• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,727 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...



The Turtles were watching a racing show on TV in the morning from the comfort of their Turtle Lair.

The commentator announced over the mic, “And the New York City Speedway is off to an exciting start. The fastest racers in the country have gathered here in New York, each striving for the charity of their choice.”

Mikey cheered, “Aww yeah! This race is going to be awesome!”

“How's the popcorn coming, Mikey?” Raph asked.

Mikey replied, “It's almost done.”

At the racing event, Wallflower and her girlfriend, Sapphire Night, were watching the race from the seats up at the top row as the crowd watched the race.

Leo noticed, “Hey guys, looks who's in stand.”

Everyone spotted their two friends among the crowd.

Mikey said, “Whoa, they manage to snag tickets. Good for them.”

Then suddenly, a yellow race car launched out of nowhere as one of the racers looked up. From the commentary station, the commentator was looking through her papers and said, “What in the world?! Where did that vehicle come from?”

The crowd and Turtles looked on in a state of shock as the yellow race car drove past the other race cars and knocked them down one by one. As the crowd booed, the yellow race car drove past his opponent, leaving him in the dust and finishing the race first.

“Aww man, that dude just ruined the race.”

“Agreed, Mikey.” Raph said.

Leo asked, “Who is this guy, Don?”

Donnie answered, “I have no idea.”

While the photographers snapped pictures of the yellow car, the driver opened the roof and exited out of his car to reveal himself to the crowd, leaving them speechless and confused. The driver wore a yellow race suit, yellow mask, and his right arm was big and robotic. As the photographers continued taking photos and the cameramen focused on the masked driver, he told everyone, “I won your race; so I'll collect the prize for my favorite charity.” The masked driver then pushed a button from his car and a robotic claw popped out of its car. After that, the photographers moved out of the way as the claw grabbed the big, golden trophy with the cash prize. He announced, “Me. Gearhead.”

“This guy is seven flavors of insane.” Donnie commented.

Mikey mumbled, “I could’ve come up with something better. Like… High-Speed.”

“Mikey...” Raph said as he was prepared to hit Mikey upside the head. “I think someone's using that.”

Leo informed his brothers, “Contact our friends about this guy. Let them know what's going on.”


Later in the afternoon after Donnie’s team defeated three of their villains, the yellow car appeared again and he was going after the armored car filled with money bags inside.

The security guard looked through the window and saw the yellow car. He alerted the police through the comms, “I think I may have trouble.”

Gearhead opened the car window and launched a device from the left arm of his suit. After that, it automatically took control of the armored truck. The security guard let go of steering wheel and saw that the truck was driving by itself. He gasped, “It's… driving by itself?”

As Gearhead pulled over his yellow car, the armored truck stopped and let its backside face the yellow car. After that, the backdoor automatically opened and Gearhead saw lots of money.

“Score!” Gearhead said.

Then, Gearhead heard the Ninjas’ Patrol Buggies coming their way with the addition of Wallflower Blush and Sapphire Night.

“They're here. Perfect. Time to kick things up a notch,” Gearhead vowed before he start up his vehicle again. “It's racing time!”

Gearhead closed the car roof and drove off very fast as the Ninjas were on pursuit. Donnie's group arrived in time to see him leave in quick fashion. He beamed, “Ha! That was too easy.”

Sunny Flare groaned, “Darn it! We just missed him.”

Sapphire Night asked, “What are we going to do now?”

Donnie said with a determined look on his face, “Don't worry, I got just the team to help us. And, I already called them.”

Then all of a sudden, four vehicles arrived and stopped by Donnie's team. The drivers exited out of their cars as Donnie and company could only smile while several others were confused.


“Tony Toretto, what's up! Thank goodness you and your team are here. Listen up, we need your help chasing down this villain. I'm sending you the info of who you're dealing with.” Donnie informed the crew as he and Twilight started sending the info to Frostee’s laptop from their phones before they hugged it out.

Frostee replied, “Got it.”

Cisco noticed that they had some unfamiliar faces among them. He whispered to Donnie, “Donnie, you better get out of here before these guys take pictures.”

