• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,727 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...

Side Mission: The Penguin

Few hours ago…

Sapphire and Wallflower were chasing after Aria, who was trapped inside her green key car.

“Hang on, Aria! Help's on the way!” Wallflower yelled. She turned to her girlfriend, “Can you go any faster?”

“Like you need to ask,” Sapphire replied, pushing the clutch, and pressing down on the gas. She pulled along side the key car and spoke, “Wally, take the wheel. I'm gonna jump across and try to get Aria out of there!”

“Be careful,” Wallflower cautioned.

“I will,” Sapphire assured. She climbed onto the front of the Turtle Racer as Wallflower took over driving. Then Sapphire leapt over to the key car. “Booyahkasha!” She landed on the roof and nearly slid off, but managed to grab onto the back-fin. Then she took out her ninja weapon and tried to pry, opening the door.

As for Wallflower, she looked ahead and saw an old lady crossing the street, right in her path! “Oh no!” She quickly stepped on the brake and stopped the Turtle Racer only a few inches away from the lady, who didn't seem to even notice. “Really?” Wallflower frowned to herself.

Back with Sapphire, she was still trying to get Aria out as the key car was heading for a crossroads. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the middle of the crossroad.

Both girls noticed and recognized the figure. “Gabby?!”

It was Gabby. And she was holding an EMP device. As they came closer, she threw the device at the key car, planting it on the front.

“Aria get ready for a sudden stop.” Gabby signaled as Aria put her seatbelt back on.

Gabby moved out of the way as the EMP was activated and the car stopped abruptly. After that, Sapphire finally got the door open and Aria climbed out and saw Gabby.

“Gabby! Thanks for the help,” Aria thanked.

“De nada. Gracias a dios, estás bien. I knew Donnie's device would come in handy.” Gabby cheered.

Wallflower pulled up and stopped the Turtle Racer, and hollered, “Hey there, thanks for helping us out, Gabby.”

“You're welcome,” Gabby then noticed the Turtle Racer. “So, why were you two driving the Turtle Racer? Is Dr. Cluckingsworth alright?”

Dr. Cluckingworth nodded.

“She's good. But why are you here, Gabby?" Sapphire asked.

“Ms. Nowhere called,” Gabby explained. “So what's all this about?”

“Well, you see…” Wallflower was abruptly interrupted by her walkie-talkie as she picked it up.

“Girls, we saved Sonata.” Cisco chimed in over the com-link. “Is Aria alright?”

“Sí, everything's fine, Cisco,” Gabby informed him.

Cisco replied, “Gabby?! HAHA, great to hear your voice. But right now, Donnie and his friends are busy going up against a super villain.”

Gabby noted, “Right.”

"We better get going. I just need some water," Aria advised.

“Don't worry, I'll get us there.” Gabby said as she hopped on the driver’s seat of the Turtle Racer. Then, Sapphire joined in as she hooked up the key car to the Turtle Racer. Then, they headed off to find their friends.

Meanwhile in Gotham City, Penguin was on the phone with his men in GCPD.

“So, Black Mask put a bounty on those little girls and freaks, huh. Ah smell opportunity. Oy! How's my stuff going along on?”

“We’re just loading up your stuff to bring them to the other dimension as we speak, Mr. Cobblepot.”

“Excellent. Those mutant freaks have no idea what will hit them.” Penguin vowed before he laughed.

Back at the Turtle Lair, Donnie’s team and the Spy Racers were resting after their battle with Gearhead and Shashi.

“So you're telling me that some dude in a black mask put a bounty on you, your brothers, and the Rainbooms and hired a bunch of villains from his dimension and ours are coming to settle a score with you guys?” Gabby asked Donnie.

Donnie nodded, “Pretty much.”

Gabby wondered, “When in my life did insane adventures like this become normal?”

“I said the same thing while we were in outer space.” Twilight noted, cleaning her eyeglasses.

Sonata asked her, “You going to be okay, Twi?”

“Gary said my sight will come back in a couple of hours.”

Gary said, “Till then, you can borrow my spare sunglasses.”

