• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,727 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...


Back in New York, Jackal was taking a breather in an alleyway after dealing with Leo and his team. Then, his phone rang and answered it.

Black Mask communicated with Jackal and asked, “Have you found the bodies?”

Jackal replied, “No. And next time, keep your other assassins out of my way.”

Black Mask reminded him, “You had your shot Jackal, but you’re not the only assassin around here. And the night is young.”

“Whatever,” Jackal replied, “I will complete my task no matter what it takes.”

“You better. We’ll be in touch again soon. Adios.” Black Mask answered.

Jackal hang up his phone and walked away.

Meanwhile, Deadshot was sitting on the chair eating a slice of pizza while observing the streets of New York to come up with a plan that will lure his enemies into his trap. While he kept observing, he heard some discussion about the Turtles coming from a group of kids in the alleyway. The hitman looked through his visor and saw the group of kids named Angel, Caitlyn, and Zack. These three kids have met the Turtles before.

“The others can waste their time with their schemes. I have a plan for those freaks.” Deadshot said as he finished his slice and made his move.

Angel asked them, “So guys, have you set up the surprise party for the Turtles yet?”

“Not yet. And they have no idea what we, the Rainbooms, and the rest of our friends have in store for them.” Zach said.

Caitlyn added, “Yeah. It’s going to be a blast.”

Then, a smoke pellet was dropped right in front of them.

Angel asked as she can’t see within the smoke, “What's going on?”

Zach said, “I can't see.”

Caitlyn replied, “Me either.”

Deadshot nabbed them one by one and knocked them unconscious. Then, he contacted Kraang Subprime via communicator.

“Hey Squid-Face. Do you mind if I borrow one of those robots of yours. I got something in mind for them.” Deadshot requested.

Leo’s group were continuing patrolling New York after the flooding incident earlier. Pigeon Pete continued to fly and patrol around the skies until he saw a big puff of smoke coming from the Argosy Cinema just blocks from them.

“Uh-oh. I wonder what that is? I better report back to Leo about the smoke.” Pigeon Pete said as he flew back to report to Leo and his gang.

Pete informed the team, “Hey guys, I found something up ahead while I was on patrol.”

“What did ya find?” Applejack asked.

Pete answered, “Puff of smoke coming from the Argosy Cinema up ahead.”

“Okay, let’s go check it out.” Leo said as he and his team as they ran from the rooftops to reach towards the theater.

The team arrived at the cinema and found a flare stick on the rooftop.

“Hmm, this looks like a trap.” Keno said.

After they found the flare stick, a helicopter arrived with Kraang Bots inside and targeted Leo’s team.

“Do ya really have to say that?!” Applejack angrily asked.

Keno shouted, “I was just curious! That’s all.”

One of the Kraang Bots told them, “Kraang is to deliver, that which is know as, a message.”

“This better not be a trick from Kraang Subprime.” Leo stated.

Then, a bullet shot right through the helicopter’s tail rotor from out of nowhere and it spiraled out of control, sending the helicopter crashing down on the ground.

“I think that was the message.” Sonata said.

Leo informed the cowgirl, “Applejack, take Indigo and Keno with you and check for any survivors.”

“You got it, Leo,” Applejack replied, “Keno, Indigo, come with me.”

Keno and Indigo followed AJ to the streets to find any surviving Kraang Bots. However, the two Kraang Bots were all dead, but its aliens survived and fled.

“Who could’ve done this?” Keno asked.

Indigo replied, “Maybe another villain who has access to high-grade equipment.”

“We should set up a crime scene.” Keno suggested.

Applejack asked Keno, “And how are we supposed to do that? We don’t even have the tools to find the culprit.”

Indigo said, “And it's not like a clue is gonna drop out of the sky.”

Pigeon Pete flew to the building across from the Argosy Cinema and saw another dead Kraang Bot with a sniper in its hand lying on the floor.

“Another Kraang Bot? Why would it be here?” Pigeon Pete asked.

Twilight said as she kept thinking, “Hmm, I wonder.”

