• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,105 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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My hoof tapped quietly against the stone floor. Myself, along with several important political figures, nobles, and high ranking members of the military were all sitting around a circular table.

Upon said table lay several maps, documents, and other assorted items.

Currently we were waiting for my mother to arrive before we would begin this last second emergency meeting. Afterwords I would depart for Equestria.

I decided to kill some time by trying to eavesdrop on several conversations around the room. I didn’t exactly enjoy this but it is an essential skill to have in politics. However, before I could become too engrossed a voice to my right spoke.

“Well now it’s not like your mother to be late to her own meeting your majesty. Any idea on what might be keeping her?”.

“No idea Cyrus, though I suspect that if it’s keeping her occupied. Then it must be important”. I replied to the old, dark purple stallion seated next to me.

Cyrus was in his late 70’s, and was the oldest living member of the triumvirate. The title for the council of my mother’s three advisors.

He had been in politics for the better part of fifty-five years, and had acted as a substitute for when my mother had been too busy to personally instruct me in the art of said subject. Which had unfortunately been quite often.

Still though, it didn’t make him any less of a friend. Plus we had grown quite close over the years.

“Well when she does get here I expect there to be quite a tiffy” he joked. “Ha, of that I have no doubt” I whispered back.

But before he could reply the doors finally slammed open to reveal the mare of the hour and her entourage. They quickly filed in before we could salute her and took their respective seats.

“I apologize for taking so long everypony, there was an unexpected issue involving the stability of Mount Vulcan” my mother announced. At this several concerned glances were thrown in her direction.

“Please, rest assured that the volcano is not going to erupt, nor collapse. Rather we believe it was just erosion taking its toll on the old boy” she added.

While initially concerned I chose not to comment on it, I had read several reports on the mountains condition before and aside from the event of a powerful earthquake or eruption. Vulcan would probably stand without pony intervention for at least another five hundred years.

“Now then let us get this meeting underway. I also apologize for it being quite so last minute”.

“I believe I speak for everypony here when I say it is not a problem your highness” Cyrus replied.

“Thank you Lord Cyrus” she smiled. “Now then, this meeting isn’t actually about me, nor is it about Consilium Vindictae, it is about my son. Or The Flame Prince is what I believe he likes to call himself” she joked.

Ignoring the fact that it was more of a nickname given to me by Changelings I smiled and spoke up.

“Indeed mother, this sudden meeting is because of a dream I had last night. Where I believe… where I met Nightmare Moon”. At that several eyes shot up and a few gasps were heard.

“Nightmare Moon!”

“What, how is that even possible!”

“Is she coming for us, we need those elements more than ever now!”

“Your majesties, with all due respect I-“

I raised to a hoof and immediately all conversations ceased. I could have chastised them for these outbursts, and I probably should’ve. However I didn’t have the time nor the energy to do so.

“Listen, all of you. I’m not going to… repeat what she told me. But this changes nothing, if anything we need the elements more than ever now” I stated.

With that the chaotic shouting stopped, and quiet returned to the room as everypony took it all in. The gravity of the situation.

“Do you think that if Nightmare Moon is successful in regaining power she’ll come for us?” A dark orange mare named Carmen asked? Like Cyrus she was also apart of the triumvirate.

“I believe so Lady Carmen. From what I gathered a mare like her would sooner or later come for us, and we do not need another Alicorn complicating things. Especially on the eve of our return” I replied.


After a few more questions silence reigned once more throughout the room as everypony silently dwelled on what they had been told.

“My prince, what did she tell you?” Spymaster Crimson Blade asked.

“I… she more or less threatened me, and promised that if we continued with Consilium Vindictae then there would be consequences” I replied.

At that several mares around the room scrunched their faces, but my mother actually looked furious.

I thought I’d heard her mutter “Hmph, the cheek of that demon to threaten you” but it was so quiet that I just dropped it.

Cyrus meanwhile looked like he wanted to say something. But chose to stare at the table instead, and the conversation soon moved to other subjects.

We continued for another two hours, after moving on from Nightmare Moon and how this forced us to change our strategies we went over subjects from how we were going to supply our invasion force to what if the assault on Canterlot failed.

However once the clock hit one in the afternoon I prepared to excuse myself since I would depart for Equestria in two hours and would need to prepare.

“And so that is how we will defeat any Equestrian counter-incursion into the Firelands. The same way we have defeated all of our foes in the last thousand years, and should they be able to actually reach Ashen… well. Let them charge into our walls… towards their own deaths” I proclaimed. Several chuckles followed.

“Well then, I believe this is all we have time for. You all have your assigned duties for the next few weeks so see to it that they are properly fulfilled” my mother announced.

Slowly everypony stood up and filed out, save for myself, my mother, her guards and advisors.

“Flameheart” she called me over. “I cannot stress how important this is now. Overnight this has gone from our first actual shot at vengeance in over a millennium to our outright survival as a species”. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, if we fail, if you fail…”

“I understand mother, and I will not fail”. She smiled and I felt that familiar warmth flow throughout my body.

“Hehe, in that I have no doubt my son. Now, take these last few hours to do your final preparations, as I believe you leave at… three?”. At my nod she continued.

