• Published 16th Aug 2020
  • 2,726 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Birthday Bounty Bash - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas Turtles celebrate their birthday, but what’s stopping them are the villains going after their heads.

  • ...

The Riddler and Kwiz Kid - Part 2

Meanwhile, Riddler was feeling a bit tempted back in his lair.

Kwiz Kid wondered, “It appears that these ninjas are starting to get the upper hand, teach.”

“I’ll make a note on that,” Riddler noted. “In the meantime, I need to take a breather and get something to eat. Why don’t you give them a challenge of your own, my student. Looking forward to see what you come up with.”

“Yes, boss.” Kwiz Kid nodded and Riddler left the room.

Meanwhile at Canterlot, Mikey’s team were searching for the kids.

“Anyone had any luck?” Mikey asked.

“Nothing on my end,” Rainbow replied, driving her motorcycle.

Mondo hollered, “Same with mine.”

Kwiz Kid suddenly contacted Mikey’s team through comms, “Don't get ahead of yourself, kiddos. You won't find your friends unless one of your friends complete the next race course.”

Sugarcoat shrugged, “Eh, simple enough.”

“Here’s the next location to your friends… if you can solve my pop kwiz.

Everyone groaned, “Ugh…”

“Oh c’mon. This is a kwiz that you will all know your place until you get stumped. Defeated by yours truly,” Kwiz Kid said.

Rainbow accepted, “Alright, I'm game. Just bring it.”

“Okay then. To locate your first clue, this is what you must do: Breathe underwater where sharks can swim around you.”

“That's easy. It's either the aquarium or the harbor,” Sugarcoat suggested.

Rainbow replied, “Good thinking, Sugarcoat. Now let's split up. Half of our team will go to the aquarium while the other goes to the harbor.”

“Sounds like a plan, Rainbow.” Mikey smiled.

The group split up and headed to both areas while Kwiz Kid watched from the security feed.

“Lucky guess.” He grumbled.

At the aquarium, Sugarcoat, Sid, Rockwell, and a disguised Mikey walked around the shark tunnel.

Sugarcoat repeated Kwiz Kid’s words, “To locate your first clue, this is what you must do: Breathe underwater where sharks swim around you.”

“You know something, in this funky, "shark tunnel," sharks are swimming all around us,” Mondo commented. “We're underwater and we can still breathe.”

“Yeah, but… where's the clue?” Sid wondered.

“As much as I'd like to listen to your conversation, but…”

Mikey abruptly interrupted Rockwell, “We found it!”

The clue was sealed inside a bag containing an envelope, and it is inside the shark tank.

“Don't worry y'all, I got this,” Mikey exited the shark tunnel.

One minute later, Mikey deactivated his human disguise and dived into the shark tank without being seen.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about his plan?” Sugarcoat said.

Mikey quickly swam towards the sealed envelope, but a hammerhead shark was engaging towards the turtle like he was smelling blood in the water. He looked behind to see the shark and swam quickly, but Rockwell used his powers to mind control the shark.

Rockwell said, “I don't think so, Jaws.”

Mikey reluctantly swam back up to the surface without getting caught. “Here you go,” He handed the envelope to Sugarcoat. “Thanks for the save, Rockwell. I owe you.”

Rockwell nodded as Sugarcoat opened the envelope.

Meanwhile, Rainbow, Casey, Shini, and Mondo arrived at the harbor, looking across the waters.

“So, who's going to dive down there and find Kwiz Kid’s clue?” Mondo asked his pals.

Everyone looked at Mondo, since his mutant form was closer to being amphibious.

“Uh… why is everyone looking at me for?” Mondo wondered in worry.

Seconds later, everyone threw Mondo into the sea.

“AHHHHHHH!!!” Mondo screamed until he splashed down into the deep waters. He rose back up to get fresh air and spat out some water. “Thanks a lot, guys.”

While he continued swimming, Rainbow asked, “Should we feel guilty about that?”

“Nah, Mondo is a pretty good swimmer.” Casey answered.

Mondo looked through the sea until he saw an envelope sealed in a bag with a green question mark on it. However, it is attached to the upper fin of a shark and Mondo gulped, looking nervous about grabbing that bag. He dived down to swam behind the shark without being spotted. However, the shark turned around and saw the gecko, swimming towards him. He opened his eyes wide and rosed up to the surface until he swam away from the shark, screaming, “GET ME OUTTA HERE, YO!!!”

Rainbow ran quickly onto the water with her super speed and rescued Mondo from the shark. After she brought Mondo back to the dock, he wiped the sweat off his forehead, “Phew! That was close.”

Casey apologized, “That was on us, Mondo. We’re sorry.”

Mondo replied, “It's fine, my dudes. However, the clue is still attached to the shark's fin.”

Rainbow pointed to herself, “Leave that to me. 'Cause I'm going to jump the shark.”

“And how are you going to do that, Rainbow?” Casey asked.

“Pretty cliche don't you think?” Shini asked.

“C'mon. What else do I have to say about my plan?” Rainbow complained.

Casey suggested, “How about making its teeth into a necklace?”

“Not helping, Casey.” Rainbow replied. “We still need to get that clue.”

“Do you have any better ideas, Rainbow?” Shini questioned her.

“Like I said, Shini, I’m going to jump over that shark.”

“How?” Casey said.

Rainbow explained, “Easy. I run around in circles to surround the shark, creating a tornado in the water. After that, I jump over the shark and grab the blag containing the clue inside.”

Shini stated, “I'll provide assistance if you need some help.”

Casey commented, “That could work I suppose.”

"Then it's settled. Stand back, everyone." Rainbow started to run around the shark, slowly creating a tornado through the momentum of her speed.

“Now Shini!” Rainbow signaled as she jumped.

Shini used her magic to boost Rainbow up with the elevation and jumped over the shark, grabbing the sealed bag containing the clue from the shark’s fin. After that, the shark dived back into the sea while Rainbow ran back to the harbor.

“Here you go,” Rainbow handed the clue to Casey and he opened the bag to read the clue.

“What does it say?” Mondo asked.

Casey and Sugarcoat read it together from different locations. “Too few visit here and that's a pity… because one can say it's the tallest building in the city.”

In the aquarium, Sid commented, "That's going to be difficult."

Rockwell cleared his throat, “Might I suggest the skyscraper as an example?”

Sugarcoat agreed, “He's right. It is indeed the tallest building in New York.”

Back at the harbor, Rainbow said, "Tallest building, huh? I’m not sure if there’s any building that is very tall in Canterlot."

“Ooh, I know where we can go to next! I believe our next destination is the skyscraper!” Casey called.

Both teams meet up in New York and entered the skyscraper until they reached up to the top.

"Find any luck?" Mikey asked.

Shini shook her head, “Nope, not yet.”

Casey added, “Can't find it.”

“I searched throughout the skyscraper and there is no sign of Kwiz Kid’s question mark clues,” Rockwell explained.

Mikey sighed, “Well if it's not here, then I guess it's a dud.”

“Wait!” Sugarcoat exclaimed. “We're not done yet. I think I know where to find the next clue.”

“Really? Where?” Mondo asked.

Sugarcoat answered, “The library.”

Minutes later, Mikey’s team arrived at the library to find Kwiz Kid’s clue.

“Hold up. This is the tallest building in the city?!” A disguised Mikey asked, loudly.

The librarian shushed him, “Shhhhh!”

Casey told her, “Sorry about my friend here, but this an emergency and we're in a hurry.”

“How is this the tallest building in the city?” Rainbow whispered.

Sugarcoat whispered back, “It's got the most stories.”

“Ha! I get it now!” Mondo laughed.

Rockwell told him, “Shhhhh!”

“See, Shini? Kwiz Kid meant "stories" as in floors or levels of a building.” Mondo whispered.

Shini bluntly whispered, “Your brilliance is blinding.”

Mikey’s team searched through every section of the library and Sugarcoat whispered, “Now, we have to figure out where Kwiz Kid hid his clue.”

Sid whispered, “Aw, man. I hope he didn't put it in one of these books.”

Rockwell whispered back, “Of course there are thousands of books to look through, but he hid it in a book somewhere around here. I can narrow down the search. Have any of you noticed that Kwiz Kid is particularly fond of sharks?”

“Come to think of it, yeah. First, the sharks at the aquarium…” Mikey whispered.

Rainbow continued, “Then the one in the harbor…”

Then, the ninjas found a shelf of the library that contained books about marine biology. Rockwell whispered “Over here!”

