• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,727 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...

The Riddler and Kwiz Kid - Part 1

Minutes later, in Sunset’s house, Sissy slowly woke up after the unexpected surprise earlier. “What happened?” She wondered and felt something around her neck. Sissy got up and looked at the small mirror on the coffee table next to the trophy. It was an electronic collar. “Why do I have a collar around my neck?” She asked herself. But then, Sissy noticed the collars around the necks of Ocellus, Sweetie Belle, Teddy, Patch, and Sweetheart, who were sleeping as well.

“Actually, scratch that. Why do we have collars around their necks? And where are the rest of our friends?” Sissy questioned.

Then, Fugitoid entered the house and greeted her, “Oh, why hello there.”

“Whoa, are you a robot?” Sissy asked him.

Fugitoid answered, “Cyborg actually. Rainbow told me you and your friends were coming here.”

Sissy sheepishly replied, “Yeah, uh, we were blacked out from some kind of sleeping gas and now, most of my friends are now missing.”

“Huh, that is strange,” Fugitoid inquired. “Can you tell me how this all started?”

“Absolutely,” Sissy nodded.

Meanwhile, the Spy Racers and Donnie’s team were back in the Turtle Lair and communicated the rest of the teams from the TV monitor. Leo, Raph, Mikey, and their friends appeared onscreen in a three-way split-screen mode.

“Alright everyone, what's the status?” Ms. Nowhere asked everyone.

Layla answered, “We just captured SH1FT3R right in the swamp just outside of Canterlot with the help of Mikey and his team.”

“Plus, we rescued Bright Eyes and her friends from harm,” Mikey added as the Turtles, Rainbooms, and Frostee sighed in relief.

Ms. Nowhere nodded, “Excellent work. Continue patrolling your areas for now.”

Suddenly, a voice rang out, interfering their comms, “Forget Black Mask. It's time to face your one true nemesis.”

The Turtles, Rainbooms, April, and Casey were all too familiar of who the voice belonged too.

Rarity cried, “Oh dear, is that who I think it is?”

April answered, “Nigma.”

Tony asked, “Nigma?”

“Edward Nigma,” Donnie answered. “Put him onscreen.”

Gary nodded and added Riddler to the call, making him appear onscreen.

"Greetings and salutations to those who are not yet familiar with me," Riddler announced. "And to my old foes, the Turtles and Rainbooms, a pleasure to see you again!" He sneered at the last part.

"What do you want, Nigma?" Donnie asked.

“Riddle me this. Why would anyone visit abandoned locations?” The Riddler questioned them.

The screen cuts to the Young Ninjas sleeping with electronic collars around their necks from different locations, except Sissy, who was talking with Fugiotid.

The heroes gasped at what they saw.

Then, a teenage boy wearing a green costume with a mask and question mark logo on his torso popped up onscreen. “Ooh, ooh, I know the answer to this one. It's because of what would happen to these poor souls if those pesky ninjas don't get there on time.” He laughed.

The Riddler continued, “Shocked, turtles? Stunned, Rainbooms? You didn't expect this, did you? That's because you are no match for me, Edward Nigma, the Riddler, and your intellectual superior.”

“And to all who don't know about me, the name's Kwiz Kid. For I, will confound you with my clues, perplex you with my puzzles, and most importantly, rack you with my riddles,” He said.

“Did you think I would forget our last meeting, Ninjas? You HUMILIATED me. Well, I know you will not beat me this time. Now that I got my own protégé, it is utterly impossible. You cannot do it. We have won already.” The Riddler smiled.

Kwiz Kid grinned, “We're here to test you, ninjas. And we expect you to miserably fail our riddles because your so-called detective skills cannot be a match for our superior intellect. We will mock your attempts to solve our conundrums. We will stand triumphant over your tiny brains. And as the dim light fades for good in your tiny dullard's mind, your final thought will be how we have bested you.”

“Here's the first location to saving your little friends. You better hurry. Or else,” The Riddler told them and signed off until the coordinates of the location of the kids appear.

“Well now, it appears the location is at…” Ms. Nowhere said until she was interrupted by Sunset.

“My house?!” Sunset gasped.

“No way. Mikey and I just dropped them off awhile ago,” Rainbow retorted. “How did we not see that?!”

Ms. Nowhere ordered, “Sunset, you and your friends go back to your house and check on the kids. The rest of you, stay where you are and remain calm. We'll contact you if anything happens.”

Raph answered, “You got it, Ms. Nowhere.”

Princess Twilight chimed in, “And please make sure my students are safe.”

“Will do.” Ms. Nowhere nodded.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Raph and his team arrived and parked near Sunset’s house. As they were about to exit, the Riddler and Kwiz Kid from the screens of their monitors.

