• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 260 Views, 6 Comments

The Friendship Initiative - Jatheus

In the aftermath of a devastating war, former enemies try to coexist while dealing with the demons of the past. A bold plan pairs warriors from opposite sides together in hopes of creating unity before a healing Equestria tears itself apart.

  • ...


Ash Eater’s body convulsed with laughter from the things Seta had told Pacer about what was considered ‘normal’ for changeling mating rituals. The literature she had used to back up her claims was the last straw that had sent him into uncontrolled exuberance. It was nearly all he could do to maintain altitude.

“You made him read ‘A Doe in Heat’!”

The disguised Seta grinned, “I hope not all ponies are quite as gullible as that one. There would be no challenge at all.”

The stag let another guffaw take him.

“Quiet down,” Seta scolded him. “We’re getting too close to Canterlot for you to keep carrying on like that.”

Ash Eater pulled himself together, “I’ve got to give it to you, that was pure genius.”

The doe wearing Scootaloo’s form beamed for a moment before recovering a more serious mood. Ash Eater also felt a sobering within himself. The task to which they were set would likely see Scootaloo and Pacer killed if everything went to plan. He forced a smile that felt more like a grimace. He wasn’t sure why, but it bothered him a little, the same way it had when he’d magically paralyzed Nimba. Even at the time of that ambush in the clearing he had been well aware that they would try to kill the ponies if they put up any resistance. He had been okay with that; it was war. Still, somehow, Nimba invaded his thoughts.

More than that, there was a rather high chance that Seta would be discovered impersonating Chrysalis at some point. Surely they would kill her, especially if a rebellion was in progress. The doe seemed aware of her place in it all and was satisfied, even proud to play her part, even if she was marching to her own end.

He shook himself from his reverie as the pair drew close to the city gates. They landed a short distance away and continued on hoof. As anticipated, the gates were open, and the guards seemed at ease as the two approached. Ash Eater recognized Clyde but was surprised that he was on duty.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Queen of Spades,” the unicorn greeted the approaching duo. “I see you brought your ‘friend’.”

Seta pursed her lips at him, “You know I never liked that title.”

“Did I?” he smirked.

Ash Eater felt his hind leg twitch nervously; he wanted desperately to caution Seta about Clyde. Scootaloo and he had fought together in the war. While Ash Eater didn’t know nearly everything about their relationship, he’d seen him enough times as they came and went from Canterlot.

“You did,” the stag volleyed.

Clyde’s eyes narrowed at Ash Eater as he spoke to Seta, “Just don’t assault any public officials while you’re in town. I don’t want to chance having to guard you again.”

Seta grinned wryly at the unicorn, “I’ll be sure and ask for you by name.”

“Heh,” he snorted, waving them on.

The changelings continued through the gate and into the city. Ash Eater breathed a sigh of relief once they were out of earshot. He was just about to compliment the doe on her preparation for impersonating Scootaloo when Seta spoke.

“Just who in the hive was that?”

“You didn’t know?”

“No clue.”

Ash Eater felt his mouth drop open in astonishment.

“Seriously, I can tell that you’ve seen him before.”

“Clyde,” the stag managed, “he fought with Scootaloo during the war. I think he was an officer in her Assault Corps.”

“Good thing I was paying attention, not that his good natured hostility would have been difficult to read.”

Ash Eater buried an uneasy laugh. Their entire operation could have been compromised that easily. No doubt if Seta had been caught impersonating Scootaloo, an alarm would have been sounded from one end of Equestria to the other, and the changelings would not have been ready. Fate was not with the ponies.

As the stag and doe continued through the capital, Ash Eater tried to keep his gaze away from the ponies in general. He did manage to observe that the citizens of Canterlot were paying them little attention. He even saw a few other changelings wearing red dog tags out and about with their keepers.

As they crossed deeper into the city, the number of citizens increased significantly. They were becoming so thickly pressed together that it was nearly impossible to not brush past other passers by. Without warning, the stag found it difficult to breathe. It was all he could do to keep moving, but his speed dropped to a near standstill. He gasped, trying to get air, and his legs didn’t want to move.

With what little strength he had left, he leaned into Seta to regain some stability. She glanced back just as an icy sweat beaded up on Ash Eater’s brow. He felt hot and cold all at once, and his legs began tingling as if being pricked by pins and needles all the way up. Her expression became one of concern.

Looking about, she turned back to the stag, “Just focus on me.”

He felt himself nod, his body feeling increasingly numb to his surroundings. The effigy of Scootaloo hooked under Ash Eater’s foreleg with her own and helped him step forward. Things were a bit of a blur until the crowd began to thin. They found a public bench and sat for him to catch his breath.

