• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,726 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

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Captain Boomerang

Leo was driving on the Shell Raiser with Raph while Donnie drove the Party Wagon with Mikey on board as they traveled to Canterlot City. As they were driving around Canterlot City to get to Pinkie’s house, they heard an alarm going off from the bank. Right across from them.

Raph looked at the bank and said, “Finally some action.”

“Should we wait until our friends come here?” Mikey asked.

Leo answered, feeling determined, “There will be no time for that, Mikey. Donnie, call our friends right away.”

“You got it. I’ll send them the coordinates.” Donnie said as he started sending the Rainbooms the location of the bank.

Leo informed his brothers, “Let’s sneak in and find out who we’re dealing with.”

They all nodded and used their grapple guns, sending them on the rooftop of the bank to get inside. After they entered inside, the Turtles spied on the bank robbers who were continuing to rob money and stashed them on their garbage truck, but they also saw some hostages being taken inside a separate room. Leo spotted one bank robber that was different from the rest, one that spoke in an Australian accent, wore a blue beanie, gold chain, gold tooth, trench coat, and blue track jacket with the word “Captain” on the front.

“That guy must be the one in charge of this operation.” Leo said to himself.

Donnie informed his brothers, “Okay, I downloaded the schematics and structure of this bank. We should be able to save the hostages and take out the bank robbers.”

“Alright bros, let’s do this.” Leo said and they split up.

“Aye, hurry up until the cops show up!” The Captain said.

The bank robbers hurried as fast as they could to steal more money. In another room, two robbers were watching the hostages. Donnie used his hacking skills to hack through a security camera to find the hostages. After Donnie figured it out, he turned off the lights with his hacking and gave the signal to Mikey and Raph to enter the room. After that, Mikey and Raph knocked the burglars out until the lights were back on. Once the lights were back on, Mikey and Raph disappeared, leaving the hostages safe and two burglars down.

Mikey and Raph hid under the grates and crawled inside to find their next targets. Raph whispered, “That takes care of them.”

Donnie observed the thieves from a vantage point, took out his phone, and started hacking from above. The chandelier dropped, knocking out three more robbers but also alerting the others.

“What was that?!” The Captain said as he looked around to find the cause of disturbance. The Captain found the broken chandelier along with three more of his goons. “Well, it seems like we’re not alone, lads! Find them!”

“We’re on it!” One of his goons said.

Leo swung from one vantage point to another and found three more thieves stuffing more money in their loot bags in a separate room. He threw a smoke pellet in there, causing them to panic with their guns blazing and Leo went in there and took out three more. Donnie threw two more smoke pellets to blind more robbers. Mikey and Raph launched out of the grates and took out two more robbers that were caught in the smoke. After that, Mikey and Raph threw more smoke pellets, causing all the robbers to panic and find the Turtles. The Captain escaped along with another robber as he grabbed the loot bags. The Captain closed the door behind them, leading them to the storage room at the back of the bank and found the exit door.

“Look on the bright side Cap, we’re going to be rich.” The robber laughed as he showed the Captain their loot bags.

“Yeah, you and me, mate. Go and get the car.” He commanded, feeling happy.

As the robber heads to the exit door, the Captain took out his steel boomerang from his trench coat and threw it right at his partner-in-crime, knocking him out. He laughed and took the bags for himself. As the Captain was trying to flee from the bank, a flash of rainbow appeared and he came face-to-face with Rainbow Dash.

“No honor among thieves, huh.” Rainbow said.

The Captain escaped and ran to get to his car. However, the rest of the Rainbooms came by and surrounded him.

“End of the line, you thief!” Rarity yelled.

The Captain smirked and said, “Finally, time to earn me some prize money.” He took out his boomerangs and started fighting with the Rainbooms.

In the bank, the Turtles rounded up all the robbers in chains.

Leo informed his brothers, “Excellent work, brothers. Not a bad way to start our day.”

“Yeah, but I wish it could’ve gone better.” Mikey said.

Rainbow zoomed in and walked towards the Turtles, “What’s up guys!”

“What up Rainbow.” Mikey and Rainbow gave each other fist bumps.

Rainbow greeted them, “Happy Mutation Day.”

“Aww, thanks Rainbow. How did you know?” Mikey asked.

“It's not Mutation Day. Yet.” Donnie stated.

Rainbow asked, “Pinkie told me. Anyway, we caught their leader.”

“Great work. Let’s go ask him some questions. Somewhere that’s far away from here.” Leo informed his friends.

Leo and his brothers exited the bank from where they originally came in, but Rainbow unlocked the doors and the hostages ran towards the entrance doors, feeling safe as ever. They thanked Rainbow and she ran off.