“Well, well, well. You arrived. I thought the little ones' predicament might encourage your participation. I realized, you see, I'm growing tired of my dependance upon the least useless dregs I can scrape from Gotham's utterly uninspired underbelly. Why rely on myself when I can call for help to design, program, engineer, and manufacture it myself?”

“But anyway, we've got riddles galore and puzzles to adore. But first, let us introduce you to our beautiful assistants,” Kwiz Kid announced as twenty Riddlerbots suddenly appeared and guarded Sunset’s house.

“Riddle me this, I am flora, not fauna. I am foliage, not trees. What am I?” Kwiz Kid asked them all.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me?!” Sour Sweet vented as she and the rest of her friends stood their ground.

Raph demanded, “Enough with the riddles, you cowards! Let us pass!”

“Oh come on, you can all get this one right. I am shrubbery, not grass. What am I?” Kwiz Kid asked. “I…”

Sunset answered, “Am bush.”

Riddler cheered, “You are correct. See, you can answer my riddles. I know you can do it. Now here's your next lesson. Oh Riddlerbots, warm them up.”

“Ninjas, send 'em to the scrapyard.” Sunset ordered and everyone charged right at the Riddlerbots.

Kwiz Kid called, “Break a leg, you guys. But I mean it, literally.”

“Ha, ha, not surprised,” Raph sarcastically joked as he dodged the Riddlerbot’s punch.

"I am seriously glad I missed that Gotham adventure," Adagio said while slicing a Riddlerbot with her ninja weapon.

Rarity replied, "Believe us, he's not the worst one."

Raph added, "Yeah. Like Bane for example. He could've broke your spine in half."

As Raph's team broke the Riddlerbots into pieces, everyone celebrated.

"Ha! That was easy. Like slicing up Kraang bots." Sunset said. "Now let's go rescue the kids." As everyone head to the house, Sour Sweet began to notice the robotic parts moving.

"Uh, guys. Look!" Sour Sweet shouted as everyone looked back to see the Riddlerbots beginning to reassemble and regenerate back to their original forms.

Everyone turned around to see the Riddlerbots regenerating on their own unlike Kraang bots. They reacted in unison, “What?!”

“How about I give them a massive push,” Slash said and smashed a Riddlerbot with his mace, completely destroying it.

Riddler commented through the comms, "So barbaric."

"I hate this guy," Slash growled. "C'mon, let's break them!"

Raph and his friends resumed fighting against the Riddlerbots while defending Sunset's house.

Carter stated while fighting a Riddlerbot, "It's not hurt to bust them up. It's getting them to stay busted is the problem."

“Maybe we have to break them two to three more times. That’s my suggestion.” Bebop suggested while fighting against another Riddlerbot.

Rocksteady threw one at another and discovered the magnetic charges. He thought, 'Positive and negative.' Rocksteady announced, “Hey Bebop! I think I have an idea.”

“What do you have in mind?” Bebop asked.

Rocksteady answered, "Smash the robots together."

“Hmm, okay. We’ll give it a try.” Bebop nodded and whistled to get everyone’s attention. "Everyone, smash the robots into each other!"

Raph’s team nodded and started smashing the Riddlerbots into each other.

"These things must have some kind of magnetic charge," Sour Sweet commented.

"Da, and magnets screw up hard drives in head," Rocksteady quipped.

“Is there no end to this battle?” Rarity asked.

Raph shouted, “Just keep throwing them into each other.”

Rarity used her powers to corral the remaining robots into each other.

“Yeah! Keep it coming, team! We can do this!” Raph shouted, motivating his team.

After the last robot was destroyed, Riddler sarcastically contacted Raph’s team through comms, “No doubt you enjoyed that, everyone. You've succeeded within elementary school level, but It's the most fun you'll have all day. You see, your little buddies has been fitted with a shiny new collar. Solve all of our puzzles and the children go free. Solve for too long and the children go bye-bye.”

Raph growled, “Grrrrgh! Fine! We'll play your stupid game. And it's going to be your last!”

“C'mon! Let's go rescue our friends,” Sunset ordered and opened the door to her house. She then went to check on Sissy and her friends. “What happened?”

“After we were dropped off here, we found this trophy," Sweetheart explained.

"Then the next thing we knew, that dumb trophy sprayed us with knockout gas,” Teddy answered, pointing right at the Riddler trophy.

Fugitoid observed the trophy and scanned it. “Huh. I have never seen this item before. In fact, it wasn't there right when I left the house.”

“Hmm, it seems like Riddler or his little protégé must've planted this trophy the moment you left.” Rarity suggested.

“Perhaps so,” Fugitoid answered. “But we can't worry about that right now. We need to get the collars off of our friends.”

"Um, I found this when we woke up," Ocellus handed Bebop a piece of paper.