“Thanks, Gary.” Twilight said.

Gary nodded as Ms. Nowhere informed everyone, “Alright, I contacted the Agency and they agreed to let us help you.”

Donnie questioned her in amazement, “Really?”

Ms. Nowhere replied, “Consider it a thank you for your assistance with Shashi.”

“Thank you, Ms. Nowhere.” Donnie said until a portal suddenly appeared behind him.

The Ninjas and Spies armed themselves with weapons, waiting for an enemy to show up. However, Starfire stepped through and entered the Turtle Lair.

Starfire greeted everyone, “Hello, my friends.”

Donnie was surprised to see his old friend from Jump City. “Starfire?”

“You know this girl, Donatello?” Mona asked him.

“Yeah, she's an alien from Tamaran and a part of a group of heroes called the Teen Titans. Everyone, this is Starfire. Starfire, these are my other friends.”

“I'd like to say it's good to see you, Starfire. But I can't see anything right now.” Twilight informed her.

Pinkie added, feeling dizzy, “I'm seeing 5 Stars.”

Donnie asked her, “I'm guessing this is about another bounty hunter?”

“No. It is about my friend, Nightwing.” Starfire answered.

Fluttershy asked her, “What's the problem? How's Silkie by the way?”

Starfire answered, “He is doing very well, Fluttershy. Anyway, Nightwing came here thinking that you might need some help, but we lost the communication a little while ago when he spotted The Penguin.”

Everyone else laughed when they heard Oswald’s name.

Adagio cackled, “Seriously? The Penguin?”

"El Pingüino?!" Gabby gauffed.

"What kind of name is that?" Layla asked.

Sonata laughed, “What's he going to do, fish slap us?”

“Don't be fooled by his name. He's dangerous.” Twilight said as she handed Gary the flash drive she got from Alfred.

“Uploading file to the criminal database.” Gary informed everyone.

As everyone looked at Penguin’s criminal record, Aria asked, “Seriously, how dangerous can this guy be if his name is Penguin?”

Echo chimed in, “I'm with Aria on this. He's named after a flightless bird.”

Gary explained, “According to his file, he is dangerous. Looks like he's a weapons dealer who is able to acquire Illegal weapons. His umbrella holds a lot of weapons in.”

Tony scoffed, “Oh please, we already met another arms dealer before in LA. Besides, this guy should be easy to take down.”

“Yeah, considering that it took me, Twilight, Batman, Leo, Raph, Sunset, and Applejack to take him down, I doubt that.” Donnie frowned.

Starfire noted, “Then we better find Nightwing fast.”

“Hold up. Who is this Nightwing that you guys keep talking about. Seems like you know him well?” Tony asked.

Donnie answered, “He's a friend we made back in Gotham. He helped us a lot while we were stuck there.”

Fluttershy replied, “Now it's time we repay him a favor.”

“I might have an idea.” Starfire brought out her Teen Titans communicator.

“Oh cool. Can we help?” Frostee asked.

Ms. Nowhere answered loudly, “Absolutely not!”

“Why not?” Cisco questioned her.

Ms. Nowhere explained to her team, “None of you have any experience fighting hand to hand like Donatello and the others. Plus, you don't know what kind of dangers are out there in the other dimension. So therefore, you're all staying here and providing roadside support.”

The Spy Racers groaned in frustration.

“Can they at least help like you all helped us please?” Fluttershy pouted, giving Ms. Nowhere the cutest puppy eyes.

Ms. Nowhere couldn't beat her kindness and groaned. “Fine! On one condition. I'm going with them. As well as Gary and Julius.”

Gary and Julius shouted in unison, “WHAT?!”

“Ms. Nowhere, I'm still linking our gear up in Donnie's lab.” Gary informed his boss.

“I can have Metalhead hook everything up.” Donnie assured him as Metalhead saluted, walked right i; the Turtle Lair.

Wallflower stated, “Even so, some of us should stay here in case Raph or the others call for help.”

Fluttershy stood up and told everyone, “I'll stay here with Sapphire and Wallflower. You guys go on ahead without me.”

