• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,726 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...

Scarface and the Ventriloquist with Vizioso

Don Vizioso was in his hotel, pumping iron.

Vizioso asked while continuing to lift weights, “Where is this guy? He's wasting my time, the time that I could be using to retake my turf.”

And Vizioso got his answer when someone knocked on the door.

“Get the door, Krush. I almost reached my daily goal.” Vizioso ordered.

Don Vizioso’s new muscle, Krush, nodded and reached the door, “Boss, you sure about this wacko?”

“Those muties cost me a lot, including my favorite restaurant. I'll do whatever it takes to get even.” Vizioso vowed, seething revenge on his mind.

“Yes boss.” Krush replied.

Krush opened the door and the visitor entered Vizioso’s room. This visitor was a timid, old man wearing a gray suit and brown pants. Also, he was holding a puppet who’s dressed up like a gangster from the 1950s.

Don Vizioso assumed, “So, your the one they call Scarface and the Ventriloquist.”

“Yeah, and you must be Don Vizioso.” Scarface answered as the Ventriloquist brought out a picture of Vizioso, but he looked different.

Ventriloquist asked, “Uh, Mr. Scarface you sure we got the right guy? He's a little buff to be Vizioso.”

Before Scarface said something abrasive, he glanced at the picture.

Scarface retracted, “The dummy's right. You've been taking steroids?”

Don Vizioso answered, “Nah, I’ve been exercising and pumping iron to make myself stronger. That’s what a real man does. And when I’m ready, I’ll make sure to get even with those turtle freaks.”

Scarface chuckled, “Looks like it's our double lucky day. I have a score to settle with them and some friends of there’s and Black Mask has put up a bounty high enough for both of us to split.”

“I’ll flush them out, you bag them up.” Vizioso suggested.

Ventriloquist nodded, “Sounds like a fair deal to me.”

Scarface shouted at his buddy’s face, “Nobody asked you!”

Krush hung up his phone after talking to his buds and told Vizioso, “Boss, two of our guys spotted one of those freaks and his pals at the old police station across the city.”

Don Vizioso questioned his bodyguard, “Which color? Blue, Black, Purple, Red, or Orange?”

“Orange, sir.” Krush answered.

Scarface remembered and told them, “Oh, I know that turtle. He’s nothing but a child.”

“Any other information that I need to know?” Vizioso asked.

Krush answered, “Well, there were a bunch of teens and freaks altogether. One of them was that girl with pink hair and wore a pink tutu and a shirt with three balloons on it.”

Scarface gasped and remembered, “That's the girl that knocked me out back in Gotham!” The puppet pulled out a tiny, but lethal, tommy gun.

“Get us a ride over there. Now!” Vizioso demanded.

Meanwhile, Mikey’s group was checking out the old police station in Canterlot City.

“Glad I'm able to check this place out.” Mikey said as he looked at the abandoned police station.

Rockwell asked, “Michelangelo, any particular reason why?”

“I wanted to set up an emergency outpost and rally point here in the city in case something like the Kraang Invasion happens again. This place is perfect.” Mikey cheered.

Sugarcoat wondered, “And if the city decides to tear it down?”

Mondo informed his friends, “Actually, this place is where I stayed before joining the Mutanimals. I hid here during the Kraang Invasion and did pretty well on hiding.”

“I did some research on a lot of old buildings throughout the city without demolition dates, and this place was on the list.” Casey said as he was finished looking through the papers.

Pinkie Pie smiled, “That’s great! Looks like we got another hideout to decorate!”

“A little bit of cleaning and it will be pretty good.” Rainbow Dash added.

Then, Shini walked in with a fully signed “Get-Well-Soon” card in her hand.

“Leo’s party dealt with another bounty hunter, so we got one less headache. Oh, and Donnie got the last signatures.” Shini informed the team as she handed the card to Pinkie Pie, who’s smile grew even wider.

Suddenly, Casey’s cousin, Sid, bursted through the doors of the station and told everyone, “Guys, we got company!”

Mikey and his gang exited the station and looked up ahead to see some cars covered in black heading towards them. Everyone went back inside to find some to cover and saw the gangs getting out of their cars.

Casey asked his cousin, “Friends of yours, Sid?”

“I swear, I've been keeping my nose out of trouble.” Sid said.

Pinkie Pie noticed someone familiar and patted Casey’s shoulder, “Uh, Casey.”

Casey shifted his focus to the mafia and saw the duo, Scarface and the Ventriloquist, stepping out of the car.

Mikey whined, “Not him again.”

