• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,158 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

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The City Of Ashen

The night sky was awash with stars, each one glowing brightly as we made our way home. With the city of Ashen’s lights glinting in the distance.

We were three days and two nights into the march and counting. Behind me Plasma led the formation as we trudged through the almost knee deep ash that covered the region known as The Fire Lands.

Thanks to dozens of volcanoes and their countless round the clock hours of activity The Fire Lands were constantly being covered in ash. That and the constant danger from the animals as well meant that just walking from place to place was quite an ordeal.

It was the main reason we had almost no contact from the outside world, although a mare make the trek out here a couple of years ago. What was her name again… Daring Truth, no… Daring Knew, uh Daring Due… ahh buck it. Her name doesn’t matter.

What does however is that she was the perfect example of why outsiders like her are not to be trusted. Not only did she try and fail to pilfer one of our temples dedicated to one of our oldest knights, but she actually had the audacity to fight back when we tried to apprehend her. I mean honestly, it’s the poor ponies’ resting place. Is there no respect for the dead anymore?

“My Prince?”

“Hmm, oh yes Plasma. What did you need?” The silverish black maned mare that had been one of my mentors ever since foalhood gave me a small smile before continuing with her question.

“Are you all right my prince, you’ve been very quiet tonight?”

Hmm, now that’s an interesting question. Though I suppose I’m not always the most social individual”. Although I would never admit it I did like to spend a considerable amount of my time in my room playing and sometimes just daydreaming when I was little. Plus when I got older that changed into coming up with new battle strategies and ideas to help the kingdom, as was my duty.

“Do not worry Captain, I am fine” I answered.

“Very well my prince”. However I could tell by the tone of her voice that something was up. After checking to make sure that the mares behind us were either on the lookout for any threats or simply talking with each other I asked Plasma a question of my own.

“Do you worry about my health captain?”. To her credit Plasma did not stutter or even break in her stride, a testament to her resolve. Unlike so many.

“Only when said prince and only heir to the throne charges straight into the maw of a Deathworm” she answered.

“Touché” I replied. “But I know of your capabilities, as I’ve trained you since you were a little colt. Per your mothers… wishes” she continued.

“I knew that you, along with the two knights that accompanied you, would be able to kill that worm. The only question would be if you would receive an injury for your efforts”.

“Well then I’m glad that I did not disappoint” I cut in. Plasma just smiled before she spoke again.

“Indeed my prince, indeed”. With that it seemed that our conversation was concluded. Especially as we were now approaching the main gate of the massive wall surrounding the city of Ashen.

Ashen was an impressive city, or at least from the probably outdated pictures I had of other cities to compare it to. The majority of it was made out of stone. Since that was the most non-flammable material we had easy access to.

It was built within a small hoofshoe shaped valley at the base of a decent size mountain. With the market and commercial districts both located at the lowest levels. Market stalls, the trade guild, a guard station, church, and other related buildings were located within these districts as well.

Above them was the housing district were about 70% of the population of Ashen lived, and if you went a little higher then you would reach ’Upper Ashen’. Here was were the wealthier Flame Ponies lived.

Large manors, the barracks, the guard’s headquarters, and even a small university could be found here. But all of this paled in comparison to the massive castle that rose far above everything else. From the many manors to even the massive lava fountain in front of it, Castle Phoenix loomed above the entire city with grace and majesty.

It was a symbol of our resolve. That even after being banished to one of the most inhospitable climates in the whole world we not only survived but thrived… or at least a little.

While we probably were the best species of ponies and best species in general besides dragons that were suited for this climate that did not mean we were without problems. The biggest example being food, as we were still ponies, and ponies were herbivores. Thankfully we had been able to adapt overtime. With us now being able to consume some bits of meat. However the majority of our diets still needed to be plant based.

This we solved in the form of underground farms. Which obviously did wonders for keeping the ash off of our crops. All the while hunters would go out and bring in small game for us to eat alongside our normal meals.

The upper districts of Ashen also housed many of the famed ’Ashen Lords and Ladies’.

If you were of noble blood in the Kingdom Of Fire then you were automatically granted the right to be addressed as an Ashen Lord or Lady, depending on your gender. Though there were significantly more Ladies than Lords. Regardless as the heir to the realm I was obviously regarded as an Ashen Lord ever since I was old enough to become one.

All in all we had built a quaint little society over the centuries, and it was all protected by another of our great achievements. The Wall, it encompassed the entire city, with some sections even having been built atop the cliffs overlooking it.

