• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,726 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

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Bronze Tiger and Jackal

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, Mutanimals, Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, and the rest of his friends arrived at the Turtle Lair and they gathered around for a meeting. Sci-Twi set up the tv monitor and film projector to contact an ally of theirs from another dimension.

Before Leo can start with the meeting, Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the lair along with Spike.

“Leo!” Twilight called. Leo turned around and ran up to Twilight as he saw her.

“Twilight.” Leo said as he hugged her. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“The greeting’s mutual, Leo. Sunset contacted me about this “Mutation Day” that’s going on in your area.” Twilight said.

Leo replied, “Oh, that. Well, it’s not only my birthday, but it’s also my brothers’ birthday as well.”

Twilight gasped and said, “Really? Wow! Happy birthday Leo!”

“Gee, umm, thanks Twilight.” Leo said as he blushed and Twilight gave him a hug.

Spike felt under appreciated and said, “Hello. I’m still right here.”

Leo heard him and looked at Spike. “Sorry about that, Spike. Just trying to catch up with Twilight.” He said as he petted Spike’s head.

Spike liked being petted and said, “No problem. I appreciate the petting, but don’t we have a meeting to discuss?”

Leo realized it and said, “Oh yeah, that’s right. Let’s all settle down and discuss. Right this way.”

Twilight and Spike greeted every one of her friends and they all gathered around.

Leo stood in front of their allies and said, “Thank you all for coming everyone. My brothers and I contacted you all here for this meeting is because we got ourselves a huge problem in our hands. A new villain named Black Mask has arrived in New York and placed a bounty on me, my brothers, and the Rainbooms.”

“How much is the bounty?” Bebop asked.

Leo replied, “Ten million dollars.”

Everyone of their allies were surprised at the amount of the bounty.

Rocksteady asked, “Ten million?! Is this “Black Mask” rich or something?”

“Probably, but we don’t know who or what he is. Right now, let’s turn our attention to the screen.” Leo nodded to Sci-Twi and signaled her to turn on the film projector and open up dimensional communications to their ally by laptop. They all turned their attention to the screen as it became static until it stopped. Bruce Wayne’s butler, Alfred appeared onscreen.

Alfred greeted, “Good evening, Leonardo. I see that you have lots of friends with you.”

Everyone waved and greeted Alfred.

“Alfred. So good to see you again. We need help from Batman. Is he with you?” Leo said.

“Umm, I’m afraid he is not here at the moment of this time.” Alfred said.

Donnie asked, “Why not?”

“Because Batman is busy tracking down The Joker, Harley Quinn, and other criminals.” Alfred said.

Raph was unhappy and replied, “Oh, well that’s just great. So what do we do now?”

Sci-Twi stepped forward and said, “Alfred, do you know anything about this Black Mask?”

“Black Mask, huh. Hmm, let’s see...” Alfred started searching for files of the criminal database in the Batcomputer until he found the file for Black Mask. “Ah, yes. The Black Mask you’re talking about is Roman Sionis.” Alfred showed them the mugshots and pictures of Roman Sionis. “One of Gotham’s crime bosses and encountered Batman many times before.”

“Why am I not surprised. Batman is busy while we deal with this guy.” Rainbow commented.

“Calm down, Rainbow. Anyway, Black Mask didn’t come alone. He also brought other guys like him, including Captain Boomerang. Why did he come to our world?” Leo stated.

Alfred thought about until he answered, “I think I have the solution to your problem. I’ll pull up security footage from Iron Heights and Arkham Asylum that was filmed two days ago. Take a look.” Alfred pulled up security footage from Iron Heights and the heroes observed and watched what was going on. Prison riots were running rampant as Black Mask’s men infiltrated Iron Heights and released some of the most infamous criminals that dwelled there. The footage on the right showed Kraang Subprime, Hun, and the Purple Dragons infiltrating Arkham Asylum and released some of Batman’s enemies as well.

Fugitoid and Fluttershy commented, “Oh my.”

“What the shell?! How did we not know that?!” Raph yelled.

April felt worried and said, “This is bad. Now our cities is in danger because of these freaks.”

“Agreed. Now I’m starting to worry about our families now!” Rarity cried, with Applejack patting her on the shoulder. The rest of the Rainbooms were also worried, knowing that they might come after their families.

Alfred closed the security footages and encouraged them, “I understand what you’re all feeling right now, but you cannot give yourselves up. If Batman can defeat them, then so can you.”

“He’s right. We cannot give up. We all chose this path to help others, save lives, and protect our world. When the going gets tough, we will always have friends to help each other and have each other’s backs. Master Splinter will always be proud of us for all the good things we did and we’ll never forget his teachings. So, are you all with me?”

“Yeah. We’re in.” Adagio commented.

Sunny Flare said, “You can count on me and the Shadowbolts.”

“Same goes for us.” Slash said, standing alongside with the rest of the Mighty Mutanimals.

“We’re with you guys all the way.” April answered.