Bebop read the paper, "There are riddles on each of the collars. Answer correctly and the collars release. Answer incorrectly, and the children will have an 'electrifying' experience."

"What does that mean?" Patch asked wearily.

"Hopefully we don't find out," Raph said.

Sunset and her team observed the collars around the necks of Sissy and the Young Ninjas until she saw the riddle written on the back of the collar and it said, “I am an instrument whose music always comes from the heart. What am I?”

Sunset thought for less than a minute until she answered, “Organ.”

After that, Sissy’s collar was automatically deactivated and she took it off.

“Woah, you got it right!” Sissy cheered. “How did you figure it out?”

Raph read the riddle around Teddy’s neck, “I have a head, tail, but never any legs. What am I?”

“Ooh, that's easy. A snake.” Raph answered but Teddy, Ocellus, Sweetie Belle, Patch, and Sweetheart got an electric shock.

“What?!” Raph asked as the hostages glared at him.

Fugitoid told him, “Good guess Raph, but I don't think that's the answer.”

"Yah think!" Teddy jeered.

Bebop suggested, “Maybe it’s a coin.”

Rarity told him, “Be more specific, darling.”

“Um… a penny? Yeah, a penny.” Bebop answered.

After that, Teddy's collar was deactivated and Teddy sighed in relief.

Fugitoid said, “Wow. A 25% chance of getting it right and you got it.”

Bebop noted, “Thanks, but Raph's answer would've been right if it was animal-based.”

Then, Rarity read the riddle on Sweetie Belle’s collar. She read, “Hit me hard and I will crack but you'll never stop me from staring back. What am I?”

“I think she knows the answer to this one,” Sweetie Belle noted.

Rarity was stumped, telling everyone, “I have no clue what it is, darlings.”

Sunset facepalmed, “Oh come on, Rarity. You use that tool all the time. It should be in your purse.”

“Alright, alright, calm down. Just let me solve it before my sister gets shocked,” Rarity told her and grab the hand mirror from her purse. She looked at herself in the mirror and looked back at the question. Rarity looked back and forth a couple of times until she gasped, realizing the answer. “I get it now, it’s a mirror!”

The collar was deactivated and Sweetie Belle sighed in relief as Rarity hugged her.

“Oh thank goodness!” Rarity exclaimed. “Are you alright, Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle replied, “Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you sis.”

Sour Sweet looked at the riddle on Patch’s collar. She read, “I can run, but not walk, and wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?”

“Uh, a shadow?” Sour Sweet answered.

The answer was incorrect and the remaining hostages got shocked again.

“Seriously?!” Patch exclaimed.

Sour Sweet apologized, “Sorry about that. Riddles aren't my thing.”

Fugitoid answered, “I got it. The answer is a nose.”

The collar was deactivated and Patch sighed in relief.

Adagio said, “Alright. Two more.” She read the riddle on Ocellus’s collar, “If you look at the numbers on my face, you won’t find 13 anyplace. Do you know what I am?” She looked at the clock on the wall and realized, “I got it. It’s a clock!”

The answer was correct and Ocellus’s collar was deactivated.

“Oh thank Celestia! I’m safe!” Ocellus sighed in relief.

Slash asked, “How did you figure that one out?”

“The answer was right in front of me,” Adagio pointed out the clock on the wall in front of her.

“Good thinking, Ms. Dazzle,” Fugitoid smiled. “And last but not least, Sweetheart.” Fugitoid took a look at the riddle on Sweetheart’s collar. He read, “What is it that no man wants to have but no man wants to lose?”

“A lawyer!” Rocksteady quickly answered.

The answer was correct and Sweetheart’s collar was deactivated.

"Yay!" Sweetheart cheered.

Everyone else became surprised, including Bebop. “How did you figure that out yo?”

Rocksteady explained, “As a former weapons dealer, I still went by number one rule of business. The customer is always right. Lawsuits not welcome.”

“Very clever, Rock,” Bebop grinned.

Then, Kwiz Kid announced through their comms, “Well done. But don’t feel too pleased with yourself. Those riddles were one of the easy ones.”

“Alright, we get it! We solved your riddles and played your game. Now tell us the location of our friends you kidnapped or else we’re going to beat you two to a pulp!” Raph demanded.

“Did you really think this game would end?” Riddler laughed, “I’m afraid we can't let you do that, numbskull. The game has only just started. And to make sure everyone gets a turn, the rest of your friends will be playing our game."

“I don’t like this. Is this Riddler guy always one step ahead of us?” Ocellus asked.

Raph replied, “Annoyingly, yes.”

Riddler explained, “As for the rest of the locations of your kidnapped friends, all you have to do is complete our race courses.”

“Race courses? What for?” Sunset questioned them.

“That question can only be answered by your friends from The Agency,” Kwiz Kid answered.

