking me over to make sure I hadn't broken anything, while Fire looked about ready to slit the mare's throat. The only reason all four of her hooves we're still on the ground was probably because the mare hadn't moved from where I had forced her to said ground. Realizing that the mare had asked a question and was looking at me I spoke up.

"Uh yes... yes I am fine thank you" I coughed. The mare looked relieved upon hearing that but cowed once more when she noticed the death glare Fire Strike was giving her. I glanced about and noticed that quite a few curious ponies we're also throwing looks our way, ranging from anger to pity. Directed at the yellow mare and myself respectively.

"Damn bastards, mind your own business" I thought. I needed to do something.

"Fire please, that is enough, if she wanted to hurt or foalnap me then she would have made her move already or bolted" I said. Fire Strike didn't look pleased that I was politely ordering her to stand down for the second time that day but complied nonetheless. The yellow pony then stood up.

"Again, I'm really sorry about that mister. I, I wasn't watching where I was g, going and- no" I firmly cut her off. Much to her surprise.

"I am sorry about running into you. I wasn't watching where I was going and I hurt you" I added. The mare, much like the mass of spectators, seemed surprised by what I said.

"B, but I was in your way, and I should have c-checked to see if anyp-pony was coming out, and besides I-it's a mare's job to-to-t..." though whatever she was trying to say died off into little indecipherable squeaks. It was actually kind of cute.

"Well don't dwell on it. It was an accident and I'm fine, and I can only hope that you are as well" I replied. The mare seemed too embarrassed to offer a proper response and so just smiled, which I returned.

"What is your name?" I asked. The mare's smile left and she only seemed to clam up more. So I strode forth and put a hoof on her shoulder to try and calm her down, and it seemed to work.

"What is your name?" I asked again, this time softening my voice.

"I, it's Fluttershy" she whispered.

"I'm sorry" I replied.

"Fluttershy" she blushed.

"Didn't quite catch that" I smiled.

"..." her blush only deepened.

"Well um, my name is Night Storm and these two behind me are Delilah Evadne and Fire Strike" I said, the mare nodded, mumbled something again, and seemed to completely shut down. Looking back at my guards revealed that they we're just as lost as me, and nopony from the gathering crowd seemed to be interested in helping. In fact it seemed that we we're going to be stuck at an impasse until an unfortunate familiar voice made itself known.

"Alright what the buck is going on here!" it said. We turned around to see none other than Rainbow 'Crash' as I had now taken to calling her standing behind us. "What are you three doing to poor Fluttershy!" she added.

"Nothing, there was just a small... err, misunderstanding" I offered, wanting to avoid more trouble with her. Unfortunately, as had been proven many times in my life, trouble liked to follow me around.

"Well guess what buster, this mare right here is the absolute sweetest, kindest, and most caring mare you'll ever meet! Any stallion would be incredibly lucky to have her in his herd. So you'd better be treating her right!" By this point the cyan bitch had taken to hovering a few hooves off the ground. It also seemed like both my guards had had enough of her shit as well.

"So you're not just a shameless flirt, but a dyke as well. I've only ever seen a stallion defend a mare's honor like that!" Fire laughed as she positioned herself between me and the rainbow maned mare. Normally I would have told her to calm down, and her direct superior would have probably demoted her. But as it was we we're stressed from the day we'd had and this mare was a big part of the reason why. So as it stood I would tolerate Fire's insults for now, though I was about one more sentence from snapping at either of them. Regardless of who spoke next, and to the bitch's credit, if she was hurt by Fire's words she didn't show it.

"Well at least I'm not some pathetic simp kissing his hooves twenty four seven- enough!" I yelled. Both mares looked at me with wide eyes, though I would come to learn that both had different reasons as to why.

"Miss Rainbow Dash, we have tried to be nice. But quite frankly we have found you to be prudish, rude, and arrogantly prideful" I then turned my attention towards Fluttershy, who had remained on the ground during the whole affair.

"Miss Fluttershy, you do not have to be afraid of me. I was never upset over what happened and I never will be. You seem like a very kind mare and as much as I hate to agree with the walking rainbow here, any stallion would be lucky to have you in his herd. You're pretty, kind, and while I don't know for certain I bet you're absolutely lovely to live with. Don't ask why, I've just always had a knack for assuming things like that" I finished and gave the mare a hug, and she practically melted into my forelegs.

After twenty or so seconds I released her and turned back to the mares behind me. "Delilah, Fire, let's go. As for you Rainbow "Crash"... I paused to let the insult sink in. "I pray that we never meet again, especially where there aren't witnesses" I muttered. With that I turned forward and began to walk in our original direction, with both of my guardsmares following me.

"H-hey, where do you think you're going colt. I'm not done with you" Rainbow called after us. I didn't dignify her with a response as we walked past stunned townsponies.