Karai joined in and said, “You helped me pull through because of you and your brothers. And now, we’ll do the same like always.”

“You helped us see the light.” Bebop stated.

Rocksteady said, “And the Bebop and Rocksteady will return the favor.”

Twilight stepped forward and said, “We’ll all help. Just like always.”

Mikey, Donnie, and Raph felt the same way and stood alongside Leo and they all looked at his friends with smiles on their faces and determined looks.

Leo shed a tear and said, “Thank you everyone. Master Splinter will be very happy if he were here.”

Raph patted Leo’s shell to calm him down.

“Let’s do this together.” Donnie said.

Raph added, “Ninja Turtle style.”

“For Mutation Day!” Mikey cheered.

Leo understood and nodded to his brothers. He raised his fist in the air and said, “For Mutation Day!”

Everyone chimed in and shouted with their fists in the air, “For Mutation Day!”

Alfred applauded and clapped. “Bravo, good sir. Bravo! Let me know if you capture any of our enemies and I’ll call any of Batman’s allies to pick them up.”

“We’ll do.” Sunset answered.

Leo informed everyone, “Okay, everyone. Listen up. We’re going to be split into teams. That way, Black Mask and his crew won’t capture the Rainbooms and Turtles at the same time.”

Fugitoid commented, “That does make sense, Having enemies to track you guys down one-by-one will be hard enough for them. I like the way you’re strategizing, Leo.”

“Then it’s settled. Let’s get this done!” Leo said.

“BOYAKASHA!” Mikey cheered.

Leo along with Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Indigo Zap, Sonata Dusk, and Keno were on the rooftops, patrolling around the streets while Pigeon Pete flew around New York from above.

“It’s been quite a while since we teamed up together, Zappy.” Keno said.

Indigo blushed and punched Keno in the arm. “Ow!” He said.

Indigo warned him, “I told you not to call me that, Keno.”

“Sorry.” Keno apologized.

Indigo said, “It’s fine. I’ve been pretty busy with practicing soccer and focusing on my studies. You know, the whole, usual school business.”

“Yeah, I understand.” Keno replied.

Leo and Twilight giggled at them, knowing that it reminded them of their relationship as well.

As Pigeon Pete continued to observe the streets from the skies, he saw a couple of Black Mask thugs kidnapping an unconscious, innocent woman with a black bag covering her face.

Pigeon Pete said, “Uh-oh, this looks bad. I better call in Leo and the gang.” He turned around and flew back until he found Leo and his team.

“Guys, we got trouble. Just saw a couple of thugs that have black masks and kidnapped an innocent citizen.” Pigeon Pete said.

“Where are they taking him or her?” Leo asked.

Pigeon Pete answered, “They’re heading north and driving a black van.”

“Lead the way, Pigeon Pete.” Applejack said.

Pigeon Pete flew off and the rest of Leo’s team followed him. They kept running and followed the mutant pigeon until they found the exact vehicle that Pete described.

“There it is. That’s the one I’m talking about.” Pigeon Pete informed them.

Twilight said, “Good job, Pete. Don’t lose sight on that van, everyone.”

They all followed the van until it reached towards its destination, the shipment yard. However, there were more thugs around the shipment yard and the van stopped. The the driver got off and grabbed the kidnapped victim from the back and took her inside the warehouse.

Leo informed his teammates, “The place is heavily guarded. We need to take them down before who knows what they’ll do to the victim.”

“You got it, Leo. Leave that to us.” Applejack said as Twilight, Keno, and Indigo nodded.

Leo threw smoke bombs in the area and ran straight towards the warehouse while Pigeon Pete observed the fight from the skies and the other allies fought off against the distracted Black Mask thugs that were caught in the smoke. He entered inside and threw more smoke bombs right at four more thugs. After he knocked them out, Leo found the hostage that was tied up into a chair. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you... outta... here?” As Leo unmasked the hostage, it turned out to be a female mannequin with a bomb strapped onto its head. The timer was already counting down to just thirty seconds left. With no time to waste, Leo exited the warehouse quickly and threw the dummy into the water. As it kept sinking, the timer expired and the bomb exploded in the water.

“Phew. That was close.” Leo said as he kept panting for air.

Then, an assassin appeared on the shipping crates right behind Leo. He looked like Slade, but in a different costume. “Looks like you got my invitation.”

Leo turned around and stared right at him.

The assassin shouted, “Just you and me. Come on!”

The chase was on as Leo chased right after him and started throwing ninja stars, but the assassin dodged them. Leo used his grapple gun to zip up to the crate and catch up with the assassin. However, as the assassin leaped off, he took out his bo staff and sent Leo flying down to the field of shipping crates. Leo got up after the hit he took and dodged the assassin’s next attack. The two opponents dueled against each other until the assassin kicked Leo back against the crate, sending another crate on top below them falling, but it fell in a different direction and did not crush them. As the assassin dodged it, Leo knocked him down with a swift kick. As the assassin was about to fall, he used his bo staff to connect the crates between him and launched himself up and kicked Leo in the face. The ninja turtle tumbled down and landed on three crates right next to each other below. The assassin caught up to Leo and stood face-to-face with him, staring at one another.