Slash commented, “Wow, he's done his homework.”

Riddler informed everyone, “One last thing, don't try luring any of Black Mask's thugs or the authorities to me. Do that and your friends' lungs will be getting a healthy dosage of Dr. Crane's fear gas.”

“From their collars?” Sunset asked.

Kwiz Kid answered, “No. From the canisters.”

Raph contacted the Spy Racers through his T-phone, “Alright T, you're up.”

Back at the Turtle Lair, Tony replied, “You got it, Raph.”

“So, do we all race at the same time or do we each get a track?” Echo asked.

Riddler appeared onscreen, “Each of you will get one track. I'm not picky who gets which one, but no one does the same track twice.”

Tony answered, “Fair, but we’ll conquer your race tracks, help our friends, find the kids you kidnapped, and defeat you and your little dweeb.”

“Hey! Who you calling dweeb, dweeb?!” Kwiz Kid questioned him.

“So who's going first?” Cisco asked.

As Tony was about to answer, Gabby stepped in and said, “I am.”

“Wait, what?!” Tony hollered.

“Excellent. Well don't just stand there. Take one of your little rocket-fueled roadster of yours and make your way to the train yard. My first test is waiting.” Riddler announced.

“A challenge in the train yard? Fine. We will play your games and we will win. Our friends' lives depends on it.” Gabby responded as Riddler signed off.

Tony turned to Donnie and April, “I see why you guys hate him.”

Mona commented while resting, “Disrespectful vermin.”

“Don’t we get a say on this? Or vote?” Layla asked.

Gabby explained, “Look, we can handle whatever obstacle our enemies throw at us. Besides, it’s a race track. We can do this. And since I’m the fastest by beating Layla, I’m going first.”

The Spy Racers and Ninjas nodded except Layla, remembering the race between Layla and Gabby back at LA, and they were not wrong.

Ms. Nowhere informed her, “Proceed with caution, Gabby. It could be a trap.”

“Yes ma’am,” Gabby nodded.

Tony told her, “Good luck and be careful out there, primo.”

Gabby replied in Spanish, “Lo haré, prima. Gracias.”

They both hugged and Gabby hopped onto the Turtle Racer. After that, she rode off and exited the lair.

Meanwhile, The Riddler was in his lair, chatting with Black Mask.

“All I'm saying, Sidonis, is if I bait the ninjas in, it'll save you the money.”

Black Mask questioned him, “You honestly think your games can kill them, Riddler?”

Riddler replied, “I swiped a lot of stuff from my fellow Arkham associates, so yeah.”

Then, Kwiz Kid looked at the footage from his security camera to see Gabby entering the train yard.

Kwiz Kid whispered to Riddler, “Uh, teach. Our contestant is approaching.”

“I got to go, Sidonis. Give my love to the ladies.” Riddler said.

Black Mask sighed, “Whatever.”

After Black Mask signed off, Gabby with the Turtle Racer entered a building with the car elevator inside. From there, she entered and the elevator lifted them down slowly. Then, the projector above her turned on and The Riddler and Kwiz Kid appeared onscreen.

Riddler announced, “Well then, it begins. You are staring, with stupefied comprehension, at a mechanism I have calibrated to respond to an extremely precise radar pulse. In a moment, I will give you the decrypted code, young lady. Oh, but first…”

“Do you always talk like you've swallowed a dictionary?” Gabby asked.

Riddler smugly joked, “Hahaha. Very funny. Kwiz Kid asked me the same thing about that.”

“Yep,” Kwiz Kid replied.

“Now as I was saying, I think we should run through the ground rules of tonight's festivities.”

“Oh joy,” Gabby said, feeling unexcited.

Rule the first: You will address me at all times as Riddler, the Riddler, or Mr. Nigma, sir. Otherwise, I expect your patented brand of churlish silence. Rule the second: All integrated microphones and other communications devices, ninja-themed or otherwise are to be switched off prior to the start of the test. Should you be caught using any of these you will be expelled from the course. Rule the third: The use of purpose-built Riddle solving equipment is STRICTLY prohibited. I am familiar with the contents of your gadgets, and I will be evaluating any sudden additions over the course of this evening most suspiciously. Rule the fourth: In the event of fire or flood I will be on hand to guide you to the nearest emergency exit, assuming that is, you are not too proud to follow my advice. In that eventuality, we will consider your stubbornly prideful suicide an admission of defeat. Rule the fifth: Do NOT ask for clues.
Rule the sixth: Should I, in my exasperation, CHOOSE to provide you with a clue, hint, obliquely meaningful insult or any other form of assistance, you will not ask for further elucidation but instead thank me for my kind generosity, while adhering to the forms of address outlined in the very first rule. Rule the seventh: Bathroom breaks will be administered on a discretionary basis. Should we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in your arduous journey to self-realization and defeat, I expect you to hold it in. Rule the eighth: Any accidents resulting from my strict enforcement of the seventh rule are to be considered your fault entirely. Rule the ninth: You are required to recite back to me this full list of rules at any moment I request, again, keeping in mind the naming conventions I outlined in the very first rule. Rule the tenth: I, The Riddler/Riddler/Mr. Nigma, sir, reserve the right to add or announce further rules if and when they become necessary.