He took in a deep draft of sweet air. “I’m not sure what came over me.”

She looked to the thick bustling crowd they had left behind. She seemed to have worked something out, but then she smirked.

“You know, if you wanted to be close to me, you could have just said so.”

He was about to make a terse reply, but her eyes betrayed something that was not in her voice. She was genuinely concerned. She seemed to have put together that the crowd is what had so rattled the stag, and she also seemed unwilling to mention it.

He stared deep into her eyes and finally managed, “Thank you.”

“Now if you’re quite done taking it easy, we should get moving.”

He grinned as he stood. Her teasing helped. They continued navigating the streets of Canterlot, and Ash Eater tried to focus on the mission ahead. They just had to get this part complete without getting caught.

Phantom pain in Ash Eater’s long missing hind leg ached horribly, breaking his concentration for a moment. As they rounded a corner, the castle came into view. Though he was not a fan of architecture in general, Ash Eater couldn’t help but admire the grandiose structure.

They passed unchallenged though a second checkpoint, coming to the last area they’d be able to enter without getting caught. Getting into the castle would have likely been impossible. Before the war, the unicorns didn’t commonly know the magic to force a changeling back to their natural form, but it seemed ubiquitous these days, especially amongst the guards. Still, Ash Eater had little fear of the first two checkpoints, having come to the castle many times with Scootaloo whenever they freed his brothers and sisters from captivity.

“I’m hungry,” Ash Eater broke the silence. “Can we get something to eat?”

“Seriously?” Seta scoffed. “Why didn’t you get something before we left?”

Her impersonation of Scootaloo was uncanny. He expected she was keeping it in full force for the benefit of the few passers by that were out and about. More of them were changelings in this area, but most were accompanied by ponies. Some that walked alone or in groups wore blue dog tags, a symbol that they had not been combatants and were free to roam where they wanted without an escort.

“Look, you make me eat pony food all the time. The last time we were here, I heard about a changeling restaurant just around the corner.”

“I expect I’m paying,” she made an accusation.

Ash Eater grinned in reply.

Feigning curiosity, Seta relented, “Lead the way.”

The pair changed course and after a brief walk, found themselves at a building that had been converted to feel more subterranean. If it gave Seta any comfort to enter such familiar surroundings, she didn’t let it show.

Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel somewhat disappointed. For all the rumors he had heard about this place, some of his favorites turned out to be false. There was not food growing on the walls, though the interior had been decorated to appear as such. It did not even require a close inspection to determine that such trappings were fakes and not actually edible.

As they seated themselves, Ash Eater turned his attention to the other patrons. There were a few pairs of ponies and changelings seated together, but there was also a small group of ponies in one corner apart. They seemed uncomfortable. There were also far more changelings in the room than there were ponies to escort them. Wearing blue dog tags like those he’d seen outside, they would have not been warriors during the recent conflict, but had been either too young, too old, or needed elsewhere to tend the hive. The entire swarm of them had been moved to Canterlot at the end of the war, but unlike Ash Eater and his comrades in arms, these changelings were not technically imprisoned. Still, the common talk was that those who’d stayed in Canterlot rarely left the inner secure area near the castle. Most of them were likely expecting parents, waiting for their eggs to hatch and the queen’s ceremony that went with it.

A young changeling female approached the seated pair and offered menus to them. She had a carefree joy and energy about her.

“Welcome to the Apiary. I’ll take your order when you are ready.”

Seta feigned polite disgust at the menu. Ash Eater couldn’t help but feel excited to see options he hadn’t had in almost a year.

“Nothing for me, thanks,” the semblance of Scootaloo said.

“I want the mushroom and moss platter.”

The waitress jaunted away happily. A second scan of the room revealed to Ash Eater that most of the ponies here had either water or nothing. There were one or two exceptions that were trying the food, but only one of them seemed to be enjoying it.

“So, you just couldn’t wait to take me to dinner again?” Seta teased softly.

“It’s all part of the plan,” the stag replied evenly. “We don’t want to draw too much attention to our presence.”

“Oh? I thought your friend here was close enough with the princess that she could walk right in any time.”

“Of course she could, but you’d be found out. They have enough enchantments and guards scanning everybody that enters the castle that we’d never have made it inside.”

The image of Scootaloo narrowed her eyes at the changeling stag, “You left out these details on purpose.”

He couldn’t help but grin at the accusation. It was nice to have thrown her off for once.

“The only way to get you in there as planned is to make sure they don’t scan you.”

