• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 261 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

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‘Dear Princess Twilight. I seem to have figured out what had Ash Eater acting so off recently. It’s doe trouble. Apparently he has a special somepony, and they had a rough patch that started at that reunion. I’m taking him to meet with her today. He was pretty tight-lipped about it, but I did find out that she lives in Ponyville, at least most of the time. I agreed to sit a short distance away so they can have some privacy. I’ll make sure and give you more details about this soon. XOXO, Scootaloo.’

Ash Eater saw her across the aisle at the grocery store. Seta disgusted him. Her personality acted like a blight that corrupted what was otherwise a well put-together package.

A fresh shipment of beets had come through, and Scootaloo decided that they should brave the crowd to see if they could get some. Surviving on hay and oats had been rough, even with the few treats that they’d been able to scrounge together or get from being invited to princess parties.

He’d have gladly stuck with bare survival if it meant not having to see Seta again. Crowds also made him feel rather uneasy since the last time he’d been stuck in the middle of one after the misunderstanding at Sweet Apple Acres. He focused on what Scootaloo was doing instead, though it wasn’t really an improvement. Ash Eater began to wonder which was more horrible, the mare or the doe. At least the conflict between himself and the pegasus was honest.

The spines on the back of Ash Eater’s neck stood on end as if he were being watched. He casually directed his attention to see Seta walking toward him. Scootaloo was busy with the task at hoof, but that wouldn’t last. She was meddlesome in her feigned interest in Ash Eater’s life. Seta wore a somewhat stern expression as she closed the distance. The stag prepared himself for more of her stupidity.

“Hi,” she greeted simply.

He snorted back at her.

“I’d like to talk for a minute,” the doe’s demeanor seemed somewhat business-like.

“I wouldn’t,” he retorted.

As if on cue, Scootaloo’s ears perked up and she turned to face the newcomer.

“Hi, there. I’m Scootaloo.”


“It’s nice to meet you, Seta.”

Her cordial greeting did not mask the suspicion with which Scootaloo viewed the new arrival. She made a smile before continuing.

“I see you already know Ash Eater,” she probed.

“Yes,” Seta’s expression changed to one that seemed to exude wistful sorrow.

Ash Eater could only guess what game she was playing now.

“We are, or were...” Seta paused for dramatic effect. “In your terms, special some-ponies.”

“Oh,” Scootaloo took in the lie as true information and seemed to draw some conclusion from it, “Oh!”

Ash Eater’s scowl likely only reinforced whatever the dumb pegasus was thinking. He decided to not challenge Seta’s dissemblance to see what she wanted.

“I’ll give you two a minute then,” she looked to Ash Eater as if desiring some reassurance.

“I won’t wander off,” he sighed.

Scootaloo turned back to jockeying in position to get some beets before all of the good ones were gone. Seta maintained her facade of a heartbroken lover, at which Ash Eater could only roll his eyes. While still surrounded by a moderate crowd, they were more or less being ignored for the moment.

“What do you want?” Ash Eater finally asked.

A glint of recognition passed through her eyes, “I just wanted to see you again.”

He surmised that she would not speak freely.

“I guess… is there any chance we can get together sometime?” she asked.

“Why in the world would I ever want to see you again?” he snarled.

Seta nearly took a step backward at his posturing.

“You decided I was worthless, as bad as a traitor,” he continued. “Only our queen can pronounce dishonor on someone.”

The doe looked down for a second as though she hadn’t considered this. She looked back up, her facade in full force still.

“I know things have been rough for us, but I just thought maybe we could give it one more chance.”

Ash Eater snorted and shook his head.

“Oh,” Seta dropped her gaze to the floor. “Well, that’s that then.”

She took a step forward, drawing close. Ash Eater didn’t move. She went to kiss him on the cheek, but instead whispered as soon as she was close.

“Klixis is finalizing plans for the rebellion. He wants to know if you’re in.”

She backed away, having actually managed to make tears well up in her eyes. Objectively, Ash Eater was rather impressed with her performance. While many changelings possessed such skills, few could have done so quite as convincingly to him. Even still, he was not fooled, nor was he intended to be. More importantly, he had to find out more about Klixis. If she could get in contact with him, this would be his chance to get a message back that Queen Chrysalis was aware and approved of their plans.