Sunny Flare asked her friends, “He is aware that we're listening, right?”

Donnie assured the Toretto Crew, “Don't worry Toretto Crew, they're with us. They're our friends.”

Echo said, “Let's save the introductions after we take down this guy and find Shashi.”

Donnie, Twilight, Fluttershy, April, and Spike were stunned at the mention of that name and gasped in unison. “SHASHI?!”

Sapphire Night asked, “Uh, who is Shashi?”

“Long, tragic story. We'll tell you on the way.” Donnie answered until everyone went back to their cars and moved out to find Gearhead and Shashi.

Meanwhile, Gearhead arrived at the gas station as Shashi Dar approached him and looked at his car.

“Nice car isn't it?” Gearhead asked, noticing Shashi.

Shashi replied, “Indeed it is, Mr...”


Shashi continued, “Well Gearhead, I know how to supercharge a car. Of course, I won't work for free.”

Gearhead looked at the bounty poster until he answered, “I can pay... But perhaps we can cut a deal.”

Shashi replied, “I'm listening.”

“Black Mask has put up a bounty that would make us rich as kings. If we work together, we'll split the money.”

Shashi said, “I first want to know who it's on. I have standards.”

Gearhead handed Shashi the poster. When Shashi saw it was on Leo and his brothers, as well as the Rainbooms, he was mad enough to hear his teeth grind.

“Keep the money. I just want to hurt them.” Shashi answered, giving back the poster to Gearhead.

“I take it you have history with them, correct?”

Shashi answered, “Yes! I was going to fulfill my dream to create a new world order and avenge my parents until Toretto and his friends stopped me from achieving my goal.”

“Oy, if I had a car every time I heard that sentence, I'd have my own fleet of cars.”

“So… we have an agreement? Shashi asked.

Gearhead nodded, “Indeed.”

Shashi and Gearhead shook hands after their agreement.

“Lucky for the two of us, Hun gave me some compensation.” Shashi revealed a supply of Kraang technology.

Gearhead questioned him, “What's that stuff?”

“A new fuel supply.”

“And why would I need that? It looks nothing like regular oil.” Gearhead questioned.

Shashi explained, “Because I've seen and raced their vehicles before. You're going to need something with more speed and firepower.”

Gearhead shrigged, “Alright, let's get this stuff poured in.”

Shashi stated, “I am 99 percent sure this won't explode.”

Before Gearhead could change his mind, Shashi started planting some Kraang tech into his car.

Back in the Turtle Lair, the Ninjas, Racers, and Allies were discussing about Gearhead and examining his gadget that he left behind.

Frostee observed and touched the gizmo, “Huh, what an odd, little…” He then pressed the button of the device and it shot out strings of electricity, infecting Donnie’s drill tool.

“Woah! That is some gadget this guy has.” Frostee said.

Donnie nodded, “Indeed. It injects some kind of nano-virus into the machinery. Taking it over like a parasite. Controlling it.”

Frostee set it down in fear as Pinkie entered and hollered, “Donnie, we have guest?”

Tony and company saw Pinkie and Mona walking towards them, but were shocked by Pinkie’s shiner.

Echo asked, “Yo Pinks, what happen?”

Pinkie felt dizzy and was seeing five Echos. She said, “Echo, which one of you five am I talking to?”

“Uh, what?” Echo asked.

“Ah believe she’s dizzy.” Layla noted.

“I'm perfectly fine.” Pinkie stumbled a bit before falling into Mona's good arm.

Mona greeted the newcomers, “Greetings everyone, I am Mona Lisa. A Salamandrian and friend.”

Cisco gasped, “No way! An actual alien?!”

“Yep.” Fluttershy smiled as Mona chuckled, having being used to the reaction.

“Rest assured, I mean you no harm.”

“Don't worry about it, Mona. If any alien or creature is friends with our ninja pals is a friend of ours too.” Tony smiled as Cisco and the others nodded.

Echo asked, “Yo Donnie, how will it take to find Gearhead? Shashi is bound to be with him.”

Donnie answered, “With Twilight's and Frostee's assistance... 20 minutes.”