“Okay, and how can you manage that?”

Ash Eater grinned, but said nothing as the waitress returned with his food. The earthy scents made the stag’s mouth water in anticipation of the coming delicious offering. The waitress hovered there for a moment with the bill as Seta produced some bits from her coin purse to pay for the meal.

“Thanks,” Ash Eater grinned before taking a bite.

Unlike ponies that seemed to like burning their food to alter both taste and texture, the changelings typically preferred to consume things raw. They would make new combinations and use seasonings, however. Ash Eater’s favorites included mushrooms and black pepper.

The smoky flavor of the mushrooms really made the dish. The stag basked in the familiar taste for a moment.

“You know,” Seta began, “if you want to try something really tasty-“

“Don’t even go there!” Ash Eater cut her off, assuming she was making an innuendo.

She glared at him, “I may be a flirt, but I’m not cheap.”

The stag felt his face flush at the scolding.

“Besides, when your kisses are as sweet as mine, you don’t have to brag about them,” she added with a wink.

Ash Eater shook his head, trying to unsee the apparition of Scootaloo flirting with him.

“I was going to suggest you try the moss with mint and fennel.”

Ash Eater wrinkled his nose at the suggestion. Both of those spices sounded too... pony... for his tastes. Just then, two changelings entered the establishment. They were dressed in the distinctive armor of Canterlot royal guards. A moment later, Queen Chrysalis came through the door, followed by two more guards. She wore dog tags just as the rest of her kind, though hers were unique in that they were green.

All of the patrons stood and bowed respectfully. Ash Eater and Seta did the same. The ruler stood a moment, regarding her own kind and the ponies alike. A thin smile turned the corners of her mouth.

“You do honor me. Please, don’t let me disturb your supper.”

Every creature returned to their seats, though a few continued watching as the changeling queen strode forward and found an empty table, at which she sat alone. Her guards found positions out of the way. Two stayed near her, but the other pair kept watch at the door.

“Not bad,” Seta gave her companion a compliment. “But you could have just told me the plan.”

The stag grinned, “Where’s the fun in that?”

She snorted her reply. Taking her silence to mean that she was waiting for instructions, Ash Eater took a few more bites of his dinner before directing the doe.

“We should probably use the facilities before we head out. It’s a long flight back to Ponyville.”

She nodded at him, and he could see the light of recognition in her eyes, “Good idea. I’ll be right back.”

The pegasus form stood and nodded at the stag. They locked eyes long enough to realize that this was probably the last time that they would see each other. Even if the rebellion went perfectly, Seta would likely be one of the first casualties. She turned and walked away. A few moments later, the waitress took the queen’s order, and Chrysalis made her way to the restroom, flanked by the two guards. Ash Eater felt his heart begin pounding. It was happening. It was really happening. Soon, he and Chrysalis would be on their way to the meeting, and the rebellion would begin.

The minute and a half that passed felt like an hour to the stag. As much as his food was to his liking, he suddenly found his appetite somewhat lacking. His stomach tightened down on what he had already eaten, making each subsequent bite loathsome to swallow.

“Aren’t you finished yet?” a form of Scootaloo said as she returned and sat across from him.

“Oh, well, you know... you can’t rush these things. It’s bad for the digestion.”

A thin sheen of sweat was forming on Ash Eater’s brow. As much as he felt ready for this, it was a wild and chaotic feeling to be on the precipice of war once again. The faux pegasus stared at him with a certain regality that Ash Eater didn’t miss. He pushed his plate away.

“I’m finished. I wouldn’t want to eat too much before a flight.”

“Shall we?” the disguised Queen Chrysalis said as she stood.

Ash Eater nodded and followed her out of the restaurant. All of the pieces were in place. Seta, now posing as Chrysalis would return to the castle after her own dinner and no pony would be the wiser. The real Chrysalis and Ash Eater would fly to the secret meeting and join Klixis and the rest of their kind that were preparing to strike.

The pair left the restaurant and walked through the quiet streets of Canterlot. The city was winding down for the night, which was a great relief to Ash Eater, but some sporadic centers of activity defied the normal hours kept by most. They were easily avoided. The warm night air was dry enough to not feel stifling as the two approached the gates.

“Clyde is on duty, and he knows Scootaloo from the war.”

The faux pegasus nodded.

“Heading out so soon?” the unicorn guard asked as they passed by.

“This one had me fly all the way out here for changeling food.”

Clyde snorted, “You are far more accommodating than I would be.”

“That’s why I get to do fun projects,” the form of Scootaloo said flatly.

