• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,727 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...

The Turtle, The Croc, and The Witch

Two Days Ago

Fong, Tsoi, and Sid stole some diamonds at a jewelry store. As they were running away, a giant mutant crocodile was spying on them.

The croc spoke in a southern, Louisiana accent, “I love one-stop shopping. Diamonds and lunch.”

They escaped from the police and hid at the alleyway.

Fong asked his boys, “You guys got the goods?”

Tsoi and Sid showed him the jewels in their bags.

Fong smiled and replied, “Perfect. This should make our boss happy after he uh... you know what.”

Then, the mutant crocodile landed on their car, crushing it because of his weight. The three men were shook after hearing their crashed and saw the mutant crocodile.

Tsoi asked, “What is that thing?”

Sid also asked, “Is it a friend of those pesky turtles?”

Fong commented, “Oh man, look at the size of that lizard.”

The mutant crocodile looked at the diamonds in their bags and said, “Boys, I'm a whole different breed of animal. I see that you three have been busy. That’s good. Because as of now, you’re all working for me.”

Fong, Tsoi, and Sid glanced at each other and laughed.

“You’re joking, right?” Fong asked.

The Croc answered to him, “I ain’t playing, dawg. Y’all are just little fishes in my big pond.”

Fong “Really? Hate to break it to ya, but we already have a boss. Boys, take him down.”

The mutant crocodile knocked Tsoi down with his right arm, tossing him aside and landed on the dumpster while he hit Sid with his tail. After he knocked out Tsoi and Sid, the mutant crocodile grabbed Fong by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up.

Killer Croc said, “Not so tough now, huh?”

Fong sweated in fear and begged him, “Who are you?! Please don’t kill me. I swear!

“The name’s Croc. Killer Croc. But you can call me Boss. Now just give me the goods and I'll be on my way.” He said.

“You want the diamonds? Take it. It’s all yours.” Fong said as he tossed the bag of diamonds on the ground.

Killer Croc let Fong go and picked up the bag filled with diamonds, “Pleasure doing business with you, boys.”

Then, the giant mutant turtle, Hun, showed up and stopped Killer Croc from escaping.

Killer Croc said, “I was hoping for a workout, but not against a distant cousin of mine.”

Hun said, “I see that you’re smacking my lackeys around. I can only do that, but not you. So who are you?”

Killer Croc introduced himself, “The name’s Croc. Killer Croc. And it ain't just a title.”

“You want to pick on someone, pick on someone your own size, croc boy.” Hun said as he taunted him.

Killer Croc replied, “Then what are you waiting for? Let's fight! Cajun Style!”

Killer Croc and Hun clashed at each other while Fong, Tsoi, and Sid watched.

Fong cheered Hun on and shouted, “Show him who’s boss, Hun!”

Tsoi said, “Fifty bucks says Hun winning.”

“You’re on.” Sid replied.

Killer Croc swung his tail right at Hun, but he grabbed it and threw Killer Croc to the ground.

After minutes of scuffling between a giant mutant turtle and crocodile, they heard police sirens coming from a mile away.

“This isn't over.” Killer Croc said and fled the area with Fong’s bag of diamonds.

Hun yelled at his men, “Boys! Let’s get outta here!”

The Purple Dragons fled the area with their two bags of diamonds.

Fluttershy, Leatherhead, Aria Blaze, Sunny Flare, April, and Karai were observing the streets of New York while Donnie and Sci-Twi were guarding Captain Boomerang who was handcuffed.

Captain Boomerang asked, “Say uh, I gotta ask. Does your friend read minds or something? Is she an alien/martian?”

“No.” Donnie answered.

Captain Boomerang said, “Oh, thanks for clearing that up mate.”

Then, a portal appeared and Donnie’s team were all eyes on it. Batgirl came out of the portal and greeted them.

Batgirl greeted them, “What’s up guys?”

Donnie said, “Batgirl! It’s been awhile since we last saw you.”

“Oh you know, the usual as always in Gotham.” Batgirl said.

April, Donnie, and Fluttershy hugged Batgirl. She blushed and said, “Aww, I missed you guys too.”

April, Donnie, Sci-Twi, and Fluttershy pulled away and gave Batgirl some space.

Juniper complimented on Batgirl’s costume, “Nice costume. It looks great on you.”