“Fluttershy, are you sure about this?” Gabby asked.

“Of course I am. My friends and I will watch over and take care of the injured.”

Ms. Nowhere informed her team, “Alright, we have the Hauler parked close by. Let's roll!”

“Lead the way, Starfire.” Donnie said as Starfire nodded.

Donnie activated the portal projector and opened up the portal to Gotham City. The Hauler accelerated forward and headed straight towards the portal, entering to a new dimension while Starfire flew up and followed the Hauler.

Meanwhile in Gotham, a portal was opened at the outskirts and the Hauler and Starfire entered as the portal closed. Then, Starfire noticed a familiar man walking around the street.

Starfire told Cisco over the com, “Stop the truck. He's a friend of ours.”

Cisco stopped the Hauler right in front of the man and it was none other than Lucius Fox.

Starfire waved at the man. “Lucius! Over here!”

Lucius Fox looked up to see Nightwing’s girlfriend. She landed on the road and told him, “Lucius, I got some new friends that I want you to meet. And they know Nightwing.”

“Huh, I see.” Lucius Fox replied, adjusting his glasses.

Lucius entered the Hauler and approached Donnie and his friends.

“Ah, good to see you again, Donnie.”

“Nice to see you too, Lucius.” Donnie smiled, shaking Lucius’s hand.

“Wait a minute, you know this guy?” Gabby asked.

“Of course. Lucius, these are my friends from my dimension.”

“Well, very nice to meet you all.”

After introductions were settled, Lucius turned to Starfire, “So, what brings me here today, Starfire?”

“I need your help locating Nightwing. I lost contact with him a little while ago when he spotted The Penguin,” Starfire explained. “Will you help locate our friend please?”

Lucius answered, “I was going to spend time with my family today, but if this serious, I'll help you anyway I can.”

Frostee and Lucius worked together and helped triangulate Nightwing’s location as Cisco resumed driving the Hauler.

Meanwhile in Penguin’s hideout, Nightwing was hiding in the ceiling, watching the thugs load up some money and weapons inside their vans.

“Nefarious characters, check. ill-gotten money, check. Distinct lack of brain cells, definitely check. Yeah, this is gonna be fun.”

Then, a couple of Penguin’s thugs caught Gabby and the Toretto Crew with their hands up in the air.

“Hey guys, look what I found trying to sneak into our place. Let’s take 'em to school and teach them a lesson.” One of the thugs said.

As Nightwing watched from above, he wondered, “What in the world? Are they nuts?”

The Toretto Crew and Gabby were brought down to their knees as the Penguin thugs surrounded them.

“Alright kids, listen up. I'm gonna ask you a question and if you're not being honest, well...” Another Penguin Thug stated as Cisco gulped.

“Don't worry, I got this,” Another Penguin Thug said as the interrogator stepped aside. “Hold them steady, fellas. I've been working on my swing. Watch and learn kids, because I'm gonna knock your heads right outta the…”

The Penguin Thugs heard a whistle and an Escrima Stick was thrown right at the Penguin Thug’s head, sending the baseball bat right out of the thug’s hand.

Nightwing appeared and told the teens, “This is you guys handling it, right? Oh don't worry, you can thank me later.” He then ran off to fight more Penguin thugs.

“I'm gonna end you!” Another Penguin Thug said, chasing after Nightwing.

Then, Donnie appeared underneath the grates and took out the Penguin Thugs that were holding the Toretto Crew hostage.

“Thanks, Donnie!” Gabby said.

Nightwing heard his name, turning his attention to the Ninja Turtle. “Donnie?”

Hey, Nightwing. Long time, no see. Hope you don't mind we brought your other friend in the mix.

As the Penguin thug brought his gun up, Starfire appeared and blasted his gun.

Starfire greeted her boyfriend, “Hello... Robin.”

Nightwing blushed as he realized what Donnie was talking about.

Then, two big Penguin Brutes entered the hideout and started attacking the heroes.

“Donnie, double team!” Nightwing called.

“Right!” Donnie nodded.