She looked at the debris below and the dead Kraang Bot from the building across from them.

Leo called Twilight and asked, “Twilight! Do you find any connections yet?”

“No, but I think I’m starting to sense a pattern around here.” Twilight answered.

“Well, I called Donnie on my T-Phone and he said that he will bring gear that will help us with our investigation.” Leo informed Twilight.

Twilight replied, “Excellent.”

Minutes later, Donnie arrived with the Stealth Bike and brought them the bag with gear inside.

“Here you go, one bag of detective gear.” Donnie said as he tossed the bag to Leo.

Leo nodded, “Thanks, Donnie.”

Donnie replied, “No problem. Oh, and Pinkie wanted me to ask you to sign this.”

Donnie showed a 'Get-Well-Soon' card.

“What happened?” Indigo asked.

Donnie explained to Leo and his team about what happened to Mona.

“Ouch. Well, we’re glad that Mona is okay. I hope she feels better soon.” Leo told Donnie, feeling relieved.

Donnie replied, “Yeah. I hope so too. Anyway, I gotta get back to my team. We don’t want these assassins to know that we’re here.”

“Right. Stay safe out there, Don.” Leo said.

Donnie replied, “Will do.”

Everyone grabbed the gear and put it on to analyze the crime scene.

Leo wore the goggles and informed everyone, “Donnie told us that the gear is specialized for crime scenes that our old pal, Batman used. He said that Batman calls it, “Detective Mode.” So, this should come in handy since Donnie designed it for weeks.”

Donnie took the card after everyone signed it and drove off. Leo and his team put on their gear and turned on Detective Mode.

“Alright. It’s working.” Keno said.

Leo’s team resumed investigating the crime scene with the use of Detective Mode.

Keno used his goggles to replay the scene of the helicopter crash to everyone as they turned on their communicator earpiece.

“The helicopter was spinning out of control. The Kraang Bot was killed on impact, but not the gunshot that we heard. But what caused it to lose control?” Keno said.

Twilight found more evidence and used the goggles to replay the scene of the crime to her friends.

“The helicopter’s tail rotor was severed before it crashed down. We should review the crime scene and find that tail rotor.” Twilight ordered everyone.

Applejack replied, “I’m on it.”

The cowgirl looked around to search the tail rotor until she found it right behind the theater.

“Found it.” Applejack said before she started scanning the tail rotor. After she completed scanning, she replayed more of the crime scene to everyone from their goggles.

“So the helicopter crashed when a high-powered round shattered the tail rotor. This will lead us to the shooter’s position.” Applejack stated.

Pete informed everyone, “Say, how about that building diagonally across from the theater? I believe I saw another Kraang Bot there.”

“Hmm, interesting. I hope you’re right.” Sonata said.

Everyone rewind the footage to find the shooter’s position and Pigeon Pete was right.

“Pete, you’re a genius.” Sonata told the mutant pigeon.

Leo grappled up to the building and found the dead Kraang Bot. He scanned the scene of the crime and reviewed the footage to everyone.

“Huh, this doesn’t add up. This robot is a part of the Kraang. So why did it fire on their helicopter?” Leo questioned.

After that, Leo scanned more evidence until he was finished. Everyone witnessed more of footage as Leo resumed speaking.

“This Kraang Bot wasn’t aiming at the helicopter, it was aiming at me. The ballistics trace indicates the robot was killed by a ricochet from the same round that took down the chopper. Guys, I know where our culprit is. The trajectory analysis will lead us to the shooter’s firing location.”

Leo and his team moved out to find the location of the shooter. After they arrived to their location, the culprit wasn’t there except the bullet shell that matches military-grade hardware.

“Just as I suspected. This is the bullet shell that took down both the chopper and the Kraang Bot at the same time. But its trail ends here. Unless...” Leo said before picking up the bullet shell, “There are numbers on the bullet casing and it looks like a radio frequency.”

Leo used his T-Phone to find the right radio frequency that matches the right numbers. After he locked on to the frequency, a message was recorded by Deadshot.