Batgirl replied, “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

Batgirl looked at the rest of their friends and greeted them, “Hi, everyone. It’s so nice to meet you all,” However, she looked at Captain Boomerang and said, “Except you.”

Captain Boomerang sighed in disappointment.

Batgirl asked Captain Boomerang, “Do you mind?”

Captain Boomerang replied, “Wait, what?”

Karai knocked Captain Boomerang unconscious with the chop on the back of his head.

Donnie said, “Anyway, this is Juniper Montage.”

“It’s an honor to meet ya, Batgirl.” Juniper said as she shook her hand.

Batgirl replied, “Uh, the pleasure’s all mine, Juniper.”

“And these are our friends, Leatherhead, Bandit, Lemon Zap, Sunny Flare, Aria Blaze, and Karai.”

They all waved at Batgirl.

Sci-Twi asked Batgirl, “Anyway, do you have the flash drive?”

Batgirl offered Sci-Twi the flash drive that she took out from her pocket and said, “Yep. This will give you information of all Gotham City’s Most Wanted incluiding Iron Heights in our criminal database.”

“Sweet.” Sci-Twi said as she took the flash drive from Batgirl.

April said, “Thanks. You sure you can't stay and help? I'm sure your dad won't mind if you tell him you’re helping some friends.”

Batgirl said, “I’ll think about it.”

Sci-Twi understood her and said, “We understand.”

“But next time, maybe you can stay to help.” Donnie said.

Bandit said, “Hope it'll be a okay. Would love to see you in action.”

Batgirl hesitated to shake Bandit’s hand. He said, “Relax, I don't have fleas.”

Leatherhead commented, “Polite. I like that.”

Batgirl looked at Leatherhead, and remembered some sort of resemblance to a villain she fought alongside with Batman. She said, “You know, you do remind me of a villain that Batman fought in the past, Leatherhead.”

Leatherhead questioned her, “Really? Who?”

Batgirl answered to him, “His name’s Killer Croc. He's dangerous and ferocious.”

Juniper asked Batgirl, “So what did this “Killer Croc” do in your world?”

“He committed many crimes and welp... you’re not going to like this, he once ate a police officer’s hand.” Batgirl answered to Juniper.

Donnie and his team reacted, “Eww!”

“Wow, that just got dark real quick.” Donnie said.

Batgirl apologized to her friends, “Sorry if I brought that up to you all.”

“It’s fine. Just don’t bring that up again.” Karai said.

“You got it, Karai.” Batgirl nodded and gave her a thumbs up. “Anyway, I’ll be turning Mr. Aussie over to the authorities now.”

Donnie asked, “Wait a minute, are you seriously gonna bring a thief like him to the Batcave?!”

“What? No. That’s ridiculous. I would never do something like that. So, how long will he be unconscious?” Batgirl said.

Karai answered to her, “In about six to seven hours.”

“Excellent.” Batgirl replied as she picked up an unconscious Captain Boomerang and pressed the inter dimensional extrapolator to open up the portal. She also said, “Call us if you round up more of our baddies in your area.”

“Will do, Batgirl.” Aria replied as she gave her a thumbs up.

Batgirl went through the portal along with Captain Boomerang.

April said, “Well that takes care of him.”

Fluttershy looked up to the sky and asked, “Umm, excuse me everyone. Why are the clouds starting to get bigger?”

Everyone looked up and saw the clouds were starting to get bigger and it blocked out the sun. Then, they heard thunder and saw lightning.

“I thought the weather is going to be sunny with no rain showers for today.” April said.

Sci-Twi thought about it and said, “Hmm, this is strange.”

Donnie looked through the binoculars and alarmed everyone, “Umm guys! Look up ahead!”

His friends looked down below and saw a flood flooring the streets with water.

Fluttershy covered her mouth and said, “Oh my.”

Sunny said, “This doesn’t look good.”

Donnie informed Leatherhead, “Looks like you’re going for a swim, Leatherhead. We'll take the Turtle Sub.”

Before Donnie’s team were ready to take off, Fluttershy asked, “What about the people down there? They’re going to drown if we don’t rescue them.”

“Leave that to me.” Karai answered.

“You can count on us.” Lemon Zest said as Sunny Flare nodded.