“Alright, while you three do that: Echo and Layla, take a look if our cars are ready for the street fight. Fluttershy, help Pinkie and heal her eye.”

Fluttershy nodded as Cisco saw Mona’s bandage hand.

Cisco informed his buddy, “T, I'm going to get Mona a sling for her hand.”

Wallflower asked Tony, “If I may ask, how did Shashi escape from prison?”

“Somehow, the SH1FT3R and Purple Dragon gangs heard Shashi was being moved and ambushed his convoy. We arrested those involved, but Shashi slipped away.” Tony explained.

Layla added, “Yeah, we tracked him down here. Guess he's mad that you guys helped arresting him.”

Pinkie said while feeling dizzy, “You think he'll be even madder that we destroyed Skeleton Key?”

“Perhaps.” Tony answered.

Wallflower Blush asked, “What’s a Skeleton Key?”

“We'll talk about that later. Right now, we gotta find Shashi and Gearhead before they cause any more trouble.” Layla informed her friends.

Tony added, “Then we better get our cars ready before we head out. We got no time to lose.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Everyone turned and saw Ms. Nowhere and Gary walk in. Karai, Mona, and the rest reached for their weapons till Donnie stopped them.

Ms. Nowhere greeted the ninjas, “Donatello, girls. Good to see you again.”

“Five Ms. Nowheres?!” Pinkie fainted from the concussion.

Sunny Flare asked, “Hold up. You know this lady, Don? Girls?”

“This is Ms. Nowhere. She's in charge of Tony's group. Please, don't ask about the name.”

Ms. Nowhere chimed in, “Aside from Shashi, Gary and I actually heard about the bounty and figured you'd need the help.”

Tony asked, “Bounty?”

Cisco thought of something and said, “You never told us about the bounty. In fact, if we catch these certain criminals that’s been placed on the bounty and turn it over to the proper authorities, we could be rich. Am I right or what?”

Donnie answered in a deadpan expression, “Actually, my brothers and I are the targets.”

Twilight added, “As well as me and the Rainbooms.”

While Ms. Nowhere had Gary set up the comms, Donnie explained the bounty Black Mask made and where the villains come from.

“This is insane!” Frostee said. “You're telling me that the multiverse EXISTS?!”

Donnie nodded, “Yep.”

Cisco had finished Mona's sling. “And all those adventures you guys had sounds wild.”

Mona answered, “That's my friends, alright.”

Karai said, “Never a dull moment.”

“Alright, we've got a possible lead on Shashi. Gary!” Gary showed some high energy readings as Ms. Nowhere continued, “These readings indicate a high energy source in the city.”

Sunny Flare guessed, “It might be a power plant.”

Ms. Nowhere answered, “Doubtful. It's moving.”

Donnie told Nowhere, “That's gotta be Gearhead.”

Back on the streets of New York, Gearhead was tearing up the streets faster than a cheetah. “Now this is speed.”

Shashi rode in his car and replied through the comms, “Told you this stuff was useful.”

Gearhead asked, “What other inventions you got?”

“I have tons of salvaged tech from their invasion.”

Gearhead ordered, “Get it installed.”

“Way ahead of you.” Shashi said as he checked the data progress on his phone.

As Shashi installed Kraang Technology into Gearhead’s car, neither of them saw the Dazzlings spying on them.

“Looks like Shashi's got a new friend.” Adagio said, looking through her binoculars.

Aria added, “Just means he'll get a worst beating.

Sonata grew wide grin on her face, “Girls, if Shashi's here, then that means Tony and the others gotta be here.”

“Yep,” Adagio answered. “And what are they up to now?”

Aria smiled and shrugged, “Don't know. But seeing how there's only one place in the city they're familiar with...”

Sonata drove past her friends to get to her boyfriend.

Ms. Nowhere called over the com-link, “Tech support, where are we in finding Shashi and Gearhead?”

While Tech Support continued searching, the Toretto Crew and Donnie’s team were looking for the two villains in the streets. Then, Cisco saw the Dazzlings coming towards them.

Cisco greeted the girls, “Oh hey Dazzlings! What’s up!”

Sonata cheered, “CISCO!”

The two exited their vehicles and kissed each other until Aria pulled them apart.