“Right, also take these. First this necklace, we swiped it from a Changeling hive a few centuries ago. It will let you change into a normal pony. As for the legion the unicorns they will simply cast an illusion spell on their non-magical members”.

“The second item is a crystal that will allow you to communicate with us from anywhere in the world” she explained and I nodded.

“Lastly… I… I just want to tell you how proud I am of you Flameheart. You’ve really stepped up these last few years, nay, you’ve gone above and beyond. Words cannot express how proud I am of you, and I know that you will not fail” she added.

“Thank you mother, I love you” I replied. She smiled and we embraced each other.

“Likewise my son, and I know you will not fail me nor our subjects” she replied.

Soon after we separated and I looked at the clock, I needed to get a move on.

“Thank you mother, but I must beg my leave if I am to be on time”.

“Of course, I shall see you in a few hours Flameheart” she smiled.

“Let’s see, saber check, Changeling necklace check, bag of holding with my other weapons, armor, crystal communicator and other supplies… check”.

With that I looked myself over one final time in the mirror before I would present myself to my mother and the soldiers.

I was wearing my polished steel grey adamantium armor set. My usual clothes packed right into my bag of holding.

Once I was certain I was ready I grabbed everything I needed and headed down the staircase to meet my mother in the main hall. My saber at my side and my bag of holding hidden in a cavity in my helmet.

Like I had presumed my mother was waiting for me in the main hall. Conversing with her advisors, guards, and a few other important individuals that I had seen in the meeting a few hours ago.

“Are you ready Flameheart?” she asked.

“Of course mother, always”.

“Heh, just be sure to be careful when in Equestria… okay” she added.

“Yes mother I understand” I replied.

“Good, now then let us proceed”. We proceeded through the palace and down to the citadel, where the legion ‘Aeternum Unicornium’ was waiting.

They were the best and most capable we had to offer. The legion was obviously made up of unicorns, though that was only 3/4 of the way.

The other quarter was taken up by Flame Ponies. This was mainly due to them being able to fly and breathe fire, two abilities that we're nothing but foolhardy to give up in combat.

We made good time and soon reached the main parade grounds, were the legion was waiting. Along with their commareder, a purple unicorn with a light grey mane coupled with purple eyes to match her coat.

Upon seeing our little entourage she ordered them into parade formation before walking up to address us.

“Commareder Calla Asteria at your service, my liege” she bowed.

Due to being a unicorn Asteria was a little smaller than the average Flame Pony. Still she possessed a good frame with quite a bit of muscle, and could definitely hold her own against a pegasus or earth pony.

“Rise commareder” my mother replied. She did so.

“I’m certain that you have all been briefed on this already but I feel that I should remind you of just how important this mission is. Our entire existence could be waning on your success” she added.

“I understand your majesty”.

“Excellent, Flameheart, do you require anything before you two set off?” Radiance asked.

“No mother, I am ready if she is” I replied.

“Very well then, I shall let you two become acquainted” she said but whispered into my ear. “Be careful please, I love you” before she walked away. I watched her go for a few seconds before turning back to Asteria.

Sigh well commareder, are you ready?” I asked.

“Yes your majesty”.

“Very well, let’s not keep the soldiers waiting then” I added.

She nodded and I proceeded onto a small stage overlooking the parade grounds. It was usually for overseeing training exercises or for small events like the graduation of a class or award ceremonies.

This was however the biggest event it had likely seen in quite a while. 39 unicorn mares wearing grey steel armor stood infront of me, while Asteria stood to my right.

“Guardsmares of the fourth legion of the Kingdom Of Fire. Today we begin one of the greatest adventures in our history to date. Today, after twelve hundred years we are leaving the embrace of the Firelands and returning to Equestria”. Several eyes shot up at this but I continued on as if they hadn’t.

“With the late Queen Vesta Blaze’s prowess and courage we will march straight into the heart of Equestria and retrieve five artifacts considered so powerful that they have stopped Discord himself, and we will do it regardless of strength, regardless of fear, and regardless of death”.

“For duty, for honor, and for the holy flame itself!” I shouted. “For duty, for honor, and for the holy flame itself!” thirty-nine voices shouted back at me. Satisfied I gave a nod to Asteria.

“Right… Face!” she shouted. It only took one second for the legion to complete that order.

“Forward… March!” The first set of flaming armored hooves slammed down upon the stone they stood upon. Then the next came a second later and the process repeated.

Other ponies around the room stopped what they were doing and saluted the column that was marching past them.

Me and Asteria trotted alongside and slowly overtook them and assumed our place at the front of the two row column. With me infront and Asteria to my back right, four hooves behind me. With four sets of soldiers following us.

We exited Mount Vulcan through a secret emergency tunnel and set off for Equestria.

We circled around the city and began to head east. But in order to reach Equestria we would first have to march through the Firelands, which wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.

Once we finally crested a hilltop named ’Discovey Ridge’ I looked back, the city of Ashen was directly behind me as the legion marched past.

I thought of everpony behind and on those walls, every Flamepony who’d died defending them, and every single injustice they’d had to suffer because of another’s action. But mostly I thought of my mother and late father, and what she had told me.

“I will not fail you, any of you” I muttered.