“Wait,” he said as she was turning to go.

She looked back, her eyes filled with hope.

“I guess, we can get together,” he tried to answer in her own narrative. “I’m not promising anything, but we can at least talk things out over dinner. Maybe tomorrow at the sandwich shop?”

A beautiful smile erased her sad face as she wiped the tears away. She practically launched herself forward and embraced Ash Eater in a hug. It was all he could do to not roll his eyes at her again, but instead return the gesture. He really wished she’d picked some other deception for the ponies’ benefit.

“Tomorrow, then,” she said as she let go and walked away.

Ash Eater caught himself watching her go again. She had not made her gait sultry this time, but it was nevertheless difficult to not stare at the pleasant shape of her.

“So,” Scootaloo interrupted the changeling stag’s thoughts, “that just happened.”

Already feeling annoyed at the situation for several reasons, Ash Eater felt his best recourse would be to play up that angle for the moment.

“It did, and it wouldn’t have if you’d let me stay home.”

“But it’s a good thing, right?”

She seemed to have just enough doubt to make the stag feel he had hit the mark perfectly.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Did you get your beets or not?”

Scootaloo returned her focus to her efforts and the pair made it through a successful purchase with no additional incidents. If the changeling knew the pony, she would bring it up again once they were alone.

“The thing is,” she began right on schedule, “if you are going to meet up with her, I need to plan for it. You know I’m not allowed to let you wander by yourself. She wore red tags too, so she’ll have her own escort.”

“What are you, writing a book about changeling sociology? I’m not your test subject and I’d rather keep this out of your meddling.”

“Okay, but meddling in relationships is exactly the kind of thing friends would do.”

“Rotten eggs! Just let it go.”

The pegasus grew silent again, seeming saddened somewhat. Ash Eater felt he had her exactly where he wanted her. As they arrived back at the apartment, he prepared to finish cementing the deception.

“Dinner, tomorrow. Can you at least sit far enough away so we can have a little privacy?”

The stupid mare lit up with excitement, totally unaware of the true nature of the events that were unfolding.

“Absolutely! You won’t even know I’m there.”

Ash Eater could almost taste the sweet relief that he would soon be free of her.

Scootaloo’s mouth felt dry as they approached the sandwich shop. She didn’t know why she should feel nervous. It wasn’t as if she were going on a date. Was she just that excited for Ash Eater? The thought of it gave her mixed feelings considering their complicated history, but she was hopeful that this situation explained his aloof demeanor of late.

Her focus turned to her ward when Ash Eater took a deep breath. He was likely about to say something.

“You sit two tables away.”

Somewhat amused, she made a mock salute, “Yes, sir!”

He rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. She cringed a little, wishing she hadn’t been so glib.

Having arrived before Ash Eater’s date, the two were able to get seated fairly quickly. Then, all they could do was wait. Scootaloo looked over her menu, somewhat appalled at the cost of a half-sized daffodil and daisy sandwich.

The waiter brought her a glass of water, which she began sipping while trying to decide from the limited options that were available for her meal. She was so focused on the menu, she didn’t hear somepony approaching.

“Are you the changeling stag’s guardian?”

Scootaloo looked up, and seeing a unicorn stallion she recognized, immediately choked on her water. The silver crystal coat, pompous red mane and tail, but mostly those cocky dark green eyes that met her were unmistakable.

“Pacer,” she rasped, “What are you doing here?”

He helped himself to a chair at the table, “My ward had a date and asked me to meet her friend’s guardian. She said to look for a pegasus, orange coat, magenta mane, vacant expression. Looks like she nailed the description. I couldn’t have missed you if I tried.”

“I wish you had. Of all the ponies I have ever met, you were the only one I didn’t miss or care to see again.”

“Oh, that’s nothing, but if I’m not mistaken. Doesn’t this officially mean your stag has had at least one more date than you ever have?”

Scootaloo grit her teeth and suppressed a growl. As much as she had grown as an individual, Pacer still had a way of getting under her skin.

“You know, we could still get together if you weren’t so touchy.”

The pegasus took a sip of her water, trying to just breathe without launching an all-out assault against her verbal sparring partner. Why? Why did it have to be Pacer?