Clyde made no further response as they continued walking away into the night. With the flapping and buzzing of wings, the two took flight and headed toward Ponyville for a short time. Then they turned west. Their course would take them well clear of New Cloudsdale before they would turn north and head to the Foal Mountains.

The fear began to subside as a swell of pride filled Ash Eater’s heart. Queen Chrysalis had been pleased with him for bringing knowledge of the plans in progress to her, and she had specifically asked to have him be her escort. As they rose again to become mighty, there was no doubt to the stag that he would have a position of honor.

The queen maintained her guise of Scootaloo while they traveled, just in case they happened upon any ponies. They refrained from talking to each other to reduce the chances of such an unintended encounter.

The long stretch of time to think was unwelcome to Ash Eater. Though he tried to keep focused on the coming excitement, old thoughts still nagged at him. He couldn’t help but think that spending so much time among ponies had made him soft. The unsettling dreams had begun near the end of the war, but they seemed to increase in frequency after the stag had been remanded into Scootaloo’s custody.

Certainly the times of war when he’d had to forcibly extract information from ponies were unpleasant. Not that he cared for them, being lesser forms of life. Still, he didn’t enjoy causing suffering. It had been necessary, and so he pushed it from his mind. Nimba was another matter entirely.

The time he had spent under cover, posing as her brother, Nitro, had affected him more than he cared to admit. Interacting with her had actually been surprisingly fun. It had very much reminded him of...

“Is that it?” Queen Chrysalis broke the stag from his reverie.

Ash Eater focused in the darkness where the form of Scootaloo was pointing. He easily recognized the landmark and nodded. They had arrived. The pair began descending, aiming for a cave that was hidden by an outcropping near the summit. It would be a difficult place to find on hoof, as there were sheer rock faces near the mouth that prevented easy access.

They dropped down below the outcropping and entered the cave. It was quiet, but for the low murmur of perhaps running water in the distance. The pair continued into the cave down narrow passages until the air began cooling. The mixing temperatures and humidities created a low fog that hugged the cave floor. Ash Eater couldn’t help but smile at the coincidentally appropriate atmosphere it created.

The cavern opened up into a large chamber, and the source of the noise was now revealed. Nearly a hundred changelings were gathered and talking amongst themselves. Ash Eater assumed they had used tricks to escape their guardians similar to those that he and Seta had employed.

A hush came over them when the newcomers were spotted. Not wasting their attention, Queen Chrysalis transformed, becoming engulfed in green magical flame for a moment before returning to her natural state.

The feeling of elation that swept through the gathering was unmistakable. Ash Eater felt himself shiver as the queen walked forward. Klixis stepped away from the crowd and met her.

“My queen,” he bowed low. “Your warriors are ready to obey your commands.”

“My children, brave warriors of the hive, I respect the risks you have taken to meet me here tonight.” Regarding Klixis for a moment, she added, “Do you speak for this group?”

“I do, but I serve at the pleasure of my queen.”

“In the days to come, that will be tested,” she replied solemnly. “Though I know you. Klixis, my brave warrior who took Baltimare while we battled the ponies.”

Hisses and cheers went up throughout the group. Chrysalis seemed energized by the reaction.

“Tell me, Klixis, what is our situation?”

“My queen, these hundred are but the beginning. We have already two-thousand that are ready for us to say the word. They will rise up against their masters and fight their way through to a rendezvous point, creating chaos along the way. We will free those still imprisoned, and others that we have not yet reached will surely stand ready once it begins. In a day, we can have fifty-thousand ready to fight. We have been well fed by the ponies.”

“Have provisions and weapons been laid up?”

Klixis grinned, “A beginning has been made. We have a few hundred knives and a dozen crossbows and spears, in addition to our magic. Our first target would be the armory near Las Pegasus.”

“How soon could we begin?”

“Tonight, if my queen wills it, though we had planned to prepare for a few months more.”

“Well done,” the queen regarded her subjects with pride in her eyes.

She paced through the fog that obscured her hooves. Ash Eater again felt the swell of pride fill him. Even so, his heart pounded furiously, driven by the hope that the queen would want them to begin immediately. He had no desire to return to that stupid orange pegasus that had kept him for nearly a year. The echo of hooves clicking against stone faded as the queen stopped, looking out over the group once more.

“Who among you would take the honor to strike the first blow and ignite the fires of war once again?”

Cheering erupted from the crowd; the reverberations were nearly deafening in the confines of the cavern. Queen Chrysalis grinned, and Ash Eater felt his blood running hot at the prospect she had proposed. It seemed that to the last, all of them wanted the honor.

