• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,727 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

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Sunset Shimmer, Adagio Dazzle, and Sour Sweet were inside the Party Wagon as they wait for Rarity who was in the jewelry store. As for Bebop and Rocksteady, they were inside their van while Raph, Mona, and Slash were inside the Shell Raiser.

“Dang, we've been here an hour and she's still shopping.” Slash said.

Mona said, “And I thought the Commander's treatments take long.”

Raph complained, “We should be patrolling, not shopping.”

After minutes of waiting, Sunset had enough and said, “I'll go in and get her.”

“Might need some help on dragging her out?” Adagio chimed in.

Then, a large puff of black smoke appeared coming from a building just blocks away from them.

Bebop saw it from his car window and alerted Rocksteady, “Hey yo Rocky! We got trouble.”

“Better haul the tail!” Rocksteady said as he looked and saw the black smoke.

Rarity ran out to the group with shopping bags in her hands, but she accidentally bumped into a random person who was just going to enter the jewelry store.

Adagio Dazzle asked, “What took you so long, Rarity?”

“Aside from someone bumping into me, it takes awhile to find quality gemstones for my fashion designs. But there was something familiar about the person who bumped into me.” Rarity replied before continuing to remember the person.

Sunset said, “We don’t have time to figure it out, but we gotta go now. There’s trouble up ahead.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice darling.” Rarity said.

The gang got into their vehicles and drove to the source of the black smoke. Up on the rooftops was a person wearing a cloak who was spying on Raph’s team and said, “Looks like my old playmate is with her friends. More toys for this pussycat.” The cloaked figure followed them without being seen.

Meanwhile, flying above the streets of Canterlot City was a person with a helmet, jetpack with thrusters and wings, grenade vest, armor, and a flamethrower who was fleeing the scene of the burning building. He said, “Looks like I’ll be taking a good portion of the bounty, some beverages, and bacon. Note to self: Don’t skip lunch after having a light breakfast.”

Raph and his team arrived on the scene and stared rescuing the people inside the burning building as two fire trucks arrived.

Rocksteady stopped some debris from falling onto a random couple. “Go!” He said.

Instead of screaming, the couple thanked him.

Then, Raph jumped through the window while holding onto a baby covered in a blanket. Rarity caught Raph and the baby with a big diamond platform as she saw them.

Raph thanked her before giving the baby to it’s family, “Thanks Rarity.”

Sunset and Mona went inside the building and ran upstairs to find the control panel for the sprinklers, but Mona felt afraid to tell her friends of her race’s reaction to fire. Sunset’s phone rang and answered her phone, “What is it, Raph? I’m busy at the moment right now.”

“Raph asked Sunset via his T-phone, “How are the sprinklers coming along?”

“I’m working on it.” Sunset answered as she continued to run up the stairs.

Sour Sweet asked via communicator, “What kind of maniac sets a building on fire with innocent people inside?”

Mona and Sunset found the panel and started fixing the sprinkler system. while Mona watched her back, but she was a bit shivered with fear.

“Mona, are you okay?” Sunset asked.

Mona replied, “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay. I think I have this working now.” Sunset said as she fixed the sprinkler system and pressed the button, putting down the fires inside. Then, some firefighters came in to the building to rescue more people and help them exit.

Sunset contacted Raph via phone and said, “Hey Raph, I got the sprinklers working now. However, I found out that the system was tampered with.”

Raph asked, “How?”

Sunset answered, “The pressure to the water system was cut and the building's smoke detectors were destroyed. Someone wanted the fire to go out of control and have nobody in the building know.”

“What? Who would do such a heinous act?!” Raph questioned.

“I don’t know, but...” Sunset stopped talking and looked through the window to see another puff of black smoke appeared. She opened the window and called to her friends, “Uh, guys. We got another problem!”

Slash asked, “What is it?”

Sunset shouted and observed closely, “Another fire broke out and it’s coming from... the Canterlot City Fire Department!”

“Oh, the irony.” Rocksteady said.

Raph complained, “Are you kidding me right now?!”

“Who would burn down our Fire Station?” Sour Sweet questioned.

Rarity calmed down everyone and said, “Let's figure it out after we make sure the station doesn't burn down.”

Bebop agreed and said, “She’s right, yo! We gotta go.”