I felt tired and just wanted this day to be over with. However I still hadn't been able to help my guards, and I owed them that at least. Especially after dragging them through this forsaken village for half the day, and that was when an idea came to me.

"Delilah, Fire" I looked back once we we're out of earshot of anypony. Both mares seemed concerned that they we're about to get a tongue lashing. "Follow me, you've both put up with quite a lot today. Even though we're on campaign I wouldn't feel right if I didn't give you a reward for what you both have put up with today" I said.

"What!" both mares looked incredibly flustered.

"S-sire, p-please we're just s-soldiers. W-we have a duty to you and the kingdom. We certainly don't need a r-reward" Delilah stuttered.

"I... indeed my prince. You don't have to do t-that" Fire Strike added.

"Oh but I want too" I smiled as we neared the Corner Café, and both mare's faces paled and flushed at the same time.

"Sir please I... I must protest" Delilah whispered hoarsely as we trotted past the same table we'd sat at just a couple of hours ago.

"I-I agree, you should save your... ah, oh tartarus, your, y-yourse- you mean my bits" I cut off whatever Fire was trying to say as we walked inside. The stallion at the counter giving us a polite nod as he noticed we we're still in conversation, which I returned.

"Nonsense, I have enough bits at my personal disposal to feed this entire town three times over. Besides, we got a rather poor lunch. Please take your pick of whatever you want and I'll pay for it" I gestured to the menu. The guardsmares looked confused for a moment before they looked at each other, then at me.

"W-wait, y-you're just going to buy us something?" Fire Strike asked.

"Well yes, what did you think I was planning?" I replied. Both mares blushed bright crimson and looked anywhere but at me, which with Fire Strike's fake bright red coat was somewhat of an achievement for her.

"Hehe, I'll give you two a minute to decide what you want to order" I smirked and turned around to admire the menu myself.

"Good ole mares, somethings never change" I thought.

Twilight Sparkle was not having a good day by any stretch of the imagination. She had been force-fed way to much food by Applejack. Then crashed into, dropped in mud, drenched, and had her mane puffed out by Rainbow Dash, had said mane then smoothened out by Rarity before being forced to try on half of her wardrobe, then the whole calamity with Fluttershy's well... shyness, as well obsessing over Spike.

Plus, to top it all off she still hadn't been able to do any research on Nightmare Moon at all. It was ridiculous! Especially how Princess Celestia could just blatantly ignore her warning. Sure it was an old foals tale to scare said foals into obeying their parents and keeping them from eating too much candy on Nightmare Night but come on. Threats like this shouldn't be ignored. Especially as the bucking sun was already beginning to set.

At least they finally arrived at the library she was staying at.

"Oh, do you wanna hear about today?" her number one assistant asked the butter yellow pegasus from his perch atop her barrel.


"Oh yes please" the yellow pegasus replied.

"Nope, not gonna happen butterscotch!".


"I am so sorry, how did we get here so fast. This is we're I am staying while in Ponyville and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep" she said.

"No I don't, woah ugh!"

"Aww look at that, he's so schweepy he can't even keep his wittle bawlance" she smiled sheepishly before her eyes caught on to something else. Something so distracting that she didn't even notice Fluttershy dash past her and begin cradling Spike. There, infront of her eyes was probably the hottest bucking pegasus stallion she had ever seen!

"Poor thing, you simply must get him to bed".

To most ponies, darker coats and manes we're a bit of a turn off. But it was still a nice light grey which only accentuated his red eyes and black mane. not to mention his body as well. What she would give to have those wings wrapped around her. If there was one word which could be used to describe this stallion, woah!

It was then she noticed the three mares accompanying him, a red pegasus, a violet unicorn, and a beige earth pony.

"Ugh, of course a stud like him is already taken" she thought. "Here I thought that I might actually get a coltfri... wait where did Spike go!" she added.

Then, remembering that Fluttershy had carried the young drake into the library moments later Twilight all but dashed into the tree. Thankfully she managed to locate the pegasus and dragon quite quickly in what looked to be a darkened room and all but politely shoved the mare back out through the doorway.

"Yes yes, we'll get right on that. Whatever you said, err... good night" she smiled and slammed the door in Fluttershy's face.

"Ugh, sweet Tartarus I thought she'd never leave".

"Huh, rude much" an annoyed Spike declared.

"Sorry Spike" she said and turned to face him. "But I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming and we're running out of time. I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time, now where's the light?" she added.



After we had acquired our treats, and Delilah and Fire calmed down, we began to slowly slink our way out of Ponyville. I had chosen to head west, as the setting sun would partially blind anypony attempting to follow us. Making that task more difficult for them.


However... it also meant that we we're partially blinded as well.