Donnie went after the first Penguin Brute as he low kicked the big thug down to his knee followed up with a jump kick to the big thug’s face with the use of his bo staff as leverage. After that, Nightwing knocked the Penguin Brute down with a spin kick to the face.

Then, Ms. Nowhere kicked down the front door and punched a Penguin Thug in the face as Gary and Julius entered the building. “We'll take care of them!”

“What took you so long, Nowhere?” Tony asked.

Ms. Nowhere answered, “Frostee, Lucius, and I had to deactivate those drone turrets they placed in their hideout.”

Echo was kicking and punching another Penguin Thug just like how she beat up Muscles in the past.

“Star, heads up!” Echo threw the Penguin Thug at Starfire.

Starfire caught the thug and threw him at four other thugs.

Echo complimented, “Nice throw.”

Starfire nodded as Cisco was handling himself well as he put the Penguin Thug in a headlock and slammed him down to the ground.

Cisco said, “I guess those wrestling moves Uncle Tuco showed me paid off. T, you need any help?”

“Nah, I'm good.” Tony answered as he dodged the thug’s punch and Tony punched him right back.

¡Primo, equipo doble! Gabby called.

“Right back at ya, cuz.” Tony answered, giving her a thumbs-up.

Tony gave Gabby a lift, which she gave a series of kicks to the Penguin Thug.

“I go low.” Tony kicked the thug’s legs.

“And I go high.” Gabby jumped high and gave the Penguin Thug a hurricarana, knocking the thug down.

“Finally, a worthy challenge.” The second Penguin Brute said, confronting Gary and Julius.

Gary and Julius looked at each other and looked back at the big brute until Julius lifted him up by the legs and Gary jumped up and clotheslined the brute as Julius released him and the brute fell unconscious.

Layla grabbed a vase and threw it right at a Penguin Thug before she picked up a baseball bat. “Alright, y'all want to go swinging?” She asked, confronting a couple more Penguin Thugs. She took them down easily as some of Penguin’s thugs were coming right at her till she got an idea. “Hey you idiots, come and get me!” Layla called out, swinging her bat at the thugs. “When it comes to bashing lunkheads, I'm the top of my class.”

“Ms. Nowhere, you need any help?” Julius asked while throwing a Penguin Thug right at four more thugs.

“No! I can take care of this myself!” Ms. Nowhere replied as she took down a Penguin Thug with a leg sweep and a punch to the face.

One by one, every last thug of Penguin’s forces were defeated by Nightwing, Starfire, Donnie, The Agency, and the Spy Racers.

Donnie stated, “Welp, that's all of them.”

Then, Frostee entered the hideout and asked, “You guys okay?”

“Yeah, we're good.” Nightwing answered.

“Oh man, you should've seen us battle with these thugs. It was awesome.” Tony cheered.

“Oh I saw it. From my DJ Drone.” Frostee smiled as DJ Drone flew down from the ceiling, landing on his hand.

“Hey, guys, look at this.” Cisco pointed to a large fish tank. The name on it read 'Tiny'.

Echo asked, “Yo, what could be in there?”

Tony walked right up to the tank. “No idea?”

Nightwing warned the teens, “I wouldn't get too close if I were you.”

Frostee asked, “Why?”

Suddenly, a huge great white shark rammed into the tank! Tony, Cisco, Frostee, and Gabby screamed and fell back. Julius screamed at the sight and hid behind Gary.

Gabby shook in fear, “Dios mío!”

Echo commented, “Whoa!”

Nightwing told them, “That's why.”

“Was that a shark?!” Cisco shouted, feeling frightened.

Layla added, “I'm not even gonna ask.”

“Guys, look what I found!” Frostee gestured toward an open van filled with stacks of money.

Nightwing looked at the bag and found Gotham National on the side. He suggested, “Looks like we know where they've been. What is Penguin doing with all this?”

Then, another Penguin Thug sneakily entered the room and crept up behind Nightwing. “You're gonna get it, man!” The Penguin Thug threw a punch, only for Nowhere to catch his fist, punch him in the gut, and kick him to Gary and Julius who held him down.

Ms Nowhere chuckled, “Nice try!”