Raph and his friends went off to the Canterlot City Fire Department to put out the fires.

“Perfect timing. Let’s check if there’s anyone in there.” Raph ordered.

“Right, comrade.” Rocksteady replied as he started running and bursted through the garage door. He looked through the smoke and saw a firefighter getting stuck under the debris. The firefighter shouted, “In here! My leg is caught! Please, help!”

“You got it, firefighter.” Rocksteady said as he liftted the rubble up that was beneath the firefighter’s leg.

The firefighter said, “Thanks.”

Rocksteady carried the firefighter and lead the way out. He replied, “No problem.”

Sunset and Adagio entered the firehouse to find the panel that controls the sprinkler system. However, Mona felt nervous to go inside and Raph noticed it.

“Mona, are you feeling okay?” Raph asked.

Mona answered, “Yes, just worried about the severity of these fires.”

Sunset pressed the buttons to activate the sprinkler system as Bebop, Rocksteady, Rarity, Adagio, and Sour Sweet rescued the other firefighters.

One of the firefighters said, “Thank you.”

Adagio asked on them, “Who did this?”

One of the firefighters answered, “Um, this maniac had a jetpack with wings and a flamethrower. He locked us up in the supply room so that he can trap us and burn us down to the ground.”

“Okay, whoever did this to you guys is going to pay!” Raph said as he put his hand on his fist.

Then, the pyromaniac laughed and bursted out of the firehouse as Rarity used her magic to create diamond shields to protect her friends and the firefighters from the falling debris. He said, “Ah, so you’re the ones who’ve been ruining my beautiful fires.”

“We sure are! And we’re here to stop you from burning our city to the ground!” Sunset yelled.

“And here I thought I was going to put on a show for the whole people in this whole stinkin’ city. Batman may have beaten me once, but you guys won’t. This city will be purified by my flames!” The pyromaniac said as he flew away from Sunset and her friends.

“Quick! After him!” Raph informed his friends as they all went into their vehicles and chased after the flying vehicle in the streets, but Rarity flew up in the air with her diamond hoverboard. However, the cloaked figure followed them by the rooftops.

The criminal turned his head around to see his enemies chasing after him. He said, “Better ditch those losers before I get to my next destination.

Mona used the Shell Raiser’s garbage cannon and fired a shot at the criminal, but he missed.

“Let’s see if you like these fires!” The criminal said as he threw a grenade at them while continuing to fly away.

Raph and his team moved out of the way from the grenade as it exploded.

“No one burns as bright as me!” The criminal said as he threw another grenade.

The grenade was heading towards Mona and she knocked it off with her arm. However, the fire dried out Mona’s left arm.

The criminal threw another grenade and said, “Scream for me!”

Rarity put up a shield from her magic and everyone rallied behind it.

“This guy is totally insane!” Bebop said.

“Black Mask promised me a new city, tinder to my flames! You will all be cinders when I’m done.” The criminal said boosted the thrusters of his jetpack and flew away very fast.

Raph and his team tried to pick up more speed, but it wasn’t enough. “Darn it! There’s no way we can catch him.” Raph said via communicator.

Then, up in the skies was a mutant falcon and spoke via communicator, “But I can.” Raph and his allies heard the sound of a falcon and looked up at the sky and saw the mutant falcon, Raprarr, swooped in and started chasing after Firefly with its incredible airspeed.

“Raprarr? Where in the world did you come from?!” Raph asked, feeling stunned.

Raprarr said, “Sorry that I’m late, but Leo explained to me what was going, so I came in to help. Oh, if you were wondering where my sister is, she’s hanging out with her friends.”

“Boy we’re glad to see you my friend. Keep following that maniac and stop him.” Slash ordered.

“You got it Slash.” Raprarr replied and continued chasing after the flying pyromaniac.

As for the rest, they stopped and parked their vehicles to come up with a plan. Sour Sweet said, “There’s got to be a way to stop this pyromaniac.”

Then, the cloaked figure chimed in, “Perhaps this pussycat can help.”

They all turned around and saw the cloaked figure. Rarity remembered the voice from before and said, “That voice... Oh no, don’t tell me.”

The figure took off the cloak and revealed itself to be Catwoman. She said, “Aww, you don’t look so happy to see me Rarity.”