April chimed in, “I’ll help too.”

“Same goes for us.” Aria Blaze said as Bandit and Juniper Montage nodded.

Donnie contacted Leo via T-Phone. Leo picked his T-Phone and called his brother, “What’s up Donnie?”

“Are you seeing what we’re seeing?” Donnie asked as he kept watching the flood.

Leo said, “Yeah. A flood. How did this happen?”

“I don’t know, but my team and I will investigate this strange weather and rescue the people down there.” Donnie said.

Karai contacted her Foot Clan via communicator and said, “All Foot Clan. Rescue protocol.”

“Karai sent word to her Foot Clan to help. And we're manning the Turtle Sub.” Donnie said.

Leo replied to his bro, “Okay. My team and I will help and rescue any survivors out there in the flood.”

Donnie said, “Better warn Jack and Murakami to get to safety. Stay safe out there, Leo.”

“You too, Don.” Leo said and hung up his T-Phone.

Donnie’s team started rescuing some survivors until Juniper and Bandit saw a bunch of Purple Dragon gang members driving on their jet skis and left.

Juniper said, “Purple Dragons? What are they doing out here?”

Bandit contacted Sci-Twi and communicated her via communicator, “Twilight, can you figure out where they’re heading?”

“I’m on it.” Sci-Twi said as she ponied up. She flew up in the air while dodging the lightning while spying on the gang. The Purple Dragon gang we’re heading towards the bank.

Sci-Twi contacted Donnie and his team, “They’re heading towards the bank. I repeat, the Purple Dragons are heading towards the bank.”

Donnie questioned himself, “The bank? During a flood?” However, It all made sense to him and said, “Oh I get it, since the people have already been evacuated from the bank, the Purple Dragons will have the advantage to steal money in there.”

Donnie contacted Leatherhead via communicator and said, “Leatherhead, think you can take them?”

“They're in my element, now.” Leatherhead said with a smile on his face.

“Perfect. We’ll take them on as well.” Donnie said as he and his team set out to rescue the citizens as well as find Hun and the Purple Dragons.

Up on the roof of the skyscraper was Joslyn Jackam a.k.a. Weather Witch, daughter of Weather Wizard, who was using her scepter to create the flood and thunderstorm around New York.

Weather Witch got a call from Killer Croc via communicator and asked, “What?”

Killer Croc informed her, “I just want to let you know to be on the look out for any of our enemies. They might come after you.”

“I’ll keep an eye out for them.” Weather Witch answered.

Killer Croc said, “Good. Because I still want my payback from those little turtles and girls.”

Weather Witch doubted, “I don't know. Black Mask is offering us good money to anyone who can bring him one of those girls and turtles.”

Killer Croc talked back to her, “Just do the job and you won’t get on my bad side.”

“Fine.” Weather Witch replied.

Meanwhile, Donnie and Fluttershy nabbed one of the henchmen of the Purple Dragons and tied him up, dangling upside down on a street light. The henchman woke up upside-down looking at Donnie and Fluttershy.

“Start talking. What’s Hun up to?” Donnie interrogated him.

“Our boss is not the one who planned this heist, he’s just there for the ride.” The henchman said.

Donnie said, “If you’re boss wasn’t behind this whole flood, then who is?”

“His name is Killer Croc.” The henchman said, making Fluttershy shiver in fear.

“K... Killer Croc?!” Fluttershy shrieked.

The henchman said, “That’s right. He's ex-military, I think. Mercenary type. Some people think he's a genetic experiment, a crossbreed soldier or something. Others think he messed with the wrong kind of voodoo in the bayou. Me, I'm thinking circus freak.”

“Yeah, yeah, we already know his backstory. We want facts, not folktales.” Donnie said.

The henchmam replied, “What's to tell? Croc's new in town, he's got big plans.”

“Bigger than robbing banks?” Fluttershy asked.

Donnie asked the henchman, “If I wanted to do some big-city Croc hunting, where would I go?”

The henchman felt nervous and pleaded Donnie, “Oh, no way. Boss Croc's cold-blooded, man. I talk, I wind up fish food.”

“If you don't talk, we could all wind up fish food! Just give us some valuable information and we’ll protect you from him. Please?” Fluttershy persuaded the henchman and gave him the cutest pouty face.