Nightwing approached him from behind. “Since you got a minute, how 'bout telling us why Penguin had all this money moved to this dimension?”

“I ain't tellin' yah nothing!” The Penguin Thug answered.

Ms Nowhere said, “Giving us the old stonewall, aye? We have ways of making you crumble!”

Nightwing took out one of his batons and activated the taser. “You know 50,000 volts to the head hurts, right?”

The Penguin Thug panicked and answered, “Okay! Okay! I'll tell you. They're busting him out of GCPD, so he can move in to the other world's New York! But you're too late, it's already happening!”

Nightwing deactivated the taser from his baton and knocked him out. “Why so pessimistic.”

After taking care of Penguin’s hideout, the Hauler arrived right near the GCPD Headquarters and parked right at the alleyway. Starfire, Nightwing, Donnie, Tony, Echo, Layla, Cisco, and Gabby climbed up to the platform on the rooftop of GCPD Headquarters.

Gabby and Tony noticed something on the platform. She asked, “Is that a bat on a large protection lamp?”

Donnie answered, “It's called the Bat Signal.”

Tony wondered, “Bat Signal?”

“It's a long story,” Nightwing noticed some of Penguin’s thugs on the rooftops as well. “But these guys on the other hand look very… tractable.”

Lucius Fox told him, “They're tampering Mr. Grayson, might be an idea to stop them.”

The Penguin was on the phone with his men, asking them, “What in the world's going on up there? Why am I stuck in a lift with no lights?”

“We cut the power, boss, just like you said.”

“After, you moron!” Penguin berated. “Cut the power after I get out!”

Starfire whispered to Nightwing, “Was the Penguin this rude back when you were Robin?”

“Worse.” Nightwing answered. “Starfire, you are our eyes in the sky. Watch our backs.”

Starfire nodded and flew up in the air to monitor the skies and down below. Nightwing, Donnie, Echo, Cisco, Layla, Tony, and Gabby jumped down and approached three armed Penguin Thugs with handheld weapons.

“Three more thugs huh? This is gonna be easy.” Tony answered as some more of Penguin’s thugs showed up. One of them has a samurai sword and the other was a tall, big brute.

“You were saying, little boy.” The Penguin Brute said.

“Oh now this will be fair.” Donnie answered as the Penguin thug with the sword attacked Donnie, only to get blocked.

Nightwing stunned the Penguin brute to the electrical fence until he signaled, “Frostee, hit it!”

Frostee activated the electrical fence, shocking the Penguin Brute from the Hauler by the use of the computer.

“Nice work. You're learning pretty fast, kid.” Lucius complimented.

“What can I say, it's a gift.” Frostee smirked.

After a minute of beating up some more Penguin thugs, Echo told the unconscious thugs, “Come on guys, put up a fight, please.”

“Very cooperative.” Lucius Fox said.

“Couldn't agree more.” Nightwing replied.

Frostee informed his friends, “If you wouldn't mind installing the remote uplink device, we can see what damage they've done.”

Nightwing then went to install the remote uplink device and hacked into Penguin’s comms.

Penguin asked his men through the radio, “What's going on up there?! Someone talk to me?!”

Tony smirked as he picked up the radio and answered in a funny accent, “Uh, sorry, boss, we can't get yah out of there?”

“Why not?!”

Gabby spoke into the radio in a funny voice as well. “Coz we just got our culos pateados!”

“Huh, what? Who was that?”

Nightwing took the radio. “Just some new friends of mine.”

“And don't forget about me.” Donnie added through the radio.

Penguin realized who’s on the radio. “Oh no... Not you...”

Nightwing stated, “The one and only! Don't worry. My new friends and I will have you out…”

Donnie continued, “And behind bars in no time.”

“PUSH OFF, FREAK AND PRETTY BOY!!!” Penguin yelled through the radio.

As Penguin turned off the radio, Nightwing commented, “You know I love it when you get angry.”

Lucius chimed in and informed Nightwing’s team, “Okay, Frostee and I are in. They've done a good job, but not enough. We'll reroute power but it means rewiring some junction boxes. They're on the floors below.”