“As much as it is good to see you guys, this isn't a social call.”

Adagio added, “She's right. Shashi installed Kraang technology into someone's car.”

After realizing what they said, Frostee tested his theory. He yelled, “YOU CAN'T EXPECT THE NEWEST VIDEO GAME CONSOLE TO FALL RIGHT OUT THE SKY!”

Nothing happened.


Donnie whispered to Frostee, “Uh, Frostee? What are you doing? You're starting to embarrass yourself.”

Layla rolled her eyes, “Moving on. We got to find Shashi before he causes anymore damage.”

Just as Layla said that, an explosion boomed a few blocks away.

Fluttershy stated, “That ain't good.”

“Alright team, let's roll.” Donnie informed everyone as they went to their vehicles and drove as fast as they can to find their enemies.

Shashi sprayed Gearhead’s car with a fire extinguisher. “Alright, that should do it.”

Gearhead asked, “Are you sure this'll work?”

“I don't have the slightest idea, but go ahead and start it.”

Gearhead started his car and it roared to life. He smirked, “Excellent.”

“Not a moment too soon.” Shashi said as he looked down the road to see the Toretto Crew and Donnie’s team coming with Donnie and Fluttershy in the Shell Razor along with Wallflower and Sapphire in the Turtle Racer.

Gearhead spotted them and geared up, “It's racing time.”

Shashi told him, “Remember our deal: You keep the money, I want them 6 feet in the ground.”

Gearhead smirked, “Actually, the deal's off.”

Shashi shouted in anger, “WHAT?!”

Gearhead kicked Shashi in the face and sent him down to the ground. He told Shashi, “Black Mask is offering a bonus to whoever brings some of the targets to him alive.”

Before Shashi could do anything, Gearhead went back to his car and drove away from Shashi and his pursers.

Gearhead called, “Catch me if you can, losers!”

Donnie informed his friends over the com-link, “Layla, you and Twilight handle Shashi. Everyone else with me.”

“Alright family, let's ride.”

Layla and Twilight arrived at the scene and approached Shashi while the rest of the Toretto Crew and Donnie’s team went after Gearhead.

“Well, well, well, if it isn't the traitor and the hostage...” Shashi cracked his neck, “This should be fair.”

“Twi, you want to make this more fair?” Layla asked.

Twilight took her weapon and geode, setting them aside. She answered, “It's payback time.”

“Good. Let's go.” Layla said, cracking her knuckles.

The pair charged at Shashi, who was ready for a fight. Meanwhile, Gearhead was being chased down by his enemies.

Donnie informed Frostee over the com-link, “Frostee, get a drone locked onto Gearhead's car.”

“On it, D.” Frostee replied and sent DJ Drone to get a lock on to Gearhead and his car.

Sonata continued driving on her motorcycle and was approaching towards Gearhead. “Donnie, we've got him outnumbered and outmatch.”

Donnie suggested over the com-link, “Which might allow us the advantage.”

Gearhead then drifted his car to the right as a crowd of people who were waking across the sidewalk moved out of the way.

“Let's check out your reaction time,” Gearhead said as his car transformed into a motorcycle and made a sharp turn to the right and went to the narrow alleyway.

Tony drifted to the right, but his car started to get scratches on its right side against the wall. He groaned, “Aw man, I just had a paint job.”

Sapphire reminded Tony while driving her car, “Focus, Tony.”

Frostee told his friends over the com-link, “Guys, me, Donnie, and Twi have a plan.”

“We play a little Roadside Rodeo.” Twilight added.

As the traffic signal switched to the walk sign, Gearhead then drifted his car to the right as a crowd of people who were waking across the sidewalk moved out of the way. Tony drifted and avoided hitting the pedestrians until he saw a bus in front, honking at him. He then moved out of the way as Donnie’s team followed and continued chasing Gearhead through the bridge. They all entered the tunnel with the slow traffic as the heroes made sharp turns.

“Anyone else think it's weird that he hasn't tried to attack any of us?” Wallflower asked over the com-link as everyone nodded, agreeing that it seemed weird.

Frostee realized, “I figured out where he's heading.”