The henchman was nervous at first, saying that Killer Croc will kill him if he talked. So, the henchman decided to tell them where Croc was located.

After their interrogation, Donnie and Fluttershy swam underwater with their scuba gear on and they swam forward to the tunnels of the sewers to Croc’s lair. Using the henchman's knowledge, Donnie and Fluttershy rosed up to the surface, walked ashore and found many jewels. “So that’s where he kept the jewels.”

“And look what I found. Schematics of New York’s canals.” Fluttershy said as she found the map on the table

Donnie told her, “Let me see.”

Donnie and Fluttershy were looking and studying the map to figure out Croc’s big plan until they heard the snarl of the crocodile.

“You sure got a lot of bloodhound in ya, for a puny turtle and a little girl.” Killer Croc said as he emerged from the shadows.

Donnie said, “What’s up, Croc? You looked uglier than the last time my friends and I fought you.”

“Not me shorty. I’m beautiful.” Killer Croc said.

Fluttershy said, “For once, I agreed with you, Croc.”

Donnie replied, “Five bucks says otherwise.”

Fluttershy punched Donnie in the arm. “Ow.” He said.

“So what do ya think? A dry little spot to catch my breath between heists.” Killer Croc asked.

Donnie said, “And right beside the overflow pumps for New York’s canal system.”

He tossed the map down to the floor right where Killer Croc was standing.

“They were designed to drain the canals into the bay incase of flooding.” Killer Croc informed them as Fluttershy shook in terror.

Killer Croc said, “But you know, it would’ve been nice if I got all of you, but two are better than none. Anyway, I did some thinking. If you reverse the pumps...”

Donnie answered, “Then they will draw water from in the bay filling the canals. Until they submerged any part of New York situated below sea level.”

“And just about all of downtown, where the good shopping is.” Killer Croc smiled.

Fluttershy confronted Croc, “Tens and thousands of lives could be lost! We can’t let you do that!”

Killer Croc chuckled and said, “Smart girl. And do you know the best part of my plan?”

Donnie and Fluttershy asked, “What?”

Killer Croc answered to them, “I will shed a crocodile tear for each and every one of them.”

Donnie and Fluttershy got angry and clenched their fists together as Killer Croc put a sinister smile on his face.

Donnie and Fluttershy prepared to fight against the mutant croc. Killer Croc raised his tail up and slammed it down on the water to bring out two regular crocodiles.

Killer Croc said, “And speaking of, my pets haven’t had a decent bite since we arrived.”

Donnie and Fluttershy defended themselves against the two crocodiles as they watched Killer Croc leave.

“Now if you pardon me, fresh meats, I got some more pumps to reverse.” Killer Croc said as he head towards the water and swam away to retreat.

The two alligators approached closer to them, waiting for the opportunity to eat them.

“Fluttershy, do something! Sorry if I yelled at you.” Donnie ordered her.

“It’s fine. Just let me think first.” Fluttershy strategized a solution to escape until she saw a bag on the table with meat inside. It gave her an idea and grabbed the bag.

The two alligators licked around their mouths, wanting to eat some meat.

Fluttershy put on two plastic gloves from her pouch and asked the two crocodiles nicely as she held up a piece of meat, “You’ll get this if you help us. Please?”

The two crocs thought about it as Fluttershy dropped pieces of meat on the floor. They made their decision and decided to crawl forward and eat their food as Fluttershy communicated with them. Few seconds later, Donnie asked, “Fluttershy, translation please?”

“They said that their boss is heading downtown.” Fluttershy answered.

Donnie informed her, “Perfect. Now let's scramble before they decide to come back and have us for a snack.”

Fluttershy replied, “Right.”

They both swam down and head back to the Turtle Sub.

Meanwhile, Weather Witch was fighting off against Sci-Twi and her allies.

“How hard is it to hit this girl?” Aria asked her allies via communicator as Weather Witch used her staff to summon a tornado.

Sci-Twi and her allies looked up and saw the tornado touched the water, forming it into a waterspout.

Lemon said via communicator, “This looks bad. Very bad.”

“So what’s the plan, Twi?” Bandit asked.

Sci-Twi answered, “We have to get rid of her staff.”

“And how are we going to do that? She’s on top of the skyscraper!” Aria shouted.