Casey said, “Well looks back from prison.”

“Who’s the guy with the Al Capone puppet?” Sugarcoat asked.

Casey answered, “That old dude is the Ventriloquist and the puppet he’s holding is Scarface.”

Rockwell used his telepathic powers and informed everyone, “I’m getting some broken thoughts from him. Like there's two minds fighting for control.

Shini noticed another familiar person and told everyone, “Look who else is here.”

The muscular, Don Vizioso stepped out of the car, looking all tough as ever.

Casey recognized him, “Don Vizioso?”

“Wow. He looks different from before.” Mikey noticed.

“That’s the crime boss you guys fought. I thought you guys said he looked fat enough to be one plate of spaghetti away from a heart attack.” Rainbow Dash reminded the boys.

Rockwell noticed, “Clearly, he's been working out...”

Vizioso called out his enemies, “Muties, come out. We know you’re in there.”

“If you ain’t coming out, we’re gonna do this the hard way!” Scarface demanded as he pulled out a tiny, but lethal, tommy gun and the rest of Vizioso’s goons followed and pulled out their guns too.

Mikey, being group leader and all came up with a plan. He informed his team, “Okay, if the leader of their group comes out, you promise that we can resolve this without violence.”

Rainbow Dash whispered, “Mikey, what are you...”

“Shh.” Mikey shushed and directed to the sniper he spotted on the rooftop across the street.

Sugarcoat whispered, “So, what are we suppose to do now?”

“There’s a secret tunnel in the back that should get some of us behind them. I marked it as an emergency escape route.” Mondo whispered as he showed them the layout of the police station.

Mikey whispered and ordered, “Mondo, take Casey, Pinkie, and Shini with you and ambush them. Rockwell, stay here and see what you can do. Sid, guard him.”

Everyone nodded, realizing Mikey’s planning a sneak attack.

“Okay, I'm coming out.” Mikey shouted as he started walking with his hands up.

“Hold your fire.” Don Vizioso ordered as Scarface, and their goons lowered their weapons as Mikey exited the abandoned police station.

Mikey greeted, “Hey! Long time no see, Vizioso. Glad to see you are in top, physical shape.”

Vizioso shrugged, “Eh, didn’t have a lot of options while I was in jail.”

“You look good, though.” Mikey complimented.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash ran by, but the breeze didn't go unnoticed.

The Ventriloquist turned and looked around, “What was that?”

Mikey answered, “Nothing, just the wind.”

“Oh, okay.” The Ventriloquist said.

Scarface told his bud, “Shut up! Anyway, now that we got you. Where are the rest of your turtle friends?”

“All across the city. With that bounty on our heads, Leo figured it’d smart to split up.” Mikey answered.

Ventriloquist told his boss, “He’s got a point, Mr. Scarface.”

Scarface shouted at him, “Nobody asked you, dummy!”

While Mikey distracted his enemies, Mondo’s group sneaks around with some firecrackers.

Vizioso informed everyone, “If they’re not here, I guess we’ll have to send them a message. You and your friends are going to pay for what you did to me.”

Rockwell used his mind control powers and took control of one of Vizioso’s thugs.

“But if you destroy me, you won't get the secret information.” Mikey said while Vizioso and Scarface were highly interested.

Vizioso questioned the Ninja Turtle, “What information?”

Mikey answered, “We have... Salmonella.”

Scarface was confused, “Salmonella?”

Ventriloquist asked, “What’s that?”

Behind the goons was Shini and she wrapped two of Vizioso’s thugs up and pulled them into the shadows.

Vizioso heard their screams and alerted his men, “It’s a distraction!”

“Sugarcoat, go long!” Mikey shouted as he kicked Scarface off of the Ventriloquist’s hands and the puppet flew towards Sugarcoat like a soccer ball.

Scarface screamed, “Aagghh!”

Sugarcoat ran and caught Scarface.

Scarface demanded, “Hey! Get your filthy hands off of me, you little doll!”

Sugarcoat was disgusted and freaked out, “Uggh, you’re about the second ugliest thing I've ever seen. First being my former principal’s personality.”

While Sugarcoat was distracted, the Ventriloquist tried to attack Sugarcoat, but he was attacked by the thug that Rockwell controlled.

On the rooftop, Rainbow Dash started wrestling with the Vizioso’s sniper.

“Let me nail the Turtle and I’m sure the boss will gladly give you a cut.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed, “When pigs fly.”

The pair inadvertently fired the rifle and it nailed Scarface right out of Sugarcoat’s hand.