“So eager; so hungry to spill blood. I would expect no less from my brave warriors.”

Chrysalis turned to the leader again, the stag who had organized all of this. Ash Eater expected that she might give the honor to him. It was fitting, and she was the type to make such poetic gestures.

“Klixis, is it true what I have been told? Are you the one who has performed this great feat, to bring us back to a position where we are ready to attack?”

“One of many, I have done my part,” he spoke humbly.

“Then the honor shall fall to you.”

“I live to serve, my queen.”

Humility or no, the satisfaction on Klixis’ face was plain.

“Then take up a blade, and may your thrust be true.”

Klixis picked up a spear from their small cache of weapons and stood again. Chrysalis strode forward and stopped in front of him, lifting her head and exposing her neck. Ash Eater didn’t know what semblance this might have, but Klixis looked equally confused.

“What are you waiting for?” Chrysalis asked, still looking toward the cavernous roof.

“I do not understand, my queen.”

She looked him in the eye, “I made peace with the ponies. I commanded you to make no insurrection and live under their rule. If you want to battle the ponies again, I will not stop you. Strike me down, and let the war begin anew, christened in my blood.”

She again looked up, offering an easy target. Klixis hesitated, seeming uncertain how to respond. Ash Eater was horrified. He had felt so hot, so ready for battle, but now a cold within made him feel as though his chest would cave in. The entire group seemed equally shocked and unsure.

“I will never attack my queen,” Klixis finally spoke.

She slowly looked back down, her voice eerily soft, “But you have already. All of you have worked behind my back, usurped my rule with your scheming to destroy everything I have worked for the last year to build.”

The sound of metal striking stone surprised Ash Eater as Klixis dropped the blade. Chrysalis looked across the others as the echo died.

“And the rest of you? Is there a changeling here who has what it takes to follow through? Will you kill your queen and lead our people to war once again?”

Silence was the only answer that came. One by one, they hung their heads in shame.

“Very well then. I will ensure that the peace is protected, and let there be no more talk of insurrection, unless it comes from me.”

Almost as one, the group replied with contrition, “Yes, my queen.”

“Klixis and Ash Eater will accompany me back to Canterlot. The rest of you are to return to where you are supposed to be before the ponies discover what almost happened here.”

The pack of changelings stood in silence, aghast at what had just transpired. The queen furrowed her brow in thought.

“I am Chrysalis, queen of all changelings. My will is my own. I will die before I am coerced by ponies or anyone else. I hold you all dear to me and in high honor.” She scanned about the cave one more time before concluding, “Now go.”

With that, the group began to depart in pairs. They silently skulked through the low fog and past their disappointed monarch, seeming to speed up once they had made it by her. Not another word was spoken until the three last of them remained. It was Klixis who broke the silence.

Throwing himself prostrate in front of the other two, he cried out, “My Queen, I have failed you! Forgive your servant for his arrogance!”

“I have already, otherwise I would have killed you where you stood as an example to the others,” there was no hint to betray anything but sincerity in her voice. “But your penance is not yet complete.”

Klixis looked up, lifting himself just above the fog.

“You will return with me to Canterlot. After I tell Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle what you tried to do, you will make an apology to both of them. Then, you will accept whatever punishment they lay upon you.”

“Please, my queen, I cannot bear the dishonor of being at the mercy of ponies. Punish me yourself or kill me now, I beg you!”

“You are not dishonored, but you will accept their judgement.”

Klixis sighed as he rose from the rocky ground, “As you command, I will obey.”

Ash Eater felt in no position to say anything. The last thing he had intended was to get his friend in trouble, but that is how it had come out. Chrysalis turned and walked toward the exit, and the stags followed silently behind her.

The flight back to Canterlot went far more quickly than their journey out. They made a direct path instead of the surreptitious route, but more than that, Ash Eater was so focused on the ramifications of what had taken place that he had trouble focusing on anything else. There would be no uprising, no war. The chance of changelings ruling Equestria supremely and subjugating the ponies had evaporated before his eyes... they had failed.

The very thought left a bad taste in Ash Eater‘s mouth. Sharing equally with lesser life forms? It was absurd, and yet... why did something about it feel correct? It was almost as if a dark thought somewhere buried deep in his psyche confirmed that this was okay, even as every other fiber of the stag’s being wanted to scream out against it.

The trio landed and approached the main gate. Clyde was still on duty, and at spotting the approaching group, two of which were not wearing their tags, his eyes went wide. His horn began glowing with defensive magic.