Sci-Twi did some mental calculating and strategized about stopping Weather Witch. After a brief moment, she told her allies, “I have an idea.”

“What do you have in mind?” Karai asked.

Sci-Twi told everyone, “April, launch Bandit when I say “Now.” Leatherhead, take her down when she doesn’t have her scepter. Everyone else, get Weather Witch's attention.”

“Why couldn't I have been mutated into a hawk?” Bandit complained.

April told him, “Stop complaining and stick to the plan, Bandit!”

Bandit talked back to April, “Excuse me for not wanting to go splat.” Juniper kissed him on the cheek to give Bandit a confidence boost. He changed his mind and shouted, “TIME TO FLY!”

Juniper said, “I knew that will work.”

While Weather Witch continued to create storms with her staff, Aria brought a megaphone with her to get her Weather Witch’s attention.

Aria Blaze yelled through the megaphone, “Hey kid! You stink!”

Lemon, Sunny, and Juniper joined in to berate Weather Witch. She growled and used her staff to shoot lightning bolts at Aria and her other friends. They dodged the lightning bolts as Sci-Twi threw some debris at Weather Witch while she was distracted. The villain saw it coming and destroyed the debris with the lightning bolt from her scepter.

Weather Witch got angry and said, “Okay! Time for another weather forecast update. One hundred percent chance of hail.”

As she was about to use her scepter, Sci-Twi yelled to gave her friends the signal, “NOW!”

April launched Bandit with her telekinesis and Bandit swooped in and stole Weather Witch’s scepter.

Weather Witch yelled, “NO!”

Sci-Twi contacted Leatherhead via communicator and told him, “Leatherhead, get Weather Witch. I got Bandit.”

As Leatherhead reached the top floor by elevator, he ran after Weather Witch and tackled her from behind on the ledge, sending them falling from the skyscraper.

Sci-Twi caught Bandit and Leatherhead with her telekinesis while the mutant raccoon tossed the scepter to Sunny Flare and she destroyed it. After Sci-Twi landed both mutants safety, Leatherhead tied her up in chains.

“Eww, ever heard of breath mint?” Weather Witch asked Leatherhead.

The mutant alligator growled and Karai told her, “Good night.” She knocked out Weather Witch with a punch to the face.

Aria Blaze said, “Well, that takes care of her.”

The flood began to simmer down and disintegrate, the thunderstorm clouds fade, and the skies were clear again.

Sunny looked up at the sky and smiled, “Would you look at that? It’s all clear now.”

Donnie and Fluttershy arrived to deliver news to their friends.

“Hey you two, did you guys find any information about what the Purple Dragons are up to?” April asked.

“Well, we had a little run-in with our amphibious acquaintance.” Fluttershy said.

“Plus, we also found the jewels that were stolen a few days ago.” Donnie said as he delivered the bags of jewels and showed them their evidence.

Karai asked, “Good job finding them, but who would steal them other than the Purple Dragons?”

“This amphibious acquaintance that Fluttershy said is Killer Croc. It turns out that he’s been stealing jewelry other than the Purple Dragons and placed them in his own lair to catch his breath between heists.” Donnie answered.

Leatherhead told Donnie, “Leave him to me.”

“So how are we going to find Killer Croc?” Juniper asked.

Fluttershy informed everyone, “I think there’s a way we can track him.” She showed them the ripped clothing piece from a Purple Dragon gang member. “Bandit, can you sniff this please?” She asked.

“One of the benefits of being a raccoon.” Bandit said and took a long sniff of the cloth.

Aria asked, “Hey wait a minute, what about Hun?”

“We can’t find him earlier during the flood, but I believe he’s working together with Croc.” Donnie answered.

“I got his scent. Follow me.” Bandit said as he started running and tracking down the last location of the Purple Dragons and Killer Croc. They passed by Bandit's parent's house and their parents saw their raccoon son acting like a bloodhound.

Deep down in the sewers, Hun and the remaining members of the Purple Dragons were watching Killer Croc turning the valve in the water canal control room so that it will flood New York again.

“Nothing like good ol’ elbow grease.” Killer Croc said as he kept turning the valve

Hun complained, “Why are we on guard duty? I should be out there hunting those little brats. And most importantly, you’re not the boss of me.”