From there, Mikey and his team started searching through the marine biology section.

Casey commented, “That's a lot of books about sharks, yo.”

Sugarcoat then noticed something in the shelf, “Wait… see how there's dust on all these shelves?”

“Yeah?” Mikey answered.

“The dust is undisturbed except for right here,” Sugarcoat said. “Kwiz Kid must've put a book in this shelf.” She grabbed the green book with a green question mark. “Found it!” She exclaimed.

The rest of her friends shushed her, “Shhhhh!”

Sugarcoat apologized, “Sorry.” She noticed a bookmark on it and turned the pages until she found a page that said, “Congratulations!”

Mondo whispered, “Alright! We did it!”

Then, Mikey’s T-phone vibrated and he answered it.

Riddler called him, “Well done, you did it. You actually completed Kwiz Kid's halftime, pop kwiz game. Like a child learning to walk for the first time, Kwiz Kid and I feel like we should reward this miracle and give your drag racer friends the next location of my second race course.”

After that, Riddler sent the coordinates to the Spy Racers and Tony was already on the trail.

“T, where ya headin'?” Cisco questioned his bud.

“On my way to the next race course,” Tony answered.

Layla called, “What?! Let me handle this one, will ya?”

Tony ignored her, “Sorry, can't hear you. I'm on my way to the next Riddler race course.”

Frostee suggested, “Why not just play rock, paper, scissors instead of voting.”

Tony replied next to him, “I know, right?”

Ms. Nowhere chimed in, “Doesn't matter who goes next, just stay alive and be prepared for what Nigma plans to do with you. Because according to his file, he doesn't like losing, and that makes him dangerous. I'll send Frostee the code to bypass Riddler's blockades.”

After Nowhere sent Frostee the code on his phone, Gabby commented, “Perhaps the real challenge is tolerating his relentless, self-aggrandizing commentary.”

Frostee informed Tony, “I'll send in my spy drone to guide you, T.”

Tony nodded as he arrived at the location for Riddler’s next course, the hangar. While the drone arrived to follow Tony’s car, Tony found a hangar that has Riddler’s question mark on the door and drove near it. The doors were automatically opened and Tony’s car and Frostee’s drone went through. Inside, there were movie props and sets from the Daring Do movie.

“Awesome! I love this movie!” Tony commented.

Frostee noted, “You can say that again.”

Tony’s car slowed down and stopped on an elevator lift as Riddler activated the elevator to descend Tony down to his race course. While the elevator continued going down, Frostee activated the invisibility cloak on his drone and Riddler appeared again in his public broadcast.

“The preliminaries are done with, you meddlesome brats, I hope you understand that. Had I so wished, you'd have failed before you had even begun to comprehend the very first few hurdles. But no, no, no...” Riddler continued, “I wanted you to know the full extent of my brilliance, you understand? To fully appreciate my superiority. But now? Well, I'm not going easy on you anymore.” The broadcast ended after that.

“Did this guy swallow a dictionary or what?” Tony asked.

Mikey answered, “I do not have an answer for that one, dude.”

The elevator lift arrived at the floor where the race course was held and Tony’s car proceeded forward until it stopped due to the blockade.

Riddler appeared in a broadcast again, “Another race track, loser, but please, do not let its unique peculiarities CRUSH your spirit.”

“Just let the track do the talking, dude.” Tony said.

“Alright then, shall we begin?” Riddler announced and the lights glowed red.

“I'm ready,” Tony revved up the engines to his car as the lights turned to yellow. “Frostee, you ready?”

Frostee nodded, “I'm ready.”

After that, the lights turned green and the blockade was deactivated. Tony hit the gas and the car accelerated forward while Frostee’s drone followed as the door was opened. Tony’s car moved to the left and Frostee bypassed the red crushing block to move forward.

Riddler announced, “No, you are not losing what little grip you had on reality, you've merely entered a brave new world of my design.”

Frostee bypassed a white crushing block and Tony made it through. After Frostee bypassed another red and white crushing block, Tony drove his car through the first path. Tony made his way to the second path and dodged the green crushing blocks before getting flattened. Frostee bypassed another red crushing block and Tony made his way to the third path.

Riddler announced, “I know that my protégé and I made these race courses for Batman, but oh well. That ceiling applies 300 deadbats of pressure. I invented the measurement myself.”

Frostee bypassed more red and white crushing blocks as Tony went through the third and entered the fourth path. “I am starting to think the first lap is getting easy.”

“My student and I built this course in a sewer, brat. You needed the home-team advantage,” Riddler quipped.

Tony dodged the automatic, green crushing blocks and drifted towards the left before driving straight out of the fourth path.

While Tony was heading towards the finish line, Riddler laughed, “Onward, Toretto! Or does your car require a pit stop?”

Tony finished the first lap and drove through the course again while Frostee bypassed the red and white crushing blocks for his pal.

“Very good, Toretto. Again!” Kwiz Kid announced.

After Tony got passed the green crushing blocks in the second path, Frostee bypassed the red and white crushing blocks in the third path.

Kwiz Kid joked, “Is it a bird? Is it a tank? Who cares! Soon, it'll be scrap!”

“That's it! I'm cranking it up! 500 deadbats of pressure!” Riddler announced as the speed of his contraptions increased.

Frostee warned his pal, “Careful, Tony! The speed of his traps increased.”

“Don't worry, Frostee. I can handle it,” Tony stated and continue driving his car to the fourth path. Tony continued driving while dodging the green crushing blocks until he made it out.

“You know, I think the wheels on that thing might be as thick as your skull!” Riddler commented, through the mic.

“Yeah, and I thought my friends say I'm stubborn.” Tony replied and finished the second lap and drove forward to the first path as Frostee bypassed the crushing blocks from his laptop.

Kwiz Kid spoke through the mic, “Feeling claustrophobic? Get ready for the final lap.”

Tony drove through the first path and dodged the green crushing blocks.

Riddler commented through the mic, “What a fitting end for you, kid: a stain on my floor.”

After passing through the second path, Frostee bypassed the red and white crushing blocks again while Tony continued driving his car through the third path.

Kwiz Kid spoke through the mic again, “I can see it, kid! You're miscalculating corners! Swerving through straights!”

After Tony passed through the third path, Riddler announced, “That's it! Time to crank it up to 1000 deadbats of pressure!”

Just as expected, the speed of green crushing blocks increased.

Tony commented, “Oh you got to be kiddin' me!”

Tony drifted his car to the left and waited for the right opportunity to move forward without getting crushed. He closed his eyes for a minute and after that, Tony’s eyes were opened to hit the turbo boost, accelerated his car, and dodged the incoming crushing blocks. Tony made it out and completed third lap before Riddler activated the blockade.

“Enough! Another lap would be the end of you, kid, and I can't quite bring myself to stop the fun so soon. Your next location of your soon-to-be-dead friends awaits.”

Tony then sent the coordinate to his friends’ phones. “You guys getting this?”

Frostee replied, “Yeah, we got it. Thanks, T.”

Minutes later, Mikey and his friends arrived at Riddler’s hideout.

Rockwell informed his pals, “Door's locked.”

“Great. So how do we get in?” Sid asked.

Mikey then opened the grate to the air vent and went inside. “Follow me,” He said.

While his team followed. Mikey saw Silverstream, Lancer, Scootaloo, Sandbar, and Half Note with their wrists chained up to the mobile explosives as each of them continued walking around in a loop.

“That's right, worms, keep walking! You remember how to walk, don't you?” Kwiz Kid announced from the mic.

Scootaloo bluntly commented, “I hate him.”

“When my friends and I get out of here, we're gonna hurt you for this! You hear me?!” Lancer vowed.

“Calm down, Mr. Lancer. In order to hurt me, you'll have to break me from the predicament you currently find yourself in,” Kwiz Kid explained. “And attack me in such a way that does not cause me to press this remote detonator, distributing your DNA all over the walls.”

Silverstream gasped, “You wouldn't.”

Kwiz Kid said, “Oh I will, but as long as you continue doing your role in my place, I won't press the detonator. And when I get that money, I'll be able to buy all the gifts for Kitten and win her heart.”

Casey whispered, “This kid's nuts.”

“Rockwell, try to pinpoint his location,” Mikey whispered to his friend.

“Got it,” Rockwell whispered back.