Ash Eater stood as his date, charade though it was, approached. Seta wore a sheer silk gown that covered her flank and hind legs. The light blue fabric hugged her barrel, while leaving her back and wings bare, and came up between her undraped forelegs with a strap holding it in place about her neck. She also wore a simple golden necklace, not much thicker than a thread, and her dog tags had been chained around her right foreleg as to make them a little less visible.

Normally, Ash Eater would have been quite excited for a doe to dress up for him in such a manner. However, his experience with Seta to this point only made him roll his eyes at her. No doubt, her attire was more for the ponies’ sake than for his. Objectively speaking, she certainly knew how to accentuate the assets with which she was working.

As is the changeling custom, he stood and waited for her to sit before he joined her at the table.

“Where did you get that?”

“What?” the doe queried demurely.

“That ridiculous dress.”

She pursed her lips, “I bought it.”

“How did you get money, beg for it?” he jabbed.

“No,” she eyed him thoughtfully, “I have a job.”

“With ponies?” he sneered. “We were ordered to behave, not roll over on their command.”

“I pull my own weight,” a flash of fire crossed her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’ve just been living off of your ‘friend’ there like a parasite.”

“We’re changelings, that’s what we do.”

“No,” a wry grin upturned the corners of her perfectly shaped mouth, “we work and flawlessly replace someone to fool ponies and extract love from them. What you’re doing doesn’t even require effort. That’s just lazy.”

Realizing that he had just been bested again in turns of phrase, Ash Eater tried to salvage the situation with an insult. He knew it would be a weak counter, but it was all he had left.

“Well… you still look ridiculous.”

She snorted, “I’m not foolish enough to care what you say.” She leaned in closer, “I know when I look good.”

And indeed, look good she did. Fortunately for the stag, the waiter arrived to take their order. After he had walked away, Seta regarded Ash Eater again.

“Let me guess, I’m buying this dinner,” she said flatly.

He grinned, “You’re the one that asked for this meeting.”

It was a small victory, but he would take it. A quiet overtook them until they had received their food. Ash Eater had found that sandwiches were not as unpalatable as most pony food. His had just a touch of mint to accentuate the flavors.

Once the waiter had left and they would be undisturbed, Ash Eater turned his thoughts to what Seta had whispered in his ear. She had been in contact with Klixis, and the things that he had said about the possibility of a new uprising were not idle boasting.

“How were you able to get in touch with Klixis?”

Seta looked up at him, “My taskmaster and I deliver things. That takes us all over Equestria. I found Klixis in Manehattan not long after we first started working. We meet up every time I get out there now.”

Ash Eater resisted the urge to tease her again about her job. He took a drink of water, feeling a lump forming in his throat.

“Once he found out what I do, he doubled down on recruiting me to help spread the word. An easy enough task, but I’ve been holding that message for you for weeks while we’ve been bouncing around everywhere else. So, are you in or not?”

“Of course I’m in. But there’s another development. Can you get a message back to Klixis?”

“Eventually, yes. I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back in Manehattan. I think our next delivery there will be in a week or so. I’ve been making friends all over, and so far that one doesn’t seem suspicious in the least.”

Ash Eater afforded a glance back at Scootaloo and Seta’s guardian. He felt his stomach knot up a little. He turned back to Seta.

“Be careful. That one was part of a taskforce that helped track down our queen, and they also were the ones in command against our Shock Force at the end.”

“Oh, you mean at that battle where we had the largest army ever seen? That battle you failed to win?”

“You can keep on about that if you like,” he hissed, “but I don’t care what a pathetic doe like you thinks. Only our queen can pronounce dishonor, and she has not even expressed displeasure in how I conducted her assets during the war, so slight me all you want.”

She made to reply, but then stopped as if in thought. Ash Eater took advantage of this and continued.

He nodded at Pacer, “That one probably thinks you’re the worst sort, making ‘friends’ all over Equestria. No doubt he’ll be making his own demands soon enough.”

“What he thinks of me matters even less than what I think of you,” her composure had been regained. “I give him what he wants, and in return, I’ve been able to help Klixis coordinate our efforts.”

Ash Eater’s thoughts were derailed by the implication of her last statement, “Wait, what?”

“You really will believe anything I say, won’t you?” she smirked. “By the hive, you’re an idiot. I don’t know why Klixis calls you friend. I’d kill that fool pony before I ever let him touch me.”