As the tunnel got dark, Tony turned on the headlights as he drove his car closer to Gearhead.

Gearhead noticed and was disappointed. He shook his head and said, “You shouldn't tailgate.”

After that, he turned on the backlights very bright, blinding Tony. As Tony was blindsided by the lights, Gearhead turned to the right. But after the lights were gone, Tony saw a huge curve and drifted to the right. However, the rails collided with Tony’s car and then got hit by the wall, making it spun out of control. As a result, the car jumped right out of the road as Tony ejected out of his car and launched his parachute before his car exploded and Gearhead got away with his car going into high speed.

“Not again.” Tony frowned.

As he landed on the road, Karai arrived in her motorcycle and stopped. “Need a lift?”

Tony hopped onto her bike and thanked her, “Thanks, uh...”

“Karai. And you've had Adagio, Aria, and Sonata's back. Just returning the favor.”

“Sweet.” Tony said as Karai resumed driving her motorcycle while he held on.

Meanwhile, the Dazzlings arrived and searched though the junkyard as they found tire tracks from Gearhead’s vehicle.

Adagio stated, “This has got to be his last known location.”

“Why would somebody willingly come here? There's better places to get parts.” Sonata said.

Aria replied, “Gotta agree with Sonata on this, Dagi.”

Adagio drove the car slowly until one of Gearhead’s gadgets launched from out of nowhere, planting it on the Dazzlings’ cars. Then, robotic tentacles came out from the car and the Dazzlings escaped before their cars fell on the ground.

Gearhead appeared on top of a stack of broken cars and asked, “You look a little young. Do you even have a driver’s license?”

“No, but here's my permit.” Aria answered as she threw a shuriken at Gearhead, but he dodged it.

Adagio called him out, “Give it up. It's 3 against 1.”

Gearhead stated, “Correction, 2 against 1.”

Adagio and Aria turned and saw Sonata still trapped in her Key Car.

“A hostage and an assassin rolled into one... I got to market that concept. It'd be killer with the folks back in Arkham.”

Adagio growled before she told her friend, “Aria, go rescue Sonata. I’ll deal with the tinhead.”

Aria nodded, “On it.”

Adagio climbed up to the pile and attacked Gearhead, but he dodged her kick. She then brought two more shurikens and threw them right at Gearhead again. He dodged and landed on the ground as Adagio used her grappling hook and swung her way down to kick him. Gearhead ducked, but Adagio swung all the way up and reached to the control room of the crane magnet. She pulled the lever down and the magnet was activated.

Gearhead looked up and gasped as pieces of metal were starting to float in the air and attracting them to the magnet. He got pulled into the magnet and was completely stuck.

Adagio stated, “That should hold you till the police get here.”

Then, Gearhead injected a cord from his robotic arm into the magnet, infecting the crane magnet without Adagio noticing it. The lever was pushed by itself as Adagio noticed it and jumped out of the crane magnet, but the robotic tentacles from the control room of the crane captured Adagio.

“Pretty cool, huh?” Gearhead asked as he pulled himself up to the crane, escaping the magnet and approaching his hostage.

“Here's another trick that I've learned in machine shop.” Gearhead stated as the fingertips from his robotic arm grew into razor-sharped claws.

“After everything I did for you, Layla. This is how you thank me?” Shashi asked, continuing to throw punches at his former ally.

Layla dodged and blocked his attacks. “You crossed the line when you kidnapped Twilight and the others.”

Twilight chimed in, “You didn't have to do all of it, Shashi.”

“Like I told Leo and Tony, it was 17 years too late! Seventeen years I spent alone!” Shashi reminded the two girls and tossed them to the ground)

“You didn't become his right hand by beating him in a fight, did you?” Twilight asked Layla.

Layla answered, “No, he had me steal the funds for the new Science Building at Crystal Prep a few months ago.”

Twilight double take on what Layla said. “That was you two?”

Both Layla and Shashi apologized, “Sorry.”

“I should’ve known.” Twilight facepalmed.

The trio talked while they continued fighting.

Shashi explained, “Blame it on Principal Cinch. I pull one little prank on her back in high school, and she gets me expelled.”