Kwiz Kid continued, “I doubt you'll succeed without blowing yourself up. One press of that detonator and you will all be history.”

Sandbar vowed, “We'll walk all night if we have to, fool.”

“Good, let's see if you still feel the same for tomorrow.”

Soon, Mikey’s team was out of the air vent and Rockwell told them, “It looks like Riddler and his underling attached explosives to the hostages. If they stop moving, they'll die. We can't get in their way.”

Shine asked, “Is there anyway to set our friends free?”

Rockwell answered, “The only way to do that is to deactivate the controls of his contraption and remove the detonator. Kwiz Kid has it.”

Sid replied, “Well then, I guess we have to do this the old fashioned way.”

Mikey stated, “I'll find that kid and put a stop to his plan. Rockwell, let me know when I reach him. I'll have to do this quietly.”

Mikey crouched and walked slowly behind Lancer to follow him and behind Mikey was Scootaloo. He then whispered to the kids, “Don't worry everyone, my friends and I will get you all outta here.”

“Mikey, is that you?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yep. It's me.”

Lancer whispered, “Kwiz Kid is on the top floor.”

Mikey nodded as Rockwell used his telepathy skill, telling him, “Wait…”

The ninja turtle continued to walk silently and he was close to where Kwiz Kid was located.


Ten seconds later, Mikey was above Kwiz Kid and Rockwell told him, “Now!”

Mikey grabbed Kwiz Kid by the legs below the wooden floor and dropped him. However, he dropped a Riddlerbot, not Kwiz Kid.

“Aw man!” Mikey whispered.

Shini then jumped up to the control room to deactivate the contraption and explosives.

Casey approached Mikey and asked, “What happened?”

Mikey answered, “I got a decoy.”

Mondo growled, “Spineless coward!”

“Well I'm glad you kids are safe,” Mikey said.

Then, the Riidlerbot suddenly woke up and stood up. It was ready to launch an attack on Mikey.

“Mikey! Watch out!” Casey yelled.

Mikey turned around to see the robot leapt up in the air to attack him until Sid shot it down with his gun, loaded with bullets.

Casey yelled, “Sid, you said that was loaded with tranquilizers!”

Sid explained, “I did, it’s just that my tranquilizer gun is behind my back pocket. And besides, tranquilizers won’t work on robots.”

“Are you guys alright?” Rainbow asked the kids.

Scootaloo replied while whacking Casey on the back on his head, “Yeah, everyone is in one piece.”

Mikey answered, “Good. Now it's up to my bro, Donnie, and his team to finish the job.”

“In the meantime, let's get everyone out of here.” Shini announced.

Meanwhile, Donnie and his team were at New York until Riddler contacted Donnie on his T-phone.

“Hello? Hello?”

Donnie put his phone on speaker, “Yeah, yeah, we can all hear you, Nigma.”

Riddler said, “Good, it seems like your friends have been rescued again.”

April told him, “Nigma. Stop this. Let's end this right here and now before you and your student hurt anyone else.”

“Very well. Since you're all so eager to get to your inevitable defeat…” Riddler appeared on Hyperfin’s screen, “Echo, it is time for your race. But I think I will refer to you by you're real name, Margaret!”

Donnie, Twilight, and April’s allies reacted, “Margaret?”

Echo growled, “Don't you EVER call me that again! Or you're going back to Arkham with a black eye!”

“Ooo, I'm truly terrified, Margaret! Head to these coordinates. And be warned, my greatest challenge awaits!” Riddler ended his video chat with Donnie’s team.

“I call first dibs kicking his butt!”

Donnie informed her, “Be careful out there, Echo. Good luck.”

“Thanks, Don.” Echo drove her vehicle off to the location of Riddler’s last race course. After she arrived at the next Riddler hideout in New York, an elevator lift took Echo’s car down as Riddler appeared onscreen from the Hyperfin.

“Well, this is it, folks! And I'm going to savor you and your friend's crushing defeat! Because there's no way Margaret will be able to overcome my race track!”

April answered through comms, “Then you clearly don't know Echo.”

Riddler nonchalantly replied, “Right…”

Riddler then appeared onscreen in Echo’s car, “Margaret, you strike me as a well rounded individual, one who would make the smart choice. And since I'm feeling charitable at the moment, I'll offer you a smart choice. You don't have to do the race track, you can simply drive away and no harm will come to the children. While the Ninjas, especially Donnie and Ms. O'Neil, can sulk in shame by the fact that I have utterly check-mated them! The last five children will remain hostages, of course - a symbol of your failure.”

“You are all talk, but no bark. Abandon those kids and my friends? Hard! Pass!” Echo replied as the elevator lift stopped and her car drove straight forward to the starting line.

“My my, you're actually going to attempt it? Very well. But this track is finest work, Margaret, my masterpiece, my Nig-ma résistance!” Riddler proclaimed.

Echo bluffed, “Pfft. Oh please. Your track ain't nothing special.”

“So, let us take that inexplicably life-sized child's toy for its final drive,” Riddler continued as Echo revved up the engines for her car.

Echo glared as the lights turned yellow. Then, the lights turned green and Echo hit the gas, making her car accelerated.


“I'm on it,” He said and bypassed the red and white doors, proceeded to open.

The Hyperfin drove through the doors and off the ramp before proceeding to the next obstacle.

“This is it, Echo. Your Teutoburg! Your Bay of Pigs! Your ultimate defeat!” Kwiz Kid shouted.

“Bonus grade for history references, my apprentice,” Riddler told him.

Echo dodged the spinning spikes and hit the boosters to accelerate faster.

Riddler announced through the mic, “That's it, Echo, drive faster! Drive headlong into defeat!”

Echo drove up the wall as Frostee deactivated the blockades. After that, Echo drove down the road and saw more spinning spikes.

“Behold your doom!” Kwiz Kid cheered as Frostee shut the spinning spikes down.

Echo drove her car in a loop until she was towards the final part of the first lap. She took a slalom course and maintained appropriate altitude while Frostee bypassed more red and white blockades.

“What? Impossible! That cannot be!” Kwiz Kid shouted.

Riddler agreed through the mic, “You should have fallen to your death! I calculated the curvature precisely! I've GOT THE EQUATIONS RIGHT HERE!”

After Echo crossed the finish line, she continued going through the course for the second lap.

Riddler stuttered, “I-I don't understand. How are you still alive? Oh of course. You got lucky, didn't you?”

“Woah!” Echo dodged the spinning spikes that was in a horizontal position. She then dodged more spinning spikes on the road. “That was close.”

“It was luck! Luck! The kindly lifeguard of the idiot. I can hardly factor luck into my equations now, can I? I'm not a homeopath!” Riddler yelled through the mic.

Kwiz Kid said, “Farewell, Margaret.”

Echo drove her car to the left to avoid multiple spinning spikes on the right.

Riddler panicked, “No! No, no, no, no, no! This isn't right. This isn't possible. This isn't HAPPENING.”

Echo drove up the wall to the right on the red colored tiles until she moved to the left, avoiding the tiles as Frostee bypassed the white colored blockade.


After Frostee deactivated the blockades, Echo made it out and completed her second lap.

“Since you cannot even be counted on to kill yourself, I will do it for you! I'm controlling the mechanisms now!” Riddler vowed and controlled the contraptions on the road.

Frostee told Echo through comms, “Uh-oh. I'm locked out. But how?”

Kwiz Kid answered, “That's because I found your frequency.”

“Oh, good.” Frostee nodded and blew an air horn right into the microphone.

“Ow!” Kwiz Kid cried.

Frostee warned his friend, “Echo, watch out. Riddler's in control of the mechanisms. I'm not going to bypass those blockades anymore. So, you're on your own. I'll be rooting for you. Please be safe out there.”

“Yeah, I heard. But thanks.” Echo answered and drove out of the doors, jumped off the ramp, dodged the spinning spikes, dove up the wall, and dodged the crushing blocks until she drove back down the road.

“You'll make a mistake! Of course you will! I know you will!” Riddler predicted.

Echo told him, “Give it a rest, Eddie.”

Riddler yelled, “IT'S RIDDLER! THE! RIDDLER!”

Echo moved her car to the left and avoided the spinning spikes while driving in a loop until she saw more spinning spikes.

Kwiz Kid spoke through the mic, “Sayonara, Margaret.”

“Don't count on it.” Echo replied.

She drove through and dodged the spinning spikes, timing it perfectly.

“NO!” Riddler yelled.

