• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

  • ...

The Nightmare's Return

I did not yelp, I did not jump, but I will shamefully admit I was more than a little intimidated as Nightmare Moon herself approached us.

"A little colt playing the role of a mare? How cute. We warned thee of what would happen should thou attempt to interfere with our plans! But as usual it seems colts do not listen to requests, and only listen to demands and displays of force" she flaunted. Raising her wings to convey power.

Delilah meanwhile moved infront of me while telekinetically placing Spike on Twilight's back. "Oh, and what does thee think thou ist going to achieve... little filly?" Nightmare taunted. Undeterred Delilah rushed forward and teleported just before she collided with the dark mare.

Thrown off by this Nightmare didn't register Delilah reappearing behind her until it was too late. Though fortunately for her Delilah didn't have time to draw her weapon. Meanwhile Delilah's hooves, while not an Earth Pony's, we're still capable of doing damage. Especially when equipped with her still disguised bladed hoofguards.

Nightmare staggered forward with the blow to the back of her head and I capitalized on this by uppercutting her with my right forehoof. While another pegasus mare raced down from above with a barely concealed sword and sliced Nightmare's horn clean off. Me and Delilah then went in for the kill.

Using her magic Delilah held the mare down while I dashed forward with my saber going straight for her throat. But the Mare Of The Moon had her own tricks as well. Turning into a purple bluish mist I soared right through her and collided with the disguised rebounding Flame Pony from earlier.

Nightmare took this chance and summoned more lightning to vaporize Delilah, who by some miracle managed to step back and dodge the worst of it. While Nightmare backed off and retreated out of the building before soaring into the night sky.


"Sir, are you ok!?" the mare whom I had crashed into asked.

"Yes yes now come on, we need to get moving!" I replied. She nodded and we got to our hooves while Twilight galloped over. Noticing her the guard readied her weapon and leveled it towards Twilight, who stopped a few trots away from us in shock and confusion.

I put a hoof to the guards shoulder. "It's alright, she's with us".

"What, but... isn't she an equestrian?" she whispered.

"Yes, so shut it and press the advantage" I replied. The mare seemed surprised but sheathed her sword.

Glancing about the room thankfully revealed that only a few ponies seemed to notice our little exchange with Nightmare, and those that did seemed to be caught up with their own problems for the moment. Rainbow Dash in particular was causing quite a ruckus. Several curses left her mouth before she finally managed to break Applejack's grip of her tail and dashed out of the building after Nightmare.

"All right, let's move before more problems make themselves known" I ordered and helped Delilah to her hooves.

"Come back here!".

"Stay with your detachment, we'll be fine" I told the disguised guardsmare.

"Wha, but sire you shouldn't even be here... - this is not the time for this guardsmare" I cut her off. "Return to your duties now" I added. The mare thankfully nodded reluctantly and flew off.

"All right we've done all we can - are you kidding me?!" Twilight interrupted. "You... you we're amazing. I've only seen royal guards fight like that, and even then those ones we're veterans at that. Why didn't you guys tell me you could do that before. If you can just kick Nightmare Moon's flank then why did we stay up all night researching the elements!?" Twilight asked.

"Because that was stupid and reckless, had we been a little bit slower. Especially in Delilah's case... one or both of us could have easily been killed" I answered.

"That was still amazing sugarcube, I've never seen anypony fight like that" Applejack praised as she and Rarity walked up. "Indeed darling, that was... well amazing, astonishing even" Rarity added.

"We got lucky, unless Nightmare is a fraud then she's probably just weak at the moment... magic wise, thanks to breaking Celestia's thousand year long imprisonment spell" I said. The mares just looked at me in surprise.

"Well regardless we still need to stop her" Twilight affirmed. "Oh the princess should have been here by now, why isn't she, where is she!?" Twilight panicked.

"Knowing Nightmare she's probably already dealt with Celestia. She's prideful, arrogant, and far too overconfident in her abilities... but she's not stupid".

Me and Delilah shared a look, it was time to hightail it from this town. We had more than overstayed our welcome.

"She's probably already been incapacitated by Nightmare Moon, and we should be moving if we don't want to be either" I said.