“I'll admit, she wasn't pleasant.” Twilight admitted.

Layla added, “From how Shashi griped, it's amazing she got a teaching job at all.”

Both Twilight and Shashi said, “We know.”

“Just sayin'.” Layla said as she and Twilight continued fighting against Shashi.

Donnie told Cisco over the com-link, “Cisco, he's coming towards your position.”

Cisco replied, “I see him, D. Frostee, brace yourself, bro.”

Frostee ducked his head, getting ready to brace himself for a collision course.

Donnie and Sapphire rammed their vehicles into Gearhead's car, resulting into a crash.

“We got him.” Sapphire cheered.

However, Gearhead’s car transformed into a normal car, but no villain inside.

Donnie deadpanned, “Nope, we don't got him.”

“WHAT?!” Sapphire gasped.

Then, he heard Adagio struggling and looked up at the crane magnet where Gearhead was at.

“Guys, where are you? Gearhead is tearing up the streets. And now there's 3 of them.” Cisco panicked over the com-link.

Donnie answered, “Cisco, I think we're dealing with drones. Cause Gearhead captured Adagio.”

Aria chimed in over the com-link, “He's right. Gearhead took control our Key Cars and Sonata is trapped in her car.”

Wallflower replied, “Well that's not good.”

“I'm gonna go rescue my girlfriend.” Cisco hung up his phone and drove fast to find Sonata.

“Cisco wait…” Donnie said before Cisco shut off his phone.

Gearhead looked down on Donnie, smirked, “There you are. Rematch!” The cyborg dropped down and landed on another empty car. From there, he turned that car into his yellow race car. After that, he took off.

“What the? Did he just turned another car into his car?” Donnie wondered. “Fascinating.”

“Donnie, focus.” Adagio reminded him as she escaped and hopped aboard the Shell Razor.

Tony asked over the com-link, “Donnie, got any bright ideas.”

Sunny Flare pleaded over the ocm-link while clinging for dear life, “Please, Cisco is driving like a maniac.”

“Tell Cisco to calm down.” Donnie informed Sunny Flare through the comms.

“You have a plan, Donnie?” Karai asked over the com-link.

Donnie explained, “If we hijack the control signal, I might be able to shut them down.”

“But we still gotta catch Gearhead.” Sunny reminded them over the com-link.

“Leave that to me. Save Sonata and stop her car from tearing the city apart.” Adagio answered.

“Wallflower and I will take the other "Key Car". If that's what it's called.” Sapphire answered.

“Good call,” Donnie nodded. “Fluttershy, take over. I gotta go do my thing.” Donnie informed her and moved out of the driver seat.

“Okay,” Fluttershy said as she took the wheel of the Shell Razor. “Good luck.”

“Cisco, can you drop Frostee off so I can have some additional help?” Donnie asked.

Just then, a knock on the door was heard. Donnie opened the door and Frostee climbed in as Cisco left.

Frostee was rattled, “D, tell me Fluttershy is a smooth driver.”

Donnie nervously assured him, “Relax, Frostee. Fluttershy drives smoothly like a butterfly.”

Frostee said, “Follow that yellow car please?”

While Fluttershy drove to find the cyborg, Frostee and Donnie worked on hijacking Gearhead’s signal with Frostee’s laptop while Wallflower and Sapphire drove off to find Aria’s Key Car.

“Cisco, please slow down.” Sunny Flare pleaded Cisco.

“I'm busy here at the moment.” Cisco said, continuing to drive his truck, fast. Luckily, they found the Key Car with Sonata in it.

Cisco informed his allies, “Guys, I got eyes on one of the cars.”

The blue Key Car sped through the streets like a roller coaster, with a nausea Sonata as it's prisoner)

Sonata sickly begged, “Guys... Help.”

Cisco yelled, “Don’t worry, babe! I’m coming to rescue you!”

“Babe?!” Sunny Flare shockingly asked.

“Donnie, better hurry with that hijack. Me and Tony are trailing one of Gearhead's cars and it's heading for Leo's group.” Karai alerted Donnie over the com-link.