Gabby scoffed, ‘Doesn't matter. I'm a Toretto. Racing is in my blood.’

Kwiz Kid continued, “Yes, I know what you're thinking. Mr. Nigma, sir, you know how to meticulously structure a good time!” He turned his attention to Gabby, “In any case, we're getting rather tired of the way your stupidity forces us to outline the basics like this. So here's that code you've been waiting for. Let's see how long it takes for you to figure out how to use it.”

Gabby turned to Dr. Cluckingworth, “Go for it, doc.”

Dr. Cluckingworth observed the code The Riddler and Kwiz Kid sent until she figured it out. She pecked the code in and the door was unlocked.

Kwiz Kid exclaimed, “What? How did you... solve tonight's very first riddle! Well done.”

“I had a little help,” Gabby admitted, showing them her feathered ally. "You said no outside help, but you ególatras never said I couldn't have help that's with me."

The Riddler sighed, “I suppose I can overlook that since I didn't even noticed the chicken. But nonetheless, head over to the starting line.”

Gabby drove the Turtle Racer to the starting line as Riddler announced, “Welcome to my race track! You must complete 3 circuits of this gauntlet, finishing each before the time limit expires. Come now, let's put that grotesque egomobile to the test.”

“And you two are as ugly as your personality,” Gabby insulted.

“We're going to ignore that blatant comment for now. So start your oversized engines,” Riddler ordered as the race lights went to red. “Be ready, young lady. There's more to this test than just going really fast.”

“And furious,” Kwiz Kid memtioned as the race light turned yellow.

Dr. Cluckingsworth clucked and Gabby replied, “Counting on your help, Doc.”

The race light went to green and Gabby floored the gas pedal, “Hang on, Doc!”

Gabby drove at a steady pace with the Turtle Racer as Dr. Cluckingsworth used the code to open the gate.

“Even if we fail, at least the race will be entertaining,” Kwiz Kid stated, eating his bag of popcorn.

Riddler replied, “True. Are you going to share those?”

The second gate was opened as Gabby drove through, but she was met with two paths sealed by the gates.

“Which one?” Gabby asked the chicken.

Dr. Cluckingsworth told Gabby to take the path to the right before she used the code to open the door. After that, she then used the code again to summon a platform and another one to get past the tunnel.

“Tick tock, racer, tick tock.” Kwiz Kid said.

“How is she good at racing?” Riddler asked while eating popcorn.

The Turtle Racer jumped down two platforms until Dr. Cluckingsworth used the code to bypass the third platform. Gabby got through and drove straight towards the path that leads to the wall.

“Can that ramshackle motor handle THIS?” Riddler questioned as Gabby drove right up the wall to maintain her vehicle’s balance.

Gabby hit the turbo boosters and the Turtle Racer soared from the ramp until the chicken hit the code to summon the platform from the Turtle Racer falling to its doom. After that, Gabby completed the first lap, but the course was adjusted.

“Faster, little girl, faster! Can those flickering, faltering synapses keep up with my automatically adjusting course?” Riddler questioned.

“Please, I was born to race.” Gabby scoffed as she went through the left tunnel, but half of the road was detonated.

Gabby did not hesitate as she drove her car away from the holes and made it out. Then, Dr. Cluckingsworth pushed the green button of the code to summon one platform as Gabby landed on it until the chicken pushed the red button to summon another platform. After getting through the tunnel miraculously, Gabby drove up the wall again, but there was a blockade on it. Dr. Cluckingsworth used the code to deactivate the blockade.

Riddler echoed, “Let’s work that undeveloped brain of yours.”

Gabby growled, “Ugh, ¿Alguna vez te callas?”

Dr. Cluckingsworth opened the door with the use of the code as the Turtle Racer sped up and leaped. The red platform was summoned again thanks to Dr. Cluckingsworth and Gabby completed the second lap.

“Once more unto the track, once more!” Riddler cheered.

“What an idiota! Alright Dr. Cluckingsworth, we got one more lap to complete,” Gabby stated and sped up the Turtle Racer once more.

“Bwak,” Dr. Cluckingsworth said and switched the code from red to green as the Turtle Racer drove past the green and red doors.

Riddler advised her, “Now pay attention: go Left.”

Kwiz Kid hollered, “Go left! Go left!”