Rarity, Sunset, and Raph were stunned and said in unison, “Catwoman?!”

“In the flesh.” Catwoman answered.

Bebop said, “Hold up. Wait a minute. You guys know this crazy cat before?”

Rarity answered, looking straight in the eyes of Catwoman, “Yes. This woman that you’re seeing right now is Catwoman. She’s a thief from Gotham City and she tried to steal my bracelet from me.”

“I actually thought about keeping it, but I figured Rarity would’ve popped a blood vein.” Catwoman joked.

Everyone except Rarity giggled, knowing that it’s true.

Catwomam said, “Well, I thought you were the polite one. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”

“I wish I could, but right now is not the time for introductions!” Rarity said while continuing to glare at Catwoman.

“She’s right, but let me ask you this feline. Did you come here for a reason or to get Rarity mad enough to break out in zits?” Raph questioned as Rarity gasped and grabbed a mirror the moment that word left Raph’s mouth.

Catwoman answered, “I came here for a shopping spree, but when I found out that pyromaniac, Firefly, was here in your area, I knew the heroes would need some help.”

“Help? From you? What’s your endgame?” Sunset asked.

Catwoman answered, “Straight to the point, huh? Well, I maybe a thief, but I ain’t heartless. If Firefly sets a fire to a hospital or an orphanage, that’s when I want to see him in handcuffs.”

“Okay. So we can’t let Firefly get near any public buildings. Got it.” Raph confirmed.

Catwoman informed the heroes, “I also planted my tracking device onto him while he was focusing on you.”

“Nice. You really are a sneaky, little cat, girl.” Bebop complimented.

Catwoman said, “You better believe it, Bacon-Face.” She then saw Mona covering her injured arm, “Oh, you might wanna get the Blue Lizard bandaged up first.”

“Wait, what?” Raph asked as he glanced at Mona. “Mona, your arm! Are you feeling okay?”

Mona answered while trying to endure the pain, “It’s just a biological weakness of my kind. Because my race is amphibious, heat weakens our bodies. I hid this because I didn’t want to slow down our mission.”

“That’s very understandable, Mona. Now I understand why you were feeling scared earlier.” Sunset said.

Mona grunted as she felt some more pain on her arm, but Raph calmed her down and said, “It’s okay Mona. Just relax. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Rocksteady asked, “Is it treatable, Comrade Mona?”

“Yes.” Mona answered.

Catwoman said as she tossed the tracker to Sour Sweet, “As much as I would like to stay, but I gotta go now.”

“You’re really leaving already?” Sour Sweet asked as she received the tracker.

Catwoman answered, “I’m leaving the hero work to the heroes. However, if you really want me to go back to Gotham, you’ll have to beat me first.”

“Fair enough. Challenge accepted. I’ll be seeing you later on.” Rarity replied.

Bebop raised his hand and asked, “Quick question, what’s your relationship with your enemies?”

Catwoman answered, “My enemies? Black Mask and his little goon squad are not the kind of people that I would work with. As for Batman, he and I are acquaintances. And I mostly work alone.”

“Respect.” Bebop replied.

Catwoman leaped up to the rooftops and ran away.

“Low tech for a thief, but nimble.” Adagio commented.

Rarity went to check on her shopping bags in the Party Wagon and it was gone. She screamed and yelled, “My shopping bags! Gone!” She knelt down and clenched her fists, feeling angry, “She is going to regret stealing from me if I see her again!”

“Yep. That’s Catwoman for ya, folks.” Raph said.

Sour Sweet looked at the tracker and found out where Firefly was heading. She alerted everyone, “Uh guys, I know where Firefly is going. And it ain’t good.”

Meanwhile, Raprarr is on pursuit of chasing Firefly and he was heading towards the Canterlot City Hospital.

“I better call the hospital and have them evacuate. I hope Aunt Melody is working tonight.” Raprarr said.

Firefly turned his head to see Raprarr chasing him and said, “I’ll turn you into fried chicken if you don’t buzz off!” He used his flamethrower to shoot Raprarr while continuing to fly away.

Raprarr dodged the flames repeatedly while soaring through the air.

Raph and his team were tracking down Firefly and found out that he was heading towards the hospital.

“He’s targeting a hospital?! That’s monstrous!” Sunset shouted.