Sonata said, “Mine's heading for Mikey's.”

“I'm working on it!” Donnie yelled.

Frostee suggested, “D, what if we use Gearhead's own equipment to modify the signal?”

Donnie liked the idea and nodded, “That might work. Adagio...”

“I heard.”

“Then we got no time to waste. Frostee, help me out here please?” Donnie asked.

As Frostee and Donnie got to work, Layla and Sci-Twi were still dealing with Shashi.

“Time to end this, ladies,” Shashi threw a flashbang and blinded the two. “Now this will be easy.”

Shashi threw a punch right at Twilight. However, she caught it easily. He was surprised by Twilight’s reaction and asked, “How?! That flashbang should've blinded you.”

“I've learned how to navigate well enough when I'm not using my glasses.”

With the advantage of her hearing, Twilight was able to get Shashi on the defensive.

“Lights out, Shashi.” Twilight said and kick him in the face. After Shashi got hit by her kick, he slammed into a car and was knocked unconscious.

Twilight contemplated, “Wish it didn't have to be this way, Shashi.”

Layla, still blinded by the flashbang and asked, “Did ya get him?”

Twilight helped Layla up, “Yeah, I got him. Gary, Layla and I got blinded by a flashbang. We need a pick up.”

Gary looked at Ms. Nowhere for the orders.

Ms. Nowhere sighed, “Medical evac before the mission. Go get them.”

Mona chimed in as she rosed up from her bed, “I'm coming, too. It's just a pick up.”

Gary rushed out with Mona coming from behind to pick up their friends.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy shouted as she found Gearhead, “I found him!”

Fluttershy floored the gas pedal and drove the Shell Razor with tremendous speed.

Frostee panicked while screaming, “Ahh! I thought you said she drives smooth like a butterfly!”

“Well, it's kind of a funny story I should mention…” Donnie embarrassedly chuckled.

Adagio asked over the com-link, “No time for that. So, what exactly do you guys need?”

“Whatever he's using to control those cars.” Donnie answered.

Frostee questioned, “You fought him, Adagio. What do you think it is?”

“I'm pretty sure it's his arm.” Adagio answered

Donnie suggested, “Or his gadget that he used to control the armored truck.”

“Get me in close so I can get it.” Adagio said.

Fluttershy managed to pull alongside Gearhead's car and Adagio jumped aboard.

Gearhead shouted, “Hey! Watch the paint job.”

Adagio was holding on as Gearhead tried to shake her off by moving his car from left to right. As she held on, Adagio grabbed a smoke pellet from her pocket.

“Got it!”

At the right moment, Adagio threw the smoke pellet and blinded Gearhead. She jumped off Gearhead's car and leaped onto the Hyperfin as Echo arrived.

Adagio contemplated, “I really wish we had the Hauler right now.”

Frostee apologized over the com-link, “Sorry.”

And with good measure, Fluttershy rammed the back of Gearhead’s car, sending Gearhead off the road and down to the waterway underneath the bridge. Gearhead unplugged his cords and exited the car as it morphed back into an antique car and stood against the Hyperfin and the Shell Razor.

“No one beats Gearhead.” Gearhead vowed as he took off his mask and approached the Shell Razor.

Frostee alerted everyone, “Uh-oh. Road rage coming.”

“You hear me, twerps! No one!” Gearhead shouted, pounding the Shell Razor with his robotic arm.

“Frostee, take over the hijack.” Donnie ordered.

The tech wiz nodded as Donnie grabbed his bo-staff and got out.

“Forget the bonus!” Gearhead said as he brought out the talons from his robotic hand.

Echo and Adagio exited out of the Hyperfin and Echo said, “I want to take a crack at him, Don.”

“Same here.” Adagio added.

Then, Tony and Karai arrived at the scene.

“Count us in.” Tony and Karai said in unison.

Donnie ordered, “Just keep him away from Frostee.”

As Donnie and his team fought Gearhead, Cisco was trying to stop his girlfriend's car.

Sunny Flare shouted, “Don't you have a grappling hook launcher on this thing?!”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” Cisco remembered as he pushed one of the buttons for the grapple hook and the car launched the grappling hook, hitting the back of Sonata’s car. “There. That should hold.”