“We're on it.” Nightwing answered until he turned his attention to his friends. “Okay guys, here's the plan. Donnie and I will rewire the junction boxes while you two and Starfire stay here and guard the rooftop.”

“Don't worry Nightwing, you can count on us.” Tony said.

“We won't let you down.” Gabby stated.

“I'll watch over them and make sure they're okay.” Starfire vowed.

Nightwing and Donnie jumped off the roof and used their grappling hooks to swing from the roof to the GCPD sign while listening in to Penguin’s radio. However, Echo stormed off silently and followed the two.

“Guys. I ain't got a clue what I'm looking at here.” One of the Penguin’s thugs said.

Another Penguin Thug replied, “Penguin don't wanna hear that, man. Just fix it.”

Donnie and Nightwing sneaked their way into GCPD and spied the area as the floors were swarmed by Penguin’s thugs, guarding and patrolling the area.

“Yo, this place is rigged.” Echo commented as Nightwing and Donnie noticed her from behind.

Donnie questioned her softly, “Echo? What are you doing here?”

“What, I can't miss all the action right here. Besides, I know how to beat these thugs up like them before back in my home.”

Nightwing sighed and whispered, “Fine, but we need to be quiet and take them down quickly before…”

Before Nightwing could finish, Donnie and Echo left to plan out their strategy, hiding behind the thugs. Nightwing sighed, “Kids these days.”

One by one, Nightwing, Echo, and Donnie picked off a few thugs, including a medic thug and put them to sleep on the third floor level as they overheard Penguin’s conversation with one of his men.

“You okay, boss?”

“Yeah, I'm having the time of my life in here.” Penguin replied in sarcasm.


Penguin angrily replied, “No, you idiot! It's pitch black. I hate the dark. Brings back memories. Bad ones.”

“I'm sorry I can't help. Maybe I could sing you a song?”

“Oh, this ain't happening.” Penguin replied, shaking his head left to right.

Then, a Penguin thug noticed one of their own who was lying unconscious.

“Hey! What happened to you?” He said until he was spooked by Donnie and Echo, who appeared from behind. The turtle swept his legs and Echo subdued the thug with a sleeper hold.

Nightwing perched onto the ledge and saw two Penguin thugs below him. He launched a drop attack on the first thug followed up with a leg sweep and choke takedown on the second thug.

Some of Penguin’s men heard the commotion and went to check it out as another Penguin thug from afar alerted them, “Who's screaming? Someone get over there!”

Donnie, Echo, and Nightwing scattered to the lower floor levels as Donnie moved to the first floor and downloaded the codes for the drone from his T-Phone, which a Penguin thug was controlling while Nightwing perched onto the ledge and launched a jump kick to another medical Penguin thug before knocking him down. After that, Donnie used his T-Phone and the drone tasered three more thugs.

“What the heck are you doing that drone?!” A Penguin thug asked.

The drone controller replied, “Something's interfering with it. I lost control.”

“Leave it. We can handle this for ourselves.” Another goon said.

Donnie grappled up to the middle floor and joined Nightwing to double team Penguin’s Mini-Gun Lieutenant with the mini gun. Echo observed as Nightwing grabbed him from behind and Donnie hit the goon in the face with his staff. Followed up with Nightwing punching him in the face and Donnie hitting the goon on the leg, making him kneel. After that, Nightwing knocked the big goon on the backside of his head with a punch.

“They got our muscle!” The Penguin goon alerted five of the other goons.

“Fall back! We need to regroup, ASAP!” The other thug stated.

“That was pretty dope, you two.” Echo complimented.

The two boys nodded as the other five thugs went up the ladder while Nightwing subdue the sixth Penguin thug behind. The five Penguin thugs spread out the area as Donnie and Echo followed them to the top floor.

“Look, none of this was my idea. I just wanted to serve my time, rehabilitate, y'know. Just let me out of this lift and take me back to my cell. Please!” Penguin pleaded through the radio.

Donnie thought to himself, “Yeah, right. When penguins fly.” He put his bo staff in front of the two thugs and performed a double takedown on them.