“Hang on, Dr. Cluckingsworth!” Gabby shouted as Dr. Cluckingsworth clucked in terror.

Gabby drove to the left tunnel as most of the road was detonated except the platform by the end. From there, she made the Turtle Racer drive forward in a spiral motion around the tunnel to avoid the big hole by following the arrows. She exhaled in relief, “Woah, that was close.”

Dr. Cluckingsworth pressed the buttons 3 times from the code to summon platforms from green to red as the Turtle Racer landed on each of them. After that, she proceeded to the wall climb.

Riddler announced, “You’re close, little girl. Don’t fumble now.”

Dr. Cluckingsworth bypassed two blockades as Gabby drove up the wall. After that, Gabby pressed the turbo boosters of the Turtle Racer one more time as Dr. Cluckingsworth pressed the button to open the door. From there, she pressed the button to summon the platform and the Turtle Racer jumped off. She pressed the button again to bypass the blockade before pressing it again to summon another platform. The Turtle Racer landed safely until she made her way to the finish line.

Gabby hit the brakes and celebrated, “Woo! We did it!”

Riddler and Kwiz Kid appeared onscreen as Riddler informed her, “Relax and settle down, the ordeal is over,” Riddler sighed, “Such a pity the laws of physics prohibit me from testing my non-Euclidean designs. I suppose a reward is due. I'm running a little game of chance that you may be interested in playing, here's the invitation.”

Riddler sent the next coordinates to Gabby and its location of the hostages was in New York. Gabby informed Leo and Donnie, “Guys, I'm sending you the coordinates.”

Meanwhile in New York, Leo and Donnie’s team got the coordinates that Gabby sent.

“We got the coordinates, Gabby. Thank you,” Donnie thanked her before he called Leo on his T-Phone. "Leo, your team's close to the kids' location."

Leo replied, “On it, Donnie.”

“Team, we’re here,” Princess Twilight informed her friends as they arrived in one of Riddler’s hidden bases. Inside, they quickly scattered and took cover as the first room was swarmed with Black Mask’s men, guarding the room where the hostages were located.

Riddler announced through the speaker box, “This room contains the cream of what is available in this forsaken cesspool of a prison. You ignorant buffoons should consider yourself nearly as intelligent as a retarded monkey.”

Black Mask henchman replied, “Okay, we get it. Stop the good guys. No big deal.”

“No big deal, huh?” Leo whispered. “We'll see about that.”

While everyone snuck around to plan their attacks on the thugs silently, Black Mask was onscreen in the Riddler’s computer again, “Riddler, I better be getting my payment. I don't like being double crossed.”

Riddler replied, “Mr. Sionis, I assure you. The Fear Toxic is the real deal. But I'd be happy to throw in some of Joker's gas if you're not convinced.”

Applejack snuck behind a henchman and silently took him down with a chokehold before he passed out.

“Who's stupid enough to mess with us?” Another henchman asked.

One minute later, Kwiz Kid announced, “Do you really think you are enough to defeat me and Riddler? Taking out that idiot does not make you better than us.”

Black Mask’s men were highly alerted and searched the area for intruders as Sonata waited for one to come to the grate she hid in. The thug took the bait and Sonata leapt from the grate, taking out the thug with a DDT.

“Huh?” One of the Black Mask thugs heard one yelped and everyone scrambled.

Sonata quickly retreated as Leo hid behind a corner. Once the thug got closer, Leo silently took out another henchman from the corner until he passed out.

“Just keep walking,” Pigeon Pete whispered, waiting for another thug to get close to the scaffholding. The Black Mask henchman walked above the scaffolding and Pigeon Pete grabbed him from above. “Have a nice trip,” Pigeon Pete dropped the thug with his feet tied onto the scaffholding, dangling outside.

“Who’s screaming? Someone get over there!” A female Black Mask thug exclaimed.

While the female Black Mask thug went to find the dangling thug, Princess Twilight aimed at the rope with her weapon, waiting and perching onto another scaffolding across from the other. With the thug got under the dangling thug, Princess Twilight threw her weapon at the rope, making the unconscious thug fell onto another, knocking her out as a result.

After the rest of Leo’s team knocked out the rest of Black Mask’s thugs, Kwiz Kid spoke through the speaker box, “Bravo, heroes. You managed to outsmart a group of people who barely passed kindergarten.”

“Enough games, you two! Where have you taken them?” Princess Twilight furiously asked.

Riddler looked through the security cameras and he noticed Princess Twilight, but not the counterpart he met before. “Did you switch to contacts or something?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Princess Twilight asked.

Leo whispered to her, “I believe he is talking about your human counterpart.”

“Never the less, it’s time for you all to play our next game. Right this way.” Kwiz Kid announced as the doors opened automatically.

Leo and his team ran through hallway until they entered the game room where Yona, Ace, Melody, Apple Bloom, and Bright Eyes are located.