The sniper witnessed the impact and said, “Oops.”

“Nice shot.” Rainbow snickered.

Vizioso’s sniper growled and tried to grab his pistol from his jacket. “Huh?” He wondered as he didn’t have it, but Rainbow already took it with her super speed.

“Good night.” Rainbow said and punched him in the face, knocked him down unconscious.

“I gotta get out of here.” The Ventriloquist told himself and started running away.

Shini saw the Ventriloquist running away and commented, “And I thought the Shredder was ugly.”

Then, Mondo rode on his skateboard and threw the lit firecrackers behind the Ventriloquist, startling him.

Scarface commented, “Dummy.”

“Mondo, catch.” Shini ordered and tossed the puppet to Mondo Gecko.

“Dude, they call us mutants ugly.” Mondo said as he caught Scarface and saw the Ventriloquist coming his way and rode away with his skateboard.

Meanwhile, Krush continued to attack Rainbow Dash, until Pinkie Pie wrapped his wrist up.

Pinkie Pie said, “Got ya.”

Krush pulled Pinkie Pie towards her and punched her. Rainbow Dash saw Pinkie with a nasty black eye and became furious.

Rainbow Dash shouted, “Hey! You’ll pay for that!”

Krush told her, “There’s plenty more where that they came from!”

Vizioso’s bodyguard threw a punch at Rainbow, but she dodged his heavy punches and threw some fast strikes at him.

As for Mikey, he was dodging every single punch that Vizioso threw.

“You muties cost me my reputation, my men, and my restaurant.” Vizioso told Mikey as he continued throwing punches.

Mikey suggested as he continued dodging, “Would it help if say we did you a favor on that last one?”

Vizioso growled and slammed his fist, but missed Mikey.

“Okay, clearly no.” Mikey answered.

But then, Mikey noticed how quickly Vizioso was getting exhausted and decided to use his natural, annoying self.

“I guess you’re also mad that Vic and Vinnie quit working for you.” Mikey reminded Vizioso as he continued to dodge more of Vizioso’s attacks.

Vizioso shouted, “SHUT UP!”

“We actually did you a favor. You once looked like you were one plate away from a heart attack.” Mikey told his enemy, but still dodging.

Vizioso continued attacking and said, “I don’t need favors from freaks like you.”

After that, Vizioso got more exhausted.

“This coming from someone so fat, he couldn’t even stand on his own two legs.” Mikey replied and dodged Vizioso’s last attack and the mob boss drained all of his energy to fight Mikey.

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Mikey commented as he pushed Vizioso and made him fell like a two-ton anvil.

Meanwhile, the Ventriloquist was still chasing after Mondo Gecko who’s still got Scarface in his hand.

The Ventriloquist begged him, “Give him back, please?”

However, Sid stopped the Ventriloquist and pointed his gun at him, “Stop right there, mister. Why do you listen to that puppet so much? You’re bigger than him. You can make your decisions on your own without your little friend.”

The Ventriloquist didn’t listen and pushed Sid aside and resumed chasing after Mondo.

“Casey, think fast.” Mondo called Casey and he tossed Scarface to Casey just as the Ventriloquist tackled him.

Casey said, “Got him.”

Then, the Ventriloquist pulled out his gun from his jacket, but Sugarcoat hit him with a chop on the back of his head and knocked him out.

Scarface commented, “Dummy.”

As for Rainbow Dash kept beating the snot out of Krush. “No one. Hurts. My. Friend!” Rainbow shouted and kicked Krush in the face hard enough that his sunglasses break.

Krush got his head rung, feeling like he was dizzy.

“Let me finish him, Rainbow!” Pinkie pleaded, but she was stumbling, “All five of them.”

“Uhhh... okay. Go for it, Pinkie. The floor’s all yours.” Rainbow stepped aside and ran back.

Pinkie Pie got lucky and knocked Krush out cold just before losing her balance. Vizioso, Scarface and the Ventriloquist, and their goons were all defeated.

Casey noticed the dizzying Pinkie and said, “Pinkie, how many fingers am I holding up?”

Pinkie Pie saw 5 Casey hands, showing 3 fingers.

“Fifteen.” Pinkie answered.

Mikey ordered, “Okay, you’re joining Mona in the infirmary.”

“No, I can fight.” Pinkie Pie begged and swung her weapon and nearly sliced her friends with the blade part of her weapon, but her friends luckily dodged that.

Sugarcoat told her, “Clearly, that punch to your head is serious. Your left eye is already swelling shut.”