“Hello ninjas. I see you decoded my message. Well done. But I’m afraid playtime is over. Come meet me at the bank so that I can put bullets on your heads and collect my prize. Oh, and in case if you’re thinking of backing out, I’ve got some hostages and a very itchy trigger-finger.”

Sonata commented, “That's not good.”

“If this assassin wants the real deal, he’ll get what’s coming. Applejack, Twilight, you’re with me. The rest of you stay outside and alert us if anything changes.” Leo informed his team.

Leo's teammates nodded and agreed in unison, “Right.”

Leo, Twilight, and Applejack entered the bank from the roof without being seen and spied on Deadshot with some Black Mask goons. Angel, Zach, and Caitlyn were tied up together and already sitting on the floor.

Deadshot aimed at one of his goons who were standing around and ordered, “Quit screwing around and get back to work!”

He panicked and replied, “We'll take care of it.”

“This is worse than getting grounded for a year after my little intimate get together last week.” Caitlyn whispered to Angel and Zack.

One Week Ago

Caitlyn informed the party-goers, “First of all, it’s not a party. But if it were a party, it would not be their party,” Caitlyn pointed her thumb at the Rainbooms on her back, “It would be my party.”

The party-goers shouted, “Caitlyn’s Party! Caitlyn’s Party!”

“It's not a party. It's an intimate get together.” Caitlyn informed everyone.

The party-goers shouted again, “Caitlyn’s Party! Caitlyn’s Party!”

Caitlyn explained to everyone in her house that it was not a party in song.

Zach heard the telephone ringing and picked it up.

“Hi Mom!” Zach greeted. Due to the loud noise, Zach couldn’t hear his Mom’s words.

“What?! What?! I - I’m sorry! I can’t hear you over Caitlyn’s intimate get together!”

After Caitlyn gave their explanation, she moved the party-goers to the backyard for minutes until her and Zach's parents came home. However, Caitlyn got grounded.

Leo sneakily took down a thug with a vent takedown, but it also alerted Deadshot and the other thugs.

“What was that?” One of the thugs said.

Leo ran back and slid down to enter the vent, but also dodged a bullet from Deadshot’s wrist-mounted guns.

Deadshot asked, “Ha! I got you on the run!”

One of the Black Mask thugs found their comrade and alerted the rest of them, “Oh this ain't happening. I got a man down over here.”

Some of the thugs went to check on their fallen comrade while the other thugs walked around and searched for Leo.

“Spread out! Find him!” Deadshot yelled.

Applejack silently took down another thug without being seen.

Sonata snuck up behind another thug and knocked him unconscious with her tonfa.

Applejack slowly approached her and whispered, “Psst. Sonata! What are you doing here? Leo told ya to guard outside!”

“I overheard two thugs describing the hostages. It's Angel, Caitlyn, and Zach.” Sonata answered.

Applejack whispered, “I already know that and saw them. Go back outside. Leo and I will get them to safety.”

Sonata tried to sneak back outside, but knocked over a canister of pens.

“Who goes there?” Deadshot asked as he pointed his laser at the disturbance.

Sonata and Applejack split up, ran away, and hid under the grates from the bad guys.

“Different city, same rat problem. Hold your fire, probably just some rats.” Deadshot said.

The two girls sighed with relief.

Sonata whispered to Applejack, “Sorry.”

Applejack whispered back, “Don't be. However, I think you might be able to help us.”

Twilight did a silent takedown on another Black Mask thug and whispered to him, “I’m sorry, but this is for your own good.”

The thug fell unconscious and the hitman aimed the laser at Twilight as she heard him reloading his gauntlet behind her.

“Don’t move.” Deadshot ordered.

Twilight raised her hands in the air and slowly turned around to see Deadshot with his gauntlet armed.

Deadshot said, “There you go. Nice and easy.”

TwIlight questioned, “Why are you doing this?”

Deadshot replied, “It’s nothing personal. It’s just business. So come quietly and join with the rest of these kids.”

“Only if you promise me that nobody gets hurt.” Twilight pleaded.