“We come peacefully,” Chrysalis spoke. “Permit us to pass.”

“It is a violation of the law for you to not wear your tags, and if you really are Queen Chrysalis, where are your guards? Why was there no notification you’d be beyond the gates?”

“Events have unfolded of which I need to make Celestia aware. Escort us yourselves if you deem it necessary.”

Four more guards arrived from within, probably from the guard post not far from the gate. Most likely the entire city would be on alert soon. Ash Eater felt his legs begin to quiver.

“As for why I am outside unannounced and untagged, that was a necessity, and a matter I will discuss with Celestia.”

Clyde looked somewhat uncertain how to proceed. He clearly wanted to feel more in control of the situation, but he was confused that the changelings had made no offensive moves whatsoever. Raid sirens sounded throughout the city, and Ash Eater felt his stomach tighten. Chrysalis glanced at another dozen incoming guards before addressing Clyde impassively.

“I’ve made my request, now make your choice.”

Ash Eater was painfully aware that they could very well get arrested and then dragged through the streets to a dungeon. Clyde seemed a bit more emboldened with his reinforcements having arrived.

“You stand guard here. The rest of you, take up escort positions around those three. We’re taking them to the castle.”

Ash Eater’s stomach loosened a little. He was glad he’d been able to eat something earlier, but he hoped to not lose it. As they entered the city, the streets were empty but for the guards that were forming up everywhere. That made the stag feel somewhat short of breath. Each step felt heavy, but he trudged onward to the castle.

They were presented at the final entrance by their escort, where they submitted to being unicorn scanned to ensure that they were in their natural forms.

Chrysalis turned to Clyde, “A changeling doe by the name of Seta is in my chambers. She took my form on my order. I request you ask her to join us in the throne room.”

“I’m not letting you out of my sight,” Clyde said evenly. He turned to a sergeant, “Go to the royal suite, to Queen Chrysalis’ chambers, and address the changeling there by the name, ‘Seta’. Tell her that her queen commands her presence in the throne room.”

“Aye,” she saluted before trotting off with six guards following her.

“Thank you for your discretion.”

He nodded at her, “I serve at the pleasure of my Alicorn princesses, and as their representative, I will play my part to not aggravate a delicate situation. I trust you and yours won’t give me a reason to.”

Chrysalis bowed slightly before the guards motioned for them to continue onward. Ash Eater was amazed at the number of soldiers that had already locked down the castle. Their escort secured each hallway as they moved the changelings to the throne room.

As the great doors opened, unicorns were finishing up application of protection spells to make the area impractical to attack in the short term. Not that any such attack was coming, Ash Eater mused to himself. But considering the fact that in any actual uprising the first move would have been to free Queen Chrysalis and capture the pony princesses, the stag wondered if they might have been damned in the attempt.

The booming of the throne room entrance closing behind them reverberated through the hall. Seta, back in her natural state, stood at the base of the steps that led to the royal dais. Contrary to what he had said minutes before, Clyde left them in the care of a score and ten guards.

“What’s happening?” Seta was wide-eyed, probably fearing they would all be executed for getting caught.

Ash Eater felt the same.

“Keep silence for now, brave child. This situation is mine to answer for.”

And so, quietly they stood, awaiting their fate. Ash Eater felt as if his hindquarters were tightening in preparation for coming swats for his misbehavior. Somehow, he doubted any of them would get off that easily. The moment stretched on, only making the stag’s anticipation of what was coming grow. Seta removed Chrysalis’ dog tags and returned them to the queen. She placed them on the floor at her hooves.

The sound of the great doors opening reverberated through the room. Princess Luna entered, flanked on either side by Twilight Sparkle and Celestia. They passed by the changelings, with solemn looks on the elder sisters’ faces. Twilight Sparkle stopped at the bottom of the dais, her face contorted with worry. She clearly wanted to speak but held quiet.

The Princess of Friendship seemed to be weary from a long day, but it was clear she had already been awake when summoned. Celestia without question had been awakened, but she was quite alert nonetheless. By contrast, Princess Luna seemed quite fresh as it was not yet midnight. None spoke for a long moment. Ash Eater thought his heart might explode for the furious way it pounded.

It was Celestia that eventually spoke first, “Queen Chrysalis, I have received a most disturbing report from the city guards that you and some of your changelings have violated the peace by changing form, removing your identification tags, and deceiving us as to your whereabouts.”

Taking the pause as an invitation to reply, the changeling queen took a breath.

“That is accurate.”

The concern the princesses bore grew only deeper. Princess Twilight Sparkle looked personally hurt by the admission.