“Besides dear girl, you’ll be able to give Mona some company.” Rockwell suggested.

But then, Rainbow Dash realized that Rockwell was playing on Pinkie’s good nature. So, she told Pinkie, “And you’ll be able to deliver the card.”

Pinkie Pie begged again, “C’mon. Give me another chance to stay in the team. Please?”

Mikey ordered, “Walk in a straight line and you can.”

“Easy.” Pinkie Pie answered and she tried to walk straight, but ended up stumbling to the group.

Casey nodded, “Yep. That pretty much confirms that Pinkie is injured.”

Pinkie Pie said while feeling dizzy, “Pretty birdies.”

Rockwell noticed her injury, “Definitely concussion.”

Then, Casey’s phone was ringing. He picked it up and answered.

Casey called, “Donnie, what’s up?”

“Casey, can you bring the Turtle Racer to New York?” Donnie asked him.

Casey wondered, “Why do you need the Turtle Racer?”

Donnie answered, “We’re up against another bounty hunter who’s got a fast car and we’re totally outmatched.”

“Okay, I’ll be right over.” Casey said as he glanced at Pinkie, “But first, I need to drop Pinkie Pie off. Do you know where Mona is?”

Donnie answered, “She’s in the Turtle Lair.”

“Thanks, D. I'll catch with you later,” Casey hung up his phone and grabbed Pinkie, “You guys good without me?”

Mikey answered, “We’ll manage.”

“Cool. Sid, don’t get any ideas.” Casey ordered his cousin.

Sid nodded, “Right.”

“So, what are we going to do with this?” Sugarcoat asked as she picked up Scarface.

Sid answered, “I don’t know. Sell it for scrap?”

Rainbow Dash responded, “Are you crazy?! This deranged puppet is clearly from another world.”

Sid suggested, “It’s just a stupid puppet. Look, give it to me and I’ll make it dance.”

“Who are you calling stupid, Stupid?” Scarface said.

Sid wondered, “Did someone just call me ‘Stupid’?”

Sugarcoat noticed Scarface just spoke without his owner and asked, “Did that puppet just talked by itself? Is he possessed by some sort of evil spirit?”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash’s geode started glowing.

Rainbow Dash informed her friends, “Guys, I don’t think this puppet needs strings to hold it down.”

“Well what do you expect from a puppet? Made from a gallow tree?” Scarface asked.

Mondo suggested, “So... what should we do with it now?”

“Give Mr. Scarface to me.” The Ventriloquist requested as everyone saw him struggling to get up while holding Scarface's tommy gun.

Scarface told him, “About time you did something right.”

The Ventriloquist nodded, “You’re right... The day I first met you.”

Rainbow Dash interrogated him, “Why do you always listen to that puppet? C’mon, it’s never too late to walk away from this.”

The Ventriloquist started thinking hard at everything he’s done.

Scarface tried to influence his owner with his words, “Don’t listen to them. They’re just trying to mess with your head.”

Then, the Ventriloquist saw an injured Pinkie Pie in Casey’s arms, something he never wanted.

After a brief moment, the Ventriloquist sighed and decided to drop the gun.

“I give up. I surrender.” The Ventriloquist pleaded as he put his hands up.

The heroes celebrated as Rainbow used her super speed and handcuffed the Ventriloquist with handcuffs from the abandoned police station.

Scarface told his owner, “I knew you were worthless.”

Suddenly, a roll of duct tape fell out of Pinkie's hair and Casey caught it, “Guys, here. This might shut up this oversize termite buffet.”

Casey gave the tape to Rainbow and informed his friends, “I’m getting Pinkie out of here.”

While Casey helped Pinkie walk, Rainbow put some duct tape on Scarface’s mouth with her super speed.

Minutes later, the police escorted Vizioso and his men out of Canterlot City while Mikey and his team kept Scarface and the Ventriloquist.

Mikey told them, “Now, for you two.”

“I understand.” The Ventriloquist answered while Scarface mumbled something abrasive.

Rockwell nodded, “Something tells me that it was a good thing we taped his mouth.”

Mikey used the portal projector to open up a portal. After that, Mikey and his gang pushed them into the portal and those two criminals were outta there.

“And that takes care of that.” Mikey said as the portal closed.

Rainbow patted him on the shoulder and told him, “Hey Mikey, if we want to turn this place into an outpost, we better get to work.

“You got it, Dash.” Mikey answered as he and his gang started working on rebuilding the abandoned police station into their outpost after defeating another gang of bounty hunters in Canterlot City.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be fast and furious.