Cisco anchored his truck to a building, leaving Sonata's Key Car in place.

Sunny Flare said, “Nice job, big guy.”

Cisco replied, “Thanks.”

The two ripped off Gearhead's control device and the car turned back to normal, with a sick Sonata stumbling out.

Sonata felt sick and saw her boyfriend. “Cisco...”

Cisco rushed to Sonata and came to her aid. He asked, “Sonata. Are you okay?”

“I don't feel so good.”

Cisco checked on Sonata until she went to open the trash can and threw up after the latter.

“Let's wait until Sonata's better.” Cisco suggested.

Sunny Flare rolled her eyes, “I'll radio the others.”

Sonata breath heavily after she stopped throwing up.

Cisco told her, “I've got a canteen of water in my truck.”

“I'll get it.” Sunny Flare said.

Back at the waterway, Gearhead was still fighting against Donnie and his friends.

Frostee alerted his friends over the com-link, “Just keep back for another few seconds.”

Gearhead swatted Adagio, Tony, Karai, and Echo away and prepared to skewer Donnie. “No one beats Gearhead!”

Echo mocked him, “Easy for you to say, Tin Can!”

“Time for a little shut-down protocol.” Frostee activated the signal just as Gearhead was about to slice Donnie’s bo staff.

His retractable talons turned back to normal as Gearhead became confused.


The heroes found an opportunity and made their move on the villain. Donnie and his friends struck him and beat him down until he was defeated. However, as Gearhead was about to lose, he saw Echo’s Hyperfin. The cyborg escaped and entered the car. He injected his cords into her car, but Gearhead was stuck and he couldn’t activate his ability.

“What? Why is not working?” Gearhead questioned.

Frostee explained, “It's simple. really. We modified our vehicles with your tech. So now, it's nano-proof.”

Gearhead growled, “Whatever, I'll just figure out a way to break it.”

As Tony, Adagio, and Karai were about to take him down, Donnie blocked them. “Wait.”

“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Echo warned him.

Gearhead didn’t listen and tried to start the car’s engine. However, the self-defense mechanism of the Hyperfin kicked in and electrocuted Gearhead, completely shocking him and knocking him unconscious.

Everyone sighed in relief. Then, Cisco’s truck arrived with him, Sonata, and Sunny Flare just as Wallflower and Sapphire along with Tony’s cousin, Gabby, arrived with the Turtle Racer.

“Sorry, we're late. We just went to take care of the Key Car.” Sapphire determinedly smiled.

Wallflower apologized to Aria, “Sorry about your car.”

Aria shrugged, “Oh, it's no big deal. I'm just glad New York is safe again.”

“Primo!” Gabby hollered as she exited the Turtle Racer.

“Gabby!” Tony cheered and hugged Gabby, feeling elated to see her again.

“You two know each other?” Sunny Flare asked.

“Of course,” Tony answered.

Gabby and Tony wrapped their arms around each other’s shoulders and smirked, “We’re cousins!”

The rest of the Ninja’s friends were shocked while the Ninjas and Spies grinned.

“Yeah, we've been there before.” Frostee smirked.

“Agreed.” Donnie added.

“So, now that we defeat this android and Shashi, what do we do now?” Cisco asked.

Donnie answered, “We contact our friend and arrange the pick up.”

Ms. Nowhere chimed in over the com-link, “That simple, huh? I guess our work here is done.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I think it's best that you guys regroup at our place. No sense leaving on an empty stomach.”

Frostee nodded, “Hmm, good point.”

“And on top of that, can you all explain to me what's going on around here?” Gabby questioned everyone.

“We'll discuss about it when we regroup to the lair.” Donnie answered.

Gabby nodded, “Fair enough.”

Donnie and his team went back to their cars and left the waterway, leaving their “friend” to pick up Gearhead.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone!

For those who don't know who Gearhead is, he is a villain and enemy of Batman. His first appearance was in a TV show called The Batman. This is what he looks like from the show.

Sapphire Night is an OC created by Jebens1

The next chapter is about to take a detour that I like to call, “Side Mission”.