“Why?” the lavender Alicorn asked out of turn.

Luna prevented an immediate reply, “As unsettling as we find this, we wish to hear it from your own mouth. Please explain yourself.”

“It was the most dire of circumstances that spurred me into the actions I have taken this night. A short time ago, I was made aware of a plot to form a changeling rebellion.”

Gasps came from around the room. Twilight Sparkle was mortified. Even Luna and Celestia had no facade of control, the concern they felt previously replaced with wide eyes, a telltale sign of fear.

“It began and grew into a movement without my knowledge. Once I was informed, I knew that I needed to meet with the leaders of the rebellion, for which they were also eager, but they had considered it impractical to extract me before they were ready to strike.”

Celestia held up a hoof, beckoning silence for a moment.

She turned to Clyde, “I want an immediate travel ban between cities and a dusk to dawn curfew for all civilians until further notice. All city guards and soldier contingents across Equestria are to go on defensive alert.”

The soldier saluted and marched out of the throne room. Chrysalis frowned. Twilight Sparkle was taking her breaths far too rapidly and looked as if she might pass out.

“Please continue,” Luna said simply.

“Tonight’s mischief was accomplished to put an end to the misguided efforts that were built on the belief that I had agreed to a peace with you under duress. As proof of my commitment to the hard won peace, I have ended the rebellion before blood was shed, and I have brought you the leader of the conspiracy.”

Twilight Sparkle locked eyes with Ash Eater, her lavender irises shrinking to pinpricks. The stag remained motionless in contrast to the turmoil that raged within. In truth, he was having tremendous difficulty believing that Chrysalis was actually giving up his friend. She was completely sold on peace with the ponies. It just didn’t make sense.

“Klixis, step forward.”

The stag did as he was ordered and bowed to the princesses.

“My queen, my...” he hesitated.

Ash Eater could tell that the next words tasted bitter to his friend.

Klixis took a breath, “my... princesses... I am responsible for inciting rebellion against you. I have dishonored myself and brought shame to my queen in acting against her will. Punish me as you see fit; I will not resist nor complain. That is the penance my queen has laid upon me.”

All eyes turned to the dais where the royal sisters sat silently for a long moment.

“Guards,” Celestia spoke, “Escort Klixis unharmed to the dungeon.”

A dozen of them bound the stag and led him out of the throne room. Celestia and Luna whispered to each other, and in spite of the bare walls favoring sound to carry, Ash Eater was unable to make out what they said.

“If I may ask a question,” Princess Twilight stepped forward, “What is the involvement of Ash Eater and...?”

“Seta,” the doe volunteered her name.

Chrysalis took a breath, choosing her words carefully, “It was Ash Eater that informed me of the plot against you, an act that undoubtedly made stopping this insanity possible. I then directed he and Seta to assist me in getting to meet with the leaders of the rebellion undetected.”

“So, they helped you sneak out to put a stop to things?”

“Yes,” the changeling queen answered simply.

Ash Eater didn’t miss the way it sounded. She had essentially told the princesses that he and Seta were helping prevent the rebellion, when nothing could have been further from the truth. It seemed she was quite intent on protecting everyone except Klixis.

“You said there were other conspirators,” Princess Celestia spoke. “We would have all of them brought in for the time being.”


It was as if time became frozen in the wake of Chrysalis’ reply. The princesses seemed quite surprised by the direct defiance of the order.

“Perhaps my sister was unclear,” Luna added, “this is not a request, but a command.”

“She was clear. My answer is no,” Chrysalis answered evenly.

The tension between four of the most powerful beings in Equestria permeated the room. Celestia seemed caught between feeling threatened and simply disobeyed.

“No,” the alabaster princess replied.

“I am willing to be more forthcoming, but I feel it in our best interest to keep certain details to as few as possible, at least until you can decide how you want to distribute information,” Chrysalis said guardedly.

Celestia nodded at Twilight Sparkle. The younger alicorn’s horn began glowing with her purple aura as she cast a spell. A shimmering shell of light encapsulated the dais and the changelings at its base, leaving only the guards without.

“It only stops sound,” Princess Twilight clarified, “Light, magic, and substance can pass through it. The guards cannot hear us.”

Chrysalis nodded and seemed satisfied, “Tonight I saw about a hundred changelings who were ready to take up arms in open rebellion. By their reports, there are thousands more who were informed and waiting for the signal to strike. I went to tell them myself that any act of rebellion would be an act against me, and that they were to return to their places and keep the peace.”

“Hundreds? Thousands!” Twilight Sparkle had another fit of near hyperventilation.