The Ninja Turtles arrived at Applejack’s barn. They exited from their vehicles and entered the barn with the Rainbooms inside along with the thief tied up in a chair and stuffed with hay on his mouth.

“Thanks for your help, girls.” Leo said.

Applejack blushed and replied, “Aw shucks, Leo. Was there ever any doubt?”

Leo chuckled, but then he turned his attention to thief and approached him. He took the hay out of his mouth and said, “Start talking. Who are you and why are you here?”

The Captain coughed from the hay and said, “I ain’t telling you, jack.”

“Alright then, Pinkie.” Leo called and stepped away as Pinkie stepped forward, letting her do the talking.

Pinkie searched the pockets in his trench coat until she found a lighter and a little, pink unicorn plushie. “Aww, this looks cute. Look what I found.” She said and walked away, showing them his unicorn plushie. Everyone laughed.

“Ha! I never knew he had that.” Raph laughed.

“Hey! That’s mine!” The Captain yelled, feeling embarrassed.

Pinkie asked, “Oh, you want this back?”

“Yeah.” The Captain answered.

“Okay mister. If you want me to give this back to you, all you got to do is to give us some answers.” Pinkie said.

The Captain asked, “And if I refuse?”

Pinkie held the plushie on her left hand while she lit up the lighter on her right hand.

The Captain gasped, “You wouldn’t!”

“Oh yes I can. Start talking before I burn it into ash, baby!” Pinkie said. She moved his plushie closer and closer to the fire.

The Captain was sweating, building up pressure on him until he gave up and spoke, “Okay okay! I’ll talk!”

Pinkie turned off the lighter and the rest of her friends listened.

The thief confessed, “My name is Captain Boomerang. I was sent here to lure you bozos.”

Mikey said, “Captain Boomerang, huh. I give it a 6 out of 10 for that name.”

“Who sent you here?” Sunset asked.

Captain Boomerang answered, “Black Mask.”

“Seriously?! What kind of name is that?! I bet it’s just some guy in a black mask.” Raph said, judging by the name of the villain.

Captain Boomerang replied, “That’s because he is THAT guy, ya gecko.”

“Gecko?! That’s it! Let me at him!” Raph yelled as he was getting ready to give him a knuckle sandwich, but Applejack and Donnie restrained him.

“Enough. Anyway, where is this "Black Mask"?” Leo asked.

Captain Boomerang answered, “How should I know? He didn’t tell me.”

“Okay, let me burn his plushie for good measure.” Rainbow said as she wanted a piece of him, but Sunset stopped her.

“Stop. I’ll handle this.” Sunset Shimmer said and stepped forward to talk to Captain Boomerang. “If he didn’t tell you, I should figure out what he’s up to.”

“Wait, what?” Captain Boomerang asked.

“Don’t bother.” Sunset said and touched his forehead as she used her powers to see through his memories.

Sunset looked through his memories and saw flashbacks of Black Mask telling the rest of the villains about their bounty and where he comes from. After that, Sunset stopped and stepped away from him.

“So what did you see, Sunset?” Sci-Twi asked.

“I saw Hun, Xever, Kraang Subprime, and the rest of other villains. They had a secret meeting and Black Mask placed a bounty on us.”

Every one of her friends yelled, “What?!”

“Yeah, Black Mask, Captain Boomerang, and some new villains that I can’t describe aren’t from this dimension. They’re from the dimension where Batman, Teen Titans, and the Justice League are.” Sunset replied.

“Geez, that’s a lot of villains. Now there’s no way we can celebrate our birthday.” Raph said, feeling frustrated. Pinkie pat him on the shoulder.

“How much was the bounty?” Applejack asked.

Sunset answered, “Ten million dollars.”

Every one of her friends yelled, “TEN MILLION?!”

“Ten million dollars for our foes to kill us?! That’s just real low.” Rainbow said, feeling angry.

“We need to call Batman right away and tell him that his enemies are in our world,” Sunset informed them. “There’s no telling how many innocents will die by the hands of our enemies and Black Mask.”

“Yeah, well, we need to act fast,” Leo said. “It’s time that we call the rest of our friends. Tell them that we’re going to have a lot of company between our cities.”

“Good idea. I’ll see if I can call Batman to pick up Captain Boomerang over here.” Sci-Twi said.

“Wait, you know Batman? How did you get his phone number?” Captain Boomerang asked.

“Not telling ya, bucko.” Applejack replied as Captain Boomerang sighed.

Leo and Sci-Twi called the rest of their friends and allies from their phones and told them to meet at the Turtle Lair for an important meeting about their new enemies.

Author's Note:

Rainbow catching Captain Boomerang is a reference from the movie, Suicide Squad (2016).