Raph replied as he kept driving the Shell Raiser, “I better call in Raprarr.” He contacted Raprarr via communicator, “Carter, what’s going on?”

“I’m still chasing the pyromaniac as we speak.” Raprarr answered.

“We can’t let him reach the hospital. Stop him from getting there.” Raph ordered.

Raprarr replied as he continued chasing after Firefly, “I’m already on it.”

Mona continued to writhe and groan in pain. Raph said, “Hang in there, Mona. We’ll get that arm of yours cured as soon as we can.”

“I can still fight.” Mona said, but felt exhausted.

Rarity said via communicator, “Darling, you’re injured.”

“There’s no way we’re putting you out there.” Sunset informed Mona via communicator.

“We gotta lure Firefly away form the hospital.” Sour Sweet said via communicator.

Rocksteady had an idea and informed his allies, “I might have an idea. One word: Fireworks.”

“I think you’re on to something buddy.” Bebop said.

Adagio said, “We should be able to find a whole bunch of fireworks in one area.

“And that one area would be stored in a safe, secured area. The warehouse.” Sunset answered.

“He’ll be drawn to the fire like Mikey to pizza.” Raph said.

Sunset informed Raph, “Exactly. Tell Carter that we have a plan to catch Firefly.”

“I’m on it.” Sour Sweet said and contacted Raprarr. She said, “Carter, we got a plan. Tell us you got good news.”

Raprarr replied, “Good news, my Aunt Melody and the other nurses are evacuating the hospital. Bad news, I still can’t catch the criminal. What do you need me to do?”

“Lure Firefly away from the hospital and let him chase you.” Sour Sweet said.

Raprarr replied, “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. If I wind up smelling like roasted chicken, Rarity is paying for my cologne.”

“Deal.” Sour Sweet agreed with his terms.

Rarity reacted, “WHAT?!”

Raprarr boosted his airspeed and started fighting Firefly after he caught him. Firefly got off of him after a minute of fighting. He was angry and told Raprarr, “Oh, you’re going to regret that!”

“Try me.” Raprarr said as he flew away from Firefly.

Firefly began to chase after Raprarr away from the hospital while Raph and his friends arrived at the abandoned warehouse. They went inside, found some fireworks, and set up their plan to catch Firefly.

“Luckily, Pinkie has a supply of fireworks.” Sunset said.

Adagio asked Sunset, “Should we be worried about Pinkie than handling lethal explosives?”

“No, but I’m sure Pinkie will be okay.” Sunset answered.

“Yeah, I’m sure Pinks has a pyrotechnic license for her fireworks.” Bebop said.

The group finished setting up the fireworks for their plan to work.

“Raph, would you do the honors?” Sunset asked and offered Raph the detonator.

Raph answered, “Yes, I will.” He received the detonator from Sunset and pressed the button to activate it, setting off the fireworks.

Firefly stopped chasing and saw the fireworks in display as it kept booming.

“Ooh, pretty lights.” Firefly said as he head towards the fireworks.

Raprarr contacted his allies and said, “Guys? If that’s you, Firefly is heading your way.”

“Perfect. Everyone, get into position and hide.” Raph ordered his allies and they all found their spots while Mona was in the Shell Raiser, holding her injured arm.

“Such beauty.” Firefly said as he kept flying straight towards the warehouse where the fireworks are while Raprarr followed him.

“That’s it, keep going towards the pretty lights, you numbskull.” Raprarr said.

Raph and his friends get their weapons ready while Firefly got close to the warehouse. The fireworks stopped and Firefly arrived at the warehouse, just in time for the heroes’ plan to work.

Firefly looked around and asked, “Hello? Anyone there?”

Then, Rocksteady charged right at him and Firefly crashed into a wall.

“I hope you were thinking that would hurt, because this armor is tough enough to take a punch from Bane.” Firefly stated.

Rocksteady replied, “Hurt you? Neight. We got you into position, da. NOW!”

Mona lined up a shot with the Shell Raiser’s garbage cannon and sent him to the warehouse after she fired the shot. “Crude, but effective.” She said.

Raph, Rarity, and Sunset ambushed Firefly with their weapons, but Firefly dodged their attacks by the use of his jetpack.

“Well, well, the gang’s all here. So how do you want to die? The quick... incinerating flash of an EXPLOSION? Or... a nice SLOW BURN?” Firefly asked and used his flamethrower to shoot flames at his enemies.