Deadshot sighed, “Fine. But do you have any last words?”

Twilight turned around and walked slowly until Leo got the drop on Deadshot with the knockout smash. Twilight and Leo ran away and zipped up to one of the vantage points with their grapple guns.

The thugs went up the stairs to check on their captain, but Twilight and Leo got away. Deadshot got up and armed his gauntlets again.

“No more excuses!” Deadshot shouted.

Leo swung ip to the vantage point where Twilight was and asked, “Are you okay, Twilight?”

“Yeah. I'm okay now. Thanks for saving me.” Twilight said as Leo nodded back.

Applejack informed her friend, “Sonata, on my mark. We take those two jerks down together.”

“You got it, AJ.” Sonata replied.

The two thugs were approaching towards the grates while the other baddies weren’t looking!

Applejack whispered, “NOW!”

They both took them down with grate takedowns like hitting wrestlers with DDTs.

One of the thugs yelled, “Hey!”

The remaining two thugs ran to check the disturbance. However, Leo took another thug down with an inverted takedown. The thug screamed after Leo dropped him and left him dangling on the vantage point.

“Who’s screaming?” The last thug said.

Deadshot asked while checking his surroundings, “Where are you?”

Twilight took him down with another knockout smash and fled.

The hitman contacted reinforcements by phone to help him out. Eight more Black Mask thugs entered after Leo fled and grappled up to the vantage point.

“Hey idiots! Get over here and help me! NOW!” Deadshot ordered.

One of them replied, “We’re on it!”

“This is bad. Very bad.” Sonata panicked.

“Don’t worry, we got this,” Applejack said, “We’ll watch your back.”

Sonata replied, “Ditto.”

Applejack and Twilight took down two more thugs with silent takedowns while Sonata sprayed some explosive gel on a weak wall. Leo took down another thug with a ledge takedown and sent him falling from the platform.

“Who’s screaming? Someone get over there. Now!” One of the thugs ordered.

Leo got up from the ledge and grappled up to another vantage point.

Deadshot used his wrist-mounted guns to track down his targets.

“Hey idiot! Get off your butt and quit screwing around!” Deadshot ordered as he aimed at one of the thugs.

“Relax. They’re close.” The thug panicked.

Applejack saw the thug snooping around below his comrade dangling on the vantage point and followed the guy as he went downstairs.

Sonata hit the detonator and the weak wall exploded right in front of the thug that Applejack was following. The two girls ran away from the scene while the other three thugs heard the explosion and ran quickly to check it out.

Applejack threw her ninja star on the fire extinguisher in front of Deadshot, causing it to explode and fill his surroundings with smoke. He looked around to find the enemy until Applejack found the opportunity to attack him. The cowgirl took him down with another knockout smash again and the thugs went to find their boss after they heard the blow.

Deadshot got up again, ran quickly towards the hostages, and grabbed Caitlyn.

The hitman held her at gunpoint and said, “Alright. Let’s see how you deal with this! Come and get me! I dare ya! I honestly wanted to let these kids go, but you left me no choice!”

“Help me. I’m scared and I’m too young to die!” Caitlyn cried, begging for mercy.

The Black Mask thugs surrounded Deadshot and protected him to make it more challenging for Leo and his team.

Leo threw some smoke pellets to create pandemonium for the thugs except Deadshot who wasn’t intimidated by the trick. After Deadshot turned around, Leo jumped down from the ledge and took out Deadshot with his lethal strikes from behind.

The thugs turned around and saw Leo defeated Deadshot as the smoke begins to clear up. “Oh no. That lizard freak got the drop on our client. Let’s get out of here!”

The three remaining thugs ran away and exited the building until Keno and Indigo showed up.

“You guys really should've chosen better career options.” Keno said as he took down the Black Mask thug.

Indigo knocked the second thug’s weapon and took him down too.

“Stay back. Don’t come any closer. I’m armed.” The last Black Mask thug said, feeling desperate to pull the trigger.