While Echo drove up to the wall and dodged the automatic crushing blocks, Riddler continued yelling, “STOP! NOT! DYING!”

“Chill out, dude. Sheesh,” Echo said and made her way to the finish line.

“You did it. The children. Now you can find the last remaining children. Those are the rules. And I have to follow the rules, don't I? I set them, after all!” Riddler stated.

“Here's the location to the last remaining children,” Kwiz Kid sent the coordinates to Echo’s phone.

Echo told him, “Thank you. But you two are still gonna pay for calling out my real name.” She ended her call with Kwiz Kid and contacted Donnie, “Okay, Donnie, it's all up to you and your friends now.”

Meanwhile at the Turtle Lair, Donnie replied, “You got it, Echo.” He called his teammates, “Alright, team. Let's go rescue the children.”

Everyone nodded until a portal appeared in front of them.

“Now who could that be?” Fluttershy asked until someone stepped out of the portal.

A voice called, “Hey, guys.”

The person who stepped out of the portal turned out to be one of the Ninjas’ allies/friends from Gotham City, Batgirl.

“Batgirl?” Donnie, April, and Fluttershy reacted and hugged her while the rest of their allies were confused because of Batgirl.

April told her, “It's great to see you again, Batgirl. I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Batgirl replied, “It's alright, I understand. Anyway, Nightwing told me about the bounty that Sionis placed on you guys.”

Donnie replied, “Well isn't it obvious. We're doing our best to round up enemies from your dimension.”

“So um, can any of guys tell us who this girl is and how you know her?” Sunny Flare spoke up.

Fluttershy answered, “It's a long story. This is Barbara Gordon. Also known as Batgirl. Short version: She's a superhero and the police commissioner's daughter.”

Batgirl chuckled, “Eeyup. That's me alright.”

Sunny Flare nodded, “Well, if anyone’s a friend of you guys is a friend of ours.”

“Good to hear. Anyway, we got kids to save.” Donnie told everyone.

Batgirl added, “And that's exactly why I'm here. Defeating Riddler will not be that easy.”

“What about this Kwiz Kid that Riddler is proud of?” Frostee asked.

Batgirl answered, “Well, what Nightwing told me about him is that he is a pain in the…”

“Okay, we get it, Batgirl! No time for explanation. Just go rescue the children and stop the puzzling duo. Got it?” Ms. Nowhere ordered loudly, abruptly interrupting Batgirl.

“Yes ma'am,” Layla and Cisco replied and the rest of Donnie’s team exited the Turtle Lair.

Batgirl asked the Ninjas, “This is the nasty woman you guys mentioned?”

Tony answered, “Yep. She is brutal, I tell ya.”

“Can't be worst than my dad.” Batgirl replied.

Minutes later, Batgirl and Donnie’s team arrived at an amusement park in New York.

“An amusement park? Why would they be in there?” Sunny asked.

Sonata answered, “Maybe the circus is in town.”

Batgirl explained, “No. It's one part of Riddler's habits.”

Then all of a sudden, the lights came on and the rides started to turn on. After that, they heard Kwiz Kid’s voice from the speaker boxes, but no sign of him.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the most extravagant night of your life. I know that this is Joker and Harley Quinn's thing, but they're not here. So, if you guys really think you're little friends are going to be sticking together, think again. I have them chain up somewhere around here in this godforsaken place. Good luck finding them 'cause it will be your last.”

Riddler communicated through Kwiz Kid’s phone, “I'll give you an A grade for that, my apprentice.”

In the control room, Kwiz Kid smiled, “Thank you, Riddler.”

Batgirl informed everyone, “Okay, we should all split up and find the kids. They could be anywhere.”

“Right. So how do we find them?” Layla asked.

“With this,” Batgirl presented them a sports bag and opened it, revealing it to be detective mode devices. “Compliments from Donnie himself.”

“You made these, Don?” Tony asked.

Donnie embarrassedly chuckled, scratching the back of his head, “Yeah, Twilight, Batgirl, and I created these to improve our detective skills and catch our enemies.”

“Sweet,” Sonata smiled.

“I’m definitely keeping this,” Frostee said, holding a cryptomatic sequencer.

After that, Batgirl threw her batarang drone up in the air as she used her remote hacking device to control her drone and scan the area. Minutes later, they found the hostages in three locations of the area and the drone headed towards back to Batgirl.

“Found them,” Batgirl announced as she caught her batarang drone. “Your friends are in these three places: The ferris wheel, the merry-go-round, and the ghost ship ride.”

“Good. Now let's hurry, because we are running out of time,” Karai said and ran off.

Batgirl and Donnie’s team split up to find the hostages at the amusement park.

“So April, did you and Batgirl become friends when you first met?” Sonata asked while searching around the area.

April shamefully answered, “No, it wasn't a great start.”

“Did it start with a fight?” Sonata asked again.

“Yeah, I kinda got jealous of Donnie's attention with her.”

“I guess I can see that. I'd be a bit annoyed if Cisco started seeing other girls.” Sonata told her until April shushed her. “Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I was just trying to...”

“We're here,” Batgirl said as the girls arrived at the Ferris wheel.

There were Riddler thugs patrolling the area and one of the carriages contained Logan Berrytown, who was sleeping inside.

Batgirl and April climbed up to each of the scaffolding and silently took down Riddler’s snipers.

“How about we speed things up!” Kwiz Kid announced from the speaker.

The Ferris wheel started to increase its speed as Logan Berrytown started to wake up. “Hello? Where am I? Is anyone there?” He called.

Batgirl informed April and Sonata, “It looks like Kwiz Kid's got the Ferris Wheel rigged. We need to secure the area before we free the hostage.”

Sonata nodded, “You got it, B-Girl.”

Batgirl reminded her, “Please don't call me that. You might mistaken me for Bumblebee.”

The girls walked forward silently to the Ferris Wheel as Sonata silently put the Riddler thug in a sleeper hold until he passed out. “Sweet dreams,” She said.

Batgirl grappled up to a vantage point and grabbed another one with an inverted takedown. After that, April dropped down from a vantage point and attacked another Riddler thug until she knocked her out. Batgirl glided towards the last remaining Riddler thug and hit her with a glide kick until Batgirl knocked the thug out with a spin kick.

“And that takes care of them,” April commented.

“Alright, time to shut this Ferris Wheel down,” Sonata went to the large green control panel and pulled the brakes for the Ferris Wheel. However, the speed of the Ferris Wheel went faster and a whopping nine more Black Mask thugs entered the fray, including a medic and a big Black Mask thug with a minigun.

“SURPRISE! Didn't think it would be that easy, did ya?!” Kwiz Kid announced.

The girls spread out and hid themselves quickly.

Sonata commented through comms,, “Okay, didn't think that was the brakes.”

Batgirl replied, “It's okay, been there before. Riddler always has a backup plan for everything.”

“So, how do we get rid of the big thug?” Sonata wondered.

“I got it,” April answered and whistled loudly from a distance.

Then, Leatherhead showed up and roared. The Black Mask thug panicked, “What is that thing?”

“Take it out!” Another Black Mask thug ordered.

“With pleasure,” The Black Mask minigunner armed himself with his minigun and started firing bullets rapidly.

Leatherhead ran quickly for cover until April used her powers to stop the bullets and send them back to destroy the guns

“Hey!” The thug shouted until Leatherhead tackled the minigunner while Sonata and April took down two lesser Black Mask thugs.

“Seriously, a minigun?! Isn't that overkill?” Sonata questioned.

April suggested, “Seems like Black Mask is stocking up his henchmen.”

Batgirl told her pals, “Let's get this done before the hostage starts to get his stomach churn.”

Meanwhile, Logan was still in the Ferris Wheel, feeling nauseous with his face about to turn green and said, “I think I'm going to be sick.”

Sonata looked up at the Ferris Wheel and shouted, “Hang on, little buddy! Help is on the way!”

April slid down to trip another Black Mask thug and knocked him out.

“Hey!” A Black Mask thug heard the sound of April’s punch and a couple more thugs went to find her.

From behind, Batgirl and Sonata charged and unleashed a series of kicks on two more thugs.

“Great job, Batgirl. Thought of being an official cop?” Sonata asked her.

“My dad forbade it.”

“Why? Because being a cop is too dangerous for you?” Sonata questioned.

Batgirl answered, “That and my mom passed away.”

“Sorry to hear about that.”

“It's fine, but thank you,” Batgirl understood her.