They dodged the flames and Raph answered, “How about neither you crazy maniac!”

Rarity threw ninja stars right at Firefly, but he dodged them.

“Ha! You say lip balm! I say NAPALM!” Firefly said before using his flamethrower again.

Sunset used her some ninja stars and threw it right at the left thruster of Firefly’s jetpack. Firefly started flying unbalanced and out of control before Rarity sliced his other thruster with her kama sickles. He dropped down on the ground and as he picked himself up, he doesn’t notice his flamethrower’s fuel line being cut and his last grenades being swiped.

Firefly coughed and said, “What?... No!... You can’t do this to me! I just want to shed some light in this city.”

“It’s over Firefly! You got nowhere to run or fly.” Sunset told him.

Firefly continued coughing and lied back on the ground. He said, “No... You will burn for this... all of you...”

“Dude, you need to get a new hobby and lay off the fires.” Raph said.

The rest of their allies came inside to check on Raph, Rarity, and Sunset and saw an unconscious Firefly.

Sour Sweet said, “Nice work. We actually caught him in our trap.”

“Yep. We sure did all thanks to Catwoman... I guess.” Raph said as Rarity was annoyed by that word.

Adagio informed Raph, “Let’s get this hothead ready for pickup and get Mona to the Utroms for treatment.”

Everyone nodded as they tied up Firefly and put his weapons and gear in a bag. After that, a portal opened up and Robin arrived.

“What’s up guys?” Robin greeted.

Raph replied, “Yo Robin! One arsonist, hold the mayo.”

Rocksteady tossed Firefly in front of Robin with his gauntlets tied up together.

Robin asked, “And his weapons?”

Bebop tossed him a bag with Firefly’s weapons.

Robin replied, “Good job. Thanks for your help.”

“You’re welcome. Catwoman helped a little too.” Raph explained as Rarity grunted and crossed her arms over the fact that she was robbed.

Robin said, “Okay. Not even gonna ask why.”

Firefly struggled to get himself free and Adagio told him, “Don’t bother. I jammed and tied your gauntlets perfectly.”

“You think you all won? When I get outta here, I will roast you all alive!” Firefly stated.

Robin said, “Oh, I’m hurt. I thought you and my team had a past.”

Firefly replied, “Whatever.”

Robin escorted Firefly to the portal and said, “We’ll be on our way out now. Keep on the lookout for our enemies in your area.”

“Will do, Boy Wonder.” Slash said, but giggled.

Robin sighed and reminded Slash, “My name is Robin.”

Firefly and Robin entered the portal and left as the portal closed.

“Now for Mona.” Raph said and contacted Bishop via T-Phone. He said, “Bishop, Mona’s hurt. Salamandrian drying out.”

Bishop replied, “Okay, but I need an hour to get the necessary medical supplies.”

“Okay. We’ll see you later.” Raph replied.

One hour later, Bishop and two other Utroms arrived to help Mona.

Bishop asked, “Where is the patient?”

Mona stepped forward and the other two Utroms started healing her arm.

“Is she going to be okay?” Rarity asked.

Bishop answered about Mona’s condition, “The wound isn’t that severe. Some bandages, Salamandria water, and rest will heal her wound. So, she’ll be fine.”

“I guess it pays to learn the medical procedures of other worlds.” Sunset commented.

Bishop explained to his allies, “It’s actually the reason why the Utroms are welcomed on so many planets.

“I can respect that.” Rarity said.

“Ditto.” Rocksteady replied.

“Same.” Bebop said.

Sour Sweet asked Raph, “So, what do we do now?”

“Well, we gotta get Mona back to Mutanimal HQ and let her rest. Then, it’s back to patrolling.” Raph answered.

Mona said, “I don’t like it, but the medicine usually leaves my race exhausted.

Bishop informed Raph, “I’ll assign a couple of Utroms to go make sure she gets some rest.”

Raph thanked Bishop, “Thanks.”

After everything was settled, Catwoman appeared and watched them from the rooftops again. She said, “Guess tall, dark, and handsome was right. They may be unorthodox, but they get the job done.”

Catwoman walked away and disappeared without a trace.

Author's Note:

Raprarr artwork created by Bozzerkazooers.