“Indeed,” Chrysalis made a wry grin, “my children were busy, but ultimately misguided. I don’t expect any further incident, especially as word of Klixis’ imprisonment at my command spreads.”

“I fail to see why you seem so pleased,” Luna said.

“I am also at a loss,” Celestia agreed. “We are essentially sitting on an active volcano and hoping it will not erupt. You should have brought this matter to us when you first heard it so we could plan our strategy together.”

Chrysalis frowned for the second time in the conversation, “Together. If I know your strategies as well as I believe I do, you would have never permitted me to go alone to speak with the leaders. If you sent me at all, it would have been with a division of your finest soldiers to take everyone by force. If you had done that, there would have been blood. Further, even if you had massacred the hundred, the other thousands would have known that their only option would be to strike while there was confusion. You’d have had the very thing you were trying to stamp out. And do you think my children would have listened to me then? They would have assumed I was only a mouthpiece, trumpeting Celestia’s words for them to hear.”

Ash Eater felt incredibly self-conscious at the gall with which his queen spoke. While it was somewhat emboldening, he was concerned that they’d all be in the dungeon before the night was over.

“You should have trusted me,” Celestia countered.

“It wouldn’t matter if I did. They don’t. Can’t you see? Klixis came here on my order, but only because I didn’t involve you. It proved to him, to them all that I am not your puppet. It showed all changelings that the peace is as much my will as yours. Once they understood that, they returned to their places.”

“It was a foolish thing you did. Don’t you see that if you had been discovered, it would be you who had caused the very war you claim to be trying desperately to avoid?”

“There’s more,” Ash Eater heard himself speak, but it felt surreal, almost as if he were not in control.

“What was that?” Princess Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Queen Chrysalis, she told the conspirators that if they wanted to fight a war with the ponies, they would have to kill her first.”

An uneasy quiet overtook the group.

“She told them that the peace she had made with the ponies was one she believed in, and that she would sooner die than let her children ruin what she had worked so hard to build.”

“You really said all that?” Twilight asked.

“I did.”

The princesses exchanged a glance. Chrysalis stood tall and proud, resolute in defense of her actions.

Celestia spoke more softly than before, “I appreciate that you risked your life to preserve the peace, and that you felt it was the only way. However, you must see that we cannot help but feel betrayed by your actions.”

“I understand,” Chrysalis paused in thought for a long moment. “I also understand that you will need to take steps to ensure the public perceives you were in control of the entire situation. Keep in mind that I could have returned as stealthily as I left, and you’d have known nothing of this affair whatsoever. Instead, I chose to approach the main gate and come to you as soon as this was dealt with. Lay upon me whatever punishment you think I deserve.”

The royal sisters looked to each other again. Celestia nodded.

Luna spoke, “It may not come to that. If everything you have said is true, and the rebellion truly is crushed without bloodshed, and you risked your life to do it, we would have nothing for which to punish you.”

“However, once word of this situation gets out, there is sure to be panic,” Celestia added. “For that reason, we should issue a statement while the cities are still on lockdown.”

Twilight Sparkle took advantage of the pause to speak, “I believe whatever we say should strongly include that Queen Chrysalis was integral in helping us put an end to the threat of the rebellion. That way, the message she sent to her own people will be sent to ours as well, that the peace is something to which we are all committed. We could even give awards to these two, honoring their part in all of this.”

“Please no,” Ash Eater heard himself blurt out, almost in a panic.

All eyes turned to him, and he suddenly felt rather self-conscious. The last thing he wanted was more attention. He felt confused enough as things stood.

“I’m inclined to agree with my brave warrior,” Chrysalis concurred. “The fewer names we mention, the better. We can name Klixis as the leader of the doomed venture, that his shame will serve as a warning to others. As for his punishment-”

“That is something we will discuss at a later date,” Celestia interrupted, “together.”

Queen Chrysalis nodded.

“It is decided, then,” Luna concluded.

“Agreed,” Celestia nodded. “We should get to work immediately on our statement. I want to end the lockdown and put this business behind us as quickly as possible.”

Ash Eater certainly wanted to be out of the situation, though he felt somewhat disingenuous in his agreement with pony princesses: his princesses, as it turned out. The very thought made his stomach churn. He was glad that he had avoided letting them pin a medal to his chest. That would have felt even more insulting than the rest of it. He felt himself frown as he realized that he would likely be remanded to Scootaloo’s custody again. For the first time, he was beginning to become certain that there would be no parole or reprieve from this sentence. More than that, his own queen seemed to think of them as equals. It was an unnerving thought.