Back to Leatherhead, he used his tail to knock off two more Black Mask thugs.

“Eat this, freak!” The minigunner appeared and used his minigun to shoot the mutant alligator.

“STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!” April yelled and kicked the minigunner right between his legs.

The minigunner winced and then Leatherhead jumped in and tail swiped the big man, knocking him out.

“Need a hand, Leatherhead?” April asked.

Leatherhead answered, “No, I'm okay.”

Then, three more Black Mask thugs entered the fray and point their guns at April and Leatherhead.

“Adios losers!” One of the thugs said as the other two Black Mask thugs pulled the trigger, but the guns exploded on the two thugs and it knocked them out.

“What?!” The last thug panicked until Sonata leaped up from a grate and hit her with a DDT, knocking the thug out as a result.

Sonata vowed, “Nobody threatens my friends.”

April said, “Thanks, Sonata. But how did those guns explode?”

Batgirl jumped down and told her, “With this.” She showed the girls her gadget, the weapon disruptor.

“Sweet. What does it do?” Sonata asked.

Batgirl explained, “This is a disruptor. It can sabotage weapons and caches. Plus, it's a vehicle pursuit tracking system.”

Sonata said, “That's very handy.”

April nodded, “Donnie would love this.”

Meanwhile, the team of Frostee, Cisco, Sugarcoat, Fluttershy, and Karai arrived at the Ghost Ship attraction.

Cisco shivered, “I don't like this. Not one little bit.”

“Okay Cisco, I'll tell Sonata you couldn't help us.” Frostee told Cisco as his face turned red.

“But I'll be brave. For the ladies.”

Sugarcoat remarked, “Flattered, but I'm not convinced.”

Fluttershy announced as she looked up, “Everyone, I found our friend.”

Everyone looked up to see Clover hanging with her hands chained in a hook. Plus, there were more Riddler and Black Mask thugs with rifles patrolling the area.

“Okay, I have a plan. Can any of you lure those thugs together?” Karai informed everyone.

“I can help. First, let's lure them to this skull head over there while Karai takes them out,” Frostee pointed out to see a giant set that looks like an entrance, resembling a ginat skull. “Then, I'll lure the other thugs to the giant kraken machine so that I can hack the controls over there.” Frostee pointed to the giant kraken machine. “As for the rest of the henchmen, there are plenty of grates, vantage points, and weak walls to ambush them.”

“Is your hair hiding a calculator under it?” Sugarcoat asked.

“No, just a big brain,” Frostee released little drones from his backpack while Karai slithered under the cover of darkness. Frostee used his phone to hack the controls for the skull head and then he activated it. The skull head made a scary laugh sound, attracting two Black Mask thugs and Riddler thugs. After that, Cisco turned off the lights and Frostee pressed a button on his phone, making the skull head released smoke in front of the thugs.

“Wha...” The Riddler Thug couldn't finished his sentence as Karai lunged and kicked him hard and fast. Then, Karai ran fast to hit the Black Mask thug with a German suplex, followed by a sweep to the leg and elbow to the gut on another Black Mask thug, and Karai hit the Riddler thug with another German suplex.

After that, Karai moved away as three thugs rushed onto the scene of the attack. One of them said, “What happened?!”

From on top of a vantage point, Fluttershy shot a blowdart from her blowdart gun at the Riddler thug. He felt woozy until he fell down on the ground and Cisco finished it off with a knockout. He commented, “Oh he's going to be having a headache for that.”

“Now for the next contraption,” Frostee signaled and started hacking the giant kraken machine. It created a loud noise and it started attracting attention to two more Black Mask thugs and two more Riddler thugs. Frostee then saw a booby trap hidden inside the machine, “Ooh, what do we have here.” He pressed a button and the kraken machine released knockout gas in front of the thugs. The thugs coughed until they fell asleep.

“That should be the last one,” Sugarcoat said.

Frostee informed Sugarcoat, “Not so fast. I found five more thugs patrolling the area. Let's take them out before we rescue our friend.”

“Lead them to me.”

Frostee nodded, “On it. Hey, you think my grades are good enough for Crystal Prep?”

Sugarcoat answered, “Most likely.”

“How are you going to bring them to you?” Frostee asked.

“Watch,” Sugarcoat used a device to spray some unknown substance to a weak wall. After that, she moved out of the way and pressed a button. The weak wall exploded and it attracted some attention to the last remaining Riddler and Black Mask thugs.

“Hey! What happened to the wall? It's freakin' gone,” One of thugs noticed as the rest of the thugs followed.

“Alright, time for our next move.” Sugarcoat signaled.

Karai nodded, “Right. Cisco, Fluttershy, get ready.”

“I'm in position,” Fluttershy answered.

Cisco replied, “Yeah, go for it.”

Karai nodded and threw a smoke pellet, making the thugs scared and started firing their guns upwards without friendly fire.

Fluttershy ran in and unleashed some nerve blowdarts on each thug. Followed up by Cisco grabbing a Riddler thug and performed a knockout smash on him.

“Frostee, how many are there left?” Cisco asked.

Frostee replied through comms, “Four.”

Karai smiled, “Good. Now it's our turn.”

Sugarcoat nodded, “Agreed.”

The thugs were still blinded by the smoke as Karai prepared her blinding venom. Karai’s arms turned into snakes and bot each thug with some blinding venom, screaming in pain. After that, Karai’s arms turned back to normal and she cut a light hanging by a single chain, smashing into the Black Mask thug’s head. After that, Karai hit another Black Mask thug with her punches and kicks until she knocked him out. Sugarcoat then used a slide attack on a Riddler thug and knocked her out, followed up by a silent takedown on another Riddler thug until Sugarcoat hit him with a knockout smash.

“Alright, that's the last of them,” Karai told everyone.

“Lowering our friend down now.” Frostee used his phone to control the hook on a chain to move it back and lower it down until Clover’s feet was on the upper deck of the ship.

Karai jumped on the ship and cut the rope with her kunai, freeing Clover’s hands.

Clover thanked her friends, “Thanks for the rescue, everyone.”

Sugarcoat replied, “No problem, Clover.”

Karai contacted Donnie, “Donnie, we rescued Clover.”

Donnie replied through comms, “Excellent, Karai. My team and I are on our way to the merry-go-round now.”

“Okay. Be careful out there.”

Meanwhile, the team of Donnie, Layla, Twilight, Spike, and Sunny Flare made their way to the merry-go-round.

Spike commented in disgust, “Ugh. This ride always makes me sick.”

Layla noted, “Dogs do have sensitive stomachs.”

As they arrived, Riddler appeared onscreen from the TVs wired on the merry-go-round, “Let me ask you all something. Why would anybody follow heroes like Batman for example?”

Kwiz Kid raised his hand, ‘Ooh, ooh, I know. The answer is that only a lunatic follows a man in a bat costume..”

“Good answer, my fellow student. Take them to their friends.”

“Yes sir,” Kwiz Kid pulled the lever and the floor of the ride started to elevate down, startling Donnie’s team. Once it stopped, Donnie’s team saw Smolder, Gallus, and Sweet Note locked inside a glass container.

Riddler said, “As you can see, your friends are locked inside this chamber and they are about to drown to their doom. Watch.”

The glass was started to fill up the tank with water and the kids panicked.

“Help!” Gallus yelled.

“Save us!” Sweet Note shouted.

“Hold on, we'll get you outta here!” Donnie shouted.

“I don't think so!” Riddler then whistled onscreen and a bunch of Riddler and Black Mask thugs arrive with pipes and baseball bats on their hands.

“Finish 'em!” Kwiz Kid ordered.

Donnie and company jumped into the fight while monitoring the tanks.

Spike put on his headband and said, “Bring it.”

“Behind you!” Sunny Flare yelled as Donnie ducked and hit the Riddler thug with his staff.

Donnie ducked and hit the Riddler thug with his staff.

“Layla, catch!” Donnie yelled and threw the thug’s bat at Layla and she caught it.

“Thanks, D!” Layla started swinging for the fences on the Riddler thug. “Y'all mess with my friends, you mess with me!”

After taking down a couple of thugs, some more thugs arrive in the battle.

“How many thugs are there?” Sunny asked.

Twilight replied, “A lot.”

“Looks like we'll be stuck here for awhile until we secure the area,” Donnie informed everyone until the rest of Donnie’s friends and Spy Racers arrive to help.