"Faust damn it, how many times am I going to run into somepony today" I muttered as I forced myself to my hooves.

"Ow Celestia damn oh Night Storm, nice meeting you again" Bon Bon greeted me.

"Ah, hello Bon Bon" I replied. The mares giving two small smile's and nods in greeting.

"Are you three going to Pinkie's party as well?" she asked. We looked at each other in confusion.

"Um, Pinkie's party...?" Delilah asked.

"Oh right, you three just got into Ponyville today. When a new pony... or ponies come to Ponyville our resident err, party planner Pinkie Pie always throws them a "Welcome To Ponyville" party" she explained.

"I see" I replied.

"Wait, wasn't she that weird pink mud... err, Earth pony from earlier" Fire Strike added. Bon Bon's face contorted into a glare.

"Well yes Fire Strike. There isn't anything wrong with earth ponies, is there?" she asked.

"No no, just... old habits die hard" she muttered.

"It's all right Fire, you're getting better, progress is progress" I consoled.

"W-what?" she dumbly asked. At this point I yanked her towards me in what to anypony standing more than a few hoofsteps away, ie Bon Bon, would recognize as a simple hug. Though to Delilah, who was standing right next to us, and especially Fire Strike would see me aggressively shoving her into myself.

"Play along!" I whispered harshly, and she nodded dumbly at my order. Then I slowly extracted her from my forelegs.

"You're not that kind of pony anymore, okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, thanks si-Night" she quickly corrected herself. I then let her go and turned to face a now very surprised Bon Bon.

"Apologies Bon Bon, Fire here had a very traditional upbringing in a rural pegasi town. To very traditional parents. To a very traditional family" I fabricated. Though based on the earth pony's expression she believed the lie well enough.

"Alright, I'll buy that" she muttered. I wasn't certain if she intended for us to hear that but decided to remain silent.

"Alright Fire, if your stallion is willing to vouch for you then I'll let it be water under the bridge. Just watch your vocabulary in the future, okay?" she asked.

"Oh, well, I uh, well he's- thank you Bon Bon. Don't worry it will not happen again" I cut her off. Eager to change topics.

"So, uh how do these Pinkie parties work?" I asked. Thankfully Bon Bon seemed happy to change topics and humored me.

"Well like I said Pinkie throws a party for every new pony that comes to Ponyville, though that mare will take any excuse to throw a party. I think she once even threw a party for a donkey when he got his teeth whitened" she said as she began walking towards a massive tree.

"Regardless, you three apparently aren't the only ones new in town today. Some unicorn mare arrived in town via a chariot shortly before you guys showed up believe it or not. I think I also heard she's from Canterlot to oversee the preparations for The Summer Sun Celebration" she added.

At this my interest peaked. If it simply was a single mare here to just help plan for their little celebration the following morning then it would be fine, even if she was from Canterlot.

"Wait, did you say she came in on a chariot?" Delilah asked.

"Yep" the beige mare replied.

"A golden chariot?" Fire added.

"Uh, yeah I saw them touch down" Bon Bon answered. The three of us looked at each other, we could practically see the fatigue in our eyes.

"Well, at least that damned mystery is solved. This mare doesn't even look like she suspects anything. Maybe we should've asked around a bit earlier" I thought.

"Well it was nice talking to you Bon Bon but unfortunately we have too-oof" I was cut off by a quite large wooden sign with the picture of a book on it. A sign which I had just trotted straight into, well done me.

The mares it seemed couldn't help themselves and let small chuckles escape their mouths.

"Jeez Night, you just can't catch a break today huh" Bon Bon laughed.

"Ugh, so it would seem" I replied.

"Well come along, you haven't lived if you've never been to a Pinkie party. Now come inside" she said and opened the door for me.

"Oh ah well, we're kind of on a tight schedule and- oh nonsense" Bon Bon cut me off.

"I know what you three have been doing all day" she added sternly

"You... you do!?" Delilah asked.

"Mhm, if you have the time to prowl around this town for the better part of six hours then you can stay the night for the summer sun celebration" she replied.

"Actually miss, we really need to go. Like right now ahh" I yelped as me and the guards suddenly found ourselves being pushed from behind into the tree the supposed party was taking place in by very excited ponies. I even managed to find myself all but shoved into another pony's back side.

"Oof, hey what's the... oh, heyyyy there stud" she looked back.

"Oh uh h-hi" I sputtered out. She was kind of attractive, nice pale shade of purple, with a slighter darker two tone purple mane and tail. Complete with two purple eyes.

"Usually I leave the sex for later, when we're all drunk, socked, and ready to buck. But for a stallion of your caliber... I think I'll make an exception" she purred.

"No way Amethyst I saw him first" another mare yelled.

"No I did".

"No I did!".

"All of you buck off, that stud is mine!".

It was going to be a long night.