• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 260 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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As dawn broke, Scootaloo decided that it might behoove her to get breakfast ready. Food was the one thing Rainbow Dash liked more than sleep, and it could serve as a good first step in apologizing for the previous night’s shenanigans. Unsurprisingly, there was little by way of ingredients to cook anything. The stale hay was all that remained and hardly at sufficient quantity to serve as a proper meal for the three of them.

She shook the changeling awake. With one eye opened, he grunted at her.

“Get up," she said.

Ash Eater simply rolled away from Scootaloo. Somewhat irritated by this, she went to the kitchen and filled a bowl with water. Returning to her ward, she overturned her package, spilling the contents on him.

The doused changeling scrambled out of the bed, glaring at the pegasus as he hit the floor.

“We need to get breakfast, and I'm not leaving you here."

“You could have just said so," he spat.

Scootaloo wondered whether antagonizing Ash Eater had been a wise decision. In the brief time they had been bound to one another, it felt as if everything she did was the wrong move. Still, it felt good to get him back for the nighttime raid.

“Okay, from now on, I'll just say so."

He snorted angrily as he stood.

“I had thought we could pick up some rations for now, unless you have a request. There aren't many choices these days."

A wicked smirk contorted Ash Eater's face as he replied, "Hay burgers."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and led him from the room. The odd pair flew down to the ground and walked the short distance through the awakening town, bathed in golden morning light.

The Ponyville Ration Office was something that Mayor Applejack had put together on recommendation from Princess Celestia herself. They would serve a meal to anypony or changeling that came to get it, once per day. With major shortages in most goods still rampant, nearly everypony frequented the establishment to take advantage of the benefit.

Scootaloo and Ash Eater walked into the small building. The public area was a dining hall, which was mostly empty as they entered with only a few citizens of Ponyville sitting at different tables. It seemed that they had chosen wisely. In an hour, it would be bustling.

As the mare approached the serving line, the dark changeling following behind, an older mare stepped up wearily. She wore thick glasses and her cheeks drooped a bit as one who had been overweight for much of their life and had rapidly lost their girth.

Ginger Snap was cream colored and had been a resident of Ponyville all her life. Her magenta eyes seemed to brighten somewhat as she greeted the pair. For Scootaloo, it was recognition, but for Ash Eater, curiosity filled her gaze.

“Good morning,” she welcomed them evenly, weariness in her otherwise bright voice.

“Hey,” Scootaloo returned the sentiment.

The older server began preparing trays quickly. One did not have the advantage of options at the ration office. The meal consisted of several short sprigs of raw hay, cubed up pears, millet, and the smallest biscuit that Scootaloo had ever seen.

“Could we have an extra tray? It’s for Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo requested.

The elder mare stopped her work and looked up above her glasses, “I’m sorry, but it’s against the rules for me to give away more than one serving per pony... or changeling... per day.”

“It is one serving per pony. One for me, one for him, and one for Rainbow Dash.”

Ginger Snap lackadaisically pointed to a sign that had been plastered to the wall behind her which read, ‘One serving per pony per day. Must be present to collect your serving. No exceptions.’

The orange pegasus couldn’t help but feel annoyed. It only further irritated her to resort to begging.

“Please? It’s not for me. Rainbow Dash has been so busy that she can’t get out to get food sometimes.”

“Miss Scootaloo,” the cream colored mare pushed up her glasses and took a rather haughty tone of voice, “I cannot make exceptions for anypony, or else where does it end?"

“Fine,” the orange pegasus conceded with a sigh.

“I know your kind. I’ve seen you running around town since you were a filly, thinking you owned the place and expecting everpony to cater to your whims."

“I did not!”

“You and your little crusader friends. In my position here, I am a servant of everypony, and the only way to do that equitably is to follow the same rules for everypony. It doesn’t matter who you are. I wouldn’t give an extra tray to my own foals.”

Scootaloo felt her teeth grinding as the old nag continued.

“Some ponies just never change. Here you are, still running around like the world is your playground. You only focus on whatever little game is in front of you with no thought to how it affects anypony else. When ever are you going to grow up?"

Scootaloo grit her teeth and pursed her lips, realizing that if she wanted even the two rations, she would have to simply endure the verbose onslaught to which she found herself subjected.

Ash Eater groaned, "Broken eggs, make her stop."

The pegasus gestured for her ward to remain calm and summoned all of her strength to bear the annoyance without making a response of any kind. Patience was not her strongest suit.

“Don't think I'm not watching you as well, Mister Changeling. I heard about that brawl you two had in the middle of town the other day. That is just the sort of ridiculous behavior that I’m talking about. It does nothing but cause all kinds of problems."

Ash Eater glowered at the elder mare but made no reply aside from a low growl.

“And I'm not the only one that will be keeping an eye on you either. There are many in this town that don't want to put up with that sort of nonsense, so you'd best behave yourself."

A sweet silence followed. Scootaloo felt her stomach knotting up in anticipation of an ongoing campaign to talk her to death. Her tensions began easing as no more words came. She eventually mustered her resolve to speak once more, though she had to force the cordial words out quite deliberately.

“Two trays... please."

The older mare served the exasperated pair their food, which they took outside with them. As soon as they were out of earshot, a horrible sinking feeling took Scootaloo, and she turned to Ash Eater as he held his tray.

“You’re… um…” she wanted to be delicate, but also felt the need to be direct. “You’re not going to throw that down and stomp on it, are you?”

For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though a smile flashed across the changeling’s muzzle, “No.”

Feeling much more at ease, Scootaloo did not offer to take the tray from him. The pair made their way back to Rainbow Dash’s house in time to set the table before the older mare awoke.

Scootaloo gave Rainbow Dash her own tray, and took the stale hay for herself. Consuming it nearly caused a gag reflex, but she was able to get the food down and keep it there. As for Rainbow Dash, she sat dazed for most of the meal before her awakening finally took hold and she became more responsive to the other two. She let out a long yawn.

“Rainbow,” Scootaloo finally began, “I wanted to say that I’m really sorry about last night.”

“Heh, about that. I overreacted a little.”

“No, you were right. I should have been more thoughtful about letting you sleep.”

A brief silence fell between the pair as they both instinctively looked at Ash Eater. The changeling was quietly eating the breakfast, notably with far more of an appetite than Scootaloo had previously seen.

“What?” he asked.

“Anything you’d like to say?” Scootaloo prodded him in the direction of adding to the apologies.

He snorted, “No.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile at Rainbow Dash in spite of how annoyed she was at her ward. At least he had the virtue of being consistent. In time, she would be able to predict his behavior. She could only hope that progress would eventually come on that front. The first few days had been disappointing for everyone.

“Well, I’m okay with you two staying here,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I gave that some thought last night, and really. You’re right. We kind of came in here without a plan, and that wasn’t too smart. I guess I’ve just been so busy with the job hunting and then getting settled in to work…”

“Forget it. You two can stay until you find a place.”

Scootaloo smiled, “Thank you, but we’re going to see if the Apple’s can put us up for a few days instead. You’ve already done so much.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged before tousling Scootaloo’s mane, “Whatever you decide. Just know that you can come back here if you need to.”

Scootaloo was warmed by the sentiment, but she was going to put forth the effort to strike out on her own.