“Hey y'all! Did we miss the party?” Gabby asked.

Smolder exclaimed while still being trapped inside a water tank, “About time you got here!”

“Tony had to change his underwear.” Gabby said.

“No, I wasn't,” Tony scoffed and punched a Riddler Mask thug in the face. “In fact, you were too busy checking on Casey.”

“Did not!” Gabby fired back and kicked a Black Mask to the gut.

“Do they always fight like that?” Batgirl asked.

“It's just a family's way of showing that they care.” Donnie answered while hitting the Black Mask thug with his staff.

Batgirl said, “You guys make the craziest friends.”

Twilight asked Batgirl while fighting off against a couple of thugs, “What does that make you?”

“Ooh,” Frostee and Cisco reacted.

“Burn!” Sonata shouted.

“Touché. Trade dance partners?” Batgirl asked her.

Twilight nodded, “Yep.”

Batgirl and Twilight switched and continued fighting against the thugs.

“Hey Cisco, how does Murakumi sound for a date?” Sonata asked while kicking down a Riddler thug.

“Murakumi?” Cisco questioned.

Sonata told him, “Great noodle place. Trust me.”

“Okay. If you say so.”

Then, Frostee and Spike were being chased by a Black Mask thug, baiting him to Layla.

“Don't swing! Don't swing!”

“Swing!” Spike signaled and he along with Frostee slid down and Layla swung the bat at the Black Mask thug.

“Guys, last one is wearing armor!” Donnie informed everyone, pointing his finger at the armored Black Mask thug.

“I'm on it!” Batgirl acknowledged and used her cape to stun the armored Black Mask thug, followed by a couple of jabs until he pushed him to her friends. One minute later, Leatherhead stepped in and knocked the armored thug out with a tail swipe.

“Nice timing, Leatherhead,” Batgirl said and Leatherhead nodded.

“Too late. They will drown any second,” Kwiz Kid announced through the speaker box.

“Help us!” Gallus yelled.

“Hurry!” Smolder and Sweet Note cried.

Karai, Donnie, and April used some ninja stars on the glass chamber, but it did not crack.

Leatherhead slashed his claws but not a scratch. Then, Batgirl had an idea.

“Hey Riddler, I wager a riddle. Double or nothing.” Batgirl said.

Riddler answered and appeared onscreen, “Very well. Proceed.”

“My planet orbits a red sun, I am a humanoid, and I am strong. Who am I?”

“Hmm. I don't know the answer to that riddle,” Kwiz Kid said.

“That's easy. The answer to your riddle is Supergirl.” Riddler answered.

Batgirl smugly smiled and made the sound of a buzzer. “Incorrect! I am a Daxamite, from the Krypton's sister planet, Daxam.”

Riddler was furious and April told him, “Oof! Tough break, Nigma.”

Donnie added, “And here I thought Riddler is supposed to be the smartest villain in Gotham. What a shame.”

“You CHEATED! There's no such thing as a Daxamite!” Riddler angrily said.

Batgirl told him, “Check the satellite feeds.”

Riddler checked the satellite feed and seconds later, he saw the ruins of Daxam. “You tricked me!”

“Actually...” Batgirl showed the gel on the glass, “I tricked you twice.”

“What?!” Riddler and Kwiz Kid questioned her in unison.

Batgirl pushed the detonator and the glass of the tank broke, freeing the kids. “Check... A-Mate.”

“You haven't see the last of us,” Riddler growled before signing off.

“They're escaping, right?” Sunny asked.

“Eeyup,” Donnie, April, and Batgirl answered.

Then, Donnie got a call from Ms. Nowhere from his T-phone.

“Donatello, are the kids secured?”

“Yes, Ms. Nowhere. They’re safe now.”

Gary sighed in relief, “Well that's a relief.”

Ms. Nowhere informed Donnie, “I actually found the location of the Riddler. He was last seen at a toy factory in New York. Just a couple of miles from here.”

“Great, now lets... GAH!” Sunny suddenly collapsed.

“Sunny Flare? What happened?” Batgirl asked her.

“One of those thugs got lucky. My right leg is injured.”

“We gotta get you back in our lair,” Donnie suggested.

“Don't worry, Donnie. We got a nice spot for her.” Gary told him through comms.

“Great. Thanks, Gary.” Donnie said and ended his call.

Then, as they were leaving the amusement park, there were sounds of a baby crying from afar.

“Does anyone know where's that coming from?” April asked.

Karai answered, “Beats me. You guys go on ahead, I'll go check it out.”

Everyone wished Karai good luck while they carried Sunny and took the kids to the Turtle Lair.

“Donnie, where are you going?” April asked.

Donnie continued walking towards the exit, “Take a wild guess.”

“It's better we let one of the others take Riddler's down. He knows OUR tricks... But not Raph's.” April told him.

“Raph may be strong, but he’s not as smart as me or The Riddler. In fact, he wants revenge against you and me. Remember when we stopped him back in Gotham?” Donnie asked.

April sighed, “Alright, but if things get too dangerous, we call for backup.”

Donnie nodded, “Right. Let's end his game of riddles.”

Back on the streets of New York, April and Donnie was in the Turtle Racer with Gabby driving, Sonata drove her key car, Batgirl drove her Bat-Cycle, and the Spy Racers drove their cars to follow them for backup.

Gabby said, “Nice set of wheels, Batgirl. Did you make that yourself?”

“Thanks. And uh, no, Lucius Fox and Batman were the ones who created this motorcycle.

“Wicked,” Echo smiled.

Tony asked, “Donnie, you sure you don't need all our help? How dangerous can this guy be physically?”

Donnie answered, “That's exactly why I don't want you guys fighting him.”

Suddenly, a bunch of armored vehicles, APCs, and motorcyclists appeared on the road, targeting the heroes.

“Whoa, where did these guys come from?” Tony asked.

Donnie shouted, “They're all hired by either Black Mask or Riddler.”

“Seems like he's slowing us down,” Frostee stated while using his laptop.

Tony informed his cousin, “Gabby, take them to the toy factory. The rest of us will handle these guys.”

“Good luck,” Gabby nodded and the others focused on the thugs as a distraction while Donnie and April drove away.

Minutes later, Donnie and April arrived at the toy factory and went inside where the Riddler and Kwiz Kid are located.

“Congratulations on making this far, you two! And now for your reward: robots!” Riddler announced through their comms.

As expected, seven Riddlerbots appeared to guard the entrance, colored in red.

“This is too easy,” Donnie said and hit the Riddlerbot, but it gave him an electric shock. He replied, “Ow. I can't hit them.”

April said as she kicked one, “But I can. Go on without me.”

Donnie nodded and ran forward while dodging the blue Riddlerbots. After that, Donnie entered another room to expect some traps along the way, but nothing happened.

“What? No traps, Riddler?! Did you finally admit that you are not as smart as you think?!” Donnie called out.

Suddenly, the lights were suddenly on and something opened on the tiled floor. Donnie then saw Kwiz Kid who pulled a lever and Riddler appeared, piloting a big robot of his own.

“That's it? A giant robot exo-suit. Boring.”

Riddler explained, “Kwiz Kid and I designed this suit to perfection, perfectly defend myself against you and your violent friends, especially the Dark Knight and his little caped crusaders. So please understand, mutant turtle, that this is an intellectual victory above all.”

“Oh please, my friends are not violent. Plus, I've junked exo-suits more advanced than this piece of junk,” Donnie got into his fighting stance, arming himself with his bo staff.

“Don't you EVER call my robot a piece of junk. Kwiz Kid and I worked hard on this design,” He then ordered Kwiz Kid, “Go get the car ready, my student. I'll meet you outside when I am done killing him and his bothersome friend.”

“Yes, teach,” Kwiz Kid acknowledged and ran out the room.

Riddler continued as he activated his shield and sixteen blue Riddlerbots appeared. “This is it, Donatello. You have earned the right to die at my mechanical hands. But let's be clear here, we do not meet as equals. In fact, you literally have not a hope of victory.”

“Yeah, because I have more than just intelligence... I know how to fight!”

Donatello dodged every attack that came his way.

“Oh I wish I could say that I have found this one-sided rivalry of ours intellectually stimulating. But in truth, I grew bored of you and your friends after you left Gotham. Killing you here will finally liberate me to engage in more edifying pursuits. Goodbye, you little turtle. You will be neither missed nor remembered. And when I’m done here, I will kill your ninja pals, Batman, and his bothersome family.”