“As you can all see, you cannot rescue them right away because I placed an electric gate between you and the kids. Try to interfere before or during the game, and they get a dose of fear gas in their collars. So, are you ready to solve our game?”

Leo answered, “Fine.”

“Welcome to your next game of saving the poor souls. There are 25 display cases that holds 5 correct keys. Choose the wrong key and the kitties goes boom!” Kwiz Kid announced.

Riddler reminded his protogé, “Kwiz Kid! I told you were not doing explosions. We're using fear gas.”

Kwiz Kid informed him, “Yeah, but this is Plan B. In case we’re not doing the fear gas,” He turned his attention to Leo and his team, “But anyways, each kid has to find their key while you solve the riddles. Solve them before the timer runs out. Does that sound clear to you all?”

Princess Twilight answered, “Yes, we understand the rules of your game.”

“Good. Now let’s bring out our first contestant, shall we.” Riddler said as the cage automatically opened and Apple Bloom exited first.

Apple Bloom greeted everyone, “Hey guys.”

Applejack hollered, “Apple Bloom! Are you alright?!”

“I’m okay, big sis!” Apple Bloom answered.

“She won't be okay if she doesn't answer our first riddle in 5 minutes,” Kwiz Kid stated, as the riddle appeared on the screen.

Apple Bloom read, “I'll be right under your feet, in the midday sun; you cannot lose me, no matter how far you run. What am I?”

The timer started counting down to 5 minutes and the cage was automatically opened for Apple Bloom. She ran towards the display cases to find the key that holds the correct answer.

“I think the answer is a shadow. It has to be,” Apple Bloom thought until she found the display case with the key inside that was labeled “shadow.” Second row, second column. Apple Bloom opened the display case and grabbed the key before unlocking the collar.

After that, the collar was deactivated and Apple Bloom cheered, “Woohoo! I did it.”

Kwiz Kid announced onscreen, “Well done, you did it. Like a child learning to walk for the first time. Onto the second round.”

Apple Bloom returned to her friends as the electric fence was deactivated before turning it back on.

“You okay, Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked.

“I’m okay, sis. Thanks for asking,” Apple Bloom replied. “Those two are going to pay.”

Princess Twilight assured her, “Don't worry. We'll get him somehow.”

“Bring out the next contestant.” The second cage automatically opened and Yona exited out.

“Now here’s your second riddle,” Riddler announced onscreen and a riddle popped up.

Yona read, “The more there is, the less you see. What am I?”

Leo said, “That's an easy one.” He shouted, “Yona! Find the key that says "darkness"!”

“Yona find key! Right!” Yona replied and went to look for the correct key.

Kwiz Kid informed her onscreen, “Tick tock, Yona. You got 4 minutes on the clock.”

Yona searched for the keys until she found one that was labeled, “darkness.” A display case in the first row, third column.

“Found it!” Yona grabbed the key, but accidentally dropped it into the Fear Gas tank.

The heroes gasped and Yona sheepishly said, “Oops.”

Riddler said onscreen, “Aww, you were so close. Oh well, I guess this round will decide your fate. Say your last goodbyes if you can.”

Kwiz Kid corrected him, “Uh Riddler, she actually grabbed the right key.”

“She did?” The Riddler paused the timer and watched the footage. “Uh Leonardo, does your brother have the antidote for the Fear Toxin?”

“Uh, yes. Why do you ask?” Leo questioned.

“I swear, what's about to happen to her wasn't because of me.” Riddler answered and The fear gas engulfed Yona. After a moment, she screamed in terror as she saw a swarm of spiders crawling her.

“Let me help her! Please?!” Leo shouted.

Princess Twilight stated, “And me! I’m her teacher after all.”

Riddler replied, “Hmm, you don’t look like much of a teacher. But alright, since she technically got the right key. She's free. Kwiz Kid, deactivate the electric fence. And ninjas, do not try any funny business. Understand?”

Leo’s team nodded as the electric fence is down. Leo and Princess Twilight then rushed in to help Yona.

“Easy, Yona. We got you,” Leo passed the antidote to Princess Twilight and gave Yona the antidote for the Fear Toxin.

“I suppose I should reset the clock as a sign of good faith,” Riddler sighed.

Yona was restored and finally came back to her senses. She wondered, “Huh? Where am I? What happened?”

“Next riddle, please.” Leo requested as they brought Yona to her friends. The third cage was open and Melody came out.

“Three minutes on the clock. Here’s your next riddle,” Kwiz Kid said onscreen as the riddle popped up onscreen.

Melody read, “If you know me, you'll want to share me, but if you share me, I'll be gone. What am I?”

Indigo Zap asked, “What could that possibly mean?”

Princess Twilight answered, “It's a secret.”