"No" Twilight stomped her hoof. "The princess needs me, and as her faithful student it falls to me to help her" she proclaimed.

"...Well you have fun getting yourself killed then. Me and Delilah are going to be doing the smart thing and heading the opposite direction, and I urge you two" I pointed to the two other mares with us. "Too do the same along with those you care about. Good da... poof ah!" I yelled. Suddenly it appeared that we we're back in the library, along with Delilah, Rarity, and Applejack on the ground with me.

"What the... what the buck! Who just teleported us" I barked. Delilah tried to help me up but I was far too tired to have to deal with a mare's chivalry currently and just got up myself. Glancing about revealed that Rarity had seemed like she had fared well with the surprise teleport but Twilight's lit horn told me all I needed to know.

"I'm sorry Night but you two aren't going anywhere right now" she said.


"What!" the mares yelled.

"Tw... Twilight, what has gotten into you. What has this innocent stallion done?" Rarity asked.

"First, he is far from innocent Rarity, you saw him fight just as I did. Secondly, he and his mare clearly know about Nightmare Moon" Twilight replied.

Rarity looked like she was going to say something but the words died on her lips. "He... did say something about her earlier to me and Applejack today" she acquiesced.

"Well ah don't approve of this at all Twilight, even if he knows somethin holdin him hostage here ain't right!" Applejack added.

"Again I am sorry but - gah!" Twilight shot back just as a bolt of magic hit her square in the tuft, sending her straight into a bookshelf.

"Are you little fillies certain you want to hold us here still?" Delilah asked. Her horn still lit. At that none of them moved while Twilight slowly recovered from her unexpected flight.

"Smart fillies, and you'll stay down if you know what's good for you" she added and we began our way out. However before we could get through the doorway another problem, or rather pest, made itself known.

"Just where do you two think you're going huh, how do you know about Nightmare Moon, and how are you both so good at fighting, and who was that other mare you we're talking too in the town hall earlier!" Rainbow Dash angrily made herself known as she charged right through the doorway, and right into Delilah's face. Who then turned around to face me with a neutral expression.

"Sir, may I kill this harlot?" she asked. To which the surrounding mares eyes went wide once more.

"No, though as much as I would like to see her throat slit open it will lead to far too many problems unfortunately" I replied. "Now then, if you will excuse us we will be making for the other side of Equestria, good day... or evening. Whichever you prefer at this point I guess" I added. However just before we could get through the doorway it slammed shut.

"Wait!" Twilight begged. "Please Night... Delilah... please. I'm, I'm sorry that I did that it's just... Just that I've been trying all day to find a way to stop Nightmare and finally I met you guys and you just seemed like you could help me solve everything and I... I bucked up" Twilight said, and lowered her head in shame.

"I know that I've no right to ask this but... please, I need your help. Equestria needs your help" she added.

"Please, tell me you know of a way to stop her that doesn't involve the elements, please" she all but begged. I wouldn't be lying if I said that I felt bad for her. Even if she did try and hold me hostage. But I couldn't betray my country, my friends, my family! Could I?

"I'm sorry Twilight, I know we need them but I have no idea as to where they could be" I lied. I could almost see the tears well up in her eyes at the end of that sentence, and it genuinely hurt me to see her like that. Though that was about to be replaced by shock and fear.

"Buck, the princess, my parents, Shining, Spike... oh no no no - The Elements Of Harmony, a reference guide" Pinkie Pie blurted out.

"When the buck did she get here!?" I thought. Twilight meanwhile launched herself to the bookshelf Pinkie occupied moments prior, and in the process all but shoving her aside.

"How did you find that!?" she asked.

"It was under e..." the pink mare sang. Me and Delilah just looked at each other.

"Well, it's not likely to have the elements' location or anything. It's just a dusty old book" I whispered to Delilah.

"Agreed, I'll eat dragon shite if it does" she laughed.

"There are six Elements Of Harmony, but only five are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient Castle of The Royal Pony Sisters" Twilight read.

Me and Delilah couldn't keep our mouths shut from shock.

"It is located in what is now... The Everfree Forest!" the mares yiped.

"Are you bucking kidding me... are you actually bucking kidding me right now!" I seethed.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the lack of updates but life sucks. Though this will improve going forward.