Nightwing used his baton and took one Penguin thug while Echo tripped another with a baseball slide and punched them in the face, knocking them unconscious.

From there, the last remaining Penguin goon grabbed Commissioner Gordon, holding him hostage with his gun pointing at the commissioner’s head. “Come with me, commissioner. You're going to be my hostage.”

Renee and Bullock shouted, “Gordon!”

“I'll be fine. Just stay put.” Commissioner Gordon assured her.

Nightwing hid behind a corner and used his disruptor device, jamming the goon’s gun.

“Nightwing? Wherever you are, show yourself! Or else this old man gets a bullet to the head!” The Penguin thug stated.

After that, Nightwing stepped forward and revealed himself to the Penguin thug. “Hey there, pal. You want me? I'm right here.”

The Penguin thug released Gordon and pulled the trigger. However, nothing happened. “C'mon, what's wrong with you?”

While the thug was distracted, Nightwing shouted, “Now!”

Donnie and Echo kicked the thug from behind and Gordon punched him in the face, knocking the thug out.

“Okay, everyone. The room is secured.” Gordon assured his fellow officers as they all stood up and arrested all of Penguin’s men.

Gordon noticed Echo. “She with you?”

Donnie smiled, “Yeah, she's our friend.”

“Well then, thank you. All of you.” Gordon nodded.

Nightwing and Donnie went to find the two junction boxes from separate floors. Donnie found the one on top while Nightwing located the other on the bottom floor. They both rewired the junction boxes and power was restored.

Echo informed the tech geniuses, “Okay, Lucius, Frostee, we're done.”

“Reestablishing power now.” Frostee said as he used the computer to reestablish power.

Then, Penguin cackled over the com link, “Ha-ha-ha yes! The lights are on! I'm getting out of here, fools! I can hear the welcoming party as we speak.”

Cisco chimed in over the com-link, “Guys, we got a problem on the rooftops.”

Tony stated over the com-link as well, “Two choppers are dropping off reinforcements on our area while Starfire is holding off a couple more of Penguin's choppers in the skies.”

“In other words, we need your help, amigos.” Gabby added.

“Frostee and I will hold the elevator, but it won't take long for them to get him out.” Lucius Fox informed his friends.

“We'll stop them. Oh, and while you're at it. Cut the lights.” Nightwing ordered.

“No!” Penguin shouted through the radio while Donnie chuckled.

“Don't be a baby,” Echo said, through the comms.

Nightwing and Donnie silently caught up with the Spy Racers who were hiding and they all spied on more of Penguin’s men on the rooftops. Two Penguin swordsmen, two Penguin brutes, and ten regular Penguin thugs.

“Get ready! Our enemies are coming for the boss!” One of Penguin’s goons informed his team.

“We're armed to the teeth up here, they ain't doing squat.”

“What they got? A couple of sticks!” The other goon bluffed.

“We got swords.”

“Yeah! Two of 'em!” The goon with the sword said.

Nightwing quickly knocked down five of Penguin’s men, alerting the rest of the goons. Donnie, Ms. Nowhere, and the rest of the Spy Racers entered the fray and helped fight off against the last of Penguin’s forces.

Gary and Julius gave the first Penguin brute multiple punches followed up by Ms. Nowhere with an arm throw takedown and a punch to the face, knocking the big guy down.

“Jeez! They messed him up good.” The Penguin thug said.

Donnie dodged the Penguin swordsman’s blade attack, countered it with a knee to the gut and pushed him to the electric fence.

“The fence, hit it!” Donnie signaled while Frostee shocked the Penguin thug with the activation of the electric fence from the computer in the Hauler. (Environmental Takedown from Batman: Arkham Knight)

“Well done, kid.” Lucius complimented through the comms.

Frostee smiled, “Thank you, Lucius.”

While a Penguin goon was standing on the vents, Nightwing noticed it and signaled, “The vents, take him out!” (Environmental Takedown from Batman: Arkham Knight)

It was Lucius’s turn and took down the thug using the small bombs from the vents. “Nicely done, sir.”