When we first came to The Fire Lands after having been banished we decided to settle within this valley, as it proved to be easily defendable from many of the dangers out here. Eventually as we expanded and the small settlement grew larger and larger the task of defending it became more difficult. Therefore the wall was built to aid in this quest. Providing the Royal Army with excellent defensive capabilities.

This was even demonstrated during ‘The Battle Of The Two Queens’ over 650 years ago. When the Changeling Queen Aristata besieged Ashen in order to try and subjugate us. It was largely thanks to the wall that we were able to rack up so many casualties without many of our own losses. Plus with it being made out of concrete with metal reinforcements, along with a brick made outer shell meant that the wall was practically indestructible. Along with it actually being considered such a high priority of importance meant that only 5 years later they decided to add a massive moat of lava in front of it.

All of this combined with 1,000 years of hardship on all fronts and you can start to see why we hadn’t been defeated. That even when we had every single disadvantage possible thrown at us we had still prevailed, and we were quite proud of that.

We continued to trudge ever closer to the wall. It was only when you got up close was it truly imposing. The wall had to be at least around 100 hoofs high. That and combined with the lava moat running down the mountain on each side before joining to form the River Blaze meant that the approach to Ashen was not only a nerve-wrecker but awe-inspiring as well.

“Hold there!” a voice on the gantry above commanded. Although we all knew who it was, the old gatekeeper Enya. A veteran in the Royal Guard, she was considered one of the oldest and best that the Kingdom currently had to offer. For decades she had stood watch over the city upon its wall, and under her watch many a infiltration attempt had been snuffed out.

“Who goes there?” she added. ”Heh, Enya always was one for dramatics. If I had a bit for every time that line had ever been said”.

“Prince Flameheart Von Ashen and his contingent of soldiers have returned!” I yelled back, deciding to humor Enya.

“Ahh the noble prince returns to us at last. Did you manage to bag the worm my prince?” she asked.

“Done and dusted, now not to sound out of place but can we please be let in. We’ve been on the march for weeks now and I would like to sleep in my actual bed tonight”. Enya seemed to pause for a moment before nodding to one her subordinates.

“Very well my prince, welcome home” she answered. With that the massive steel gates slowly swung open with a creak and a groan. Along with the steel drawbridge dropping to allow us easy access over the lava moat. Slowly they revealed the lower district of Ashen. Dead in the dead of night as we marched forward.

However some ponies seemed to have either heard the gates being opened or had been woken up by the sound, as some began to emerge from their homes, open their windows, and for the ones that owned them stepped out onto their balconies to watch us march past.

We probably would have broken out into one of our marching songs had it not been so late at night. But there would be other times for that, preferably when we would not wake up the entire city.

We marched straight upwards to the Knight and Royal Guard barracks in Upper Ashen. We’re we would retire for the night after unloading our cargo, several of our items being some of the massive Deathworm teeth we had taken as proof of the kill. The citizens of Ashen were also taking great interest in these as we marched past.

About 15 minutes of marching later and we arrived at our destination. After offloading our cargo for tomorrow’s announcement and formally dismissing my soldiers I turned to Plasma.

“Well Plasma, it certainly has been a fun few weeks”.

“Indeed my prince, indeed. If you can call hunting and killing a highly dangerous adversary fun” she joked.

“Eh, something’s gotta keep our spirits high wouldn’t ya say” I replied. Plasma gave a good chuckle before looking at the massive teeth. “Combat training tomorrow?” I added.

“Hehe, if you think you need it, then sure” she replied. “Oh come now Plasma, I thought you liked when we trained together”.

“Heh, you know me well my prince” she responded.

“Plasma please, we’ve been over this. When in private you can just call me Flameheart”. Plasma actually giggled at this, something which was a rare sight.

“Very well, I look forward to our training tomorrow. Have a good night Flameheart” she replied before turning and heading to the castle. I was about to follow her when another guard trotted up to me.

“Prince Flameheart” she called. “Guardsmare” I saluted. “What is it you need?” The guard saluted herself before she answered me.

“I bring a message from your mother my prince. She wishes you to report to the throne room immediately”.

”Well then, how unexpected, and just as I was about to go to sleep to. Ah well let’s get this over with”.

Author's Note:

Just So Everyone Knows, Hoofshoe Means Horseshoe. I Just Figured It Was A Better Name And Made More Sense.