“What?” Pigeon Pete asked.

“Melody! The key you are looking for is the one that says the word "secret".” Princess Twilight shouted at her from a distance.

Melody spotted the correct key in the display case in the second row, third column. She grabbed the key and unlocked the collar.

“Well done. And here's the sound of one hand clapping,” Riddler smugly commented while clapping slowly.

“On to the next round!” Kwiz Kid cheered and opened the fourth cage automatically.

Ace exited the cage and commented, “So this is what you call a game show? I've seen better game shows than this.”

“Don't tempt us to use the gas,” Kwiz Kid reminded him.

Ace groaned, “Fine. Just give me the question please?”

“Ask and you shall receive, boy. You got two minutes to solve this one,” Riddler answered and a riddle popped up onscreen.

Ace read, “I never stop, I control your life, but without me, you wouldn't go anywhere. What am I?”

Sonata asked, “Do you actually write these riddles or you have a book of riddles to do it for you?”

Riddler deadpanned, “I've heard that question before.”

“How much time does he have left?” Pigeon Pete asked.

Keno answered, “Two minutes.”

Then, Princess Twilight realized something, “Pete, can you say that again?”

“Say what again?” Pigeon Pete replied.

“The question you just asked,” Princess Twilight answered.

“How much time does he have left?”

Princess Twilight realized, “That's it! That's the answer: Time.”

“Ace! The key you are look for is the one labeled, "Time".” Indigo Zap shouted.

“Found it!” Ace hollered and unlocked his collar.

“Woohoo! I’m free!” Ace cheered and ran out of the game room.

Riddler announced onscreen, “I see that you are pleased with yourself, young man, but don’t celebrate just yet. Only more round to go. And this last riddle will be a tough one.”

“Bring out the last contestant!” Kwiz Kid hollered onscreen as the last cage was opened and Bright Eyes exited out.

Bright Eyes told the two villains onscreen, “You two are definitely insane.”

Riddler answered onscreen, “No. That would imply either mental illness or derangement.”

Kwiz Kid added, “We suffer from neither. Oh, and yes, we look forward to watching you fail in just one minute because this is the final riddle that you cannot solve.”

The last riddle popped up onscreen. Bright Eyes read, “The less of them you have, the more one is worth. What am I?”

“Hmm, I don’t even know what this riddle means,” Pigeon Pete commented while everyone else tried to figure our the riddle with 30 seconds left.

“30 seconds left you guys! Hurry!” Bright Eyes reminded them, panicking.

“I've never heard of that riddle before. What about you guys?” Leo asked as everyone else shook their heads except Princess Twilight, who was solving the last riddle with 20 seconds remaining on the timer.

“I can't solve it either,” Princess Twilight shook with fear in her eyes. “I can't watch!” She covered her eyes, fearing that she might get the wrong key or worse.

Bright Eyes thought long and hard until she saw a key labeled "Friend".

‘Maybe that's the answer to the riddle.’ Bright Eyes thought to herself.

With 10 seconds remaining, Bright Eyes quickly ran towards the display case on the fifth row, third column spot, and grabbed the key. She unlocked it and with one second remaining, the collar was deactivated.

Everyone sighed in relief until The Riddler and Kwiz Kid popped up onscreen. Kwiz Kid applauded them, “Amazing! If that was 2 seconds longer, your head would've exploded.”

Riddler stated onscreen, “But nonetheless, congrats on your effort you bothersome team. Up next, we have prepared for you something a little less knuckle whitening and rather more brow-furrowing in Canterlot. Hurry on over you little racer, or it won't be curiosity that kills the kittens.”

“And before we go. Here is your consolation prize. Buh-bye,” Kwiz Kid said as the ground began rumbling. Leo’s team didn’t like the sound of that.

“What's happening right now, guys?!” Melody asked.

“The building. It's going to collapse!” Pigeon Pete exclaimed.

Leo informed everyone, “We have to get out of here. Now!”

While Pigeon Pete flew up to carry the tied-up Black Mask thugs, everyone raced out of the building to safety.

Minutes later, everyone made it out of the building safely and Ms. Nowhere arrived with her agents from The Agency.

Ace exhaled in relief, “That was close.”

Leo pleaded Ms. Nowhere, “Nowhere, tell me you have some medical equipment. I want to make sure the Fear Toxic is out of Yona's system.”

While Leo was discussing with Nowhere and Donnie’s team sending the Black Mask thugs back to their dimension, Princess Twilight looked up to the sky with a tear in her eye and prayed for the rest of their friends. She vowed, “It's all up to you now everyone. Please save my friends.”

Author's Note:
  • Some quotes and riddles were from Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Arkham Knight, and the movie, The Batman (2022).
  • Riddler’s race tracks are based on the game, Batman: Arkham Knight.