“Relax, Hun. We had a deal, remember? Just let me carry out my plan and you can take care of the rest.” Killer Croc stated.

Hun confronted and warned Croc, “If you backstab me, I’m gonna rip your tail off and have my gang drop your carcass into my fiery pits.”

“You don't scare me, snapping turtle.” Killer Croc said.

Hun bluffed and said, “Oh yeah. Sure. Whatever. Just don’t get in my way.”

“What about this Weather Witch, is she joining us?” Tsoi asked.

Killer Croc answered, “Oh, her. You can forget about that witch. She’s done.”

“Wait a minute, so you threw her right under the bus just like that?” Sid questioned Croc’s motives.

Killer Croc answered again, “Just like that. I’d figure she would fail because today’s flood was a dry run.”

“Dang. Now that’s gangsta, yo.” Fong commented.

Then, a ninja star was thrown and it hit the valve. Killer Croc noticed it and knew that Donnie and his team were coming.

Killer Croc said, “Boy! You are peskier than a fly in a...”

Donnie punched him in the face and jumped up to kick him in the back, sending Killer Croc down to the floor.

Then, Donnie’s allies arrived just in time to stop Killer Croc, Hun and the Purple Dragons.

“Well look who’s tardy for the party.” Killer Croc said as he got up.

“Croc, your game ends here! You’re coming with us to the surface!” Leatherhead said before he roared.

“Nah-uh, I ain’t going nowhere until my plan is complete. Y’all are just tourists.” Killer Croc stated.

Donnie raised his hand and said, “Um, actually, I live in the sewers as well. So therefore, I’m no tourist.”

Hun informed Killer Croc, “Croc, keep working. I've got a score to settle with them.”

“By all means.” Killer Croc replied as he ran towards the valve.

Bandit blocks his path and said, “Oh no you don’t, you have to get pass me first.”

Killer Croc replied, “Okay then.” He and Bandit dueled, but Croc got the upper hand by hitting Bandit with his tail and his strength. After that, Killer Croc threw Bandit into the sewage water and ran back to the valve and resumed turning it. Killer Croc said, “You gotta put your back into it, boy.”

The water level started to rise up and it proceeded to flood New York again.

Back on the surface, Leo and his team saw the downtown side of New York beginning to flood again.

“Oh, not this again.” Leo said before he started calling Donnie on his T-Phone.

Donnie answered the call and told him, “Leo! I’m in a middle of something right now!”

Leo called his brother, “Donnie, water levels are still rising. What’s going on?”

Donnie replied, “We’re taking down some more villains as we speak.”

Leo asked him, “Where are you?”

“I’m in the, oof...” As Donnie was about to say the location, he was interrupted by Hun, shoulder tackled him, and grabbed Donnie’s T-Phone to hung up.

Leo called Don, “Hello? Donnie, are you there?”

Hun got Donnie’s T-Phone and asked, “Planning to call your brother now, huh?”

“Actually, it’s the other way around.” Donnie told him.

Hun crushed Donnie’s T-phone and it made Donnie mad. “Great. Now I have to make another one.”

As Hun was about to attack Donnie, Bandit jumped on Hun to cover his eyes as Hun ran around in circles.

Unbeknownst to Donnie's group, a Purple Dragon sniper was trying to line up a shot on Bandit and said, “I got you right where I want ya, you little rodent.”

Fluttershy heard him and used her blowgun to shot two tranquilizers on him, making the sniper fell down into a nice, warm sleep.

As Fong, Tsoi, and Sid were about to attack Karai, she swung her bolas and threw it right at them to trap them. The trio got caught and tied up together by one of Karai’s traps.

“Ha, too easy.” Karai said.

Leatherhead hit three more of Purple Dragon thugs with his tail and let out a huge roar to confront Killer Croc as he was continuing to turn the valve.

Killer Croc stopped turning and got Leatherhead’s attention. He said, “So you’re that Rainbooms’ pal that they mistook me for.”

Leatherhead growled, feeling ready to struck him down.

Killer Croc said, “I get it. You want to stop me, but why not join me? We can make New York into our swamp. How about it?”

“I will NEVER betray my friends!” Killer Croc stated and made his choice clear.

Killer Croc sighed in disappointment and said, “How disappointing. And here I thought I was going to make a new friend. No matter, I still got a lot of time to feast on your friends and make New York into my personal backyard bayou.”