“You talk too much,” Donnie dodged and ran towards Riddler’s exo-suit, but he got knocked off by its shield.

“Just as I expected. Now it's time for a change,” Riddler changed the color of one Riddlerbot to red.

Donnie got up and attacked the blue Riddlerbots.

Riddler changed the color of another Riddlerbot to red. “This color suits you better.”

“You seriously put too much faith in machines.” Donnie said while dodging the red Riddlerbot’s attack.

“Prepare for disintegration!” Riddler charged up his exo-suit’s attack with a laser beam, but Donnie dodged it.

“Destroy the blue, dodge the red.” Donnie thought to himself and beat up the blue Riddlerbot with the scythe of his staff until it was destroyed, but it was too late to go after another Riddlerbot as the Riddler used his exo-suit to turn the color of the said Riddlerbot into red.

“Well COLOR me triumphant!” Riddler shouted. “You got nowhere to run!”

Riddler was prepared to charge up the robot’s laser beam attack, “Hey diddle diddle, answer THIS riddle!”

Donnie dodged the laser beam as Riddler fired it. The Riddler had pretty much figured out how to defeat his intellectual counterpart, but how long will Donnie defeat him?

Meanwhile, Kwiz Kid continued running to find the exit until he heard a familiar voice in a room where the exit door is located.

“Oh Kwizzy-Poo!”

Kwiz Kid gasped, feeling lovestruck. “Kitten?! Kitten?!”

“I'm in here, Kwizzy-Poo!” Kitten’s voice was heard inside the storage room.

He opened the door and entered the room, but it was dark. “I'm here my darling... Kitten?”

Kwiz Kid looked around umtil he found the light switch. He turned the lights on and the person in the room wasn't Kitten, it was Sissy with her laptop and wearing a headset, plus Smolder, Gallus, Sweet Note, Logan, and Clover standing right beside her. All of them had sly smirks on their faces.

“Hello, Kwizzy-Poo.” Sissy greeted using Kitten’s voice from her laptop.

“You're not Kitten!” Kwiz Kid said, angering him.

Sissy took off her headset, “And you're so gullible.”

Kwiz Kid nervously gulped, “So... you're still not mad about those death traps and all the fun and games you participated in?”

Gallus answered, “Oh we're still mad about that, Kwiz Kid.”

The door slammed shut and standing right behind Kwiz Kid were Sweetie Belle, Ocellus, Patch, Teddy, and Sweetheart. From his left appeared Apple Bloom, Ace, Yona, Melody, and Bright Eyes. From his right came Scootaloo, Sandbar, Silverstream, Half Note, and Lancer. And the genius boy realized he had been duped and lead right into a trap.

Bright Eyes stated, “Plus, we didn't appreciate being kidnapped and held hostage!”

Kwiz Kid growled, “I should've known my precious Kitten would always prefer Nightwing over moi.”

The Young Ninjas brought out their weapons and Teddy told him, “You are a sad, sad little man.”

“Yes... but not an unprepared one,” Kwiz Kid said and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the Young Ninjas found themselves surrounded by Riddlerbots.

“I may be a fool for Kitten, but I'm certainly no fool! Attack!” Riddler ordered.

The Young Ninjas attacked the Riddlerbots while defending Sissy. As for Kwiz Kid, he tried to sneak out the exit door until the electrical bars suddenly dropped down on him, keeping him from escaping. He looked back to see Sissy with a smirk on her face.

Sissy called him out, “What's the hurry, Kwiz Kid? The party's just getting started. And uh, stupid name by the way.”

Kwiz Kid admitted, “Cluemaster was taken. So, I have to come up with my own alias so that it'll stick with me for the rest of my life.”

Sissy replied in an unimpressed tone, “Uh-huh. And after that, you'll be spending the rest of your life behind bars.”

“Not gonna happen, little girl. Might as well go down swinging if you're not gonna let me out,” Kwiz Kid brought out a cane, typically topped with a question mark.

After that, Kwiz Kid joined the battle to help the Riddlerbots defeat the Young Ninjas.

Back to Donnie, he was helplessly captured by the red Riddlerbots as Riddler prepared to use his robot suit to crush the mutant turtle.

“This is the end, mutant turtle! My victory! My just reward! Any last words before I vaporize you?” Riddler questioned Donnie.

Then, the glass ceiling exploded and a familiar voice rang out.

“Oh we got something to say to you, Riddler.” April stated.

Coming down from the glass ceiling was April, Echo, and Batgirl.

Echo said, “Hate to break it to ya, Edward, but it looks like you're cheating.”

As the three girls landed on the red Riddlerbots holding Donnie captive, Riddler vented, “NO! What are you all doing here!? This isn't your fight! I'm only here for the bounty.”

Batgirl told him, “Give it a rest, Nigma. It's over.”

April stated, “You and your pawn's game of riddles are finished.”

“Let's take this guy down,” Echo suggested.

“Agreed,” Donnie nodded as more red and Blue Riddlerbots were summoned by Riddler, charging right at the four teens.

“You girls take the red Riddlerbots, I'll go for the blue ones.”

Batgirl answered, “We know. April told us. And besides, Riddler's ideas aren't exactly original.”

Echo, Batgirl, April, and Donnie worked together to take down Riddler and his robots.

Meanwhile, the Young Ninjas destroyed Kwiz Kid’s Riddlerbots while Kwiz Kid fought off against Lancer with his cane.

Kwiz Kid told him, “I don't need robots to defeat you, child.”

“Maybe you have outsmarted us, but not outmatched!” Lancer hit him with a leg sweep.

Bright Eyes took his cane away and tossed it away in the trash bin. She said, “It's over, Kwiz Kid. Just give yourself up and we won't hurt you. Oh wait, on second thought, most of us won't hurt you.”

Kwiz Kid was surrounded by the Young Ninjas as Smolder and a few others cracked their knuckles. He then raised his hands up and said, “Now hold on for a moment. Maybe we can talk about this, alright? It was just a fun game for all of you to enjoy.”

Smolder scoffed, “Yeah right. A sick and disgusting game that you and your teacher created. Get him!”

Teddy, Ace, Lancer, Gallus, Half Note, Yona, and Scootaloo piled onto Kwiz Kid, making him struggle.

“Now try this on for size!” Sweet Note stuck a jacket on Kwiz Kid.

Kwiz Kid commented, “A jacket? Seriously? You expect to capture me with a jacket?! I mean, it is rather stylish, but really? Not to mention, the sleeves are too long.”

“I can fix that...” Sweet Note pulled a string and the jacket's sleeves were tightened around Kwiz Kid. She smirked, “Is that better for you now?”

“Wha…? What kind of jacket is this?!” Kwiz Kid questioned them.

Sweet Note smirked, "A straight jacket!"

Kwiz Kid yelped in horror, “Aaahh! No, no, no! Kwiz Kid is not the straight jacket type, I am strictly Belle Reve, not Arkham!

“Hey, Kwiz Kid! Riddle me this: What's a question that you can't answer?” Half Note asked him.

“I don't know.”

Smolder told him, "The answer is, Am I unconscious?"

“Huh?” Kwiz Kid turned around and he was face to face with Gallus, Patch, and Teddy, all grinning deviously.

Gallus greeted him, “Hi.”

Patch continued, “And good night!”

Then, they all punched him in the face, knocking him out.

“And that takes care of Kwiz Kid,” Teddy stated, dusting his hands off.

Sissy told everyone, “Great work, everyone. Couldn't have done this without you.”

Bright Eyes replied, “No problem, Sissy.”

Everyone high-fived to each other and celebrated while Teddy picked up a tied-up, unconscious Kwiz Kid before leaving the area.

Meanwhile, Riddler’s big exo-suit knelt down after using its shields and went to recharge.

“No! Not now, my precious machine!” Riddler panicked.

“I called dibs on Riddler!” Echo called and climbed on the robot. She then reached towards the Riddler and started punching his face.

After punching Riddler some more, Riddler’s robot was recharged and Riddler shouted, “Get off of me, you bothersome brat!”

Echo jumped up and landed on the ground after dodging the robot’s arm. After that, more red and blue Riddlerbots appeared to help Riddler.

“Just hold them off a little longer. He's getting desperate.” Donnie informed his friends.

“You shall be ashes!” Riddler fired the laser beam again.

Donnie and April dodged his attack and took down one red and blue Riddlerbots.