Bested in verbal battle once again, Ash Eater attempted to put his pride back together and said nothing.

“But you’re right about one thing. Only our queen can pronounce dishonor. Brave warrior of the hive, I wronged you with disrespect. Forgive me.”

Ash Eater locked eyes with Seta. She stared back unblinking for a long moment. Caught somewhat off-guard by her sincere apology, he couldn’t think of anything appropriate, or sardonic, to answer. He finally nodded acceptance.

“You said you had something to tell me.”

Looking back into Seta’s sparkling eyes, Ash Eater remembered the reason he had wanted to talk with the doe.

“I had an opportunity to speak to our queen regarding Klixis’ activities,” he replied in a low voice. “As soon as it is possible, she wants to meet with him and the other leaders.”

Seta grinned, “I am impressed.”

He made no reply, but accepted the compliment without reaction.

“Given the erratic schedule I keep, coordinating this will be a challenge,” she continued. “For the time being, we should keep up this pretense.”

The stag snorted, “Whatever.”

“Consider how they will see us. If we are playing the part of lovers, there is nothing suspicious about us wanting to see each other more after today.”

He had to admit, her reasoning was sound.

“Now, if you don’t think you can trust yourself to behave, I’ll understand,” she winked at him.

“Hah, hah. You know, you are very funny,” each word came laden with more sarcasm than the last. “You may be fun to look at, but so far as I am concerned, that’s all. You misjudged me on a whim, and I’m not likely to forget that anytime soon.”

She leaned in, “Come now, I’m fun for more than just looking.”

“Not for me,” he leaned away.

“I’m amazed, and that makes twice in as many minutes,” she sat back. “You really aren’t attracted to me anymore.”

“Wow, you noticed. Truly clairvoyant are your powers of deduction.”

“If you think I’m good at deduction, wait until I show you what I’m really gifted with.”

“Dream on, little doe.”

“Now this is a challenge if ever I have found one.” She grinned, “This is going to be fun!”

Ash Eater rolled his eyes at the flirtatious Seta, mostly unaffected by her charms. He was far more interested in what would happen next. Once Klixis set a date for the meeting, he’d have to plan some way to get Chrysalis out of Canterlot undetected.


Scootaloo and Pacer had long finished their meal before Ash Eater and Seta had brought their visit to a close. Watching them closely, Scootaloo was amazed at the genuinely deep affection in Seta’s eyes. Certainly it gave her mixed feelings to see him so well liked. Her own experience had garnered little by way of discovering respectable attributes. Perhaps there was more to him than she had thought.

As the pair stood, it was all Scootaloo could do not to squeal with delight when Seta surprised Ash Eater with a kiss. He hadn’t seemed ready for it, and his face flushed as they walked over to the ponies.

“If you get too worked up, I’m sure I can help you release some of that tension,” Pacer smirked. “Otherwise I’d be happy to find some cold water to hose you down.”

“Shut your mouth!” she shot back.

He was the last pony in Equestria that had the ability to irritate Scootaloo with such stalwart efficacy.

“Weak comeback, as usual,” he sulked. “I was hoping The Queen of Spades would at least have been practicing her wit. You’ve had plenty of time since I last saw you.”

“She does well enough,” Ash Eater interrupted the growing argument. “Besides, I have fought this one, and I can tell just from listening to your pathetic insults that she is twice the stallion that you’ll ever be.”

Feeling defended, Scootaloo spoke before she had time to process what Ash Eater had said.

“Thanks that... hey!”

Seta giggled. Pacer made a clicking noise as if uncertain how to proceed. It was worth bearing the insult to hear the horrible letch silenced for once.

“Are you ready to go?” the stallion asked Seta.

She nodded, and the pair departed. Scootaloo and Ash Eater began walking home, and her attention returned to the affections that her ward had gained. She found herself wearing a bit of a grin.

“Not one word,” Ash Eater warned, “or else we’re sparring so I can wipe that grin off your face.”

“Tough talk, but you’ll be tamed before you know it.”

Ash Eater let out a low growl.

“Just make sure you let me help plan the wedding.”

“That’s it! We’re fighting when we get home.”

Scootaloo’s smile widened. She hadn’t been able to get such a reaction from him in weeks, and it was nice to see that he was back to himself again.