Ms. Nowhere pinned another thug to the steam pipes. From there, she contacted Frostee and ordered, “Frostee, hit it!” (Environmental Takedown from Batman: Arkham Knight)

Frostee used his computer skills to activate the steam pipes bursting in front of the Penguin thug and knocked him out. “Got 'em.”

Nightwing used his batons and fired an electrical charge on the rest of Penguin’s men, stunning them. (Nightwing’s Electrical Combo Stun)

After that, the heroes quickly finished the rest of Penguin’s goons with multiple strikes and takedowns, knocking them down and defeating them.

“Man, we're good.” Tony cheered.

Starfire flew by and landed at the GCPD rooftops to check on her friends. “Are you alright everyone?”

“Yeah, we're good, mi amigo.” Gabby answered.

“You took down the rest of Penguin's choppers?” Ms. Nowhere questioned.

Starfire nodded, “Yes. I turned the rest of Penguin's men to Gordon.”

Nightwing said, “Good work, Star.” He then turned his attention to the elevator. “Okay, Oz. Let's get you outta that elevator.”

Donnie contacted Penguin in a funny accent, “Hey boss, we're getting you out.”

“You are? Where's Nightwing and his pals?” Penguin questioned.

“Oh they're right here. We thought you'd wanna say hello.” Donnie answered.

“Oh, I do.” Penguin exited the elevator as he made his penguin laugh until he saw Nightwing and his new friends in front of him.

“Hello Oswald,” Nightwing smirked.

“Oh, sod off.”

Back inside GCPD, Nightwing and his friends got Penguin and brought him to Gordon.

Commissioner Gordon greeted him, “Hey little man, Place hasn't been the same without you.”

“Get stuffed.” Penguin replied as Renee and Bullock grabbed Penguin and took him back to his cell along with his men.

“Thanks for your help, Nightwing.” Gordon said.

Nightwing smiled, “Oh you're welcome, Gordon. Couldn't done without the help of my friends.”

Donnie, Starfire, Spy Racers, and the Agency waved at Gordon except Nowhere, who nodded.

“I see.” Gordon nodded.

Ms. Nowhere approached Gordon and informed him, “Don't worry, we'll fill you all the details about how the rest of your villains escaped.”

“By all means.” Gordon answered as he and Nowhere went to his office for a chat.

Minutes later, the heroes were back at the Hauler. Lucius Fox told Donnie and his friends, “Thanks for all your help with the Penguin problem. In the meantime, do you want to stick around for awhile? Nightwing and I will give you a tour around Gotham City.”

Ms. Nowhere answered, “Thanks for the offer, Lucius, but this isn't permanent.”

“Yeah, we gotta go back and help our friends back in our dimension,” Donnie answered.

“I understand.” Lucius said.

“But it was nice meeting you all. Take care, my new friends.” Starfire cheered, hugging Donnie and the teens, including Nowhere, Gary, and Julius.

Nowhere rolled her eyes. “Ugh.”

Nightwing, Lucius, and Starfire exited the Hauler and watched the truck entered the portal to the Turtle’s dimension.

After Donnie and his friends went back to their dimension, Frostee's phone buzzed and he saw it was his sister. “Sissy? What's going on? I thought you were hanging out with the CMC and the Rock N Beats? Wait. You're following who? They did what?!” He shouted, getting everyone's attention. “Hang on, this isn't a prank is it? Okay, okay, where are your coordinates?”

“Frostee?” Tony asked.

“Qué pasó, what's up?” Gabby added.

“Sissy and the other kids saw Scadan, Muscles, and the rest of SH1FT3R!” Frostee explained. “And they captured Dr. Rockwell!”

Everyone gasped after hearing Frostee’s breaking news.

Author's Note:
  • The side mission is based on the DLC Mission from Batman: Arkham Knight - GCPD Lockdown.
  • Nightwing, Echo, Donnie, and his friends used several takedowns from the Batman: Arkham games.
  • Gary and Julius using a tag team maneuver against a Penguin Brute is a reference to Fast and Furious 6.

Another side mission pops up and SH1FT3R is back on the prowl.