Batgirl mocked Riddler, “Still mad about losing, Eddie? I guess your IQ level dropped a few digits.”

“Your nuisance will be your end! My apotheosis!” Riddler fired another laser beam.

“Would it kill him to talk normal?! He's giving me a headache.” Echo said.

Riddler fired the exo-suit’s laser beam again, “You will all fall before me!”

“I know, right?” April agreed while she and her pals dodged the laser again.

“Decipher this!” Riddler turned another red Riddlerbot into a blue Riddlerbot again.

“Double team!” Donnie signaled after hitting the blue Riddlerbot with his bo staff.

Batgirl jumped in and kicked the Riddlerbot in the face.

“You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't have gotten this far!” Riddler called out Batgirl.

After the heroes took down the last remaining robots, Riddler’s robot was almost out of energy and shields were down before it can recharge, making it kneel down again.

“You think you can stop MY creations?!” Riddler questioned them.

“We sure can!” Batgirl climbed onto Riddler’s robot and swooped in to punched Riddler in the face again.

After hitting him a couple more times, Riddler reached for the controls, “No no no, my plan! My plan!”

Batgirl jumped off Riddler’s robot and it was recharged, activating his shields. Plus, more Riddlerbots were summoned again.

“This must be the last wave, right?” Echo asked.

Batgirl shook her head, “Nope, he's got more where that came from.”

“We can do it... I think.” Donnie said as he and his team grew a bit exhausted.

Riddler laughed as he turned the blue Riddlerbot into a red Riddlerbot, “Think you can keep up?”

The heroes continued battling and destroying the Riddlerbots while Riddler charged his robot’s laser beam.

“You shouldn't have come back Batgirl! Your presence was NOT PART OF MY PROJECTIONS,” Riddler said, firing the robot’s laser beam again.

“OH, SHUT UP!” The heroes yelled while dodging his laser attack.

After double teaming and destroying the Riddlerbots, the energy of Riddler’s robot was down.

“My turn!” April ran up to the robot and punched Riddler multiple times again.

“It was perfect... my perfect victory,” Riddler said as April dodged the robot’s attack.

After that, the last wave of red and blue Riddlerbots arrived, surrounding the heroes.

“I got one last round in me,” Echo panted.

April nodded, “Me too, we're so close to shutting Riddler’s mouth.”

“My dad said I needed to hit the gym anyway.” Batgirl added.

“Let's take out the Riddlerbots together. You with me?” Donnie questioned the girls.

The girls nodded and they worked together with Donnie to take down the last remaining Riddlerbots.

“You think you're all smarter than me? I cannot be beaten!” Riddler shouted and fired the robot’s laser beam at Donnie’s team.

Donnie and his pals dodged the laser beam and took out some more Riddlerbots. He told him, “Take a hint, Question Mark... You're not smart.”

“I'll burn you all!” Riddler yelled and fired another laser beam.

“He seriously has a temper problem.” Echo noticed.

Batgirl told her, “Even his therapist at Arkham Asylum said that.”

After destroying all of the Riddlerbots, the energy from Riddler’s robot was drained and its shields were down.

“Leave this one to me, ladies. 'Cause I am seriously going to enjoy knocking his teeth out.” Donnie stated, feeling exhausted.

“Go for it, Donnie!” April exclaimed.

Donnie jumped onto the robot and started throwing punch after punch on Riddler's face. After that, he grabbed Riddler by the neck and tossed him out of his robotic exo-suit. Riddler was thrown into the ground and grunted, “No… This cannot… be happening… I can still… win!”

Echo, Batgirl, Donnie, and April surrounded Riddler while continuing to crawl towards the exit.

Donnie sighed, “Some guys never learn. And, uh… speaking of learning. You should learn how to count. Something tells me you're outnumbered.”

The girls smirked and Donnie picked up Riddler before tossing him into the wolves. “Ladies?”

“I really hate this fella!” Echo cracked her knuckles and punched Riddler in the face.

“Aww c'mon, he's a blast to kick in the face,” Batgirl backflip kicked Riddler until he stumbled in front of April.

“Here's a good riddle for you, Nigma: How do you see stars in the city?” April questioned him.

“I... don't know.”

“The answer…” April punched him in the gut and finished him with an uppercut, “A concussion!”

Riddler fell down in defeat and was knocked unconscious.

Minutes later, Riddler was tied up and carried by Donnie as he started to wake up. Riddler wondered, “Where am I? What's happening to me?”

Donnie answered, “You're a smart man, Edward. I'm sure you'll figure it out.”

“No! No! No! You cheated! Batgirl cheated! April cheated! Margaret cheated! They stole my victory from me!” Riddler vented until Echo punched him in the face again.

“A fight I couldn't win. That doesn't even fit your definition of playing fair.”

Riddler replied, “It WAS fair! If you weren't able to bypass the robots' multilayer encryption, decipher their unique operating system and reprogram them mid-battle, that doesn't mean you get to call in assistance!”

Batgirl told him, “You need help, Nigma.”

“I never need HELP with anything!”

April exclaimed, “Oh, shut up! Your voice is extremely annoying.”

Donnie and his pals exited the factory and waiting for them outside were Ms. Nowhere, Gary, Commissioner Gordon, and Detective Bullock.

“Nygma,” Gordon greeted dryly.

“Commissioner,” Riddler frowned.

“Got room for one more?” Called Sissy's voice.

Everyone turned to see the Young Ninjas and Sissy approaching, as Teddy and Yona carried the unconscious and restrained Kwiz Kid.

Bright Eyes called Riddler, “Well, riddle me this, jerk! What's green, proud, and got his butt kicked all over?”

“How exceedingly droll, young lady,” Riddler deadpaned.

Commissioner Gordon stated, “This coming from the guy who kidnapped and held innocent children hostage! And we can add attempted murder to your charges as well!”

Bullock added, “Want a lawyer, ya crazy loon?”

Riddler scoffed, “Hmph! I won't be needing a lawyer, you joke of a detective! I will represent myself.”

The Young Ninjas handed Kwiz Kid over to Commissioner Gordon after that and Riddler reminded the Ninjas, “You forget, you bothersome ninjas. Every time you overcome my puzzles, I learn that little bit more about you. Soon enough, there will be a riddle that leaves you dead!”

“Get 'em outta here!” Commissioner Gordon shouted and Detective Bullock escorted the villainous duo to the portal, entering back to their dimension. Gordon then looked at Donnie’s team and the Young Ninjas, “You did good out there, everyone. Nice work.” He then looked at Batgirl, “Especially you, Batgirl. Thanks for your help. And, uh… my daughter has the same hairstyle as yours.”

“Oh, really? Must be the conditioner.” Batgirl answered, looking away a little.

Gordon nodded, “Yeah, it's a popular brand. I gotta go. My squad needs me.”

After Gordon looked away, Batgirl and the rest of the Ninjas were nowhere to be seen. He sighed, “Now even the kids are doing it.”

“I know, but we gotten use to it,” Ms. Nowhere understood the feeling.

Meanwhile, Batgirl, Donnie’s team, and the Young Ninjas arrived back in the Turtle Lair to celebrate.

“Phew! Glad that's over,” April wiped the sweat on her forehead.

“Hah! I can't believe your old man didn't recognize you, Batgirl!” Smolder laughed.

Batgirl replied, “Yeah, well, he's always been like that.”

“Will your dad ever find out or will you ever tell him that you are Batgirl?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Only time will tell.”

Then, everyone heard a voice from the TV. The voice came from a man who appeared to be half-human and half-moth. Plus, he was accompanied by a swarm of giant moths.

“Citizens of New York. My name is Killer Moth and I am here to deliver a message. You see, my daughter, Kitten…” He showed a picture of his daughter, “…is missing and she is somewhere around here. If you don't find my daughter in exactly one hour, my pets will devour the Statue of Liberty right here!”

The cameraman pointed the camera to the Statue of Liberty.

“Killer Moth?!” Batgirl recognized.

Donnie asked her, “Old villain?”

“I... don't know if it's actually the same one.”

“Are those things actually moths?” Tony asked.

“Yep. Reminds me of Silkie,” Fluttershy commented.

Twilight stated, “Well whoever this guy is, we'll stop him too and find his daughter.”

Everyone nodded as the Spy Racers and Donnie’s team exited the Turtle Lair while Sissy and the Young Ninjas stayed to rest.

“Hope the others are hearing about this,” Sissy remarked.