Pigeon Pete screamed as he dived down from the roof of the bank and landed on the last Black Mask thug, knocking him out unconscious.

“He's gonna have a headache when he wakes up.” Keno said.

Keno, Indigo, and Pete went inside the bank and found their teammates as well as Angel, Caitlyn, and Zack.

“Are you three alright?” Indigo asked.

Angel replied, “Yeah. I'm good.”

“Same here.”

“I'm okay,” Caitlyn said before she started to have a sick feeling in her stomach, “Hold on.” She ran quickly and threw up out of terror in the trash can.

Zach patted his sister on the back to comfort her.

Deadshot woke up and noticed that his hands were tied and his body was feeling pain because of his enemies’ takedowns. He looked up to see Leo, Twilight, and Applejack and said, “Face to face at last. Though I’ve gotta say, I was expecting someone a little more intimidating than Batman.”

“You’re done terrorizing New York.” Leo demanded.

Deadshot replied, “If fate’s decided today’s the day, so be it. Just finish me quickly, will ya?”

Leo replied, “No.”

“Why not? You’re ninjas, right? It’s only fitting that I get killed by you teens as my punishment.” Deadshot admitted.

Twilight sighed, “I understand your defeat, but we are not the kind of heroes that takes away innocent lives.”

“Innocent would describe my daughter, not me.” Deadshot stated.

Sonata said, “Aww, I didn’t know you have a daughter.”

“So what do they call you, cyclops?” Applejack asked.

Deadshot introduced himself, “They call me Deadshot.”

“Hard to believe someone like you has a kid.” Applejack commented.

Twilight Sparkle asked, “Why do they call you Deadshot?”

Deadshot answered, “It’s simple, really. I never...”

Caitlyn, Angel, and Zack answered, “You never miss.”

“Yeah, yeah, we heard you the first time. You never shut up about it!” Angel explained.

Leo used his portal transporter and the portal appeared, waiting for one of Batman’s allies to come out.

Deadshot said, “For what it's worth, I didn't want to kill those kids.”

“Yeah right. Ya tryin’ to lure us so you can kill us and erase the evidence you left behind.” Applejack said.

Deadshot said, “If I killed a child, how do you think my daughter would look at me?!”

“He's telling the truth.”

Everyone turned around and saw Batman walk up as he came from the portal.

Batman greeted, “Deadshot.”

Deadshot asked him, “Batman. How's Zoe?”

“She’s doing okay, Floyd.” Batman replied.

Deadshot sighed, “Thanks for getting her somewhere safe.”

“The police told me their willing to cut you a deal if you testify against the others.” Batman ordered.

Deadshot got up and said, “Better get my tuxedo ready for court. Oh, one last thing.”

He tossed his binds to Leo and said, “Next time, you rookies better keep track of my hands. I could have grabbed a knife than the key.”

“We’ll remember that. But why did you kidnap our friends in the first place?” Leo asked.

Deadshot replied, “Like I said, it’s nothing personal. It’s just business.”

Twilight asked, “So this is the Batman that you guys told us about?”

“Yep. He’s one tough, caped crusader.” Leo said.

“Splendid. It's good to see you again, Batman. It's been a while.” Twilight greeted as she offered Batman a handshake.

Indigo, Pigeon Pete, and Sonata Dusk introduced themselves to Batman and greeted him.

Batman informed, “Hey Leo, next time your enemies are in Gotham, I expect your team to be there. Sounds like you got a small army.

“More or less, but will do Batman. You can count on me and my friends.” Leo stated.

Batman escorted Deadshot and the rest of the Black Mask thugs to the portal.

However, Jackal was watching Leo, Twilight, and Applejack from afar, knowing that he will find a way to capture them and used his own combat style against them.

Jackal vowed, “I will prove I'm better than my worthless father. No matter the cost.”

Author's Note:


  • The crime scene and the rescue mission is inspired by the Deadshot side mission from Batman: Arkham Origins.
  • Caitlyn’s explanation is based on Candace’s song, Candace Party from the episode, Candice Gets Busted from Phineas and Ferb.