Leatherhead yelled, “Over my dear body!”

“Very well then.” Killer Croc said as he roared right in Leatherhead’s face.

Leatherhead did the same, causing both opposing sides to stop and focus their attention to the fantasy match between two reptiles. Donnie looked at the two ferocious reptiles and armed his weapon ready in case if things went south while Fluttershy gasped and wondered what will happen next between these two scaly behemoths.

Leatherhead and Killer Croc brawled each other all over the control room. As Killer Croc was getting ready to bite Leatherhead, he moved out of the way and Croc bit the metal piece of the valve. His teeth got stuck and Leatherhead turned back the valve, making Killer Croc chipped his tooth out of his jaws. The water in the already soggy downtown New York was drained and its city was safe again. Killer Croc left his tooth on the valve and Leatherhead smirked. When Killer Croc saw his tooth there, he got angry and dragged Leatherhead under the water to continue the fight.

“Not sure which of those two have the upper hand now.” Donnie said.

As the two scaly behemoths continued fighting underwater, Killer Croc put Leatherhead in the Sleeper Hold while they kept going down underwater. Leatherhead continued to struggle, but he remembered something what Donnie and Fluttershy said before they went to search Killer Croc.

“It turns out that he’s been stealing jewelry other than the Purple Dragons and placed them in his own lair to catch his breath between heists.” Donnie said.

Fluttershy said, “We had an encounter with our amphibious acquaintance.”

Leatherhead came to the realization that he and Killer Croc don’t have gills, but they need air, too. He broke free from Killer Croc’s grasp, placed an oxygen filler (which he got from Donnie), and then roped Killer Croc to a nearby pipe. Killer Croc struggled to get free for some air.

Back in the control room, Donnie and the rest of his team surrounded Hun after they took out his gang.

Fluttershy begged him, “It’s over Hun. Just give yourself up peacefully and we won’t hurt you anymore.”

Hun made a quick decision and reached for a detonator in his back pocket.

“Don’t do it Hun!” Fluttershy yelled.

As Hun was about to use the detonator, Killer Croc rosed from the water unconscious, but carried by Leatherhead. The mutant alligator had beat Croc in his own game and tossed him to hit Hun. The detonator was released from Hun’s hands and Leatherhead smashed it with his giant hands. Leatherhead let out a mighty roar and let everyone know who’s the better scaly reptile.

Tsoi answered, “I just remembered. I have a dental appointment today.”

Fluttershy observed the body of Killer Croc and said, “Crocs may like water, but they’re no fish.” She then looked at the trio and asked, “So, do either of you are up giving Lizard Lips a little mouth-to-mouth?”

Fong, Tsoi, and Sid shook their heads, telling her no.

“Heh, didn’t think so,” Fluttershy said as she smirked the trio. “Pass me the oxygen filter, Leatherhead.”

“You got it.” Leatherhead replied to her and passed the oxygen filter to Fluttershy.

After she received it, Fluttershy put the oxygen filter on Killer Croc’s lips to give him some oxygen. Killer Croc spitted the oxygen filter and coughed. After that, he lied down to get some rest and breath calmly.

Fluttershy wiped the sweat off her forehead and sighed, “It’s over.”

Bandit said, “You can say that again.”

Then, Bandit’s parents arrived with their tranquilizer rifles.

“Son, are you alright?” Bandit’s dad asked.

Bandit replied, “Yeah, but what are you two doing here?”

“We thought you were in trouble.” Bandit’s mom answered.

Bandit’s dad said, “So we came bu to help ya, son.”

Bandit appreciated their help and said, “Thanks, but you were too late. Hey Dad, you think you can handle the Purple Dragons till the rest of your officers arrive?”

“Sure son. I’ll take care of it.” Bandit’s dad answered.

Juniper was confused and asked Bandit, “Wait, your parents are officers?”

Bandit answered, “Did I forget to mention that my dad is chief of the NYCPD and my mom is one of his top lieutenants?”

Donnie and his team looked stunned about the revelation of his parents.

“I'll take that silence as a yes.” Bandit said as he walked off while his friends were still stunned.

Author's Note:


  • This chapter is similarly based on the 2004 Batman episode, Swamped.