“I thought you were gone, Slade.” Leo said.

“What? Me? Did you really think I’m him?” He asked.

Leo did not answered.

“Let me spoil it for you, I’m not Slade. I’m Jackal. I’m his son.”

Leo was shocked and asked, “What?!”

“You looked surprised, turtle. You see, I don’t care about my father. Why? Because he only cares about himself.” Jackal informed Leo.

Leo replied to Jackal, “That’s not true. I know that you’re father was a bad man, but deep know, he is not selfish. Slade knows that he cares about you and loves you.”

“Lies. All he wanted was to capture the Titans, take down heroes, earn money from the highest bitter, and rule the world. But does he ever thought about me ruling alongside him like father and son?! No! I don’t care if he’s alive or dead. The only thing that matters to me is me.” Jackal stated, feeling anguish.

Leo understood his motives and said, “You really are like your father. Selfish and ruthless. One way or another, you’re going back to where you belong.”

“Not if I kill you first.” Jackal said as he pulled his sword.

Before they can squabble again, another assassin with dreadlocks and armed with hand claws dropped down from below and looked at both Leo and the Jackal.

“What are you doing here, Bronze Tiger? This is none your business! Get lost!” The assassin said.

Bronze Tiger replied, “Apparently, it is, Kane.”

“It’s Jackal, you stupid idiot. If you want to get in my way, I have no problem killing you and the turtle.” Jackal exclaimed, threatening Bronze Tiger.

“Fine by me.” Bronze Tiger said.

All three opponents dueled one another, turning the match into a triple threat. Bronze Tiger kicked Leo in the face and sliced the top of Jackal’s sword, but Jackal didn’t much care about it as he kept swinging with his broken sword. However, he countered it with an arm throw, sending Jackal down until he stood up again. Then, Bronze Tiger focused on Leo and started fighting with him. Jackal drew his other sword from his back and approached them. Suddenly, a bullet shot Jackal’s sword and broke it. Jackal turned around, knowing that Deadshot was also involved in this fight.

From a very far distance, Deadshot looked through the scope of his sniper and saw Jackal looking right at him and holding up his broken sword.

Deadshot chuckled and said as he reloaded his sniper, “Not so fast, boys. He’s my kill.”

Leo, Jackal, and Bronze Tiger continued to fight each other on top of the shipping crates while Deadshot continue watching from a building three thousand meters from the docks. He looked through his scope and aimed at the chain connecting to a shipping crate that was hanging above them. Deadshot took a deep breath, pulled the trigger, and fired the shot. The bullet was so fast that it broke the chain off of the shipping crate. They all looked above as it was about to go down. Leo wasted no time and tackled both Bronze Tiger and Jackal before it collapsed on them.

“Dang it! I missed. I’m outta here!” Deadshot said as he ran away before Leo and his friends see him. However, Pigeon Pete caught his eye on him first and said, “Hmm, interesting. I wonder who that guy is?” So, Pigeon Pete decided to not bother Deadshot and helped Twilight and the rest of Leo’s team.

They all fell down to the ground, leaving them safe from harm. Applejack, Keno, and Keno of the team ran off to check the disturbance after dealing with the Black Mask thugs. Jackal got up and retreated to safety, knowing that he heard footsteps of Leo’s friends coming to aid him.

Leo got up and saw Bronze Tiger lying on the floor. He dragged Bronze Tiger and tied him up with ropes.

Bronze Tiger woke up and noticed that he was tied up. He asked Leo, “Why? Why did you save me?”

“Because that’s what friends do.” Leo answered.

Then, his friends arrived on the scene and checked on Leo.

“Leo, are you all right?” Twilight asked.

Leo answered, “Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”

Applejack asked as she looked at Bronze Tiger, “Hey Leo, is this the guy you were after?”

“Probably not. He just swooped in and joined the action.” Leo answered.

Twilight approached towards him and asked, “Why are you here?”

Bronze Tiger replied, “Because I need the money.”

“Money? For what? For yourself? We're not going to let you take that money, sugarcube.” Applejack said.

"Charming. However," Bronze Tiger cut himself free from the ropes with his hand claws. He said, “We’ll discuss this again soon.” After that, he threw a smoke bomb and fled the scene. Once the smoke was gone, Bronze Tiger disappeared.

“Hey, where did he go?” Keno asked.

Indigo commented, “Not surprised with that trick.”

“Let’s round up the rest of these thugs so that we can contact Alfred for a pickup delivery.” Leo informed everyone.

“Sounds good to me.” Sonata said before her tummy growled. “Um, can we get some tacos after this? I’m starving.”

Author's Note:

Leo’s first fight scene with Jackal along with Deadshot spying from afar is a reference from the first Batman: Arkham Origins trailer.